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Swash-plate Type Axial Piston Pumps for O pen C irc uits in Ind ustr ial V ehic les


Although our products are designed on the basis of our profound knowledge and long ex perience, and m anufactured under the strict q uality control sy stem , the following m ust be taken into consideration in actual use.

The operating conditions of the products shown in this catalog vary depending upon each application. Therefore, the decision of the products' suitab ility to the system considered m ust b e m ade b y the designer of the hydraulic system and/or the person in charge of determ ining the specification after m ak ing analysis and conducting tests, if necessary. The study of the specification shall b e done b ased on the latest catalog and technical docum ents, and the system m ust b e com posed tak ing into account situations regarding the possib ility of m achine failure. P rior to use of the products, descriptions given in the S A F E TY P R E C A U TIO N S m ust b e ob served for the proper use. The technical inform ation in this catalog represents typical characteristics and perform ance of the products, and is not guaranteed one. In case the products are used in the following conditions or environm ents, please consult us prior to the use. U nspecified conditions or environm ents U se for atom ic power, aviation, m edical treatm ent, and/or food U se lik ely to affect hum an b eings or assets significantly or req uiring particular safety The inform ation describ ed in this catalog is sub ject to change without notice. F or updated inform ation, please consult our cam pany.

Before you use the product, you MUST read the operation or operators manual and MUST fully understand how to use the product. To use the product safely, you MUST carefully read all W arnings and C autions in this manual. Y ou MUST also observ e the related regulations and rules regarding safety.

Cautions related to operation

U se th e safety eq uipment to avoid th e injury wh en y ou operate th e produc t.

W arning s and Cautions for operation

N ever use th e produc t not eq uipped with anti-ex plosion protec tion in th e c irc umstanc es DANGER of possible ex plosion or c ombustion. S h ield th e rotating part suc h as motor sh aft and pump sh aft to avoid injuries c aused by being W ARNING c augh t of fingers or c loth s. S top th e operation immediately if y ou find someth ing wrong suc h as unusual noise, oil W ARNING leak age or smok e, and fix it properly . If y ou c ontinue operating, y ou may enc ounter damage, fire or injury . M ak e it sure th at plumbing and wiring are c orrec t and all th e c onnec tion is tigh tened CAUTION c orrec tly before y ou start operating, espec ially if it is th e first run. U se th e produc t under th e spec ific ation mentioned in th e c atalog, drawings and CAUTION spec ific ation sh eet. K eep y our body off th e produc t during th e operations as it may bec ome h ot and burn y our CAUTION body . U se th e proper h y draulic oil, and maintain th e c ontamination in th e rec ommended level, CAUTION oth erwise it may not work or be damaged.


P ay enough attention on h andling meth od to avoid pinc h ing h ands or bac k problems th at CAUTION may be c aused by h eavy weigh t of th e produc t or h andling posture. D o not step on th e produc t, h it it, drop it or give strong outside forc e to it, as one of th ese CAUTION ac tions may c ause th e failure of work , damage or oil leak age. W ipe th e oil on th e produc t or floor off c ompletely , as th e oil c reates slippery CAUTION c onditions th at may result in dropping th e produc t or injuring.

W arning s and Cautions related to installation and rem ov al of th e produc t

Installation, removal, plumbing, and wiring must be done by th e c ertified person.


*C E R T IF IE D P E R S O N : a person wh o h as
enough k nowledge lik e a person wh o is trained by K awasak is h y draulic sc h ool. M ak e it sure th at th e power of th e h y draulic power unit is turned off and th at th e elec tric W ARNING motor or engine h as c ompletely stopped before starting installation or removal. Y ou must also c h ec k th e sy stem pressure h as dropped to z ero. T urn off th e power before starting wiring or oth er work s related to th e elec tric power, W ARNING oth erwise y ou may be stuc k by an elec tric sh oc k . C lean th e th reads and mounting surfac e c ompletely , oth erwise y ou may ex perienc e CAUTION damages or oil leak age c aused by insuffic ient tigh tening torq ue or brok en seal. U se th e spec ified bolts and k eep th e spec ified tigh tening torq ue wh en y ou install th e produc t. CAUTION U sage of unauth oriz ed bolts, lac k of torq ue or ex c ess of torq ue may c reate problems suc h as failure of work , damage and oil leak age.

Cautions related to m aintenanc e

N ever modify th e produc t with out approval of K awasak i.


D o not disassemble and assemble with out approval by K awasak i. It may c ause troubles CAUTION and failure, or it may not work as spec ified. If it is nec essary by all means to disassemble and assemble, it must be done by an auth oriz ed person. K eep th e produc t from dust and rust by pay ing attention to th e surrounding temperature and CAUTION h umidity wh en y ou transport or store th e produc t. R eplac ing th e seals may be req uired if y ou use th e produc t after long time storage.


Out of a Wide Variety of Our Swash Plate Type Axial Piston Pumps, We Introduce b elow Those M ost Suitab le for Construction M achines with Open Circuits.
KP M S w a s h P la te Ty p e A x ia l P is to n P u m p s P ro g r a m s fo r In d u s tr ia l Ve h ic le s
Displacement 60 cm3 K3V63DT K5 V8 0 DT 80 K3V63DTP K5 V8 0 DTP Double pump (Tandem type) Double pump (P arallel type) Single pump K3V63S K5 V8 0 S


K3V1 1 2 DT K5 V1 4 0 DT

K3V1 1 2 DTP K5 V1 4 0 DTP

K3V1 1 2 DP K5 V1 4 0 DP

K3V1 1 2 S K5 V1 4 0 S

140 K3V1 4 0 DT K3V1 4 0 DTP K3V1 4 0 S

2 00 K5 V2 0 0 DT K5 V2 0 0 DTP K5 V2 0 0 DP K5 V2 0 0 S

K5 V2 0 0 DTH

K5 V2 0 0 DP H

K5 V2 0 0 S H


K3V2 8 0 DTH

K3V2 8 0 S

K3V2 8 0 S H

A Thorough Function Desigh Enabled Such Atractive Features

1. High Power Density
A ligh ter and more compact mach ine w ith h igh er pressu re rating and increased pow er density (ou tpu t pow er/mass) w as obtained by adopting a h alf log type sw ash plate. In particu lar, th e dou ble pu mp w ith its tandem arrangement, h as eliminated a pow er div ider, h as an increased transmission efficiency, and is ligh ter.

3. L ong L ife
A long life is obtained by adopting main bearings of large capacity and th e piston-retu rn mech anism th at compensates for th e w ear of th e sh oe.

4. L ow N oise
E v en less noise h as been ach iev ed becau se of th e optimu m design of th e v alv e plate and th e casing rigidity.

2. High Efficiency and L arge Self-Priming C apability

T h e sph erical v alv e plate and improv ed h ydrau lic balance prov ide stable cylinder rotation, th u s ach iev ing h igh efficiency ev en in a low -pressu re and low -speed operating range.

5. W ide R ange of C ontrols

T h e pu mp can be controlled in v ariou s k inds of control meth ods and is capable of responding to eith er mech anical, h ydrau lic or electrical inpu t.

The N series pump, which was used widely as a piston pump especially for construction machines, has been modified to the K 3V series, meeting the present-day req uirements. This pump has optimum functuon design and is provided with further improved power density, efficiency, and reliability, attained from our many years of ex periences with the NV series.


K 3V 280
K 3V series D isplacement 63 : 63 cm3 112 : 112 cm3 140 : 140 cm3 280 : 280 cm3 D T: D ouble pump (Tandem type) D P: D ouble pump (Parallel type) S : Single pump



2N 01
D esign code of regulator Regulator code D irection of rotation R : Clockwise L : Counterclockwise (viewed from shaft end) D esigh code Standard H : with Centrifugal pump P : with PTO
1M Pa =10.19 7 kgf/cm2 1Nm = 0.1019 7 kgfm

Siz e D isplacement Pressure (M Pa)
Speed (min-1)

63 (cm3) Rated Peak

2 3

112 112 34.3 39 .2

140 140

280 280


1. Pressure to which guarantee of performance, functions or service life is applied. D urability is unlimited (ex cept for the bearing life). 2. At max . displacement. In case of engine driving, max . idling speed should be below this value. This suction pressure should be -0.01 M Pa and above. 3. Suction pressure should be above 0.1M Pa. 4. M ax . speed with centrifugal pump 5. W hen other kinds of fluid would be used, please consult with us.

M ax . for self priming M ax .


2,650 3,250 343 125 48 81

2,360 2,7 00 588

2,150 2,500 1,120 29 4

1,600 4 (2,000)

2,000 1,9 50

M ax . input torq ue of tandem pump

M ax . input torq ue of attached gear pump with PTO (Nm)

M ass (kg)

Single Tandem Type O il temperature range

68 125
5 Antiwear

86 160 hydraulic fluid

140 27 0

Hydraulic fluid

- 20 ~ + 9 5 C
10 ~ 1,000 mm2/S (cSt) Suction line Return line 80 ~ 150 mesh nominal 10 micron meter

O il viscosity range F iltration

With new technology the K5V series has enabled increased power density.

V a ria tio n o f p u m p d is p la c e m e n t
K 3V K 5V K 5V 80
0 50



140 180


K 5V 140
100 150

K 5V 200
200 250 300

Displacement (cm3)


K5 V 200 DT H 100 R
K5V series Displacement 80 : 80cm3 140 : 140cm3 200 : 200cm3 DT: Double pump (Tandem type) DP: Double pump (Parallel type) S : Single pump

9 N 01
Design code of regulator Regulator code Direction of rotation Clockwise Counterclockwise (viewed from shaft end) Desigh code Standard H : with Centrifugal pump P : with PTO

Size Displacement Pressure (MPa)
Speed (min-1)

1MPa =10.197kgf/cm2 1Nm = 0.10197kgfm

80 (cm3) Rated Peak

2 3

140 140 34.3 39.2

200 200


1. Pressure to which guarantee of performance, functions or service life is applied. Durability is unlimited (except for the bearing life). 2. At max. displacement. In case of engine driving, max. idling speed should be below this value. This suction pressure should be -0.0 1MPa and above. 3. Suction pressure should be above 0.1MPa. 4. Max. speed with centrifugal pump 5. When other kinds of fluid would be used, please consult with us.

Max. for self priming Max.


2,460 3,000 529 125 48 81

2,160 2,500 843

1,900 4 (2,200)

2,200 1,120 294

Max. input torque of tandem pump

Max. input torque of attached gear pump with PTO (Nm)

Mass (kg)

Single Tandem Type Oil temperature range

68 125
5 Antiwear

86 160

hydraulic fluid

Hydraulic fluid

- 20 ~ + 95 C
10 ~ 1,000 mm2/S (cSt) Suction line Return line 80 ~ 150 mesh nominal 10 micron meter 6

Oil viscosity range Filtration


F unction & features

H orsepow er C ontrol
C ode C ontrol ty pe C ontrol curv e F unction & features

C ode C ontrol ty pe

C ontrol curv e

1 M
M anual flow control
S Lever stroke Q

Constant horsepower control

According to the rise of delivery pressuer of a pump, the tilting angle of the pump is automatically decreased, and the constant torque control is achieved.

W ith the manual control, the outlet flow can be steplessly controlled.

P2 : Companion pump pressure

Pi Pilot pressure

Total horsepower control Positive flow control 2.The total horsepower control can be achieved by decreasing the horsepower of a pump depending upon the pressure of its companion pump.


1.According to the rise of delivery pressure of a pump, the tilting angle of the pump is automatically decreased, and the constant torque control is achieved. (compensation control)

Positive flow control can be carried out by using the pilot pressure.


Q Pi

Pressure cut-off

Negative flow control

Negative flow control can be carried out by using the pilot pressure.

P Q Pm

Q Pi

H orsepower control + Pressure cut-off

2-stage max . flow control

Two-stage max . flow control can be obtained by supplying ex ternal pilot pressure. (only in negative flow control)

H igh pressure cut-off

If the pressure rises above the set value, the pump outlet flow is automatically decreased by the pressure cut-off control.

P = PA - PL PA: Pump pressure PL: Load pressure

Total horsepower control + Pressure cut-off

Load sensing control


Load sensing control can be obtained.


V ariable horsepower control V ariable horsepower control can be obtained by supplying pilot pressure or electric current.

Electric flow control

W ith the electric current, the oulet flow can be controlled.

I Electric current

C ode N o.

Total horsepower control + H igh-pressure cut-off Positive flow control + Total horsepower control




Negative flow control + Total horsepower control




Control type

Constant horsepower control

Total horsepower control

Load sensing control + Total horsepower control + V ariable horsepower control

Negative flow control + Total horsepower control + Two-stage max . flow control

Negative flow control + Total horsepower control + V ariable horsepower control


P2 P2 P2

P2 Pf


Pf P2 Pi1 Pm1 PL PA Pi1

Circuit diagram


Flow cotrol and H orsepower control can be combined with each other. Ex amples of applied circuits are shown above. Please consult us about other kinds of control, if necessary.

DIMENSIONS T andem T ype

L1 Dr1 L3 Suction Delivery

Direction of rotation
: Clockwise : Counterclockwise (Viewed from shaft end)



Suction Delivery

U se Dr1 or Dr2 port for case drain. L4


L9 L10


d L15 L7 L11 L12 D2

L5 Flange mounting face L13

T andem T ype (with

L1 L18 L19

Dimensions of P T O unit
L22 L21 M Involute spline to SAE L20


Involute spline to S A E
Number of teeth 10 13



Root form Cutter Diametral pitch

D3 L23

Flat root 16 /32 30 Side fit SAE


Pressure angle Type of fit

U se Dr1 or Dr2 port for case drain. L4

L8 L10




L11 L12


Dr2 Dr1 L16 Delivery L13 L17 Flange mounting face



Flange mounting face


4- d



3 0

Dr2 Dr1

K3V63 K3V1 1 2 K3V1 4 0 K3V2 8 0 K5 V8 0 K5 V1 4 0 K5 V2 0 0
180 224 250 300 180 224 250


125 160 180 200 125 160 180

82.55 82.55 101.6 82.55 82.55 101.6

18 22 22 26 18 22 22

76 78 93 115 76 78 93

70 80 92 150 70 80 92

70 80 92 125 70 80 92

142 142 142 142 142 142 142

190 234 256 300 190 234 256

89 100 112 127 89 100 112

98 110 123 140 98 110 123

8 8 8 8 8 8 8

228 265 305 356 228 265 305

138 167 190 203 138 167 190

37 41 53 70 37 41 53

37 41 53 70 37 41 53

464 538 618 792 464 538 618

97 109 121 150 97 109 121

195 220 245 286 195 220 245

K3V63 K3V1 1 2 K3V1 4 0 K5 V8 0 K5 V1 4 0 K5 V2 0 0

110 110 122 110 110 122

213 213 292 213 213 292

177 214 257 177 214 257

268 305 361 268 305 361

150 150 200 150 150 200

2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4

8 8 15 8 8 15

106 106 127 106 106 127

2M1025 2M1025 4M1222 2M1025 2M1025 4M1222

Dimensions of shaft end

K3V63 K3V1 1 2 K3V1 4 0 K3V2 8 0 K5 V8 0 K5 V1 4 0 K5 V2 0 0


No. of teeth
14 14 17 18 12 17 17

Pitch circle dia

29.6 35.0 42.5 54.0 30.0 42.5 42.5

Pressure angle
30 20 20 20 20 20 20

12 / 24 2.5 2.5 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.5

SAE J IS B 1603 J IS B 1603 J IS B 1603 J IS B 1603 J IS B 1603 J IS B 1603

Flang e mounting
K3V63 K3V1 1 2 K3V1 4 0 K3V2 8 0 K5 V8 0 K5 V1 4 0 K5 V2 0 0

face for Suction port (SAE R ule)

a b
88.9 88.9 106.4 120.7 88.9 88.9 106.4


60 60 76 89 60 60 76

dScrew depth
M1218 M1218 M1624 M1624 M1218 M1218 M1624

50.8 50.8 61.9 69.8 50.8 50.8 61.9


Flang e mounting
K3V63 K3V1 1 2 K3V1 4 0 K3V2 8 0 K5 V8 0 K5 V1 4 0 K5 V2 0 0

face for Delivery port (SAE R ule)

50.8 50.8 57.2 66.7 50.8 50.8 57.2


23.8 23.8 27.8 31.8 23.8 23.8 27.8

19 19 25 32 19 19 25

31.0 31.0 37.5 61.5 31.0 31.0 37.5

eScrew depth
M1016 M1016 M1222 M1220 M1016 M1016 M1222

a L9

Drain port (R
K3V63 K3V1 1 2 K3V1 4 0 K3V2 8 0 K5 V8 0 K5 V1 4 0 K5 V2 0 0

ule: J IS B 2 35 1 )
G G G G G G G 1/2 3/4 3/4 3/4 1/2 3/4 3/4


22.6 30.8 30.8 30.8 22.6 30.8 30.8

2.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.5 3.5 3.5

19 20 23 23 19 20 23


b c

a 45 d


DIMENSIONS Parallel Type

L9 L10 Dr1 Use Dr1 port for case drain. L5 D2 L4 L11 L7

12 d

L6 L13 Delivery L1


Direction of rotation: Clockwise (Viewed from shaft end)


L3 Suction L12

K3V112 K5V140 K5V200
429 429 530


410 410 511

11 11 14

235 235 272

113 113 138

163 163 206

111 111 141

256 256 301

428 428 507

493 493 570

34 34 34

5 5 5

148 148 135

522 522 625

391 391 400

(mm) L13

385 385 398

Dimensions of shaft end

K3V112 K5V140 K5V200


No. of teeth
14 17 15

Pitch circle dia

(mm) 35.0 42.5 47.6

Pressure angle
20 20 30

2.5 2.5 8/16

JIS B 1603 JIS B 1603 ANSI

Flange mounting face for Suction port (SAE Rule)

Size a
50.8 50.8 69.9

88.9 88.9 120.7

60 60 83

dScrew depth

K3V112 K5V140 K5V200

M1218 M1218 M1624

Flange mounting face for Delivery port (SAE Rule)

Size a
23.8 23.8 31.8

(mm) d d e

50.8 50.8 66.7

19 19 32

34.0 34.0 41.5

eScrew depth

K3V112 K5V140 K5V200

M1016 M1016 M1222


Drain port (Rule: JIS B 2351)

Size a
G 3/4 G 3/4 G 3/4

a (mm)

a b c

30.8 30.8 30.8

3.5 3.5 3.5

20 20 23


K3V112 K5V140 K5V200

a 45 d


Single Type
for K5V200S

L4 4- d L1 Dr1 L7 Suction Delivery

Direction of rotation
: Clockwise : Counterclockwise (Viewed from shaft end) L3



Dr2 L16 L5 L8 L4 L10 L9

Suction Delivery

4- d L15 L7 L11 L12 L6 D2

Dr2 Dr1 L14 L13 Use Dr1 or Dr2 port for case drain.

Flange mounting face

K3V63 K3V112 K3V140 K3V280 K5V80 K5V140 K5V200
180 224 250 300 180 224


125 160 180 200 125 160 165

18 22 22 22 18 22 22

76 78 93 115 76 78 75

70 80 92 150 70 92 92

70 80 92 125 70 92 92

142 142 142 142 142 142 142

190 234 256 300 190 234 265

89 100 112 127 89 100 132

98 110 123 140 98 110 132

8 8 8 8 8 8 16

210 250 292 343 210 264 300

138 167 190 203 138 167 190

37 41 53 70 37 41 53

37 41 53 70 37 41 53

277 309 366 433 277 338 389

89 109 121 135 89 109 121

195 220 245 286 195 220 245

(mm) L16


Dimensions of shaft end

K3V63 K3V112 K3V140 K3V280 K5V80 K5V140 K5V200

No. of teeth
14 14 17 18 12 17 13

Pitch circle dia

29.6 35.0 42.5 54.0 30.0 42.5 41.3

Pressure angle
30 20 20 20 20 20 30

12/24 2.5 2.5 3.0 2.5 2.5 8/16

SAE JIS B 1603 JIS B 1603 JIS B 1603 JIS B 1603 JIS B 1603 SAE

Flange mounting face


for Suction port (SAE Rule)

a b c
38 38 60 80 38 60 76 35.7 69.9 30.2 58.7 50.8 88.9 69.9 120.7 35.7 69.9 50.8 88.9 61.9 106.4

Flange mounting face

L9 d

for Delivery port (SAE Rule)

27.8 23.8 31.8 31.8 27.8 31.8 36.5

dScrew depth
M1218 M1218 M1218 M1220 M1218 M1218 M1624


57.2 50.8 66.7 66.7 57.2 66.7 79.4

25 19 32 32 25 32 38

dScrew depth
M1216 M1016 M1218 M1220 M1216 M1218 M1624

K3V63 K3V112 K3V140 K3V280 K5V80 K5V140 K5V200


K3V63 K3V112 K3V140 K3V280 K5V80 K5V140 K5V200


Drain port (Rule: JIS B 2351) (mm)

G 1/2 G 3/4 G 3/4 G 3/4 G 1/2 G 3/4 G 3/4

22.6 30.8 30.8 30.8 22.6 30.8 30.8

2.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.5 3.5 3.5

19 20 23 23 19 20 23


b c

K3V63 K3V112 K3V140 K3V280 K5V80 K5V140 K5V200

a 45 d



Mounting Direction and Drain Piping
The pump shaft should be mounted in the horiz ontal direction as shown in the figure below. The drain line loop must be extended above the top of the pump case. The upper drain port should be used, and the drain pipe siz e must be equal to or larger than the drain port siz e. In case of the pumps with centrifugal pump, the drain lines must be settled on each pump.

Front pump

Rear pump

Tandem pump

For satisfactory service life of these pumps in application, the operating fluid should be continuously fiitered to keep at least the cleanliness level of NAS 16 3 8 Class 9 . A 10 m filter must be used in the return line and a 80 ~ 15 0 mesh strainer in the suction lines.

E xamples of using a filter

10 m Air

10 m

15 0 mesh

15 0 mesh


Connection of Driving Shaft

Please use a flexible coupling for connection of the pump drive shaft with an engine flywheel or an electric motor shaft. Alignment should be so carried out that the parallel error may be held with in 0.03 mm. D o not put a radial or thrust load at the shaft end.

B efore starting-up, fill the pump case with system fluid through the case drain connection. Case must remain full of fluid to provide internal lubrication.

Case Drain pressure

Please be careful so that the drain pressure in the casing does not exceed 0.1 MPa normally and 0.4 MPa at its peak. A suitable size of drain hose and drain filter should be selected.

0.4 MPa (peak) P 0.1 sec 0.1MPa (normal)


Head Office / M ain Plant

234 , M atsu m oto, H asetani-c ho, N ishi-k u , K ob e 6 51-2239, J ap an Phone: 81-78-991-1133 Fax: 81-78-991-3186

Tok yo Office
W orld T rade C enter Bldg., 4 -1, H am am atsu -c ho 2-c hom e, M inato-k u , T ok y o 105-6 116 , J ap an Phone: 81-3-34 35-6 86 2 Fax: 81-3-34 35-2023

Kob e Office
K ob e C ry stal T ow er, 1-3, H igashik aw asak i-c ho 1-c hom e, C hu o-k u , K ob e, 6 50-86 80, J ap an Phone: 81-78-36 0-86 08 Fax: 81-78-36 0-86 09


Kawasak i Precision M achinery (UK) LTD.

Ernesettle L ane, Ernesettle, Ply m ou th, D ev on PL 5 2SA , U nited K ingdom Phone: 4 4 -1752-36 4 394 Fax: 4 4 -1752-36 4 816

http://www.kpm- e u .com

Kawasak i Precision M achinery of America Division of Kawasak i M otors Corp., U.S.A.

5080, 36 th St. S.E. G rand Rap ids, M I 4 9512, U .S.A . Phone: 1-6 16 -94 9-6 500 Fax: 1-6 16 -975-3103

http://www.ka wa s a kipmd .com

Flutek , Ltd.
192-11, Shinc hon-dong, C hangw on, K y u ngnam , 6 4 1-370 K orea Phone: 82-55-286 -5551 Fax: 82-55-286 -5553


B-908 Far East International Plaza 317 Xianxia Rd, Shanghai 200051 Phone: 86 -21-6 23516 06 Fax: 86 -21-6 2957080


Seoul Office
c /o K aw asak i M ac hine Sy stem s K orea, L td. 3rd Floor (307), Indu strial C om p lex Su p p ort Bldg., 6 37, K ojan-D ong, N am dong-G u , Inc heon, 4 05-817, K orea Phone: 82-32-821-6 94 1 Fax: 82-32-821-6 94 7

Beijing Office
Room N o.26 02, C hina W orld T ow er 1, C hina W orld T rade C enter, N o.1 J ian G u o M en W ai A v enu e, Beijing 100004 , Peop le's Rep u b lic of C hina Phone: 86 -10-6 505-1350 Fax: 86 -10-6 505-1351

Shanghai Office
13th Floor, H SBC T ow er, 101 Y in C heng East Road, Pu dong N ew A rea, Shanghai 200120, Peop le's Rep u b lic of C hina Phone: 86 -21-6 84 1-3377 Fax: 86 -21-6 84 1-226 6

Taipei Office
15th Floor, Fu -K ey Bldg., 99 J en-A i Road Sec tion 2, T aip ei, T aiw an Phone: 886 -2-2322-1752 Fax: 886 -2-2322-5009

Bangk ok Office
17th Floor, Ram aland Bldg., 952 Ram a IV Road, Bangrak , Bangk ok 10500 T hailand Phone: 6 6 -2-6 32-9511 Fax: 6 6 -2-6 32-9515

Kuala Lumpur Office

L etter Box N o. 16 2, 6 th Floor, U BN T ow er, 10 J alan P. Ram lee 50250, K u ala L u m p u r, M alay sia Phone: 6 0-3-2070-514 1 Fax: 6 0-3-2070-514 8

Jak arta Office

12th Floor, Sk y line Bldg., J l. M . H . T ham rin 9, J ak arta 1034 0, Indonesia Phone: 6 2-21-314 -0737 Fax: 6 2-21-314 -104 9


Kawasak i Heavy Industries (U.S.A.), Inc. 599 L exington A v enu e, Su ite 3901, N ew Y ork , N Y 10022, U .S. A . Phone: 1-212-759-4 950 Fax: 1-212-759-6 4 21 Houston Branch
333 C lay Street, Su ite 4 310, H ou ston, T X 77002-4 103, U . S.A . Phone: 1-713-6 54 -8981 Fax: 1-713-6 54 -8187

Kawasak i do Brasil Ind stria e Com rcio Ltda.

A v enida Pau lista 54 2-6 A ndar, Bela V ista, 01310-000, S o Pau lo, S.P., Brazil Phone: 55-11-3289-2388 Fax: 55-11-3289-2788 Kawasak i Heavy Industries (U.K.) Ltd. 4 th Floor, 3 St. H elen's Plac e, L ondon EC 3A 6 A B, U .K . Phone: 4 4 -20-7588-5222 Fax: 4 4 -20-7588-5333 Kawasak i Heavy Industries ( Europe) B.V. 7th Floor, Riv erstaete, A m steldijk 16 6 , 1079 L H A m sterdam , T he N etherlands Phone: 31-20-6 4 4 6 86 9 Fax: 31-20-6 4 25725 Kawasak i Heavy Industries ( H.K.) Ltd. Room 4 211-16 , Su n H ong K ai C entre 30 H arb ou r Road, W anc hai H ong K ong Peop le's Rep u b lic of C hina Phone: 852-2522-356 0 Fax: 852-284 5-2905 Kawasak i Heavy Industries (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. 6 Battery Road, # 18-04 , Singap ore 04 9909 Phone: 6 5-6 225-5133~4 Fax: 6 5-6 224 -9029

Materials and specifications are subject to change without manufacturer's obligation.

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