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, DCC Expression by Neurons Regulates Synaptic Plasticity in the Adult Brain, Cell Reports (2013), http://
Cell Reports
the neocortex, but not by glia. We confirmed this pattern of we examined the brains of young (2–4 months) and older
expression by crossing T29-1 mice with ROSA26-lacZ reporter (>5 months) DCCf/f,cre+ and age-matched controls using the
mice (Soriano, 1999), which express b-galactosidase (b-gal) Golgi-Cox staining technique (Figure 3C). Spines were quantified
following cre-induced recombination (Figure 1D). Crossing the along segments of dendrites of CA1 hippocampal neurons
DCCf/f mice with T29-1 mice generated conditional DCC knock- (Figure 3A) by an investigator blind to genotype. No significant
outs (DCCf/f,cre+) that are homozygous DCCf/f and carry at least difference was found in spine density or head width, but a signif-
one copy of CaMKIIa-cre. The crosses also yield DCCf/f,wt/wt icant decrease in spine length was detected along dendritic
and DCCf/wt,wt/wt littermates that were used as wild-type (WT) branches in older DCCf/f,cre+ mice compared with control mice
controls. All analyses used male mice only. (Figure 3D). Importantly, no significant difference was detected
Levels of DCC protein in the hippocampus of DCCf/f,cre+ mice in the younger mice, indicating that the loss of DCC expression
were substantially reduced at 3, 8, and 18 months of age (Figures by mature neurons in the DCCf/f,cre+ mice results in a decrease
2A and 2B) but were unchanged at postnatal day 14 (P14) (Fig- in spine size as the mice age.
ure 2A), indicating that normal levels of DCC are present
throughout embryogenesis and initial maturation of the nervous DCC Loss Impairs Memory
system. Conventional DCC knockouts lack a corpus callosum To test the hypothesis that DCC contributes to memory, we used
(Fazeli et al., 1997). Cresyl violet staining revealed no obvious the Morris water maze, a hippocampus-dependent spatial
gross morphological changes in the brains of adult DCCf/f,cre+ memory task (Clark and Martin, 2005). For 3 days, mice were
mice (Figure 2C), which is consistent with normal expression of trained to swim to a visible platform. All of the mice performed
DCC in young mice and demonstrates the feasibility of removing comparably and reached the platform within the same time on
DCC from neurons after axon guidance is complete. the third day, indicating intact sensory and motor function. After
We previously reported defects in axo-oligodendroglial para- training, the spatial visual cues in the surroundings were
nodal junctions in conventional DCC knockout mice that result switched and the mice learned anew to swim to a submerged
from the absence of DCC function in oligodendrocytes (Jarjour platform located in a different quadrant of the maze. On the
et al., 2008). No such deficit was found in the hippocampi of adult eighth day, 2 hr after the last test, the platform was removed,
DCCf/f,cre+ mice, in which DCC is deleted only from neurons (Fig- and a probe trial was run in which the time and distance spent
ure 2D). Consistent with selective deletion of DCC from neurons, in the appropriate quadrant were measured. Testing young
immunohistochemical staining for cre and the astrocyte marker DCCf/f,cre+ and littermate control mice (2–4 months old) revealed
glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) did not label the same cells no significant difference between groups (Figures 4A–4C).
(Figure 2E, top panels). We also assessed the distribution of cells However, when the same mice were tested using this 8 day
expressing cre using b-gal expression in the progeny of T29-1 protocol at >5 months of age, the probe trial revealed that
mice crossed with ROSA26-lacZ reporter mice. b-gal, indicating the control mice traveled significantly farther and spent more
cre expression, did not overlap with tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)- time in the appropriate quadrant than their DCCf/f,cre+ counter-
immunopositive neurons, consistent with cre not being ex- parts, and made more passes over the former location of
pressed by ventral midbrain dopaminergic neurons (Figure 2E, the submerged platform (Figures 4D–4F). Swimming speed did
bottom panels). not vary between genotypes at any age (Figures 4A and 4D).
In 2- to 4-month-old mice (hereafter referred to as young These findings identify a spatial memory impairment in older
adults) and 5-month-old and older mice (hereafter referred to DCCf/f,cre+ mice.
as older adults), although the levels of DCC in hippocampal We also applied the novel-object-recognition test, which is
homogenates were significantly decreased, we did not detect based on the tendency of normal mice to interact more with novel
significant changes in the expression of a variety of synaptic objects than with familiar objects (Bevins and Besheer, 2006). In
proteins (Figure 2F). this test, each mouse is first habituated to an empty field, and
the next day the mouse is returned to the same open field, now
DCC-Deficient Dendritic Spines Are Smaller containing two identical, biologically neutral objects, which it is
To determine whether DCC influences dendritic spine morpho- allowed to explore for 5 min. After a 4 hr rest, the mouse is re-
logy, we first established hippocampal organotypic slice cultures turned to the open field, where one familiar object has been re-
derived from conventional DCC knockout mice (Fazeli et al., placed by a novel object (Figure 4G). The relative amount of
1997). Adult DCC heterozygotes were crossed to generate time spent attending to the novel object can be used as a
litters composed of newborn DCC null pups (Fazeli et al., measure of the memory for the familiar object (Bevins and Besh-
1997), heterozygotes, and WT littermate controls. To visualize eer, 2006). We then calculated cognition and difference scores
dendrites, hippocampal cultures derived from null and WT for 24 DCCf/f,cre+ mice and 24 controls, with the experimenter
pups were infected with Semliki Forest virus encoding being blind to genotype. The total time spent exploring the
membrane-targeted green fluorescent protein (GFP) (Haber two objects did not differ between genotypes (Figure 4H);
et al., 2006). Analysis of dendritic spine morphology in pyramidal however, novel-object recognition was significantly impaired in
neurons that had never expressed DCC revealed significantly DCCf/f,cre+ mice (Figures 4I and 4J). When performance was
smaller spines (Figure 3A), with reduced spine head size and binned based on age, young (2–4 months) DCCf/f,cre+ mice were
neck width, compared with controls (Figure 3B). not different from controls, whereas older (>5 months) DCCf/f,cre+
To determine whether selective postnatal deletion of DCC mice were significantly impaired in recognition memory com-
from neurons would alter dendritic spine morphology in vivo, pared with age-matched controls (Figures 4I and 4J).
(B) Immunostained CA1 in hippocampal sections from 18-month-old control and DCCf/f,cre+ mice (red, b-tubulin III; green, DCC; blue, Hoechst; scale bar, 10 mm).
(C) Cresyl-violet-stained coronal sections of 18-month-old control and DCCf/f,cre+ mice. Scale bar, 1 mm. CC, corpus callosum.
(D) Axo-oligodendroglial paranodes of 8-month-old control and DCCf/f,cre+ mice exhibit no significant differences in width of Caspr immunoreactivity or distance
between Kv1.2 juxtaparanodes. Error bars depict SEM.
(E) Immunohistochemical staining of cre-positive and -negative coronal brain sections. A section from cre-positive progeny of T29-1 CaMKIIa-Cre crossed with
ROSA26-lacZ mice (far left) shows the location of immunostained regions (scale bar, 1 mm). Top panels show hippocampal CA1 from cre-positive and -negative
mice (red, GFAP; green, Cre; blue, Hoechst; scale bar, 10 mm). Bottom panels show adjacent brain sections containing substantial nigra (TH-positive) of
cre-positive progeny. An overlay of stained sections is shown in the far-right bottom panel (red, TH; green, Hoechst; blue, b-gal; scale bar, 1 mm).
(F) Western blots of hippocampal homogenates of young (3 months) and older (>5 months) mice. Histograms plot the average intensity from control and
DCCf/f,cre+ mice (n/genotype indicated under histogram) normalized using b-tubulin III as a loading control (Student’s two-tailed t test, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01;
error bars depict SEM).
slices from 2- to 4-month-old DCCf/f,cre+ mice (Figure 5C). In transmitter release. PPF ratios were not significantly different in
contrast to their aged counterparts, fEPSPs in slices from slices from older (>5 months) control and DCCf/f,cre+ mice at
young (2–4 months) DCCf/f,cre+ mice and their age-matched intervals ranging from 20 to 100 ms (Figure 5E), or in slices
controls demonstrated significant potentiation 1 hr post-tetanus from younger control and DCCf/f,cre+ mice (data not shown).
(DCCf/f,cre+ versus age-matched controls, p > 0.05). We The absence of a difference in PPF supports the conclusion
conclude that the impairment exhibited by older animals is not that deletion of DCC does not result in a significant alteration in-
due to a deficit in the early development of DCCf/f,cre+ mice. presynaptic transmitter release, and is consistent with DCC
We also assessed fEPSP amplitudes during the HFS train deletion resulting in a postsynaptic deficit.
and found no significant differences between genotypes (Fig- Repeated low-frequency stimulation (LFS) induces LTD of
ure 5D), suggesting that the lack of LTP did not resulting from evoked responses at CA3-CA1 synapses. To determine whether
an inability to follow the HFS train. DCC contributes to LTD, we used a paired-pulse LFS (PPLFS)
To determine whether LTP impairment may be due to altered paradigm to induce LTD (15 min, 1 Hz paired-pulse stimulation,
presynaptic function, we examined paired-pulse facilitation 1,800 pulses, 25 ms interpulse interval; Kourrich et al., 2008).
(PPF) across a range of stimulus intervals. Changes in PPF are Hippocampal slices from >5 months old DCCf/f,cre+ mice and
generally attributed to changes in the probability of presynaptic their age-matched controls demonstrated significant depression
of synaptic responses following PPLFS (p < 0.01; Figure 5F), indi- ifenprodil to selectively block the function of GluN2B-contaning
cating that the LTP deficit is the not the result of a general loss NMDARs. In the presence of ifenprodil, we observed no differ-
of synaptic plasticity. ence in the evoked NMDAR-mediated responses between
DCCf/f,cre+ mice and their age-matched controls (Figure 6D).
DCC Regulates NMDAR Subunit GluN2B Expression This result indicates that the increased expression of GluN2B
We then investigated the mechanism that underlies the deficit in in DCCf/f,cre+ mice does not alter the electrophysiological
LTP induction in DCCf/f,cre+ mice. Western blot analyses revealed response, which suggests that the increased GluN2B protein is
no significant change in the expression of the synaptic proteins not located at synapses.
synaptophysin, N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF), AMPA
receptor (AMPAR) subunits GluA1 and GluA2/3, or NMDAR DCC Regulates Src, Phospholipase C g, and
subunits GluN1 and GluN2A in hippocampal homogenates of Phosphorylated Src Family Kinase Expression
adult DCCf/f,cre+ mice compared with controls (Figures 2F and DCC activates both phospholipase C (PLC) and Src family
6A). In contrast, a significant increase in the amount of NMDAR kinases (SFKs) in neurons (Liu et al., 2004; Xie et al., 2006),
subunit GluN2B was found in young (3 months) and older and activation of the tyrosine kinase Src is necessary and suffi-
(>5 months) DCCf/f,cre+ mice (Figure 6A) that persisted in cient for the induction of LTP (Lu et al., 1998). Src regulates
20-month-old DCCf/f,cre+ mice (Figure 6B). Increased GluN2B NMDAR function by phosphorylating the GluN2A subunit (Salter
protein was detected in whole hippocampal homogenates and and Kalia, 2004), and PLC activation of Src through protein
in the synaptosome LP1 plasma membrane fraction (Figure 6B), kinase C (PKC) increases the opening probability and open
which includes the synaptic apposition and extrasynaptic time of NMDAR without changing the channel conductance or
plasma membranes. reversal potential (MacDonald et al., 2007; Yu et al., 1997; Yu
To determine whether increased levels of GluN2B contribute and Salter, 1998). We therefore investigated how loss of DCC
to electrophysiological differences in slices from control and might alter the expression and function of these proteins.
DCCf/f,cre+ mice, we examined the various currents that con- In hippocampal homogenates of older (>5 months), but not
tribute to the fEPSP response in slices from older (>5 months) young (3 months) DCCf/f,cre+ mice, we detected a significant
control and DCCf/f,cre+ mice by applying appropriate pharmaco- decrease in the amount of phosphorylated PLCg1, but not total
logical inhibitors (Figure 6C). Following application of picrotoxin PLCg1 (Figure 7A), consistent with reduced PLCg1 activation in
(PTX) and 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) to the absence of DCC. We also identified a significant decrease in
block GABA receptors and AMPARs, respectively, we added the amount of total Src protein in the DCCf/f,cre+ animals, but no
dendritic spines and increased levels of NMDAR subunit DCC Regulation of GluN2B Expression
GluN2B, indicating that DCC is required to maintain mature Following DCC loss, we detected increased levels of the NMDAR
synaptic morphology and an appropriate balance of NMDAR subunit GluN2B. During early development, high levels of
subunit expression. These findings identify a role for DCC as GluN2B relative to GluN2A are normally present at synapses,
an essential upstream activator of Src signaling at mature CNS with a switch to more GluN2A and less GluN2B occurring during
synapses, and of synaptic plasticity and memory formation in maturation (Barria and Malinow, 2002; Sheng et al., 1994; Wil-
the mature mammalian brain. liams et al., 1993). NMDARs present at immature hippocampal
A key aspect of these findings is the relatively minor differ- synapses are largely GluN1-2B complexes (Tovar and West-
ences detected between young DCCf/f,cre+ and control mice, brook, 1999) that are thought to inhibit the recruitment of AMPAR
and the increased severity of the deficits with age, which support GluA1 subunits to the plasma membrane and compromise
the conclusion that impairments develop during aging due to synapse maturation (Kim et al., 2005). Interestingly, transgenic
loss of DCC function in neurons. At P14, the level of DCC protein mice that selectively increase GluN2B expression in forebrain
in the hippocampus of DCCf/f,cre+ mice did not differ from that neurons exhibit enhanced hippocampal LTP and improved
in controls. Between P14 and 3 months of age, levels of DCC learning and memory (Tang et al., 1999). In contrast, we found
protein were substantially reduced. Although memory was intact that increased GluN2B expression due to DCC deletion is asso-
and significant changes in most synapse-associated proteins ciated with a deficit in LTP induction and compromised spatial
were not detected in young (2–4 months) DCCf/f,cre+ mice, and recognition memory. Importantly, although we detected
increased levels of GluN2B were present in the hippocampal increased GluN2B protein in hippocampal homogenates and in
homogenates of these mice. This indicates that although DCC the LP1 synaptosomal plasma membrane fraction isolated
loss has not yet resulted in dramatic defects, the initial con- from mature brain, electrophysiological analyses revealed no
sequences of deleting DCC can be detected at this age. In difference in the contribution of GluN2B to fEPSP responses
contrast, levels of Src, pSFK, PLCg1, and pPLCg1 in young between genotypes, suggesting that the increased GluN2B
DCCf/f,cre+ mice were not significantly different compared with detected in DCCf/f,cre+ mice may be chiefly extrasynaptic. This
controls. Mean levels of Src and pSFK showed a tendency to suggests that defects induced by loss of DCC may occlude
be slightly reduced, however, which may represent the onset the expected enhancement of synapse function induced by
of deficits that become more severe in older animals. We increasing levels of GluN2B.
conclude that DCC expression by these neurons is essential to
maintain the function of synapses that contribute to memory, Netrin-1 and DCC Function at Synapses
but that in young adult mice (2–4 months), the deficits are not The requirement for DCC in activity-dependent plasticity raises
yet sufficiently severe to disrupt memory formation. These questions about how DCC and netrins might be regulated by
findings support the hypothesis that DCC loss results in a activity. Both netrin-1 and DCC are enriched in the LP2 fraction
progressive deficit in synapse function as the mice age. of adult brain synaptosomes, consistent with trafficking in
cargo vesicles at synapses. Whether netrin-1 is secreted from
Beyond Axon Guidance: A Postsynaptic Function neurons by constitutive or regulated pathways is unknown,
for DCC in Mature Neurons and it remains to be determined whether exocytosis of netrin-1
Subcellular fractionation and immunohistochemical analyses may be regulated in an activity-dependent manner. In contrast,
indicate that DCC is enriched in dendritic spines and associated we previously reported that membrane depolarization recruits
with the PSD. Previous studies of DCC function in neurons DCC to the plasma membrane of embryonic cortical neurons,
focused on axonal growth cones, where DCC directs the and that this promotes axon outgrowth in response to netrin-1
organization of F-actin to regulate motility and adhesion (Lai (Bouchard et al., 2008). This finding raises the tantalizing possi-
Wing Sun et al., 2011). Actin is also the major cytoskeletal bility that DCC trafficking may be similarly regulated by activity
element that regulates the structure of dendritic filopodia and at synapses, and that activity-induced recruitment of DCC to
spines. Notably, the actin regulatory proteins Nck1 (Dock), the synaptic plasma membrane may enhance NMDAR function.
Pak1, and Rho GTPases (Cdc42, Rac1, and RhoA) all regulate
dendritic spine morphology (Tada and Sheng, 2006), and all Src Is Essential for LTP Induction
are downstream effectors of DCC in axons (Lai Wing Sun et al., Netrin-1 signaling through DCC activates PLCg (Xie et al., 2006)
2011). Our findings raise the possibility that DCC functions and Src in neurons (Li et al., 2004), and activation of Src by PLC
in dendrites upstream of Rho GTPases to maintain mature (MacDonald et al., 2007) is required for Schaffer collateral CA1
dendritic spine morphology. NMDAR-dependent LTP (Lu et al., 1998). The NMDAR GluN2A
Little, if any, DCC immunoreactivity was detected in pre- subunit is phosphorylated by Src (Salter and Kalia, 2004), and
synaptic terminals in mature neurons. This is in contrast to the NMDAR function is enhanced by signaling from PLC to PKC to
role of DCC in directing extending axons, which upon reaching activate Src (MacDonald et al., 2007). DCC-deficient mice
an appropriate target form presynaptic terminals. Our findings exhibit reduced levels of Src protein, reduced activation of
highlight a postsynaptic role for DCC; however, it remains to SFK and PLCg, and a severe deficit in the induction of LTP.
be determined how DCC is distributed within dendrites during We therefore tested the hypothesis that reduced activation of
maturation, when DCC becomes predominantly localized to Src results in a deficit in NMDAR function that underlies the
postsynaptic spines, and whether DCC function in mature absence of LTP. We found that enhancing NMDAR func-
neurons is restricted to a postsynaptic role. tion either by decreasing extracellular levels of Mg2+ or by
pharmacologically activating Src completely rescued LTP cut with a cryostat. CA1 dendrite segments were traced and analyzed
in DCCf/f,cre+ mice. We conclude that DCC expression by (Neurolucida 9 and NeuroExplorer 9; MBF Bioscience, Williston, VT, USA;
spines in young mice: WT: n = 204, DCCf/f,cre+: n = 208; spines in aged mice:
hippocampal pyramidal neurons is essential to maintain the
WT: n = 192, DCCf/f,cre+: n = 267; dendritic segments young: WT: n = 11,
morphology of mature dendritic spines, and that DCC activation DCCf/f,cre+: n = 11; dendritic segments aged: WT: n = 13, DCCf/f,cre+: n = 15).
of Src is required for the induction of NMDAR-dependent LTP,
with consequences critical for memory in adult animals. Morris Water Maze
Mice were trained to find a submerged platform in a water maze in an 8-day
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES training protocol as previously described (Nicolakakis et al., 2011). Swimming
was tracked with the use of an overhead video tracking system (2020 Plus
Animals tracking system, Ganz FC62D video camera; HVS Image, Mountain View,
All procedures involving animals were performed in accordance with the CA, USA) and tracking software (Water 2020 software; HVS Image). The
Canadian Council on Animal Care’s guidelines for the use of animals in time and distance traveled in each quadrant were calculated using Water
research. T29-1 CaMKIIa-cre mice were obtained from The Jackson Labora- 2020 software.
tory (Bar Harbor, ME, USA). Floxed DCC mice were generated as previously
described (Krimpenfort et al., 2012). Novel-Object-Recognition Test
Recognition memory was assessed by means of the novel-object-recognition
Immunostaining test (Bevins and Besheer, 2006). Exploration time (duration % body length
Western blot analyses utilized the following antibodies: mouse a-b-tubulin III away from the object, head pointed toward object) was recorded by overhead
(1:500, T4026; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA), mouse a-DCCin video (VideoTrack; ViewPoint Life Sciences, Otterburn Park, QC, Canada).
(1:1,000, 554223; BD PharMingen, San Diego, CA, USA), rabbit a-Fyn (gift of Recordings (24 mice/genotype) were assessed by an investigator who was
Dr. Andre Veillete; Davidson et al., 1992), rabbit a-GluR1 (1:1,000, AB1504; blind to genotype. Difference score = (time with novel object – time with familiar
Chemicon, Temecula, CA, USA), rabbit a-GluR2/3 (1:1,000, AB1506; Chemi- object). Cognition score = (time with novel object/total exploration time).
con), mouse a-NR2B (1:3000, N59/60; NeuroMab, Davis, CA, USA), rabbit
a-NSF (1:5,000, AB1764; Chemicon), mouse a-phospho-PLCg1 (1:200, Electrophysiology
pY783.27; Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA), rabbit a-phos- Acute brain slices (350–400 mm) were obtained from mice as previously
pho-Src family (Tyr416; 1:1,000, 2101; Cell Signaling Technology, Beverly, described (Glasgow and Chapman, 2007, 2008). During recording, slices
MA, USA), mouse a-PLCg1 (1:1,000, 05-163; Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA), were continuously perfused with oxygenated ACSF (95% O2, 5% CO2, 1.5–
mouse a-PSD95 (1:500; BD PharMingen), mouse a-Src family (WTAPE), clone 2 ml/min).
2E8.2 (1:1,000, 05-1461; Millipore), and mouse a-synaptophysin (1:10,000, LTP and LTD tests began after 20–30 min baseline (intensity adjusted to
S-5768; Sigma-Aldrich). evoke responses 40%–70% of maximum). LTD was assessed with prolonged
Immunohistochemical analyses of 16 mm cryostat sections utilized PPLFS (900 paired pulses, 25 ms interval, 1 Hz for 15 min). LTP was induced
a-b-tubulin III, goat polyclonal a-DCCex (1:500, A20: sc-6535; Santa Cruz by HFS (1 s, 100 Hz train). In the LTP rescue experiment with reduced Mg2+, the
Biotechnology), Hoechst stain (1:10,000, 33258; Sigma-Aldrich), and ACSF contained 1.3 mM Mg2+ and 2.5 mM Ca2+ (versus 2 mM Mg2+ and 2 mM
secondary donkey a-goat Alexa-488 (1:500, A11055; Invitrogen, Eugene, Ca2+). In the LTP rescue experiment with PACAP-38, either PP2 or PP3 (1 mM in
OR, USA) or donkey a-mouse Alexa-555 (1:500, A31570; Invitrogen). DMSO) was present in the 2.0 mM Mg2+ ACSF for the duration of recording,
and PACAP-38 (1 nM) was administered from 10 min before HFS to 20 min
Confocal and Electron Microscopy after HFS. For analysis of fEPSPs in the presence of pharmacological
Axonal-oligodendroglial paranodes labeled with mouse a-Caspr (#75-001; inhibitors, slices were recorded in low-Mg2+ ACSF (0.1 mM Mg2+) to which
NeuroMab) and rabbit a-Kv1.2 (#APC-010; Alomone Labs, Jerusalem, Israel) 100 mM PTX, 5 mM CNQX, 3 mM ifenprodil, and 100 mM APV (Tocris, Minneap-
were imaged with a confocal microscope (510 LSM; Carl Zeiss, Toronto, olis, MN, USA) were added sequentially.
Canada). Immunoelectron microscopy on adult rat CA1 followed a pre-
embedding immunoperoxidase protocol as previously described (Tremblay Data Analysis
et al., 2009) using mouse a-DCCin (1:200, G97-449; BD PharMingen), Statistical significance was tested at the 95% confidence level (p < 0.05). In the
and sections were examined at 60 kV (CM100 electron microscope; Philips, graphs, error bars indicate SEM. Student’s two-tailed t test was used to
Eindhoven, The Netherlands). compare differences between two means.
For additional details, see Extended Experimental Procedures.
Subcellular Fractionation
Subcellular fractionation utilized adult rat brain and mouse hippocampi or
cortex as previously described (Huttner et al., 1983). PSD fractionation of adult
rat brain (unstripped, 7–8 weeks old, ID 56004-2; Pel-Freez Biologicals,
Supplemental Information includes Extended Experimental Procedures and
Rogers, AR, USA) was carried out as previously described (Fallon et al.,
can be found with this article online at
2002). Western blots were probed with antibodies against DCCin, GluR1,
netrin-1 (rabbit polyclonal PN2, 11760; Manitt et al., 2001), NR2B, PSD-95,
synaptophysin, and synaptotagmin (rabbit polyclonal 8907, provided by
P. De Camilli, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA). LICENSING INFORMATION
Organotypic Slice Culture and Spine Morphology This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Slices (250 mm thick) from the hippocampi of P0 DCC knockout pups and Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
WT littermates were cultured 60 DIV, infected with a virus encoding farnesy- and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source
lated fluorescent protein, and fixed 24 hr later. Analysis of spines (WT: n = are credited.
275 spines; DCC / : n = 392 spines) used Reconstruct software (John Fiala,
Boston University, Boston, MA, USA). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Golgi Staining and Spine Morphology We thank W. Sossin, A. Di Polo, and J. Goldman for critical discussions, and M.
Mouse brains (n = 3/condition) were processed (FD Rapid GolgiStain Kit; Cayouette and D. Bowie for reagents. The project was supported by CIHR
FD Neurotechnologies, Catonsville, MD, USA) and R50 mm sections were operating grant #247564 to T.E.K. K.E.H. was funded by a CIHR Frederick
Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship Doctoral Award. Jacobs, K.M., Neve, R.L., and Donoghue, J.P. (1993). Neocortex and hippo-
S.D.G. received grants from NSERC, and C.A.C. received grants from NSERC campus contain distinct distributions of calcium-calmodulin protein kinase II
and FRSQ. D.G. holds an FRSQ postdoctoral fellowship. M.E.T. held an FRSQ and GAP43 mRNA. J. Comp. Neurol. 336, 151–160.
doctoral training award. E.S.R. holds a tier II Canada Research Chair. T.E.K. Jarjour, A.A., Bull, S.J., Almasieh, M., Rajasekharan, S., Baker, K.A., Mui, J.,
holds an FRSQ Chercheur Nationaux award and is a Killam Foundation Antel, J.P., Di Polo, A., and Kennedy, T.E. (2008). Maintenance of axo-oligo-
Scholar. dendroglial paranodal junctions requires DCC and netrin-1. J. Neurosci. 28,
Received: May 21, 2012
Kim, M.J., Dunah, A.W., Wang, Y.T., and Sheng, M. (2005). Differential roles of
Revised: October 1, 2012
NR2A- and NR2B-containing NMDA receptors in Ras-ERK signaling and
Accepted: December 13, 2012
AMPA receptor trafficking. Neuron 46, 745–760.
Published: January 3, 2013
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