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Fundamentals of Financial Management 2: Syllabus

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Fundamentals of Financial Management 2

Credit units Code Facilitator Office 3 units MAN2102 Dr. Setiyono, M.Si M.Sc & Doctoral Pro ra! Faculty "cono!ics and #usiness, $ni%ersitas &ad'a( Mada )o ya*arta, +ndonesia ,,2-1 P(one . /02 -1121--10 e2!ail . styna(!ad3ya(oo.co! 5it( a66oint!ent MAN2101 4(e course is t(e continuation of Financial Mana e!ent 1 course 5(ic( introduces students to t(e conce6t of financial !ana e!ent of 8usiness cor6orations. 4(erefore it starts 5it( t(e re%ie5 of so!e funda!ental conce6ts on financial !ana e!ent re ardin t(e conce6t of %alue and ris*. 4(en t(e role of s(are(olders in lar e cor6oration is discussed 6articularly in cor6orate o%ernance conte9t and (o5 to o8tain financin t(rou ( %enture ca6ital and initial 6u8lic offerin :+PO;. <o5 !uc( fir! s(ould 8orro5 :financin decisions; is discussed in ca6ital structure t(eories follo5ed 8y 6ayout :di%idend; 6olicy. Since financial transactions in cor6oration are recorded in financial state!ents, financial analysis and 6lannin 8ased on t(ose state!ents follo5s t(e discussion. S6ecial to6ics in cor6orate finance, 2 !er ers, international financial !ana e!ent, o6tion, and ris* !ana e!ent 2, are also discussed. Finally it ended 5it( t(e conclusions, 5(at 5e *no5 and do not *no5 in finance. After co!6letion of t(is course, students are e96ected to 8e a8le to. 1. $nderstand t(e role of s(are(olders in lar e cor6oration and in t(e conte9t of cor6orate o%ernance. 2. "96lain (o5 to o8tain e9ternal financin t(rou ( %enture ca6ital and +PO. 3. Distin uis( conce6ts, ad%anta e and disad%anta e ty6es of ca6ital sources for fir!s in different c(aracteristic of ris* and return, and industries. >. $nderstand ca6ital structure t(eories and 6ayout 6olicy, e%aluate and !a*e decision 8ased on t(e t(eories ,. Analy?e and 6lan financial conditions of cor6oration 8ased on financial state!ent infor!ation. 0. Analy?e s6ecial to6ics in cor6orate finance, i.e. !er ers, international financial !ana e!ent, o6tion, and ris* !ana e!ent.

Consultation 4i!e Prere7uisite Course Descri6tion

=earnin O8'ecti%es

#oo* and @eadin Material StudentsB @es6onsi8ilities

1. #realey, @ic(ard A, Ste5art C. Myers, and Alan A. Marcus. :2012;, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance. 1t( ed., Mc&ra52<ill, +nternational "dition. 2. Additional !aterials 5ill 8e distri8uted later. Class participation. Students are (i (ly e96ected to contri8ute ideas, t(ou (ts, e96eriences, and ar u!ent to t(e class discussion. Alt(ou ( o%er%ie5s of *ey 6oints and issues 5ill 8e 6ro%ided, 5e stron ly reco!!end t(at students co!6re(end t(e !aterials in details, raise 7uestions and ideas, and create a Cli%elyD class, !eanin t(at you !ust read and 6re6are readin s assi ned 6rior to co!in to t(e class. #esides, students are encoura ed to raise co!!ents on, 7uestions, or criti7ues to t(e ot(er 6resentin rou6s. Predicted on F"# $&M re ulation, students are re7uired to attend 100E of total lectures (eld. Any %iolations a ainst t(is rule !ay render t(e final rade 6enali?ed.
Acade!ic !isconductFdis(onesty :c(eatin and 6la iaris!; 5ould lead to serious acade!ic 6enalty. Students are e96ected to 8e(a%e as a !ature and decent 6eo6le.


Acade!ic conduct and 8e(a%ior.

=earnin !et(od

An experiential approach. Continuously and consistently, students are assi ned to construct e96eriential o8ser%ations on !ana erial cases and 6ractices, and su8se7uently re6ort t(e findin s to t(e instructor. Internet exploration. Students are encoura ed to (arness t(e ad%ance!ent of infor!ation tec(nolo y in e96lorin *no5led e and o66ortunities. @e!e!8er t(at in current circu!stances, a cle%er 6erson is not s(e 8ein a8le to ans5er all 7uestionsG rat(er, it *no5s 5(ere to find ans5ers. Case analysis. Student 5ill 8e rando!ly distri8uted into rou6s. #esides functionin as a discussion foru!, t(e rou6 is re7uired to su8!it a case 5rite2u6 6resentation. +t is e96ected t(at t(e student 5or*s dili ently on t(ese cases so as to a66ly t(eoretical conce6ts to real 6ro8le!s and de%elo6 studentsB analytical and 6ro8le! sol%in s*ills. 4(e len t( of t(e case 5rite2u6 !ust not e9ceed ten 6a es of A>2si?ed 6a6er, not includin fi ures, ta8les, c(arts, or ot(er a66endices. 4(e re6ort (as to 8e ty6e5ritten 5it( 1.,2s6aced te9t syste!. Huantitati%e analysis su66ortin reco!!endations !ay 8e attac(ed in a66endices 5(ilst fi ures, ta8le, or c(arts su!!ari?in t(e 7uantitati%e analyses can 8e included in t(e te9t. &radin 5ill 8e 8ased on fi%e criteria. :1; clarity, :2; co!6leteness, :3; conciseness, :>; correctness, and :,; consistency. =ate su8!issions 5ill not 8e acce6ted 5it(out 6rior a66ro%al of t(e lecturer. All re7uest for e9tension s(ould 8e directed to lecturer:s; 8y e2!ail at last t5o days 8efore due date for su8!ission. "9tensions 5ill 8e ranted for !edical reasons u6on recei6t of !edical certificate, or in e9ce6tional circu!stances in

consultation 5it( t(e indi%idual lecturer. Examinations. Mid2ter! and final test 6ur6ort to e9a!ine studentsB *no5led e and understandin on conce6ts learnt in t(e lectures. &radin WEIG ! SC"#E$ Assi n!ent and Class 6artici6ation . 20E Hui? . 20E Mid24er! "9a! . 30E Final "9a! . 30E

!opics and %earning Goals

Session 1. 2. 3. >. ,. 0. 1. -. J. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1>. !opic&s'
Financial Mana e!ent 1 O%er%ie5 +ntroduction to Cor6orate Financin Ienture, Ca6ital, +POs, & Seasoned Offerin s De8t Policy Payout Policy =on 2ter! Financial Plannin S(ort24er! Plannin Kor*in Ca6ital Mana e!ent Mer ers, Ac7uisitions, and Cor6orate Control +nternational Financial Mana e!ent O6tions @is* Mana e!ent K(at Ke Do and Do Not Lno5 A8out Finance &rou6 Discussion

%earning Goals (A #S CoS Cls %ds EC IC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

Sources #MC 1 213 #MC 1> #MC 1, #MC 10 #MC 11 #MC 1#MC 1J #MC 20 #MC 21 #MC 22 #MC 23 #MC 2> #MC 2,

LA M Lno5led e ac7uisitionG @S M @esearc( S*illG CoS M Co!!unication S*ill ClS M Colla8orati%e S*illG =dS M =eaders(i6 S*illG "C M "t(ical ConductG +C M +nno%ati%e Ca6a8ility

%earning "utcome) Cogniti*e "b+ecti*es) and !ypes of Assessment

,o 1 %earning "utcome $nderstand t(e role of s(are(olders in lar e cor6oration and in t(e conte9t of cor6orate o%ernance. Descri8e and e96lain (o5 to o8tain e9ternal financin t(rou ( %enture ca6ital and +PO. Cogniti*e "b+ecti*es ( C Ap An S E Where to Measure o- to Measure Huestions re7uire students to descri8e conce6t and t(eories.




Course e!8edded discussion

Class discussion re7uires students to descri8e, e96lain 6ro%ide e9a!6le e9ternal financin , es6ecially fro! %enture ca6ital and +PO. . Kritten re6ort 6a6er and tea! 6resentation in analy?in , e%aluatin , and distin uis(in !any ty6es of ca6ital sources 5it( re ard to different industries c(aracteristics. Kritten re6ort 6a6er and tea! 6resentation in esti!ate cost of ca6ital and %aluate assets.

Distin uis( conce6ts, ad%anta e and disad%anta e ty6es of ca6ital sources for fir!s in different c(aracteristic industries. $nderstand ca6ital structure t(eories and 6ayout 6olicy, e%aluate and !a*e decision 8ased on t(e t(eories Analy?e and 6lan financial conditions of cor6oration 8ased on financial state!ent infor!ation. Analy?e s6ecial to6ics in cor6orate finance, i.e. !er ers, international financial !ana e!ent, o6tion, and ris* !ana e!ent.


Course e!8edded case study



Course I I e!8edded case study


Course I I e!8edded case study

Kritten re6ort 6a6er and tea! 6resentation in analy?in selected case of fir!s in 6articular industries. Kritten re6ort 6a6er and tea! 6resentation in analy?in selected case of 6articular fir!s in different conditions and situations.



Course I I e!8edded case study

L M Lno5led eG C M Co!6re(ensionG A6 M A66licationG An M AnalysisG S M Synt(esisG " M "%aluation.

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