DSKP Year4 Edit
DSKP Year4 Edit
DSKP Year4 Edit
CONTENT STANDARD 1.1 By the end of the 6 ye!" #"$%!"y &'hoo($n)* #+#$(& ,$(( -e !-(e to #"ono+n'e ,o"d& !nd &#e!. 'onf$dent(y ,$th the 'o""e't &t"e&&* "hyth% !nd $nton!t$on. LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1.1.1 Able to speak with correct word stress 1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with guidance 1 PERFORMANCE STANDARD DESCRIPTOR Can talk about related topics with ! /e"y ($%$ted level of fluency and /e"y ($%$ted use of correct word stress Can talk about related topics with ! ($%$ted level of fluency and ($%$ted use of correct word stress Can talk about related topics with ! &!t$&f!'to"y level of fluency and &!t$&f!'to"y use of correct word stress Can talk about related topics with ! )ood level of fluency and )ood use of correct word stress Can talk about related topics with ! /e"y )ood level of fluency and /e"y )ood use of correct word stress Can talk about related topics with !n e0'e((ent level of fluency and e0'e((ent use of correct word stress Can listen to" en oy stories and# recite poe!s" tongue twisters and sing songs with ! /e"y ($%$ted (e/e( of correct pronunciation" rhyth! and intonation Can listen to" en oy stories and# recite poe!s" tongue twisters and sing songs with ! ($%$ted (e/e( of correct pronunciation" rhyth! and intonation Can listen to" en oy stories and# recite poe!s" tongue twisters and sing songs with ! &!t$&f!'to"y (e/e( of correct pronunciation" rhyth! and intonation Can listen to" en oy stories and# recite poe!s" tongue twisters and sing songs with ! )ood (e/e( of correct pronunciation" rhyth! and intonation Can listen to" en oy stories and# recite poe!s" tongue twisters and sing songs with ! /e"y )ood (e/e( of correct
2 3 4 5 6
1.1.2 Able to listen to and en oy stories 1.1.3 Able to listen to and recite poe!s" tongue twisters and sing songs" paying attention to pronunciation" rhyth! and intonation
4 5
pronunciation" rhyth! and intonation Can listen to" en oy stories and# recite poe!s" tongue twisters and sing songs with !n e0'e((ent (e/e( of correct pronunciation" rhyth! and intonation PERFORMANCE STANDARD PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations# $a% e&tend an invitation $b% accept an invitation $c% decline an invitation $d% e&press sy!pathy 1.2.4 Able to participate in guided conversations with peers 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.2.2 Able to listen to" follow and give instructions 1.2.3 Able to listen to" follow and give directions around the neighbourhood 1.2.4 Able to participate in guided conversations with peers 1 2 3 4 DESCRIPTOR Can participate in daily and guided conversations with peers with ! /e"y ($%$ted (e/e( of f(+en'y !nd !##"o#"$!tene&& Can participate in daily and guided conversations with peers with ! ($%$ted (e/e( of f(+en'y !nd !##"o#"$!tene&& Can participate in daily and guided conversations with peers with ! &!t$&f!'to"y (e/e( of f(+en'y !nd !##"o#"$!tene&& Can participate in daily and guided conversations with peers with ! )ood (e/e( of f(+en'y !nd !##"o#"$!tene&& Can participate in daily and guided conversations with peers with ! /e"y )ood (e/e( of f(+en'y !nd !##"o#"$!tene&& Can participate in daily and guided conversations with peers with !n e0'e((ent (e/e( of f(+en'y !nd !##"o#"$!tene&& Can listen to" follow and give instructions and directions around the neighbourhood with /e"y ($%$ted !-$($ty Can listen to" follow and give instructions and directions around the neighbourhood with ($%$ted !-$($ty Can listen to" follow and give instructions and directions around the neighbourhood with &!t$&f!'to"y !-$($ty Can listen to" follow and give instructions and directions around the neighbourhood with )ood !-$($ty
CONTENT STANDARD 1.1 By the end of the 6 ye!" #"$%!"y &'hoo($n)* #+#$(& ,$(( -e !-(e to ($&ten !nd "e&#ond !##"o#"$!te(y $n fo"%!( !nd $nfo"%!( &$t+!t$on& fo" ! /!"$ety of #+"#o&e&.
5 6
Can listen to" follow and give instructions and directions around the neighbourhood with /e"y )ood !-$($ty Can listen to" follow and give instructions and directions around the neighbourhood with e0'e((ent !-$($ty PERFORMANCE STANDARD
CONTENT STANDARD 1.2 By the end of the 6 ye!" #"$%!"y &'hoo($n)* #+#$(& ,$(( -e !-(e to +nde"&t!nd !nd "e&#ond to o"!( te0t& $n ! /!"$ety of 'onte0t&.
LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1.3.1 Able to listen to and de!onstrate understanding of oral te&ts by# $a% asking and answering 'uestions $b% se'uencing $c% predicting with guidance 1
DESCRIPTOR Can listen to and de!onstrate understanding of oral te&ts by asking and answering 'uestions( se'uencing" and predicting with /e"y ($%$ted !-$($ty Can listen to and de!onstrate understanding of oral te&ts by asking and answering 'uestions( se'uencing" and predicting with ($%$ted !-$($ty Can listen to and de!onstrate understanding of oral te&ts by asking and answering 'uestions( se'uencing" and predicting with &!t$&f!'to"y !-$($ty Can listen to and de!onstrate understanding of oral te&ts by asking and answering 'uestions( se'uencing" and predicting with )ood !-$($ty Can listen to and de!onstrate understanding of oral te&ts by asking and answering 'uestions( se'uencing" and predicting with /e"y )ood !-$($ty Can listen to and de!onstrate understanding of oral te&ts by asking and answering 'uestions( se'uencing" and predicting with e0'e((ent !-$($ty
CONTENT STANDARD 3.3 By the end of the 6 ye!" #"$%!"y &'hoo($n)* #+#$(& ,$(( -e !-(e to de%on&t"!te +nde"&t!nd$n) of /!"$ety of ($ne!" !nd non ($ne!" te0t& $n the fo"% of #"$nt !nd non #"$nt %!te"$!(& +&$n) ! "!n)e of &t"!te)$e& to 'on&t"+'t %e!n$n). LEARNING STANDARD 2.2.1 Able to apply word attack skills by identifying# $a% ho!ographs $b% ho!ophones 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences fro!# $a% linear te&ts $b% non)linear te&ts 2.2.4 Able to apply dictionary skills# $a% locate words $b% !eaning of base word PERFORMANCE STANDARD PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTOR LEVEL Can read but show /e"y ($%$ted understanding of# phrases and sentences fro! linear and non)linear te&ts in# 1 ho!ographs and ho!ophones dictionary skills# locate words" !eaning of base word Can read but show ($%$ted understanding of# phrases and sentences fro! linear and non)linear te&ts in# 2 ho!ographs and ho!ophones dictionary skills# locate words" !eaning of base word Can read and show &!t$&f!'to"y understanding of# phrases and sentences fro! linear and non)linear te&ts in# 3 ho!ographs and ho!ophones dictionary skills# locate words" !eaning of base word Can read and show )ood understanding of# phrases and sentences fro! linear and non)linear te&ts in# 4 ho!ographs and ho!ophones dictionary skills# locate words" !eaning of base word 5 Can read and show /e"y )ood understanding of# phrases and sentences fro! linear and non)linear te&ts in# ho!ographs and ho!ophones
dictionary skills# locate words" !eaning of base word Can read and show e0'e((ent understanding of# phrases and sentences fro! linear and non)linear te&ts in# ho!ographs and ho!ophones dictionary skills# locate words" !eaning of base word Can read but show /e"y ($%$ted understanding of te&ts by# se'uencing !aking predictions Can read but show ($%$ted understanding of te&ts by# se'uencing !aking predictions Can read and show &!t$&f!'to"y understanding of te&ts by# se'uencing !aking predictions Can read and show )ood understanding of te&ts by# se'uencing !aking predictions Can read and show /e"y )ood understanding of te&ts by# se'uencing !aking predictions Can read and show e0'e((ent understanding of te&ts by# se'uencing !aking predictions PERFORMANCE STANDARD PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2.3.1 DESCRIPTOR Can read aloud and*or silently but show /e"y ($%$ted understanding of fiction and non)
2.2.3 Able to read and de!onstrate understanding of te&ts by# $a% se'uencing $b% predicting with guidance
ye!" #"$%!"y &'hoo($n)* #+#$(& ,$(( -e !-(e to "e!d $nde#endent(y fo" $nfo"%!t$on !nd en4oy%ent
Able to read for infor!ation and en oy!ent with guidance# $a% fiction $b% non)fiction
fiction te&ts 2 3 4 5 6 Can read aloud and*or silently but show ($%$ted understanding of fiction and non) fiction te&ts Can read aloud and*or silently and show &!t$&f!'to"y understanding of fiction and non) fiction te&ts Can read aloud and*or silently and show )ood understanding of fiction and non)fiction te&ts Can read aloud and*or silently and show /e"y )ood understanding of fiction and non)fiction te&ts Can read aloud and*or silently and show e0'e((ent understanding of fiction and non) fiction te&ts
CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 By the end of the 6 ye!" #"$%!"y &'hoo($n)* #+#$(& ,$(( -e !-(e to fo"% (ette"& !nd ,o"d& $n ne!t (e)$-(e #"$nt $n'(+d$n) '+"&$/e ,"$t$n). LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE LEVEL 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling# $a% phrases $b% sentences $c% nu!erals in word for! 1 PERFORMANCE STANDARD DESCRIPTOR Can write phrases" sentences" nu!erals in word for! with ! /e"y ($%$ted (e/e( of6 neatness and legibility accuracy in spelling Can write phrases" sentences" nu!erals in word for! with ! ($%$ted (e/e( of6 neatness and legibility accuracy in spelling Can write phrases" sentences" nu!erals in word for! with ! &!t$&f!'to"y (e/e( of6 neatness and legibility accuracy in spelling Can write phrases" sentences" nu!erals in word for! with ! )ood (e/e( of6 neatness and legibility accuracy in spelling Can write phrases" sentences" nu!erals in word for! with ! /e"y )ood (e/e( of6 neatness and legibility
4 5
accuracy in spelling Can write phrases" sentences" nu!erals in word for! with !n e0'e((ent (e/e( of6 neatness and legibility accuracy in spelling PERFORMANCE STANDARD PERFORMAN CE LEVEL 3.1.2 Able to write in neat cursive writing with correct spelling# $a% words $b% phrases nu!erals in word for! DESCRIPTOR Can write words" phrases and nu!erals in word for! in cursive writing with ! /e"y ($%$ted (e/e( of6 neatness accuracy in spelling Can write words" phrases and nu!erals in word for! in cursive writing with ! ($%$ted (e/e( of6 neatness accuracy in spelling Can write words" phrases and nu!erals in word for! in cursive writing with ! &!t$&f!'to"y (e/e( of6 neatness accuracy in spelling Can write words" phrases and nu!erals in word for! in cursive writing with ! )ood (e/e( of6 neatness accuracy in spelling Can write words" phrases and nu!erals in word for! in cursive writing with ! /e"y )ood (e/e( of6 neatness accuracy in spelling Can write words" phrases and nu!erals in word for! in cursive writing with !n e0'e((ent (e/e( of6 neatness
CONTENT STANDARD 2.1 By the end of the 6 ye!" #"$%!"y &'hoo($n)* #+#$(& ,$(( -e !-(e to fo"% (ette"& !nd ,o"d& $n ne!t (e)$-(e #"$nt $n'(+d$n) '+"&$/e ,"$t$n).
accuracy in spelling
CONTENT STANDARD 2.3 By the end of the 6 ye!" #"$%!"y &'hoo($n)* #+#$(& ,$(( -e !-(e to ,"$te +&$n) !##"o#"$!te (!n)+!)e fo"% !nd &ty(e fo" ! "!n)e of #+"#o&e&.
3.2.1 Able to transfer infor!ation with guidance to co!plete# $a% linear te&ts non)linear te&ts
PERFORMANCE STANDARD PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTOR LEVEL Can transfer infor!ation to co!plete linear 1 and non)linear te&ts with ! /e"y ($%$ted (e/e( of !''+"!'y Can transfer infor!ation to co!plete linear 2 and non)linear te&ts with ! ($%$ted (e/e( of !''+"!'y Can transfer infor!ation to co!plete linear 3 and non)linear te&ts with ! &!t$&f!'to"y (e/e( of !''+"!'y Can transfer infor!ation to co!plete linear 4 and non)linear te&ts with ! )ood (e/e( of !''+"!'y Can transfer infor!ation to co!plete linear 5 and non)linear te&ts with ! /e"y )ood (e/e( of !''+"!'y Can transfer infor!ation to co!plete linear 6 and non)linear te&ts with !n e0'e((ent (e/e( of !''+"!'y
CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD STANDARD 2.2 2.3 By the end of the 6 By the end of the 6 ye!" #"$%!"y ye!" #"$%!"y &'hoo($n)* #+#$(& ,$(( &'hoo($n)* #+#$(& ,$(( -e !-(e to ,"$te !nd -e !-(e to ,"$te +&$n) #"e&ent $de!& !##"o#"$!te (!n)+!)e th"o+)h ! /!"$ety of fo"% !nd &ty(e fo" ! %ed$! +&$n) "!n)e of #+"#o&e&. !##"o#"$!te (!n)+!)e* fo"% !nd &ty(e.
LEARNING STANDARD LEARNING STANDARD 3.3.1 Able to create si!ple te&ts using 3.2.2 a variety of !edia with Able to write with guidance# guidance# $a% labels non)linear $b% linear notices $c% !essages
3.2.3 Able to punctuate correctly# $a% apostrophe $b% speech !arkers 3.2.4 Able to spell words by applying spelling rules
PERFORMANCE STANDARD STANDARD PERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTOR PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTOR LEVEL LEVEL 1 Can create si!ple linear and non)linear te&ts Can ! write labels" notices and !essages with with /e"y ($%$ted (e/e( of !''+"!'y !nd 1 ! /e"y ($%$ted (e/e( of !''+"!'y !##"o#"$!tene&& Can create write labels" notices and non)linear !essageste&ts with 2 Can si!ple linear and 2 ! ($%$ted (e/e( of !''+"!'y with ! ($%$ted (e/e( of !''+"!'y !nd Can write labels" notices and !essages with !##"o#"$!tene&& 3 ! &!t$&f!'to"y (e/e( of !''+"!'y 3 Can create si!ple linear and non)linear te&ts with Can ! write &!t$&f!'to"y labels" notices (e/e( and of !''+"!'y !essages !nd with 4 !##"o#"$!tene&& ! )ood (e/e( of !''+"!'y 4 Can create si!ple linear and non)linear te&ts Can ! write labels" and !essages with with )ood (e/e(notices of !''+"!'y !nd 5 ! /e"y )ood (e/e( of !''+"!'y !##"o#"$!tene&& 5 Can create si!ple linear and non)linear te&ts Can write labels" notices and !essages with with ! /e"y )ood (e/e( of !''+"!'y !nd 6 !n e0'e((ent (e/e( of !''+"!'y !##"o#"$!tene&& 6 Can si!ple linear te&ts Can create punctuate and spell and with non)linear ! /e"y ($%$ted 1 with !n (e/e( ofe0'e((ent !''+"!'y(e/e( of !''+"!'y !nd !##"o#"$!tene&& Can punctuate and spell with ! ($%$ted (e/e( 2 of !''+"!'y Can punctuate and spell with ! &!t$&f!'to"y 3 (e/e( of !''+"!'y Can punctuate and spell with ! )ood (e/e( of 4 !''+"!'y Can punctuate and spell with ! /e"y )ood 5 (e/e( of !''+"!'y Can punctuate and spell with !n e0'e((ent 6 (e/e( of !''+"!'y
CONTENT STANDARD 8.1 By the end of the 6 ye!" #"$%!"y LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 PERFORMANCE STANDARD DESCRIPTOR Can show en oy!ent and appreciation of rhy!es" poe!s and songs with /e"y ($%$ted non)verbal and verbal responses
&'hoo($n)* #+#$(& ,$(( -e !-(e to en4oy !nd !##"e'$!te "hy%e&* #oe%& !nd &on)&.
verbal response 4.1.2 Able to sing songs and recite a++ chants and poe!s with correct stress" pronunciation" rhyth! and intonation 2
4 5
Can sing songs" recite a++ chants and poe!s with ! /e"y ($%$ted level of correct stress" pronunciation" rhyth! and intonation Can show en oy!ent and appreciation of rhy!es" poe!s and songs with ($%$ted non)verbal and verbal responses Can sing songs" recite a++ chants and poe!s with ! ($%$ted level of correct stress" pronunciation" rhyth! and intonation Can show en oy!ent and appreciation of rhy!es" poe!s and songs with &!t$&f!'to"y non)verbal and verbal responses Can sing songs" recite a++ chants and poe!s with ! &!t$&f!'to"y level of correct stress" pronunciation" rhyth! and intonation Can show en oy!ent and appreciation of rhy!es" poe!s and songs with )ood non) verbal and verbal responses Can sing songs" recite a++ chants and poe!s with ! )ood level of correct stress" pronunciation" rhyth! and intonation Can show en oy!ent and appreciation of rhy!es" poe!s and songs with /e"y )ood non)verbal and verbal responses Can sing songs" recite a++ chants and poe!s with ! /e"y )ood level of correct stress" pronunciation" rhyth! and intonation Can show en oy!ent and appreciation of rhy!es" poe!s and songs with e0'e((ent !nd '"e!t$/e non)verbal and verbal responses Can sing songs" recite a++ chants and poe!s with an e0'e((ent level of correct stress" pronunciation" rhyth! and intonation
CONTENT STANDARD 8.3 By the end of the 6 ye!" #"$%!"y &'hoo($n) #+#$(& ,$(( -e !-(e to e0#"e&& #e"&on!( "e&#on&e to ($te"!"y te0t&.
LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE LEVEL 4.2.1 Able to respond to literary te&ts# $a% characters $b% place and ti!e $c% values 1 2 3 4 5 6
PERFORMANCE STANDARD DESCRIPTOR Can e&press /e"y ($%$ted personal responses to literary te&ts on character$s%" place and ti!e and" values Can e&press ($%$ted personal responses to literary te&ts on character$s%" place and ti!e and" values Can e&press &!t$&f!'to"y personal responses to literary te&ts on character$s%" place and ti!e and" values Can e&press )ood personal responses to literary te&ts on character$s%" place and ti!e and" values Can e&press /e"y )ood personal responses to literary te&ts on character$s%" place and ti!e and" values Can e&press e0'e((ent personal responses to literary te&ts on character$s%" place and ti!e and" values
CONTENT STANDARD 9.1 By the end of the 6 ye!" #"$%!"y LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 PERFORMANCE STANDARD DESCRIPTOR Can use the different word classes with ! /e"y ($%$ted level of accuracy
&'hoo($n)* #+#$(& ,$(( -e !-(e to +&e d$ffe"ent ,o"d '(!&&e& 'o""e't(y !nd !##"o#"$!te(y.
co!!on nouns singular nouns plural nouns countable nouns uncountable nouns
5.1.2 Able to use pronouns correctly and appropriately# $a% possessive $b% interrogative 5.1.3 Able to use verbs correctly and appropriately# $a% irregular verbs $b% verbs that do not change for! $c% present continuous tense $d% past continuous tense 5.1.4 Able to use con unctions correctly and appropriately# $a% because $b% so 5.1.5 Able to use prepositions correctly and appropriately# $a% $b% $c% $d% $e% $f % above below beside ne&t to between near 2
Can use the different word classes with ! ($%$ted level of accuracy
Can use the different word classes with ! &!t$&f!'to"y level of accuracy
Can use the different word classes with ! )ood level of accuracy
Can use the different word classes with ! /e"y )ood level of accuracy
appropriately# $a% co!parative $b% superlative 5.1., Able to use articles correctly and appropriately# $a% the $b% +ero article $)% 5.1.Able to use adverbs correctly and appropriately# $a% !anner $b% ti!e $c% place 6 Can use the different word classes with !n e0'e((ent level of accuracy
:G"!%%!" $te%& !"e to -e !&&e&&ed th"o+)h S#e!.$n) !nd 5"$t$n) S.$((& ,he"e &+$t!-(e !nd !##($'!-(e
CONTENT STANDARD 8.3 By the end of the 6 ye!" #"$%!"y &'hoo($n) #+#$(& ,$(( -e !-(e to e0#"e&& #e"&on!( "e&#on&e to ($te"!"y te0t&.
LEARNING STANDARD PERFORMANCE LEVEL 4.2.1 Able to respond to literary te&ts# $a% characters $b% place and ti!e $c% values 1 2 3 4 5 6
PERFORMANCE STANDARD DESCRIPTOR Can e&press /e"y ($%$ted personal responses to literary te&ts on character$s%" place and ti!e and" values Can e&press ($%$ted personal responses to literary te&ts on character$s%" place and ti!e and" values Can e&press &!t$&f!'to"y personal responses to literary te&ts on character$s%" place and ti!e and" values Can e&press )ood personal responses to literary te&ts on character$s%" place and ti!e and" values Can e&press /e"y )ood personal responses to literary te&ts on character$s%" place and ti!e and" values Can e&press e0'e((ent personal responses to literary te&ts on character$s%" place and ti!e and" values
CONTENT STANDARD 8.2 By the end of the 6 ye!" #"$%!"y &'hoo($n)* #+#$(& ,$(( -e !-(e to #(!n* o")!n$;e !nd #"od+'e '"e!t$/e ,o".& fo" en4oy%ent.
LEARNING STANDARD 4.3.1 Able to plan" produce and display creative works based on literary te&ts using a variety of !edia with guidance 4.3.2 Able to plan" prepare and participate in a perfor!ance with guidance based on literary works
PERFORMANCE STANDARD PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 DESCRIPTOR Can plan" produce and display /e"y ($%$ted creative works based on literary te&ts using a variety of !edia Can plan" prepare and participate in a perfor!ance based on literary works at ! /e"y ($%$ted (e/e( Can plan" produce and display ($%$ted creative works based on literary te&ts using a variety of !edia Can plan" prepare and participate in a perfor!ance based on literary works at ! ($%$ted (e/e( Can plan" produce and display &!t$&f!'to"y creative works based on literary te&ts using a variety of !edia Can plan" prepare and participate in a perfor!ance based on literary works at ! &!t$&f!'to"y (e/e( Can plan" produce and display )ood creative works based on literary te&ts using a variety of !edia Can plan" prepare and participate in a perfor!ance based on literary works at ! )ood (e/e( Can plan" produce and display /e"y )ood creative works based on literary te&ts using a variety of !edia Can plan" prepare and participate in a perfor!ance based on literary works at ! /e"y )ood (e/e( Can plan" produce and display e0'e((ent creative works based on literary te&ts using a variety of !edia Can plan" prepare and participate in a perfor!ance based on literary works at !n e0'e((ent (e/e(