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Indo 2010 F09

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INDO 2010
Intermediate Indonesian 1
Course Description & Syllabus
Fall 2009
Contact Information:
Time: MTWRF (12:00-12:50 pm)
Place: KOBL 355
Instructor: Margaretha Sudarsih
Office: S120 IBS5
Office Phone: 303-492-5936
Office hour: M 1:00-2:00 pm or by appointment

This is the third semester of Indonesian instruction—the first of the two semesters
of intermediate level. By now students have finished 17 chapters of the textbooks. The
emphasis of this course is increasing fluency while maintaining accuracy, reading
different types of text (poems, song lyrics, news article, and short stories). Students will
practice leading a discussion and do a presentation at the end of the semester. The cultural
component of the language learning is also emphasized through different cultural

Course objectives:
By the end of this term students will be able to:
1. Listen and speak both in informal and formal Indonesian with more advanced
vocabulary and complex structure.
2. Read and summarize short readings in Indonesian.
3. Write short essays in formal Indonesian related to the readings.
4. Lead an informal discussion on the topics of their choice.

Utomo, Fietkiewicz & Wolff, Beginning Indonesian Through Self-Instruction
Cornell University Southeast Asia Program, 1992). (Hereafter: Wolff)
Echols & Shadily, An English Indonesian Dictionary (Cornell University Press,
Echols & Shadily, An Indonesian English Dictionary (Cornell University Press,

Course evaluation:
Homework and class participation (25%)
Homework will be graded according to the scale of 1 to 100, based on spellings,
organization of ideas, vocabulary, and grammar. Students may choose to resubmit the
homework after it is graded. The maximum grade for the resubmission is 99. The
emphasis is on your writing ability. Your writing should be at least two pages, double

Homework deadlines:
- First draft is due by 9 am every Monday in class. If you submit it during the week after
the deadline, your grade will be reduced up to 25% (5% off for each day after the
deadline). The system will not accept your homework beyond one week after the
Margaretha Sudarsih
Department of Asian Languages & Cultures
University of Michigan
- Revised draft is due by 9 am the following Monday in class.
I do not accept homework on email.

Please safe the homework with your name on it (for example: Laura_PR1.doc)
and always include the following heading in your homework:
PR Nomer:
And if you resubmit your homework, please include this after the title (Pembetulan).

Class participation is significant. You are expected to actively participate in the class
interaction. If for some reason you miss these activities, you cannot reasonably make
them up. As a result, if you do not participate regularly you should expect to receive
lower grades in the course. And if you miss more than the equivalent of two weeks of
class you should consider withdrawing and taking the class in the future semester. If you
have any problems in speaking in front of class, please let me know, so that we could find
a way to help you.

Cultural activities (10%)

There is a cultural component in this class, which students should include in their
assignments. The cultural component should include (but not limited to) Indonesian
people, food, music, dance, temples, and costumes, etc.
There will be monthly Indonesian Potluck for students and other community
members, so that students will be familiar with Indonesian dishes and meet with other
Indonesian speakers and/or people who are interested in Indonesia.

Class presentation (20%)

Students will lead two class discussions during the term. The discussions will be
based on a text (either in English or Indonesian). The text should be given to class one
week prior to the discussion day. On the discussion day, the leader will provide a
vocabulary list and 10 (ten) questions about the reading to the class.

Final project (20%)

The final project is a student-designed project according to their fields of study, or
their interests, in Indonesian. This project will be done in a six-week period starting on
Week 6. Samples of past projects will be given in class.
Students may choose to submit a printed project or a multimedia project.
In the last week of the semester, students will present these projects in class. The proposal
for the final project is due on Monday, 5 October 2009. **Written project is due on
Monday, 16 November 2009.

Course requirements:
Homework* & class participation, five biweekly tests, five class cultural
activities, 2 class discussions, a written final project, and final project presentation.
Homework &
Class participation 25%
5 cultural activities 10%
5 biweekly tests 35%
2 class discussions 10%
Written final project & presentation 20%

Margaretha Sudarsih
Department of Asian Languages & Cultures
University of Michigan


Minggu1: 24 - 28 Agustus

Senin, 24/8/09 Membicarakan jadwal dan berkenalan

Selasa, 25/8/09 Mengulang tata bahasa: membaca iklan
Rabu, 26/8/09 Mengulang tata bahasa: mendengarkan
Kamis, 27/8/09 Mengerjakan PR 1: Pengalaman di musim panas 2009

Minggu 2: 31 Agustus - 4 September

Senin, 31/8/09 Memeriksa PR 1: Pengalaman di musim panas 2009

Selasa, 1/9/09 Pelajaran 18: Membaca teks dialog A, B, C
Rabu, 2/9/09 Latihan Pel. 18: ke-an + verba, ke-an + kata sifat
Kamis, 3/9/09 Mengerjakan PR 2: Dikte & Pertanyaan

Minggu 3: 7 September - 11 September

Senin, 7/8/09 Libur: Hari Buruh

Selasa, 8/9/09 Latihan Pel 18: ke -an
Rabu, 9/9/09 Latihan Pel. 18: angka + an
Kamis, 10/9/09 Latihan Pel. 18: ber-, men-, men-kan, ber vs ter
Jumat, 11/9/09 Mengerjakan PR 3: Terjemahan Wawancara G Pel. 18

Minggu 4: 14 September - 18 September

Senin, 14/9/09 Latihan Pel. 19: -kan, kan vs i

Selasa, 15/9/09 Latihan Pel. 19: -kan, kan vs i
Rabu, 16/9/09 Latihan Pel. 19: ber- + angka, ke- + angka
Kamis, 17/9/09 Latihan Pel. 19: ter- vs di/ di-kan; ter- vs ber-
Jumat, 18/9/09 Mengerjakan PR 4: Latihan Pel. 19: ke- an, verba +nya; se + Adj + Adj + nya;
se + Adj + nomina; kapan/kalau/waktu

Minggu 5: 21 September - 25 September

Senin, 21/9/09 Nongkrong: Jalan-jalan

Selasa, 22/9/09 Pelajaran 20: Membaca dialog A, B, C, D
Rabu, 23/9/09 Latihan Pel. 20: Adj + an; measurements + an; dulu vs duluan
Kamis, 24/9/09 Latihan Pel. 20: Adj + Adj vs Adj + Adj + an
Jumat, 25/9/09 Mengerjakan PR 5: men- forming intransitive; collective nouns; noun vs verbs
intrasitive; N + N + an

Minggu 6: 28 September - 2 Oktober

Senin, 28/9/09 Tes 2: Pelajaran 20

Selasa, 29/9/09 Nonton bareng: Fenomena TKW HongKong; Membaca: Duka Menjadi TKW
Rabu, 30/9/09 Membaca 1: Duka Menjadi TKW
Kamis, 1/10/09 Membaca: Duka Menjadi TKW
Jumat, 2/10/09 Mengerjakan PR 6: Proposal Proyek Akhir

Minggu 7: 5 Oktober - 9 Oktober

Senin, 5/10/09 Membaca: Duka Menjadi TKW

Selasa, 6/10/09 Tata bahasa: Duka Menjadi TKW
Rabu, 7/10/09 Menjawab pertanyaan: Duka Menjadi TKW
Kamis, 8/10/09 Tes 3: Duka Menjadi TKW
Jumat, 9/10/09 Mengerjakan PR 7: PA Bagian 1

Margaretha Sudarsih
Department of Asian Languages & Cultures
University of Michigan

Minggu 8: 12 Oktober - 16 Oktober

Senin, 12/10/09 Membaca 2: Komnas HAM: Jangan Hakimi Orang Bercadar

Selasa, 13/10/09 Tata bahasa: Jangan Hakimi Orang Bercadar
Rabu, 14/10/09 Tata bahasa: Jangan Hakimi Orang Bercadar
Kamis, 15/10/09 Pertanyaan: Jangan Hakimi Orang Bercadar
Jumat, 16/10/09 Mengerjakan PR 8: PA Bagian 2

Minggu 9: 19 Oktober - 23 Oktober

Senin, 19/10/09 Tes 4: Jangan Hakimi Orang Bercadar

Selasa, 20/10/09 Pelajaran 8: Membaca dialog
Rabu, 21/10/09 Latihan Pel. 8
Kamis, 22/10/09 Tata Bahasa
Jumat, 23/10/09 Mengerjakan PR 9: PA Bagian 3

Minggu 10: 26 Oktober - 30 Oktober

Senin, 26/10/09 Nonton bareng: Laskar Pelangi

Selasa, 27/10/09 Teks: Laskar Pelangi
Rabu, 28/10/09 Teks: Laskar Pelangi
Kamis, 29/10/09 Tata bahasa: Laskar Pelangi
Jumat, 30/10/09 Mengerjakan PR 10: PA Bagian 4

Minggu 11: 2 November - 6 November

Senin, 2/11/09 Latihan tata bahasa: Laskar Pelangi

Selasa, 3/11/09 Tes 5: Laskar Pelangi
Rabu, 4/11/09 Mendengarkan 1: Iwan Fals: Oemar Bakri
Kamis, 5/11/09 Tata bahasa: Oemar Bakri
Jumat, 6/11/09 Mengerjakan PR 11: PA Bagian 5

Minggu 12: 9 November - 13 November

Senin, 9/11/09 Mendengarkan 2: Tanah Airku Indonesia

Selasa, 10/11/09 Latihan tata bahasa: Tanah Airku Indonesia
Rabu, 11/11/09 Bermain kosa kata: Bendera Merah Putih
Kamis, 12/11/09 Bermain kosa kata: Nusantara
Jumat, 13/11/09 Mengerjakan PR 12: Pembetulan Proyek Akhir Bagian 1-5

Minggu 13: 16 November - 20 November

Senin, 16/11/09 Bacaan 1: Jacob

Selasa, 17/11/09 Bacaan 2: Jan
Rabu, 18/11/09 Bacaan 3: Nicholaos
Kamis, 19/11/09 Bacaan 4: Tyson
Jumat, 20/11/09 Mengerjakan PR 13: Arti Thanksgiving Bagi Saya

Minggu 14: 23-27 November: SELAMAT HARI THANKSGIVING!!!

Margaretha Sudarsih
Department of Asian Languages & Cultures
University of Michigan

Minggu 15: 30 November - 4 Desember

Senin, 30/11/09 Bacaan Pilihan 5: Jan

Selasa, 1/12/09 Bacaan Pilihan 6: Nicholaos
Rabu, 2/12/09 Bacaan Pilihan 7: Tyson
Kamis, 3/12/09 Bacaan Pilihan 8: Jacob
Jumat, 4/12/09 Mengerjakan PR 14: Mempersiapkan presentasi

Minggu 16: 7 Desember - 11 Desember

Senin, 7/12/09 Presentasi 1: Nicholaos

Selasa, 8/12/09 Presentasi 2: Jan
Rabu, 9/12/09 Presentasi 3: Jacob
Kamis, 10/12/09 Presentasi 4: Jan & PESTA KELAS!!!
Jumat, 11/12/09 Kuliah selesai

Margaretha Sudarsih
Department of Asian Languages & Cultures
University of Michigan

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