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(Semester Ist and IInd)

2013-14 & 2014-15, 2015-16 SESSIONS

PATIALA 147 002
Applicability of Ordinances for the time being in force

Notwithstanding the integrated nature of a course spread over more than one academic year,
the ordinances in force at the time a student joins a course shall hold good only for the
examination held during or at the end of the academic year. Nothing in these Ordinances shall
be deemed to debar the University from amending the ordinances subsequently and the
amended ordinances, if any, shall apply to student whether old or new.

1. The course for the Degree of B.C. A. (Bachelor of Computer Applications) shall be
spread over Three academic years to be called Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI. The
examination for the I, III and V semesters shall be held in the month of
November/December and for the II, IV and VI semesters in the month of May/June or
on such other dates as may be fixed by the Academic Council.

2. The outlines of tests and syllabi shall be such as prescribed by the Academic Council
from time to time.

3. The candidates will be required to pay examination fees as prescribed by the
University from time to time.

4. Application for admission to the examination shall be made on the prescribed form
countersigned by the authorities as mentioned in the relevant ordinances. The last date
by which admission forms and fees must reach the Registrar shall be as follows:

late fee
With late
fee of Rs.
With late
fee of Rs.
With late fee
of Rs. 500/-
With late fee
of Rs. 1000/-

I, III and V
Regular and

Sept. 30

Oct. 15

Oct. 31
Up to 21 days
before the
nt of the
(written or
whichever is
Up to ten
days before
nt of the
(Written or
whichever is
earlier) with
the approval
of the Vice-

II, IV and VI
Regular and

Feb. 28

Mar. 15

Mar. 31


5. The medium of instructions and examination shall be English only.

6. In each course 20% of the total marks are assigned to the internal assessment and 80%
marks in the University.

7. (a) The minimum number of marks required to pass the examination shall be 35%
in each paper by obtaining minimum 35% of the marks in the Internal
assessment and 35% of the marks in the University examination separately for
each paper.

(b) When a candidate has failed or placed under re-appear in the University
examination, but passes in internal assessment, the marks in the continuous
assessment shall be carried for subsequent examinations.

8. (a) A candidate who fails not in more than two papers may be declared `re-
appear' in those papers at a subsequent examination within two chances and
may be permitted to re-appear in those papers.

The examination of the reappear papers of odd semester will be held with
regular examination of the odd semester and reappear examination of even
semester will be held with regular examination of even semester. But if a
candidate is placed under reappear in the last semester of the course, he will be
provided chance to pass the reappear with the examination of the next
semester, provided his reappear of lower semester does not go beyond next

(b) If a candidate fails in more than two papers, he/she will be declared `fail'. If
such candidate has taken provisional admission to next semester before the
declaration of result of the previous semester, his/her admission shall be
cancelled immediately on declaration of the result of previous semester.
He/She will have to clear the examination for the very semester as a private
candidate along with the regular students of that semester.

9. A Candidate shall be allowed to join:

(i) First Semester:

Provided that he/she has passed at least, one academic year previously, the +2
examination of Punjab School Education Board, or any other examination
recognised as equivalent thereto.

(ii) Second Semester:

Provided that he/she has undergone a regular course of studies of first semester
as provided under the regulations and fulfils the conditions as laid in ordinance
7 and 8 above.

(iii) Third Semester:

Provided that he/she has undergone a regular course of studies of First and
Second semesters as provided under the regulations in sequential order and
fulfils the conditions as laid in ordinance 7 and 8 above.

(iv) Fourth Semester:

Provided that he/she has undergone a regular course of studies of First, Second
and Third semesters as provided under the regulations in sequential order and
has passed the First Semester Examination as a whole, and fulfils the
conditions as laid in ordinance 7 and 8 above.

(v) Fifth Semester:

Provided that he/she has undergone a regular course of studies of First,
Second, Third and Fourth semesters as provided under the regulations in
sequential order and has passed the First and Second Semester examinations as
a whole, respectively; and fulfils the conditions as laid in ordinance 7 and 8

(vi) Sixth Semester:

Provided that he/she has undergone a regular course of studies of First,
Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth semesters as provided under the regulations in
sequential order and has passed First, Second and Third Semester
examinations as a whole, respectively and fulfils the conditions as laid in
ordinance 7 and 8 above.

10. Three weeks after the termination of examination or as soon thereafter as possible, the
Registrar shall publish the result of the candidates. Each candidate shall receive a
certificate indicating details of marks obtained in each examination. Successful
candidates at the end of Semester-VI examination shall receive a degree stating the
division according to ordinance 15.

11. The minimum number of marks required to pass the examination in each Part shall be
35% in each subject, provided that in subject with practical the percentage shall be
required separately in written and practical/lab work. The candidate shall also be
entitled to grace marks as admissible under the ordinances relating to the `GENERAL

12. The examination in Semester I, II, III, IV, V and VI shall be open to a person who
satisfies the requirements at A and B as given below:


The first semester examination shall be open to a person: Has passed at least, one
academic year previously, the +2 examination of Punjab School Education Board, or
any other examination recognised as equivalent thereto and fulfils the conditions
provided in ordinance 12 'B'.

Semesters I I , I I I , I V, V and VI examinations shall be open to a person who has
passed the previous semester examination/s or fulfils the conditions provided in
ordinance 12 'B'.

(I) (a) Has remained on the rolls of a college admitted to the privileges of the
University throughout the academic year preceding the examination.
(b) (i) Every candidate will be required to attend a minimum of 75% lectures
delivered to that class in each paper.
(ii) In case of students, whose names are struck off from the rolls due to non-
payment of fee, and is admitted later on, his/her attendance shall not be
counted for that period.
(iii) The shortage in the attendance to lectures by the candidate will be condoned as
per rules made by the University from time to time.


(II) Has completed the prescribed course of instructions for the examination but has not
appeared or having appeared has failed in the examination. Such a candidate may
appear in any subsequent semester examination with in the period prescribed in the

13. The pass students or the students declared reappear in not more than two papers in B.
C. A. Part-I & II from Punjab University, Guru Nanak Dev University and Punjab
Technical University shall be treated at par with the corresponding students of this
University, only if he/she will have cleared the deficiency papers as a supplementary.
Such Candidates will be given two attempts. The marks secured by such students shall
be scaled to the marks allotted to each subject by this University.

14. Candidates who have not studied the subject of Punjabi up to matriculation shall be
required to pass Punjabi either up to matriculation standard or Punjabi Preveshka
during the course period to qualify for the award of degree.

15. The successful candidates shall be classified on the basis of aggregate marks secured
in B. C. A. Part-I, Part-II and III taken together as under:
(a) 75% or more in First division with Distinction.
(b) 60% or more but less than 75% in the First division.
(c) 50% or more but less than 60% in the Second division.
(d) 35% or more but less than 50% in the Third division.

16. A University medal will be awarded to student who secures First position in the
University on the basis of the marks obtained in all three parts taken together. The
general rules and conditions of the University for the Award of medal/prizes etc. will
be applicable in the award of University medal to the topper of this examination.

17. A candidate who is declared reappear or fail at any stage shall not be eligible for
scholarship, Prize or Medal.

B.C.A. First Year First Semester
2013-14 & 2014-15 Sessions


Title of Paper
n Hours
BCA-111 General English I 4 80 20* 100 3
BCA-112 Punjabi (Compulsory) or
Punjabi Compulsory (Mudla Gyan)
4 40 10 50 3
BCA-113 Fundamentals of Information
4 80 20 100 3
BCA-114 Basic Mathematics 4 80 20 100 3
BCA-115 Programming Fundamentals using C 4 80 20 100 3
BCA-116 Software Lab I (based on paper
BCA-115: Programming
Fundamentals using C)
8 60 40 100 3
Total 420 130 550

1. The break up of marks for the practical will be as under:
i. Internal Assessment 40 Marks
ii. Viva Voce (External Evaluation) 20 Marks
iii. Lab Record Program Development and Execution(External
40 Marks

2. The break up of marks for the internal assessment for theory except BCA-111 will be as under:
One or two tests out of which minimum one best will be
considered for assessment.
15 Marks
Attendance, Class participation and behaviour 5 Marks

*The break up of marks for the internal assessment for BCA-111: General English I will be as under:
i. Formal assessment through Interview/Self Introduction/Recitation
10 Marks
ii. Conversation Skills (particularly listening and speaking to be
evaluated through oral examination)
5 Marks
iii. Attendance, Class participation and behaviour 5 Marks

** Only those students who have not studied Punjabi up to matriculation can opt for
Punjab Compulsory (Mudla Gyan). The code for the paper is same.
B.C.A. First Year Second Semester
2013-14 & 2014-15 Sessions


Title of Paper
n Hours
BCA-121 General English II 4 80 20* 100 3
BCA-122 Punjabi (Compulsory) or
Punjabi Compulsory (Mudla Gyan)
4 40 10 50 3
BCA-123 Digital Electronics 4 80 20 100 3
BCA-124 Data Structures 4 80 20 100 3
BCA-125 Mathematical Foundation of
Computer Science
4 80 20 100 3
BCA-126 Software Lab II (based on BCA-
124: Data Structures)
8 60 40 100 3
Total 420 130 550

1. The break up of marks for the practical will be as under:
i. Internal Assessment 40 Marks
ii. Viva Voce (External Evaluation) 20 Marks
iii. Lab Record Program Development and Execution(External
40 Marks

2. The break up of marks for the internal assessment for theory papers except BCA-121 will be as under:
i. One or two tests out of which minimum one best will be
considered for assessment.
15 Marks
ii. Attendance, Class participation and behaviour 5 Marks

*The break up of marks for the internal assessment for BCA-121: General English II will be as under:
i. Formal assessment through Interview/Self Introduction/Recitation
10 Marks
ii. Conversation Skills (particularly listening and speaking to be
evaluated through oral examination)
5 Marks
iii. Attendance, Class participation and behaviour 5 Marks
BCA-111: General English I

Max Marks: 80 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.
Min Pass Marks: 35% Lectures to be delivered: 45-55 Hrs

General English has been designed to develop the students general competence in English.
The overall aims of the course are to enable the learner to use English effectively for study
purpose across the curriculum and develop and integrate the use of the four language skills,
i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Texts Prescribed for Grammar and Vocabulary:
W. Standard Allen: Living English Structure (Orient Longman)
Wilford D. Best: The Students Companion (Rupa)

SECTION A: Comprehension 15 Marks
One unseen passages of 250-300 words in length with a variety of comprehension questions
including 05 marks for word-attack skills such as word formation and inferring meaning,
finding opposites etc. The passage can be a factual passage (e.g., instruction, description,
report etc.) or a literary passage (e.g., extract from fiction, drama, poetry, essay or biography),
or a discursive passage involving opinion, (argumentative, persuasive or interpretative text).

SECTION B: Vocabulary 15 Marks
Change the Number (attempt any 5 out of 7)( marks each) 2 marks
Change the Gender (attempt 5 any out of 7)( marks each) 2 marks
Words commonly mis-spelt (correct any 5 out of 7)( marks each) 2 marks
Antonyms(attempt any 5 out of 7) ( marks each) 2 marks
Synonyms (attempt any 5 out of 7) ( marks each) 2 marks
Fill up using correct determinant (attempt any 5 out of 7) ( marks each) 2 marks

SECTION B: Grammar 25 Marks
Filling up the correct form types of the tense in the sentence: present/ past
/future tense with simple/continuous/perfect/ perfect continuous forms
(Attempt any 5 out of 7)
5 marks
Reordering word groups in the sentence to make a meaning full sentence.
(Attempt any 5 out of 7)
5 marks
Identify various types of clauses and phrases in the sentence: finite and
non-finite subordinate clauses: noun clauses and phrases, adjective clauses
and phrases, adverb clauses and phrases(Attempt any 5 out of 7)
5 marks
Conversion among various types of sentences: affirmative, interrogative
sentences, negation, exclamations (Attempt any 5 out of 7)
5 marks
Write meaning of given word and using in the sentence (Attempt any 5 out
of 7)
5 marks

SECTION D: Composition 25 Marks
Composition on a given topic/title based on any current social,
environment, health issues. Students will be asked to attempt any one out
of 4-5 options with word limit 150-175.
10 Marks
Formal Letter Writing (invitation, accepting/rejecting an invitation,
apology, welcome, thanking complements )
7 Marks
Translating a paragraph from Punjabi/Hindi to English (50-75 words) 7 Marks

BCA-112 : u=l ==l
n . m == ~= u (l0al +u)
(lea= +u)
== ~ln~u ulal~a (+ ulal~a u=l o-=) un oa =el ~= . u=ln=

ln=n ~= uu n==
+ u=l =l u un== nu== == lnm ul, u=n u=l=n l0a,
u=l =lalnl, ul~=1
: ua au
. l~=a
(0) l~=a = l~=l ==
(~) n= nal~ ~= au=a
+ == + = ~na = c un
~=a ~= uua n a =el o=le=
l=n =l= = na = 0n = ln n= (= lu le=) : ~=
l=n au (=oal, =u) = ln n= = na (= lu le=) : ~=
(0) ua au (l= ln = = le= =a =el ~lu~ =a) : ~=
a . 0= l== l~=a = ln=n = ~na 0= aa=l= ua un uc
=aa, = = 0=a =a =el l=o =a1 : ~=
(0) == + =l uun== lu ua = = lola= l~=a= ln=na1 leo
un . lu lanla= l~=a = u u 0= ol ~nla= oa1
41=4 ~=
(~) == + = ~na = + c un uc =a1 41=4 ~=
u=l ==l ( = la~)
n na u a=l (n na ulo=)
:u+.++, :u+++ n n =el

n . m == ~= u (l0al +u)
~=al ==a +u
oal ==a +u
=an n c ulal~a u=l o-= un oa =el ~= . u=ln=

+ aaul a= = =uau n
(0) ~ua lnlu~ =a=la = a= ~ua1
(~) ~ua a=a ~ua au = =ua = l=1
: aaul ~ua = u =l nl~ = un
(0) na = l~= aal=a = lnn= = 0ua1
(~) na nu= ~ua = nl~ =l uca = a=1
(e) l~= nu= ~ua = nl~ =l uca = a=1
(n) =a=a =l uca = a=1
(o) =aua =l uca1
. l=ul = ~ua =l a= = l=
(0) ua = ~n ~ua =l uca = a=1
(~) na nu= ~ua =l uca = a=
(e) na o= =l uca = a=1
(n) =a = na o= =l n=l a=1
(o) =a =l l~= nu= = a=1
+ u=l n==l = =a uca
(0) laa=l
(~) o-= = l=
(e) aa =
(n) un ucl~ =
(o) u=l lan== un =l n==l
(=) ma= n= =l n==l
uua na =el o=le=

oa aa _ aa ~= =l u=lln= l==l =1

(ll=~al ulo=l a aaul l=ul lnu ao o1 o n== o ll=~al u=l
an = ~=a oa, n un = una ll=~al~ =l nl _ ln~ lu alu~

nole= u n==
+ nl= lnm nn, ~C u=l lnule, u=l=n l0a, u=l =lalnl,
ul~=, :uu1 (lo=l = u=l lnua =el)
: nl= lnm nn, aaul lnu, u=l=n l0a, u=l =lalnl, ul~=,
:u++1 (~ aa=l = u=l lnua =el)
. nl= a oal, u=l lnule, u=l=n l0a, u=l =lalnl, ul~=,
:uu: (lo=l)
+ a=l =a lnm, u=l la~ nlal (=lu0a ~u=l=n =a ~a lu
u=l), u=l=n l0a, u=l =lalnl, ul~=, :u++1
5. Hardev Bahri, Teach Yourself Punjabi, Publication Bureau, Punjabi University, Patiala,
6. Henry A. Gleason and Harjeet Singh Gill, A Start in Punjabi, Publication Bureau, Punjabi
University, Patiala, 1997.
7. Ujjal Singh Bahri and Paramjit Singh Walia, Introductory Punjabi, Publication
Punjabi University, Patiala, 2003.
BCA-113: Fundamentals of Information Technology

Max Marks: 80 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.
Min Pass Marks: 35% Lectures to be delivered: 45-55 Hrs


The question paper will consist of three sections: A, B & C. Sections A & B will have four questions
each from the respective sections of the syllabus carrying 15 marks for each question. Section C will
have 10 short-answer type questions carrying a total of 20 marks, which will cover the entire syllabus

Candidates are required to attempt two questions each from the sections A & B of the question paper
and the entire section C.

Computer Fundamentals: Block diagram of a computer, characteristics of computers and
generations of computers.
Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Joy tick, Track Ball, Touch Screen, Light Pen, Digitizer,
Scanners, Speech Recognition Devices, Optical Recognition devices OMR, OBR, OCR
Output Devices: Monitors, Impact Printers - Dot matrix, Character and Line printer, Non
Impact Printers DeskJet and Laser printers, Plotter.
Memories: Main Memories - RAM, ROM and Secondary Storage Devices - Hard Disk,
Compact Disk, DVD.
Computer Languages: Machine language, assembly language, high level language, 4GL,
Introduction to Compiler, Interpreter, Assembler, System Software, Application Software.

Number System: Non-positional and positional number systems, Base conversion, Concept
of Bit and Byte, binary, decimal, hexadecimal, and octal systems, conversion from one system
to the other.
Binary Arithmetic: Addition, subtraction and multiplication., 1s complement, 2s
complement, subtraction using 1s complement and 2s complement.
Operating System: Batch, Multiprogramming, time-sharing, on-line and real time operating
system, Multi-processor, Multi-tasking.
Computer Network: Network types, network topologies.
Introduction to the Concept to Internet: Evolution of Internet, Internet Applications,
WWW, E-mail, FTP, TELNET, Web Browsers.
Applications of Information Technology and Trends: IT in Business and Industry, IT in
Education & training, IT in Science and Technology, IT and Entertainment, Current Trends in
IT Application - AI, Virtual Reports, voice recognition, Robots, Multimedia Technology.

1 P.K. Sinha and P. Sinha, Foundations of Computing, First Edition, 2002, BPB.
2 Chetan Srivastva, Fundamentals of Information Technology, Kalyani Publishers.
3 Turban Mclean and Wetbrete, Information Technology and Management, Second
Edition, 2001, John Wiley & Sons.
4 Satish Jain, Information Technology, BPB, 1999.
BCA-114: Programming Fundamentals using C

Max Marks: 80 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.
Min Pass Marks: 35% Lectures to be delivered: 45-55 Hrs


The question paper will consist of three sections: A, B & C. Sections A & B will have four questions
each from the respective sections of the syllabus carrying 15 marks for each question. Section C will
have 10 short-answer type questions carrying a total of 20 marks, which will cover the entire syllabus

Candidates are required to attempt two questions each from the sections A & B of the question paper
and the entire section C.

Section - A
Programming Process: Problem definition, Algorithm development, Flowchart, Coding,
Compilation and debugging.
Basic structure of C program: History of C, Structure of a C program, Character set,
Identifiers and keywords, constants, variables, data types.
Operators and expressions: Arithmetic, Unary, Logical, Relational operators, assignment
operators, Conditional operators, Hierarchy of operations type conversion.
Control statements: branching statements ( if, if else, switch), loop statements (for, while
and do-while), jump statements (break, continue, goto), nested control structures.
Functions: Library functions and user defined functions, prototype, definition and call,
formal and actual arguments, local and global variables, methods of parameter passing to
functions, recursion.
I/O functions: formatted & unformatted console I/O functions

Section - B
Storage Classes: automatic, external, static and register variables.
Arrays: One dimensional and two dimensional arrays
Declaration, initialization, reading values into an array, displaying array contents
Strings: input/output of strings, string handling functions (strlen, strcpy, strcmp, strcat &
strrev), table of strings.
Structures and unions: using structures and unions, comparison of structure with arrays and
Pointers: pointer data type, pointer declaration, initialization, accessing values using pointers,
pointers and arrays.
Introduction to Files in C: opening and closing files. Basic I/O operation on files.

Text Book:
1 E. Balagurusamy, Programming in C, Tata McGraw Hill.
1 Kernighan and Ritchie, The C Programming Language, PHI.
2 Byron Gotfried, Programming in C.
3 Kamathane, Programming in C, Oxford University Press.
BCA-115: Basic Mathematics

Max Marks: 80 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.
Min Pass Marks: 35% Lectures to be delivered: 45-55 Hrs


The question paper will consist of three sections: A, B & C. Sections A & B will have four questions
each from the respective sections of the syllabus carrying 15 marks for each question. Section C will
have 10 short-answer type questions carrying a total of 20 marks, which will cover the entire syllabus

Candidates are required to attempt two questions each from the sections A & B of the question paper
and the entire section C.

Section - A

Complex Numbers: Complex Numbers in the form of a+ib, Real and Imaginary parts of a complex
number, Complex conjugate, algebra of complex numbers, square roots of a complex number, cube
roots of unity.

Quadratic Equations: Solutions of Quadratic equations (with real and complex coefficients),
Relations between roots and coefficients, Nature of roots, Equations reducible to quadratic equations.

Sequence and Series: Sequence and series, Arithmetic Progression (A.P.), Arithmetic Mean (A.M.),
nth term, sum to n terms of an AP, Geometric Progression (G.P.), general term of GP, sum to n terms
of a GP, Infinite GP and its sum, Geometric mean (G.M.), Sum to n terms of special series n,

Section - B

Inequalities:Solution of Linear and Quadratic Inequalities.
Counting: The basics of counting, Permutation and combinations.
Binomial Theorem: Expansion, General term, middle term, Independent term.
Cartesian System of Rectangular Coordinates: Cartesian coordinate system, distance formula,
section formula, centroid and incentre, area of triangle, condition for collinearities of three points in a
Straight Line: Slope of a line, parallel and perpendicular lines, Equation of line in different forms,
distance of a point from a line.
Circle: Slandered form of equation of circle, General form, diameter form, three point form,
Intersection of a line and a circle.

Text Book:
1. NCERT Textbooks of Mathematics for +1 and +2.

BCA-116: Software Lab I
(Based on paper BCA-114: Programming Fundamentals using C)

Max Marks: 100 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.
Min Pass Marks: 35% Practical Sessions to be conducted: 12 periods per week)

This laboratory course will comprise as exercises to supplement what is learnt under paper
BCA-114: Programming Fundamental using C. Students are required to develop the
following programs with internal documentation:
1. Operators and data types in C
a) Write a program to print the size of all the data types supported by
C and its range.
b) Write a program to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
c) Write a program to find simple interest and compound interest.
2. Control statements
a) Write a program to check whether the given number is a even number
or not.
b) Write a program to accept three numbers and find the largest among
c) Write a program to count the different vowels in a line of text
using switch.
d) Write a program to accept two numbers and perform various arithmetic
operations (+, -, *, /) based on the symbol entered.
e) Write a program to find factorial of a number.
f) Write a program to check whether a number is prime or not.
g) Write a program to print all prime numbers between any 2 given
h) Write a program to check whether a number is palindrome or not.
i) Write a program to print all the Armstrong numbers between any 2
given limits.
4. Arrays and strings
a) Write a program to find largest element in an array.
b) Write a program to find sum and average of numbers stored in an
c) Write a program to check whether a string is a Palindrome.
d) Write a program to perform matrix addition.
e) Write a program to perform matrix multiplication.
6 Functions and recursion
a) Write a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation using
b) Write a recursive program to find the factorial of a number.
c) Write a recursive program to find the nth Fibonacci number.
7. Structures and unions
a. Create an employee structure and display the same.
b. Create a student database storing the roll no, name, class etc and sort
by name.
8. Aim: To learn about pointers
a. Write a function to swap two numbers using pointers
b. Write a program to access an array of integers using pointers
9. Aim: To learn about Files
a. Create a file and store some records in it. Display the contents of the
same. Count numbers of characters, words and lines in the file.

The break up of marks for the practical will be as under
i. Internal Assessment 40 Marks
ii. Viva Voce (External Evaluation) 20 Marks
iii. Lab Record, Program Development and
Execution(External Evaluation)
40 Marks

BCA-121: General English II

Max Marks: 80 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.
Min Pass Marks: 35% Lectures to be delivered: 45-55 Hrs

General English has been designed to develop the students general competence in English.
The overall aims of the course are to enable the learner to use English effectively for study
purpose across the curriculum and develop and integrate the use of the four language skills,
i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Texts Prescribed for Grammar and Vocabulary:
W. Standard Allen: Living English Structure (Orient Longman)
Wilford D. Best: The Students Companion (Rupa)

SECTION A: Comprehension 15 Marks
One unseen passages of 300-350 words in length with a variety of comprehension questions
including 05 marks for word-attack skills such as word formation and inferring meaning,
finding opposites etc. The passage can be a factual passage (e.g., instruction, description,
report etc.) or a literary passage (e.g., extract from fiction, drama, poetry, essay or biography),
or a discursive passage involving opinion, (argumentative, persuasive or interpretative text).

SECTION B: Vocabulary 20 Marks
Fill up using correct form of verb(Attempt any 5 out of 7)( marks each) 2 marks
Usage of the adverb, adjective etc. (Attempt any 5 out of 7)( marks
2 marks
Write Antonym of the given word and use both the given word and its
antonym in the single sentence clarifying meaning and usage(Attempt any
5 out of 7)
5 marks
Give different meanings to Synonyms and use them in sentences (Attempt
any 5 out of 7)
5 marks
Give meaning and make sentences for idioms (Attempt any 5 out of 7) 5 marks

SECTION C: Grammar 20 Marks
Conversion among various types of the tenses in the sentence: present/
past /future tense with simple/continuous/perfect forms (Attempt any 5 out
of 7)
5 marks
Conversion between Direct/Indirect speech (Attempt any 5 out of 7) 5 marks
Conversion between active/passive voice (Attempt any 5 out of 7) 5 marks
Conversion among various types of sentences: affirmative, interrogative
sentences, negation, exclamations (Attempt any 5 out of 7)
5 marks

SECTION D: Composition 25 Marks
Composition on a given topic/title based on any current social,
environment, health issues. Students will be asked to attempt any one out
of 4-5 options with word limit 150-175.
10 Marks
Formal Letter Writing (Applying for a job, making a complaint, asking for
information )
7 Marks
Translating a paragraph from Punjabi/Hindi to English (50-75 words) 7 Marks
BCA : 122 u=l ==l
n na = =

n . m == ~= u (l0al +u)
(lea= +u)
== ~ln~u ulal~a (+ ulal~a u=l o-=) un oa =el ~= . u=ln=

ln=n ~= uu n==
+ ~l= ul= lu=a
: lul u=a
. l~=a
(0) an al~ an = =n=l au, an = 0uan = ~=a ~= ~=a
nn, u=l 0uan = uca lu
(~) aaul l=ul ~= n= =
+ == + = ~na = c un
~=a ~= uua n a =el o=le=
+ = = na = 0n = ln n=, u=a 0nal (= lu le=) +o ~=
: lul u=a : ~=
. a . 0= l== l~=a = ln=n = ~na 0= aa=l= ua un uc
=aa, = = 0=a =a =el l=o =a1 : ~=
(0) == + =l uun== lu ua = = lola= l~=a= ln=na1 leo
un + lu lanla= l~=a = u u 0= ol ~nla= oa1
41=+ ~=
(~) == + = ~na = + c un uc =a1 41=4 ~=
u=l ==l ( = la~)
n na u a=l (n na = =)
:u+.++, :u+++ n n =el

n . m == ~= u (l0al +u)
~=al ==a +u
oal ==a +u
=an n c ulal~a u=l o-= un oa =el ~= . u=ln=

+ n= un n= = =l a=
(0) = ~ual n= = n= =
(~) l= ~ual n= = n= =
(e) o ~ual n= = n= =
: n= =l~ naal~ = l~=a= aa =l uca
(0) n= =l~ naal~ = lnn=, uca = a=
(, u, lnna, l=la~, l=la~ lnna ~l=)
(~) l~=a= aa =l uca = a=
(l=a, u, uau, == ~l=)
. n= a=a = l~=a= le=el~ = lnn= = a=
(0) u=l n= a=a = lnn=, uca = a=
(~a=a, luc=a, nn, =oa==l)
(~) l~=a= le=el~ = lnn=, uca = a=
(=n, 0u= = =)
(e) n= = l~=a= = lnn= = loa
+ lna lu =l uca = a=1

uua na =el o=le=

oa aa _ aa ~= =l u=lln= l==l =1
(ll=~al ulo=l a aaul l=ul lnu ao o1 o n== o ll=~al u=l
an = ~=a oa, n un = una ll=~al~ =l nl _ ln~ lu alu~

nole= u n==
+ nl= lnm nn, ~C u=l lnule, u=l=n l0a, u=l =lalnl,
ul~=, :uu1 (lo=l = u=l lnua =el)
: nl= lnm nn, aaul lnu, u=l=n l0a, u=l =lalnl, ul~=,
:u++1 (~ aa=l = u=l lnua =el)
. nl= a oal, u=l lnule, u=l=n l0a, u=l =lalnl, ul~=,
:uu: (lo=l)
+ a=l =a lnm, u=l la~ nlal (=lu0a ~u=l=n =a ~a lu
u=l), u=l=n l0a, u=l =lalnl, ul~=, :u++1
5. Hardev Bahri, Teach Yourself Punjabi, Publication Bureau, Punjabi University, Patiala, 2011.
6. Henry A. Gleason and Harjeet Singh Gill, A Start in Punjabi, Publication Bureau, Punjabi University,
Patiala, 1997.
7. Ujjal Singh Bahri and Paramjit Singh Walia, Introductory Punjabi, Publication Bureau, Punjabi University,
Patiala, 2003.

BCA-123: Digital Electronics

Max Marks: 80 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.
Min Pass Marks: 35% Lectures to be delivered: 45-55 Hrs


The question paper will consist of three sections: A, B & C. Sections A & B will have four questions
each from the respective sections of the syllabus carrying 15 marks for each question. Section C will
have 10 short-answer type questions carrying a total of 20 marks, which will cover the entire syllabus

Candidates are required to attempt two questions each from the sections A & B of the question paper
and the entire section C.

Fundamental Concepts: Introduction to Analog and Digital Systems, Digital Signals, Basic
Digital Circuits: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR and XNOR gates. Boolean Algebra
Theorems, Characteristics of Digital IC.
Number Systems: Positional and Non-positional number systems, Binary, Decimal, Octal and
Hexadecimal, Base conversions, Binary arithmetic: Addition and Subtraction, 1s
complement, 2s complement, subtraction using 1s complement and 2s complement.
Combinational Logic Design: SOP and POS Representation of Logic functions, K-Map
representation and simplification up to 4 variable expressions, Dont care condition.

Section - B
Multiplexers: 4X1, 8X1 and 16X1. De-multiplexers: 1 to 4, 1 to 8 and 1 to 16. BCD to
Decimal decoder, Decimal to BCD encoder. Parity generator and Parity checker.
Design of Half adder and Full adder
Flip-Flops: Introduction, Latch, Clocked S-R Flip Flop, Preset and Clear signals, D-Flip Flop,
J-K Flip Flop, The race-around condition, Master Slave J-K Flip Flop, D-Flip-Flop,
Excitation Tables of Flip Flops. Edge-Triggered Flip Flops.
A/D and D/A Converters: Introduction, Digital to Analog Converters: Weighted-Register D/A
converter, R-2R Ladder D/A converter. Analog to Digital Converters: Quantization and
encoding, Parallel-comparator A/D converter, Counting A/D converter.

Text Book:
1. Modern Digital Electronics by R. P. Jain, Fourth Edition, TMH

1. Digital Principles and Applications by Albert Paul Malvino and Donald P. Leach, Fourth
Edition, TMH
2. Digital Electronics: An Introduction to Theory and Practice by William H Gothmann, 2

Edition, PHI
BCA-124: Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science

Max Marks: 80 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.
Min Pass Marks: 35% Lectures to be delivered: 45-55 Hrs


The question paper will consist of three sections: A, B & C. Sections A & B will have four questions
each from the respective sections of the syllabus carrying 15 marks for each question. Section C will
have 10 short-answer type questions carrying a total of 20 marks, which will cover the entire syllabus

Candidates are required to attempt two questions each from the sections A & B of the question paper
and the entire section C.

Section - A
Matrices: Types of Matrices, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Transpose, Conjugate
and their properties, Symmetric, Skew-symmetric, Hermitian, Skew-Hermitian, Orthogonal
and Unitary matrices, Minor, co-factors, Adjoint, Inverse of matrices, Solution of linear
system of equations using matrices.
Rank of a matrix, consistency of linear system of equations, Characteristic equation, eigen
values & eigen vectors, Diagonalization of matrices, Cayley Hamilton theorem.
Determinants: Expansion of determinants (upto order 4), solution of linear system of
equations using Cramer rule, Properties of Determinants.
Probability: Elementary events, Sample space, Compound events, Type of events, Mutually
Exclusive, Independent events, Addition Law of probability (for 2 and 3 events), Conditional
probability, Multiplication Theorem of probability, Baye's theorem,

Section - B
Linear Programming: Foundations of the problem, Graphical method to solve LPP of two
General Linear Programming problem: Simplex method, Artificial variable techniques,
Two phase method, Dual of LPP
Transportation problem: Mathematical formulation of transportation problem, Initial Basic
feasible solution ( NWCM, LCEM, VAM methods), Optimal solution using MODI method,
Degeneracy in transportation problrms.
Assignment Problem: Mathematical formulation of Assignment problem, Solution by
Hungarian method, Unbalanced Assignment problem, Maximisation Assignment problem.

Text Book:
1. "Higher Engineering Mathematics", B. S. Grewal, 35th Edition, Khanna
1. "Advanced Engineering Mathematics", E.Kreyszig, 8
Edition, Wiley.
2. "Advanced Engineering Mathematics", R. K. Jain & S.R.K. Iyenger, Wiley
Eastern. Edition
3. "Engineering Mathematics Vol I & II" S. S. Sastry, PHI.
BCA-125: Data Structures

Max Marks: 80 Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.
Min Pass Marks: 35% Lectures to be delivered: 45-55 Hrs


The question paper will consist of three sections: A, B & C. Sections A & B will have four questions
each from the respective sections of the syllabus carrying 15 marks for each question. Section C will
have 10 short-answer type questions carrying a total of 20 marks, which will cover the entire syllabus

Candidates are required to attempt two questions each from the sections A & B of the question paper
and the entire section C.

Section - A
Basic concepts and notations: Types of data structures, Data structure operations,
Mathematical notations and functions, Algorithmic complexity, Big O notation, Time and
space trade off.
Arrays: Linear array, representation of array in memory, traversing linear array, insertion and
deletion in an array, Two-dimensional array, row major and column major orders, sparse
Stacks: Representation of stacks in memory (linked and sequential), operations on stacks,
Applications of stacks: string reversal, parentheses matching.
Queues: Representation of queues in memory (linked and sequential), operations on queues,
insertion in rear, deletion from front.

Section - B
Linked list: Representation of linked list using static and dynamic data structures, insertion
and deletion of a node from linked list, searching in link list, searching in sorted link list.
Trees: Definition and basic concepts, linked representation and representation in contiguous
storage, binary tree, binary tree traversal, Binary search tree, searching, insertion and deletion
in binary search tree.
Searching and sorting algorithms: Linear and binary search, bubble sort, insertion sort,
selection sort, quick sort, merge sort.

Text Book
1 Seymour Lipschutz, Theory and Practice of Data Structures, McGraw Hill.

1 Tenenbaum, Y. Lanhghsam and A. J. Augenstein, Data Structures using C and C++,
Prentice Hall of India.
2 Robert Sedgewick, Algorithms in C, Pearson Education.
BCA-126: Software Lab II
(Based on paper BCA-125: Data Structures)

Max Marks: 100 ( Maximum Time: 3 Hrs.
Min Pass Marks: 35% Practical Sessions to be conducted: 12 Periods per week

This laboratory course will comprise as exercises to supplement what is learnt under paper
BCA-124: Data Structures. Students are required to develop following programs in C
language with internal documentation

1 Program to insert an element from an array.
2 Program to delete an element from an array.
3 Program to store an array using sparse representation.
4 Program to apply various operations on stack.
5 Program for parenthesis matching using stack
6 Program for String reversal using stack.
7 Program to insert and delete nodes in a queue.
8 Program to insert and delete nodes in a linked list.
9 Program to search a node in a linked list.
10 Program to insert or delete node in a binary tree.
11 Program to traverse binary tree
12 Program for implementing linear search.
13 Program for implementing binary search.
14 Program for implementing Bubble sort.
15 Program for implementing Selection sort.
16 Program for implementing Bubble sort.
17 Program for implementing Insertion sort.
18 Program for implementing Quick sort.
19 Program for implementing Merge sort.

The break up of marks for the practical will be as under
i. Internal Assessment 40 Marks
ii. Viva Voce (External Evaluation) 20 Marks
iii. Lab Record, Program Development and
Execution(External Evaluation)
40 Marks

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