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SOP 829 - 032 Check-Reset KEMS, Crownomatic

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Revision 1

Date: April 2010 Peop e! Driller, NTP or STP, AD. E"#ip$en%! Crownomatic, draworks, blocks, drillers controls, and TD. &o'(%ion! i! "loor and derrick CROWN-O-)ATIC TEST PROCED*RE 1+ T#e C,o-n-O-)(%i' s#all be tested dail$ b$ eac# Driller and witnessed b$ t#e Toolp%s#er. T#is s#o%ld be done immediatel$ %pon t#e be!innin! o" eac# to%r. An entr$ s#all be made on t#e &ADC eport ' .C,o-n-O-)(%i' Tes%e/0+ ()ceptions to t#is are as "ollows: St%ck Pipe *+Ps Closed ,ire-.ine Task %nnin! Casin! i! Down i! /o0e ,#ene0er an$ o" t#e abo0e operations are in pro!ress, t#e test will be postponed onl$ %ntil completion o" t#e 1ob in pro!ress. 2+ A pre-determinate settin! m%st be determined, takin! into consideration t#e p#$sical meas%rements o" t#e e2%ipment in0ol0ed, and t#e a0era!e len!t# o" t#e drill strin! section bein! #andled. 3+ aise t#e block slowl$ %ntil t#e C,o-n-O-)(%i' trips or %ntil t#e block is abo0e t#e determinate ele0ation. 1+ &" t#e de0ice trips, c#eck t#e meas%rements to reass%re t#e correct distance is bein! maintained. 2+ &" t#e de0ice does not trip, make t#e necessar$ repairs. &" t#e repairs cannot be made immediatel$, warn e0er$one t#e C,o-n-O-)(%i' is not in operation. Complete a Pe,$i% %o Wo,3 and a T(s3 Ris3 Assess$en%. 4+ ,#en t#e repairs are made, rec#eck t#e de0ice completel$ and rec#eck all meas%rements. 5+ e-set and test t#e C,o-n-O-)(%i' eac# time t#e drill line is slipped or c%t. Paint a mark on t#e draworks co0er to indicate t#e normal position o" t#e C,o-nO-)(%i'. 8+ &" "or an$ reason t#e C,o-n-O-)(%i' de0ice does not trip at t#e intended settin! or is tripped inad0ertentl$, t#e operation m%st be stopped and an in0esti!ation cond%cted to determine t#e ca%se. +nce t#e ca%se is determined, repairs, replacement or reacti0ation can be carried o%t. T#e C,o-n-O-)(%i' m%st t#en be tested in accordance wit# t#e abo0e proced%re. T#ese actions s#all be doc%mented in a report to t#e i! S%perintendent. 9+ *e"ore t#e C,o-n-O-)(%i' is disabled in order to cond%ct special or %n%s%al operation, s%c# as #andlin! e)tra lon! *3As etc., t#e Toolp%s#er s#all be contacted and #e s#all s%per0ise t#e T(s3 Ris3 Assess$en% to be carried o%t b$ t#e drillin! crew members in0ol0ed. T#e Toolp%s#er s#all be stationed on t#e ri! 1-2


Revision 1

"loor and s#all ass%me "%ll responsibilit$ "or s%per0isin! all special or %n%s%al operations %ntil s%c# time as t#e C,o-n-O-)(%i' is reacti0ated, tested and reset in accordance wit# t#e abo0e proced%re. 10+ A ri! speci"ic SOP and TRA is re2%ired to test and secondar$ *lock Control S$stem "itted on $o%r ri!. Test proced%re and "re2%enc$ to be de0eloped.


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