Derickman Competencies
Derickman Competencies
Derickman Competencies
The complete set of 28 Competencies expected from the role 121 Invterview uestions for determining a candidate's s!ill level in each of 28 Competencies 121 Coaching tips for helping incum"ent to advance their s!ills in each of the 28 Competencies 112 #evelopment goals to help measure incum"ents' progress in each of the 28 Competencies 28$ %ecommended resources for progressing education in each of the 28 Competencies
%esponsi"le for operating and servicing oil and gas wells' *ssists in rigging up or down( la&ing out tu"ing( and transporting drilling and service rigs' Ma& re uire a high school diploma or its e uivalent and $,2 &ears of experience in the field or in a related area' -as !nowledge of commonl&,used concepts( practices( and procedures within a particular field' %elies on instructions and pre,esta"lished guidelines to perform the functions of the +o"' .or!s under immediate supervision' /rimar& +o" functions do not t&picall& re uire exercising independent +udgment' T&picall& reports to a supervisor or manager'
Organizational Role
The #erric!man t&picall& serves as mem"er of technician( trainee( administrator' *s such( the #erric!man provides routine technical or administrative tas!s' The organi0ation will depend on this person's follows procedures' The #erric!man generall& is responsi"le for operates under supervision'
1perates drilling e uipment in accordance with esta"lished procedures and instructions from a driller' Monitors mud properties and the mud level in mud pits) assists in the maintenance of drilling fluid s&stems' -andles drill stems and casings on the rig derric! during tripping' Trou"leshoots pro"lems with drilling rigs and ancillar& e uipment and maintains accordingl&'
Derrickman Competencies
The complete #erric!man Manager's Guide includes the 28 !e& competencies expected of #erric!man' The report defines each Competenc& in detail' The report also explains what level of proficienc& #erric!man should have in that Competenc&( as well as how important that Competenc& is to performing the role well' *mong the 28 Competencies for #erric!man is'''
1perates drilling rigs and applies drilling fluids according to organi0ational procedures' Maintains and cali"rates drilling e uipment to ensure proper performance'
3xplains in detail( the technical parameters for setting up a drilling rig' Trou"leshoots pro"lems with drilling rigs and ancillar& e uipment' Conducts safet& inspections "efore running a drilling rig) completes safet& inspection chec!lists'