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Reg DA Relay

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Technical Data

T044D201Issue 03/2003

Voltage Regulator
* in surface-mounting housing * in panel-mounting housing

By means of the new voltage regulator REG-DA , all measuring, control and regulation tasks of tap-changing transformers can be executed. The REG-DA regulator features a world innovation as it is equipped with a high-capacity transformer monitoring function in accordance with CEI IEC 354 (VDE 0536). This function allows the operator to call up information on the hot-spot temperature and the lifetime consumption of the transformer at any time. If required, the regulator can even activate up to six cooling levels. The oil temperature can be either recorded directly (Pt 100) or via mA input. Apart from its basic function, every voltage regulator REGDA can be, at the same time, used as a measuring transducer, recorder, statistical unit, paragramer and transformer monitor. In the measuring transducer mode, all important network measuring variables are displayed. In the recorder mode, the temporal gradients of the voltage to be controlled and of a second selectable variable are registered. The statistical unit for the tap-change position offers a clear presentation of all switching operations of the tap changer, the paragramer provides a complete busbar simulation. The networking of several voltage regulators via a bus line allows for a central monitoring of the transformers and a mutual data transfer via long distances and any transmission paths. In particular, parallel connections of several transformers can be very easily implemented this way. Via freely programmable inputs and outputs, applicationspecific tasks can be realised. The regulator REG-DA is able to communicate via all common records with central control units (refer to the list of characteristics).

Characteristics of the voltage regulator REG-DA

Large illuminated LCD (128 x 128) Integrated tap-changer display Measuring functions (U, I, P, Q, S, cos , , I sin , f) Recorder functions (2-channel chart recorder) Statistics function (total number of switching operations, switching operations per tap) With event recorder Transformer monitoring functions incl. recording of the hot-spot temperature and lifetime consumption 14 freely programmable binary inputs 9 freely programmable binary outputs Freely programmable analogue inputs or outputs (mA) Control of three-coil transformers Control of phase-shifting transformers Limit value monitoring >U, <U, >I Unlimited number of freely programmable setpoint values Rated values of U and I programmable Parameterisation software WinREG for parameterisation, programming and visualisation as well as for a PC-supported archiving and evaluation of the recorder data Simulation software REGSimTM for the simulation of any parallel operation, network and load situations Realisation of control tasks by background programming Peripheral bus RS485 (COM3) for additional interface modules (ANA-D, BIN-D) Paragramer function for the visualisation and automation of any parallel connections with up to ten transformers

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Technical Data
1 6 7

Several procedures are available for the control of the transformers, which are listed in table 1 according to the parallel busbar operation on a busbar and free parallel connection. An essential factor in this context is that no additional components are required as all function units required for parallel operation are accommodated within the regulators. Case differentiation Parallel operation on one (several) busbar (s) REG-DA program I sin Boundary conditions

2 8





RS232 10 RS232 11 RS485 12 Status 13


Figure 1 Functions of the regulator REG-DA (maximum extension) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3x current and 2x voltage transformers Analogue inputs Binary inputs Input for tap-changer display Auxiliary voltage Display and processing unit Analogue outputs Binary outputs E-LAN connection (2 x RS485 with repeater function) COM1, RS232 COM2, RS232 COM3, RS485 Status indication (relay) Free parallel connection Table 1

Identical transformers, equal or different tap change I sin (S) Transformers with different capacities, different or equal tap changes MasterIdentical transformers, Follower equal tap change Master-Slave Identical transformers, equal step range with constant tap offset cos Any transformers, any tap changes

Parallel operation of transformers

Measuring transducer mode

The values of all relevant variables of an equally or arbitrarily loaded three-wire three-phase supply network are calculated and displayed on the basis of the scanning values. Additionally, a selection of six measured values can be output as a DC current signal via the analogue outputs.

Regulator mode
The regulator constantly compares the actual value and a fixed or load-dependent setpoint value and, depending on the deviation, determines the correcting variable for the tap changer of the transformer. The regulator parameters can be optimally adjusted to the dynamic time response of the network voltage, which allows for a high control quality at a low number of make-break operations.

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5








F2 F3 F4 F5

Furthermore, measured values which are transferred as an mA signal from external sources to the regulator can be displayed.





Recorder mode
The temporal gradients of the voltage and a second selectable measuring variable are continuously shown on the display in the form of a line chart. The time grid for the recording is adjustable. Besides the measuring variables, the current tap position is registered. This way, it is possible to call up the current voltage and the temporarily correlated tap position at any time. The average storage time for voltages and taps amounts to approximately one month. The stored values can be called up with time and date via the keyboard or the operating software WinREG.



Parallel connection of transformers All regulators are able to control several transformers connected in parallel at one busbar without any additional devices. Every regulator constantly indicates the respectively applied reactive current I sin.
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Technical Data




F1 F2 F3 F4 F5


F1 F2 F3 F4 F5













Statistics mode
In the statistics mode, all switching operations of the tap changer are registered. A differentiation is made between switching operations under load and switching operations without load.

Busbars that are connected via bus coupling(s) are treated as one single busbar by the system. The figure shows the two transformers T1 and T3 working on busbar a, while transformer T2 feeds in busbar b. With the regulator standard version, two transformers can be operated in parallel. In this case, the application of the paragramer is not required.


Transformer monitoring mode TMM 02

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5






In the monitoring mode, the basic parameters of the transformer are monitored. Apart from the tap changer statistics, the oil temperature can be recorded. In accordance with IEC 354, the hot-spot temperature is determined on the basis of the oil temperature and the winding current and subsequently projected to the residual lifetime of the transformer. For temperature control, fans can be switched on in six levels. Moreover, the oil levels can be monitored and the operating hours of the fans and the pump can be counted.


Additionally, a table-form register is kept for every single tap. On the basis of these data, it can be checked how many tap changes have been carried out during which time period and how often each tap has been selected. By means of these information, the regulator setting can be optimised.


F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

Paragramer mode
The PARAGRAMER is a support tool for the automatic preparation of parallel connections and the online visualisation of the switching states. The artificial word PARAGRAMER is a combination of the two terms parallel and one-line diagram. The PARAGRAMER shows the switching situation of the individual transformers in a single-phase illustration. The function is activated by feeding each regulator with a complete busbar replica (position of circuit-breakers, disconnectors, bus ties and bus couplings). Based on the switching states of all regulators involved in the parallel connection, the system autonomously detects which transformer is to work with which other transformer(s) in parallel connection on a busbar.


If the transformer monitoring module TMM 02 is selected, the regulator is equipped with an mA input as a standard. Via this input, the temperature can be accepted as an mA signal by an upstream temperature measuring transducer. If other constellations are required, e.g. temperature as a PT 100 direct connection and hot-spot temperature as mA output, the desired combination can be selected from the characteristic group T.

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Technical Data

The inputs can be constantly operated short-circuited or open. All inputs are galvanically isolated from all other circuits. The regulator is equipped with an analogue input as a standard. The intended use must be specified in the order.

Technical characteristics
regulations and standards
IEC 1010/ EN61010 (VDE 0411) CAN / CSA - C 22.2 No. 1010.1 - 92 VDE 0110 IEC 255 - 4 EN 61326 - 1 / A1 IEC 688 - 1 IEC 529 EN 50178 / VDE 0160 / 11.94 (currently draft) VDE0106 Part 100

Analogue outputs (AA)

Number Output range Y1 Y2 Electrical isolation Load impedance Ripple content Refer to the order details -20 mA ... 0 ... 20 mA Y1 and Y2 programmable Optocoupler 0 R 8 V / Y2 < 0.5 % of Y2

AC voltage input (UE)

Measuring voltage UE

Curve shape Frequency range Internal consumption Overload capacity

60 140 V (selectable, depending on the software) Sinusoidal 16 ... 50 ... 60 ... 65 Hz U2 / 100 k 300 VAC constantly

The outputs can be constantly operated short-circuited or open. All output clamps are galvanically isolated from all other circuits.

Binary inputs
Inputs I1 ... I16

AC current input (IE)

Measuring current In Curve shape Frequency range Control range Internal consumption Overload capacity

Control signals Uct 1A/ 5 A (selectable, depending on hard- and software) Sinusoidal 16 ... 50 ... 60 ... 65 Hz 0 ... In ... 1.6 In 0.5 VA 10 A constantly 100 In for 1 sec 30 In for 10 sec 500 A for 5 ms Curve shape, admissible H level L level Signal frequency Switching delay Input impedance Electrical isolation

In the AC/DC range 48 V 230 V Rectangular, sinusoidal 48 V < 10 V DC ... 60 Hz Selectable in the range 1 ... 999s 108 k Optocoupler; groups with 4 each, galvanically isolated against each other.

Binary outputs Analogue inputs (AE)

Number Input range X1 ... X2 X1 and X2 programmable Control limit Voltage drop Electrical isolation Common mode rejection Series mode rejection Overload capacity Error limit Refer to the order details -20 mA ... 0 ... 20 mA 1.2 X2 1.5 V Optocoupler > 80 db > 60 db / decade ex 10 Hz 50 mA constantly 0.5 % Relays 1 13 Max. switching frequency Electrical isolation 1 Hz Isolated from all device internal potentials Contact load AC: 250 V, 5 A (cos = 1.0) AC: 250 V, 3 A (cos = 0.4) DC: 220 V, 55 W switching capacity No. of make-break operations 5105 electrical

Limit value monitoring Temperature input PT 100

Number Connection Current through sensor Line compensation Transmission behaviour Only one PT 100-input possible 3-wire connection < 8 mA No compensation required Linear Limit value Response time Alarm display Programmable Programmable LED programmable or programmable on LCD

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Technical Data
Measured variables (optionally as mA value)
Voltages Current TRMS TRMS U12, (U23, U31 )( 0,5 %) I1,(I2 , I3) (d 0.5 %) P ( 0.5 %) Q ( 0.5 %) S ( 0.5 %) cos ( 0.5 %) ( 0.5 %) I sin ( 1 %) f ( 0.05 %) Operating voltages
50 V E-LAN, COM1...COM3, analogue inputs, analogue outputs inputs 10 ... 50 V 150 V Voltage inputs, current inputs,

230 V Auxiliary voltage, binary inputs (E1...E16, relay outputs R1...R13) Status

Active power Reactive power Apparent power Power factor Phase angle Reactive current Frequency

EMC requirements

Reference conditions
Reference temperature Input quantities Auxiliary voltage Frequency Curve shape Load (only for E91...E99 characteristics) Other 23C 1 K UE = 80 ... 120 V IE = 0 ... 1A / 0 ... 5 A H = Hn 1 % 50 Hz ... 60 Hz Sinusoidal, form factor 1.1107 Rn = 5 V / Y2 1 % IEC 688 - Part 1

Transmission behaviour of the analogue outputs

Error limit 0.05% / 0.5 % / 1% related to Y2 (refer to measured variables) 10 ms 1 kHz

In acc. with EN 61326 - 1 / A1 Equipment class A Continuous, non-monitored operation Emitted interference Limit values in acc. with EN 61326 - 1 Table 3, equipment class A Interference immunity Limit values in acc. with EN 61326 A1 Table A.1 industrial applications Housing ESD IEC 61000-4-2 8 kV / 15 kV contact / air Electromagnetic fields IEC 61000-4-3 10 V / m Line-frequency magnetic field IEC 61000-4-8 30 A/m Supply connection Voltage drop IEC 61000-4-11 0.5 period, Each polarity / 100% Fast transient IEC 61000-4-4 4 kV Surge voltages IEC 61000-4-5 between lines 1 kV between lines and earth 2kV Line filter HF signals IEC 61000-4-6 3V As with supply connection

Measuring cycle time Scan rate

Electrical safety
Protection class Degree of pollution Overvoltage category
III Input circuits of the current and voltage transformers Auxiliary voltage

II Control circuits, analogue inputs Analogue outputs COMs, E-LAN

Inputs / Outputs
Control signals with direct connection to the mains supply

Inputs / Outputs
Control signals without direct connection to the mains supply

Fast transient 2 kV Surge voltages 1 kV Cable-fed signals 3V

Test voltages
Housing Auxiliary voltage COMs / IEC / DNP... Binary outputs Binary inputs (250 V) Analogue inputs Analogue outputs Input voltage Input current Notes: Hou. Ua COMs BO BI AI AO UI II

Hou. 2.2 0.35 1.35 1.35 0.35 0.35 1.35 1.35

Ua 2.2 3.7 2.9 2.9 3.7 3.7 2.6 2.6

COMs 0.35 3.7 2.3 2.3 0.5 0.5 2.8 2.8

BO 1.35 2.9 2.3 2.0 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.6

BI 1.35 2.9 2.3 2.0 2.3 2.3 2.6 2.6

AI 0.35 3.7 0.5 2.3 2.3 0.5 2.8 2.8

AO 0.35 3.7 0.5 2.3 2.3 0.5 2.8 2.8

UI 1.35 2.6 2.8 2.6 2.6 2.8 2.8 2.2

II 1.35 2.6 2.8 2.6 2.6 2.8 2.8 2.2 -

All test voltages are AC voltages in kV which may be applied for 1 minute. E-LAN, COM1, COM2, COM3 are tested against each other with 0.5 kV.

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Technical Data
Power supply
AC ( internal) AC DC Power input Frequency Minifuse

85...264 V 88...280 V 15 VA 50 Hz T2 250 V

75 V...185 V 15 VA 50 HZ T2 250 V

18 ...72 V 10 Watt T2 250 V

The following applies to all characteristics: Voltage drops at a nominal voltage of d 50 ms neither effect a data loss nor malfunctions.

Resistance to climate
Temperature range Function Transport and storage -15 C...+65 C -25 C...+65 C

Annual average Maximum values for 30 days Maximum values for all other days 75% @ 21C 95% @ 25C 85% @ 23C

LC display Illumination 128 x 128 graphics-capable Programmable activation and deactivation

Device parameters RAM data
(recorder function characteristic S1)

Serial EEPROM with 1000 k recording/reading cycles Li battery laser-welded

Mechanical design
Housing Height Width Depth Weight Housing door Front plate Panel cutout Height Width Degree of protection Sheet steel, RAL 7035 grey 288 mm 216 mm 95 mm 3 kg With plastic glass Plastic, RAL 7035 grey on aluminium support 282 mm 210 mm IP 54

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Technical Data


Mechanical dimensions

Mechanical dimensions, panel mounting 7

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Technical Data


Mechanical dimensions, standard mounting rail assembly

Mechanical dimensions, wall mounting

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Technical Data



Position of the connecting terminals

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Technical Data
Terminal assignment
Nr. 2 5 8 10 1 3 4 6 7 9 21 22 3 4 1 2 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Nr. Input voltage Input voltage Input voltage Input voltage Current input I1 Current input I2 Current input I3 L / (+) UH = Auxiliary voltage L / (-) mA input + A1 mA input A1 mA input or output + A2 mA input or output A2 5 mA input or output + A3 6 mA input or output A3 mA input or output + A4 8 mA input or output A4 Input 1 Tap changer in progress Input 2 Freely programmable Input 3 Freely programmable Input 4 Freely programmable Input 1 ... 4 GND Input 5 AUTO Input 6 MANUAL Input 7 Freely programmable Input 8 Freely programmable Input 5 ... 8 GND Input 9 BCD 1 Input 10 BCD 2 Input 11 BCD 4 Input 12 BCD 8 Input 9 ... 12 GND Input 13 BCD 10 Input 14 BCD 20 Input 15 BCD sgn. Input 16 Freely programmable Input 13 ... 16 GND Freely programmable Freely programmable Freely programmable R5 R4 R3 U1 U2 Level I 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 81 82 83 84 >I >U <U Location Remote TC error GND Life-contact (status)


R11 R10 R9 R8 R7 R6 R6 ... R11 R13

Level I



Level III



Level III

COM 3 (RS 485)

COM 2 (RS 232)

Level I





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Level II


SPA bus Modbus











+12 V

Rx -

Rx +

Tx -

Tx +



EA -

EA +



EA -

EA +



EA -

EA +

Technical Data

25 24 26 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 81 82 83 84
4 5

Relay outputs AC / DC 48...250V

52 51 50 49 48 47 53 57 58 59 54 55 56 IEC LON DNP 3.0


128 x 128 DOTS


R1 higher


L / (+)





L / (-)
Characteristic E 91...99


A1 + 1 + + + 2 5 6 7 8

A2 + -

A3 + -

A4 + -

+ mA input mA input Input or output Input or output Input or output Input or output Input or output Input or output








E1 TC in progress




GND E1...E4





GND E5...E8



E10 BCD 2

E11 BCD 4

E12 BCD 8

GND E9...E12

E13 BCD 10

E14 BCD 20

E15 BCD sgn.

E16 progr.


a. eberle gmbh


GND E13...E16


Level 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Terminal no. 3 4

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

The double module can either be applied as a double-mA-input or a double-mA output module. If a direct temperature detection is required, the location is occupied by a PT 100 module
COM 2 RS232 COM 3 RS485 E-LAN L E-LAN R FSMA ST IEC DNP 3.0 LON R13 Lifecontact (Status) R11 >I R10 >U R9 R8 R7 <U


Relay outputs AC / DC 48...250V

R3 Inputs E9 ... E16 AC / DC 50...250V R4 R5

progr. progr. progr.

Analogue inputs and outputs


Inputs E1 ... E8 AC / DC 50...250V

Block diagram REG-DA





1 2 3

6 7 8 9


Characteristic M2


GND R6...R11




Location remote R6 TC error

Characteristic M2




Technical Data
Networking / parallel connection
The networking of several regulators to a system is particularly required with transformers (>2) connected in parallel. The parallel connection programs I sin, I sin (S), master follower and master slave can only be realised via the system bus (E-LAN). This way, the individual group members of a parallel connection can easily communicate with each other without the need for additional components. For the operation of a parallel connection which works in accordance with the cos procedure, the stations need not be connected. Due to the large distances, such connection is normally not possible anyway.

Interfaces RS485 Every REG-DA regulator is provided with an E-LAN double interface as a standard. It serves the bus connection of individual regulators and monitoring units to a form a voltage control system. E-LAN (Energy- Local Area Network) Characteristics 255 addressable stations Multimaster structure Integrated repeater function Open ring, bus or a combination of ring and bus is possible The record is based on SDLC/HDLC frames Transmission rate 62.5 or 125 kbit / sec Telegram length 10 ... 30 bytes Average throughput approx. 100 telegrams / sec at 62.5 k COM3 For connection of 15 interface modules (BIN-D, ANA-D) in any combination to any REG-DA regulator.

Serial interfaces
Interfaces RS232 The REG-DA has two serial interfaces RS232 (COM1, COM2). COM1 is supposed to serve as a parameterisation interface, while COM2 is to couple the regulator to the superior control centres. COM2 serves the coupling of the control system to superior control systems. Connector elements COM1 COM2 Connection possibilities No. of data bits/record Transmission rate bit / s Plug connector, Sub Min D in the terminal compartment, pin assignment as with PC Terminal connection in the terminal compartment PC, terminal, modem, PLC Parity 8, even, off, odd 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, 115200 RTS / CTS or XON XOFF

The simulation software REGSimTM

REGSim was designed as a PC-based program for the simulation of parallel connections of several transformers with any possible network and load constellations. To ensure that the REG-DA regulators show the same performance during the simulation as they would do in the network, the transformers as well as the network and the load are mathematically accurately simulated. The authenticity of the simulation is guaranteed by the fact that REGSimTM uses the original algorithm of the regulator REG-DA. All setting options correspond to the real regulator and the simulation runs in real time. Thanks to REGSimTM, the regulator parameters can be tested and determined even before commissioning.


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Technical Data
The WinREG parameterisation and configuration software
WinREG was designed for the parameterisation and programming of the system. WinREG can be operated in three different modes. In the panel mode, up to six regulators can be simultaneously displayed and operated via the mouse. All settings which can be directly entered via the membrane keyboard at the regulator can be centrally executed with WinREG, provided, however, all regulators are connected to each other via E-LAN. Particularly with the parallel operation of transformers, this operating mode is characterised by considerable simplification and an increased transparency. If all regulators of the transformers operating in parallel are set to the measuring transducer mode via WinREG, the circulating reactive currents of all transformers can be simultaneously read online on a PC screen. The parameter mode allows for an easy parameterisation of the individual components. Within the scope of a clear index card structure, the individual parameters can be entered and stored for future use or transferred to a station. The terminal mode offers options for direct system communication. Within this context, the WinREG terminal is far more comfortable than the traditional terminal programs and considerably simplifies the system programming. WinREG runs with Windows 95, 98, Windows 2000, NT or Windows XP and is also available as a modem-capable version.

Recorder mode
Time grid YT 14sec/Div, 1min/Div, 5min/Div, 10 min/Div

Independent of the selected time grid YT (feed speed), all measured values are stored in seconds. Every second value represents the arithmetic average value of 10 measured values which were generated in intervals of 100 ms. Memory behaviour with excess data Storage time (voltage plus step) Overwriting; FIFO overwriting (first in first out) > 18.7 days worst case Averagely > 1 month

Measuring transducer mode

Measuring variables on the display Voltage Ueff Current Ieff Active power P Reactive power Q Apparent power S cos Reactive current I sin Frequency f Max. three mA outputs (2.5, 5, 10, 20 mA bipolar) Refer to the list of characteristics Linear, bent RA = 10 V/IAN Load Nominal value of the output current

REG- DA parameters
Parameters Admissible deviation Time factor 1st setpoint value 2nd setpoint value 3rd setpoint value 4th setpoint value Time response Setting range 0.1 ... 10% 0.1 ... 30 60 ... 140 V 60 ... 140 V 60 ... 140 V 60 ... 140 V U t = const REG 5A/E linear Apparent current Active current Reactive current LDC 0 ... 10 % 0 ... 15 % R : 0 ... 20 X : 0 ... 20 0 ... -25 % 0 ... 25 % 0 ... 200% (1A / 5A) 100 ... 150 V 0 ... -35 % 0 ... 35 % 0 ... -75 % 1 ... 999s
(high-speed switching 2...999sec)

Analogue output

Characteristic curve Max. load RA max RA IAN

Current influence

Apparent current / active current Gradient Limitation LDC (Line-drop compensation) Undervoltage < U Overvoltage >U Overcurrent >I Tripping High-speed forward switching High-speed backward switching Standstill Switching delay for <U, >U, <I, tripping, high-speed switching,
The standstill can be set separately


a. eberle gmbh

Technical Data
Order details
The following applies to the specification of order details: Only one code may be selected from codes with identical capital letters. If the capital letters of the code are followed by the number 9, additional information must be stated in clear text. If the capital letters of the code are only followed by nulls, this code need not be mentioned in the order details. CHARACTERISTIC Voltage regulators REG-DA , standard version, with E-LAN-double interface, COM 2, COM 3 and an mA input channel for measurement of the oil temperature or for tap-change position detection with resistance measuring transducer, including parameterisation software WinREG for the parameterisation, programming and visualisation of all regulator data. Design: Panel-mounting or wall-mounting version (H x W x D) 307 x 250 x 102 mm with standard mounting rail adapter Power supply External 85 V 110 V 264 V AC / 88 V 220 V 280 V DC External 18 V 60 V 72 V DC Nominal value of the input current IEN 1 A (subsequently modifiable) IEN 5 A Measuring transducer display functions for network variables Three-wire three-phase current with balanced load Three-wire three-phase current with unbalanced load Recorder functions for network variables without with (memory 1 MB RAM) Transformer monitoring module TMM 02 without Oil temperature via mA input, without hot-spot temperature as mA output Oil temperature via mA input, hot-spot temperature as mA output Oil temperature via PT 100 input, without hot-spot temperature as mA output Oil temperature via PT 100 input, with hot-spot temperature as mA output Parallel operation without firmware for parallel operation with firmware for parallel operation E-LAN activation without with Additional analogue inputs and outputs without Not combinable with T1 ... T4 with one PT 100 input with two mA inputs with two mA outputs with one PT 100 input and one mA output with two mA inputs and one mA output with three mA outputs Note: Please state the scaling for each channel Examples: Expl.: 1 -100 ... 0 ... +100 MW Expl.: 2 0 ... 80 ... 120 V -20 ... 0 ... +20 mA 4 ... 16 ... 20 mA Expl.: 3 1 ... 19 Taps Expl.: 4 50 ... 140C 0 ... 20 mA 4 ... 20 mA Control activation without IEC 60870 - 5 - 101 IEC 60870 - 5 - 103 (in preparation) IEC 60850 - 5 - 104 DNP 3.0 LON MODBUS SPABUS Profibus DP other CODE REG-DA


B0 B1 H0 H2 F1 F2 M1 M2 S0 S1 T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 K0 K1 N0 N1 XE00 XE91 XE92 XE93 XE94 XE95 XE96

L00 L91 L92 L93 L94 L95 L96 L97 L98 L99

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Technical Data
Continuation of characteristics
CHARACTERISTIC Operating manual German English French Spanish Italian German English French Spanish Italian others CODE G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A9


Display language

CHARACTERISTIC Supplementation of WinREG by a collector-recorder module for reading and visualising the REG-DA recorder data as 3 1 /2" floppy disc as CD-ROM REGSim (Windows 95, 98 and NT) For the simulation of transformer parallel connections as 3 1/2" floppy disc as CD-ROM CODE

D0 D1 D0 D1

CHARACTERISTIC Cable for PC connection (null modem cable) Cable for modem connection 1 packet of T2 L minifuses 250V LWL coupler Radio clock Modem Analogue input module (2 inputs) Analogue output module (2 outputs) Analogue output module (1 output) PT 100 module E- LAN triple star hub with booster E- LAN PC adapter with booster E- LAN PC adapter triple star hub with booster E- LAN booster (wide-range network) Additional operating manual for REG-DA Ident. No. 582.020 B 582.2040 582.1019 111.9030.10 111.9024 111.9030 320.0004 320.0003 320.0007 320.0005 REG-ST REG-PC REG-ST3 REG-B0 Gx


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Technical Data


e-mail: info@a-eberle.de

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Aalener Str. 30/32 * D-90441 Nrnberg * Phone +49 (0) 911 / 62 81 08-0 * FAX 0911 / 66 66 64
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