Load Runner Training
Load Runner Training
Load Runner Training
Load Runner Testing tool of Mercury Interactive (now HP) Performance testing tool
If ! user takes " sec to access a we#site $ow% if "& users try to access the same we#site% the time taken shoul #e the same Types of Performance Testing: 'oa testing verify the ma(imum capacity of an application Stress testing i entify the #reaking point of an application 'oa testing) If an application is use #y " users% install '* in one main system% create " virtual users+ Virtual User tool or machine generate users 'oa *unner can #e use for #oth ,e#-#ase an win ows-#ase application Scripting languages use ) TS' (test script language) C .ava Script
'oa *unner is an e(pensive tool) ('icense perio / months) 0" 12 3!4%&&& "&12 300%&&& !&&12 355%&&& Comparison between pensta and LR
Load Runner is a license tool+ pensta (free-source tool) can #e ownloa e from www+opensta+org or www+cyrano+org 'oa *unner is mainly use #y companies6 #ecause 7nterprise Tool a tool that can #e use to test applications evelope in any programming language+ a. Technology In epen ent tool 8ollows Protocol (set of rules to #e followe #y client9server for the transaction of ata #etween each other) Load Runner can #e use for #oth ,e#-#ase an win ows-#ase application pensta is use for HTM' #ase we#sites+ P*:T:C:' set of rules to #e followe #y a we#site+
HTTP (Hyper Te(t Transfer Protocol) a #asic protocol use for client-server interaction (followe #y most we#sites)+ SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) a protocol use #y a we#site to allow sen ing9receiving mails+ 8TP (8ile Transfer Protocol) a protocol use for uploa 9 ownloa files to9from a we#site+ $TP ($ews Transfer Protocol) a protocol use for view news up ates through a we#site+
Multi-protocol #ase we#site a we#site that follows all the protocols Load Runner can #e use to test M2'TI-protocol #ase we#site pensta can #e use to test 2$I-protocol #ase we#site Components of Load Runner: 12;7$ C:$T*:''7* SCH7<2'7* VU!"#:
Virtual User script !"#erator use to create scripts ! we#site !& 1irtual 2sers " we# pages Create a script *ecor 9Capture the 2*' of " we# pages Create !& 1irtual 2sers using 12;7$
C #TR LL"R: It is a Central Component (Heart) of 'oa *unner+ It is use to generate 1irtual 2sers+ $C%"DUL"R: It is use to sche ule the tasks of the script an virtual users+ Mercury 'oa *unner /+& 8ree Trial 1ersion) !& ays 'icense perio
'oa *unner generates script in two formats) Tree-1iew (Hierarchical format) 7(pert-1iew (Script-1iew or Paragraph format)
To view all activities uring play#ack Tools <isplay :ptions Show =rowser uring <isplay
The script is ivi e into three parts in 'oa *unner) The left panel has three options) vuser>init ?ction vuser>en In a client-server mechanism% Client sen s a re@uest (re@!) to the server to esta#lish a connection+ The server sen s a response (res!) &user'init
Client sen s a re@uest (re@0) to the server to access some we# pages+ The server sen s a response (res0) (ction (contains co e) Client sen s a re@uest (re@0) to the server to terminate the connection+ The server sen s a response (res5) &user'end we#>2*' refers the 2*' of the home page to #e accesse we#>link refers the following we# pages to #e accesse lr>think>time specifies the time gap #etween two consecutive we# pages to #e ownloa e Controller pat)
<efault $o of 1irtual 2sers in 'oa *unner !& ;roup $ame $ame of the group of the 1irtual 2sers Script path path of the script Auantity $o of 1irtual 2sers 'oa ;enerators System where the script is running or where virtual users are create (local or remote) In Controller% we have two ifferent components% <esign Component use to mo ify the scenario *un Component use to e(ecute the scenario
7lapse Time time taken #y the script (all the virtual users) to e(ecute the run+ Design Components of Controller: $tart $cenario helps to start the e(ecution of the scenario !enerators use to connect the remote host with the local host Vusers to allow some9any virtual user to take comman of the scripting
%ost s)aring a process of making the remote host generate virtual users for the application+
!enerators use to connect the remote host with the local host
(dd !roup to a
View $cript isplay the script for which the scenario has #een create
Run*Time $ettings $cenario !roups: Different status of t)e VU+s <own script is assigne to the virtual user #ut not e(ecute Pen ing the virtual users re@uest the allocation of B #ytes of memory to the system Init memory has #een allocate *ea y 126s are rea y to e(ecute the script *un 7(ecuting the script Passe Successful e(ecution of the script9scenario 8aile 2na#le to successfully e(ecute the script9scenario 7rror 2na#le to e(ecute the script9scenario partially9completely ue to pro#lem in Script% $etwork or Server Issue ;ra ual 7(iting 7(iting from the scenario for in ivi ual virtual user 7(iting Complete e(it from the scenario Stoppe Completion of the script9scenario% <e-allocation of the memory
Test ,anager ? 'oa *unner Component responsi#le for allocation of memory for the virtual users+ ? script9scenario re@uires !& virtual users to access a we#site (" we# pages) with B& #ytes of memory+ The Test ,anager re@uests the System to allocate B& #ytes System returns 54 #ytes The comman is sent #ack to the script+ 7lapse Time Time taken #y the script for e(ecution Hits9Secon $o+ of re@uests ma e #y the client to the server Transaction - Re.uest / Response
Load Runner scripts are sa&ed wit) an e0tension 12usr lr>start>transaction(Ct!D) a function to start a timer% with a single argument as the name of the timer lr>en >transaction(Ct!D% '*>?2T:) a function to stop the timer% with two arguments% the name of the timer an the con ition to en the timer+ '*>?2T: logs time when the transaction is terminate '*>P?SS7< logs time when the transaction is passe '*>8?I'7< logs time when the transaction is faile
<ifference #etween Controller E 1ugen approach) Memory ?llocation E <e-?llocation Time !F secon s
Rende3&ous point stopping point or waiting point of a virtual user It is use to perform an e(act 'oa testing of an application+ It has to #e inserte #efore a particular we# page+ It is present in CInsertD menu #ar+ 8omrat lr>ren eGvous(CrenD)
8or ren eGvous point% we have three policies in a controller *elease when 144 5 of all 1users arrive at the ren eGvous *elease when 144 5 of all running 1users arrive at the ren eGvous *elease when 144 1users arrive at the ren eGvous The first policy shoul #e use if the ren eGvous point has to #e #efore the part of the script accessing of the first we# page
The secon policy shoul #e use if the ren eGvous point has to #e at any part of the script