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CMC: A Model Computer Science Curriculum for K-12 Schools

3rd Edition, Released June 2013

Technical Report: TR-CSE-2013-52 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

CMC: A Model Computer Science Curriculum for K-12 Schools

3rd Edition June, 2013

Sridhar Iyer*, Farida Khan, Sahana Murthy#, Vijayalakshmi Chitta, Malathy Baru and Usha Vishwanathan
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Interdisciplinary Programme on Educational Technology Indian Institute of Technology Bombay *Contact

email: sri@iitb.ac.in

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

Computer Science Curriculum, 2013, 3rd Edition

This document prescribes a curriculum (called CMC) for K-12 Computer Science in schools. While CMC is written in the context of schools in India, it can be also used by schools in other countries. Textbooks based on CMC are being used by more than a hundred schools in India, as of March 2013. Schools in India have been offering Computers as a subject to their students for the last 10 years or so. While the syllabi for 9th 12th grades are defined by various examination Boards, there is no formal curriculum for 1st 8th grades. The NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) specifies the computer literacy competencies and skills to be developed at Primary, Middle and Secondary levels. However these specifications are broad, leading to variations in their interpretation across textbooks and schools. Hence there is a need for a detailed specification for computer curriculum. CMC, described in this document, fills this gap. This document provides: (i) the rationale, underlying philosophy, and key features of CMC, (ii) details of topics and specific learning objectives to be addressed in each grade, (iii) recommendations for teaching-learning strategies, and (iv) one instance of how CMC was implemented through textbooks. The first edition of CMC was released in March 2007. The second edition was released in April 2010. This document is the third edition, released in June 2013. A brief history of the development of CMC and related materials is as follows: 2006-2007 This activity started in June 2006 at IIT Bombay. A survey of existing computer science curricula and textbooks in India led to identifying the need for a detailed curriculum specification. As a result, the 1st edition of CMC was developed, and released in March 2007. The draft of 1st edition was reviewed by a team of academic experts, mentioned in Annexure D. 2007-2008 Teacher Handbooks based on 1st edition of CMC were created by a collaborative effort involving contributors from geographically different places. A pilot study on using the handbooks was conducted by the authors, at a school - Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir (SSRVM), in Mumbai. The key insight was that having only teacher handbooks are not sufficient and there is a need to develop textbooks based on CMC. 2008-2009 Textbooks for grades 1-4, titled Computer Masti, were written based on the 1st edition of CMC and released under Creative Commons License. Pilot studies were conducted by the authors, not only to teach using these books but also for teacher training in various schools. The key insight was the need to have periodic teacher training programs. 2009-2010 Textbook authoring for higher grades continued. Discussions with more pedagogy experts, mentioned in Annexure D, led to the development of the 2nd edition of CMC, which was

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

released in April 2010. A company, InOpen Technologies, was incubated at SINE-IIT Bombay, to take up large scale teacher training and implementation in schools. 2010-2012: Textbook authoring for grades 1-8 was completed. The number of schools adopting these books crossed a hundred. The number of downloads of the books crossed ten thousand, from across a hundred countries. These books may be freely downloaded, for individual, noncommercial use (as per Creative Commons License specified), from www.computermasti.in Alternate link: www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~sri/ssrvm/ . 2012-2013: Results from field implementations led to the development of the 3rd edition of CMC. This document, the 3rd edition of CMC, was released in June 2013. It may be downloaded from www.cse.iitb.ac.in (Click on Research Technical Reports; Document ID: TR-CSE-2013-52). Alternate link: www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~sri/ssrvm/ .

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

Table of Contents
1 1.1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 SCOPE OF THIS CURRICULUM ........................................................................................................ 8 FOUNDATIONS OF THE CMC CURRICULUM ........................................................................................................ 9 EXISTING CURRICULA AND TEXTBOOK OPTIONS......................................................................... 9 UNDERLYING PHILOSOPHY OF CMC .......................................................................................... 12 KEY FEATURES OF CMC ............................................................................................................. 13 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.4 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 Thinking process skills ........................................................................................................... 13 Computer literacy integrated with fundamental concepts and thinking skills ........................ 14 Thematic integration .............................................................................................................. 14 Spiral curriculum ................................................................................................................... 15 Scalability............................................................................................................................... 16

PROCESS OF CMC CURRICULUM DESIGN .................................................................................. 16 CMC SYLLABUS - CURRICULUM DETAILS .......................................................................................................... 18 THEMES AND TOPICS ................................................................................................................... 18 GRADE-WISE VIEW OF THE CURRICULUM .................................................................................. 18 HOW CMC PREPARES STUDENTS FOR GRADES 9-12 FOR VARIOUS BOARDS ............................ 22 3.3.1 3.3.2 ICSE Board ............................................................................................................................ 22 CBSE Board ........................................................................................................................... 24

4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 7

TEACHING -LEARNING STRATEGY ....................................................................................................................... 25 INQUIRY-BASED LEARNING .......................................................................................................... 25 LEARNING VIA REAL-WORLD CONTEXT ..................................................................................... 26 COLLABORATIVE LEARNING........................................................................................................ 26 PLAYFULNESS ............................................................................................................................... 26 AN IMPLEMENTION OF THE CMC CURRICULUM ............................................................................................. 27 REALIZING THE KEY FEATURES OF CMC CURRICULUM ............................................................ 27 THEMES AND TOPICS IN CM TEXTBOOKS ................................................................................... 28 TEACHING-LEARNING STRATEGIES IN CM TEXTBOOKS ............................................................ 29 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................................ 30 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................................ 30

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ANNEXURE A: TOPICS COVERED FOR EACH GRADE FOR EACH THEME AND SUB-THEME ...................... 32 THEME I: FAMILIARITY WITH COMPUTERS ..................................................................................................... 32 THEME II. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS ........................................................................................................... 33 THEME III: THINKING PROCESS SKILLS ......................................................................................................... 35 THEME IV: COMPUTER PROGRAMMING......................................................................................................... 36 THEME V. SOCIAL ASPECTS SAFETY AND ETHICS ........................................................................................ 37

ANNEXURE B: COMPUTER MASTI (CM) TEXTBOOKS ............................................................................................. 38 B(I): SUGGESTED WEEK-WISE SCHEDULE FOR TEACHING WITH CM TEXTBOOKS ................................... 38 B(II): LIST OF FOSS APPLICATIONS INCLUDED IN CM.............................................................................. 46 B(III): SPECIFIC TEACHING LEARNING STRATEGIES IN EACH CM LEVEL................................................. 47 B(V): HOW CM PREPARES STUDENTS FOR COMPUTER APPLICATIONS ELECTIVE IN ICSE GRADE 9 ...... 57 B(VI): HOW CM PREPARES STUDENTS FOR FOUNDATIONS OF IT ELECTIVE IN CBSE GRADE 9.............. 59

ANNEXURE C: SURVEY OF EXISTING TEXTBOOKS ................................................................................................. 60 ANNEXURE D: CONTRIBUTORS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................. 66

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

1 INTRODUCTION Children today are exposed to a wide presence of computers (in homes and elsewhere). Their natural curiosity leads them to explore these interesting toys. They often learn on their own (or from friends or parents) to use a computer for a variety of purposes. This could lead to learning undesirable habits (playing on a computer for hours), incorrect usage, and unsafe usage (ignorance of the risks in Internet access). Hence it is desirable for schools to introduce learning about computers as part of the curriculum itself. It is necessary to take note of what computer usage is prevalent among children of a given age group and introduce those topics into the curriculum in a suitable manner. If this is not done, the school curriculum would lag behind what students learn in other settings, leading to boredom, in addition to the dangers of incorrect/ignorant usage. Also, new computer-based tools and technologies are constantly finding their way into popular use, so it is necessary for the curriculum to be dynamic. The curriculum needs to be adapted appropriately to the introduction of new tools, while simultaneously keeping a focus on conceptual learning. Moreover, there should not be an emphasis on learning computers at the expense of other subjects/activities, and the curriculum should be well-balanced. Indian schools have already been offering Computers as a subject to their students for the last 10 years or so. Some schools introduce it as early as 1st grade and some introduce it in the 3rd grade or later. Unlike other subjects where there is a prescribed textbook and syllabus, there is a lot of ambiguity for teaching computer science. One reason is the lack of a well defined framework. Currently the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005 [NCF 2005] defined by NCERT forms the basis for the CBSE Board syllabus [CBSE Board]. Schools tied up with this board do teach the topics mentioned in the framework. However the emphasis within topics is open to interpretation and there is wide variation in the treatment of a given topic across books. The ICSE Board has defined syllabus only for 9th to 12th grades [ICSE Board]; for the lower grades, each school can teach what the school decides as appropriate. This leads to variation in the books chosen by individual schools and hence in the topics covered at the primary and middle school level. The topics covered currently are more driven by the market demand at that point of time. Typically, the focus is on usage and skill based content for specific applications (for example, Java, Microsoft Office). There is very little emphasis on thinking skills or concepts of broad applicability that would be useful across subjects. As the individual schools are given the flexibility of following their own curriculum and textbooks, there is a huge variation in topics that are being covered. Hence there is an urgent need to define a detailed curriculum to teach computer science in schools.

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

To summarize, in India, a formal curriculum for Computers does not exist for the lower grades. Yet, several textbooks have been written for Computers as a school-level subject, and many schools are offering Computers as a subject in the lower grades, leading to a variety of ways in which it is being taught. What should be taught in the lower grades is being left open to interpretation for textbook authors and schools. There is no metric by which a school or a textbook author can check whether the topics being taught and the manner in which they are being taught are suitable. Hence there is a need for detailed specifications for a school-level Computers curriculum in India. 1.1 Scope of this curriculum This document defines the details of what we believe is an appropriate, balanced curriculum for teaching Computers in schools for Grades 1-8, according to students level of maturity and the demands of the present century. The syllabi for 9th to 12th grades are defined by the various Boards (See Section 2.1) and hence are beyond the purview of this document. However, as shown in Section 3.3, this curriculum prepares students to take Computers as an elective subject for 9th to 12th grades for the various Boards. This curriculum, referred to as CMC, emphasizes nurturing clarity of thought and learning of concepts associated with various tools, rather than just the usage skills of a specific tool. CMC explicitly include topics to facilitate and improve thinking skills, such as stepwise thinking and logical reasoning, which are not subject specific. The treatment of topics assumes that Computers is taught as an independent subject. Yet, CMC makes the connections of topics in Computers to other subjects and to real world applications explicit. Historically, the theory and practice of curriculum has been approached in four possible ways [Smith 2000], corresponding to different purposes that a curriculum can achieve: curriculum as a body of knowledge to be transmitted, curriculum as an attempt to achieve certain ends in students, curriculum as process and curriculum as praxis. This curriculum document addresses the first three purposes. i) Curriculum as a body of knowledge to be transmitted. The central themes in the content are identified and justified for inclusion in this curriculum (CMC). CMC goes beyond a syllabus. It not only defines the details of the themes, sub-themes and topics to be taught at each grade, but also indicates the relative importance of different topics, the connections between the topics and the order at which they are to be studied. (Section 2.4, Section 3.1, Annexure A). ii) Curriculum as an attempt to achieve certain ends in students. This approach is useful for teachers and students since this approach specifies clear performance outcomes at various stages. This is addressed in CMC by specifying learning objectives for themes and sub-themes (Section 3.2) at every grade.

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

iii) Curriculum as a process. In this model, the curriculum is required to provide the basis for planning a course, and the justification of various choices. These points are addressed in CMC by providing a framework for the selection of the content and guidelines for sequencing it (Section 3), and principles for developing teaching-learning strategies (Section 4). The underlying principles and philosophy on which CMC is based are also described (Section 2). This curriculum (CMC), in its current stage, does not address the following points: It is desirable that a curriculum is customized to local requirements and resource availability. CMC does not yet differentiate implementation in varying contexts, such as for schools in rural and tribal areas in India. While there have been efforts at adapting CMC for an adult computer literacy programs, it does not address alternate requirements such as digital literacy or vocational education programs. It is recommended that a curriculum should describe techniques of empirically studying the effects of its implementation. CMC does not yet provide a means of experimentation and evaluation. CMC does not address the praxis approach, such as exploration of practice between peer-teachers or reflection by implementers as to what worked.

This document begins with a summary of some existing curricula to teach computers, followed by establishing the foundations for this curriculum (CMC), and a description of the approach in designing CMC (Section 2). Then details of content choice for various grades are given (Section 3, Annexure A). These are followed by recommendations for teaching-learning strategies (Section 4), based on the underlying philosophy, and an example of CMC implementation (Section 5 and Annexure B), in the form of text books. 2 FOUNDATIONS OF THE CMC CURRICULUM CMC addresses the question: What computer-related topics should be taught in each grade and why? especially in the Indian context. Before exploring this question, a review of existing curricula and textbooks for teaching Computers at the K-12 grades is given below. (Indian schools use the term standard in place of the term grade. This document uses the term grade consistently). 2.1 Existing Curricula and Textbook Options 2.1.1 Computer curricula in Indian school Boards Schools in India are affiliated to one of CBSE, ICSE, IB, IGCSE, or State Boards. Each Board prescribes curricula and conducts standardized examinations for grades 10 and 12. A summary of computers curricula prescribed by these Boards is as follows:
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The CBSE Board follows the NCERT NCF 2005 [CBSE Board]. The NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) classifies computer literacy into six categories: Fundamental Operations and Concepts, Social and Ethical Issues, IT Tools, Communication Tools, Technology Research Tools and Problem Solving. The curriculum is categorized for three levels: Primary, Middle and Secondary schools. At each level, the categories are divided into competencies and skills to be developed. However these specifications are broad and there are variations in their interpretation across textbooks and schools. The ICSE Board has computers as a core subject in 1st to 8th grades, and as an elective in 9th to 12th grades. The syllabi for 9th to 12th grades includes topics such as computer hardware functions, data representation and internal computer structure, computer software, social context of computing and ethical issues, algorithms, programming using a high level language and computers in everyday life. Details are available on their website [ICSE Board]. However the syllabi for the lower grades are left open. Schools are free to follow textbooks by any publisher that they find suitable. As a result there are variations in the topics covered, breadth of topics, concepts and skills taught at different schools. The IGCSE Board [IGCSE Board] based out of Cambridge and the IB Board [IB Board] based out of Geneva offers computer science and computer studies at various levels. However, there are not many schools in India that follow these curricula. Some State Boards in India have introduced computers as a subject, with varying degrees of syllabus specification. A pioneering effort is the IT@School project by the State govt. of Kerala which provides a comprehensive curriculum and teaching resources for various grades [IT@School project]. However for most other states the details of the topics to be covered and their depth are open to interpretation.

2.1.2 Computer curricula in other countries There exist K-12 Computer Science curricula in many countries. Some examples are: The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Task Force Report [ACM K-12] provides a curriculum and well-defined methodology to integrate teaching of computers and information technology into K-12 grades. Computer skills are learnt by carrying out projects and computer-based activities in other subjects. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) [ISTE] defines standards for evaluating skills and knowledge that students need to live productively in a digital world (NETS-S). The milestones describe what students should know and be able to do by the end of various grades, in technology operations, information fluency, problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, and ethics. The European Computer Driving License [ECDL] foundation offers international computer skills certification from introductory to advanced levels. The programmes contain modules which define the skills and competencies to be a proficient user of a computer and computer applications.
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Governments of several countries define their own curricula, learning objectives and competencies for CS education (also called Informatics, or IT) at the school level. [Hubwieser et al 2011] note that there is a variation not only in the content to be taught and at what level, but also in the levels of specificity described. They describe a research framework (called Darmstadt model), to systematize descriptions of school CS education across countries. Integrated models such as the one from ACM are desirable but this approach is not suitable for Indian schools. Two key limiting factors are the lack of various resources and low computer skills among the teachers. Hence a comprehensive curriculum tailor-made for the Indian context is required. 2.1.3 Computer textbooks in India A review of some textbooks available from reputed publishers for teaching computers in Indian schools is given in Annexure C. A summary is as follows: Most authors have attempted to provide a good, age-appropriate treatment of any given topic. Most books contain detailed explanations for some topics suggested in the NCERT or other guidelines. The books provide useful suggestions for activities, but these activities are primarily constructed around specific tools such as MS Word or Excel. Many books contain several screenshots for the usage of software tools. Also, there is insufficient emphasis on conceptual learning. In a few cases, it is not clear whether the book is meant to be read by the students or be used as a guide by the teacher. There is a wide variation in the interpretation of the syllabus leading to non-uniform emphasis on various topics. Even in a given textbook, the relative emphasis of the various topics is sometimes disproportional to their importance. Sometimes the contents for an entire year deal with learning intricate details of one technology tool. None of the textbooks surveyed explicitly address the need to emphasize on general intellectual development and conceptual thinking skills. So no textbook was found consistently suitable, throughout the various grades and topics. Different schools follow different textbooks. Some do not follow any book but simply leave it to the teachers creativity to choose the resources. As a result, there is a wide variation in the computer curriculum being taught, even among schools that are affiliated to the same Board. 2.1.4 CMC

This document is a detailed specification of a computer science syllabus, referred to as CMC. It prescribes the themes and sub-themes to be addressed in each grade, learning objectives for each topic and recommends teaching-learning methods to be followed. It is hoped that these details will enable textbook authors and teachers to exercise their creativity in the explanation of a given topic, rather than the choice of the topics themselves. In other words, they should be free to focus on the how to teach, rather than deal with what to teach and why.
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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

2.2 Underlying Philosophy of CMC As mentioned in Section 1.1, this document addresses three purposes of a curriculum: (i) Curriculum as a body of knowledge to be transmitted, (ii) Curriculum as an attempt to achieve certain ends in students, and (iii) Curriculum as a process. The various choices made to address these purposes are influenced by the underlying philosophy of CMC, which is as follows: 1. Develop computer fluency, not just computer literacy. While computer literacy is defined as the knowledge and ability to use computers and related technology efficiently, computer fluency means a robust understanding of what is needed to use information technology effectively across a range of applications [Committee on Information Technology Literacy, NRC. 1999]. The goal of computer fluency is to enable students to adapt to the changes in digital world rather than merely be aware about computer and its application. Hence, CMC has emphasis on understanding of the concepts behind various computer-based activities, rather than usage specific tools. The goal of such a concept-oriented approach is to equip students to be self-learners and enable them to cope with the inevitable advent of new versions, tools and technologies of the future. 2. Develop thinking process skills, not just content mastery. While content mastery (domain knowledge) is important, the need to develop thinking process skills (cognitive processes used by experts) is well established [Padilla 1990; Big6 skills]. Hence, CMC has explicit emphasis on teaching of thinking process skills, which are the basic procedures and methods used in making sense of complex situations, solving problems, conducting investigations and communicating ideas. Computer literacy skills are introduced only after motivating the need for developing the corresponding thinking process skill. 3. Highlight the interconnectedness of knowledge, not just address a topic/subject in isolation. While mastery of a topic is important, recognizing the inter-connectedness of various topics and ideas leads students to construct a more expert-like knowledge structure [Ellis and Stuen 1998]. Hence, CMC has emphasis on: (i) thematic integration, i.e., the integration of knowledge from various subjects into the Computers curriculum, and the use of computer-skills activities to strengthen knowledge in other subjects, and (ii) spiral curriculum, i.e., the content of the curriculum is organized such that themes and topics are revisited with increasing depth in each successive visit. In addition, CMC is neutral to specific hardware platforms and software packages. However, to maximize outreach and ensure scalability, it suggests Free/Open Source (FOSS) based operating systems and applications.

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

To summarize, CMC addresses thinking process skills, fundamental concepts of computer science and computer literacy skills, in manner that themes and topics are revisited with increasing depth in each successive visit, and in a context that reflects the inter-connectedness of different subject domains. These key features described in the next section. 2.3 Key Features of CMC 2.3.1 Thinking process skills Thinking process skills include basic methods and cognitive processes used by scientists, engineers, computer scientists, writers, economists and many other professionals in making sense of complex situations, solving problems, conducting investigations and communicating ideas. These skills are applicable in a wide range of problems in science, technology and engineering, as well as in everyday life. The thinking process skills addressed in CMC include: Algorithmic thinking, problem-solving skills, systematic information gathering, brain storming, analysis and synthesis of information, multiple representation and divergent thinking. Thinking process skills have been widely recognized as being relevant and important for students in the 21st century. There exist recommendations from various professional bodies and accreditation boards such as ACM and ABET [ACM; ABET] that these transferable skills are required by college graduates. A body of science and mathematical education research literature recommends that students need to develop these skills to understand and practice authentic science. Various combinations of the thinking process skills have been referred to in literature as science process skills [Padilla 1990], the Big 6 [Big6 skills], and critical thinking skills. The rationale for choosing the specific thinking process skills mentioned above is several-fold. One, algorithmic processes are the foundation of much of computer science, hence developing step-wise algorithmic thinking is key to understanding several aspects of computers itself. Algorithmic thinking and logical reasoning are applied in solving problems in several domains. Next, learning how to systematically gather information, represent it in multiple ways, and analyze and synthesize information, form the basic steps of research in any area. The skills of gathering and organizing information are key to developing information literacy. Finally, thinking process skills such as brainstorming, synthesizing information, multiple representation and decision-making, equip students with powerful skills to handle real-life situations at various ages, from planning a vacation, to buying a computer for home use, to deciding future education and career paths. CMC includes thinking process skills as a key feature of the curriculum not only because they are required in learning the fundamentals of computers, but importantly, because they need to be explicitly

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

addressed in a curriculum if we want students to develop them. Students do not automatically acquire these skills, while learning content [Marzano et al 1988]. 2.3.2 Computer literacy integrated with fundamental concepts and thinking skills As mentioned in Section 2.2, CMC is based on the philosophy that it is necessary to address computer fluency, not just literacy. Thus CMC does not approach computer literacy simply as a list of usage skills of increasing difficulty that the students must learn one by one. Instead it approaches the learning of computer usage skills in the context of learning about fundamental computer-related concepts and thinking process skills. The first step in deciding to teach a particular usage skill lies in establishing the need for that skill, either to learn a concept or to develop a thinking process skill. At that point, the usage skill is addressed only to the extent it is required by the underlying need. Advanced aspects of the usage skill are addressed in future visits to the topic, as explained in section 2.3.4. Moreover, educational research shows that learning is not just a rational act, but also has emotional connections [Hinton et al 2008]. Hence CMC also addresses learners attitude towards computers. This leads to the following categorization of topics chosen for each grade: Concepts: Learning computer science concepts, as well as thinking process skills. These address the development of the cognitive faculties of the learner. Usage Skills: Developing hands-on skill in the use of various hardware, software, and programming languages. These address the development of behavioral faculties. Social Aspects: Understanding and applying ethical and security related issues of computer and Internet usage, developing a positive attitude towards computers, and enjoying the process of inquiry. These address the affective faculties.

2.3.3 Thematic integration Thematic integration views learning and teaching in a holistic way and reflects the interactive nature of the real world [Hanlon and Ayre 2005]. It provides useful ways for teachers and students to make connections between and among subject area concepts (Ellis & Stuen 1998). When curriculum is addressed in an integrated fashion, and when more connections are made between ideas, the complexity of mental models and the amount of learning increase. Learners connect ideas they encounter, to construct a cohesive knowledge structure in their minds. Therefore, those taught using an interdisciplinary or integrated curriculum often exhibit better performance or learning than those taught according to traditional subject compartmentalized programs [Brooks and Brooks 1993; Sunal et al 1996]. Thematic integration bridges the gap between formal, abstract knowledge and real-world, informal knowledge, both of which play an important role in the learning of computers.

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

One way to apply thematic integration is through the development of an interdisciplinary thematic unit, supported in its development and execution through technology [Miller and Davidson 1997]. This entails use of computer-based learning tools. In countries where most students have access to desktops, laptops or other handheld devices in the classroom, thematic integration of technology primarily refers to the application of technology into other subjects [Eteokleous, 2008]. On the other hand, in countries such as India, where resources are constrained, computers are mostly implemented as a separate school subject. To address these needs, CMC suggests a thematic integration for Computers curriculum that involves reinforcing what is taught in other subjects while learning computers. In other words, CMC curriculum builds on what students learn in subjects such as Science, Maths, Geography, and so on, to acquire conceptual and procedural understanding of computers. Moreover, the natural attraction of students to acquire computer-usage skills by doing computer-based projects is leveraged to motivate them to acquire deeper knowledge in the other subjects. 2.3.4 Spiral curriculum CMC is organized as a spiral curriculum [Bruner 1977]. It is structured such that themes and topics are revisited multiple times, with each successive visit increasing the depth to which topics are addressed. A spiral curriculum could be conceptualized as follows: A set of ideas or operations are first introduced in an intuitive way. After they have been mastered at a conceptual level, ideas are revisited in a more formal manner. The connection with other knowledge is developed so that students start building interconnected complex set of ideas. The next, higher level of mastery is treated at a more abstract level.

While a spiral curriculum entails revisiting topics multiple times, it is not simply a repetition of a topic. Each visit deepens the treatment of the ideas. Increasing levels of difficulty are addressed in successive visits of a topic. New knowledge or skills, advanced applications, and additional objectives, get added in each subsequent visit. At all times, explicit connections are made from new learning to old learning. Some benefits of a spiral curriculum are: it reinforces understanding of topics, builds from simple to complex ideas, achieves higher cognitive levels during successive encounters with a topic without overwhelming the student, and provides flexibility to personalize learning. While attention is paid to the age appropriate manner of introducing a topic, the emphasis is not on defining precisely which topics are to be introduced at which age. It is acceptable if all students do not understand all ideas in the first visit. The goal is that since each topic is revisited more than once, each student is able to grasp the topic at some point in time.
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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

2.3.5 Scalability CMC is not preferential to any specific hardware platforms or software packages. However, to maximize the outreach and implementation in a cost-effective manner, CMC recommends the use of free and open source software (FOSS) operating system and applications. It has been recognized that unless an attitude and aptitude of knowledge creation is established in developing countries, they will continue to remain as mere consumers of technology [Hawkridge 1990]. Besides bringing down implementation costs, the use of FOSS facilitates a culture of freedom, builds confidence in the user to be in command of technology, and empowers them to participate in technology creation. 2.4 Process of CMC Curriculum Design The CMC philosophy (Section 2.2) led to the identification of key features (Section 2.3). This section describes the process followed to operationalize the features into topics to be taught at each grade. As mentioned in 2.3.2, CMC categorizes topics into Concepts, Usage Skills and Social Aspects. The process used for coming up with the curriculum details is as follows: 1. Identify what concepts, usage skills and social aspects are relevant for K-12 levels, keeping in mind the key features of integrating computer literacy with thinking skills. This led to the identification of the following themes: Familiarity with computers, Computer applications, Thinking skills, Computer programming, and Social values. These are described in detail in Section 3.1. 2. Organize the themes into sub-themes and topics to be taught in each grade by applying the spiral design (See 2.3.4). Note that age-appropriateness of the topics is addressed by the spiral design. An overview of the sub-themes as well as their mapping to the grades is given in Figure 1, with more details in Annexure A. 3. Define learning objectives for the topics in each grade. The learning objectives are measurable indicators of the performance of a student in that topic [Anderson and Krathwohl 2001]. The detailed learning objectives for each grade are given in Section 3.2.

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Figure 1: CMC curriculum at a Glance

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

3 CMC SYLLABUS - CURRICULUM DETAILS 3.1 Themes and Topics As indicated in Section 1.1, this section addresses the purpose of curriculum as a body of knowledge to be transmitted. The CMC curriculum has been classified into five themes: familiarity with computers, computer applications, thinking process skills, computer programming, and social values and ethics. Each of the themes has multiple sub-themes. Familiarity with computers: Topics in this theme provide opportunities to become familiar with computer associated vocabulary, learn computer and file operations, and acquire usage skills. Computer applications: Topics in this theme build competency in applications usage, such as word processor, presentation, multimedia, spreadsheet and Internet, thereby enabling students to utilize the potential of computer as users of the technology. Thinking process skills: Topics in this theme build cognitive abilities of algorithmic thinking, reasoning, problem solving, information gathering, brain storming and synthesizing, using multiple representations, and divergent thinking. These abilities enable students to plan and execute complex projects, use the appropriate applications for a given project, and write wellengineered programs. In addition, these abilities equip students to deal with real life situations. Computer programming: Topics in this theme develop algorithmic thinking skills and enable students to become creators of technology. Computer programming is addressed in two phases, to avoid cognitive overload. A graphic user interface (GUI) based language, such as Scratch is used in the first phase, for learning of programming concepts. Text-based syntax is introduced only in the second phase, through a different language, such as Basic. The two phases are bridged by teaching how to draw flow charts and write pseudo-code. Social aspects safety and ethics: Topics in this theme sensitize students to ergonomic, social and ethical issues associated with computer use. These issues are incorporated in the curriculum by way of exercises to avoid computer related injury, Internet safety guidelines, and values such as sensitivity to others and intellectual property rights.

The above themes are further detailed into sub-themes and topics at each grade level. These details are provided in Annexure A. These details would be useful for textbook authors to decide the topics to be addressed in each grade and the corresponding learning objectives. A grade-wise summary view - what topics should be taught in each grade and upto what depth follows. 3.2 Grade-wise View of the Curriculum Sub-sections (3.2.1 - 3.2.8) describe details of the topics to be taught in each grade in terms of learning objectives. As indicated in Section 1.1, this addresses the purpose of curriculum as a as an attempt to achieve certain ends in students.

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It is expected that a teacher would be able to comfortably address these topics, by teaching one class per week for grades 1-4, and one or two classes per week for grades 5-8. It is recommended that the first few weeks of any grade be devoted to explicitly revising topics from the previous grade, since many topics in the curriculum reappear at increasing depth in each grade. 3.2.1 1st Grade
Category Concepts At the end of the 1st grade, a student should be able to: Recognize that a computer has different uses List different uses of a computer Identify applications for some uses (such as Paint) List various parts of a computer (such as CPU, monitor, mouse, keyboard) Identify associated functions of each part (such as, the function of a CPU is to control all other parts of a computer) Describe what is a file Control functions of keyboard (arrow, enter keys) and mouse (single/ double click) Open, close and quit applications Use simple applications (such as Paint) Open, edit and save files Identify and manipulate elements of a desktop and window Identify and follow correct posture while using a computer Follow guidelines to keep a computer clean (such as not eat/drink near a computer) Share common resources fairly (such as taking turns while using a keyboard)

Usage skills

Social aspects


2nd Grade
At the end of the 2nd grade, a student should be able to: State functions of input and output devices Explain Input-Processing-Output process Apply the concept of organization to categorize items Explain start-up and shut-down of a computer Create folders Perform mouse actions like drag and drop Operate navigation keys of a keyboard (such as page up/dn, backspace) Edit text using basic features of a text editor (such as insert, delete) Reuse text/images through cut/copy and paste Rename/ delete/ save files Practice start-up, login, log off and shut-down Describe steps to be taken for care of the computer Identify and follow correct posture while using a computer Practice exercises for shoulders, hands, neck and eyes Respect others privacy Follow guidelines for secure computer use (such as password)

Category Concepts

Usage skills

Social aspects

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3rd Grade
At the end of the 3rd grade, a student should be able to: Dissect a task into constituent sub-tasks Apply step wise thinking to perform a task (such as planning a vacation) Explain the purpose of a computer program Describe the elements that make up a computer program Format typed text using the mouse (such as font type, style, colour) Execute a Scratch program and interpret the results Write simple programs in Scratch using motion, control and looks blocks Work in teams to complete activities Take care of ones eyes, wrists and neck Practice relevant exercises while using a computer

Category Concepts

Usage skills

Social aspects


4th Grade
At the end of the 4th grade, a student should be able to: Apply logical reasoning to solve a problem (that includes constraints) Apply programming concepts (such as sequencing and control flow) Classify, organize and store various types of content Write programs in Scratch using commands in motion, control and looks blocks Write programs involving threads (coordination between multiple sprites) Organize files and folders Identify file extensions Work in teams to complete activities Practice exercises to avoid repetitive strain injury Practice secular tolerance

Category Concepts

Usage skills

Social aspects


5th Grade
At the end of the 5th grade, a student should be able to: For a given task: Identify and analyze the goal, identify resources to gather the required information, and capture and organize information Organize information using tables and lists Distinguish between the pros and cons of softcopy versus hardcopy Recognize uses of a network of computers (such as Internet) Explain how information is created and shared on the Internet State the need for websites to have a unique addresses Write advanced Scratch programs (such as build your own game) Use a browser to navigate through web pages, using hyperlinks Use a search engine to find information on the Internet, using keywords Communicate through email

Category Concepts

Usage skills

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

Social aspects

Explain importance of login and password Follow a correct posture while using a computer Follow parents/ teachers guidance while browsing or searching the Internet Inform parents/ teachers about emails from strangers Protect against spam


6th Grade
At the end of the 6th grade, a student should be able to: Apply thinking skills: brainstorming, synthesizing, analyzing and decision making Represent information in various forms (such as spreadsheet and mind map) Categorize computers applications (such as standalone and Internet) Plan a presentation Explain the uses of a spreadsheet Apply the concept of a flowchart to depict a process Use tools for organizing and representing information (such as mindmaps) Create a presentation, including both content and aesthetic aspects Create and edit data in a spreadsheet Perform calculations and generate graphs using a spreadsheet Draw flowcharts and write pseudo-code to represent a program Write simple programs using appropriate syntax in BASIC State the security steps to follow during online communication Explain the measures for responsible use of Internet resources

Category Concepts

Usage skills

Social aspects


7th Grade
At the end of the 7th grade, a student should be able to: Explain the functions of computer internals, such as CPU, BIOS and RAM Apply the concepts of pixels while editing images Interpret information from tables and graphs Process data in a spreadsheet to answer a query Track the development of computer to its present form Identify suitable FOSS application for a required purpose Apply algorithmic thinking while writing programs Edit image using image editor Incorporate multimedia files in a presentation to create a digital story Format documents to create newsletters, invitations and posters Apply formulas and sorting to process data in a spreadsheet Exchange information with a group using internet Explore features of FOSS applications Write programs in BASIC involving conditions, loops, and manage lists and arrays State measures to adopt for responsible use of Internet resources. Communication skills using Internet

Category Concepts

Usage skills

Social aspects

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools


8th Grade
At the end of the 8th grade, a student should be able to: Differentiate between the concepts of LAN, WLAN and WAN Explain the concepts of packet switching, firewalls and security State what is web 2.0 and give examples Explain the uses of social networking Apply design guidelines for creating blogs and websites Explain the concept of binary number system Explain the concepts of database, primary key and querying Use features of web 2.0 Use Google tools to create and publish content online Use a combination of office productivity tools to create a product design Perform basic computer system administration and troubleshooting Write advanced programs in BASIC Create and query databases State the security steps to follow during online communication Apply safety rules while accessing social networking sites

Category Concepts

Usage skills

Social aspects

3.3 How CMC prepares students for Grades 9-12 for various Boards In India, schools have to be affiliated to a Board, such as ICSE, CBSE or State, in order to conduct classes for grades 9-12. The exams for grades 10 and 12 are conducted by the respective Boards. All the schools affiliated to a given Board follow syllabi prescribed by that Board. As mentioned in Section 1, some Boards allow schools to define their own syllabi for grades 1-8 and define detailed syllabi only for grades 9-12. The ICSE, CBSE and some State Boards have defined syllabi for computers in grades 9-12, which can be found from their respective websites [ICSE, CBSE, Maharashtra State Board]. Hence, instead of independently re-defining the syllabi for grades 9-12, this section indicates how the CMC curriculum from grades 1-8 prepares a student to proceed with the Computers elective in grade 9 onwards. The ICSE syllabus for Computer Applications and the CBSE syllabus for Foundation of Information Technology are discussed below. 3.3.1 ICSE Board The ICSE syllabus for Computer Applications for grades 9 and 10 for the year 2013 can be found at: http://www.cisce.org/Syllabus 2013/23. Computer Applications.pdf It lists the following six aims: 1) To empower students by enabling them to build their own applications. 2) To introduce students to some effective tools to enable them to enhance their knowledge, broaden horizons, foster creativity, improve the quality of work and increase efficiency. 3) To enable students to learn to use the World Wide Web in order to gather knowledge and communicate

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

with students and the academic community all over the world. 4) To enable students to learn to process words and numbers, analyze data, communicate ideas effectively and make the optimum use of computer resources. 5) To help students learn fundamental concepts of computing using object oriented approach in one computer language. 6) To provide students with clear idea of ethical issues involved in the field of computing The topics listed for grade 9 are: Operating System, Internet, Computing and Ethics, Office Application Software, Database Packages, Elementary Concepts of Objects and Classes, Values and Types, and Conditionals and Loops. Table 1 gives the grade at which CMC addresses students preparation for these topics. Details of sub-topics at each grade in CMC are given in Annexure A.
Topics and sub-topics of ICSE grade 9 Prior preparation CMC curriculum* in

Operating System: Need; features and functions; Installing and un-installing Grades 7 and 8 software and hardware. Operating System: Working with GUI; task bar icons; multiple windows; Grade 4 creating and arranging folders and files. Internet: Working of internet; sending and receiving e-mails; web servers; search engines; working of modem; Protocols and their need (FTP, HTTP, SMTP). Computing and Ethics: Intellectual property rights; privacy; data protection; protection against spam, malicious intent and malicious code. Office Application Software: Word Processor, Multimedia Presentation, Spreadsheets Editing; formatting; working with tables; using images, sound, video and custom animation; Using formulae, functions and charts. Database Packages: The need for database management; creating, editing and saving a database; adding, deleting, modifying records and fields; performing calculations; sorting on various fields, indexing; querying; report generation. Objects and Classes: Modeling entities and their behavior by objects; Class as a specification for objects; Function calls between objects. Values and Types: Primitive types; operations; expressions, assignment. Conditionals and Loops: if else and switch-case; for and while loops. Laboratory assignments: Use of Office applications; programming; designing applications for various purposes. Grades 5-7 Grades 5-7 Grades 3-8

Grade 8

Not addressed Grades 7 and 8 Grades 3 and 4 (Scratch); Grades 7 and 8 (BASIC) Grades 3-8

Table 1: ICSE grade 9 and Prior preparation in CMC

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As can be seen from Table 1, many topics in CMC are revisited in multiple grades, owing to the spiral nature of the curriculum. Thus CMC lays a strong foundation for almost all the topics prescribed for grade 9 of ICSE Computer Applications. It is expected that a student will be able to naturally progress from CMC grade 8 to ICSE grade 9 and then further to grades 10-12. 3.3.2 CBSE Board The CBSE syllabus for Foundations of Information Technology for grades 9 and 10 for the year 2013 can be found at: http://cbse.nic.in/currisyllabus/SECONDARY CURRICULUM-vol-1-2013.pdf It consists of four units: Basics of Information Technology, Information Processing Tools, IT Applications and Societal Impacts of IT. Table 2 gives the topics and sub-topics for grade 9 and shows how the CMC curriculum prepares a student for them. topics. Details of sub-topics at each grade in CMC are given in Annexure A.
Topics and sub-topics of CBSE grade 9 Prior preparation CMC curriculum in

Basics of Information Technology (Computer): Components of computer Grades 7 and 8 systems; storage devices; software. Basics of Information Technology (Communication): LAN, WAN, Internet, Grades 7 and 8 Wired and Wireless networks. Information Processing Tools (OS): Operating System; Working with GUI, task Grades 3-8 bar icons; multiple windows; creating and arranging folders and files. Information Processing Tools (Office): Word Processor, Multimedia Presentation, Spreadsheets Editing; formatting; working with tables; using images, sound, video and animation; Using formulae, functions and charts. IT Applications (Examples): Report writing; greeting cards and poster making; Environment awareness; Advertising; Analysis reporting. Societal Impacts of IT: Benefits of ICT in various sectors; Plagiarism; Privacy; Security and Integrity of Information; Intellectual Property Rights, Careers in IT. Grades 3-8

Grades 7 and 8 Grades 5-7

Table 2: CBSE grade 9 and prior preparation in CMC As can be seen from Table 2, CMC lays a strong foundation for almost all the topics prescribed for grade 9 of CBSE Foundations of Information Technology. It is expected that a student will be able to naturally progress from CMC grade 8 to CBSE grade 9 and then further to grades 10-12. Mapping prior preparation in CMC to State Board grade 9 is along similar lines. These details omitted to avoid repetition.

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

4 TEACHING -LEARNING STRATEGY As indicated in Section 1.1, this section addresses the purpose of curriculum as a process. Several curriculum theorists [Stenhouse 1975] have suggested that a curriculum should include not only content, but also the means to transact that content. Hence a curriculum must provide principles for the development of a teaching strategy. Once the decision is made on what is worth teaching, psychology and pedagogy principles should guide us identify effective teaching-learning strategies [Kumar 2004]. This section recommends broad strategies on which specific teaching methods and lesson plans can be developed. These strategies are established to be effective and are suitable in the context of CMC. It is recommended that textbook authors and school implementers incorporate these strategies. 4.1 Inquiry-based learning Inquiry-based learning [Barrett 2005; Olson, S. and Loucks 2000] is an approach in which students are actively engaged in the learning process by asking questions, interacting with the real world, and devising multiple methods to address the questions. Learners are guided by questions that lead to gathering of evidence, formulating explanations from the evidence and communicate and justify the explanations. The teacher plays the role of a cognitive guide and a facilitator in the process. Inquirybased learning is an effective way to realize the key feature of Thinking Skills (Section 2.3.1). There are different levels of inquiry-based learning. In some forms, the problem is suggested by the teacher and the students devise their procedure to solve the problem. For example, the teacher asks students to prepare a presentation on an unfamiliar topic, such as maintaining an aquarium or embedded applications of computers. Students first identify what they already know about the topic and what they need to find out. Then they gather the relevant information from various sources, and synthesize it to create the presentation. The teacher oversees the process, provides feedback and intervenes wherever necessary. In other, more open forms of inquiry, learning is more student-driven. For example, students may want to learn about a particular technology, such as use of Google docs. The teacher helps them get started and then guides them towards the discovery of features of their interest. Inquiry-based strategies help students to learn how to learn. They develop the ability to locate, evaluate and use appropriate information, which is crucial in todays information-rich technological environment. The guidance provided by the teacher helps students to develop skills and confidence to apply concepts and use tools. Ultimately, inquiry-based strategies help students develop into independent learners.

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4.2 Learning via Real-world Context Learning is most effective when it is situated in a real-life context [Bransford et al 1992]. It engages and challenges students to make connections between their environment and the formal curriculum. Making real world connections to the content, teaching abstract principles by establishing the need for them in a real-life context, and using analogies from students everyday lives, are practical methods to realize the underlying key feature of Thematic Integration (Section 2.3.3). Connections to students everyday lives can be established in multiple places within the lessons, through classroom and homework activities, by solving context-rich problems and while working on projects. 4.3 Collaborative learning Collaborative learning (or cooperative learning, group work, team learning) is one method of getting students to actively participate in the process of learning. Several research studies show that students learn more of what is taught, retain knowledge longer, are able to solve more complex problems, and are more satisfied with the process when they learn in groups [Johnson and Johnson 1986, Toten et al 1991]. Students work on one or more tasks in small groups by planning, discussing and negotiating. Collaborative learning can take various forms: groups can be formal or informal, members can be assigned to groups by the teacher or students can self-organize, groups can last for a particular class or for a long-term duration (such as an entire semester, or for a project) and groups can be of varied sizes. Students co-construct and share knowledge, thereby forming a community of learners in the class. 4.4 Playfulness Play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well being of children and youth. It allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Research studies have revealed that play has been found to be the most developmentally appropriate way for children to learn since it facilitates problem-solving, perspective taking, social skills, and development of the mind (Bailey 2002). The role of play and the use of games as educational tools can influence learning among children by bringing about qualities such as confidence, self-efficacy, and intrinsic motivation (Garris et al 2002). Hence CMC suggests including playfulness as an explicit basis for designing learning activities and transacting them in the classroom.

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

5 AN IMPLEMENTION OF THE CMC CURRICULUM Computer Masti (CM) [Iyer et al] is a set of textbooks based on this CMC curriculum. CM textbooks are labeled as Levels I-VIII, which can correspond to Grades 1-8, if a school begins teaching Computers from Grade 1. CM books are sequenced in such a way that students who have studied them from grades 1-8 would be able to meet the requirements of various education boards of the country CBSE, ICSE, IB, and State boards for grade 9 onwards. CM books can be downloaded from www.computermasti.in Each CM book contains lessons (chapters), worksheets and activities based on the themes in the curriculum recommended for that particular grade. Guided by the curriculum, CM books address students development of thinking process skills while teaching concepts and usage skills associated with computers. Each CM book has a Concept before Skill approach focusing on conceptual understanding before learning the usage skills associated with specific applications. The pedagogy emphasizes inquiry-based learning, real-world contexts, collaboration and playfulness. The following sections describe how the key features, themes and topics, and teaching-learning strategies of the CMC curriculum were realized in the CM books. 5.1 Realizing the key features of CMC curriculum Thinking Process Skills (Section 2.3.1): Each CM textbook explicitly addresses one (or more) thinking process skills, starting from Level III. For example, stepwise thinking is a lesson in Level III, logical thinking is a lesson in Level IV, gathering and synthesizing information is a lesson in Level V, and using multiple representations is a lesson in Level VI. Computer literacy integrated with fundamental concepts and thinking skills (Section 2.3.2): CM textbooks address computer usage skills, both hardware and software related, within the context of learning fundamental computer concepts and thinking process skills. For example, students are introduced to the Internet and its uses (Level V, Lessons 5 and 6), only after they learn the thinking skill of systematically gathering information (Level V, Lesson 2) and concepts related to organizing information (Level V, Lesson 4). Another example is that students are formally introduced to programming (Level III, Lesson 3), only after the lesson on stepwise thinking (Level III, Lesson 2), in which they apply algorithmic processes to daily life situations, such as planning a school play. Thematic integration (Section 2.3.3): CM textbooks achieve thematic integration, i.e., reinforcing what is taught in other subjects while learning computers, by use of: 1. Analogy from other domains to establish an understanding of computer related concepts. For example, teaching about Internet network (Lesson 5, Level V) by drawing an analogy with water or electric supply networks. 27

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2. Worksheets whose context lies in different subjects at that grade level. For example, an activity on organizing information (Lesson 6: Naming and organizing files, Level IV) asks students to classify a list of items as rivers, mountains or cities. Thus students learn geography while doing a CM activity. 3. Computer-based activities that provide a drill for knowledge acquired in other subjects. For example: while students are taught keyboard or mouse skills, they are given a drill of arithmetic operations through educational computer games such as Gcompris and TuxMath. Spiral curriculum (Section 2.3.4): The feature of spiral curriculum is applied in CM textbooks in multiple instances. Concepts are first introduced in an intuitive manner, and revisited with increasing complexity multiple times. For example, students first learn only a few basic features of text-editing, such as, entering text and using the commands of Copy-Paste (Lesson 7, Level II). At the next level, students learn about font types, sizes, styles and colors (Lesson 6, Level III). A few levels later, they learn to incorporate multimedia objects and format the layout to create posters (Lesson 5, Level VII). Scalability (Section 2.3.5): CM activities employ a Free and Open Source (FOSS) operating system (edubuntu) and nearly 50 FOSS applications (See Annexure B). All applications included in CM books have an equivalent for Windows operating systems as well.

5.2 Themes and Topics in CM textbooks The content of the lessons in the CM textbooks follow from the themes, sub-themes and topics prescribed in the CMC (Section 3; details in Annexure A) for each grade level. Topics in each lesson are classified into concepts, usage skills and social aspects as described in Section 3.2. An example for Level V that contains a suggested week-wise teaching schedule is shown in Table 3. Similar details for other levels are given in Annexure B.
Lesson 1 Topic Name Revision of Level IV Concepts Reasoning, problem solving Usage of control statements Storage and organization of files/folders Identification and analysis of goal for a given task Identification of resources to gather information Recording, categorization of information Decision making Skills Do Exercises for legs, ankles, foot muscles Write scratch scripts Create folders Apply step wise thinking tools to achieve a goal Break up a task into main task and sub- tasks Values reinforced Weeks Exchange of ideas 1stReinforce imagination 2nd

Step-wise Gathering of Information

Work systematically 3rdAsk for Parental 5th guidance Make a choice within the given constraints

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Organizing Information using Lists and Tables

Organization of information Create a list, sub-list using Be proactive 6th Representation of information Bullets and numbering Explore 8th using tables, and lists Add/delete rows and independently Softcopy and hardcopy columns in table Insert pictures in documents Advanced Capture of input from user Assign values to variables Reinforcing creativity 9th Scratch Conditional statements Write scripts using variables to design new games 11th Programming (if-else) and operators Variables, operators and Lists Create lists (arrays) REVISION 12-15 Introduction to Network of computers : Use a browser to access Sharing information 16th Internet Internet Internet websites Observe analogy 18th Browsing Unique address for a website Open a given URL between topics and Sharing of information on Bookmark a website Use real life examples Internet through web pages hyperlinks Relating observations Navigation of web pages to the context of the and websites lesson (seen parents Hyperlinks on websites booking online) Searching the Search engine Use effective keywords to Asking questions 19th Internet Search Keywords search for information Go beyond the lesson 21st Follow parental/ teacher Look for information guidance while browsing on other subjects Communication Communicate through Email Create an email account Keeping in touch with 22nd using E-mail Email address, login, Send and receive emails friends and family 24th Differentiate between password Use options in email Email spam application content in emails Attach files to email Projects All concepts from levels 1-5 All skills from levels 1-5 All of above 28-32

Table 3: Topics and schedule in CM Level V

5.3 Teaching-learning strategies in CM textbooks A social constructivist approach, complemented by playfulness, as recommended in Section 4, forms the basis of the teaching-learning strategies in the CM textbooks. Each lesson has a narrative style, consisting of two children who learn about computers while they engage in their daily activities. A third character in the narrative, a mouse look-alike, plays the role of a facilitator for inquiry-based learning. Students make real world connections and integrate knowledge via the context in the narrative. Worksheets, activities and projects at the end of each lesson are geared towards exploration, collaborative learning, and reflection. The specific teaching-learning strategies adopted in the CM books are given in Annexure B.

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

6 CONCLUSION CMC develops computer fluency and thinking skills, in a manner that highlights the interconnectedness of knowledge. It uses a spiral curriculum design to ensure that students retain their learning and progress to deeper levels. The detailed specification of learning objectives for each topic at each grade may help to standardize the competencies expected from students at each grade, and enable textbook authors to focus creativity on how to teach rather than what to teach. Textbooks based on CMC can equip students with computer concepts, usage skills, and also the 4Cs of 21st century skills - critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity [Trilling and Fadel 2009].

1. ABET. ABET accreditation organization. http://www.abet.org/ 2. ACM. Association of Computing Machinery. http://www.acm.org/ 3. ACM K-12. A model curriculum for K-12 Computer Science. Final Report of the ACM K12 Task Force Curriculum Committee. http://csta.acm.org/Curriculum/sub/K12Standards.html 4. Anderson, L. W. and Krathwohl, D. R. (eds). (2001). A taxonomy for teaching, learning and assessing. A revision of Blooms taxonomy of educational objectives: Complete Edition. New York: Longman. 5. Barrett, T., Mac Labhrainn, I., and Fallon, H. (2005). Handbook of Enquiry & Problem Based Learning. Galway: CELT. 6. Bailey R. (2002). Playing social chess: Childrens play and social intelligence. Early Years, 22: 163173. 7. Big6 Skills. http://big6.com/pages/about/big6-skills-overview.php 8. Bransford, J.D., Sherwood, R.D., Hasselbring, T.S., Kinzer, C.K., & Williams, S.M. (1992). Anchored instruction: Why we need it and how technology can help. In D. Nix & R. Spiro (Eds.),Cognition, education, and multimedia (pp. 115141). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 9. Brooks, J. G., and Brooks, M. G. (1993). In search of understanding: The case for constructivist classrooms. Alexandria, VA: Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. 10. Bruner, J. (1977). The Process of Education, 2nd ed. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 11. CBSE board. http://cbseacademic.in/curriculum.html 12. Committee on Information Technology Literacy, NRC. (1999). Being Fluent with Information Technology. Committee on Information Technology Literacy, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications, National Research Council. National Academy Press, Washington D. C. http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=6482 13. ECDL. European Computer Driving License (also called International Computer Driving License outside Europe). http://ww.ecdl.com 14. Ellis, A. K. and Stuen, C. J. (1998). The interdisciplinary curriculum. Larchmont, N.Y: Eye on Education Inc. 15. Eteokleous, N. (2008). Evaluating computer technology integration in a centralized school system. Computers & Education, 51(2), 669-686. 16. Garris, R., Ahlers, R., and Driskell, J. (2002). Games, Motivation and Learning: A Research and Practice Model. Simulation and Gaming, 33(4), 441-467.

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CMC: A Model CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

17. Hanlon, M. and Ayre, L. (2005). Technology Integration within Thematic Units. In C. Crawford et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2005 (pp. 1409-1412). Chesapeake, VA: American Association of Computing Education. 18. Hawkridge, D. (1990). Who needs computers in schools and why? Computers in Education, 15(1-3), 1-6. 19. Hinton, C., Miyamoto, K., and Della-Chiesa, B. (2008). Brain research, learning and emotions: Implications for education research, policy and practice. European Journal on Education. 43(1), 87-103. 20. Hubwieser, P., Armoni, M., Brinda, T., Dagiene, V., Diethelm, I., Giannakos, M. N., Knobelsdorf, M., Magenheim, J., Mittermeir, R. T., and Schubert, S. E. 2011. Computer science / informatics in secondary education. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (iTiCSE11). 1938. 21. IB Board. http://www.ibo.org/diploma/curriculum/ 22. ICSE Board. http://www.cisce.org/icse_X_Syllabus_S_year_2012-13.html 23. IGCSE Board. http://www.cie.org.uk/qualifications/academic/middlesec/igcse/subjects 24. ISTE. International Society for Technology in Educations NETS for Students http://www.iste.org/standards/nets-for-students. 25. IT@School project. https://www.itschool.gov.in/downloads.php . 26. Johnson, R. T., and Johnson, D. W. (1998). Action research: Cooperative learning in the science classroom. Science and Children, 24, 31-32. 27. Iyer, S., Baru, M., Chitta, V., Khan, F., and Vishwanathan, U. (2008-2012). Computer Masti series of books. InOpen Technologies. http://www.computermasti.in Alternate link: www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~sri/ssrvm/ 28. Kumar, K. (2004). What is worth teaching? 3rd ed. Orient Blackswan. 29. Maharashtra State Board. http://www.msbshse.ac.in/newsite/newhome.html 30. Marzano, R., Brandt, R., Hughes, C., Jones, B., Presselsen, B., Rankin, S., Suhor, C. (1988). Dimensions of thinking: A framework for curriculum and instruction. Assoc. for supervison and curriculum development. 31. Miller, K. W. and Davison, D. (1997). Is thematic integration the best way to reform sience and mathematics education. The National Science Supervison Association Journal. 32. NCF (2005). National Curriculum Framework, 2005. National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), India. http://www.ncert.nic.in/rightside/links/pdf/framework/english/nf2005.pdf 33. Olson, S. and Loucks-Horsley, S. (Eds.). (2000). Inquiry and the National Science EducationStandards: A Guide for Teaching and Learning. Committee on the Development of an Addendum to National Science Education Standards on Scientific Inquiry, National Research Council. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?isbn=0309064767 34. Padilla, M. J. (1990). The Science Process Skills. Research Mattersto the Science Teacher no. 9004. NARST publications. http://www.educ.sfu.ca/narstsite/publications/research/skill.htm 35. Smith, M. K. (2000). Curriculum theory and practice. The encyclopaedia of informal education. http://www.infed.org/biblio/b-curric.htm 36. Stenhouse, L. (1975). An introduction to curriculum research and development. Heinemann. 37. Sunal, C., Sunal, D., and Haas, M. (1996). Meaningful learning in social studies through conceptual reconstruction: A strategy for secondary students. Inquiry in Social Studies, 32 (1), 1-17. 38. Totten, S., Sills, T., Digby, A., and Russ, P. (1991). Cooperative learning: A guide to research. New York: Garland. 39. Trilling, B., & Fadel, C. (2009). 21st century skills: Learning for life in our times. Jossey-Bass.

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CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8

Theme I: Familiarity with computers 1. Computer parts and their functions Identify the observable parts of the computer and their functions. Recognize keys on keyboard. Understand giving of input through keyboard/ mouse, and getting output through monitor/ printer/ speaker. Identify network components. Identify different connection ports. Use external storage devices such as CD, USB. State the function State the functions of internal parts of a computer. of internal parts of a network.

State functions of State functions of various software. network software.

Recognize buttons Identify Input and output devices and on a mouse. state their function. 2. Computer operations Start a computer. Create folders and Use internet access Install and use organize files. applications. applications. Managing and Managing internet administration of a connectivity. single computer. Basic trouble shooting. Use elements of

desktop: taskbar, Login and logout. change wall paper. Enter password. Use elements of Shutdown. window: title bar. 3. Usage skills Practise mouse skills drag and drop. Use a GUI based programming application. Mouse skills: single, double, right click.

Continue with skills from Grade 3.

Use internet access Use input from Use multimedia Use internet applications. devices scanner. devices - scanners, devices modems mic, headphone and routers. and webcam.

Keyboard Enter Practise keyboard Keyboard and text. Use Space, skills - Caps lock, mouse skills for Backspace key. arrow, navigation formatting text. shift keys. Use a paint application. Use a text editor.

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Grade 1 4.

Grade 2 File management and operations State functions of folders. Create folders, move files into folders. Edit files cut, copy, paste, across files.

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools Grade 7 Grade 8

Understand what is a file. Minimize and maximize. Create, open, save, close, and delete a file. 5.

Recognize that Assign file and different types of folder names based information are on the content. stored in different Identify and match file types. file extensions. Create a directory structure of folder and sub-folders. Using computer for writing programs.

Differentiate between hard copy and soft copy. Take backup.

Backup important Use information files in more than from multiple one way. files to create multimedia Manage files on presentations. different devices, such as pendrive.

Use database files.

Uses of computers Using computer for accessing Internet. Identify different types of computer use - Stand-alone, networked, and embedded, and give examples. History of computers

State places where computer are used. State what a computer can and cannot do. Theme II. Computer applications 1. Multimedia Identify and use Draw, colour and Paint and Music save charts, application icons, posters, cards. options and tools. 2. Text editor/ Word processor

Use multimedia applications.

Create multimedia Use image editing Use multimedia presentations. software. publishing software.

Format text ( font, Enter and edit text. type, size, style, colour). Cut, Copy, Paste and Undo actions

Open new file.

Create lists, tables. Insert images into Design newsletters Design and edit and posters. documents. content for a Insert bullets and website. numbers. Insert data, rows and columns in a table.

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Grade 1 3. Presentation

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools Grade 7 Grade 8

Gather information Create a new and plan content of presentation and a presentation. format it. Use animations. 4. Spreadsheet Create and use lists and tables.

Modulate content of a presentation according to time available.

Modulate content of a presentation according to target audience. Study given data, do trend analysis. Use appropriate charts to plot and present data.

Interpret given data Use data filter. Create spreadsheet Make complex and enter data. computations using formula. Edit data, insert Use formulae, such as sum, average. Create charts. rows and columns. Use different kinds of charts according to the given data.


Database Use a spreadsheet Create database as a database. tables, insert data. Use filters for data Querying, forms selection. and reporting.


Combination of one or more of the above Work different applications word processor, spreadsheet and presentation. Use online applications such as Google docs to share content and collaborate.


Internet applications Use browser, Gather, synthesize Find, install and Use social network search engines and information for use applications and blogs. email applications. doing projects. for given purpose. Create websites. Web2.0 tools Cloud tools.

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Grade 1 8.

Grade 2 Communication

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools Grade 7 Grade 8

Create email accounts. Compose, send and receive emails. Theme III: Thinking Process skills 1. Categorizing and organizing information Grouping related objects together. Organize related files into folders. 2. Algorithmic thinking Create and organize folders. Organize given information into hierarchy. Use folders and sub folders.

Share information Use Web2.0 tools Use social network and collaborate for communication and blogs for through emails. Follow appropriate communication. etiquette.

Gather information Synthesize given for given task. information. Consolidate and organize info to accomplish task. Use multiple classification schemes.

Present gathered information in a coherent manner. Use multiple representations.

Organize, present information in a user-friendly way.

Break up a non Write steps to Apply algorithmic Identify and Systematically Apply all aspects computer-based perform given task thinking to solve a choose between divide task into from previous activity into steps. given problem. multiple solutions. sub tasks and solve grades. 3. Logical Reasoning/ Problem solving Identify goals and Identify known constraints of and unknown given problem. Apply algorithmic thinking to solve. 4. Gathering Information Identify resources Use Internet to Conduct surveys that can provide gather information of users to gather information to Compile a report accomplish a task. and present the Record, organize and synthesize information. Creative Commons Copyright 2013 Some Rights Reserved information coherently. data for market research. Use technology tools to record information. Carry out projects involving all aspects from previous grades. information to solve a given problem. Identify necessary Solve increasingly Apply all aspects and sufficient complex problems. from previous conditions that a solution should satisfy. State assumptions under which a solution works. grades.


Grade 1 5.

Grade 2 Decision making

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools Grade 7 Grade 8

Identify problem constraints. Identify solutions that meet the constraints. 6. Brainstorming, analysis of ideas and synthesis

Apply reasoning, Evaluate pros and Apply multiple decision making to cons of multiple thinking skills make choices in solutions and together to solve a performing real decide among the given problem. life tasks. various options. Generate multiple Do brainstorming and analysis to ideas to solve a given problem. Organize ideas using tools. choose between multiple solutions to given problem. Apply multiple thinking skills together to solve a given problem.


Using multiple representations Represent given information is Lists or Tables, based on the requirement. Represent given Use multiple information using representations to lists, tables, charts, analyze data and graphic organizers convey results. Integrate different data forms (table, charts, picture) from different applications.


Divergent thinking Come up with Come up with multiple solutions unusual solutions to given problem. to given problem.

Theme IV: Computer Programming 1. Programming Language Use a graphical programming language ( eg: scratch). Write and execute a simple program. Creative Commons Copyright 2013 Some Rights Reserved Use a graphical programming language. if-else, loops, and event handling. Use a graphical programming language. Do syntax based programming. Do syntax based programming. Do syntax based programming. Use subroutines, string functions, and make library calls.

Apply concepts of Apply concepts

Convert flow chart Use variables, to programs. arrays, input and output functions.

of keyboard input, Use if-else, loops. variables, lists.


Grade 1 2. Flow charts

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools Grade 7 Grade 8

Identify, use flow chart symbols. Create flowchart with decision making and loops. Theme V. Social aspects safety and ethics 1. Dos and Donts safety measures Follow safety measures while handling machines running on electricity. Follow safety measures while handling computers. Follow safety measures while browsing and receiving emails. Avoid personal information on the Internet. 2. Avoid computer related injury Do exercises for Do exercises for Do exercises for Follow norms for avoiding injury to avoiding injury to avoiding injury to amount of time arms, wrists, neck waist, shoulders, eye, leg, ankle and spent on Internet. eyes. 3. Ethical Values Handle computers Share computers. carefully; maintain Be sensitive to cleanliness. others needs. Work in a group to Follow Internet perform a task systematically. etiquettes for email and posts. Acknowledge sources of information. Share computers. Be sensitive to others needs wrist, arms, eyes. foot muscles. Follow norms for amount of time spent on Internet. Identify, follow correct posture. Check copyright before download from Internet. Verify information from multiple sources.

Use flow charts to Use flow charts to write programs. write programs.

Collaborate with others in a group.

Follow etiquettes for blog posts.

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CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

ANNEXURE B: COMPUTER MASTI (CM) TEXTBOOKS Computer Masti (CM) [Iyer et al] is a set of textbooks based on this CMC curriculum. CM books can be downloaded from www.computermasti.in. This Annexure provides: (i) the suggested week-wise schedule for teaching with CM books, (ii) the list of FOSS applications used in the books, (iii) specific teaching-learning strategies incorporated in the activities of each grade, (iv) mapping of the topics in CM books to competencies prescribed by NCERT, and (v) details of how CM levels I-VIII prepares students for ICSE grade 9.

B(i): Suggested week-wise schedule for teaching with CM textbooks The figures below contain screenshots from the textbooks. Each figure gives the distribution of lessons and topics in each level, classified into concepts, usage skills and values (social aspects), along with a week-by-week schedule.

Figure B.1: Schedule for Level I

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CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

Figure B.2: Schedule for Level II

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CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

Figure B.3: Schedule for Level III

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CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

Figure B.4: Schedule for Level IV

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CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

Figure B.5: Schedule for Level V

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CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

Figure B.6: Schedule for Level VI

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CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

Figure B.7: Schedule for Level VII

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CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

Figure B.8: Schedule for Level VIII

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CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

B(ii): List of FOSS applications included in CM

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Name of the application GCompris Tux Paint Tux Type Childsplay Mplayer Potato guy (Ktuberling) VLC Circus Linux gedit text editor LibreOffice: word processor Scratch Work rave Hex a Hop Tux Math Tetravex Gbrainy Sudoku Chess Firefox internet explorer Pysycache Celestia Frogger Lincity-NG Pix Bros Mines Kolf Untangle (gplanarity) Marble Desktop Globe Pauker LibreOffice presentation LibreOffice spreadsheet Semantik Omnitux Audacity Kstars Aerial combat simulator Homebank Shotwell Photo GIMP image editor Nature of the application Educational game - familiarity with computer, language, math and thinking skills Drawing creation tool Educational game - familiarity with computer Educational game - familiarity with computer, language, math and thinking skills Entertainment Educational game - familiarity with computer Entertainment Computer game - familiarity with computer Office productivity tool Office productivity tool Programming language Computer application - healthy computer practices Computer game - thinking skills Educational game - familiarity with computer, math skills Educational game - familiarity with computer, thinking skills Educational game - familiarity with computer, language, math and thinking skills Educational game - familiarity with computer, thinking skills Educational game - familiarity with computer, thinking skills Web browser tool Educational game - familiarity with computer, thinking skills Educational game - familiarity with computer, science and thinking skills Computer game - thinking skills Computer game - thinking skills Computer game - thinking skills Computer game - thinking skills Computer game - thinking skills Computer game - thinking skills Educational Computer application - geography and thinking skills Computer game - language and thinking skills Office productivity tool Office productivity tool Mind mapping software Educational Computer application - geography and thinking skills Audio editing tool Educational Computer application - geography and thinking skills Computer game - thinking skills Computer application - managing personal accounts Computer application - managing personal photographs Image editing tool CM Level* 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

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CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 48 49 50 51 Basic 256 Google Earth Mtpaint Smilebox Gmail Google Docs Picassa/Flickr Xmind Scribus Google+ Blogger Google Sites LibreOffice base Programming language Educational Computer application - geography and thinking skills Image editing tool Multimedia scrapbook Advanced features of Email File editing and sharing Photo sharing Mindmapping software Desktop publishing software Social networking and sharing Creating blogs Creating websites Creating and using databases 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8

* CM Level is the level at which the application is first introduced and continued in subsequent levels.

B(iii): Specific teaching learning strategies in each CM level S.No Strategy and Techniques I II III 1 Puppet Show 2 Role Play 3 Games 4 Hands on experience 5 Scenario-based learning 6 Inductive-deductive approach 7 Problem-solving 8 Think-Pair-Share 9 Number heads together 10 Team-Pair-Solo 11 Small group teaching techniques 12 Filamentality strategies 13 Minimalist approach 14 Brainstorming sessions 15 Mind mapping

Level IV V




1. Puppet Show: A puppet show is a strategy wherein the characters, known as puppets (may be made of cloth, stick, or paper mache), are used enact a scenario. This strategy is a powerful way to attract students attention. 2. Role play: This strategy is an educational setting in which learners take on the role profiles of specific characters (such as person affected by a social issue) or entities (components of a computer system) and simulate the conditions being studied. The teacher sets up the situation and as students act out their roles they gain deeper understanding of the different perspectives.

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CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

3. Games: Learning through games has proved effective in educational settings. Learning through games increases students motivation and enhances their performance. 4. Hands on experience: Hands on, also called by doing, is a technique where learning occurs by performing the task instead of merely learning the theory or content. Hands on is an effective way to learn software or improve psychomotor skills. 5. Scenario-based learning: Scenario-based learning puts the student in a situation or context and exposes them to issues, challenges and dilemmas, and asks them to apply knowledge and practice skills relevant to the situation. The student navigates by choosing options and is given feedback based upon their choice. 6. Inductive Deductive approach: This is a step by step, example-based approach. For teaching a topic, a teacher first gives several examples of the topic. Then she asks students to find similarities across all the examples. Teacher then asks students to come up with the rule governing the similarities and cite more examples for the rule. 7. Problem-solving: Teacher poses a problem statement for which many solutions are expected. The pros and cons of these are then analyzed. This approach helps develop critical thinking and also thinking from various perspectives. 8. Think-pair-share: Students work through questions using three distinct steps: i) Think: Students think independently about the question that has been posed, forming ideas of their own. ii) Pair: Students are grouped in pairs to discuss their ideas and solutions. This step allows students to articulate their ideas and to consider those of others. iii) Share: Student pairs share their ideas with a larger group, such as the whole class. Often, students are more comfortable presenting ideas to a group with the support of a partner. In addition, students' ideas have become more refined through this three-step process. 9. Number heads together: Students are placed in groups and each person is given a number. The teacher poses a question and students "put their heads together" to figure out the answer. The teacher calls a specific number to respond as spokesperson for the group. By having students work together in a group, this strategy ensures that each member knows the answer to problems or questions asked by the teacher. 10. Team-Pair-Solo: In this strategy the students work together first as a team and then as pairs and finally solve similar problems on their own. It is used to build confidence to tackle open-ended problems, which a student may not be able to solve individually at the outset. 11. Small group teaching : This is a problem based teaching approach whereby the students are divided into groups and they work in groups to find a solution and then share among the other groups. Examples of small group teaching techniques are: i) Three-step interview: Each member of a team chooses another member to be a partner. During the first step, individuals interview their partners by asking clarifying questions. During the second step, partners reverse the roles. For the final step, members share their partner's response with the team.

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CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

ii) Three-minute review: Teachers stop any time during a lecture or discussion and give teams three minutes to review what has been said, ask clarifying questions or answer questions. iii) Partners: The class is divided into teams of four. Partners move to one side of the room. Half of each team is given an assignment to master and teach the other half. Partners work to learn and can consult with other partners working on the same material. Teams go back together with each set of partners teaching the other set. iv) Circle the sage: First the teacher polls the class to see which students have a special knowledge to share. For example the teacher may ask who in the class was able to solve a difficult worksheet. Those students (the sages) stand and spread out in the room. The teacher then has the rest of the classmates each surround a sage, with no two members of the same team going to the same sage. The sage explains what they know while the classmates listen, ask questions, and take notes. All students then return to their teams. Each in turn, explains what they learned from their particular sage. v) Jigsaw: In this technique, students are organized like pieces in a jigsaw to form different kind of groups, where each student (piece) must be part of the solution to the jigsaw puzzle. This is done in following steps - Students are first divided into groups, wherein all the members have their own research topic to study. After each member is done with their research; each topic group is split in such a manner that new groups have a single member from each of the old topic groups. After the new groups have been assembled, each topic expert is responsible for integrating the knowledge of his/her topic specific knowledge into their previous group. Jigsaw method is a very useful tool for trying to help students to integrate knowledge and understanding from various sources and experts. 12. Filamentality strategies: These are web-based interactive learning strategies, whereby learners have to answer questions using web-based learning materials. One such strategy is Web Quest, in which learners are presented with a challenging task. Some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the Internet. Web Quests are designed to focus learners on using information rather than looking for it, and to support learners' thinking at the levels of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. 13. Minimalist Approach: Teacher uses a number of small steps, starting with a minimal introduction to the topic and helping students to explore further. The students learn the whole topic through a number of small steps 14. Brainstorming: This technique is used to generate large number of ideas to solve a problem. Ideas are generated at random without much criticism; most unusual ideas are also welcomed and are numbered as they are generated. 15. Mind Mapping: This is a strategy for helping students order and structure their thinking through mentally mapping words or/and concepts. Mind maps help to make notes that use only key words and images. Their visual quality makes them easy to remember and review.

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CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

B(iv): Mapping of CM topics to competencies prescribed by NCERT Primary school competencies

NCERT Competency 1.Communicate about technology components using right vocabulary Guidelines Use basic vocabulary related to the use of the technology, e.g., mouse, keyboard, monitor, window, icon, printer, concept keyboard, floppy drive, CD drive, CPU. i. (a) Parts of Computer (includes mouse, monitor, CPU, keyboard, printer) (Level I, Lesson 2) (b) Input and Output Devices (includes mouse, keyboard, printer, speaker, scanner) (Level II, Lesson 2) (c) Exploring Desktop (Windows, icons) (Level I, Lesson 9) i. Computer Start Up & Shut Down (includes how to start computer and log in- log out) (Level II, Lesson 8) ii. Activities using Mouse and Keyboard (Level II, Lessons 3 & 4) CM has considered the necessary fundamental operations and concepts such as mouse, monitor, keyboard, input and output devices, and internal technology operation. It also explains how to use mouse, keys on keyboard effectively. A. Fundamental Operations and Concepts CM Comments

2.Use input and output devices to operate computers

i. Start and shut down the computer (in both networked environment and stand alone system). ii. Use mouse, keyboard and printer. Apply basic vocabulary, like disk drive, RAM, ROM, processor, modem, ALU, CU, Interface, and so on. i. Use keyboard and mouse effectively. ii. Use Multimedia resources iii. Educational software including game software

3. Communicate about technology operation using the right terminology 4. Demonstrate function, operation of technology components

All sub-topics are explicitly dealt in CM at middle school level. i. (a) Keyboard usage (includes familiarity with keys and effective usage) (Level I, Lesson 5; Level II, Lesson 5 & 6) (b) Mouse usage (includes parts of mouse, drag and drop, single and double clicks) (Level I, Lesson 6; Level II, Lesson 4) ii. (a) Scratch programming (Level III, Lesson 5; Level IV, Lessons 3 & 5; Level V, Lesson 4) (b) Paint application (Level I, Lessons 6 & 7 (c) Using a music player (Level I, Lesson 8) iii.(a) Educational software includes 'Scratch' (Level III, Lesson 3) (b) Games such as GCompris and TuxMath (included as activities in Levels I, II and III) The early levels of CM introduce the functional operation skills. Students develop the keyboard and mouse usage skills through different Free Open Source Software educational games. CM introduces concepts of programming through Scratch that helps students to create animation. Application software likes Tux paint, Tux Math, GCompris and Childsplay helps learners to develop computer related skills simultaneously reinforcing concepts learnt in other subjects like Mathematics, English language and EVS.

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CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

B. Social and Ethical Issues 1. Work cooperatively in the classroom Share resources with other students; ii. Respect others privacy iii. Intellectual property. i. i. Do's and Don'ts with computer (Level I, Lesson 3) AWARE poster (Level V, Lesson 4) CM addresses relevant social and ethical issues in a class as well as outside the class. It emphasizes on working cooperatively, sharing your computer, Do's and Don'ts of computer handling and many more. Projects and activities encourage students to work collaboratively. At the beginning of CM levels learners are made aware of the responsibilities while handling computers and other accessories.


2. Practice i. Ensure that equipment is unharmed while using it. responsible use of ii. Practice responsible use of devices hardware and software. Maintain cleanliness. iii. In case of machine malfunction, inform the teacher 3.Acknowledge Ensure that sources of Sources of information are properly information acknowledged while using them for ones own purpose.


Do's and Don'ts with computer (Level I, Lesson 3)


AWARE poster (Level VI, Lesson 4)

4.Safeguard system against viruses c. IT tools

Use floppies after virus check under the teachers supervision


SMART poster (Level V, Lesson 7)

CM inculcates the attitude of acknowledging sources of information through this poster. This poster also creates awareness about copyright laws and Creative Commons. SMART focus on five basic internet safety rules.

1. Work with i. ii. folders and files iii. iv.

Create folders/files. Save file at desired location. Open /rename files/ folders. Print/ delete files

File and folder management (Level I, Lesson 6; Level II, Lessons 4 & 7; Level IV, Lesson 6)

2. Use LOGO as a programming tool

Use LOGO as a device for iii. Scratch to teach programming skills. (Level III, Lesson 5; controlling the technology for Level IV, Lessons 3 & 5; learning programming logic. Level V, Lesson 4)

3. Use tools for illustrations 4. Use a word processor

Create picture stories, filling of the images with color pattern. Use word processor and its editing facilities.

Tux Paint (Level I, Lesson 6 & 7; Level III, Lesson 6) Text processing (Level II, Lesson 7; Level II, Lesson 6)

Concepts necessary to work with files and folders are covered in different lessons from levels I to IV based on the complexity, and while working with different types of files. Scratch, a GUI-based programming language, equivalent to LOGO has been introduced in order to develop programming skills. Tux paint is used to nurture creativity.

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CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools

Middle school competencies

NCERT Competency 1.Communicate about technology components using right vocabulary Guidelines i. Use educational software. i & ii Communication using eAccess information sources mail (includes Bookmark a like CD-ROMs, previously webpage) (Level V, Lesson 7) book marked Internet sites. ii. Communicate through e-mails iii. LAN (Level VIII, Lesson 2) under teachers supervision. iii. Share drives in networked environment. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of hardware software and connectivity. 3. Recognize problems caused by viruses. Use trouble-shooting strategies or bring problems to the notice of the teacher. Basic trouble shooting (includes configuring external devices such as printer, webcam) (Level VIII, Lesson 5) Communication using e-mail (includes computer virus) (Level V, Lesson 7) Almost all lessons in CM provide links of related websites for reference. Through projects and activities the students are expected to share different kinds of files using Internet and LAN. CM covers safe handling of computer parts and peripherals, resources. sharing A. Fundamental Operations and Concepts CM Comments

Use anti-virus program to protect the system.

CM cautions against the ill effects of virus and mentions precautions.

B. Social and Ethical Issues 1. Practice Use equipment properly so that software media is not damaged. Recognize that someone elses work residing on the computer should not be disturbed. i. Practice safe Internet use. ii. Follow Net etiquette when using the Internet and electronic mail. iii. Respect copyright guidelines. Abide by laboratory norms with respect to virus check. Update antivirus periodically. Scan hard disk periodically for viruses. SMART poster (Level V, Lesson 7) ii. e-mail communication (Level V, Lesson 7) iii. AWARE poster (Level VI, Lesson 4) e-mail communication (Level V, Lesson 7) i. Dos and Donts with computer CM encourages students to be responsible users. This happens through constant reinforcement at every level. CM posters develop legal and ethical behavior. Variety of projects and assignments reinforce this behavior. Computer virus is dealt in level V of CM, including scanning devices before using them responsible use of software and hardware. 2. Exhibit legal and ethical behavior.

3. Use anti-virus programs and update them.

C. IT Tools 1. Use tools for publishing presenting information. and Create word processing documents with graphical elements using available facilities. (a) Organizing information (Level V, Lesson 3), Mind maps (Level VI, Lesson 2) (b) Word processing (Level VII, Lesson 4) (c) Spreadsheet (Level VI, Lesson 5) This is addressed in: a. Word processor skills format tables, pictures, b. Mind maps c. Presentation skills Plan, Execute and Impress stages.

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CS Curriculum for K-12 Schools Use i. Collect scientific data, like temperature, pH, light intensity. interfaces/tools for data ii. Differentiate between Analog and Digital transmission. collection and iii. Use digital camera. analysis. 2. 3.Use tools for analyzing model 4.Use LOGO for programming Manipulate variables in simulations to obtain a desired outcome. Use advanced LOGO features for i. Scratch (Level V, Lesson 4) ii. BASIC (Level VI, Lesson 6; exploring ideas. Level VII, Lesson 9) iii. Digital storytelling (Level VII, Lesson 3) i and ii are not covered. iii is covered in CM level VII

Not covered in CM Scratch is similar to LOGO but more recent.

D. Communication Tools 1. Communicate with others (with help teachers) from using i. Plan, design and present an academic product to the class using slide show that includes text, graphics, video and sound. ii. Communicate with others using email (Across the curriculum). Make collaborative exchanges with experts and peers. Present academic product to share data and solutions (Across the curriculum). i. Digital storytelling VII, Lesson 3) ii. Advanced Internet VII, Lesson 5 ) Advanced Internet Lesson 5) (Level VII, (Level Presentations introduced in CM level V. Students to collaborate to create a multimedia digital story. Communication occurs through the Internet. Students use e-mail and Google docs for online content sharing, starting in level V and continues in higher levels. CM level II introduces concept of multiple users. Online login, username and password are dealt in level V onwards.


electronic tools. 2. Collaborate

with others using on-line resources. 3. Work in a networked environment.

Log in, log out, use password, and i. Multiple users of the system, Internet and e-mail (Level V, share resources. Lesson 5 and 7) ii. Online sharing of content (Level VII, Lesson 5)

E. Technology Research Tools 1. Recognize Identify potential sources of electronic information sources. 2. Locate information from worldwide sources. information on a topic from the electronic library of the school (Across the curriculum). i. Devise search strategy to locate information. i. Introduction to Internet (Level V, Lesson 5) Searching the Internet (Level V, Lesson 5) Communication using email (Level V, Lesson 5) (Level VI, Stepwise gathering of information (Level V, Lesson 2) Step wise gathering of information identifying involves appropriate

sources of information. CM prepares learners through lessons of 1. Thinking processing skills 2. Introducing Internet 3. AWARE poster Aware of copyright, Watch for CC license, Acknowledge resources, Reject plagiarism, Explain in own words.

ii. Reach information sources by ii. keyword search; Boolean logic. iii. Identify the author, copyright date iii. and publisher, on the Internet. i. Gather information from different sources and crosscheck for their validity and relevance. ii. Obtain permission, if necessary, to use the work of others.

3. Evaluate the accuracy, bias and relevance in materials collected.

AWARE posters Lesson 4)

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F. Tools for Problem-solving 1. Use IT Use digital means to collect, process and interpret data solutions to problem. and explore resources for problem-solving and self-directed learning. 2. Select tools to interpret data, and model using a spreadsheet. Use electronic spreadsheet to create i. dynamic models. Make graphical representation of data and this ii. analysis. Introduction to spreadsheet (Level VI, Lesson 5) Advanced spreadsheet (Level VII, Lesson 5) Step-wise gathering information (Level V, Lesson 2) CM focuses on developing thinking skills such as step wise and logical thinking, while working with computer applications. CM prepares students to use spreadsheets and to represent data in tabular and graphical forms.

Secondary school competencies

NCERT Competency 1. Select appropriate device for a given task. Guidelines Gather data using scientific probes, use graphing calculators, etc. Combined software activity (Level VIII, Lesson 3) Activity requires use of multiple applications. Students have to choose appropriate tools accomplish the task. 2. Make informed choice of browser and search engine. 3. shooting Trouble for Put up justifications for choosing an Internet service provider, a browser, or a search engine. Make connections. Replace consumables builds like printer cartridge, paper, etc. System admin and basic trouble shooting (Level VIII, Lesson 5) Searching the Internet (Level V, Lesson 6) to A. Fundamental Operations and Concepts CM Comments

Students learn about alternative browsers and search engines. Students configure devices and Internet, and do troubleshooting.


B. Social and Ethical Issues 1. specific Identify strengths i. Make informed choice of appropriate technology systems and services. ii. Analyze impact of technology and its obsolescence. Combined software activity (Level VIII, Lesson 3) Students are sensitized about effect of technology on their environment through various activities. SMART & AWARE posters (Level V and Level VI) The posters sensitize the students about the copyright and safety rules while using Internet for information. CM does not deal with unauthorized intrusion, data manipulation and hacking.

and weaknesses of technology resources.

2. Demonstrate i. Use password and realize the importance of protecting it. legal and ethical behavior regarding ii. Explain impact of unauthorized intrusion and hacking. the use of technology and iii. Describe computer viruses. Ensure that they are not spread information. through insensitivity.

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C. IT tools 1. Communicate i. Create documents with i. Combined software VIII, This is addressed by: a. Word processor skills b. Presentation skills mentioned earlier. to a variety of audiences using IT tools. professional finesse. ii. Merge information from one document to another. iii. Create documents containing Hyperlinks. 2. Use a variety of i. technology tools for data collection ii. iii. and analysis. iv. Use technological devices for collecting data. Use spreadsheets to analyze. Create database reports. Use application accessories such as calculator, clock. 3. Use tools to and with Design and create multimedia presentations or web materials with interactive features (e.g action buttons to play video, links to other web sites) i. Data analysis using spreadsheet (Level VII, Lesson 5) ii. Creating newsletter (using word processor and Scribus (Level VII, Lesson 4 & 8) i. Digital story telling Create a digital story by adding video. images/ sound/ using presentation (Level VII, Lesson 3) ii. Scribus for desktop publishing and Xmind mind mapping software (Level VIII, Lesson 8) Introduction to FOSS apps (Level VIII, Lesson 5) Advanced Image (Level VII, Lesson 2) editing activity (Level Lesson 3)

ii. Communication using email (Level V, Lesson 7)

present publish information interactive multimedia features.

4. Use tools to make models and simulations 5. images. Manipulate

Use CD writer and Zip drive.

Use imaging software to make change in scanned image or image from digital camera.

D. Communication tools 1. Use on-line information resources for collaboration and communication. Participate in news group and conferencing by experts. Advanced Internet (Level VII, Lesson 5) CM encourages learners to create files using different software applications and share with friends and family through e-mail, Google docs and other cloud based applications. 2. Collaborate i. Create and contribute digitized materials to a commonly agreed with others for project archive. building contentlinks to resource related knowledge ii. Create materials to build group base. collaboration in research. Content sharing using Internet (Level V, Lesson 7; Level VII, Lesson 5; Level VIII, Lesson 3) Students are encouraged to share their work or create a document through collaboration using internet. A number of activities and project works ensure that online collaboration happens in the class.

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E. Technology Research Tools 1. strategy relevant Develop to find and i. Explain difference between the i. Searching the Internet (Level V, Lesson 6) Basic trouble shooting to adapt software according to requirement (Level VIII, Lesson 5) use of directories and search engines. Given a concept, use ii. online key word searches. ii. Adapt software for personal efficiency by setting preferences for effective use. iii. Evaluate appropriateness and effectiveness of electronic resources. iv. Use advanced features (e.g. advanced searches, filtering).

appropriate electronic information sources.

F. Tools for Problem-solving 1. Investigate technology-based options for lifelong learning Locate and use on-line resources with respect to a personal learning plan, e.g. an area of academic interest, a hobby or health issues and prepare an investigative study report. 2. Use productivity tools, i. Identify a problem and formulate the strategy to solve Combined software (Level VIII, Lesson 3) Step wise gathering information (Level V, Lesson 2) of CM focuses on developing thinking skills such as step wise thinking, logical thinking, analysis observation along and with

computer application skills. An activity that requires use of multiple office applications along with online collaboration is included. Students have to choose appropriate tools to accomplish the task.

the problem. communication tools and research ii. Collect data from various sources, including the use of skills. the Internet and probeware, interpret data and present findings. iii. Develop a solution to the problem.

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B(v): How CM prepares students for computer applications elective in ICSE Grade 9 Topics of ICSE
1. Computer Hardware

CPU, the clock, cache memory, primary memory, secondary memory, input and output devices, communication devices

Preparation through CM
i) Parts of computer (Level I, Lesson 2) ii) Input/output devices (Level II, Lesson 2) iii) History of Computers and applications (Level VII, Lesson8 ) iv) Inside computers hardware and operating system (Level VII, Lesson 2) Binary number system (Level VIII, Lesson 6).

Clock, cache memory, primary memory and secondary memory will be new concepts to be learnt in std IX. The students are already aware of sub-topics. Communication devices are included as parts of I/O devices, email and digital story telling. Sub-topics (b) and (c) are not addressed in CM VIII. They will be a part of std IX syllabus.

2. Data representation and internal computer structure

(a) Number systems. (b) Representations


integers, real numbers, limitations of finite representations. (c) Internal structure of a computer, instruction format, registers, simple algorithms in assembly language.

3. Computer Software

(a) Boot process, operating systems management, processing. (b) Directories, resource command files and

i) a. Start up and shut down, operations. (Level II, Lesson 8) b. OS (Level VII, Lesson 2) c. Trouble shooting (Level VIII, Lesson 5) ii) File management. (Level II Lesson 4; Level IV, Lesson 6) iii) a. Scratch multimedia programming (Level III, Lesson 3 and 5, Level IV, Lesson 3, 5, Level V, Lesson 4 ) b. BASIC (Level VI, lesson 7; Level VII lesson 10, Level VIII) iv) Application software (All). i) AWARE (copyright,

Students will have a fair knowledge about most of the sub-topics, due to the spiral nature of CM levels. New knowledge can be introduced in Std IX, as required. Students work with different application software in each CM level. See B2 for a grade-wise list. Students learn about safety issues while learning to use the Internet. Students learn about intellectual property rights, software patent, trademark and licensing, in various CM Levels.

hierarchical file system. (c) Programming languages (machine language, assembly language, high level language). (d) Compilers and interpreters. (e) Application software. 4. Social context of computing and ethical issues (a) Intellectual property and corresponding laws and rights. (b) Software patents, copyright, trademarks, licensing and piracy. (c) Free software foundation and its position on software, open source software. (d) Privacy, email etiquette.

Creative commons, plagiarism) (Level VI, Lesson 4) ii) SMART (Level V, Lesson 7) iii) Download and use applications (includes FOSS) (Level VII, Lesson 9) iv) e-mail Communication (Level V, Lesson 7)

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Topics of ICSE
5. Algorithms

(a) Concept of an algorithm (b) Properties of an algorithm (finite, definite, terminating, precise) (c) Basic ideas of the complexity of an algorithm space complexity, time complexity.

Preparation through CM
i) Thinking process skills Step-wise thinking, Logical reasoning, Step-wise gathering of information, Brain storming, Mindmaps (Level III, Lesson 2; Level IV, Lesson 2; Level V, Lesson 2; Level VI, Lesson 2) ii) Flowchart (Level VI, Lesn 6) i) Scratch (Level III, Lesson 3 & 5; Level IV, Lesson 3 & 5; Level V, Lesson 4) ii) BASIC 256 (Level VI, Lesson 7; Level VII, Lesson 10)

In earlier levels students have learnt thinking process skills. The thinking skills are applied by the students while preparing flowcharts. These skills and concepts will help them to learn about Algorithms. Students are familiar with programming through Scratch and BASIC 256. Programming begins at Level III of CM. The Thinking Processing Skills also help them in developing program writing skills. So they can learn complex programming in Std IX. The spiral curriculum of CM introduces applications multiple times in different levels of CM, with increasing complexity. Students learn to create, edit and format documents using features of different Open Office Documents. They also learn to communicate via e-mail and gather information using Internet.

6. Programming using a High Level language

BASIC or C++ : (a) Primitive data types, variables and assignment. (b) Expressions Arithmetic and logical. Associativity and precedence of operators. (c) Statements, blocks, scope and visibility of variables. (d) Conditional statements. (e) Loops (for, repeat, while). (f) Standard input/output.


Computers in everyday life

(a) Word processing, database spreadsheets, presentations. (b) Basic introduction to the Internet, browsing, e-mail.

i) Office applications a. Word Processor (Level III, Lesson 5; Level VI, Lesson 6 Level VII, Lesson 5) b. Spreadsheet (Level VI, Lesson 5, Level VII, Lesson 7) c. Presentation (Level VII, Lesson 4, Level VII, Lesson 4) ii) Internet and communication: a. Browsing and searching (Level V, Lesson 6) b. email communication(Level V , Lesson 7) c. Online content sharing (Level VII , Lesson 6 ) d. Social networks (Level VIII, Lesson 5)

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B(vi): How CM prepares students for foundations of IT elective in CBSE Grade 9 Topics of CBSE
1. Basics of Information Technology 1

(a) Convergence of computer communication and content. (b) Components of a computer CPU, Memory, I/O devices, units of memory (c) Types of software System, application (general - office, specific inventory and utility anti-virus). (a) Basic concepts of Operating systems. (b) Using Task bar, viewing files and folders, managing desktop Windows. (c) Office tools Word processing (creating and editing documents, using various formatting options).

Preparation through CM
i) Parts of computer (Level 1, Lesson2) ii) I/O devices (Level II, Lesson 2) iii) Inside computers hardware and OS (Level VII, Lesson 2)

All sub-topics are covered. Some subtopics may have to be learnt in more detail in std IX.


Information processing tools -1

i) Inside computers (Level VII, Lesson 2) ii) Exploring desktop (Level I, Lesson 9), Activities using a mouse (Level II, Lesson 4), Naming and organizing files (Level IV, Lesson 7). iii) Text processing (Level II, Lesson 7, Level III, Lesson 6, Level V, Lesson 3). Word Processor: Designing (Level VII, Lesson 5). Innovation and creativity (Level VIII, Lesson 5). Inside Internet (Level VII, Lesson2), Image editing (Level VII, Lesson 3). i) Making presentations (Level VI, Lesson 4), Digital story telling (Level VII, Lesson 4). ii) Introduction to spreadsheets (Level VI, Lesson 5), Data analysis (Level VII, Lesson 7). i) Designing ephemera (Level VII, Lesson 5). ii) Innovation and creativity (Level VIII, Lesson 5). iii) Internet applications (Level V, Lessons 5-7), SMART and AWARE posters (Levels V and VI), FOSS applications (Level VII, Lesson 9).

Topics introduced at lower levels and revisited at greater detail & complexity in the higher levels.



(a) Report writing, making cards and posters. (a) Computer networking LAN, WLAN, WAN. (b) Multimedia data use. (a) Presentation tools concept of slide shows, creating and editing slides, using formatting options. (b) Spreadsheets creating, editing and formatting, using simple statistical functions, inserting tables and charts. (a) Creating presentations on various topics, such as product advertisement. (b) Creating reports on various topics, such as cricket score card. (c) Societal impacts of IT plagiarism, security, privacy and IPR issues.

Integrates use of multiple application tools. Sub-topics may have to be learnt in more detail in std IX. Topics introduced at a level and advanced features addressed in the higher levels.


Basics of Information Technology 2 Information processing tools 2




Projects from level V onwards require use of multiple tools and thinking skills.

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ANNEXURE C: SURVEY OF EXISTING TEXTBOOKS This annexure gives a listing of the topics covered in various textbooks in India, as per the editions mentioned below. Note that most of this annexure was created in 2010 and has not been updated for the 2013 release of this curriculum document. It is possible that some of the textbooks mentioned below have revised editions with significant changes between 2010 and 2013.
Publisher: Authors: Year: Grade: 1st Oxford Univ Press Sangeeta Panchal, Alka Sabharwal 2005 (Second edition) Parts of a computer Uses of computers Mouse Keyboard Rachna Sagar Vaishali Bhatnagar, Anu Pasricha, Reeta Sahu 2006 (Fourth edition) Computer Parts of a computer Handle with care Uses of computers Keyboard Mouse handling Paint Kalra Publications M.M.Joshi, Amit Kantiwal 2005 (Revised edition) Useful Devices About Computer History of Computer Some other Parts Uses of Computer Importance of Computer Machines Donts with Computer Computer Alphabets JeevanDeep Prakashan Sadhana Sharma 2006 (Revised edition) Computer Machines Electricity Information Computer and its parts Monitor Cursor Lets use the Keyboard Mouse and Printer CPU A to Z of Computer Machines/Electricity Man and Machine Information Where store Information? Why we need Computers What is a Computer? Computer System Lets Use Keyboard Frank Bros Manjeet Jauhar, Bhuvana Balasubramaniam 2002 (First edition) What is a computer Uses of computer Computers everywhere Parts of a computer Monitor Keyboard Input, Process, Output CPU Compu Maths


Computers Machine Parts of computers Application of computer Start and Shut down Keyboard Mouse Fun with Paint

What is a Computer? Parts of a computer Storage devices More about computers Things to do How does it work? Input-Process-Output Keyboard

Computer Components Keyboard and keys CPU and its usefulness Monitor and its uses Types of Computer Languages and LOGO March of a TURTLE

Applications of computer How computers work Getting started with a PC Using the Keyboard Compu Maths

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Mouse handling Paint Operating a computer Precautions 3rd Introduction to computer Keyboard Operating system Operating a Computer Starting Paint Drawing in Paint Introduction to LOGO LOGO Commands Writing with LOGO Arithmetic with LOGO Notepad Project work 4th Computer Evolution Input an Output Devices More about Windows More about Paint More LOGO commands REPEAT and PRINT Intro to MS Word Multimedia Project work Know your Computer Parts of Computer Input output devices Hardware and software First step to Lab Your windows Starting MS Paint Fun with LOGO Drawing, Moving cmds Introduction to MS Word Project work

How a computer works Uses of computer

Input-Output Maths with Computer Uses of Computer Some Dos and Donts The Computer Parts of Computer LOGO 11 Chapters on LOGO commands and usage Man and Computer Structure of a computer Input devices Output devices Windows Paintbrush Compu Maths

Introduction and History Uses of main parts. Other basic devices. Operating a computer Other operations. Languages and LOGO Intro Windows98 Intro to WordPad Intro to Multimedia

Computer overview History of Computer Working with windows Working with MS Paint Drawing with LOGO Procedures in LOGO Advanced LOGO Word Processing Document Formatting Project Work

Evolution of Computer Computer: Detailed Focus Computer Applications Computer terminology Learning PC LOGO Windows98 OS Working in Paintbrush Working with MS Word Multimedia and Internet Social Ethics

Computer LOGO 15 Chapters on LOGO commands and usage Some programs

Learning step by step Introduction to LOGO 6 Chapters on LOGO commands and usage

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Application of computer Data Storage Media More about Windows Working with Calculator LOGO Procedures Editing Text in Word Formatting in MS Word More features of Word Internet Flowcharting Project work

Computers Overview Input Units Output Units Computer Memory Computer Software MS-Windows98 Clip art and Word art Algorithm and Flowchart Introduction to BASIC BASIC statements Multimedia and Internet Project Work Review of a Computer Uses of a computer Characteristics Classification Input / output devices Hardware and software Windows98 Windows: My computer Windows: Accessories Word processing Document Formatting Clip art and word art Excel and Powerpoint Multimedia and Internet Project work Review of Computer Generations of Computer

Generation of Computers Fundamental Elements Output Devices Uses of Computer More about Windows98 More about Paintbrush More about MS Word Electronic Mail Introducing Networks Social Ethics

Computer Lets write a Program Language (BASIC) Print System Commands Constants and Variables LET Lets Try Print Again GOTO Graphics Project

Algorithms and flowcharts Windows ME Paintbrush Wordpad Internet and email Compu Maths Compu English


Computer Peripherals More on MS Word Creating tables in MS Word Word Art and Draw Mail Merge MS Excel Internet Email Basics of BASIC Project work

Evolution of computers Fundamentals of computer Elements of computers Working in Windows 98 Working with Word Flow Chart Multimedia and Internet

Computer Architecture Computer Generation A Quick Revision (BASIC) Revision of Commands More System Commands INPUT Flow Chart For Next Library Functions Read Data Condition and Decision Counters On GOTO Graphics

Not Seen.


Computer peripherals More features of Word

Fundamentals of computer DOS and Windows

Computer System MS DOS

Not Seen.

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MS Excel Editing in MS Excel Formatting in MS Excel Formulas in MS Excel Intro to PowerPoint Internet as post office Computer Viruses QBASIC looping statements Project

Computer memory Operating system MS DOS commands Files in MS-DOS Windows: Explorer Word processing Text formatting in Word Mail merge in Word MS Excel Basics PowerPoint basics Multimedia Working with Internet Project work Review of Computer Number system Computer languages Path and Batch file External commands Windows98 Worksheet basics Editing in Excel Charts in Excel PowerPoint basics Slide formatting Computer Network Web browser HTML programming Project work

Introduction to Word Multimedia and Internet Computer Virus Fundamentals of BASIC

File, Batch file, Directory Format/Mode Date, Time, Prompt Version,Volume, CLS Wildcards Directory (DIR) Path and Pathname 9 chapters on DOS commands Common Error Message


Types of Computers Advanced MS Word Advanced MS Excel Charts in MS Excel MS PowerPoint Text in MS PowerPoint Organization in PPT Graphics,Charts in PPT Enlivening a PPT Intro to MS Access Whats on the Internet E-Commerce Graphics in QBASIC Project

Fundamentals of computer Introduction to Word Networking Multimedia and Internet

Windows Window Elements Explorer Control Panel My Computer, Recycle Word pad and Notepad Paint Internet Explorer Calculator, Address Book Windows 2000

Not Seen.

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Publisher: Edition: Grade 1st






1. A computer 2.The keyboard 3.Windows - Desktop icons, start up-shut down 4. Paint

1. How do machines work. 2.The Parts of a Computer 3.The Use of Computer 4.The Keyboard 5.The Mouse 6.Project 1 7.Input and Output 8.Input and Output Devices 9.Other Devices 10.Caring For Computer 11.Starting And Shut Down 12.Project 2 1. Computer as a machine 2.The Computer 3.The Parts of a Computers 4.The Types of Computers 5.The Mouse 6.Project 1 7.The Keyboard 8.The C.P.U. 9.The Monitor, Printer 10.Storage Places 11.Project 2 1. What is Computer? 2. Keyboard 3. Starting a Computer 4. Windows

1.Introduction to computer 2.Parts of A Computer 3.Start Your Computer 4.Know Your Mouse 5.Know Your Keyboard 6.Uses Of A Computer 7.Looking after computer

Introduction to computer Parts of a computer Uses of a computer Computers at work Use of keyboard Mouse Taking care of computer

Parts of a computer Tux Paint Word Pad


1. Parts of computer 2. Keys on keyboard 3. Windows 4. Word

1.Introduction to computer 2.Parts of A Computer 3. Starts & shut down 4. More about mouse 5.More About Keyboard 6.Computer in Our Lives 7. How Computer Works 8.Do`s And Don`ts 9.MS Paint

Computer Fundamental Keyboard Mouse Computer application Input and Output Devices Working with Paint Rules for Computer lab

Creating Images-MS Paint Creating Animations Typing Text


1.Parts of computer 2.The keyboard 3. Windows 4. PowerPoint

1.Introduction to computer 2.Do`s And Don`ts in Lab 3.Uses of Computer 4.Input Devices

Computer fundamentals Hardware and Software Working with Windows Working with Word

Working with windows Turtle Graphics Creating Presentations

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5. Paint 6. Project 1 7. Tools 8. More About Tools 1 9. More about tools 2 10. Drawing in paint 1.My Computer 2.Windows 3.Starting with Windows 4.The Desktop 5.Changing your Desktop 6.Project 1 7.The Start Menu 8.The Accessories Menu 9.Files and Folders 10.Windows Explorer 11.Introduction to Programs 12.Project 2 1. Introduction to Windows 2. An Introduction to Word 3. Editing a Document 4. Formatting a Document 5. The Features of Word 6. More Features of Word 7. Word art and Clip art 8. Columns and Tabs 9. Working with Tables 10. Printing a document Not Seen

5.Output Devices 6.Storage Devices 7. Windows XP 8. Paint master 9.Reasoning and Logic 10.Logo 1.Hardware And Software 2.The Brain Box CPU 3.Types of Computer 4.More On Windows 5.Notepad 6.Microsoft Word 7.MS Power Point 8.More on Logo

More on paint Introduction to LOGO


1. A computer 2.The keyboard 3. Windows 4. Introduction to LOGO 5. LOGO commands 6. More LOGO cmds 7. Drawing with LOGO 5 more chapters on LOGO commands

Computer fundamentals Multimedia LOGO More on Windows Windows accessories Introduction to Word

Creating files and folders Working with files and folders-1 Working with files and folders-2 Control Panel


1. Parts of computer 2.The keyboard 3. Windows 4. Introduction to LOGO 5 Drawing with LOGO More LOGO chapters

1.Evalution of Computers 2.Computer Memory 3.Computer Languages 4.Flow Charts 5.Introduction to Internet 6.MS Excel 7.More on MS Word

Computer memory Programming concepts DOS More on MS Word More on LOGO Introduction to Internet

Searching Information Photo editing Creating Charts Introduction Messenger Communication messages Communication msgs 2

6th 8th

Not Seen

Not Seen

Not Seen

Not Seen

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ANNEXURE D: CONTRIBUTORS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The contributors at various stages of this work are as follows: [2006-2007]: Authors of the 1st edition of the curriculum: Sridhar Iyer, Malathy Baru and Umesh Bellur, at Dept of Computer Science and Engg, IIT Bombay. Reviewers of the 1st edition of the curriculum: Swami Suryapad, Muralidhar Koteshwar, Shravan Bharatulwar, Jayalaxmy Swamy, Niharika Luthia, Savita Bharadwaj at Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir (SSRVM), Abhiram Ranade, Om Damani and Varsha Apte at IIT Bombay), Abhijit Deshpande and K. Mangala Sunder at IIT Madras, M. Sasikumar at CDAC, Mumbai, G. Nagarjuna at HBCSE, Mumbai, and C. Mani and Anitha Kurien at Kendriya Vidyalaya. Contributors to Teacher Handbooks for grades 1-4: Sridhar Iyer, Malathy Baru, Meera Hirani, Usha Vishwanathan, Semeena Kader, Smita Satam, Manjesh Kumar, Moushumi Pati, Sanjivini Salunkhe, Srinath Perur, Aruna Adil, Rajesh Kushalkar, and Kaumudi Sahasrabudhe at at IIT Bombay, Neela Srinivasan, Aruna Prabhala, A. Sivakolunthu, and Sameer Nanekar at other locations. Pilot implementation: Sridhar Iyer, Farida Khan and Usha Vishwanathan.

[2007-2009]: Assistance for pilot: Meera Hirani, Rekha Kale, Pravin Ingle, and Vinod Bhalerao, from IIT Bombay. Neena Nayyar and staff from SSRVM Mulund. [2008-2012]: Creators of Textbooks (Computer Masti): Sridhar Iyer, Malathy Baru, Vijayalakshmi Chitta, Farida Khan, Usha Vishwanathan, Kaumudi Saharabudhe and Sameer Sahasrabudhe, at IIT Bombay. Reviewers: Vaijayanthi Sarma (for 1-4) and Sahana Murthy (for 5-8), at IIT Bombay. Authors of 2nd edition of CMC: Sridhar Iyer, Malathy Baru, Vijayalakshmi Chitta, Farida Khan and Usha Vishwanathan, at IIT Bombay. Inputs on Teaching-Learning for 2nd edition of CMC : Sahana Murthy (IIT Bombay), Padma Sarangapani (TISS), Jayashree Shinde (SNDT), Vasudha Kamat (NCERT). Large scale implementation and Field studies: InOpen Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Authors of 3rd edition of CMC: Sridhar Iyer, Farida Khan, Sahana Murthy, Vijayalakshmi Chitta, Malathy Baru, and Usha Vishwanathan, at IIT Bombay.



We acknowledge support provided by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay), Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir (SSRVM) and InOpen Technologies, towards this effort.

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