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Teaching and Learning 21st Century Skills

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Teaching and Learning 21st Century Skills

Lessons from the Learning Sciences


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Lessons from Lhe Learnlng Sclences

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Anna Rosefsky Saavedra, RAND Corporation
V. Darleen Opfer, RAND Corporation

With many thanks to Tony Jackson, Jessica Kehayes, Jennifer Li, David Perkins, Heather Singmaster, and
Vivien Stewart for their valuable suggestions.



Globalization of the economy, increasingly diverse and interconnected populations, and rapid
technological change are posing new and demanding challenges to individuals and societies alike.
School systems are rethinking the knowledge and skills students will need for success and the
educational strategies and systems required for all children to achieve them. In both Asia and
North America, urban school systems are at the locus of change in policy and practiceat once
the sites of the most-critical challenges in education and the engines of innovation needed to
address them. Therefore, Asia Society organized the Global Cities Education Network, a network
of urban school systems in North America and Asia, to focus on challenges and opportunities for
improvement common to them, and to virtually all city education systems.

A critical element of high-performing school systems is not only that they benchmark the
practices of other countries but that they systematically adapt and implement these practices
within their own cultural and political contexts. The Global Cities Education Network is intended
as a mechanism for educators and decisionmakers in Asia and North America to collaboratively
dream, design, and deliver internationally informed solutions to common challenges with which
education systems are currently grappling.

The network engages in cycles of in-depth inquiry, planning, and action to address specific topics
related to the themes of transforming learning and achieving equity. Each cycle involves
knowledge sharing and problem solving, including at Global Cities Education Network Symposia
and the production of research and knowledge products, such as case studies, background papers,
and meeting reports. The overarching goal is to develop practical wisdom from the research and
experience of the worlds leading experts that reflects proven or promising efforts in network
cities and that can be used to enhance the effectiveness of network and city school systems

This report, prepared for the first Asia Society Global Cities Education Network Symposium,
held in Hong Kong in May 2012, examines the current definitions of 21
century skills and looks
at why and how they should be taught. Asia Society is grateful to the authors, Anna Rosefsky
Saavedra and V. Darleen Opfer of the RAND Corporation, for their support and assistance with
the Global Cities Education Network.

We would like to thank the sponsors of the Global Cities Education Network, including
JPMorgan Chase Foundation, MetLife Foundation, Carnegie Corporation, Pearson Foundation,
and Hewlett Foundation.

We hope that this series of reports provides knowledge and experience useful to cities in Asia,
North America, and elsewhere eager to create the conditions that will promote success for all
students in todays interconnected world.

Tony Jackson
Vice President, Education
Asia Society



Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Defining 21
Century Skills ............................................................................................................. 4
Why Students Need 21
Century Skills ........................................................................................... 6
Why Are Many Students Not Learning 21
Century Skills? ........................................................... 7
How to Teach 21
Century Skills: Nine Lessons from the Science of Learning ............................. 8
1. Make It Relevant ................................................................................................................... 8
2. Teach Through the Disciplines ............................................................................................. 9
3. Simultaneously Develop Lower- and Higher-Order Thinking Skills ................................. 10
4. Encourage Transfer of Learning ......................................................................................... 11
5. Teach Students to Learn to Learn ....................................................................................... 13
6. Address Misunderstandings Directly .................................................................................. 14
7. "#$%&'()#$ *+)( Teamwork Is an Outcome and Promotes Learning ............................... 15
8. Exploit Technology to Support Learning ........................................................................... 16
9. Foster Students Creativity ................................................................................................. 17
Science of Learning Lessons as 21
Century Skills ................................................................... 18
Assessing 21
Century Skills ......................................................................................................... 18
Formative and Summative Assessments ............................................................................... 18
Examples of 21
Century Assessments ................................................................................. 19
Meeting the 21
Century Assessment Challenge .................................................................. 20
Building the Capabilities to Teach 21
Century Skills ................................................................... 20
Effective Professional Development Is Critical ......................................................................... 21
Schools, as Organizations, Must Support Teachers Professional Development .................. 22
Schools Must Become Learning Organizations .................................................................... 22
Moving School Systems Toward 21
Century Education .............................................................. 23
References ...................................................................................................................................... 24



Preparing students for work, citizenship, and life in the 21st century is complicated.
Globalization, technology, migration, international competition, changing markets, and
transnational environmental and political challenges add a new urgency to develop the skills and
knowledge students need for success in the 21
century context. Educators, education ministries
and governments, foundations, employers, and researchers refer to these abilities with terms that
include 21
century skills, higher-order thinking skills, deeper learning outcomes, and
complex thinking and communication skills. Interest in these skills is not new. For example, for
more than 40 years, researchers at Harvard Universitys Project Zero have been studying how
students learn and how to teach these skills. In this paper, we focus on what research tells us
about how students learn 21
century skills and how teachers can effectively teach them.

Although all countries believe that the knowledge and skills that students need in the 21st century
are different from what they have needed in the past, terminology differs between countries, as
does the emphasized composition of knowledge, skills, and values. We use the term 21
skills because we believe that it is currently the most widely recognized and used term
internationally, though we could just as easily substitute any of the previously mentioned terms
for 21
century skills. Critics denounce the term for being vague and overused,
for endorsing the
idea of teaching skills apart from knowledge, and for promoting skills that have been encouraged
for centuries yet are now emphasized with a new sense of urgency that could lead to rapid and
unsuccessful reforms.

In the following sections, we briefly summarize current efforts to define 21
century skills and
explain the economic, civic, and global rationales for why they are important. We attend to the
criticisms leveled against 21
century skills by examining why these skills must be taught
primarily through disciplinary content, taking care not to trivialize subject matter
and then
identifying specific ways to do so. The majority of the paper thus focuses on explaining how
these skills should be taught, given what we know about how students learn. We then discuss the
assessment of 21
century skills and conclude with an overview of the teacher capacity
implications of institutionalizing new teaching and learning processes.
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There is no shortage of current definitions of 21
century skills and knowledge. In this paper, we
do not seek to provide another or choose one over another. Rather, we share two well-known
examples and pull out several common themes. In a frequently cited example, the University of
Melbournebased and Cisco-, Intel-, and Microsoft-funded Assessment and Teaching of 21

Century Skills (AT21CS) consortiumwhich includes Australia, Finland, Portugal, Singapore,
the United Kingdom, and the United Statesorganizes 21
century skills, knowledge, and
attitudes, values, and ethics into the following four categories:

Ways of Thinking: creativity and innovation, critical thinking, problem solving,
decisionmaking, and learning to learn (or metacognition)
Ways of Working: communication and teamwork
Tools for Working: general knowledge and information communication technology (ICT)

Living in the World: citizenship, life and career, and personal and social responsibility,
including cultural awareness and competence.

Another definition comes from the book The Global Achievement Gap by Tony Wagner (2008),
co-director of the Harvard Change Leadership Group. Informed by several hundred interviews
with business, nonprofit, and education leaders, Wagner proposes that students need seven
survival skills to be prepared for 21
century life, work, and citizenship:
1. critical thinking and problem solving
2. collaboration and leadership
3. agility and adaptability
4. initiative and entrepreneurialism
5. effective oral and written communication
6. accessing and analyzing information
7. curiosity and imagination.

The Asia Society and the U.S. Council of Chief State School Officers specify global competence
as the core capacity students need for the 21st century and define it as the capacity and
disposition to understand and act on issues of global significance. Per this definition, globally
competent students do the following:
1. Investigate the world beyond their immediate environment.
2. Recognize perspectives, others and their own.
3. Communicate ideas effectively with diverse audiences.
4. Take action to improve conditions.

These 21
century skill definitions (and others not listed) are cross-disciplinary and relevant to
many aspects of contemporary life in a complex world. They do not currently have a specific
place in most curricula. And most lists of 21
century skills are not entirely composed of skills,
by any means. They involve aspects of skill and understanding, but many of them emphasize
inclinations, such as curiosity, creativity, and collaboration, that are not, strictly speaking, skills.
Some lists emphasize technology, and others stress attitudes and values more. However, most
focus on similar types of complex thinking, learning, and communication skills, and all are more
demanding to teach and learn than memorization and other types of rote skills.

In recent years, education systems worldwide have also developed frameworks with an increased
emphasis on developing the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for success in the 21st
century. Table 1 summarizes some of the reforms that have addressed 21
century thinking skills.


Table 1. How Education Systems Are Addressing 21
Century Skills

Japan China Finland Singapore United
Learning to
Learn reform
learning and
service and

Zest for Living
education reform
stresses the
importance of
problem finding,
and problem
solving instead of

emphasis on
ability to
and work in
teams, pose
and solve
problems, and
learn to learn

New focus on
citizen skills:
(1) thinking
skills, including
solving and
(2) ways of
working and
(3) crafts and
(4) participatio
n and initiative;
and (5) self-
awareness and

for 21st
and Student
Outcomes is
intended to
better position
students to
take advantage
of global

Common Core
standards to
make them
inclusive of
content and
applications of
skills, so that
all students are
prepared for
the 21st

2000 2006 2010 2010 2010 2010

Although the approaches across national education systems differ, they are similar in recognizing
the need for more-sophisticated thinking and communication skills.
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There are compelling economic and civic reasons for education systems to develop students 21

century skills. The economic rationale is that computers and machines can cost-effectively do the
sorts of jobs that people with only routine knowledge and skills can do, which means that the
workplace needs fewer people with only basic skill sets and more people with higher-order
thinking skills. Further, supply and demand in a global rather than national or local marketplace
increases competition for workers who can add value through applying nonroutine, complex
thinking and communication skills to new problems and environments.

There is also a strong civic rationale for schools to increase their focus on developing students
century skills. Though students need a foundation of basic civic knowledge, rote learning
recitation of information about government and citizenshipis not a sufficient way to promote
civic engagement. They also need to learn how and why to be engaged citizens who think
criticallyso that they can, for example, analyze news items, identify biases, and vote in an
educated way. They need to be able to solve problems so they can propose or review policies to
address social challenges. They need to be able to work with others if they are to effectively serve
as jurors or participate in political campaigns. They need to be able to communicate effectively
orally and in writing so that they can share their opinions publicly, defend their rights, propose
new policy, etc.
In the U.S. context, engagement in the local and national civic sphere is at an
all-time low,
while increasing inequalitydue to the decreasing demand for middle-class jobs
that require only routine knowledge and skillsthreatens to weaken commitment to democracy.


Without 21
century skills, citizens cannot exercise the rights and responsibilities that contribute
to a healthy society

Globalization encompasses the third rationale for teaching and learning 21
century skills.

Massive global migration, the Internet, long-haul flights, interdependent international markets,
climate instability, international wars, and other factors remind us daily that countries, states, and
individuals are part of a globally interconnected economy, ecosystem, and political network and
that people are part of the global community. This interconnectedness makes it even more urgent
for students around the world to learn how to communicate, collaborate, and solve problems with
people beyond national boundaries.

These three rationales each motivate the need for 21
century skills from a different perspective,
but they are not at odds. Rather, they complement each other because the skills and knowledge
necessary to engage in the economic, civic, and global spheres overlap almost completely.
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The dominant approach to compulsory education in much of the world is still the transmission
through which teachers transmit factual knowledge to students through lectures and
In the U.S. context, for example, the standards and accountability movement that
began in the early 1990s led to the development of standards that have been taught predominantly
through the transmission model and tested through recall-based assessments. Even among many
national board-certified U.S. teachers, the transmission model dominates.
Though many
countries are shifting the focus of their educational systems away from this model, it often
prevails for two primary reasons: because educational systems are hard to change
and because
the transmission model demands less disciplinary and pedagogical expertise from teachers than
does the contrasting constructivist model through which students activelyrather than
passivelygain skills and knowledge.
Through the transmission model, students have the
opportunity to learn information but typically do not have much practice applying the knowledge
to new contexts, communicating it in complex ways, using it to solve problems, or using it as a
platform to develop creativity. Therefore, it is not the most effective way to teach 21

A second barrier to students development of 21
century skills is that they do not learn them if
they are not explicitly taught. These skills are not typically taught in separate stand-alone courses
on, for example, thinking. We argue below that students should learn 21
century skills through
disciplinary study so view the lack of stand-alone courses favorably. According to the OECDs
2008 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), teachers in 22 of 23 participating
countriesmost of which are Northern or Eastern Europeanfavor constructivist pedagogy.
However, the TALIS also demonstrates that (in participating countries) 21
century skills are not
often clearly highlighted even when teachers use active learning strategies, such as debate and
structured classroom conversations.

A third impediment is that 21
century skills are more difficult to assess than factual retention.
When they are not measured on assessments that have accountability or certification high stakes,
teachers tend to reduce their classroom prioritization. As we discuss throughout this paper,
development of 21
century skills needs explicit attention.

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Decades of empirical research on how individuals learn
substantiate critical lessons about the best ways to teach 21

century skills. In this paper, we refer to this body of research as
the science of learning.

In the following sections, we summarize the science of learning
as it relates to learning and teaching 21
century skills and
recommend general lessons that other education systems can
apply to move toward similar outcomes. All the lessons are
about how students learn 21
century skills and how pedagogy
can address their needs. Many of the lessonsparticularly
transfer, metacognition, teamwork, technology, and creativity
are also 21
century skills in themselves.
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To be effective, any curriculum must be relevant to students
Transmission and rote memorization of factual
knowledge can make any subject matter seem irrelevant. In
response to that model, students memorize information for a
test, quickly forget it after the test and then simply look up what
they need to know on the Internet when they actually need it.
This model undermines the possibility of developing students
century skills because lack of relevance leads to lack of
motivation, which leads to decreased learning.

To make curriculum relevant, teachers need to begin with
generative topics, ones that have an important place in the disciplinary or interdisciplinary study
at hand and resonate with learners and teachers.
Though there are endless generative topic
possibilities, broad examples might include climate change, statistics, and justice. Students and
teachers might study implications of climate change for their local area and other areas with
similar geographic characteristics. They might learn how to use their knowledge of basic
statistical principles to improve their understanding of statistics used in popular press. They
would not, however, study the justice system from the perspective of governmental facts to be
memorized because strong generative topics require student engagement with complex issues.

Choosing a generative topic is the first stage of the well-known Teaching for Understanding
curriculum framework, developed through a five-year project by Project Zero researchers and
used by teachers worldwide.
To choose generative topics, Boix-Mansilla and Jackson

recommend that teachers ask themselves such questions as How does this topic connect to the
reality of my students lives and interests? Am I passionate about the topic myself? If so, why?
Are there better ways to frame this topic to make it truly engaging for my students?

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The science of learning served
as the basis for educational
reforms in Hong Kong and
Shanghai in 2000 and 2002. In
both systems, reforms address
students as holistic learners
and mobilize widespread social
support and appropriately
balanced centralized versus
decentralized control. System-
level curricular pre- and in-
service training of teachers and
information dissemination
policies in both countries also
support the implementation of
practices derived from the
science of learning.

Those two
sites correspondingly achieved
the highest scores in the 2009
Programme for International
Student Assessment (PISA),
which assesses the extent to
which students near the end of
their compulsory education
have acquired the skills needed
to participate fully in society.

As noted in the accompanying text box, the relevance of
specific topics or issues is clearer to students if it fits within
meaningful, holistic context, i.e., the big picture. Once it is
clear to students what the big picture is, they also need to
understand each of the knowledge-, skill-, and attitude-based
objectives that contribute to understanding the big picture and
why they all matter. Developing and conveying to students
each of these understanding goals is the second step of the
Teaching for Understanding model. Through understanding
what the big picture is, why it matters, and each of the goals
that will get them there, all the knowledge (concepts, facts,
and theories) and skills (methods, tools, and techniques) that
students will gain through study of a given generative topic
are then relevant.

Both teachers and students benefit from the use of generative
topics and reinforcement of relevance. Teachers like this
method because it allows for the freedom to teach creatively.
Students like it because it makes learning feel more
interesting and engaging, and they find that understanding is
something they can use, rather than simply possess.
response to the importance of relevance in fostering student
engagement in learning, one of the five goals of Ontarios
2003 Student Success/Learning to 18 Strategy specifies
provision of relevant learning opportunities for all students.
Through this reform, the Ministry of Education provides a
range of vocational, technical, and accelerated learning
opportunities to students that are intended to match their
strengths and aspirations.

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Science-of-learning experts concur that learning should take
place through the disciplines, includingbut not limited to
native and foreign languages, hard and social sciences,
mathematics, the arts, and music. As Howard Gardner argues,

[n]eed an education that is deeply rooted in . . . what is known about the human condition,
in its timeless aspects, and what is known about the pressures, challenges and
opportunities of the contemporary and coming scene. Without this double anchoring, we
are doomed to an education that is dated, partial, nave, and inadequate.

Learning through disciplines entails learning not only the knowledge of the discipline but also the
skills associated with the production of knowledge within the discipline. Through disciplinary
curriculum and instruction students should learn why the discipline is important, how experts
create new knowledge, and how they communicate about it. Each of these steps maps closely to
the development of 21
century skills and knowledge.
For example, through scientific study,
students should learn why science is relevant and what kinds of problems they can solve through
scientific methods, as well as how scientists carry out experiments, how they reach conclusions,
what they do with the knowledge they gain from the process, and how they communicate their
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To appreciate the relevance of a
given generative topic, students
need to understand the big picture,
how pieces fit into the big picture,
and why the big picture matters.
In his book Making Learning
Whole, author David Perkins uses
baseball as an analogy: To play
successfully, the players must
know how hitting, catching, and
running bases contribute to the
game. Similarly, students need to
understand how, for example,
following the order of
mathematical operations fits into
the bigger picture of mathematical
thinking, and they must have a
sense of the value of mathematical
thinking in the first place. Perkins
argues for the importance of
explicitly relating every lesson to
the big picture of the generative
topic under study, whatever that
topic may be. He also
demonstrates that young learners
can grasp junior versions of the
big picture. For example, a junior
version of the French Revolution
big picture could be
understanding what happens when
a few people have all of the
resources and power at the
expense of the rest, a lesson that
could be enacted through a
classroom role-play game.

findings. Informed by this perspective, to foster students enthusiasm for science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) studies, Japans Zest for Living reform legislation
increased emphasis on teaching science and mathematics topics through foundational disciplinary
study processes like those described above.

Similarly, through historical study, students should learn how to pose a problem they have
realized through familiarity with the historical knowledge base of a given topic. To solve the
problem, they must collect, distill, and synthesize information from oral, written, and visual
primary and secondary sources. They must know where to look for information, which
information will help them to construct an argument, how to interpret the information they find,
how to structure complex causal relationships, how to account for source biases, and how to
compare and contrast their findings with what has already been presented as historical fact. They
must also learn how to communicate their findings and practice communicating them to diverse

Continued learning in any discipline requires that the studentor expertbecome deeply
familiar with a knowledge base, know how to use that knowledge base, articulate a problem,
creatively address the problem, and communicate findings in sophisticated ways.
mastering a discipline means using many 21
century skills.

Developing other 21
century skills, such as leadership, adaptability, and initiative, can also take
place through the disciplines when teachers explicitly define those objectives and facilitate ways
for students to develop them. For example, teachers can design activities in which students
practice rotating leadership responsibilities in groups, tutor younger children, or work with their
local communities. An evaluation of U.S. students historical study of the motives and
accomplishments of African American leaders demonstrated that, when leadership qualities are
explicitly highlighted, students develop their conceptual understanding of leadership and
demonstrate leadership skills.

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In the previous section, we explain why students should learn 21
century skills through
disciplinary study. Similarly, students canand shoulddevelop lower- and higher-order
thinking skills simultaneously. For example, students might practice lower-order skills by
plugging numbers into an equation, such as E = MC
, as a way to understand the relationship
between mass and energy. To deepen understanding of that relationship, teachers might ask
students probing questions that require higher-order thinking to answer. Schwartz and Fischer
(2006) provide several example questions, including Why does the formula use mass instead of
weight? Can I use my bathroom scale to determine mass? Why or why not? Although students
might find it quite straightforward to plug numbers into equations, addressing these questions
successfully, although much more difficult, contributes to flexible and applicable understanding.

Lower-order exercises are fairly common in existing curricula, while higher-order thinking
activities are much less common.
Higher-level thinking tends to be difficult for students because
it requires them not only to understand the relationship between different variables (lower-order
thinking) but also how to applyor transferthat understanding to a new, uncharted context
(higher-order thinking). Transfer (which we discuss in more detail below) tends to be very
difficult for most people. However, applying new understandings to a new, uncharted context is
also exactly what students need to do to successfully negotiate the demands of the 21st century.


Higher-level thinking skills take time to develop, and teaching them generally requires a trade-off
of breadth for depth.
Singapores national educational success validates this trade-off: Through
its Teach Less, Learn More education reform, teachers cover far less material than do teachers in
many other countries but cover it in depth so that students will master lower- and higher-order
Another approach that is popular in Finland and Singapore is to reverse the way
students spend their time in the classroom and on homework at home. Instead of listening to
lectures at school and doing problems at home, students can read content as homework and, at
school, work on problems in groups while the teacher poses thought-provoking questions and
coaches explicitly on development of higher-order thinking.

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Students must apply the skills and knowledge they gain in one discipline to another. They must
also apply what they learn in school to other areas of their lives. This applicationor transfer
can be challenging for students (and for adults as well).
Scientific attention to this challenge
began in the early 1900s with the work of Thorndike and Woodworth and has led to a large
literature and ongoing debate about transfer and the extent to which people can learn to do it.
common theme is that ordinary instruction does not prepare learners well to transfer what they
learn, but explicit attention to the challenges of transfer can cultivate it.

Transfer involves three variable components, as shown in Figure 1:

What skills, concepts, knowledge, attitudes, and strategies might transfer?
To which context, situation, or application?
How can the transfer take place?

Figure 1. How Transfer Works

Examples of what might include the ability to work in teams, engagement with learning,
understanding of cause and effect, and problem solving through trial and error. Examples of
WhaL mlghL
AblllLy Lo work ln
LngagemenL wlLh
undersLandlng of
cause and eecL
1o where
1o oLher sub[ecLs
ln school
1o oLher courses ln
Lhe same dlsclpllne
1o sporLs or oLher
1o fuLure
workplace semngs
Pow Lhe Lransfer
can Lake place
8eexlvely (l.e.,
"low road"
Aer dellberaLe
LhoughL and
analysls (l.e., "hlgh
road" Lransfer)

contexts include to other subjects, to other courses within the same general discipline, to sports,
and to future workplace settings. And transfer can take place in one of two general ways. Low-
road transfer functions reflexively. Students might apply what they know about using the
equation distance = rate ! time to using the equation E = MC
. High-road transfer requires
deliberate abstraction and generalization about a particular concept.
Through the example
provided previously of provocative questions about mass and motion, teachers ask students to
engage in high-road transfer by making conceptual connections between scientific laws and
situations they may encounter in their lives.

There are some specific ways in which teachers can encourage low- and high-road transfer.
encourage low-road transfer, teachers can use such methods as the following:
Design learning experiences that are similar to situations in which the students might
need to apply the knowledge and skills.
Set expectations by telling students that they will need to structure their historical
argument homework essay in the same way that they are practicing in class.
Ask students to practice debating a topic privately in pairs before holding a large-scale
debate in front of the class.
Organize mock trials, mock congressional deliberations, or other role-playing exercises
as a way for students to practice civic engagement.
Talk through solving a particular mathematics problem so that students understand the
thinking process they might apply to a similar problem.
Practice finding and using historical evidence from a primary source and then ask
students to do the same with a different primary source.

The purpose of each of these activities is to develop students familiarity and comfort with a
learning situation that is very similar to a new learning situation to which they will need to
transfer skills and concepts.

Teachers can use other methods to encourage high-road transfer, such as the following:

Explicitly ask students to brainstorm about ways in which they might apply a particular
skill, attitude, or concept to another situation.
Ask students to generalize broad principles from a specific piece of information, such as
a law of science or a political action.
Ask students to make analogies between a topic and something different, such as between
ecosystems and financial markets.
Ask students to study the same problem at home and at school, to practice drawing
parallels between contextual similarities and differences.
Ask students to think explicitly about their own thinking (a process known as
metacognition, which we discuss below).

Transfer is hard, and students need support from teachers and practice at school to ensure that it
Fortunately, we know enough about how to develop students ability to transfer, and
we have a common sense understanding of its power. For example, Shanghai university entrance
examinations ask students to apply knowledge and skills addressed through their secondary
syllabus-based courses to problems not covered in their courses. Shanghai education experts
believe that training students to transfer their knowledge and skills to real problems contributed to
their success on the 2009 PISA.
The importance of transfer brings us back to the fundamental
rationale for learning 21
century skills in the first placeso that students can transfer them to
the economic, civic, and global 21
century contexts that demand them.

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There is a limit to the skills, attitudes, and dispositions that students can learn through their
formal schooling. Therefore, educating them for the 21st
century requires teaching them how to learn on their
own. To do so, students need to be aware of how they
learn. Though the history of this concept is long, Flavell
first coined the modern label metacognition in 1976 to
describe learning to learn and defined it as ones
knowledge concerning ones own cognitive processes or
anything related to them. . . . For example, I am
engaging in metacognition if I notice that I am having
more trouble learning A than B; if it strikes me that I
should double check C before accepting it as fact.

Not only is learning to learn a critical skill in itself;
activities that develop metacognition also help students
to learn skills, knowledge, strategies, and attitudes more
effectively. For example, a study of 79 Swiss eighth-
grade classrooms, incorporating video recordings,
student and teacher surveys, and student achievement,
demonstrated a positive relationship between
metacognition and student achievement on the Third
International Mathematics and Science Study.
Finland, beginning in first grade, teachers place a major
emphasis on students metacognition development.
Students set their own educational objectives and
evaluate their progress. The goal of this practice is to
increase pupils curiosity and motivation to learn, and to
promote their activeness, self-direction, and creativity by
offering interesting challenges and problems.
In Hong
Kong, in accordance with the aptly titled 2000 Learning
to Learn reform, teachers are integrating strategies
designed to develop students metacognition into their
teaching practice.

Teachers can develop students metacognitive capacity
by encouraging them to explicitly examine how they
think. Researchers studying the use of concept maps in a
school in Melbourne, Australia, found that a practice in
which students wrote thinking in the middle of a blank
piece of paper and then recorded their ideas about
thinking was an effective way to make them more self-
directed learners and better thinkers.
In a debate setting, teachers might ask students to prepare
their own arguments and prepare to rebut the other teams arguments in an organized way that
considers different arguments and potential responses. Then students can explicitly document
why it was helpful to develop their own arguments and rebuttals in advance.
Teachers can also
reinforce students metacognition by modeling it on a regular basis and talking through their own
thinking as they address an example problem and then asking students to reflect on the teachers
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The Visible Thinking project, which
provides education tools to a network
of schools in Australia, Belgium, the
Netherlands, Scotland, Sweden, and
the United States, helps students
develop metacognition through
disciplinary study and explicit
examination of thinking processes. In
the Think-Puzzle-Explore reasoning
routine, teachers might ask students
(or students might ask their peers or
teachers), What do you think you
know about subtraction? What makes
you say that? What are you puzzling
over about subtraction? How will we
explore our puzzles about
subtraction? With the Perspective-
Taking routine, teachers ask students
to consider who might have different
viewpoints about a controversial topic,
such as Internet regulation, stem cell
research, or social safety nets.
Students would then divide up and
voice the different viewpoints and then
reflect as a class. Using the Headlines
summarization routine, at the
beginning of class, teachers might ask
their students to write a newspaper
headline about the Pythagorean
theorem. And then at the end, they
might ask students how the headline
they might write then differs from
what they would have written before
the class began. All these routines
work in the full class setting and in
pairs or small groups, in which each
student practices vocalizing his or her
thinking and also learns how his or her
peers think (Richthart & Perkins,

In addition to developing metacognitive skills, it is also important for students to develop positive
mental models about how we learn, the limits of our learning, and indications of failure. Although
some cultures view intelligence and learning capacity as innate rather than effort-based, others
believe that effort overrides innate limitations.
Students benefit from believing that intelligence
and capacity increase with effort (known as the incremental model of intelligence) and that
mistakes and failures are opportunities for self-inquiry and growth rather than indictments of
worth or ability.

In Singapore and Shanghai mathematics classrooms, teachers ask students to work on problems at
the board, not expecting all students to get the right answer. The purpose is for the effort of those
at the board to help students understand the problem and to develop their broader mathematical
understanding, rather than to focus on getting the right answer.
An effective way for teachers to
cultivate the incremental model includes praising students for their effort and how they learn
rather than for their intelligence as well as discussing mental models as part of other
metacognition-building activities.

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Another well-documented science-of-learning theory is that learners have many
misunderstandings about how the world really works, and they hold onto these misconceptions
until they have the opportunity to build alternative explanations based on experience.
process generally requires explicit guidance and takes time.
For example, children believe that
the world is flat until they learn otherwise, and even college students who have studied the solar
system may still hold onto an incorrect explanation of why seasons change. Misconceptions
develop from the process of creating explanations based on what we see and hear, and, although
many of these explanations may be correct and serve as useful building blocks, others are
incorrect and do not take into account complicated causal relationships.

To overcome misconceptions, learners of any age need to actively construct new understandings.
Think of how many times you have thought you were absolutely certain of something, even if
someone told you that the contrary was true. It is human nature to need to find out for
ourselves. Textbooks rarely explicitly speak to misunderstandings, leaving the challenge of
addressing them to the teacher.
Thus, teachers face the important challenge of identifying
misunderstandings and giving students opportunities to learn the facts for themselves.

There are several ways to counter misunderstandings, including teaching generative topics deeply
(which has many benefits, as discussed throughout this paper), encouraging students to model
concepts, and providing explicit instruction about misunderstandings.

Teaching topics deeply gives students time and space to
familiarize themselves with ideas that contradict their intuitive
misconceptions. Deep attention also facilitates learning about
topics in ways that engage different learning styles and
therefore have a better likelihood of turning around the
For example, to understand historical
relationships, students can read and discuss biographies,
analyze demographic data, interpret art, debate controversial
issues, and so forth.

Modeling misunderstandings and explicitly addressing them
also helps to improve and deepen students understanding.

For example, in a U.S. middle school setting, researchers
studied specific instructional methods designed to improve
students understanding of ecosystems. Teachers instructed the
class to model an ecosystem by assigning each student to a
plant or animal role, passing a ball of yarn between the
students. When one part of the ecosystem disappearedacted
out by a student sitting downsome students would feel a tug
on the yarn. This concrete, tactile experience provided a forum
through which teachers explicitly discussed with students
different types of causal relationships and how these
relationships played out in the model. The researchers found
that the combination of modeling and explicit instruction
successfully increased students understanding of complex
causality and was a useful way of teaching to counteract

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The ability to collaborate with others is an important 21

century skill. The science of learning tells us that it is not only
a desirable outcome; it is also an important condition for
optimal learning. Students learn better with peers.
As Perkins
points out with his baseball analogy, people do not learn to
play baseball by themselvesonly Superman could do it and
it wouldnt be much fun! They should learn to play baseball
from and with their peers and coach.

In typical transmission-model classrooms, students do not
learn from and with their peers. The teacher and textbook
transmit information, and the student engages in a one-to-one interchange with the teacher.
Through this type of interaction, students lose the opportunity to learn from each other and to
develop the skill of working with others. Further, as we have discussed throughout the paper,
working in pairs or groups is an ideal way for students to develop their metacognition and
communication skills, to replace their misunderstandings with understandings and to practice
low- and high-road transfer. The transmission model, therefore, not only robs students of the
opportunity to develop the skills of listening to and learning from others and sharing their
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People tend to have rather deep-
seated misunderstandings of
complex causality. They
struggle less with linear cause
and effect relationships, in
which one thing simply causes
another. But the world is
complex and linear
relationships cannot explain
complex phenomena, such as
scientific systems or historical
events. To understand the types
of causality with which students
struggle consider the example
of ecosystems. In domino
causality, a cause has an effect,
which causes another effect and
so forth. For example, pollution
causes acid rain, which kills off
fish, which depletes bears food
source, which might limit the
bear population, who limit other
animal populations, etc. In the
re-entrant causality feedback
loop, causes become effects and
effects become causes. When
plants die they decompose and
enrich the soil in which they
will grow again. In two-way
causality, owls eat mice, which
provide the owls with needed
energy and also manage the
mouse population so there is
enough food for the mice that
avoid being eaten by the owls.
Because the world really works
through endless series of
complex causal relationships,
learners must understand and be
able to apply their
understanding of complex
causal relationships (examples
from Grotzer & Basca, 2003).


thoughts, opinions, and knowledge constructively; it also detracts from opportunities to develop
other 21
century skills.

There are many ways in which teachers can design instruction to promote learning with others.
Students can discuss concepts in pairs or groups and share what they understand with the rest of
the class.
They can develop arguments and debate them. They can role-play. They can divide up
materials about a given topic and then teach others about their piece. Together, students and the
teacher can use a studio format in which several students work through a given issue, talking
through their thinking process while the others comment. Because the studio approach is so
dominant in Asian countries, teachers express concern about class sizes getting too small to find
enough different solutions to a problem to have an effective lesson.
Another way to promote
learning with others is to have older students tutor younger students, which provides the younger
students with individualized attention and the older students with the motivation to deepen their
understanding of the topic they are tutoring, as well as develop noncognitive characteristics, such
as responsibility and empathy.
There are many ways in which teachers can design instruction so
that students learn from and with others, developing both their ability to work in teams and their
other 21
century skills.

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Technology offers the potential to provide students with new ways to develop their problem-
solving, critical thinking, and communication skills; transfer them to different contexts; reflect on
their thinking and that of their peers; practice addressing their misunderstandings; and collaborate
with peersall on topics relevant to their lives and using engaging tools. The River City Multi-
User Virtual Environment (MUVE) project is an example of a technology-based educational tool
that seeks to accomplish each of these objectives. Although the program has the look and feel of
a video game, it is based on U.S. national biology and ecology standards.
Participating students
enter a 19th-century virtual environment, in which they learn to behave as health scientists to help
explain why people are getting sick. They collaboratively identify problems with their online
peers, form and test hypotheses, and draw conclusions about underlying causes.

There are also many other examples of web-based forums through which students and their peers
from around the world can interact, share, debate, and learn from each other. For example,
through the Deliberating in a Democracy program, students from Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico,
Peru, and the United States share their perspectives with international peers on various topics that
range from corruption and judicial independence to the environment to public health and then
vote on different policy decisions.

The Internet itself also provides a forum for students development of 21
century skills and
knowledge. The nature of the Internets countless sources, many of which provide inconsistent
information and contribute substantive source bias, provide students with the opportunity to learn
to assess sources for their reliability and validity. It gives them an opportunity to practice filtering
out information from unreliable sources and synthesizing information from legitimate ones.

Once they know where to look for legitimate information, students can use the Internet as a
reference source in countless ways.

Beyond its pedagogical potential, there are many other ways in which technology can affect
education. Teachers can use it to develop and share best practices. For example, the Ontario
Ministry of Education created the e-Learning Ontario website to host instructional and
professional development resources in an interactive platform.
Similarly, Singapore teachers use
the Networked Learning Communities
and Shanghai student teachers use Teaching and

Learning e-Portfolios to develop their pedagogical, content, and experience-based
Technology also provides greater opportunities to use student data for formative
and summative purposes and to assess students understanding in ways that harness MUVE
environments and artificial intelligence. We discuss the assessment theme below.

There is broad consensus that technology holds great promise for education. It has not yet lived
up to this promise, in part because teachers have not had the opportunity to learn to maximize its
pedagogical value. Without direction, teachers tend to use it to mimic the transmission model. If
students use technology only to listen to lectures, read text, and regurgitate information to their
teachers, they encounter all of the pitfalls we have discussed throughout this paper (That said, an
electronic version of the transmission model at least minimally allows students to become
familiar with computer hardware and software, a 21
century necessity in itself).
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A common definition of creativity is the cognitive ability to produce novel and valuable ideas.

Creativity is prized in the economic, civic, and global spheres because it sparks innovations that
can create jobs, address challenges, and motivate social and individual progress. Like intelligence
and learning capacity, creativity is not a fixed characteristic that people either have or do not
have. Rather, it is incremental, such that students can learn to be more creative. In contrast to the
common misconception that the way to develop creativity is through uncontrolled, let-the-kids-
run-wild techniquesor only through the artscreative development requires structure and
intentionality from both teachers and students and can be learned through the disciplines.

Many of the teaching strategies we discuss in this paper are indirectly critical to developing
students creativity. Creativity grows out of intrinsic motivation, which relevance fosters.
students find lessons relevant to their lives, they are more intrinsically motivated to learn and use
their newfound knowledge and understanding creatively. Therefore the science-of-learning lesson
about the importance of making learning relevant to students also applies to developing students
creativity. When students frame their ability to learn in a positive light and view failures as
learning experiences, they are more open to developing creatively.
Therefore, the science-of-
learning lesson about developing students positive (incremental) mental models also applies to
developing their creativity. Learning and practicing disciplinary skills, such as problem posing
and solving, transfer, complex communication, and familiarity with a given knowledge base, can
also develop creativity.
For example, when students are asked to pose a scientific problem and
design their own experiment to test it, they must use their understanding of the knowledge base
and creativity to come up with an interesting problem and successful design. Therefore, the
science-of-learning lesson about learning through the disciplines is yet another strategy that
applies to students creativity development.

Teachers can also directly enhance students creativity by encouraging, identifying, and fostering
Encouragement helps students to develop positive mental models about their ability to
develop their creativity. Identifying creativity can help students to recognize their own creative
capacities when they might not otherwise. And like metacognition, teaching directly about the
creative process and what animates or suppresses it contributes to creative development.

Although there are common elements across cultures, there are variations in the spectrum of
conceptualizations of the meaning and value of creativity.
For example, some cultures tend to
view creativity as having societal and moral values, while others perceive creativity as focusing
more on the individual. In another conceptual dimension, a survey of more than 400 students
from China, Japan, and the United States found that students from all three countries valued

novelty and usefulness in their conception of creativity.
Chinese students, however, were more
likely to respond positively to novelty than American or Japanese students. For Japanese and
American students, perceptions of usefulness had a bigger influence on their conception of good
creativity than for their Chinese counterparts. Fostering and teaching creativity should account for
these cultural differences.
Science-of-Learning Lessons as 21
Century Skills

As mentioned in the introduction to the nine science-of-learning lessons, five of the lessons
transfer, metacognition, teamwork, technology, and creativityhelp students to learn 21
skills and are also 21
century skills in themselves. They are not included in all definitions of 21

century skills, although, in this paper, we attempt to make a strong case for why they should be.
We now turn to the question of assessment of 21
century skills.
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Twenty-first century skills are more challenging to teach and learn, and they are also more
difficult to assess. Designing tests that measure lower-order thinking skills, such as
memorization, is straightforward in comparison to measuring such skills as creativity, innovation,
leadership, and teamwork. In this section, we first explain the two main purposes of assessment
and how they relate to teaching and learning 21
century skills. We then highlight several
challenging issues that educators and policymakers must consider as they develop 21
assessments. Finally, we provide several examples of assessments that measure complex skills
and of initiatives that are currently addressing the challenge of assessing 21
century skills. These
examples support our conclusion that, though the assessment challenge is substantial, it is not
Formative and Summative Assessments

Like they do in teaching for lower-order skills, both formative and summative assessments play
useful roles in teaching for 21
century skills. Formative assessments remind students of their
learning goals, give them feedback about their progress and misunderstandings as they learn,
guide them to shift course as they need, and are a critical part of the learning process. In fact, the
importance of formative assessment to the learning process could even be a tenth lesson from the
science of learning. The Teaching for Understanding (TfU) curriculum framework to which we
referred earlier in the paper emphasizes the need for ongoing formative assessment from teachers,
peers, and students themselves to help learners recognize what they are doing well and where
they need to focus more effort. The formative assessment process generally does not involve
others beyond teachers and students.

Summative assessments give students the opportunity to demonstrate what they understand at a
given point in time. They are useful to certify students achievements, for example, to assign
grades, determine level of preparedness for further study, or award diplomas. They are also useful
to measure teachers, schools and systems performance for accountability and improvement
purposes. The TfU framework recommends that summative assessments take place through an
activity referred to as performances of understanding. Through the performance of
understanding, a student demonstrates that he or she understands a topic and can apply the
learning to different situations. There are many ways for students to demonstrate their
understanding. They could debate about an issue related to a generative topic from a certain
perspective and then from another. They could apply what they learn about literature to their own

creative writing. They could use what they learn about the scientific method to develop their own
experiment. The list of possibilities is endless.

The benefit of performance of understandingtype summative assessments is that they provide
students and their teachers with an excellent sense of the extent to which students truly
understand and can apply what they have learned. However, they pose several challenges,
especially in comparison to multiple-choice tests of students lower-order thinking skills. The
first challenge regards who administers the assessment. Teacher-administered summative
assessments require high levels of teacher capacity, professionalism, and social trust in teachers.
On the other hand, sophisticated summative assessments of 21
century skills that are
administered at the district, state, or national level are costly to manage and mark, requiring high
levels of expertise, time, financial resources, and interrater reliability.
The second challenge is
that summative assessments often serve several purposes, including certification, accountability,
and as a way to determine where to allocate resources. This is a challenge because assessments of
performances of understandinglike most summative assessmentsare not designed to serve all
of these roles. Third, given their purposes, summative assessments and results need to be
standardized so that they can serve as a common metric. This standardization of tasks and
marking criteria is particularly challenging when the assessed skills are sophisticated.
Examples of 21
Century Assessments

Though the task is challenging, there are many examples of tests in current wide-scale use that
measure students 21
century skills through disciplinary-based performances of understanding
that are standardized with common metrics. In an internationally administered example, the PISA
test requires students worldwide to demonstrate their mathematical, language, and science
understanding through tasks that require analysis, reasoning, and complex communication
The tests are administered on paper or electronically and include a mix of multiple-choice
and open-response questions. In an example of a multiple-choice mathematics question, the
students must interpret a graph of the speed of a racing car along a 3-km track as a function of the
distance the car has proceeded along the track. The corresponding set of questions asks students
to (1) estimate distance from the starting line to the beginning of the longest straight section of
the track, (2) note the point at which the slowest speed was recorded, and (3) assess the
acceleration or deceleration of the car between the 2.6- and 2.8-km marks. In an example of an
open-ended mathematics question, students see a map of Antarctica and a scale in kilometers and
must estimate Antarcticas area using the map scale, showing how they made the estimate.
questions require that students draw on their mathematical skills and knowledge to transfer
critical thinking and problem-solving skills to a new situation with which they are most likely to
be unfamiliar.

Many countries invest in syllabus-based summative assessments that measure the 21
knowledge, thinking, and communication skills of large student audiences. College entry
examinations in many countries, including (but not limited to) China, Finland, France, Germany,
Japan, and the UK, use predominantly open-ended questions to measure students sophisticated
thinking and communication skills.
For example, in the UK, students usually take examinations
in eight to ten subjects, each of which typically includes two timed written papers that students
have about five hours to complete. The French baccalaureate examination is also based on a
series of written tests spread out over four days. In Japan, students must take written
examinations to enter high school and college. The high school examinations require students to
complete examination papers in Japanese, mathematics, social studies, science, and a foreign
language. Students subsequently must take up to three examinations to enter college, which

require students to synthesize knowledge and skills gained through their secondary disciplinary

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program assessment system is another example of
an internally and externally administered summative assessment system that measures students
century skills. To allow teachers to address students local interests while still preparing
students for a common assessment, the IB social science examinations require students to answer
a few questions in considerable depth, yet give students choice among questions. For example, a
recent IB history examination asks students to answer section A, B, or C. Respectively, the three
sections ask students to incorporate provided sources into sophisticated arguments about the
Locarno conference, Arab-Israeli relations, and Communism from 1976 to 1989.
This freedom
of choice on the examination provides teachers with the flexibility to address a few generative
topics in great depth rather than scrambling for superficial coverage of many topics as a way of
ensuring that their students will know at least a little bit about many topics the test might address.
Meeting the 21
Century Assessment Challenge

Assessment is moving in the direction of harnessing technology to address the marking and
standardization challenges.
MUVE programs, such as River City, use technology to assess
students knowledge and skills in real time as they engage in the learning activity. Artificial
intelligence tools are progressing to the point that they can assess students open-ended answers
as well as or better than can humans. National governments and technology companies are
investing billions of dollars into the development of valid and reliable technology-embedded
assessments of 21
century skills that do not need human scoring. For example, the National
Project Managers in Singapore are building problem-solving and ICT assessment tasks that will
be embedded in ICT environments.
In 2010, the U.S. Department of Education allocated nearly
$400 million to the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)
and Smarter Balanced consortiums of 24 and 28 states, respectively. Both are working to create
assessments that use technology to measure students 21
century skills and knowledge as they
are detailed in the U.S. Common Core State Standards.

Given the intense focus on developing cost-effective, wide-scale measures of students 21

century skills and knowledge, the greatest challenge to transitioning away from the transmission
model to the 21
century model may not be assessment. In countries that have yet to or are just
starting to implement systematic teacher capacity reforms, the greatest challenge is likely to be
that of ramping up curriculum and instruction capacity. Yet countries that have already devoted
considerable resources to building teacher capacity might view current deficiencies in primary
and secondary 21
century skills assessments as the key barrier.
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From the local to international levels, progressing from the transmission model to the 21
model has important implications for the entire educational system. Because education standards
and the purposes of education are changing, curriculum frameworks and instructional methods
must also change. Those changes in curriculum and instruction have many important human
capital implications, including those related to teacher training, professional development, career
mobility, and general cultural standing of the teaching profession. In this section, we address
these human capital issues.

Researchers and practitioners agree that building an education
system that focuses on 21
century skills requires a strong
human capital base.
After all, teachers cannot teach 21

century skills through the disciplines if they themselves have
mastered only basic lower-order thinking skills and do not have
a strong disciplinary background. The logic is compelling.

A strong human capital base is essential, but it will take some
countries time to increase the capacity of their teaching forces
and to build social trust in those teachers competence. To
accomplish these ends, in addition to investing in the capacity of
teachers who are now starting to enter the teaching profession,
countries should also invest in building the capacity of current
teachers to teach 21
century skills.
Effective Professional Development Is Critical

The most critical area to invest in is high-quality professional
development. Such training can help teachers to develop their
facility with the kinds of instructional techniques we describe in
this paper. The challenge is that not enough teachers currently
have sufficient experience teaching 21
century skills to have
developed the deep expertise needed to train others. As a result,
much of the professional development for 21
century teaching
has been disappointing. The results have been characterized as
ineffective in the U.S. setting.

Effective professional development to train educators to teach 21
century skills should rely
heavily on the same processes that we have identified above as helping students learn. Teachers
need time to develop, absorb, discuss, and practice new knowledge.
Activities need to be
sustained and intensive rather than brief and sporadic.
Singapores requirement that every
teacher engage in 100 hours of professional development every year is thus consistent with these

Besides time, another key element of effective professional development for 21
century teaching
is appropriate materials and activities.
Teachers learn most effectively when the training
activities involve actual teaching materials,
when the activities are school based and integrated
into daily teaching work of teachers,
and when the pedagogy of professional development is
active and requires teachers to learn in ways that reflect how they should teach pupils.
students, teachers are less likely to change practice as a result of lower-order learning activities
that occur via presentation and the memorizing of new knowledge.
Professional development is
also more effective if teachers from the same school, department, or grade level participate

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Following a 2009 review of
its teacher preparation
system, Singapore confronted
the challenge of developing
21st-century teachers by
establishing the Teacher
Education Model for the 21st
Century (TE
). Using the
, Singapore is
implementing critical changes
to curriculum, pedagogy,
assessment, theorypractice
linkages, and physical
infrastructure. Addressing the
concern that teachers
themselves need to have 21

century skills to teach those
skills, the first of two
pedagogical shifts is to
increase emphasis on self-
directed, inquiry-based, real-
world learning (Lee, 2012).


Thus, the type of teacher professional development that best
promotes changes in teacher practices that result in 21

century learning activities are those that mirror the activities
for students that we have outlined in previous sections:
relevance of learning, opportunity to transfer learning to
other contexts (including real-world contexts),
metacognition and reflection on what has been learned, and
teamwork or collaborative learning activities. A key
challenge is overcoming the traditional learning formats,
such as one-time workshops and conferences, serving
primarily as style shows,
that have dominated the
profession and have resulted in little change to teaching and
learning over time.

Schools, as Organizations, Must Support Teachers
Professional Development

Sustaining teacher learning and making sure it is
implemented in classrooms is a shared responsibility.
Although teachers must pursue ongoing professional
development, schools also play a key role.
Teachers can
struggle to implement new teaching strategies in their
classrooms when school conditions are unsupportive. Particularly challenging conditions include
lack of coordination and leadership, little collegial activity, and no obvious commitment to
professional development.
Development of teachers capacity to teach 21
century skills
therefore requires attention not only to training but also to school conditions that support the
implementation of what has been learned.

Research on the Learning How to Learn project in England identified four organizational factors
that enhance teachers learning:
involvement of teachers in decisionmaking
communication of a clear vision for learning
support for professional learning
networking support.

In an example of a response to the need for supportive school contexts, the Ontario Ministry of
Education created Teaching-Learning Critical Pathway and Collaborative Inquiry processes to
foster collaborative planning and ongoing dialogue among teachers, principals, and school board

Schools Must Become Learning Organizations

Closely related to schools support of teachers learning through professional development, one
of the five overarching lessons from the 2011 International Summit on the Teaching Profession
was the need for the development of schools as professional learning organizations. Attracting
and retaining effective 21
century teachers requires opportunities for continuous, high-quality
learning, career advancement, and a seat at the table as reforms are discussed and adopted.

Substantial research on the characteristics of learning organizations has identified the following
critical processes and practices that promote such conditions for learning:
nurturing a learning environment across all levels of the school

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One example of professional
development that builds teachers
century skills is the online
Project Zerobased Wide World
(Wide-Scale Interactive
Development for Educators)
which has worked with
6,000 educators worldwide to
develop their understanding of the
TfU framework and other
teaching and learning concepts we
describe in this paper. Wide
World instructors train
participating teachers to train their
school-based peers so that the
training eventually becomes self-

using self-evaluation as a way of promoting learning

examining core and implicit values, assumptions, and beliefs underpinning institutional
practices via reflection

creating systems of knowledge management that leverage resources, core capabilities,
and expertise of staff and pupils.

In their book, The Intelligent School, authors MacGilchrist et al. summarize the connection
between organizational learning and individual learning this way: A culture of inquiry and
reflection pervades the intelligent school, and support for teachers own learning is fundamental
to this culture.
The fourth guiding principle of Hong Kongs Teacher Competencies
Framework (TCF) reflects the need for this connection, Schools should be developed as
professional learning communities, teachers professional development should be regarded as an
important force in school development.

Also consistent with this idea, the school system in Shanghai implemented professional
development in 2008 to support teacher learning of 21
century competencies, placing an
emphasis on schools becoming cultures of thinking for teachers.
This culture of thinking is
also common in Chinese schools, where teachers have time to observe other teachers classrooms
regularly and borrowing effective lessons is considered a form of creativity.

Schools can play a substantial role in supporting teachers learning. To do so, they must create
continuous learning opportunities, promote inquiry and dialogue, encourage collaboration and
team learning, and establish systems to capture and share learning. These activities not only help
teachers; they also strengthen schools and mirror the teaching that best fosters student learning of
century skills.
@4R9#; 8&?44> 8<875@8 746"!$ 02
&5#7:!< 5$:&"794#

In this paper, we have explained why 21
century skills are important and summarized what the
science of learning tells us about how best to teach and assess those skills, as well as how to
ensure that school systems have the human capital to carry out this important mission. Although
there is some progress toward this goal, the remaining work will be demanding and complicated,
and it will require precisely the sorts of skills that we deem critical for the next generation. If we
believe that 21
century skills are the key to solving economic, civic, and global challenges and to
engaging effectively in those spheres, then we must act on the belief that using those skills to
overhaul our education systems is possible.


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Additional support from


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Senechal, 2010.
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OECD, 2009a.
Silver, Mesa, Morris, Star & Benken, 2009.
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Schleicher, 2012.
Boix-Mansilla & Jackson, 2011; Schwartz & Fischer, 2006; Tishman, Jay, & Perkins, 1993.
Schleicher, 2012, 40. Korea is the only East Asian country that participated in TALIS 2008.
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Schiefele & Csikszentmihalyi, 1995.
Wiske, 1998.
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Perkins & Grotzer, 2008, 120.
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Thorndike & Woodworth, 1901.
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Ritchhart, Turner, & Hadar, 2009.
Perkins & Grotzer, 1997.
Levy, Plaks, Hong, Chiu, & Dweck, 2001; OECD, 2010, 85, 141.
Dweck, 1999; Blackwell, Trzesniewski, & Dweck, 2007.
OECD, 2010, 243.
Dweck, 2009; Perkins, 2006.
Boix-Mansilla & Gardner, 1997; Perkins & Grotzer, 2008.
Perkins & Grotzer, 2008; Schwartz & Fischer, 2006.
Grotzer & Basca, 2003; Perkins & Grotzer, 2008.
Schwartz & Fischer, 2006, 6.
Gardner, 1993.
Boix-Mansilla & Gardner, 1997.
Grotzer & Basca, 2003; Perkins & Grotzer, 2008.
Grotzer & Basca, 2003.
Ritchhart & Perkins, 2008, 58.
Perkins, 2010, 191.
Schwartz & Fischer, 2006.
OECD, 2010, 243.
Perkins, 2010.
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Dede, 2005, 9.
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Academy of Singapore Teachers, undated.
Lee, 2012.
Saeki, Fan & Van Dusen, 2001, 24.
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Perkins, 2010; Sternberg, 2006; Csikszentmihalyi, 2008.
Ritchhart & Perkins, 2008; Sternberg, 2003.
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Advisory Committee on Creative and Culture, 1999.
Niu & Sternberg, 2002; Paletz & Peng, 2008.
Paletz & Peng, 2008.
Black & Wiliam, 2007.
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Examples from OECD, 2009b.
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International Baccalaureate Organization, undated.
Fullan & Watson, 2011; Assessment and Teaching of 21
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Hanushek, 2005; Sykes, 1996.
Garet, Porter, Andrew, & Desimone, 2001.
Guskey, 2000.
OECD, 2010.
Birman, Desimone, Porter, & Garet, 2000; Desimone, Porter, Garet, Yoon, & Birman, 2002; Garet,
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Borko & Putnam, 1997; Greeno, 1991; Hawley & Valli, 1999; Putnam & Borko, 2000.
Greeno, 1994; Hawley & Valli, 1999; Leinhardt, 1988; Wideen, Mayer-Smith, & Moon, 1998.

Borko & Putnam, 1997; Darling-Hammond & McLaughlin, 1999.
Birman et al., 2000; Desimone et al., 2002; Garet, Porter, Desimone, et al., 2001; Loucks-Horsley,
Hewson, Love, & Stiles, 1998; Wayne et al., 2008.
Birman et al., 2000; Desimone et al., 2002; Garet, Porter, Desimone, et al., 2001; Wayne et al., 2008.
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Hawley & Valli, 1999.
Greeno, Collins, & Resnick, 1996, 39.
Hollingsworth, 1999.
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Ontario Ministry of Education, 2010c, 8.
Asia Society, 2011, 26.
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MacBeath, 1999; MacBeath & Mortimore, 2001; MacGilchrist, Myers, & Reed, 2004.
Argyris, 1993; Argyris & Schon, 1978; Senge, 1990.
Hargreaves, 1999; Nickols, 2000; Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995; Zack, 2000.
MacGilchrist, Myers, & Reed, 2004, 94.
Hong Kong Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications, 2002.
Ritchhart & Perkins, 2008, 58.
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