The Role of DSCAM in The Regulation of Synaptic Plasticity Possible Involvement in Neuropsychiatric Disorders
The Role of DSCAM in The Regulation of Synaptic Plasticity Possible Involvement in Neuropsychiatric Disorders
The Role of DSCAM in The Regulation of Synaptic Plasticity Possible Involvement in Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Synaptic plasticity simply put, is the activity‑dependent modification of the strength or efficacy of synaptic transmission in the network of
synapses in the brain. The role of synaptic plasticity in disease is an active area of research. Changes in plasticity translate to the release
of neurotransmitters at the synapse and subsequently, the way humans see the world. It is known that neuropsychiatric disorders
such as depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are related to pathological changes in dynamic
processes in synapses, dialogue between neurons, and finally, changes in overall plasticity. To find a cure for these plasticity related
diseases, it is imperative that we understand the precise mechanisms that perturb the homeostatic balance leading to the disease state.
The aim of this review is to present what is currently known about DSCAM (Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule) a protein that is
directly connected to pathological changes in synaptic plasticity. The review will present information on DSCAM and how it is connected
to glutamate (Glu) and γ‑Aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmission pathways. Finally, the review throws some light on the possible
involvement of DSCAM in a spectrum of psychiatric disorders apart from Down syndrome (DS).
Key words: DSCAM, Glu, GABA, synaptic plasticity, Down syndrome, mood
volves several factors, including the formation of new dialogue transmission (Li et al. 2009). Often, synapse
dendritic spines, modification of existing synapses dialogue is discussed in terms of long‑term potentia‑
through receptor variation, silent synapse activation, tion (LTP) and/or long‑term depression (LTD). LTP is
changes in the size or shape of the synapse, and chang‑ a long‑lasting enhancement of synaptic efficacy and is
es in the timing and levels of neurotransmitter release a predictor of synaptic plasticity, as well as a learning
(Kossut 2007). The number of spines, their localization, and memory sensor. Both processes are strictly linked
and the shape of individual spines are important factors to glutamate (Glu) activation.
in this process (Alves‑Sampaio et al. 2010). Any disrup‑ Pathological changes in the dynamic processes that
tion to this communication path results in the reduction occur at synapses coupled with neurotransmission shifts
(Kourtidis et al. 2017, Bajnok et al. 2017, Springer 1994, Alberts et al. 2002, Harpaz and Chothia 1994, Giancotti and Ruoslathi 1999, Wong et al. 2012).
DSCAM – a Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule patterns compared to DSCAM during development and
in adult mice, e.g. DSCAM shows strongest expression in
The DSCAM gene is located on human chromosome the pyramidal neurons of the cortex layers 3 and 5 (Bar‑
21 (21q22.2–q22.3), which is strictly associated with DS low et al. 2002).
(Edelman and Crossin 1991, Head et al. 2007, Yamakawa Both forms of DSCAM are expressed in the hippo‑
et al. 1998). A second DSCAM gene is located on chro‑ campus (with higher expression in the dentate gyrus
mosome band 11g23 (DSCAML1), where it is associated and Ammon’s horn) and in the olfactory bulb (Barlow et
with Tourette’s syndrome (Agarwala et al. 2001). DSCAM al. 2002). Apart from its expression in the brain of adult
belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily of cell ad‑ mice, DSCAML1 is also expressed in tissues such as the
hesion molecules (Ig‑CAMs) (Yamakawa et al. 1998) and heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys, and testis (Barlow et al.
is a cell surface transmembrane receptor (Hortsch and 2001, Barlow et al. 2002). In humans, both DSCAM and
Umemori 2009). Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) medi‑ DSCAML1 are expressed in the hippocampus, amygdala,
ate cell‑to‑cell and/or cell‑to‑extracellular matrix in‑ thalamus, caudate nucleus, and corpus callosum (Bar‑
teractions and are predominantly classified as integrins, low et al. 2002, Yamakawa et al. 1998). Overexpression
selectins, cadhedrins and the immunoglobulin super‑ of DSCAM has also been documented in the brains of hu‑
family (IgSF) (Wong et al. 2012). Besides DSCAM, oth‑ man patients with DS (Bahn et al. 2002, Head et al. 2007,
er IgSF members include: NCAM (Neural Cell Adhesion Sterne et al. 2015). Saito et al. (2000) reported the pres‑
Molecule, CD56), ICAM (Intracellular Adhesion Molecule, ence of DSCAM in the cerebellar white matter of control
CD54), VCAM (Vascular Cell Adhesion Protein 1) and PE‑ and DS patients and suggested DSCAM may play a role in
CAM‑1 (Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule, regulating myelination.
CD31) (Wong et al. 2012), (see Fig. 1 for classification and
function of CAMs).
DSCAM is one of the largest IgSF proteins (220kDa);
it is composed of an N‑terminal signal peptide, 10 im‑
munoglobulins (Igs) and 6 fibronectin type III (FNIII)
domains, a transmembrane domain (TM) and a cyto‑
plasmic tail (Hortsch and Umemori 2009, Jin et al. 2013,
Yamakawa et al. 1998). The tenth Ig domain is separat‑
ed by the fourth and fifth FNIII domains. The domain
structure composition of DSCAM is truly unique and dif‑
ferentiates it from other members of the IgSF (Hortsch
and Umemori 2009). A single membrane‑spanning do‑
main links the extracellular domain with the cytoplas‑
mic fragment of DSCAM (Hortsch and Umemori 2009).
The cytoplasmic fragment of DSCAM is composed of
300‑400 amino acids with high level of tyrosines serv‑
ing as a binding site for the SH2 domain of dedicator
of cytokinesis (Dock) proteins or the postsynaptic den‑
sity protein (PDZ) domain binding‑site (Hortsch and
Umemori 2009) (Fig. 2).
DSCAM transcripts are subject to alternative splicing
and therefore can generate various tissue‑specific pro‑
tein isoforms (Hortsch and Umemori 2009). DSCAM was
found in the neurons of the central nervous system (CNS)
and peripheral nervous system (PNS) during the mouse
developmental period. Precisely, DSCAM expression was
detected in tissues such as the liver, lungs, limb, and Fig. 2. Structure of DSCAM.
buds only during the developmental period (Agarwala et DSCAM is a transmembrane receptor, Ig‑CAM protein. The Structure of
al. 2001). It is equally expressed in the cortex, olfactory DSCAM is composed of 10 Ig domains, and 6 fibronectin type III (FN III)
domains, tandemly arranged. The DSCAM family consists of 2000
bulb, dentate gyrus, hippocampus (CA1, CA3), thalamus,
amino acids, with an average molecular weight of 220kDa. Extracellular
and cerebellum of the adult mouse brain (Agarwala et domain units are connected with the cytoplasmic region of DSCAM by
al. 2001). More precisely, DSCAM receptors were found a membrane‑spanning domain. DSCAM cytodomains contain various
on the dendrites and axons of neurons (Hortsch and tyrosines, which are binding sites for i.e. Src Homology 2 (SH2) domain
Umemori 2009). DSCAML1 shows differential expression (Docks) and PDZ domain‑binding (Hortsch and Umemori Eds 2009).
Acta Neurobiol Exp 2018, 78: 210–219 DSCAM 213
Although DSCAM has been shown to be essential in Furthermore, specific presynaptic bouton enlarge‑
the organization of the nervous system, dendritic tree ments and the presence of a great number of vacu‑
formation and synaptogenesis (Hortsch and Umemori oles and multivesicular bodies in spines were found
2009, Jia et al. 2011, Pérez‑Núñez et al. 2016, Schmucker in Ts65Dn mice (Belichenko et al. 2004). Characteristic
and Chen 2009, Zhu et al. 2006), some controversy still changes in hippocampus inhibitory synapse position
exists in the field concerning its role in the CNS. The from shafts onto the necks of dendrites were also doc‑
paragraphs that follow will attempt to shed more light umented in these mice (Belichenko et al. 2004, Cramer
on its role in the CNS based on its role in DS and non‑DS and Galdzicki 2012). Deficits in cognitive tests were
conditions. Furthermore, its connection with major neu‑ found to be linked to reduced hippocampal volumes
rotransmission pathways will be discussed. (Cramer and Galdzicki 2012). Furthermore, exagger‑
ation of inhibition in the trisomic hippocampus was
documented (Ts65Dn) (Cramer and Galdzicki 2012). In
DSCAM in DS and other conditions a parallel study, Alves‑Sampaio et al. (2010) showed
that DSCAM plays a functional role in dendritogene‑
Down syndrome sis and synaptic plasticity. Using a plasmid encoding
DSCAM‑IRES‑GFP, the authors showed significantly
DS is an outcome of trisomy of human chromo‑ reduced neurites crossing, using Sholl morphometric
some 21, the most common reason of genetic mental analysis, and reduced total dendrite length in hip‑
retardation (Alves‑Sampaio et al. 2010, Antonarakis et pocampal DSCAM‑overexpressing neurons. Further‑
al. 2004). Although a considerable amount of individ‑ more, the hippocampus of Ts1Cje mice had increased
ual variability exists in persons with DS, they exhibit levels of DSCAM mRNA and protein (Alves‑Sampaio et
a characteristic intellectual disability, with decreased al. 2010).
IQ score and speech problems that get worse during ag‑
ing (Hickey et al. 2012, Weijerman and Winter 2010).
Morphologically decreased brain size, aberrant gyrifi‑ Mood related disorders
cation, and disturbed neurogenesis are also observed
(Lockstone et al. 2007, Mrak and Griffin 2004). As an Neuronal atrophy and cognitive deficits are
outcome of reduced brain size, reduced volumes of ce‑ also known characteristics of depression and other
rebral gray and white matter are observed (Pinter et al. stress‑mediated disorders (Yu et al. 2011). Stress‑me‑
2001). At the same time, larger subcortical and parietal diated changes in neuroplasticity in the dentate gy‑
gray matter and temporal white matter are present, rus have been proposed to play significant roles in the
which according to Pinter et al. (2001) may be the cause pathophysiology of depression, despite some critical
of verbal memory deficits, and changes in short‑term reports (Liu et al. 2017). Reductions in dendrite arbor‑
visuospatial memory. Cognitive deficits in DS persons ization and spine density have been reported in the
comprise of long‑term memory changes and difficulty cortex of postmortem brains of depressed patients
in the assimilation of new skills (Pennington et al. 2003, (Banasr et al. 2011, Rajkowska and Miguel‑Hidalgo
Yu et al. 2010). 2007). Early life stress is an accepted factor in pro‑
In DS persons, dendritic branching and spine densi‑ ducing neuropsychiatric changes during adolescence,
ty are diminished both in the hippocampus and cortex as well as being linked to reduced dendritic length,
(Alves‑Sampaio et al. 2010), with changes in the mor‑ branching, and spine density in the limbic structures
phology and volume of these structures. Ferrer and and prefrontal cortex (Brenhouse and Andersen 2011,
Gullotta (1990) reported a 15% decrease in DS hippo‑ Lupien et al. 2009). Loss of spines and withdrawal of
campal spines. Similar morphological changes have also dendrites of pyramidal neurons of the prefrontal cor‑
been reported in mouse models of DS (Ts65Dn and Ts1Cje tex in rodents is common in chronic stress (Banasr et
mice). Both models show similar phenotypes and char‑ al. 2011, Radley et al. 2004). Importantly, antidepres‑
acteristic morphological changes, although obtained by sant drugs are effective as neuroplasticity enhancers
different chromosomal manipulations. Because this is (Banasr et al. 2011, Eyre and Baune 2012). Further‑
not a major focus of this study, readers can review Olson more, Amano et al. (2008) found an association be‑
et al. (2004) or Belichenko et al. (2015) for detailed infor‑ tween increased DSCAM expression and bipolar disor‑
mation on both models. der in a gene screen of patients with bipolar disorder
Decreased spine densities and increased spine vol‑ (manic‑depressive disorder). Postmortem examina‑
umes in the neocortex and hippocampus were found in tion of brains from bipolar subjects carrying the G al‑
the Ts65Dn mouse model of DS (Belichenko et al. 2004, lele of DC141 SNP, showed elevated levels of DSCAM
Siarey et al. 2006). (Amano et al. 2008).
214 K. Stachowicz Acta Neurobiol Exp 2018, 78: 210–219
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) not uncommon after 20‑years or later in the life of DS
persons (Myers and Pueschel 1991). Some DS persons de‑
Results obtained in the screen of genes in the glu‑ velop AD with dementia later in life; while some have
cocorticoid receptor (GR) pathway and genes of the evidence of AD neuropathology but may not develop de‑
neural stress response in PTSD patients (male veter‑ mentia (Head et al. 2007). Chromosome 21 links DS with
ans), found low levels of expression of DSCAM in the familial AD (St George‑Hyslop et al. 1987). DS is a result
test group compared to controls (Logue et al. 2015). In‑ of trisomy 21, with triplication of other genes, e.g. the
terestingly, a parallel decrease in BDNF expression was APP gene, leading to increased Amyloid‑β (Aβ) levels
also observed in these patients (Logue et al. 2015). It is in the brain, which is a characteristic neuropatholo‑
very interesting to note that DSCAM is downregulated gy of AD (Doran et al. 2017). In familial early‑onset AD,
in PTSD, where individuals may not forget the traumat‑ a duplication of the APP genomic locus may occur that
ic events in their lives. is known as partial trisomy of chromosome 21 (PT21),
with absence of the clinical symptoms characteristic of
DS (Doran et al., 2017, Sleegers et al. 2006).
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) Doran et al. (2017) suggests that APP is critical to the
pathogenesis of AD in DS, as DS patients normosomic for
Mental retardation presents the direct opposite of APP showed very slow cognitive loss. Imaging studies
PTSD with an upregulated level of DSCAM. Dementia is using PET suggest compensatory increases in metabolic
Table I. Main changes observed in Down syndrome, Alzheimer disease, depression and PTSD – comparative study.
Alzheimer disease Depression PTSD References
DSCAM ↑ protein/human/ ↑ APP transgenic ↑ (bipolar)serum and ↓ gene/human/ (Saito et al. 2000,
brain mice/brain/gene/ postmortem brain/ blood Jia et al. 2011,
protein human/gene Amano et al. 2008,
Logue et al. 2015)
Spine density/ ↓ spine numbers/ ↓ dendritic spines/ ↓ rats dendric spine ↓ PTSD patients/mice (Kurt et al. 2004, Chen
dendritic branching Ts65Dn Hp/Cx density Hp (CA1,CA3); (type‑dependent) et al. 2012, Dorostkar
DG et al. 2015, Norrholm
↑ mice/Hp and Ouimet 2001,
spine heads/Hp Madder 2017,
Young et al. 2015)
Cortico ↑ Ts65Dn mice large ↑ Hp culture ↑ human/serum ↕ PTSD (Martίnez‑Cué et al.
‑sterone group housing 2005, Wuwongse et
↔ patients/mice al. 2013, Pariante
and Lightman 2008,
Madder 2017,
Otte et al. 2005)
↑ ↓ increase, decrease, ↕ different results – increase and decrease, ↔ no difference or difficult to assess.
Hp – Hippocampus, Am – Amygdala, Cx – Cortex, DG – Dentate Gyrus, FCx – Frontal Cortex, PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Ts65Dn – mouse Down Syndrome model,
APP – mouse Alzheimer’s Disease model.
Acta Neurobiol Exp 2018, 78: 210–219 DSCAM 215
rate in vulnerable brain regions in DS prior to the de‑ Dscam‑mediated signaling by induction of long‑term
velopment of dementia (Head et al. 2007). In fact, Head facilitation (LTF) is needed during learning‑related syn‑
et al. (2007) found DSCAM localization in cores and pe‑ apse formation (Li et al. 2009). LTF induced by a series
ripheral fibers linked to senile plaque formation in DS of 5‑HT pulses was shown as an increase in NMDA and
with AD. Amyloid precursor protein (APP) transgenic AMPA receptors at the Aplysia sensory‑motor neuron
mice (a model of AD) showed a significantly higher level synapse, 12 h post factum and was Dscam‑dependent (Li
of DSCAM expression in the cerebral cortex, compared et al. 2009). The following processes were Dscam‑depen‑
with the control wild‑type group (Jia et al. 2011). It was dent: remodeling of AMPA receptors, stabilization and
speculated that the observed effect was a leading cause formation of new synaptic connections (Li et al. 2009).
of learning, memory, sensory perception and voluntary The influence of NMDA on DSCAM expression
movement deficits in APP transgenic mice (Jia et al. has been confirmed in mouse studies. Incubation of
2011). In the mouse model of AD (APP transgenic mice), wild‑type hippocampal neurons with NMDA resulted
the DSCAM level was found to progressively increase in increased locally translated dendritic DSCAM pro‑
with age (Jia et al. 2011). However, APP and DSCAM asso‑ tein levels (Alves‑Sampaio et al. 2010). This effect is
ciations seen both in DS persons and AD models should absent in Ts1Cje hippocampal neurons, where basally
be considered as more complex than additive effects increased DSCAM levels are observed (Alves‑Sampaio
of potentially overexpressed proteins. Since AD mouse et al. 2010). Moreover, elevation of DSCAM protein level
models show microglial and astrocytic activation, with in both wild‑type and Ts1Cje hippocampal neurons was
increased levels of cytokines and cyclooxygenase‑2 abolished by treatment with an NMDA antagonist (APV)
(COX‑2) (Birch et al. 2014), while DSCAM represents an (Alves‑Sampaio et al. 2010). In turn, DSCAM‑mediated
IgSF member (Wong et al. 2012), implication of the in‑ mechanisms may be important factors during changes
flammatory response should be considered in that con‑ in synaptic plasticity, where earlier history of synapse
text. In fact, our data found engagement of COX‑2 in the activity is an important factor.
regulation of DSCAM levels in the mouse brain (unpub‑ The contribution of NMDA receptors to neuropsy‑
lished data). chiatric disorders is well‑known. Ketamine, an NMDA
The proportion of DSCAM, corticosterone levels and antagonist, is capable of producing rapid antidepres‑
changes in spine density in DS and neuropsychiatric dis‑ sant effects in humans (Banasr et al. 2011). Ketamine
orders discussed above are shown in Table IA. Because also produces rapid therapeutic effects for bipolar de‑
changes in plasticity are strictly linked to fluctuations in pression and patients with suicidal ideation (Banasr et
interactions between neurotransmitters, including tran‑ al. 2011, Grady et al. 2017) and this is particularly rel‑
scriptional and translational changes, the remainder of evant because Amano et al. (2008) demonstrated in‑
the review will focus on such signaling pathways, with creased DSCAM levels in bipolar patients. While a pos‑
particular attention to the involvement of DSCAM. sible connection between DSCAM and bipolar disorder
was suggested in this study, because of its ethnic under‑
tone further studies are needed to validate the findings.
Glutamate, GABA and DSCAM expression The therapeutic target of ketamine is known, being the
mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) (Banasr et al.
Studies on DSCAM and its interaction with neu‑ 2011). Postmortem studies of depressed patients found
rotransmitters are mostly based on animal models. Li a potential association between mTOR signaling activity
et al. (2009) suggested that Dscam‑mediated signaling and deficits in synaptic proteins (Jernigan et al. 2011).
was substantially involved in Glu receptor changes. Us‑ The fast antidepressant‑like effect of ketamine was dis‑
ing the Aplysia culture model, Li et al. (2009) document‑ played with increased hippocampal and prefrontal corti‑
ed Dscam‑mediated trans‑synaptic interactions acting cal mTOR and brain‑derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
through α‑amino‑5‑hydroxy‑3‑methyl‑4‑isoxazole pro‑ levels (Zhou et al. 2013). The increased synthesis of
pionic acid (AMPA) receptors. For clustering of AMPA re‑ BDNF was proposed as a mechanism to block the NMDA
ceptors, during de novo synapse formation, a presynaptic receptor (Szewczyk et al. 2012). Furthermore, chronic
input is required. Li et al. (2009) abolished both synap‑ antidepressant treatment resulted in increased BDNF
tic transmission and AMPA‑like receptor clustering, by levels (Duric and Duman 2013).
blockade of pre‑ and postsynaptic Dscam. At the same Viewed in the context of learning and memory for‑
time NMDA‑like receptor clustering was found to be mation, (Banasr et al. 2011, Hoeffer and Klann 2010) the
Dscam independent (Li et al. 2009). Dscam not only sta‑ dendritic presence of mTOR signaling elements is very
bilizes presynaptic structures at postsynaptic sites but important (Jernigan et al. 2011). The hyperactivation of
is required for precise wiring during synapse formation the Akt‑mTOR pathway is a characteristic outcome of DS
in the learning process (Li et al. 2009). Revitalization of disability (Troca‑Marίn et al. 2012). The Ts1Cje model of
216 K. Stachowicz Acta Neurobiol Exp 2018, 78: 210–219
DS manifested increased phosphorylation of Akt‑mTOR feedback loop for GABA/BDNF during early develop‑
as a result of increased levels of pro‑BDNF and BDNF ment has been proposed (Obrietan et al. 2002). GABA is
(Troca‑Marίn et al. 2012). It is known that DS individ‑ regarded as an important factor in cognitive and mood
uals exhibit an age‑related increase in BDNF levels (Do‑ disorders and is proposed as one of the main inhibito‑
gliotti et al. 2010). Studies on mouse DS models suggest ry factors in Ts65Dn mouse plasticity (Costa and Grybko
that impaired hippocampal synaptic plasticity coupled 2005). In Ts65Dn mice, there is an increased presence of
with impaired local translation is an outcome of basal‑
ly saturated NMDA signaling, and loss of synaptic sen‑
sitivity as a result of changes in Glutamate/BDNF (Tro‑
ca‑Marίn et al. 2012). One of the steps in this direction is
increased local translation of dendritic mRNA e.g. Dscam
(Alves‑Sampaio et al. 2010, Troca‑Marίn et al. 2012).
Based on Aplysia research, Li et al. (2011) proposed
Dscam‑ran trans‑synaptic signaling as necessary for the
occurrence of long‑term synaptic plasticity (LTP). Fur‑
thermore, it is known that during synapse formation lo‑
cally induced synthesis of new proteins and structural
modifications are generated, which are then important
factors in the back‑modulation of synaptic plasticity
(Kossut 2007). According to Belichenko et al. (2004) pre‑
synaptic terminals and dendritic spines are enlarged in
Ts65Dn mice accompanied by thickening of the post‑syn‑
aptic density of the CA1 region of the hippocampus (Kurt
et al. 2004). Taking these all into consideration, the im‑
portant factor in DSCAM‑ran trans‑synaptic signaling, is
its ability for binding the cytoplasmic fragment with the
PDZ domain binding‑site (Hortsch and Umemori 2009).
Such interactions between PSD‑95/Dscam have been
reported in the vertebrate retina (Yamagata and San‑ Fig. 3. Schematic drawing of DSCAM localization on a glutamate synapse.
es 2010). If these interactions were universal, it would Following Li et al. (2009), Dscam is a first‑step safeguard in a whole cascade
open a wide range of possibilities for DSCAM‑dependent of events during glutamate synapse communication (A). It not only
signaling at the level of modulation of glutamate recep‑ stabilizes the pre‑synaptic part to the post‑synaptic but is a guarantor of
tors, in addition to, NMDAR and metabotropic glutamate precise timing during this process. When pre‑synaptically Glu is released,
receptors (mGluRs). Fig. 3 depicts the proposed role of timed with depolarization, Mg 2+ ions are released and binding of Glu to
DSCAM/Dscam, in the cascade of events during synaptic the post‑synaptic part occurs, allowing permeation of Ca 2+ ions (Pochwat
et al. 2014). NMDA is composed of three main groups of subunits:
plasticity changes (including research in Aplysia).
GluN1, GluN2 (GluN2A, GluN2B, GluN2C, GluN2D) and GluN3 (GluN3A,
Considering the important role of DSCAM in Glu re‑ GluN3B) (Paoletti et al. 2013). It was documented, that during LTP a larger
ceptor modulation, an important question to ask would involvement of GluN1/GluN2A in total activity takes part (Paoletti et al.
be, what role does it play in GABA signaling? GABA‑ 2013). In opposition, LTD‑engages mostly GluN1/GluN2B subunits (Paoletti
γ‑Aminobutyric acid is the main inhibitory neurotrans‑ et al. 2013). Ca 2+ entry through NMDA receptors, or release by activation of
mitter in the human brain (Sibley et al. 2007). GABA is metabotropic receptors, activates intracellular signaling pathways: inositol
synthesized from L‑glutamate by L‑glutamic acid de‑ triphosphate (IP3), activation of CaMKII and insertion of GluR‑1 AMPA
receptor into the post‑synaptic membrane. This process involves Dscam,
carboxylase (GAD) (Sibley et al. 2007). A shift in balance
as Li et al. (2009) documented its role in AMPA receptor stabilization (B).
between Glu and GABA is a well‑documented factor in Furthermore, DSCAM protein level is regulated by NMDA‑dependent
the pathophysiology of many psychiatric diseases (Pilc synaptic activity and regulation is lost in trisomic neurons. The whole
et al. 2008). GABA acts through three classes of receptors cascade of events is engaged in signaling, from the synapse to the nucleus,
(GABAA, B, and C) (Sibley et al. 2007). if gene transcription has to occur (mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK),
GABAA receptors are present at inhibitory synapses cAMP‑responsive element binding protein (CREB). CREB activation seems
both on dendrites, cell bodies, pre‑, post‑ and extra‑syn‑ to be most important step in this cascade, initiating protein synthesis and
leading to occurrence of LTP. One of the early genes in the process of
aptically (Sibley et al. 2007). An important but often for‑
synaptic plasticity is brain‑derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Increased
gotten fact is that GABA plays an inhibitory function in BDNF release is connected with activation of AMPA and mTOR pathways.
the adult brain while at the same time being a fast‑excit‑ These pathways are disrupted in DS persons, as Troca‑Marίn et al. (2012)
atory neurotransmitter in the immature brain (Obrietan showed increased local translation of BDNF, with greatest AMPA receptor
et al. 2002). Furthermore, the existence of a positive delivery and occurrence of an excitatory loop.
Acta Neurobiol Exp 2018, 78: 210–219 DSCAM 217
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is a major cause of mental retardation. However, to date mice trisomic for All HSA 21 homologues. PLoS One 10: e0134861.
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only a few studies have documented its involvement in
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the NMDA pathway and is linked to the dysregulation Birch AM, Katsouri L, Sastre M (2014) Modulation of inflammation in trans-
of m‑TOR, resulting in intellectual disability. Although genic models of Alzheimer’s disease. J Neuroinflammation 11: 25.
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for cognitive disabilities in Down syndrome. Front Cell Neurosci 11: 54.
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TBS but not HFS in the Ts65Dn mouse: a model of Down syndrome.
Neurosci Lett 382: 317–322.
This work was supported partially by a grant from Cramer N, Galdzicki Z (2012) From abnormal hippocampal synaptic plas-
the National Science Center UMO‑2014/13/D/NZ7/00292 ticity in down syndrome mouse models to cognitive disability in down
syndrome. Neural Plast 2012: 101542.
(K.S.) and partially by a statutory fund from the Institute
Dan Y, Poo MM (2006) Spike timing‑dependent plasticity: from synapse to
of Pharmacology, PAS, Poland. The author thanks Patryc‑ perception. Physiol Rev 86: 1033–1048.
ja Pańczyszyn‑Trzewik for help in preparing Table I. The Dogliotti G, Galliera E, Licastro F, Corsi MM (2010) Age‑related changes in
author declares that there are no conflicts of interest. plasma levels of BDNF in Down syndrome patients. Immun Ageing 7: 2.
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