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Health Issues in Football: Concussions Brain Injury National Health Interview Survey Memory Loss Dementia

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Health issues in football

Players in the National Football League have a high risk of brain-related injuries. The Concussions Committee of the NFL co-chaired by !r. "ra Casson has generally denied that concussions result in #ermanent brain injury. Ho$ever there is research re#orted in %&&' $hich using #hone intervie$s based on the National Health "ntervie$ (urvey sho$ed increased incidence of diagnosis of memory loss and dementia among retired #rofessional football #layers. (uch sym#toms are believed related to the effects of concussion. This finding is considered significant because such injuries may #otentially affect high school and college #layers also. (ince then commissioner )oger *oodell has become an advocate for increased research on brain injuries and long term disorders and called for a change of cultured needed in the league. Vocabulary Players=jucatorii Have a high risk=au un mare risc Brain-related =in legatura cu creierul Injuries=rani,leziuni

Denied =a res inge !oncussions =lovituri "esult =rezultat Brain-injury =leziune la creier Ho#ever =totusi$oricum "esearch =cercetare$documentare "e orted =a ra ortat Increased =a crescut$a s orit Incidence =incidente Diagnosis =diagnostic %emory loss = ierdere de memorie Dementia =dementa &mong = e langa "etired =retras 'uch sym toms=ast(el$aceste sim tome Believed = a crezut "elated = legate de$in legatura cu )his (inding = aceasta constatare$gasire 'igni(icant =semni(icativa %ay otentially = oate otential High 'chool* layers+ = jucatori de liceu !ollege* layers+ = studenti jucatori 'ince then = de atunci !ommissioner = comisar$ membru al unei comisii

Has become =a devenit An advocate = un avocat/un sustinator Long term = pe termen lung Disorder = tulburare Cultured = educat Needed=necesar

Exercise 1 Matc eac sport !it t e correct !ord "

American#$ootball% andball% s&'diving%scuba diving%

As&ing (uestions !it )HA* and )H+,-E a. ) at is t is/ t ing.0% it1s a pen b. ) o is t at/man.0% * at1s Mr2Lee c. ) at are t ose /t ings.0%* ose1re pens d. ) o are /t e'.0% * e'1re Mr and Mrs Lee2 )HA* as&s about t ings2 ) o as&s about people 34n 5uestions !it )H+ and )HA* 46 is $ollo!ed b' a singular !ord A7E is $ollo!ed b' plural !ords

E8E7C46E 2 Complete t e 5uestions !it ! at or ! o and is or are2 A " ) o is t at !oman0 -" 6 e is m' sister 6on'a2 A"999999 t ose t ings0 -"* e'1re ballpoint2 A"999922 t at0 -"* at1s Ms2)alens&i2 A"99999t is0 -"* at1s m' ne! noteboo&2 A"Loo& at t ose people over t ere 99992t e'0

-"41m not sure:but 4 t in& t e'1re ne! students $rom * ailand2 A"9999'our name0 -"Max A"9999 'our grammar teac er0 -"Mr2Coo& A"999992 ;our $avourite teac ers0 -"Mr2 Coo& and Ms 7osenberg2 E8E7C46E <2 Complete t e sentence !it am%is or are2 =se not i$ necessar'2 12 Lemons 99922 vegetables 22 A lemon 9992 a &ind o$ $ruit2 <2 49999 $rom =nited 6tates2 >2 )e9992 Human beings/$iin?e umane.2 @2 Eggs99 ovals/ovale.2 A2 C ic&ens99992birds:but bats/lilieci.9999birds2 B2 6alt999 s!eet26ugar999992 s!eet C2 6occer/$otbalul.9992 A sport D2 6occer and bas&etball999922 sports2 1E2A$rica9992a countr'24t 999922 a continent2 Exercise >2

Complete sentences 1#B using !ords a#g2 12 =n$ortunatel':41m not9992 at mat s2 22 41m sorr' to sa' t at 41m992 at an' &ind o$ sport2 <2 4 can s!im 922 >2 4 t in& 41m a 9922 tennis pla'er24 usuall' !in ! en 4 pla'2 @2 4 don1t $ind learning languages 922 but 4 enFo' t e lessons2 A2 M' teac er sa's 4 ave a 999222 $or !riting s ort stories 2 B2 41m 9992 at remembering t ings2 4 ave to !rite ever't ing do!n2 a2 prett' good G destul de bine b2 completel' useless G complet inutil c2 particularl' good G deosebit de bun d2 real gi$t Gun ar /talent adevarat e2 abosolutel' opeless G absolute/$oarte neaFutorat $2 ver' eas' G$oarte usor g2 5uite !ell G destul de bine Exercise @ Hut in order t e next !ords " 12 He/'ou/later/probabl'/call/!ill2 22 possibl'/)e/!ill/out/$ind/tomorro!2 <2 e/bac&/be/no!/Ma'be/!ill2 >2 tomorro!1s/come/it/in/post/!ill per aps2 Exercise A

Ans!er t ese 5uestions2 a. o! man' music concerts ave 'ou been to0 b. Have 'ou seen 'our $avourite band pla'0 c. Has it rained toda' 0


6ingular 1st person 2nd person <rd person 4 tal& ;ou tal& 6 e tal&s He tal&s

Hlural !e tal& ;ou tal& * e' tal&

3* e verb a$ter" e%s e%it/<rd person singular. as $inal Gs" tal&s2

4t rains a. 4 eat brea&$ast ever' morning2 b. +lga spea&s Englis ever' da' 2 c. )e sleep ever' nig t2 d. * e' go to t e beac ever' !ee&end2 * e simple present=preKentul simplu exprima obiceiuri2 Eating brea&$ast /a manca micul deFun. este un obicei:o activitate de obicei Ever' morning=Monda' morning/in $iecare dimineata=luni dimineata.

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