CS 610 Solved MCQS 100% Correct
CS 610 Solved MCQS 100% Correct
CS 610 Solved MCQS 100% Correct
none of the gi#en
*!e to re#ol!tionali9ation of IP"@4 the speed has increased from _______
;1& to 1 4,
)s the Internet grew, the original Classf!l addressing scheme became a limitation. The IP address space was
being e-ha!sted beca!se all networks had to choose one of ________ possible si9es.
Ceader contains all information needed to deli#er datagram to the destination comp!ter. $!t which one of the
following is not incl!dedE
______ contains all information needed to deli#er datagram to the destination.
one of the parameters, which moti#ated IP for change is address space. The _____________ address space
allows for o#er a million networks. $!t most networks are class C and too small for many organi9ations.
S"/ nettin-
L2= L3,:L
_______ is a techni1!e !sed to imit datagram si9e to small ,TD of any network
Cashing is the transformation of a string of characters into a !s!ally shorter fi-ed"length #al!e or a key that
represents the original string.
In ______________, the protocol address assigned to a comp!ter is chosen caref!lly so that comp!terHs
hardware address can be comp!ted from the protocol address !sing basic $oolean and arithmetic operations.
Closed!#or1 Co1p"tation
lo$ la/el
,apping between a protocol address and a hardware address is called )ddress +esol!tion.
Preliminary #ersion of IP was called _________.
2nd to 2nd deli#ery 'er#ice of IP datagram is _____
2#ery hardware technology specification incl!des the definition of the ma-im!m si9e of the frame data area,
which is called the ____________ Transmission Dnit.
IP@4 addresses are _____ bits.
,TD 'tands for _______
Ma0i1"1 trans1ission "nit
_______ shows senders preference for low latency, high +eliability.
S:R>IC: T?P:
N2FT C2)*2+ field in the base header defines type of header it appears at the end of fi-ed"si9e base header.
There are two standard implementations to impro#e comp!tational efficiencyE Cashing and direct inde-ing
IP header
The protocol address of the ne-t hop m!st be _____________ to an e1!i#alent hardware address before a
packet can be sent.
The physical addressing in a ;)N is similar as in )N in the way................
The data is transmitted in packets e1!i#alent to frames.
2ach packet has a format with header.
The packet header incl!des destination and so!rce addresses.
3ll o# the a/ove
In )synchrono!s Transfer ,ode @PI/@CI fields identify the cells""""""""""""""
;hich one of the following is a method for comp!ting ro!ting table information:
,an!al entry
$oot time ro!ting
Static ro"tin-
None of the abo#e
)ll destinations on same switch ha#e same
*e0t hop
None of the abo#e
;hich of the following statement is wrong regarding )T,:
It is a single technology for #oice, #ideo and data
It has low ?itter and high capacity.
It !ses fi-ed si9e, small cells, and 35 octetHs data
*one o# the a/ove
;hich one of the following is the responsibility of *?ikstraH algorithm:
To co1p"te the shortest path /et$een t$o nodes
To e-tract ne-t hop information from path information
To insert ne-t hop information into ro!ting table
)ll of the abo#e
;hich of the following statement is tr!e regarding ink"state ro!ting:
Network topology is separated from ro!te comp!tation.
2ach switch b!ilds its own ro!ting tables.
ink"state ro!ting !ses *?ikstraHs algorithm.
3ll o# the a/ove
Iitter is significance for """"""""""""""""""
3ll o# a/ove
The ro!ting table contains information abo!t the JJJJJJimmediately aro!nd it.
Topology of the network
$oth of the abo#e
None of the abo#e
There are three types of C!bs that e-ist. ;hich of the following options correctly describes these three:
Passi#e, dormant, special
)cti#e , dormant , passi#e
Passi#e, )cti#e, T!rbo
Passive' 3ctive' Intelli-ent
) n!mber of different factors determine the cost of a C!b. ;hich of the following is among these factors:
Speed ratin-
;hich of the following network topologies among the list below is incorrect:
;hich of the following is not a feat!re of $ase band Coa-ial Cable:
(ew Kilometer range
Proton /ased
2thernet=basis for 58/..> at 08 ,bps
;hich of the following is not a f!nction of a repeater:
Dses I!mper 'ettings
Transmits data in both directions
No $!ffering
@oins t$o 5&6 se-1ents o# ca/les
;hich le#el of the TCP/IP reference model ro!tes data/information across a network channel:
)pplication layer
*ata ink ayer
Transport ayer
*et$or+ Layer
The f!nction of a modem is to con#ert signals. Identify the correct signals it con#erts.
3nalo-"e to Di-ital
)nalog!e to $a!d rate
$a!d rate to )nalog!e
*igital to $inary
;hich of the following is not a )N B )rchitect!re:.
o Protocol architect!re
Media access control
ogical Protocol
ogical ink Control
Identify the statement which best describes TCP and D*P.
TCP is a connection oriented Protocol $hiles UDP is a data-ra1 service
TCP is a protocol for the Network ayer of the &'I
D*P and TCP co!ld be !sed interchangeably
TCP is an ad#anced protocol whiles D*P is a single protocol
;hich of the following characteristics best describes a frame:
Data lin+ layer5<eader' Trailer' Data6
Network ayer=Ceader, Trailer, *ata>
Transport ayer=Ceader, Trailer, *ata>
Physical ayer=Ceader, Trailer, *ata>
;hat does the terminology I'*N mean:
Internal *igital 'er#ices Network
Integrated 'ystems *igital Network
Integrated 'er#ices *igital Naming 'ystem
Inte-rated Services Di-ital *et$or+
;hat does the terminology )T, mean:
)!tomatic transfer mode
)!tomatic translation mode
3synchrono"s trans#er 1ode
)synchrono!s transformation mode
) simple )rchitect!re for (ile Transfer is made !p of E
(ile transfer applicationL Comm!nications ser#ice mod!leL Network access mod!le
(ile transfer applicationL transport layerL Network access mod!le
Network access layerL Transport layerL )pplication layer
3pplication layerA *et$or+ layerA Session layer
;hich of the following statements is tr!e abo!t standards:
'tandards create additional cost
Standards help individ"als9 "sers to increase e##ectiveness
'tandards allow prod!cts from m!ltiple #endors to comm!nicate
'tandards cannot free9e technology
;hich of the following statement is tr!e abo!t (&; C&NT+&:
lo$ control is a #"nction per#or1ed /y a receivin- entity to li1it the a1o"nt or rate o# data on a
(low control ad?!sts the weights on a network
(low control is a f!nction performed by the ,&*2,
(low control is an ad#anced form of network management
Identify the most s!itable description for 2++&+ C&NT+&:
:rror control is an activity that 1ana-es deadloc+B
2rror control is an ad#anced form of parity bit
2rror control is a s!b"f!nction of a modem and C!b
2rror control is needed to g!ard against loss or damage of data
;hat is the f!ll meaning of the terminology ',TP:
'tate ,ail Transfer Protocol
'imple ,ail Tailor Protocol
'imple ,anagement Transfer Protocol
Si1ple Mail Trans#er Protocol
'e#eral Comp!ters connected together is calledE
Co1p"ter net$or+
In which of the following networks does the client s!bmit a task to the ser#er, then the ser#er e-ec!tes and
ret!rns the res!lt for the re1!esting client station:
3ll o# the a/ove
In which network topology are all workstations connected in cascade form:
;hich network topology !ses a C!b:
;hich of the following topologies is !sed for 2thernet:
3ll o# the a/ove
Comp!ters on a !ni#ersity camp!s are connected by a/anE
The primary f!nction of the network layer isE
2rror detection
'et !p a session
;hich of the following standards apply to logical link control:
I222 58/..
I::: )0&B&
I222 58/.G
I222 58/.3
;hich organi9ation defines standards for telecomm!nication:
;hich of the following statements is a tr!e description of fibre &ptic Cable:
(iber optic cables transfer data in a mesh
i/er optic ca/les trans#er data in li-ht #or1
(iber optic cables are similar to coa-ial cables
Non of the abo#e
;hich of the following is not tr!e of switching technology:
Packet 'witching
ink 'witching
Pac+ets are s$itched in the #or1 o# data-ra1
Circ!it switching techni1!es
;hich of the following is a tr!e description of ,!lti"stage 'witching:
,ore simple control
Increased n"1/er o# crossed points
,ore comple- control
+ed!ced +eliability
(looding in networks and data comm!nication has certain properties. ;hich of the options below is a property
of flooding:
)ll possible ro!tes are tried
3ll paths are loaded
)ll nodes are linked
Can not be !sed to set !p #irt!al circ!it
Identify any of the following statements which tr!ly describe a #irt!al circ!it.
Packets are forwarded more 1!ickly and no ro!ting decisions
More relia/le in #"nctionality
Call set !p phases are present
Packets are centrali9ed at random and more ro!ting decisions are made
;hich of the following operating systems software is most s!itable for wide area network:
;IN*&;' NT
*2>:LL *:T=3R:
$inding is an important f!nction in establishing comm!nication between a Client and a 'er#er. ;hich of the
following statements tr!ly describes binding in protocols:
,indin- protocols to net$or+ inter#aces speci#ies that the selected protocol can /e sent and received
thro"-h the selected L3* inter#ace cardB
$inding is a f!nction of the Network &perating 'ystems 'oftware
$inding is a config!ration process in mail ser#er management.
$inding ser#es as a sec!rity layer in operating systems.
=.4> In config!ring ;indows NT 3.8 for Network )ccess. There are se#en =7> areas to be addressed. Identify
from the options below the area that sho!ld not be addressed.
IP )ddress
3"toe0ec Mana-e1ent
;hich of the following is not a network adapter:
. com P III
. com 2ther link III I')
. com 2ther link II )dapter
% co1 %C;0) IS3 16 ,IT
;hich of the following statement is tr!e abo!t an IP address:
IP address is /ased on yo"r co1p"ter net$or+ card
IP address is iss!ed by a comp!ter #endor
IP address is a Transport Protocol
IP address is not !sed on the internet
;hich of the following is not associated with the session layer:
Control of dialog!e between applications
*ialog!e discipline
Data co1pression