Tank Foundation Rev 01
Tank Foundation Rev 01
Tank Foundation Rev 01
Demineralised water Storage tanks for DUBAL Structural integrity check for Water Tank Foundation CS - 001 Rev 01
A Introduction This design calculation report covers the structural integrity check for the existing Water Tank foundation. B Reference documents KET40M-------K11EA001-G KET40M-G07 2A- CE 001 C Codes and Standards API 650 PIP STE03020
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Demineralised Water Tank GA drawing. Demi Water Storage - Outline,Reinforcement and BBS
Welded Tank for Oil Storage Guidelines for Tank Foundation Designs
D Design Assumptions Due to lack of geotechnical information the allowable bearing capacity of soil at 1.0m below the ground level is assumed to be 150 kN/m and no settlement analysis is being perfomed. The angle of friction of soil is assumed to be 30 The design of this foundation is performed with respect to the specifications given in API 650 The size of tank anchor bolts considered for the design check is 27 dia grade 8.8 bolts E Input Loads a. Dead weight,operating weight and hydrotest weights of the tank are taken from drawing no. KET40M-------K11EA001-G
F Design procedure a. b. c. d. e. f. G Conclusions a. The size of the ringwall provided is satisfactory with respect to stability checks. However Overturning Stability of the tank has been checked with a factor of safety of 1.5 as per BS codes,but the FOS of 2 specified in API code is not satisfied with this crossection b. The bearing pressure under the seiemic load case induces tension, hence the base width provided is not sufficeint. c. As minimum steel requirements govern for this crossection , the provided reinforcement is not adequate. Also the bond strength of the anchor bolts are not suffiecient to counteract the uplift forces induced by seismic loads. Bearing Pressure check under the ringwall footing Stability checks which include overturning and sliding Calculation of Hoop reinforcement Calculation of additional horizontal reinforcement for twisting moment Calculation of Vertical reinforcement Adequacy check for Tank Anchorage.
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Demineralised water Storage tanks for DUBAL Structural integrity check for Water Tank Foundation CS - 001 Rev 01
1 BASIC INPUT DATA Thickness of Base Plate Density of Steel Internal Design Pressure Angle of friction of soil Co-efficient of Active Earth Pressure Co-efficient of Passive Earth Pressure Co-efficient of Earth Pressure at Rest Characteristic Compressive Strength of Concrete Fcu Design tensile strength of steel Fy Density of Concrete Density of Soil Density of fuel/water (test condition) Co-efficient of friction between soil and concrete Cover to reinforcement in Ringwall & Footing tbp st Ka Kp K Fcu Fy c soil w 6 78.5 0 30 0.33 3 0.5 40 460 24 20 10 0.4 75 mm kN/m kN/m
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Refer Consultant Drawing Description Empty Weight Operating Weight Hydrotest Weight
2 TANK INPUT DATA Mean Diameter of Tank Height of Tank Shell Empty Weight of Tank Roof Live Load Hydrotest Weight of Tank Lateral Force due to Wind Load (Tank Empty) Overturning Moment due to Wind Load (Tank Empty) Lateral force due to seismic load (Hydrostatic Weight) Overturning moment due to Seismic Load (Hydrostatic Weight) Vertical earthquake acceleration coefficient, 3 RING WALL FOOTING DIMENSIONS & PROPERTIES 0.5 Dow D H We Wh Fw Mw Feh Meh Av 8.00 11.20 175.00 1 5775 262 524 606 2679 0.0735 m m kN kN/m kN kN kN kN kNm Refer Appendix A
1.5 m
7.40 m Dib
b 9.00 m Dob Width of Ring wall footing Base Width of Ringwall Thickness of ringwall footing base Total height of Ringwall including footing Length of ringwall projection inside the tank Outer diameter of footing base Inner diameter of footing base Outer diameter of ringwall Inner diameter of ringwall Clear cover to the reinforcement in Ring wall and Footing
m m m m m m m m m mm
Sectional properties Area of ring wall foundation base Area of Ringwall Weight of ringwall foundation Area of soil enclosed by Ringwall Area of soil enclosed by Ringwall footing Area enclosed by Tank
Ab Aw Wftg A A A
m m kN m m m
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Demineralised water Storage tanks for DUBAL Structural integrity check for Water Tank Foundation CS - 001 Rev 01
Loads and Moments on the ring wall 1. Vertical Loads Fliud Load Weight of Fluid Fluid Pressure at the base of tank Fluid load on ringwall footing Tank Load Empty weight of tank on ringwall footing Internal pressure inside tank Uplift pressure inside the tank Uplift force inside the tank Dead Weight of ringwall Weight of ringwall foundation Live Load on Roof Live load on tank roof 2. Moments at base of the ringwall Moment at base due to wind load Additional moment at ringwall footing bottom due to wind force (Empty Weight) Mwa = Fw * h Total wind moment at the ring wall footing bottom (Empty Weight) Mwind = Mw + Mwa Moment at base due to seismic load Additional moment at ring wall footing bottom due to seismic force (Hydrostatic weight) Meha = Feh * h Total earthquake moment at the ring footing bottom (Hydrostatic weight) Met = Meh + Meha Allowable bearing capacity of soil Allowable bearing capacity of soil under lateral loads (25% extra) Allowable bearing capacity of soil under seismic loads (33% extra) 3 BEARING PRESSURE CHECK Load combinations for Bearing presuure check Load combination 1 : Dead Load + Operating Load+live load Load combination 2 : Dead load + Wind Load Load combination 3 : 0.9 Dead Load(1+0.4Av) + 0.9 Operating(1+0.4A)+ Seismic Load a. Bearing Pressure check under ringwall base Fluid load on ringwall footing, P1 Empty weight of tank on ringwall footing,Wet Uplift force inside the tank,Fu Weight of ringwall foundation,Wftg Live load on tank roof,WI Moment at base due to wind load,Mwind Moment at base due to seismic load,Met P= Bearing Pressure under the base P/b +(1,273 x M/D^2 x b), Pmax Pmin b. Bearing Pressure check under tank base Weight of Bottom Plate Weight of Fluid Moment at base due to wind load,Mwind Moment at base due to seismic load,Met P= Bearing Pressure under the base Pmax/A3 +(M/( D^3/32)), Pmax Pmin LC 1 24.00 4775.75 LC 1 824.25 175.00 0 741.92 50.27 LC2 175.00 741.92 917.00 1791.43 86.93 86.93 OK !!!! 916.92 67.29 21.69 OK !!! 3588.00 1613.12 167.48 -10.94 Not Ok!!! LC3 763.63 162.13 687.36
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Wf P
175.00 kN
Fu = Pu * A
Pu Fu
0.00 kN/m 0 kN
741.92 kN
50.27 kN
Meha Meht
909.00 kNm 3588.00 kNm 200 kN/m 250 kN/m 266 kN/m
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Demineralised water Storage tanks for DUBAL Structural integrity check for Water Tank Foundation CS - 001 Rev 01
4 STABILITY CHECKS a. Overturning Check Case 1 : Wind Load with Tank Empty Overturning Moment Resisting Moment Mr = (Wet + self weight of Ringwall Ftg - Fu)*(Dob/2) Factor of Safety Mr/Mo
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M Mr
Case 2 : Earthquake Load with Tank Full Overturning Moment Resisting Moment Mr =(Wet + Wftg + P - Fu)*(Dob/2) Factor of Safety Mr/Mo b. Sliding Check (Passive pressure neglected for sliding resistance calculations - conservative approach) Case 1 : Wind Load with Tank Empty Sliding Force (Lateral force due to wind - Tank Empty) Resisting Force Fr = * (Wet + Wftg - Fu) Factor of Safety Fr/Fs Case 2 : Earthquake Load with Tank Full Sliding Force Lateral force due to Earthquake - Tank Full Resisting Force Fr = * (Wet + Wftg + Wf - Fu) * (1+0.4Av) Factor of Safety Fr/Fs 5 DESIGN OF REINFORCEMENT a. Circumferential Reinforcement (Hoop Reinforcement)
M Mr
Fs Fr
Fs Fr
K h
soil * K * h w * K * h Tensile force 'T' in ring wall foundation due to hoop tnesion and surcharge load Hoope Tension T =Rhk (P1 + -ys x h/2) = 350.783477 Design ultimate Tensile Force Tult = 1.6 * T Tult 561.25 kN Area of hoop reinforcement required Ast = Tult/(.9xFy) Ast 1355.68 mm As per Clause B.4.2.3, The hoop steel area required for temperature changes and shrinkage is 0.0025 times the vertical cross-sectional area Minimum area of reingforcement to be provided Ast min 3000 mm Required area of steel for taking Hoop Tension Ast reqd 3000.00 mm Provide Provide T 10 T 20 39 Nos. 10 Nos. 20 on each face 5 on each face
b. Additional Horizontal Reinforcement for Twist Twist Force due to eccentricity of fluid load and dead wt of tank on inside horizontal projection of ringwall and ringwall footing base Addition of seismic moment Seismic moment / meter of the ring wall = (1.273 x Meh)/D^2 Eccentricity of seismic load Uniform fluid load on inside horizontal projection of ring wall and base Addition of vertical seismic acceleration to the fliud load = (Pf x 0.4 x Av) Total fluid load on ringwall Eccentricity of fluid load from centre of footing Uniform weight of tank on inside horizontal projection of wall and base Addition of vertical seismic acceleration to the tank weight = (Wd x 0.4 x Av) Total tank weight on ringwall Eccentricity of Tank load Meh = es= Pf = P/ D = = ef = Wd = = et = 2679.00 kNm 53.29 kN/m 0.10 m 32.80 0.96 33.76 0.25 6.96 0.20 7.17 0.10 15.48 63.47 0.0010 0.9999 0.95 113.73 kN /m kN /m kN /m m kN /m kN/m kN /m m kNm/m kNm d d mm2
Twist Moment /m Mt= ( 1.2 x Pf x ef)+(1.2 x Wd x et)+(1.4 x seismic moment/m x es) Total twist moment on ring beam Mtotal = Mt (R-L+(b/2) Bending moment Factor k= Lever Arm Z= 0.5d+(.25+K/0.9)^0.5 Take Ast required = (MT/0.9fyz)
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Demineralised water Storage tanks for DUBAL Structural integrity check for Water Tank Foundation CS - 001 Rev 01
Provide T 10 -
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c. Vertical Reinforcement (Minimum Temperature and Shrinkage Steel) As per clause B.4.2.3 of API 650 ,The vertical steel area required for temperature changes and shrinkage is 0.0012 times the horizontal cross-sectional area of the ringwall Minimum Rft = 960.00 mm2 Provide T 16 5 Nos. at spacing of Summary of steel reinforcement Total horizontal reinforecment =Twist Steel+Hoop Steel Twist Steel Hoop Steel Vertical reinforcement
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BAL 26.07.2012
ormation the allowable bearing capacity of soil at 1.0m below the ground level is assumed to be 150 kN/m and no settlement analysis is being
d is satisfactory with respect to stability checks. However Overturning Stability of the tank has been checked with a factor of
s govern for this crossection , the provided reinforcement is not adequate. Also the bond strength of the anchor bolts are not
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BAL 26.07.2012
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BAL 26.07.2012
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BAL 26.07.2012
1.5 Ok!
1.5 Ok!
1.4 Ok!
1.4 Ok!
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