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Airgrown Presentation

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Vertical Aeroponic Growing System

With our limited resources being poisoned, destroyed, -- AirGrown Vertical Growing Systems provide a solution to reclaim our food, our health, and our environment!

Florida company founded in 2008 -- Preliminary research began for product / system design and patent acquisition Currently based out of Indiantown, FL where a showcase (light commercial) greenhouse exists (2,000 SF) for demonstration (and cash-flow) -- Local product launch began in 2010 with the introduction of residential /retail systems and the sale of wholesale aeroponic produce -- Commercial system and Farm-in-a-Box concepts launched in Florida, Virginia, Jamaica and the Bahamas Development phase completed in 2012, entering Ramp Up


Soilless plant growing method The root system of the plant is suspended in the air Roots are automatically misted at preset, timed intervals (cycles): Summer (1 min. on 5 min. off) / Winter (40 sec. on 8 min. off) Mist consists of water, nutrients, and biocide (considered *beyond organic) Additional uptake of oxygen with accelerated root growth.


Based on technology created by NASA and Disney Plant growth rates 30-45% greater than traditional farming methods Uses 90 - 95% less space than conventional growing Provides for 99% utilization of water and nutrients, significantly reduces operating costs and produces far superior quality, better tasting and more aromatic products. When utilized in a micro-controlled greenhouse environment plant yields from the AirGrown system are from ten to twenty times greater than traditional soil-grown crops.

Newer method of growing plants, 40 + years old Root system is allowed to uptake more oxygen



Dates back several hundred years B.C. Prone to root and stem rot Does not allow for the growing of various plant varietals

Ability to grow more plant varietals than hydroponic systems allow

Expensive growing medium No growing medium required, roots requires periodic replacement. are suspended in the air Uses more water Root system is misted in a timed interval

NASA research has shown that aeroponic grown plants have an 80% increase in dry weight biomass (essential minerals) and used 65% less water than hydroponics grown plants. NASA also concluded that aeroponic grown plants require the nutrient input compared to hydroponics. Unlike hydroponically grown plants, aeroponic grown plants will not suffer transplant shock when transplanted to soil, and offers growers the ability to reduce the spread of disease and pathogens. As a result, the yield per plant site and return on capital invested are a more innovative, profitable solution.

Root system from aeroponics

3wks aeroponic vs. 8wks hydroponic

pix of commercial towers on scotts green house

Introducing AirGrown
A unique and revolutionary aeroponic plant growing system for both Commercial and Retail / Homeowner applications Vertical tower design engineered to maximize food production in the smallest horizontal footprint / Minimal space required, 30 plant sites in 2 x 3 ft. space System produces wholesome, BEYOND ORGANIC, nutritious and completely ecological food anytime -anywhere Conical design creates less shading allowing all plants within the system to grow optimally. A dedicated crop is not necessary, one can grow a variety of plants in one single tower Ease of use / Ease of maintenance; No bending, weeding, tilling Promotes healthy eating and lifestyle Grows vegetables and herbs year-round

Airgrown Misting System

Misting occurs automatically via a timer which cuts in at a preset frequency The pump directs a fine spray of water and nutrients to the roots of the seedling (which sits in a root basket)

A small percentage of the nutrient mixture is absorbed by the roots and the rest is returned to the reservoir, reducing water and nutrient consumption

AirGrown is extremely versatile and can be used to grow almost all varieties of vegetables, herbs, flowers and fruits.

Interest in the AirGrown systems had also been expressed by the agro-forestry industry to propagate tree saplings for reforestation initiatives, the pharmaceutical industry for the growth of medicinal herbs and supplements and the cosmetic industry.
The AirGrown technology design incorporates several distinctive smart design features that have 3 patents, with an additional 1 to be issued on July 16, 2013

Soil less growing system Plant root system is suspended in air providing greater space for root growth. Additionally, instead of expending energy to force the plants roots through a growing medium such as soil, the energy is diverted to fruit growth. Closed-loop internal irrigation Continuously circulates water and nutrients from controlled reservoir through looped circulation system. Recycling of solution provides for 99% absorption rates increasing both root and plant mass; provides for zero chemical pollution emissions; minimizes the need for pesticides and herbicides; and greatly simplifies nutrient and water ph balance control which are critical to maximizing plant growth and yield. Misting system Misting jets feed water and nutrients directly to the plant roots which fosters greater absorption and provides a temperature controlled environment for the plant which leads to more productive year-round growth.

Timed misting intervals Programmable misting provides needed dry intervals that allow greater absorption of oxygen by the root system which in turn fosters faster plant growth and allows for plant specific applications of water and nutrients. Vertical Towers Design maximizes sun exposure, allows for the production of a variety of plants on a tower, reduces maintenance, greatly facilitates the harvesting of products and provides significantly higher yields per square foot of ground space. Scalable Towers can be expanded from 30 to 60 plant sites, multiple towers can be combined within one system and the system can easily be installed in established greenhouses.

Modular Allows grower to segment greenhouse by plant family type which require similar nutrients, ph balance levels, temperature and have similar growing and harvesting cycles. Growers can architect their garden which greatly reduces operating costs, provides forextreme versatility in crop rotation and maximizes production output.

Grow using AirGrown towers

What can you grow with AirGrown?

(the question is: What cant you grow?)
Tomatoes, lettuce, beans, peas Eggplants, zucchinis, cucumbers

Collard greens, cabbage, cauliflower

Brussels sprouts, kale, kohlrabi Sweet peppers, hot peppers, thyme Squash, cilantro, dill, lemon balm, sage Parsley, oregano, basil, chives, radicchio Strawberries, mint, stevia, tarragon Watermelons, melons, gourds

AirGrown Results

Example of a commonly grown crop using the Airgrown System) -- 2,000 SF greenhouse with the AirGrown system will produce 28,000 lbs. of strawberries during the course of a year or the same as 1 acre of soil grown strawberries in Florida -- Yield that is 20 times greater per square foot. The higher yield and lower costs provide a significant value proposition to commercial growers.

System packages include:

Physical tower(s) number of towers depends on type of system purchased (Light to Heavy Commercial and / or Residential applications)

Water and nutrient reservoir including water pump, pump timer

pH control solutions, test meters, calibration solution, nutrients Comprehensive customer support and service Ancillary product sales drive profits: * Benefits from post-sales through the sale of seeds, starter plant kits, nutrients, water ph balance kits, replacement parts and new products such as the Generback.

Current Pricing Model:

The 30 plant site Personal Garden complete tower system sells for $899 and has a gross profit of $450 per unit.

A commercial 60 plant tower system lists for $650 and generates gross profit of $500.
Support equipment for the commercial product (irrigation, pumps, reservoirs, greenhouse, etc.) is usually sold to clients at market prices but adds an additional $156 - $1,000 to the total sales price per tower.

Target Market(s)

LOHAS Lifestyles of Health & Sustainability -- marketplace

Estimated $290 Billion in the U.S LOHAS Market Focus: Health, Environment, Social Justice, Personal. consumer marketplace in 2012 alone* LOHAS Market Strength: United States, Canada, Japan, and Europe Consumers willing to pay premium for LOHAS products PERSONAL HEALTH = $117 billion Natural, organic products Nutritional products Integrative health care Dietary supplements Mind body spirit products

Commercial Advantages

No crop rotation required Vertical design allows for greater yields per acre Re-circulating system greater savings in water and nutrients Exact control of the 3 growing elements: water, nutrients, and pH Ease of maintenance, reduced operating cost, no heavy machinery Longest commercial warrantee: minimum 10 years

Commercial Advantages

Allows growers to control the many uncontrollable variables associated with traditional farming.

Used in a micro-controlled greenhouse environment and following organic growing practices, the system eliminates the impact of uncontrollable weather conditions too dry, too wet, too cold, too hot and the need for herbicides and pesticides.
Provides the exact amount of nutrients required and controls water temperature and ph balance levels. As well, it allows for the absorption of oxygen through the root system which greatly increases the growth of the plant, the plant yield and the longevity of the plant. All of these features maximize the return on investment for commercial farmers.

Robert Simmons, founder and inventor - Graduate of Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (degree in Aviation Maintenance). - Owned an aviation tool supply company which grew into a ground support equipment supply company that serviced public and private airlines in the U.S. and internationally. - Interest in advanced methods of growing fresh vegetables and herbs for his family led to research of aeroponic systems (including multiple prototypes). - Founded AirGrown Systems in 2008, further enhanced the system, created commercial versions and filed several patents in 2010. Marc Brown, co-founder - Graduate of SW Missouri University (Business and Economics) - Career as a commercial electrician and contractor in marine construction - Oversees Greenhouse operations, customer support and research and development.

Vertical Aeroponic Growing System

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