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Supply and Demand Capstone

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Supply and Demand Capstone

DUE: Friday, December 13. OVERVIEW: You will create an original song, rap, poem, country music allad, or s!ort story t!at accurately e"plains t!e economic concepts o# Supply and Demand$ DIREC%IO&S: wor'ing alone or in groups up to three you will create an original presentation a out t!e concepts o# supply and demand$ %!is can e written, uploaded to You%u e, sa(ed to disc, or per#ormed li(e, in class$ I# you c!oose to per#orm t!e song or story li(e, you must pro(ide a script to t!e teac!er$ Your story must accurately incorporate )** o# t!e #ollowing concepts: +$ %!e *aw o# Demand ,$ %!e *aw o# Supply -$ %!e %!eory o# .roduction /$ C!ange in demand, w!en price stays t!e same 0at least #i(e di##erent reasons1 2$ Compliments 3$ Su stitute 4$ Demand Cur(e 5$ Supply Cur(e 6$ C!ange in 7uantity supplied +8$ C!ange in supply 0at least #i(e di##erent #actors1 ++$ 9arginal utility +,$ .rice +-$ Surplus +/$ S!ortage *imits: %!is presentation must e no longer than five pages and:or no longer than five minutes Non-negotiable: No matter what format, this presentation must not e ceed a !"-13 rating. No swearing, no se ual material no violence.

Supply and Demand Capstone Ru ric

Category Colla orati(e: Communication , weig!t Creati(ity + weig!t Core Content - weig!t E"emplary ;roup displayed Synergy$ %oo' t!e est o# eac! mem er o# t!e group and made a product etter t!an t!e sum o# its parts$ Demonstrated t!e a ility to pro lem sol(e$

.ro#icient ,

%!e group used pro(ocati(e and interacti(e ways to s!are t!eir perspecti(e$ %!e group used multiple ways o# integrating t!e core content accurately into t!eir product and !as e"!i ited mastery$ Demonstrated a synt!esis and application o# content in a (isual manner, e"!i iting mastery o# material Incorporated t!e use multiple o# primary sources to #urt!er (alidity and perspecti(e$ %!e proper use o# spelling and use o# grammar t!roug!out t!e product

Unsatis#actory + ;roup displayed dys#unction$ Sum was worse t!an its parts$ .ro lems were una le to e sol(ed$ Used solid and 9et!ods used did traditional ways to not properly s!are s!are t!eir t!e group perspecti(e$ perspecti(e$
;roup displayed cooperation$ ;enerally wor'ed well toget!er and produced a product wit! a sum e7ual to its parts$ Some di##iculty in pro lem sol(ing


Visual Element + weig!t

Source material + weig!t ;rammar and Spelling + weig!t %otal 6 weig!t : 6 scores #or a(g$

%!e group used traditional ways o# integrating t!e core content into t!eir product and !as e"!i ited pro#icient understanding$ Demonstrated an application o# content in a (isual manner, s!owing pro#iciency o# material Incorporated a #ew primary sources to lea(ing 7uestions o# (alidity and perspecti(e ) #ew spelling and grammar mista'es$

%!e group lac'ed integrating t!e core content into t!eir product and !as e"!i ited limited and:or inaccurate understanding$ &o use o# a (isual aid or (isual aid does not demonstrate pro#iciency o# material Did not use primary sources ma'ing t!e product not (alid and lac'ing perspecti(e$ Improper spelling and grammar t!roug!out t!e product

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