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Biomass 2 Biochar

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18 MARCH 2024

Document Information
Version Final
18 March 2021

Prepared by TOMA Tomorrow Matters Now (TOMA-Now)

Project team: Expert Advisor: Pamela Booth (Knysna

municipality) TOMA-Now: Jaisheila Rajput, Janie
New Carbon: Marius van der Merwe, Barry Stead, Petrus van Niekerk
UCanGrow Africa: Mary-Ann Parr, Steve Carver
Prepared for: Western Cape Government Department of Environmental Affairs
and Development Planning (DEA&DP)

Contact Person(s): Albert Ackhurst

Tel: +27 (0)21 483 8364
E-mail: Albert.Ackhurst@westerncape.gov.za
John Wilson
Tel: +27 (0)21 483 4114
Email: John.Wilson@westerncape.gov.za

BAW Business 2
Document Information 2
Contents 3
1. Alien Invasive Plants and water security 4
2. Availability of biomass 5
3. Scenarios for implementation 7
4. BAW Value chain 8
4.1The harvesting/clearing regime 9
4.2Initial biomass processing 10
4.3Transportation 11
4.4Processing 11
4.5Packaging and distribution of products 12
5. Market intelligence 12
Biochar 12
Activated carbon 13
Drivers of demand 14
Wood vinegar 15
6. Risks & Barriers 18
7. Socio-economic impact 19
Job creation and expansion 19
SMME Incubation 22
8. Funding Models 22
Payment for Ecosystem Services 23
Carbon financing for BAW 23
Carbon credits 23
Carbon Tax 24
Carbon sequestration opportunities 24
Carbon offset 24
9. Recommendations 24
Acronyms and initialisms 25
Glossary of terms 25
References 27

BAW Business 3
1. Alien Invasive Plants and water security
The benefits of clearing Alien Invasive Plants (AIP) in catchment areas are multiple, but it is critical
for water security and economic growth in the area, as well as benefiting local communities. Figure
1 below provides a graphical understanding of the landscape through which the Keurbooms river flows.
Map 1 below displays the water production areas in the Karatara Catchment. 1

Map 1 Water production areas in the Karatara catchment

indicating potential for streamflow returns from clearing
Figure 1 Keurbooms River February 2020 invasive plants.

Alien invasive plants (AIPs), such as wattle, Port Jackson, and pine, are a threat to water security due
to their presence in key catchment areas. The AIPs utilise more water than the native species in the
area and impacts on the amount of water available to the catchment and for human use.

The clearing of invasive alien plants in the Keurbooms and Karatara River Catchments can greatly
contribute to the additional availability of water to the catchment. The volume of water lost through
the current distribution of IAPs in the region is estimated to be in the order of 25 000 Mℓ per year
(approximately 20% of the capacity of Berg River dam).1

As a result, the value of additional water is estimated to fall between R25.1 million and
R307.3 million per year2

Developing a biomass value chain through alien vegetation removal can offset clearing costs, create
new jobs and be used to develop innovative carbon-based products using efficient technology
solutions. An industry-based biomass value chain can support applications like biochar, activated
carbon and wood vinegar (BAW) production, as well as biomass to energy and other applications.

1Source: Western Cape Department Environmental Affairs and Development Planning. (2018) BUSINESS CASE FOR KEURBOOMS

BAW Business 4
This business model for the products and by-products of cleared AIPs will:

1. Create jobs and economic activity in areas where there is an abundance of alien and forestry-
derived biomass
2. Reduce the overall cost or prove the profitability of clearing alien invasive plants
3. Result in greater areas cleared with the same quantum of investment, by creating sources of
revenue from the products of such clearing
4. Create opportunities for food and water security, contract farming, and rehabilitation of cleared

2. Availability of biomass
Western Cape is 129 462 km2 area and has 42 million dry tonnes invasive biomass, but only 24
million oven dry tonnes accessible at less than 20 degrees slope 3. The distance to road will reduce
available volumes further, but this depends on location of processing or value-adding plant from the
biomass. Access to additional biomass beyond these parameters will largely depend on economic
value created from value- adding industries.

The project team has engaged with the Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning
(DEA&DP) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and have noted the available
data limitations on the exact densities, geo-spatial location, and classification of AIPs in the Karatara
catchment. However, there is high confidence that sufficient AIP biomass exists in the catchment area
for this business model based on the expertise of AIP advisors within the Catchment. Further, we have
confirmation of confidence from a technology owner who has established a manufacturing plant in the
area. The following is from a personal communication with Pam Booth, Environmental Manager,
Knysna Municipality

“I have worked in invasive plant management and catchment management for more than 20 years
and lived in the Karatara catchment for 15 years, from 2003 until 2018. Having worked in the Palmiet
and Keurbooms river catchments as a Working for Water Project Manager and more recently in the
Karatara catchment assisting landowners to manage alien vegetation from both a co-operation and
an enforcement perspective it is imperative for me to be able to accurately assess alien vegetation
densities, species, and age classes and by association the volume of biomass in each area. The
dominant species and age class in the lower reaches of the catchment is mature black wattle. Along
large stretches of the river form the causeway approximately 5km upstream there is little else. Due to
the availability of water, sunlight, and good soil the trees grow fast and tall providing high volumes of
biomass. Higher up in the catchment and onto the plateau the mix of species includes mature
Eucalyptus spp., Blackwood, Pine, Rooikrans and other woody and herbaceous species. In summary,
the Karatara catchment has an extremely high volume of alien biomass that poses a distinct
streamflow reduction and fire risk”.

This is supported by a study undertaken by Ninham Shand where it was stated that: “Alien invasive
plants are the largest water consumer in the study area, accounting for about 50% of total water use”
(Hydrology of the Karatara and Homtini catchments, 2002) and more recently the Management Unit
Control Plan (MUCP)drafted by the CSIR showing species, density, and age class.

The MUCP maps justify that there is sufficient AIPs for the execution of the business model. GIS maps
are available in the form of MUCP, but these are subject to further refinement.

For the purposes of the pilot project implementation, a density assessment and AIP classification was
done on 5 March 2021. However, the project team recommended that the budget allocation for the
pilot project must include commissioning of a further detailed, fine scale AIP density assessment at
both compartment level (i.e., MUCP) as well as cadastral level in the Karatara catchment. Previous
experience in the

BAW Business 5
catchments suggests that, given the rapid rate of change for AIPs in a given landscape, the duration
of usefulness of AIP data for planning and budgeting purposes is limited.

In the catchment area it is estimated that annual expansion of AIP cover ranges between 6-10%
(depending on rainfall & excluding any clearing activities) 4. The catchment has been demarcated into
more than 158 compartments in the MUCP tool during previous density analysis exercises with
varying levels of alien infestation and density in each compartment. Density per compartment is
visible using the data collated during the Ecological Infrastructure Investment Framework project, and
modelled using the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment (DFFE) Natural Resource
Management (NRM) MUCP tool2. Government public works programme champions (Expanded Public
Works Programme – EPWP, Working for Water etc.) estimate that there is AIP stock within the
catchment that would require consistent clearing for at least the next 20 years.5 Figure 3 is an
illustration of clearing all known AIPs on private and public land excluding South African National
Parks (SANParks) and CapeNature over a 20-year period. This includes the optimal budget
requirement for a consistent density reduction over the 20-year period.

Forward planning for AIP clearing by Knysna Municipality’s Planning and Economic Development
directorate indicates that a minimum three-year investment would be required:6

to clear 16 072 ha
cost of R 9,9 million annually
create 31 733 person days of work (labour-intensive clearing regime)


BAW Business 6
Figure 2 MUCP manager extract. Projected density reduction based on AIP clearing budget scenarios over a 20-
year period.

3. Scenarios for implementation

In the evaluation of the technologies available in the catchment area, the implications for the whole
value chain were taken into consideration. Thus, two scenarios that can be implemented in a pilot
project have been suggested:

Scenario 1: Single technology, producing BAW, where the technology owner takes responsibility for
the entire value chain from primary processing to packaging and distribution, including producing all
three identified products in the scope of this project. The technology owner retains control over
quality assurance, however the inclusion of Small Medium Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) along the value
chain is not completely accounted for. A way to mitigate this is the proposed incubation model for the
BAW business plan to ensure adequate technical capacity among the SMMEs included.
Ownership/partnership models explored to support SMME inclusion.

Scenario 2: Multiple technologies at various scales for an inclusive value chain. The pilot project
could be used to trial out various scales of technologies, creating a cooperative biomass eco-industrial
park model. This scenario could include a collaborative approach that produces energy with biochar
as by-product, as well as the production of compost from green biomass, to be enriched with biochar
as a value-add. A central anchor would house the most pertinent technology (high quality BAW
production) with various support industries for up and down the value chain (primary processing, kilns
for processing on site, composting, packaging/distribution) that include SMMEs. The variations in
input/output would be mitigated as the end-markets for the products are differentiated. The
SMMEs would still be supported with an

BAW Business 7
incubation model for capacity building to ensure the ongoing development of businesses - as the eco-
park could potentially produce for small- and large-scale applications there would be scope for

On review with the project advisory team, Scenario 1 was recommended as the most prudent
approach. Accordingly, this scenario was developed into a pilot implementation model (details are
available in the accompanying Pilot Project Implementation Plan).

4. BAW Value chain

This business model adopts a decentralised, localised model that directly benefits the catchment area
in terms of job creation and water security. This approach avoids some of the barriers associated with
large scale production, such as transport costs. This document outlines the BAW value chain with the
types of costs that can potentially be incurred. The input, throughout costs and profitability associated
with the business model are listed in detail in the Pilot Project Implementation Plan based on an actual
pilot scenario.

A strong coordinated approach has been instilled in the model to optimise clearing and processing
activities. As such, the business model feeds into MUCP for the area, which is critical. The business
model requires that data related to biomass availability and species distribution is updated and
verified on a regular basis and shared with key product value chains. This will ensure the necessary
production planning and go-to-market strategies are reflective of available source material. This
extends to communication across the value chain should any unforeseen situations arise, which may
lead to the non-availability of AIPs biomass. It is critical that feedstock supply, production capacity,
and secured market demand, are balanced, with the necessary buffers and redundancies considered.

AIPs are regarded as primary feedstock for the production of BAW, however other utilisable sources
exist that the existing technology can be converted to BAW and related products. Although the project
scope is specifically focused on BAW production, the BAW processing facilities would be well equipped
to also produce compost and related products from biomass that is not suitable for BAW production
processes. The complimentary feedstock sources available in the catchment and wider region

charcoal sourced from the Western Cape and other provinces that can be enhanced,
wood chips and related by-products from local sawmills,
garden waste from farms and households,
and forestry waste from local plantations.

The proposed model relies on tried-and-tested technologies. Not only will this support the localisation
and job creation strategy taking local context into account, but it will also facilitate a more responsive
support and maintenance system. This approach ensures a diversified revenue model beyond direct
product sales to sales and/or licensing of technology, support and maintenance of these systems and
training programmes.

Finally, the model considers the scale of application end-use. Typical customers range from
municipalities with large-scale water treatment facilities, to an adaptive model for agricultural
application. Suitable end- markets for biomass products have been identified: water purification
applications for activated charcoal and soil conditioning and fertilisers for biochar and wood vinegar
(WV). The phased approach addresses the need for a more holistic understanding of how to combine
various potential uses at different scales and distances to markets, for optimal value to be created to
further support clearing and create a water-secure future for South Africa.

BAW Business 8
In the accompanying slide deck, there are examples of local and international biomass
beneficiation practices that are of relevance to this project.

The business model follows a holistic approach and activities are subdivided across the value chain:

4.1 The harvesting/clearing regime

In the case of AIPs, the biomass clearing regime is a key outcome of the business model.

The clearing mechanisms are dependent on the location of the AIPs. This will
determine the feasibility of mechanical clearing (which requires specialised skilled
labour) or whether manual clearing will be required due to lack of accessibility to
road infrastructure. Manual clearing is labour-intensive, and at the speed of growth,
not optimally effective. The mechanical clearing option is hampered by accessibility,
Consideratio as well as weighing up the unskilled labour employment creation opportunities that
ns can be created in the area at this phase of the value chain.

A strategic inclusive clearing schedule is the first step to coordinate activities with
biomass users. Information needed includes distance from clearing zone to
processing centre with this distance decreasing over time. New extraction
technologies giving access to additional biomass sources by addressing the
challenge of clearing on steep slopes and difficult-to-access riparian areas is needed,
Activities such as cable skidders and/or skyline cable yarders. Strategic planning and clearing
scheduling could justify additional costs for innovative extraction methods through
economies of scale.

Clearing/sustainable removal using a long-term rehabilitation strategy4, was

estimated to, on average, deliver 337 (estimated in 2018)7 jobs for labourers created
over next five years. The type of jobs created includes:
Chainsaw operator
applicator Biomass
Jobs created processing
Mobile wood processing
machines General worker
Health and safety officers

4 Rehabilitation is defined here as the continued actions required for the restoration of an impacted
BAW Business 9

BAW Business 1
Team supervisor/contractor
 Driver

Specialised equipment may be required


Wages – The business model proposes that on average clearers are paid R385 per
tonne, which might increase to R500 per tonne as the value chain and off-take
agreements develop.
Procurement of necessary equipment and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

4.2 Initial biomass processing

Storage requirements are logistically challenging, given the seasonal nature of alien
clearing. Fire hazard needs to be considered, as well as potential blockage of rivers
by cleared biomass.

biomass Densifying
The cleared biomass is processed either on site (dependent on access and
location) or transported to local processing facilities.

Truck drivers (truck with crane); Bell operators; tractor drivers.

Further, it will create opportunities for small businesses running the chipping plants.
Jobs created

Mobile processing systems (chippers, kilns etc.) to be employed where scale allows,
which would improve transport efficiencies of raw biomass needing to be moved by
reducing the volume associated therewith.

Operational costs and vehicle maintenance


BAW Business 1
4.3 Transportation

Transport barriers that have been noted include accessibility of the clearing sites to
road or truck access, proximity to tarred roads and proximity to rail. One of the key
topics highlighted was road condition. A fair amount of the biomass is hard to reach
locations, so a mechanism to remove and process the biomass needs to be
Consideration considered.
s An option to explore is collaborative transport schemes (e.g., several freight trucks
or railcars are transported empty through these areas, on the way to collect

Short distance forestry transport

solutions Long-haul freight (road and
Activities rail)

Truck drivers, chipper/mulcher operators. Transport of raw biomass to processing

site or primary processing at roadside and then transport to secondary processing
Jobs created site.

Trucks, truck with crane, other freight


Processing close to source and creating processing plant in catchment areas, will
mitigate the cost of transport and develop local rural economies.


4.4 Processing
The technology solutions currently being used in the market are in principle very
similar. However, it is the quality and moisture of product into the processing, as
well as the temperature and efficiency of the processing machines that will
determine the yields and quality of the output.

Processing biomass to BAW and other by-

products Technology development

Small contractors with chippers and/or larger contractors with conveyor belt
Jobs created
General workers (Manufacturing, packaging, labelling)

Pyrolytic technologies such as kilns at various scales, wood carbonisers, WV

extraction, wood gasification.

BAW Business 1

BAW Business 1
Technology hire/acquisition/import


4.5 Packaging and distribution of products

Packaging will vary substantially depending on whether it is for bulk products or

specialised for retail. This business model has assumed that products will be sold in
Consideration bulk.
Sales and marketing, distribution of end-products to market.
Markets identified include municipal and agricultural
Biochar product is packaged via a mechanised process either into 20 kg branded double
film paper or polyethylene bags onto pallets as well as double lined branded bulk
bags with a 250 kg load capacity. WV is piped from the plant to on-site stainless-
Activities steel storage tanks where WV settles by means of sedimentation over a period of 3
months. WV is packaged in 5ℓ and 25ℓ containers which will be palletised for
collection or transportation respectively.
logistics Packers
Forklift operators
Professional business services in relation to product marketing, sales,
Jobs created and distribution.
Product is moved via forklift to the facility warehouse on site to meet required
handling and storage criteria per specified material safety data sheets (MSDS). Bulk
storage Intermediate Bulk Container plastic tanks of 1000ℓ will also be utilised for
Equipment bulk orders and for safe handling and distribution.

Health and Safety
Emergency response
preparedness Freight and
Cost warehousing

5. Market intelligence
Priority market needs and applications have been identified as water purification and soil conditioning
with a focus on breaking import dependency by the replacement of imported BAW products with
local products.

Biochar Market Value

Typically found in soil from vegetation fires & historic soil The global
management practices. biochar market size in
Can be an important tool to increase food security and cropland 2018 was worth USD
diversity. Improves the soil’s water quality and quantity by increasing 1.3 Billion whilst
soil retention of nutrients and agrochemicals. estimated demand was
395.3 kilo tonnes.

BAW Business 1
Source: Grandview Research

BAW Business 1
Sustainable biochar practices can produce oil and gas by-products that
can be used as fuel for clean, renewable energy.
Biochar and bioenergy co-production sequesters carbon in stable soil
carbon pools and may also reduce emissions of nitrous oxide.
Multiple applications in various fields, with key outcome of enriched soil
for improved yield and nutrient content.8


Agricultu Water purification


 Local agricultural market is relatively small Current processes that require biochar and
with predominantly organic farmers utilising activated carbon, such as water recycling,
biochar for soil conditioning. This option largely rely on imported sources, which are
becomes more viable if a market can be accompanied by considerable carbon emissions
developed. because of transportation. Locally produced
 Experts expect a market growth of 12 to15 alternatives will have a much lower carbon
% per annum. However, these off-takers are footprint due to the reduced distance from
looking for specialised and high-quality source to use.
products. ● The use of biochar for the treatment of
 Domestic markets could include farmers municipal stormwater and wastewater
growing grapes, blueberries, dates, ● An example of applicability is the
livestock, dairy, or mushrooms.9 Knysna Sustainable Drainage Systems
 Pasture restoration. Considering the role of – SuDS project - a (current)
dairy farming in the region (Karatara revegetation project10 which includes
Catchment) this procedure may be of tree-clusters for stormwater
interest: It involves feeding biochar to treatment being planted on layered
livestock and allowing dung-beetles to substrate of builders’ rubble,
distribute and bury the biochar-loaded biochar, and compost.
faeces. This has the dual benefit of soil
conditioning as well as increased feed-
usage efficiency and weight gain of cattle.
 With global interest in low-nitrogen
fertilisers there is opportunity for biochar
and wood vinegar as fertiliser.

Activated carbon
Market Value
Higher value commodity11 that lends itself to scale.
Presents an elegant solution with removal of alien The global activated carbon
vegetation to create activated carbon for water market size is projected to
purification. reach USD 14 Billion by

Source: Grandview Research

BAW Business 1
Drivers of demand

Short term Long term

● The high demand for activated carbon is Research and development activities of activated
anticipated to grow due to the demand in carbon producers enable them to develop better
mercury control technology for industrial air products for specific applications such as for
purification applications hydrogen sulphide removal, while competing with
● Due to higher prices of powder activated carbon the existing products offered by competitors such
and granular activated carbon imported as powder activated carbon and granular activated
products, increasing demand will be placed on carbon for water filtration and purification, food, and
securing product from local companies. beverage industry as well as the health and beauty
● The need for carbon offset credits by sector applications.
corporations in the South African market will
become a driver for local producers to register
projects to enable access to the carbon credit
economy and contribute to carbon

Agricultu Water purification

 Current uptake of wastewater treatment in the Current processes that require biochar and activated
agricultural sector is relatively limited. However, carbon, such as water recycling, largely rely on
internationally, food and beverage companies imported sources, which are accompanied by
are increasingly seeing the benefits of creating considerable carbon emissions because of
value from wastewater. This is largely driven by transportation. Locally produced alternatives will
a growing pressure to meet or exceed have a much lower carbon footprint due to the
environmental standards, tightening wastewater reduced distance from source to use. Examples
regulations, increasing water stress and the risk include:
of brand damage if local communities are ● Mining: adsorption for mining sludge treatment
affected by their wastewater. The re-use of 12
wastewater or cascading use of water aligns ● Municipal: George Municipality in
with the associated policies of the Western Cape collaboration with the Water Institute of South
Government (specifically the Sustainable Water Africa (WISA) implemented an ultra-filtration
Management Plan). plant (2010) which converts wastewater to
potable water using a number of filtration
mediums, one of which is activated carbon.
● In 2000, the town of Suurbraak in the Western
Cape faced a serious issue regarding poor
drinking water quality for its rural
communities. A drinking-water treatment
process was developed where a membrane-
based process was uses for pre-treatment,
upflow filtration and activated carbon
● Point of use (domestic water filters). As
conscious consumers are more inclined to
plastic- or waste- free lifestyles these are
becoming more commonplace. Lifestyle
markets would be a good entry point.
● There is also interest in the use of water
purification devices to deliver clean water to
rural communities, where the supply of
treated and purified water is limited or non-

BAW Business 1
Wood vinegar Market Value

Higher value commodity15 The global

Multiple applications in various fields, with key outcome of wood vinegar market
enriched soil for improved yield and nutrient content. is projected to reach
USD 6.7 Million by

Source: NewsWire


Pesticide Soil conditioning

● Pesticide against two species of rice ● Some research has indicated that fruit yield
hoppers16, cowpea weevil17, rice brown plant was increased with co-application of both
hopper18, armyworm19 biochar and wood vinegar and nutritional
● Pesticide against red mites in poultry quality had been improved (e.g., increased
farming20 vitamin C and decreased titratable acidity)25
● Antifungal/antibacterial agent against seven ● Critical factors that influence productivity
fungal and three bacterial species21 22 23 in blueberry cultivation include water
● Animal feed for weanling pigs24 quality, climate, as well as well-drained
and semi- acidic soils. Many growers that
do not have access to these soils often plant
their blueberries in bags or containers with
substrate mixes of any of the following
materials: pine bark, sand, cocopeat (coir)
and perlite.26 Wood vinegar could be an
additional additive to improve yield
● Export market for blueberries from the
Western Cape is established in the UK and
EU, with current attempts to try and expand
the Asian market to Japan, Taiwan, and
South Korea.27

BAW Business 1
Table 5 Market interest
Product Average local Average Use Detail Interested parties
price internationa
l price

Biochar R13,00- R17,00 R34,00 /kg The use of biochar for Sustainable Drainage Systems – SuDS - (Knysna) - a (current) Local, district
/kg the treatment of revegetation project which includes tree-clusters for and metropolitan
municipal stormwater stormwater treatment. The vegetation is being planted on municipalities.
and wastewater. layered substrates: builders’ rubble, biochar, and compost.

Pasture restoration Considering the role of dairy farming in the region (Karatara Organisations that
Catchment) this procedure may be of interest: It involves have indicated an
feeding biochar to livestock and allowing dung-beetles to interest in
distribute and bury the biochar-loaded faeces. This has the investigating the
dual benefit of soil conditioning as well as increased feed- benefits of biochar
usage efficiency and weight gain of cattle.

With global interest in Organisations that

low- nitrogen fertilisers have indicated an
there is opportunity for interest in
biochar and wood investigating the
vinegar as fertiliser. benefits of biochar

Animal feed Localised trials have been undertaken with sheep to validate
market literature where this form of supplement has been
shown to provide improved feed conversion rates and
healthier rumen.
Wood vinegar R 150,00 /ℓ R 359,00 /ℓ For wood vinegar, Pesticide against two species of rice hoppers, cowpea weevil,
Bulk R 225,00 agricultural uses have rice brown plant hopper, armyworm
/ℓ Small been identified that can Pesticide against red mites in poultry farming
be explored to establish Antifungal/antibacterial agent against seven fungal and three
a robust local market for bacterial species
wood vinegar. Animal feed for weanling pigs

Biochar/ Soil enrichment Research has indicated that fruit yield was increased with co- Potential interest
Wood and substrate application of both biochar and wood vinegar and nutritional from berry
vinegar quality had been improved (e.g., increased vitamin C and producers
decreased titratable acidity)

BAW Business Model
Activate R24,00- R33,00 R 37,00 /kg Water filtration Activated carbon is currently the most widely used example
d /kg and purification. of purification substrate that incorporates nanoscale features
Carbon and tailorable chemical properties. It is often applied for
POU? devices, with many commercial systems utilising this
material for home applications.

Agri-processing Current uptake of wastewater treatment in the sector is Local, district

relatively limited. However, internationally, food and beverage and metropolitan
companies are increasingly seeing the benefits of creating Municipalities.
value from wastewater. This is largely driven by a growing
pressure to meet or exceed environmental standards,
tightening wastewater regulations, increasing water stress
and the risk of brand damage if local communities are
affected by their wastewater.
Mining sector Adsorption for mining sludge treatment

other uses Cosmetics

Food and beverage
Identifying a willing buyer was not required as the City of Cape Town has indicated their willingness to buy by putting out a tender for water purification
application of biochar.
It has been demonstrated through engagement with local seedling growers that there is local interest and willingness to purchase wood vinegar from the
technology provider. WV has already been purchased by and supplied to several growers in the Western Cape over the last 12-month period. These are
relationships which have developed over time and the application and use of our wood vinegar in their operations has resulted in additional orders.
The demand for biochar to be utilised in the agricultural sector has been evidenced by direct engagement of local farmers and growing medium suppliers for the
purchase of biochar from the technology provider. Engagement has been through site visits and emails substantiated by Requests for Quotations and the
subsequent issue of quotations for purchase.

BAW Business Model
Product Market Segment Tonnage/ CBM Pricing
Biochar Organic 10 CBM / 1.5 Tons Monthly R3000 / CBM
Wood Vinegar Fertiliser 5000 Lt R25 / Lt
Organic Monthly North
Fertiliser West
Powder Activated Carbon Water 10 Tons R23000/ Tonne
Filtration/ Purification Corporate - JHB
Powder Activated Carbon Water 45 Tons R23000/ Tonne
Monthly Local
Filtration/ Purification CPT
Municipal (Local)
Wood Vinegar Topical application-
Germination - Paarl

6. Risks & Barriers

Cost of clearing/harvesting Severe
Accessibility of biomass and transport constraints Moderate
Landowner interests Moderate
Lack of financing channels Moderate
Lack of comprehensive data mapping (location, volumes, and species) Severe
Unreliable feedstock supply Severe
Lack of central coordinating hub Moderate
Localised quality control and testing facilities Moderate
Quality implications for end-products, based on AIP input Severe

● Poorly mapped and captured data: On the state of AIPs spread continues to be a barrier. It is
essential that data related to biomass availability and species distribution is updated or
groundtruthed on a regular basis and shared with key product value chains. This barrier limits
the determination of the location of AIPs and their densities within the catchment, which
necessitates the reliance on field knowledge of existing alien clearing operations managers
(such as Knysna Municipality, Southern Cape Fire Protection Association etc.) to inform the
clearing regime for the pilot project implementation plan. This barrier creates challenges for
creation of an overall clearing regime and for confidently estimating the cost of clearing the
entire catchment at this stage.
● Transportation: Barriers have been noted include accessibility of the clearing sites to road or
truck access, proximity to tarred roads and proximity to rail. One of the key topics highlighted
was road condition. A fair amount of the biomass is in hard-to-reach locations, where novel
mechanisms to remove and process the biomass would be needed.
● Technology affordability: Initial capital outlay for production systems is inhibiting small start-
ups and even more major operations are finding the cost to be prohibitive. A robust business
model must take consideration of ownership models that enable localised beneficiation. The
capital outlay needs to be addressed, possibly considering leasing, or shared and partnering
models. Consideration should be given to separating primary and secondary processing. A
mobile unit could be owned by a small entrepreneur out in the field, while the primary
technology that manufactures the BAW is centralised.
● Market access: Individual producers and co-operatives of producers face a significant
challenge to enter the market due to the need for market access and visibility and not
necessarily having the
BAW Business Model
economies of scale to build a reputation in the industry. Consistency of supply, quality and
reputation are key.
● Availability of skills: Of consideration should be the required engineering and technical skills to
manufacture the final product (and quality management) as well as that needed in clearing
and processing.
● Ownership of biomass: Complexities arising from the ownership of cleared AIPs biomass should
be considered.

7. Socio-economic impact
In order for a locally driven, green recovery to be realised, SMMEs across the value chain need to be
included in the business model for biomass beneficiation. With a 32% unemployment rate28, the
catchment is in dire need of programmes that create additional employment opportunities.
Opportunities include the establishment of clearing cooperatives, forestry transport services for
primary processing, and the upskilling of local industries for skilled jobs.

Job creation and expansion

To ensure positive economic development and impact to the Karatara catchment, active inclusion of
SMMEs in the business model is essential. It is suggested that preference be given to impact driven
small businesses that can play a myriad of roles in the supply chain - from clearing initiatives that
may be developed with EPWP, through to product distribution models. A phased approach that takes
advantage of quick wins by first focusing on existing SMMEs that have had to retrench staff linked to
forestry sector decline and the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic will accelerate the process. Later
phases will be supported by an incubation model for local SMMEs that makes use of established
institutions in the area.

Phase 1: Support existing SMMEs

Phase 2: Expanding existing SMMEs and their

offerings Phase 3: Creating new ventures

The portfolio of SMME opportunities has been limited to those directly connected to the scope of work.

1. Harvesting AIPs
2. Chipping and mulching
3. Transport harvested biomass to processing plant
4. Supplying BAW products to nurseries
5. Seed balls using biochar
6. Repacking of biochar with vegetable seed packs
7. New growing programs that make use of biochar
8. Decentralised bush-charcoal makers

The job creation potential can be unlocked by a holistic approach to beneficiation, considering the
value chain both up- and downstream. Several factors need to be considered which may impact the
job creation potential of the BAW value chain:

● Complexity and length of the value chain.

● The quantum of utilisable biomass and production capacity of processing and manufacturing.

BAW Business 1
● The level of mechanisation of the harvesting regime and production processes.
● Technology applied in manufacturing of BAW.
● Availability of necessary skills such as required engineering and technical skills to manufacture
the final product (and quality management) as well as that needed in harvesting and
processing; and
● BAW market conditions and the size of off-take.

The table below provides a high-level summary of job creation potential at various points in the value

BAW Business 2
Table 6 Job Creation Potential

Value Clearing Operation Harvesting Processing & Manufacturi Marketing &

Chain and Logistics/Trans ng & Business
Componen transport to port (At all Packaging Services
t roadside intersects)
Knysna Private Transport & logistics Technology BAW producers
Stakeholder/Employer/ Municipality companies owners/BAW Marketing and
Business Type SANParks forestry transport (freight manufacturer sales agents
CapeNature companies forwarding etc.) Forestry s
Private primary
Landowners DFFE
- NRM processing contractors
Western Cape Department of
Agriculture (LandCare)
Southern Cape Fire Protection
Direct Job opportunities Chainsaw operator Truck drivers (truck Truck drivers, Engineers Professional
Herbicide applicator with crane); Bell chipper/mulcher operators. Mechanics (specify) business services
Biomass processing operators; tractor Transport of raw biomass to Electricians in relation to
Woodchippers drivers. processing site or primary (specify) General product
Mobile wood processing processing at roadside and workers marketing,
machines General worker then transport to secondary (Manufacturing,
Health and safety officers processing site. packaging, labelling) sales, and
Team Small contractors with distribution.
supervisor/contractor chippers and/or larger
Driver contractors with conveyor
belt mulchers.

Indirect benefits to PPE suppliers; Tools, machinery, and Vehicle and Vehicle and machine/plant Input Business
local SMMEs equipment suppliers; machine maintenance, repairs, and
chainsaw/machinery maintenance, maintenance, consumables. suppliers (components support services
servicing, and repairs; Vehicle rental; repairs, for
Consumables – parts, spares, fuel, oil consumables etc technology).
etc Service and
Product branding
& packaging
31 500 per annum* To be concluded To be concluded To be concluded To be concluded
Opportunities Estimate
Skills requirement Valid chainsaw operator certificate; Pest Bell, tractor, and Semi-skilled (chipper Skilled and semi-skilled Skilled
Control Officer; Health and safety heavy truck operators) to skilled

BAW Business 2
training; first aid training; Herbicide drivers’ licences (mulcher and grinder
applicator operators)
training; Valid driver’s licence
Wage band (per day) <R170 -R430> <R170 <R464 < R170 <R 500
*Work opportunities estimates are based on Knysna Municipality three-year AIP clearing budget and EPWP reporting target only. Note that these are
person day jobs in terms of public employment programme methodologies for calculating what constitutes a work opportunity.

BAW Business 2
SMME Incubation
SMMEs will be supported through supplier development programmes focusing on building supply
chains that are beneficial to localised small businesses and aligned to the green economy. The
identification, training, and support of these local entrepreneurs will be key in being able to uplift and

SMMEs across the value chain can be capacitated through an incubation model realising a holistic
approach to the development of their business, from technical expertise to basic business skills to
market development. Potential incubator partners include:

● The South African Breweries (SAB) Foundation

● South Cape College
● Nelson Mandela University George Campus (Previously Saasveld)
● GreenCape / South African Renewable Energy Business Incubator (Sarebi)
● Cape Agency for Sustainable Integrated Development in Rural Areas (CASIDRA)
● Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) Colleges
● Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) / Department of Small Business Development
● Knysna Municipality Local Economic Development (LED) department

The Knysna Municipality has run an incubator programme over the last decade that could ideally
support this incubation approach. The Knysna Municipality’s LED department, SEDA, CASIDRA and
other partners already have the basic SMME incubation proposition and curriculum in place. Corporate
partners (Nedbank, SAB etc.) can also fund specific, customised "biomasspreneur" incubation.

The details can be developed based on the identified and future potential needs of the product value
chain, as they evolve - these can incorporate clearers to processors and pilot-scale producers.
Experience suggests that the timeframe of an incubation programme to produce tangible results is a
minimum 18 months per intake. Funding for incubation could come from government or private sector
partners or a combination of both, as has been the case with the Knysna Municipality LED

8. Funding Models
There are several investment requirements for unlocking the full value of the value chain, that, while
outside the direct costs, will be the difference between success and failure. Specialised or impact
funding may be the best route to explore. The focus is on cultivating a low carbon economy. This
can become a key and effective driver for the private sector to invest in the biomass value chain.

The various costing models for the business model include consideration of:

● Subsidised feedstock arising from government investment in clearing alien invasive plants
e.g., the public works programme.
● Commercially funded harvesting (no government subsidy, manufacturer pay R𝑥 per tonne).
This is also highlighted as a potential risk regarding ownership of AIP biomass after clearing.
● Incorporating the cost of clearing through “biomasspreneurs” into the value of the resulting
● Transactional mechanisms associated with the products, and beneficiaries.
● Carbon funding
● Impact investment

BAW Business 2
Payment for Ecosystem Services
Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) opportunities with the local municipalities where the water
gained through alien clearing could be offset through a payment scheme that re-invests in further
ecosystem restoration activities must be explored. In the Keurbooms and Karata Catchment, the
business case for PES has outlined possible economic instruments that are feasible. However, the
exact location and community, as well as the proposed end market for the product will determine final
implementation. For a successful PES programme, the financial incentives as well as ecological
benefits need to be realised. For AIP clearing in the area, the specific PES instruments proposed29

Water tariffs - AIP clearing Disaster regulation - Fire Habitat support - Alien
water charge risk premium. Clearing Incentive
Best case, the cost of clearing Removal of AIPs will mitigate A contentious approach.
provides a minimum water the fire risk in the area = Suggests biodiversity
charge which is equivalent to reduce insurance risk credit trading,
R1,00 /kl. premiums. which could realise the
Estimated potential value of Dependant on cooperation benefits that are indirect to
additional water: between amongst landowners as well economic decision-
R25,1 and R307,3 million as between landowners and a making, such as ecosystem
per year. collective of insurers. integrity and indigenous
species resilience.

Carbon financing for BAW

Carbon trading and tax can develop an alternative revenue stream for the Karatara and Keurbooms
community. Carbon finance could provide a dual source of income and investment; firstly, from the
sale of carbon credits, most notably in the Voluntary Emissions Reductions (VER) market, and
secondly from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental Social Governance (ESG)
financing of one or more business enterprises within the BAW production value chain.

Carbon credits
For BAW production activities to access carbon finance, project registration needs to take place under
the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS). The VCS has an existing soil carbon methodology that is applied
and a VCS methodology for biochar and related products is in the process of being developed. It is
expected that there will be some overlap between the new biochar methodology and the existing soil
carbon methodology, however the biochar methodology is only set to be completed by September
2021.30 Once the VCS biochar methodology is in place a better estimate will be available for the value
of a carbon credit per ton of biochar, activated carbon or wood vinegar applied.

 The qualifying emissions reduction activity is the application of the product (i.e., BAW) and not
simply production thereof.
 The VCS requires that transparent communication and engagement takes place with members
of the public or any stakeholder directly affected (whether positively or negatively) by the BAW
production process and product application. The principle is that no nett harm (social,
environmental, economic) is caused by a VCS certified project.
 The emissions produced during the biochar production process will also be accounted for in the
new biochar methodology currently in development stage. It is estimated that, in terms of the
existing VCS soil carbon methodology, a carbon credit is worth approximately R350 per tonne
biochar or activated carbon applied.

BAW Business 2
Carbon Tax
Carbon Tax Act was promulgated in June 2019. Provision is made for a range of phase-in allowances.
Government activities appear not to be exempt prima facie, but the Commissioner is empowered to
prescribe modifications to the implementation by publication of rules.

Mitigation and offsets: Biochar in the soil reduces atmospheric greenhouse gases by at least four

● Perdurable sequestration of atmospheric CO2 in the form of recalcitrant elemental quasi-

graphitic carbon in the soil.
● Cycled sequestration of atmospheric CO2 in the form of the carbon fraction of incremental
quantities of plant material and macro- and microbiota.
● Reduced emissions of CH4 and N2O from soil.
● Reduced emissions of Green House Gasses (GHGs) attributable to the reduced or eliminated
consumption of synthetic fertilizers and fossil fuels for tilling.

Carbon sequestration opportunities

Alien vegetation biomass is considered to be carbon neutral 31, which is increasingly important for
industries that need to offset their carbon footprint. Biochar production could have global potential for
annual sequestration of atmospheric CO2 at the billion-tonne scale per year, within 30 years. It is identified,
however, that the underlying evidence arises mainly from small-scale studies that do not support
generalisation to all locations and all types of biochar (Sohi et al., 2009). The case for carbon
sequestration depends on several variables and requires a source to sink systems evaluation. AIPs are
mapped against the Carbon Sinks Atlas (CSA), a web-based data and information tool aimed at
providing spatial distribution of carbon stocks and fluxes across South Africa.

Carbon offset
National government has been requested, in terms of the Carbon Tax Act, to introduce norms and
standards for a South African carbon trading mechanism. One of the outcomes of this process could
enable the exchange of carbon credits on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) and trading
opportunities in the ESG market in future.32

9. Recommendations
 A key recommendation from this project is that the budget allocation for the pilot project must
include commissioning of a further detailed, fine scale AIP density assessment at both
compartment- level (MUCP) as well as cadastral-level in the Karatara catchment.
 The prospective density assessment must include cadastral-level data, such as property
ownership, and willingness to participate in clearing initiatives, to aid the planning of the alien
clearing priorities, compliance monitoring, and follow-up clearing and ecological restoration
 The proposed model relies on tried-and-tested technologies. Not only will this support the
localisation and job creation strategy taking local context into account, but it will also facilitate
a more responsive support and maintenance system. This approach ensures a diversified
revenue model beyond direct product sales to sales and/or licensing of technology, support
and maintenance of these systems and training programs.

BAW Business 2
Acronyms and initialisms
Abbreviation Definition
AIP Alien Invasive Plants
BAW biochar, activated carbon, and wood vinegar
CSA Carbon Sinks Atlas
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
DEADP Department Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
DEDAT Department Economic Development and Tourism
DFFE Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment
EI Ecological Infrastructure
EPWP Extended Public Works Programme
ESG Environmental Social Governance

GHG Green House Gas

JSE Johannesburg Stock Exchange
LED Local Economic Development
MAR mean annual run-off
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets
MUCP Management Unit Control Plans

PES Payment for Ecosystem Services

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

SANParks South African National Parks

SuDS Sustainable Drainage Systems
RFQ Request for Quotation
VAI Value-added industries
VCS Verified Carbon Standard
VER Voluntary Emissions Reductions
WMA Water Management Authority
WV Wood vinegar

Glossary of terms
Term Definition
Is characterized as a carbonaceous material with a highly porous internal structure, which is usually
Activated carbon derived from the pyrolysis and chemical treatment of sources including wood, coal, nutshells,

BAW Business 2
and other organic materials. The activation process, usually performed at high temperature by
chemical or steam treatment, generates an extensive porous network within the carbonaceous
Biochar is manufactured by burning various organic material in a reduced or oxygen free
environment through a process of pyrolysis. The product can be used as an energy source, used in
water treatment, added to animal feed and chicken litter, and in many other applications. One of
the main interests in biochar globally is in its potential to be applied to the land, thereby both
capturing the carbon in the biochar for extensive periods of time, and at the same time improving
Biochar soil quantity whilst facilitating plant growth.
Coppicing is a traditional method of woodland management which exploits the capacity of many
species of trees to put out new shoots from their stump or roots if cut down. In a coppiced wood,
which is called a copse, young tree stems are repeatedly cut down to near ground level, resulting
in a stool. New growth emerges, and after a few years, the coppiced tree is harvested, and the
Coppicing cycle begins anew.
Benefits people obtain from ecosystems. These include provisioning services such as food, water,
timber, and fibre; the regulating services that affect climate, floods, disease, wastes and water
quality; cultural services that provide recreational, aesthetic, and spiritual benefits, and supporting
Ecosystem services services such as soil formation, photosynthesis, and nutrient cycling.

Green recovery An economic recovery (post-covid) based on environmental and social benefit
An approach to collaboration where the industries function like a hive. Close proximity. Based on
Hive approach the idea of a hive industries.
Industrial symbiosis is the identification and realisation of business opportunities enabled by utilising
unused or residual resources (materials, energy, water, assets, logistics, expertise) to enhance and
add value to business profitability and sustainability (GreenCape, 2017). Contemporary discourse
Industrial symbiosis refers to this activity as circularity within an economy (aka circular economy)(Ellen MacArthur
Foundation, 2013).
The top 10 invasive alien plants affecting the Western Cape
are: Rooikrans
Black wattle
Port Jackson
Silky hakea
Long-leafed wattle
Australian myrtle
Spider gum
Invasive alien plants pine

Rehabilitation The continued actions required for the restoration of an impacted system

Restoration The renewal of ecological functionality (in this report restoration is synonymous with IAP clearing)
This term (henceforth abbreviated to WV) is the default and is useful in the current report, but
elsewhere it may be referred to as “pyrolysis liquids… pyrolysis oil, bio-oil, bio-crude-oil, bio-fuel-
oil, wood liquids, wood oil, liquid smoke, wood distillates, pyroligneous tar, pyroligneous acid, and
liquid wood” (von Doderer, 2012). The WV will be extracted from the process at the specified
Wood vinegar temperatures to meet specific product application specifications.

BAW Business 2

1 Western Cape Government. (2018) Business Case for Karatara and Keurbooms River Catchments
2 Ibid.
3Personal communication with Dr William Stafford (CSIR), has provided us with a high-level guide
on available, potentially viable biomass from alien invasive species (16 February 2021)
4Personal communication with Knysna Municipality, Planning and Economic Development
Directorate, Manager Environmental Management, Ms Pamela Booth (25 February 2021)
5 Personal communication with Knysna Municipality, Planning and Economic Development
Directorate, Manager Environmental Management, Ms Pamela Booth (25 February 2021)
6 Personal communication with Knysna Municipality, Planning and Economic Development

Directorate, Manager Environmental Management, Ms Pamela Booth (25 February 2021)

7 Western Cape Department Environmental Affairs and Development Planning. (2018) BUSINESS CASE
8 https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/biochar-market [Accessed 12 March 2021].
9 Dasnamibia.org. 2021. Kick-start for Biochar Value Chain: Practical Guidelines for Producers Now

Published. [online] Available at: <https://www.dasnamibia.org/practical-guidelines-for-producers-now-

published/> [Accessed 15 February 2021].
10 http://biowise.org.za/biomimicry/exciting-water-sensitive-design-seminar/ [Accessed 10 March 2021]
11 https://www.grandviewresearch.com/press-release/global-activated-carbon-market [Accessed 12
March 2021]
12 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, 2007. Best Practice Guideline H4: Water Treatment.

13 TOMA-Now Biomass Beneficiation Case Study (2016)

https://www.toma-now.com/portfolio-item/biomass- beneficiation/ (Accessed 28 February 2021)
14 ibid.
15 https://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/67-billion-wood-vinegar-market-to-2022---research-
and- markets-611957455.html [Accessed 12 March 2021]
16 Kim, D. H. et al. (2008) ‘Effects of wood vinegar mixed with insecticides on the mortalities of

nilaparvata lugens and laodelphax striatellus (homoptera: Delphacidae)’, Animal Cells and Systems,
12(1), pp. 47–52. doi: 10.1080/19768354.2008.9647153.
17 Chalermsan, Y. and Peerapan, S. (2009) ‘Wood vinegar: by-product from rural charcoal kilns and its
in plant protection’, Asian Journal of Food and AGro-Industry, (189–195), pp. 189–195.
18Wagiman, F. X., Ardiansyah, A. and Witjaksono, W. (2014) ‘Activity of coconut-shell liquid-smoke as
an insecticide on the rice brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens)’, ARPN Journal of Agricultural and
Biological Science, 9(9), pp. 293–296.
19 Rahmat, B., Kurniati, F. and Hartini, E. (2015) ‘Mahogany Wood-Waste Vinegar as Larvacide for
litura’, BioResources, 10(4), pp. 6741–6750. doi: 10.15376/biores.10.4.6741-6750.
20Yamauchi, K. et al. (2014) ‘Exterminating effect of wood vinegar to red mites and its safety to
Egyptian Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery, 51(3), pp. 327–332. doi:
21 Sulaiman, O. et al. (2005) ‘The inhibition of microbial growth by bamboo vinegar’, 4(1), pp. 71–80.
22Ashari, H. and Tsuyoshi, O. (2013) ‘Antifungal and antitermitic activities of wood vinegar from Vitex
pubescens Vahl’, pp. 344–350. doi: 10.1007/s10086-013-1340-8.
23Hou, X. et al. (2018) ‘Chemical constituents and antimicrobial activity of wood vinegars at different
pyrolysis temperature ranges obtained from Eucommia ulmoides Olivers branches’, RSC Advances.
Royal Society of Chemistry, 8(71), pp. 40941–40949. doi: 10.1039/C8RA07491G.
24 Choi, J. Y. et al. (2009) ‘Effect of wood vinegar on the performance, nutrient digestibility and
intestinal microflora in weanling pigs’, Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 22(2), pp. 267–
274. doi: 10.5713/ajas.2009.80355.
25Chemosphere 12/2019 Xiang et al. A sustainable ferromanganese biochar adsorbent for effective
levofloxacin removal from aqueous medium. DOI 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124464
26 https://www.freshfruitportal.com/news/2019/08/05/south-african-blueberry-industry-forecasts-
soaring- growth/ (accessed 18 March 2021)
27 https://www.internationalblueberry.org/2019/06/28/big-changes-ahead-for-south-african-
blueberry- industry/ (28/06/2019) [Accessed 8 March 2021]
28 Western Cape Government. (2018) Business Case for Karatara and Keurbooms River Catchments
29Western Cape Department Environmental Affairs and Development Planning. (2018) BUSINESS
30 Communication: Promethium Carbon, 4 March 2021
31 https://www.nedbank.co.za/content/nedbank/desktop/gt/en/news/nedbankstories/affinity-
projects/2017/fresh-water-and-new-business-from-alien-biomass.html (Accessed 18 March 2021)
32 Communication: Promethium Carbon, 4 March 2021

BAW Business Model

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