Boal L w11 Finalpdp III
Boal L w11 Finalpdp III
Boal L w11 Finalpdp III
S uden : La! "# "oal la!#$oal%&aldenu#edu S uden 'D ( A))1*+,-1 Program: Ph#D# in Edu.a ion Spe.iali/a ion: Spe.ial Edu.a ion
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Professional Developmen Plan Part 1: Professional Goals Professional Introduction M! in eres in he Ph# D in edu.a ion &i h spe.iali/a ion in Spe.ial Edu.a ion s ar ed
&hen m! daugh er re3uired earl! in erven ion due o developmen al dela!s# 4rom hen on2 ' oo5 upon m!self o learn more a$ou in erven ions and rea men s for m! daugh er and ha spar5ed m! in eres in his field# M! goal is o $e a$le o appl! m! 5no&ledge o o her .hildren and heir famil!2 &ho .an $enefi from i and a5e par in ma5ing 3uali ! of spe.ial edu.a ion $e er so ha hese .hildren2 o he $es he! .an2 &ould $e a$le o fun. ion independen l! &hen he! are adul s# 'n addi ion2 under he realms of Spe.ial Edu.a ion2 ' am also in eres ed in resear.hing on he effe. iveness of gif ed programs and he goal is also o $e a$le o par i.ipa e in ma5ing he gif ed and alen ed programs in s.hools .hallenging o .hildren &hile a5ing hem hrough he ransi ion of adul hood# Professional and Academic Background M! undergradua e degree is in La& and ' o$ ained m! degree in England2 1ni ed 6ingdom# M! undergradua e degree .ourse &or5 &as ver! spe.iali/ed2 unli5e he .ollege degree programs in he 1ni ed S a es# M! .ourses &ere all la& &hi.h in.luded a resear.h pro7e. on a legal su$7e. and a moo session# 1pon gradua ing &i h a "a.helors of La&s2 ' .on inued o pursue a "arris er8a 8La& 3ualifi.a ion in London2 England &hi.h prepared me o serve for , mon hs as a in ern and su$se3uen l! 3ualified o $e 9alled8 o8 he8"ar as an a orne! in Mala!sia# ' moved o he 1ni ed S a es and 7oined he 1#S# Arm! in +))) &hi.h gave me he oppor uni ! o pursue m! gradua e degree in "usiness Adminis ra ion &i h :eorgia Sou hern
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN + 1niversi !# M! gradua e e;perien.e also prepared me in a5ing leadership posi ions &hile ' &as serving in he 1#S# Arm!# 1pon .omple ing m! servi.e &i h he 1#S# Arm!2 ' &or5ed in he area of Applied "ehavior Anal!sis &hi.h resul ed in me pursuing a gradua e .er ifi.a e in Applied "ehavior Anal!sis &i h 4lorida 'ns i u e of Te.hnolog! and m! goal is o o$ ain m! "ehavior Anal!sis 9er ifi.a ion in +)11# Goal Statements and Their Relation to Academic Research ' plan o $e a$le o &or5 in s.hool dis ri. s as he <ead of Spe.ial Edu.a ion &i h he vision and goal of ma5ing Spe.ial Edu.a ion a..essi$le o he .hildren &ho needs hem and find a &a! o redu.e .onfli. s $e &een s.hool dis ri. s= and paren s2 and a he same ime men or !oung ea.hers o a5e he lead in improving he 3uali ! of Spe.ial Edu.a ion offered o .hildren and heir paren s# "! &or5ing &i h spe.ial needs .hildren ever! da! and dealing &i h heir paren s influen.ed me in .hoosing he field of spe.ial edu.a ion# ' do no have an! spe.ifi. opi.s of resear.h &hi.h are of in eres a his momen # <o&ever ' am in.lined o lean o&ards resear.hing he effe. iveness of differen applied e.hni3ues of $ehavior anal!sis on .hildren older han , !ears olds &ho has a diagnosis under he au ism spe. rum or an! o her developmen al dela!s# Reflection of Walden's Mission Statement >Posi ive So.ial 9hange?1 is he &ords ha provo5ed m! a. ions in pursuing a do. oral degree# ' have no .ome a.ross hese &ords from an! 1niversi ies# ' feel ha &hen one pursues a do. oral degree2 i is no 7us o ge a $e er 7o$ $u he impa. of su.h his level of a.ademi. a.hievemen has o impa. ! a large# Along &i h 0alden=s vision2 mission and ou .omes2+
1 2
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN E he! are .ompa i$le o m! goals2 m! s udies and $es of all2 $e.oming a s.holar8pra. i ioner &ho effe. s so.ial .hange# Attainment of the octoral egree Related to Goals 0alden 1niversi ! is a good ma .h for me and m! fu ure goals# The areas of he .urri.ulum are ideal for me2 par i.ularl! he Theories of Learning# ' &as also dra&n $! 0alden=s approa.h o he pra. approa.h of a do. oral 3ualifi.a ion and no 7us pure resear.h $ase as ' in end o pra. i.e af er ' re.eive m! degree# The availa$ili ! of residen.ies all over he .oun r! and overseas gives me he oppor uni ! o ne &or5 &i h peers and s.holars in m! field# 0alden=s online fea ure is defini el! a plus for me $e.ause finan.iall!2 ' s ill have o main ain m! 7o$ o suppor m! famil! and $eing a$le o do his program online &ill help me finan.iall! and m! dream o $e a Ph#D gradua e is no ou of rea.h# 4ur her ' am a$le o par i.ipa e in he &or5 for.e and 5eep up o da e &i h he pra. aspe. of m! area of spe.iali/a ion# Part !: "ducational Background and Research Proficienc# Academic $ourse%ork in "ducation :radua e 9er ifi.a e in Applied "ehavior Anal!sis2 4lorida 'ns i u e of Te.hnolog!2 +)1) Academic $ourse%ork in &ther 'ields M#"#A#2 "usiness Adminis ra ion2 :eorgia Sou hern 1niversi !2 S a es$oro2 :A +))E "a.helor of La&2 No ingham Tren 1niversi !2 England2 1#6# 1,,1 Professional Presentations( Seminars( Training( and Worksho)s Dr# 9ar$one Ver$al "ehavior 0or5shop2 4e$ruar! +)1)
*olunteer Work
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN None Past Research( Pu+lications( and Teaching Assignments None Access to Research Materials 0alden 1niversi !2 Online Li$rar! 9opperas 9ove Pu$li. Li$rar!2 9opperas 9ove2 TG 1niversi ! of Te;as2 Aus in2 TG Academic and Research Strengths and Weaknesses M! resear.h e;perien.e is limi ed o he resear.h pro7e. &hi.h ' .omple e a
undergradua e level# 1nfor una el! ' have no had he oppor uni ! o .ondu. an! resear.h sin.e hen# M! a.ademi. s reng h is m! desire o learn2 par i.ipa e and resear.h par i.ular areas of spe.ial edu.a ion and pra. &hi.h &ould assis me in formula ing m! resear.h &i h spe.ial needs .hildren and .hildren &i h disa$ili ies# Despi e m! limi ed resear.h e;perien.e2 ' have he drive o $e er m!self in resear.h2 &i h s reng hs in online resear.h2 da a .olle. ion and re rieving informa ion from all 9urren l! ' ravel an average of 1*) miles a da! o and from &or5 as ' found an Applied "ehavior Anal!sis .lini. &hi.h ' .an learn from and &hi.h gives me he oppor uni ! o .ondu. m! resear.h &i h our pa ien s# ' &ould also have he oppor uni ! o pursue m! in ernship o $e a .er ified $ehavior anal!sis &i h he .lini. ' &or5 a # ' also &ould have he oppor uni ! o in era. &i h peers and $e a$le o e;.hange ideas and ne &or5 &i h fello& edu.a ors# The pursuan of m! do. oral degree &ould se me $a.5 finan.iall! and loss of famil! ime as ' have an en r! level posi ion due o m! la.5 of edu.a ion $a.5ground# ' also onl! a$le
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN o spend ver! li le ime &i h m! famil! $e.ause of m! full ime s.hedule a &or5 and he
amoun of ime ' have o ravel o &or5# ' &ould have o manage m! ime la er in he .ourse as ' am also finding diffi.ul ! in having ime o do m! papers2 assignmen s and resear.h# ' am .onsidering moving m! &or5 se ing o a pu$li. edu.a ion se ing and o$ ain ha e;perien.e from an edu.a or poin of vie& and supplemen m! e;perien.e as a herapis # ' have a s rong feeling ha his is he righ field for me o pursue as a do. oral degree despi e he &ea5nesses and hrea s ' am Al hough $o h m! undergradua e and gradua e fields are differen from his area of s ud!2 ' 5no& ha m! &or5 e;perien.e &i h legal and $usiness $a.5ground &ould ma5e me a $e er leader in his field# ' $elieve ha &i h ime2 ' .an over.ome m! &ea5nesses and hrea s and a.hieve m! do. oral dream# $onclusion No onl! do ' loo5 a o$ aining su..ess in his area of s ud! $u also ' $elieve s rongl! ha ' .an men or fu ure leaders in his field# These fu ure leaders .ould $e he .hildren ' &or5 &i h or individuals &ho ' have he oppor uni ! o lead#
Part ,: Plan of Stud# and Program of Stud# 'orm &-erall .earning Goals M! goals for s ud! a 0alden 1niversi ! is o .over as mu.h resear.h ma erials and appl! hem o he pra. se ing &hi.h is m! &or5# ' also &an o $e profi.ien in he field of Spe.ial Edu.a ion and ne &or5 &i h peers and e;.hange ideas and informa ion# ' &an o $e par of a learning .ommuni ! and $e a$le o .on ri$u e our s udies and offer e;per ise o he .hildren2 heir paren s2 edu.a ors and he .ommuni !# M! goal is o .omple e he .ourses and 6AMs in a imel! manner &hils no 7eopardi/ing
'n he .ore 6AMs2 s uden s gain a founda ion of 5no&ledge and prepare o enhan.e heir professional pra. i.e in a .ons an l! .hanging environmen #
$ore /AM I: Princi)les of Social $hange As individuals and as professionals .on emporar! .hallenges2 s uden s mus unders and he .on e; s &i hin &hi.h .hange a5es pla.e in !2 he varie ! of ha opera e o $ring a$ou .hange2 he of .hange2 and heir role as .hange agen s# S uden s e;amine he .omple; na ure of al .hange from he perspe. ive of a varie ! of dis.iplines2 in.luding philosoph!2 e hi.s2 so.iolog!2 ps!.holog!2 e.onomi.s2 poli s.ien.e2 an hropolog!2 his or!2 and fu uris i.2 and hen appl! ha 5no&ledge hrough pra. demons ra ion# Breadth: S"S4 -11) Theories of So.ial 9hange Depth: S"S4 -1+) 9urren Resear.h in So.ial 9hange Application: S"S4 -1E) Professional Pra. i.e and So.ial 9hange M! main heme ' &ould li5e o pursue hrough he heories s udied in he "read h is he edu.a ion philosophies appli.a$le o edu.a ion s ru. ure under he realms of Spe.ial Edu.a ion &i h he vie& of a.hieving edu.a ion freedom# The .en ral heme of resear.h ar i.les &hi.h ' &ill li5el! o anal!/e in he Dep h &ould .en er on he effe. iveness of differen ea.hing forums under he Spe.ial Edu.a ion s ru. ure &hi.h su..ess goals as dire. ed $! 'EPs# "ased on he heories of he "read h and resear.h s udies of he Dep h2 share he informa ion o various
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN D suppor groups2 edu.a ing he pu$li. and par i.ipa e in advo.a ing he $es forum for edu.a ion su..ess and freedom in he realms of Spe.ial Edu.a ion# $ore /AM II: Princi)les of 0uman e-elo)ment 'n 6AM ''2 s uden s e;plore human developmen from a varie ! of perspe. ives2 in.luding hose defined $! $iolog!2 an hropolog!2 and ps!.holog!# The! e;amine ho& .ul ure Ie#g#2 ra.e2 na ionali !2 e hni.i !2 so.ial .lass2 se;2 se;ual orien a ion2 and disa$ili !J human developmen 2 and he! .ome o 5no& he individual as par of a larger .on e; in a mul i.ul ural !# Breadth: S"S4 -+1) Theories of <uman Developmen Depth: S"S4 -++) 9urren Resear.h in <uman Developmen Application: S"S4 -+E) Professional Pra. i.e and <uman Developmen M! main heme ' &ould li5e o pursue hrough he heories s udied in he "read h is human developmen as defined $! ps!.holog! and $ehavioral s.ien.e# The .en ral heme of resear.h ar i.les &hi.h ' &ill li5el! o anal!/e and evalua e in he Dep h &ould .en er on he s ages of in erven ion par i.ularl! applied $ehavior anal!sis &i h referen.e o pro$lem $ehaviors and developmen al dela!s for he purpose of developing fun. ional .ommuni.a ion s5ills# "ased on he heories of he "read h and resear.h s udies of he Dep h2 appl!ing applied $ehavior anal!sis in s udies2 .ondu. ing a s ud! group and appl!ing resear.h o real8life si ua ions# $ore /AM III: Princi)les of &rgani1ational and Social S#stems 213 cr45 'n 6AM '''2 s uden s appl! so.ial s!s ems heor! o e;amine ho& differen par s of a s!s em in era. 2 in order o $e er anal!/e and unders and edu.a ion in he .on e; of he larger
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN !# The primar! models of s ru. ured s!s em heories are presen ed as a $a.5ground and heore frame&or5 for o her 5no&ledge areas# Breadth: S"S4 -E1) Theories of Organi/a ional and So.ial S!s ems Depth: S"S4 -E+) 9urren Resear.h in Organi/a ional and So.ial S!s ems Application: S"S4 -EE) Professional Pra. i.e and Organi/a ional and So.ial S!s ems M! main heme ' &ould li5e o pursue hrough he heories s udied in he "read h is he !pes of edu.a ion s!s em in.luding pu$li. s.hool se ing and homes.hooler se ings# The .en ral heme of resear.h ar i.les &hi.h ' &ill li5el! o anal!/e in he Dep h &ould .en er on he effe. iveness of pu$li. s.hool s!s em .ompared o home s.hool se ing par i.ularl! for .hildren &i h developmen al dela!s and also gif ed .hildren# "ased on he heories of he "read h and resear.h s udies of he Dep h2 share he informa ion o various suppor groups2 edu.a ing he pu$li. and pu$lishing findings in a peer8revie&ed 7ournal#
S)eciali1ed /AM *: Theories of .earning( Moti-ation( and Intelligence6 and Im)lications for Persons With S)ecial 7eeds This 6AM .overs radi ional2 .urren 2 and emerging heore underpinnings and prin.iples of learning and e;.ep ionali ! and rela ed fa.e s2 as &ell as impli.a ions for edu.a ors &i hin he .on e; of in.lusive or .a se ings# Breadth: ED19 -*11 Theories and Prin.iples of <uman Learning and he <uman Side of E;.ep ionali ies Depth: ED19 -*+1 Edu.a ors as 4a.ili a ors of 'n.lusive Learning in Varied Edu.a ional Environmen s Application: ED19 -*E1 Edu.a ional Pra. i.e :rounded in Prin.iples@Theories of Learning2
M! main heme ' &ould li5e o pursue hrough he heories s udied in he "read h is o $e familiar &i h he Theories2 4ounda ion and Prin.iples of <uman Learning# The .en ral heme of resear.h ar i.les &hi.h ' &ill li5el! o anal!/e in he Dep h &ould .en er on he differen ea.hing me hods &hi.h edu.a ors .an use o fa.ili a e in.lusive learning in varied edu.a ional environmen s# "ased on he heories of he "read h and resear.h s udies of he Dep h2 share he informa ion o various suppor groups2 edu.a ing he pu$li.2 .ondu. ing a s ud! group and appl!ing resear.h o real8life si ua ions# S)eciali1ed /AM *I: Institutional $onte8ts for S)ecial "ducation: .eadershi)( .earning( and Accommodation This 6AM revie&s deliver! models for spe.ial edu.a ion and heir adminis ra ion# A en ion is fo.used on he d!nami.s of 'EP eam opera ion2 eligi$ili ! .ri eria2 assessmen pro.edures2 and .ommuni ! suppor s!s ems &i h par i.ular referen.e o .omplian.e &i h la&# Al erna ive and innova ive models of leadership for spe.ial edu.a ion programming are e;plored# Breadth: ED19 -H11 Diversi ! and E;.ep ionali ! in Spe.ial Edu.a ion: Leading 0i hin Learning Organi/a ions Depth: ED19 -H+1 Due Pro.ess in Spe.ial Edu.a ion: Legal and Moral 'mpli.a ions Application: ED19 -HE1 Pra. 'ssues in Pla.emen and Servi.e Deliver! M! main heme ' &ould li5e o pursue hrough he heories s udied in he "read h is o $e familiar &i h adminis ra ion and &or5ings of Spe.ial Edu.a ion depar men s in s.hool dis ri. s# The .en ral heme of resear.h ar i.les &hi.h ' &ill li5el! o anal!/e in he Dep h &ould .en er on he legal pro.ess and moral impli.a ions rela ed o he se up and he fun. ioning of he Spe.ial
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1) Edu.a ion depar men s# "ased on he heories of he "read h and resear.h s udies of he Dep h2 share he informa ion o various suppor groups2 edu.a ing he pu$li.2 .ondu. ing a s ud! group and pu$lishing findings in a peer8revie&ed 7ournal#