Byron Hall
Fatal Games
, 3055 N. Clybourn Suite 3, Chicago, IL 60618
Cover Art: Andrew Dobell
Internal Artwork: Adam Briggs, Andrew Dobell, Kimon, Lazar Stojkovic, Steven MnMoorn, and Steve
Typeface: Garamond and Tiepolo Book. Garamond was selected as the main font due to its historical
accuracy. Claude Garamond (1480-1561) was the first independent typefounder and first used his typeface
in 1530.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:
Copyright 2004
Published by Fatal Games
3055 N. Clybourn, Suite 3
Chicago, IL 60618
e-mail: fatalgames@excite.com
To Order: 1-773-248-1471 or www.fatalgames.com
F.A.T.A.L., the F.A.T.A.L. logo, Fatal Games logo, and Mean System logo are trademarks owned by Fatal
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Printed in the United States of America
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Welcome to a fantasy medieval role-playing
game that focuses on realism and detail whenever
possible without sacrificing fun. Despite the focus
on realism, several tenets of fantasy are assumed.
In the world of this game, magic exists as well as
spellcasters such as mages, witches, and druids. Sec-
ond, fantastic creatures roam the world, including
kobolds and dragons, among others. Finally, doz-
ens of gods exist, and moreover these gods are con-
cerned with their worshippers, the state of the world,
and their own godly interests. Aside from these ba-
sic assumptions of fantasy, realism is sought in ev-
ery other respect and applied to these fantastic te-
nets as well as the gaming world and role-playing
Fantasy and Historical Accuracy
Since the fantastic tenets above contradict
historical accuracy, the relationship will be clarified.
Since multiple gods exist in the game, Christianity
has been extracted or minimized from historical ref-
erences. Although the technology of the game rep-
resents 1335 A.D., many elements of pagan cultures
are included in this fantasy medieval game.
This game attempts to isolate Europe from
influences that originate outside it. Therefore, spices
from the East are not included, all human charac-
ters are Caucasian, zombies are not presumed to
exist, and human corpses are burned -- Egyptians
invented embalming, and Egypt is outside Europe.
The fantasy of F.A.T.A.L. is a polytheistic,
European-based world with medieval technology, in
which Christianity never existed. Although it is tech-
nically impossible to be historically accurate in a fan-
tasy game, historical accuracy that supports the fan-
tasy of this game is referenced at the end of this
book. Footnotes appear throughout this book to
reference classical, historical, or scholarly sources.
The application of historical accuracy to the
fantasy of this game is a neverending goal. Schol-
arly sources are preferred above all others. For con-
sideration, please suggest references to
What is a Role-Playing Game?
A role-playing game is a game in which the
players make decisions as though they were a cer-
tain character. The decisions a player may make are
diverse compared to other games. Table-top role-
playing games allow more decisions to a player than
any other type of game.
For instance, assume you are an adventur-
ing knight who has just fought his way to the top of
a dark tower where you find a comely young maiden
chained to the wall. What would you do? Some
players may choose to simply free the maiden out
of respect for humanity. Others may free her while
hoping to win her heart. Instead of seeking affec-
tion, some may talk to her to see if they can collect
a reward for her safe return. Then again, others
may be more interested in negotiating freedom for
fellatio. Some may think she has no room to bar-
gain and take their fleshly pleasures by force. Oth-
ers would rather kill her, dismember her young ca-
daver, and feast on her warm innards.
As you can see, the number of decisions one
could make with one simple situation can quickly
become overwhelming. Typically, this is the attrac-
tion of role-playing games. No other game allows
so much individual choice, and consequently, so
much fun.
Since the purpose of a table-top role-play-
ing game should be to allow a player to play the role
of their character as desired, this game includes a
wide range of material, from moral to immoral. This
game does not support morality or immorality, but
allows each player to role-play as desired.
Events in the game do not occur merely by
the will of the player, however. Instead, decisions
and outcomes are mediated by odds and rolls of
the dice. Hence, this book is full of rules and guide-
lines based on odds. Do not let the sheer volume
of information be intimidating; as a player you will
not need to memorize it, though familiarity helps.
The best definition is that a role-playing
game is a game that allows players to utilize their full
potential for imagination and enjoyment within a
controlled setting.
Necessary Gaming Materials
To play this game, some materials are nec-
essary. It is convenient to have a separate copy of
this book for each player; it will be used often. Next,
a set of gaming dice is necessary, which may be pur-
chased at most hobby stores and some bookstores.
Sets of gaming dice usually include one 4-sided, one
6-sided, one 8-sided, two 10-sided (or percentile
dice), one 12-sided, and one 20-sided die. Another
book entitled Neveria will be very useful, and nec-
essary if anyone plays a priest as a character. Fur-
ther, numerous pencils, erasers, scratch paper, and
graph paper are handy. Miniatures are available from
several companies for purchase and are useful for
combat situations, though they are not required for
play; any coin could be used instead to represent a
character. A gaming mat that is drawn in a 1-inch
grid may be purchased or easily made, and is used
on which to place the miniatures. Calculators, while
not required, are recommended. Finally, a small
group of gaming participants, typically 4-8 players,
is best. Here is a review:
Numerous copies of this book
Gaming dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12,
Character Generator Program
Neveria Fantasy World
Pencils, erasers, scratch paper,
and graph paper
25mm Miniatures or small markers
such as coins
Gaming mat (1 grid)
Two types of terminology are discussed:
pronouns and dice. Given the content of this game,
both should be understood.
Since it is impossible to be correct gram-
matically and avoid a gender bias, Fatal Games sac-
rifices grammar to avoid a bias. Throughout this
book, pronouns such as they, their, and them
replace he or she, and his or hers, unless more
When a die is to be rolled, the type of the
die (how many sides it has) usually appears after a
d, designating the die. For instance, d10 indicates
that one 10-sided die is to be rolled. If a number
appears before it, such as 3d10, then three 10-sided
dice are to be rolled, and the numbers added to-
gether, which this example produces a range from
3-30. Finally, a number may follow as a modifier,
such as 3d10 + 2, which means that three 10-sided
dice are rolled and added together as before, but
now 2 is added to the sum. This particular example
produces a range from 5-32. Additionally, d% or
d100 indicates that two 10-sided dice are to be
rolled, but the results are not added together. In-
stead, 1 die (which is announced beforehand) is in-
terpreted as the tens position and the other as
the ones position. So, if two 10-sided dice were
rolled, resulting in a 6 and a 9, and the die that re-
sulted with a 6 was announced as the tens position,
then the results would be interpreted as 69. If the
results are a 10 and a 10 (probably a 0 and a 0 on the
dice), then this is interpreted as 100. Finally, a d1000
is possible, which simply requires three 10-sided dice,
with the 3
die being interpreted as the hundreds
Players will not need math that is more com-
plicated than basic algebra, and even that is rela-
tively rare. A rule that applies to all calculations is
that whenever a decimal remainder exists, such as if
a character has 53.96 points of Intelligence, the num-
ber is truncated or the decimal is discarded. So, this
particular individual would have 53 points of Intel-
ligence. While this game attempts to simplify any
math that may be involved, percentages are used
frequently. Here are a few helpful reminders, which
will consistently use 88% as the modifier:
88% of any value (say, a characters Strength
score of 150) is equivalent to multiplying the
value (150) by 0.88. In this example, 88%
of 150 is 132.
If a value (say, an Intelligence score of 115)
is reduced by 88%, then only 12% remains.
In this example, 12% of 115 is 13.
If 88% is added to any value (say, 22 points
of damage due to Strength), then the value
is multiplied by 1.88. In this example, an
additional 88% of 22 results in a total of 41
points of damage (1.88 x 22 = 41.36).
Two fundamentally different roles must be
fulfilled for a game to occur, and hence this game
requires at least 2 people. 1 person must assume the
role of the Aedile (EE-dial). Historically, an Aedile
was a Roman official in charge of the games and
had control over the public. In the game, the Aedile
controls everything except the players and dice.
Aediles do not create and role-play a character like
the players of the game. Instead, the Aedile directs
the game, often acting as a referee or story-teller.
Objectivity should be the highest goal of
every Aedile. Otherwise, the Aedile may become
known as a Vile Aedile or Hostile Aedile.
Essentially, before the game the Aedile de-
vises a plot or a purpose to the game. For example,
one plot may be for the characters to happen upon
a dungeon in the wilderness, and to encourage them
to enter and combat its inhabitants. If this were the
case, prior to the game the Aedile would draw a map
of the dungeon on graph paper. Next, the Aedile
would stock the dungeon with monsters, traps, and
treasure for the characters to encounter. During
the game, the role of the Aedile is to explain to the
players what their characters see and hear as they
enter and traverse the dungeon. Further, as the char-
acters encounter monsters, the Aedile role-plays the
monsters, representing them against the characters.
The players, on the other hand, create 1 char-
acter apiece, and role-play that character for the
game. For example, a player named Ryan may cre-
ate a character who is a ruffian by occupation.
Throughout the game, Ryan role-plays the ruffian,
making gaming decisions as though he actually were
the ruffian. Typically, several players work together,
creating a small group of unique characters, each
with their own talents and shortcomings. Together,
the small group of characters attempts to tackle a
dilemma or plot devised by the Aedile.
The role of the Aedile is more complicated
than that of a player, since a good and entertaining
Aedile must be familiar with everything that players
are familiar with, but also be familiar with their own
role. For this reason, this book has been arranged
so that information for players is presented before
information for Aediles. If you are new to the game,
the best suggestion is to read this book.
Creating a Character
A character is required to play the game.
Each player must progress through this book, chap-
ter by chapter, to create a character. Before begin-
ning, each player will need character sheets, which
may be photocopied from Appendix 1: Character
Sheets. These sheets are a handy means of record-
ing character information. As each player progresses
through the chapters of the book, rolling dice and
making decisions, the results must be recorded on
their character sheets. Record the information with
a pencil and do not write heavy-handedly; a lot of
the information is subject to change. During the
game, each player will refer continually to their char-
acter sheets.
Not every chapter, nor each part of every
chapter, will be used while creating a character.
Nonetheless, the safest method is to progress
through the book page by page to avoid missing
anything. The order in which the material is pre-
sented is the order in which a character should be
created, otherwise alterations may occur to the char-
acter. When in doubt, information relevant to char-
acter creation is listed in the beginning of each chap-
ter, though some chapters, such as Chapter 1: Race
and Gender are vital, while others such as Chapter 15:
Conducting the Game are irrelevant to creating charac-
ters. In general, the more relevant the information
to creation, the sooner it appears in the book.
The fastest way to create a character is to
use a computer program called the Fatal Character
Generator, which is available free on-line. Visit
www.fatalgames.com to obtain the free generator.
Character creation is often as fun as the game
itself, due to the seemingly infinite variety of pos-
sible characters. For instance, when rolling a
characters sub-abilities, there are (199
) combina-
tions possible!
Mean System
The Mean System is the set of mechanics
behind F.A.T.A.L. -- the gaming engine, if you will.
A realistic game should have realistic game mechan-
ics. The Mean System was created for this purpose.
Although the Mean System is based on
mathematics and statistics, the players do not need
to understand the mechanics to use them. The Mean
System is realistic, but also simple to use.
The most common aspects of the Mean
System are the normal curve, mean, and standard
deviation, though parabolic curve-fitting and trigo-
nometric functions have been incorporated as well.
A mean game needs a mean system. Enjoy
the most simple and sophisticated mechanics in the
industry. Enjoy F.A.T.A.L.
F.A.T.A.L. is for adults only. This role-play-
ing game is not intended for children due to con-
tent that is obscene, lecherous, and violent.
This game includes obscene language. Fatal
Games considers obscenity to be a sensitive issue,
and only includes it because of its prominence in
the past as a significant part of human history. Most
of the rules of the game avoid obscenity. For ex-
ample, it is possible to determine a characters man-
hood, not cock, or vaginal depth, not cunt depth.
However, the greatest concentration of obscenity
is in Appendix 3: Random Magical Effects, and is in-
tended for humorous effect.
This game includes sex and sexual situations.
Fatal Games considers sex to be a sensitive issue,
and only includes it because of its prominence in
the past as a significant part of human history. Op-
tional material exists so that a player may determine
sexual features of their character, such as genitalia.
For example, it is possible to determine penis size,
cup size, or vaginal circumference, among others.
Violence may exceed that of other role-play-
ing games. Graphic Gore presents descriptions of
damage to body parts and internal organs depend-
ing on the type of weapon. Killing is a core ele-
ment of most role-playing games. Fatal Games con-
siders the act of killing to be a sensitive issue, and
only includes it because of its prominence in the
past as a significant part of human history. Warfare
is the best example of violence, and has occurred
throughout European history.
Since the game includes both sex and vio-
lence, the combination is also included: rape. Rape
is not intended to be a core element of F.A.T.A.L.,
as killing is a core element of most role-playing
games. Fatal Games considers rape to be a sensitive
issue, and only includes it because of its prominence
in the past. For example, Europe was named after
Europa, who was raped by Zeus, according to Greek
mythology. In Jacques Rossiauds Medieval Prosti-
tution, he reviews statistics on rape from numerous
towns and cities in southeast France during eco-
nomic and social stability, not war. Jacques attempts
to represent all medieval prostitution with this book.
In it, he estimates that half the male youth partici-
pate in at least one gang rape, and that sexual vio-
lence is an everyday dimension of community life.
Role-playing situations that accurately rep-
resent mythology are likely at some point to include
rape, molestation, encounters in brothels, or possi-
bly situations that deviate more from social norms.
While the objective of the game is not intended to
be any of these in their own right, sex and violence
may reasonably occur depending on the circum-
stances, and have been detailed in gaming terms
herein. It is possible to play this game without a
character entering a single sexual or violent situa-
tion, though information and tables for sex and vio-
lence are provided so that they may be used or dis-
missed as deemed appropriate by each gaming group.
Fatal Games advises minors not to partici-
pate in this game, and suggests that the players and
Aedile discuss the appropriateness and degree of
sex and violence for their gaming group. The infor-
mation in this game does not represent the world-
views of Fatal Games, nor is extreme violence or
extreme sex condoned by Fatal Games. Instead,
the information is included for comprehensiveness.
F.A.T.A.L. (From Another Time, Another Land)
may be adapted to any gaming group.
to the beginning
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Race and Gender.............................................. 9
Chapter 2: Body ................................................................. 39
Chapter 3: Abilities ............................................................ 68
Chapter 4: Disposition.................................................... 101
Chapter 5: Mind ............................................................... 124
Chapter 6: Sociality .......................................................... 146
Chapter 7: Occupation.................................................... 200
Chapter 8: Skills ............................................................... 314
Chapter 9: Equipment..................................................... 401
Chapter 10: Combat ........................................................ 470
Chapter 11: Magic............................................................ 498
Chapter 12: Spells ............................................................ 510
Chapter 13: Magical Items ............................................. 705
Chapter 14: Treasure ....................................................... 764
Chapter 15: Conducting the Game............................... 773
Chapter 16: Advancement .............................................. 785
Chapter 17: Natural Substances .................................... 789
Chapter 18: Warfare ........................................................ 803
Appendix 1: Character Sheets........................................ 820
Appendix 2: Spell Lists ................................................... 832
Appendix 3: Random Magical Effects ......................... 847
Appendix 4: Phobias ....................................................... 887
Appendix 5: Ingredients ................................................. 897
Appendix 6: Aedile Characters ...................................... 938
Appendix 7: Names ......................................................... 947
Index .................................................................................. 966
References ......................................................................... 975
About Fatal Games ......................................................... 977
Author ............................................................................... 978
Abettors ............................................................................. 978
Credits................................................................................ 979
Chapter 1: Race and Gender
To begin creating a character, this chapter
presents information on 2 of the 1
and gender
. Race and gender may affect the
rest of character creation, opening some doors of
opportunity and closing others. The different races
and genders, while flexible to a certain extent, are
also more naturally suited for different things. For
instance, male anakim are likely to be more success-
ful as gladiators than female kobolds.
Most importantly, consult with the Aedile
to see if Race is determined randomly or may be
chosen by the player. Random determination is
more realistic, since no one gets to choose their race
in reality. However, the random determination of
race is problematic if a group of players are involved
because the races may not get along with each other.
Therefore, the Aedile must choose whether Race is
determined randomly or chosen by the player.
If the Aedile declares that Race is deter-
mined randomly, then roll 1d100 and consult the
following table:
n o i t a n i m r e t e D m o d n a R : e c a R
l l o R e c a R
1 0 m i k a n A
6 1 - 2 0 r a e b g u B
9 1 - 7 1 k c a l B , f r a w D
0 2 n w o r B , f r a w D
1 2 e t i h W , f r a w D
2 2 k r a D , f l E
3 2 t h g i L , f l E
3 5 - 4 2 n a m u H
3 7 - 4 5 d l o b o K
9 7 - 4 7 e r g O
1 8 - 0 8 f f i l C , e r g O
4 8 - 2 8 h c a g a u r G , e r g O
5 8 r e s s e r f - r e d n i K , e r g O
7 8 - 6 8 a n r a g n i t y b r o B , l l o r T
0 9 - 8 8 l l i H , l l o r T
0 0 1 - 1 9 n a e n a r r e t b u S , l l o r T
1. The races for players have been selected strictly from European mythology and folklore. Other criteria include that they
must be bipedal, mortal, smaller than giants, and have no special abilities such as invisible gnomes. For more information, see
the References section at the end of this book.
2. Though sex usually refers to biological differences and gender usually refers to environmental differences, gender is chosen for
this chapter because sex may be confused with sexual acts.
e c a R n o i t a l u p o P l l a r e v O t n e c r e P
m i k a n A % 3 . 0
r a e b g u B % 5 1
k c a l B , f r a w D % 3
n w o r B , f r a w D % 4 . 0
e t i h W , f r a w D % 2
k r a D , f l E % 2
t h g i L , f l E % 2
n a m u H % 0 3
d l o b o K % 0 2
e r g O % 6
f f i l C , e r g O % 2
h c a g a u r G , e r g O % 3
r e s s e r f - r e d n i K , e r g O % 3 . 0
a n r a g n i t y b r o B , l l o r T % 2
l l i H , l l o r T % 3
n a e n a r r e t b u S , l l o r T % 9
Race may seem an inappropriate term be-
cause humans and trolls are not merely different
races, but different species. However, various races
of trolls exist, and so it is the more specific term.
Race is a correlative factor with many things, from
abilities to height and weight. For example, on av-
erage it is obvious that humans are physically stron-
ger, taller, and weigh more than kobolds. Players
may select from the races in this chapter.
Following is a brief description of each race.
A character may deviate from the following racial
notes with the Aediles permission, though this must
be done with caution; characters should comply with
the following descriptions in the majority of cases
or observable instances. As a case in point, it is
noted that bugbears tend to have a melancholic tem-
perament (see Chap. 5: Mind). A character may, at
the Aediles discretion, role-play a bugbear who is
the opposite -- sanguine. However, the further the
character deviates from the general nature of the
race, the more caution must be observed. If the
Aedile concurs, then a player may choose a race from
Neveria; this is not recommended.
If the Aedile is inexperienced with
F.A.T.A.L., then the game will be easiest if all play-
ers role-play human characters. Indeed, this is also
the best combination for inexperienced players.
However, even if the Aedile is experienced, caution
should be heeded regarding the mixture of races
among the players characters. Racial diversity is likely
to cause gaming problems, such as threatening group
cohesion if role-played properly. Therefore, the
Aedile has the right to limit the racial options of
players as necessary. Under normal gaming circum-
stances, at least half of the players in
the group should be role-play-
ing characters of the
same race.
A variety of
races exist, each with
d i f f e r e n t
strengths and
weaknesses. It
is recom-
mended that a
player review
each race be-
fore selecting
the race for
their character.
Races are ex-
plained hereaf-
Format for Races
The following races are presented in the
format shown on this page. First, each race is de-
scribed in general terms, including useful gaming
information such as their preferred armor or weap-
ons. The information presented here is incomplete
and supplemented in other chapters where appro-
priate. Instead, the information in this chapter is
meant to give an impression that is representative
of each race.
Aside from the information presented here,
most other information on races may be found in
Chapter 6: Sociality.
When possible, the information is accurate
historically or mythically. However, much informa-
tion has been invented so that an equal amount of
information or statistics could be presented for all
Sub-Ability Modifiers: Sub-abilities are
presented in Chapter 3: Abilities. Racial modifiers to
sub-abilities are listed here. Sub-abilities, for example,
include Strength, Health, and Common Sense among
Base Current Armor: Current Armor (CA)
is presented in Chapter 10: Combat. CA varies by
race. Base CA represents the amount of natural
protection of the character in terms of being physi-
cally attacked.
Base Life Points: Information on Life
Points (LP) is presented in Chapter 2: Body, Chapter 3:
Abilities, and Chapter 10: Combat. LP vary by race.
LP represent the capacity for damage among other
Physical Description: Physical information
is presented here, such as average height. Most physi-
cal features of a character are determined in Chapter
2: Body. To enhance the understanding of the physi-
cal appearance of each race, artwork is presented
with each race, and an overview of the races is pre-
sented with artwork on the previous page.
Disposition Modifiers: Disposition repre-
sents the ethics and morals of the character, and is
presented in Chapter 4: Disposition. Disposition var-
ies by race.
Temperament Modifiers: Temperament
represents the personality of the character, and is
presented in Chapter 5: Mind. Temperament varies
by race.
Sociality: Information on sociality is pre-
sented in Chapter 6: Sociality. Because sociality varies
by race, an overview is presented here. Informa-
tion may include tendencies in social class, location
of kingdoms, and more.
Language: Different races tend to speak
different languages. Languages are presented in
Chapter 6: Sociality.
Occupation: Information on occupations
is presented in Chapter 7: Occupation. Hundreds of
occupations are available for characters. The age
that a character begins work is listed, which may be
used to determine their current occupational level.
Skills: Information on skills is presented in
Chapter 8: Skills. Skills vary by race. Skills are a large
part of the game and should be considered care-
fully. Hundreds of skills are available to be chosen
by the player. Although most skills listed for char-
acters grant bonuses, some bestow penalties.
Religion: Information on religions and gods
is presented in Neveria, a supplemental book that
presents the official gaming world for F.A.T.A.L.
Since gods are an aspect of the gaming world, not
the game system itself, they are not presented in
this book.
Names: Names have been compiled from
historical sources and are available in Appendix 7:
Names. Names vary by race. The names of each
fantasy race have been based on actual names from
Anakim (sing.), Anakim (pl.)
are the offspring of cacodaemons
and human women. Cambion are the offspring of
cacodaemons and human men. Mortals often mis-
take anakim and cambion for giants, since they are
much taller than the typical human. Ancient terms
for anakim are the annunaki, enim, nephilim, zuzim,
and zamzumin. Cambion is a rare term, and most
are considered by mortals as anakim. Anakim and
cambion are not a natural race, but a crossbreed. It
is not every day that cacodaemons mate with hu-
mans, so few anakim and cambion exist. Mortals
call the father of an anakim an incubus, and the
mother of a cambion a succubus; both are
Sub-Ability Modifiers: Strength + 100,
Hand-Eye Coordination - 30, Agility - 25, Reaction
Speed - 20, Language + 5, Math + 5, Analytic + 5,
Spatial + 5, Drive - 5, Intuition - 10, Common Sense
- 20, and Reflection - 10.
Base Current Armor: 11.
Base Life Points: 27.
Physical Description: Anakim average a
towering 8 in height for males, 7 6 for females,
and are appropriately heavier than humans as well.
Often, they are considered giants. Also, they are
likely to live much longer, provided they do not meet
a premature death. Because of their demonic heri-
tage, anakim characters have 1d10 Anakim Traits,
which are each determined by rolling 1d100 and
consulting the table that begins on the next page.
Disposition Modifiers: - 25 Ethicality and
- 50 Morality.
Temperament Modifiers: - 25 to Sanguine
and - 25 to Melancholic.
Sociality: The mother of an anakim dies
during childbirth, and a succubus kills her mate af-
ter ejaculation. Anakim do not have their own soci-
ety, so they try to live secretly among humans or in
isolation. Anakim tend not to get along well with
Language: Anakim usually speak Sapien,
and if they have both good Language ability and
the luxury of education, most aspire to learn Un-
Occupation: It is possible for an anakim to
be nearly any occupation, but the most common
include: Bandit, Berserker, Gladiator, Mercenary,
Ruffian, Slave, Slave-Trader, and Sorcerer. Anakim
begin work at age 10.
Skills: Brawling + 3, Intimidation + 5, Man-
gling + 3, Sexual Adeptness + 5, Trickery + 3, a
bonus Weapon (Specific), and Wrestling + 5.
Religion: Anakim may worship any religion,
though often they venerate cacodaemons or are in-
different to notions of worship. All anakim receive
a bonus of 1d20 PP (see Chap. 4: Disposition).
Names: Anakim often have human names,
since their mother names them at birth, or if she
dies immediately, those in her culture will name the
infant. Cambion children are found by humans and
given a human name.
1. Anakim have been referenced from Gustav Davidsons A Dictionary of Angels. For more information, see the References
section at the end of this book.
l l o R t i a r T m i k a n A
1 0
e l a m e f y n a e t a n g e r p m i l l i w m i k a n a e h t n e h t , e l a m f I . n o i t c u d o r p e r f o s d d o e t u l o s b a s a h m i k a n a e h T
e h s m o h w h t i w e l a m y n a y b t n a n g e r p e m o c e b l l i w m i k a n a e h t n e h t , e l a m e f f I . s e t a l u p o c e h m o h w h t i w
. s e t a l u p o c
2 0
f o y t l a n e p a s r e f f u s m i k a n a s i h t , e r o f e r e h T . e g a t i r e h c i n o m e d r i e h t o t e u d t n e d i f n o c r e v o s i m i k a n a e h T
. e s n e S n o m m o C 0 2 d 2
3 0
e o f e h T . e g n a r l a u s i v n i h t i w , x e s e t i s o p p o e h t f o r e b m e m y n a o t n i t s u l l a i t s e b l l i t s n i y a m m i k a n a e h T
s s e l d r a g e r , y l e t a i d e m m i m i k a n a e h t n o p u s e v l e s m e h t e c r o f y l l a u x e s r o 0 2 H T t a k c e h c e v i r D a s s a p t s u m
. s n o i t a u t i s 1 - n o - 1 n i y l n o d n a y a d r e p e c n o d e s u e b y l n o y a m t i a r t s i h T . n o i t a c o l f o
4 0 . d n u o r g y l o h y b d e l l e p e r s i m i k a n a e h T
5 0
s i h t y b n r o w r a e g d a e h y n A . d a e h r i e h t m o r f g n i d u r t o r p , h t g n e l n i s e h c n i 8 d 1 , s n r o h 2 s a h m i k a n a e h T
. s n r o h e h t t i f o t e d a m - m o t s u c e b t s u m m i k a n a
6 0 . g n i t i m o v e c u d n i l l i w s e l b a t e g e v g n i t a e d n a , c i t s i l a b i n n a c s i m i k a n a e h T
7 0
e e S ( t c e f f e l a c i g a m m o d n a r a e s u a c , l l i w f o e c r o f y b , y a m m i k a n a e h T s t c e f f E l a c i g a M m o d n a R : 3 x i d n e p p A )
. k e e w r e p e c n o , t h g i s n i h t i w t e g r a t y n a n o
8 0
e h t n e h t , y b a b g n i m a e r c s a s e h c u o t m i k a n a e h t f I . t n e s e r p n e h w m a e r c s o t s e i b a b s e s u a c m i k a n a e h T
m i k a n a e h t , r e t f a e r e h T . t i m o v o t y l e k i l % 5 2 d n a , e t a c e f e d o t y l e k i l % 0 5 , e t a n i r u o t y l e k i l % 5 7 s i y b a b
. y a d 1 r o f e c n e r r u c c o n a h c u s t u o h t i w d l i h c e h t h c u o t y a m
9 0
e h t , e c n e H . 0 1 d 3 y b s s e n e v i t c a r t t A y l i d o B g n i s a e r c e d , t a o g a f o s e v o o h d n a s g e l e h t s a h m i k a n a e h T
. s e o t f o d a e t s n i s e v o o h s a h m i k a n a e h t d n a , y r i a h d n a n i h t e r a s g e l e h t , r a e r e h t n i e r a s p a c e e n k
0 1
r e d r u m t o n s e o d m i k a n a e h t f I . k e e w r e p s e m i t 4 d 1 r e d r u m f o t c a e h t g n i v a r c , t s u l d o o l b s a h m i k a n a e h T
s e c n e i r e p x e , h t u o m e h t t a g n i m a o f s n i g e b m i k a n a e h t n e h t , k e e w r e p s e r u t a e r c f o r e b m u n d e n i m r e t e d e h t
e y E - d n a H 0 1 d 2 f o e s a e r c e d a d n a , e v i r D d n a h t g n e r t S 0 1 d 2 f o e s a e r c n i n a , e t a r t r a e h d e s a e r c n i n a
. d e r e d r u m e r a s e r u t a e r c f o r e b m u n e t i s i u q e r e h t l i t n u y t i l i g A d n a n o i t a n i d r o o C
1 1 . l a u t i r r o , t n e i d e r g n i , t n a h c o n s e r i u q e r g n i t s a C . y a d r e p e c n o s t o g g a M l l a C t s a c y a m m i k a n a e h T
2 1
y l i d o B h t o b o t 0 1 d 1 f o s e i t l a n e p g n i s u a c , n i k s r i e h t f o e c a f r u s e h t r a e n e l b i s i v l l a e r a s n i e v s m i k a n a e h T
. a m s i r a h C l a i c a F d n a s s e n e v i t c a r t t A
3 1 . e v i l o t y l i a d s l a e m l l u f 6 t a e t s u m d n a , r e g n u h h s i d n e i f a s a h m i k a n a e h T
4 1
e h t l l i k o t e g r u e h t s a h m i k a n a e h t , k e e w r e p e c n O . n o i r r a c e l i n e p r o l a n i g a v o t d e t c i d d a s i m i k a n a e h T
y a m m i k a n a e h T . s n i a m e r d e t a t s y l s u o i v e r p e h t n o d e e f d n a t h g i s n i x e s e t i s o p p o e h t f o r e b m e m t s r i f
. 2 2 H T t a k c e h c e v i r D a g n i s s a p y b e g r u s i h t t s i s e r
5 1 . l a u t i r r o , t n e i d e r g n i , t n a h c o n s e r i u q e r g n i t s a C . y a d r e p e c n o m a e r c S e c r o F t s a c y a m m i k a n a e h T
6 1 . r e t a w y l o h h t i w t c a t n o c n o e g a m a d f o P L 0 1 d 1 s r e f f u s m i k a n a e h T
7 1
s i e r u t a e f s i h t e c n i s , 0 1 d 2 y b a m s i r a h C l a i c a F g n i s a e r c e d , s e t i h w o n h t i w s e y e k c a l b s a h m i k a n a e h T
e r a y e h t e r e h w e r u s e b d n a m i k a n a s i h t f o e c a f e h t e v r e s b o o t e l b i s s o p m i s i t I . n a m u h n i y l s u o i v b o
. g n i k o o l
8 1 . t l u s n i d e v i e c r e p r e p m e h t s t l u s n i o h w r e t c a r a h c y n a k c a t t a o t e c n a h c % 0 1 a s a h m i k a n a e h T
9 1 . l a u t i r r o , t n e i d e r g n i , t n a h c o n s e r i u q e r g n i t s a C . y a d r e p e c n o c i g a M t c e t e D t s a c y a m m i k a n a e h T
0 2 . y d o b r i e h t m o r f t e e f 6 d 1 s d n e t x e t a h t s e c e f f o r o d o n a y b d e i n a p m o c c a s i m i k a n a e h T
1 2
. e s p r o c a o t s s e n e k i l r i e h t f o e s u a c e b 0 1 d 1 y b a m s i r a h C l a i c a F g n i s a e r c e d , n i k s e l a p y r e v s a h m i k a n a e h T
r i e h t , n u s e h t n i s d n e p s m i k a n a e h t e m i t h c u m w o h r e t t a m o N . t h g i l n u s d i o v a o t s r e f e r p m i k a n a e h T
. n a t t o n l l i w n i k s
2 2
e r u t a e r c a r e d r u m t s u m m i k a n a e h t n e h t , o s f I . t s r i h t d o o l b h t i w g n i k a w f o e c n a h c % 2 a s a h m i k a n a e h T
n i h t i w s r e t c a r a h c l l a n e h t , t s r i h t d o o l b s t i l l i f l u f o t s l i a f m i k a n a e h t f I . s r u o h 4 2 n i h t i w d o o l b s t i k n i r d d n a
. m e h t s t a e d n a s r e b m e m s i d m i k a n a e h t t a h t t h g i n t a h t m a e r d l l i w t e e f 0 0 1 d 1
3 2 . l a u t i r r o , t n e i d e r g n i , t n a h c o n s e r i u q e r g n i t s a C . y a d r e p e c n o c i g a M e n i m r e t e D t s a c y a m m i k a n a e h T
4 2 . y t i l a u x e s r i e h t o t g n i d r o c c a x e s l a n a e r i s e d o t t o o f 1 n i h t i w s n a m u h s e s u a c m i k a n a e h T
5 2
, e l a m f I . l l i k S s s e n t p e d A l a u x e S e h t o t 0 1 d 1 f o y t l a n e p a g n i s u a c , d i u l f l a u x e s r o f d o o l b s a h m i k a n a e h T
. g n o l h t n o m l l a d i u l f l a n i g a v g n i t a c i r b u l e h t s i d o o l b n e h t , e l a m e f f I . d o o l b s e t a l u c a j e m i k a n a e h t n e h t
6 2
g n i k c a t t a m i k a n a e h t n i t l u s e r l l i w m i k a n a s i h t e t a d i m i t n i o t t p m e t t a y n A . y l i s a e d e r e g n a s i m i k a n a e h T
. 2 2 H T t a k c e h c e v i r D a s s a p y e h t s s e l n u l l i k o t t n e t n i h t i w
7 2 . l a u t i r r o , t n e i d e r g n i , t n a h c o n s e r i u q e r g n i t s a C . y a d r e p e c n o g o F l l a C t s a c y a m m i k a n a e h T
8 2 . y a w a t e e f 0 1 d 1 d r a e h e b y a m t a h t s e c i o v g n i r e p s i h w y b d e i n a p m o c c a s i m i k a n a e h T
9 2
e c n i s , 0 1 d 2 y b a m s i r a h C l a i c a F g n i s a e r c e d , s i r i r o l i p u p o n h t i w y l t n e r a p p a , s e y e e t i h w s a h m i k a n a e h T
y e h t e r e h w y l t c a x e e n i m r e t e d d n a m i k a n a s i h t e v r e s b o o t e l b i s s o p m i s i t I . n a m u h n i y l r a e l c s i t i a r t s i h t
. t n e m o m n e v i g y n a t a g n i k o o l e r a
l l o R t i a r T m i k a n A
0 3
a s s a p t s u m m i k a n a e h t , e n o f o t e e f 0 0 1 d 1 n i h t i w r e v e n e h W . s e l a m r o f d e r t a h l a m r o n b a s a h m i k a n a e h T
. l l i k o t t n e t n i h t i w k c a t t a r o 7 1 H T t a k c e h c y t i l i b a - b u s e v i r D
1 3 . l a u t i r r o , t n e i d e r g n i , t n a h c o n s e r i u q e r g n i t s a C . y a d r e p e c n o h c u o T y t s o r F t s a c y a m m i k a n a e h T
2 3 . w o l l e y s i s s a r g d a e D . k l a w y e h t e r e h w e i d o t s s a r g s e s u a c m i k a n a e h T
3 3
e r o m k o o l y e h t e c n i s , 0 1 d 1 y b a m s i r a h C l a i c a F g n i s a e r c e d , s e y e d e s s e c e r y l l a m r o n b a s a h m i k a n a e h T
. t n e c o n n i s s e l d n a , d a e d , l a r o m m i
4 3
s s a p t s u m m i k a n a e h t , e n o f o t e e f 0 0 1 d 1 n i h t i w r e v e n e h W . s e l a m e f r o f d e r t a h l a m r o n b a s a h m i k a n a e h T
. l l i k o t t n e t n i h t i w k c a t t a r o 7 1 H T t a k c e h c y t i l i b a - b u s e v i r D a
5 3 . l a u t i r r o , t n e i d e r g n i , t n a h c o n s e r i u q e r g n i t s a C . y a d r e p e c n o h c u o T c i d i c A t s a c y a m m i k a n a e h T
6 3 . m e h t e v o b a d n a r a e n s d r i b k c a l b 0 1 d 1 f o g n i r e h t a g e h t y b d e i n a p m o c c a s y a w l a s i m i k a n a e h T
7 3
3 a s a h m i k a n a e h T
d r
3 g n i v a H . 0 1 d 3 y b a m s i r a h C l a i c a F g n i s a e r c e d , d a e h e r o f r i e h t f o e l d d i m e h t n i e y e
d e i l p p a e r a s t n i o p e s e h t , n o i s i V t c e f r e p s i s t n i o p n o i s i V 0 5 e c n i S . s t n i o p 0 2 d 1 y b n o i s i V s e v o r p m i s e y e
. n o i t c e r i d s i h t n i
8 3
s s a p t s u m m i k a n a e h t , e n o f o t e e f 0 0 1 d 1 n i h t i w r e v e n e h W . s n a m u h r o f d e r t a h l a m r o n b a s a h m i k a n a e h T
. l l i k o t t n e t n i h t i w k c a t t a r o 7 1 H T t a k c e h c y t i l i b a - b u s e v i r D a
9 3 . l a u t i r r o , t n e i d e r g n i , t n a h c o n s e r i u q e r g n i t s a C . y a d r e p e c n o r e b m u l S e c r o F t s a c y a m m i k a n a e h T
0 4 . t e e f 6 d 1 s d n e t x e h c i h w , x e s f o r o d o e h t y b d e i n a p m o c c a s i m i k a n a e h T
1 4 . s r a e t h t i w , l l i w t a y r c o t e l b a s i m i k a n a e h T
2 4
s s a p t s u m m i k a n a e h t , e n o f o t e e f 0 0 1 d 1 n i h t i w r e v e n e h W . s d l o b o k r o f d e r t a h l a m r o n b a s a h m i k a n a e h T
. l l i k o t t n e t n i h t i w k c a t t a r o 7 1 H T t a k c e h c y t i l i b a - b u s e v i r D a
3 4 . l a u t i r r o , t n e i d e r g n i , t n a h c o n s e r i u q e r g n i t s a C . y a d r e p e c n o e l i s s i M e c r o F t s a c y a m m i k a n a e h T
4 4 . l l i h c d l o c a l e e f l l i w m i k a n a s i h t f o t e e f 0 1 d 1 n i h t i w l l A . d n i w d l o c a y b d e w o l l o f s i m i k a n a e h T
5 4
e e S ( l a u s u s a e u g n o t s ' r e t c a r a h c e h t f o h t g n e l e h t e n i m r e t e D . e u g n o t g n o l y l l a u s u n u n a s a h m i k a n a e h T
y d o B : 2 r e t p a h C . h t g n e l e h t o t % ) 0 0 1 d 1 + 0 0 2 ( d d a n e h t )
6 4
t s u m m i k a n a e h t , e n o f o t e e f 0 0 1 d 1 n i h t i w r e v e n e h W . s r a e b g u b r o f d e r t a h l a m r o n b a s a h m i k a n a e h T
. l l i k o t t n e t n i h t i w k c a t t a r o 7 1 H T t a k c e h c y t i l i b a - b u s e v i r D a s s a p
7 4 . l a u t i r r o , t n e i d e r g n i , t n a h c o n s e r i u q e r g n i t s a C . y a d r e p e c n o r o c n a R e c r o F t s a c y a m m i k a n a e h T
8 4
t e e f c i b u c 0 1 d 1 s i n o i t a r o p a v e f o e t a R . d e h c u o t n e h w r e t a w e r u p s e t a r o p a v e y l l a c i t a m o t u a m i k a n a e h T
. d n u o r r e p
9 4 . w o d a h s o n s t s a c t a h t y d o b a s a h m i k a n a e h T
0 5
a s s a p t s u m m i k a n a e h t , e n o f o t e e f 0 0 1 d 1 n i h t i w r e v e n e h W . s l l o r t r o f d e r t a h l a m r o n b a s a h m i k a n a e h T
. l l i k o t t n e t n i h t i w k c a t t a r o 7 1 H T t a k c e h c y t i l i b a - b u s e v i r D
1 5 . l a u t i r r o , t n e i d e r g n i , t n a h c o n s e r i u q e r g n i t s a C . y a d r e p e c n o s u r i V w o t s e B t s a c y a m m i k a n a e h T
2 5 . s r e w o l f s r e h t i w t a h t h c u o t a s a h m i k a n a e h T
3 5
s e s o l m i k a n a e h t t a h t t s u b o r o s s i t i , r e v e w o H . e n o b h s u r c o t e l b a s i t a h t w a j t s u b o r a s a h m i k a n a e h T
. e l a m e f f i 0 1 d 2 , e l a m f i a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 0 1 d 1
4 5
a s s a p t s u m m i k a n a e h t , e n o f o t e e f 0 0 1 d 1 n i h t i w r e v e n e h W . s e r g o r o f d e r t a h l a m r o n b a s a h m i k a n a e h T
. l l i k o t t n e t n i h t i w k c a t t a r o 7 1 H T t a k c e h c y t i l i b a - b u s e v i r D
5 5 . l a u t i r r o , t n e i d e r g n i , t n a h c o n s e r i u q e r g n i t s a C . y a d r e p e c n o e c i f i r O l a e S t s a c y a m m i k a n a e h T
6 5 . r o r r i m a n i n o i t c e l f e r o n s a h m i k a n a e h T
7 5
- e n o t s a e l t a g n i m u s n o c , k e e w r e p e c n o d e e f o t d e e n y e h T . e k a n s a e k i l d o o f s r u o v e d y l w o l s m i k a n a e h T
1 s e k a t , t h g i e w y d o b f o d r i h t - e n o s i h c i h w , d o o f f o n o i t s e g i D . e v i v r u s o t t h g i e w y d o b r i e h t f o d r i h t
w a j e h T . s e h c n i ) 0 2 d 1 + 5 1 ( f o e c n e r e f m u c r i c h t u o m a s a h m i k a n a e h T . l l e w s a d e t s e g i d s i e n o B . r u o h
f o s p i l e h t , d e g d o l s i d t o n s i w a j e h t n e h W . d e w o l l a w s e b y a m d o o f e g r a l t a h t o s e k a n s a e k i l s e g d o l s i d
. e d i w y l l a m r o n b a r a e p p a m i k a n a s i h t
8 5
m i k a n a e h t , e n o f o t e e f 0 0 1 d 1 n i h t i w r e v e n e h W . m i k a n a r e h t o r o f d e r t a h l a m r o n b a s a h m i k a n a e h T
. l l i k o t t n e t n i h t i w k c a t t a r o 7 1 H T t a k c e h c y t i l i b a - b u s e v i r D a s s a p t s u m
9 5 . t e e f 0 1 d 1 n i h t i w s g n i e b l a r o m s t c e t e d y l l a c i t a m o t u a m i k a n a e h T
0 6 . s l a m i n a n i r a e f r o m r a l a s e s u a c m i k a n a e h T
1 6
. 3 y b k c e h c l l i k s n o i t a d i m i t n I r i e h t g n i s a e r c n i y l i r a r o p m e t , l l i w t a d e r e m o c e b n a c s e y e s m i k a n a e h T
. s s e n k r a d n i y a w a t e e f 0 0 1 d 1 o t p u e l b i s i v e r a s e y e s ' m i k a n a e h t , d e r n e h W
l l o R t i a r T m i k a n A
2 6
l a c i r o t e h R f o s e i t i l i b a - b u s s m i k a n a e h t f I . d e u g n o t - r e v l i s , y l e v i t a r u g i f , s i e h s e v e i l e b m i k a n a e h T
d n a n o i s a u s r e P d e s a e r c n i s a h m i k a n a s i h t n e h t , 0 9 e v o b a e r a e g a u g n a L d n a , n o i t a i c n u n E , a m s i r a h C
. s l l i k s d i a s o t 0 1 d 1 f o y t l a n e p a s e v i e c e r m i k a n a s i h t n e h t , t o n f I . 0 1 d 1 y b s k c e h c l l i k s y r e k c i r T
3 6
s t n i o p 3 + s e v i e c e r m i k a n a e h T . e g n a r l a u s i v n i l a m i n a y n a f o s t h g u o h t e h t d a e r n a c m i k a n a e h T
. g n i n o i t i d n o C l a m i n A d n a g n i l d n a H l a m i n A f o s l l i k s e h t o t n i d e t s e v n i
4 6
o t e u D . y a d r e p s e m i t 3 s u i d a r t o o f - 1 a t a s e r o p s i h m o r f h s e l f g n i t t o r f o r o d o n a t i m e y a m m i k a n a e h T
r o f d n a , d n u o r 1 r o f s t s a l g n i t i m o V . g n i t i m o v f o e c n a h c % 0 1 a s a h a e r a t a h t n i e o f y n a , h c n e t s d i r r o h e h t
. k c a t t a t o n y a m d n a , d e v l a h s i A C , % 0 5 y b d e w o l s e r a y e h t d n u o r s i h t
5 6 . h c n i r e p e g a m a d f o P L 1 s e s u a c g n a f h c a E . h t g n e l n i s e h c n i 3 d 1 e r a t a h t s g n a f s a h m i k a n a e h T
6 6 . 5 y b s l l o r e r o G c i h p a r G l l a f o y t i r e v e s e h t g n i s a e r c n i , e g d e l w o n k l a c i m o t a n a y n n a c n u s a h m i k a n a e h T
7 6
t o n s e o d n i k s e h T . % 0 5 y b ) e s a b r o d i c a ( n o i s o r r o c o t e u d e g a m a d s e c u d e r t a h t n i k s s a h m i k a n a e h T
. d e n i m a x e n e h w l a m r o n b a m e e s
8 6 . k e e w r e p e c n o s e c e i p r e v l i s n i t h g i e w t n e l a v i u q e n a o t n i s k c o r f o l u f d n a h a n r u t y a m m i k a n a e h T
9 6
r o f P P B 1 s a h l i a t m i k a n a e h T . s e h c n i n i h t g n e l s t i e n i m r e t e d o t 2 1 d 4 l l o R . l i a t y l a c s a s a h m i k a n a e h T
l l o R . e l i s n e h e r p s i t i n e h t , t o o f 1 n a h t r e g n o l f I . m i k a n a e h t o t d e d d a e r a P L o n t u b , h t g n e l n i t o o f h c a e
t f i l d a e d e h t o t r e f e R . s e s s e s s o p l i a t e h t s t n i o p y t i l i b a - b u s h t g n e r t S f o r e b m u n e h t e n i m r e t e d o t 0 0 1 d 1
. t f i l r o e v o m y a m l i a t e h t t h g i e w h c u m w o h e n i m r e t e d o t h t g n e r t S f o e r u s a e m
0 7
l l i w e o f d e r a c s e h T . t h g i e H d n a t h g i e W h t o b n i r e l l a m s s i o h w e o f a o t n i r a e f l l i t s n i y a m m i k a n a e h T
. s n o i t a u t i s 1 - n o - 1 n i y l n o s k r o w s i h T . s d n u o r 0 2 d 1 r o f n o i t c e r i d e t i s o p p o e h t n i t n i r p s y l l a c i t a m o t u a
1 7
l a m r o n b a m e e s t o n s e o d n i k s e h T . % 0 5 y b y t i c i r t c e l e o t e u d e g a m a d s e c u d e r t a h t n i k s s a h m i k a n a e h T
. d e n i m a x e n e h w
2 7
e h t t p e c x e , m i k a n a s i h t f o s u i d a r t e e f - 0 1 a n i h t i w s e r u t a e r c l l A . r e d n u h t s a d u o l s a t r a f y a m m i k a n a e h T
y b d e d i o v a e b n a c h c i h w , d n u o r 1 r o f d e n n u t s e r a d n a e g a m a d c i n o s 4 d 1 e k a t y l l a c i t a m o t u a , m i k a n a
. k e e w r e p e c n o y l n o d e z i l i t u e b n a c s i h T . 7 1 H T t a k c e h c e v i r D a g n i s s a p
3 7
f o y t i l i b a - b u s h c a e d n a a m s i r a h C l a i c a F g n i s a e r c e d , l l u k s k c i h t y l l a m r o n b a n a s a h m i k a n a e h T
m o r f e g a m a d f o % 0 5 y l n o e v i e c e r y e h T . d a e h e h t o t P P B 4 d 1 g n i d d a s a l l e w s a , 0 1 d 1 y b e c n e g i l l e t n I
. g n i b b a t s r o , g n i d n u o p , g n i k c a h s a h c u s s d n u o w d a e h l a c i s y h p
4 7 . 0 0 1 d 1 y b y t i l i b a - b u s n o i t a i c n u n E r i e h t g n i s a e r c n i , l l i w t a s d r a w k c a b k a e p s o t e l b a s i m i k a n a e h T
5 7
n e h w l a m r o n b a m e e s t o n s e o d n i k s e h T . % 0 5 y b d l o c o t e u d e g a m a d s e c u d e r t a h t n i k s s a h m i k a n a e h T
. d e n i m a x e
6 7 . n o i l a s a d u o l s a w o l l e b o t e l b a s i m i k a n a e h T
7 7
e e S ( d i c a m o d n a r a s e t e r c e s m i k a n a e h T s e c n a t s b u S l a r u t a N 7 1 : r e t p a h C m i k a n a e h T . s l i a n r e g n i f s t i m o r f )
. d i c a t a h t o t e n u m m i o s l a s i
8 7
f o y t i l i b a - b u s h c a e o t n i s t n i o p 0 2 d 1 s n i a g m i k a n a s i h t , e r o f e r e h T . t c e l l e t n i c i n o m e d s a h m i k a n a e h T
. y l e t a r a p e s d e l l o r , e c n e g i l l e t n I
9 7
n e h w l a m r o n b a m e e s t o n s e o d n i k s e h T . % 0 5 y b e r i f o t e u d e g a m a d s e c u d e r t a h t n i k s s a h m i k a n a e h T
. d e n i m a x e
0 8 . t o o f e r a b g n i k l a w n e h w s t n i r p t o o f o n s e v a e l m i k a n a e h T
1 8
8 d 3 l l o R . k c a t t a o t d e s u e b n a c h c i h w s w o b l e s t i m o r f g n i d u r t o r p s e n o b d e t n i o p , p r a h s s a h m i k a n a e h T
f o t n i o p 0 2 d 1 s e s u a c 6 1 - 9 , e g a m a d g n i b b a t s f o s t n i o p 2 1 d 1 s e s u a c 8 - 3 . s e h c n i n i h t g n e l e n i m r e t e d o t
s i y t l a n e p y r e v i l e d e h T . e g a m a d g n i k c a h f o s t n i o p 2 1 d 2 s e s u a c 4 2 - 7 1 d n a , e g a m a d g n i b b a t s
m i k a n a s i h T . s k c a t t a g n i l w a r B f o r e b m u n e h t o s l a s i s k c a t t a e d a l b e n o b f o r e b m u n e h T . e l b a c i l p p a n i
. a m s i r a h C c i t e n i K o t 0 1 d 2 f o y t l a n e p a s a h
2 8
f o y t i l i b a - b u s h c a e o t n i s t n i o p 0 2 d 1 s n i a g m i k a n a s i h t , e r o f e r e h T . m o d s i W c i n o m e d s a h m i k a n a e h T
. y l e t a r a p e s d e l l o r , m o d s i W
3 8 . s t n e m e r i u q e r f o s s e l d r a g e r , e c i v e d l a c i g a m y n a e s u y a m m i k a n a e h T
4 8
0 1 d 1 g n i w o t s e b , l a r u t a n r o l a c i g a m , t h g i l f o e p y t y n a , t c e l f e r f o d a e t s n i , t c a r f e r o t e l b a s i m i k a n a e h T
. m e h t e e s n a c s n a m u h y h w s i d n a , t h g i l t c e l f e r s t c e j b o d i l o s t s o M . k c e h c l l i k s e d i H e h t o t d e t s e v n i s t n i o p
e l i h w e l b s i v n i t o n s i m i k a n a e h t , r e v e w o H . t h g i l t c e l f e r t o n o t , n o i t a r t n e c n o c n o p u , e l b a s i m i k a n a s i h T
m o r f d e t c e l f e r g n i e b t h g i l f o d a e t s n I . t h g i l g n i t c a r f e r s i m i k a n a e h t , e m i t s i h t g n i r u D . t h g i l g n i t c e l f e r t o n
t o n s e o d s i h T . d e t c a r f e r y l t h g i l s s i e l g n a s t i t u b , m i k a n a e h t h g u o r h t s e s s a p t i , m i k a n a e h t f o e c a f r u s e h t
d n u o r g k c a b e h t h g u o h t s a r e v r e s b o n a o t s r a e p p a t u b , s r o l o c w o b n i a r n i r a e p p a o t m i k a n a e h t e s u a c
. d e t r o t s i d s i m i k a n a e h t f o y d o b e h t d n o y e b
5 8
g n i l w a r B e s a b e r o m % 0 5 g n i s u a c , s e h c n i 2 y b n i k s e h t h g u o r h t e d u r t o r p t a h t s p a c e e n k s a h m i k a n a e h T
. s e e n k h t i w g n i k c a t t a n e h w e g a m a d
l l o R t i a r T m i k a n A
6 8
s s e c c u s c i t a m o t u a f o e c n a h c % 0 5 a e v a h y e h t , e r o f e r e h T . s e v i t o m s r e h t o o t e v i t i s n e s s i m i k a n a e h T
l l i k s y r e k c i r T l a m r o n r i e h t e k a m l l i t s y a m y e h t n e h t , k c e h c s i h t s l i a f m i k a n a e h t f I . y r e k c i r T t s n i a g a
. k c e h c
7 8
e h t g n i v i g , s r e w o p l a c i g a m h t i w n o p a e w l a m r o n a e u b m i y l i r a r o p m e t , k e e w r e p e c n o , y a m m i k a n a e h T
s a h c u s s n o p a e w y l i d o b e u b m i t o n y a m m i k a n a e h T . s d n u o r 0 1 d 1 r o f s l l o r k c a t t a o t 0 1 d 1 + n o p a e w
. s t s i f r o s e e n k
8 8 . 0 1 d 1 y b A C s t i g n i s a e r c n i , n i k s k c i h t d n a d r a h y l l a u s u n u s a h m i k a n a e h T
9 8
g n i l w a r B e s a b e r o m % 0 5 g n i s u a c , s e l k c u n k s t i m o r f g n i d u r t o r p e n o b f o s e k i p s h c n i - 1 s a h m i k a n a e h T
. g n i h c n u p n e h w e g a m a d
0 9 . 0 0 1 d 1 y b y t i l i b a - b u s e g a u g n a L r i e h t g n i s a e r c n i , c i n o m e D k a e p s o t w o h s w o n k m i k a n a e h T
1 9
m i k a n a e h t , d e w o l l a w s l u o s h c a e r o F . s e s p r o c m i k a n a r e h t o f o s l u o s e h t w o l l a w s y a m m i k a n a e h T
r e t c a r a h c r e h t o n a r o f l e s m i h g n i t c i l f n i s s e n l l i l a t n e m d e n i m r e t e d y l m o d n a r , 1 e r u c o t r e w o p e h t s a h
. g n i w o l l a w s - l u o s f o e m i t e h t t a d e h c u o t
2 9 n i g n i l a e H l a r u t a N e e s ( e t a r y l i a d e h t e c i w t t a P L d n a P P B s l a e h m i k a n a e h T t a b m o C : 0 1 r e t p a h C . )
3 9 . 0 2 d 1 y b y t i l i g A r o f e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u s r i e h t g n i s a e r c n i , e l i g a y l g n i z a m a s i m i k a n a e h T
4 9 . 0 0 1 d 1 y b y t i l i b a - b u s e g a u g n a L r i e h t g n i s a e r c n i , d l r o w r e d n U k a e p s o t w o h s w o n k m i k a n a e h T
5 9 . e l i d e A e h t h t i w t l u s n o C . m i k a n a e h t m r a h t o n n a c s n o p a e w l a c i g a m - n o N
6 9
; t h g i l t h g i r b n i s a s s e n k r a d n i l l e w y l l a u q e e e s n a c m i k a n a e h T . s e y e l a r u t a n r e p u s s a h m i k a n a e h T
. t h g i n m o r f y a d h s i u g n i t s i d t o n n a c m i k a n a s i h T . m i k a n a s i h t t c e f f a t o n s e o d s s e n t h g i r b
7 9
e h t f o t h g i e w e h t f o t r a p y d a e r l a s i s g n i w e h t f o t h g i e w e h T . t e e f 8 d 2 f o n a p s g n i w a s a h m i k a n a e h T
) t e e f n i n a p s g n i W ( o t l a u q e s d n u o p f o r e b m u n a h g i e w s g n i w m i k a n a ; r e t c a r a h c
1 e v a h s g n i w m i k a n A .
e h t f i y l f o t e l b a e r a y e h T . m i k a n a e h t f o P L e h t t c e f f a t o n o d t u b , n a p s g n i w f o t o o f h c a e r o f P P B
e e S ( e r a f r a W l a i r e A t l u s n o C . t e e f 0 1 s d e e c x e n a p s g n i w e r a f r a W : 8 1 r e t p a h C . n o i t a m r o f n i t h g i l f r o f )
8 9
p u g n i h g i e w t c e j b o n a e v o m o t e l b a s i m i k a n a s i h t ; r e w o p s i h t g n i s U . r e w o p c i t e n i k e l e t s a h m i k a n a e h T
e l i h W . d n u o r r e p t e e f 0 1 d 1 o t p u f o e t a r a t a d n a m e h t m o r f y a w a t e e f 0 0 1 d 1 s a r a f s a s d n u o p 0 1 d 1 o t
. n o i t c a r e h t o y n a e k a t o t e l b a n u e r o f e r e h t s i d n a e t a r t n e c n o c t s u m m i k a n a e h t , r e w o p s i h t g n i s u
9 9 . l e v e l l a n o i t a p u c c o r e p c i g a m o t y t i n u m m i % 1 s a h m i k a n a e h T
0 0 1
d n a r e t e m a i d n i h c n i 1 s i t a h t s e m a l f f o m a e r t s a e h t a e r b y a m m i k a n a s i h T . h t a e r b - e m a l f s a h m i k a n a e h T
r e h t o y n a e k a t t o n y a m m i k a n a e h t e m i t s i h t g n i r u D . s d n u o r 3 o t p u r o f e c n a t s i d n i t e e f 4 d 1 s d n e t x e
. d n u o r r e p e g a m a d e r i f 6 d 2 e s u a c s e m a l f e h T . n o i t c a
Bugbear (sing.), Bugbears (pl.)
Also known as a bugbeare, a bugbear is a
malevolent humanoid creature resembling a large,
hairy beast. Above all, bugbears enjoy devouring
naughty human children; adults contain more gristle
and do not taste as well. Naughty light elven chil-
dren are also a delicacy to bugbears. When unavail-
able, bugbears prefer salmon and other fish, ber-
ries, and honey. Their favorite drink is mead.
The most renowned characteristic of bug-
bears is that they annoy all other races, but not each
other. Bugbears have annoying behavioral habits,
speech patterns, societal customs, and talk endlessly
about dominating the world in the future and their
superiority to other races. A bugbear is 20% likely
to have either (01-10) Obsessive-Compulsive Dis-
order (see Chapter 5: Mind) or (11-20) Obsessive-
Compulsive Personality Disorder.
Since the pale human-like skin of bugbears
is covered with dark fur, the hide of a bugbear is
valued by other races. Of course, a bugbear will not
wear the hide of another bugbear. However, if a
bugbear discovers that any character is wearing such
a hide, then violence is likely to occur.
Bugbears prefer melee weapons and medium
armor. The favorite weapons of bugbears are spiked
bludgeoning melee weapons, such as military flails
and morgensterns, though axes and polearms are
also utilized. Although full-scale warfare is rare, when
it occurs bugbear military is organized into massed
formations, in which soldiers with polearms rush
the foes first. Bugbear soldiers of lower rank are
the first to fight. Their favorite armor includes
bronze plates. When raiding, bugbears wear
The most seagoing of the available races,
bugbears are skilled shipwrights and sailors. Bug-
bear communities are either coastal or near rivers.
Their favorite vessel is the longship, which they use
to plunder coastal human communities at night.
If bugbears raid a human community, then
the vessel is beached in or near the harbor. Next,
small groups of 2-3 bugbears enter nearby cottages,
immediately seeking and killing the father or adult
males. Victorious bugbears will often rape human
women before devouring the children. Human
women who are raped by bugbears may become
pregnant, though the fetus aborts prior to birth. In
fact, 50% of human women who are ravished by a
bugbear die due to ripped uteral lining.
After the raiding bugbears have had their
fun, they collect the women and children who are
still alive, board their vessel, and go home to brag
about their exploits. When bugbears lose the ele-
ment of surprise, they abandon their raid and re-
turn to the north. Raiding expeditions serve many
purposes, including a ritual passage into adulthood
for males.
Throughout the spring, summer, and fall,
bugbears plunder coastal human communities for
food, slaves, and supplies. During the winter, bug-
bears do not venture away from their communities,
but remain inactive and indoors. While it is cold,
bugbears eat, sleep, and mate.
Slaves brought back from raided communi-
ties are placed in what the bugbears call subjecting
facilities. There, slaves perform labor until they die
or are used for experimentation. Most bugbear chil-
dren dissect humans as part of their education.
Many males study the anatomy of their foes, con-
stantly looking for weaknesses.
Experiments are usually cruel, and often
performed on living subjects. Bugbears calculate
subject pain tolerance and torture humans for in-
formation. Currently, they are attempting to accu-
mulate enough population to be able to extermi-
nate light elves and humans, and dominate the sur-
face world.
Sub-Ability Modifiers: Strength + 50,
Bodily Attractiveness - 20, Facial - 15, Rhetorical -
10, Hand-Eye Coordination - 10, Agility - 10, Enun-
ciation - 10, Language - 10, Math + 10, Analytic -
10, Spatial + 5, and Drive + 10.
Base Current Armor: 12.
Base Life Points: 25.
Physical Description: A male bugbear av-
erages 7 in height, while a female averages 6 6.
Bugbears have fur that is dark brown, though it is
thin. A male bugbear has a hairless Manhood, ex-
cept for the glans or head, which has hair that is 1
long and grows away from the spout-hole. A fe-
male bugbear has a hairy vagina.
Disposition Modifiers: Ethicality + 25 and
Morality - 50.
Temperament Modifiers: Sanguine - 25,
Choleric + 25, and Melancholic + 25.
Sociality: Bugbears live in communities
ranging from a hamlet to a capital city of their kind.
Bugbears rarely live alone.
Language: Kobold. The bugbear dialect is
known as Buggeric, but is not a distinct language.
Occupation: Any. Bugbears begins work
at age 12.
Skills: Brawling + 3, Delousing + 5, Divi-
nation (Anthropomancy) + 3, Divi nation
(Dririmancy) + 3, Law + 3, Sailing + 3, Search + 3,
Shipwright + 3, Surgery + 3, Tracking + 3, 1 Weapon
(Specific), and Wrestling + 3.
Religion: Bugbears worship their own im-
moral gods.
Names: Common male first names include
Lljotbjaltr and Radketill. Common female first
names include Ismaer and Sigrheidr. Common last
names for a bugbear include Arnlidi and Botgeirr.
Dwarf (sing.), Dwarves (pl.)
A dwarf is a humanoid creature who is short
and stocky, compared to a human. The origin of
this race is the most recent compared to other hu-
manoids. Dwarves prefer to live underground in
palaces and near water. Their favorite place to dwell
is deep within a mountain. If a dwarf is exposed to
direct sunlight, then they turn to stone and die im-
mediately. Dwarves value precious stones, metals,
and craftsmanship. Most dwarves are skilled jewel-
ers, smiths, and craftsmen. 3 races of dwarves ex-
ist, named according to the color of their garments:
black, brown, and white.
Dwarves are neither mortal nor immortal.
Although dwarves may be killed just as mortals,
they do not die naturally. In fact, they do not
suffer penalties due to aging.
Since dwarves are above mortal-
ity, they have closer associations
with their gods.
All dwarves have the
ability to shape-shift. However,
dwarves may only shape-shift into
the following creatures: butterfly,
chipmunk, and owl. Each dwarf
may choose from those
creatures each time
they shape-shift.
Age affects du-
ration (see
Lifespan in
Chapter 2:
y r o g e t a C e g A n o i t a r u D
t n a f n I -
n e r d l i h C s d n o c e s 0 1 d 1
y t r e b u P s e t u n i m 0 1 d 1
d o o h t l u d A g n u o Y s r u o h 0 1 d 1
e g A e l d d i M s y a d 0 1 d 1
e g A d l O s k e e w 0 1 d 1
e l b a r e n e V s h t n o m 0 1 d 1
This is the longest that each dwarf may have
shape-shifted per day or period of 24 hours. Each
dwarf is different. Once the duration is determined
above, a dwarf retains that duration as long as they
remain in the age category. For each unit (seconds,
minutes, etc.) of duration that is maintained, the
dwarf temporarily loses 1d10 Strength. The cumu-
lative loss of Strength remains in effect for 1d4
times the duration during which the
dwarf had shape-shifted. Strength
will return slowly and evenly dur-
ing the period of recovery. If
Strength is ever reduced to 0, then
the dwarf dies.
All dwarves have
Low-Light Vision (see
Vision in Chap. 2: Body).
Dwarf, Black
Black dwarves thwart humans. For example,
it is common for them to lure ships with lights at
night onto rocks so that the crew may be murdered
or enslaved and the ship plundered. Black dwarves
usually attack humans on sight. It is rumored that
their race was born as a result of the sorcerous com-
bination of humans and maggots; instead, others
maintain that black dwarves are related to kobolds.
By thwarting humans for so many genera-
tions, black dwarves have become renowned as ex-
perts in road-traps. Most underground palaces of
black dwarves tend to be near human roads that are
well-traveled. The sun turns dwarves to stone.
Most black dwarves wear black lambskin
coats, black moleskin breeches and shoes, and a green
moss hat. Black dwarves who are experienced smiths
may make silver weapons that are both magical and
dangerous. One characteristic of such magical weap-
ons is that if taken by force, then the weapon will
bring misfortune upon the new owner. Black
dwarven sorcerers are famous for making magical
cloaks of invisibility.
The preferred weapons of black dwarves are
axes and hammers. Dwarves love armor of all kinds,
as long as it is made from metal.
When elder black dwarves are on the sur-
face, they prefer to travel after shape-shifting into a
screech owl, and fly through the night. Other names
for black dwarves are duergar, dvergar, and svart alfar.
Sub-Ability Points: Physical Fitness - 10,
Bodily Attractiveness - 15, Health + 10, Facial - 15,
Hand-Eye Coordination + 5, Agility - 5, Analytic +
5, Spatial + 10, Drive + 10, and Common Sense +
Base Current Armor: 10.
Base Life Points: 20.
Physical Description: Black dwarves aver-
age 4 tall for males, 3 11 for females. By appear-
ance, they usually have dark skin, green reflective
eyes, long gray beards, and powerful bodies. Oddly,
their feet resemble the feet of crows.
Disposition Modifiers: Morality - 25.
Temperament Modifiers: Sanguine - 25
and Choleric + 25.
Sociality: Black dwarves live in underground
palaces of treasure, and use treasure to lure and then
murder or enslave humans.
Language: Dwarven.
Occupation: It is possible for a black dwarf
to be any occupation, but the most common in-
clude: Appraiser, Armorer, Assassin, Bandit, Black-
smith, Bladesmith, Brazier, Brickmaker, Copper-
smith, Dockwalloper, Gemcutter, Gilder, Goldsmith,
Hewer, Ironmonger, Jeweler, Locksmith, Marbler,
Mason, Mercenary, Miner, Minter, Money-Lender,
Mountaineer, Pewterer, Pick Pocket, Silversmith,
Slave-Trader, Sorcerer, Spy, and Weaponsmith.
Dwarves begin work at age 24.
Skills: Appraise + 3, Architecture + 3,
Armorsmithing + 3, Blacksmithing + 8, Brass-
smithing + 3, Climb + 8, Coppersmithing + 3, Di-
rection Sense + 3, Divination (Axinomancy) + 3,
Divination (Cleromancy) + 3, Gambling + 3,
Gemcutting + 3, Goldsmithing + 3, Mining + 3,
Mountaineering + 3, Pewtersmithing + 3,
Silversmithing + 3, Stonemasonry + 3, Trickery +
3, and Weaponsmithing + 3.
Religion: Black dwarves worship their own
Names: Common male names include
Gunterus and Heidolfus. Common female names
include Alberadis and Constantia.
Dwarf, Brown
Brown dwarves are solitary creatures; brown
dwarven communities do not exist. Instead, each
brown dwarf leaves their mother when they reach
young adulthood, seeking a human family of peas-
ants or serfs. The brown dwarf will hide and sleep
during the day, and emerge at night. During the
night, brown dwarves perform tasks for their hu-
man family. Brown dwarves are well-known for steal-
ing human babies, as well as playing tricks on their
human family. Brown dwarves dance during moon-
light. If a brown dwarf likes their human family,
then the brown dwarf will leave presents and pro-
tect them. However, if a brown dwarf dislikes their
human family, then the brown dwarf will cause
trouble and bad dreams. It is rumored that their
race was born as a result of a sorcerous experiment
with humans. For this reason, brown dwarves have
an obsessive love/hate relationship with human fami-
lies. The sun turns dwarves to stone.
The preferred weapons of brown dwarves
are axes and hammers. Dwarves love armor of all
kinds, as long as it is made from metal.
Sub-Ability Points: Physical Fitness - 10,
Bodily Attractiveness - 10, Health + 10, Facial - 5,
Hand-Eye Coordination + 5, Agility - 5, Analytic +
5, Spatial + 10, Drive + 10, and Common Sense +
Base Current Armor: 10.
Base Life Points: 20.
Physical Description: Brown dwarves av-
erage 4 tall for males, 3 11 for females. By ap-
pearance, they usually have tan skin, brown reflec-
tive eyes, long gray beards, and powerful bodies.
Disposition Modifiers: None.
Temperament Modifiers: None.
Sociality: None. See human.
Language: Dwarven and Sapien.
Occupation: It is possible for a brown
dwarf to be any occupation, but the most common
include: Appraiser, Ar morer, Blacksmith,
Bladesmith, Brazier, Brickmaker, Chambermaid,
Coppersmith, Dockwalloper, Gemcutter, Gilder,
Goldsmith, Hewer, Ironmonger, Jeweler, Laundress,
Locksmith, Marbler, Mason, Miner, Minter, Moun-
taineer, Pewterer, Silversmith, Sorcerer, and
Weaponsmith. Dwarves begin work at age 24.
Skills: Appraise + 3, Architecture + 3,
Armorsmithing + 3, Blacksmithing + 8, Brass-
smithing + 3, Cleaning + 8, Climb + 8,
Coppersmithing + 3, Dance + 3, Direction Sense +
3, Divination (Axinomancy) + 3, Gemcutting + 3,
Goldsmithing + 3, Mining + 3, Mountaineering +
3, Pewtersmithing + 3, Silversmithing + 3, Stone-
masonry + 3, and Weaponsmithing + 3.
Religion: Brown dwarves worship human
Names: Common male names include
Godscalcus and Deigenhardus. Common female
names include Ditwinus and Evfemia.
Dwarf, White
White dwarves are jolly. During summer,
elders come to the surface at night, shape-shifting
into butterflies and owls, and dancing freely under
the moon. The sun turns dwarves to stone. During
winter, smiths craft fine artistic works of silver and
gold in their underground forges.
The preferred weapons of white dwarves
are axes and hammers. Dwarves love armor of all
kinds, as long as it is made from metal.
Sub-Ability Points: Physical Fitness - 10,
Bodily Attractiveness - 10, Health + 10, Facial - 5,
Hand-Eye Coordination + 5, Agility - 5, Analytic +
5, Spatial + 10, Drive + 10, and Common Sense +
Base Current Armor: 10.
Base Life Points: 20.
Physical Description: White dwarves av-
erage 4 tall for males, 3 11 for females. By ap-
pearance, they usually have pale skin, brown eyes,
long gray beards, and powerful bodies. White
dwarves are cleanly and have a pleasant appearance.
Disposition Modifiers: Ethicality + 25 and
Morality + 25.
Temperament Modifiers: Sanguine + 25,
Choleric - 25, and Melancholic - 25.
Sociality: White dwarves live in under-
ground palaces of treasure. On rare occasions, white
dwarves may reward a human with treasure.
Language: Dwarven.
Occupation: It is possible for a white dwarf
to be any occupation, but the most common in-
clude: Appraiser, Armorer, Blacksmith, Bladesmith,
Brazier, Brickmaker, Coppersmith, Dancer,
Dockwalloper, Gemcutter, Gilder, Goldsmith,
Hewer, Ironmonger, Jeweler, Locksmith, Marbler,
Mason, Miner, Minter, Mountaineer, Pewterer, Sil-
versmith, and Weaponsmith. Dwarves begin work
at age 24.
Skills: Appraise + 3, Architecture + 3,
Armorsmithing + 3, Blacksmithing + 8, Brass-
smithing + 3, Climb + 8, Coppersmithing + 3, Dance
+ 3, Direction Sense + 3, Divination (Axinomancy)
+ 3, Gemcutting + 3, Goldsmithing + 3, Mining +
3, Mountaineering + 3, Pewtersmithing + 3,
Si l versmithing + 3, Stonemasonry + 3, and
Weaponsmithing + 3.
Religion: White dwarves worship their own
Names: Common male names include
Gerlacus and Godscalcus. Common female names
include Berta and Binhildis.
Elf (sing.), Elves (pl.)
An elf is a tiny, humanoid creature connected
with a forest. Each forest inhabited by elves has an
elven kingdom, which is hidden from others. Elves
do not allow other races to see their kingdom, so it
is magically hidden.
All elves are either dark or light, immoral or
moral respectively. Dark or light, all elves seek to
protect and preserve their forest, including the wild
animals. Dark elves protect their forest using im-
moral means, while light elves protect their forest
using moral means. Unlike dwarves, it is possible to
distinguish between races of elves by observing their
skin color; dark elves have dark skin, while light elves
have light skin.
Since elves protect wildlife, they do not eat
them. In fact, elves refuse to eat meat, and prefer
fruits and vegetables instead. Because their diet con-
sists of fruits and vegetables, elves fart 3d10 times
per day. Elves have been known to advise humans
that they will be healthier and live longer if they
avoid eating meat.
All elves enjoy music and are skilled with an
instrument, usually the voice. Music is such a large
part of the lives of elves that it is a sufficient pun-
ishment to restrict an elf from making music after
committing a crime. Elves, however, rarely commit
crimes in their forested communities.
The Lifespan of an elf is determined by the
size of their forest (see Lifespan in Chapter 2: Body).
If their forest is destroyed, then its elves die and
their bodies wither, decay, and disappear like leaves
from a tree. If a forest shrinks in size, such as due
to a forest fire or humans felling trees, then the lo-
cal elves are physically unaffected, though they will
be angry. The larger the forest in miles squared, the
longer the lifespan of its elves.
) 8 d 1 ( l l o R e z i S t s e r o F n a p s e f i L
1 1 < s r a e y 0 5 2
2 0 1 - 1 s r a e y 0 0 5
3 0 5 - 1 1 s r a e y 0 5 7
4 0 0 1 - 1 5 s r a e y 0 0 0 , 1
5 0 0 2 - 1 0 1 s r a e y 0 0 5 , 1
6 0 0 3 - 1 0 2 s r a e y 0 0 0 , 2
7 0 0 4 - 1 0 3 s r a e y 0 0 5 , 2
8 0 0 4 > s r a e y 0 0 0 , 3
Due to their lengthy lifespan, elves are con-
sidered to be wise. Elves are often sought by others
for their advice. However, it is difficult to find an
elf unless they want to be found. A forest does not
contain both dark and light elves.
Most elves do not venture far from their
forest. For each mile that an elf is removed from
their forest, their Strength and Health sub-ability
scores decrease by 1. If either sub-ability reaches 0,
then the elf dies.
All elves have the special ability to shape-
shift. Elves may only shape-shift into the following
creatures: cat, dog, fox, and rabbit. Each elf may
choose from those creatures each time they shape-
shift. Age affects duration.
y r o g e t a C e g A n o i t a r u D
t n a f n I -
n e r d l i h C s d n o c e s 0 1 d 1
y t r e b u P s e t u n i m 0 1 d 1
d o o h t l u d A g n u o Y s r u o h 0 1 d 1
e g A e l d d i M s y a d 0 1 d 1
e g A d l O s k e e w 0 1 d 1
e l b a r e n e V s h t n o m 0 1 d 1
This is the longest that each elf may have
shape-shifted per day or period of 24 hours. Each
elf is different. Once the duration is determined
above, an elf retains that duration as long as they
remain in the age category. For each unit (seconds,
minutes, etc.) of duration that is maintained, the elf
temporarily loses 1d10 Strength. The cumulative
loss of Strength remains in effect for 1d4 times the
duration during which the elf had shape-shifted.
Strength will return slowly and evenly during the
period of recovery. If Strength is ever reduced to
0, then the elf dies.
Other names for an elf are alp, aelf, alfar,
alfe, alve, elve, and ylf.
Elf, Dark
Dark elves are immoral and ugly. Nonethe-
less, they are incredibly fertile and are always trying
to mate. Few children are born. Due to the sexual
nature of dark elves, humans have been known to
form cults to worship or summon them.
Because dark elves are naturally unattractive
and lecherous, they desire to magically enhance their
beauty in order to seduce those who would ordi-
narily reject them.
If any character enters a forest that is in-
habited by dark elves, then their life may be in dan-
ger. Dark elves use the hides of trespassers for
leather, some body-parts for ingredients, and usu-
ally feed the local forest animals with the meat.
Dark elves enjoy tricking their victims, even
more than being vicious. For example, a female en-
joys enticing a lone human deeper into the woods,
seducing him until he is most vulnerable, and then
depriving him of life.
The preferred weapons of dark elves are
shortbows and short swords. Dark elves avoid ar-
mor made from metal, and prefer soft leather ar-
mor that is crafted from the skin of trespassers.
It is wise for humans never to underestimate
dark elves, since they are sinister and powerful. Dark
elves are famous for crafting magical swords.
Other names for a dark elf are dockalfar,
docalfar, dark alfar, swartalfar, svartalfar, and black
Sub-Ability Points: Physical Fitness + 5,
Strength - 60, Bodily Attractiveness - 10, Health +
10, Facial - 10, Vocal + 10, Kinetic + 10, Hand-Eye
Coordination + 10, Agility + 5, Enunciation + 5,
Drive + 5, Intuition + 10, Common Sense + 10,
and Reflection + 5.
Base Current Armor: 10.
Base Life Points: 15.
Physical Description: Dark elves tend to
be ugly and have black skin. Dark elves do not have
pubic hair. Dark elves average 4 tall.
Disposition Modifiers: Morality - 25.
Temperament Modifiers: Sanguine - 25,
Choleric + 25, Melancholic + 25, and Phlegmatic -
Sociality: Dark elves live in forest kingdoms.
The kingdoms are usually hidden underneath their
forest, which they consider their property.
Language: Elven.
Occupation: Any. Common occupations
for dark elves include Acrobat, Bard, Dancer, Druid,
Gardener, Herbalist, Musician, Ranger, Sage, Sor-
cerer, and Stabler. Elves begin work in puberty.
Skills: Contortion + 3, Dance + 3, Etiquette
+ 3, Herbalism + 3, Musical Instrument (Singing) +
3, Nature (Plants) + 3, Nature (Trees) + 3, Smell +
3, Tracking + 3, Trickery + 5, and Tumbling + 3.
Religion: Dark elves worship their own
Names: Common male names include
Sighard and Tondberct. Common female names
include Aedelberga and Uuffa.
Elf, Light
Also known as elves of light, light elves are
moral and attractive. Even though they are beauti-
ful, few children are born.
If any character enters a forest inhabited by
light elves, and if a light elf detects them, then they
may be either befriended, ignored, or influenced to
leave. If any character harms a forest or its inhabit-
ants, and if a light elf is aware, then the light elf will
play mischievous tricks on the character. For ex-
ample, their possessions may be stolen.
Above all, light elves enjoy playing harmless
pranks on others. For instance, shoelaces may be
untied. If a light elf is not on bad terms with a
character, then a prank will never ruin their prop-
erty. Just the same, some characters become angry
when they are the object of a prank.
Because light elven maidens are usually beau-
tiful, relationships or marriages may rarely develop
between a female light elf and a male human. Some-
times, humans kidnap beautiful light elven maidens
and attempt to force marriage. If the female
percieves herself to be slighted in any way, then she
will punish him harshly by playing mischievous tricks.
It is impossible for such relationships to produce
The preferred weapons of light elves are
shortbows and short swords. Light elves avoid ar-
mor made from leather or metal, and prefer
gambesons if necessary, or none at all. Most light
elves dress as lightly as possible and decent.
Light elves enjoy making music and dancing
in large rings in the mists or under moonlight. Other
names for light elves are ellen, elfvor, and light alfs.
Sub-Ability Points: Physical Fitness + 5,
Strength - 60, Bodily Attractiveness + 10, Health +
10, Facial + 10, Vocal + 10, Kinetic + 10, Hand-Eye
Coordination + 10, Agility + 5, Enunciation + 5,
Drive + 5, Intuition + 10, Common Sense + 10,
and Reflection + 5.
Base Current Armor: 10.
Base Life Points: 15.
Physical Description: Light elves tend to
be attractive; however, this race has no pubic hair.
The appearance of light elves is whiter than the sun.
Their hair ranges from white to golden or blonde.
Light elves prefer to wear green clothes. Light elves
average 4 tall.
Disposition Modifiers: Morality + 25.
Temperament Modifiers: Sanguine + 25
and Melancholic - 25.
Sociality: Light elves live in forest kingdoms.
There, elves often live in the hollows of huge tree
trunks, and are hidden from others.
Language: Elven.
Occupation: Any. Common occupations
for light elves include Acrobat, Bard, Dancer, Druid,
Gardener, Herbalist, Musician, Ranger, Sage, Sor-
cerer, and Stabler. Elves begin work in puberty.
Skills: Climb + 3, Contortion + 3, Dance
+ 3, Etiquette + 3, Herbalism + 3, Musical Instru-
ment (Singing) + 3, Nature (Plants) + 3, Nature
(Trees) + 3, Smell + 3, Tracking + 3, and Tumbling
+ 3.
Religion: Light elves worship their own
Names: Common male names include
Aedilfrid and Earconberct. Common female names
include Cynwise and Quoenburg.
Human (sing.), Humans (pl.)
In almost every respect, humans are the most
neutral and the norm of the humanoid races. Other
races consider humans to be corrupt, greedy, and
power-hungry. As a race, humans are more inse-
cure, but are also more adaptable than other races.
Many humans consider the human race to be supe-
rior to all others, and most human cultures seek to
Although humans have the most diverse diet,
most human peasants survive merely on bread and
ale. Humans from southern climates have more di-
verse diets than those from the north.
Sub-Ability Modifiers: None.
Base Current Armor: 10.
Base Life Points: 20.
Physical Description: Humans, including
males and females, average 5 7 and 130 pounds,
and have a life expectancy of 73 years. Males aver-
age 5 10 in height, while females average 5 4.
Disposition Modifiers: No modifiers.
Temperament Modifiers: No modifiers.
Sociality: Humans, by and large, are unedu-
cated peasants working in the service of a lord,
though this varies depending on urbanity. Like
kobolds, humans reproduce frequently, and often
consider large families desirable, whether the par-
ents can afford to feed them or not.
Language: Sapien.
Occupation: Any. Humans begin work at
age 10.
Skills: Due to their short lives, humans do
not receive bonus skills.
Religion: Humans range from devoutly re-
ligious to irreligious. Of all the races, humans have
the widest selection of gods, though they also differ
sharply from culture to culture.
Names: Common male first names include
John and Thomas. Common female first names
include Helen and Sarah. Common last names in-
clude Hall and Smith.
Kobold (sing.), Kobolds (pl.)
Also known as a kobolt, cobolt, kobalos, or
dasik, kobolds have a silvery-white skin color, though
sometimes tinted slightly blue or green. Their skin
is rough and cracked, and even withstands high tem-
peratures. As a result, kobolds suffer only half-dam-
age from non-magical fire. All kobolds live under-
ground. As such, this race is skilled at metalworking
and Mining (see Chap. 8: Skills), and each kobold
has Low-Light Vi-
sion (see Vision in
Chap. 2: Body). Their
favorite metal is sil-
ver, since it reminds
them of their own
skin. Kobolds steal
si l ver whenever
possible. Their love
of silver is the rea-
son that kobolds dig
Ko b o l d s
enslave every spe-
cies or race pos-
sibl e. Children
slaves are used to
dig narrow mine shafts. Adult slaves are used for
heavy labor, which kobolds avoid at all costs. Slave-
trading is the only enjoyment of kobolds that rivals
their greed for silver. The preferred slave of a kobold
is a human. Kobolds instruct their human slaves
never to stand on their feet, under penalty of death,
unless commanded specifically. For example, hu-
man slaves in a mineshaft may be allowed to pick
while on their knees, but slaves who transport ob-
jects must crawl on their hands and knees, with the
object on their back. This practice allows kobolds
to remain taller than humans, and maintains the
dominance of the kobold master.
Perhaps kobolds are most famous for their
ingenious and cruel traps. In their underground en-
vironment, kobolds fashion mechanical traps to
ensnare or kill characters who invade and trespass.
Although black dwarves use similar traps, the origin
of malicious traps is with kobolds.
As their name implies, kobolds are bold.
Their behavior is aggressive and open. Regarding
combat, kobolds prefer light armor so that their
movement is not too impaired. The favorite weap-
ons of kobolds include a footmans war hammer
and javelin or spear.
It is known that kobolds value beer, milk,
and porridge (flour and/or oats boiled in milk). If
offered as gifts and trickery is not suspected, then a
kobolds temper may be appeased. Kobolds are
cruel, feeding just enough gruel to slaves for them
to survive. Gruel is a thin porridge, boiled in water
instead of milk.
Sub- Abi l i t y
Points: Strength - 40,
Bodily Attractiveness -
15, Facial - 15, Vocal -
15, Kinetic + 15, Rhe-
torical - 10, Hand-Eye
Coordination + 15, Agil-
ity + 15, Reaction Speed
+ 15, Enunciation + 15,
Language - 10, Analytic
- 10, Spatial + 15, and
Drive - 15.
Base Current
Armor: 10.
Base Life
Points: 15.
Physical Description: Kobolds have skin
that is silvery white and rough. Most have brown,
reflective eyes. The average height of a male kobold
is 4 6, while a female averages 4 3.
Disposition Modifiers: Morality - 50.
Temperament Modifiers: Sanguine - 25,
Choleric + 25, and Phlegmatic + 25.
Sociality: Kobolds live in underground min-
ing communities that are organized loosely. Every
community has its own king.
Language: Kobold.
Occupation: Any. Kobolds begin work at
age 6.
Skills: Direction Sense + 3, Mining + 3,
Trickery + 3, and 1 Weapon (Specific).
Religion: Kobolds worship their own im-
moral gods.
Names: Common male names are Kraeng
and Muda. Common female names are Darlicia and
Ogre (sing.), Ogres (pl.)
An ogre is a large humanoid of low Intelli-
gence, strong bulk, and carnivorous appetite. Easily
outwitted by a clever human, ogres are gross and
bloodthirsty. A female ogre is known as an ogress,
and an ancient term for an ogre is eotena. There
are 4 ogre races: base ogre, cliff ogre, gruagach ogre,
and kinder-fresser.
Sense - 30.
Base Current Armor: 13.
Base Life Points: 30.
Physical Description: Base ogres are hairy,
have tan skin, and brown eyes. The tallest race that
a player may select is an ogre. Male base ogres aver-
age 9 in height, while females average 8.
Disposition Modifiers: Ethicality - 50 and
Morality - 50.
Temperament Modifiers: Sanguine - 25,
Choleric + 25,
and Phlegmatic
+ 25.
ity: Ogre off-
spring are aban-
doned by their
parents, so they
prefer to live
alone. A cave is
the ideal home
for a base ogre.
Ogres have
minimal loyalty
to others.
L a n -
guage: None,
or Cigan if
pation: Roll
1d100: (01-16)
Bandit, (17-32)
Berserker, (33)
Chieftain, (34-
50) Gladiator, (51-66) Mercenary, (67-82) Ruffian,
and (83-100) Slave. Ogres begin work at age 18.
Skills: Brawling + 5, Mangling + 5, and
Wrestling + 3.
Religion: Ogres have never considered the
existence of gods.
Names: Ogres do not name their offspring.
However, most who have contact with more intelli-
gent creatures acquire a nickname, such as Face-
Ogre, Base
This race of ogre, often referred to as a base
ogre to distinguish it from the others, is hairier than
most humans, but nowhere near as hairy as a
gruagach ogre. All base ogres have a hump in their
Sub-Ability Points: Physical Fitness - 18,
Strength + 240, Bodily Attractiveness - 20, Facial -
20, Kinetic - 40, Rhetorical - 15, Hand-Eye Coordi-
nation - 40, Agility - 30, Reaction Speed - 25, Enun-
ciation - 50, Language - 50, Math - 50, Analytic - 50,
Spatial - 10, Drive - 15, Intuition - 20, and Common
Ogre, Cliff
Physically the smallest ogre, a cliff ogre lives
to force unweary travelers over cliffs to feed their
children below. Each victim is either hurled or kicked
over the edge. Each parental cliff ogre hopes to
cause the victim to hit only hard ground, especially
jagged rocks. The offspring of the cliff ogre ea-
gerly await each victim at the base of the cliff.
The greatest enjoyment among cliff ogres
is competing with each other regarding the accu-
racy of hurling victims. The favorite type of con-
test requires 4 victims, dead or alive. The rules to
this contest are that the first cliff ogre hurls a victim
where desired. The competing cliff ogre must then
hurl a victim where desired. Finally, each cliff ogre
attempts to Hurl a victim as close to the previous
victim of the other as possible. The cliff ogre wins
who throws the second victim closest to the others
victim. In the case of a tie, a re-throw must be
made. Frustration is never felt between competing
cliff ogres; it is pure enjoyment.
Sub-Ability Points: Strength + 200, Bodily
Attractiveness - 20, Facial - 20, Kinetic - 20, Rhe-
torical - 15, Hand-Eye Coordination - 10, Agility -
15, Reaction Speed - 25, Enunciation - 50, Language
- 50, Math - 10, Analytic - 25, Drive - 15, Intuition
- 20, and Common Sense - 30.
Base Current Armor: 13.
Base Life Points: 27.
Physical Description: The tallest race that
a player may select is an ogre. Male ogres average 9
in height, while females average 8.
Disposition Modifiers: Ethicality - 50 and
Morality - 50.
Temperament Modifiers: Sanguine - 25,
Choleric + 25, Melancholic + 25, and Phlegmatic -
Sociality: At most, cliff ogres may be orga-
nized into groups of 3 cooperative families. Lead-
ership is unnecessary, and cliff ogres have some loy-
alty to their family. However, when the parents are
deemed too old, they are eaten by their children.
Language: None, or Cigan if gifted.
Occupation: Roll 1d100: (01-16) Bandit,
(17-32) Berserker, (33) Chieftain, (34-50) Gladiator,
(51-66) Mercenary, (67-82) Ruffian, and (83-100)
Slave. Ogres begin work at age 18.
Skills: Brawling + 5, Climb + 8, Hurl + 5,
Mangling + 5, and Wrestling + 3.
Religion: Ogres have never considered the
existence of gods.
Names: Cliff ogres do not name their off-
spring. However, most who have contact with more
intelligent creatures acquire a nickname, such as
Ogre, Gruagach
As a race, gruagach ogres are called the
Hairy-Ones. In fact, the origin of the word
gruagach means hairy. The blubbery form of a
gruagach ogre confuses some foes, who misjudge
this race of ogre to be fat and weak. A gruagach
ogre moves slowly due to its low Physical Fitness,
though when considering Strength, it is the stron-
gest ogre. Laziness and ineptitude define a gruagach
Sub-Ability Points: Physical Fitness - 22,
Strength + 275, Bodily Attractiveness - 30, Health -
5, Facial - 35, Kinetic - 75, Rhetorical - 30, Hand-
Eye Coordination - 40, Agility - 45, Reaction Speed
- 35, Enunciation - 50, Language - 60, Math - 60,
Analytic - 60, Spatial - 15, Drive - 30, Intuition - 20,
and Common Sense - 60.
Base Current Armor: 13.
Base Life Points: 35.
Physical Description: A gruagach ogre is
the tallest, strongest, and heaviest race a player may
select. Their hairy skin is dark brown, and they have
long, golden hair. Although their hair is naturally
black, they are obsessed with dying it blonde. The
face of a gruagach ogre is prognathous, and the fore-
head is sloping. The head of a gruagach ogre is
larger than other races of ogres. Male gruagach
ogres average 9 in height, while females average 8.
Disposition Modifiers: Ethicality - 50 and
Morality - 50.
Temperament Modifiers: Melancholic - 25
and Phlegmatic + 25.
Sociality: Although graugach ogre parents
produce numerous offspring, most die between birth
and infancy. Overall, gruagach ogres live in tribal
hamlets among their kind. In gruagach society, the
strong dominate the weak, and 1 leader and his en-
tourage dominates the tribe. Gruagach ogres have
minimal loyalty to others, and their hamlets are al-
ways located in a glade of a forest. They are too
lazy to expand their clearings.
Language: None, or Gruagan if gifted.
Occupation: Roll 1d100: (01-16) Bandit,
(17-32) Berserker, (33) Chieftain, (34-50) Gladiator,
(51-66) Mercenary, (67-82) Ruffian, and (83-100)
Slave. Ogres begin work at age 18.
Skills: Brawling + 5, Mangling + 5, Smell -
5, and Wrestling + 3.
Religion: Ogres have never considered the
existence of gods, but gruagach ogres are curiously
fearful of magic.
Names: Gruagach ogres do not name their
offspring. However, most who have contact with
more intelligent creatures acquire a nickname, such
as Lazy-Ass.
Ogre, Kinder-Fresser
Also known as a kinderschrecker or child-
guzzler, a kinder-fresser is an ogre who feeds on
human children. Although a kinder-fresser will eat
any human child, their favorite is a moral child. The
voice of a kinder-fresser attracts human children who
are prepubescent and virginal. If a prepubescent,
virginal human child hears the voice of a kinder-
fresser, then the child must pass a Drive sub-ability
check at TH 25 or believe that the voice heard is
their parents, and obey any commands given.
Strangely, the voice of a kinder-fresser does
not attract others. Since a kinder-fresser survives
by eating human children, this creature attempts to
reside nearby a significant human population. The
favorite residence of a kinder-fresser is a cave close
to a long, well-traveled road. Since a kinder-fresser
has higher Facial and Vocal Charisma compared to
other ogres, victims and foes are sometimes fooled
into thinking the kinder-fresser is a gentle giant.
The unfortunate child is fooled, lured,
strangled, and swallowed -- usually without evidence.
Human children smaller than 30 pounds are eaten
whole; shoes are regurgitated 10% of the time, if
applicable. In extreme cases, a kinder-fresser has
eaten all the young humans of a village.
Sub-Ability Points: Strength + 240, Bodily
Attractiveness - 10, Fa-
cial - 12, Kinetic - 20,
Rhetorical + 15, Hand-
Eye Coordination - 40,
Agility - 30, Reaction
Speed - 25, Enuncation
- 10, Language - 10,
Math - 50, Analytic - 50,
Spatial - 10, Drive - 15,
and Common Sense -
Base Current
Armor: 13.
Base Life
Points: 30.
Physical De-
scription: The tallest
race that a player may
select is an ogre. Male
ogres average 9 in height, while females average 8.
Disposition Modifiers: Ethicality - 50 and
Morality - 50.
Temperament Modifiers: Sanguine - 25,
Choleric + 25, and Phlegmatic + 25. Kinder-fressers
often act sanguine to lure children to their doom.
In fact, kinder-fressers receive a bonus of 50 to their
Sanguine score only while attempting to feed.
Sociality: A kinder-fresser does not partici-
pate in society, except by waiting outside of a hu-
man town for traveling, bipedal food. Each kinder-
fresser lives alone. Kinder-fresser offspring are aban-
doned by their parents, so they prefer to live alone.
A kinder-fresser is loyal only to their own survival.
Language: Sapien.
Occupation: Roll 1d100: (01-25) Bandit,
(26-50) Berserker, (51-75) Gladiator, and (76-100)
Slave. Ogres begin work at age 18.
Skills: Hide + 5, Mangling + 3, Persuasion
+ 8, Silence + 5, Trickery + 5.
Religion: Ogres have never considered the
existence of gods.
Names: Kinder-fresser ogres do not name
their offspring. However, most who have contact
with more intelligent creatures acquire a nickname,
such as Baby-Taker.
Troll (sing.), Trolls (pl.)
Also known as trold and trolld, a troll is an
immoral creature who is ugly and hairy. Trolls were
the first humanoid creature. Female trolls are known
as trollops. 3 races of trolls exist: borbytingarna,
hill, and subterranean.
Troll, Borbytingarna
The borbytingarna race inhabits caverns and
roams the forests and mountains. They will attempt
to kill and eat any creature met, including another
troll, unless the troll is the opposite gender. This
race is not petrified by sunlight, unlike the subterra-
nean troll.
A borbytingarna troll does not have huge,
sharp claws like a hill troll. The hands of these trolls
are unusually long and slender. Borbytingarna con-
sider armor and weapons to be useless. If this type
of troll fears for its life in combat, then it will attack
by Brawling and Wrestling. If a borbytingarna does
not fear for its life, then it will play with its prey. In
this case, a borbytingarna prefers to overbear and
fish-hook (see Wrestling in Chap. 8: Skills) its foes.
When the foe is close to unconsciousness, a
borbytingarna enjoys slamming the foe into hard
objects until they lose consciousness.
Once a victim is unconscious or dead, and
the troll is not threatened by other creatures, this
type of troll delights in thrashing around the body
of the fallen foe. These trolls thrash meat to ten-
derize it. A borbytingarna troll may do this for 1d100
minutes before it decides to feed.
Due to the extreme hatred of borbytingarna
for others, they cooperate with no one, even if sub-
jected to clearly superior force. A borbytingarna
troll will always rebel violently.
Sub-Ability Points: Physical Fitness + 20,
Strength + 100, Bodily Attractiveness - 50, Facial -
40, Kinetic - 40, Hand-Eye Coordination - 5, Agility
- 25, Reaction Speed - 20, Language - 90, Math - 60,
Analytic - 60, and Spatial - 10.
Base Current Armor: 14.
Base Life Points: 27.
Physical Description: The average height
of a borbytingarna troll is 8 tall. It is nearly impos-
sible to distinguish between males and females, un-
less you are a troll. All look exceptionally thin. Trolls
have greenish skin and brown hair.
Disposition Modifiers: Ethicality - 50 and
Morality - 50.
Temperament Modifiers: Sanguine - 25
and Choleric + 25.
Sociality: These trolls inhabit caverns and
roam the forests and mountains. Borbytingarna do
not have Social Class, since they would die before
submitting to another.
Language: None.
Occupation: Roll 1d100: (01-25) Bandit,
(26-50) Berserker, (51-75) Gladiator, and (76-100)
Slave. Trolls begin work at age 13.
Skills: Blindfighting + 5, Brawling + 5, Di-
rection Sense + 5, Disarm + 3, Mangling + 5, and
Wrestling + 5.
Religion: Trolls have never considered the
existence of gods.
Names: Borbytingarna trolls do not name
their offspring. However, most who have contact
with more intelligent creatures acquire a nickname,
such as Life-Eater.
Troll, Hill
A hill troll has a large, hairless belly that drags
along the ground, and black claws on both hands
and feet. Their claws are sharp as knives, causing
substantial slashing damage per successful Brawling
attack (see Brawling in Chap. 8: Skills). Always black,
these claws resemble obsidian, even when broken.
Whenever a claw is broken from a hill troll, the edges
are always sharp. For this reason, ancient humans
sought the claws of hill trolls for arrowheads. The
claws of a hill troll significantly aid it in climbing.
Hill trolls either roam the hills or lurk in a
hiding spot, waiting to attack their favorite victim --
humans. When a hill troll gets ahold of a human, it
rips the flesh from the humans body. This type of
troll is not petrified by sunlight, unlike the subterra-
nean troll. It will attempt to kill and eat any creature
it meets, including another troll, unless the troll is
the opposite gender.
Hill trolls consider armor and weapons use-
less, unless trained as a gladiator. Hill trolls prefer
to brawl, wrestle, and claw their victims until they
are a bloody pulp. Most enjoy removing all flesh
from the victim, then eating the internal organs.
They are very selective, and will leave all muscle un-
touched, but eat the internal organs instead. Al-
most always, hill trolls save the brain for last, which
they consider a delicacy; it takes as long as an hour
to eat.
Although hill trolls crave the cortex and the
surrounding cerebrospinal fluid, they savor the taste
of the limbic system, most specifically the amygdala,
basal ganglia, and hippocampus. Oddly, they always
reject the thalamus, but devour the hypothalamus.
While tasting the limbic system, hill trolls will be-
come erect or wet with sexual excitement as well.
Sub-Ability Points: Physical Fitness - 25,
Strength + 100, Bodily Attractiveness - 70, Facial -
40, Kinetic - 40, Hand-Eye Coordination - 20, Agil-
ity - 25, Reaction Speed - 20, Language - 90, Math -
60, Analytic - 60, and Spatial - 10.
Base Current Armor: 14.
Base Life Points: 27.
Physical Description: The average height
of a hill troll is 8 tall. It is nearly impossible to
distinguish between males and females, unless you
are a troll. The belly is the distinguishing feature,
because hill trolls look skinny elsewhere, yet fat in
the middle. The belly of a hill troll is shaped like a
gigantic, drooping breast. Trolls have greenish skin
and brown hair.
Disposition Modifiers: Ethicality - 50 and
Morality - 50.
Temperament Modifiers: Sanguine - 25
and Choleric + 25.
Sociality: These trolls are solitary and in-
habit hills. Hill trolls do not have Social Class, since
they would rather die before submitting to another.
Language: None.
Occupation: Roll 1d100: (01-25) Bandit,
(26-50) Berserker, (51-75) Gladiator, and (76-100)
Slave. Trolls begin work at age 13.
Skills: Blindfighting + 5, Brawling + 5,
Climb + 5, Direction Sense + 3, Mangling + 5, Taste
+ 3, Weapon (Specific -- Claws) + 5, and Wrestling
+ 3.
Religion: Trolls have never considered the
existence of gods.
Names: Hill trolls do not name their off-
spring. However, most who have contact with more
intelligent creatures acquire a nickname, such as
Troll, Subterranean
In ancient times, all trolls were one race.
When ogres appeared, trolls and ogres battled to
exterminate each other. One group of trolls was
loyal to the king god of trolls, and for their loyalty
he bestowed greater Intelligence. A lesser troll god
became angry, and cursed them, so that sunlight
would turn them to stone. Most died, but enough
escaped below to survive. Today, these are known
as subterranean trolls.
All subterranean trolls have Low-Light Vi-
sion (see Vision in Chap. 2: Body). Although subter-
ranean trolls are few in number, their race is ancient
and powerful. If they wanted to dominate the sur-
face world, some speculate that they could. But they
do not. Subterranean trolls want to live quietly away
from other races, and all of them hate noise nearly
as much as the sun.
Subterranean trolls worship the moon, and
most venture to the surface on the night of a full
moon to offer praise and show their devotion. When
not worshipping the moon and out of their home
and community, subterranean trolls act hatefully
toward everything, including trees. Although they
avoid other sentient species, subterranean trolls have
been known to steal women, children, and prop-
erty. However, if a human is encountered, it is pos-
sible, no matter how rare, for a subterranean troll to
like them and grant riches. Nonetheless, humans
use a branch of mistletoe to protect them from being
taken by a subterranean troll against their will.
Male subterranean trolls tend to be unsightly
and malicious, while females are beautiful but ex-
ceedingly vile. These female trolls hate elven and
human females who have higher Bodily Attractive-
ness or Facial Charisma. Whenever 1 is seen, the
female troll must pass a Drive sub-ability check at
TH 24 to refrain from attempting to maim her.
When tales are told among humans, female subter-
ranean trolls are often called harlot-hunters.
Female subterranean trolls are willing to ex-
periment sexually with large male anakim or humans.
These trolls know from experience and history that
interracial offspring never occurs as a result. Their
willingness to experiment is due to the ugliness of
male trolls. For this reason, female subterranean
trolls are also called trollops.
Subterranean trolls are expert metalsmiths,
herbal healers, and sorcerers. They craft superb plate
armor and weapons. Platemail is crafted so that it is
as quiet as possible. Subterranean trolls prefer
polearms, and usually attack the neck or lungs of
their foe so that they will die quietly.
This race survives on spores and water from
underground springs, but they are cannibalistic and
consider a baby subterranean troll who is slightly
flawed to be the finest meal.
Sub-Ability Points: Physical Fitness + 5,
Strength + 100, Bodily Attractiveness - 50 for males,
Facial - 40 for males, Kinetic - 40, Hand-Eye Coor-
dination - 20, Agility - 25, Reaction Speed - 20, Lan-
guage + 10, Math + 10, Analytic + 10, and Spatial +
Base Current Armor: 14.
Base Life Points: 27.
Physical Description: The average height
of a subterranean troll is 8 tall. Males tend to be
ugly, while females are beautiful; both have greenish
skin. Females usually have long, red hair, and most
males have brown hair.
Disposition Modifiers: Ethicality - 50 and
Morality - 50.
Temperament Modifiers: Sanguine - 25
and Choleric + 25.
Sociality: Subterranean trolls live in com-
munities underneath hills. Their homes are crafted
to the amazement of all others, including dwarves,
though rarely seen. The home of a subterranean
troll is a palace full of treasure.
Language: Troll.
Occupation: Appraiser, Armorer, Bandit,
Berserker, Blacksmith, Bladesmith, Brass-smith,
Cook, Coppersmith, Gemcutter, Gladiator, Gold-
smith, Herbalist, Hierophant, Ironmonger, Jeweler,
Mason, Miner, Pewtersmith, Silversmith, Slave-
trader, Sorcerer, Weaponsmith, and Whore. Trolls
begin work at age 13.
Skills: Blindfighting + 5, Brawling + 5, Di-
rection Sense + 3, Mangling + 5, Sound + 3, Trick-
ery + 3, and Wrestling + 5.
Religion: All worship the moon, their god.
Names: Common male names include
Aktorion and Kephisophon. Common female
names include Amaxerete and Thrinacia.
Racial Hatred
Different races usually regard each other
differently, based on observed, imagined, or feared
dissimilarities. Most characters prefer to associate
with those who are deemed similar. Further, most
characters avoid, dislike, belittle, or condemn those
d e r t a H l a i c a R l a u d i v i d n I
d e r t a H l a i c a R
e v o b A e l b a T m o r F
d e r t a H l a i c a R l a u d i v i d n I
1 2 3 4 5
1 1 2 - 3 6 2 - 2 2 8 2 - 7 2 9 2 0 3
2 1 1 - 3 1 2 - 2 1 5 2 - 2 2 8 2 - 6 2 0 3 - 9 2
3 4 - 3 1 1 - 5 1 2 - 2 1 8 2 - 2 2 0 3 - 9 2
4 4 - 3 7 - 5 1 1 - 8 1 2 - 2 1 0 3 - 2 2
5 3 4 6 - 5 1 1 - 7 0 3 - 2 1
who are deemed dissimilar. Racial opinions and at-
titudes vary with each character. However, trends
in opinions emerge among masses of characters.
At the present time, the degree of racial
hatred among the races allowed as characters for
players may be observed in the table below:
l a i c a R
d e r t a H
. a n A . g u B
, . a w D
k c a l B
, . a w D
. o r B
, . a w D
e t i h W
, f l E
k r a D
, f l E
t h g i L
. u H . b o K e r g O
, e r g O
f f i l C
, e r g O
. u r G
, e r g O
. n i K
, l l o r T
. b r o B
, l l o r T
l l i H
, l l o r T
. b u S
m i k a n A
1 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5
r a e b g u B
5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
, f r a w D
k c a l B
5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5
, f r a w D
n w o r B
5 5 5 1 3 5 3 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
. f r a w D
e t i h W
5 5 5 3 1 5 4 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
, f l E
k r a D
5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
, f l E
t h g i L
5 5 5 3 4 5 1 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
n a m u H
4 5 5 2 3 5 2 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
d l o b o K
5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 4 5 4 5 5 5 5
e r g O
4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 1 4 4 4 5 5 5
, e r g O
f f i l C
4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 1 4 4 5 5 5
, e r g O
. u r G
4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 1 4 5 5 5
, e r g O
. n i K
4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 1 5 5 5
, l l o r T
. b r o B
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5
, l l o r T
l l i H
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5
, l l o r T
. b u S
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1
1 = Preference: A preference exists for the
indicated race. Note that, as a gen-
eral rule, characters prefer their own
2 = Acceptance: While these races may not
prefer each others company above
their own kind, they are generally on
good terms with each other and will
tend to be accepting and tolerant.
3 = Indifference: These races have no strong
attitudes in favor of, or opposition
to, each other.
4 = Dislike: Negative attitudes exist be-
tween these races. They are usually
not hostile openly toward each other
and opt to avoid members of this
race, but perceived insults may in-
cite violence.
5 = Hatred: Between these races, insults
usually occur frequently, and violence
is common, if not declared openly
on sight. Generally, these races hate
each other.
Although general attitudes exist between
races, individual attitudes may differ from general
attitudes. To determine a particular characters de-
gree of racial hatred for another race, consult the
accompanying table -- Individual Racial Hatred. A
characters degree of hatred for each race may be
determined during character creation, or upon each
introduction to a race never seen. Consult the Aedile.
To determine an Individual Racial Hatred, roll 3d10
and consult the table.
Racial Slurs
A racial slur is a derogatory term for a race,
usually used comically, to belittle, or to incite vio-
lence. A stockpile of racial slurs has accumulated
through the centuries, though most have been for-
gotten, lost due to the passage of time. The follow-
ing are derogatory terms for races, which are trans-
lated into other languages:
Human men call females Hourglasses.
Human men call males Raptors.
Human women call females Demon-whores.
Human women call males Skinloaf or
Stovepiper (due to their Manhood)
Dwarves, elves, and kobolds call them Rugs.
Humans call them Buggers.
Ogres and Trolls call them Bugs.
Elves call them Gemmers.
Humans call them Alkies.
Kobolds call them Fatties.
Stick, Twig
Bugbears call them Poople, not people.
Dwarves and elves call them Corruptians.
Kobolds call them Slavs (slaves).
Ogres call them Ribbers (human ribs taste
so good).
Spear-chucker, Holer, Shiner
Ogre, Gruagach
perpetual enemies
Now that you know the race of your charcter
and have recorded it on your character sheet, con-
sider your characters gender: male or female. Gen-
der is a correlative factor with many things, from
abilities, to height and weight. For example, on av-
erage it is obvious that males tend to be physically
stronger, taller, and weigh more than females.
Most importantly, consult with the Aedile
to see if gender is determined randomly or may be
chosen by the player. Random determination is
more realistic, since no one gets to choose their gen-
der in reality. However, the random determination
of gender is problematic if a group of players are
involved because random genders may be inappro-
priate. Therefore, the Aedile must choose whether
gender is determined randomly or chosen by the
If the Aedile declares that gender is deter-
mined randomly, which is rare, then consult Off-
spring Gender in Chapter 6: Sociality. Otherwise, a
player should choose their gender based on the fol-
lowing information or personal preference. Record
the gender of your character on your character sheet.
According to a prominent philosopher,
males tend to be more spirited, savage, simple, and
less cunning. Females, on the other hand, tend to
be more compassionate than males, more easily
moved to tears, at the same time are more jealous,
more querulous, and are more apt to scold and to
strike. Females are, furthermore, more prone to
despondency and less hopeful than males, more void
of shame and self-respect, more false of speech,
and more deceptive. Females are also more wake-
ful, shrinking, and difficult to rouse to action. The
philosopher notes that males are more courageous,
sympathetic, and stand by to help. Even in the case
of mollusks, when the cuttle-fish is struck with a
trident, the male stands by to help the female; but
when the male is struck, the female runs away.
1. In Book IX of Historia Animalium, Aristotle refers to gender differences and compares animals as well as humans. His
comments are deemed relevant to the setting of F.A.T.A.L. due to the prevalence of his opinion throughout the Middle Ages.
2. All Gender Modifiers are based upon scholarly literature. Hand-Eye Coordination receives no Gender Modifier. Males
have faster Movement Times, but finger size is a better predictor than gender. For more information, see studies concerning
dexterity in the References section at the end of this book.
The philosophers observations presented
above are generalizations and do not hold true for
all characters, though the generalizations apply across
the available races. Certainly, it is possible to find a
surpassingly shameless male, or a female who is less
susceptible to depression than males, but these in-
stances are the exception to the observed rule.
Consult the following table of Gender Modi-
fiers to adjust the sub-abilities and Temperament of
a character:
s r e i f i d o M r e d n e G
d e i f i d o M e b o T e l a M e l a m e F
s s e n t i F l a c i s y h P : e u q i s y h P % 5 + % 5 -
h t g n e r t S : e u q i s y h P % 0 3 + % 0 3 -
s s e n e v i t c a r t t A y l i d o B : e u q i s y h P % 3 - % 3 +
l a i c a F : a m s i r a h C % 3 - % 3 +
e g a u g n a L : e c n e g i l l e t n I % 2 - % 2 +
h t a M : e c n e g i l l e t n I % 3 + % 3 -
l a i t a p S : e c n e g i l l e t n I % 3 + % 3 -
e v i r D m o d s i W % 2 + % 2 -
n o i t i u t n I : m o d s i W % 5 - % 5 +
n o i t c e l f e R : m o d s i W % 4 - % 4 +
e n i u g n a S 2 - 2 +
c i r e l o h C 2 + 2 -
According to the adjustments above, it may
seem as though males are superior, though it is im-
portant to understand that there are other instances,
such as nurturing, that are unapparent in the adjust-
ments and may become evident and valuable during
role-playing. The function of altering gender ac-
cording to the table above is to shift the averages of
the sexes to more closely resemble reality
Do not apply the gender modifiers until af-
ter the sub-abilities or temperaments have been gen-
erated. Following is some information about gen-
der and culture.
3. The shift in range represents masses of characters better than extreme instances. For instance, the highest measured
intelligence is that of a female, though by large numbers females tend to score slightly lower than males in overall intelligence.
Shifting the range lower for females prevents the possibility of a female possessing the highest Intelligence, except when
considering Persistent Exercise (see Chapter 3: Abilities). As a contrast, males have lower Intuition than females, in which case
Persistent Exercise cannot help. A gender difference exists in distributions, such that males have a lower central tendency than
females, and hence have wider distributions; the most intuitive male should exceed the most intuitive female. Therefore, if the
gender modifiers are accurate for this game, then they are more biased against males than females.
Most cultures are patriarchal and the preva-
lent belief regarding gender is that females are infe-
rior to males physically, intellectually, morally, and
emotionally. For example, menstruation may be un-
derstood as punishment by the gods. Further, the
natural role of women regarding childbirth, and sub-
sequently motherhood, has impacted the societal
role of women, such that they are deemed better
suited to stay at home, cook, clean, and care for their
husband and children. Prior to marriage, maidens
are expected to be chaste, though few fulfill this ex-
pectation. Once married, a wife is expected to be
submissive to her husband, who owns her.
Conversely, in most patriarchal cultures,
males are considered superior to females physically,
intellectually, morally, and emotionally. For example,
since emotions are often understood as the antith-
esis of reason, and since females seem more influ-
enced by their emotions, males value the ability to
suppress emotions. The role of a husband is to
work outside the home and thereby provide for his
wife and children. Within a family structure, the
husband is considered dominant and the final arbi-
ter, though some males are passive or soft-spoken.
In most patriarchal societies, a husband owns his
wife and children and may sell them into slavery if
necessary to pay a debt.
It is unwise to violate cultural norms. The
more that males or females deviate from the cul-
tural norms of their gender, the more disapproba-
tion, and possibly punishment, they receive.
Despite the presence of gender norms, it is
unwise to consider either gender, overall, to be su-
perior to the other. Males and females are differ-
ent, and merely better suited for different things.
Males are clearly better suited for violence. Since
violence is the primary cause of shifts in power, and
because males are larger than females, it is
unsurprising, in fact to be expected, that males have
emerged as the dominant gender across the avail-
able races. Females are better suited for interper-
sonal and familial relationships, where their Bodily
Attractiveness, Language, Intuition, and Reflection
are most influential, and dominant over that of
males. Males and females are far from equal.
Chapter 2: Body
This chapter is concerned with anthropom-
etry (physical measures of the body), such as height
and weight, including genitalia, as well as allergies,
intoxication, and diseases affecting the body. The
contents of this chapter are listed under 4 catego-
ries: Standard Features, Sexual Features, Rare Fea-
tures, and Allergies, Intoxication, and Disease.
Perhaps the most frequently used physical
measure is Life Points (LP) and Body Part Points
(BPP), which are numeric representations of con-
sciousness, energy, and life, as well as the ability to
withstand or sustain damage. LP were first intro-
duced regarding races in Chapter 1: Race and Gender.
LP will also be adjusted by Strength, Health, and
Drive in Chapter 3: Abilities. LP and BPP are more
appropriately covered in detail in Chapter 10: Com-
If generating a new character, then progress
through this chapter topic by topic to determine
and record information concerning the body of a
character. Information including and beyond Rare
Features may be relevant to a characters body in a
gaming session, but not character creation.
Standard Features
Each of the standard features must be de-
termined randomly for each character.
To determine the age of a character, roll ac-
cording to the formula in the table below. Notice
that the absolute value of the result is taken, so it is
impossible to have a negative age. It is possible to
role-play an infant or venerable character, as well as
young adult. The Aedile may allow a player to choose
the age of their character, but random is recom-
mended. Consider the race of the character and
consult the table below:
e c a R e g A g n i t r a t S
m i k a n A | ) 0 5 - ) 5 . 2 / 0 0 1 d 4 ( ( |
r a e b g u B | ) 0 4 - ) 3 / 0 0 1 d 4 ( ( |
f r a w D 0 0 0 1 d 1
* f l E d o o h t l u d A g n u o Y
n a m u H | ) 0 3 - ) 4 / 0 0 1 d 4 ( ( |
d l o b o K | ) 5 2 - ) 5 / 0 0 1 d 4 ( ( |
e r g O | ) 5 5 - ) 2 / 0 0 1 d 4 ( ( |
l l o r T | ) 0 4 - ) 3 / 0 0 1 d 4 ( ( |
e c a R t n a f n I d l i h C y t r e b u P t l u d A g n u o Y e g A e l d d i M e g A d l O e l b a r e n e V
m i k a n A 4 - 0 4 1 - 5 1 2 - 5 1 5 4 - 2 2 0 7 - 6 4 0 0 1 - 1 7 0 5 1 - 1 0 1
r a e b g u B 4 - 0 3 1 - 5 0 2 - 4 1 5 3 - 1 2 0 5 - 6 3 0 7 - 1 5 5 2 1 - 1 7
f r a w D 6 - 0 5 2 - 7 0 5 - 6 2 0 0 1 - 1 5 0 5 1 - 1 0 1 0 0 2 - 1 5 1 0 0 2 >
* f l E ) % 5 - 0 ( ) % 5 1 - 6 ( ) % 5 2 - 6 1 ( ) % 0 4 - 6 2 ( ) % 5 5 - 1 4 ( ) % 5 7 - 6 5 ( ) % 0 0 1 - 6 7 (
n a m u H 3 - 0 1 1 - 4 5 1 - 2 1 0 3 - 6 1 0 4 - 1 3 0 5 - 1 4 0 1 1 - 1 5
d l o b o K 2 - 0 7 - 3 2 1 - 8 0 2 - 3 1 0 3 - 1 2 0 4 - 1 3 0 8 - 1 4
e r g O 5 - 0 0 2 - 6 0 4 - 1 2 0 7 - 1 4 0 0 1 - 1 7 0 3 1 - 1 0 1 0 0 2 - 1 3 1
l l o r T 4 - 0 4 1 - 5 5 2 - 5 1 0 4 - 6 2 0 6 - 1 4 0 8 - 1 6 0 5 1 - 1 8
Note: Females live (1d10)% longer than males, regardless of race. If female, then roll and apply.
*The Lifespan of an elf is also determined in Chapter 1: Race and Gender.
The age category of a character affects their height and weight, which are determined on the
following pages. However, the modifier should not be applied until after height and weight are deter-
mined, yet before BMI is calculated. After calculating height and weight, consult the table below:
s r e i f i d o M n a p s e f i L
s t c e f f A 0 e g A t n a f n I d l i h C y t r e b u P e g A e l d d i M e g A d l O e l b a r e n e V
t h g i e H % 0 2 % 0 4 % 0 8 % 0 9 % 9 9 % 8 9 % 7 9
t h g i e W % 5 % 0 4 % 0 6 % 0 8 % 0 1 1 % 0 1 1 % 0 1 1
r o l o C r i a H - - - - y a r G e m o s / w y a r G e t i h W
h t g n e L r i a H 0 9 - 0 7 - 0 5 - - - - -
e z i S t o o F % 0 2 % 0 4 % 0 8 - - - -
. c r i C d a e H % 5 5 % 0 7 % 5 8 - - - -
Bodily features are calculated initally for the Lifespan category of Young Adult and then modified
for the category of the character.
The height
of a character is determined according to the following table:
t h g i e H s e h c n I n i
e c a R e l a M e l a M . g v A e l a m e F e l a m e F . g v A
m i k a n A 6 7 + ) 0 2 d 2 ( 8 8 6 + ) 0 1 d 4 ( 6 7
r a e b g u B 7 5 + ) 8 d 6 ( 7 0 5 + ) 6 d 8 ( 6 6
f r a w D 7 2 + ) 6 d 6 ( 4 7 2 + ) 4 d 8 ( 1 1 3
f l E 3 3 + ) 4 d 6 ( 4 3 3 + ) 4 d 6 ( 4
n a m u H 9 4 + ) 6 d 6 ( 0 1 5 4 4 + ) 4 d 8 ( 4 5
d l o b o K 3 3 + ) 6 d 6 ( 6 4 6 3 + ) 4 d 6 ( 3 4
e r g O 1 8 + ) 8 d 6 ( 9 8 6 + ) 6 d 8 ( 8
l l o r T 9 6 + ) 8 d 6 ( 8 8 6 + ) 6 d 8 ( 8
Height also affects weight, Strength, and Bodily Attractiveness (see Chapter 3: Abilities) for males,
or weight and Strength for females. Therefore, taller males tend to be stronger, better looking, and weigh
s r e i f i d o M t h g i e H
e c a R
e l a M e l a m e F
r e l l a T h c n I h c a E r o F r e t r o h S h c n I h c a E r o F r e l l a T h c n I h c a E r o F r e t r o h S h c n I h c a E r o F
m i k a n A
t h g i e W . s b l 5 1 +
h t g n e r t S 5 1 +
. t c a r t t A y l i d o B 1 +
t h g i e W . s b l 6 -
h t g n e r t S 4 -
. t c a r t t A y l i d o B 1 -
t h g i e W . s b l 0 1 +
h t g n e r t S 5 +
t h g i e W . s b l 0 1 -
h t g n e r t S 0 1 -
r a e b g u B
t h g i e W . s b l 2 1 +
h t g n e r t S 2 1 +
. t c a r t t A y l i d o B 2 +
t h g i e W . s b l 5 -
h t g n e r t S 4 -
. t c a r t t A y l i d o B 2 -
t h g i e W . s b l 7 +
h t g n e r t S 4 +
t h g i e W . s b l 5 -
h t g n e r t S 5 -
f r a w D
t h g i e W . s b l 0 1 +
h t g n e r t S 0 1 +
. t c a r t t A y l i d o B 3 +
t h g i e W . s b l 4 -
h t g n e r t S 3 -
. t c a r t t A y l i d o B 3 -
t h g i e W . b l 5 +
h t g n e r t S 3 +
t h g i e W . b l 1 -
h t g n e r t S 1 -
f l E
t h g i e W . s b l 4 +
h t g n e r t S 4 +
. t c a r t t A y l i d o B 3 +
t h g i e W . b l 1 -
h t g n e r t S 1 -
. t c a r t t A y l i d o B 3 -
t h g i e W . b l 2 +
h t g n e r t S 1 +
t h g i e W . b l 1 -
h t g n e r t S 1 -
n a m u H
t h g i e W . . s b l 0 1 +
h t g n e r t S 0 1 +
. t c a r t t A . y l i d o B 2 +
t h g i e W . s b l 4 -
h t g n e r t S 3 -
. t c a r t t A y l i d o B 2 -
t h g i e W . s b l 5 +
h t g n e r t S 3 +
t h g i e W . b l 1 -
h t g n e r t S 1 -
d l o b o K
t h g i e W . s b l 7 +
h t g n e r t S 7 +
. t c a r t t A y l i d o B 3 +
t h g i e W . s b l 2 -
h t g n e r t S 2 -
. t c a r t t A y l i d o B 3 -
t h g i e W . s b l 3 +
h t g n e r t S 2 +
t h g i e W . b l 1 -
h t g n e r t S 1 -
e r g O
t h g i e W . s b l 0 2 +
h t g n e r t S 0 2 +
. t c a r t t A y l i d o B 1 +
t h g i e W . s b l 7 -
h t g n e r t S 6 -
. t c a r t t A y l i d o B 1 -
t h g i e W . s b l 5 1 +
h t g n e r t S 8 +
t h g i e W . s b l 2 1 -
h t g n e r t S 2 1 -
l l o r T
t h g i e W . s b l 6 1 +
h t g n e r t S 6 1 +
. t c a r t t A y l i d o B 1 +
t h g i e W . s b l 6 -
h t g n e r t S 5 -
. t c a r t t A y l i d o B 1 -
t h g i e W . s b l 5 1 +
h t g n e r t S 8 +
t h g i e W . s b l 6 -
h t g n e r t S 6 -
1. Height in medieval times varies with the source cited. Multiple sources indicate average females were 5 4, just as today.
Average Viking males have been claimed to be 5 10, English longbowmen 5 2, and average Saxon males 5 7. For more
information, see the References section at the end of this book.
The weight of a character is determined by race, gender, chance, and height. First, roll on the
table below to determine the Base Weight in Pounds of a character by gender and race:
s d n u o P n i t h g i e W e s a B
e c a R e l a M e l a M . g v A e l a m e F e l a m e F . g v A
m i k a n A 9 4 2 + ) 0 0 1 d 3 ( 0 0 4 9 9 + ) 0 0 1 d 2 ( 0 0 2
r a e b g u B 9 9 1 + ) 0 0 1 d 2 ( 0 0 3 0 0 2 + ) 0 0 1 d 1 ( 0 5 2
f r a w D 8 7 + ) 0 1 d 4 ( 0 0 1 9 6 + ) 6 d 6 ( 0 9
f l E 3 5 + ) 6 d 2 ( 0 6 0 5 + ) 4 d 2 ( 5 5
n a m u H 7 8 + ) 0 2 d 6 ( 0 5 1 6 7 + ) 2 1 d 6 ( 5 1 1
d l o b o K 0 7 + ) 6 d 3 ( 0 8 3 6 + ) 6 d 2 ( 0 7
l l o r T l l i H d n a e r g O 9 9 4 + ) 0 0 1 d 3 ( 0 5 6 9 9 3 + ) 0 0 1 d 2 ( 0 0 5
. b u S d n a . b r o B , l l o r T 7 8 1 + ) 0 2 d 6 ( 0 5 2 1 1 2 + ) 2 1 d 6 ( 0 5 2
1. Height and Weight of various fantasy races have been computed by consulting biology, physiology, and zoology textbooks
that refer to the Cube-Square Law, and the proportions to larger and smaller creatures. For example, as a creature increases
proportionately in size, its surface area increases by a ratio of the difference in Height squared, but the Weight increases by the
ratio of the difference cubed. When a muscle is increased twofold in all 3 dimensions, its volume and weight are cubed, but
the muscular power is only multiplied by 4, since cross-sectional distance determines muscular strength, not volume and
Weight. The fact that the percentage of bone weight to body weight increases with creature size has been considered, as well
as the fact that more muscle is necessary at larger creature sizes in order to do less when compared to body weight. The
interesting implications of the Cube-Square Law on larger and smaller creatures is that smaller creatures will be strong for
their size (such as an ant being able to put 40 times its body weight over its head), and larger creatures will be weak for their
size. For more information, see the References section at the end of this book.
Weight affects Strength (see Chap. 3: Abili-
ties). If a character weighs more than the amount in
the left column, then the modifier in the right col-
umn is added to their Strength. Consult the table
h t g n e r t S o t r e i f i d o M t h g i e W
e c a R
f o r e b m u N
e v o b A . s b l
t h g i e W . g v A
h t g n e r t S
r e i f i d o M
f o r e b m u N
w o l e B . s b l
t h g i e W . g v A
h t g n e r t S
r e i f i d o M
m i k a n A 4 1 + 8 1 -
r a e b g u B 3 1 + 7 1 -
f r a w D 1 1 + 5 1 -
f l E 1 1 + 2 1 -
n a m u H 2 1 + 5 1 -
d l o b o K 1 1 + 3 1 -
e r g O 5 1 + 0 1 1 -
l l o r T 4 1 + 0 2 1 -
Body Mass Index
Body Mass Index
(BMI) is a method of es-
timating the appropriateness of an adult characters
weight compared to their height. The higher the
BMI, the more a character weighs compared to their
height. A character with a low BMI is underweight,
while a character with a high BMI is overweight.
Overweight characters, however, are not necessarily
unhealthy. An overweight character may be excep-
tionally strong and physically fit. Usually, an over-
weight character is obese, not fit.
Characters have never heard of BMI, and
will never discuss it with each other. BMI is pro-
vided in this book to provide the Aedile and player
a better understanding of the relationships between
Physique, height, and weight.
To determine if a character is under- or over-
weight, simply divide their weight by the square of
their height, and multiply the result by 705.
Due to poor nutrition and living conditions,
many characters will be underweight
. If a male
character has a BMI of at least 30, then he will be
unable to see his Manhood while standing without
using a mirror.
s e h c n i / . s b l ( I M B
) 5 0 7 x
e c a R r e d n e G . w r e d n U . w r e v O
m i k a n A M 7 2 3 3
m i k a n A F 6 1 9 1
f r a w D + r a e b g u B M 8 2 2 3
f r a w D + r a e b g u B F 7 2 0 3
f l E M 7 1 0 2
f l E F 6 1 9 1
n a m u H M 0 2 5 2
n a m u H F 8 1 2 2
d l o b o K M 8 1 1 2
d l o b o K F 7 1 0 2
l l o r T l l i H + e r g O M 6 3 3 4
l l o r T l l i H + e r g O F 5 3 1 4
. S + . B , l l o r T r e h t i E 7 1 1 2
BMI also affects Bodily Attractiveness. For
each unit below underweight or above overweight,
a modifier is usually applied to Bodily Attractive-
ness. For example, for each 0.1 BMI below under-
weight (18) for a human female, Bodily Attractive-
ness increases by 5. So, a human female with a BMI
of 17.7 has a bonus of + 15 to Bodily Attractive-
ness. Consult the following table:
s r e i f i d o M I M B
e c a R
e l a M e l a m e F
/ t h g i e w r e d n U t i n U
. t t A . d o B o t r e i f i d o M
/ t h g i e w r e v O t i n U
. t t A . d o B o t r e i f i d o M
/ t h g i e w r e d n U t i n U
. t t A . d o B o t r e i f i d o M
/ t h g i e w r e v O t i n U
. t t A . d o B o t r e i f i d o M
m i k a n A 1 - / 1 . 0 1 - / 1 . 0 0 1 + / 1 . 0 1 - / 1 . 0
r a e b g u B 1 - / 1 . 0 1 - / 1 . 0 1 + / 1 . 0 1 - / 1 . 0
f r a w D 1 - / 1 . 0 1 - / 1 . 0 2 + / 1 . 0 1 - / 1 . 0
f l E 5 - / 1 . 0 1 - / 1 . 0 0 1 + / 1 . 0 1 - / 1 . 0
n a m u H 1 - / 1 . 0 1 - / 1 . 0 5 + / 1 . 0 1 - / 1 . 0
d l o b o K 3 - / 1 . 0 1 - / 1 . 0 3 + / 1 . 0 1 - / 1 . 0
e r g O - 1 - / 5 . 0 - 1 - / 5 . 0
l l o r T 1 - / 1 . 0 1 - / 5 . 0 1 - / 1 . 0 1 - / 5 . 0
1. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (http://nhlbi.com), an adult human should have a BMI
between 18.5 and 25. Regarding BMI, the NHLBI does not distinguish between males and females. For more information on
the sources, see the References section at the end of this book.
2. In reality, BMI varies by country and social class. According to an article by David Kelleher entitled 54% of 10-year-old
girls in Malta are Obese, from the Malta Independent, Issue No. 414, 24% of Americans are obese. Since the convenience of
the American lifestyle is influencing Europeans, obesity is increasing in Europe. Between 15-20% of European adults are
obese, and 50% of European adults are projected to be obese by the year 2030. According to personal observation, the
modern upper class has a lower BMI than the lower class. This observation seems reasonable because healthy food is more
expensive than unhealthy food, and is therefore more easily accessible for the upper classes. The upper classes are able to
spend more money to improve their looks, such as with corrective surgery, and to pay for health club memberships. The
relationship between social class and BMI was probably the opposite for Medieval people. The peasant probably had a lower
BMI than nobility.
Body Part Proportion
Different races have different proportions of body parts, relative to other body parts. For ex-
ample, ogres have proportionally thicker arms than trolls. The information in the table below is unneces-
sary at the moment if creating a character and progressing through the book page by page. However,
after Life Points (LP) are determined, Body Part Points (BPP) will be determined based on this table.
After calculating BPP from the LP and the proportions below, BPP are entered on a character sheet next
to an image of a body. Body Part Proportions are arranged in a 1d100 format, so that during an attack the
particular body part may be determined, and there is also a percentage of the body parts area compared
to the body. For now, observe the Body Part Proportion of the appropriate race and progress forward for
character creation.
s n o i t r o p o r P t r a P y d o B
t r a P y d o B
, r a e b g u B , m i k a n A
, n a m u H , f l E
d l o b o K
e r g O , f r a w D
, l l o r T
+ a n r a g n i t y b r o B
n a e n a r r e t b u S
l l i H , l l o r T
0 0 1 d 1 n o i t r o p o r P 0 0 1 d 1 n o i t r o p o r P 0 0 1 d 1 n o i t r o p o r P 0 0 1 d 1 n o i t r o p o r P
t f e L , t o o F 1 1 0 . 1 1 0 . 1 1 0 . 1 1 0 .
t h g i R , t o o F 2 1 0 . 2 1 0 . 2 1 0 . 2 1 0 .
t f e L , r e w o L , g e L 7 - 3 5 0 . 6 - 3 4 0 . 2 1 - 3 0 1 . 9 - 3 7 0 .
t h g i R , r e w o L , g e L 2 1 - 8 5 0 . 0 1 - 7 4 0 . 2 2 - 3 1 0 1 . 6 1 - 0 1 7 0 .
t f e L , r e p p U , g e L 2 2 - 3 1 0 1 . 8 1 - 1 1 8 0 . 2 3 - 3 2 0 1 . 3 2 - 7 1 7 0 .
t h g i R , r e p p U , g e L 2 3 - 3 2 0 1 . 6 2 - 9 1 8 0 . 2 4 - 3 3 0 1 . 0 3 - 4 2 7 0 .
n i o r G 3 3 1 0 . 7 2 1 0 . 3 4 1 0 . 1 3 1 0 .
r e w o L , o s r o T 7 4 - 4 3 9 1 . 8 4 - 8 2 1 2 . 6 5 - 4 4 3 1 . 4 6 - 2 3 3 3 .
r e p p U , o s r o T 6 7 - 8 4 9 2 . 0 7 - 9 4 2 2 . 0 7 - 7 5 4 1 . 4 7 - 5 6 0 1 .
t f e L , d n a H 7 7 1 0 . 1 7 1 0 . 1 7 1 0 . 5 7 1 0 .
t h g i R , d n a H 8 7 1 0 . 2 7 1 0 . 2 7 1 0 . 6 7 1 0 .
t f e L , r e w o L , m r A 1 8 - 9 7 3 0 . 6 7 - 3 7 4 0 . 7 7 - 3 7 5 0 . 0 8 - 7 7 4 0 .
t h g i R , r e w o L , m r A 4 8 - 2 8 3 0 . 0 8 - 7 7 4 0 . 2 8 - 8 7 5 0 . 4 8 - 1 8 4 0 .
t f e L , r e p p U , m r A 8 8 - 5 8 4 0 . 6 8 - 1 8 6 0 . 7 8 - 3 8 5 0 . 8 8 - 5 8 4 0 .
t h g i R , r e p p U , m r A 2 9 - 9 8 4 0 . 2 9 - 7 8 6 0 . 2 9 - 8 8 5 0 . 2 9 - 9 8 4 0 .
e c a F 4 9 - 3 9 2 0 . 4 9 - 3 9 2 0 . 4 9 - 3 9 2 0 . 4 9 - 3 9 2 0 .
d a e H 0 0 1 - 5 9 6 0 . 0 0 1 - 5 9 6 0 . 0 0 1 - 5 9 6 0 . 0 0 1 - 5 9 6 0 .
Body Part Proportions have been based on an average character for each race. If a character has
bodily features that differ significantly from the proportion listed above, then the player may consult the
Aedile about altering the proportions listed. For example, a character may have a BMI that indicates
obesity, in which case their lower torso should have a higher proportion and other parts of their body
should have a lower proportion. Conversely, a female may have D-cup breasts and a low BMI, indicating
that the upper torso should have a higher proportion while the lower torso should have a lower propor-
tion. Alterations to Body Part Proportions occur solely at the discretion of the Aedile. Features that may
affect Body Part Proportion include: Anakim tail or wings, BMI, Cup Size, Head Circumference, Fist
Circumference, Foot Size, Manhood Length or Circumference, and Strength.
Most Attractive/Repulsive Feature
Roll 1d100 twice, first for the most at-
tractive feature of your character, then for the most
repulsive feature. If the most repulsive feature is
identical to the most attractive feature, then reroll.
Otherwise, the player and Aedile must consult each
other in contradictory cases, such as when a charac-
ter has a high Facial Charisma, yet their face is their
most repulsive feature.
l l o R e r u t a e F s r e i f i d o M
5 1 - 1 0 r i a H a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 0 1 d 1 - / +
5 2 - 6 1 s e y E a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 0 1 d 1 - / +
0 3 - 6 2 s p i L a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 0 1 d 1 - / +
5 3 - 1 3 e c i o V a m s i r a h C l a c o V 0 1 d 1 - / +
0 5 - 6 3 e c a F a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 0 1 d 1 - / +
5 5 - 1 5 h c t o r C
s s e n e v i t c a r t t A y l i d o B 0 1 d 1 - / +
d o o h n a M % ) 0 1 d 1 ( - / + : s e l a M
5 6 - 6 5 t s e h C
s s e n e v i t c a r t t A y l i d o B 0 1 d 1 - / +
e z i S p u C 0 1 d 1 - / + : s e l a m e F
5 7 - 6 6 t s i a W s s e n e v i t c a r t t A y l i d o B 0 1 d 1 - / +
5 8 - 6 7 p m u R s s e n e v i t c a r t t A y l i d o B 0 1 d 1 - / +
0 9 - 6 8 s g e L s s e n e v i t c a r t t A y l i d o B 0 1 d 1 - / +
5 9 - 1 9 t e e F / s d n a H s s e n e v i t c a r t t A y l i d o B 0 1 d 1 - / +
0 0 1 - 6 9 s m s i r e n n a M a m s i r a h C c i t e n i K 0 1 d 1 - / +
Skin Color
The color of a characters skin may range
from deathly pale to black. Certain races have modi-
fiers. Consider the following racial modifiers:
e c a R r e i f i d o M
m i k a n A 0 2 -
r a e b g u B r u f
k c a l B , f r a w D k c a l b
e t i h W , f r a w D 0 5 -
k r a D , f l E k c a l b
t h g i L , f l E 0 8 -
d l o b o K e t i h w y r e v l i s
e r g O 0 3 +
h c a g a u r G , e r g O n w o r b k r a d
l l o r T h s i n e e r g
Now, roll 1d100 and determine skin color:
l l o R r o l o C n i k S
6 0 < ) d a e d n u e r a y e h t k n i h t y n a m ( e l a P y l h t a e D
5 1 - 6 0 ) s r o o d t u o o g y l e r a r y e h t , y l s u o i v b o ( e l a P
5 3 - 6 1 r i a f r o t h g i L
0 6 - 6 3 m u i d e M
0 6 > ) r e r o b a l a f o n i k s e h t ( n a T
Hair Color
Roll 1d100 and consult the table below for
the appropriate race:
, s d l o b o K , s n a m u H , m i k a n A r o f r o l o C r i a H
* s e r g O d n a
l l o R r o l o C r i a H
5 0 - 1 0 e d n o l B o n i b l A
5 1 - 6 0 e d n o l B
5 2 - 6 1 e d n o l B y t r i D
0 3 - 6 2 d e R
0 4 - 1 3 n r u b u A
5 6 - 1 4 n w o r B t h g i L
5 8 - 6 6 e t t e n u r B
0 0 1 - 6 8 k c a l B
* Gruagach ogres color their hair blonde.
k r a D , s e v r a w D , s r a e b g u B r o f r o l o C r i a H
s l l o r T d n a , s e v l E
l l o R r o l o C r i a H
5 0 - 1 0 d e R
5 1 - 6 0 n r u b u A
0 4 - 6 1 n w o r B t h g i L
5 8 - 1 4 e t t e n u r B
0 0 1 - 6 8 k c a l B
s e v l E t h g i L r o f r o l o C r i a H
l l o R r o l o C r i a H
5 0 - 1 0 e d n o l B y t r i D
5 1 - 6 0 e d n o l B
0 4 - 6 1 e d n o l b - n e d l o G
5 8 - 1 4 n e d l o G
0 0 1 - 6 8 e t i h W
Hair Length
Roll 1d100 and consult the following table:
l l o R * h t g n e L r i a H
0 1 - 1 0 h t g n e l k c e n r o 4 <
9 2 - 1 1 h t g n e l r e d l u o h s r o 8 - 4
0 5 - 0 3 k c a b r e p p u r o 6 1 - 9
0 8 - 1 5 k c a b e h t f o e l d d i m r o 2 2 - 7 1
7 9 - 1 8 k c a b r e w o l r o 0 3 - 3 2
9 9 - 8 9 h t g n e l - p m u r r o 8 3 - 1 3
0 0 1 h t g n e l h g i h t r o 0 5 - 9 3
*Bugbears roll 1d6 to determine the length of their
fur, considering it in inches.
Hair, Thickness and Type
To determine hair thickness and type, roll 1d100, consider possible gender and racial modifiers,
and consult the following table:
l l o R e p y T d n a s s e n k c i h T r i a H r e i f i d o M a m s i r a h C l a i c a F s r e i f i d o M r e h t O
2 0 - 1 0 y z z i r f d n a , g n i d l a b , n i h T 0 2 d 4 - r e d n e G r e i f i d o M
4 0 - 3 0 y l r u c d n a , g n i d l a b , n i h T 0 2 d 3 - e l a M -
6 0 - 5 0 t h g i a r t s d n a , g n i d l a b , n i h T 0 2 d 2 - e l a m e F 8 +
8 0 - 7 0 y v a w d n a , g n i d l a b , n i h T 0 2 d 1 - e c a R r e i f i d o M
1 1 - 9 0 y z z i r f d n a n i h T 2 1 d 1 - m i k a n A -
4 1 - 2 1 y l r u c d n a n i h T 0 1 d 1 - r a e b g u B 0 1 +
2 2 - 5 1 t h g i a r t s d n a n i h T 8 d 1 - f r a w D 0 1 +
6 2 - 3 2 y v a w d n a n i h T 6 d 1 - f l E -
2 3 - 7 2 y l i o d n a , y k n i k , k c i h T 0 1 d 2 - n a m u H -
5 3 - 3 3 y k n i k d n a k c i h T 0 1 d 1 - d l o b o K 0 1 +
2 4 - 6 3 y l i o d n a , y l r u c , k c i h T 8 d 1 - e r g O 0 1 +
0 5 - 3 4 y l i o d n a , y v a w , k c i h T 6 d 1 - l l o r T 0 3 +
5 5 - 1 5 y l i o d n a , t h g i a r t s , k c i h T 4 d 1 - e g A r e i f i d o M
0 6 - 6 5 y l i o d n a , y l r u c , s s e n k c i h t m u i d e M 6 d 1 + t n a f n I 4 7 -
5 6 - 1 6 y l i o d n a , y v a w , s s e n k c i h t m u i d e M 8 d 1 +
0 7 - 6 6 y l i o d n a , t h g i a r t s , s s e n k c i h t m u i d e M 0 1 d 1 +
5 7 - 1 7 y l r u c d n a k c i h T 8 d 1 +
0 8 - 6 7 t h g i a r t s d n a k c i h T 0 1 d 1 +
5 8 - 1 8 y v a w d n a k c i h T 2 1 d 1 +
0 9 - 6 8 y l r u c d n a s s e n k c i h t m u i d e M 0 1 d 1 +
5 9 - 1 9 t h g i a r t s d n a s s e n k c i h t m u i d e M 2 1 d 1 +
0 0 1 - 6 9 y v a w d n a s s e n k c i h t m u i d e M 0 2 d 1 +
Eye Color
l l o R m i k a n A r a e b g u B f r a w D ( f l E L / D ) n a m u H d l o b o K e r g O l l o r T
5 0 - 1 0 k c a l B n w o r B y a r G e u l B / k c a l B k c a l B n w o r B n w o r B . k D k c a l B
0 7 - 6 0 n w o r B n w o r B y a r G e u l B / . k l B n w o r B n w o r B n w o r B n w o r B
0 8 - 1 7 n w o r b - h s i d d e R n w o r B . k D n w o r B . t L e u l B / . k l B y a r g - e u l B y a r G y a r G . k D n w o r b - y d o o l B
9 9 - 1 8 y a r G n w o r B . k D n w o r B . t L . n G - u l B / . k l B e u l B y a r g - e u l B y a r G d o o l b n a m u H
0 0 1 y a r g - e u l B k c a l B n w o r B . k D n e e r G / . k l B n e e r G e u l B k c a l B d e r t h g i r B
Breadth is a measure of reach. Though races vary, human armspan usually equals height. Differ-
ent from armspan, Breadth is the length of 1 arm and half the width of an upper torso of a character.
Breadth affects reach with weapon Size (see Chap. 9: Equipment) and Initiative (see Chap. 10: Combat).
h t d a e r B
e c a R h t d a e r B
s r e h t o l l A s e h c n i n i t h g i e h f o % 0 5
f r a w D s e h c n i n i t h g i e h f o % 0 6
e r g O s e h c n i n i t h g i e h f o % 5 4
a n r a g n i t y b r o B , l l o r T s e h c n i n i t h g i e h f o % 0 6
Vision is a characters sense of seeing. Of the 5 senses, Vision is the only humanoid sense that
cannot be improved with practice; although a character may become more skillful with their sight (see
Chap. 8: Skills), their Vision does not improve. Of the 5 senses, all humanoids depend on Vision.
The table below describes the accuracy of a characters Vision. Undesirable Vision is either near-
sightedness or far-sightedness. Near-sightedness means that a character can see normally when objects
are near, though distant objects are blurry. Far-sightedness means that a character can see normally when
objects are distant, but has headaches when objects are near and focused upon for any duration. Spec-
tacles exist, though only ones that correct far-sightedness. Regarding near-sightedness, a characters Vi-
sion is determined by the distance that they can distinguish between similar heraldic coats of arms. Near-
sighted characters suffer penalties regarding 5 skills: Aim, Hurl, Mounted Archery, Search, and Sight (see
Chap. 8: Skills). Far-sightedness is the distance that a character no longer receives headaches. Characters
who are far-sighted or have perfect natural Vision do not include Vision when calculating skill checks. Roll
1d100 and consult the following table to determine the state of a characters Vision:
n o i s i V
l l o R
, m i A o t r e i f i d o M l l i k S
, y r e h c r A d e t n u o M , l r u H
t h g i S d n a , h c r a e S
n o i t i d n o C t n e m r i a p m I
1 0 7 2 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a e N t e e f 5 t a s m r a f o s t a o c c i d l a r e h r a l i m i s h s i u g n i t s i D
2 0 4 2 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a e N t e e f 0 5 t a s m r a f o s t a o c c i d l a r e h r a l i m i s h s i u g n i t s i D
4 0 - 3 0 1 2 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a e N t e e f 0 0 1 t a s m r a f o s t a o c c i d l a r e h r a l i m i s h s i u g n i t s i D
6 0 - 5 0 8 1 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a e N t e e f 0 0 2 t a s m r a f o s t a o c c i d l a r e h r a l i m i s h s i u g n i t s i D
9 0 - 7 0 5 1 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a e N t e e f 0 0 3 t a s m r a f o s t a o c c i d l a r e h r a l i m i s h s i u g n i t s i D
2 1 - 0 1 2 1 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a e N t e e f 0 0 4 t a s m r a f o s t a o c c i d l a r e h r a l i m i s h s i u g n i t s i D
6 1 - 3 1 9 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a e N t e e f 0 0 5 t a s m r a f o s t a o c c i d l a r e h r a l i m i s h s i u g n i t s i D
0 2 - 7 1 6 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a e N t e e f 0 0 6 t a s m r a f o s t a o c c i d l a r e h r a l i m i s h s i u g n i t s i D
5 2 - 1 2 3 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a e N t e e f 0 0 7 t a s m r a f o s t a o c c i d l a r e h r a l i m i s h s i u g n i t s i D
5 7 - 6 2 - n o i s i V l a r u t a n t c e f r e P t e e f 0 5 7 t a s m r a f o s t a o c c i d l a r e h r a l i m i s h s i u g n i t s i D
0 8 - 6 7 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a F t o o f 1 n i h t i w t c e j b o n a n o g n i s u c o f r o f e h c a d a e H
4 8 - 1 8 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a F t e e f 3 n i h t i w t c e j b o n a n o g n i s u c o f r o f e h c a d a e H
8 8 - 5 8 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a F t e e f 5 n i h t i w t c e j b o n a n o g n i s u c o f r o f e h c a d a e H
1 9 - 9 8 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a F t e e f 0 1 n i h t i w t c e j b o n a n o g n i s u c o f r o f e h c a d a e H
4 9 - 2 9 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a F t e e f 5 1 n i h t i w t c e j b o n a n o g n i s u c o f r o f e h c a d a e H
6 9 - 5 9 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a F t e e f 0 2 n i h t i w t c e j b o n a n o g n i s u c o f r o f e h c a d a e H
8 9 - 7 9 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a F t e e f 5 2 n i h t i w t c e j b o n a n o g n i s u c o f r o f e h c a d a e H
9 9 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a F t e e f 0 5 n i h t i w t c e j b o n a n o g n i s u c o f r o f e h c a d a e H
0 0 1 - s s e n d e t h g i s - r a F t e e f 0 0 1 n i h t i w t c e j b o n a n o g n i s u c o f r o f e h c a d a e H
With perfect natural Vision and daylight, masses of troops can be recognized at 5,100 feet, infan-
try can be distinguished from cavalry at 3,900 feet, individual humans may be seen at 3,000 feet, heads and
crossbelts can be distinguished at 2,100 feet, uniforms and reflections from weapons may be seen at 1,500
feet, and uniforms may be recognized at 750 feet. This visual range diminishes proportionately with less
light. For example, if the Aedile declares that current conditions offer 50% daylight, then a character
named Brice may recognize uniforms at 375, not 750, feet. The modifier for light is considered separately
from the quality of Vision. For instance, Brice is near-sighted, and can distinguish coats of arms at 400
feet instead of 750. For Brice, 50% daylight does not diminish his range of recognizing uniforms, which
is still at 375 feet, not 200 feet (50% of 400).
All dwarves, kobolds, and subterranean trolls are color-blind, have reflective eyes, and Low-Light
Vision (LLV). Their visual range is 100% in light equal to a full-moon, 75% in starlight without moonlight
or during twilight, 25% in darkness, and is 0% (fully blinded) during daylight.
Facial Features
Physiognomy is a methodical attempt to correlate facial features with presumed characteristics.
The first formal treatise on physiognomy originated with humans, though most other humanoids enjoy it
as well. Many characters believe that a characters outward form, especially a facial feature, is indicative of
their inner form, such as Intelligence (see Chap. 3: Abilities), Disposition (see Chap. 4: Disposition), or Tem-
perament (see Chap. 5: Temperament). While the correlations vary with the physiognomist as well as race
and culture, the following table provides popular observations. Roll 1d100 and consult the following table.
Reroll nonsensical results:
l l o R e r u t a e F l a i c a F r e i f i d o M / c i t s i r e t c a r a h C d e m u s e r P
2 0 - 1 0 g i b , s r a E a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 - / b m u D
4 0 - 3 0 w o r b e y e e v o b a r o h g i h , s r a E a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 + / y t i c a p a c l a t n e m h g i H
6 0 - 5 0 l e v e l - e y e w o l e b r o w o l , s r a E a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 - / y t i c a p a c l a t n e m w o L
7 0 e d a l b , s w o r b e y E s k c a t t a r o f t e n g a m a , s u o e t h g i r , e v a r B
8 0 s e y e e h t n w o d g n i h g i e w , s w o r b e y E d e l l o r t n o c y l i s a e , n o i t a l u p i n a m o t e n o r P
9 0 l i a t p u d e l r u c h t i w e s n e d , s w o r b e y E e v a r b , s t i m i l w o n k t o n s e o d , e l b a e g n a h C
0 1 h c r a t n e n i m o r p + t c n i t s i d , s w o r b e y E t r a m s , y s t u g , e v i s i c e d n i y l l a n o i t o m E
1 1 g n i p o l s d r a w n w o d , s w o r b e y E d e h c u a b e d , h s i f l e s , c i t s i n u t r o p p O
3 1 - 2 1 g n i p o l s d r a w p u r o r e h t a e f , s w o r b e y E d e n o i t n e t n i - l l i , y t f i h s , c i t s i n u t r o p p O
4 1 l a c i r e h p s i m e h , s w o r b e y E d e t r a e h - d n i k , t n a g a v a r t x e , l a n o i t o m e y l r e v O
5 1 t n u l b d n a t r o h s , s w o r b e y E . r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 - / s s e l t r a e h , t n e i t a p m i , c i t s i n u t r o p p O
8 1 - 6 1 r e h t e g o t n u r y e h t , s w o r b e y E a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 - / c i t s i l a m i n a d n a b m u D
0 2 - 9 1 g n o l , s e h s a l e y E a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 + / s u o i c a d u a , s u o i r o l g n i a v , d u o r P
1 2 y z a l , e y E a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 0 1 d 1 - / g n i y o n n a d n a d i p u t S
2 2 s e s i r i d e n i f e d - l l e w h t i w t e s p e e d , s e y E y l r e d r o d n a , g n i d n a t s r e d n u , c i t a m o l p i D
3 2 g n i p o l s d r a w n w o d , s e y E s r e r e d n a l h p , e l b i s n o p s e r r I
4 2 d i l g n i p o l s n n w o d d n a d e d o o h , s e y E s r o v a f n r u t e r o t e n o t o n , c i t s i l a e r y l h s r a H
6 2 - 5 2 ) s e y e - g o r f ( e g r a l , s e y E a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 - / s u o i r u x u l , e l b a t s n U
9 2 - 7 2 p e e d r o d e s s e c e r , s e y E y t f a r C
1 3 - 0 3 l l a m s , s e y E
/ r e v r e s b o d o o g , e v i t c a , n i w o t s d e e n , e n i l p i c s i d s k c a L
a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 -
2 3 e t i h w y b d e d n u o r r u s s e s i r i l l a m s , s e y E
/ r e t t o l p a , g n u r t s y l h g i h , d l o c , y t f a r c , s s e l h t u R
a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 -
3 3 s g n i r d n a s g a b y b d e d n u o r r u s , s e y E
/ r e t c a r a h c k a e w , g n i y l l u b r o f t e g r a T
a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 -
5 3 - 4 3 d e r i t , s e y E a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 - / d e t a n i m o d , l a c i g o l l i , y p p o l S
7 3 - 6 3 e g r a l , d a e h e r o F a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 - / l e u r c , e l b i c s a r I
0 4 - 8 3 e v i s s e c x e , l a i c a f , r i a H e l a m e f f i a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 - / g n i r a e b r e v o d n a l a t u r B
2 4 - 1 4 d e t a u t n e c c a , e n o b w a J
, e l a m f i a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 + / y t i n i l u c s a M
e l a m e f f i a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 -
4 4 - 3 4 d e h s i n i m i d , e n o b w a J
, e l a m f i a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 - / y i t i n i m e F
e l a m f i a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 +
6 4 - 5 4 h t u o m e v o b a , e l o M e l b a t s y l l a i c n a n i F
7 4 w o r b , e l o M t n a s a e l p , t n a r e l o t , t r a e h g i B
1 5 - 8 4 s e n o b k e e h c , e l o M s e l g n a i r t e v o l f o ) s e e p m u d ( s m i t c i v p u d n e o t y l e k i L
2 5 r a e , e l o M d n e i r f d o o g , s r o v a f s y a p e r o h w e n o , e l b o N
3 5 p i l , e l o M s m e l b o r p l a n i t s e t n I
5 5 - 4 5 l a s a n , e l o M e c n a i l e r n o i t a c i d e m c i n o r h c , s e s s o l l a i c n a n i f o t e n o r P
8 5 - 6 5 e y e e h t f o e d i s e h t f f o , e l o M s e l g n a i r t e v o l o t e n o r P
9 5 t o o f f o e l o s , e l o M p i h s r e d a e l l a i t n e t o P
2 6 - 0 6 t a o r h t , e l o M s m e l b o r p l a n i t s e t n i o t e n o r P
5 6 - 3 6 s p i l g i b , h t u o M . r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 - , l u f h t u r t n u d n a , d w e l , s s e l k c e r , g n i r a D
7 6 - 6 6 s p i l n e v e n u , d e k o o r c , h t u o M
/ l a n o i t a r r i , r e w o r h t - m u r t n a t , e s a e l p o t d r a H
a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 -
9 6 - 8 6 g n i p o l s d r a w n w o d , h t u o M s r e p e e k e r o c s , s r e m a l b , e l b a n o s a e r n U
Freak of Nature
Roll 1d1000000 (6 dice that are 10-sided) to see if something about a character is a freak of nature.
If the results equal 000001, then the character is a freak of nature who has survived; most freaks of nature
are killed when their deformity is discovered at birth. Any character who is a freak may be killed if others
discover their deformity, depending on the culture. Most consider a deformity to be punishment by the
gods, and fear that letting a freak live will bring vengeance of the gods. Others, such as bugbears and
kobolds, consider deformity to be weakness and bad for their race, so all freaks must die. The player of a
freak must roll 1d100, and consult the table below:
e r u t a N f o k a e r F
l l o R e m a N r e i f i d o M
0 2 - 1 0 ) m u t a v a c x E s u t c e P ( t s e h C l e n n u F s s e n e v i t c a r t t A y l i d o B 0 1 d 1 - , h t g n e r t S % ) 0 1 d 1 ( -
0 4 - 1 2 e t i d o r h p a m r e H s s e n e v i t c a r t t A y l i d o B 0 1 d 1 - , s r e i f i d o M r e d n e G o N
0 6 - 1 4 ) m u t a n i r a C s u t c e P ( t s e h C n o e g i P h t g n e r t S % ) 0 1 d 1 ( -
0 8 - 1 6 y l y t c a d y l o P y l n o r e g n i f r o f n o i t a n i d r o o C e y E - d n a H 0 1 d 1 +
0 0 1 - 1 8 e l p p i N y r a r e m u n r e p u S s s e n e v i t c a r t t A y l i d o B 0 1 d 1 -
Funnel Chest: The character has a large de-
pression in their chest, which is caused by excessive
rib growth that forces the sternum back. It looks as
though the character is heartless.
Hermaphrodite: The character has both
male and female genitalia.
Pigeon Chest: The character has a chest
that is bowed due to excessive rib growth that forces
the sternum forward.
Polydactyly: Roll 1d100. The character has
either an extra finger (01-50) or toe (51-100). Roll
1d100 to determine whether the left (01-50) or right
(51-100) appendage. This extra digit is smaller than
the normal digits. Consult the Aedile to determine
where it grows from exactly. Hand-Eye Coordina-
tion is only enhanced if it is an extra finger.
Supernumerary Nipple: The character has
an extra nipple that does not function. This nipple
is smaller than the normal nipples.
l l o R e r u t a e F l a i c a F c i t s i r e t c a r a h C d e m u s e r P
1 7 - 0 7 s p i l l l u f , h t u o M
/ c i t a m s i r a h c d n a , e n u t r o f y l i m a f d o o g , y h t l a e H
a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 +
4 7 - 2 7 p i l r e p p u g n i d u r t o r p , h t u o M
/ f l e s r o f n r e c n o c r e t a e r g s w o h s , c i t s i t o g E
a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 -
7 7 - 5 7 p i l r e w o l g n i d u r t o r p , h t u o M
/ s r e h t o r o f n r e c n o c r e t a e r g s w o h s , c i t s i u r t l A
a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 -
8 7 s p i l r a l u g n a t c e r , h t u o M c i t a r c o t s i r a , k c o t s s s a l c r e p p u f o , y h t l a e W
0 8 - 9 7 p i l r e p p u n i h t , h t u o M
/ s g n i l e e f s r e h t o f o e t a r e d i s n o c n i , h s i f l e S
a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 -
2 8 - 1 8 g n i p o l s d r a w p u , h t u o M y t e i c o s n i e s i r o t y c n e d n e t , d e l l i w - g n o r t S
5 8 - 3 8 g i b , e s o N a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 - / s u o i r u c d n a k a e W
8 8 - 6 8 s l i r t s o n g i b , e s o N s u o r e n e g , y e n o m f o r e t s a W
0 9 - 8 8 y n o b , e s o N h t l a e h d o o g , e c n e g i l l e t n i w o L
2 9 - 1 9 d a o r b , e s o N
/ y s t u g , e v a r b , s u o t e v o c , e l b u o r t s t c a r t t A
a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 -
3 9 d n e s u o b l u b , e s o N a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 - / h s i n i w s , e v i t i s n e s n I
4 9 d e d n u o r d n a e g r a l , e s o N a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 - / s u o m i n a n g a M
5 9 d e k o o h d n a r e d n e l s , e s o N a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 - / e k i l - e l g a E
6 9 s l i r t s o n l l a m s , e s o N s r e v a s d o o g , s r e p e e k e r o c s y g n i t S
7 9 d e p p i t - p r a h s , e s o N a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 - / d e k o v o r p y l i s a e e s o h t , e l b i c s a r I
0 0 1 - 8 9 t p m e k n u r o d e w o l l e y , h t e e T a m s i r a h C l a i c a F 4 d 1 - / l e u r C
Sexual Features
Below are optional measures of the body. These are provided so that the sexual dimension of
role-playing may be included at the Aediles discretion.
Areola Diameter
The areola, the skin immediately surrounding the nipple, may vary in diameter and according to
race, gender, and age. A roll of 86-95 causes - 1d4 Bodily Attractiveness, while 96-100 causes - 1d6. Roll
below to determine the diameter of the characters areolae, - 15 if male, - 30 if Infant or Child:
l l o R m i k a n A r a e b g u B f r a w D f l E n a m u H d l o b o K e r g O l l o r T
6 2 < 2 1 1 4 2
5 6 - 6 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 5 3
5 8 - 6 6 4 3 1 1 2 1 6 4
5 9 - 6 8 6 4 1 1 3 2 7 5
0 0 1 - 6 9 8 5 2 2 4 3 8 6
Areola Hue
l l o R e u H ) y l n O e l a m e F ( r e i f i d o M s s e n e v i t c a r t t A y l i d o B
0 1 - 1 0 y f i t n e d i o t t l u c i f f i D 6 d 1 -
0 5 - 1 1 t h g i L -
5 8 - 1 5 m u i d e M 4 d 1 +
0 0 1 - 6 8 k r a D 4 d 1 -
Cup Size
Though cup sizes
are human expressions, the Cup Size herein is considered relative to each race.
s r e i f i d o M e z i S p u C
d l i h C r o t n a f n I , e g A 5 7 -
y t r e b u P , e g A 5 -
t a F 5 2 +
t n a n g e r P 5 2 +
y n n i k S 5 2 -
l l o R e z i S p u C r e i f i d o M s s e n e v i t c a r t t A y l i d o B
1 1 < A A 0 1 d 2 -
5 2 - 1 1 A 0 1 d 1 -
0 7 - 6 2 B -
2 9 - 1 7 C 0 1 d 1 +
9 9 - 3 9 D 0 1 d 2 +
0 0 1 D > -
1. A scholarly study on female human bust size indicates that both males and females prefer a female with a medium bust
size (Kleine & Staneski, 1980). For more information, see the References section at the end of this book.
Nipple Length
A nipple that is flaccid may have no length whatsoever, and may be inverted. First, roll 1d100 to
see if a characters nipples are inverted. If the result exceeds 01, then both nipples are normal. If the
result is 01, then roll 1d100 again, to see if both nipples are inverted: (01-80 - both, 81-90 left only, 91-100
right only). The following table yields the maximum erect nipple length. Roll 1d100, and - 15 if male, - 50
if Infant or Child. A Bodily Attractiveness modifier applies only to female characters.
l l o R m i k a n A r a e b g u B f r a w D f l E n a m u H d l o b o K e r g O l l o r T . d o M . A . B
5 6 - 1 0 1 4 d 1 -
0 8 - 6 6 1 2 1 -
7 9 - 1 8 1 1 3 1 4 d 1 +
9 9 - 8 9 2 1 1 1 4 2 6 d 1 -
0 0 1 3 2 1 1 5 3 6 d 1 -
Vaginal Circumference Potential
Should any vagina be stretched beyond the limit as determined by the table below, which differs
from woman to woman, the orifice will rip to accommodate the incoming object. First, consider all
relevant modifiers, then roll 1d100 and proceed to the following tables:
l a i t n e t o P e c n e r e f m u c r i C l a n i g a V r o f s r e i f i d o M
t n a f n I , e g A 5 9 -
d l i h C , e g A 5 8 -
y t r e b u P , e g A 5 2 -
e g A e l d d i M , e g A 0 1 +
e g A d l O , e g A 5 +
e l b a r e n e V , e g A 5 +
r e h t o M ) 5 + 0 2 d 1 ( 6 2 + o t 6 +
c a i n a m o h p m y N ) 0 1 + 0 2 d 1 ( 0 3 + o t 1 1 +
t u l S ) e r u s n u f i 0 2 d 1 ( 0 2 + o t 1 +
l l o R
m o r f t n e l a v i u q E
s e i c e p S e m a S
, r a e b g u B , m i k a n A
l l o r T d n a
) e c n e r e f m u c r i C s e h c n I (
, n a m u H , f l E , f r a w D
d l o b o K d n a
) e c n e r e f m u c r i C s e h c n I (
e r g O
) e c n e r e f m u c r i C s e h c n I (
6 0 < s r e g n i f o w t 6 - 5 4 - 3 7 - 6
5 1 - 6 0 s r e g n i f e e r h t 7 - 6 5 - 4 9 - 7
0 5 - 7 1 d o o h n a m l a m r o n 9 - 7 6 - 5 2 1 - 9
5 8 - 1 5 d o o h n a m k c i h t 2 1 - 9 8 - 6 5 1 - 2 1
5 9 - 6 8 t s i f s n a m o w 5 1 - 2 1 0 1 - 8 0 2 - 5 1
5 9 > t s i f s n a m 0 2 - 5 1 5 1 - 0 1 0 3 - 1 2
Vaginal Depth Potential
No object may be fully inserted into a vagina if it is longer than the females Vaginal Depth
Potential. In such extreme situations, internal damage may occur, though this is best left to the Aedile. A
females Vaginal Depth Potential equals her height in feet converted to inches (such as a female of 5 6
becoming equivalent to 5 1/2), and then (2d20)% is added.
Tongue Size
Instead of measuring the length of the entire tongue, this feature lists only the length of the
that may be extended outside the mouth of a character. Roll 1d100 and consult the following
table, but include - 80 for Infant or - 60 for Child:
l l o R e l p m a x E
, r a e b g u B , m i k a n A
l l o r T d n a
) h t g n e L s e h c n I (
, n a m u H , f l E , f r a w D
d l o b o K d n a
) h t g n e L s e h c n I (
e r g O
) h t g n e L s e h c n I (
0 1 - 1 0 e u g n o t y n i T 1 2 / 1 3
0 2 - 1 1 e u g n o t l l a m S 2 1 4
0 6 - 1 2 e u g n o t e z i s l a m r o N 3 2 5
0 9 - 1 6 e s o n f o p i t h c u o t y a m p i T 4 2 / 1 2 6
8 9 - 1 9 n i h c h c u o t y a m p i T 5 3 7
0 0 1 - 9 9 e s o n f o p o t s e h c a e r p i T 6 4 8
Anal Circumference Potential
Should any anus be stretched beyond the limit as determined by the table below, which differs
from anus to anus, the orifice will rip to accommodate the incoming object. First, consider all relevant
modifiers, then roll 1d100 and proceed to the following tables:
l a i t n e t o P e c n e r e f m u c r i C l a n A r o f s r e i f i d o M
t n a f n I , e g A 0 9 -
d l i h C , e g A 0 8 -
y t r e b u P , e g A 5 2 -
e g A e l d d i M , e g A 0 1 +
e g A d l O , e g A 5 +
e l b a r e n e V , e g A 5 +
e l a M 5 +
c a i n a m o r y t a S / c a i n a m o h p m y N ) 0 1 + 0 2 d 1 ( 0 3 + o t 1 1 +
x e s l a n a o t d e m o t s u c c A ) e r u s n u f i 0 2 d 1 ( 0 2 + o t 1 +
l l o R
m o r f t n e l a v i u q E
s e i c e p S e m a S
, r a e b g u B , m i k a n A
l l o r T d n a
) e c n e r e f m u c r i C s e h c n I (
, n a m u H , f l E , f r a w D
d l o b o K d n a
) e c n e r e f m u c r i C s e h c n I (
e r g O
) e c n e r e f m u c r i C s e h c n I (
1 1 < s r e g n i f o w t 6 - 5 4 - 3 7 - 6
0 2 - 1 1 s r e g n i f e e r h t 7 - 6 5 - 4 9 - 7
0 6 - 1 2 d o o h n a m l a m r o n 9 - 7 6 - 5 2 1 - 9
0 9 - 1 6 d o o h n a m k c i h t 2 1 - 9 8 - 6 5 1 - 2 1
8 9 - 1 9 t s i f s n a m o w 5 1 - 2 1 0 1 - 8 0 2 - 5 1
8 9 > t s i f s n a m 0 2 - 5 1 5 1 - 0 1 0 3 - 1 2
Anal Depth Potential
No object may be fully inserted into an anus if it is longer than the characters Anal Depth
Potential. In such extreme situations, internal damage may occur, though this is best left to the Aedile. A
characters Anal Depth Potential equals their height in feet converted to inches (such as a female of 5 6
becoming equivalent to 5 1/2), and then (3d20)% is added.
1. According to the Guiness Book of World Records, Stephen Taylor has the longest tongue, which measured 3.7 inches
outside of his mouth on May 29, 2002. For more information, see the References section at the end of this book.
Ripped Orifice
Should a vagina or anus stretch to accom-
modate the entry of an object that exceeds the Vagi-
nal or Anal Circumference Potential, damage may
result to the individual due to a Ripped Orifice. A
vagina or anus that is stretched to twice its limit re-
sults in the necessity of a Health check at TH 20. If
this check fails, then death occurs. If successful for
a female character, then the skin between the vagina
and anus rips and the 2 orifices effectively become
1. If successful for a male character, then the skin
rips into the scrotum. Damage is a percent of LP
equal to the extent of ripping.
Hymen Resistance
A hymen is a membrane that, when broken,
is used to indicate that a woman is no longer a vir-
gin. Each player of a female character may, at their
option, determine the Hymen Resistance of the
character by rolling 5d20. A 100 means she was
born without a hymen. Every time a male inserts
his Manhood into a female with an intact hymen,
he must roll 1d100 to see if it breaks, and it may
only break once. He must divide Manhood Circum-
ference by Vaginal Circumference Potential and
multiply the quotient by 100. Apply this modifier
to the roll. If the result exceeds her Hymen Resis-
tance, then it was broken. If it breaks, then blood
seeps from her vagina. Common folk consider an
unbroken hymen indicative of virginity, though she
may either have a high Hymen Resistance or never
have accommodated sufficient Manhood.
Pregnancy Likelihood
At best, a fertile woman has less than a 1%
chance of becoming pregnant by a fertile man with
a high sperm count per completed intercourse
First, the male must make a Sperm Count (or load
size) check by rolling 1d100. Average loads contain
200 million sperm. If he rolls 20 or less (80 million
sperm or less), then his Sperm Count was insuffi-
cient for impregnation. Every ejaculation within a
24-hour period incurs cumulative penalties of - 30
to Sperm Count checks. Next, if he had a sufficient
Sperm Count, she must roll 1d100. Results greater
than 1% indicate that she was not impregnated.
Menstruation is periodic vaginal discharge
and occurs in all races available to players, as well as
most mammals. Menstruation accompanies a
womans childbearing years, usually beginning in
puberty and most often ceasing during middle age.
A common belief regarding menstruation is that it
is punishment from the gods for being female. If
pregnancy does not occur, smelly blood may flow
from the lining of the uterus, seeping out of the
vagina. The (1d6 + 2) days that menstruation lasts
is called the menstrual period, though colloquially it
is known as the rag, since women secure rags on
their crotch to catch the blood and prevent it from
running down their legs. In most women, the men-
strual cycle is about 28 days, but it can vary consid-
erably, even from 1 month to another. A missed
period is often the first indicaton of pregnancy.
Many (50%) women experience premen-
strual discomfort, namely tender breasts and a ten-
dency to retain fluid known as bloating (1d8 - 1)
days prior to menstruation. Some (40%) women
experience 1d6 of the following symptoms: 1) head-
aches, 2) irritability, 3) nervousness, 4) fatigue, 5)
crying spells, and 6) depression with no apparent
cause. A few women (10%) also experience men-
strual cramps during the first day or 2 of the period.
If they experience irritability, then the choleric part
of their temperament may increase by 1d100 dur-
ing menstruation. If they experience depression,
then the melancholic part of their temperament may
increase by 1d100 during menstruation.
Infant Mortality Rate
An infant mortality rate is the probability
of death in the first year of life.
e c a R t n a f n I r e p h t a e D f o s d d O
m i k a n A % 5 2
r a e b g u B % 5
f r a w D % 2
f l E % 1
n a m u H % 0 1
d l o b o K % 5 1
e r g O % 1
l l o r T % 2
1. This statistic concerning fertility has been referenced from Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 99.
The Manhood of a male character is his pe-
nis. Most males consider their Manhood to be their
most treasured possession. Some races value their
Manhoods more than others. Anakim, bugbears,
dark elves, humans, and kobolds consider their
Manhoods more important than other races. Man-
hood is important for sexual intercourse, because
usually, size matters. 2 measures may be useful: length
and circumference.
Different females prefer different sizes and
shapes of Manhoods. A Manhood with a larger
circumference than its length is known as a chode.
Most females prefer a Manhood that is thick so she
feels it, but not thick enough to hurt, and long, but
not long enough to hit the end of her vagina. Some
females prefer veins, others do not want to see them.
Some females prefer that the head, or glans, is large
and puffy, while others do not care. A phallophiliac,
for example, prefers the largest Manhood available.
Below a player may determine the length and cir-
cumference of a Manhood. Other details are left to
the Aedile.
Length: The height (or length) of the char-
acter (or creature) in feet is converted directly to
inches (6 = 6; 5 10 = 5.83). This is the Base
Length of his Manhood.
Then roll 10d100, divide the sum by 5, and
subtract 1 from the total [(10d100 / 5) - 1]. Consult
the table below:
The resultant percentage is applied to the
Base Length of the characters Manhood, determin-
ing the actual length. For instance, a Manhood roll
of 115 indicates a Size Modifier of + 28%. If the
character were 6 tall, then the length of his Man-
hood would now be 7.68 inches (28% of 6 = 1.68;
so, 6 + 1.68).
Note that this is the shortest measurable
length, taken from the top or belly-button side, not
the bottom or testicular side, and constitutes all that
a female may take from a missionary position. How-
ever, if the female were to mount the Manhood from
above while facing her partner and leaning back, she
would actually take 1.15 times the Base Length, ac-
counting for the remainder. For instance, with a
Base Length of 6 inches, with experimentation, it is
possible for the female to enjoy 6.9 inches, depend-
ing on the angle.
Circumference: The Base Length of the
Manhood is now multiplied by 0.85. This is the
Base Circumference of the Manhood in question.
Finally, roll [(10d100 / 5) - 1], observe the
Size Modifier on the table above, and apply this
modifier to the Base Circumference to determine
the actual circumference.
l l o R d o o h n a M r e i f i d o M e z i S
6 - 1 % 0 7 -
2 1 - 7 % 8 6 -
8 1 - 3 1 % 6 6 -
4 2 - 9 1 % 4 6 -
0 3 - 5 2 % 2 6 -
6 3 - 1 3 % 9 5 -
2 4 - 7 3 % 6 5 -
8 4 - 3 4 % 2 5 -
4 5 - 9 4 % 8 4 -
0 6 - 5 5 % 3 4 -
6 6 - 1 6 % 8 3 -
2 7 - 7 6 % 3 3 -
8 7 - 3 7 % 7 2 -
4 8 - 9 7 % 1 2 -
0 9 - 5 8 % 4 1 -
6 9 - 1 9 % 7 -
2 0 1 - 7 9 -
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 % 7 +
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 % 6 1 +
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 % 4 2 +
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 % 3 3 +
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 % 3 4 +
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 % 3 5 +
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 % 3 6 +
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 % 4 7 +
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 % 5 8 +
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 % 7 9 +
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 % 9 0 1 +
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 % 1 2 1 +
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 % 4 3 1 +
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 % 7 4 1 +
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 % 0 6 1 +
9 9 1 - 3 9 1 % 5 7 1 +
1. The Manhood Size Modifier was solved with a polynomial using quadratic regression based on what Fatal Games believes
is the smallest to largest possible Manhood relative to height. In the following equation, x represents the category of roll (1-
6 = 1, 7-12 = 2, etc.), and y = Size Modifier. Here is the equation: y = 0.205078125x
+ 0.68359375x - 70.888671875.
Rare Features
These features are not usually determined during character creation, unless the player so desires.
These features rarely become necessary components of the game, but are detailed here for the sake of
1. The odds of being right- or left-handed have been referenced from Handedness and Eye Dominance: A Meta-Analysis of
Their Relationship, by Bourassa, McManus, and Bryden. For more information, see the References section at the end of this
Foot Size
To determine the length in inches of a characters foot, first consider the height of the character.
Consult the height table in the beginning of this chapter. For each inch a character is taller than the
average height for a character of the appropriate gender and race, add 10 to the roll for Foot Size. For
each inch shorter, subtract 10. Roll 1d100 and consult the table below:
l l o R
, r a e b g u B , m i k a n A
l l o r T d n a
) e l a m e F / e l a M (
f l E d n a f r a w D
) e l a m e F / e l a M (
d n a n a m u H
d l o b o K
) e l a m e F / e l a M (
e r g O
) e l a m e F / e l a M (
1 1 < 0 1 - 9 / 1 1 - 0 1 7 - 6 / 7 - 6 8 - 7 / 9 - 8 2 1 - 1 1 / 3 1 - 2 1
0 2 - 1 1 1 1 - 0 1 / 2 1 - 1 1 7 - 6 / 7 - 6 8 - 7 / 9 - 8 3 1 - 2 1 / 4 1 - 3 1
0 6 - 1 2 2 1 - 1 1 / 3 1 - 2 1 7 - 6 / 8 - 7 9 - 8 / 0 1 - 9 4 1 - 3 1 / 5 1 - 4 1
0 9 - 1 6 3 1 - 2 1 / 4 1 - 3 1 7 - 6 / 8 - 7 0 1 - 9 / 2 1 - 1 1 5 1 - 4 1 / 6 1 - 5 1
8 9 - 1 9 4 1 - 3 1 / 5 1 - 4 1 8 - 7 / 9 - 8 1 1 - 0 1 / 3 1 - 2 1 6 1 - 5 1 / 7 1 - 6 1
8 9 > 5 1 - 4 1 / 6 1 - 5 1 9 - 8 / 0 1 - 9 2 1 - 1 1 / 4 1 - 3 1 7 1 - 6 1 / 8 1 - 7 1
Fist Circumference
The circumference of a characters clenched fist is a number of inches equal to the length of the
characters foot in inches. Foot Size is determined above.
To determine whether a character is right- or left-handed, roll 1d100. Ambidexterity is not deter-
mined here, but may be acquired as a skill (see Chap. 8: Skills). Handedness
refers to which hand the
character uses predominantly. Results are as follows: 01-10 = Left-handed, 11-100 = Right-handed.
Head Circumference
The circumference of the head of a character may be relevant when a character finds a helmet or
hat and desires to wear it. Head Circumference is listed in inches. It is impossible for a character to wear
a hat or helmet that is smaller than the characters Head Circumference. The hat or helmet is comfortable
if it is not larger than 101% of the characters Head Circumference. It is possible to wear a hat or helmet
if it is between 102% and 103% of the characters Head Circumference, though the loose fit will be
annoying. If the hat or helmet is larger than this, then it is impractical to wear it.
To determine the Base Head Circumference of an adult, roll 1d100 and consult the following
e c n e r e f m u c r i C d a e H e s a B
l l o R m i k a n A r a e b g u B f r a w D f l E n a m u H d l o b o K e r g O l l o r T
2 0 - 1 0 0 0 . 4 2 0 0 . 2 2 0 2 . 9 1 2 1 . 9 1 0 2 . 9 1 2 1 . 9 1 0 0 . 6 2 0 0 . 5 2
5 0 - 3 0 0 0 . 6 2 0 0 . 3 2 0 4 . 0 2 2 1 . 0 2 0 4 . 0 2 2 1 . 0 2 0 5 . 8 2 0 0 . 7 2
1 3 - 6 0 0 0 . 8 2 0 5 . 4 2 0 6 . 1 2 2 1 . 1 2 0 6 . 1 2 2 1 . 1 2 0 0 . 1 3 0 0 . 9 2
8 6 - 2 3 0 0 . 0 3 0 0 . 6 2 0 8 . 2 2 2 1 . 2 2 0 8 . 2 2 2 1 . 2 2 0 5 . 3 3 0 0 . 1 3
4 9 - 9 6 0 0 . 2 3 0 5 . 7 2 0 9 . 3 2 2 1 . 3 2 0 9 . 3 2 2 1 . 3 2 0 0 . 6 3 0 0 . 3 3
8 9 - 5 9 0 0 . 4 3 0 5 . 8 2 0 0 . 5 2 2 1 . 4 2 0 0 . 5 2 2 1 . 4 2 0 5 . 8 3 0 0 . 5 3
0 0 1 - 9 9 0 0 . 6 3 0 0 . 0 3 0 1 . 6 2 2 1 . 5 2 0 1 . 6 2 2 1 . 5 2 0 0 . 1 4 0 0 . 7 3
The table above produces male Base Head Circumference. If female, multiply the result by 0.97.
Finally, the base must be modified randomly. Roll 1d100. If 01-50, then the Base Head Circumference
will be decreased. If 51-100, then the Base Head Circumference will be increased. Roll 1d100, and add or
subtract the result as hundredths of an inch.
1. Head circumference and intelligence are uncorrelated, although intelligence is correlated with brain size. The relationship
between intelligence and brain size occurs in at least 3 studies appearing in scholarly journals. See the References section at the
end of this book for: a) Lynn, R., b) Rushton, J., c) Willerman, L, Schultz, R., Rutledge, J., & Bigler, E.
occurs when a sperm of a male
fertilizes an egg of a female. Should a pregnancy be
determined (see earlier in this chapter), then the body
of the female character will experience change. The
pregnant woman will gain 2d4 of the following
symptoms: (1) breast tenderness and swelling, (2)
fatigue, (3) nausea, (4) sensitivity to smell, (5) in-
creased frequency of urination, (6) mood swings,
(7) weight gain [(2d20)% of weight], and (8) cravings
for unusual substances. These symptoms last for
1d20 weeks.
The outcome of a pregnancy is that the fe-
male produces offspring. There is a 15% chance
for each pregnancy to result in miscarriage. If this
is determined, then miscarriage occurs in the (3 +
week of pregnancy. In this case, the baby is
born dead.
After 12 weeks of pregnancy, other symp-
toms emerge. Now, the pregnant woman experi-
ences another 2 of 3 symptoms: (1) breasts increase
1d4 cup sizes, (2) nipples darken, and (3) weight gain
[(2d20)% weight].
If the pregnant woman is middle-aged, then
there is a 30% chance of producing an offspring
who is less than ideal. If a complication occurs,
then roll 1d100 and consult below:
l l o R t l u s e R n o i t a c i l p m o C
5 1 - 1 0
, e b u t n a i p o l l a f e h t n i d e z i l i t r e f s i g g E
h t r i b d l i h c n o p u s e i d r e h t o m
0 3 - 6 1 h t l a e H 0 0 1 d 1 s e s o l g n i r p s f f O
5 4 - 1 3 e c n e g i l l e t n I 0 0 1 d 1 s e s o l g n i r p s f f O
0 6 - 6 4 m o d s i W 0 0 1 d 1 s e s o l g n i r p s f f O
5 7 - 1 6 y t i r e t x e D 0 0 1 d 1 s e s o l g n i r p s f f O
0 9 - 6 7 s e s s e n l l I l a t n e M m o d n a R 2
0 0 1 - 1 9 s s e n l l I l a t n e M m o d n a R 1
The duration of the pregnancy depends on
the race. Roll 1d100 and consult below:
e c a R n o i t a r u D n o i t a t s e G
m i k a n A s k e e w 0 6
r a e b g u B s k e e w 0 5
f r a w D s k e e w 0 8
f l E s k e e w 0 9
n a m u H s k e e w 0 4
d l o b o K s k e e w 0 3
e r g O s k e e w 0 7
l l o r T s k e e w 0 6
l l o R t l u s e R
2 0 < g n i r p s f f o d a e d , s k e e w 0 1 d 2 y b h t r i b e r u t a m e r P
8 0 - 3 0 s k e e w 6 d 1 y b h t r i b e r u t a m e r P
8 0 > n o i t a r u d h t r i b l a m r o N
Labor may take up to 14 hours. Features of
the offspring may be determined in Chapter 6: Social-
Pregnant females experience a decrease in
Bodily Attractiveness equal to 1d20. This decrease
is in full effect immediately before childbirth, and
the effect increases from 0 to the full effect propor-
tionate to the length of the pregnancy. Although in
some sense a pregnant female is beautiful, her
Bodily Attractiveness is affected negatively.
Allergies, Intoxication, and
If a characters Health sub-ability is not high
enough, then the character has at least 1 allergy (see
Chap. 3: Abilities). Allergies are exaggerated and
sometimes harmful reactions to external substances.
Allergic symptoms may include itching, sneezing, a
stuffy nose, watery eyes, inflammation of the air-
ways in the lungs and wheezing, and even allergic
shock and death in rare situations. At any given
time, roughly 20% of the population is susceptible
to at least 1 allergy. To randomly determine an al-
lergy, roll 1d8:
1. Asthma: For no apparent reason, char-
acters with this allergy will periodically experience
difficulty breathing. During an asthma attack, a char-
acter suffers - 50% to their Strength sub-ability.
2. Bee stings: Some characters break-out
in hives or welts on the skin, itching all over the
body when stung by a bee.
3. Mammals: Characters allergic to mam-
mals sneeze vehemently within 1d20 feet of them
due to dander. However, 90% of characters who
are allergic to mammals are allergic only to 1 species
of animal. The player and Aedile must determine
this together; a list of creatures is available in Neveria.
4. Dust: Characters allergic to house dust
sneeze vehemently in the presence of it, usually pre-
ferring to be outdoors.
5. Eggs: When eaten, eggs make a charac-
ter with this allergy extremely sick to their stomach.
This allergy is discovered usually in childhood and is
75% likely to disappear by puberty.
6. Hay fever: This is a reaction to pollen,
characterized by violent sneezing, a release of wa-
tery fluids, and itching. When pollen affects the eyes,
they become red, itchy, and watery.
7. Milk: When consumed, milk makes a
character with this allergy extremely sick to their
stomach. This allergy is discovered usually in child-
hood and is 75% likely to disappear by puberty.
8. Wasp stings: Some characters break-out
in hives or welts on the skin, itching all over the
body when stung by a wasp.
Below are 3 main forms of intoxication and their effects on the body. Finally, diseases are pre-
Intoxication by Alcohol
When a character is drinking, consider the characters weight and consult the table below:
t h g i e W
r e e B e l A e n i W d a e M
0 5 - 1 4 - 1 2 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1
0 6 - 1 5 - 1 2 - 1 2 - - 1 - - 1
0 7 - 1 6 - 1 2 - 1 2 - - 1 - - 1
0 8 - 1 7 1 2 3 - 1 2 - 1 2 - - 1
0 9 - 1 8 1 2 3 - 1 2 - 1 2 - - 1
0 0 1 - 1 9 1 3 4 1 2 3 - 1 2 - 1 2
0 1 1 - 1 0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 - 1 2 - 1 2
0 2 1 - 1 1 1 2 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 - 1 2
0 3 1 - 1 2 1 2 4 5 2 3 4 1 2 3 - 1 2
0 4 1 - 1 3 1 2 4 6 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3
0 5 1 - 1 4 1 2 5 6 2 4 5 2 3 4 1 2 3
0 6 1 - 1 5 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 2 3 4 1 2 3
0 7 1 - 1 6 1 3 5 7 3 5 6 2 4 5 2 3 4
0 8 1 - 1 7 1 3 5 7 3 5 6 2 4 6 2 3 4
0 9 1 - 1 8 1 4 6 8 3 5 7 3 5 6 2 4 5
0 0 2 - 1 9 1 4 6 8 3 5 7 3 5 6 2 4 6
0 1 2 - 1 0 2 4 6 8 4 5 8 3 5 7 3 5 6
0 2 2 - 1 1 2 4 7 0 1 4 6 8 3 5 7 3 5 6
0 3 2 - 1 2 2 5 7 0 1 4 6 9 4 5 8 3 5 7
0 4 2 - 1 3 2 5 7 0 1 4 7 9 4 6 8 3 5 7
0 5 2 - 1 4 2 5 8 2 1 5 7 9 4 6 9 4 5 8
0 6 2 - 1 5 2 5 8 2 1 5 7 0 1 4 7 9 4 6 8
0 7 2 - 1 6 2 6 8 2 1 5 7 0 1 5 7 9 4 6 9
0 8 2 - 1 7 2 6 8 2 1 5 8 0 1 5 7 0 1 4 7 9
0 9 2 - 1 8 2 6 9 4 1 6 8 0 1 5 7 0 1 5 7 9
0 0 3 - 1 9 2 6 9 4 1 6 8 1 1 5 8 0 1 5 7 0 1
0 5 3 - 1 0 3 7 0 1 6 1 6 9 2 1 6 8 0 1 5 7 0 1
0 0 4 - 1 5 3 8 2 1 6 1 6 9 2 1 6 8 1 1 5 8 0 1
0 5 4 - 1 0 4 9 4 1 8 1 7 1 1 4 1 6 9 2 1 6 8 0 1
0 0 6 - 0 0 5 0 1 6 1 0 2 8 2 1 6 1 6 9 2 1 6 8 1 1
0 0 7 - 1 0 6 2 1 8 1 4 2 0 1 5 1 0 2 7 1 1 4 1 6 9 2 1
0 0 8 - 1 0 7 4 2 6 3 8 4 2 1 8 1 4 2 8 2 1 6 1 6 9 2 1
0 0 9 - 1 0 8 6 3 8 4 2 7 4 2 6 3 8 4 0 1 5 1 0 2 7 1 1 4 1
0 0 9 > 8 4 2 7 6 9 6 3 8 4 2 7 2 1 8 1 4 2 8 2 1 6 1
Now we must drink.
Beer: Beer is made from distilled wheat and
is lowest in alcohol content. Soon after the initial
discovery of mead as alcohol, beer was discovered.
Since beer could be made faster (mead takes a year
to distill), it quickly became very popular.
Ale: Ale is made from distilled barley and is
the daily staple of most peasants.
Wine: The most expensive alcohol, wine is
produced from distilled grapes and is preferred by
the upper classes of humans.
Mead: The first form of alcohol discovered
and drank, mead is made from distilled honey and
water. Mead is potent alcohol and tastes sweet.
Unfortunately, it is slow to produce, since it must
distill for a year. Therefore, it is expensive.
Buzzing: If a character is buzzing from
drinking alcohol, then they feel less inhibited,
warmer, and are more sociable. Buzzing characters
suffer a reduction to 95% of Agility, 90% Reaction
Speed, 95% Enunciation, 90% Intuition, and 90%
Common Sense.
Intoxication: If a character is intoxicated
from drinking alcohol, then they feel uninhibited,
dizzy, and are prone to depression. Others within
1d10 feet smell alcohol from the intoxicated char-
acter. Intoxicated characters suffer a reduction to
80% Hand-Eye Coordination, 80% Agility, 75% Re-
action Speed, 75% Enunciation, 75% Intuition, and
80% Common Sense.
Vomiting: If a character is vomiting from
drinking alcohol, then they are noticeably impaired
and smelly. Vomiting characters suffer a reduction
to 70% of Hand-Eye Coordination, 70% Agility,
60% Reaction Speed, 60% Enunciation, 50% Intu-
ition, and 75% Common Sense.
Quantities are considered relevant to each
type of alcohol, such as a tankard of either beer or
ale and a glass of either wine or mead. The num-
bers in this table reflect the popularity and resultant
tolerance of alcohol; cloudy ale and rye bread is the
staple of most peasants, so someone who does not
drink and have tolerance to alcohol must half these
numbers. This table also reflects a ratio of drinks
per hour. For instance, a character may drink 1 beer
per hour for twelve hours, totaling twelve beers. Due
to the slow pace, however, the character effectively
has only 1 beer in their system at all times, and is
unlikely even to get a buzz.
Regardless, a character must get buzzed be-
fore intoxicated, and intoxicated before vomiting.
A check must be made on the table below with 3d10
every time a character drinks as much per hour as
indicated by the table on the previous page, though
the modifier from the sub-ability Health for Intoxi-
cation is applied to the TH obtained below. Note
that the highest the TH may be adjusted is 24 and
the lowest is 11. If the check is passed, then the
character avoids the effects of alcohol, but with ev-
ery drink increased per hour, they must make an-
other check on the table below. Eventually, the drink-
ing character will become buzzed, intoxicated, and
vomit if they drink enough. Just the same, if the
character exceeds 4 times the number of drinks that
may make them vomit for their weight as indicated
above, they must roll on the table below, modified
for shock from the sub-ability Health, or die from
alcohol poisoning. If they pass, then they only pass
out for 2d12 hours and remain alive.
So, if a character named Ornereus weighs
155 lbs. and drinks 3 beers in an hour, Ornereus
must consult the table for a TH (threshold). If
Ornereus rolls higher than the TH, then he did not
get a buzz. However, upon drinking the 4
beer in
an hour, Ornereus must check again. If he passes
his check and avoids the effects of alcohol again,
then upon drinking the 5
beer within an hour, he
must pass another check, or he will suddenly feel
buzzed. If he drinks another drink within an hour,
he must pass a check or be intoxicated.
e c a R e l a M e l a m e F
m i k a n A 7 1 0 2
r a e b g u B 6 1 8 1
f r a w D 6 1 8 1
f l E 8 1 1 2
n a m u H 7 1 0 2
d l o b o K 8 1 1 2
e r g O 3 1 4 1
l l o r T 4 1 6 1
Intoxication by Marijuana
Marijuana is a plant that grows up to 6 feet
in height and may be smoked or eaten for its hallu-
cinogenic and pleasuring effects. The psychoactive
ingredient is concentrated in the flowering tops.
While the plant grows throughout temperate regions,
the more potent varieties grow in dry, hot uplands.
Marijuana has no physical dependence or withdrawal
symptoms, though psychological dependence may
develop with prolonged use.
Of all the humanoid races available to a
player, only humans ingest or smoke marijuana.
Even with humans, marijuana is unpopular because
few are familiar with its effects. Of all the occupa-
tions, priests use marijuana the most, usually as part
of a religious ceremony.
After 1-2 minutes, initial stimulation and
euphoria occur, which depending on the amount
used, may last as long as 2 hours. Afterward, tran-
quility and sedation occur. For many users, the eu-
phoria increases the desire to eat. By large num-
bers, females tend to become more sexually aroused,
while males may desire sex less. During euphoria,
bodily fluids dry up, especially in the mouth and other
orifices, which may make sex more difficult for a
female. The stage of euphoria may be character-
ized by mood changes and altered perceptions of
time, space, and ones bodily dimensions. Cognitive
processes become disrupted by fragmentary ideas
and memories. In addition, sensory awareness and
pleasure are often increased during euphoria.
Negative effects, however, may include con-
fusion, acute panic reactions, anxiety attacks, fear, a
sense of helplessness, and loss of self-control.
Chronic users may develop an amotivational atti-
tude, characterized by passivity and decreased moti-
Like alcohol intoxication, marijuana intoxi-
cation impairs judgment, comprehension, memory,
speech, problem-solving ability, and reaction time
(see below). Unlike alcohol, however, there is no
correlation between intoxication and weight; a char-
acter who uses marijuana will not become more or
less intoxicated depending on their weight. How-
ever, a character who uses marijuana is likely to weigh
more if food is available, because appetite is usually
increased during intoxication.
Regarding the table for euphoria below, each
inhalation increases the degree of euphoria. Even
if inhalation does not occur, euphoria may occur
due to breathing in second-hand smoke. Assuming
this occurs in an enclosure of some sort such as a
room, 10 inhalations by others translates to the
equivalent of 1 inhalation by the character absorb-
ing it second-hand. Refer to the table below to de-
termine the Euphoria Factor (EF).
Regarding the table below, the EF needs to
be modified according to the quality of the mari-
juana. The quality ranges from putrid crap that will
only give you a headache (Q = 0.1) to normal (Q =
1.0) , to incredible quality (Q = 2.0). Incredible qual-
ity is also incredibly rare. Below are the effects of
marijuana intoxication:
a i r o h p u E t s a L e c n i S d e s p a l E e m i T
s n o i t a l a h n I
r u o H r e P
e m i T t s r i F r u o H 1 s r u o H 6 s r u o H 2 1 y a D 1 k e e W 1 h t n o M 1 r a e Y 1
1 - 1 2 5 6 7 8
2 2 4 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1
4 1 4 6 5 1 8 1 1 2 4 2
8 1 2 6 8 0 2 4 2 8 2 2 3
6 1 2 4 8 0 1 3 2 6 2 0 3 4 3
2 3 4 6 0 1 2 1 5 2 9 2 2 3 6 3
4 6 6 8 2 1 4 1 8 2 1 3 4 3 8 3
8 2 1 8 0 1 4 1 6 1 0 3 3 3 5 3 0 4
Physical Fitness (due to smoking) is
temporarily reduced by the EF
Strength is temporarily reduced by the
Health is reduced by of an Ability point
for 2 weeks
Rhetorical Charisma is temporarily reduced
by the EF
Reaction Speed is temporarily reduced by
the EF
Enunciation is temporarily reduced by the
Language is temporarily reduced by the
the EF
Math is temporarily reduced by the EF
Analytic Intelligence is temporarily reduced
by the EF
Drive is temporarily reduced by twice the
Intuition is temporarily increased by the EF
Common Sense is temporarily reduced by
the EF
Reflection is temporarily reduced by twice
the EF
Psychedelic Mushrooms
This mushroom, when eaten, produces psy-
chedelic effects. 2 parts may be eaten, the caps and
the stems. Caps, by far, are the more potent por-
tion. Ingesting caps and stems of this mushroom
evokes dreamlike changes in mood and thought and
alters the perception of time and space. It can also
create a feeling of lack of self-control and extreme
terror. Physical effects include drowsiness, dizzi-
ness, dilated pupils, numbness and tingling, weak-
ness, tremors, and nausea. Further, it may induce
transient abnormal thinking, such as a sense of
omnipotence or a state of acute paranoia, and can
result in dangerous behavior. Long-term adverse
reactions may develop such as persistent Psychosis
(see Chap. 5: Mind), prolonged Depression, or faulty
judgment. While it is not addictive physically, the
potent effects may be addictive psychologically.
Rather than recreational drug use, this mush-
room is ingested typically for 2 reasons: many reli-
gious cults use this drug in attempts to become closer
to their god, and berserkers often eat this mush-
room before combat to produce berserker rage,
which they call berserkerganga and comes from
Buggeric (see Languages in Chap. 6: Sociality). Al-
though the effects are unpredictable, berserkers ex-
pect superior performance in combat due to in-
creased Physical Fitness, Strength, Drive, and LP.
Colloquially, a bad trip means a bad experi-
ence while under the effects of this drug. Worse,
some characters attempt too many caps and stems
and never return from their trip. To determine
whether or not bad effects occur, each time mush-
rooms are used, the number of caps and stems that
were ingested must be considered. Consider 1 Trip
Point (TP) to equal 1 stem, while 1 cap equals 3 TP.
Now, sum the TPs and make a Health sub-ability
check. If the result rolled is equal to or less than the
number of TPs, then a bad trip occurs. However,
if the number rolled is less than the TPs by at least
25, then the character never returns to sobriety, feel-
ing the effects of psychedelic mushrooms for the
remainder of their lifespan.
If a bad trip occurs, then roll on the table
below to determine the bad effects. Continue to
roll until directed to stop or a duplicate event oc-
l l o R s t c e f f E p i r T d a B
1 1 - 1 0 n i a g a l l o r w o n , l o r t n o c - f l e s f o k c a L
2 2 - 2 1 n i a g a l l o r w o n , r o r r e t e m e r t x E
3 3 - 3 2 n i a g a l l o r w o n , s s e n i s w o r D
4 4 - 4 3 n i a g a l l o r w o n , s s e n i z z i D
5 5 - 5 4 n i a g a l l o r w o n , s s e n k a e W
6 6 - 6 5 n i a g a l l o r w o n , s r o m e r T
7 7 - 7 6 n i a g a l l o r w o n , a e s u a N
8 8 - 8 7 n i a g a l l o r w o n , a i o n a r a P e t u c A
0 0 1 - 9 8 g n i l l o r p o t s n e h t , s r u c c o t c e f f e d a b 1 t s a e l t a f I
Whether the trip is good or bad, trips last
for an hour per TP and the following effects occur:
Physical Fitness is temporarily increased by
half the number of TP
Strength is temporarily increased by half the
number of TP
Bodily Attractiveness is permanently
reduced by of an Ability point
Health is permanently reduced by half of
an Ability point
Rhetorical Charisma is temporarily reduced
by half the number of TP
Language is temporarily reduced by the
number of TP
Math is temporarily reduced by the
number of TP
Analytical Intelligence is temporarily
reduced by half of the TP
Spatial Intelligence is temporarily reduced
by half of the TP
Drive is temporarily increased by half the
number of TP
Intuition is temporarily increased by the
number of TP
Common Sense is temporarily decreased by
half the number of TP
Life Points are temporarily increased by a
percent equal to TP
Temporary adjustments do not take effect
until 30 minutes after ingestion, and endure until
the last hour of tripping before sobering. Adjust-
ments remain in effect even while the character is
are the introduction of any harm-
ful change that interferes with the appearance, struc-
ture, or function of the body or any of its parts.
Although opinions differ with race and culture, many
characters believe that diseased characters are being
punished by the gods.
This is a contagious disease of warm-
blooded animals and characters. One of the oldest
known diseases, it has reached epidemic proportions
in the past. Animals acquire the disease from drink-
ing water that is draining from contaminated soil, in
which the infectious bacteria may live for years; from
eating infected carcasses and feedstuffs; and from
the bites of bloodsucking insects. The disease, some-
times manifested by staggering, bloody discharge,
convulsions, and suffocation, may be fatal almost
immediately in acute cases and within 3-5 days in
subacute cases. In characters, the disease appears in
both external and internal forms, with a death rate
of about 20%. The external or cutaneous form is
contracted through cuts or abrasions in the skin by
those who handle infected hides and carcasses and
may be self-limiting, but often disseminates into the
bloodstream, with fever and prostration. The ex-
ternal form is characterized by malignant pustules
on exposed skin areas. The internal type is acquired
by inhaling anthrax spores, as from animal hair and
wool, which invade the lungs and sometimes the
intestinal tract to cause hemorrhage.
Bubonic Plague
This is an acute, infectious, contagious dis-
ease of rodents and humans. It is characterized by
the appearance of enlarged and inflamed lymph
nodes in the groin (01-33%), on the armpit (34-66%),
or the neck (67-100%). It is transmitted by the bite
of any of numerous insects, most notably the rat
flea. The odds vary of the fatality of the bubonic
plague. The likelihood of fatality is [20 + (1d6 x
1. Although Fatal Games made the effort, no evidence of venereal diseases have been found in the Middle Ages.
This is a malignant new growth anywhere in
the body of a character or animal. Cancers tend to
spread locally and to distant parts of the body. In
advanced stages, tumors develop. To determine the
random location of cancer, roll 1d10 (1 =left leg, 2
= right leg, 3 = left arm, 4 = right arm, 5-6 = torso,
7-10 = head). The exact location may be determined
by rolling 1d100 and consulting the table for Body
Part Proportion earlier in this chapter. The Aedile
determines the effect of cancer on this specific part
of the body.
Chicken Pox
This is a contagious viral disease that affects
mainly children. 95% of humans will acquire chicken
pox prior to adulthood. Typically, chicken pox be-
gins with a low fever, headache, rash, and a general
feeling of sickness, or malaise. The rash, which usu-
ally covers the face, scalp, and trunk of the body,
starts as red bumps but quickly develops into small
blisters. The rash and blisters are extremely itchy.
As the disease progresses, the blisters break open
and form scabs, which fall off after about 1-2 weeks.
The incubation period -- the time between initial
infection and the first appearance of symptoms --
is approximately 2 weeks. The virus spreads through
the air via infected droplets emitted from the nose
or mouth while coughing or sneezing. Touching
the fluid from a chicken pox blister can also spread
the disease. Chicken pox is contagious for approxi-
mately 7 days during a humans period of infection.
Contagiousness begins about 2 days before symp-
toms appear and continues until all blisters have
formed scabs. This disease is much more debilitat-
ing, and 50% of the time fatal, to adults. Contract-
ing chicken pox provides immunity, or lifelong re-
sistance, against the disease. However, after the
symptoms disappear, the virus remains in the body
and occasionally reactivates later in life, causing a
disease known as shingles. Shingles usually occurs
in humans over 50, due to an age-related weakening
of the immune system, and causes pain, burning,
itching, inflammation, and blisters.
Common Cold
This is an acute infectious disease of the
upper respiratory tract. This infection affects the
nose and throat, causing symptoms such as nasal
congestion and discharge, sore throat, and cough-
ing. Normally, it runs a mild course, without fever,
and subsides spontaneously in about 7 days. The
common cold is thought by common folk to result
from exposure to cold weather. On average, char-
acters contract about two-and-a-half colds per year.
Diabetes Insipidus
This is a disease that causes excessive urina-
tion and intense thirst.
This is an infectious disease characterized
by inflammation of the brain. The typical symp-
toms are headache, fever, and extreme lethargy,
which lead eventually to coma; double-vision, de-
lirium, deafness, and facial palsy often occur in the
acute stage of the disease. Aftereffects of encepha-
litis may include deafness, epilepsy, and dementia.
The disease is transmitted to characters from ani-
mals via mosquitoes and ticks.
This is a recurrent disorder of the nervous
system characterized by seizures of excessive brain
activity, which cause mental and physical dysfunc-
tion such as convulsions, loss of control of bodily
functions, and unconsciousness. During an epilep-
tic seizure, the victim is aware of what is happening
around them, but unable to control their actions or
stop the seizure. A seizure lasts for 1d100 minutes.
Gangrene is an infection that develops in
wounds, caused by a lack of blood supply. Affected
areas require immediate surgery, and limbs are am-
putated to prevent it from spreading through the
bloodstream to vital organs. If it enters the blood-
stream, then there is a 25% chance that the charac-
ter dies. If recognized and treated early, however,
approximately 80% of those with gangrene survive,
and only 15-20% require any form of amputation.
This is an acute, infectious, and contagious
disease of the respiratory tract, especially the tra-
chea. Colloquially, it is called the flu. The symp-
toms of a simple infection include dry cough, sore
throat, nasal obstruction and discharge, and burn-
ing of the eyes; more serious infections are charac-
terized by chill, sudden onset of fever, headache,
aching of muscles and joints, and occasional gas-
trointestinal symptoms. In simple infections (90%
of all infections), symptoms fade and temperature
drops to normal in 1d4 days. Otherwise, symptoms
may last for 3d10 days.
This is a chronic, infectious disease that pri-
marily affects the skin, mucous membranes, and
nerves. Many consider leprosy to be a punishment
from the gods; hence, the leper is in a state of de-
filement. About 5% of the population is suscep-
tible to leprosy. The earliest symptom is often a
loss of sensation in a patch of skin. Large areas of
skin may become infiltrated. The mucous mem-
branes of the nose, mouth, and throat may be in-
vaded by large numbers of the organism. Because
of damage to the nerves, muscles may become para-
lyzed. The loss of sensation that accompanies the
destruction of nerves may result in unnoticed inju-
ries. These may result in secondary infections, the
replacement of healthy tissue with scar tissue, and
the destruction or absorption of bone. The classic
disfigurements of leprosy, such as loss of extremi-
ties from bone damage or the so-called leonine faces,
a lionlike appearance with thick nodulous skin, are
signs of advanced disease. Leprosy is perhaps the
least infectious of all the contagious diseases. Of-
ten, lepers are isolated in leper houses, forbidden to
marry, and forced to wear a distinctive cloak or shake
a rattle to announce their presence. There are sev-
eral leper colonies per town. Bugbears, kobolds,
and trolls kill lepers on sight. The disease is be-
lieved to be transmitted not only by touch but by
breath. With all the care taken to isolate lepers, from
time to time rumors lead to panic and lynching.
This disease is acute, highly contagious, and
produces a fever. It is characterized by small red
dots appearing on the surface of the skin, irritation
of the eyes (especially on exposure to light), cough-
ing, and a runny nose. About 12 days after first
exposure, the fever, sneezing, and runny nose ap-
pear. Coughing and swelling of the neck glands often
follow. 4 days later, red spots appear on the face or
neck and then on the trunk and limbs. In 2 or 3
days, the rash subsides and the fever falls. Some
peeling of the involved skin areas may take place.
Infection of the middle ear may also occur. This is
one of the most common childhood diseases. It is
rarely fatal (5%), but should the virus spread to the
brain, it can cause (1-50%) death or (51-100%) brain
damage (suffer - 1d100 Intelligence and Wisdom).
The disease usually confers immunity after 1 attack.
If a pregnant woman becomes infected, then her
fetus will become infected as well.
Mumps (Epidemic Partotitis)
An acute infectious viral disease, the mumps
is characterized by the swelling of the salivary glands.
Though it may attack characters of any age, it most
frequently affects children between the human ages
of 5 and 9. This disease rarely involves the sex glands.
It is highly contagious and is spread by droplets
sprayed from the respiratory tract of infected char-
acters. The incubation period varies from 15-21 days.
Few fatalities result from mumps (5%), and 1 attack
usually confers complete immunity, because only 1
antigenic type of virus causes this disease. In chil-
dren, the first symptoms are usually a mild fever, a
feeling of illness and chilliness, loss of appetite, and
dryness of the throat. This is followed by soreness
and swelling around the ears, and a higher fever.
These symptoms are usually gone by 12 days. In
adult males, inflammation of the testes occurs in up
to 20% of the cases, but resultant sterility is rare
(5% of those inflamed). In children, infection of
the auditory nerve can cause deafness, but this is
also a rare result (5%).
Muscular Dystrophy
This is a crippling disease characterized by
gradual wasting of skeletal muscle. Muscle mass di-
minishes and weakness increases until they are un-
able to walk, even with the aid of a walking cane.
No one recovers naturally from this hereditary dis-
This is an acute, contagious infection that
enters the body through the bite of an animal. All
warm-blooded animals are susceptible. The incu-
bation takes (20 + 1d100) days, though (1d4 + 2)
weeks is most common. Rabies is virtually always
fatal (99%). At the end of the incubation period
the site of the now healed wound becomes irritated
and painful, and the local tissues may become numb.
Depression (see Chap. 5: Mind) and anxiety are com-
mon. This initial stage lasts for about 2 days. In the
next stage, the period of excitation, the infected crea-
ture becomes irritable and hypersensitive; the gen-
eral attitude is one of terror, intensified by the on-
set of difficult breathing and swallowing and a feel-
ing of strangulation, caused by spasmodic contrac-
tions of the diaphragm and larynx. The infected
creature is extremely thirsty but experiences spasms
of the larynx when water is presented or even men-
tioned. Vomiting and fever are common during this
stage. A thick secretion of mucus collects in the
mouth and throat, and the individual expectorates
frequently or attempts to cough. This stage lasts 3-
5 days and usually terminates in death from a con-
vulsive seizure or from cardiac or respiratory fail-
ure. When infected animals are in the excitation
stage, they usually run amok, biting and snapping at
any living thing in their path.
This is an acute, highly contagious viral dis-
ease that is often fatal (90%). This virus is transmit-
ted through droplets discharged from the mouth
and nose from an infected character that are inhaled
by another character. Onset of the first phase of
smallpox infection occurs after a 12-day incubation
period following infection. This phase is marked by
high fever, prostration, back and muscle pain, and
sometimes vomiting. A characteristic rash develops
2-5 days later on the face, palms, and soles of the
feet. During the next 6-10 days, the rash develops
into pus-filled pimples. In extreme cases, the pimples
run together, usually indicating a lethal infection of
the virus. The return of fever and other symptoms
initiates the second stage of the disease, during which
the pimples may or may not become infected. As
recovery begins, the pimples become crusted, often
leaving scars, and the fever and symptoms subside.
Death is caused by infection of the lungs, heart, or
brain. Blindness (01-05%) and male infertility (06-
10%) are possible side-effects of survivors of small-
pox. A character with smallpox is infectious from
the 3
day through the erupting phase. Survivors
usually enjoy lifetime immunity to smallpox.
Tourettes Syndrome
This is a disorder characterized by involun-
tary muscular movements and obscene vocal expres-
sions. At the Aediles whim, an individual may be
compelled to voice obscenities. The affected char-
acter is aware of their outburst, but is unable to pre-
vent it. The outburst is always honest. The more
that the outburst is deemed forbidden socially, the
higher the likelihood of the outburst occurring.
This is a bacterial infection that primarily
attacks the lungs, but may also affect 1d4 other ar-
eas, including the kidneys (1), bones (2), lymph nodes
(3), and brain (4). Symptoms include coughing, chest
pain, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, weight
loss, fever, chills, and fatigue. However, symptoms
do not appear until usually at least 2 years after ex-
posure. Children are the most susceptible. This
disease is fatal for 50% of those who contract it. It
is transmitted from character to character (and char-
acter to animal) by inhaling air droplets, though only
10% of those who inhale it become infected. If
infected, then the disease is only contagious when
symptoms are present, which may take a while to
develop. Coughing of blood or phlegm may occur.
Typhoid Fever
This is an acute infectious disease that is
transmitted by milk, water, or solid food that is con-
taminated with the feces of typhoid victims or car-
riers. The incubation period lasts 1-3 weeks. The
bacteria gather in the small intestine, where they
enter the bloodstream. This induces the first symp-
toms, which are chills followed by high fever and
prostration. Victims may also experience headache,
cough, vomiting, and diarrhea. The disease sponta-
neously subsides after 3-4 weeks in most instances,
but in about 20% of untreated cases the disease
progresses to pneumonia (01-33%), intestinal hem-
orrhage (34-66%), and even death (67-100%). Ty-
phoid fever has a 40% chance of fatality in bug-
Undulant Fever
This disease is transmitted to characters by
lower animals such as cattle, swine, and goats. Char-
acters acquire the disease through contact with in-
fected animals or drinking their raw milk. The dis-
ease causes abortions in pregnant females, and in
males it causes the genitalia to swell (2d10)% in size.
The disease is named undulant because the fever is
continually rising and falling. The incubation pe-
riod is 1-3 weeks after exposure. Symptoms include
fatigue and depression, and last 6d10 weeks. Undu-
lant fever has a 30% chance of fatality in ogres.
Random Disease
If it is necessary to determine a disease ran-
domly, roll 1d100 and consult the following table:
l l o R e s a e s i D m o d n a R
7 0 - 1 0 x a r h t n A
7 1 - 8 0 e u g a l P c i n o b u B
2 2 - 8 1 r e c n a C
4 2 - 3 2 x o P n e k c i h C
2 5 - 5 2 d l o C n o m m o C
5 5 - 3 5 s u d i p i s n I s e t e b a i D
6 5 s i t i l a h p e c n E
8 5 - 7 5 y s p e l i p E
0 6 - 9 5 e n e r g n a G
0 8 - 1 6 a z n e u l f n I
1 8 y s o r p e L
3 8 - 2 8 s e l s a e M
5 8 - 4 8 s p m u M
6 8 y h p o r t s y D r a l u c s u M
1 9 - 7 8 s e i b a R
3 9 - 2 9 x o p l l a m S
4 9 e m o r d n y S s e t t e r u o T
7 9 - 5 9 s i s o l u c r e b u T
9 9 - 8 9 r e v e F d i o h p y T
0 0 1 r e v e F t n a l u d n U
Chapter 3: Abilities
Abilities are a characters capacities. With
few exceptions, abilities are unchanging. There are
5 core abilities (Physique, Charisma, Dexterity, In-
telligence, and Wisdom), each with 4 sub-abilities.
To determine a characters abilities, begin by calcu-
lating each of the 20 sub-abilities. Sub-abilities must
be rolled in order and the order cannot be altered.
For each sub-ability, roll 10d100, divide the sum by
5, subtract 1 from the result, and truncate the re-
mainder. This creates a range of 1-199 for all sub-
abilities and the average of each sub-ability is 100.
It may be easier to look at the formula
(10d100 / 5) - 1
Then, simply average each group of 4 sub-
abilities to determine the core ability. For example,
average the sub-ability scores for Physical Fitness,
Strength, Bodily Attractiveness, and Health to de-
termine the ability score for Physique.
Modifiers from other chapters may affect
your sub-ability scores, such as modifiers from race,
gender, and Chapter 2: Body. On the following tables,
a score of 100 is the average for all humans. For
instance, if a male rolls a Strength sub-ability score
of 100 and is horrified that the average Bench Press
is 113 pounds, as noted above this is also an average
for gender. To resolve this example, males receive a
bonus for Strength. For now, simply determine your
sub-ability scores and record them on your charac-
ter sheet, which is available in the back of this book
in Appendix 1: Character Sheets. Finally, sub-abilities
may need to be modified depending on age, if a
character is not a Young Adult. After the sub-abili-
ties are described and the tables presented, aging
effects are presented, which must be considered
throughout the characters life. The last part of this
chapter details how Physical Fitness, Strength, and
Intelligence may be increased by Persistent Exer-
cise. Finally, an alternate rolling method for sub-
abilities is presented.
Lastly, these abilities are arranged not in an
order of importance (they are all important), but in
an order that progresses from concrete (Physique)
to abstract (Wisdom). Physique is immediately ob-
vious, while Wisdom is not.
1. The distribution for abilities and sub-abilities attempts to model the bell curve of intelligence. In their book The Bell
Curve, Hernstein and Murray note the distribution for intelligence in the standard IQ metric has a mean (M) of 100 and
standard deviation (SD) of 15. For more information, see the References section at the end of this book. The tables for
abilities and sub-abilities presented later in this chapter have highlighted columns to indicate M and SD.
As a test, sub-abilities were determined in the Fatal Character Generator and entered into SPSS. Descriptive statistics
were computed on 1,000 sub-abilities (M = 98.79, SD = 18.74). The range was 42-155. The formula [(10d100 / 5) - 1] has less
central tendency than the bell curve of intelligence, though it is a close approximation. Since this is a realistic, but time-
consuming, method to determine abilities, it is recommended that characters are created in the Fatal Character Generator,
available free at fatalgames.com.
The most obvious of all abilities, Physique
is comprised of Physical Fitness, Strength, Bodily
Attractiveness, and Health. High Physique ability
scores indicate a body that is trim, strong, well-pro-
portioned, and resilient.
Physical Fitness: Often considered endur-
ance or stamina, a characters Physical Fitness is not
concerned with the size or strength of the muscle,
but its ability for durative exertion. Characters with
high Physical Fitness have low body fat and are able
to perform exerting activities for long durations, such
as sprinting. Physical Fitness may affect another sub-
ability of Physique: Bodily Attractiveness. Physical
Fitness determines a characters Sprint speed per
round according to their height (see Chap. 2: Body).
The Sprint skill in Chapter 8: Skills has more infor-
mation on sprinting, running, jogging, walking, and
forced marches. To determine the distance in terms
of miles walked per hour, divide the Sprint speed
by 20. This sub-ability may be increased with Per-
sistent Exercise, as detailed at the end of this chap-
ter. Physical Fitness affects skills such as Climb, Con-
tortion, Jump, Mountaineering, Sprint, and Swim.
Strength: This refers to the size of the
characters muscles and the amount of force that
may be generated. Strength may be affected by
height and weight. Characters with high Strength
are able to exert considerable force and move im-
pressive amounts of weight. Specifically, Strength
entails measurements of the Clean and Jerk (amount
in pounds that may be lifted and pressed above the
head), Bench Press (pressed away from the chest),
and Dead Lift (lifted from the ground, but unable
to carry it). If the Clean and Jerk is attempted with
only 1 hand, then 40% of the weight on the table
may be pressed. In Chapter 9: Equipment, the amount
listed for Dead Lift will determine a characters En-
cumbrance; 2 other measures are included: Pull and
Push. Strength has a Skill Modifier for use with the
skills in Chapter 8: Skills, such as Blacksmithing, Brass-
smithing, Coppersmithing, Hewing, Mountaineer-
ing, Silversmithing, Stonemasonry, Swim, and Wres-
tling. Strength also affects the amount of damage a
character inflicts with melee weapons. For instance,
a Strength score of 115 causes an additional 9% of
normal damage, depending on the weapon. Strength
also affects Life Points (see Chap. 10: Combat). Fi-
nally, Strength is affected by exercise. For informa-
tion, see Persistent Exercise, which is detailed at the
end of this chapter.
Bodily Attractiveness: Usually, this por-
tion of a characters Physique represents the attrac-
tiveness of their frame and how appropriately
muscles and fat are distributed over their skeletal
frame. For example, characters with low Bodily
may have disproportionately long or
short arms, legs, or upper body. Physical Fitness
may affect Bodily Attractiveness. Males with high
Bodily Attractiveness tend to have high Strength and
height (see Chap. 2: Body), while females with high
Bodily Attractiveness tend to have large Cup Size
(see Chap. 2: Body) and low weight (see Chap. 2: Body).
Female reproductive capacity correlates with a sharp
contrast between waist and hips. Bodily Attractive-
ness affects skills (see Chap. 8: Skills) such as Seduc-
tion and Sexual Adeptness.
Health: Healthy characters are not sickly
or prone to illness, have fewer allergies, are unaf-
fected by poison ivy, vomit only rarely, have better
hearing (see Sound in Chap. 8: Skills), have more
Life Points (see Chap. 10: Combat), and maybe most
importantly, respond well to shock and injury. The
modifiers for Allergies and Intoxication are explained
in Chapter 2: Body. Regarding skills, Health is useful
with Urinating.
1. The standards for female Bodily Attractiveness have been referenced from Life in a Medieval Castle, by Joseph and Frances
Gies. For more information, see the References section at the end of this book. Gies claims that Nicolette...physically
exemplified the medieval feminine ideal..., and quotes the source who describes the following female: Her breasts so firm
that they showed beneath her vesture like two rounded nuts; so frail was she about the girdle that your hands could have
spanned her... A thin waist and large, round breasts are physical standards of female attractiveness, and are historically
The ability of Charisma is the appeal of a
character to others based on 4 sub-abilities: Facial,
Vocal, Kinetic, and Rhetorical Charisma. High Cha-
risma is indicative of a beautiful countenance, voice,
movement, and style of speech.
Facial: Distinct from all other forms of at-
tractiveness, this considers only facial attractiveness
All humanoid races and cultures consider certain
features to be attractive. The most attractive male
features are large eyes, large eyebrow ridges, low-set
eyebrows, high cheekbones, and bigger jaws. The
most attractive female features are eyes that are large
and wide-set, small noses, narrow facial breadths,
small chins and jaws, high eyebrows, high cheek-
bones, full lips, large smiles, dilated pupils, hair that
is well-groomed and full, and skin that is soft,
smooth, and unblemished. The symmetry between
the left and right face of a character correlates with
higher Facial Charisma. Symmetry suggests good
reproduction, healthiness, and youth. On average,
female characters have higher Facial Charisma than
male characters. Characters with low Facial Cha-
risma may seem to have 1 eyebrow instead of 2,
severe acne, an ugly birthmark, a large nose or ears,
dark rings under the eyes, rotten or missing front
teeth, or disfiguring scars to list a few examples.
Although Facial Charisma is an ability because it is a
capacity for attractiveness determined before birth,
it may be enhanced cosmetically or with a hairstyle
that complements features (see Barber in Chap. 7:
Occupation and Hairstyling in Chap. 8: Skills). Facial
Charisma affects the skill of Sexual Adeptness (see
Chap. 8: Skills).
Vocal: While a character may be speaking
or singing in a foreign language not understood by
the listener, factors such as tone, pitch, accent, and
inflection may influence the listener to perceive them
as attractive, or conversely, repulsive. On the table
presented later in this chapter, a description of Vo-
cal Charisma at each category of ability offers a ref-
erence point for comparisons. Other characters tend
to enjoy listening to the voice of a character with
high Vocal Charisma. Vocal Charisma affects the
skill (see Chap. 8: Skills) of Musical Instrument (Sing-
Kinetic: Different from the Bodily Attrac-
tiveness sub-ability, Kinetic Charisma deals not with
the physical shape and appearance of the character
in question, but the beauty of their bodily move-
ments, gestures, stride, etc. For example, characters
with high Kinetic Charisma tend to stand up straight,
instead of slouching. On the table presented later
in this chapter, a description of Kinetic Charisma at
each category of ability offers a reference point for
comparisons. This sub-ability is important particu-
larly in Dance, Massage, and Sexual Adeptness (see
Chap. 8: Skills).
Rhetorical: As rhetoric is the art of per-
suasion, this sub-ability of Charisma is concerned
with the potential to seem credible, to make ones
ideas or suggestions seem appealing by soliciting
emotions. Rhetoric has been accused as an art of
verbal trickery, a tool of political propaganda, and
the foe of reasoned and logical arguments. Just the
same, it is very influential and often more influential
than reasoned argument. Further, rhetoric is im-
portant for leadership. Talented rhetoricians know
that the most persuasive speech rate is slightly faster
than the societal norm, and accordingly speak at such
a rate. Average Speech Rate is indicated on the table
for Rhetorical Charisma later in this chapter. It is
represented in words-per-minute (w.p.m.), and is not
to be confused with a characters Maximum Speech
Rate, as indicated on the table for the sub-ability of
Enunciation. Obviously, a characters Average
Speech Rate, as listed for Rhetorical Charisma, may
never exceed their Maximum Speech Rate, as listed
for Enunciation. This sub-ability is useful in skills
(see Chap. 8: Skills) such as Haggling.
1. In a scholarly journal article by Chen, German, and Zaidel (1997), a gender effect occurred regarding facial attractiveness.
On a Likert scale, the mean rating for the attractiveness of a female face (M=2.71) was higher than the mean rating for the
attractiveness of a male face (M=2.34). Interestingly, males rated females (M=2.64) lower than females rated females (M=2.89),
and males rated males (M=2.45) higher than females rated males (M=2.29). Finally, cross-cultural agreement on facial
attractiveness (p. 472) exists, because just as with animals, facial attractiveness provides external features (e.g. feathers,
antlers, fur) to reveal clues related to health, quality of genes, state of immune system, and is relevant to reproduction. For
more information, see the References section at the end of this book.
This ability is physical precision, which is
more abstract or less concrete than Physique. Dex-
terity is comprised of 4 sub-abilities: Hand-Eye
Coordination, Agility, Reaction Speed, and Enun-
ciation. A high ability score in Dexterity indicates
that a character is probably nimble, moves easily
and as desired, has lightning reactions, and can
speak quickly and clearly if necessary.
Hand-Eye Coordination: This type of
Dexterity affects skills (see Chap. 8: Skills) such
as Aim, Ambidexterity, Basketweaving,
Blindfighting, Delousing, Disarm, Dying,
Enameling, Engraving, Forgery, Hunt-
ing, Hurl, Juggling, Lock-picking, Mas-
sage, Milking, Mounted Archery, Mu-
sical Instrument, Painting, Parry, Pick
Pocket, Complex Ritual, Rope Use,
Sculpture, Surgery, Tailoring, Urinat-
ing, Weapon (General), Weapon (Spe-
cific), Weapon Trick, and any other
activity demanding accurate finger
or hand movements. Hand-Eye
Coordination determines a
characters Finger Precision, the
finest intended precision with which
fingers may be manipulated.
Agility: Differing from Reac-
tion Speed below, Agility is not the
ability to physically react to a stimu-
lus, so much as the ability to physi-
cally enact an action as desired,
once chosen. Agility affects Cur-
rent Armor, thereby protecting
those who are agile, while those
with low Agility are more vulner-
able to attacks. Agility affects
skills (see Chap. 8: Skills) such as Balance, Brawling,
Climb, Physical Comedy, Contortion, Dance, Dis-
arm, Hide, Juggling, Mountaineering, Mounted Ar-
chery, Parry, Riding, Silence, Tumble, Weapon (Gen-
eral), Weapon (Specific), and Wrestling. Regarding
the Brawling skill, Agility affects the number of
Brawling attacks per round. Agility also affects the
number of seconds necessary to stand.
Reaction Speed: Often considered to be
mental Dexterity, Reaction Speed entails neural re-
sponsiveness such as combat responsiveness or the
speed of awakening in an emergency. Those with
high reaction speeds can awaken from a deep sleep
and be coherently on their feet in a few
seconds, or react very quickly to the
many minute factors of combat.
This is represented on the table as
Deep Sleep Recovery, listing the num-
ber of rounds required to be alert and
able to react without penalty in an
emergency. Reaction Speed directly af-
fects Initiative (see Chap. 10: Combat), as
well as the Blindfighting skill (see Chap. 8:
Skills). For example, a character with
a high Reaction Speed may en-
counter a snake and be able to
grab the snake behind its head
without getting bitten.
Enunciation: Verbal coor-
dination is the basis of Enunciation,
such as speaking quickly and not
getting tongue-tied, avoiding the
slurring of words, and speaking
clearly. Characters with low scores
in Enunciation may, upon being frus-
trated or fearful, become unable to
articulate their speech, and therefore
babble incomprehensibly. Direct
measures of Enunciation include
how quickly a character may cast
a spell, and a characters Maxi-
mum Speech Rate, which is rep-
resented in words-per-minute
(w.p.m.). Few characters ever
speak at this rate, but this is the
fastest that this sub-ability of Dexterity allows a
character to speak. Obviously, a characters Aver-
age Speech Rate, as listed for Rhetorical Charisma,
may never exceed their Maximum Speech Rate, as
listed for Enunciation. Enunciation affects the skills
of Spitting and Ventriloquism (see Chap. 8: Skills).
Fairly abstract, Intelligence is a characters
mental precision, as well as capability and capacity
to learn new things. Intelligence is comprised of 4
sub-abilities: Language, Math, Analytic, and Spatial
Intelligence. A high Intelligence ability score indi-
cates that a character is likely to easily learn languages
and properly use them, perform abstract mathemati-
cal operations such as geometry, solve logical prob-
lems and arrange critically reasoned arguments, and
perceive and manipulate parts and the whole of ob-
jects with accuracy. After controlling for body size,
brain size weakly correlates to Intelligence, so those
with bigger brains also tend to be more intelligent
Also, Intelligence is affected by mental exercise, just
as Strength is affected by physical exercise
Language: Those with excellent Language
sub-ability are able: to speak multiple languages flu-
ently; acquire, retain, and utilize a large Vocabulary;
and demonstrate impressive reading comprehension.
However, this is only the potential to do these things.
In a fantasy medieval environment where illiteracy
is the norm, most of the potential of this sub-abil-
ity may go unrealized. Note that the examples for
Vocabulary are not necessarily words that are un-
derstood by the character, so much as the level of
the characters Vocabulary that is used daily and
nonchalantly. Language affects skills (see Chap. 8:
Skills) such as Forgery, Read/Write Language, Speak
Language, and Transcribing.
Math: The ability to accurately and consis-
tently perform mathematical calculations entails al-
gebra, geometry, and believe it or not, musical skills,
as well as basic arithmetic. The table lists the High-
est Possible Math
that may be performed, provided
the character has been trained in the Math listed.
Math affects skills (see Chap. 8: Skills) such as Archi-
tecture, Chemistry, Numerology Divination, Gam-
bling, Math (Algebra), Math (Fundamental), Math
(Geometry), Math (Trigonometry), Music (Coun-
terpoint), and Music Theory.
Analytic: Characters with high analytic or
reasoning ability are able to think critically and logi-
cally. Analytic characters make better decisions based
upon available facts and probabilities. Some argue
that morality is derived from Analytic reasoning.
Analytic Intelligence affects skills (see Chap. 8: Skills)
such as Appraise, Chemistry, Logic, and Music
Spatial: This sub-ability is concerned with
manipulating visual-spatial images. Spatial Intelli-
gence may be observed during the following: the
ability to imagine correctly how objects will appear
when rotated in two- or three-dimensional space,
finding hidden figures within the contours of a larger
figure, accurately predicting where a moving object
will be at any given moment, the ability to arrange
items to make or resemble a specific design, and
object assembly. On the table later in the chapter
for this sub-ability, Unfamiliar Object Assembly dem-
onstrates the differences in ability. This does not
mean that a character is qualified to assemble all un-
familiar objects, but that there is a limit to the num-
ber of pieces they can comprehend before being
overwhelmed. Generally, Spatial Intelligence may
be considered mechanical aptitude, and is most use-
ful with crafts or trades, and also with skills (see Chap.
8: Skills) such as Architecture, Armorsmithing,
Blacksmithing, Bowyer, Brass-smithing, Carpentry,
Cartography, Clockmaking, Constellations,
Coppersmithing, Cosmetics, Fletching, Gemcutting,
Glassblowing, Glovemaking, Goldsmithing,
Locksmithing, Musical Instrument, Painting, Paper-
making, Sailmaking, Shipwright, Silversmithing,
Stonemasonry, Weaponsmithing, and
1. Brain size and intelligence have been correlated in at least 3 studies appearing in scholarly journals. See the References
section at the end of this book for: a) Lynn, R., b) Rushton, J., c) Willerman, L, Schultz, R., Rutledge, J., & Bigler, E.
2. In The Executive Brain, Elkhonon Goldberg cites studies demonstrating that parts of the brain, as well as intelligence,
change over time according to the amount of use. For more information, see the References section at the end of this book.
3. Although higher forms of math are possible, they had not been invented or discovered until after 1335 A.D., which
disqualifies higher forms of math from this game. For example, Isaac Newton published calculus in 1687.
Learn as if you were going to live forever;
live as if you were going to die tomorrow.
The most abstract ability, Wisdom is a
characters potential to actualize what they have and
know; it is an ability to adapt to situations. Wise
characters tend to make decisions that they do not
regret. Wisdom is comprised of 4 sub-abilities:
Drive, Intuition, Common Sense, and Reflection.
A high Wisdom ability score indicates that a charac-
ter is likely to be determined and disciplined, recep-
tive to subtle cues, adapt well to situations, and re-
flect frequently on their life.
Drive: A Drive may be considered a
characters determination, willpower, persistence, dis-
cipline, and perseverance. A character with high
Drive sub-ability does not necessarily always ap-
proach everything with a high Drive, but has the
ability, should it be necessary, preferred, or desired.
Drive also is used to determine whether creatures
remain in combat or flee (see Chap. 10: Combat), and
it also initially affects Life Points and Unconscious-
ness (see Chap. 10: Combat). The column entitled
Hours Relaxing indicates the number of hours per
day that, if it were up to the character in question,
they would generally relax and refrain from all exer-
tion. Drive affects the skills Animal Conditioning
and Combat Spellcasting (see Chap. 8: Skills).
Intuition: This sub-ability is a characters
familiarity with, or awareness of, subconscious and
subtle cues or clues; Intuition is an acuteness of per-
ception and attention to nearby, local, or observ-
able detail. Characters with high Intuition are still
limited by the physical world, unable to glean facts
or feelings that do not present themselves or are
fully hidden. Often, what is attributed to Intuition
is subtle information that we are unable to attribute
to its source, so we consider it metaphysical when it
is not. For instance, a female may have an uneasy
feeling when a stranger looks at her. Though she
does not realize it in this example, the pupils of the
males eyes are not dilated but very narrow. This is
a biological cue that the male is either in bright sun-
light or displeased. Likely, the animal in her human
nature recognizes his displeasure as he looks at her,
though she is not consciously aware of the cue.
Intuition is a form of knowledge that is indepen-
dent of experience or reason. Some claim that it is
only through Intuition that characters come to know
their god. Therefore, some consider morality to
depend on Intuition. Some contrast Intuition with
Intelligence, declaring Intuition to be the purest form
of instinct. Intuition affects skills (see Chap. 8: Skills)
such as Animal Conditioning, Animal Handling,
Blindfighting, Chemistry, Cosmetics, Direction
Sense, many forms of Divination (Alectromancy,
Anthropomancy, Aspidomancy, Austromancy,
Axinomancy, Belomancy, Ceraunoscopy,
Chiromancy, Cleromancy, Crystalomancy,
Dririmancy, Gastromancy, Gyromancy,
Hydromancy, Libanomancy, Lithomancy,
Lunomancy, Necromancy, Numerology,
Omphalomancy, Oneiromancy, Onomancy,
Oomancy, Ornithomancy, Pyromancy, Scatomancy,
Sortilege, Stichomancy, Urimancy, and Xenomancy),
Etiquette, Haggling, Read Lips, Sculpture, Search,
and Teaching.
Common Sense: It is easier to describe what
this sub-ability is not, than what it is. Examples of
individuals lacking in Common Sense are often those
who are gullible and have a tendency toward ideal-
ism more than pragmatism. Common Sense, as a
sub-ability, is an abstract measure of how much a
character is in touch with reality. Nerds are good
examples of people who may have some high forms
of Intelligence, but may lack Common Sense. On
the table presented later in this chapter, examples
of each category of ability demonstrate what a char-
acter may be Likely to do. Common Sense af-
fects skills (see Chap. 8: Skills) such as Agriculture,
Basketweaving, Bookbinding, Brewing, Brickmaking,
Candlemaking, Cleaning, Cobbling, Cooking, Dis-
guise, Divination (Alectromancy), Fishing, Foresting,
Gambling, Genealogy, Girdlemaking, Grooming,
Hatmaking, Heraldry, Hide, Inkmaking, Milking,
Milling, Mining, Minting, Perfumemaking,
Pewtersmithing, Pottery, Pursemaking, Ropemaking,
Saddlemaking, Search, Sheathemaking, Silence, Skin-
ning, Soapmaking, Tailoring, Tanning, Teaching,
Thatching, Tilemaking, Tinkering, Trapping,
Wainwrighting, Weather Prediction, and Weaving.
Reflection: While Intelligence, or learning,
is more concerned with short-term mnemonic ac-
curacy, the accuracy of long-term memory corre-
lates with a gain in Wisdom over time as the deci-
sions made by the individual reflect the inclusion of
more experiences that are remembered accurately.
Those who do not remember and reflect upon the
majority of their lives are more likely to make un-
wise decisions. The Earliest Memory is determined
by this sub-ability, though it is unaffected by aging.
For example, an old character does not remember
more of their childhood than when they were a
young adult. Reflection affects skills (see Chap. 8:
Skills) such as Constellations, Etiquette, Remember
Detail, and Weather Prediction.
Skill Modifiers
Each ability and sub-ability has a Skill Modi-
fier. Whenever a skill is used or must be checked,
abilities may modify the roll of a skill. Individual
skills may use Skill Modifiers from multiple abilities
or sub-abilities. Information on skills and how Skill
Modifiers function may be found in Chapter 8: Skills.
For example, if a character attempts to at-
tack another, intending to hack a cleaver into their
head, the character must consult a skill for that par-
ticular weapon. If this character is skillful, then they
will probably kill their foe.
Ability Checks
Instances in the game may occur when abili-
ties need to be checked. For instance, a slovenly
chambermaid offers herself to a strapping young
character if and only if he can expediently repeat a
tongue-twister of her choice. Driven by hormones,
the young male agrees, and asks What is the tongue-
twister? The chambermaid challenges Huge hung
hero hunks hastily hump horny heaving hot whores.
Howbout it, huh? To make an ability check, roll
3d10 and apply the Skill Modifier to the result. A 6
or less always represents failure or a fumble. This
number may be compared with a difficulty thresh-
old (TH) determined by the Aedile or the roll of
another player. In the example provided above re-
garding tongue-twisting, the Aedile may have secretly
decided the TH to be 20. The player of the strap-
ping young character tests his characters Enuncia-
tion sub-ability at the moment by rolling 3d10 and
applying the Skill Modifier from Enunciation to the
roll. He rolls 11 and the Aedile tells him that he
tried to say it faster than he was capable at the mo-
ment. To the dismay of the character, the chuck-
ling chambermaid abandons him for a lad with a
more nimble tongue.
s s e n t i F l a c i s y h P : e u q i s y h P
y t i l i b a - b u S
e r o c s
l l i k S
r e i f i d o M
y l i d o B
s s e n e v i t c a r t t A
r e i f i d o M
t n i r p S
t h g i e H r o f
3 2 - 2 1
t n i r p S
t h g i e H r o f
5 3 - 4 2
t n i r p S
t h g i e H r o f
7 4 - 6 3
t n i r p S
t h g i e H r o f
9 5 - 8 4
t n i r p S
t h g i e H r o f
1 7 - 0 6
t n i r p S
t h g i e H r o f
3 8 - 2 7
6 - 1 9 9 - 9 9 - 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 - 7 4 7 - 4 7 - 6 7 9 2 1 4 1 5 1
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - 4 6 - 8 0 1 2 1 6 1 0 2 1 2
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - 6 5 - 9 2 1 4 1 9 1 4 2 5 2
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - 0 5 - 1 1 4 1 6 1 2 2 8 2 9 2
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - 4 4 - 2 1 5 1 8 1 5 2 1 3 3 3
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - 8 3 - 3 1 6 1 0 2 7 2 4 3 6 3
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - 4 3 - 4 1 8 1 1 2 9 2 7 3 8 3
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - 9 2 - 5 1 9 1 3 2 1 3 9 3 1 4
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - 5 2 - 6 1 0 2 4 2 3 3 1 4 3 4
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - 1 2 - 6 1 1 2 5 2 4 3 3 4 6 4
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - 7 1 - 7 1 2 2 7 2 6 3 6 4 8 4
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - 3 1 - 8 1 3 2 8 2 8 3 8 4 0 5
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - 0 1 - 9 1 4 2 9 2 9 3 9 4 2 5
0 9 - 5 8 6 - 6 - 9 1 5 2 0 3 1 4 1 5 4 5
6 9 - 1 9 3 - 3 - 0 2 5 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 6 5
2 0 1 - 7 9 - - 0 2 6 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 8 5
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + 3 + 1 2 7 2 3 3 5 4 6 5 9 5
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + 6 + 2 2 8 2 4 3 6 4 8 5 1 6
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + 9 + 2 2 8 2 5 3 7 4 0 6 3 6
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + 2 1 + 3 2 9 2 5 3 8 4 1 6 4 6
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + 4 1 + 3 2 0 3 6 3 9 4 3 6 6 6
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + 7 1 + 4 2 0 3 7 3 1 5 4 6 7 6
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + 0 2 + 4 2 1 3 8 3 2 5 5 6 9 6
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + 2 2 + 5 2 2 3 9 3 3 5 7 6 0 7
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + 5 2 + 5 2 2 3 0 4 4 5 8 6 2 7
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + 7 2 + 6 2 3 3 0 4 5 5 9 6 3 7
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + 0 3 + 6 2 4 3 1 4 6 5 1 7 4 7
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + 2 3 + 7 2 4 3 2 4 7 5 2 7 6 7
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + 4 3 + 7 2 5 3 3 4 8 5 3 7 7 7
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + 7 3 + 8 2 5 3 3 4 9 5 5 7 8 7
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + 9 3 + 8 2 6 3 4 4 0 6 6 7 0 8
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + 1 4 + 8 2 7 3 5 4 1 6 7 7 1 8
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + 3 4 + 9 2 7 3 5 4 2 6 8 7 2 8
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + 5 4 + 9 2 8 3 6 4 3 6 9 7 3 8
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + 7 4 + 0 3 8 3 7 4 4 6 0 8 5 8
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + 9 4 + 0 3 9 3 7 4 4 6 2 8 6 8
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + 2 5 + 1 3 9 3 8 4 5 6 3 8 7 8
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + 4 5 + 1 3 0 4 9 4 6 6 4 8 8 8
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + 6 5 + 1 3 0 4 9 4 7 6 5 8 9 8
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + 8 5 + 2 3 1 4 0 5 8 6 6 8 0 9
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + 9 5 + 2 3 1 4 0 5 9 6 7 8 1 9
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + 1 6 + 2 3 2 4 1 5 0 7 8 8 3 9
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + 3 6 + 3 3 2 4 2 5 0 7 9 8 4 9
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + 5 6 + 3 3 3 4 2 5 1 7 0 9 5 9
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + 7 6 + 4 3 3 4 3 5 2 7 1 9 6 9
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + 9 6 + 4 3 4 4 3 5 3 7 2 9 7 9
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + 1 7 + 4 3 4 4 4 5 3 7 3 9 8 9
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + 2 7 + 5 3 5 4 4 5 4 7 4 9 9 9
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + 4 7 + 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 7 5 9 0 0 1
) d e u n i t n o C ( s s e n t i F l a c i s y h P : e u q i s y h P
y t i l i b a - b u S
e r o c s
l l i k S
r e i f i d o M
t n i r p S
t h g i e H r o f
5 9 - 4 8
t n i r p S
t h g i e H r o f
7 0 1 - 6 9
t n i r p S
t h g i e H r o f
9 1 1 - 8 0 1
t n i r p S
t h g i e H r o f
1 3 1 - 0 2 1
t n i r p S
t h g i e H r o f
3 4 1 - 2 3 1
t n i r p S
t h g i e H r o f
5 5 1 - 4 4 1
t n i r p S
t h g i e H r o f
7 6 1 - 6 5 1
6 - 1 9 9 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 - 7 4 7 - 6 1 7 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 9 1 0 2
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - 7 2 8 2 9 2 0 3 2 3 3 3 4 3
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - 1 3 2 3 4 3 5 3 6 3 8 3 9 3
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - 4 3 6 3 7 3 9 3 1 4 2 4 4 4
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - 7 3 9 3 1 4 3 4 4 4 6 4 8 4
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - 0 4 2 4 4 4 6 4 8 4 0 5 2 5
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - 3 4 5 4 7 4 9 4 1 5 3 5 5 5
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - 6 4 8 4 0 5 2 5 4 5 6 5 8 5
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - 8 4 0 5 2 5 5 5 7 5 9 5 2 6
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - 0 5 3 5 5 5 7 5 0 6 2 6 4 6
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - 2 5 5 5 7 5 0 6 2 6 5 6 7 6
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - 5 5 7 5 0 6 2 6 5 6 7 6 0 7
0 9 - 5 8 6 - 7 5 9 5 2 6 5 6 7 6 0 7 3 7
6 9 - 1 9 3 - 9 5 1 6 4 6 7 6 0 7 2 7 5 7
2 0 1 - 7 9 - 0 6 3 6 6 6 9 6 2 7 5 7 8 7
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + 2 6 5 6 8 6 1 7 4 7 7 7 0 8
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + 4 6 7 6 0 7 3 7 6 7 9 7 2 8
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + 6 6 9 6 2 7 5 7 8 7 1 8 4 8
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + 7 6 1 7 4 7 7 7 0 8 3 8 7 8
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + 9 6 2 7 6 7 9 7 2 8 5 8 9 8
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + 1 7 4 7 7 7 1 8 4 8 7 8 1 9
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + 2 7 6 7 9 7 3 8 6 8 9 8 3 9
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + 4 7 7 7 1 8 4 8 8 8 1 9 5 9
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + 5 7 9 7 2 8 6 8 0 9 3 9 7 9
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + 7 7 0 8 4 8 8 8 1 9 5 9 9 9
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + 8 7 2 8 6 8 9 8 3 9 7 9 0 0 1
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + 0 8 3 8 7 8 1 9 5 9 9 9 2 0 1
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + 1 8 5 8 9 8 3 9 6 9 0 0 1 4 0 1
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + 2 8 6 8 0 9 4 9 8 9 2 0 1 6 0 1
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + 4 8 8 8 2 9 6 9 0 0 1 4 0 1 8 0 1
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + 5 8 9 8 3 9 7 9 1 0 1 5 0 1 9 0 1
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + 6 8 0 9 5 9 9 9 3 0 1 7 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + 8 8 2 9 6 9 0 0 1 4 0 1 8 0 1 3 1 1
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + 9 8 3 9 7 9 2 0 1 6 0 1 0 1 1 4 1 1
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + 0 9 4 9 9 9 3 0 1 7 0 1 2 1 1 6 1 1
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + 1 9 6 9 0 0 1 4 0 1 9 0 1 3 1 1 7 1 1
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + 3 9 7 9 1 0 1 6 0 1 0 1 1 5 1 1 9 1 1
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + 4 9 8 9 3 0 1 7 0 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 2 1
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + 5 9 9 9 4 0 1 9 0 1 3 1 1 8 1 1 2 2 1
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + 6 9 1 0 1 5 0 1 0 1 1 4 1 1 9 1 1 4 2 1
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + 7 9 2 0 1 7 0 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 0 2 1 5 2 1
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + 8 9 3 0 1 8 0 1 2 1 1 7 1 1 2 2 1 7 2 1
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + 0 0 1 4 0 1 9 0 1 4 1 1 9 1 1 3 2 1 8 2 1
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + 1 0 1 5 0 1 0 1 1 5 1 1 0 2 1 5 2 1 9 2 1
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + 2 0 1 7 0 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 2 1 6 2 1 1 3 1
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + 3 0 1 8 0 1 3 1 1 8 1 1 2 2 1 7 2 1 2 3 1
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + 4 0 1 9 0 1 4 1 1 9 1 1 4 2 1 9 2 1 4 3 1
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + 5 0 1 0 1 1 5 1 1 0 2 1 5 2 1 0 3 1 5 3 1
h t g n e r t S : e u q i s y h P
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S e g a m a D . d o M s t n i o P e f i L k r e J & n a e l C s s e r P h c n e B t f i L d a e D
6 - 1 9 9 - % 9 9 - 8 - 0 1 1
2 1 - 7 4 7 - % 4 7 - 8 - 4 8 2 1
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - % 4 6 - 7 - 7 5 1 2 2
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - % 6 5 - 7 - 1 1 2 2 3 3
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - % 0 5 - 6 - 4 1 9 2 3 4
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - % 4 4 - 6 - 8 1 6 3 4 5
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - % 8 3 - 5 - 1 2 3 4 4 6
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - % 4 3 - 5 - 5 2 0 5 5 7
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - % 9 2 - 4 - 8 2 7 5 5 8
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - % 5 2 - 4 - 2 3 4 6 6 9
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - % 1 2 - 3 - 5 3 1 7 6 0 1
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - % 7 1 - 3 - 7 3 8 7 5 1 1
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - % 3 1 - 2 - 2 4 5 8 7 2 1
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - % 0 1 - 2 - 6 4 2 9 8 3 1
0 9 - 5 8 6 - % 6 - 1 - 9 4 9 9 8 4 1
6 9 - 1 9 3 - % 3 - 1 - 3 5 6 0 1 9 5 1
2 0 1 - 7 9 - - - 6 5 3 1 1 9 6 1
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + % 3 + 1 + 0 6 0 2 1 0 8 1
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + % 6 + 1 + 3 6 7 2 1 0 9 1
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + % 9 + 2 + 7 6 4 3 1 1 0 2
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + % 2 1 + 2 + 0 7 1 4 1 1 1 2
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + % 4 1 + 3 + 4 7 8 4 1 2 2 2
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + % 7 1 + 3 + 7 7 5 5 1 2 3 2
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + % 0 2 + 4 + 1 8 2 6 1 3 4 2
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + % 2 2 + 4 + 4 8 9 6 1 3 5 2
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + % 5 2 + 5 + 8 8 6 7 1 4 6 2
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + % 7 2 + 5 + 1 9 3 8 1 4 7 2
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + % 0 3 + 6 + 5 9 0 9 1 5 8 2
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + % 2 3 + 6 + 8 9 7 9 1 5 9 2
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + % 4 3 + 7 + 2 0 1 4 0 2 6 0 3
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + % 7 3 + 7 + 5 0 1 1 1 2 6 1 3
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + % 9 3 + 8 + 9 0 1 8 1 2 7 2 3
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + % 1 4 + 8 + 3 1 1 5 2 2 8 3 3
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + % 3 4 + 9 + 6 1 1 2 3 2 8 4 3
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + % 5 4 + 9 + 9 1 1 9 3 2 8 5 3
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + % 7 4 + 0 1 + 3 2 1 6 4 2 9 6 3
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + % 9 4 + 0 1 + 6 2 1 3 5 2 9 7 3
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + % 2 5 + 1 1 + 0 3 1 0 6 2 0 9 3
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + % 4 5 + 1 1 + 3 3 1 7 6 2 0 0 4
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + % 6 5 + 2 1 + 7 3 1 4 7 2 1 1 4
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + % 8 5 + 2 1 + 0 4 1 1 8 2 1 2 4
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + % 9 5 + 3 1 + 2 4 1 8 8 2 0 3 4
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + % 1 6 + 3 1 + 7 4 1 5 9 2 2 4 4
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + % 3 6 + 4 1 + 1 5 1 2 0 3 3 5 4
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + % 5 6 + 4 1 + 4 5 1 9 0 3 3 6 4
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + % 7 6 + 5 1 + 8 5 1 6 1 3 4 7 4
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + % 9 6 + 5 1 + 1 6 1 3 2 3 4 8 4
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + % 1 7 + 6 1 + 5 6 1 0 3 3 5 9 4
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + % 2 7 + 6 1 + 8 6 1 7 3 3 5 0 5
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + % 4 7 + 7 1 + 1 7 1 3 4 3 4 1 5
) d e u n i t n o C ( h t g n e r t S : e u q i s y h P
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S e g a m a D . d o M s t n i o P e f i L k r e J & n a e l C s s e r P h c n e B t f i L d a e D
6 0 3 - 1 0 3 6 7 + % 6 7 + 7 1 + 5 7 1 0 5 3 5 2 5
2 1 3 - 7 0 3 8 7 + % 8 7 + 8 1 + 8 7 1 7 5 3 5 3 5
8 1 3 - 3 1 3 9 7 + % 9 7 + 8 1 + 2 8 1 4 6 3 6 4 5
4 2 3 - 9 1 3 1 8 + % 1 8 + 9 1 + 5 8 1 1 7 3 6 5 5
0 3 3 - 5 2 3 3 8 + % 3 8 + 9 1 + 9 8 1 8 7 3 7 6 5
6 3 3 - 1 3 3 5 8 + % 5 8 + 0 2 + 2 9 1 5 8 3 7 7 5
2 4 3 - 7 3 3 6 8 + % 6 8 + 0 2 + 6 9 1 2 9 3 8 8 5
8 4 3 - 3 4 3 8 8 + % 8 8 + 1 2 + 9 9 1 9 9 3 8 9 5
4 5 3 - 9 4 3 9 8 + % 9 8 + 1 2 + 3 0 2 6 0 4 9 0 6
0 6 3 - 5 5 3 1 9 + % 1 9 + 2 2 + 6 0 2 3 1 4 9 1 6
6 6 3 - 1 6 3 3 9 + % 3 9 + 2 2 + 0 1 2 0 2 4 0 3 6
2 7 3 - 7 6 3 4 9 + % 4 9 + 3 2 + 3 1 2 7 2 4 0 4 6
8 7 3 - 3 7 3 6 9 + % 6 9 + 3 2 + 7 1 2 4 3 4 1 5 6
4 8 3 - 9 7 3 7 9 + % 7 9 + 4 2 + 0 2 2 1 4 4 1 6 6
0 9 3 - 5 8 3 9 9 + % 9 9 + 4 2 + 4 2 2 8 4 4 2 7 6
6 9 3 - 1 9 3 1 0 1 + % 1 0 1 + 5 2 + 7 2 2 5 5 4 2 8 6
2 0 4 - 7 9 3 2 0 1 + % 2 0 1 + 5 2 + 1 3 2 2 6 4 3 9 6
8 0 4 - 3 0 4 4 0 1 + % 4 0 1 + 6 2 + 4 3 2 9 6 4 3 0 7
4 1 4 - 9 0 4 5 0 1 + % 5 0 1 + 6 2 + 8 3 2 6 7 4 4 1 7
0 2 4 - 5 1 4 7 0 1 + % 7 0 1 + 7 2 + 1 4 2 3 8 4 4 2 7
6 2 4 - 1 2 4 8 0 1 + % 8 0 1 + 7 2 + 5 4 2 0 9 4 5 3 7
2 3 4 - 7 2 4 0 1 1 + % 0 1 1 + 8 2 + 8 4 2 7 9 4 5 4 7
8 3 4 - 3 3 4 1 1 1 + % 1 1 1 + 8 2 + 2 5 2 4 0 5 6 5 7
4 4 4 - 9 3 4 2 1 1 + % 2 1 1 + 9 2 + 5 5 2 1 1 5 6 6 7
0 5 4 - 5 4 4 4 1 1 + % 4 1 1 + 9 2 + 9 5 2 8 1 5 7 7 7
6 5 4 - 1 5 4 5 1 1 + % 5 1 1 + 0 3 + 2 6 2 5 2 5 7 8 7
2 6 4 - 7 5 4 7 1 1 + % 7 1 1 + 0 3 + 6 6 2 2 3 5 8 9 7
8 6 4 - 3 6 4 8 1 1 + % 8 1 1 + 1 3 + 9 6 2 9 3 5 8 0 8
4 7 4 - 9 6 4 0 2 1 + % 0 2 1 + 1 3 + 3 7 2 6 4 5 9 1 8
0 8 4 - 5 7 4 1 2 1 + % 1 2 1 + 2 3 + 6 7 2 3 5 5 9 2 8
6 8 4 - 1 8 4 2 2 1 + % 2 2 1 + 2 3 + 0 8 2 0 6 5 0 4 8
2 9 4 - 7 8 4 4 2 1 + % 4 2 1 + 3 3 + 3 8 2 7 6 5 0 5 8
8 9 4 - 3 9 4 5 2 1 + % 5 2 1 + 3 3 + 7 8 2 4 7 5 1 6 8
4 0 5 - 9 9 4 6 2 1 + % 6 2 1 + 4 3 + 0 9 2 1 8 5 1 7 8
0 1 5 - 5 0 5 8 2 1 + % 8 2 1 + 4 3 + 4 9 2 8 8 5 2 8 8
6 1 5 - 1 1 5 9 2 1 + % 9 2 1 + 5 3 + 7 9 2 5 9 5 2 9 8
2 2 5 - 7 1 5 1 3 1 + % 1 3 1 + 5 3 + 1 0 3 2 0 6 3 0 9
8 2 5 - 3 2 5 2 3 1 + % 2 3 1 + 6 3 + 4 0 3 9 0 6 3 1 9
4 3 5 - 9 2 5 3 3 1 + % 3 3 1 + 6 3 + 8 0 3 6 1 6 4 2 9
0 4 5 - 5 3 5 4 3 1 + % 4 3 1 + 7 3 + 1 1 3 3 2 6 4 3 9
6 4 5 - 1 4 5 6 3 1 + % 6 3 1 + 7 3 + 5 1 3 0 3 6 5 4 9
2 5 5 - 7 4 5 7 3 1 + % 7 3 1 + 8 3 + 8 1 3 7 3 6 5 5 9
8 5 5 - 3 5 5 8 3 1 + % 8 3 1 + 8 3 + 2 2 3 4 4 6 6 6 9
4 6 5 - 9 5 5 0 4 1 + % 0 4 1 + 9 3 + 5 2 3 1 5 6 6 7 9
0 7 5 - 5 6 5 1 4 1 + % 1 4 1 + 9 3 + 9 2 3 8 5 6 7 8 9
6 7 5 - 1 7 5 2 4 1 + % 2 4 1 + 0 4 + 2 3 3 5 6 6 7 9 9
2 8 5 - 7 7 5 3 4 1 + % 3 4 1 + 0 4 + 6 3 3 2 7 6 8 0 0 1
8 8 5 - 3 8 5 5 4 1 + % 5 4 1 + 1 4 + 9 3 3 9 7 6 8 1 0 1
4 9 5 - 9 8 5 6 4 1 + % 6 4 1 + 1 4 + 3 4 3 6 8 6 9 2 0 1
0 0 6 - 5 9 5 7 4 1 + % 7 4 1 + 2 4 + 6 4 3 3 9 6 9 3 0 1
) d e u n i t n o C ( h t g n e r t S : e u q i s y h P
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S e g a m a D . d o M s t n i o P e f i L k r e J & n a e l C s s e r P h c n e B t f i L d a e D
6 0 6 - 1 0 6 8 4 1 + % 8 4 1 + 2 4 + 0 5 3 0 0 7 0 5 0 , 1
2 1 6 - 7 0 6 0 5 1 + % 0 5 1 + 3 4 + 4 5 3 7 0 7 1 6 0 , 1
8 1 6 - 3 1 6 1 5 1 + % 1 5 1 + 3 4 + 7 5 3 4 1 7 1 7 0 , 1
4 2 6 - 9 1 6 2 5 1 + % 2 5 1 + 4 4 + 1 6 3 1 2 7 2 8 0 , 1
0 3 6 - 5 2 6 3 5 1 + % 3 5 1 + 4 4 + 4 6 3 8 2 7 2 9 0 , 1
6 3 6 - 1 3 6 5 5 1 + % 5 5 1 + 5 4 + 8 6 3 5 3 7 3 0 1 , 1
2 4 6 - 7 3 6 6 5 1 + % 6 5 1 + 5 4 + 1 7 3 2 4 7 3 1 1 , 1
8 4 6 - 3 4 6 7 5 1 + % 7 5 1 + 6 4 + 5 7 3 9 4 7 4 2 1 , 1
4 5 6 - 9 4 6 8 5 1 + % 8 5 1 + 6 4 + 8 7 3 6 5 7 4 3 1 , 1
0 6 6 - 5 5 6 9 5 1 + % 9 5 1 + 7 4 + 2 8 3 3 6 7 5 4 1 , 1
6 6 6 - 1 6 6 1 6 1 + % 1 6 1 + 7 4 + 5 8 3 0 7 7 5 5 1 , 1
2 7 6 - 7 6 6 2 6 1 + % 2 6 1 + 8 4 + 9 8 3 7 7 7 6 6 1 , 1
8 7 6 - 3 7 6 3 6 1 + % 3 6 1 + 8 4 + 2 9 3 4 8 7 6 7 1 , 1
4 8 6 - 9 7 6 4 6 1 + % 4 6 1 + 9 4 + 6 9 3 1 9 7 7 8 1 , 1
0 9 6 - 5 8 6 5 6 1 + % 5 6 1 + 9 4 + 9 9 3 8 9 7 7 9 1 , 1
6 9 6 - 1 9 6 6 6 1 + % 6 6 1 + 0 5 + 3 0 4 5 0 8 8 0 2 , 1
2 0 7 - 7 9 6 8 6 1 + % 8 6 1 + 0 5 + 6 0 4 2 1 8 8 1 2 , 1
8 0 7 - 3 0 7 9 6 1 + % 9 6 1 + 1 5 + 0 1 4 9 1 8 9 2 2 , 1
4 1 7 - 9 0 7 0 7 1 + % 0 7 1 + 1 5 + 3 1 4 6 2 8 9 3 2 , 1
0 2 7 - 5 1 7 1 7 1 + % 1 7 1 + 2 5 + 7 1 4 3 3 8 0 5 2 , 1
6 2 7 - 1 2 7 2 7 1 + % 2 7 1 + 2 5 + 0 2 4 0 4 8 0 6 2 , 1
2 3 7 - 7 2 7 3 7 1 + % 3 7 1 + 3 5 + 4 2 4 7 4 8 1 7 2 , 1
8 3 7 - 3 3 7 4 7 1 + % 4 7 1 + 3 5 + 7 2 4 4 5 8 1 8 2 , 1
4 4 7 - 9 3 7 5 7 1 + % 5 7 1 + 4 5 + 1 3 4 1 6 8 2 9 2 , 1
0 5 7 - 5 4 7 7 7 1 + % 7 7 1 + 4 5 + 4 3 4 8 6 8 2 0 3 , 1
6 5 7 - 1 5 7 8 7 1 + % 8 7 1 + 5 5 + 8 3 4 5 7 8 3 1 3 , 1
2 6 7 - 7 5 7 9 7 1 + % 9 7 1 + 5 5 + 1 4 4 2 8 8 3 2 3 , 1
8 6 7 - 3 6 7 0 8 1 + % 0 8 1 + 6 5 + 5 4 4 9 8 8 4 3 3 , 1
4 7 7 - 9 6 7 1 8 1 + % 1 8 1 + 6 5 + 8 4 4 6 9 8 4 4 3 , 1
0 8 7 - 5 7 7 2 8 1 + % 2 8 1 + 7 5 + 2 5 4 3 0 9 5 5 3 , 1
6 8 7 - 1 8 7 3 8 1 + % 3 8 1 + 7 5 + 5 5 4 0 1 9 5 6 3 , 1
2 9 7 - 7 8 7 4 8 1 + % 4 8 1 + 8 5 + 9 5 4 7 1 9 6 7 3 , 1
8 9 7 - 3 9 7 5 8 1 + % 5 8 1 + 8 5 + 2 6 4 4 2 9 6 8 3 , 1
4 0 8 - 9 9 7 6 8 1 + % 6 8 1 + 9 5 + 6 6 4 1 3 9 7 9 3 , 1
0 1 8 - 5 0 8 8 8 1 + % 8 8 1 + 9 5 + 9 6 4 8 3 9 7 0 4 , 1
6 1 8 - 1 1 8 9 8 1 + % 9 8 1 + 0 6 + 3 7 4 5 4 9 8 1 4 , 1
2 2 8 - 7 1 8 0 9 1 + % 0 9 1 + 0 6 + 6 7 4 2 5 9 8 2 4 , 1
8 2 8 - 3 2 8 1 9 1 + % 1 9 1 + 1 6 + 0 8 4 9 5 9 9 3 4 , 1
4 3 8 - 9 2 8 2 9 1 + % 2 9 1 + 1 6 + 3 8 4 6 6 9 9 4 4 , 1
0 4 8 - 5 3 8 3 9 1 + % 3 9 1 + 2 6 + 7 8 4 3 7 9 0 6 4 , 1
6 4 8 - 1 4 8 4 9 1 + % 4 9 1 + 2 6 + 0 9 4 0 8 9 0 7 4 , 1
2 5 8 - 7 4 8 5 9 1 + % 5 9 1 + 3 6 + 4 9 4 7 8 9 1 8 4 , 1
8 5 8 - 3 5 8 6 9 1 + % 6 9 1 + 3 6 + 7 9 4 4 9 9 1 9 4 , 1
4 6 8 - 9 5 8 7 9 1 + % 7 9 1 + 4 6 + 1 0 5 1 0 0 , 1 2 0 5 , 1
0 7 8 - 5 6 8 8 9 1 + % 8 9 1 + 4 6 + 4 0 5 8 0 0 , 1 2 1 5 , 1
6 7 8 - 1 7 8 9 9 1 + % 9 9 1 + 5 6 + 8 0 5 5 0 0 , 1 3 2 5 , 1
2 8 8 - 7 7 8 0 0 2 + % 0 0 2 + 5 6 + 1 1 5 2 2 0 , 1 3 3 5 , 1
8 8 8 - 3 8 8 1 0 2 + % 1 0 2 + 6 6 + 5 1 5 9 2 0 , 1 4 4 5 , 1
4 9 8 - 9 8 8 2 0 2 + % 2 0 2 + 6 6 + 8 1 5 6 3 0 , 1 4 5 5 , 1
0 0 9 - 5 9 8 3 0 2 + % 3 0 2 + 7 6 + 1 2 5 3 4 0 , 1 4 6 5 , 1
) d e u n i t n o C ( h t g n e r t S : e u q i s y h P
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S e g a m a D . d o M s t n i o P e f i L k r e J & n a e l C s s e r P h c n e B t f i L d a e D
6 0 9 - 1 0 9 4 0 2 + % 4 0 2 + 7 6 + 5 2 5 0 5 0 , 1 5 7 5 , 1
2 1 9 - 7 0 9 5 0 2 + % 5 0 2 + 8 6 + 9 2 5 7 5 0 , 1 6 8 5 , 1
8 1 9 - 3 1 9 6 0 2 + % 6 0 2 + 8 6 + 2 3 5 4 6 0 , 1 6 9 5 , 1
4 2 9 - 9 1 9 7 0 2 + % 7 0 2 + 9 6 + 6 3 5 1 7 0 , 1 7 0 6 , 1
0 3 9 - 5 2 9 8 0 2 + % 8 0 2 + 9 6 + 9 3 5 8 7 0 , 1 7 1 6 , 1
6 3 9 - 1 3 9 9 0 2 + % 9 0 2 + 0 7 + 3 4 5 5 8 0 , 1 8 2 6 , 1
2 4 9 - 7 3 9 0 1 2 + % 0 1 2 + 0 7 + 6 4 5 2 9 0 , 1 8 3 6 , 1
8 4 9 - 3 4 9 1 1 2 + % 1 1 2 + 1 7 + 0 5 5 9 9 0 , 1 9 4 6 , 1
4 5 9 - 9 4 9 2 1 2 + % 2 1 2 + 1 7 + 3 5 5 6 0 1 , 1 9 5 6 , 1
0 6 9 - 5 5 9 3 1 2 + % 3 1 2 + 2 7 + 7 5 5 3 1 1 , 1 0 7 6 , 1
6 6 9 - 1 6 9 4 1 2 + % 4 1 2 + 2 7 + 0 6 5 0 2 1 , 1 0 8 6 , 1
2 7 9 - 7 6 9 5 1 2 + % 5 1 2 + 3 7 + 4 6 5 7 2 1 , 1 1 9 6 , 1
8 7 9 - 3 7 9 6 1 2 + % 6 1 2 + 3 7 + 7 6 5 4 3 1 , 1 1 0 7 , 1
4 8 9 - 9 7 9 7 1 2 + % 7 1 2 + 4 7 + 1 7 5 1 4 1 , 1 2 1 7 , 1
0 9 9 - 5 8 9 8 1 2 + % 8 1 2 + 4 7 + 4 7 5 8 4 1 , 1 2 2 7 , 1
6 9 9 - 1 9 9 9 1 2 + % 9 1 2 + 5 7 + 8 7 5 5 5 1 , 1 3 3 7 , 1
2 0 9 - 7 9 9 0 2 2 + % 0 2 2 + 5 7 + 1 8 5 2 6 1 , 1 3 4 7 , 1
8 0 0 , 1 - 3 0 0 , 1 1 2 2 + % 1 2 2 + 6 7 + 5 8 5 9 6 1 , 1 4 5 7 , 1
4 1 0 , 1 - 9 0 0 , 1 2 2 2 + % 2 2 2 + 6 7 + 8 8 5 6 7 1 , 1 4 6 7 , 1
0 2 0 , 1 - 5 1 0 , 1 3 2 2 + % 3 2 2 + 7 7 + 2 9 5 3 8 1 , 1 5 7 7 , 1
6 2 0 , 1 - 1 2 0 , 1 4 2 2 + % 4 2 2 + 7 7 + 5 9 5 0 9 1 , 1 5 8 7 , 1
2 3 0 , 1 - 7 2 0 , 1 5 2 2 + % 5 2 2 + 8 7 + 9 9 5 7 9 1 , 1 6 9 7 , 1
8 3 0 , 1 - 3 3 0 , 1 6 2 2 + % 6 2 2 + 8 7 + 2 0 6 4 0 2 , 1 6 0 8 , 1
4 4 0 , 1 - 9 3 0 , 1 7 2 2 + % 7 2 2 + 9 7 + 6 0 6 1 1 2 , 1 7 1 8 , 1
0 5 0 , 1 - 5 4 0 , 1 7 2 2 + % 7 2 2 + 9 7 + 9 0 6 8 1 2 , 1 7 2 8 , 1
6 5 0 , 1 - 1 5 0 , 1 8 2 2 + % 8 2 2 + 0 8 + 3 1 6 5 2 2 , 1 8 3 8 , 1
2 6 0 , 1 - 7 5 0 , 1 9 2 2 + % 9 2 2 + 0 8 + 6 1 6 2 3 2 , 1 8 4 8 , 1
8 6 0 , 1 - 3 6 0 , 1 0 3 2 + % 0 3 2 + 1 8 + 0 2 6 9 3 2 , 1 9 5 8 , 1
4 7 0 , 1 - 9 6 0 , 1 1 3 2 + % 1 3 2 + 1 8 + 3 2 6 6 4 2 , 1 9 6 8 , 1
0 8 0 , 1 - 5 7 0 , 1 2 3 2 + % 2 3 2 + 2 8 + 7 2 6 3 5 2 , 1 0 8 8 , 1
6 8 0 , 1 - 1 8 0 , 1 3 3 2 + % 3 3 2 + 2 8 + 0 3 6 0 6 2 , 1 0 9 8 , 1
2 9 0 , 1 - 7 8 0 , 1 4 3 2 + % 4 3 2 + 3 8 + 4 3 6 7 6 2 , 1 1 0 9 , 1
8 9 1 , 1 - 3 9 0 , 1 5 3 2 + % 5 3 2 + 3 8 + 7 3 6 4 7 2 , 1 1 1 9 , 1
4 0 1 , 1 - 9 9 0 , 1 6 3 2 + % 6 3 2 + 4 8 + 1 4 6 1 8 2 , 1 2 2 9 , 1
0 1 1 , 1 - 5 0 1 , 1 7 3 2 + % 7 3 2 + 4 8 + 4 4 6 8 8 2 , 1 2 3 9 , 1
6 1 1 , 1 - 1 1 1 , 1 8 3 2 + % 8 3 2 + 5 8 + 8 4 6 5 9 2 , 1 3 4 9 , 1
2 2 1 , 1 - 7 1 1 , 1 9 3 2 + % 9 3 2 + 5 8 + 1 5 6 2 0 3 , 1 3 5 9 , 1
8 2 1 , 1 - 3 2 1 , 1 9 3 2 + % 9 3 2 + 6 8 + 5 5 6 9 0 3 , 1 4 6 9 , 1
4 3 1 , 1 - 9 2 1 , 1 0 4 2 + % 0 4 2 + 6 8 + 8 5 6 6 1 3 , 1 4 7 9 , 1
0 4 1 , 1 - 5 3 1 , 1 1 4 2 + % 1 4 2 + 7 8 + 2 6 6 3 2 3 , 1 5 8 9 , 1
6 4 1 , 1 - 1 4 1 , 1 2 4 2 + % 2 4 2 + 7 8 + 5 6 6 0 3 3 , 1 5 9 9 , 1
2 5 1 , 1 - 7 4 1 , 1 3 4 2 + % 3 4 2 + 8 8 + 9 6 6 7 3 3 , 1 6 0 0 , 2
8 5 1 , 1 - 3 5 1 , 1 4 4 2 + % 4 4 2 + 8 8 + 2 7 6 4 4 3 , 1 6 1 0 , 2
4 6 1 , 1 - 9 5 1 , 1 5 4 2 + % 5 4 2 + 9 8 + 6 7 6 1 5 3 , 1 7 2 0 , 2
0 7 1 , 1 - 5 6 1 , 1 6 4 2 + % 6 4 2 + 9 8 + 9 7 6 8 5 3 , 1 7 3 0 , 2
6 7 1 , 1 - 1 7 1 , 1 7 4 2 + % 7 4 2 + 0 9 + 3 8 6 5 6 3 , 1 8 4 0 , 2
2 8 1 , 1 - 7 7 1 , 1 7 4 2 + % 7 4 2 + 0 9 + 6 8 6 2 7 3 , 1 8 5 0 , 2
8 8 1 , 1 - 3 8 1 , 1 8 4 2 + % 8 4 2 + 1 9 + 0 9 6 9 7 3 , 1 9 6 0 , 2
4 9 1 , 1 - 9 8 1 , 1 9 4 2 + % 9 4 2 + 1 9 + 3 9 6 6 8 3 , 1 9 7 0 , 2
0 0 2 , 1 - 5 9 1 , 1 0 5 2 + % 0 5 2 + 2 9 + 6 9 6 3 9 3 , 1 9 8 0 , 2
s s e n e v i t c a r t t A y l i d o B : e u q i s y h P
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S
6 - 1 9 9 -
2 1 - 7 4 7 -
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 -
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 -
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 -
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 -
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 -
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 -
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 -
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 -
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 -
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 -
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 -
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 -
0 9 - 5 8 6 -
6 9 - 1 9 3 -
2 0 1 - 7 9 -
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 +
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 +
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 +
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 +
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 +
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 +
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 +
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 +
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 +
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 +
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 +
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 +
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 +
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 +
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 +
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 +
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 +
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 +
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 +
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 +
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 +
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 +
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 +
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 +
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 +
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 +
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 +
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 +
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 +
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 +
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 +
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 +
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 +
h t l a e H : e u q i s y h P
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S r e i f i d o M s t n i o P e f i L t i m o V / n o i t a c i x o t n I s e i g r e l l A y t i n u m m I s s e n l l I
6 - 1 9 9 - 0 2 - 9 9 + 6 % 0
2 1 - 7 4 7 - 5 1 - 4 7 + 5 % 4 1
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - 3 1 - 4 6 + 5 % 0 2
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - 1 1 - 6 5 + 5 % 4 2
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - 0 1 - 0 5 + 4 % 8 2
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - 9 - 4 4 + 4 % 2 3
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - 7 - 8 3 + 4 % 5 3
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - 6 - 4 3 + 3 % 7 3
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - 5 - 9 2 + 3 % 0 4
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - 5 - 5 2 + 3 % 2 4
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - 4 - 1 2 + 2 % 5 4
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - 3 - 7 1 + 2 % 7 4
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - 2 - 3 1 + 2 % 9 4
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - 1 - 0 1 + 1 % 1 5
0 9 - 5 8 6 - 1 - 6 + 1 % 3 5
6 9 - 1 9 3 - 1 - 3 + 1 % 5 5
2 0 1 - 7 9 - - - - % 7 5
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + 1 + 3 - - % 8 5
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + 2 + 6 - - % 0 6
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + 2 + 9 - - % 2 6
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + 3 + 2 1 - - % 3 6
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + 4 + 4 1 - - % 5 6
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + 4 + 7 1 - - % 6 6
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + 5 + 0 2 - - % 8 6
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + 5 + 2 2 - - % 9 6
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + 6 + 5 2 - - % 1 7
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + 6 + 7 2 - - % 2 7
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + 7 + 0 3 - - % 3 7
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + 7 + 2 3 - - % 5 7
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + 8 + 4 3 - - % 6 7
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + 8 + 7 3 - - % 7 7
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + 9 + 9 3 - - % 9 7
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + 9 + 1 4 - - % 0 8
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + 0 1 + 3 4 - - % 1 8
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + 0 1 + 5 4 - - % 2 8
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + 0 1 + 7 4 - - % 4 8
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + 1 1 + 9 4 - - % 5 8
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + 1 1 + 2 5 - - % 6 8
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + 2 1 + 4 5 - - % 7 8
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + 2 1 + 6 5 - - % 8 8
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + 3 1 + 8 5 - - % 9 8
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + 3 1 + 9 5 - - % 1 9
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + 3 1 + 1 6 - - % 2 9
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + 4 1 + 3 6 - - % 3 9
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + 4 1 + 5 6 - - % 4 9
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + 4 1 + 7 6 - - % 5 9
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + 5 1 + 9 6 - - % 6 9
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + 5 1 + 1 7 - - % 7 9
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + 6 1 + 2 7 - - % 8 9
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + 6 1 + 4 7 - - % 9 9
1. Although most who are unfamiliar with this term think it is
butterface when heard the first time, but-her-face describes
when every physical aspect of a female character looks good,
but her face. This term should not be taken literally, since the
character described by this term may not be female, or may
have low Bodily Attractiveness as well.
The time will come when you will be
sorry to have looked into your mirror.
l a i c a F : a m s i r a h C
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S n o i t p i r c s e D
6 - 1 9 9 - s u o r t s n o M
2 1 - 7 4 7 - s u o e d i H
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - d e m r o f e D
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - g n i t s u g s i D
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - e v i s l u p e R
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - y l g U
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - y l e m o c n U
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - g n i l l e p e R
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - y l t h g i s n U
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - e c a f - r e h - t u B
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - g n i k o o l - l l I
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - y l e m o H
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - n i a l P
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - n i a l P
0 9 - 5 8 6 - n i a l P
6 9 - 1 9 3 - n i a l P
2 0 1 - 7 9 - n i a l P
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + n i a l P
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + n i a l P
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + n i a l P
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + n i a l P
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + e v i t c a r t t A
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + g n i t i v n I
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + g n i c i t n E
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + g n i c i t n E
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + g n i k o o l - d o o G
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + g n i k o o l - d o o G
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + y l e m o C
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + y l e m o C
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + g n i r u l l A
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + g n i r u l l A
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + g n i t n a h c n E
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + g n i t n a h c n E
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + g n i t a n i c s a F
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + g n i t a n i c s a F
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + y t u a e b e u r T
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + y t u a e b e u r T
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + s s e n t e w s e s u a C
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + s s e n t e w s e s u a C
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + y s u o l a e j s e r i p s n I
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + y s u o l a e j s e r i p s n I
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + t s u l s e r i p s n I
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + t s u l s e r i p s n I
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + e r a t s t s u m s r e g n a r t S
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + e r a t s t s u m s r e g n a r t S
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + e r a t s t s u m s r e h t o l l A
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + e r a t s t s u m s r e h t o l l A
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + g n i n e d d a m y l e v i t i s o P
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + g n i w e i v m o r f m s a g r O
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + n o i t c e f r e P
l a c o V : a m s i r a h C
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S n o i t p i r c s e D
6 - 1 9 9 - y a G
2 1 - 7 4 7 - k a e W
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - d e h c a t e D
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - y e n i h W
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - t f o S
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - y p s a R
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - l l i r h S
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - y h c t a r c S
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - e s r a o H
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - e n o t o n o M
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - m u r o h u s y a s s y a w l A
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - m u r o h u s y a s s y a w l A
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - l a m r o N
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - l a m r o N
0 9 - 5 8 6 - l a m r o N
6 9 - 1 9 3 - l a m r o N
2 0 1 - 7 9 - l a m r o N
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + l a m r o N
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + l a m r o N
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + l a m r o N
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + l a m r o N
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + m u r o h u g n i y a s s d i o v A
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + m u r o h u g n i y a s s d i o v A
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + s e s u a p l a c o v s e s u y l e v i t c e f f E
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + s e s u a p l a c o v s e s u y l e v i t c e f f E
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + c i m h t y R
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + c i m h t y R
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + c i d o l e M
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + c i d o l e M
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + c i d o l e M
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + g n o r t S
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + g n o r t S
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + g n o r t S
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + g n o r t S
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + t n e d i f n o C
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + t n e d i f n o C
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + t n e d i f n o C
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + t n e d i f n o C
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + r a e l C
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + r a e l C
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + r a e l C
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + r a e l C
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + g n i t c e j o r P
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + g n i t c e j o r P
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + g n i t c e j o r P
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + g n i t c e j o r P
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + y l d l r o w r e h t O
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + y l d l r o w r e h t O
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + y l d l r o w r e h t O
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + y l d l r o w r e h t O
c i t e n i K : a m s i r a h C
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S n o i t p i r c s e D
6 - 1 9 9 - e t a r e n e g e D
2 1 - 7 4 7 - g n i r e b m u L
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - h s i t u o L
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - h g u o R
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - t p e n I
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - h t u o c n U
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - l u f e c a r g n U
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - e s r a o C
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - g n i l g n u B
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - d e n i f e r n U
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - t p u r b A
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - d r a w k w A
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - y r a n i d r O
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - y r a n i d r O
0 9 - 5 8 6 - y r a n i d r O
6 9 - 1 9 3 - y r a n i d r O
2 0 1 - 7 9 - y r a n i d r O
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + y r a n i d r O
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + y r a n i d r O
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + y r a n i d r O
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + y r a n i d r O
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + h t o o m S
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + h t o o m S
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + g n i w o l F
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + g n i w o l F
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + g n i m o c e B
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + g n i m o c e B
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + d e n i f e R
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + d e n i f e R
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + d e h s i l o P
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + d e h s i l o P
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + d e h s i l o P
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + l u f e c a r G
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + l u f e c a r G
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + l u f e c a r G
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + l a r u t a N
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + l a r u t a N
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + l a r u t a N
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + k e e l S
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + k e e l S
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + k e e l S
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + e v a u S
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + e v a u S
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + e v a u S
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + e k i l - t a C
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + e k i l - t a C
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + e k i l - t a C
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + s u o r b a l G
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + s u o r b a l G
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + s u o r b a l G
l a c i r o t e h R : a m s i r a h C
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S e t a R h c e e p S e g a r e v A
6 - 1 9 9 - 1
2 1 - 7 4 7 - 5
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - 0 2
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - 0 4
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - 0 6
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - 0 8
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - 0 9
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - ) % 0 5 ( 0 7 2 r o 0 0 1
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - ) % 0 5 ( 0 6 2 r o 0 1 1
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - ) % 0 5 ( 0 5 2 r o 5 1 1
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - ) % 0 5 ( 0 4 2 r o 0 2 1
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - ) % 0 5 ( 0 3 2 r o 5 2 1
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - ) % 0 5 ( 0 2 2 r o 0 3 1
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - ) % 0 5 ( 0 1 2 r o 5 3 1
0 9 - 5 8 6 - ) % 0 5 ( 0 0 2 r o 0 4 1
6 9 - 1 9 3 - ) % 0 5 ( 5 9 1 r o 5 4 1
2 0 1 - 7 9 - ) % 0 5 ( 0 9 1 r o 0 5 1
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + ) % 0 5 ( 7 8 1 r o 2 5 1
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + ) % 0 5 ( 5 8 1 r o 5 5 1
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + ) % 0 5 ( 2 8 1 r o 7 5 1
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + ) % 0 5 ( 0 8 1 r o 0 6 1
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + ) % 0 5 ( 7 7 1 r o 2 6 1
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + ) % 0 5 ( 5 7 1 r o 5 6 1
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + ) % 0 5 ( 2 7 1 r o 7 6 1
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + 0 7 1
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + 0 7 1
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + 0 7 1
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + 0 7 1
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + 0 7 1
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + 0 7 1
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + 0 7 1
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + 0 7 1
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + 0 7 1
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + 0 7 1
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + 0 7 1
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + 0 7 1
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + 0 7 1
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + 0 7 1
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + 0 7 1
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + 0 7 1
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + 0 7 1
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + 0 7 1
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + 0 7 1
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + 0 7 1
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + 0 7 1
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + 0 7 1
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + 0 7 1
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + 0 7 1
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + 0 7 1
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + 0 7 1
n o i t a n i d r o o C e y E - d n a H : y t i r e t x e D
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S n o i s i c e r P r e g n i F
6 - 1 9 9 - t o o f 1
2 1 - 7 4 7 - s e h c n i 6
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - s e h c n i 2
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - h c n i 1
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - h c n i 2 / 1
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - h c n i 8 / 3
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - h c n i 4 / 1
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - h c n i 4 / 1
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - h c n i 4 / 1
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - 8 / 1
h t
h c n i
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - 8 / 1
h t
h c n i
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - 8 / 1
h t
h c n i
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - 6 1 / 1
h t
h c n i
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - 6 1 / 1
h t
h c n i
0 9 - 5 8 6 - 6 1 / 1
h t
h c n i
6 9 - 1 9 3 - 6 1 / 1
h t
h c n i
2 0 1 - 7 9 - 6 1 / 1
h t
h c n i
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + 2 3 / 1
d n
h c n i
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + 2 3 / 1
d n
h c n i
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + 2 3 / 1
d n
h c n i
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + 2 3 / 1
d n
h c n i
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + 2 3 / 1
d n
h c n i
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + 4 6 / 1
h t
h c n i
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + 4 6 / 1
h t
h c n i
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + 4 6 / 1
h t
h c n i
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + 4 6 / 1
h t
h c n i
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + 4 6 / 1
h t
h c n i
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + 0 0 1 / 1
h t
h c n i
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + 0 0 1 / 1
h t
h c n i
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + 0 0 1 / 1
h t
h c n i
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + 0 0 1 / 1
h t
h c n i
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + 0 0 1 / 1
h t
h c n i
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + 0 5 2 / 1
h t
h c n i
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + 0 5 2 / 1
h t
h c n i
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + 0 5 2 / 1
h t
h c n i
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + 0 5 2 / 1
h t
h c n i
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + 0 5 2 / 1
h t
h c n i
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + 0 5 2 / 1
h t
h c n i
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + 0 0 5 / 1
h t
h c n i
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + 0 0 5 / 1
h t
h c n i
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + 0 0 5 / 1
h t
h c n i
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + 0 0 5 / 1
h t
h c n i
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + 0 0 5 / 1
h t
h c n i
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + 0 0 5 / 1
h t
h c n i
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + 0 0 0 , 1 / 1
h t
h c n i
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + 0 0 0 , 1 / 1
h t
h c n i
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + 0 0 0 , 1 / 1
h t
h c n i
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + 0 0 0 , 1 / 1
h t
h c n i
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + 0 0 0 , 1 / 1
h t
h c n i
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + 0 0 0 , 1 / 1
h t
h c n i
y t i l i g A : y t i r e t x e D
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S r o m r A d n u o r / s k c a t t A g n i l w a r B d n a t S o t s d n o c e S
6 - 1 9 9 - 6 1 - 4 / 1 9
2 1 - 7 4 7 - 5 1 - 3 / 1 8
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - 4 1 - 2 / 1 8
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - 3 1 - 1 7
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - 2 1 - 1 6
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - 1 1 - 2 5
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - 0 1 - 2 4
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - 9 - 2 3
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - 8 - 2 3
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - 7 - 2 3
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - 6 - 2 3
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - 5 - 2 3
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - 4 - 2 3
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - 3 - 2 3
0 9 - 5 8 6 - 2 - 2 3
6 9 - 1 9 3 - 1 - 2 3
2 0 1 - 7 9 - - 2 3
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + 1 + 2 3
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + 2 + 2 3
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + 3 + 2 3
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + 4 + 2 3
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + 5 + 2 3
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + 6 + 2 3
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + 7 + 2 3
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + 8 + 3 2
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + 9 + 3 2
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + 0 1 + 3 2
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + 1 1 + 3 2
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + 2 1 + 3 2
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + 3 1 + 4 2
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + 4 1 + 4 2
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + 5 1 + 4 2
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + 6 1 + 4 2
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + 7 1 + 4 2
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + 8 1 + 4 2
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + 9 1 + 4 2
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + 0 2 + 4 2
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + 1 2 + 4 2
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + 2 2 + 4 2
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + 3 2 + 5 2
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + 4 2 + 5 2
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + 5 2 + 5 2
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + 6 2 + 5 2
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + 7 2 + 5 2
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + 8 2 + 5 2
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + 9 2 + 5 2
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + 0 3 + 5 2
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + 1 3 + 5 2
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + 2 3 + 5 2
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + 3 3 + 6 1
d e e p S n o i t c a e R : y t i r e t x e D
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S y r e v o c e R p e e l S p e e D
6 - 1 9 9 - 7
2 1 - 7 4 7 - 7
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - 6
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - 6
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - 5
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - 5
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - 4
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - 4
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - 3
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - 3
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - 2
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - 2
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - 2
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - 2
0 9 - 5 8 6 - 2
6 9 - 1 9 3 - 2
2 0 1 - 7 9 - 2
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + 2
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + 2
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + 2
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + 2
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + 2
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + 2
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + 2
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + 1
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + 1
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + 1
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + 1
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + 1
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + 1
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + 1
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + 1
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + 1
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + 0
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + 0
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + 0
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + 0
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + 0
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + 0
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + 0
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + 0
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + 0
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + 0
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + 0
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + 0
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + 0
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + 0
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + 0
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + 0
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + 0
n o i t a i c n u n E : y t i r e t x e D
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S e t a R h c e e p S m u m i x a M l l e p S a t s a C o t e m i T
6 - 1 9 9 - 0 4 y l r e p o r p t n a h c o t e l b a n U
2 1 - 7 4 7 - 0 5 y l r e p o r p t n a h c o t e l b a n U
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - 0 6 y l r e p o r p t n a h c o t e l b a n U
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - 0 7 % 0 3 1 +
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - 0 8 % 0 2 1 +
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - 0 9 % 0 1 1 +
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - 0 0 1 % 0 0 1 +
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - 0 1 1 % 0 9 +
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - 0 2 1 % 0 8 +
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - 0 3 1 % 0 7 +
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - 0 4 1 % 0 6 +
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - 0 5 1 % 0 5 +
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - 0 6 1 % 0 4 +
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - 0 7 1 % 0 3 +
0 9 - 5 8 6 - 0 8 1 % 0 2 +
6 9 - 1 9 3 - 0 9 1 % 0 1 +
2 0 1 - 7 9 - 0 0 2 -
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + 0 1 2 % 2 -
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + 0 2 2 % 4 -
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + 0 3 2 % 6 -
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + 0 4 2 % 8 -
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + 0 5 2 % 0 1 -
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + 0 6 2 % 2 1 -
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + 0 7 2 % 4 1 -
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + 0 8 2 % 6 1 -
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + 0 9 2 % 8 1 -
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + 0 0 3 % 0 2 -
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + 0 1 3 % 2 2 -
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + 0 2 3 % 4 2 -
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + 0 3 3 % 6 2 -
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + 0 4 3 % 8 2 -
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + 0 5 3 % 0 3 -
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + 0 6 3 % 2 3 -
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + 0 7 3 % 4 3 -
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + 0 8 3 % 6 3 -
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + 0 9 3 % 8 3 -
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + 0 0 4 % 0 4 -
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + 0 1 4 % 2 4 -
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + 0 2 4 % 4 4 -
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + 0 3 4 % 6 4 -
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + 0 4 4 % 8 4 -
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + 0 5 4 % 0 5 -
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + 0 6 4 % 2 5 -
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + 0 7 4 % 4 5 -
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + 0 8 4 % 6 5 -
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + 0 9 4 % 8 5 -
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + 0 0 5 % 0 6 -
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + 0 1 5 % 2 6 -
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + 0 2 5 % 4 6 -
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + 0 3 5 % 6 6 -
e g a u g n a L : e c n e g i l l e t n I
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S d e n r a e L # e l b i s s o P t i m i L y r a l u b a c o V
6 - 1 9 9 - 0 A N
2 1 - 7 4 7 - 0 A N
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - 0 a g - a G
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - 1 m o M
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - 1 e s r o H
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - 1 n a m o W
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - 1 e t a l o i V
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - 1 s u o i c i l e D
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - 1 y t i n a s n I
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - 1 g n i r e v a W
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - 1 n o i t a r a p e r P
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - 2 n o i t a n i b m o C
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - 2 e z i r o h t u A
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - 2 l a i t n a t s b u S
0 9 - 5 8 6 - 2 l a t n e m i r e p x E
6 9 - 1 9 3 - 2 n o i s r e v n o C
2 0 1 - 7 9 - 3 s u o e n a t n a t s n I
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + 3 d e y a m s i d n U
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + 3 e l i u g e B
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + 3 l a t n e d n e c s n a r T
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + 3 y t i v i s r u c s i D
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + 4 c i t a m g i d a r a P
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + 4 s u o i c a m u t n o C
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + 4 s s e n s u o i c i n r e P
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + 4 n o i t a b o r p p a s i D
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + 5 e t n e c i d a r t n o c e n i m e N
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + 5 m s i n a i r a t n e m h s i l b a t s e s i d i t n A
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + 5 -
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + 5 -
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + 6 -
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + 6 -
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + 6 -
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + 6 -
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + 7 -
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + 7 -
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + 7 -
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + 7 -
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + 8 -
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + 8 -
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + 8 -
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + 8 -
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + 9 -
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + 9 -
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + 9 -
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + 9 -
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + 0 1 -
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + 0 1 -
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + 0 1 -
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + 0 1 -
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + 1 1 -
h t a M : e c n e g i l l e t n I
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S h t a M e l b i s s o P t s e h g i H
6 - 1 9 9 - n o i t i d d A
2 1 - 7 4 7 - n o i t i d d A
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - n o i t i d d A
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - n o i t c a r t b u S
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - n o i t c a r t b u S
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - n o i t c a r t b u S
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - n o i t a c i l p i t l u M
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - n o i t a c i l p i t l u M
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - n o i t a c i l p i t l u M
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - n o i s i v i D
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - n o i s i v i D
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - n o i s i v i D
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - s n o i t c a r F
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - s n o i t c a r F
0 9 - 5 8 6 - s n o i t c a r F
6 9 - 1 9 3 - a r b e g l A
2 0 1 - 7 9 - a r b e g l A
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + a r b e g l A
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + y r t e m o e G
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + y r t e m o e G
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + y r t e m o e G
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + y r t e m o n o g i r T
c i t y l a n A : e c n e g i l l e t n I
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S
6 - 1 9 9 -
2 1 - 7 4 7 -
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 -
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 -
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 -
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 -
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 -
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 -
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 -
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 -
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 -
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 -
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 -
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 -
0 9 - 5 8 6 -
6 9 - 1 9 3 -
2 0 1 - 7 9 -
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 +
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 +
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 +
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 +
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 +
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 +
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 +
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 +
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 +
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 +
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 +
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 +
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 +
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 +
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 +
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 +
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 +
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 +
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 +
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 +
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 +
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 +
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 +
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 +
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 +
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 +
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 +
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 +
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 +
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 +
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 +
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 +
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 +
l a i t a p S : e c n e g i l l e t n I
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S y l b m e s s A t c e j b O r a i l i m a f n U
6 - 1 9 9 - A N
2 1 - 7 4 7 - 2
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - 3
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - 4
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - 5
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - 6
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - 7
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - 0 1
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - 2 1
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - 5 1
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - 7 1
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - 0 2
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - 0 5
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - 0 0 1
0 9 - 5 8 6 - 5 2 1
6 9 - 1 9 3 - 0 5 1
2 0 1 - 7 9 - 0 0 2
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + 0 5 2
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + 0 5 3
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + 0 0 5
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + 0 5 7
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + 0 0 0 , 1
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + 0 5 2 , 1
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + 0 0 5 , 1
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + 0 5 7 , 1
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + 0 0 0 , 2
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + 0 0 5 , 2
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + 0 0 0 , 3
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + 0 0 5 , 3
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + 0 0 0 , 4
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + 0 0 0 , 5
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + 0 0 0 , 6
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + 0 0 0 , 7
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + 0 0 0 , 8
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + 0 0 0 , 9
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + 0 0 0 , 0 1
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + 0 0 0 , 1 1
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + 0 0 0 , 2 1
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + 0 0 0 , 3 1
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + 0 0 0 , 4 1
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + 0 0 0 , 5 1
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + 0 0 0 , 6 1
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + 0 0 0 , 7 1
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + 0 0 0 , 8 1
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + 0 0 0 , 9 1
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + 0 0 0 , 0 2
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + 0 0 0 , 1 2
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + 0 0 0 , 2 2
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + 0 0 0 , 3 2
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + 0 0 0 , 4 2
e v i r D : m o d s i W
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S r e i f i d o M s t n i o P e f i L s s e n s u o i c s n o c n U g n i x a l e R s r u o H
6 - 1 9 9 - 5 - % 5 + 4 2
2 1 - 7 4 7 - 5 - % 5 + 4 2
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - 5 - % 5 + 3 2
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - 4 - % 4 + 3 2
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - 4 - % 4 + 2 2
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - 4 - % 4 + 2 2
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - 3 - % 3 + 1 2
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - 3 - % 3 + 1 2
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - 3 - % 3 + 0 2
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - 2 - % 2 + 0 2
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - 2 - % 2 + 9 1
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - 2 - % 2 + 9 1
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - 1 - % 1 + 8 1
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - 1 - % 1 + 8 1
0 9 - 5 8 6 - 1 - % 1 + 7 1
6 9 - 1 9 3 - - - 7 1
2 0 1 - 7 9 - - - 6 1
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + - - 6 1
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + 1 + % 1 - 5 1
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + 1 + % 1 - 5 1
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + 1 + % 1 - 4 1
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + 2 + % 2 - 4 1
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + 2 + % 2 - 3 1
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + 2 + % 2 - 3 1
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + 3 + % 3 - 2 1
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + 3 + % 3 - 2 1
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + 3 + % 3 - 1 1
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + 4 + % 4 - 1 1
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + 4 + % 4 - 0 1
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + 4 + % 4 - 0 1
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + 5 + % 5 - 9
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + 5 + % 5 - 9
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + 5 + % 5 - 8
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + 6 + % 6 - 8
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + 6 + % 6 - 7
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + 6 + % 6 - 7
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + 7 + % 7 - 6
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + 7 + % 7 - 6
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + 7 + % 7 - 5
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + 8 + % 8 - 5
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + 8 + % 8 - 4
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + 8 + % 8 - 4
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + 9 + % 9 - 3
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + 9 + % 9 - 3
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + 9 + % 9 - 2
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + 0 1 + % 0 1 - 2
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + 0 1 + % 0 1 - 1
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + 0 1 + % 0 1 - 1
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + 1 1 + % 1 1 - 0
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + 1 1 + % 1 1 - 0
All that is mine,
I carry with me.
(My Wisdom is my
greatest wealth.)
n o i t i u t n I : m o d s i W
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S
6 - 1 9 9 -
2 1 - 7 4 7 -
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 -
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 -
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 -
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 -
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 -
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 -
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 -
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 -
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 -
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 -
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 -
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 -
0 9 - 5 8 6 -
6 9 - 1 9 3 -
2 0 1 - 7 9 -
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 +
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 +
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 +
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 +
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 +
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 +
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 +
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 +
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 +
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 +
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 +
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 +
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 +
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 +
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 +
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 +
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 +
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 +
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 +
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 +
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 +
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 +
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 +
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 +
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 +
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 +
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 +
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 +
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 +
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 +
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 +
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 +
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 +
e s n e S n o m m o C : m o d s i W
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S : o t y l e k i L
6 - 1 9 9 - d o g a l l i k o t t p m e t t A : s e m e h c s r e t a e r g r o f t h g u a c t e G
2 1 - 7 4 7 - d o g r i e h t o t e i l o t t p m e t t A : s e m e h c s r e t a e r g r o f t h g u a c t e G
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - d o g a o t e i l o t t p m e t t A : s e m e h c s r e t a e r g r o f t h g u a c t e G
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - d o g a t c e p s e r s i D : s e m e h c s r e t a e r g r o f t h g u a c t e G
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - d o g l a c i h t e n u n a h t i w t c a p a e k a M : s e m e h c s r o f t h g u a c t e G
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - s r o t p a c f o s e v i l e h t n e t a e r h t , d n u o b e l i h W : s e m e h c s r o f t h g u a c t e G
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - s r o t p a c r i e h t t a s e s r u c l l e y , d n u o b e l i h W : s e m e h c s r o f t h g u a c t e G
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - s e i s s u p f o h c n u b a y m r a g n i h c r a m a l l a C : s e m e h c s r e s s e l r o f t h g u a c t e G
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - d n e i r f t s e b r i e h t f o e s u o p s e h t h t i w p e e l S : s e m e h c s r e s s e l r o f t h g u a c t e G
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - r e t s a m r i e h t m o r f l a e t s o t , e v a l s a f I : s e m e h c s r e s s e l r o f t h g u a c t e G
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - a i t i l i m e h t m o r f l a e t S : s e m e h c s r e s s e l r o f t h g u a c t e G
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - d e k c i k s s a r i e h t t e g n e h t t u b t r i l F : s e m e h c s r e s s e l r o f t h g u a c t e G
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - -
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - -
0 9 - 5 8 6 - -
6 9 - 1 9 3 - -
2 0 1 - 7 9 - -
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + -
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + -
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + -
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + -
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + y l i m a f e t a i d e m m i f o t s u r t e h t s a h y l b a b o r P
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + s d n e i r f e s o l c f o t s u r t e h t s a h y l b a b o r P
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + y l i m a f e t a i d e m m i - n o n f o t s u r t e h t s a h y l b a b o r P
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + s d n e i r f f o t s u r t e h t s a h y l b a b o r P
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + s e t a i c o s s a f o t s u r t e h t s a h y l b a b o r P
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + s r e g n a r t s f o t s u r t e h t s a h y l l a u s U
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + r a e y 1 r o f e l b u o r t f o t r o s e m o s n i n e e b t o n s a h y l b a b o r P
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + s r a e y 5 r o f e l b u o r t f o t r o s e m o s n i n e e b t o n s a h y l b a b o r P
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + e d a c e d 1 r o f e l b u o r t f o t r o s e m o s n i n e e b t o n s a h y l b a b o r P
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + e f i l n i s e m i t 3 e l b u o r t f o t r o s e m o s n i n e e b y l n o s a h y l b a b o r P
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + e f i l n i s e m i t 2 e l b u o r t f o t r o s e m o s n i n e e b y l n o s a h y l b a b o r P
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + e f i l n i e c n o e l b u o r t f o t r o s e m o s n i n e e b y l n o s a h y l b a b o r P
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + e f i l n i e l b u o r t n i n e e b r e v e n s a h y l b a b o r P
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + m o d s i W o t e u d d n u o r a s e l i m m o r f r e t c a r a h c s i h t k e e s o t d n e t s r e h t O
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + m o d s i W o t e u d d n u o r a s e l i m m o r f r e t c a r a h c s i h t k e e s o t d n e t s r e h t O
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + m o d s i W o t e u d d n u o r a s e l i m m o r f r e t c a r a h c s i h t k e e s o t d n e t s r e h t O
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + m o d s i W o t e u d s e i r t n u o c y b r a e n m o r f r e t c a r a h c s i h t k e e s o t d n e t s r e h t O
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + m o d s i W o t e u d s e i r t n u o c y b r a e n m o r f r e t c a r a h c s i h t k e e s o t d n e t s r e h t O
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + m o d s i W o t e u d s e i r t n u o c y b r a e n m o r f r e t c a r a h c s i h t k e e s o t d n e t s r e h t O
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + m o d s i W o t e u d d l r o w e h t d n u o r a m o r f r e t c a r a h c s i h t k e e s o t d n e t s r e h t O
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + m o d s i W o t e u d d l r o w e h t d n u o r a m o r f r e t c a r a h c s i h t k e e s o t d n e t s r e h t O
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + m o d s i W o t e u d d l r o w e h t d n u o r a m o r f r e t c a r a h c s i h t k e e s o t d n e t s r e h t O
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + m o d s i W o t e u d s d l r o w r e h t o m o r f r e t c a r a h c s i h t k e e s o t d n e t s r e h t O
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + m o d s i W o t e u d s d l r o w r e h t o m o r f r e t c a r a h c s i h t k e e s o t d n e t s r e h t O
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + m o d s i W o t e u d s d l r o w r e h t o m o r f r e t c a r a h c s i h t k e e s o t d n e t s r e h t O
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + m o d s i W o t e u d s d l r o w r e h t o m o r f r e t c a r a h c s i h t k e e s o t d n e t s r e h t O
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + m o d s i W o t e u d s e n a l p r e h t o m o r f r e t c a r a h c s i h t k e e s o t d n e t s r e h t O
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + m o d s i W o t e u d s e n a l p r e h t o m o r f r e t c a r a h c s i h t k e e s o t d n e t s r e h t O
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + m o d s i W o t e u d s e n a l p r e h t o m o r f r e t c a r a h c s i h t k e e s o t d n e t s r e h t O
n o i t c e l f e R : m o d s i W
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S : t a y r o m e M t s e i l r a E
6 - 1 9 9 - o g a y a d 1
2 1 - 7 4 7 - o g a h t n o m 1
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 - o g a r a e y 1
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 - 8 e g a
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 - 7 e g a
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 - 6 e g a
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 - 5 e g a
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 - 5 e g a
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 - 5 e g a
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 - 5 e g a
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 - 4 e g a
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 - 4 e g a
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 - 4 e g a
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 - 4 e g a
0 9 - 5 8 6 - 3 e g a
6 9 - 1 9 3 - 3 e g a
2 0 1 - 7 9 - 3 e g a
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 + 3 e g a
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 + 3 e g a
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 + 2 e g a
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 + 2 e g a
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 + 2 e g a
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 + 2 e g a
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 + 2 e g a
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 + 1 e g a
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 + 1 e g a
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 + 1 e g a
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 + 1 e g a
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 + 1 e g a
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 + 1 e g a
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 + 1 e g a
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 + 1 e g a
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 + s h t n o m 1 1
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 + s h t n o m 0 1
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 + s h t n o m 9
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 + s h t n o m 8
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 + s h t n o m 7
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 + s h t n o m 6
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 + s h t n o m 5
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 + s h t n o m 4
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 + s h t n o m 3
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 + s h t n o m 2
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 + h t n o m 1
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 + k e e w 1
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 + y a d 1
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 + r u o h 1
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 + e t u n i m 1
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 + d n o c e s 1
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 + h t r i B
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 + b m o W
1. Although the relationships between many variables in the
tables for sub-abilities are linear, such as Strength and Damage,
many are also curvilinear, such as sub-ability scores and Skill
Modifiers. Most curvilinear relationships are calculated as
parabolas. The parabolic formula that opens to the right is: (y
- y
= 4a(x - x
). The variable c is the vertical distance from
the vertex to y=0, and d is the horizontal distance from the
vertex to x=0. Finally, a is the distance from the vertex to
the focus of the parabola. For example, Skill Modifiers are
considered to range from -99 to +250 over 200 categories
(such as 1-6, 7-12, etc.) of sub-ability scores. Only Strength
has 200 categories; other sub-abilities have 50. Therefore, the
vertex is (1, -99), so consider the vertex in the equation: (y +
= 4a(x - 1). Now, solve for a by inputting any other
known point, such as the apex (17, 0), and: (0 + 99)
= 4a(17
- 1). Hence: 99
= 4a(16). Therefore: 9801 = 64a. Finally,
a=153.14. Consequently, 4a=612.56. Now, any point may be
plotted along the curve: (y + 99)
= 612.56(x - 1). For example,
the highest Strength category (1,195-1,200, the 200
is: (y + 99)
= 612.56(200 - 1). Next: (y + 99)
= 612.56(199).
Next: (y + 99)
= 121899.44, and is equivalent to: y + 99 =
. And: y + 99 = 349. Finally: y=250. All
curvilinear relationships were calculated in Microsoft Excel.
s r e i f i d o M l l i k S
y t i l i b A l l a r e v O r e p
e r o c s y t i l i b a - b u S r e i f i d o M l l i k S
6 - 1 9 9 -
2 1 - 7 4 7 -
8 1 - 3 1 4 6 -
4 2 - 9 1 6 5 -
0 3 - 5 2 0 5 -
6 3 - 1 3 4 4 -
2 4 - 7 3 8 3 -
8 4 - 3 4 4 3 -
4 5 - 9 4 9 2 -
0 6 - 5 5 5 2 -
6 6 - 1 6 1 2 -
2 7 - 7 6 7 1 -
8 7 - 3 7 3 1 -
4 8 - 9 7 0 1 -
0 9 - 5 8 6 -
6 9 - 1 9 3 -
2 0 1 - 7 9 -
8 0 1 - 3 0 1 3 +
4 1 1 - 9 0 1 6 +
0 2 1 - 5 1 1 9 +
6 2 1 - 1 2 1 2 1 +
2 3 1 - 7 2 1 4 1 +
8 3 1 - 3 3 1 7 1 +
4 4 1 - 9 3 1 0 2 +
0 5 1 - 5 4 1 2 2 +
6 5 1 - 1 5 1 5 2 +
2 6 1 - 7 5 1 7 2 +
8 6 1 - 3 6 1 0 3 +
4 7 1 - 9 6 1 2 3 +
0 8 1 - 5 7 1 4 3 +
6 8 1 - 1 8 1 7 3 +
2 9 1 - 7 8 1 9 3 +
8 9 1 - 3 9 1 1 4 +
4 0 2 - 9 9 1 3 4 +
0 1 2 - 5 0 2 5 4 +
6 1 2 - 1 1 2 7 4 +
2 2 2 - 7 1 2 9 4 +
8 2 2 - 3 2 2 2 5 +
4 3 2 - 9 2 2 4 5 +
0 4 2 - 5 3 2 6 5 +
6 4 2 - 1 4 2 8 5 +
2 5 2 - 7 4 2 9 5 +
8 5 2 - 3 5 2 1 6 +
4 6 2 - 9 5 2 3 6 +
0 7 2 - 5 6 2 5 6 +
6 7 2 - 1 7 2 7 6 +
2 8 2 - 7 7 2 9 6 +
8 8 2 - 3 8 2 1 7 +
4 9 2 - 9 8 2 2 7 +
0 0 3 - 5 9 2 4 7 +
Depending on race and Intelligence, a char-
acter may be considered retarded, slow, average,
gifted, or a genius. Infants who are obviously re-
tarded are usually killed or abandoned by their par-
ents. Retards are likely to have extra folds of skin
under their eyes, a flattened nasal bridge, and a large
tongue. Consult the table below:
e g n a R e c n e g i l l e t n I
e c a R d r a t e R w o l S . g v A d e t f i G s u i n e G
m i k a n A 5 7 - 1 0 0 9 - 6 7 0 2 1 - 1 9 5 3 1 - 1 2 1 9 9 1 - 6 3 1
r a e b g u B 8 6 - 1 0 3 8 - 9 6 3 1 1 - 4 8 8 2 1 - 4 1 1 9 9 1 - 9 2 1
f r a w D 3 7 - 1 0 8 8 - 4 7 8 1 1 - 9 8 3 3 1 - 9 1 1 9 9 1 - 4 3 1
f l E 0 7 - 1 0 5 8 - 1 7 5 1 1 - 6 8 0 3 1 - 6 1 1 9 9 1 - 1 3 1
n a m u H 0 7 - 1 0 5 8 - 1 7 5 1 1 - 6 8 0 3 1 - 6 1 1 9 9 1 - 1 3 1
d l o b o K 8 6 - 1 0 3 8 - 9 6 3 1 1 - 4 8 8 2 1 - 4 1 1 9 9 1 - 9 2 1
e s a B , e r g O 0 3 - 1 0 5 4 - 1 3 5 7 - 6 4 0 9 - 6 7 9 9 1 - 1 9
f f i l C , e r g O 8 4 - 1 0 3 6 - 9 4 3 9 - 4 6 8 0 1 - 4 9 9 9 1 - 9 0 1
. a u r G , e r g O 1 2 - 1 0 6 3 - 2 2 6 6 - 7 3 1 8 - 7 6 9 9 1 - 2 8
r e d n i K , e r g O 0 4 - 1 0 5 5 - 1 4 5 8 - 6 5 0 0 1 - 6 8 9 9 1 - 1 0 1
. b r o B , l l o r T 5 1 - 1 0 0 3 - 6 1 0 6 - 1 3 5 7 - 1 6 9 9 1 - 6 7
l l i H , l l o r T 5 1 - 1 0 0 3 - 6 1 0 6 - 1 3 5 7 - 1 6 9 9 1 - 6 7
. b u S , l l o r T 0 8 - 1 0 5 9 - 1 8 5 2 1 - 6 9 0 4 1 - 6 2 1 9 9 1 - 1 4 1
Retard Strength
Consult the former table entitled Intelli-
gence Range to determine if a character is retarded.
For example, humans with Intelligence less than or
equal to 70 are retarded. Many Aediles will simply
tell the player to reroll the score, all abilities, or some
may demand that the character is played despite the
low score. If your character is retarded, consult your
Any character who is retarded must roll
1d100 to see if they have Retard Strength. Next,
consider 3 times the difference between the
characters retarded Intelligence and the lowest In-
telligence they could have to be Slow, and consider
this to be the percentile chance of Retard Strength.
(lowest Slow score - retard Intelligence) x 3 =
(% chance of Retard Strength)
If the character has Retard Strength, then
increase the characters Strength sub-ability by
Aging Effects
Abilities are not constants throughout a characters lifespan. Instead, abilities vary as the character
ages, though some vary more or less, and in different proportions. Different races vary regarding lifespan
and years per age category listed below. Racial information may be found in Chapter 1: Race and Gender.
Percentile effects are reflect a distance from Young Adult. For instance, the average ability of Reflection
for an infant is 10 (100 - 90% = 10), while for Old Age it is 125 (100 + 25% = 125).
1. Manual Dexterity and age were correlated in the following study: Adult Norms for the Box and Block Test of Manual
Dexterity. For more information, see the References section at the end of this book.
2. According to The Owners Manual for the Brain, Reaction Speed doubles from age 20 to 60. For more information, see the
References section at the end of this book.
3. These estimates relate to the average character. According to The Owners Manual for the Brain, mental abilities do not
decline with age if the brain is exercised, but only from disuse. For more information, see the References section at the end
of this book. Consult with the Aedile to determine whether or not a particular character has exercised mentally.
Persistent Exercise
Only the following sub-abilities may be in-
creased with Persistent Exercise: Physical Fitness,
Strength, Language, Math, Analytic, and Spatial. The
other 14 sub-abilities are unable to be increased by
the characters determination and efforts, though
particular skills that depend upon those sub-abili-
ties may be increased substantially (see Chap. 8: Skills).
For example, a characters Facial Charisma is simply
that with which they are born. Although a charac-
ter can experiment with grooming and hairstyles,
this does not directly change their Facial Charisma,
but is more applicable under a skill, such as Dis-
guise, since this is not their natural state. With the
exception of the sub-abilities noted above, the oth-
ers are relatively fixed, and may only be altered by
aging, magic, or something happening to the char-
acter that is debilitating.
Gains may occur with Physical Fitness and
Strength, provided the character devotes at least an
hour every other day to appropriate exercise. Ap-
propriate exercise is somewhat of a qualifier, since
y t i l i b A - b u S t n a f n I d l i h C y t r e b u P t l u d A g n u o Y e g A e l d d i M e g A d l O e l b a r e n e V
s s e n t i F l a c i s y h P % 0 9 - % 0 4 - % 0 1 - - % 0 1 - % 0 3 - % 0 6 -
h t g n e r t S % 0 9 - % 0 6 - % 0 2 - - % 5 - % 5 2 - % 5 6 -
t c a r t t A y l i d o B % 0 9 - % 0 4 - % 0 1 - - % 0 1 - % 0 4 - % 0 9 -
h t l a e H % 5 3 - % 5 1 - % 5 - - % 0 1 - % 0 3 - % 0 6 -
l a i c a F % 0 7 - % 0 3 - % 0 1 - - % 5 - % 5 2 - % 5 6 -
l a c o V % 0 9 - % 0 4 - % 0 1 - - - % 0 2 - % 0 6 -
c i t e n i K % 0 9 - % 5 3 - % 5 - - - % 0 2 - % 0 6 -
l a c i r o t e h R % 0 9 - % 5 4 - % 5 1 - - % 5 1 + - % 5 5 -
. d r o o C e y E - d n a H
% 0 9 - % 0 3 - % 0 1 - - % 0 1 - % 0 2 - % 0 3 -
y t i l i g A % 0 9 - % 0 3 - % 0 1 - - % 0 1 - % 0 4 - % 0 8 -
d e e p S n o i t c a e R
% 0 9 - % 0 3 - % 0 1 - - % 0 1 - % 0 3 - % 0 5 -
n o i t a i c n u n E % 0 9 - % 0 4 - % 0 1 - - - % 0 1 - % 0 3 -
e g a u g n a L
% 0 9 - % 0 4 - % 0 1 - - % 0 1 + - % 0 2 -
h t a M
% 0 9 - % 0 6 - % 0 2 - - % 5 - % 5 2 - % 5 6 -
c i t y l a n A
% 0 9 - % 0 6 - % 0 2 - - % 0 2 + - % 0 4 -
l a i t a p S
% 0 9 - % 0 4 - % 0 1 - - % 0 1 + - % 0 2 -
e v i r D % 0 4 - - - - - - % 0 4 -
n o i t i u t n I % 5 5 - % 5 1 - % 5 - - % 0 1 + - % 0 4 -
e s n e S n o m m o C % 0 9 - % 0 4 - % 0 1 - - % 0 1 + - % 0 4 -
n o i t c e l f e R % 0 9 - % 0 4 - % 0 1 - - % 0 2 + % 5 2 + % 5 2 -
proper diets, techniques, and weights are unknown
to the races populating this gaming world. For in-
stance, it was common to think that more exercise
always yielded more benefit, which of course would
fail to give the muscles time to repair. Therefore,
any character desiring to increase their Physical Fit-
ness or Strength through Persistent Exercise must
pass a Common Sense sub-ability check at TH 18 to
exercise successfully. Otherwise, the adopted
method utterly fails to cause noticeable results.
If successful, and assuming that exercise is
not neglected periodically, then the character must
make checks at certain time intervals to determine
improvement. These checks are made without modi-
fiers by rolling 3d10. If the roll exceeds the TH,
then the following roll represents the number of
sub-ability points gained:
l a v r e t n I e m i T d l o h s e r h T s n i a G
s h t n o m 3 7 % ) 0 2 d 1 (
s h t n o m 6 1 1 % ) 0 2 d 1 (
r a e y 1 3 1 % ) 2 1 d 1 (
s r a e y 2 8 1 % ) 0 1 d 1 (
s r a e y 4 1 2 % ) 8 d 1 (
s r a e y 8 4 2 % ) 6 d 1 (
s r a e y 6 1 5 2 % ) 4 d 1 (
If a character begins exercising, but does not
continue to exercise regularly, then gains will be sub-
stantially less, if any at all. The Aedile may assign
penalties to sub-ability points gained due to incon-
sistency or neglect. Further, if a character exercises
for some time and then stops exercising altogether,
then they may lose sub-ability points. If they have
exercised consistently for 1 year or less and then
stop exercising altogether, then they lose (1d100)%
of their gains from the last year of exercise. The
losses will be distributed proportionally over (20 +
1d100) days. If they have exercised for 2 or more
years, then they will lose (|1d100 - 3d20|%) of their
gains. Note that the previous roll utilizes absolute
values, which means that even if the resultant num-
ber is a negative number, the sign is changed to posi-
tive. Finally, the losses will be distributed propor-
tionally over (20 + 2d100) days. In either case, if
exercise is abandoned, in addition to losing previ-
ous gains, then the character is 90% likely to gain
(3d6)% of their weight in body fat. Roll 1d100 to
determine where the fat accumulates:
l l o R t l u s e R
0 2 - 1 0 t s i a W
0 4 - 1 2 s k c o t t u B
0 6 - 1 4 s h g i h t d n a s k c o t t u B
0 8 - 1 6 t s i a w d n a s k c o t t u B
0 0 1 - 1 8 d e t u b i r t s i d y l n e v E
Once this occurs, future fat gains will occur
in the same location. Each character is different.
Regarding the sub-abilities of Intelligence,
they may increase or decrease according to how of-
ten a character mentally subjects themselves to Per-
sistent Exercise.
For every decade that a character challenges
themselves in 1 of the sub-abilities of Intelligence,
there is a 50% chance that they may gain 1d4 points
in the appropriate sub-ability. For a character to
challenge themselves in Language, they must con-
tinually learn a new language, or at least study the
etymology, grammar, or vocabulary of their current
language. The other sub-abilities require similar new
Likewise, for every decade that a character
fails to challenge themselves in 1 of the sub-abilities
of Intelligence, there is a 50% chance that they lose
1d4 points in the appropriate sub-ability.
Alternative Method: Rolling Abilities
The method described in the beginning of
the chapter for determining abilities should be the
standard method for several reasons. First, the av-
erage sub-ability score rolled should be 100, which
is the norm of all human populations. Additional
modifiers, such as for gender and race, are applied
in the following chapter. This method [(10d100 /
5) - 1] more accurately reflects nature, and there-
fore, adds a sense of realism to the game. Excep-
tionally high and low ability scores still occur with
this method, though there is an appropriate mea-
sure of central tendency, such that the mean, me-
dian, and mode are 100.
Due to this method, however, the resultant
sub-ability scores are less likely to allow the charac-
ter to meet the prerequisites of magic-using occu-
pations, for instance, than warriors. Indeed, some
players become greatly disheartened when they ob-
serve that some occupations are more rare than oth-
ers, not necessarily due to differences in appeal, but
ability. While objectivity should always be sought,
this is only a game. If a player expresses significant
discontent, and should the Aedile agree, then the
Aedile may consider another method. Above all,
caution is advised, since this may become a slippery
slope to other concessions.
Solely at the Aediles discretion, a player may
be permitted to roll 5d100, drop the lowest result,
divide the sum by 2, and subtract 1 from the total to
determine a sub-ability. This alternate method
should produce an average sub-ability of 115. No
more than 4 attempts, meaning 4 sub-abilities or
retries, may be made with this method. For each
roll with this advantaged method, another roll must
be made, one that will balance the character; roll
1d100 and consult the Random Mental Illness table in
the end of Chapter 5: Mind. If the roll indicates a
mental illness already possessed by the character,
then reroll. Hence, no more than 4 mental illnesses
may be acquired in this way. This option exists only
at the moment of character creation and at the
Aediles discretion.
Chapter 4: Disposition
Dispositions refer to metaphysical beliefs of
a character. Metaphysical beliefs are concerned with
speculation beyond the physical world, such as gods
and conceptions of good and evil. Essentially, meta-
physical beliefs produce a blend of 2 related but
distinct dimensions: ethics
and morals
. The dif-
ference between ethics and morals is as follows:
Ethics: Regardless of how a character feels
about their actions, ethics are concerned with ac-
tions. For instance, lawful behavior is ethical, while
criminal behavior is unethical.
Morals: Regardless of a characters actions,
morality is concerned with how the character feels
about the issue in question or their actions. So, feel-
ing good about doing an evil act is immoral, and
feeling bad about doing a good act is immoral, but
feeling good about doing a good act is moral.
The following example is oversimplified, but
this hypothetical situation produces 4 polar out-
Example: Assume that a married man is
walking down the street. An attractive woman stops
him, talks for a few minutes, and blatantly asks him
to go home with her.
1. If he were to admit that he is mar-
ried, bids her good day, and is later genu-
inely pleased that he dismissed her, then his
actions were ethical and his feelings are
moral. His disposition for this situation is
EM (Ethical Moral).
2. If he were to admit that he is mar-
ried, bids her good day, and is later pained
that he did not go home with her, then his
actions were ethical and his feelings are im-
moral. His disposition for this situation is
EI (Ethical Immoral).
3. If he were to go home with her, pre-
tend he is not married, and later wishes he
had been faithful to his wife and not gone
home with this strange and attractive
woman, then his actions were unethical and
his feelings are moral. His disposition for
this situation is UM (Unethical Moral).
4. If he were to go home with her, pre-
tend he is not married, and later he is very
pleased that he went home with her, then
his actions were unethical and his feelings
are immoral. His disposition for this situa-
tion is UI (Unethical Immoral).
1. The ethical system in this chapter consists of material adapted from Democritus of Abdera, Plato, and Aristotle.
2. The moral system in this chapter consists of material adapted from Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics.
Obviously, many more ethical-moral positions are possible. The previous example considers only
1 situation and is not a generalization for a character over their lifetime. Dispositions in the F.A.T.A.L.
role-playing game are generalizations for a characters actions and thoughts as affected by their metaphysi-
cal beliefs over their lifetime. It is very rare, if not impossible, for anyones disposition to never stray from
their dominant disposition. To a certain extent, disposition is situationally dependent. Nonetheless, every
character has a disposition. Overall, a characters ethical and moral views create bounds for their actions
and affect how a character feels about their actions.
l a r o M l a c i h t E l a r t u e N l a c i h t e n U
l a r o M
s t h g i n K
n e m a i t i l i M
s r e g n a R
l a r t u e N
s e g a M
s e g a S
s e i p S
s r e i d l o S
s n a m u H
s d i u r D
s r e k r e s r e B
s e i r a n e c r e M
s t e k c o P k c i P
l a r o m m I
s n i s s a s s A
s r e t n u H y t n u o B
s r a e b g u B
s d l o b o K
s e r o h W
m i k a n A
s e r g O
s n a i f f u R
s r e r e c r o S
s l l o r T
Piety Points
Before disposition can be determined, each player must determine the Piety Points (PP) of their
character. Characters vary in devotion to their god, religion, or philosophy. PP are an abstract represen-
tation of the devotion of a character. PP are important to priests (see Chap. 7: Occupation). Priests need to
keep track of their PP more than any other occupation, since priestly privileges may appear and disappear
as a result of the PP of a priest.
For each character, roll 1d100 to determine their PP. PP can never increase above 100 or fall below
1. Before recording the PP on a character sheet, consider the following modifiers:
s r e i f i d o M t n i o P y t e i P
r e i f i d o M e c n a h C t n e m t s u j d A
e g A % 5 7 ) d e t c e f f a n u e r a s e v l e ( 4 y b y l p i t l u m d n a e g A m u m i x a M y b e g A t n e r r u C e d i v i D
s s e c o r P t n e m e n o t A e e s a i r e v e N
s s e n e v i t c a r t t A y l i d o B % 5 2 t n e m t s u j d a e h t s a t l u s e r e h t y l p p a d n a 1 - y b r e i f i d o M l l i k S e h t y l p i t l u M
: e r u t l u C % 0 5
m i k a n A A N
r a e b g u B 1 +
f r a w D A N
f l E A N
n a m u H A N
d l o b o K 2 +
e r g O 0 0 1 -
l l o r T A N
e v i r D % 5 7 r e i f i d o M l l i k S
a m s i r a h C l a i c a F % 5 2 t n e m t s u j d a e h t s a t l u s e r e h t y l p p a d n a 1 - y b r e i f i d o M l l i k S e h t y l p i t l u M
h t l a e H % 5 7 t n e m t s u j d a e h t s a t l u s e r e h t y l p p a d n a 1 - y b r e i f i d o M l l i k S e h t y l p i t l u M
e c n e i r e p x e h t a e d - r a e N % 5 7 * 8 d 1 - / +
t h g i l e t i h w / w % 0 9 * 0 2 d 1 - / +
t n e v e e v i t a g e N % 0 1 * * 4 d 1 - / +
s t e n e T e e s a i r e v e N
* A near-death experience occurs when a char-
acter is reduced to 10% or less of their po-
tential Life Points against their will. If an
adjustment is to be made, then there is a
40% chance that it decreases PP, otherwise
it raises PP. However, 75% of those who
have a near-death experience do not see a
white light while unconscious. Those who
see white light have a higher chance of gain-
ing PP. White light in a near-death experi-
ence never decreases PP.
** A negative event is best determined by the
Aedile. Examples of negative events in the
life of an average character may be person-
ally experiencing the death of a loved one,
being forced into slavery for years, when a
spouse commits adultery against the char-
acter, etc.
y t e i P
P P e l p m a x E
5 0 - 1 0 t s i x e t o n o d s d o g t a h t s e v e i l e B
5 1 - 6 0 e r a c t o n s e o d t u b , d o g r i e h t n i s e v e i l e B
0 3 - 6 1 e r o f e b d e p p i h s r o w s a H
0 7 - 1 3 y l r a l u g e r d n e t t a y a m t u b , y l t n e t t i m r e t n i s p i h s r o W
5 8 - 1 7 y l r a l u g e r s p i h s r o W
5 9 - 6 8 y l t n e u l f s p i h s r o W
0 0 1 - 6 9 d o g r o f e i d o t g n i l l i w , y l l a c i t a n a f s p i h s r o W
Note that a characters PP may change for
many reasons. A player need not be obsessed, but
it is a good idea to observe their characters PP. Al-
though some of the best characters have no PP, the
opposite is usually true. Philosophers tend either to
have no PP or be very religious.
Determining Disposition
Each character must have a disposition.
Upon character creation, 1d100 must be rolled twice:
once for ethicality and once for morality. Apply
racial modifiers from Chapter 1: Race and Gender. The
results are recorded on a character sheet. These
results can never be less than 1 or greater than 100.
Consult the table below to interpret the results and
determine a characters disposition:
l l o R y t i l a c i h t E y t i l a r o M
6 0 < l a c i h t e n U l a r o m m I
5 1 - 6 0 l a r t u e N / w l a c i h t e n U l a r t u e N / w l a r o m m I
0 3 - 6 1 l a c i h t e n U / w l a r t u e N l a r o m m I / w l a r t u e N
0 7 - 1 3 l a r t u e N l a r t u e N
5 8 - 1 7 l a c i h t E / w l a r t u e N l a r o M / w l a r t u e N
5 9 - 6 8 l a r t u e N / w l a c i h t E l a r t u e N / w l a r o M
5 9 > l a c i h t E l a r o M
For example, a roll of 20 for ethicality and
11 for morality produces a disposition referred to
as NI w/UI tendencies (Neutral Immoral with strong
Unethical Immoral tendencies). The majority of
the time, a characters actions and thoughts must
reflect the disposition determined above. Disposi-
tion is an important element of a character, since it
may prevent a character from certain occupations
(see Chap. 7: Occupation), as well as affect important
character decisions. Each disposition can be diffi-
cult to role-play properly. The following pages will
define each disposition.
Alternative Method: Rolling Disposition
If a player expresses significant discontent,
and should the Aedile agree, the Aedile may allow
the player to reroll either the ethical or moral di-
mension of the disposition of their character. Each
reroll results in the acquisition of 1 randomly deter-
mined allergy (see Chap. 2: Body), whether the player
is satisfied with the result or not. A player may reroll
either ethicality or morality 4 times.
Otherwise, a Disposition Test exists and may
be downloaded freely at www.fatalgames.com. If
the Aedile concurs, then the player may use the re-
sults of the Disposition Test for their character.
Piety strenghtens the realm.
Disposition, General
Below are the 9 general dispositions. If a
player deems that their character will have difficulty
and that these are too vague, specific dispositions
follow. First, understand the general dispositions
EM (Ethical Moral): Those with strong
ethical and moral views may be typified as a chivalric
knight intent on imposing their version of morality
on others and attempting to maintain actions con-
sistent with their beliefs. This disposition is very
difficult to maintain. Ethics and morals often con-
flict with each other depending on the situation. By
habit of resolving such conflicts, one or the other
tends to become favored, which imbalances this dis-
position for most characters. Many more desire to
be, or prefer to consider themselves, EM, when in
reality attaining it can be an elusive, tedious, and a
lifelong goal.
EN (Ethical Neutral): Characters con-
cerned with consistent actions, regardless of how
they feel, are EN by nature. EN characters tend to
put aside their feelings, often shunning emotions as
problematic. The best example of EN is a judge,
since they are concerned with the law, its technicali-
ties, and how it may be best adhered to, not the
moral feelings of the people. Some claim this to be
a position of objectivity.
EI (Ethical Immoral): Barristers are clearly
the best examples of EI; barristers are concerned
less with objectivity and the law, and more with how
the law may be either twisted to their advantage or
pushed to the breaking point. The client, and fi-
nally the barristers reputation and winning record,
is more important than they or it should be. Some
cacodaemons are EI, and attempt to get characters
to sign away their souls. Very few characters are
predominantly EI.
NM (Neutral Moral): Those who are un-
concerned with actions or the law, but seek feeling
pleased about moral issues tend to adopt a position
focusing on the greatest good or utilitarianism.
Those who pursue the greatest good for the great-
est number, and therefore favor the majority of
people regarding goodness as they interpret it, are
NN (Neutral Neutral): Without contest,
this is the most common disposition. Characters
with this disposition tend to have 1 of 3 separate
reasons. First, some simply have inconsistent ethi-
cal behavior and moral feelings, such that sometimes
they are one extreme while in other situations they
are the opposite. Therefore, NN is the best classifi-
cation for this type of character. Second, some are
well aware of the metaphysical extremes and tenets,
disagree with all of them, and they consciously seek
a balance, considering balance the healthiest and the
best. Those with this philosophical position call
themselves ethical and moral subjectivists. Finally,
some argue that ethics and morality are man-made
constructs, that neither exists in nature, and that we
simply use the terms as is convenient, though they
lack any logical support. Therefore, these charac-
ters are best classified as NN and consider them-
selves to be ethical and moral nihilists.
NI (Neutral Immoral): Characters with a
dominant NI disposition care little about their ac-
tions and simply want to gratify themselves and feel
pleased, though this pleasure is often derived at the
expense of others. Since they do not care about
the implications of their actions, they often harm
others and may take pleasure in it. Do not be con-
fused, NI characters do not prefer unethical behav-
ior, they simply do not care if it is necessary in or-
der to achieve their pleasing feelings. These charac-
ters do not support or oppose ethical codes or is-
sues, they simply do not care as long as they feel
UM (Unethical Moral): These characters
dislike ethical and orderly behavior, viewing it as a
largely inhibiting factor to morality as they under-
stand it. Those with UM dispositions are frequently
at odds with law in most societies, but claim that
their heart is in the right place. Someone robbing
the rich to feed the poor is a good example of UM.
UN (Unethical Neutral): Perhaps the most
unpredictable of all dispositions, these characters
actively dislike ethical and orderly behavior, and pat-
terns of all sorts. As a matter of fact, since they are
indifferent to the drive to be pleased with moral or
immoral feelings, their thoughts and actions seem
chaotic and random to those around them.
UI (Unethical Immoral): Characters who are unethical and immoral actively dislike organization
and orderly behavior, and feel pleasure upon committing behavior opposed by society or the majority.
These characters are often considered by others to be dangerous, even to their own kind, and hunger only
for power.
l a c i h t E N / w E E / w N l a r t u e N U / w N N / w U l a c i h t e n U
l a r o M M E M N / w M E M E / w M N M N M U / w M N M N / w M U M U
N / w M N E / w M E N N / w M E N E / w M N N N / w M N N U / w M N N N / w M U N U / w M U
M / w N M E / w N E M N / w N E M E / w N N M N / w N N M U / w N N M N / w N U M U / w N U
l a r t u e N N E N N / w N E N E / w N N N N N U / w N N N N / w N U N U
I / w N I E / w N E I N / w N E I E / w N N I N / w N N I U / w N N I N / w N U I U / w N U
N / w I N E / w I E N N / w I E N E / w I N N N / w I N N U / w I N N N / w I U N U / w I U
l a r o m m I I E I N / w I E I E / w I N I N I U / w I N I N / w I U I U
Disposition, Specific
A player is not required to choose a specific
disposition, especially if a general disposition better
suits their character. However, sometimes detail
provides a richer role-playing experience. Poten-
tially, the more information available, the better the
quality of decisions. The way to read the following
notation is that a dominant general disposition is
claimed, but most metaphysical divergences from
this gravitate toward one different general disposi-
tion. For example, EM w/EN should be under-
stood as Ethical Moral with strong tendencies to-
ward Ethical Neutral. When cross-tabulated, 40 spe-
cific dispositions emerge. They are listed below:
EM w/EN: Predominantly, these charac-
ters have impeccable ethical behavior and strong
moral views. However, when forced to choose be-
tween ethics and morality, they usually choose eth-
ics. The consistency of their behavior is often very
important. While they prefer both ethics and mor-
als, these characters may realize that morality may
interfere with objectivity more than ethics. A
chivalric knight who occasionally disagrees internally
with their ethical code, yet continues to abide by it,
is an example of EM w/EN.
EM w/NM: These characters value both
ethics and morals, though occasionally a preference
for the greater good supercedes ethical codes. A
knight who occasionally breaks their ethical code to
do what they feel they know internally to be right
and moral is an example of EM w/NM.
EM w/NN: These characters believe that
ethics and morals are the ideal, but from time to
time both must be ignored to do things properly or
to continue functioning in such a way. These char-
acters are often called hypocrites. For example, a
knight may occasionally visit a bordello.
EN w/EM: Holding objectivity and con-
sistency above all other things, these characters of-
ten have preferences for morality, when it does not
conflict. A stern judge with a good heart may be an
example of EN w/EM.
EN w/NM: While these characters believe
that objectivity and consistency reign supreme on a
daily basis, occasions do arise when the greater good
is more important. A judge that vehemently op-
poses legislation for concentration camps or war-
fare, nearly to the point of losing their professional
position, is an example of EN w/NM.
EN w/NN: Thoroughly indifferent to mo-
rality and usually emotions, these characters chase
objectivity and consistency, except on occasion when
the system or the ethical code functions better overall
if an occasional inconsistency occurs. A judge who
habitually flips a coin on tough decisions may be an
example of EN w/NN.
EN w/NI: Overall, objectivity and consis-
tency are important to these characters, though oc-
casionally the appearance of this importance is
handy, because the self may be served while seem-
ing to be thoroughly ethical. A militiaman who is
generally respected, but habitually pockets the money
or a portion recovered from thieves, is an example
of EN w/NI.
EN w/EI: Holding objectivity and consis-
tency above all other things, these characters often
have preferences for immorality, when it does not
conflict. A respected judge who will throw the
book at those disliked is an example of EN w/EI.
EI w/EN: These characters typically twist
ethics and laws to their advantage, but occasionally
they are compelled to be thoroughly objective. A
barrister who has been known to turn away clients,
refusing to defend them because they think the law
should give them what they deserve, is an example
of EI w/EN.
EI w/NN: These characters twist ethics to
their advantage on a daily basis, but in rare circum-
stances are willing even to betray ethics for some-
thing they inwardly feel is more important. Barris-
ters who lose their jobs because on rare occasion
they are willing to break the law for something they
internally deem needs to be done are examples of
EI w/NN.
EI w/NI: These characters often take ad-
vantage of ethics and morals, of laws and others in
order to satisfy themselves. A barrister who defends
a client equally, regardless of whether the client is
innocent or guilty, and then afterwards, violates the
trust of their client by financially taking advantage
of them as well is an example of EI w/NI.
NM w/EM: Different from simply sup-
porting the greatest good for the greatest number,
characters with this disposition often support eth-
ics, provided the ethics dont conflict with morals.
These characters want to be true to themselves and
have consistent behavior, but if a contradiction
emerges from this, their own sense of right and
wrong is more important than any ethical code.
NM w/EN: Seeming self-contradictory and
often called hypocrites, these characters hold strong
views, usually in favor of morality, regardless of eth-
ics, though depending on the topic or circumstance,
sometimes in favor of ethics regardless of morality.
Most characters dont understand these seemingly
sudden shifts and wish these characters would just
choose one or the other and stick to it.
NM w/NN: Though these characters usu-
ally favor the concept of a universal good and seek
to be internally moral, occasionally and for what-
ever reason, they stray from morality.
NM w/UN: Though these characters usu-
ally favor the concept of a universal good and seek
to be internally moral, occasionally and for what-
ever reason, they find solace in random and unethi-
cal actions while disregarding morality.
NM w/UM: Always in pursuit of morality
and the greatest good, these characters will stray
toward unethical behavior to achieve it on occasion
if necessary.
NN w/EM: Predominantly, these charac-
ters live in an ethical and moral balance. On occa-
sion and for whatever reason, these characters seek
morality and attempt to follow and support strict
ethical codes.
NN w/EN: Predominantly, these charac-
ters live in an ethical and moral balance. On occa-
sion and for whatever reason, these characters rec-
ognize the value of objectivity and consistency in
their actions.
NN w/EI: Predominantly, these characters
live in an ethical and moral balance. On occasion
and for whatever reason, these characters oppose
morality, but enjoy doing so by using ethics to their
advantage and being consistent and objective about
their immorality.
NN w/NM: Predominantly, these charac-
ters live in an ethical and moral balance. On occa-
sion and for whatever reason, these characters seek
morality and the greater good.
NN w/NI: Predominantly, these characters
live in an ethical and moral balance. On occasion
and for whatever reason, these characters oppose
morality and indulge themselves, seeking to satisfy
their desires and needs.
NN w/UM: Predominantly, these charac-
ters live in an ethical and moral balance. On occa-
sion and for whatever reason, these characters seek
morality and enjoy breaking ethical rules and norms.
NN w/UN: Predominantly, these charac-
ters live in an ethical and moral balance. On occa-
sion and for whatever reason, these characters seek
randomness without regard for morals.
NN w/UI: Predominantly, these characters
live in an ethical and moral balance. On occasion
and for whatever reason, these characters oppose
both ethics and morals, committing random and evil
NI w/EI: These characters find that pleas-
ing oneself is accomplished in opposition to moral-
ity. Either for evil kicks or in order to hide their evil
from others, these characters act more ethically than
NI w/EN: These characters find that pleas-
ing oneself is accomplished in opposition to moral-
ity. On occasion, instead of pleasing themselves,
these characters value objectivity and consistency of
NI w/NN: These characters find that pleas-
ing oneself is accomplished in opposition to moral-
ity. On occasion, they seek balance in things and
are more moral than usual.
NI w/UN: These characters find that pleas-
ing oneself is accomplished in opposition to moral-
ity. Sometimes, random actions produce the most
NI w/UI: These characters find that pleas-
ing oneself is accomplished in opposition to moral-
ity. Sometimes, random immoral actions produce
the most pleasure.
UM w/NM: Opposing ethics and pursu-
ing morality are often incompatible. When a choice
must be made, these characters choose to be moral.
UM w/NN: While these characters gener-
ally oppose ethics and pursue morals, occasionally
they seek balance in all things; put another way, oc-
casionally these characters behave moderately ethi-
cally and are less moral.
UM w/UN: While these characters gener-
ally oppose ethics and pursue morals, their enjoy-
ment of shunning ethics can be overwhelming, of-
ten causing them to perform random actions.
UN w/UM: While these characters gener-
ally perform random and unethical actions without
regard for morality, occasionally they are motivated
to be moral.
UN w/NM: While these characters gener-
ally perform random and unethical actions without
regard for morality, occasionally they are motivated
to be moral and moderately ethical.
UN w/NN: While these characters gener-
ally perform random and unethical actions without
regard for morality, occasionally they are motivated
to be moderately ethical and moral.
UN w/NI: While these characters gener-
ally perform random and unethical actions without
regard for morality, occasionally they are motivated
to be immoral, satisfying themselves in evil ways
though somewhat ethically.
UN w/UI: While these characters gener-
ally perform random and unethical actions without
regard for morality, occasionally they are motivated
to also oppose morality, committing random and
evil acts.
UI w/NI: Opposing ethics and morals is
what these characters do proudly, though occasion-
ally they will act moderately ethical in order to sat-
isfy themselves.
UI w/NN: Opposing ethics and morals is
what these characters do proudly, though occasion-
ally they will act moderately ethical and moral, seek-
ing balance.
UI w/UN: Opposing ethics and morals is
what these characters do proudly, though occasion-
ally they will act moderately moral. No matter what,
they always oppose ethics.
Changing Disposition
Generally, dispositions are established in
youth and do not change over a characters lifespan.
However, exceptions such as traumatic events, philo-
sophical studies, or magic may alter a characters dis-
In the case of an altered or abandoned dis-
position, the characters occupation is disrupted as
they must adjust to their new perspective of the
world. Adjustments of this sort require (3 + 1d4)
months. During this period, the character acquires
only 50% of the number of Advancement Points
(AP) that they would normally. If a character re-
verts to an old disposition, then a period of adjust-
ment is not required since they are already familiar
with the outlook.
During the period (determined above) of
adopting a new disposition, a character ponders the
consequences of such a disposition, and may be in-
clined to discuss it with others, including priests as-
sociated with the disposition.
Dispositions by Proportion
Distributions of dispositions differ by race.
For example, if an equal number of anakim and black
dwarves are selected randomly and considered, then
there are higher odds of finding a UI anakim than a
UI black dwarf. Each race is represented with a pie-
chart to show the proportions of dispositions.
Although a particular disposition may not
appear on a pie chart for a particular race, it does
not mean that it is impossible for a member of that
race to have that disposition, but only that the pro-
portion of members of that race who have that dis-
position are too small to consider. For example,
EM is not shown for bugbears. However, it is pos-
sible that a bugbear studied white dwarven philoso-
phy and became EM.
If all races are considered simultaneously,
then NN is the most common disposition and EM
is most rare.
1. The proportion of dispositions for humans is accurate to an unpublished study, in which a sample size of 264 participants
answered the Disposition Test (a computer program that may be downloaded from www.fatalgames.com). In 1999 and 2000,
prior to the development of Fatal Games
or F.A.T.A.L.
, this program was placed on numerous Websites for role-playing
games. Participants were unsolicited, and were asked upon running the program to e-mail their responses to Byron Hall, the
author of the questionnaire. The moral portion of the questionnaire is an attempt at matching Aristotles Nicomachean
Ethics. The ethical portion of the questionnaire is of secondary importance, and merely became a tool for role-playing games;
it is comprised of questions that measure philosophical views of Plato and Democritus. According to this tests model of
Aristotles system, few participants scored as moral, some as immoral, and most as neutral. The lowest score was for truthfulness.
Although this study generalizes only to role-players who use the Internet, it indicates that few are moral according to Aristotles
Nicomachean Ethics. It is possible that these results represent all people, though further research would be necessary before
this claim could be made. Either on-line role-players or the human race leave(s) much to be desired.
A System of Ethics/Morals
Ethics and morals will be debated forever,
especially between different cultures and races.
Nonetheless, one philosopher has articulated a sys-
tem of ethics and morals that is so common among
humanoid races, it is usually recognized as the de-
fault system. The system, outlined below, is derived
from logic and may be used for gaming purposes to
resolve ethical and moral disputes.
Ethical Rationale
1. Ethics refer to behavior, the degree of
behavioral consistency, and beliefs about be-
havior, as well as its relation to the self and
a characters social and physical environment.
2. Ethics and ethical codes provide charac-
ters with reasons to approve or disapprove
of each other.
3. Ethics belong to 1 of 5 categories: Intra-
personal, Family, Community, State, and
Universe. These categories often differ
sharply between individuals. For instance,
someone may be sharply ethical regarding
their family, but unethical regarding their
4. Ethics are orthogonal to morals. Many
mistakenly assume that those who are ethi-
cal are also likely to be moral, or vice versa,
but it is equally likely that someone is ethical
and immoral, or unethical and moral.
y t i l a c i h t E
n o i s n e m i D l a c i h t E l a c i h t e n U
l a n o s r e p - a r t n I y t i m r o f n o C y t i l a u d i v i d n I
d e n r e t t a P s s e n m o d n a R
y l i m a F y t l a y o L l a y a r t e B
n o i t c n i t s i D y t i u g i b m A
y t i n u m m o C c n e d n e p e d r e t n I e c n e d n e p e d n I
s s e n l u f w a L y t i l a n i m i r C
e t a t S y c a r c u a e r u B y h c r a n A
m s i t o i r t a P s s e n s u o r e h c a e r T
e s r e v i n U y t i s s e c e N e c n a h C
s s e n l u f g n i n a e M s s e n s s e l g n i n a e M
Intra-personal refers directly to the self and
no others. Characters make self-evaluations by com-
paring themselves with objective standards. When
no such standard exists, characters seek compari-
sons with similar others; so, this intra-personal con-
struct cannot be absolutely exclusive from other
Conformity: The character high in conformity
tends to consider groups more important
than individuals, or at least succumb to their
norms. As such, the character is likely to
avoid dressing or talking differently, deviat-
ing from customs, etc.
Individuality: Individuality means here that the
character values individuals over groups, or
at least what distinguishes themselves from
others. Characters who are high in individu-
ality tend to dress differently, enjoy custom-
izing expressions, and see themselves as dif-
ferent than others.
Patterned: Categorically, patterned suggests that
a character prefers to seek patterns in things
as a means to understanding. Patterned char-
acters also tend to carefully weigh decisions
instead of utilizing randomness.
Randomness: Randomness suggests a lack of a
definite aim, direction, rule, or method with
no specific goal or purpose. Characters high
in randomness prefer to make decisions by
the flip of a coin or pure chance.
You keep to your own ways,
and leave me to mine.
Family refers here to the self of the char-
acter and how it relates to family situations by atti-
tudes and beliefs.
Loyalty: If high in family loyalty, a character is de-
voted to their family.
Betrayal: Characters who exhibit betrayal are likely
to cheat on their spouse and bad-mouth their
family when not in their presence. Gener-
ally, these characters are either disgruntled
with their families or taking them for
granted, not valuing them.
Distinction: Characters high in distinction prefer
to recognize a distinction between family and
non-family, usually feeling repulsed at the im-
plications of familial ambiguity (see below).
Ambiguity: To be societally unaware of a charac-
ters own family and to draw no distinctions
thereof, is to possess ambiguity in the sense
it is used here. Of course, breeding with
the immediate family is still disapproved
within this framework, but interplay between
cousins is approved. Moreover, it is held
that that familial ambiguity and uncertainty
will minimize bias, placing more emphasis
on the society and its problems.
Community refers to the self of the char-
acter and how it relates to the greater community
by attitudes and beliefs.
Interdependence: Interdependence is when
characters enjoy the mutual dependence be-
tween themselves and their community, usu-
ally valuing social contact and participating
in public events.
Independence: Here, exhibiting independence in
a characters community means that the char-
acter prefers to avoid the community, mini-
mizing interaction when possible, and thus
being independent of it. Characters who
are high in independence are likely to avoid
socializing, value the privacy of their home
and/or distance themselves from others by
living rurally, etc.
Lawfulness: Regarding a characters community,
a lawful character is one who obeys laws,
though this obedience may be the result of
respect or fear of punishment.
Criminality: Characters who have criminality do
not respect the local laws, feeling as though
they are an imposition or a hindrance. These
characters are likely to disregard established
State refers to the self of the character and
how it relates to the greater community by attitudes
and beliefs. Examples of opposites of states along
this continuum would be bureaucracy (highly struc-
tured society) representing ethicality and anarchy
representing unethicality.
Bureaucracy: Along a continuum of the amount
of government, bureaucracy is the most
imposing, thorough, and cumbersome.
Characters favoring bureaucracy prefer to be
governed by a structure of abundance,
which, while it may adapt and move slowly,
results in a highly structured society with
classes, rank, hierarchy, and organization.
Anarchy: The opposite of bureaucracy, anarchy
is a preference for a lack of government, an
abolishment of social distinctions. Anar-
chists prefer natural law, which is the free-
dom to act as desired outside of organized
Patriotism: Characters who are high in patrio-
tism prefer their state to others. Patriotic
characters like the government that presides
over them. Often, patriotic characters act
to defend their government.
Treacherousness: The character high in treacher-
ousness prefers other states to their own,
disliking the government that presides over
them. However, more than just disliking,
treacherous characters are willing (and some-
times able) to act in accordance with their
preferences. Sometimes these acts are se-
vere enough to be considered treasonous.
Universe refers to the self of the character
and how it relates to everything in the understood
universe by attitudes and beliefs.
Necessity: The opposite of chance, necessity
means here that all events are the results of
causes, and chance plays no part in bringing
about events. A character who is high in
necessity believes that when events seem the
result of chance, they are merely the result
of unknown causes; chance does not exist.
This does not presuppose that all events are
planned, pre-destined, or forced to occur to
fulfill a decreed purpose. Instead, necessity
asserts simply that all events, including men-
tal events, are predetermined, the result of
infinitely long causal chains. The concept
of fate is similiar to, yet different than, ne-
cessity. Fate is the belief that the end result
is predetermined, while necessity is the be-
lief that all events are predetermined.
Chance: The opposite of necessity, a universal
view of chance indicates that events are not
merely the result of causal chains, predeter-
mined beyond our power. Instead, chance
emphasizes the power of choice, the free-
dom to take the universe in a new direction
with every chosen action. Sometimes, things
just happen.
Meaningfulness: A character who views the uni-
verse with meaningfulness asserts that there
is an objective reality. Resultant from this
objective reality, these characters tend to dis-
cover purpose in their lives or purpose to
the universe. Characters who find purpose
in the universe tend to be more active in
making choices than those who do not find
Meaninglessness: A meaningless view of the
universe results from the perceived subjec-
tivity of reality, the refusal to accept a singu-
lar objective reality. Characters with this view
tend to question reality and dismiss notions
of the universe progressing purposively.
These characters believe that life is short and
choices made do not affect anything with
Moral Rationale
1. All activities of characters aim at some good
(the end of military science is victory, of
medicine is health, of science is knowledge,
2. While studying ethics and morality, we must
be content with broad, general outlines.
Outlines hold true, while specificity poses
problems. For example, truthfulness is
clearly moral. However, in a specific in-
stance, should truthfulness be practiced if it
is known that such practicing will incite a
war responsible for many undue deaths? No,
but aside from this specific instance, yes, it
should generally be practiced.
3. Everyone agrees the good for characters is
happiness, though no one agrees on its
meaning. To some it is the pursuit of plea-
sure and the avoidance of pain, and to oth-
ers it is wealth. These common thoughts,
however, are inconsistent; they vary with the
topic and its conditions. Further, all sug-
gestions prove to be means not ends in
themselves, for a true end in itself offers
more finality. For example, wealth is not an
end in itself, but a means to other things.
Happiness, then, is an end not a means, and
truly experienced only at the natural end of
a characters uninterrupted life. Therefore,
characters must live not for today, not for
tomorrow, but for tomorrow so that they
are content with or do not regret today. This
is conclusively the final and self-sufficient
good to which all characters actions aim,
whether each character is aware or not.
4. To achieve happiness, we must understand
that happiness in this sense is unique to sen-
tient beings, derived from abstract contem-
plative reasoning and Wisdom. Further, as
happiness is an end state, no character is
born with it, and arguably children are not
happy, though they possess this in poten-
tiality, because to be happy, we must be
satisfied with choices we have made based
on experiences, though children lack suffi-
cient experiences. Therefore, no character
is born moral, and we all may become moral
or immoral depending on our choices. It is
the consistency of choices that forms hab-
its, habits then forming a disposition.
5. Therefore, characters must learn of mo-
rality and immorality, and strive in choices
to exercise morals. Typically, if a moral is
practiced and pleasure is experienced in its
practice, then a character is being moral,
while experiencing pain indicates an inter-
nal preference for immorality.
6. Morals are all mathematically mean states
on their continua, while the extremes are all
immoral. One immorality is the deficiency
of the morality, the other exceeding it. For
example, absolute fear (cowardice) is an im-
morality deficient from courage, while con-
fidence (the polar opposite of fear) is cour-
age in excess. The extremes are opposed to
both each other and the mean. Further, one
absolute extreme will be farther from the
mean than the other, this is the greater im-
morality. In the above example, absolute fear
is the greater immorality, while absolute con-
fidence is the lesser immorality.
7. Finally, 3 guidelines are offered if morality is
1. Always be wary of pleasure.
2. All things being equal and when you
are unsure, avoid the greater immo-
3. Assess where you are on the con-
tinuum (lets say I believe I am closer
to absolute fear) and instead of sim-
ply aiming at the proper mark (which
is difficult enough), as a carpenter
straightens a warped board by bend-
ing it beyond where he wants it for
a short duration, you should aim be-
yond the mark for a while (so, then
if I am closer to fear then I should
try to make decisions slightly exceed-
ing in confidence to temper myself).
y t i l a r o M
y c n e i c i f e D n a e M s s e c x E
r a e F
) e c i d r a w o c (
e g a r u o C e c n e d i f n o C
) s s e n h s a r (
y t i l i b i s n e s n I e c n a r e p m e T e c n e g l u d n I - f l e S
s s e n n a e M y t i l a r e b i L y t i l a g i d o r P
s s e n i l d r a g g i N e c n e c i f i n g a M
s s e n s s e l e t s a T
y t i r a g l u V d n a
y t i l i m u H e u d n U e d i r P r e p o r P y t i n a V y t p m E
y t i l i b i c s a r i n I r e p m e T - d o o G y t i l i b i c s a r I
k c o M
y t s e d o M
s s e n l u f h t u r T s s e n l u f t s a o B
s s e n h s i r o o B s s e n d e t t i W - y d a e R y r e n o o f f u B
s s e n e m o s l e r r a u Q
s s e n i l r u S d n a
s s e n i l d n e i r F
s s e n s u o i u q e s b O
y r e t t a l F r o
s s e n s s e l e m a h S y t s e d o M s s e n l u f h s a B
e t i p S
s u o e t h g i R
n o i t a n g i d n I
y v n E
s s e n s u o i t i b m a n U e c n a l a B d e m a n n U s s e n s u o i t i b m A
Dimensions of Morality (mean):
Courage: Courage is a mean between fear
and confidence. A character is courageous who
stands their ground before awe-inspiring and ter-
rible things. Though courageous characters fear, they
face things as is appropriate. A character is coura-
geous who faces and fears the right things, from the
right motive, in the right way, at the right time, and
who feels confidence under the corresponding con-
ditions. A courageous character is keen in the mo-
ment of action and quiet beforehand, while rash
characters wish for dangers beforehand and with-
draw during danger. A character is more likely to
display courage when undisturbed in sudden alarms
and dangers that are unforeseen. If a danger is un-
foreseen, then the reaction of a character is more
likely to be caused by their disposition and less from
preparation. Foreseen dangers allow a character to
calculate their reaction. Characters are considered
courageous when they face something painful. Fur-
ther, if they take pleasure in facing what is painful,
then they are expressing and practicing the moral
of courage. Following are 5 types of characters who
are commonly mistaken to be courageous, though
they are not:
1. The courage of the citizen-soldier is most
like true courage for it is due to morality,
but not if they are compelled by their rulers
or are encouraged by officers behind them
or fight in trenches (because trenches physi-
cally discourage retreat).
2. Experience with regard to particular facts
is also mistaken to be courage. For example,
those who have had the most experience in
war seem courageous, because the others do
not know the nature of the facts.
3. Passion is sometimes mistaken for courage.
Those who act from passion, like wild beasts
rushing at those who have wounded them,
are thought to be brave. Courageous char-
acters are also passionate. While courageous
characters act for the sake of honor and are
aided by passion, wild beasts act under the
influence of pain and attack because they
have been wounded or are afraid. A charac-
ter who attacks due to pain or fear, attacks
due to the strength of their feeling and not
for the sake of honor. A passionate attack,
however, is something akin to courage.
4. Sanguine characters are not necessarily cou-
rageous. A sanguine character who is expe-
rienced in combat is confident in danger be-
cause they have conquered often and against
many foes. Therefore, a sanguine character
who is experienced in combat thinks they
are the strongest and can suffer nothing.
Drunken characters also behave this way;
they become sanguine. When their adven-
tures do not succeed, however, sanguine
characters run away.
5. Characters who are ignorant of danger also
appear courageous, though they are similar
to sanguine characters who are experienced
in combat. Characters who are inexperi-
enced in combat are inferior to those with
experience in terms of courage, since they
lack self-reliance. A sanguine character who
is experienced in combat will hold their
ground for a time, but those who feel de-
ceived about combat flee if they know or
suspect that these are different from what
they supposed.
Temperance: Temperance is a mean be-
tween insensibility and self-indulgence. Therefore,
it is a mean regarding the pleasures of taste, touch,
food, drink, and sexual intercourse. These are the
same pleasures in which animals share. The tem-
perate character is not pained at the absence of what
is pleasant and at their abstinence from it. They
dislike the pleasures that the self-indulgent charac-
ter enjoys most. Temperate characters avoid exces-
sive pleasure. Also, temperate characters only rarely
feel pain or craving when these pleasures are ab-
sent. If felt, then the pain or craving is moderate at
most. The exercise of appetite increases its innate
force. If appetites are strong and violent, then they
even expel the power of calculation. Hence appe-
tites should be moderate and few.
Liberality: Liberality is a mean between
meanness and prodigality. Moreover, liberality is a
mean regarding wealth, especially the giving and tak-
ing of wealth. As a virtue, liberality is mostly con-
cerned with the giving of wealth. Riches, therefore,
will be used best by the character who has liberality.
A liberal character is more likely to give to the right
characters and take from the right sources than to
take wrongly. Liberal characters are almost the most
loved of all moral characters, since they are useful,
which depends on their giving. The liberal charac-
ter gives wealth to the right characters, in the right
amounts, and at the right time, with all the other
qualifications that accompany giving rightly. Also, a
liberal character feels pleasure while giving, or at least
does not feel pain. A liberal character will not take
from the wrong sources. Taking from the wrong
sources is characteristic of valuing wealth more than
is right. It is unbecoming to confer benefits and ask
continually for things or favors. A liberal character
cares for their own property, since they wish to help
others by means of their property. Liberal charac-
ters refrain from giving to anybody and everybody,
so that they may have something to give to the right
characters at the right time. It is common for a
liberal character to give excessively and leave too little
for themselves. By nature, liberal characters focus
on others, not themselves. However, a character
who gives less may be the more liberal character if
they have less to give. Characters are considered to
be more liberal if they inherited their wealth instead
of making it. The liberal character does not value
wealth for its own sake, but as a means to giving.
When Haggling, (see Chap. 8: Skills), it is easier to
deal with a liberal character, since they do not value
money as much as others. Liberal characters are
more annoyed if they have not spent something that
they ought, than pained if they have spent some-
thing that they ought not.
Magnificence: Magnificence is a mean be-
tween niggardliness and tastelessness/vulgarity. Like
liberality, this is also a moral concerned with wealth.
But unlike liberality, magnificence relates only to the
expenditure of wealth on a large scale. The mag-
nificent character is liberal, but the liberal character
is not necessarily magnificent. The magnificent char-
acter is like an artist; they know what is appropriate
and tastefully spend large sums of wealth. If a mag-
nificent character commisions the construction of
a new building, then they will consider how it can
be made most beautiful rather than how it can be
produced most cheaply. Magnificence only applies
to honorable expenditures, such as votive offerings,
buildings, and sacrifices, and all those that are proper
objects of public-spirited ambition, as when char-
acters think they ought to entertain the city in a bril-
liant way. Hence, a poor character cannot be mag-
nificent, since they lack the means with which to
fittingly spend large sums of wealth. Poor charac-
ters who try to spend magnificently are fools, since
they spend beyond what can be expected of them
and what is proper. Instead, it is the right expendi-
ture that is moral. Regarding private occasions, the
most suitable for magnificent expenditure are those
that take place once and for all, such as a wedding
or anything that interests the whole city or the char-
acters of position in it, including: receiving foreign
guests and sending them on their way, and gifts and
counter-gifts. The magnificent character spends on
public objects, not on themselves. Finally, a mag-
nificent character furnishes their house suitably to
their wealth, since even a house is a sort of public
Proper Pride: Proper pride is a mean be-
tween undue humility and empty vanity. A charac-
ter has proper pride who thinks themselves worthy
of great things and is actually worthy. Therefore, a
character with proper pride makes great claims, but
is correct in their claims. Characters with proper
pride claim only that which is in accordance with
their merits. Since a character with proper pride
deserves the most, they must be moral in the high-
est degree; the better character always deserves more,
and the best character deserves most. Therefore, a
character must be moral to have proper pride.
Proper pride, then, is the supreme moral because
possessing it makes other morals greater, and it does
not exist independent of other morals. A character
with proper pride is moderately pleased at honors
that are great and conferred by moral characters,
considering the honor to be merely appropriate.
Characters with proper pride despise honor from
casual characters given for trifling reasons, since char-
acters with proper pride deserve honor from great
characters given for great reasons. Therefore, char-
acters with proper pride also despise dishonor given
from others, since it cannot be just because charac-
ters with proper pride deserve the best. Overall,
characters with proper pride do not value honor (the
greatest of the external goods); therefore they do
not value other characters, either. Hence, charac-
ters with proper pride are considered disdainful be-
cause they do not value others. Fortune is consid-
ered a contributing factor to proper pride, because
characters who are wellborn, powerful, or wealthy
are considered worthy of honor. However, charac-
ters who are wellborn, powerful, or wealthy usually
become disdainful and insolent because they con-
sider themselves superior to others, despise others,
and do as they please. A character with proper pride
despises justly since they think truly, but the many,
the masses, do not. Characters with proper pride
dislike danger because they honor few things. How-
ever, they will face great dangers, and do not spare
their lives in great danger because they know the
conditions on which life is not worth living. A char-
acter with proper pride confers benefits on others,
but is ashamed to receive benefits from others. To
give benefits to others is the mark of a superior,
while to receive benefits from others is the mark of
No one is good for no reason.
an inferior. A character with proper pride is apt to
confer greater benefits in return, and the recipient
will incur a debt to the character with proper pride.
Characters with proper pride seem to remember any
service they have done, but not those they have re-
ceived, because receiving a service is the mark of an
inferior, but characters with proper pride value su-
periority. Characters with proper pride either ask
for nothing or scarcely anything, and readily give
help and are dignified toward characters who enjoy
high position and good fortune, but are unassum-
ing toward serfs; it is difficult and lofty to be supe-
rior to the former, but easy to be superior to the
latter. Characters with proper pride refrain from
action except where great honor or great work is at
stake; therefore, they are characters of few, but great
and notable, deeds. Characters with proper pride
are open in their love and hate, because concealing
feelings is caring less for truth than what others think,
and is the role of a coward. Likewise, characters
with proper pride speak and act openly; they are
free of speech because they are contemptuous, and
they tell the truth, except when speaking in irony to
the vulgar. Characters with proper pride are unable
to revolve their life around another, unless a friend.
For this reason, all flatterers are servile and lacking
in self-respect. Since nothing is considered great by
a character with proper pride, they are not given to
admiration. Characters with proper pride do not
gossip, speak about themselves or about another,
care to be praised, or care to blame others. Like-
wise, characters with proper pride do not praise oth-
ers or speak evil even about their enemies, except
from haughtiness. With regard to necessary or small
matters, characters with proper pride are least likely
to lament or ask favors. Characters with proper pride
possess things that are beautiful and profitless, rather
than profitable and useful, because they suffice to
themselves. Characters with proper pride step slowly,
have a deep voice, and a level utterance, since a char-
acter who takes few things seriously is unlikely to be
hurried or excited; a shrill voice and rapid gait are
caused by hurry and excitement.
Good Temper: Good temper is a mean
between inirascibility and irascibility, or with respect
to anger. A character has good temper who is an-
gry at the right things, the right characters, as they
ought, when they ought, and as long as they ought.
Good tempered characters are praised. A good-
tempered character tends to be unperturbed and not
led by passion, but is angry in the manner, at the
things, and for the length of time that is appropri-
ate. Characters with good temper are considered to
err in the direction of deficiency, since good-tem-
pered characers are not revengeful, but tend to make
allowances. Regarding good temper, it is difficult to
judge what is appropriate.
Truthfulness: Truthfulness is a mean be-
tween mock modesty and boastfulness. A character
is truthful who values truth, calls a thing by its own
name, admits what they have for what it is, and is
truthful both in word and deed. Each character
speaks, acts, and lives in accordance with their dis-
position, if they are not acting for some ulterior
object. Falsehood is mean and culpable. A charac-
ter who values truth, and is truthful where nothing
is at stake, will still be more truthful where some-
thing is at stake; they will avoid falsehood as some-
thing base, seeing that they avoided it even for its
own sake. Therefore, a truthful character is worthy
of praise. A truthful character is more likely to un-
derstate the truth than to exaggerate it, because ex-
aggerations are wearisome. However, a truthful
character aims not to understate or exaggerate, but
for truth.
Ready-wittedness: Ready-wittedness is a
mean between boorishness and buffoonery. A char-
acter is ready-witted who jokes tastefully. Ready-
witted characters are socially flexible with discourse.
Ready-witted characters are tactful, so they speak
of, and listen to, such things as appropriate for a
moral and well-bred character. The jest of a ready-
witted character differs from a vulgar character, just
as the jest of an educated character differs from that
of an uneducated character. A ready-witted charac-
ter can make, listen to, and tolerate the same kinds
of jokes. Therefore, there are jokes that a ready-
witted character will not make, listen to, or tolerate.
In some cases, jokes can be abusive.
Friendliness: Friendliness is a mean be-
tween quarrelsomeness and surliness, and obsequi-
ousness or flattery. A character with friendliness
will tolerate and resent the right things in the right
way. If passion or affection is included, then this
character is a good friend. However, this moral does
not include passion or affection, so it is termed
friendliness, not friendship. A character with friend-
liness behaves the same toward acquaintances and
strangers, toward intimates and non-intimates, ex-
cept that in each case a character with friendliness
behaves appropriately. Wherever it is dishonorable
or harmful to contribute pleasure, a character with
friendliness refuses. Wherever it is appropriate to
give pain, a character with friendliness refuses to give
pleasure. For the sake of a great future pleasure,
too, a character with friendliness inflicts small pains.
Modesty: Modesty is a mean between
shamefulness and bashfulness. A character is mod-
est who lacks fear of dishonor and does not blush.
Older characters are more likely to have modesty,
because younger characters are more prone to feel-
ing shame and are more affected by emotions. Char-
acters who are more affected by emotions commit
more errors of reasoning and are more restrained
by shame. Older characters are not praiseworthy
who are prone to a sense of disgrace, since they are
considered to have enough experience not to do
anything to cause disgrace by their age. Both shame
and bashfulness are related to bodily conditions,
which are more related to emotion than reason.
Righteous Indignation: Righteous indig-
nation is a mean between spite and envy. A charac-
ter is righteously indignant who is distressed at the
evidence of unworthy success of another. Gener-
ally, characters who are prone to righteous indigna-
tion consider themselves deserving of things they
do not believe others deserve. Therefore, charac-
ters are not righteously indignant who are servile,
worthless, or unambitious, because they do not con-
sider themselves worthy of anything. Righteous in-
dignation is an emotion characteristic of a moral
Unnamed Balance of Ambitiousness:
The unnamed balance is a mean between
unambitiousness and ambitiousness. A character has
the unnamed balance of ambitiousness if honor is
sought, but not on a grand scale.
Liking the same things and disliking the same things,
that is true friendship.
1. GE = Greater Evil. The greater evil is farthest from the virtuous mean.
Dimensions of Immorality (deficiency):
Fear (GE
): Fear is deficient courage. A
character who is fearful is a coward. Fearful charac-
ters lack confidence. The coward is a character who
fears everything. A fearful character may commit
suicide to escape from poverty, love, or anything
painful. Cowardice is a vice scorned by most char-
acters, races, and cultures.
Insensibility: Insensibility is deficient tem-
perance. Characters are insensible who do not en-
joy the pleasures enjoyed by most others. Insen-
sible characters are rare. Insensibility regarding tem-
perance is rarely human. Humans value their plea-
sure, and are usually self-indulgent. If a character
finds nothing pleasant and nothing more attractive
than anything else, then they are likely to be a
borbytingarna or hill troll.
Meanness (GE): Meanness is the deficiency
of liberality. A character is mean who values wealth
more than is right. If a character is pained from
giving, then they prefer wealth to a noble act. Mean-
ness may be considered as deficient giving and ex-
cessive taking, except in small things. Meanness is
considered incurable because old age and every dis-
ability is thought to make mean characters. Mean-
ness is also considered more common than prodi-
gality, because most characters are fonder of get-
ting wealth than giving it. There are many kinds of
meanness. Some characters are only excessive in
taking, while other characters are merely deficient
in giving. Those characters who are called by such
names as miserly, close, or stingy, are deficient
in giving, but do not necessarily covet the posses-
sions of others or wish to take them. Other char-
acters who are excessive in taking will take anything
from any source. For example, occuaptions that
have many mean characters include: bandit, money-
lender, pimp, and whore. Gamblers are also mean
characters. These characters take more than they
ought and from wrong sources. What is common
to them is a sordid love of gain.
Niggardliness (GE): Niggardliness is de-
ficient magnificence. Regarding great expenditures,
a niggardly character is less concerned with beauty
and more concerned with how it can be produced
most cheaply. After spending a great amount of
wealth, niggardly characters will spoil the beauty of
the result for a trifle. Whatever they are doing, nig-
gardly characters hesitate and consider how they may
spend less. Moreover, niggardly characters think they
are doing everything on a bigger scale than they
Undue Humility (GE): Undue humility is
proper pride that is deficient. A character is unduly
humble who thinks themselves unworthy when they
are actually worthy. The unduly humble character
falls short both in comparison with their own mer-
its and in comparison with the claims of a character
with proper pride. Unduly humble characters, be-
ing worthy of good things, rob themselves of what
they deserve. An unduly humble character seems
not to know themselves, since they misjudge their
worth. Yet such characters are not considered to
be fools, but rather unduly retiring. Such a reputa-
tion, however, seems actually to make them worse.
Each kind of character aims at what corresponds
to their worth, and characters with undue humility
refrain even from noble actions and undertakings.
Regarding proper pride, the greater evil is undue
humility, not empty vanity. Undue humility is also
Inirascibility: Inirascibility is deficient an-
ger, or less than a good temper. A character is
inirascible who is not angry at the things at which
they should be angry. Inirascible characters are con-
sidered to be fools. They are considered not to feel
things or be pained by them. Since inirascible char-
acters do not get angry, they are considered to be
unlikely to defend themselves, and to endure being
insulted. To tolerate insult to ones friends is slav-
Mock Modesty: Mock modesty is deficient
truthfulness. A character is mock modest who dis-
claims or belittles what they have. Characters who
understate things seem more attractive compared
to boasters. Mock modest characters are consid-
ered to speak not for gain but to avoid parade. Mock
modest characters disclaim qualities that bring repu-
tation. Characters who disclaim trifling and obvi-
ous qualities are called humbugs. Sometimes dis-
claiming obvious qualities is considered to be boast-
fulness, though it is actually mock modesty.
Boorishness: Boorishness is deficient ready-
wittedness. A character is boorish who can neither
make a joke themselves nor tolerate those who do
are thought to be boorish and unpolished. The boor
is useless for such social intercourse. A boor con-
tributes nothing and finds fault with everything. Re-
laxation and amusement are thought to be a neces-
sary element in life, and boorish characters lack these
Quarrelsomeness and Surliness: Quarrel-
someness and surliness are deficient friendliness. A
character is quarrelsome or surly who opposes ev-
erything and does not care about giving pain. Quar-
relsome and surly characters are also called churlish
and contentious.
Shamelessness (GE): Shamelessness is
deficient modesty. A character is shameless who
does not admire or despise others, and lacks feeling
a sort of pain and agitation concerning immorali-
ties, whether past, present, or future. For example,
a shameless female character may provide services
of the body or engaging in shameful actions. A
shameless male character may physically violate oth-
Spite: Spite is deficient righteous indigna-
tion. A character is spiteful who is an impediment
to the wishes of another character. A spiteful char-
acter does not impede another to get anything for
themselves, but to prevent the other from getting
anything. Since, then, there is no gain for them-
selves, a spiteful character belittles the other.
Unambitiousness: Unambitiousness is a
deficiency of the unnamed balance. A character is
unambitious who is unwilling to be honored, even
for noble reasons.
Dimensions of Immorality (excess):
Confidence: Confidence or rashness is ex-
cessive courage. Rash characters are usually boast-
ful, only pretending to have courage. Rash charac-
ters hope to appear courageous to others regarding
terrible things. Therefore, rash characters usually
imitate courageous characters. Rash characters wish
for dangers beforehand, but withdraw during dan-
ger, while courageous characters are keen in the mo-
ment of action, but quiet beforehand. Sanguine
characters, for example, are confident in danger only
because they have conquered often and against many
foes, thinking they are strongest and can suffer noth-
ing. Yet they closely resemble courageous charac-
ters, because both are confident. Drunken charac-
ters also behave in this way; they become sanguine.
Self-Indulgence (GE): Self-indulgence is
excessive temperance. Self-indulgent characters
enjoy the pleasures of taste and touch more than
they should. Usually, a self-indulgent character pre-
fers these pleasures to all others. It is presumed
that few characters have immoral appetites, but if
they do, then most are excessive. It is considered
immoral to eat or drink more than is required to
replenish the body of a character. The self-indul-
gent character is more pained than others at not
getting pleasure. Their pain is caused by a lack of
pleasure. The self-indulgent character craves plea-
sure, and their appetite will cause them to choose
pleasure over all other things. Self-indulgent faults
are considered childish, since children live at the beck
and call of appetite, and it is in them that the desire
is strongest for pleasure of the senses. Otherwise,
self-indulgent characters are often compared to ani-
mals and called brutish, because the pleasures of
taste and touch are the highest form of pleasure for
I hate you.
Prodigality: Prodigality is excessive liberal-
ity. Characters who are incontinent and excessively
spend money on their pleasure are prodigals. A
prodigal is a character who wastes their substance,
which is usually their wealth. Therefore, a prodigal
becomes ruined by their own fault. Unfortunately,
the lives of most characters depend on their pos-
session of substance or wealth. Prodigality exceeds
in giving, not taking. Prodigals usually fall short in
taking. Prodigals are usually considered foolish rather
than immoral. After all, a wicked or evil character is
unlikely to give excessively, yet fail to take from oth-
ers. However, the worst prodigals value giving or
spending so much that they willingly take from the
wrong sources. These kinds of prodigals do not
take from others due to wickedness, but mainly due
to poverty, which is their own fault.
Tastelessness and Vulgarity: Tastelessness
and vulgarity are excessive magnificence. Tasteless-
ness is excessive spending on showy objects that are
exquisite, and yet in wrong circumstances. Taste-
lessness does not relate to excessive spending on
meager objects. For example, a tasteless character
would build a mansion in a povertous neighborhood.
Vulgarity occurs when a character spends beyond
what is right. For example, a vulgar character would
give a club dinner on the scale of a wedding ban-
quet. Tasteless and vulgar characters do not seek
honor, but to show off their wealth. Characters
with this vice think they are admired solely for wealth.
Where they ought to spend much, they spend little;
where they ought to spend little, they spend much.
Empty Vanity: Empty vanity is proper pride
that is excessive. A character is vain who thinks they
are worthy of great things, when they are actually
unworthy. A vain character incorrectly compares
themselves with others, and considers themselves
superior to others. Vain characters are fools and
ignorant of themselves. When unworthy, a vain
character attempts an honorable undertaking, but is
later discovered to be unworthy. Vain characters
adorn themselves with clothing, outward show, and
such things. Characters who are vain wish their good
fortune to be known publicly, and speak about their
fortune as if they should be honored for it.
Irascibility (GE): Irascibility is excessive
anger, and quite different from good-temper. This
excess can be manifested in numerous ways, though
all are not found in the same character. For ex-
ample, a character can be angry with the wrong char-
acters, at the wrong things, more than is right, too
quickly, or too long. Irascibility is more opposed to
good-temper than inirascibility; not only is it com-
moner (revenge is very human), but irascible char-
acters are worse to live with. 3 types of irascible
characters are described below:
Hot-tempered characters quickly get angry
with the wrong characters at the wrong things and
more than is right, but their anger ceases quickly,
which is best about them. Hot-tempered charac-
ters do not restrain their anger, but retaliate openly
and quickly. After a short outburst, their anger
ceases. Hot-tempered characters tend to have cho-
leric temperaments. Excessively choleric characters
are quick-tempered and ready to be angry with ev-
erything and on every occasion; whence their name.
Sulky characters are hard to appease, and
retain their anger long; they repress their passion.
The anger of sulky characters ceases upon retalia-
tion; they are pleasured at the relief from their pain.
If a sulky character does not retaliate, then the an-
ger is retained. Such characters are troublesome to
themselves and to their dearest friends.
Bad-tempered characters are those who are
angry at the wrong things, more than is right, longer,
and cannot be appeased until they inflict vengeance
or punishment.
Boastfulness (GE): Boastfulness is when
claims exceed truthfulness. A boastful character is
likely either to claim to have things that bring glory
when they do not have them, or claim to have more
of them than they do. A character who claims to
have more than is truthful with no ulterior motive
delights in falsity for its own sake; this is the worst
kind of boastfulness. A character who boasts to
acquire money is more blameworthy than a charac-
ter who boasts to acquire reputation or honor. A
boasters capacity is less important than their pur-
pose. One character may be boastful because they
enjoy lying, while another character desires gains.
Most characters who boast to increase reputation
will claim to have a quality worthy of praise, though
the claim will be difficult to disprove, such as having
the powers of a seer, sage, or doctor. Boastfulness
is more opposed to truthfulness than mock mod-
Buffoonery (GE): Buffoonery is excessive
ready-wittedness. Those who carry humor to ex-
cess are thought to be vulgar buffoons, striving af-
ter humor at all costs. A buffoon seeks laughter
instead of saying what is becoming or avoiding pain
to the object of their fun. The ridiculous side of
things is not far to seek, however, and most charac-
ters delight more than they should in amusement
and jesting. Many characters consider buffoons to
be ready-witted because their humor is attractive.
Nonetheless, buffoons differ from ready-witted char-
acters. The buffoon is a slave to their sense of hu-
mor and spares neither themselves nor others for
humor. A refined character will never repeat the
words of a buffoon, and probably will not listen to
them in the first place.
Obsequiousness and Flattery: Obsequi-
ousness and flattery are excessive friendliness. Ob-
sequious characters attempt to give pleasure by prais-
ing everything without opposition. An obsequious
character attempts to give no pain to others. Of
those who contribute pleasure, the character who is
pleasant with no ulterior motive is obsequious, but
the character who is pleasant with an ulterior mo-
tive is a flatterer.
Bashfulness: Bashfulness is excessive mod-
esty. Bashfulness is caused by shame. Shame re-
sults from imagining a loss of reputation from some-
one admired or not despised. Characters feel more
shame at things done before the eyes of admired
characters and in the open. The proverb Shame is
in the eyes, indicates that shame may be observed
in the eyes of the guilty as well as the eyes of those
who have been disappointed. Characters who have
been physically violated or raped are regarded as
shamed and exhibit bashfulness. If a character ex-
periences misfortune and does not want to be seen
by rivals, then the character is bashful.
Envy: Envy is the excess of righteous in-
dignation. All things seem great to an envious char-
acter. Envy is distress caused by apparent success
of a peer who has attained something desired by
the envious character. Characters envy whoever has
acquired whatever belongs naturally to themselves
or what they once had. For this reason, older char-
acters envy younger characters. Characters who
spent much money on an object envy those who
spent less for the same object. Finally, characters
who had difficulty acquiring something or did not
get it at all envy those who got it quickly or easily.
Ambitiousness: Ambitiousness is an excess
to the unnamed balance. An ambitious character
seeks honor more than they should. Usually, an
ambitious character will use immoral means to pur-
sue honor. Moreover, an ambitious character loves
honor more than most characters.
He who says what he wants,
often hears what he doesnt want.
the lies of a flattering tongue
Chapter 5: Mind
Concerning the physical mind, this chapter
is comprised of temperament and mental illness.
Since ancient times, sentient creatures have classi-
fied themselves and others according to perceptions
of mental health.
Temperament is a combination of internal
processes that are determined at birth and affect
the moods and lives of characters. 4 bodily secre-
tions cause temperament:
Blood causes the sanguine temperament,
which is characterized as warm and pleasant.
Yellow Bile causes the choleric tempera-
ment, which is characterized as hot-tempered.
Black Bile causes the melancholic tem-
perament, which is characterized as sad and de-
Phlegm causes the phlegmatic tempera-
ment, which is characterized as apathetic.
A well-balanced ratio of the 4 secretions in
the humanoid body is believed to be related to san-
ity and health. The secretions and their predomi-
nant temperaments are related to the elements, sea-
sons, the 4 winds, and much more. Below is a table
that corresponds the 4 bodily secretions with the
appropriate temperament and other associations:
: t n e m a r e p m e T e n i u g n a S c i r e l o h C c i l o h c n a l e M c i t a m g e l h P
n o i t e r c e S d o o l B e l i B w o l l e Y e l i B k c a l B m g e l h P
t n e m e l E r i A e r i F h t r a E r e t a W
e t a t S d i u q i L s u o e s a G e s n e D d i l o S
y t i l a u Q t s i o M - t o H y r D - t o H y r D - d l o C t s i o M - d l o C
e g A d o o h d l i h C h t u o Y y t i r u t a M e g A d l O
n o s a e S g n i r p S r e m m u S n m u t u A r e t n i W
d n i W h t u o S t s a E h t r o N t s e W
y d o B f o t r a P r e d l u o h S , k c e N , d a e H y d o B r e p p U y d o B r e w o L t o o F , e e n K , h g i h T
A character may not be defined with only 1
temperament. Characters are defined with a domi-
nant and secondary temperament, while the other 2
remain recessive. Every character has a unique com-
bination of the 4 temperaments. Theorists believe
that perfection is a state in which no temperament
predominates, but instead when all are proportion-
ate within a character.
Determining Temperament
To determine the temperament of a char-
acter, roll 1d100 for each of the 4 temperaments
and note the results on your character sheet. The
higher the roll, the more of that particular tempera-
ment is innate in the character. Ideally, a healthy
and mentally balanced character has rolls of 50 or
51 in each of the temperaments. Observe the domi-
nant and secondary temperaments, ignore the other
2, and read the generalizations below about the tem-
perament of the character.
Alternate Method
A test exists to determine temperament, and
may be downloaded freely at www.fatalgames.com.
If the Aedile concurs, then a player may use the
results from the Temperament Test for their char-
This temperament is associated with extro-
verts, talkative characters, and optimists. These char-
acters have appealing personalities and are the life
of any party. They have good senses of humor and
are usually gifted at Storytelling (see Chap. 8: Skills).
Sanguine characters are enthusiastic, expressive, and
emotional. Wide-eyed, innocent, and curious, these
characters live in the present and are always sincere
at heart. Sanguine characters manage to find the
humor in disasters, are always cheery, and are liked
by others. Creative and colorful, these characters
look great on the surface and have energy and en-
thusiasm in all that they do. Thriving on compli-
ments, sanguine characters make friends easily and
love others. These characters seek to prevent dull
moments by providing excitement, and they never
hold grudges. Sanguine characters are compulsive
talkers with loud voices. Remembering names is dif-
ficult for these characters, and they are prone to
complaining. It is possible these characters appear
too happy to others and, seeming fake, scare them
away. Driven by their inner child, sanguine charac-
ters are nave and easily get angry. Sanguine charac-
ters are disorganized and would rather talk than act.
Further, they often forget obligations, have fading
confidence, and are undisciplined. Many decisions
are based upon feelings. Hating to be alone and
needing attention, these characters seek center stage
by dominating conversations and energetically in-
terrupting others. These characters often make ex-
cuses and have a tendency to repeat stories. It is
assumed that the sanguine temperament is caused
by blood.
This temperament is associated with extro-
verts, doers, and optimists. Born leaders, choleric
characters are active and have a compulsive need
for change. Driven to correct wrongs, they are not
discouraged easily and may be unemotional. These
characters exude confidence, are strong-willed, and
decisive. This temperament causes characters to be
organized and task-oriented. Insisting on the pro-
ductivity of others, these characters seek practical
solutions to problems and move quickly to action.
Thriving on opposition, these characters have little
need for friends or groups and excel during emer-
gencies. Unfortunately, choleric characters may be
bossy, impatient, quick-tempered, unable to relax,
and refuse to give up even when clearly losing. These
characters are too intense, come on too strong, and
are inflexible and uncomplimentary. Choleric char-
acters dislike tears and emotions, and are generally
unsympathetic. These characters give answers too
quickly, dominate more than is good, and are often
too busy for their families. Also, choleric characters
are impatient with poor performance and have little
tolerance for mistakes. Choleric characters are of-
ten rude, tactless, and manipulate others. Though
these characters may often be right, which they al-
ways insist upon, this also makes them unpopular
with others. It is assumed that the choleric tem-
perament is caused by yellow bile.
This temperament is associated with the in-
trovert, thinker, and pessimist. Melancholic charac-
ters tend to be deep, thoughtful, and analytical. They
are serious, purposeful, and prone to genius. Of-
ten, they are talented and creative, with an artistic or
musical inclination. Melancholic characters may be
philosophical, poetic, and appreciate beauty. Sensi-
tive to others, they may be self-sacrificing, consci-
entious, or idealistic. This temperament causes char-
acters to set high standards and want everything done
right. Their homes are orderly, and otherwise they
are persistent, thorough, orderly, organized, and al-
ways neat and tidy. This powerful drive is often char-
acterized negatively by others, but melancholic char-
acters often solve problems and surprise others with
creativity. Melancholic characters need to finish what
they start. Socially, this temperament causes char-
acters to make friends cautiously and stay in the back-
ground to avoid attention. These characters are
faithful, devoted, and listen well to complaints. Un-
fortunately, they can be moody and depressed, of-
ten remembering or emphasizing the negative. Fur-
ther, they are self-centered, often in another world,
and may have a low opinion of themselves. Melan-
cholic characters are not people-oriented, and pre-
fer to deal with things rather than people. Also,
these characters prefer analysis to work. Having a
deep need for approval, these characters are hard to
please and often set standards too high. Often with-
drawn and remote, melancholic characters are criti-
cal of others and withhold affection. In characters,
this temperament can cause them to be antagonis-
tic and vengeful because they are suspicious of oth-
ers and dislike those in opposition. This tempera-
ment causes characters to be unforgiving and skep-
tical of compliments. It is assumed that the melan-
cholic temperament is caused by black bile.
This temperament is associated with intro-
verts, watchers, and pessimists. Having low-key per-
sonalities, phlegmatic characters are relaxed, calm,
cool, and easy-going. Their lives are balanced and
consistent. They are quiet but witty, sympathetic,
and kind. Good parents, phlegmatic characters are
able to take the bad with the good, keep their emo-
tions hidden, and are never in a hurry. Phlegmatic
characters are competent, steady, agreeable, and
good under pressure, though they often seek the
easiest way to get things done. These characters are
easy to get along with, pleasant, and inoffensive.
However, since they are unenthusiastic, they may be
feared or others may worry about them, especially
since they are indecisive and avoid responsibility.
This temperament causes characters to be too shy,
compromising, and self-righteous. Phlegmatic char-
acters are lax on discipline, lack motivation, and are
not goal-oriented. They can be lazy, careless, and
discouraging to others. These characters would
rather watch than become involved. While they
watch, however, they are judgmental, sarcastic, and
resistant to change. It is assumed that the phleg-
matic temperament is caused by phlegm.
s h t g n e r t S t n e m a r e p m e T
e n i u g n a S c i r e l o h C c i l o h c n a l e M c i t a m g e l h P
y t i l a n o s r e p g n i l a e p p A r e d a e l n r o B l u f t h g u o h T y e k - w o L
e v i t a k l a T e v i t c a d n a c i m a n y D l a c i t y l a n A g n i o g - y s a E
r o m u h f o e s n e s d o o G e g n a h c o t d e e n e v i s l u p m o C l u f e s o p r u p d n a s u o i r e S d e x a l e R
c i t s a i s u h t n E s g n o r w t c e r r o c t s u M s u i n e g o t e n o r P d e t c e l l o c d n a , m l a c , l o o C
l u f r e e h C d e l l i w - g n o r t S e v i t a e r c d n a d e t n e l a T t n e i t a P
s u o i r u C e v i s i c e D l a c i s u m r o c i t s i t r A y t t i w t u b , t e i u Q
e r e c n i S l a n o i t o m e n U c i t e o P / l a c i h p o s o l i h P c i t e h t a p m y S
r o m u h o t n i r e t s a s i d s n r u T d e g a r u o c s i d y l i s a e t o N y t u a e b s e t a i c e r p p A n e d d i h s n o i t o m e s p e e K
s b o j r o f s r e e t n u l o V t n e d n e p e d n I s r e h t o o t e v i t i s n e S r e t c a r a h c e s o p r u p - l l A
l u f r o l o c d n a e v i t a e r C t n e i c i f f u s - f l e S g n i c i f i r c a s - f l e S t n e r a p d o o G
s r e h t o s e r i p s n i y l i s a E t n e d i f n o C s u o i t n e i c s n o C y r r u h a n i t o n s I
s d n e i r f s e k a m y l i s a E g n i h t y n a n u r n a C c i t s i l a e d I d a b h t i w d o o g e k a t n a C
s r e t c a r a h c s e v o L d e t n e i r o - l a o G t s i n o i t c e f r e P t e s p u t e g t o n s e o D
s t n e m i l p m o c n o s e v i r h T e r u t c i p e l o h w e h t s e e S d e t n e i r o - e l u d e h c S y d a e t s d n a t n e t e p m o C
s r e h t o y b d e i v n E l l e w s e z i n a g r O s l i a t e d f o s u o i c s n o C e l b a e e r g a d n a l u f e c a e P
s e g d u r g d l o h t o n s e o D s n o i t u l o s l a c i t c a r p s k e e S t n e t s i s r e P y t i l i b a e v i t a r t s i n i m d A
y l k c i u q s e z i g o l o p A n o i t c a o t y l k c i u q s e v o M d e z i n a g r o d n a y l r e d r O s m e l b o r p s e t a i d e M
s u o e n a t n o p S k r o w s e t a g e l e D y d i t d n a t a e N s t c i l f n o c s d i o v A
n o i t c u d o r p n o s t s i s n I l a c i m o n o c E e r u s s e r p r e d n u d o o G
y t i v i t c a s e t a l u m i t S s m e l b o r p e h t s e e S y a w y s a e e h t s d n i F
n o i t i s o p p o n o s e v i r h T s n o i t u l o s e v i t a e r c s d n i F r e n e t s i l d o o G
s d n e i r f r o f d e e n e l t t i l s a H s d n e i r f s e k a m y l s u o i t u a C s d n e i r f y n a m s a H
y t i v i t c a p u o r g r o f k r o w l l i W n o i t n e t t a g n i s u a c s d i o v A e v i s n e f f o n I
e z i n a g r o d n a d a e l l l i W d e t o v e d d n a l u f h t i a F r o m u h f o e s n e s y r D
t h g i r y l l a u s u s I e t a n o i s s a p m o C n r e c n o c & n o i s s a p m o c s a H
s e i c n e g r e m e n i s l e c x E e t a m l a e d i s k e e S
s e s s e n k a e W t n e m a r e p m e T
e n i u g n a S c i r e l o h C c i l o h c n a l e M c i t a m g e l h P
r e k l a t e v i s l u p m o C y s s o B d e s s e r p e D / y d o o M c i t s a i s u h t n e n U
s e t a r e g g a x E t n e i t a p m I t r u h g n i e b s y o j n E l u f r a e F
s e t a r o b a l E d e r e p m e t - k c i u Q y t i l i m u h e s l a F d e i r r o W
a i v i r t n o s l l e w D x a l e r t o n n a C d l r o w r e h t o n a n i f f O e v i s i c e d n I
s e m a n r e b m e m e r t o n n a C s u o u t e p m i o o T s e v i t a g e n s r e b m e m e R s e i t i l i b i s n o p s e r s d i o v A
y a w a s r e h t o s e r a c S y s r e v o r t n o c s y o j n E e g a m i - f l e s w o L n o r i f o l l i w t e i u Q
e m o s r o f y p p a h o o T e v i t a t n e m u g r A g n i r a e h e v i t c e l e S h s i f l e S
y g r e n e s s e l t s e r s a H g n i s o l f i p u e v i g t o n l l i W d e r e t n e c - f l e S y h s o o T
l a c i t s i t o g E g n o r t s o o t n o s e m o C e v i t c e p s o r t n i o o T g n i s i m o r p m o c o o T
s n i a l p m o C e l b i x e l f n I s g n i l e e f y t l i u G s u o e t h g i r - f l e S
e v a N y r a t n e m i l p m o c t o n s I x e l p m o c n o i t u c e s r e P d e t n e i r o - l a o g t o N
h g u a l d n a e c i o v d u o l s a H s n o i t o m e / s r a e t s e k i l s i D a i r d n o h c o p y h o t s d n e T n o i t a v i t o m - f l e s s k c a L
s e c n a t s m u c r i c y b d e l l o r t n o C s e k a t s i m r o f e c n a r e l o t e l t t i L d e t n e i r o - r e t c a r a h c t o N g n i v o m t e g o t d r a H
y l i s a e s r e g n A c i t e h t a p m y s n U n o i t c e f r e p m i y b d e r e h t o B d e h s u p g n i e b s t n e s e R
e m o s o t y n o h p s m e e S s l i a t e d e z y l a n a t o n s e o D k r o w t l u c i f f i d s e s o o h C s s e l e r a c d n a y z a L
s e r u t a m r e v e N a i v i r t y b d e r o B s t c e j o r p t r a t s o t t n a t i s e H s r e h t o s e g a r u o c s i D
s n o i t a g i l b o s t e g r o F e d u r e b y a M h c u m o o t s n a l P h c t a w r e h t a r d l u o W
h g u o r h t - w o l l o f t o n s e o D s n o i s i c e d h s a r e k a m y a M k r o w o t s i s y l a n a s r e f e r P m s a i s u h t n e s n e p m a D
e c n e d i f n o c s e s o L s r e h t o s e t a l u p i n a M e s a e l p o t d r a H d e v l o v n i n u s y a t S
d e n i l p i c s i d n U s r e h t o f o g n i d n a m e D h g i h o o t s d r a d n a t S s n a l p o t t n e r e f f i d n I
r e d r o f o t u o s e i t i r o i r P c i l o h a k r o W l a v o r p p a r o f d e e n p e e D s r e h t o s e g d u J
s g n i l e e f y b s e d i c e D y t l a y o l d n a m e D s r e h t o h g u o r h t s e v i L g n i s a e t d n a c i t s a c r a S
y l i s a e d e t c a r t s i D s r e t c a r a h c e s u o t s d n e T y l l a i c o s e r u c e s n I e g n a h c s t s i s e R
e n o l a e b o t s e t a H s r e h t o s e t a n i m o D e t o m e r / n w a r d h t i W
e g a t s r e t n e c e b o t s d e e N r e t t e b g n i h t y r e v e o d n a C s r e h t o f o l a c i t i r C
r a l u p o p e b o t s t n a W g n i h t y r e v e s w o n K n o i t c e f f a s d l o h h t i W
t i d e r c r o f s k o o L t n e d n e p e d n i o o T n o i t i s o p p o n i e s o h t s e k i l s i D
s n o i t a s r e v n o c s e t a n i m o D s r e h t o r o f s e d i c e D s r e t c a r a h c f o s u o i c i p s u S
s t p u r r e t n I e v i s s e s s o P c i t s i n o g a t n A
n e t s i l t o n s e o D y r r o S m I y a s t o n n a C l u f e g n e V
l u f t e g r o f d n a e l k c i F r a l u p o p n u t u b , t h g i r e b y a M g n i v i g r o f n U
s e s u c x e s e k a M s n o i t c i d a r t n o c f o l l u F
s e i r o t s s t a e p e R s t n e m i l p m o c f o l a c i t p e k S
How to Interpret
Multiple Temperaments
Interpretation of the various degrees of the
4 temperaments in each character is often a form
of art. Scholars are working frantically to unify com-
peting theories. Currently, most temperament theo-
rists disregard the 2 recessive temperaments of a
character, no matter how close they may be to the
dominant and secondary temperaments.
For instance, a character named Baldric may
have rolls of 52 for Sanguine, 73 for Choleric, 83
for Melancholic, and 44 for Phlegmatic. Clearly, the
dominant temperament of Baldric is Melancholic
and his secondary temperament is Choleric. De-
spite the numeric proximity of his Sanguine tem-
perament, both his Sanguine and Phlegmatic tem-
peraments are considered recessive or as hardly con-
tributing to his overall temperament.
Much debate remains, however, concerning
the strength of each temperament and its relation
to the other temperaments. Many scholars note that
the difference between the dominant and second-
ary temperaments of a character is an important
consideration. Most claim that the degree that each
temperament deviates from the norm is the most
significant factor. For this reason, the player must
consult with the Aedile about their characters tem-
perament so that a sensical understanding can be
There are 12 combinations of temperaments
result when considering the dominant and second-
ary temperaments of a character. Below are the 12
combinations of temperament, listed with the domi-
nant temperament first, followed by the secondary
Clearly, this type of character is an extro-
vert who is predominantly positive and in a good or
happy mood, though they are also known at times
to be exacting and unemotional, driven, intense, and
manipulative. The easiest thing to notice about san-
guine-choleric characters is that usually they are
driven by emotion, yet sometimes are completely
unemotional. It is this conflict between emotion
and lack of emotion that is striking.
Since sanguine and melancholic tempera-
ments are opposites, this character feels an inordi-
nate amount of tension in life, usually happy and
excited, but occasionally has bouts with depression
and pessimism, withdrawing into themselves. These
characters are moody, but since they are predomi-
nantly sanguine, their moodiness is more public than
private, and is observed by others more than any
other combination of temperaments.
On the outside, this character is happy, emo-
tional, expressive, and a joy to others. However,
these characters are very selective of which emo-
tions they show, and behind closed doors they are
characterized as unenthusiastic. It is this contrast
that causes others to consider their happiness to be
Oftentimes, this combination of tempera-
ments results in a leader or figure of authority who
is liked and respected. While they are predominantly
driven to get the job done well and without mis-
takes, they seem to be very objective and unemo-
tional. Occasionally, emotions shine through and
their momentary happiness assures those around
them of their competency as a leader who will be
effective, but personable.
These characters are likely to become lead-
ers who relentlessly drive others. They view charac-
ters as tools to get the job done, and more than any
other temperament, demand that the tasks of their
followers be performed flawlessly. Some characters
respect this type of individual or leader because they
and their followers are productive, though they may
personally dislike them as this characters low opin-
ion of others becomes evident. With most charac-
ters, reactions are more extreme, usually a combina-
tion of admiration and hate. Choleric-melancholic
characters are extremely competitive, forceful, and
often successful.
This combination of temperaments pro-
duces characters who are likely to succeed and be-
come leaders or authority figures who care about
the finished product, but prefer instead to delegate
the responsibility of the task to others of impor-
tance around them. Since this leader rarely makes
themselves visible or known, some characters con-
sider them to be a disinterested leader. They are
driving, but unenthusiastic, and often harbor resent-
ment and bitterness.
This type of character withdraws from ev-
eryone and is exacting, but often is very happy, ex-
pressive, or emotional when alone or about their
work. While alone, the creative side of these char-
acters often emerges, such as with art or music.
These characters are capable, but rarely venturesome,
so they usually work well for others.
In most situations, this character is an intro-
vert, though some situations elicit strong responses,
which are usually either negative, critical, driving, or
manipulative. Ironically, it is during these responses
or outbursts when the melancholic-choleric charac-
ter is happiest. These characters usually prepare
twice as well as their foes, so they rarely lose in con-
tests. This combination of temperaments produces
characters who are extremely difficult to please, rarely
satisfying even themselves, which can make them
intolerable to live with. Some of these characters
become manic-depressive or sadistic. Melancholic-
choleric characters become angry often. Regarding
their families, they emote disapproval and are driven
to castigate them for failures and correct their mis-
takes, though this condemnation and criticism usu-
ally accomplishes the opposite effect.
These characters are perhaps the most with-
drawn of all, often preferring or wishing for a soli-
tary existence. However, when alone as desired, they
are unenthusiastic about almost everything.
This blend of temperaments results in a non-
abrasive character who is the easiest to get along
with. They are unenthusiastic, calm, relaxed, yet
when inspired they become emotional, expressive,
and happy. However, they are highly disorganized.
These characters are unenthusiastic and
avoid responsibility, yet are prone to be irritable,
commanding, and leader-like. This type of charac-
ter does not explode with anger, but just refuses to
cooperate. When characters with this temperament
become angry, they often restrain their anger, be-
coming utterly silent, yet clearly upset.
This combination of temperaments causes
characters to speak rarely and often makes them
gentle. It is common for others to take advantage
of phlegmatic-melancholic characters. These char-
acters are rarely angry or hostile, and are often gra-
Mental Illness
Mental illnesses are disorders characterized
by disturbances of a characters thoughts, emotions,
or behavior. Various mental illnesses not only exist,
but are widespread. Most are unrecognized in the
terminology that follows and are simply considered
madness, the result of sorcery or witchcraft, evil
spirits, or demons. The mentally ill usually become
objects of religious inquisition and barbaric treat-
ment. It is for this reason that witch-hunts are popu-
lar. Some believe instead that mental illness is the
physical result of imbalances in blood, just like tem-
perament. A player who rerolls sub-abilities acquires
a mental illness for their character per reroll (see
Chap. 3: Abilities). This information is amassed so
that Aediles may apply it as necessary. Since charac-
ters may acquire or encounter these illnesses, they
are compiled and listed below, followed by a table to
facilitate the random selection of a mental illness:
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving sexual attraction to lame or crippled part-
ners. This causes significant distress or impairment
in social, occupational, or other important areas of
Whenever a character afflicted with
abasiophilia sees a lame or cripple, they must pass a
Drive sub-ability check at TH 20 or engage in so-
cially unacceptable sexual behavior.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving sexual attraction to the amputated stump
of a partner; the stump itself is arousing. This causes
significant distress or impairment in social, occupa-
tional, or other important areas of functioning.
Whenever a character afflicted with
acrotomophilia sees an amputated stump on another,
they must pass a Drive sub-ability check at TH 20
or engage in socially unacceptable sexual behavior.
Anorexia Nervosa
This mental illness affects 1% of young
women. Nearly 1-in-5 die of starvation. This con-
dition is the intense fear of gaining weight or be-
coming obese.
If afflicted with anorexia nervosa, roll 1d100.
Results from 01-20 indicate the character is doomed
to die of starvation in 1d100 weeks. Afflicted char-
acters experience an increase of 2d20 to Melancholic
Temperament and have the following modifiers: -
25% Weight, - 10% Physical Fitness, - 25% Strength,
- 10% Bodily Attractiveness, - 25% Health, and +
10% Drive.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Characters with this disorder act in a way
that disregard the feelings and rights of other char-
acters. Antisocial personalities often break the law,
and they may use or exploit other characters for
their own gain. They may lie repeatedly, act impul-
sively, and get into physical fights. They may mis-
treat their spouses, neglect or abuse their children,
and exploit their slaves. They may even kill other
characters. Characters with this disorder are also
sometimes called sociopaths or psychopaths. Anti-
social personalities usually fail to understand that
their behavior is dysfunctional because their ability
to feel guilty, remorseful, and anxious is impaired.
Guilt, remorse, shame, and anxiety are unpleasant
feelings, but they are also necessary for social func-
tioning and even physical survival. Antisocial per-
sonality disorder affects 3% of males and 1% of
Afflicted characters experience an increase
of 3d20 to Choleric and 2d20 to Melancholic Tem-
Every madman believes the
others are insane.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving sexual attraction to oneself being lame or
crippled. This causes significant distress or impair-
ment in social, occupational, or other important ar-
eas of functioning. Gruagach ogres have a higher
frequency of this mental illness than other races.
Whenever a character is afflicted with
autoabasiophilia, they must pass a Drive sub-ability
check at TH 15 or attempt to amputate a limb and
experience sexual excitement.
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Avoidant personality disorder is character-
ized by social withdrawal due to a shyness that is
both intense and anxious. Characters with avoidant
personalities are reluctant to interact with others
unless they feel certain of being liked. They fear
being criticized and rejected. Often they view them-
selves as socially inept and inferior to others.
Afflicted characters lose 2d20 points in San-
guine Temperament. Although anakim may tend to
avoid characters, they do not tend to consider them-
selves inferior to others, so they do not have this
mental illness.
Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive)
Characters who suffer from bipolar disor-
der switch back and forth between depression and
mania. Bipolar disorder may be characterized by
the experience of extreme highs or lows, but little
to nothing in between. This mental illness affects
about 1% of the population. Each morning, a die
is rolled to determine whether depression or mania
will be the dominant mood for the day. During
stressful circumstances, this must be determined
Afflicted characters experience an increase
of 2d20 to Choleric and Melancholic Temperaments.
When a bipolar character is manic, consult the mental
illness of mania. When a bipolar character is de-
pressed, consult the mental illness of depression.
Because the moods of elves are more chaotic than
other races, elves have a higher frequency of bipo-
lar disorder.
Borderline Personality Disorder
Characters with borderline personality dis-
order experience intense emotional instability, par-
ticularly in relationships with others. They may make
frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandon-
ment by others. They may experience minor prob-
lems as major crises. They may also express their
anger, frustration, and dismay through suicidal ges-
tures, self-mutilation, and other self-destructive acts.
They tend to have an unstable self-image or sense
of self. As children, most characters with this dis-
order were emotionally unstable, impulsive, and of-
ten bitter or angry, although their chaotic impul-
siveness and intense emotions may have made them
popular at school. At first they may impress char-
acters as stimulating and exciting, but their relation-
ships tend to be unstable and explosive. About 2%
of all characters have borderline personality disor-
der. About 75% of characters with this disorder
are female.
Characters afflicted with borderline person-
ality disorder experience an increase of 2d20 in Mel-
ancholic Temperament. Further, afflicted charac-
ters must roll under their Sanguine score on a daily
basis or engage in (1-30%) an act of self-mutilation
or (31-100%) a self-destructive act. The socially un-
acceptable episode will occur while experiencing
frustration. The character will not know it is going
to happen until they are unable to stop themselves.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences an irrationally inflated self-
impression regarding the sub-ability of Bodily At-
tractiveness and the ability of Charisma. This causes
significant distress or impairment in social, occupa-
tional, or other important areas of functioning.
Callomania is different than Narcissistic Personality
Disorder because a callomaniac does not suffer from
a delusion of self-importance, but surpassing beauty.
Whenever a character is afflicted with
callomania, they must behave accordingly. A
callomaniac may be afraid to do anything that has
even the remote potential to damage their beauty.
Because anakim have higher Bodily Attractiveness
than other races, the frequency of callomania is
higher among anakim.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences a recurrent and intense ob-
session to dance (see Chap. 8: Skills). This causes
significant distress or impairment in social, occupa-
tional, or other important areas of functioning.
Whenever a character is afflicted with
choreomania and it is possible to dance at the mo-
ment, a Drive check at TH 17 must be passed or the
character begins to dance and will dance until ex-
hausted or sufficiently interrupted. While dancing,
the character will ignore their surroundings.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving sexual attraction with defecation, either giv-
ing or receiving. This causes significant distress or
impairment in social, occupational, or other impor-
tant areas of functioning.
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases by
97. Whenever a character is afflicted with copro-
philia and involved in a sexual activity or near def-
ecation, they must pass a Drive sub-ability check at
TH 10 or engage in socially unacceptable sexual be-
havior regarding defecation.
This mental illness is characterized by im-
paired memory and difficulties in functions such as
speaking, abstract thinking, and the ability to iden-
tify familiar objects.
Characters afflicted with dementia lose (30
+ 2d10)% of their sub-abilities of Rhetorical Cha-
risma, Analytic Intelligence, and Reflection. When-
ever they must identify familiar objects, they must
pass a Reflection sub-ability check at TH 20 or swear
they have never seen it before. Roll 1d8 to deter-
mine the number of symptoms. Next, determine
the actual symptoms from the following list: (1) re-
cent memory loss, (2) difficulty performing familiar
tasks, (3) problems with language, (4) time and place
disorientation, (5) poor judgment, (6) misplacing
things, (7) mood swings, and (8) a (30 + 2d10)%
loss of Drive.
Dependent Personality Disorder
This disorder involves severe and disabling
emotional dependency on others. Characters with
this disorder have difficulty making decisions with-
out a great deal of advice and reassurance from oth-
ers. They urgently seek another relationship when
a close relationship ends. Alone, they feel uncom-
Characters afflicted with this disorder must
pass a Drive sub-ability check at TH 20 for them to
be alone. If failed, they will seek companionship,
no matter how annoying their behavior.
Depersonalization Disorder
These characters experience an unwelcome
sense of detachment from their own bodies. They
may feel as though they are floating above the
ground, outside observers of their own mental or
physical processes. Other symptoms may include a
feeling that they or other characters are mechanical
or unreal, a feeling of being in a dream, a feeling
that their hands or feet are larger or smaller than
usual, and a deadening of emotional responses.
These symptoms are chronic and severe enough to
impede normal functioning in a social, school, or
work environment. Depersonalization disorder is a
relatively rare syndrome thought to result from se-
vere stress.
Characters afflicted with this disorder must
pass a Common Sense sub-ability check at TH 16
daily, or at a random time during the day {at the
1d12 hour of either A.M. [1-3] or P.M. [4-6], at the
minute of [(1d6 - 1) and 1d10 (which creates a range
of 01-59)]}, an episode will occur that involves (01-
20%) the feeling of floating, being an observer out-
side ones body (21-40%), being sure that other char-
acters are mechanical (41-60%), being sure that other
characters are not real (61-80%), feeling like they
are in a dream (81-85%), sure that their hands are
larger than usual (86%), sure that their feet are larger
than usual (87%), sure that their hands are smaller
than usual (88%), sure that their feet are smaller than
usual (89%), or (90-100%) they feel a deadening of
emotional responses. The episode will last for 1d100
minutes. Finally, those afflicted experience a loss of
2d20 points from their Sanguine, Choleric, and Mel-
ancholic Temperaments.
Different than the feelings of sadness and
loneliness that everyone feels from time to time,
depression is a deep, unshakable sadness and disin-
terest in nearly all activities. Common feelings are
despair, hopelessness, worthlessness, as well as
thoughts of committing suicide. Some characters
are only affected by depression during autumn and
winter. A common mental illness, roughly 10% of
the population suffers from depression, though fe-
males are between 2-3 times as susceptible. Depres-
sion usually develops during young adulthood over
a period of months or years, though it may erupt
suddenly in a few weeks or days. Sudden develop-
ments are often called nervous breakdowns. De-
pressed characters feel sad every day and may cry
often. Characters, work, and activities that used to
bring them pleasure no longer do. A bout of de-
pression typically lasts 8 months. Any character who
has experienced 1 bout of depression is highly likely
to experience a future bout. Appetite and sleep may
be affected, sometimes increased, but usually de-
creased. Stressful events can trigger depression in
those who are predisposed to it.
Those afflicted experience an increase of
2d20 points in Melancholic Temperament and a
decrease of 2d20 points in Sanguine Temperament.
Dissociative Fugue
These characters forget their personal iden-
tity and unexpectedly wander away from home. In
many cases, characters with this disorder travel to a
distant location and adopt a new identity, complete
with a new name, personal history, and place of resi-
dence. They may wander hundreds of miles, leav-
ing their families mystified about their disappear-
ance. Sometimes they appear in foreign churches
unable to explain who they are. Characters with
this disorder usually appear normal and do not at-
tract public attention. Dissociative fugue typically
occurs after serious stress of some kind, such as the
death of a family member, the loss of a job, or a
failed relationship. This disorder is quite rare, and
in many cases, fugue victims will suddenly wake up,
failing to remember any of the events that occurred
while in the fugue state.
Dissociative Identity Disorder
(Multiple Personality Disorder)
A character with this disorder has (1d4 + 1)
distinct (1-50%) identities or (51-100%) personality
states (temperament and disposition) that recurrently
take control of the characters consciousness and
If the character has distinct identities, then
the character often gives the alternate identities their
own personal names; these identities may have char-
acteristics that differ sharply from the primary iden-
tity of the character. If the character has multiple
personality states, then each personality state con-
sists of a randomly determined temperament and
A character with this disorder experiences
some degree of amnesia, in that one identity or per-
sonality usually will not recall what occurred when
another identity or personality controlled the char-
acter. With this disorder, a character experiences
sudden shifts in consciousness, identity, and memory.
For instance, the character may find themselves in a
strange environment, not knowing how they got
Those afflicted with this disorder must roll
1d100 and the result must be under the score of
their primary temperament in order to remain in it.
Otherwise, an identity (determined by the Aedile)
or another personality state (determined randomly)
emerges for 1d100 minutes.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences an inflated opinion concern-
ing their abilities, as well as exhibiting extreme self-
interest. This causes significant distress or impair-
ment in social, occupational, or other important ar-
eas of functioning.
Whenever a character is afflicted with ego-
mania, they must behave as though they believe that
each of their sub-ability scores is (2d20)% higher
than what it is. An egomaniac is disinterested in
others. Egomania is different than Narcissistic Per-
sonality Disorder because an egomaniac has extreme
self-interest, whereas a nacissistic character suffers
from extreme self-importance.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense impulses
to seek freedom. This causes significant distress or
impairment in social, occupational, or other impor-
tant areas of functioning.
Whenever a character is afflicted with
eleutheromania and involved in a situation in which
they perceive their freedom to be restrained, they
must pass a Drive sub-ability check at TH 15 or they
will be overcome by an urge to seek freedom. The
method adopted to seek freedom varies with the
situation. Usually, speech is enacted, though vio-
lence may be deemed appropriate as well.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character is compelled to tell exaggerated lies about
their sexual behavior. This causes significant dis-
tress or impairment in social, occupational, or other
important areas of functioning.
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases by
5. Whenever a character is afflicted with erotoma-
nia, they must pass a Drive sub-ability check at TH
15 to avoid telling exaggerated lies about their sexual
behavior whenever someone begins talking to them.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving lustful murder. This causes significant dis-
tress or impairment in social, occupational, or other
important areas of functioning.
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases by
25. Whenever afflicted with erotophonophilia, a
character must pass a Drive sub-ability check at TH
15 or attempt to lustfully murder the first character
seen, fixating upon their death. If the check is failed,
then an attempt will be made on their life. If others
are around, then the erotophonophiliac must make
another check each minute in order not to murder
them immediately and wait until they may kill with
privacy. Those afflicted experience an increase of
2d20 points in Choleric Temperament.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sensory
hallucinations and perceived moral superiority. This
causes significant distress or impairment in social,
occupational, or other important areas of function-
Whenever a character is afflicted with
esthesiomania and involved in a discussion or de-
bate about morality, this character must pass a Drive
sub-ability check at TH 15 or be overcome by an
urge to debate morality with others and demonstrate
their own superior morality. Even if others dem-
onstrate that the position of the esthesiomaniac is
contradictory or that their own morality is higher
than that of the esthesiomaniac, the esthesiomaniac
will be unaffected. Esthesiomaniacs often suffer de-
lusions that their god has contacted them or sent
them a message in their dreams. The only player
races to suffer esthesiomania are white dwarves, light
elves, and humans. However, humans have a higher
frequency of esthesiomania than white dwarves or
light elves.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving the exposure of their genitals to an unsus-
pecting stranger. This causes significant distress or
impairment in social, occupational, or other impor-
tant areas of functioning. Exhibitionists desire pri-
marily to frighten their subject, though other mo-
tives may be to startle them, see admiration, and
demonstrate superiority.
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases by
5. Whenever a character is afflicted with exhibi-
tionism, they must pass a Drive sub-ability check at
TH 15 daily or expose their genitals in public to
strangers. Anakim have been known to shun cloth-
ing in warm weather and prefer to appear naked in
human communities. Many anakim are proud of
their bodies, and consider the custom of wearing
clothes in warm weather to be the result of low self-
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving sexual attraction when smaller animals or
insects crawl upon parts of the body. This causes
significant distress or impairment in social, occupa-
tional, or other important areas of functioning.
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases to
100. Whenever a character is afflicted with
formicophilia and involved in a sexual situation, they
must pass a Drive sub-ability check at TH 15 or be
overcome by an urge to place animals or insects on
their bodies and experience sexual excitement.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving touching and rubbing against a non-con-
senting character. This causes significant distress or
impairment in social, occupational, or other impor-
tant areas of functioning.
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases by
5. Whenever a character is afflicted with frotteurism
and they encounter a member of the opposite sex
with a Bodily Attractiveness of 120 or higher, they
must pass a Drive sub-ability check at TH 15 or rub
them against their will.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
This disorder causes characters to feel anx-
ious most of the time and worry about routine events
and circumstances in their lives. Although they rec-
ognize their anxiety to be disproportionate with ac-
tual events, they are unable to control their worry-
ing. Their worries often interfere with their ability
to concentrate on, or perform, tasks. Physical symp-
toms include disturbed sleep, irritability, muscle
aches, and tension.
Whenever a character is afflicted with this
disorder during any event that may be construed as
a cause of anxiety, they must pass a Drive sub-abil-
ity check at TH 15 or all skill checks requiring per-
formance of any kind will suffer - 10.
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Characters with this disorder constantly
strive to be the center of attention. They may act
overly flirtatious or dress in ways that draw atten-
tion. Characters with this mental illness may also
talk in a dramatic or theatrical style and display ex-
aggerated emotional reactions. At the discretion of
the Aedile, a character with Histrionic Personality
Disorder may gain 1d10 Skill Points (SP) invested
into the Acting (Drama) skill (see Chapter 8: Skills).
This disorder is characterized by excessive
sleepiness that lasts for at least (3 + 1d12) weeks as
evidenced by either prolonged sleep episodes or day-
time sleep episodes that occur almost daily. This
causes significant distress or impairment in social,
occupational, or other important areas of function-
ing. This disorder cannot be accounted for by an
inadequate amount of sleep.
Whenever a character is afflicted with hy-
persomnia, they must pass a daily Drive sub-ability
check at TH 20 or need to sleep (1d12 + 7) hours.
A hypersomniac will feel rested only after uninter-
rupted sleep beyond the number of hours deter-
mined above if the check is failed.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving sexual asphyxia. This causes significant dis-
tress or impairment in social, occupational, or other
important areas of functioning.
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases by
25. Whenever a character is afflicted with
hypoxyphilia, they must pass a Drive sub-ability
check at TH 20 during all sexual activity or attempt
to choke their partner (01-30%) into unconscious-
ness and experience sexual pleasure while choking
them. A male hypoxyphiliac may fantasize about
choking others and become erect at inopportune
times. A female hypoxyphiliac may choke herself
with one hand and masturbate with the other.
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
This disorder is characterized by several dis-
crete episodes of failure to resist aggressive impulses
that result in serious acts of assault or destruction
of property. The degree of aggressiveness expressed
during the episodes is grossly misproportionate to
any precipitating stressors.
Whenever a character is afflicted with this
disorder and experiences anything that may be per-
ceived as a stressor, they must roll higher than their
Choleric Temperament score or respond to it vio-
lently for 2d4 rounds. Further, those afflicted expe-
rience an increase of 2d20 points in Choleric Tem-
This is a recurrent failure to resist the im-
pulse to steal objects not needed for personal use or
monetary value. There is an increasing sense of
tension preceding the unplanned theft, followed by
a relief at the time of the theft. The theft is per-
formed alone and not done out of anger or ven-
geance. Because kleptomaniacs obtain gratification
from the act of stealing rather than from posses-
sion of the stolen articles, they often steal objects
of little value that they could purchase easily.
Whenever a character is afflicted with klep-
tomania and around objects of little value in some-
one elses possession, they must pass a Drive sub-
ability check at TH 20 or attempt to steal a worth-
less object. Brown dwarves have a higher frequency
(8%) of kleptomania than other races. However,
4% of all humans are kleptomaniacs. Other races
rarely have kleptomaniacs.
Mania may be characterized by an elevated
or irritable mood, exaggerated self-importance, rac-
ing thoughts, and hyperactivity. Characters with ma-
nia typically feel intoxicated with themselves and life.
They may display an indiscriminate enthusiasm for
manipulating characters, spending money, and pur-
suing sexual adventure. Manic characters may also
display impatience or hostility toward other charac-
ters. If frustrated, then they may physically abuse
their friends, children, or spouse. Characters with
mania often have inflated self-esteem and self-con-
fidence, and assume they have more wit, courage,
imagination, and artistry than everyone else. Severe
mania may include delusions of grandeur, such as
the belief that one is chosen by their god for a spe-
cial mission. Mania typically involves a decreased
need for sleep, so manic characters often wake up
early in a highly energized state. Mania makes char-
acters extremely talkative. Their loud, rapid-fire
speech sometimes continues unabated without re-
gard for others. Mania also involves a flight of ideas,
racing thoughts that cause speech to go off in many
different directions. Characters in a manic state be-
come easily distracted by irrelevant sights, sounds
or ideas, which further disrupts thinking and speech.
Characters with mania may also devise gran-
diose plans or engage in reckless self-indulgence. For
example, they may invest indiscriminately in risky
projects, get involved in many different social ac-
tivities, flirt to the point of indecency, and intrude
in other characters private lives to the point of be-
ing obnoxious. Manic characters display many signs
of impaired judgment and self-destructive behav-
Over a period of (5 + d100) months, the
character experiences a recurrent and intensely in-
flated self-impression in 1 respect. Commonly called
a character who suffers a delusion of grandeur, a
megalomaniac believes they are superior to every
character met. This causes significant distress or
impairment in social, occupational, or other impor-
tant areas of functioning.
Whenever a character is afflicted with mega-
lomania, they will believe they are superior to oth-
ers in whatever is most important or enjoyable to
them. For some, this may be a sub-ability, for oth-
ers it will be how well they perform a given skill, and
for others it will be their aptitude in an occupation.
The Aedile must determine the specific respect.
Megalomania differs from Narcissistic Personality
Disorder because megalomaniacs believe they are
superior in what is important or enjoyable, while
narcissistic characters believe they are more impor-
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Characters with this disorder have a grandi-
ose sense of self-importance. They seek excessive
admiration from others and fantasize about unlim-
ited success or power. They believe they are spe-
cial, unique, or generally superior to others. How-
ever, they often have very fragile self-esteem.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving the use of dirty or obscene words to a part-
ner. This causes significant distress or impairment
in social, occupational, or other important areas of
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases by
10. Whenever a character is afflicted with
narratophilia and alone with their partner, they must
pass a Drive sub-ability check at TH 15 or begin
talking filth to their partner and become excited sexu-
ally, or request their partner to speak obscenities.
This is an abnormal fascination with death
and the dead, especially an erotic attraction to
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases to
100. Whenever a character is afflicted with necro-
philia and close to a corpse, they must pass a Drive
sub-ability check at TH 20 or be unable to resist
their urge to copulate with the corpse.
Over a period of (5 + d100) months, the
character experiences a recurrent and intense im-
pulse to avoid the day and experience the night. This
causes significant distress or impairment in social,
occupational, or other important areas of function-
Whenever a character is afflicted with
noctomania, behaviors will occur such as attempt-
ing to avoid the day and all daylight, sleeping during
the day, and engaging in activity at night.
Over a period of (5 + d100) months, the
female experiences an uncontrollable desire for
sexual intercourse. This causes significant distress
or impairment in social, occupational, or other im-
portant areas of functioning. This disorder affects
only females, and is also known as lagnoperissia. It
is common (40%) for nymphomaniacs to also be
afflicted with phallophilia, which ranges from a pref-
erence (01-60%) to an obsession (61-100%) for an
exceptionally large Manhood (see Chap. 6: Sociality).
Due to this affliction, the Debauchery (see
Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases by 25.
Whenever a female is afflicted with nymphomania
and around a male whose Charisma exceeds 130,
she must pass a Drive sub-ability check at TH 20 or
attempt to solicit sex, usually inquiring about the
size of his Manhood.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Different than the disorder following this
one, obsessive-compulsive characters persistently ex-
perience intrusive thoughts or images, or feel com-
pelled to perform certain behaviors. Obsessions may
include unwanted thoughts about inadvertently poi-
soning or injuring others. Common compulsions
include repetitive hand-washing or mental actions
like repeated counting. These obsessions or com-
pulsions consume a large amount of their time and
interfere with their daily routine. Most characters
with this disorder recognize the irrationality of it,
but are unable to change. The disorder develops
usually in adolescence or early adulthood, and af-
fects roughly 1% of the human population and 10%
of bugbears. Although afflicted bugbears may have
unwanted thoughts about poisoning others, the
thoughts are usually about injuring others.
Obsessive-Comp. Personality Disorder
Different than the Obsessive-Compulsive
Disorder listed previously, this disorder is charac-
terized by a preoccupation with details, orderliness,
perfection, and control. Characters with this disor-
der often devote excessive amounts of time to work
and productivity and fail to take time for leisure ac-
tivities and friendships. They tend to be rigid, for-
mal, stubborn, and serious. Those afflicted experi-
ence an increase of 1d20 points in Choleric and Mel-
ancholic Temperaments. 10% of bugbears are af-
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences a recurrent and intense desire
to purchase goods or equipment. Oniomania re-
sults in compulsive shopping behavior and is char-
acterized by a lack of control. This causes signifi-
cant distress or impairment in social, occupational,
or other important areas of functioning. Between
2-10% of the population are oniomaniacs. The
impulse to purchase things is irresistible, and failure
to spend leads to anguish. Soon after the purchase,
guilt and regret follow. Anything can trigger the
impulse, such as a fight with a loved one. Often,
oniomaniacs do not consider whether or not they
can afford the object, or whether or not they need
it. Oniomania occurs more frequently in females
than males. The Aedile must roll 1d4 to determine
how many conditions can trigger the impulse. The
Aedile must determine what conditions will activate
the impulse. When the oniomaniacal character ful-
fills 1 of these conditions, they must pass a Drive
sub-ability check at TH 20 or be compelled to pur-
chase the next thing seen. The oniomaniacal char-
acter receives a - 5 to the Haggling skill while feeling
the impulse.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences a recurrent and intense desire
to repeat certain words or sounds. This causes sig-
nificant distress or impairment in social, occupa-
tional, or other important areas of functioning. The
impulse to repeat certain words or sounds is irre-
sistible, and failure to repeat them leads to anguish.
The Aedile must roll 1d100 to determine whether
the onomatomaniac has an obsession with a (01-50)
word or (51-100) sound. If it is a word, then the
Aedile must devise a random means of selecting a
word from an available dictionary. If it is a sound,
then the Aedile must devise a random means of
selecting a sound. The Aedile must invent a trigger
upon which the onomatomaniac must pass a Drive
sub-ability check at TH 20 or repeat the word or
sound until the Drive check is passed. Drive may
be checked once per round.
Panic Disorder
These characters experience repeated, un-
expected panic attacks and persistent anxiety con-
cerning the reoccurrence of panic attacks. Panic
attacks are periods of intense fear, apprehension,
or discomfort, and occur usually without warning.
Symptoms include a racing heart, trembling, short-
ness of breath, and choking.
Panic attacks may last from a few seconds
to a few hours, but most peak in 10 minutes and
end within a half-hour. Roll 1d10 to determine
whether the unit of time for panic attacks is in (1)
seconds, (2-8) minutes, or (9-10) hours. If the unit
of time is seconds, roll 3d20 to determine the dura-
tion. If the unit of time is minutes, roll 3d20 to
determine the duration. If the unit of time is hours,
roll 1d6 to determine the duration. The condition
affects twice as many females as males, and affects
only about 2% of the population. Often, these char-
acters experience panic attacks daily or weekly. A
phobia usually triggers the attack. Many become
reluctant to leave home. Those afflicted experience
a decrease of 2d20 points in Phlegmatic Tempera-
ment. A character with Panic Disorder is afraid of
fear itself. The Aedile may randomly determine the
time of occurence either in game-time or real time.
This is a type of psychosis in which a char-
acter suffers from logically consistent delusions of
(1-50%) persecution or (51-100%) grandeur. Usu-
ally, it is characterized by an extreme distrust of oth-
ers. For instance, the paranoid character may be-
lieve that every character, even close friends or fam-
ily, are intending to murder them. Those afflicted
experience a loss of 2d20 points of Sanguine Tem-
Paranoid Personality Disorder
These characters feel constant distrust and
suspicion toward other characters. They believe that
others are against them and constantly look for evi-
dence to support their suspicions. They are hostile
toward others and react angrily to perceived insults.
Those afflicted experience a loss of 2d20 points of
Sanguine Temperament, and an increase of 2d20
points of Choleric Temperament.
Pathological Gambling
This is a behavioral disorder in which a char-
acter becomes progressively unable to resist the
impulse to gamble. This disorder affects 3% of the
adult population, and 80% of those afflicted are
male. They are usually competitive, hardworking,
and bright characters, and show little interest in pas-
sive games of chance. Dwarves have a higher fre-
quency of pathological gambling than other races.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or
children, generally age 13 or under for humans. As
a comparison, for humans the earliest permitted age
for marriage is 12 for a bride and 14 for a groom.
This causes significant distress or impairment in
social, occupational, or other important areas of
functioning. To qualify as a pedophile, a character
must be at least 16 years old and at least 5 years
older than the child or children. Due to this mental
illness, the Debauchery (see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this
character increases by 25.
Phobias are excessive and enduring fears of
clearly defined objects or situations that interfere
with a characters normal functioning. Although a
phobic character knows their fear is irrational, they
still try to avoid the source of their fear. A compre-
hensive list of phobias is available as Appendix 4:
Phobias in the end of this book. A phobia may be
determined randomly from this list.
Regardless of the specific phobia, physi-
ological symptoms include a rapid and pounding
heartbeat, stomach disorders, nausea, diarrhea, fre-
quent urination, choking feelings, flushing of the
face, perspiration, tremulousness, and faintness.
Roughly 10% of characters have a phobia.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
This disorder typically occurs after charac-
ters experience or witness traumatic or catastrophic
events such as physical or sexual assaults, rape, tor-
ture, natural disasters, accidents, and wars. Charac-
ters with this disorder relive the traumatic event
through recurrent dreams or intrusive memories
called flashbacks. They avoid places or things asso-
ciated with the trauma and may feel emotionally
detached or estranged from others. Other symp-
toms include difficulty sleeping, irritability, and
trouble concentrating. The disorder can last for years
and severely disrupt the life of a character. Those
affected experience a loss of 1d20 points in San-
guine Temperament.
Psychotic characters lose contact with real-
ity and have difficulty in everyday life. Unlike char-
acters with less severe mental illnesses, psychotic
characters do not recognize that their mental func-
tioning is disturbed. 3 kinds of psychotic symp-
toms occur: hallucinations, delusions, and bizarre be-
havior. Hallucinations refer to hearing, seeing, smell-
ing, feeling, or tasting something when nothing in
the environment actually caused the sensation. De-
lusions are false beliefs that are obviously untrue to
others in the culture of that character. Finally, bi-
zarre behavior is behavior that is incomprehensible
to others who know the character. Psychedelic
mushrooms can cause psychosis, and brain tumors
may lead to psychotic symptoms. Some psychotic
characters (10%) are unable to develop new memo-
This is a mental illness in which fires are re-
peatedly and deliberately set, without anger and not
for monetary gain or other benefit, because the char-
acter cannot resist the impulse to set fires. The char-
acter experiences tension before setting the fire and
pleasure, relief, or erotic gratification after setting
the fire. Legally, pyromaniacs are considered ar-
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving the act of raping. This causes significant
distress or impairment in social, occupational, or
other important areas of functioning. This is also
called biastophilia.
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases by
50. Whenever a character with raptophilia is near a
character who is attractive to them (usually, with a
Charisma of at least 130), they must pass a Drive
sub-ability check at TH 17 or attempt to isolate and
rape the attractive character. For rules on rape, see
the section on overbearing in the Wrestling skill (see
Chap. 8: Skills) and the Intimidation skill.
Over a period of (5 + d100) months, the
male experiences an uncontrollable desire for sexual
intercourse. This causes significant distress or im-
pairment in social, occupational, or other impor-
tant areas of functioning. This disorder affects only
males. Satyromaniacs are also known as sex mani-
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases by
25. Whenever a male is afflicted with satyromania
and around females with a Charisma exceeding 130,
he must pass a Drive sub-ability check at TH 20 or
attempt to solicit sex, usually making lecherous com-
ments about her body.
Schizoid Personality Disorder
This disorder involves social isolation and a
lack of desire for close personal relationships. Char-
acters with this disorder prefer to be alone and seem
withdrawn and emotionally detached. They seem
indifferent to praise or criticism from other charac-
ters. Those afflicted experience an increase of 2d20
points in Phlegmatic Temperament and a decrease
of 2d20 points each in Sanguine, Choleric, and Mel-
ancholic Temperament.
Meaning split mind, but not to be confused
with split personality or multiple personality, schizo-
phrenia is characterized by a variety of symptoms,
1. loss of contact with reality
2. bizarre behavior
3. disorganized thinking and speech
4. decreased emotional expressiveness
5. social withdrawal
Usually only some of these symptoms (1d6)
occur in any 1 schizophrenic character. To observ-
ers, schizophrenia seems like madness or insanity.
Schizophrenics have a hard time distinguishing be-
tween the real and unreal, logical and illogical, ap-
propriate and inappropriate, and accordingly suf-
fer penalties of - 40 in the sub-abilities of Analytic
Intelligence as well as Common Sense. Further,
some (10%) pose a danger to themselves and may
be suicidal. Once inflicted, schizophrenia usually
remains for life, though it usually grows less severe
with age. Psychotic symptoms are popular in schizo-
phrenic characters.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving sexual pleasure from watching others have
sex. This causes significant distress or impairment
in social, occupational, or other important areas of
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases by
5. Whenever a scoptophiliac observes, or has the
chance to observe, others having sex, they must pass
a Drive sub-ability check at TH 20 to sexually con-
trol themselves, such as refrain from touching their
genitals or masturbation. A scoptophiliac may prowl
a community at night, hoping to find the home of a
couple who are having sex and be able to observe
them. Dark elves have a higher frequency of scop-
tophilia than other races.
Sexual Masochism
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving the act of being humiliated, beaten, bound,
or otherwise made to suffer. This causes significant
distress or impairment in social, occupational, or
other important areas of functioning.
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases by
90. Whenever a sexual masochist participates, or is
likely to participate, in a sexual situation, they must
pass a Drive sub-ability check at TH 20 for the self-
control to resist asking to be beaten, bound, humili-
ated, or otherwise made to suffer.
Sexual Sadism
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving acts in which the psychological or physical
suffering (including humiliation) of the victim is
sexually exciting to the character. This causes sig-
nificant distress or impairment in social, occupa-
tional, or other important areas of functioning.
Sadists are usually males who receive sexual gratifi-
cation from inflicting injuries on others. In sadists,
retarded ejaculation and impotence are common.
Older, archaic sexual feelings arise in sadists that
would normally be subdued. In the brain, erections
and aggressions are related closely.
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases by
70. Whenever a sexual sadist participates, or is likely
to participate, in a sexual or violent situation, they
must pass a Drive sub-ability check at TH 20 to con-
trol themselves and not cause pain to evoke their
sexual satisfaction. Those afflicted experience an
increase of 2d20 points in Choleric Temperament,
and a decrease of 2d20 points in Sanguine Tem-
Sleepwalking Disorder
This disorder is characterized by repeated
episodes of rising from the bed during sleep and
walking about, usually occurring during the first third
of the major sleep episode. While sleepwalking, the
character has a blank, staring face, is relatively unre-
sponsive to the efforts of others to communicate,
and can be awakened only with great difficulty. Upon
awakening, the character has amnesia regarding the
episode. Each night, those with this disorder have a
10% chance of sleepwalking for 1d100 minutes.
Their actions during sleepwalking episodes are de-
termined by the Aedile, who may make directional
decisions randomly with the aid of dice.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving having sex with a partner who is asleep. This
causes significant distress or impairment in social,
occupational, or other important areas of function-
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases by
25. Whenever a somnophiliac is near a sleeping char-
acter whom they find attractive (usually, with a Cha-
risma of at least 130), they must pass a Drive sub-
ability check at TH 20 to maintain self-control. Oth-
erwise, they will sneakily and quietly attempt sex with
the sleeping character.
These characters suffer from an impulse
control disorder that causes them to pull out their
own hair, resulting in notable hair loss. They expe-
rience pleasure, gratification, and relief upon pull-
ing out their hair.
It is sometimes pleasant even to act like a madman.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving the sexual attraction to urine and acts of
urinating. This causes significant distress or impair-
ment in social, occupational, or other important ar-
eas of functioning.
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases by
97. Whenever a urophiliac has a full bladder and
has the potential to be in a sexual situation, they
must pass a Drive sub-ability check at TH 20 to con-
trol themselves. Otherwise, they do everything in
their power to be able to urinate on a character, and
are extremely satisfied if they can urinate in a
characters mouth. A urophiliac enjoys the skill of
Urinating (see Chap. 8: Skills), and receives 1d10 Skill
Points (SP) invested in this skill.
A recurrent or persistent involuntary spasm
of the musculature of the outer third of the vagina
interferes with sexual intercourse. This disturbance
causes marked distress and interpersonal difficulty.
The muscles spasm with more strength than most
would imagine. If this occurs during sex, then both
the male and female are interrupted. Those afflicted
experience a loss of 1d20 points of Sanguine Tem-
perament. Obviously, vaginismus affects only fe-
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving the sexual attraction to the act of vomiting.
This causes significant distress or impairment in
social, occupational, or other important areas of
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases to
100. Whenever a vomerophiliac senses vomit, they
must pass a Drive sub-ability check at TH 20 to con-
trol themselves. Otherwise, they begin to sexually
touch themselves while fantasizing about the vomit.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving the act of observing an unsuspecting char-
acter who is naked, in the process of disrobing, or
engaging in sexual activity. This causes significant
distress or impairment in social, occupational, or
other important areas of functioning.
Due to this mental illness, the Debauchery
(see Chap. 6: Sociality) of this character increases by
5. Whenever a voyeur observes, or has the chance
to observe, someone naked, disrobing, or engaging
in sexual activity, they must pass a Drive sub-ability
check at TH 20 to sexually control themselves, such
as refrain from touching themselves.
Over a period of (5 + 1d100) months, the
character experiences recurrent and intense sexu-
ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors in-
volving sexual acts with animals. This disorder is
also referred to as bestiality. Zoophilia causes sig-
nificant distress or impairment in social, occupa-
tional, or other important areas of functioning.
Sometimes (01-30%) a character is affected by zoo-
philia regarding only a particular animal, though it
could encompass several fetishes (31-60% regard-
ing 1d6 animals). Popular animals for zoophiliacs
are (1) horses, (2) ponies, (3) donkeys, (4) mules, (5)
goats, (6) dogs, and (7) pigs. If appropriate, roll 1d8
to determine the animal listed above. Due to this
mental illness, the Debauchery (see Chap. 6: Social-
ity) of this character increases by 25.
Random Mental Illness
Below is a table that allows the Aedile to randomly determine a mental illness. To randomly select
a mental illness, roll 1d1000 and consult the table below:
s e s s e n l l I l a t n e M m o d n a R
l l o R t l u s e R l l o R t l u s e R
1 0 0 a i l i h p o i s a b A 5 0 4 - 1 0 4 a i l i h p o t a r r a N
2 0 0 a i l i h p o m o t o r c A 0 1 4 - 6 0 4 a i l i h p o r c e N
1 1 0 - 3 0 0 a s o v r e N a i x e r o n A 0 2 4 - 1 1 4 a i n a m o t c o N
0 5 0 - 2 1 0 r e d r o s i D y t i l a n o s r e P l a i c o s i t n A 0 5 4 - 1 2 4 ) y l n o e l a m e f ( a i n a m o h p m y N
1 5 0 a i l i h p o i s a b a o t u A 0 6 4 - 1 5 4 r e d r o s i D e v i s l u p m o C - e v i s s e s b O
1 9 - 2 5 0 r e d r o s i D y t i l a n o s r e P t n a d i o v A 0 7 4 - 1 6 4 y t i l a n o s r e P e v i s l u p m o C - e v i s s e s b O
0 0 1 - 2 9 r e d r o s i D r a l o p i B 5 7 4 - 1 7 4 a i n a m o i n O
0 2 1 - 1 0 1 r e d r o s i D y t i l a n o s r e P e n i l r e d r o B 0 8 4 - 6 7 4 a i n a m o t a m o n O
2 2 1 - 1 2 1 a i n a m o l l a C 0 0 5 - 1 8 4 r e d r o s i D c i n a P
3 2 1 a i n a m o e r o h C 0 5 5 - 1 0 5 a i o n a r a P
8 2 1 - 4 2 1 a i l i h p o r p o C 0 7 5 - 1 5 5 r e d r o s i D y t i l a n o s r e P d i o n a r a P
3 3 1 - 9 2 1 a i t n e m e D 0 9 5 - 1 7 5 g n i l b m a G l a c i g o l o h t a P
0 4 1 - 4 3 1 r e d r o s i D y t i l a n o s r e P t n e d n e p e D 0 0 6 - 1 9 5 a i l i h p o d e P
5 4 1 - 1 4 1 r e d r o s i D n o i t a z i l a n o s r e p e D 0 0 7 - 1 0 6 a i b o h P
0 5 2 - 6 4 1 n o i s s e r p e D 0 1 7 - 1 0 7 r e d r o s i D s s e r t S c i t a m u a r T - t s o P
5 5 2 - 1 5 2 e u g u F e v i t a i c o s s i D 0 3 7 - 1 1 7 s i s o h c y s P
0 6 2 - 6 5 2 r e d r o s i D y t i t n e d I e v i t a i c o s s i D 0 6 7 - 1 3 7 a i n a m o r y P
5 6 2 - 1 6 2 a i n a m o h t u e l E 0 0 8 - 1 6 7 a i l i h p o t p a R
0 7 2 - 6 6 2 a i n a m o g E 9 4 8 - 1 0 8 ) y l n o e l a m ( a i n a m o r y t a S
5 7 2 - 1 7 2 a i n a m o t o r E 4 6 8 - 0 5 8 r e d r o s i D y t i l a n o s r e P d i o z i h c S
0 8 2 - 6 7 2 a i l i h p o n o h p o t o r E 4 9 8 - 5 6 8 a i n e r h p o z i h c S
5 8 2 - 1 8 2 a i n a m o i s e h t s E 9 9 8 - 5 9 8 a i l i h p o t p o c S
0 0 3 - 6 8 2 m s i n o i t i b i h x E 4 2 9 - 0 0 9 m s i h c o s a M l a u x e S
5 0 3 - 1 0 3 a i l i h p o c i m r o F 9 4 9 - 5 2 9 m s i d a S l a u x e S
0 1 3 - 6 0 3 m s i r u e t t o r F 1 7 9 - 0 5 9 r e d r o s i D g n i k l a w p e e l S
0 3 3 - 1 1 3 r e d r o s i D y t e i x n A d e z i l a r e n e G 3 7 9 - 2 7 9 a i l i h p o n m o S
5 3 3 - 1 3 3 r e d r o s i D y t i l a n o s r e P c i n o i r t s i H 5 7 9 - 4 7 9 a i n a m o l l i t o h c i r T
0 4 3 - 6 3 3 a i n m o s r e p y H 7 7 9 - 6 7 9 a i l i h p o r U
5 4 3 - 1 4 3 a i l i h p y x o p y H 8 7 9 ) y l n o e l a m e f ( s u m s i n i g a V
0 5 3 - 6 4 3 r e d r o s i D e v i s o l p x E t n e t t i m r e t n I 9 7 9 a i l i h p o r e m o V
0 7 3 - 1 5 3 a i n a m o t p e l K 9 8 9 - 0 8 9 m s i r u e y o V
0 9 3 - 1 7 3 a i n a M 8 9 9 - 0 9 9 a i l i h p o o Z
5 9 3 - 1 9 3 a i n a m o l a g e M 9 9 9 e c n o l l o r e R
0 0 4 - 6 9 3 r e d r o s i D y t i l a n o s r e P c i t s i s s i c r a N 0 0 0 1 e c i w t l l o r e R
Chapter 6: Sociality
Sociality, here, means the social factors of
the character, such as social class, how many broth-
ers and sisters exist, whether the parents were mar-
ried legally at the characters birth, a characters
wealth, education, and many other social factors. Be-
yond information relevant to character creation, in-
formation pertaining to society in general explains
customs, chivalry, courtly love, communities, gov-
ernments, systems of justice, and more.
To determine the name of a character, con-
sult Appendix 7: Names at the end of this book.
Unless the Aedile declares otherwise, all char-
acters have been raised in a society of their race,
except for anakim, who are raised in a human soci-
ety. The following character races have no society:
base and kinder-fresser ogre, and borbytingarna and
hill troll. Each society is covered in this chapter.
To determine a characters birthday in a for-
mat of (month/day/year) for Neveria (a fantasy
world), simply apply the following formula:
{1d20* / [(1d12 + 1d20) - 1] / [5100 - age]**}
* Note: Reroll results of 14 or higher. In
Neveria, the year consists of 13 months because
months are based on lunar cycles.
** Note: In Neveria, different cultures count
their years differently. The formula used above rep-
resents kobold years (KY).
If another fantasy world is used, consult the
Aedile to determine a characters birthday.
Birth Status
To many, whether or not a characters par-
ents were married legally is an important factor wor-
thy of note. If a character is born the result of
rape, such as with the vast majority of anakim, the
character is obviously a bastard. Ogres and trolls
do not have a marriage ceremony. Roll 1d100 and
consult the table below:
l l o R s u t a t S ) w o l e b e e s ( s s a l C l a i c o S r o f r e i f i d o M
0 2 - 1 0 ) d r a t s a b ( e t a m i t i g i l l I 2 -
0 0 1 - 1 2 e t a m i t i g e L -
Social Class
Social Class is a characters standing com-
pared to their societal peers. Social Class may be
changed by role-playing. Roll 1d100 and consult the
following table that is appropriate to the race of the
A characters starting funds is the amount
of money with which a character begins. If a player
wants to know how their character accumulated their
starting funds, then they should consult the Aedile.
Education indicates whether a character is literate
or illiterate. Literate characters can read and write,
while illiterate characters cannot. The social classes
are defined below:
Slave: A slave is not free and usually has no
legal rights. For more information on slaves, see
Chapter 7: Occupation. To purchase slaves, see Chapter
9: Equipment.
Peasant: A peasant is not free. Different
than a slave, a peasant has some rights. Peasants do
not live in towns or cities, only hamlets and villages.
Peasants may be considered lower class.
Serf: A serf is a free character. In human
societies, very few serfs live in hamlets or villages,
most live in towns or cities. Serfs may be consid-
ered middle class.
Nobility: A noble is a free character from a
wealthy family. Nobility may be considered upper
class, and most do not work for a living.
Royalty: A royal character is a free charac-
ter from a wealthy family. Moreover, a royal charac-
ter has authority over members of society. This
authority is either inherited or granted. Royalty is
upper class.
r a e b g u B
l l o R s s a l C l a i c o S s d n u F g n i t r a t S n o i t a c u d E
1 1 < e v a l S k c a b n o s e h t o l C e t a r e t i l l I
0 2 - 1 1 e v a l S . p . s 4 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 3 - 1 2 t n a s a e P . p . s 6 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 4 - 1 3 t n a s a e P . p . s 8 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 5 - 1 4 t n a s a e P k c a b n o s e h t o l C e t a r e t i L
0 6 - 1 5 t n a s a e P . p . s 4 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 7 - 1 6 t n a s a e P . p . s 6 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 8 - 1 7 f r e S . p . s 8 d 1 e t a r e t i L
4 9 - 1 8 f r e S . p . s 0 1 d 1 e t a r e t i L
7 9 - 5 9 f r e S . p . s 0 2 d 1 e t a r e t i L
9 9 - 8 9 y t i l i b o N . p . s 0 0 1 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 0 1 y t l a y o R . p . s 0 0 1 d 2 e t a r e t i L
* f r a w D
l l o R s s a l C l a i c o S s d n u F g n i t r a t S n o i t a c u d E
1 1 < f r e S k c a b n o s e h t o l C e t a r e t i L
0 2 - 1 1 f r e S . p . s 6 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 3 - 1 2 f r e S . p . s 8 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 4 - 1 3 f r e S . p . s 0 1 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 5 - 1 4 f r e S . p . s 2 1 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 6 - 1 5 f r e S . p . s 0 2 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 7 - 1 6 f r e S . p . s 0 0 1 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 8 - 1 7 f r e S . p . s 0 0 0 1 d 1 e t a r e t i L
4 9 - 1 8 f r e S . p . s 0 0 0 1 d 2 e t a r e t i L
7 9 - 5 9 f r e S . p . s 0 0 0 1 d 3 e t a r e t i L
9 9 - 8 9 y t i l i b o N . p . s 0 0 0 1 d 4 e t a r e t i L
0 0 1 y t l a y o R . p . s 0 0 0 1 d 5 e t a r e t i L
*Brown dwarves do not receive starting funds.
f l E
l l o R s s a l C l a i c o S s d n u F g n i t r a t S n o i t a c u d E
1 1 < f r e S k c a b n o s e h t o l C e t a r e t i L
0 2 - 1 1 f r e S . p . s 4 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 3 - 1 2 f r e S . p . s 6 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 4 - 1 3 f r e S . p . s 8 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 5 - 1 4 f r e S . p . s 0 1 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 6 - 1 5 f r e S . p . s 2 1 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 7 - 1 6 f r e S . p . s 0 2 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 8 - 1 7 f r e S . p . s 0 0 1 d 1 e t a r e t i L
4 9 - 1 8 f r e S . p . s 0 0 1 d 2 e t a r e t i L
7 9 - 5 9 f r e S . p . s 0 0 1 d 3 e t a r e t i L
9 9 - 8 9 y t i l i b o N . p . s 0 0 1 d 5 e t a r e t i L
0 0 1 y t l a y o R . p . s 0 0 0 1 d 1 e t a r e t i L
* n a m u H
l l o R s s a l C l a i c o S s d n u F g n i t r a t S n o i t a c u d E
1 1 < e v a l S k c a b n o s e h t o l C e t a r e t i l l I
0 2 - 1 1 e v a l S . p . s 4 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 3 - 1 2 e v a l S . p . s 6 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 4 - 1 3 t n a s a e P k c a b n o s e h t o l C e t a r e t i l l I
0 5 - 1 4 t n a s a e P . p . s 0 1 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 6 - 1 5 t n a s a e P . p . s 2 1 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 7 - 1 6 t n a s a e P . p . s 0 2 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 8 - 1 7 t n a s a e P . p . s 0 2 d 2 e t a r e t i L
4 9 - 1 8 f r e S . p . s 0 0 1 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
7 9 - 5 9 f r e S . p . s 0 0 1 d 2 e t a r e t i L
9 9 - 8 9 y t i l i b o N . p . s 0 0 1 d 3 e t a r e t i L
0 0 1 y t l a y o R . p . s 0 0 1 d 5 e t a r e t i L
*Anakim receive a modifier of - 20 to Social Class.
d l o b o K
l l o R s s a l C l a i c o S s d n u F g n i t r a t S n o i t a c u d E
1 1 < e v a l S k c a b n o s e h t o l C e t a r e t i l l I
0 2 - 1 1 e v a l S . p . s 4 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 3 - 1 2 e v a l S . p . s 6 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 4 - 1 3 e v a l S . p . s 8 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 5 - 1 4 e v a l S k c a b n o s e h t o l C e t a r e t i l l I
0 6 - 1 5 e v a l S . p . s 4 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 7 - 1 6 t n a s a e P . p . s 6 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 8 - 1 7 t n a s a e P . p . s 8 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
4 9 - 1 8 t n a s a e P . p . s 0 1 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
7 9 - 5 9 t n a s a e P . p . s 0 2 d 1 e t a r e t i l I
9 9 - 8 9 f r e S . p . s 0 0 1 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 0 1 y t l a y o R . p . s 0 0 1 d 3 e t a r e t i L
r e d n i K r o , h c a g a u r G , f f i l C , e s a B , e r g O
l l o R s s a l C l a i c o S s d n u F g n i t r a t S n o i t a c u d E
1 1 < e v a l S k c a b n o s e h t o l C e t a r e t i l l I
0 2 - 1 1 t n a s a e P . p . s 4 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 3 - 1 2 t n a s a e P . p . s 6 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 4 - 1 3 t n a s a e P . p . s 8 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 5 - 1 4 t n a s a e P . p . s 0 1 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 6 - 1 5 t n a s a e P . p . s 2 1 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 7 - 1 6 t n a s a e P . p . s 0 2 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 8 - 1 7 t n a s a e P . p . s 0 0 1 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
4 9 - 1 8 t n a s a e P . p . s 0 0 1 d 2 e t a r e t i l l I
7 9 - 5 9 t n a s a e P . p . s 0 0 1 d 3 e t a r e t i l I
9 9 - 8 9 t n a s a e P . p . s 0 0 1 d 4 e t a r e t i l l I
0 0 1 * y t l a y o R . p . s 0 0 1 d 5 e t a r e t i l l I
* A royal ogre is a chieftain, except for a kinder-
fresser, who must reroll.
n a e n a r r e t b u S , l l o r T
l l o R s s a l C l a i c o S s d n u F g n i t r a t S n o i t a c u d E
1 1 < e v a l S . p . s 4 d 1 e t a r e t i l l I
0 2 - 1 1 e v a l S . p . s 6 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 3 - 1 2 e v a l S . p . s 8 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 4 - 1 3 e v a l S . p . s 0 1 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 5 - 1 4 t n a s a e P . p . s 2 1 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 6 - 1 5 t n a s a e P . p . s 0 2 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 7 - 1 6 t n a s a e P . p . s 0 0 1 d 1 e t a r e t i L
0 8 - 1 7 t n a s a e P . p . s 0 0 0 1 d 1 e t a r e t i L
4 9 - 1 8 t n a s a e P . p . s 0 0 0 1 d 2 e t a r e t i L
7 9 - 5 9 f r e S . p . s 0 0 0 1 d 3 e t a r e t i L
9 9 - 8 9 f r e S . p . s 0 0 0 1 d 4 e t a r e t i L
0 0 1 y t l a y o R . p . s 0 0 0 1 d 5 e t a r e t i L
Depending on race and social class, a
characters birthplace may be a hamlet, village, town,
city, or capital city.
Roll 1d100 and consult the following table
that is appropriate to the race and social class of the
character. All characters are assumed to be born
and raised in their racial culture, unless noted other-
wise by the Aedile. Anakim and brown dwarves are
born and raised in human cultures.
e r g O t p e c x E : e v a l S
l l o R e c a l p h t r i B
0 2 - 1 0 t e l m a H
0 4 - 1 2 e g a l l i V
0 6 - 1 4 n w o T
0 9 - 1 6 y t i C
0 0 1 - 1 9 y t i C l a t i p a C
e r g O t p e c x E : t n a s a e P
l l o R e c a l p h t r i B
3 3 - 1 0 t e l m a H
6 6 - 4 3 e g a l l i V
0 0 1 - 7 6 n w o T
f r e S
l l o R e c a l p h t r i B
1 0 t e l m a H
2 0 e g a l l i V
3 0 n w o T
0 8 - 4 0 y t i C
0 0 1 - 1 8 y t i C l a t i p a C
y t i l i b o N
l l o R e c a l p h t r i B
0 7 - 1 0 y t i C
0 0 1 - 1 7 y t i C l a t i p a C
y t l a y o R
l l o R e c a l p h t r i B
0 2 - 1 0 t e l m a H
0 4 - 1 2 e g a l l i V
0 6 - 1 4 n w o T
0 8 - 1 6 y t i C
0 0 1 - 1 8 y t i C l a t i p a C
t n a s a e P d n a e v a l S e r g O
l l o R e c a l p h t r i B
0 9 - 1 0 t e l m a H
0 0 1 - 1 9 e g a l l i V
Siblings are brothers and sisters of a char-
acter. To determine a characters siblings, observe
the characters race, roll 1d100, and consult the fol-
lowing tables:
s r e i f i d o M g n i l b i S
m i k a n A s g n i l b i s e v a h t o n o D
r a e b g u B 0 1 -
f r a w D 5 2 -
f l E 5 2 -
n a m u H -
d l o b o K 5 +
e r g O 0 2 -
l l o r T 5 1 -
l l o R s g n i l b i S
0 1 - 1 0 d l i h c y l n O
0 3 - 1 1 s r e h t o r b 6 d 1
5 6 - 1 3 s r e t s i s 6 d 1
6 8 - 6 6 s r e t s i s 4 d 1 d n a s r e h t o r b 4 d 1
5 9 - 7 8 s r e t s i s 6 d 1 d n a s r e h t o r b 6 d 1
0 0 1 - 6 9 s r e t s i s 8 d 1 d n a s r e h t o r b 8 d 1
Birth Rank
Consult the result for Siblings, determined
above. If a character is an only-child, then their
Birth Rank is 1 of 1. Otherwise add 1 to the num-
ber of Siblings. Obtain a die with a number of sides
equal to or more than the modified number of Sib-
lings. Discard any result that is too large.
For example, if a character has 4 brothers,
then roll 1d6, rerolling a 6. If the result is 1, then
the character is born 1
of 5. If the result is 4, then
the character is born 4
of 5.
Characters who are born first are likely to
be more driven and successful than those born later.
Marital Status
is the union of an adult male and
female for life. Not all races value marriage; kobolds,
ogres, and trolls do not recognize matrimony. For
those who do, most characters marry during pu-
berty. The following odds apply to both newly cre-
ated characters as well as other characters in gen-
eral. Roll 1d100 and consult the following table to
determine a characters marital status:
l l o R s u t a t S l a t i r a M
1 0 d e c r o v i D
3 0 - 2 0 d e t a r a p e S
3 4 - 4 0 d e i r r a M y l i p p a h n U
3 8 - 4 4 e l g n i S
0 0 1 - 4 8 ) l a u x e s o m o h f i l l o r e r ( d e i r r a M y l i p p a H
Most characters marry young. By law, a hu-
man bride must be 12 and a human groom must be
14. Bugbears have no law concerning age, but fe-
males are usually at least 14 and males at least 20.
For dwarves and elves, marriage is legal once the
female is in puberty and the male in young adult-
hood (see Chap. 2: Body). In less than 15% of hu-
man cases, the husband is younger than the wife.
Marriage is recognized between slaves and
all social classes. However, no culture condones an
inter-racial marriage. Nonetheless, some inter-ra-
cial couples have fallen in love and pledged their
lives to each other, and some have found or coerced
a priest into legally marrying them.
The marriage of noble females is very dif-
ferent from peasants. With peasant females, per-
sonal choice and attraction are factors, and marriage
commonly follows pregnancy. The marriages of
noble females are too important to be left to predi-
lection. Females should not be disparaged, mean-
ing married to a character of lower social class.
Across cultures, the norm is that a marriage
is arranged by the parents, though consent is em-
phasized. Bugbear culture, however, does not care
about the consent of the bride. A bugbear wife
often serves only to relieve sexual tension for her
husband and produce offspring that is recognized
1. Information on marriage has been referenced from Life in a Medieval Castle, Life in a Medieval City, Life in a Medieval
Village, Medieval Prostitution, and Reign of the Phallus. For more information, see the References section at the end of this
Marriage ceremonies differ depending on
the god and their religion, as well as the race or spe-
cies. There is no special bridal costume. She simply
wears her best clothes. The groom is also dressed
in his best. Most weddings are public events and
the ceremonies are detailed. By making a wedding a
public event, social pressure may help to ensure the
duration of the marriage. Many peasant marriages
lack public ceremony, and consist only of a kiss and
a promise. When not public, the nature of the al-
leged promise is debatable. Most marriages are ar-
ranged between families.
The ring must be placed by the husband on
the 4
finger of the wife to show that true love and
cordial affection is between them. This convention
occurs because doctors say that there is a vein com-
ing from the heart of a woman to her 4
finger, and
therefore the ring is put on the same finger, so that
she should keep unity and love with him, and he
with her.
Males are valued far more than females. For
this reason, a dowry exists. A dowry is a fund that
the family of the bride pays the groom to take the
daughter. The dowry of a peasant daughter might
consist of 1-2 acres of land, but usually consists of
money. A poor peasant daughter might marry,
though she has no dowry at all.
A custom of some human villages is to an-
nually auction all marriageable females. The money
attained from the sale of the beautiful females goes
into a local fund, which later serves as a dowry to
ensure that the more homely females marry as well.
A wife is the property of her husband.
However, a wife is allowed the right to sue her hus-
band, represent herself in court, and own property.
A wife cannot plead in court without her husband
or make a will without his consent.
Nonetheless, the dominant understanding
of marriage is that 2 characters dedicate their lives
to each other, remain faithful, and raise a family as a
result of their love. Even though the wife is prop-
erty, it is still ideal to have a relationship defined by
respect, passion, and intimacy. Married characters
are expected to treat each other with respect, and
many human husbands and wives refer only to each
other as Sir and Madam.
Bugbear society considers marriage differ-
ently from human society. Bugbears truly consider
a wife to be the property of her husband. She is
not allowed to leave the house and has no legal rights.
Although a female is given a name at birth, no other
bugbears ever address a wife by her name. Instead,
others refer to her as his property.
Except for white dwarves and light elves,
wife-beating is common and corporeal punishment
is the norm. Arguably, wives do not necessarily get
the worst of it. Husbands rarely have mastery over
their wives; nearly everywhere wives dominate their
Due to the unified influence of both reli-
gion and government, human characters rarely get
divorced. Even though the marital relationship of
bugbears is much more superficial, they rarely get
divorced. Bugbear husbands keep their wives for
sex and to make children. Otherwise, their greatest
pleasure is derived from raiding human communi-
ties and raping the human women. Across cultures,
divorce is permitted only on the grounds that the
union has broken 1 of 3 laws of marriage: age, con-
sent, or incest.
Adultery is a crime against marriage. Adul-
tery is defined and detailed later in this chapter un-
der Justice.
If a husband dies, then the widow inherits
one-third of his worldly possessions. The remain-
der goes to the local ruler.
faithful to the end
A language is a means of communicating by
manipulating symbols. In order for meaningful
communicaton to occur, the meaning of the sym-
bols must be understood by both the sender and
the reciever of the communication. Each language
consists of a series of symbols known as an alpha-
bet. The alphabet for each language is appropriate
to the speech capabilities of its race or species. If a
language is learned that belongs to a different spe-
cies, then no matter how fluent a character becomes
in it, it will always be obvious to those of the origi-
nal species.
As a language develops, rules emerge to guide
those who communicate with it. Various types of
rules emerge, such as grammatical, syntactical, and
stylistic conventions.
Following is a list of languages that charac-
ters may both learn to speak and encounter as they
Angelic is the language of angels, more cor-
rectly called eudaemons. This is a language that has
progressed through 3 alphabets. The current al-
phabet has 22 letters. The alphabet is: Cheth, Zain,
Vau, He, Daleth, Gimel, Beth, Aleph, Samech, Nun,
Mem, Lamed, Caph, Iod, Theth, Tau, Schin, Res,
Kuph, Zade, Pe, and Ain. The characters consist
of lines and small circles. Naturally spoken Angelic
occurs at frequencies higher than human ears are
capable of hearing. Angelic is characterized by infi-
nite irregularities, perhaps making it the most diffi-
cult language, along with Demonic. For this reason,
characters are unable to learn Angelic.
Legends say that the word joy was given to
ogres in Angelic, soon after a cacodaemon gave ogres
the first word fatal. Joy was misunderstood and aban-
doned from the vocabulary of ogres, and Cigan
developed into a simple, brutal language. Angelic,
however, has existed for eternity. Some scholars
claim that joy is actually the oldest word, but most
find it hard to believe, once familiar with human-
oids of any race.
Buggeric is pronounced boo-GARE-ic. The
tongue of bugbears, this is not a distinct language.
In fact, it is merely a dialect of Kobold. Even though
Buggeric has dropped the clicking sounds of
Kobold, a bugbear and kobold can understand each
other. Just the same, Buggeric grows more dispar-
ate from Kobold every day.
Examples abound of new Buggeric words
that have entered common usage. The kobold word
for sodomy has been abandoned in favor of buggery,
from which the name of the dialect is derived. Seem-
ing to other races as though male bugbears are ob-
sessed with sex, they refer to their flaccid Manhood
as their little human, roughly translated. Male bug-
bears refer to their erect Manhood as their poop-poof,
which is often shortened to pupoof, and said quickly.
The variant poop-oops, now quickly pupoops, developed
in response to finding feces on a Manhood upon
removal from a rectum. The Sapien word berserker
originated in Buggeric, and the word for beserker
rage is beserkerganga.
The distinguishing feature of Buggeric, is
that it contains the most slang. For this reason, many
humans refer to Buggeric as Vulgus, meaning not
only crude and indecent, but of common charac-
Cigan is pronounced tsee-GAHN. This is a
simple, guttural language. This is the oldest human-
oid language. Cigan is a language of few words, and
those who speak it often have difficulty expressing
themselves. Few rules exist in Cigan. Cigan mostly
has small words of no more than 5 letters. Larger
words are typically the combination of 2 smaller
This language has only nouns and verbs; for
example, no adjectives or adverbs exist. Verbs have
only 4 tenses: imperative, present, future, and past;
conditional, subjunctive, and progressive tenses do
not exist in Cigan. Ogres frequently use imperative
Cigan language has made many contributions
to other languages. For example, the words beat and
eat, roughly translated, originated in Cigan. Some
linguists argue that hate first appeared in Cigan as
Those fluent in Cigan are able to bellow,
growl and moan. Words bellowed are in the con-
text of aggression, words growled are in the con-
text of hunger, and words moaned are in the con-
text of horniness.
Cigan is very different from Underworld,
since Cigan has some soft sounds and it is predomi-
nantly guttural. Cigan is also different from Kobold,
namely because Cigan has no clicking sounds. Be-
cause this language is so simple, it has been around
since ancient times, when ogres and trolls were the
only humanoid races and engaged in a perpetual war.
A demon gave ogres the first word, fatal, though it
was too complex for ogres because it is an adjective.
Shortly thereafter, angels gave ogres the word joy,
which was soon forgotten.
In Cigan, every single syllable is accented,
and there is a long pause between each sentence.
An ogre can typically complete an action in less time
than it takes for the ogre to say it.
Base and cliff ogres speak Cigan, while
gruagach speak a different dialect, known as
Gruagan. Technically, this Cigan and Gruagan are
the same language, but are so different that base
and cliff ogres cannot understand gruagach ogres,
but gruagach ogres can understand base and cliff
Demonic is the language of demons, more
correctly called cacodaemons. The most common
letter is an inverted pentagram, which symbolizes
the power to dominate nature. Naturally spoken
Demonic occurs at frequencies lower than human
ears are capable of hearing. Demonic is character-
ized by infinite irregularities, perhaps making it the
most difficult language, along with Angelic. For this
reason, characters are unable to learn Demonic.
Scholars argue that the oldest known word
is fatal. Legends say that a demon taught this word
to the first intelligible humanoid, who was an ogre.
Demons became curious regarding the first human-
oid. It has been written that the demon could read
his mind, and that he considered the demon to be a
god. Though the first intelligible humanoid did not
have language, his mind wondered what will happen
to him. The demon explained 2 things with 1 word.
By teaching the first intelligible humanoid the word
fatal, the demon educated the mortal that he will
eventually die, and that it has all been predetermined,
or governed by fate. Therefore, the word fatal means
both deadly and pertaining to fate. However, it is
impossible for a mortal to accurately represent a
word in the demonic language. As languages mixed,
the word developed into fatum, fatalis, and fatal.
Since dragons were the first mortal creatures
of the world, their language is also the oldest lan-
guage of the world. When spoken, the language of
dragons sounds merely like a loud roar to those who
are unfamiliar. To those familiar with Dragon, the
roar contains numerous nuances of a very fine de-
gree. Dragon is guttural, but it also contains a
plethora of rules. Only characters with a Language
Intelligence and Enunciation of at least 130 have
the ability to learn introductory Dragon. While a
dragon may laugh or be offended when a humanoid
attempts to speak its language, if the humanoid has
the ability and the fluency, then the dragon will un-
derstand them even though their voice cannot pos-
sibly go low enough. Many humans refer to Dragon
as Slidrian, an ancient word that now means slither.
This language is moderately difficult to learn
due to the numerous rules. Each noun and verb
must be adjusted to the context of the sentence in
which it is inserted. Dwarven developed from
Kobold by eliminating the guttural and clicking
sounds, and adding parts of speech such as adjec-
tives and adverbs. This is the most recently devel-
oped humanoid language. Though it is harsh,
Dwarven allows for better expression than Kobold.
For example, in Dwarven there are 10 ways to plu-
ralize nouns.
Dwarven language has made many contri-
butions to other languages. For example, the word
gem originated in Dwarven as gemma, roughly trans-
lated. As languages mixed, the word developed into
gemme, which is the Kobold and Buggeric version,
while gem is the human version. The word ale origi-
nated in Dwarven as ealu. As languages mixed, the
word developed into alu, and ale is the human ver-
If translated, common verb prefixes include:
be-, emp-, ent-, er-, ge-, miss-, ver-, voll-, and zer-.
If translated, common noun suffixes include: -e, -
en, -ich, -ig, -in, -keit, -li, -um, and -ung.
An ancient tongue, Elven has its share of
rules, but more than anything it may be character-
ized as a capricious language that is beautiful and
seems to flow melodiously. Elven developed from,
and in opposition to, Kobold. Guttural and click-
ing sounds were eliminated. Hard sounds were re-
placed with soft sounds. Parts of speech were added,
such as adjectives and adverbs. Elven words are pro-
nounced so softly, they almost seem whispered, even
when voiced loudly.
Elven language has made many contribu-
tions to other languages. For example, the word
connoisseur originated in Elven as connoisseor, roughly
translated. As languages mixed, the word developed
and was borrowed in Sapien.
If translated, elven suffixes include: -age, -
ais, -et, -eur, -ie, -ier, -tion, and -ture. Elven is not
phonetic; sounds are not pronounced according to
which letter is voiced, but according to stylistic con-
Ephesia Grammata
Ephesia Grammata is pronounced eh-FEHS-
yah grahm-MAHT-ah. This is the language and scrip-
ture of ceremonial magic. Oftentimes when spells
are cast, these phrases must be uttered with preci-
sion. Familiarity with this language does not assist a
mage in casting spells more fluently, but it does as-
sist them in magical research. When the symbols
are viewed, Ephesia Grammata is often confused
with Angelic. However, the languages are very dif-
ferent. The rules of Ephesia Grammata are fairly
extensive, but the irregularities are few so it may be
mastered as long as the student has ability and pa-
Ephesia Grammata has made many contri-
butions to other languages. For example, the word
magic originated in Ephesia Grammata as magike,
roughly translated. As languages mixed, the word
developed into magice, then magica, and magik. Magic
is the Sapien version of the word. Ancient words
for a character who uses magic include magos and
magus; the modern word is mage.
Technically, this is the same language as
Cigan, but only a dialect. Gruagan is the dialect of
gruagach ogres. Some linguists argue that this does
not meet the minimum requirements to be called a
language. Gruagan is a language of few words, and
those who speak it often have difficulty expressing
themselves. Rules do not exist in Gruagan. Gruagan
mostly has small words of no more than 5 letters.
Larger words are typically the combination of 2
smaller words.
This language has only nouns and verbs; for
example, no adjectives or adverbs exist. Verbs have
only 2 tenses: present and preterit; conditional, im-
perative, subjunctive, and progressive tenses do not
exist in Gruagan. Action verbs are always preceded
by being verbs. For example, instead of I hate, a
gruagach would say I be hatin or I is hatin. As
demonstrated in the previous example, gruagach
shorten words, often to the point of incomprehen-
Hand gestures are always used to assist ex-
pressing emotion. Since most gruagach communi-
cation is emotional, hand gestures are frequent.
Those fluent in Gruagan are able to bellow,
growl and moan. Words bellowed are in the con-
text of aggression, words growled are in the con-
text of hunger, and words moaned are in the con-
text of horniness.
Gruagan is very different from Underworld,
since Gruagan has some soft sounds and it is pre-
dominantly guttural. Gruagan is also different from
Kobold, namely because Gruagan has no clicking
sounds. Gruagan developed from Cigan, because
Cigan was too complicated for gruagach ogres.
Base and cliff ogres speak Cigan, while
gruagach speak a different dialect, known as
Gruagan. Technically, this Cigan and Gruagan are
the same language, but are so different that base
and cliff ogres cannot understand gruagach ogres,
but gruagach ogres can understand base and cliff
ogres. Other ogres get frustrated when hearing
Gruagan, and consider it an inferior dialect.
This language developed from its predeces-
sor, Cigan. Kobold has no soft sounds and is gut-
tural. Many words are longer than 5 letters. A char-
acteristic feature of Kobold is a clicking sound pro-
duced by the tongue. Even though words are usu-
ally larger in Kobold than Cigan, the Kobold lan-
guage typically has sentences of only 3 words: sub-
ject, verb, and object. Bugbears speak Buggeric,
which is a dialect of Kobold.
Kobold language has made many contribu-
tions to other languages. For example, the word
slave originated in Kobold as sklabos, roughly trans-
lated. As languages mixed, the word developed into
sklavus, then sclave, and slav. Slave is the Sapien ver-
sion of the word. Although kobolds still use the
word sklabos, they call humans slavs, and describe
them as slavic.
The word silver originated in kobold as sarpu,
roughly translated. As languages mixed, the word
developed into seolfor, then siolfor. The precious metal
is now known as silver to humans.
Technically, Kobold does not use an alpha-
bet or runes, but pictograms. Kobold pictograms
were the first humanoid symbols. Kobold is writ-
ten from left to right. Written words are not sepa-
rated, and Kobold does not have punctuation.
Sapien is pronounced SAEP-ee-en. This is
the language of humans. While local variations ex-
ist, with a little effort, most who speak Sapien can
understand each other. Sapien is the most com-
mon language in use. Sapien has an alphabet with
26 letters. The rules of Sapien are fairly simple so it
is easy to learn, though a number of irregularities
make the language somewhat difficult to master.
Sapien is also called Common, since it is the lan-
guage used most by sentient beings of the world.
Sapien language has made many contribu-
tions to other languages. For example, the word
corrupt originated in Sapien, and is one of its oldest
known words. As languages mixed, the word devel-
oped into what is roughly translated as corruptus in
Dwarven and corrumpere in Elven. Dwarves and elves
rarely use the word to describe each other, but fre-
quently use it to describe humans.
This rare language is hardly known to any
character who is not a subterranean troll. In an-
cient times long before humanity, the king troll god
bestowed this language upon his loyal trolls, who
became a separate race, the subterranean trolls. Soon
thereafter, they were cursed by a jealous god to turn
to stone in sunlight. The few who survived fled
underground and the race has flourished below.
Consequently, the language is virtually unknown.
As a language, it shares nothing in common
with other languages, such as Cigan or Kobold, which
all developed independently from Troll. Troll is
harsh, but quiet. Since subterranean trolls hate noise,
they have developed a language with nuances that
can only be whispered. Little else is known of this
language, except that it has been described as haunt-
ing and a torment to the ears, even if it is quiet.
This is a language that is spoken in some
regions of the lower planes of existence. More-
over, it is the most common language below. Un-
derworld is easy to learn. The words are small, typi-
cally no longer than 5 letters, though Underworld is
thoroughly unrelated to Cigan or Kobold. Larger
words are uncommon, but when they do occur they
are merely the union of 2 smaller words. The rules
of Underworld are few, and hardly any irregularities
exist. Underworld is not guttural like Cigan, but sim-
ply harsh. No soft sounds exist in Underworld.
Those below who do not have the ability to learn a
complicated language like Demonic, simply learn
Underworld. In fact, Underworld developed by
those unable to speak Demonic.
Even though Underworld is otherworldly, it
has made many contributions to other languages.
For example, the word evil originated in Underworld
as yfel, roughly translated. As languages mixed, the
word developed into yfles, then yfeles, and evil. Evil is
the Sapien version of the word. Other distant vari-
ants are monigum and mongum.
The preference for a type of sexual partner
is sexuality. Heterosexuals prefer the opposite sex
and are the social norm. Homosexuals prefer the
same sex. Bisexuals enjoy both sexes equally. Fi-
nally, asexuals prefer to avoid sexual encounters al-
together. To randomly determine a characters sexu-
ality, roll 1d100 and consult the tables below:
s r e i f i d o M y t i l a u x e S
e c a R r e i f i d o M
m i k a n A 1 +
r a e b g u B 5 +
f r a w D 5 +
f l E 5 -
n a m u H -
d l o b o K 5 +
e r g O 5 +
l l o r T 5 +
e z i S p u C
r e i f i d o M
s p u c A A r o A / w e l a m e F 4 -
s p u c D D r o D / w e l a m e F 4 +
y t i l a u x e S
l l o R y t i l a u x e S
2 0 < l a u x e s A
3 0 - 2 0 l a u x e s o m o H
5 0 - 4 0 ) s e v l E t h g i L r o f 0 4 - 4 0 ( l a u x e s i B
5 0 > l a u x e s o r e t e H
1. Sexual hormones are a small factor in sexuality, though more variation exists within each gender. Cup Size correlates with
estrogen. Male modifiers have not been included due to difficulty. For more information on hormones and sexuality, see
Howard (2000) in the References section at the end of this book.
2. Percentages of homosexuality were estimates reported in Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, listed under Homosexuality.
Debauchery is the willingness of a charac-
ter to indulge sexual desire. Some characters refuse
all sex, while others are willing to do anything. A
Debauchery Score cannot fall below 1 or rise above
100. When role-playing sexual encounters, such as
when a character enters a brothel, it is useful to know
the degree of Debauchery of the character and the
whore. Roll 1d100, consider the gender of the char-
acter, and consult the following table to determine
Debauchery. Each character is generally willing to
do whatever the result and all acts below it, but re-
fuses to do what is above the result.
s r e i f i d o M y r e h c u a b e D
l l o R r e i f i d o M
m i k a n A 0 3 +
r a e b g u B -
f r a w D 0 1 -
f l E 0 1 -
n a m u H -
d l o b o K 0 1 +
e r g O 0 1 -
l l o r T 0 1 +
l a u x e s A 0 3 1 -
g n i z z u B 0 1 d 1 +
d e t a c i x o t n I 0 2 d 1 +
y r e h c u a b e D e l a m e F
l l o R t l u s e R
6 0 < x e s l l a e s u f e R
0 1 - 6 0 b o j d n a h e v i G
5 1 - 1 1 x e s l a r o e v i G
0 2 - 6 1 w o l l a w s d n a x e s l a r o e v i G
5 2 - 1 2 g n i r e g n i f e v i e c e R
5 5 - 6 2 x e s l a n i g a v e v i e c e R
0 6 - 6 5 x e s y r a m m a m e v i e c e R
5 6 - 1 6 x e s l a r o e v i e c e R
0 7 - 6 6 s r e n t r a p e l p i t l u m n i a t r e t n E
2 7 - 1 7 n i a p e v i G
5 7 - 3 7 d n u o b e B
1 9 - 6 7 x e s l a n a e v i e c e R
3 9 - 2 9 r e n t r a p n o e t a n i r U
4 9 n i a p e v i e c e R
5 9 n o d e t a n i r u e B
6 9 r e n t r a p n o e t a c e f e D
7 9 n o d e t a c e f e d e B
8 9 e n i r u k n i r D
9 9 n o i t a c e f e d t a E
9 9 > g n i h t y n a o D
y r e h c u a b e D e l a M
l l o R t l u s e R
2 0 < x e s l l a e s u f e R
2 0 b o j d n a h e v i e c e R
3 0 x e s l a r o e v i e c e R
4 0 x e s l a n i g a v e v i G
5 2 - 5 0 g n i r e g n i f e v i G
0 5 - 6 2 x e s l a r o e v i G
0 6 - 1 5 s r e n t r a p e l p i t l u m n i a t r e t n E
0 7 - 1 6 x e s l a n a e v i G
0 8 - 1 7 n i a p e v i G
7 8 - 1 8 r e n t r a p n o e t a n i r U
0 9 - 8 8 d n u o b e B
1 9 n i a p e v i e c e R
4 9 - 2 9 n o d e t a n i r u e B
6 9 - 5 9 r e n t r a p n o e t a c e f e D
7 9 n o d e t a c e f e d e B
8 9 e n i r u k n i r D
9 9 n o i t a c e f e d t a E
9 9 > g n i h t y n a o D
Offspring Number
To determine the number of births per preg-
, collect 7 ten-sided dice, roll 1d10,000,000
and consult the following table:
r e b m u N g n i r p s f f O
l l o R t l u s e R
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 s t e l p u t n i u Q
8 8 0 0 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 s t e l p u r d a u Q
8 5 6 7 0 0 0 - 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 s t e l p i r T
1 6 1 6 6 6 0 - 9 5 6 7 0 0 0 s n i w T
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 - 2 6 1 6 6 6 0 e l g n i S
Offspring Gender
To determine whether a newborn child is
male or female, roll 1d100 and consult the following
e c a R r e i f i d o M
m i k a n A 0 1 +
e r g O 0 1 +
l l o r T 0 1 +
l l o R r e d n e G g n i r p s f f O
3 5 < e l a m e F
2 5 > e l a M
1. Proportions of multiple births are referenced from Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, listed under Multiple Birth.
Offspring Becoming Characters
Should it be necessary to determine abilities
and bodily features of offspring, their abilities and
bodily features are determined as adults, just as with
characters. Thereafter, the offspring character may
be modified according to age category as necessary.
However, parents do affect their offspring.
For each ability, determine the average of the rel-
evant ability betweeen the mother and father. This
is the basis of the ability of the offspring. From
here, the basis may be modified. Roll 1d100 and
consult below:
l l o R t l u s e R
1 0 % ) 0 2 d 1 + 0 8 ( y b e s a e r c e D
4 0 - 2 0 % ) 0 2 d 1 + 0 6 ( y b e s a e r c e D
0 1 - 5 0 % ) 0 2 d 1 + 0 4 ( y b e s a e r c e D
2 2 - 1 1 % ) 0 2 d 1 + 0 2 ( y b e s a e r c e D
8 4 - 3 2 % ) 0 2 d 1 ( y b e s a e r c e D
2 5 - 9 4 e g n a h C o N
7 7 - 3 5 % ) 0 2 d 1 ( y b e s a e r c n I
0 9 - 8 7 % ) 0 2 d 1 + 0 2 ( y b e s a e r c n I
6 9 - 1 9 % ) 0 2 d 1 + 0 4 ( y b e s a e r c n I
9 9 - 7 9 % ) 0 2 d 1 + 0 6 ( y b e s a e r c n I
0 0 1 % ) 0 2 d 1 + 0 8 ( y b e s a e r c n I
Perform the same routine as above for
Height, Weight, Most Attractive/Repulsive Features,
Skin Color, Hair Color, Hair Thickness & Type, Eye
Color, Vision, and appropriate sexual features. Rare
features may correlate as well. Consult the Aedile.
Chivalry is a human system of knighthood.
Not every culture or religion honors chivalry. While
only moral knights are required to live by the code
of chivalry (outlined below), the uneducated masses
often romanticize its tenets.
For more information on the occupation of
being a knight, see Chapter 7: Occupation. From the
moment of being knighted, a knight must observe
the following code of chivalry or the local ruler may
rescind their status as a knight, among other pun-
The Ten Commandments
of the Code of Chivalry
Below are 10 core tenets of the code from
which no knight may falter without incurring a se-
vere penalty. Inconsistencies may arise depending
on the religion to which the knight adheres. When
an inconsistency arises, consult the Aedile.
1. A knight must believe everything taught by
their religion.
2. A knight must defend their religion.
3. A knight must respect and defend all weak-
4. A knight must love the country in which they
were born.
5. A knight must not recoil before their foe.
6. A knight must make war against the infi-
del without cessation or mercy.
7. A knight must scrupulously perform all feu-
dal duties that do not contradict the laws of
their god.
8. A knight must never lie and remain faithful
to their pledged word.
9. A knight must be generous and give to ev-
ery character when possible.
10. A knight must always fight as the champion
of ethicality and morality against unethicality
and immorality.
The Code of Chivalry
The following list constitutes every chivalric
ideal. If a knight breaks any of the following, con-
sequences may range from insignificant to severe,
and may vary according to the religion to which the
knight adheres, or circumstances regarding the local
ruler or country. When in doubt, consult the Aedile.
Live to serve king and country.
Live to defend crown and country and all it
holds dear.
Live ones life so that it is worthy of respect
and honor.
Live for freedom, justice, and all that is good.
Never attack an unarmed foe.
Never use a weapon on a foe who is un-
equal to the attack.
Never attack from behind.
Avoid lying to your fellow character.
Avoid cheating.
Avoid torture.
Obey the law of king, country, and chivalry.
Administer justice.
Protect the innocent.
Exhibit self-control.
Show respect to authority.
Respect women.
Exhibit courage in word and deed.
Defend the weak and innocent.
Destroy evil in all of its monstrous forms.
Crush the monsters that steal our land and
rob our people.
Fight with honor.
Avenge the wronged.
Never abandon a friend, ally, or noble cause.
Fight for the ideals of king, country, and
Die with valor.
Always keep ones word of honor.
Always maintain ones principles.
Never betray a confidence or comrade.
Avoid deception.
Respect life and freedom.
Die with honor.
Exhibit manners.
Be polite and attentive.
Be respectful of host, women, and honor.
Loyalty to country, king, honor, freedom,
and the code of chivalry.
Loyalty to ones friends and those who trust
the knight.
Courtly Love
Courtly love is an idealized and often illicit
form of love in which a knight or courtier devotes
himself to a noblewoman who is usually married
and feigns indifference to preserve her reputation.
Just as with chivalry, the uneducated masses often
romanticize courtly love. Not every culture prac-
tices courtly love, but of those that do, the 12 chief
rules in love are known by all.
The 12 Chief Rules in Love
If the following rules in love are not ob-
served by a knight or squire, then they may not be
considered to be experiencing genuine courtly love,
either by themselves or others.
1. A character in love must avoid avarice like deadly
pestilence, and must embrace its opposite.
2. A character in love must remain chaste for the
sake of their lover.
3. A character in love must not knowingly partici-
pate in breaking up a correct love affair in
which someone else is engaged.
4. A character in love must not choose a lover for
whom a natural sense of shame would for-
bid marriage.
5. A character in love must avoid falsehood.
6. A character in love must not have many who know
of their love affair.
7. A character in love must be obedient in all things
to the commands of ladies, and should al-
ways strive to serve their lover.
8. A character in love must be modest while giving
and receiving the solaces of love.
9. A character in love must speak no evil.
10. A character in love must not reveal love affairs.
11. A character in love must always be polite and
12. A character in love must not exceed the desires
of their lover.
The Art of Courtly Love
In cultures that practice the art of courtly
love, it is admissible for both common folk, as well
as knights and courtiers, to adhere to the following
guidelines, hoping to demonstrate their genuine love
for another:
Marriage is not an excuse for not loving.
He who is jealous cannot love.
No one can be bound by a double love.
It is well known that love is always increas-
ing or decreasing.
That which a lover takes against the will of
his beloved has no relish.
Boys do not love until they reach the age of
When a lover dies, a widowhood of 2 years
is required of the survivor.
No one should be deprived of love without
the very best of reasons.
No one can love unless he is propelled by
the persuasion of love.
Love is always a stranger in the home of
It is improper to love any woman whom
one would be ashamed to seek to
A true lover does not desire to embrace in
love with anyone except his beloved.
When made public, love rarely endures.
The easy attainment of love makes it of
little value: difficulty of attainment
makes it prized.
Every lover regularly turns pale in the pres-
ence of his beloved.
When a lover suddenly catches sight of his
beloved, his heart palpitates.
A new love puts an old one to flight.
Any character is worthy of love who has
If love diminishes, it quickly fails and rarely
A man in love is always apprehensive.
Real jealousy always increases the feeling of
Jealousy increases when one suspects his
He whom the thought of love vexes eats
and sleeps very little.
Every act of a lover ends in the thought of
his beloved.
A true lover considers nothing good except
what he thinks will please his be-
Love can deny nothing to love.
A lover can never have enough of the so-
laces of his beloved.
A slight presumption causes a lover to sus-
pect his beloved.
A man who is vexed by too much passion
usually does not love.
A true lover is constantly and without inter-
mission possessed by the thought of
his beloved.
Nothing forbids 1 woman from being loved
by 2 men, or 1 man by 2 women.
Demographics and Occupational Level
While occupations are described in the next
chapter (Chap. 7: Occupation), the occupational level
of characters usually correlates well to the popula-
tion. Observe the table below to determine by oc-
cupational level and race where an individual ranks
in a random population of their culture.
For instance, if a human village has a popu-
lation of 400, then there are roughly 20 characters
at the 7
occupational level or higher, ranking in the
top 5%. Similarly, 20% of the working human char-
acters met randomly are level 1 or have never worked.
This table may be used to consider each oc-
cupation, or the entire population. For example, if
we are considering a city of bugbears that has a popu-
lation of 15,000, then there should statistically be
1,500 characters who are level 9 or higher. To figure
this: [15,000 - (15,000 x .9)]. However, if this given
city has 69 slave-traders, then there are probably 6
slave-traders who are level 9 [to figure this: [69 - (69
x .9)]], 3 who are level 10 [69 - (69 x .95)], and none
who are level 11 or higher [69 - (69 x .99)].
e c a R d n a n o i t a p u c c O y b s c i h p a r g o m e D
l a n o i t a p u c c O
l e v e L
n o i t a l u p o P m o d n a R a n i e l i t n e c r e P
r a e b g u B
d n a
l l o r T
f r a w D f l E
n a m u H
d n a
d l o b o K
e r g O
1 % 0 1 % 0 1 % 4 1 % 0 2 % 0 2
2 % 0 2 % 5 1 % 6 1 % 0 3 % 5 2
3 % 0 3 % 0 2 % 8 1 % 0 4 % 0 3
4 % 0 4 % 5 2 % 0 2 % 0 5 % 5 3
5 % 0 5 % 0 3 % 2 2 % 5 6 % 0 4
6 % 0 6 % 5 3 % 4 2 % 0 8 % 5 4
7 % 0 7 % 0 4 % 6 2 % 5 9 % 0 5
8 % 0 8 % 5 4 % 8 2 % 9 9 % 5 5
9 % 0 9 % 0 5 % 0 3 % 5 . 9 9 % 0 6
0 1 % 5 9 % 5 5 % 2 3 % 9 . 9 9 % 5 6
1 1 % 9 9 % 0 6 % 4 3 % 5 9 . 9 9 % 0 7
2 1 % 5 . 9 9 % 5 6 % 6 3 % 9 9 . 9 9 % 5 7
3 1 % 9 . 9 9 % 0 7 % 8 3 % 5 9 9 9 . 9 9 % 0 8
4 1 % 5 9 . 9 9 % 5 7 % 0 4 % 9 9 9 9 . 9 9 % 5 8
5 1 % 9 9 . 9 9 % 0 8 % 2 4 % 5 9 9 9 9 9 . 9 9 % 0 9
6 1 % 5 9 9 . 9 9 % 5 8 % 4 4 % 9 9 9 9 9 9 . 9 9 % 5 9
7 1 % 9 9 9 . 9 9 % 0 9 % 6 4 % 5 9 9 9 9 9 9 . 9 9 % 9 9
8 1 % 5 9 9 9 . 9 9 % 5 9 % 8 4 % 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 . 9 9 % 5 . 9 9
9 1 % 9 9 9 9 . 9 9 % 9 9 % 0 5 % 5 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 . 9 9 % 9 . 9 9
0 2 % 5 9 9 9 9 . 9 9 % 5 . 9 9 % 2 5 % 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 . 9 9 % 5 9 . 9 9
While societies differ in many ways, some
customs are common across cultures.
With the exception of ogres and trolls, all
cultures burn their dead; the dead are not embalmed
or buried. The dead are burned because after time,
they smell and may cause disease. Some cultures
gather the dead into a pile and burn the corpses,
while others such as bugbears send the corpses out
on burning ships. Ogres and trolls, on the other
hand, eat their dead. In fact, ogres eat their parents
when they get too old.
Regardless of race, if local authorities sus-
pect scandal or adultery, they have a legal right to
surprise suspects, oblige them to open their bed-
room doors and, if convicted, are sentenced imme-
diately and appropriately.
1. The reason that corpses are not embalmed, is because F.A.T.A.L. attempts to isolate Europe from outside influence.
Embalming originated in Egypt, not Europe. Part of the fantasy of F.A.T.A.L. is in how Europe may have developed without
influence from foreign cultures. It is impossible to remove all influence, but outside influence has been minimzed wherever
Ranging in size from hamlets to capital cit-
ies, many characteristics of communities vary widely.
Communities are outlined according to size below:
Hamlets are comprised of no more than 100
characters, usually a collection of a few families.
Hamlets are too small to have a guild or temple,
though 1-2 shrines may be present. Hamlets never
have walls, and are rebuilt continually.
Villages have from 100-1,000 characters.
Most villages are too small to have guilds, have a
local lord and 1-2 temples, and probably have sev-
eral shrines. Village guilds are likely to be negligible
in quality and service. Rarely, villages may have walls,
and are rebuilt continually.
Towns have a population between 1,000 and
10,000. Towns typically have a handful of guilds,
temples, and a local lord of some sort such as a
baron, depending of course on the state. Towns
usually are not walled.
Cities have populations of at least 10,000.
Cities have numerous guilds, temples, and at least 1
local lord such as a duke. Cities are usually walled
and have a castle, citadel, or fortress of some type.
Capital cities are the seats of governmental
power to a state, usually being the size of a large
city. Capital cities are almost always walled, some-
times having multiple walls, and are well defended.
It seems that anything can be found for the right
price if searched diligently for in a capital city.
A government is an authoritative unit that is
organized to control masses of characters, and is
usually classified according to the distribution of
power within it. Following are the definitions of
several forms of government that may be used by
the Aedile to add realism to a gaming world:
The antithesis to all governments, propo-
nents of anarchy prefer a lack of government,
prefering chaos to order and nature to civilization.
Anarchists believe that no creature has a right to
impose on another; anarchists refuse to be governed.
A government wherein 1 character possesses
unlimited power is an autocracy. Oftentimes, au-
tocracies are called dictatorships
. If the charac-
ter with unlimited power centralizes their control,
then this form of government may be called totali-
tarianism. An autocracy is rarely established as such.
Usually, a previous form of government is estab-
lished, and the leader changes it into an autocracy.
According to some
, the most common government
to precede autocracy is democracy.
This is a government wherein the power is
vested in a minority consisting of those thought to
be best qualified to rule. This is different from an
oligarchy, because the populace believes that a char-
acteristic of the aristocratic class distinguishes them
and makes them fit to rule. Historically, member-
ship in an aristocracy was based on wealth. An aris-
tocracy based on wealth is a plutocracy.
1. According to E. Lyons Assignment in Utopia, People under dictatorships, it has been well said, are condemned to a lifetime
of enthusiasm. It is a wearing sentence. Gladly they would burrow into the heart of their misery and lick their wounds in
private. But they dare not; sulking is next door to treason. Like soldiers weary unto death after a long march, they must line
up smartly for parade. For more information, see the References section at the end of this book.
2. The following agree that historically, democracy precedes autocracy: Platos Republic, Aristotles Politica, and Bertrand
Russells Power. For more information, see the References section at the end of this book.
A bureaucracy is a government wherein the
power lies with numerous departments and their
heads. It is a systematic administration character-
ized by the specialization of functions. Bureaucra-
cies are often criticized as an overabundance of gov-
ernment consisting of too many clearly demarcated
laws and statutes. A bureaucracy is often combined
with other forms of government. For example, a
republic may organize itself into a bureaucracy.
Usually a political balancing act, a confed-
eracy is a government consisting of many smaller
units that cooperate, yet prefer to remain indepen-
dent or distinct. Sometimes these units are called
states. Unfortunately, the units often do not coop-
erate and are subject to divisiveness. A confederacy
refers only to the relationship between states. How
each state rules its population is another form of
A government wherein the state owns all
property and equally distributes wealth is a commu-
nist government. The goal of each citizen is to sup-
port each other as a community or as a state, not as
individuals. It has been advocated that children
should be removed from their parents upon child-
birth, so that no parent knows their child; conse-
quently, no favoritism will exist
. Because the state
owns everything, and therefore has considerable
power, communism easily devolves into an autoc-
racy or oligarchy. However, because power corrupts,
communism has never been successful.
A government wherein the general popu-
lace rules is a democracy. Each member of the popu-
lace is able to vote directly for policies. Note that
this is different from a republic. Oftentimes, a gov-
ernment in the form of a republic will declare itself
to be a democracy because it appeals to the people,
though safeguards ensure that each character does
not truly get an equal vote. Many have considered
democracy to be an undesirable form of govern-
. In fact, historically, democracy tends to
change into autocracy or oligarchy.
A government wherein great landowners or
hereditary overlords exact revenue from the land
and also exercise the functions of government in
their domains is a feudality. Typically, the great land-
owner is called the lord, and everyone else is a vas-
sal. Feudality is associated commonly with monar-
chy or a confederacy.
This is a government wherein elders or old
men rule. Many times, the government of a tribe is
a gerontocracy. This form of government is primi-
tive, and is based on the Wisdom that is assumed to
be gathered from age and experience.
A government wherein women rule is a
gynarchy. Note that a matriarchy is not necessarily
a governmental form, but a social organization such
that descent is traced solely or primarily through
the female line. In a true gynarchy, the most wom-
anly will rule. A gynarchy may be combined with
other governmental forms.
1. This view comes from Platos Republic. It has been argued that this work of Platos was the groundwork for communism.
For more information, see the References section at the end of this book.
2. The following have asserted that historically, democracy has been an undesirable form of government: Platos Republic,
Aristotles Politica, and Bertrand Russells Power. For more information, see the References section at the end of this book.
3. In Bertrand Russells Power, he asserts that in Classical Greek states, in every city, the rich favoured oligarchy and the poor
favoured democracy; when the partisans of democracy were victorious, their leader usually succeeded in making himself a
tyrant. He also claimed that One of the advantages of democracy, from a governmental point of view, is that it makes the
average citizen easier to deceive (Russell, 1996, p. 96). Russell also stated that When all opposing propaganda is forbidden,
rulers are likely to think that they can cause anything to be believed, and so to become over-weening and careless. Lies need
competition if they are to retain their vigour (Russell, 1996, p. 97). Therefore, democracy is the most successful form of
government with propaganda. For more information, see the References section at the end of this book.
1. This statement is from the Owners Manual for the Brain. For more information, see the References section at the end of
this book.
2. According to this defnition, Platos Republic is not a republic. For more information, see the References section at the end
of this book.
3. In Bertrand Russells Power, he considers theocracy to be a form of oligarchy. For more information, see the References
section at the end of this book.
This is a government administered by an au-
thoritarian group of characters classified by ability,
economic, or social standing. Sometimes, this is re-
ferred to as a militocracy. Males tend to establish
hierarchies, while females prefer floating power
A government wherein a mage or mages (or
sorcerer or sorcerers) rule is a magocracy. In primi-
tive societies, a leader may be elected because they
are believed to be gifted with magic.
A meritocracy is a government wherein re-
sponsibility is awarded to those who exhibit the most
effort. A meritocracy is often associated with a hi-
erarchy or pedocracy.
A government wherein rulership is inher-
ited, such as with a king and queen, is a monarchy.
Monarchy is often associated with feudality. Rebel-
lion against the government is an offense against
the king, usually punishable by death.
A government wherein the few or a small
faction rule is an oligarchy. This form of govern-
ment is similar to, yet distinct from, an autocracy.
A goverment wherein the mob rules is an
ochlocracy. Mobs usually become factioned into
families. Families compete for power in an ochloc-
A government wherein the educated and
scholarly rule is a pedocracy. Educational standards
are strict. Education is free to all citizens, though
strict rules regulate its pursuit. A pedocracy tends
to be associated with a bureaucracy.
This is a government wherein the wealthy
rule. A plutocracy is a form of aristocracy. The
wealthy usually take measures to assure that the they
remain in power, and the poor remain powerless.
A government wherein representatives are
elected to represent their electorate as they make
policy decisions is a republic
. The duty of each
representative is to represent their constituents.
A theocracy is a government wherein rule is
administered by a god or religious officials. Theoc-
racy has been considered a form of oligarchy
. Usu-
ally, a religion dominates a theocracy, and characters
who disagree with the religion must be either ban-
ished, converted, or killed. Few religions are toler-
ant of dissidents.
Different races have different societies.
Hereafter, the society of each race is described.
The worldly population of bugbears is small.
Bugbears value organization and congregate into
communities that are structured like humans. Bug-
bear communities range from hamlet to capital city,
and have a king, dukes, barons, and lords. Since
bugbear society is extremely patriarchal, no queens
or duchesses exist who have any power or influ-
ence. Bugbears are highly organized and, even
though few in number, they intend to dominate the
Most bugbear communities are coastal, since
bugbears are adept at seamanship. In fact, bugbears
use the sea as a quiet means to approach human
communities at night. When convinced that the
time is right, the captain will beach the raiding ship
and the warriors will plunder the community and
pillage the women. The crews of these raiding ves-
sels often have male bugbears who are celebrating
their 12
birthday and will become adults with full
rights and citizenship if successful. If unsuccessful,
then they are castrated so that their seed cannot
perpetuate failure. Young bugbears train for raiding
by attacking local slaves in subjecting facilities. Most
adult males savor the experience of taking human
communities by force. Human males are usually
killed during the raid. Bugbears find it easier and
less risky to transport females and children by sea.
Bugbears organize their slaves within sub-
jecting facilities, which usually consist of either hu-
mans or light elves. The humans are either forced
or encouraged to breed so that bugbears may enjoy
their delicacy: devouring naughty human children.
Therefore, all human children are encouraged to be
naughty. Any human child who refuses to be naughty
must be killed and eaten by their parents; hence,
even the parents of children in subjecting facilities
encourage their children to be naughty. All slaves in
subjecting facilities are subject to medical experimen-
tation. Otherwise, these slaves are merely worked
to death and given just enough food to survive, but
not enough to revolt. The amount of food in ounces
needed to keep a slave alive is known by bugbears,
based on their famous calculations that involve height
and weight.
Though bugbear engineers design their com-
munities, the unskilled labor is performed by hu-
man slaves. Subjecting facilities are on the outskirts
of bugbear communities and often used to show a
contrast between the lives of bugbears and humans.
Bugbears consider human communities to be sub-
jecting facilities without walls. Humans are fed at a
high-density feedlot. While humans feed, their hands
are tied behind their backs and they drink from a
trough. The slaves are all forced to urinate and def-
ecate in a central cesspool that is above ground. All
characters within 100 feet of the cesspool must pass
a daily Health sub-ability check at TH 5 or become
nauseated in 1d10 seconds and vomit violently.
The internal environment of subjecting fa-
cilities is void of vegetation, but laden with urine-
soaked clay soil. Living conditions are wretched.
Elven slaves are far fewer in number, but more aghast
because there is no vegetation and they are not al-
lowed to play music. In fact, if an elf is caught hum-
ming or singing, then they are isolated, restrained
upside-down, and are not allowed water for 1d4 days.
The food of slaves consists of poor quality grain
that has little or no protein or nutrients, which low-
ers their Drive, keeps them weak, and prevents re-
prisal. Death is their only acquittance.
Female bugbears have almost no worth in
bugbear society. The only purpose for a female
bugbear is to relieve sexual tension and make babies
for male bugbears. Although a female bugbear is
named at birth, it is rare for others to refer to her by
name, but instead as an object or property.
Nonetheless, for a female bugbear to be-
come an adult, she is tied to an altar in the middle
of an arena on her 12
birthday. Any adult male
may enter the arena without weapons and brawl or
wrestle against other suitors. The winner deflowers
her before spectators and may propose marriage.
If no suitors enter the arena, then she is spayed.
Bugbears combine the following types of
government: bureaucracy, feudalism, hierarchy,
meritocracy, and monarchy.
Since the worldly population of dwarves is
small, dwarves congregate into communities that are
no smaller than cities, though few exist. Dwarves
value organization and strictly regulated freedom.
Dwarves are ruled by a king. Since no dwarven com-
munity is smaller than a city, there are no dwarven
barons, knights, or lords. Because dwarven society
is patriarchal, no queens exist who have any power
or influence. Since dwarves are immortal unless
killed, they value their own life above all else. For
this reason, dwarves withdraw from others, deep into
the heart of mountains, where they form subterra-
nean cities. Brown dwarves are part of human, not
dwarven, society.
Grains such as oats, barley, and wheat are
often grown on or near the mountain, and harvested
at night, secretly, by the dwarves for their ale. Al-
falfa is alternated with grains in crop rotation and
grown in the winter for better soil. However, like
kobolds, the main staple of dwarves is mushrooms.
Dwarves tend to do things with vigor or not
at all. Their greatest passion is work, though some
argue it must be drinking ale. To a dwarf, the only
time they feel like they accomplish something is
when they work. For this reason, dwarves are usu-
ally the best craftsmen, gemcutters, jewelers, and
The entrances to their communities are clan-
destine, and guarded jealously. It is said that if a
stranger breaks into a dwarven community, then they
will never break out. Although black dwarves will
kill intruders, white dwarves will merely imprison
them for life, fearing that others outside the moun-
tain may learn of their location.
The ritual to adulthood for a black dwarf or
white dwarf consists of drinking 10 ales and win-
ning a wrestling match against a sober foe of the
same age and gender. The ritual is conducted on
the 24
birthday of each dwarf. If failed, then the
dwarf must attempt again on their next birthday.
Dwarves combine the following types of
government: hierarchy, meritocracy, and monarchy.
Although dwarves value heritage, the social class and
occupation of a dwarf are often determined based
on a review of their efforts. Lazy dwarves are rare.
The worldly population of elves is small, and
concentrated in forests. Elves congregate into com-
munities that are no smaller than cities, though few
exist. Elves value their forest, freedom, Wisdom,
and tricks. Although ruled by a king, elven commu-
nities do not have elven dukes, barons, lords, or
knights. Since elven society is patriarchal, no queens
exist who have any power or influence.
The main purpose of elven society is to pro-
tect their forest, usually from what other races con-
sider civilization. Elves are disappointed in the other
humanoid races, considering them to lack respect
for nature.
Elven communities are often protected by
elven sentries who are hiding amid the treetops and
armed with bows. Dark elven sentries have poison-
tipped arrows, while light elves have blunted arrows.
Each family of dark elves selects a tree and
burrows underneath the root system. Their homes
rarely flood, because the roots absorb most water.
The entrance to such a home is somehow hidden.
Trespassers rarely know they are trespassing into a
community of dark elves until it is too late. Hu-
manoid trespassers are beheaded and their skulls
decorate the interior of dark elven homes. The skulls
of trespassers are placed above doors, crafted into
bedpans, and used as doorstops.
In a dark elven community, 10-20% of the
dark elves partake in a nightly orgy, known as a werg,
in elven. The community draws lots to determine
the participants. The purpose of a werg is not pro-
creation, but celebration. During a werg, participants
wear ceremonial half-masks. Vaginal intercourse is
forbidden and mutual masturbation is encouraged.
However, every month during a full moon all dark
elves participate in a community orgy for the pur-
pose of procreation. The sexual position from this
ceremony has become known as dark-elven-style.
Dark-elven-style consists of the male entering the
female from behind, who is on her knees with va-
gina exposed and head on the ground.
For a dark elven female to become a citizen,
she must masturbate a male and make him ejaculate
a horizontal distance at least half his height. For a
male to become a citizen, he must masturbate on a
female and ejaculate at least 8 streams.
Each family of light elves selects a large,
hollow tree, and makes their home inside it. It is
easier for a trespasser to discover the home of a
light elf than dark elf. Light elves make fun of dark
elves, saying that because they live underground, they
are lower than light elves, and that their skin is darker
because they are dirty.
Light elves are not lecherous, like dark elves.
Yet, their mating ritual is odd because it includes
music. When a female intends to get pregnant, she
plays an improvised melody on a flute during mat-
ing. More attention seems to be devoted to the
melody than the act of mating. Later, the melody is
recalled, interpreted, and used to foretell the fate of
the child.
Elves combine the following types of gov-
ernment: aristocracy, monarchy, and pedocracy.
Although heritage is valued, the elven version of
pedocracy places more importance on Wisdom. The
demonstrated Wisdom of an elf is used often to
determine their social class and occupation.
Humans congregate into communities that
range in size from hamlets to the largest cities. Most
humans are corrupt and value money and power
over all else. For these reasons, human societies have
slaves and peasants, in addition to free characters
such as serfs, nobility, and royalty. Slaves are ex-
ploited. The most common slaves are other hu-
mans, though bugbears and kobolds may also be
found. Peasants do not live in towns and cities, but
only rural communities such as hamlets and villages.
Humans are ruled by a king and queen. The
king is assisted by a hierarchy of lesser royalty in-
cluding dukes, barons, and lords; female equivalents
also exist. Human society is patriarchal, since their
king is male and their sovereign ruler. Males have
emerged naturally as the dominating gender of all
successful human societies.
Humans are likely to try any type of gov-
ernment. Modern governments tend to involve the
following: bureaucracy, communism, feudality, mon-
archy, and republic.
The only race more populous than kobolds
is humans. Kobolds value dominance and live in
hierarchical societies. The strong dominate the weak.
Many kobolds are slaves at the bottom of the hier-
archy. Kobolds are ruled by a king and queen, and
their dukes and duchesses. Each kobold squabbles
for more power, then abuses those beneath them
with less. Kobold society is patriarchal, since their
king is male and their sovereign ruler. Males have
emerged naturally as the dominating gender of all
successful kobold societies.
Each kobold king rules at least 1 mountain.
If a mountain is inhabited by kobolds, then it is fully
mined and the king resides at the internal summit.
The interior of kobold mountains are organized into
levels based on social class, occupation, military in-
fluence, wealth, and the number of slaves owned.
Generally, slaves reside at the bottom and are con-
tinually digging mines near or away from their moun-
tain, while kobold serfs live high in the mountain.
Slaves must bring goods to those above them in the
Entrances to kobold mines never occur
higher than the foothills at the base of the moun-
tain. In remote areas, such entrances may not be
hidden. However, entrances to kobold mines are
usually hidden and protected with numerous traps.
The most numerous entrances to kobold mines oc-
cur in wells that are in or near human communities.
Kobolds send scouts on the surface at night to find
wells, then bring detailed maps back to their superi-
ors. Next, kobolds mine into a well, about half-way
up its shaft. Numerous traps are set in the mine
shaft near the well. Then, at night kobolds emerge
and capture humans, forcing them down into the
mines to become slaves. If successful, the kobolds
will be able to steal humans without other humans
in the community knowing what happened. Just
the same, many human communities watch their
wells with suspicion.
Kobolds have a complicated system of sla-
very that includes rituals and customs. All female
slaves must wear a collar that locks upon closing
and may only be opened by cutting it off. Each
male kobold who is a soldier usually has several
kobold slaves who are female, petite, and perform
many duties including sexual gratification. When a
male kobold soldier is in a position to take a female
kobold as a slave, she may get into the position of
submission, which is to kneel before her new mas-
ter with her back straight and head hanging low in
front of her. During sex, males despise any sexual
position in which the female is above the male. In
fact, the sexual position known as kobold-style con-
sists of the male entering the female from behind.
In kobold-style, the female is on her knees with va-
gina exposed and back arched, while the male both
penetrates and chokes her from behind. The goal
is to bring the female close to unconsciousness and
cause her to orgasm from his dominance and her
lack of breath.
Because the greatest passions in kobold so-
ciety are mining for silver and collecting slaves,
kobolds often organize raids on human caravans at
night that they suspect are transporting slaves. This
is easier, but risker, than mining into wells. Humans
do not last long as slaves in kobold mines. Most
human slaves die within 1 month in kobold slaves
due to the dangerous fumes in silver mines. All
kobolds are unaffected by the dangerous fumes in
silver mines, as well as gaseous arsenic when released.
Since humans know that kobolds are experts
at underground traps, humans are usually reluctant
to enter kobold mines, even to retrieve a family
member or administer vengeance. Those humans
who are brave enough to enter kobold mines hardly
ever return. If an army of humans enters the mines,
kobolds let them get close to their community, and
then ignite underground fires, which are calculated
to kill the humans with smoke inhalation before they
are able to escape back to the surface. Such escapes
usually fail, because the kobolds also favor collaps-
ing the entrance to their mines. Kobolds are im-
mune to smoke-inhalation, as long as some air re-
Communities occur near mines that have
concentrations of silver and crustaceans, as well as
an underground stream. The spores of various
mushrooms grow plentifully around kobold com-
munities. Since underground kobold mines are ex-
tensive, some mines have been depleted and aban-
Since kobolds are color-blind, they see only
shades of gray. Kobolds may use colors, such as for
clothes or art, but are unaware of the aesthetic value
to those who see colors. Most other races think
that kobolds have horrible artistic tastes, since their
colors clash often. Artistic kobolds enjoy sculpting
silver and other precious metals or stones. Kobold
mines are supported sometimes with timber, some-
times with columns of stone. The upper half of
each mountain is usually decorated extensively with
Kobolds hate dirt, and consider other hu-
manoids to be no different than dirt. Some hu-
mans claim that many foothills near mountains are
the result of kobolds dumping dirt on the surface
as a result of their mining.
Kobolds combine the following types of
government: confederacy, hierarchy, and monarchy.
Base and kinder-fresser ogres do not have
societies. Only cliff and gruagach ogres form any
semblance of a society.
Cliff ogres gather in family units, never com-
prising as much as a hamlet. Each mother and fa-
ther remain together for joint benefit, and are loyal
to feeding their children. To feed their children, 1
of the parents tosses characters over a cliff, and their
children wait below, ready to feed on the victims.
When a male cliff ogre child becomes an adult, he
claims his independence by throwing his parents off
a cliff. Then, he searches for a mate from a nearby
cliff ogre family. If he finds one to his liking, he
takes her from her family by force, if necessary. To-
gether, they find a cliff with jagged rocks below and
begin a family. Cliff ogres are anarchists.
Gruagach ogres dwell only in forests. They
never form a community larger than a hamlet.
Known as the wild ones or hairy ones, gruagach
dominate each other based on size, Strength, In-
timidation, and aggression. Ultimately, their tribal
societies are best characterized as autocratic; the
strongest ogre forces the others into submission.
Some scholars mistakenly think that bugbears are
related to gruagach because of their hairiness; bug-
bears and gruagach are 2 distinct species.
Female gruagach are battered more often
than females of other races. Oddly, female gruagach
rarely retaliate against males, but become aggressive
with other females.
When a confrontation occurs between 2
gruagach, usually males, the foes bump chests and
attempt to intimidate each other. If the confronta-
tion escalates, the gruagach rarely fight bare-handed,
but grab clubs. If a foe loses but is not killed, then
he retaliates as soon as possible by attempting to
rally other gruagach.
Borbytingarna and hill trolls do not form
societies, but roam the land as malicious monsters.
Only subterranean trolls form a society.
The worldly population of subterranean
trolls is small compared to humans. Since these trolls
hate noise and are turned to stone in sunlight, they
retreated long ago into caverns where they have cre-
ated underground palaces. Few palaces exist, though
the few that exist are marvels to behold. Trolls value
freedom and money, and are ruled by a king. Sub-
terranean troll society is patriarchal, since their king
is male and their sovereign ruler. Males have emerged
naturally as the dominating gender of all successful
troll societies.
Ever since ancient times, subterranean trolls
have an intense hatred of ogres, borbytingarna, and
hill trolls. For a male subterranean troll to become
an adult, he must leave the underground palace on
his 13
birthday and return with the carcass of 1 or
more ogres or other races of trolls. The young troll
will not be permitted to return without such a car-
cass. If he returns, then the carcass is offered to an
adult female to encourage her to mate with him. In
this respect, the most influential carcass is a male
ogre who is a young adult.
If the female rejects this carcass, and if she
is at least 13 years in age, then she is obligated to
venture to the surface to capture alive an attractive
female human. When a female troll sees an attrac-
tive female elf or human, she must pass a Drive sub-
ability check at TH 24 or maim her. If she is able to
restrain herself, then she must bring the slave back
for the suitor. In this case, the male usually disar-
ticulates the human and never bothers this female
again. Most females use this ritual as an excuse to
go to the surface and hope to have their way with
an attractive male anakim or human.
Subterranean trolls are governed by their
troll-king, who establishes himself by, and with, ab-
solute power. Trolls succumb to autocracy and
magocracy. Therefore, the king is usually the most
powerful sorcerer in the community. In subterra-
nean troll society, sorcerers are the most valued and
powerful citizens. Although subterranean trolls have
a king, there are no dukes, barons, lords, or knights.
Although roads
may differ by culture, the
information provided here is meant to be the norm.
Roads are formal trails that are made by characters.
Main roads are paved with hewn stones and
bolstered underneath by masses of tightly packed
sand. Main roads are paved with polygonal paving
stones of durable igneous rock such as basalt, gran-
ite, or porphyry. Typically, the stones measure 12
across by 8 deep. The stones are fitted together in
a cunning pattern to form an absolutely smooth sur-
face. The work on roads is done by the army. The
following tools are used: pick, hammer, and spade.
Great thoroughfares have a raised border
along each side. Outside the border is an unpaved
track. The unpaved track is roughly 2 wide and is
used by pedestrians and pack-animals. At intervals,
high stones are set along the sides to help a traveler
mount a horse or climb into a high-wheeled car-
riage. All roads have channels along one side or
both to divert rainwater.
The width of roads varies. 2-lane roads are
at least 8 wide, but usually 10. 3-lane roads have a
width of 14-18. Most roads widen to 30 or more
near a major central city. In mountainous areas,
width is minimized. A single-lane road is about 6
wide. Secondary roads are simple, dirt roads.
Main routes are carefully maintained. They
are marked with road signs every mile, called mile-
stones. Every 6 miles exists a guard post that offers
protection and the opportunity to communicate with
the next down the line by means of fire signals. Mile-
age is always counted outward from the capital.
Settlements are sometimes named by the stone it is
nearest. Each road has its own curator or commis-
sioner charged with keeping it repaired and ad-
equately policed.
Also lining the roadsides are religious monu-
ments. These range from sanctuaries to only
mounds of stones. When only a mound of stone,
passersby will toss an additional stone on the mound.
Traders travel throughout the year and com-
prise the largest percentage of travelers. Females
on the road wear the same clothes as males, except
that their clothes are longer, reaching to the ankles.
If females bring jewelry while traveling, they keep it
hidden. Only exiles, refugees, and the like travel
alone; ordinary voyagers bring at least 1 slave. When
traveling, characters take care to plan their arrival at
their destination to occur during daylight.
An inn
is an establishment that allows trav-
elers a place to rest, and usually eat and other neces-
sities. If there are no inns, then a traveler must at-
tempt to appeal to the private hospitality of a local
character. Owners of private houses also rent rooms.
If allowed to stay, then it is expected that guest and
host exchange gifts upon the departure of the guest.
Since inns are so pervasive, it is rare that a traveler
must appeal to private hospitality.
A traveler comes upon inns before reaching
the town proper. Inns line the roads outside the
city limits. Just inside the gates are more inns, and
still more can be found around the center of the
town. Inns in town are not hard to identify. Even a
traveler who arrives late at night can identify an inn,
since inns have lit lanterns over their doors. Often,
the inkeeper advertises by hanging a sign with an
appropriate picture. Often the picture is of wine
jars or erotic scenes. In many establishments, the
innkeeper stands in the doorway and attempts to
attract customers. Since a female innkeeper is most
common, it is likely that she will rave about the charm
and cool of her place, and assure passersby that they
will not only find bread and wine, but love. Even
respectable inns include whores among services of-
fered. The staff of inns are usually slaves, including
the doorman (doorwoman), bellboys and porters,
waiters, wenches, and chambermaids (who double
as whores, at the request of a guest).
1. Information on roads and inns has been referenced from Travel in the Ancient World, by Lionel Casson. For more
information, see the References section at the end of this book.
In an inn, a traveler strikes a bargain with
the innkeeper for each item separately -- bed, drink,
meals, and whores. Rates including everything are
the exception. Inns vary widely in selection and
quality of provisions. Some inns offer room ser-
vice, so that a guest can request a meal brought to
them. An inn able to accommodate royalty is called
a praetoria, while an inn for peasants is called a hos-
tel. A fully-equipped inn offers meals and sleeping
quarters, a change of animals, carriages, porters,
veterinarians, and cartwrights. Since inns do not
include baths, a traveler must go to a public bath.
When ushered to a room, a traveler shares it
with as many fellow guests as the innkeeper can cram
into it. The furniture is minimal: a bed, chamber-
pot, and candleholder. Experienced travelers care-
fully search the bed for bedbugs. The decor of an
inn is minimal as well. Frequently, previous guests
vent their feelings by scribbling on the bedroom
walls. From history, Innkeeper, I pissed in the bed.
I did wrong, I admit it. Want to know why? There
was no chamber-pot!
A standard inn is 2 stories, roughly 40 x 70,
with a short side facing the road. Paralleling one of
the long sides is a court for wagons and carriages.
The ground floor includes a stable that can handle a
dozen or so animals, a repair shop complete with a
blacksmiths forge, an office, a kitchen measuring
6.5 by 19.5, and a dining room about the same size.
Hot-air ducts under the floor provide heat for a
chamber. The upper floor contains the bedrooms.
A large inn is a complex of stables, a court,
and buildings that covers an area of 60 x 216. There
is a court of 36 x 75 surrounded on 3 sides by 2
floors of chambers. Most rooms measure 16.5 x
16.5, and a few are much larger. No heating ducts
exist, so the rooms have fireplaces or braziers. Large
inns have 30 or more rooms.
A small inn rarely offers more than a dozen
rooms to rent. The smallest of inns is a rectangular
building about 47.5 feet long and 21 feet wide. It is
divided into 3 rooms, a central chamber flanked by
a kitchen on one side and a bedroom on the other.
The kitchen measures 5 x 12.5 and the bedroom
measures 3 x 7.5, leaving most of the space for the
central hall. All 3 rooms are heated, the kitchen by
its hearth, the bedroom by a fireplace, and the long
chamber by a floor fitted with hot-air ducts. The
stables, forge, and other facilities are in sheds be-
hind or alongside the inn.
A type of inn of low repute is a caupona. It
caters to sailors, carters, and slaves. Its dining room
has the atmosphere of a tavern more than a restau-
rant. The copa (female) or copo (male) is one who
runs a caupona. A traveler is completely at their
mercy. When a character is robbed here, law de-
clares the character can only find satisfaction from
the thief, not the innkeeper.
Cursus Publicus
This is a government post that is part of a
network of inns. Every user has to have a diploma
signed by the king. A diploma entitles a character to
travel with the use of government-maintained fa-
cilities. A diploma is a prized possession. Routes
have stations at strategic intervals. At a station, a
traveler with a diploma may eat, sleep, and change
beasts or vehicles. Stations are 25-35 miles apart,
the distance of an average days travel. The king
simply selects inns of the required quality and in-
corporates them into his system, making them sta-
tions and requiring them to accommodate any holder
of a diploma for free. Selling a diploma to an unau-
thorized user occurs rarely and is punishable by
If from the baths you hear
a round of applause,
Marons great prick
is bound to be the cause.
Public Baths
Not every culture has public baths
, though
cultures with public baths consider their culture to
be more civilized because of them. Public baths
may contain gymnasiums, beauty treatments, con-
certs, art exhibitions, lectures, promenades, and the
chance to meet and talk with practically every char-
acter in the community.
A traveler undresses in a dressing room, but
is advised to make sure that their clothing and pos-
sessions are in the care of a character while bathing,
since robbing garments from dressing rooms is prac-
tically an occupation. The managers of public baths
assume no responsibility for stolen possessions.
Public baths may also function as brothels.
However, public baths employ chambermaids, not
outright whores. At a public bath, chambermaids
must be attractive and skilled at Cleaning, Contor-
tion, Massage, Seduction, and Sexual Adeptness.
In addition to steam rooms, public baths also
have bedchambers. Some public baths have hours
reserved for only 1 gender or the other. Otherwise,
bath houses receive both genders. The public baths
are closed during epidemics, just as commercial gath-
erings and dancing throughout the communities are
prohibited. Normally, however, public baths are
open all day, every day.
A tavern
is a drinking shop, though much
more occurs in a tavern besides drinking. Other
names for a tavern include the kapeleia and potisteria.
In addition to being a place for drinking, other ac-
tivities also occur in taverns, such as gambling, watch-
ing dancing girls, and whoring. Tavernkeepers are
mostly female. Their chief business is supplying
drinks and women. Decent characters do not pa-
tronize taverns. Females rarely go to taverns. If
they do, then it is understood that they must be there
to fornicate. In fact, husbands may spend so much
time lounging and drinking at taverns that they hardly
have any use for their homes or wives, and may rent
both of them out to others.
The tankards of most taverns are inscribed
with names of gods or other things, such as Love,
Health, and Joy. An interesting inscription is
Pausikraipalos, which means Stop the hangover when
translated from Kobold.
Downtown, many restaurants
may be
found. A taberna is essentially a snack bar. It has a
marble counter that opens onto the road and is about
6-8 feet in length. The customer stands in the street
and orders are slapped onto the counter before
them. Popular orders are bread and wine, and some-
times meat.
If a hungry character wants to sit down to
eat, then they enter a restaurant, called a popina.
Characters prefer to eat while reclining rather than
seated. Tables are surrounded on 3 sides by couches,
rather than chairs. To dine while seated is consid-
ered to be for the poor or hurried. Wine is popu-
larly ordered. A popina also provides entertainment,
such as whores and gambling. Most who enter spend
the whole evening, if not the whole day. A popina
opens about 11 A.M. or eariler. Most of these es-
tablishments offer music and dancing. Most supply
whores, have erotic scenes on the walls, and are deco-
rated with an erect phallus. A popina caters to cart-
ers/teamsters, sailors, and their ilk. Many moral
priests are forbidden by their religion to eat at res-
taurants, except when there is no alternative, such
as when one is on the road.
The truth is in wine.
(Drunk characters tell the truth.)
1. Information on public baths, taverns, and restaurants has been referenced from Travel in the Ancient World, by Lionel
Casson. For more information, see the References section at the end of this book.
A government mail
service exists. How-
ever, it is only for governmental use. The rich, how-
ever, often have their own postmen. Among their
slaves they have a certain number to serve as mes-
sengers. They are called tabellarii or tablet-men.
The vast majority of letter-writers, of course, do
not have messengers. Their only recourse is to find
some traveler who happens to be heading in the
right direction. Travelers have no objections to fill-
ing the role of messenger -- it is, after all, the only
way they can get word to anyone themselves.
The only writing instrument is a reed pen.
The ink is a mixture of lampblack gum and water.
Letters are written most often on papyrus or parch-
ment. Writing and sending letters is expensive, due
to paper, ink, and messengers. Since it is expensive,
lengthy missives are rare. When finished writing,
the writer either rolls the sheet or folds it, keeping
the message on the inside, and ties it. Finally, a fixed
blob of clay or wax is placed on the tie and a seal is
impressed on it. When the wax or clay dries, the
address is written on it. The address is very simple,
such as To John from his brother Mauger. There
is no need for anything more. Some characters de-
sire to prevent others from being able to read their
mail, and so they write a message in ink, though
vital information is omitted. Vital information is
written with milk, not ink. When the milk dries, it
will be unnoticed by others. Messages written in
milk may be read by spreading ashes over the letter.
Milk is commonly called invisible ink.
Mail moves quite fast over short distances.
But long distances, especially when crossing water,
are another matter. The messenger checks the wa-
terfront to determine if any vessels are rowing or
sailing in the desired direction. If not, all the mes-
senger can do is sit, wait, and hope.
Around Town
Communities have different mores depend-
ing on the culture. Information detailed here is
meant to be the norm around town
Wheeled traffic is banned in towns during
daylight hours. Heavy transport must take place
between dusk and dawn. Along the main streets of
a town, light is no problem; oil lamps in the open-
fronted shops provide plenty of illumination. A
typical main street may have 45 shops on either side
over the distance of 1,500 feet. Since each shop has
1 lamp burning, this equates to a light every 30 feet
or so. Street lights, distinct from the casual lighting
of shops, are limited to main intersections. Side
streets are in total darkness at night, and any charac-
ter who plans to wander there should hire a linkboy
to light the path either with a torch or lantern.
In town, daytime has perils for characters
who stroll leisurely about the streets. Though there
may be no wheeled traffic about which to worry; a
character who is carelessly walking may easily be
stampeded by a team of horses speeding along at a
brisk trot. Further, there are shysters who run about
the city and swindle the well-to-do strangers who
come to town. Some writers warn that a character
must guard with all their might against the whores,
since they are a pleasant means to ruin without real-
izing it.
Since street signs and house numbers do not
exist, in some towns and most cities a guidebook
exists for strangers. Guidebooks highlight individual
places and monuments. These works are commonly
entitled Guidebook of.... They are intended as
preperatory reading, not for use on the spot. Since
these books are handwritten on relatively thick pa-
pyrus or leather sheets, these books are too bulky
for casual use; they are also too valuable due to ex-
pense. Some tourists are interested in having a pic-
torial memento of what they see. If they have an
aptitude for sketching, they can bring papyrus, reed
pen, and ink, or perhaps wax tablets and stylus. Local
guides lie in wait for tourists; they are called
periegetai, meaning leaders around or exegetai,
meaning explainers. They are everywhere, and tour-
ists are unable to avoid them.
1. Information on mail and around town has been referenced from Travel in the Ancient World, by Lionel Casson. For more
information, see the References section at the end of this book.
Formal education
consists of attending a
religious school until the human age of 14. If edu-
cation is pursued beyond religious school, it is con-
tinued at a university.
Religious School
There are no public schools. The elite of
the citys youth attend school, mostly the sons of
nobility and royalty. Education places them perma-
nently above peasants and ignorant serfs. In a reli-
gious school, pupils sit on the floor, all ages together.
Instruction is predominantly oral. The schoolmas-
ter lectures, and students take notes on oblong
wooden tablets coated with black or green wax, us-
ing a stylus of bone, ivory, or metal. The whitish
scratches it makes can be erased by rubbing with its
rounded end.
In drill, pupils repeat in chorus after the
teacher and continue repeating an exercise until they
have memorized it. Since books have to be copied
by hand and writing materials are expensive, memory
and oral exercises are indispensable. The school-
master reads aloud. The attention of the students
does not wander, for each of them must recite to-
morrow part of what he has heard today. The lec-
ture, the main teaching session of the day, takes place
in the early afternoon. Following it, there is a pe-
riod of free discussion, then drill. The next morn-
ing is devoted to the repetition.
Theoretically, the curriculum consists of the
7 liberal arts. But schools rarely teach all 7 of the
arts, and the emphasis is unequal. These arts are
liberal because their purpose is not money-making
and because they are worthy of a free man. There
are 7 mainly because characters are fond of the num-
ber 7, which is a numerological key to an ordered
universe. Liberal arts are divided into the trivium (3
roads) and quadrivium (4 roads). The trivium is com-
prised of grammar, rhetoric, and logic. The
quadrivium is comprised of the scientific: arithmetic,
geometry, astronomy, and music. Recent additions
have been the subjects of theology and philosophy.
The function of higher education has been absorbed
by the universities.
The grammar of religious school embraces
not only linguistics but writing, spelling, composi-
tion, speech, and general literature, including poetry
and history. In grammar, the student is exposed to
a series of authors. Anything written in a book has
a certain sacredness; all the established authors are
considered authorities. Some are surprisingly pro-
fane and even erotic, but they are nevertheless stud-
ied for their rhetorical artifices.
In geometry, the class studies a map of the
circular world, composed of 3 continents equal in
size, separated by narrow bands of water.
Universities are closed to women, but they
are equally closed to men except those who are be-
ing trained to be a barrister, doctor, or priest. At a
university, scholars break for lunch, meeting again
in the afternoon for another lecture or disputation.
When the day is over, scholars may turn to studying
or copying by candlelight, or since all forms of ath-
letics are prohibited, scholars may turn to gaming,
drinking, and whoring. Although human scholars
usually enter the university at 14 or 15, their private
lives are almost entirely unsupervised. There are no
university buildings. Classes are held in the masters
houses. Student lodgings, schools, and brothels are
cheek by jowl, and sometimes masters and students
conduct disputations on the second floor, whores
and pimps on the first.
The favorite sport of university students is
fighting -- with each other, with the townspeople,
or with the provosts guard.
After 6 years of studying, a student may face
the examiners. If the student passes the exams, then
he receives a license to teach. Otherwise, he may
become a scribe, or go on to study medicine or law.
Wandering scholars drift from one school
or one patron to another, passing their days in tav-
erns and living by their wits. Some contribute to
worthy literature.
1. Information on medieval education was referenced from Gies Life in a Medieval City. For more information, see the
References section at the end of this book.
Different races have established different
laws. The justice of each race is described. There-
after, a table lists each crime and its severity to each
race. Finally, each crime and punishment is consid-
Anakim usually live in a human society and
are subject to human justice.
Bugbear law is more concerned with the
wealth of the criminal than the crime committed.
For bugbear justice, wealth means the total estimated
assets of the criminal. A criminal worth less than
100 s.p. has a severity of 1-3, a criminal worth be-
tween 100-1,000 s.p. has a severity of 4-6, while
greater than 1,000 s.p has a severity of 7-10. Any
character accused of a crime must attend court.
Each court has a jury comprised of 11 bug-
bears who have sworn an oath. Magic is forbidden
in court. Although each crime is handled differ-
ently, the punishment relates to the crime. Usually,
a prisoner is confined in chains to await ransom or
sentencing. Once convicted and punished, a char-
acter may seek pardon; most punished characters
are pardoned. Any character who is not a bugbear,
and who is deemed subject to their law, is sentenced
to death if found guilty of a crime. All criminals are
shaved, numbered, and cataloged. The numbers are
burned into the back of the criminal, where a de-
tailed criminal history may be listed.
If a slave in a subjecting facility commits a
crime, which includes disobeying orders, then the
sentence of the slave is subject to the whim of the
facility commander. Sometimes such slaves are killed
on the spot, other times they are removed and
dropped in a pit beneath a tower where their screams
will not be heard as they starve to death.
Bugbear culture encourages crimes to be
committed in other cultures. Therefore, if a bug-
bear goes abroad, commits a crime, and their home
community discovers it, then the bugbear will not
be punished. In fact, a bugbear who commits crimes
abroad may become legendary.
Dwarf, Black
Black dwarven law distinguishes between
major and minor crimes. Minor crimes have a se-
verity of 1-5, while major crime severity is 6-10. Any
character accused of a major crime must attend
court. Each court has a jury comprised of 5 dwarves
who have sworn an oath. Magic is forbidden in
Although each crime is handled differently,
the punishment is being struck with a hammer of
justice for most minor crimes and being axed to
death for most major crimes. Imprisonment is a
rare form of punishment. Usually, a prisoner is
confined in a chamber deep within a mountain to
await ransom or sentencing. Once convicted, a char-
acter is never pardoned.
A criminal is not punished for crimes com-
mitted outside a black dwarven community. The
black dwarves believe that leaving society means re-
turning to natural law from societal law.
Dwarf, Brown
Brown dwarves usually live in a human soci-
ety and are subject to human justice.
Dwarf, White
White dwarven law distinguishes between
major and minor crimes. Minor crimes have a se-
verity of 1-5, while major crime severity is 6-10. Any
character accused of a major crime must attend
court. Each court has a jury comprised of 5 dwarves
who have sworn an oath. Magic is forbidden in
Although each crime is handled differently,
the punishment is either a fine or being forced to
work for free for the community for most minor
crimes and banishment for most major crimes.
Imprisonment is a rare form of punishment. Usu-
ally, a prisoner is confined in a chamber deep within
a mountain to await ransom or sentencing. A con-
victed character may seek a royal pardon.
A criminal is punished for crimes commit-
ted outside a white dwarven community. The white
dwarves believe that their law extends everywhere.
Elf, Dark
Dark elven law is more concerned with the
age of the criminal than the crime committed. A
crime committed by a character younger than middle
age has a severity of 1-5, while middle age and older
is 6-10. Next, a character who commits a major
crime receives more severe punishment, while a
minor crime causes punishment that is less severe.
Any character accused of a crime must attend court.
Each court has a jury comprised of 13 elves
who have sworn an oath. The judge often uses magic
to aid the search for truth. The best dark elven
courts have numerous sorcerers, who cast the fol-
lowing spells during the hearing: Detect Lie, Detect
Magic, Detect Surface Thoughts, and Detect
Although each crime is handled differently,
the punishment is a prohibition against sex for most
minor crimes and being beaten to death with sticks
by their immediate family for most major crimes.
Imprisonment is a rare form of punishment. Usu-
ally, a prisoner is confined in a yew tree to await
ransom or sentencing. Once convicted, a character
is never pardoned. Any character who is not a dark
elf, and who is deemed subject to their law, is sen-
tenced to death if found guilty of a crime.
A criminal is not punished for crimes com-
mitted outside a dark elven community or forest.
The dark elves do not consider themselves subject
to the law of other races, including light elves.
Elf, Light
Light elven law is more concerned with the
age of the criminal than the crime committed. A
crime committed by a character younger than middle
age has a severity of 1-5, while middle age and older
is 6-10. Next, a character who commits a major
crime receives more severe punishment, while a
minor crime causes punishment that is less severe.
Any character accused of a crime must attend court.
Each court has a jury comprised of 7 elves
who have sworn an oath. The judge often uses magic
to aid the search for truth. The best light elven
courts have numerous sorcerers, who cast the fol-
lowing spells during the hearing: Detect Lie, Detect
Magic, Detect Surface Thoughts, and Detect
Although each crime is handled differently,
the punishment is a prohibition against playing
pranks and making music for most minor crimes
and being starved to death for most major crimes.
Imprisonment is a rare form of punishment. When
a light elf has committed a minor crime, the other
elves in the community will refuse to speak to or
look at them, but will hold their nose high in the air.
Usually, a prisoner is confined in a yew tree to await
ransom or sentencing. Once convicted, a character
is never pardoned. Any character who is not a light
elf, and who is deemed subject to their law, is ban-
ished if found guilty of a crime.
A criminal is punished for crimes commit-
ted outside a light elven community or forest. The
criminal is considered subject to light elven law. Light
elves will go to great expense to find a criminal and
bring them to justice.
law distinguishes between major
and minor crimes. Minor crimes have a severity of
1-5, while major crime severity is 6-10. Any charac-
ter accused of a major crime must attend a royal
court in a city or the capital city. Otherwise, a char-
acter accused of a minor crime must attend their
local court, which is held in a manor.
Each court has a jury comprised of 9 men
who have sworn an oath. A character accused of a
minor crime is permitted no more than 9 postpone-
ments, including 3 summons. Some excuses are ac-
cepted for failure to appear. Human manorial courts
appear merciful, because criminals who are unable
to pay a fine are often pardoned. Magic is forbid-
den in court.
Although each crime is handled differently,
the punishment is a fine for most minor crimes and
death for most major crimes. Imprisonment is a
rare form of punishment. Usually, a prisoner is
confined in a castle tower or basement to await ran-
som or sentencing. A character convicted in a royal
court may seek a royal pardon.
A criminal is not punished for major crimes
committed outside a human community, although
minor crimes are punished no matter where they
are committed. If a criminal is wanted by another
community, then the local community may hold the
criminal for extradition.
Kobold law is more concerned with the so-
cial class of the criminal than the crime committed.
A crime committed by a royal character has a sever-
ity of 1-2, noble 3-4, serf 5-6, peasant 7-8, and slave
9-10. Next, a character who commits a major crime
receives extreme punishment, while a minor crime
causes light punishment. Any character accused of
a crime must attend court.
Each court has a jury comprised of 3
kobolds who have sworn an oath. Magic is forbid-
den in court.
Although each crime is handled differently,
the punishment is a fine for most minor crimes and
slavery for most major crimes. Imprisonment is a
rare form of punishment. Usually, a prisoner is
confined in an abandoned mine shaft to await ran-
som or sentencing. Once convicted, no character is
ever pardoned. Any character who is not a kobold,
and who is deemed subject to their law, is sentenced
to death if found guilty of a crime.
A criminal who commits a crime outside a
kobold community becomes a slave until extradi-
tion arrangements are made.
Troll, Subterranean
The law of subterranean trolls does not dis-
tinguish between major and minor crimes. Instead,
each crime is considered based on its severity. Any
character accused of a crime must attend court.
A subterranean troll court does not have a
jury. The judge often uses magic to aid the search
for truth. The best subterranean troll courts have
numerous sorcerers, who cast the following spells
during the hearing: Detect Lie, Detect Magic, De-
tect Surface Thoughts, and Detect Thoughts.
Although each crime is handled differently,
the punishment is usually mutilation or death. Once
convicted, no character is ever pardoned. Any char-
acter who is not a subterranean troll, and who is
deemed subject to their law, is sentenced to death if
found guilty of a crime.
A criminal is not punished for crimes com-
mitted outside a community of subterranean trolls.
They do not care about the outside world.
1. Human justice is based on justice mentioned in Life in a Medieval Village and Life in a Medieval Castle. For more
information, see References at the end of this book.
Those who do not wish to kill anyone,
wish they were able.
y t i r e v e S e m i r C
e m i r C
0 1 o t 1 m o r f y t i r e v e S
r a e b g u B
, f r a w D
. B
, f r a w D
. W
. D , f l E . L , f l E n a m u H d l o b o K
, l l o r T
. S
y r e t l u d A 5 , 1 3 5 5 5 5 2 5
n o s r A 6 7 7 8 8 7 5 5
t l u a s s A 3 3 5 3 5 4 3 4
h c r u h C r o , t r u o C , e c a l a P n i t l u a s s A 5 5 7 5 7 6 5 6
e m o H s m i t c i V n i t l u a s s A 4 4 6 4 6 5 4 5
y m e h p s a l B 2 4 4 4 3 4 6 4
g n i r e t n E d n a g n i k a e r B 4 2 2 2 2 2 5 4
y r a l g r u B 6 6 7 5 7 7 8 7
g n i t i e f r e t n u o C 7 7 7 6 7 6 7 7
s e y E s u o t e v o C - 1 2 - - 4 5 5
t b e D 2 3 2 2 2 3 4 3
t n a h c r e M t s e n o h s i D 3 4 5 2 2 3 1 2
d o o l B g n i w a r D 3 4 5 5 7 5 5 6
n o i t r o t x E 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
t n e R y a P o t e r u l i a F - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
s e r u s a e M d n a s t h g i e W e s l a F 7 8 8 2 2 4 8 5
g n i l b m a G - - - 1 1 1 1 1
y s e r e H 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
y t i l a u x e s o m o H - - - - - 1 5 -
e m i r C a g n i r o n g I 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
t s e c n I 7 1 1 - 1 1 1 2
t a e r h T a g n i u s s I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
g n i p p a n d i K 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
l e b i L 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
y p o r h t n a c y L 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
r e d r u M 8 7 9 7 9 8 8 8
r e d r u M s s a M 9 8 0 1 8 0 1 9 9 9
y r u j r e P 5 2 6 2 6 5 5 5
g n i p m i P 5 - 7 - 7 2 5 5
g n i h c a o P - - - 9 9 1 - -
e p a R 2 3 7 - 7 6 - 5 3 2
r e d n a l S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
) y r e g g u B ( y m o d o S - - 3 - - 1 - -
t f e h T 6 3 6 3 6 6 7 7
y t t e P , t f e h T 3 2 5 2 4 3 5 6
n o s a e r T 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
y t t e P , n o s a e r T 5 8 4 6 2 7 0 1 6
g n i s s a p s e r T 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3
y c n a r g a V 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
g n i r o h W - - 3 - 3 - - -
t f a r c h c t i W 5 9 9 - - 7 5 -
Crime and Punishment
Crimes are listed below and defined. The
corresponding punishments are organized by race
per crime.
Adultery is voluntary sexual intercourse be-
tween a married character and another character
different than their spouse, and without the con-
sent of the spouse.
Bugbear: Adulterers are forced to publicly
beg their wives for forgiveness. This is an unusually
cruel punishment for a male bugbear. The wronged
wife may ask to divorce the adulterer upon a second
occurence; officials frequently approve the request.
Adultresses are subject to any punishment decided
by their husband, including death. The usual and
popular punishment is to burn their vaginal lips and
sew them together, thereby sealing the orifice so
the crime can never be committed again. If her lips
are sewn together, then she is usually pardoned for
her crime. If it happens again, then the lips of her
mouth may be sewn together as well.
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck in the
crotch with a footmans war hammer.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d100
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are spanked
and forbidden from playing pranks and making mu-
sic for 1d10 years, while older criminals are starved
to death.
Human: Slaves are castrated. Peasants are
publicly whipped 2d10 times. Serfs, nobility, or roy-
alty are fined 2d100 s.p. The female may be sen-
tenced to work at the local brothel for 1d100 days.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: Males are castrated.
Females have Seal Orifice cast on their vagina and/
or anus.
Arson is the willful and malicious burning
of any building, structure, or property of another
character. If a character attempts to burn a struc-
ture, then they are considered guilty whether it burns
or not.
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than 100 s.p.
are burned at the stake. Criminals worth between
100-1,000 s.p. must repay thrice the damages. Crimi-
nals worth more than 1,000 s.p. must pay repara-
tions or repair the building.
Dwarf, Black: 1 arm is cut-off at the elbow
with a footmans battle axe.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is banished.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are spanked
and forbidden from playing pranks and making mu-
sic for 1d10 years, while older criminals are starved
to death.
Human: Slaves, peasants, and serfs are
hanged. Noble and royal characters are beheaded.
Kobold: The criminal is killed, if a slave.
Otherwise, the criminal becomes a slave for life if a
peasant, for 1d10 years if a serf, 1d6 years if nobil-
ity, and 1d4 years if royalty.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is
burned, ranging from slightly to fatally, according
to the severity of the crime.
Assault is a violent attack with or without
Bugbear: Criminals must pay 1 s.p. per LP
damaged. If the criminal cannot afford to pay, then
they are beaten for twice the number of LP taken.
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on the
most offending hand with a footmans war hammer.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d100
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
The criminal of vicious assault is blinded.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal becomes
a gladiator for 1d10 years.
Assault in Palace, Court, or Church
Assault is a violent attack with or without
weapons. If committed in a palace, court, or church,
then the assault is considered more serious.
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than 100 s.p.
are fined 3 s.p. per LP done in damage. Criminals
worth between 100-1,000 s.p. are fined 5 s.p. per LP
done in damage. Criminals worth more than 1,000
s.p. are fined 10 s.p. per LP done in damage.
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on
both hands and shoulders with a footmans war ham-
Dwarf, White: The criminal is banished.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p. and
Kobold: The criminal is killed, if a slave.
Otherwise, the criminal becomes a slave for life if a
peasant, for 1d10 years if a serf, 1d6 years if nobil-
ity, and 1d4 years if royalty.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal becomes
a gladiator for 1d100 years.
Assault in Victims Home
Assault is a violent attack with or without
weapons. If committed in the home of the victim,
then the assault is considered more serious than if
committed on neutral ground.
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than 100 s.p.
are fined 3 s.p. per LP done in damage. Criminals
worth between 100-1,000 s.p. are fined 5 s.p. per LP
done in damage. Criminals worth more than 1,000
s.p. are fined 10 s.p. per LP done in damage.
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on
both hands with a footmans war hammer.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is banished.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p. and
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal becomes
a gladiator for 1d100 years.
Blasphemy is irreverence that is vocalized
or otherwise expressed toward the local god or gods
worshipped by local characters.
Bugbear: Criminals are beaten for public
entertainment, and must publicly denounce their
beliefs or perish.
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on the
front teeth with a footmans war hammer.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d100
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is either fined 1d100
s.p. or their tongue is removed, depending on the
severity of the blasphemous remark.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The tongue is cut out
of the criminal.
Breaking and Entering
Breaking and entering occurs when a char-
acter forces unwelcome entry into a building or lo-
cation that has a closed or locked door, window, or
other portal. This crime is a more serious version
of trespassing.
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than 100 s.p.
have their tailbones broken and rectums entered with
a sledge. Criminals worth between 100-1,000 s.p.
have their tailbones broken. Criminals worth more
than 1,000 s.p. are chastised severely.
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on
both ankles with a footmans war hammer.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d100
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The home of the
criminal is destroyed and all possessions ruined or
stolen. Finally, the criminal is beaten.
Burglary is the act of illegally breaking into
a building, especially with the intent to steal. This
crime is a more serious version of breaking and en-
tering, which in turn is more serious than trespass-
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than 100 s.p.
become slaves for the plaintiff, repaying 4 s.p. per
day until 5 times the debt is repaid. Burglars who
refuse slavery or are unable to work are killed upon
sentencing. Criminals worth between 100-1,000 s.p.
become slaves for the plaintiff, repaying 10 s.p. per
day until twice the debt is repaid. Criminals worth
more than 1,000 s.p. are chastised severely and must
repay their debt.
Dwarf, Black: The hands and feet are cut
off with a footmans battle axe.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is banished.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: Slaves, peasants, and serfs are
hanged. Noble and royal characters are beheaded.
Kobold: The criminal is killed, if a slave.
Otherwise, the criminal becomes a slave for life if a
peasant, for 1d10 years if a serf, 1d6 years if nobil-
ity, and 1d4 years if royalty.
Troll, Subterranean: The home of the
criminal is destroyed and all possessions ruined or
stolen. Finally, 1 limb of the criminal is maimed.
To counterfeit is to endeavor or succeed in
having the appearance or characteristics of some-
thing. Most often, counterfeiting relates to false cur-
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than 100 s.p.
are killed upon sentencing. Criminals worth between
100-1,000 s.p. are forced into a forge and killed.
Criminals worth more than 1,000 s.p. have their as-
sets liquidated and must watch it all be auctioned.
Dwarf, Black: The fingers are cut off with
a footmans battle axe.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is banished.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family. All
worldly possessions are confiscated by the govern-
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death. All
worldly possessions are confiscated by the govern-
Human: Slaves, peasants, and serfs are
hanged. Noble and royal characters are beheaded.
Kobold: The criminal is killed, if a slave.
Otherwise, the criminal becomes a slave for life if a
peasant, for 1d10 years if a serf, 1d6 years if nobil-
ity, and 1d4 years if royalty.
Troll, Subterranean: The face of the crimi-
nal is disfigured.
Covetous Eyes
When a character desires to have the prop-
erty of another, usually a wife, looks at the object
of desire, and the look is noticed by the owner of
the property, then the character has covetous eyes.
To qualify, the look must have a longer duration than
appropriate or normal, or the object of gaze must
be suggestive of desire, such as breasts or rumps.
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on 1
eye with a footmans war hammer.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d10
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: An eyeball is plucked
from the criminal and eaten by the plaintiff.
If a character owes money to another char-
acter or their government and is unable to pay their
debt, then a character must be punished for the crime
of not being able to properly pay their debt.
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than 100 s.p.
are forced to work off their debt as slaves; this is
considered to repay 1 s.p. per month. Criminals
worth between 100-1,000 s.p. are forced to work
off their debt as slaves; this is considered to repay 1
s.p. per week. Criminals worth more than 1,000 s.p.
are forced to work off their debt as slaves; this is
considered to repay 1 s.p. per day. In all cases, the
criminal may negotiate with the plaintiff to pay by
other means.
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on a
hip with a footmans war hammer.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined an ad-
ditional 1d10 g.p for each g.p. owed.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d10 s.p. for
each s.p. owed.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is for-
ever forbidden from owning currency.
Dishonest Merchant
Any merchant who is dishonest or not forth-
right about their goods is a considered a criminal
for being a dishonest merchant.
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than 100 s.p.
are forced for 1d10 years to grant free goods to the
plaintiff and their families for personal use only.
Criminals worth between 100-1,000 s.p. are forced
for 1d10 years to grant free goods to the plaintiff
for personal use only. Criminals worth more than
1,000 s.p. are forced for 1d4 years to grant free goods
to the plaintiff for personal use only.
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on each
palm with a footmans war hammer.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 2d100
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal may be
beaten for 1d10 hours by the plaintiff.
Drawing Blood
If blood is drawn against the will of a char-
acter, usually by violence, then the crime of draw-
ing blood has been committed.
Bugbear: Criminals must pay 1 s.p. per LP
damaged. If the criminal cannot afford to pay, then
they are beaten for twice the number of LP taken.
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on
both hands and knees with a footmans war ham-
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d100
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 2d100 s.p. If
the blood was drawn intentionally, then the crimi-
nal is also blinded.
Kobold: The criminal is killed, if a slave.
Otherwise, the criminal becomes a slave for life if a
peasant, for 1d10 years if a serf, 1d6 years if nobil-
ity, and 1d4 years if royalty.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is forced
to enter a gladiatorial arena.
Extortion is the act of obtaining from an
unwilling or reluctant character by physical force,
Intimidation, or the abuse of legal or official au-
thority. If extortion is attempted but nothing is
obtained, then the crime is usually considered issu-
ing a threat.
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than 100 s.p.
must repay what was extorted by 5 times. Criminals
worth between 100-1,000 s.p. must repay what was
extorted twice. Criminals worth more than 1,000
s.p. must repay what was extorted and are publicly
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck in the
middle of the back with a footmans war hammer.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d100
g.p. and must repay the victim twofold.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p. and
must repay the victim twofold.
Kobold: The criminal is killed, if a slave.
Otherwise, the criminal becomes a slave for life if a
peasant, for 1d10 years if a serf, 1d6 years if nobil-
ity, and 1d4 years if royalty.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal becomes
the slave of the plaintiff.
Failure to Pay Rent
Failure to pay rent is a special form of debt,
considered separately due to its frequency. Any char-
acter who fails to pay their rent, is subject to pun-
Bugbear: Bugbears always pay rent in ad-
vance, so this is never a crime. However, if rent is
not paid in advance, then the bugbear is evicted
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on a
big toe with a footmans war hammer.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1 g.p.
for each s.p. owed.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1 s.p. for each
s.p. owed, and the landlord is permitted to publicly
flog the criminal 2d10 lashes.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is beaten
for 1d10 hours by the plaintiff.
False Weights and Measures
Any time a weight or measure is altered or
reported falsely, a character is guilty of this crime.
This crime is often committed when coins or bul-
lion (bars of precious metal) is underweight, which
may indicate inferior metal due to an improper al-
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than 100 s.p.
are starved to death, their weight becomes so false,
they die. Criminals worth between 100-1,000 s.p.
are starved nearly to death and forced to remain
severely undernourished for 1d10 years. Criminals
worth more than 1,000 s.p. are publicly chastised
while they are weighed daily; these criminals must
lose 2 lbs. per week for 1d10 weeks. If a criminal
fails to lose weight, then they will be imprisoned
and starved until they lose it.
Dwarf, Black: The fingers and toes are cut
off with a footmans battle axe.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is banished.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: Slaves, peasants, and serfs are
hanged. Noble and royal characters are beheaded.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is beaten
with measuring instruments for 1d10 hours.
Gambling is the illegal act of playing a game
and consciously risking money or other stakes on
its outcome.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is forced
to enter a gladiatorial arena.
Heresy is adherence to a religious opinion
that is contrary to an established dogma of a local
church. The opinion does not need to be vocalized
or expressed such as with blasphemy.
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than 100 s.p.
are tortured publicly until they renounce their be-
liefs and convert; if they resist, then they are thrown
into a pit of vermin, mostly large rats, until killed.
Criminals worth between 100-1,000 s.p. are tortured
publicly until they renounce their beliefs and con-
vert; if they resist, then they are thrown into a pit
of fire ants. Criminals worth more than 1,000 s.p.
are whipped publicly until they renounce their be-
liefs and convert, starve, or die.
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on the
forehead with a footmans war hammer.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d100
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is forced
to enter a gladiatorial arena.
Homosexuality is an atypical sexuality char-
acterized by a manifest sexual desire toward a mem-
ber of the characters own sex.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
Kobold: Female homosexuality is legal and
often encouraged. Male homosexuality is a crime.
Slaves are dismembered and burned. Peasants, serfs,
and nobles are castrated and become slaves for 1d100
years. Royalty disappears without a trace and no
character speaks about them again.
Ignoring a Crime
Ignoring a crime occurs when a character
sees or hears a crime being committed, such as when
signaled by a victims cry. Any character who sees
or hears a crime being committed or having just been
committed is obligated by law to act to restrain or
subdue the criminal, or at least alert other charac-
ters to the crime.
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than 100 s.p.
are imprisoned and ignored for 1d100 years. Crimi-
nals worth between 100-1,000 s.p. are imprisoned
and ignored for 1d10 years. Criminals worth more
than 1,000 s.p. are imprisoned and ignored for 1d10
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on 1
ear with a footmans war hammer.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d10
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is forced
to enter a gladiatorial arena.
Incest is a crime of sexual intercourse or
interbreeding between closely related characters.
Examples include father and daughter, mother and
son, brother and sister, and between 1
Bugbear: Criminals who have penetrating
sexual intercourse are hanged together in the same
noose. Criminals who have sex without penetra-
tion, such as frottage, must be publicly tortured un-
til they apologize to their family and community.
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on
both testes or breasts with a footmans war ham-
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d100
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: Together, the crimi-
nals are forced to enter a gladiatorial arena and fight
to the death against each other.
Issuing a Threat
Issuing a threat occurs anytime a character
verbally promises or announces an intended pun-
ishment, reprisal, or other distress to another char-
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than 100 s.p.
are beaten for 1d10 hours. Criminals worth between
100-1,000 s.p. are beaten for 1d10 minutes. Crimi-
nals worth more than 1,000 s.p. are fined 1d100 s.p.
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on
their braced tongue with a footmans war hammer.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d10
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is forced
to enter a gladiatorial arena.
Kidnapping is the act of stealing, abduct-
ing, or carrying away a character by force or fraud
often with a demand for ransom.
Bugbear: Kidnappers are blindfolded,
bound, beaten, and abandoned in the wilderness.
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck in the
middle of each forearm with a footmans war ham-
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d100
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: Slaves, peasants, and serfs are
hanged. Noble and royal characters are beheaded.
Kobold: The criminal is killed, if a slave.
Otherwise, the criminal becomes a slave for life if a
peasant, for 1d10 years if a serf, 1d6 years if nobil-
ity, and 1d4 years if royalty.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is forced
to enter a gladiatorial arena.
Libel is a written attack or defamation that
conveys an unjustly, unfavorable impression against
a character. The victimized character is usually ex-
posed to public hatred, contempt, or ridicule.
Bugbear: Criminals must publicly apologize
and correct their libelous work. If a character is
guilty of libel again, then their hands are cut off so
that they can no longer commit libel.
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on all
fingers of their writing hand with a footmans war
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d100
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The writing hand of
the criminal is crushed with a maul.
Lycanthropy is a state in which a character
magically assumes the characteristics of a wolf or
other predatory animal.
Bugbear: Lycanthropes are fed to the
wolves (or appropriate animal) for public entertain-
Dwarf, Black: The head is cut off with a
footmans battle axe.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is beheaded
with a footmans battle axe.
Elf, Dark: All lycanthropes are beaten to
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is burned alive at the
Kobold: The criminal is killed.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is killed.
Murder is the willful, unlawful, and premedi-
tated killing of a character.
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than or equal
to 1,000 s.p. are tortured and killed. Criminals worth
more than 1,000 s.p. are forced to pay reparations
to the family of the victim equal to the annual in-
come of the victim. If payment cannot be afforded,
then the family of the victim may kill the criminal
by any method deemed appropriate.
Dwarf, Black: The head is cut off with a
footmans battle axe.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is banished.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are beaten to
death by the family of the victim, while older crimi-
nals are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are banished,
while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: Slaves, peasants, and serfs are
hanged. Noble and royal characters are beheaded.
Kobold: The criminal is killed, if a slave.
Otherwise, the criminal becomes a slave for life if a
peasant, for 1d10 years if a serf, 1d6 years if nobil-
ity, and 1d4 years if royalty.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is forced
to enter a gladiatorial arena.
Mass Murder
Mass murder is the willful and unlawful kill-
ing of multiple characters.
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than or equal
to 1,000 s.p. are tortured and killed. Criminals worth
more than 1,000 s.p. are forced to pay reparations
to the family of the victim equal to the annual in-
come of the victim. If payment cannot be afforded,
then the family of the victim may kill the criminal
by any method deemed appropriate.
Dwarf, Black: The body is dismembered
with a footmans battle axe.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is banished.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are beaten to
death by the families of the victims, while older
criminals are beaten to death by their immediate
Elf, Light: Criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is hanged, regardless
of social class.
Kobold: The criminal is killed.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is forced
to enter a gladiatorial arena.
Perjury is the voluntary violation of an oath
or vow either by swearing an untruth or by omis-
sion to do what has been promised under oath.
Bugbear: Criminals worth 1,000 s.p. or less
have their tongues cut out so they can no longer
commit perjury. Criminals worth more than 1,000
s.p. must pay 100 s.p. per point of severity of the
crime for which the perjurer is in court.
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on
their braced tongue with a footmans war hammer.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is banished.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
Kobold: The criminal is killed, if a slave.
Otherwise, the criminal becomes a slave for life if a
peasant, for 1d10 years if a serf, 1d6 years if nobil-
ity, and 1d4 years if royalty.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is beaten
to death by their best friend.
Pimping is the act of pandering or offering
a whore to others. The pimp cohabits with the
whore and lives off her earnings, and often solicits
for her.
Bugbear: Although bugbears have no legal
issues with whores, it is illegal for a husband to pimp
his wife. If a husband pimps his wife, then he is
publicly chastised.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is banished.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Poaching is the act of taking game or fish
by illegal methods.
Bugbear: See theft or petty theft.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are tortured
for 1d10 years, while older criminals are beaten to
death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
Rape is illicit sexual intercourse without the
consent of the victim and conducted with force,
duress, Intimidation, or deception as to the nature
of the act.
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than 100 s.p.
must wear a chastity belt for 1d10 weeks. Criminals
worth between 100-1,000 s.p. must wear a chastity
belt for 1d10 days. Criminals worth more than 1,000
s.p. are chastised publicly and must apologize to the
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on the
erect Manhood with a footmans war hammer.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is banished.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are castrated,
while older criminals are beaten to death by their
immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: In an average community, an aver-
age of 20 rapes occur annually. In 80% of cases,
rapes are committed by between 2-15 characters.
They force the females door at night, do not dis-
guise themselves, and either rape
the victim in her
home and in the presence of terrorized witnesses,
or drag her through the streets into 1 of their houses,
where they have their pleasure all night long. In
80% of cases, the neighbors do not intervene. Al-
most all rapes involve extreme brutality, though they
never attempt to wound or kill her. The rapists come
from all levels of society, but the majority are arti-
sans and laborers. Less than 10% of rapes occur by
ruffians. In 50% of cases, human rapists are be-
tween 18-24 years old. The group is composed, on
average, of 6 characters. Only 20% of rapes are
committed by a group of more than 9 characters.
Half the male youth participate at least once in gang
rape. Sexual violence is an everyday dimension of
community life. There tends to be less in smaller
communities such as hamlets and more in larger
communities such as cities.
If identified, rapists are imprisoned for
weeks, though no more than a month. If the vic-
tim withdraws the complaint, the rapist is freed im-
mediately. Imprisonment for rape consists of flog-
ging, unless the rapist is an outsider, in which case
the rapist is banished. When freed from imprison-
ment, a rapist is not considered criminal or bad.
The social reaction to rape is rarely favor-
able to the victim. The human victims of gang rape
are age 15-33. Child rape is rare. The rape of a
child under the age of 14 or 15 is considered a seri-
ous crime, even though the female could marry at
age 12. The victim loses her good name in almost
all cases, and encounters difficulty in regaining her
place in society and family. If the victim of rape is
single, then fewer males desire her as a wife. If she
is married, then her husband may abandon her.
Priests comprise 20% of the clientele at pri-
vate brothels and public baths. Some priests are
even members of nightly gang rapes. The victim
of gang rape almost never accuses them of com-
mitting sodomy.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is kneed
in the groin by the plaintiff until satisfied with jus-
1. Information on medieval rape was referenced from Rossiauds Medieval Prostitution. For more information, see the
References section at the end of this book.
Slander is a malicious utterance of false
charges or misrepresentations that defame and dam-
age reputation regarding a character.
Bugbear: Criminals must apologize publicly
and renounce their slander. If a character is con-
victed of slander again, then their tongue is removed.
Dwarf, Black: The criminal is struck on
their braced tongue with a footmans war hammer.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d10
g.p., and must make a public apology.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is beaten
publicly by the plaintiff until satisfied with justice.
Sodomy (Buggery)
Sodomy is the penetration of the Manhood
into the mouth or anus of another character.
Bugbear: In bugbear society, unnatural
sexual acts are considered buggery, but are legal.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d10
g.p for oral sex, 2d10 for anal.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
Theft is the act of taking personal property
with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.
To qualify as theft, more than 12 s.p. or equivalent
value must be stolen.
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than or equal
to 1,000 s.p. are stripped of all possessions, beaten,
and banished. Criminals worth more than 1,000 s.p.
are stripped of all possessions, beaten, and chas-
tised publicly.
Dwarf, Black: The hands of the criminal
are struck with a footmans war hammer, and the
victim must be repaid twofold.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is banished.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: Slaves, peasants, and serfs are
hanged. Noble and royal characters are beheaded.
Kobold: The criminal is killed, if a slave.
Otherwise, the criminal becomes a slave for life if a
peasant, for 1d10 years if a serf, 1d6 years if nobil-
ity, and 1d4 years if royalty.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is forced
to enter a gladiatorial arena and will be attacked un-
til dead.
Some force is permissible:
women are often pleased
By force, and like what theyre
giving to be seized.
Theft, Petty
Petty theft is the act of taking personal prop-
erty with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of
it. To qualify as petty theft, no more than 12 s.p. or
equivalent value must be stolen.
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than 100 s.p.
become slaves and repay 1 s.p. per week. Criminals
worth between 100-1,000 s.p. become slaves and
repay 1 s.p. per day. Criminals worth more than
1,000 s.p. are chastised publicly.
Dwarf, Black: 1 hand of the criminal is
struck with a footmans war hammer, and the victim
must be repaid threefold.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d10
g.p. for each s.p. stolen.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal has their thumb cut
off, is fined 1d100 s.p., and the victim must be re-
paid twofold.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is forced
to enter a gladiatorial arena, and will continue 1 fight
per day until the plaintiff has won the money back
by betting or the criminal dies.
Treason is any attempt by overt acts to over-
throw the government of the state to which the
traitor owes allegiance, or to act against a member
of the government with the intention of injury or
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than or equal
to 1,000 s.p. are boiled in oil and fed to animals.
Criminals worth more than 1,000 s.p. have their as-
sets seized by the government. Wealthy traitors have
their hands cut off, tongue cut out, knees broken,
so that they cannot write, speak, or run. Finally,
wealthy traitors are chastised publicly.
Dwarf, Black: The body is publicly dismem-
bered with footmans battle axes.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is beheaded
with a footmans battle axe.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are beaten to
death by officials, while older criminals are beaten
to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are banished,
while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is drawn and quar-
tered. Each limb is tied to a separate horse. The 4
horses are startled, run away from the criminal, and
each remove a limb. Eventually, the limbless crimi-
nal dies. If the act of treason was minimal, then the
criminal may be only blinded.
Kobold: The criminal is killed, if a slave.
Otherwise, the criminal becomes a slave for life if a
peasant, for 1d10 years if a serf, 1d6 years if nobil-
ity, and 1d4 years if royalty.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is hung
upside-down in public until dead.
Treason, Petty
Petty treason is any act of a slave or appren-
tice against their master, mistress, or family thereof.
Bugbear: Criminals worth less than 100 s.p.
are beaten by the master or mistress until satisfied
of justice. Criminals worth between 100-1,000 s.p.
become a slave to the master or mistress for 1d10
years. Criminals worth more than 1,000 s.p. are chas-
tised publicly. Slaves in subjecting facilities are not
protected under bugbear law, especially if they com-
mit a crime. The facility commander may do any-
thing he pleases with them.
Dwarf, Black: The slave or apprentice is
beheaded with a footmans battle axe, and the blow
is dealt by the offended master.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d10
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are beaten to
death by their master or mistress, while older crimi-
nals are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The slave or apprentice is publicly
flogged for 2d10 lashes.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is beaten
by the master or mistress until satisfied with justice.
Less of a crime than breaking and entering,
trespassing is to enter illegally upon the land of an-
other character.
Bugbear: If the court believes the charac-
ter trespassed unknowingly, then the criminal is chas-
tised publicly. Otherwise, the criminal has an ankle
broken. If a non-bugbear trespasses into a com-
munity bugbears, then the trespasser becomes a slave
in the local subjecting facility.
Dwarf, Black: The kneecaps of the crimi-
nal are struck with a footmans war hammer. If a
character trespasses into a community of black
dwarves, then the trespasser is killed so that others
cannot learn of the location of the community.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined 1d10
g.p. If a character trespasses into a community of
white dwarves, then the trespasser is imprisoned for
life so that others cannot learn of the location of
the community.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family. Hu-
manoids who trespass into a dark elven community
are beheaded.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death. If
an unwelcome non-elf trespasses into a light elven
community, then the trespasser is encouraged to
leave and possessions will probably be stolen.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4. If a
non-kobold character trespasses into a community
of kobolds or their mines, then the trespasser will
become a slave of the kobolds, though they may be
killed as well.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is forced
to enter a gladiatorial arena.
Vagrancy is when a character has no estab-
lished residence and wanders idly from place to place
without legal support.
Bugbear: Criminals become a slave to the
government for 1d10 years.
Dwarf, Black: The rump of the criminal is
struck with a footmans war hammer.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is banished.
Elf, Dark: Younger criminals are forbidden
sexual relations for 1d10 years, while older criminals
are beaten to death by their immediate family.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Human: The criminal is fined 1d100 s.p.
Those who cannot pay, or are repeat offenders, are
Kobold: Slaves are fined 1d12 s.p., peasants
1d10, serfs 1d8, nobility 1d6, and royalty 1d4.
Troll, Subterranean: The criminal is forced
to enter a gladiatorial arena.
Whoring is when a whore solicits or has
sexual intercourse with a character who will pay, or
has paid, for her services.
Dwarf, White: The criminal is fined for 10
times the price paid to the whore.
Elf, Light: Younger criminals are forbid-
den from playing pranks and making music for 1d10
years, while older criminals are starved to death.
Witchcraft is the illegal use of sorcery.
Bugbear: In bugbear society, all sorcerers
must register with the government. It is legal to
cast any spell that does not harm or impede an-
other member of the community. Unregistered
criminals are sentenced and immediately beaten to
death. Criminals who are registered, but misuse their
spells, are subject to the punishment of the crime
committed. If no other crime is committed, then
the criminal is beheaded.
Dwarf, Black: Sorcery is never legal. The
criminal is beheaded with a footmans battle axe.
Dwarf, White: Sorcery is never legal. The
criminal is banished.
Human: Sorcery is never legal. The crimi-
nal is often raped, then burned alive.
Kobold: It is legal for a priest to cast spells
that do not harm or impede another member of
the community. All other practicing sorcerers are
considered criminals. The criminal is killed, if a slave.
Otherwise, the criminal becomes a slave for life if a
peasant, for 1d10 years if a serf, 1d6 years if nobil-
ity, and 1d4 years if royalty.
You are a whore!
A recipe is a formula for cooking or prepar-
ing something to be eaten or drunk. Herein, a recipe
is a list of ingredients and possibly some notes about
how to cook or prepare food or drink. Recipes do
not include information about quantities of ingre-
dients, optimal cooking temperature, or time. These
variables are left to be determined by each cook to
their preference. Ingredients below are listed al-
Aliter Dulcia
Ingredients: Coarsely ground nuts, coarsely ground
stone-pine kernels, eggs, ground pepper,
honey, milk, minced rue, and sweet wine
Instructions: Mesh the pepper, pine kernels, honey,
rue, and sweet wine sauce with milk and eggs,
and then boil the dough. Serve topped with
honey and sprinkled with pepper.
Dulcia Domestica
Ingredients: Coarsely ground nuts or stone-pine
kernels, fresh or dried dates, and salted honey
or red wine with honey
Instructions: First, remove the stones from the
dates and fill them with nuts or stone-pine
kernels. Sprinkle some salt on the filled dates
and stew them in honey or honey-sweetened
red wine. The dates must be cooked on low
heat until their paring begins to come off.
Fabaciae Virides Et Baianae
Ingredients: cumin seeds, minced branch of leek,
minced coriander leaves, oil, salted wine, soy-
beans with pod or green beans
Instructions: Cook the beans with the salted wine,
oil, leek, and spices. Serve.
Ingredients: breadcrumbs, cloves, ginger, honey,
pepper, and sugar
Instructions: Boil honey, then stir in breadcrumbs
until evenly mixed. Remove from the heat
and stir in ginger and pepper. Let it cool.
Then, knead it to evenly distribute the spices.
Put it in a box and sprinkle sugar and cloves
around the edge. Allow the clove flavor to
permeate the bread, but do not eat the cloves
with it.
In Mitulis
Ingredients: Cumin, fresh sea mussels, finely
minced leek, salt, water, and white wine
Instructions: Water the fresh sea mussels, then
clean them. Mix salt, wine, water, and spices.
Boil the broth, then add the fresh sea mus-
sels. Boil until ready.
Ingredients: beans, onions, salt, and wine
Instructions: Soak the beans overnight then sim-
mer until tender. Drain the beans. Heat
wine and add to the beans. Finely chop
onions. Upon each dish, apply cooked on-
ions over it.
Ingredients: anise seeds, bay leaves, cumin seeds,
grape juice or young wine, lard, grated sheep
cheese, and wheat flour
Instructions: Pour some young wine over the
wheat, flour, lard, and cheese. Add anise
and cumin seeds. Work them together until
dough results, producing several rolls. Then
bake each roll.
Ova Sfongia Ex Lacte
Ingredients: Eggs, honey, milk, oil, and pepper
Instructions: Mix eggs, milk, and oil until a
pancake-like dough results. Fry the dough
in a pan and serve topped with honey and
Rapes in Potage
Ingredients: chicken broth, ginger, onions, rapes
(turnips), saffron, salt, and sugar
Instructions: Wash, peel, and quarter the rapes
(turnips). Cover the rapes with boiling wa-
ter. Mince the onions. Drain the rapes and
put them with chicken broth and onions in
a pot. Bring this to a boil. Add saffron and
seasonings to the potage. Cook until the
rapes are soft to the touch with a serving
Ingredients: Eggs, ground pepper, honey, and milk
Instructions: Sweeten the milk by adding honey.
Then, add eggs and mix together until
smooth. Cook with low heat until stiff. Fi-
nally, sprinkle pepper on it and serve.
White Pudding
Ingredients: Breadcrumbs, butter, eggs, milk,
and saffron
Instructions: Beat eggs, add milk, and beat
again. Grind saffron and add to milk and
eggs. Add breadcrumbs. Apply heat, put in
a dish, and add butter.
Chapter 7: Occupation
At the age of 10, most humans begin to learn
an occupation. Bugbears begin at 12, dwarves at 24,
elves at puberty, kobolds at 6, ogres at 18, and trolls
at 13. This chapter explicates the various occupa-
tions available. If a character is older than the age
listed above, then their occupation must be deter-
mined randomly according to their Social Class (see
Chap. 6: Sociality). If a character is equal to or younger
than the age listed above, then the player may choose
an occupation for their character. The most popu-
lar choice for a player is an adventuring occupation,
such as an assassin or mercenary. Historically, most
simply chose the same occupation as their parents.
Royal occupations are always determined randomly.
If a character begins with previous experience in an
occupation, then the player may opt to change the
occupation at any time. However, up until that point,
Advancement Points must be determined by the
Aedile. As a general rule of estimation, the occupa-
tional level of a character equals the square root of
the number of years of experience in the occupa-
tion. Slaves and peasants are not free, so their mas-
ter or lord will not allow them to change their occu-
pation. Serfs and nobility, however, are free to aban-
don their current occupation at any time and begin
If a character is a slave, then avoid the fol-
lowing tables and proceed directly to the occupa-
tion. If a character is free and considers changing
occupations, then the player must consult with the
Aedile. Some occupations are available only in cer-
tain sizes of communities. For example, it is impos-
sible to be a baron in a hamlet. Consider Social
Class, and consult the following tables. All occupa-
tions are listed alphabetically after guilds and the
tables based on Social Class.
Hundreds of occupations exist. Human
society gradually developed a means of organizing
most occupations. A guild
is a governing body for
an occupation or group of occupations. Histori-
cally, alternative names for a guild have been a col-
lege, fraternity, and brotherhood. All guilds are
owned by the king, though much regulation is inter-
nal as well as mandated royally. All members of a
guild are either an apprentice, journeyman or
journeywoman, master or mistress, or guild official.
An apprentice is a character who is learning
an occupation from a master. To become an ap-
prentice, a notarized agreement must be signed be-
tween apprentice and master. Once the contract is
signed, the apprentice becomes the lowest member
of the appropriate guild. An apprentice works for a
period of time, in which the apprentice is obliged
to learn from the master. Since all masters have a
limited right to physically punish and correct their
apprentice, most apprentices receive occasional beat-
ings. The daily routine of most apprentices con-
sists of chores, instruction, corporal punishment,
and an increase of knowledge and skill. Some ap-
prentices also perform domestic duties unrelated to
their occupation. Fewer than 10% of all appren-
tices are female. When females are employed for
physical labor, their wages are usually half of the
wages of males. Apprentices work each day as long
as their master. Oftentimes, apprentices resent their
masters and serve their term with a clenched fist,
as they put it. Once the contract is completed, the
apprentice is either accepted or rejected as a jour-
neyman in the guild. Usually, a masterpiece must be
crafted to demonstrate proficiency in the occupa-
tion. If accepted, then the apprentice must pay 200
s.p. to the guild, unless they are the son or daughter
of a member, in which case the fee is waived. If a
player creates a character who has enough years of
experience in their occupation to be a journeyman,
then consult the Aedile to determine if they are a
journeyman or a failed apprentice.
Journeyman or Journeywoman
A journeyman or jouneywoman is a charac-
ter who has completed an apprenticeship or is oth-
erwise recognized as competent at an occupation.
Where a guild exists for a given occupation in a com-
munity, a journeyman must be a member of the guild
to work legally at their occupation. However, jour-
neymen are not fully members, since they cannot
employ their own apprentices. Most journeymen
negotiate their daily wage in their employment con-
tracts, though they are hired usually for months and
collect their pay weekly. However, in some occupa-
tions it is the norm to be paid by piece-rate. The
journeyman promises their labor to their master and
no one else in the agreed period. Some journey-
men are former masters who have reverted due to
poverty. A journeyman may not serve as a guild
official. There is no limit on how many journey-
men a master may employ.
Master or Mistress
A master is a character who is experienced
at their occupation, is a full member of their guild,
owns a shop, and is self-employed. When employ-
ing an apprentice or journeyman, a master has a clerk
of the guild write a contract, which will be signed
by the master and the employee. Some guilds limit
the number of apprentices that each master may
have at 1 time, though immediate family members
of the master always have the right to apprentice-
ship. In the contract between master and appren-
tice, the master promises to treat the apprentice like
their own child. Also, in the contract the master
promises to provide work on every day that is not a
holy day. Each guild has a list of days considered
holy by their guild, and on which members do not
work. All masters consider corporal punishment to
be part of educating an apprentice, and all masters
have a limited right to physically punish and correct
their apprentice. When applicable, the master gives
a set of tools to each apprentice at the end of their
1. Information on guilds has been mostly obtained from Epsteins Wage Labor and Guilds in Medieval Europe. For more
information, see the References section at the end of this book.
Guild Official
A guild official is a master in a guild who
serves a term of 1 year. During this term, it is the
duty of a guild official to inspect members of the
guild and ensure that statutes are obeyed. In most
guilds, inspection is no sham formality. Visits are
made unexpectedly and scales are checked. Sub-
standard products are confiscated immediately by
guild officials, either to be destroyed or given to the
poor, while the culprit pays a fine commensurate
with the value of the merchandise.
Nonetheless, guild officials make decisions
regarding the guild. For example, when an appren-
tice completes the term of their contract, guild of-
ficials vote whether or not to accept the apprentice
as a journeyman or journeywoman.
A trademark is a method of identifying the
shop of origin regarding products. Each master
must register their own trademark with their guild.
Each masters trademark must be permanently in-
cluded with the product, according to guild statutes.
Characters associate the quality of a product, or lack
thereof, with familiar trademarks. A guild uses trade-
marks to identify masters whose products are be-
low the standard of the guild, and to praise the
masters whose products surpass the standard. Note-
worthy trademarks may be renowned even in dis-
tant lands.
List of Guilds
Not all guilds in the following list exist in all
communities. Each community in the gaming world
should have a list of its guilds, as well as their size in
relation to each other.
Bakers Guild
Bankers Guild (money-lenders)
Barbers Guild
Bookbinders Guild
Bowyers Guild
Brewers Guild
Brickmakers Guild
Butchers Guild
Cabinetmakers Guild
Carpenters Guild
Cartwrights Guild
Carvers Guild
Chandlers Guild
Cheesemakers Guild
Colliers Guild
Coopers Guild
Dancers Guild
Dicemakers Guild
Drapers Guild
Dyers Guild
Enamelers Guild
Engravers Guild
Fishmongers Guild
Fletchers Guild
Fullers Guild
Furriers Guild
Gilders Guild
Girdlers Guild
Glassblowers Guild
Glovers Guild
Grocers Guild
Hatters Guild
Herbalists Guild
Inkmakers Guild
Innkeepers Guild
Ironmongers Guild
Jewelers Guild
Knackers Guild
Lacemakers Guild
Marblers Guild
Masons Guild
Millers Guild
Miners Guild
Minters Guild
Musicians Guild
Papermakers Guild
Pawnshopmans Guild
Perfumers Guild
Potters Guild
Poulterers Guild
Pursemakers Guild
Ropemakers Guild
Saddlers Guild
Sailmakers Guild
Sheathers Guild
Shipwrights Guild
Skinners Guild
Smiths Guild
Soapmakers Guild
Tailors Guild
Tanners Guild
Tavernkeepers Guild
Thatchers Guild
Tilemakers Guild
Tinkers Guild
Vintners Guild
Wainwrights Guild
Weavers Guild
Wheelwrights Guild
Family Occupation
Roll 1d1000 and consult the table for the
appropriate occupation by Social Class. When chil-
dren become old enough to work, they tend to do
the same occupation as their parents.
Peasant Occupations
Peasant occupations are listed in the follow-
ing table. Although there are far fewer peasant than
serf occupations, far more peasants exist than serfs.
Peasants travel to cities for a fair, where they pur-
chase goods. If it is necessary to randomly deter-
mine a peasants occupation, then roll 1d1000 and
consult the following table:
s n o i t a p u c c O t n a s a e P
l l o R t l u s e R
0 2 0 - 1 0 0 r e n o i t i d n o C l a m i n A
0 4 0 - 1 2 0 r e k a B
1 4 0 f f i l i a B
0 0 1 - 2 4 0 t i d n a B
5 0 1 - 1 0 1 r e b r a B
6 0 1 e l d a e B
0 5 1 - 7 0 1 r a g g e B
0 0 2 - 1 5 1 r e k r e s r e B
0 2 2 - 1 0 2 h t i m s k c a l B
0 3 2 - 1 2 2 h t i m s e d a l B
0 5 2 - 1 3 2 r e w e r B
0 7 2 - 1 5 2 r e h c t u B
0 9 2 - 1 7 2 r e t n e p r a C
5 9 2 - 1 9 2 r e v r a C
5 2 3 - 6 9 2 d i a m r e b m a h C
0 6 3 - 6 2 3 k o o C
5 6 3 - 1 6 3 d r e h w o C
5 7 3 - 6 6 3 d i a m y r i a D
0 8 3 - 6 7 3 r e p o l l a w k c o D
1 8 3 d i u r D
0 0 7 - 2 8 3 r e m r a F
0 5 7 - 1 0 7 r e n e d r a G
1 5 7 r o t a i d a l G
0 6 7 - 2 5 7 r e w e H
0 8 7 - 1 6 7 t n a h p o r e i H
0 3 8 - 1 8 7 r e r o b a L
0 6 8 - 1 3 8 s s e r d n u a L
5 6 8 - 1 6 8 r e g n e s s e M
0 7 8 - 6 6 8 r e l l i M
5 7 8 - 1 7 8 r e r e t l u o P
9 7 8 - 6 7 8 r e g n a R
0 8 8 e v e e R
0 1 9 - 1 8 8 d r e h p e h S
1 1 9 r e r e c r o S
0 2 9 - 2 1 9 r e l b a t S
0 4 9 - 1 2 9 d r e h e n i w S
0 5 9 - 1 4 9 r e p p a r T
0 0 0 1 - 1 5 9 e r o h W
Serf Occupations
Serf occupations are listed in the following table. Although there are far more serf than peasant
occupations, far more peasants exist than serfs. If it is necessary to randomly determine a serf s occupa-
tion, then roll 1d1000 and consult the following table:
s n o i t a p u c c O f r e S
l l o R t l u s e R l l o R t l u s e R l l o R t l u s e R
2 0 0 - 1 0 0 t a b o r c A 4 2 2 - 1 2 2 r e y D 0 8 4 - 6 7 4 r e e n i a t n u o M
7 0 0 - 3 0 0 r e n o i t i d n o C l a m i n A 8 2 2 - 5 2 2 r e l e m a n E 5 8 4 - 1 8 4 l e r t s n i M / n a i c i s u M
1 1 0 - 8 0 0 r e s i a r p p A 2 3 2 - 9 2 2 r e v a r g n E 0 9 4 - 6 8 4 r o t a g i v a N
0 2 0 - 2 1 0 r e r o m r A 8 3 2 - 3 3 2 n a m r e h s i F 5 9 4 - 1 9 4 r e k a m r e p a P
4 2 0 - 1 2 0 t s i t r A 0 4 2 - 9 3 2 r e g n o m h s i F 0 0 5 - 6 9 4 n a m p o h s n w a P
8 2 0 - 5 2 0 n i s s a s s A 5 4 2 - 1 4 2 r e h c t e l F 5 0 5 - 1 0 5 r e m u f r e P
5 3 0 - 9 2 0 r e k a B 0 5 2 - 6 4 2 r e t s e r o F 0 1 5 - 6 0 5 r e r e t w e P
0 4 0 - 6 3 0 r e b r a B 5 5 2 - 1 5 2 r e l l u F 5 5 5 - 1 1 5 e s r u p t u C / t e k c o P k c i P
5 4 0 - 1 4 0 d r a B 0 6 2 - 6 5 2 r e i r r u F 0 6 5 - 6 5 5 r e t t o P
0 5 0 - 6 4 0 r a g g e B 5 6 2 - 1 6 2 r e n e d r a G 5 6 5 - 1 6 5 r e r e t l u o P
5 5 0 - 1 5 0 h t i m s k c a l B 0 7 2 - 6 6 2 r e t t u c m e G 0 7 5 - 6 6 5 r e n o i t u c e x E c i l b u P
0 6 0 - 6 5 0 h t i m s e d a l B 3 7 2 - 1 7 2 r e d l i G 5 7 5 - 1 7 5 r e k a m e s r u P
3 6 0 - 1 6 0 r e d n i b k o o B 8 7 2 - 4 7 2 r e l d r i G 0 8 5 - 6 7 5 r e g n a R
0 7 0 - 4 6 0 r e t n u H y t n u o B 0 9 2 - 9 7 2 r o t a i d a l G 5 8 5 - 1 8 5 r e k a m e p o R
5 7 0 - 1 7 0 r e y w o B 5 9 2 - 1 9 2 r e w o l b s s a l G 0 9 5 - 6 8 5 n a i f f u R
0 8 0 - 6 7 0 r e i z a r B 0 0 3 - 6 9 2 r e v o l G 5 9 5 - 1 9 5 r e l d d a S
5 8 0 - 1 8 0 r e w e r B 5 0 3 - 1 0 3 h t i m s d l o G 0 0 6 - 6 9 5 e g a S
0 9 0 - 6 8 0 r e k a m k c i r B 0 1 3 - 6 0 3 r e c o r G 5 0 6 - 1 0 6 r e k a m l i a S
5 9 0 - 1 9 0 r e l e h t o r B 5 1 3 - 1 1 3 m o o r G 5 3 6 - 6 0 6 r o l i a S
0 0 1 - 6 9 0 r e h c t u B 0 2 3 - 6 1 3 r e t t a H 5 4 6 - 6 3 6 r a l o h c S
3 0 1 - 1 0 1 r e k a m t e n i b a C 5 2 3 - 1 2 3 r e l a e H 0 5 6 - 6 4 6 r e t s a m l o o h c S
2 1 1 - 4 0 1 r e t n e p r a C 0 3 3 - 6 2 3 t s i l a b r e H 0 6 6 - 1 5 6 e b i r c S
5 1 1 - 3 1 1 r e t s m a e T / r e t r a C 5 3 3 - 1 3 3 r e w e H 5 6 6 - 1 6 6 r e h t a e h S
9 1 1 - 6 1 1 t h g i r w t r a C 0 4 3 - 6 3 3 t n a h p o r e i H 0 7 6 - 6 6 6 t h g i r w p i h S
4 2 1 - 0 2 1 r e v r a C 5 4 3 - 1 4 3 r e t n u H 5 7 6 - 1 7 6 h t i m s r e v l i S
5 4 1 - 5 2 1 d i a m r e b m a h C 0 5 3 - 6 4 3 r e k a m k n I 5 8 6 - 6 7 6 r e n n i k S
7 4 1 - 6 4 1 r e l d n a h C 5 5 3 - 1 5 3 r e l e t s o H / r e p e e k n n I 6 8 6 r e d a r T - e v a l S
9 4 1 - 8 4 1 r e e t o i r a h C 0 6 3 - 6 5 3 r e t e r p r e t n I 0 9 6 - 7 8 6 r e k a m p a o S
2 5 1 - 0 5 1 r e k a m e s e e h C 5 6 3 - 1 6 3 r e g n o m n o r I 0 9 7 - 1 9 6 r e i d l o S
5 5 1 - 3 5 1 r e k a m p s a l C 0 7 3 - 6 6 3 r e l e w e J 5 9 7 - 1 9 7 r e r e c r o S
3 6 1 - 6 5 1 k r e l C 5 7 3 - 1 7 3 r e l g g u J 0 0 8 - 6 9 7 y p S
4 6 1 r e k a m k c o l C 0 8 3 - 6 7 3 r e k c a n K 0 3 8 - 1 0 8 e r i u q S
0 7 1 - 5 6 1 r e l b b o C 2 8 3 - 1 8 3 t h g i n K 5 3 8 - 1 3 8 r e l b a t S
2 7 1 - 1 7 1 r e i l l o C 7 8 3 - 3 8 3 r e r o b a L 0 4 8 - 6 3 8 r o l i a T
1 8 1 - 3 7 1 k o o C 0 9 3 - 8 8 3 r e k a m e c a L 0 5 8 - 1 4 8 r e n n a T
5 8 1 - 2 8 1 r e p o o C 5 9 3 - 1 9 3 s s e r d n u a L 5 6 8 - 1 5 8 r e p e e k n r e v a T
0 9 1 - 6 8 1 h t i m s r e p p o C 0 0 4 - 6 9 3 y o b k n i L 5 7 8 - 6 6 8 r e h c t a h T
0 0 2 - 1 9 1 n a s e t r u o C 5 0 4 - 1 0 4 h t i m s k c o L 0 8 8 - 6 7 8 r e k a m e l i T
1 0 2 d r e h w o C 0 1 4 - 6 0 4 e g a M 5 8 8 - 1 8 8 r e k n i T
2 0 2 r e r a e b p u C 5 1 4 - 1 1 4 r e l b r a M 0 9 8 - 6 8 8 r e p p a r T
4 0 2 - 3 0 2 r e l t u C 0 2 4 - 6 1 4 n o s a M 0 0 9 - 1 9 8 r e n t n i V
6 0 2 - 5 0 2 d i a m y r i a D 0 4 4 - 1 2 4 y r a n e c r e M 5 0 9 - 1 0 9 t h g i r w n i a W
0 1 2 - 7 0 2 r e c n a D 5 4 4 - 1 4 4 r e g n e s s e M 0 1 9 - 6 0 9 h t i m s n o p a e W
2 1 2 - 1 1 2 r e s u o l e D 5 5 4 - 6 4 4 n a m a i t i l i M 0 2 9 - 1 1 9 r e r e d i o r b m E / r e v a e W
3 1 2 r e k a m e c i D 0 6 4 - 6 5 4 r e l l i M 5 4 9 - 1 2 9 h c n e W
6 1 2 - 4 1 2 r e p o l l a w k c o D 5 6 4 - 1 6 4 r e n i M 0 5 9 - 6 4 9 t h g i r w l e e h W
9 1 2 - 7 1 2 r e p a r D 0 7 4 - 6 6 4 r e t n i M 9 9 9 - 1 5 9 e r o h W
0 2 2 d i u r D 6 7 4 - 1 7 4 r e d n e L - y e n o M 0 0 0 1 r e i r C - e n i W
Noble Occupations
Noble occupations are listed in the follow-
ing table. If it is necessary to randomly determine a
nobles occupation, then roll 1d1000 and consult the
following table:
s n o i t a p u c c O e l b o N
l l o R t l u s e R
0 5 0 - 1 0 0 t s i t r A
5 7 0 - 1 5 0 n i s s a s s A
0 0 1 - 6 7 0 d r a B
0 4 1 - 1 0 1 r e t s i r r a B
0 5 1 - 1 4 1 r e l e h t o r B
1 5 1 r o l l e c n a h C
0 5 2 - 2 5 1 k r e l C
0 5 3 - 1 5 2 n a s e t r u o C
0 0 4 - 1 5 3 r o t c o D
0 1 4 - 1 0 4 d i u r D
5 2 4 - 1 1 4 r e e n i g n E
0 5 4 - 6 2 4 r o t a i d a l G
0 5 5 - 1 5 4 t n a h p o r e i H
0 0 6 - 1 5 5 r e t e r p r e t n I
5 7 6 - 1 0 6 t h g i n K
0 1 7 - 6 7 6 e g a M
0 5 7 - 1 1 7 r e d n e L - y e n o M
0 0 8 - 1 5 7 l e r t s n i M / n a i c i s u M
5 0 8 - 1 0 8 e g a S
0 1 8 - 6 0 8 r e t s a m l o o h c S
5 7 8 - 1 1 8 e b i r c S
6 7 8 f f i r e h S
0 0 9 - 7 7 8 y p S
5 7 9 - 1 0 9 e r i u q S
0 0 0 1 - 6 7 9 e r o h W
Royal Occupations
The occupation of a royal character is de-
termined with the following table, and is not cho-
sen. To randomly determine a royal occupation,
roll 1d1000 and consult the following table:
s n o i t a p u c c O l a y o R
l l o R t l u s e R
0 0 3 - 1 0 0 n i a t f e i h C
0 0 8 - 1 0 3 y d a L / d r o L
5 7 9 - 1 0 8 s s e n o r a B / n o r a B
7 9 9 - 6 7 9 s s e h c u D / e k u D
9 9 9 - 8 9 9 s s e c n i r P / e c n i r P
0 0 0 , 1 n e e u Q / g n i K
Advancing Levels
Each occupation for a character has goals
that are different, yet the same; each character ad-
vances by accomplishing goals specific to their oc-
cupation. For example, warriors generally advance
by attacking foes in open combat, while wizards
advance by casting spells and thereby gain more fa-
miliarity with magic. It is the players responsibility
to keep track of what their character has done that
counts toward their advancement. At the end of
each gaming session, the Aedile will review the ac-
complishments of the characters and award points
While the goals of each occupation are dif-
ferent, the number of Advancement Points (AP)
required to advance in level are the same regardless
of occupation. On the table below, regardless of
occupation a character must accumulate 1,000 AP
to advance to 2
level, though training may be re-
quired (see Training later in this chapter).
l e v e L P A
1 0 0 0 , 1
2 0 0 0 , 2
3 0 0 0 , 4
4 0 0 0 , 8
5 0 0 0 , 6 1
6 0 0 0 , 2 3
7 0 0 0 , 4 6
8 0 0 0 , 8 2 1
9 0 0 0 , 6 5 2
0 1 0 0 0 , 2 1 5
1 1 0 0 0 , 4 2 0 , 1
2 1 0 0 0 , 8 4 0 , 2
3 1 0 0 0 , 6 9 0 , 4
4 1 0 0 0 , 2 9 1 , 8
5 1 0 0 0 , 4 8 3 , 6 1
6 1 0 0 0 , 8 6 7 , 2 3
7 1 0 0 0 , 6 3 5 , 5 6
8 1 0 0 0 , 2 7 0 , 1 3 1
9 1 0 0 0 , 4 4 1 , 2 6 2
0 2 0 0 0 , 8 8 2 , 4 2 5
For more information on how a character
advances in level, see Chapter 16: Advancement.
Initially, each occupation is introduced.
Ability Requirements: In order to legiti-
mately be a member of the occupation in question,
minimum ability requirements must be met. For
instance, warriors generally require Strength. It is
possible for a remarkably weak character to con-
sider themselves a warrior, but it is doubtful that the
military would hire a weak soldier.
Gender: Sometimes occupations tend to be
characterized by one gender over another. For in-
stance, there are no female druids.
Race: As the races offered to players for
their characters are diverse, some races are better
suited at different occupations. For example, anakim
are well-suited to be gladiators.
Disposition: Some occupations tend to be
occupied by characters with certain ethical and moral
dispositions. For instance, it should be virtually
impossible to find an ethical and moral assassin.
Temperament: Some occupations tend to
be occupied by characters with certain tempera-
ments. For instance, it should be virtually impos-
sible to find a sanguine ruffian.
Sociality: Oftentimes, occupations differ
according to social class and urbanity. For example,
assassins in hamlets are as rare as berserkers in civi-
lized capital cities.
Religion: Occupations may be characterized
by religion. The likelihood, for instance, of finding
an atheistic hierophant is very small.
Skills: Certain occupations are better gifted
in certain skills, sometimes because they formally
train in them, and other times because these are the
type of characters attracted to the occupation. The
purpose of listing skills here is to grant bonuses in
addition to the characters initial roll for Skill Points
as determined in the beginning of Chap. 8: Skills. If
a character switches occupations after already hav-
ing gained a level in their current occupation, these
new skills are not freely gained; instead, Skill Points
must be invested as usual after level advancement.
Normally, only 5 Skill Points may be initially put into
a skill. The granted points in the bonus skills are in
addition to this normal limit.
Equipment: Adventuring occupations may
limit the type of weapon, armor, or apparel. For
example, bards do not play lutes while wearing
platemail. Occupations for the general public may
have equipment that is necessary for their occupa-
tion listed, such as an anvil for a blacksmith.
Magic Points: Usually, both priests (druids
and hierophants) and wizards (mages and sorcer-
ers) are able to cast spells. Magic Points (MP) are
listed here, if applicable.
Advancement Points: Different occupa-
tions gain Advancement Points (AP) by different
means. For instance, warriors advance by killing foes
on the battlefield, while pick pockets advance by suc-
cessfully picking pockets.
Training: Before characters of some occu-
pations can receive the benefits of advancing a level,
they must train properly. Not all occupations re-
quire training prior to advancing an occupational
Guild: Some occupations are governed by
guilds. Information regarding the structure of guilds
and their statutes is listed here, including how many
years an apprentice must serve, whether or not a
masterpiece must be produced to become a jour-
neyman, and criteria to become a journeyman or
Acrobats are entertainers who are talented
regarding Agility, Balance, Climbing, Juggling, and
Jumping. Oftentimes, acrobats travel from town to
town, entertaining the public with their daring feats.
Usually, groups of acrobats work together to satisfy
the crowd. A common feat is for an acrobat to
throw knives at a character on a wall, not to hit them
but to get as close as possible and impress the crowd
with their superior Aim skill. Walking a tightrope is
also a trademark feature. Acrobats thrive on im-
pressing crowds with dangerous acts. Daily wages
are 5 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Physical Fitness 110,
Strength (must be able to bench press own weight),
Hand-Eye Coordination 110, Agility 110, Intelligence
80, and Drive 105.
Gender: Female acrobats are uncommon.
Race: Any but ogre and troll.
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Acrobats tend not to be
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Aim + 3, Animal Handling + 3, Bal-
ance + 8, Climb + 3, Juggling + 5, Jump + 5, Rope
Use + 3, and 1 Weapon (Specific).
Equipment: Acrobats usually prefer light
armor or none at all, so that armor does not restrict
their acrobatic movement. The most common
weapons of acrobats are throwing knives and a well-
balanced quarterstaff.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: Acrobats gain AP
with each successful skill check for the skills listed
above when under life-threatening conditions or risk
of serious injury. Hence, an acrobat who success-
fully balances themselves on a chair receives no AP,
while one who successfully balances themselves on
a tightrope over a starving beast gains AP. The points
gained equal twice the adjusted number that passed
the skill check. Acrobats must train to advance.
Training: 1 week. Training consists of
learning new feats. An acrobat must train with an
acrobat higher in occupational level.
Guild: None.
Animal Conditioner/Handler
This occupation specializes in either train-
ing or subduing animals that are either domesticated
or wild. An animal conditioner or handler may work
with a wide variety of animals, but most commonly
includes: dogs, falcons, and horses. Daily wages are
typically 7 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 75,
Drive 100, and Intuition 110.
Gender: Both males and females are com-
mon animal conditioners/handlers.
Race: Any but ogre and troll.
Disposition: Animal conditioners/handlers
may be of any disposition, but are commonly moral.
Temperament: Animal conditioners/han-
dlers tend not to be phlegmatic.
Sociality: Peasant or serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Animal Conditioning + 5, Animal
Handling + 5, and Grooming + 3.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each animal that
has been successfully trained in all respects for at
least 3 months, the animal conditioner acquires 1
AP for every point when the Intelligence of the
animal is subtracted from 100. For each subdued
domestic animal, an animal handler acquires 3 AP.
For each subdued wild animal, an animal handler
acquires 10 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation specializes in appraising
gems and precious metals, not magical items. Hav-
ing far-sighted Vision is a detriment to any appraiser;
a penalty is applied to the Appraise skill check. Daily
wages are typically 11 s.p., earning 1 s.p. per item to
be appraised.
Ability Requirements: Analytic Intelligence
90 and Intelligence (overall) 75.
Gender: Female appraisers are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Appraise + 5.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each appraisal,
the appraiser acquires 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Jewelers Guild. Each apprentice
must serve 10 years. Once an apprentice for 10 years,
they may apply for employment as a journeyman
with the guild.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation demands skill that is more
technical than that of a blacksmith. These smiths
specialize in the manufacture of armors such as
chainmail and platemail. On average, armorers
charge 1 s.p. to clean the rust from each piece of
armor. Daily wages are typically 12 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Strength 90, Spa-
tial Intelligence 90, and Intelligence (overall) 85.
Gender: Female armorers are rare.
Race: Troll platemail is most valued, fol-
lowed by dwarven armor. Human armor is consid-
ered the norm, though bugbear and kobold armor
is acceptable. Ogres, borbytingarna, and hill trolls
do not make armor.
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any, but most favor gods of war.
Skills: Armorsmithing + 5, Blacksmithing
+ 8, and Haggling + 3.
Equipment: Armorsmithing requires access
to a forge, anvil, hammers, tongs, and many fine
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each suit of
chainmail crafted, an armorer acquires 5 AP. For
each suit of platemail crafted, an armorer acquires
20 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Smiths Guild. Each apprentice must
serve 10 years. All members are prohibited from
injuring each other including apprentices, or their
property. Members accused of violating this prohi-
bition are banished from the guild, if not the com-
munity. All members are discouraged by a 100 s.p.
fine from helping smiths outside of their guild, as
well as making illegal keys or tools for thieves. Ap-
prentices must pay 200 s.p. to join the guild as a
journeyman, though sons of members may join for
free. If any member has more charcoal than needed,
then it may only be sold to other members at a fixed
price, and no member may purchase more than nec-
essary for their work. Violators regarding charcoal
pay 100 s.p. A master may not have more than 2
apprentices or own a slave; otherwise, a fee of 100
s.p. is charged.
Once an apprentice for 10 years, they may
apply for employment as a journeyman with their
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation is usually freelance, consist-
ing of those who prefer to paint or sculpt. The
artist must choose a specialty. If multiple forms of
art are pursued, then separate occupations must be
noted. Daily wages are typically 4 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Hand-Eye Coordi-
nation 110, Spatial Intelligence 100, and Intuition
Gender: Female artists are uncommon, un-
less elven.
Race: Bugbear art is always sexual or vio-
lent, and usually both; bugbear painters are rare com-
pared to sculptors. Dwarven painters are also rare
compared to sculptors of stone or casting metal,
though elven sculptors are rare compared to paint-
ers. Dark elven art usually depicts orgies, while light
elven art is innocent. Humans produce art of mod-
erate quality in general. Kobolds specialize in sculpt-
ing silver; dominance and submissiveness are not
only features, but criteria. Ogre art may exist, but it
is unappreciated. Subterranean trolls are expert
smiths, so sculptors exist, but many artists prefer
painting because it is quiet; the most common sub-
ject among subterranean trolls is female beauty.
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf or noble.
Religion: Any.
Skills: The skill appropriate to the specific
type of art receives a + 5. Possible art forms in-
clude: Painting or Sculpture.
Equipment: Either pigments and brushes
for painting or a variety of equipment for sculpting,
such as material (stone, bronze, clay, etc.), chisels,
knives for carving, or possibly a forge for casting.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each piece of
artwork completed, 1 AP is acquired per 2 hours
Training: None.
Guild: Artists Guild. Each apprentice must
serve 7 years. A masterpiece must be produced to
become a journeyman.
Thieves are popular both in cities and the
wilderness. They are a constant threat to any soci-
ety. In general, thieves tend toward unethical dis-
positions, though some spies or assassins may be
very loyal. There are 5 classes of thief, including
the assassin
, bandit, pick pocket, ruffian, and spy.
For any character to hire the expensive ser-
vices of an assassin, the assassin must have an above-
average reputation in requisite abilities; otherwise,
any drunk could be hired in a bar. Assassins are
thieves, but they are regarded as professionals.
Assassins often develop a favored method
of assassination, something of which becomes pe-
culiar to their personal touch or style. For some
assassins, a ritual is performed with the cadaver of
the victim, such as removing their eyes from their
sockets and stuffing them up the victims nose. For
other assassins, they focus on 1 strict manner of
murder, specializing in it beyond all others. For ex-
ample, throat-slitting with a chosen weapon is a spe-
cialized method of murder. Usually, personal style
is explored as they practice killing characters and
become familiar with the occupation.
Upon advancing an occupational level, all as-
sassins must declare their personal style: either a ritual
or a specialized means of murder. Rituals tend to
enhance the popularity of an assassin, which usually
brings higher wages. A specialized murderous
method increases the likelihood of instantly killing
the intended victim when the method is employed
successfully. The player must announce the special-
ized murderous method to the Aedile; popular
choices include throat-slitting, eye-gouging, stran-
gulation, hitting the temple of the head, and stab-
bing into the armpit so the lungs fill with blood and
the victim dies within a minute -- drowning from
their own blood.
If a character specializes in a specific tech-
nique of murder, then everything about this method
consumes them; it becomes the goal of their life to
master this technique, and it is studied and consid-
ered, if not practiced, at every waking opportunity.
Specializing in a murderous method, with practice,
allows an assassin to instantly kill a foe regardless of
their LP upon rolling high enough on their attack
roll after they have declared that they are using their
specialized murderous technique. Perfect applica-
tion of the murderous technique and the instant
death of the victim is a Memorable Murder.
Initially, achieving a Memorable Murder oc-
curs only when an unmodified 30 is rolled for an
attack skill check, provided that the specialized mur-
derous technique is attempted. If a Memorable Mur-
der results, then the victim dies instantly, regardless
of LP; the assassin flawlessly used the murderous
technique. In later years, assassins are likely to re-
flect on these murders, forgetting the rest, except
for Memorable Mistakes (see below). As occupa-
tional level increases, the odds of Memorable Mur-
der increase exponentially; consult the following
r e d r u M e l b a r o m e M
n i s s a s s A f o l e v e L d e d e e N l l o R k c a t t A d e i f i d o m n U
5 - 2 0 3
8 - 6 8 2
9 6 2
9 > 4 2
There may be instances when this is unrea-
sonable and the Aedile may rule that Memorable
Murder does not happen. For example, if an assas-
sin is specialized in strangulation and attacks an adult
dragon. No matter how perfected the choking tech-
nique becomes, a dragons neck is simply too big for
it to be choked effectively by a humanoid.
1. The word assassin did not originate in Europe, so its use here contradicts a premise of F.A.T.A.L. However, no other
English word shares the same connotations as assassin.
The counterpart of a Memorable Murder,
however, is a Memorable Mistake. The likelihood
of making a Memorable Mistake while an assassin
employs their specialized murderous technique de-
creases as the assassin increases in occupational level;
the higher the level of the assassin, the lower the
likelihood of a Memorable Mistake. A Memorable
Mistake is distinctly different from a Fumble (see
Chap. 10: Combat). A Memorable Mistake may not
have the physical consequences of a Fumble, though
at higher levels they both only occur together. A
Memorable Mistake is literally a mistake made when
attempting to employ the specialized murderous
technique. This mistake may not have combat con-
sequences, but it certainly affects the assassin, since
the assassin specializes in the chosen technique and
therefore invests so much in it. For every attack roll
made after the player declares that their assassin will
attempt their murderous technique, results that con-
stitute a Memorable Mistake are listed below:
e k a t s i M e l b a r o m e M
n i s s a s s A f o l e v e L d e d e e N l l o R k c a t t A d e i f i d o m n U
5 - 2 9
8 - 6 6
9 4
9 > 3
For every Memorable Mistake that occurs,
the assassin must pass a Common Sense sub-ability
check at TH 10 or acquire a Random Mental Illness
(see Chap. 5: Mind).
Upon attaining 3
level as an assassin, and
assuming all assassinations have happened within the
same town, the average character bumped into on
the street will have heard (20% of the time) of the
style of murder becoming problematic. This chance
increases by 5% per level gained beyond 3
, though
no higher than 90% may be obtained.
Ability Requirements: Physical Fitness 105,
Hand-Eye Coordination 110, Agility 110, Reaction
Speed 105, Intelligence 85, Drive 105, and Intuition
Gender: Female assassins are rare, though
female courtesans have been known to work as as-
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Assassins tend to be ethical
and are most often immoral.
Temperament: Assassins tend to be mel-
Sociality: Serf or noble. Noble assassins
are paid more for their services than serf assassins.
Religion: Any immoral god, though some
assassins are irreligious.
Skills: Aim + 3, Disguise + 3, Haggling + 3,
Hide + 3, Silence + 3, Toxicology + 5, and 1 Weapon
Equipment: Assassins always restrict them-
selves to light armor, such as leather. Favored weap-
ons of assassins tend to be the garrote, dagger, sti-
letto, and any bow.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: Assassins gain AP by
successfully killing a character whom they have been
hired to kill. Points gained equal the targets LP mul-
tiplied by the equivalent of the agreed-upon wages
in s.p. An assassin must train to advance a level.
Training: 3 weeks. To train, an assassin must
learn better killing techniques and better methods
to get close to a victim unnoticed. An assassin must
train with an assassin higher in occupational level.
Guild: None.
May conspirators assassinate you in the hall.
The duty of a bailiff is to be a chief law
officer and manager of a lords manor. He repre-
sents the lord to both the villagers and strangers.
Often, the bailiff protects local villagers against char-
acters from another lord. The bailiff also tortures
apprehended criminals, though not in all human
communities and never in communities of light elves
or white dwarves.
The main concern of a bailiff is manage-
ment. The bailiff can read and write. He must make
sure that crops and stock are tended properly, and
that the manor is supplied from outside of the vil-
lage. A formidable list of purchases include mill-
stones, iron, building timber and stone, firewood,
nails, horseshoes, carts, cartwheels, axles, iron tires,
salt, candles, parchment, cloth, utensils for dairy and
kitchen, slate, thatch, quicklime, quicksilver, tar, bas-
kets, livestock, and food.
There are 2 other uncommon officials who
are subordinate to the bailiff: the macebearer
(claviger) and the serjeant. These subordinate offi-
cials are soldiers from a nearby town or city. The
reeve is the chief official who is subordinate to the
bailiff. The bailiff s residence is the lords manor
house. The main room, the hall, is the setting for
the manorial court, but otherwise it remains at the
disposal of the bailiff. Daily wages are typically 10
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 85.
Gender: Male only.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any, but usually ethical.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Peasant.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Etiquette + 3 and Law + 3.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every legal case
won against another village, 10 AP is acquired. For
every month that the lords manor has been sup-
plied properly, 10 AP is acquired.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation specializes in baking bread
and preparing various edible products. Flour, the
main ingredient, is purchased from millers. Prices
of different loaves of bread are legally fixed for a
baker, as are the weights. Bakers must mark their
bread with their own trademark. A baker who cheats
on quality is sent to the stocks with 1 of their fraudu-
lent loaves hung around their neck. Daily wages are
typically 7 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 75.
Gender: Female bakers are uncommon.
Race: Any but ogre and troll.
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Peasant or serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Cooking + 5, Haggling + 3, and Smell
+ 3.
Equipment: Baking requires a hearth.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every loaf of
bread baked, 1/10
of 1 AP is acquired.
Training: None.
Guild: Bakers Guild. Each apprentice must
serve 4 years. By guild statute, the maximum allow-
able profit is 4 s.p. per measure of grain.
Once an apprentice for 4 years, they may
apply for employment as a journeyman with their
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
Thieves are popular both in cities and the
wilderness. They are a constant threat to any soci-
ety. In general, thieves tend toward unethical dis-
positions, though some spies or assassins may be
very loyal. There are 5 classes of thief, including
the assassin, bandit, pick pocket, ruffian, and spy.
Also called highwaymen, bandits reside in
rural areas and usually ambush and violently rob
those who travel through the wrong place at the
wrong time.
A pirate is a type of bandit who is sea-going
instead of land-based. A pirate is also skilled at sail-
ing and advances both as a bandit and as a sailor.
Ability Requirements: None.
Gender: Female bandits are uncommon.
Race: Any.
Disposition: Bandits tend to be unethical
and immoral.
Temperament: Bandits tend to be phleg-
Sociality: Peasant or escaped slave; this is
why they need to rob.
Religion: Any. Many are irreligious.
Skills: Aim + 3, Hide + 3, Silence + 3, Track-
ing + 5, and 2 Weapons (Specific).
Equipment: Bandits prefer light armor so
that they may ambush others, react quickly, and move
unhindered. Bandits prefer bows and usually have
cheap weapons, but depending on the circumstances,
use whatever is most appropriate.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: Bandits gain AP by
ambushing and robbing characters. For every silver
piece or equivalent in treasure stolen in such a way,
bandits gain 1 AP. For every successful attack in an
ambush, bandits gain AP equal to half of the amount
of damage dealt.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation specializes in cutting and
styling hair. In some cultures, hairstyles are very
important and a sign of affluence. Additionally, a
barber shaves male facial hair and pulls teeth as ser-
Barbers are most famous for styling hair. To
determine the quality of a haircut, see Hairstyling in
Chapter 8: Skills.
By custom, a barber will not shave a charac-
ter more than once per week. Only a rough shave
can be achieved, so faces of adult males are stubbly.
Barbers do not shave or cut the hair of slaves or
barbarians from uncivilized lands.
Bloodletting is done commonly by barbers,
some of whom have abandoned the shave and a
haircut to devote themselves solely to bloodletting.
Many also specialize in pulling teeth. Ow-
ing to poor diet, teeth are a chronic health problem,
more because of bad gums than cavities. Wealthy
patients have been known to pay as much as 5 s.p.
for an extraction, while barbers get as much as 15
s.p. for a bleeding. Slaves and peasants are spared
these luxuries. Daily wages are typically 8 s.p.
The end justifies the means.
Ability Requirements: Hand-Eye Coordi-
nation 100, Spatial Intelligence 100, and Intelligence
(overall) 80.
Gender: Female barbers are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Peasant or serf. Barbers are rarely
seen in villages or hamlets.
Religion: Barbers may worship any god.
Skills: Haggling + 3 and 2 Weapons (Spe-
cific). The specific weapons are scissors and knives.
Equipment: Knife and scissors.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every success-
ful styling of hair of a new customer, 10 AP is ac-
quired. For each tooth pulled, the barber acquires
10 AP. For each character shaven, the barber ac-
quires 10 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Barbers Guild. Each apprentice
must serve 5 years. Once an apprentice for 5 years,
they may apply for employment as a journeyman
with their guild.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
Wandering minstrels seek out adventure so
that they may be inspired to craft wondrous ballads
and other musical or poetic works. Fame is very
important to bards. Daily wages are typically 5 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Charisma 105,
Hand-Eye Coordination 105, Enunciation 105, Lan-
guage 105, Math 90, and Analytic 90.
Gender: Female bards are uncommon.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Bards of all dispositions are
possible, though most are not immoral.
Temperament: Bards tend to be melan-
Sociality: Serf or noble.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Acting Drama + 3, Buffoonery (com-
edy) + 3, Comedy (Pun) + 3, Dance + 3, History
Legends + 3, History Local + 3, Music (Counter-
point) + 3, Music Theory + 3, Music Instrument +
3, Persuasion + 3, and Storytelling + 3.
Equipment: If unable to afford a musical
instrument, then it is assumed that the bard focuses
on singing as their musical instrument. Most bards
restrict themselves to light armor or none at all.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: Bards gain AP with
each successful skill check for the skills listed above.
For musical skills and performances, the points
gained equal the adjusted number that passed the
skill check. If a skill check is passed for 1 of the
above skills, but it is not part of a musical perfor-
mance or skill, then the points gained equal half of
the adjusted number that passed the skill check.
Training: None.
Guild: Musicians Guild. Each apprentice
must serve 7 years. A masterpiece must be pro-
duced to become a journeyman. The masterpiece
must be a musical piece in which it is indisputable to
the guild that it was composed as a result of adven-
ture. For example, the apprentice bard may employ
musical devices that are foreign, or sing of foreign
things that are verifiable to the guild. Finally, the
masterpiece must be acceptable both in terms of
music theory and counterpoint.
Once an apprentice for 7 years, they may
make a skill check as they craft their masterpiece. If
passed at TH 36, then they become a journeyman.
If failed, then they may begin crafting another mas-
terpiece and make another skill check in 1d100 days.
Finally, the masterpiece must be performed before
guild officials. The performance constitutes a Mu-
sical Instrument skill check. The TH is determined
by the Aedile depending on complexity. The Aedile
may overrule any masterpiece skill check, because
those in the guild who review the apprentice may
dislike them or choose to keep them as an appren-
tice for some corrupt reason.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The Aedile decides the TH.
This occupation is for royalty. Only a king
or queen can make a character become a baron or
baroness. If the character accepts, then the baron
or baroness pledges allegiance to their king or queen.
Then, the king or queen grants the baron or baron-
ess a castle and shire, which is their fief. A baron or
baroness answers to a duke or duchess as well as the
king or queen. Otherwise, the baron or baroness
may command the characters of their castle and shire
as desired, who are their vassals. Each hamlet and
village on the land of the baron or baroness will be
in the safekeeping of a lord or lady. Each lord and
lady on their land is subordinate to the baron or
Additionally, a baron or baroness is usually
a member of a council of the king or queen and
must often travel to their court. The daily duties of
a baron or baroness are overwhelming. Instead of
lounging around their castle, a baron or baroness is
busy constantly. Daily wages are typically 50 s.p.
Due to the military nature of this occupa-
tion, most barons are experienced knights.
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 85 and
Common Sense 115.
Gender: Barons are male, baronesses are
Race: Anakim, bugbear, dwarf, human, and
Disposition: Barons tend to be ethical.
Temperament: Barons tend to be choleric
and melancholic.
Sociality: Royalty.
Religion: Barons may worship any god en-
dorsed by their king or queen.
Skills: Cartography + 3, Etiquette + 3, Ge-
nealogy + 3, Heraldry + 5, History (Cultural) + 3,
History (Local) + 3, History (Military) + 3, Law +
5, and Language (Read/Write).
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: A baron advances
according to the profit and prosperity of their vas-
sals and shire. Every 7 years the wealth of each
vassal is recorded. If the wealth of the vassals in-
creases by 5% since the previous record, then the
baron increases 1 occupational level. Every 6 months
the economy is recorded, which is comprised of
local and foreign trade. If, as a whole, the local or
foreign economy increases by 5%, then the baron
increases 1 occupational level.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation consists of council that is
allowed to plead for a defendant in a trial. To be a
barrister, a character must have graduated from a
university, specializing in law. The manorial court
of the lord of a hamlet or village will not allow a
barrister to represent a defendant. Not all cultures
allow barristers, and many characters despise them
since it is impossible for them to be objective re-
garding the law.
Barristers do not write contracts, such as wills
-- this is the duty of a clerk. However, it is common
for barristers to negotiate or contest contracts.
Each barrister receives piece-rate wages.
Each fee is negotiated between the barrister and their
potential client. Daily wages are typically 50 s.p.,
though this depends on the crime.
Ability Requirements: Rhetorical Charisma
120 and Intelligence 100.
Gender: While a female may represent her-
self or someone else in court, all barristers are male.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Barristers tend not to be
Sociality: Noble.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Acting (Drama) + 3, Etiquette + 5,
Haggling + 5, Law + 5, Logic + 3, Persuasion + 5,
Remember Detail + 5, Storytelling + 5, and Trick-
ery + 5.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every defendant
who remains free without penalty due to represen-
tation by the barrister, whether or not the defen-
dant committed a crime, the barrister acquires 10
AP for a trivial offense and 50 for a serious offense.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation specializes in assisting a
reeve. A beadle is selected yearly from the popula-
tion of the hamlet or village. Daily wages are typi-
cally 4 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 75.
Gender: Female beadles are rare.
Race: Human.
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Peasant.
Religion: Any.
Skills: None.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every month of
service acceptable to the lord, 100 A.P. are acquired.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
Arguably not an occupation, beggars liter-
ally beg passersby for food and money. Characters
who opt to be beggars probably have no money or
other options. However, some beggars have money
and simply prefer this occupation. Daily, most beg-
gars tend to recieve 2 s.p.
Ability Requirements: None.
Gender: Either.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Beggars tend to be phleg-
matic, not sanguine.
Sociality: Slave, peasant, or unemployed
Religion: Any.
Skills: Haggling + 3.
Equipment: A recepticle for coins is rec-
ommended, such as a bowl or tankard.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every 10 silver
pieces received, 1 AP is acquired as a beggar.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
Fighters are those who are capable foes, but
not formally trained. 3 classes of fighters exist as
characters: berserkers, bounty hunters, and rangers.
The least formally trained of all occupations,
berserkers are known as uncivilized and characters
who easily lose control. In fact, berserkers are un-
familiar with notions of ethics or morality. A ber-
serker is usually from a barbarian civilization. What
makes a berserker distinct from any other class of
fighter is that a berserker ingests magic mushrooms
prior to battle. While under the influence of the
psychedelic drug, the berserker goes berserk. See
Chapter 2: Body for the effects of magic mushrooms.
Ability Requirements: Strength 110.
Gender: Female berserkers are rare.
Race: Anakim, bugbear, human, and kobold.
Disposition: Berserkers must be unethical
and are rarely moral.
Temperament: Berserkers tend to be cho-
Sociality: Berserkers are peasants, as are all
uncivilized characters.
Religion: Berserkers are often irreligious.
Skills: Animal Handling + 3, Brawling + 5,
Dismemberment + 3, Hunting + 3, Hurl + 3, In-
timidation + 5, Mangling + 3, Nature (Animals) +
3, Tanning + 3, Tracking + 3, Trapping + 3, 2 Weap-
ons (Specific), Wilderness Lore + 3, and Wrestling
+ 3.
Equipment: Most berserkers prefer to wear
only hide or leather armor. Favored weapons in-
clude the footmans war hammer, broad sword, long
sword, battle axe, bipennis, and pole axe.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: Berserkers gain AP
with each successful attack in combat. The points
gained equal the resulting damage done to a foe.
Further, if combat occurred as part of a raid and
led by the characters barbarian clan or horde, then
the berserker earns twice the AP.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation specializes in the shaping
of metal. For more information, see the Blacksmith
skill in Chapter 8: Skills. Blacksmiths do not craft
weapons or armor because of difficulty. Daily wages
are typically 5 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Strength 100, Spa-
tial Intelligence 90, and Intelligence (overal) 75.
Gender: Female blacksmiths are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Peasant or serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Blacksmithing + 5 and Haggling + 3.
Equipment: Forge, anvil, hammers, and
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every project
completed successfully, a blacksmith earns 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Smiths Guild. Each apprentice must
serve 7 years. All members are prohibited from in-
juring each other including apprentices, or their
property. Members accused of violating this prohi-
bition are banished from the guild, if not the com-
munity. All members are discouraged by a 100 s.p.
fine from helping smiths outside of their guild, as
well as making illegal keys or tools for thieves. Ap-
prentices must pay 200 s.p. to join the guild as a
journeyman, though sons of members may join for
free. If any member has more charcoal than needed,
then it may only be sold to other members at a fixed
price, and no member may purchase more than nec-
essary for their work. Violators regarding charcoal
pay 100 s.p. A master may not have more than 2
apprentices or own a slave; otherwise, a fee of 100
s.p. is charged.
Once an apprentice for 7 years, they may
apply for employment as a journeyman with their
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation is a specialized caste of
weaponsmiths that shapes and forges blades. For
those who observe chivalry, swords are only to be
sold to knights; it is illegal for characters other than
knights to own or carry a sword in many societies.
A fuller is a shallow, central groove that light-
ens the blade, but also increases its strength. A pom-
mel is the counterweight applied to the end of the
tang. The tang is a narrow, unsharpened part of the
blade that runs through the handle. The crossguard
is the name for a crosspiece in front of the handle
that protects the hands of the wielder. The shoul-
der is the name of the part of the blade where the
tang and blade meet, and is where the crossguard is
secured. Leather is wrapped around the handle for
the grip. A waisted grip is when the middle of the
grip is thicker than its ends, and is common on bas-
tard swords.
A bladesmith will re-sharpen a blade for 1
s.p. The sharpness of a blade affects damage (see
Damage under Weapons in Chap. 9: Equipment). Daily
wages are typically 10 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Strength 90, Spa-
tial Intelligence 90, and Intelligence (overall) 85.
Gender: Female bladesmiths are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Peasant or serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Haggling + 3 and Weaponsmithing
+ 5.
Equipment: Forge, anvil, tongs, hammers,
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each weapon
forged successfully, 1 AP is earned.
Training: None.
Guild: Smiths Guild. Each apprentice must
serve 10 years. All members are prohibited from
injuring each other including apprentices, or their
property. Members accused of violating this prohi-
bition are banished from the guild, if not the com-
munity. All members are discouraged by a 100 s.p.
fine from helping smiths outside of their guild, as
well as making illegal keys or tools for thieves. Ap-
prentices must pay 200 s.p. to join the guild as a
journeyman, though sons of members may join for
free. If any member has more charcoal than needed,
it may only be sold to other members at a fixed
price, and no member may purchase more than nec-
essary for their work. Violators regarding charcoal
pay 100 s.p. A master may not have more than 2
apprentices or own a slave; otherwise, a fee of 100
s.p. is charged.
Once an apprentice for 10 years, they may
apply for employment as a journeyman with their
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation specializes in binding books.
For more information, see the Bookbinding skill in
Chapter 8: Skills.
A bookbinder will bind a book for 4 s.p.
Daily wages are typically 8 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Hand-Eye Coordi-
nation 90 and Intelligence 85.
Gender: Female bookbinders are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Bookbinding + 5 and Haggling + 3.
Equipment: Whatever is necessary -- usu-
ally leather, wood, metal, and glue.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each book
bound, a bookbinder acquires 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Bookbinders Guild. Each appren-
tice must serve 9 years. A masterpiece must be pro-
duced to become a journeyman.
Once an apprentice for 9 years, they may
make a skill check as they craft their masterpiece. If
passed at TH 36, then they become a journeyman.
If failed, then they may begin crafting another mas-
terpiece and make another skill check in 2 days. The
Aedile may overrule any masterpiece skill check, be-
cause those in the guild who review the apprentice
may dislike them or choose to keep them as an ap-
prentice for some corrupt reason.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
Bounty Hunter
Fighters are those who are capable foes, but
not formally trained. 3 classes of fighters exist as
characters: berserkers, bounty hunters, and rangers.
Usually, bounty hunters are employed to
pursue fleeing villains and return them to justice.
Bounty hunters, it must be noted, typically special-
ize in either urban or wilderness settings, and only
those who reach high level boast proficiency in both.
Daily wages are typically 6 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Strength 100, Drive
100, Intelligence 85, Intuition 105, and Common
Sense 100.
Gender: Female bounty hunters are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Bounty hunters tend not to
be sanguine.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Bounty hunters are usually not
very religious, though they may be fanatical.
Skills: Aim + 3, Brawling + 3, Direction
Sense + 3, Intimidation + 3, Rope Use + 3, Search
+ 3, Sight + 3, Sprint + 3, Tracking + 8, 2 Weapons
(Specific), and Wrestling + 3.
Equipment: Usually, bounty hunters do not
encumber themselves with heavy armors, but travel
lightly so that they may move quickly and quietly
when necessary. Every bounty hunter seems to pre-
fer a different weapon.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: Bounty hunters gain
AP by fulfilling the goals of their employer, usually
by returning villains to justice. The points gained
equal the LP of the criminal multiplied by the equiva-
lent of the reward in gold pieces. Further, for every
successful attack on a foe, the bounty hunter gains
AP equal to half of the damage done to the foe.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation specializes in crafting and
selling archery bows. Daily wages are typically 7 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Hand-Eye Coordi-
nation 100, Spatial Intelligence 100, and Intelligence
(overall) 90.
Gender: Female bowyers are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Bowyer + 5 and Haggling + 3.
Equipment: Wood and knife.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each archery
bow crafted successfully, 1 AP is acquired.
Training: None.
Guild: Bowyers Guild. Each apprentice
must serve 9 years. A masterpiece must be pro-
duced to become a journeyman.
Once an apprentice for 9 years, they may
make a skill check as they craft their masterpiece. If
passed at TH 36, then they become a journeyman.
If failed, then they may begin crafting another mas-
terpiece and make another skill check in 1d10 days.
The Aedile may overrule any masterpiece skill check,
because those in the guild who review the appren-
tice may dislike them or choose to keep them as an
apprentice for some corrupt reason.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation specializes in shaping and
selling brass. Daily wages are typically 5 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 85.
Gender: Female braziers are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Brass-smithing + 5 and Haggling +
Equipment: Forge.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each project in-
volving the shaping of brass in which it is shaped
successfully, 1 AP is acquired by the brazier.
Training: None.
Guild: Smiths Guild. Each apprentice must
serve 7 years. All members are prohibited from in-
juring each other including apprentices, or their
property. Members accused of violating this prohi-
bition are banished from the guild, if not the com-
munity. All members are discouraged by a 100 s.p.
fine from helping smiths outside of their guild, as
well as making illegal keys or tools for thieves. Ap-
prentices must pay 200 s.p. to join the guild as a
journeyman, though sons of members may join for
free. If any member has more charcoal than needed,
then it may only be sold to other members at a fixed
price, and no member may purchase more than nec-
essary for their work. Violators regarding charcoal
pay 100 s.p. A master may not have more than 2
apprentices or own a slave; otherwise, a fee of 100
s.p. is charged. Once an apprentice for 7 years, they
may apply for employment as a journeyman with
their guild.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation specializes in brewing al-
cohol. Ale and beer is brewed from barley and ce-
real grains. Wine is fermented grapes. Mead is fer-
mented honey. The wine made by brewers cannot
be sealed from the air. Therefore, wine spoils within
1 year. Hence, there are no vintages of wine. The
best wine is fresh.
Every village not only has its brewers, but
has them all up and down the street. Many, if not
most, are women. Brewing is freely permitted ev-
erywhere. Brewers may be fined for weak ale or
faulty measure. Not only barley, but oats and wheat
are used along with malt as principle ingredients.
The procedure is to make a batch of ale, display a
sign, and turn a characters house into a temporary
tavern. Daily wages are typically 6 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 80.
Gender: Male brewers are uncommon.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Peasant or serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Brewing + 5, Haggling + 3, and Taste
+ 3.
Equipment: Different equipment is neces-
sary, depending on whether ale, beer, wine, or mead
is brewed. A large cauldron is necessary for ale and
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every keg of al-
cohol brewed successfully, 1 AP is acquired by the
Training: None.
Guild: Brewers Guild. Each apprentice
must serve 4 years. A masterpiece must be pro-
duced to become a journeyman.
Once an apprentice for 4 years, they may
make a skill check as they ferment their masterpiece.
If passed at TH 36, then they become a journey-
man. If failed, then they may begin fermenting an-
other masterpiece and make another skill check in
1d10 days. The Aedile may overrule any master-
piece skill check, because those in the guild who re-
view the apprentice may dislike them or choose to
keep them as an apprentice for some corrupt rea-
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation specializes in making bricks,
which are blocks of clay. Bricks may be dried in the
sun, but are often baked in a kiln. In some cultures,
city and palace walls are made of bricks. Daily wages
are typically 4 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 75.
Gender: Female brickmakers are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Brickmaking + 5 and Haggling + 3.
Equipment: A kiln.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every thousand
bricks made successfully by a brickmaker, 1 AP is
Training: None.
Guild: Brickmakers Guild. Each appren-
tice must serve 6 years. A masterpiece must be pro-
duced to become a journeyman.
Once an apprentice for 6 years, they may
make a skill check as they craft their masterpiece. If
passed at TH 36, then they become a journeyman.
If failed, then they may begin crafting another mas-
terpiece and make another skill check in 1d10 days.
The Aedile may overrule any masterpiece skill check,
because those in the guild who review the appren-
tice may dislike them or choose to keep them as an
apprentice for some corrupt reason.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation specializes in the business
of prostitution, namely gathering and training
whores. A brotheler
gathers females who appear
attractive to males. Sometimes, female infants are
abandoned. A brotheler may purchase a female in-
fant as a slave, then raise and train the slave to be a
whore. Training a whore entails teaching her how
to get the most money from a male, and how to
please males.
Brothels are popular and profitable far and
wide. Most brothelers hire 1 or more ruffians to
stand near the exit of the brothel. The ruffians en-
sure that whoever leaves has paid and has not harmed
a whore. If a whore is harmed, then ruffians will
intimidate the customer into paying for their dam-
ages. If the customer refuses or is unable to pay,
then the ruffians will brawl or maim the customer.
Future attempts may be made to recover payment
for services rendered or injured whores. Daily wages
for a brotheler are typically 5 s.p. per whore.
Usually, a brothel is built with public funds,
such as taxes, and is leased to a manager, known as a
brotheler. The brotheler is responsible for recruit-
ing whores and making sure whores follow rules.
Brothelers provide board and lodging. A municipal
brothel is called a prostibulum publicum. The mu-
nicipal brothel is built at a main intersection in a
community. It is common for a whole neighbor-
hood to be reserved for prostitution. A brothel is
known as a good house or great house.
Public baths also function as brothels. Pub-
lic baths do not outright employ whores, but cham-
bermaids. At a public bath, chambermaids must be
attractive and skilled at both cleaning, Seduction, and
Sexual Adeptness. In addition to steam rooms, pub-
lic baths also have bedchambers. Some public baths
have hours reserved only for 1 gender or the other.
Otherwise, bath houses receive both genders.
Aside from the municipal brothel, it is com-
mon for a community to have numerous small, pri-
vately-owned brothels. The private brotheler retains
2 or 3 chambermaids or whores on average. These
females may leave to visit their clients, or clients may
be received in the private brothel.
1. Information on brothelers has been obtained from Medieval Prostitution, by Jacques Rossiaud. For more information, see
the References section at the end of this book.
The municipal brothel and the public baths
are closed during epidemics, just as commercial gath-
erings and dancing throughout the communities are
prohibited. Normally, however, brothels are open
all day, every day. Some brothelers have their whores
undress in front of potential clients while in the
brothel, so that the client may make a good deci-
The number of whores in the municipal
brothel of a community tends to be 1% of the total
population. However, this does not include private
brothels, public baths, freelancers and vagabonds,
courtesans, and of course, the occasional easy
woman with loose morals.
A female brotheler may be a wife who man-
ages whores to improve her family budget with the
consent of her husband. A brothel may have a
procuress. A procuress is an experienced whore who
recruits new whores. A successful procuress must
be knowledgeable and persuasive. A procuress re-
cruits rape victims, abandoned females, and solicits
wives who feel constrained by marriage, as well as
wives who are beaten. A procuress even recruits
new whores at hospitals.
Although brothels do not accept married
men, those who are foreign to the community are
not turned away. Except in bugbear brothels, a
whore in a brothel rarely mentions clients who de-
mand anal sex. Heterosexual sodomy is less fre-
quent than bestiality.
The rape of a whore of a public brothel is
punishable by a fee of 10 s.p. The rape of easy
women who have exposed themselves in public
places or in the private brothel is not punishable.
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 85.
Gender: Either.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Brothelers tend not to be
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf or noble.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Cosmetics + 3, Haggling + 3 and In-
timidation + 3.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every 500 silver
pieces collected from the whores, a brotheler ac-
quires 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation specializes in cutting, pre-
paring, and selling meat. Animals such as chickens
are kept alive so that the customer can decide which
animal they want butchered. Each morning at sun-
rise, females who can afford to buy meat go to the
butcher to select breakfast for the family. Most of-
ten, animals are butchered and preserved in the end
of fall so that food may be supplied during the win-
ter. Butchered meat is preserved with salt or by
smoking it. Butchers are known for substituting hu-
man flesh for swine, since both meats taste so much
alike. Daily wages are typically 9 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Strength 90, Hand-
Eye Coordination 100, and Intelligence 85.
Gender: Female butchers are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Peasant or serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Haggling + 3, Weapon (Specific). The
specific weapon is a cleaver.
Equipment: Cleaver.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every 50 crea-
tures butchered successfully, the butcher acquires 1
Training: None.
Guild: Butchers Guild. Each apprentice
must serve 8 years. This guild mandates that butch-
ers must not mix the meat of male and female pigs,
or male and female horses. Violators must pay 100
s.p. to the guild. The dislike of mixing meat from
different sexes is common to most characters.
Once an apprentice for 8 years, they may
apply for employment as a journeyman with their
guild. For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation specializes in building, deco-
rating, and selling cabinets. Typically, only nobility
and royalty have cabinets of any kind. Daily wages
are typically 10 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Hand-Eye Coordi-
nation 90, Spatial Intelligence 90, and Intelligence
(overall) 85.
Gender: Female cabinetmakers are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf
Religion: Any.
Skills: Carpentry + 5, Haggling + 3, and
Weapon (Specific). The specific weapon is a knife.
Equipment: Wood and knives.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every cabinet
built successfully, 1 AP is acquired by the cabinet-
Training: None.
Guild: Cabinetmakers Guild. Each appren-
tice must serve 11 years. A masterpiece must be
produced to become a journeyman.
Once an apprentice for 11 years, they may
make a skill check as they craft their masterpiece. If
passed at TH 36, then they become a journeyman.
If failed, then they may begin crafting another mas-
terpiece and make another skill check in 1d100 days.
The Aedile may overrule any masterpiece skill check,
because those in the guild who review the appren-
tice may dislike them or choose to keep them as an
apprentice for some corrupt reason.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation specializes in woodwork-
ing. Daily wages are typically 7 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Hand-Eye Coordi-
nation 90, Spatial Intelligence 90, and Intelligence
(overall) 80.
Gender: Female carpenters are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Peasant or serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Carpentry + 5, Haggling + 3, and
Weapon (Specific). The specific weapon is a knife.
Equipment: Wood and knives.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every 100
pounds of lumber labored successfully, the carpen-
ter acquires 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Carpenters Guild. Each apprentice
must serve 7 years. A masterpiece must be pro-
duced to become a journeyman.
Once an apprentice for 7 years, they may
make a skill check as they craft their masterpiece. If
passed at TH 36, then they become a journeyman.
If failed, then they may begin crafting another mas-
terpiece and make another skill check in 1d10 days.
The Aedile may overrule any masterpiece skill check,
because those in the guild who review the appren-
tice may dislike them or choose to keep them as an
apprentice for some corrupt reason.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation specializes in driving carts.
Carters of raw materials are paid piece-rate, which
is 1 s.p. per cartload. Daily wages are typically 5 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 75.
Gender: Female carters/teamsters are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Slave or serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Direction Sense + 3.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every mile of
driving a cart, 1 AP is acquired by the carter/team-
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation specializes in building and
selling carts. Daily wages are typically 6 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Hand-Eye Coordi-
nation 100, Spatial Intelligence 90, and Intelligence
(overall) 85.
Gender: Female cartwrights are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Carpentry + 5, Haggling + 3, and
Weapon (Specific). The specific weapon is a knife.
Equipment: Wood and knives.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every cart suc-
cessfully built, the cartwright acquires 10 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Cartwrights Guild. Each appren-
tice must serve 9 years. A masterpiece must be pro-
duced to become a journeyman.
Once an apprentice for 9 years, they may
make a skill check as they craft their masterpiece. If
passed at TH 36, then they become a journeyman.
If failed, then they may begin crafting another mas-
terpiece and make another skill check in 1d10 days.
The Aedile may overrule any masterpiece skill check,
because those in the guild who review the appren-
tice may dislike them or choose to keep them as an
apprentice for some corrupt reason.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation specializes in carving fig-
ures and designs into wood, metal, and stone.
Kobold carvers are valued for carving unique de-
signs on the backs of slaves. Daily wages are typi-
cally 10 s.p., or 15 s.p. for kobold carvers of flesh.
Ability Requirements: Hand-Eye Coordi-
nation 90 and Intelligence 75.
Gender: Female carvers are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Peasant or serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Weapon (specific). The specific
weapon is a knife.
Equipment: A knife.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For the successful
completion of each project, a carver acquires 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Carvers Guild. Each apprentice
must serve 8 years. A masterpiece must be pro-
duced to become a journeyman.
Once an apprentice for 8 years, they may
make a skill check as they craft their masterpiece. If
passed at TH 36, then they become a journeyman.
If failed, then they may begin crafting another mas-
terpiece and make another skill check in 1d10 days.
The Aedile may overrule any masterpiece skill check,
because those in the guild who review the appren-
tice may dislike them or choose to keep them as an
apprentice for some corrupt reason.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
A chambermaid
is a female who is employed
to clean. A variety of masters or mistresses may
employ chambermaids to perform a variety of du-
The master of a house may employ a cham-
bermaid to clean his house, assist his wife, and plea-
sure he and his sons. The primary duty of the cham-
bermaid may be any of the above. Therefore, many
chambermaids are employed as whores as well.
Numerous chambermaids are impregnated by their
master or his sons.
The occupation of chambermaid is distinct
from similar occupations, such as laundress. If a
chambermaid is required to clean clothing, then she
will also be required to perform other duties.
A manager (brotheler) of a public bath does
not hire whores, but chambermaids who perform
the duties of whores, though they do not admit pub-
licly to it. To work at a public bath, a chambermaid
must be attractive, and skilled at Cleaning, Seduc-
tion, and Sexual Adeptness, if not Contortion, Danc-
ing, and Massage. The average age is 20 for a hu-
man chambermaid at a public bath.
Married men who seek pleasure outside of
marriage frequent the public bath. Public baths are
not subject to visits by the militia, the chambermaid/
whores are younger, and adultery is safer in a public
bath, because of numerous hiding places. Cham-
bermaids at public baths prefer married male cus-
tomers, because they pay better and are of better
social class, including nobles.
By 30, the age shows of a human chamber-
maid, and she is considered too old to work as a
chambermaid at a public bath. At this age, most
chambermaids become married. The unfortunate
become beggars.
Daily wages are typically 4 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Common Sense 90.
Gender: Female only.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Slave, peasant, or serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Cleaning + 5.
Equipment: Depends on duties.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each successful
day of cleaning that pleases the master or mistress,
a chambermaid acquires 10 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
1. Information on chambermaids has been obtained from Medieval Prostitution, by Jacques Rossiaud. For more information,
see the References section at the end of this book.
A chancellor is the religious leader of the
dominant local religion of a castle, citadel, or city.
There is only 1 chancellor per castle. Most chancel-
lors are high-level hierophants. To be a chancellor,
a character must be at least a 1
level hierophant in
the religion of which they are a leader. However,
the chancellor is not necessarily the highest level
hierophant. Each chancellor associates with local
nobility and royalty, and is subservient to the local
A chancellor may be appointed by local roy-
alty. However, replacing a chancellor who was popu-
lar or powerful can be difficult, even for a popular
or powerful royal character. The chancellor often
serves as a substitute for local royalty, such as when
they are unavailable or sick. Daily wages are typi-
cally 60 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 100.
Gender: Either.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Etiquette + 5, Religion (Cultural) +
5, and Religion (Specific) + 5.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Determined by god and
Advancement Points: For every compet-
ing religion that is driven away, converted, or which
submits to the religion of the chancellor, the chan-
cellor acquires 100 AP. For each year in which the
chancellor maintains the dominance of their reli-
gion, the chancellor acquires 100 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation specializes in making and
selling candles and soaps. Daily wages are typically
6 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 80.
Gender: Male chandlers are uncommon.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Candlemaking + 5 and Haggling +
Equipment: Wax and lye.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every thousand
candles or soaps made, the chandler acquires 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Chandlers Guild. Each apprentice
must serve 4 years. A masterpiece must be pro-
duced to become a journeyman.
Once an apprentice for 4 years, they may
make a skill check as they craft their masterpiece. If
passed at TH 36, then they become a journeyman.
If failed, then they may begin crafting another mas-
terpiece and make another skill check in 1d10 days.
The Aedile may overrule any masterpiece skill check,
because those in the guild who review the appren-
tice may dislike them or choose to keep them as an
apprentice for some corrupt reason.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation specializes in either build-
ing or driving chariots. Daily wages are typically 8
Ability Requirements: Hand-Eye Coordi-
nation 100, Agility 100, and Intelligence 85.
Gender: Female charioteers are rare.
Race: Humans are the most popular chari-
oteers, but others include anakim, bugbears, and
kobolds. Ogres and trolls do not use chariots.
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Charioteering + 3.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every chariot
built successfully, a charioteer acquires 1 AP. For
every chariot driven for 10 miles during competi-
tion, combat, or warfare, the charioteer acquires 1
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation specializes in making and
selling cheese. Daily wages are typically 6 s.p. For
more information on Cheesemaking, see Chapter 8:
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 80.
Gender: Female cheesemakers are rare.
Race: Human.
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Cheesemaking + 5 and Haggling +
Equipment: Milk.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each batch of
cheese produced successfully, a cheesemaker acquires
1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Cheesemakers Guild. Each appren-
tice must serve 5 years. A masterpiece must be pro-
duced to become a journeyman.
Once an apprentice for 5 years, they may
make a skill check as they craft their masterpiece. If
passed at TH 36, then they become a journeyman.
If failed, then they may begin crafting another mas-
terpiece and make another skill check in 1d10 days.
The Aedile may overrule any masterpiece skill check,
because those in the guild who review the appren-
tice may dislike them or choose to keep them as an
apprentice for some corrupt reason.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation specializes in leading and
controlling others in a clan or tribe. Daily wages are
considered typically in goods or services, not cur-
Ability Requirements: None.
Gender: Female chieftains are rare.
Race: Anakim ,human, cliff ogre, and
gruagach ogre.
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Royalty.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Intimidation + 3.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every foe of the
clan or tribe who is conquered in the presence of
the chieftain, 5 AP is acquired.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation specializes in shaping metal
into small pieces that serve as clasps and hook to-
gether. Clasps are used on a variety of products,
including: cabinets, chests, etc. Besides clasps,
claspmakers also make buckles, such as for belts.
Claspmakers sell their clasps to other occupations
or guilds, as well as individual characters. Daily wages
are typically 7 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Spatial Intelligence
90, and Intelligence (overall) 75.
Gender: Female claspmakers are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Blacksmithing + 3 and Haggling + 3.
Equipment: Forge, anvil, hammers, and
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each clasp suc-
cessfully completed, a claspmaker earns 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Smiths Guild. Each apprentice must
serve 7 years. All members are prohibited from in-
juring each other including apprentices, or their
property. Members accused of violating this prohi-
bition are banished from the guild, if not the com-
munity. All members are discouraged by a 100 s.p.
fine from helping smiths outside of their guild, as
well as making illegal keys or tools for thieves. Ap-
prentices must pay 200 s.p. to join the guild as a
journeyman, though sons of members may join for
free. If any member has more charcoal than needed,
then it may only be sold to other members at a fixed
price, and no member may purchase more than nec-
essary for their work. Violators regarding charcoal
pay 100 s.p. A master may not have more than 2
apprentices or own a slave; otherwise, a fee of 100
s.p. is charged.
Once an apprentice for 7 years, they may
apply for employment as a journeyman with their
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation consists of educated assis-
tants, also called notaries, who perform clerical du-
ties for churches, guilds, and governments.
Clerks are in the business of drawing up
commercial contracts and other personal matters,
such as marriage agreements and wills. Notarial
cartularies are large books in which clerks or nota-
ries copy the formal and legal copy of a contract.
The most general form of available contract
is the promissio et conventio, the promise and
agreement. These contracts begin with I promise
and agree that... The parent, guardian, or future
pupil makes the promise and agreement to the mas-
ter. If a future pupil is underage, then the parent or
guardian promises formally to the master. A fine,
usually 100 s.p., is noted in case the contract is bro-
ken. The standard conditions are that the appren-
tice will serve for a specified period of time to learn
the art or trade of the master. This agreement binds
the apprentice not to flee or marry without the per-
mission of the master.
Another form of contract is the rental agree-
ment. These contracts begin with I rent and con-
cede... A son or daughter is rented to the master.
The parent grants the master virtual authority over
the rented child. In turn, the master gives the ap-
prentice food, lodging, and experience in their oc-
In both the promise and agreement as well
as the rental agreement contracts, it is common for
the master to promise to keep their apprentice in
sickness and in health. However, some masters in-
clude a clause stating that days lost due to illness are
to be added to the end of the term. Many times, an
apprentice will agree not to have sex on the prop-
erty of the master, or with any of the family mem-
bers of the master. It is common to include a clause
that the masters wife does not have the right to
beat the apprentice.
Wills are common documents. A player may
have their character visit a clerk and have a will drawn
up in case of death, and may name any other living
character as their beneficiary. If a player has mul-
tiple characters created and ready in case their cur-
rent character dies, then a player may not name an-
other character of theirs to be a beneficiary.
Multiple copies of contracts are written and
all are signed together. All copies of a contract are
placed one over another and a symbol is cut into all
of them in front of the signors to indicate authen-
Most clerks charge 2 s.p. per contract. Daily
wages are typically 15 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Language 100 and
Intelligence (overall) 90.
Gender: Female clerks are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Clerks tend to be ethical.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf or noble.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Law + 3.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each month of
service rendered, a clerk acquires 1 AP. For each
contract signed between a master and apprentice, a
clerk acquires 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation manufactures and sells
clocks. Simple methods of observing or recording
the passage of time include measuring shadows such
as with sundials or obelisks, or with hourglasses.
However, mechanical timepieces exist as well, known
as horologiums. These clocks utilize 500 lb. weights
that drop a distance of 32 feet beneath bells in tow-
ers. The clock-face consists of a dial with only a
single hand, which indicates the nearest quarter-hour.
Clockmakers are considered the most skillful crafts-
men. Daily wages are typically 25 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Spatial Intelligence
100) and Intelligence (overall) 90.
Gender: Female clockmakers are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Clockmaking + 5 and Haggling + 3.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each clock made
successfully, a clockmaker acquires 10 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Smiths Guild. Each apprentice must
serve 12 years. All members are prohibited from
injuring each other including apprentices, or their
property. Members accused of violating this prohi-
bition are banished from the guild, if not the com-
munity. All members are discouraged by a 100 s.p.
fine from helping smiths outside of their guild, as
well as making illegal keys or tools for thieves. Ap-
prentices must pay 200 s.p. to join the guild as a
journeyman, though sons of members may join for
free. If any member has more charcoal than needed,
then it may only be sold to other members at a fixed
price, and no member may purchase more than nec-
essary for their work. Violators regarding charcoal
pay 100 s.p. A master may not have more than 2
apprentices or own a slave; otherwise, a fee of 100
s.p. is charged.
Once an apprentice for 12 years, they may
apply for employment as a journeyman with their
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation specializes in the manufac-
ture and selling of shoes and footwear. Cobblers
are also called shoemakers. Daily wages are typi-
cally 10 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Hand-Eye Coordi-
nation 100 and Intelligence 85.
Gender: Female cobblers are uncommon.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Haggling + 3.
Equipment: Leather and scissors.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each pair of
shoes or footwear crafted, a cobbler acquires 1/2
of 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Cobblers Guild. Each apprentice
must serve 5 years. A masterpiece must be pro-
duced to become a journeyman.
Once an apprentice for 5 years, they may
make a skill check as they craft their masterpiece. If
passed at TH 36, then they become a journeyman.
If failed, then they may begin crafting another mas-
terpiece and make another skill check in 1d10 days.
The Aedile may overrule any masterpiece skill check,
because those in the guild who review the appren-
tice may dislike them or choose to keep them as an
apprentice for some corrupt reason.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation specializes in producing and
selling charcoal. Charcoal is produced by burning
wood in a beehive kiln. Daily wages are typically 4
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 75.
Gender: Either.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Haggling + 3.
Equipment: Wood and a beehive kiln.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For every full day of
successfully making charcoal, the collier acquires 1
AP. For each cartload of charcoal sold, a collier
acquires 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Colliers Guild. Each apprentice
must serve 5 years. A masterpiece must be pro-
duced to become a journeyman.
Once an apprentice for 5 years, they may
make a skill check as they craft their masterpiece. If
passed at TH 36, then they become a journeyman.
If failed, then they may begin crafting another mas-
terpiece and make another skill check in 1d10 days.
The Aedile may overrule any masterpiece skill check,
because those in the guild who review the appren-
tice may dislike them or choose to keep them as an
apprentice for some corrupt reason.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation specializes in the prepara-
tion of food. Cooks begin preparing early in the
kitchen for breakfast. A kitchen fire must be pre-
pared, then an iron kettle is filled and heated, and
the floor is swept. Finally, the cook prepares the
Cheating in the kitchen is common. For ex-
ample, cooks are known for substituting human flesh
for swine, since both meats taste so much alike.
Diners are totally unaware of the difference. Some
recipes are available in Chapter 6: Sociality. Daily wages
are typically 5 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 75.
Gender: Either.
Race: Any.
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Peasant or serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Cooking + 5, Smell + 3, and Taste +
Equipment: Knives, spoons, pots, etc.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each meal
cooked succesfully, a cook acquires 1/5
of 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
Because my cook ruined the mutton
I thrashed him. You protested:
Glutton! Tyrant! The punishment
should fit the crime -- you cant
assault a man for a spoilt dinner.
Yes, I can. What worse crime
can a cook commit?
This occupation specializes in the manufac-
ture, repair, and sale of wooden tubs. Daily wages
are typically 5 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 75.
Gender: Female coopers are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Carpentry + 3, Haggling + 3, and
Weapon (Specific). The specific weapon is a knife.
Equipment: Wood and knives.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each wooden tub
crafted successfully, a cooper acquires 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Coopers Guild. Each apprentice
must serve 10 years. A masterpiece must be pro-
duced to become a journeyman.
Once an apprentice for 10 years, they may
make a skill check as they craft their masterpiece. If
passed at TH 36, then they become a journeyman.
If failed, then they may begin crafting another mas-
terpiece and make another skill check in 1d10 days.
The Aedile may overrule any masterpiece skill check,
because those in the guild who review the appren-
tice may dislike them or choose to keep them as an
apprentice for some corrupt reason.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation specializes in working with
and selling copper. Daily wages are typically 8 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 90.
Gender: Female coppersmiths are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Coppersmithing + 5 and Haggling +
Equipment: Hammer, anvil, and forge.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each substantial
project completed successfully, a coppersmith ac-
quires 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Smiths Guild. Each apprentice must
serve 7 years. All members are prohibited from in-
juring each other including apprentices, or their
property. Members accused of violating this prohi-
bition are banished from the guild, if not the com-
munity. All members are discouraged by a 100 s.p.
fine from helping smiths outside of their guild, as
well as making illegal keys or tools for thieves. Ap-
prentices must pay 200 s.p. to join the guild as a
journeyman, though sons of members may join for
free. If any member has more charcoal than needed,
then it may only be sold to other members at a fixed
price, and no member may purchase more than nec-
essary for their work. Violators regarding charcoal
pay 100 s.p. A master may not have more than 2
apprentices or own a slave; otherwise, a fee of 100
s.p. is charged.
Once an apprentice for 7 years, they may
apply for employment as a journeyman with their
guild. For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This is a female occupation in which an at-
tractive and talented female specializes in delighting
males with her knowledge and skills. A successful
courtesan is skilled at many things. Most likely, a
courtesan has additional skills that distinguish her
from other courtesans. A male will hire a courtesan
to accompany him in public or during business deal-
ings. Since courtesans also supply sex, they are es-
sentially expensive, intelligent, and skillful whores
(see Whore). Courtesans are paid for each day of
service. Daily wages are typically 100 s.p., or 5 s.p.
per hour.
Ability Requirements: Physical Fitness 100,
Bodily Attractiveness 130, Facial Charisma 130, Vo-
cal Charisma 90, Kinetic Charisma 100, and Intelli-
gence 90.
Gender: Female only.
Race: Bugbear, Black Dwarf, Dark Elf,
Human, and Kobold.
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf or noble.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Acting (Drama) + 3, Cleaning + 3,
Contortion + 3, Cooking + 3, Cosmetics + 5, Dance
+ 5, Etiquette + 3, Massage + 5, Music + 3, Seduc-
tion + 5, Sexual Adeptness + 5, Storytelling + 3,
and Weaving + 3.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each satisfied
customer, a courtesan acquires 10 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation specializes in herding cattle.
A cowherd must protect a herd of cattle from preda-
tors and thieves. Then, the cowherd sells the cattle
to skinners and butchers. Daily wages are typically
4 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Intelligence 75.
Gender: Female cowherds are rare.
Race: Human.
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Slave or peasant.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Animal Conditioning + 5 and Ani-
mal Handling + 5.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each herd that
is cowherded successfully, a cowherd acquires 10 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
A cupbearer is a character who brings and
refills beverages at meals, feasts, and parties in a castle.
Daily wages are typically 5 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Hand-Eye Coordi-
nation 90, and Intelligence 75.
Gender: Either.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Slave or serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Etiquette + 5.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each meal in
which no drinks were spilled nor any problems re-
lated to cupbearing, a cupbearer acquires 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation specializes in crafting and
selling knives. Daily wages are typically 7 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Strength 85, Hand-
Eye Coordination 90, and Intelligence 80.
Gender: Female cutlers are rare.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Bladesmithing + 5, Carpentry + 3,
Haggling + 3, and Weapon (Specific). The specific
weapon is a knife.
Equipment: Forge, hammers, tongs, anvil,
and knives.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each knife
crafted successfully, a cutler acquires 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Cutlers Guild. Each apprentice must
serve 8 years. A masterpiece must be produced to
become a journeyman.
Once an apprentice for 8 years, they may
make a skill check as they craft their masterpiece. If
passed at TH 36, then they become a journeyman.
If failed, then they may begin crafting another mas-
terpiece and make another skill check in 1d10 days.
The Aedile may overrule any masterpiece skill check,
because those in the guild who review the appren-
tice may dislike them or choose to keep them as an
apprentice for some corrupt reason.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
This occupation specializes in milking cows
and selling milk to characters. Daily wages are typi-
cally 4 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Hand-Eye Coordi-
nation 90 and Intelligence 75.
Gender: Female only.
Race: Human.
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Slave or peasant.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Milking + 5 and Haggling + 3.
Equipment: Bucket.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each cow milked,
a dairymaid acquires 1 AP. For each gallon of milk
sold to a character, a dairymaid acquires 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation and pastime is concerned
with bodily movement, usually to music. Daily wages
are typically 5 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Physical Fitness 90,
Bodily Attractiveness 100, Kinetic Charisma 115,
Agility 115, and Intelligence 80.
Gender: Male dancers are uncommon.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Slave or serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Dance + 5.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each new dance
move mastered, a dancer acquires 10 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Dancers Guild. Each apprentice
must serve 4 years. A masterpiece must be pro-
duced to become a journeywoman.
Once an apprentice for 4 years, she may
make a skill check as she crafts her masterpiece. If
passed at TH 36, then she becomes a journeywoman.
If failed, then she may begin crafting another mas-
terpiece and make another skill check in 1d10 days.
The Aedile may overrule any masterpiece skill check,
because those in the guild who review the appren-
tice may dislike her or choose to keep her as an ap-
prentice for some corrupt reason.
For a journeywoman to become a mistress,
she must be able financially to open her own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, she must pass a Persuasion skill check. The
TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeywoman
has worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may
overrule this skill check or apply any modifier
deemed appropriate.
This occupation specializes in picking and
removing lice, fleas, and bedbugs from the hair of
characters and beards of males. The removal of
such pests is a saleable service. Profitable delousers
additionally apply the herb lavender, because it re-
pels these pests.
Elves rarely need delousers, even though they
have hair on their heads (but nowhere else). Under-
ground races (dwarves, kobolds, and subterranean
trolls) rarely need delousers. Although ogres as well
as surface trolls need delousers, they rarely get ser-
Daily wages are typically 5 s.p. in a human
culture or 10 s.p. in a bugbear culture, though this is
an annual average. Most delousers charge 1 s.p. for
delousing 1 human, or 2 s.p. for delousing 1 bug-
bear. Delousers earn most of their wages in the
summer, and virtually starve in the winter.
Ability Requirements: Hand-Eye Coordi-
nation 90 and Intelligence 75.
Gender: Female only.
Race: Bugbear and human are most popu-
lar. Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill troll.
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Delousing + 5 and Haggling + 3.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each customer
who is deloused successfully, the delouser acquires 5
Training: None.
Guild: None.
Also called daserii, dicemakers are charac-
ters who make dice for a living. Playing dice is the
most popular gaming pastime. Dice are carved from
bone. Daily wages are typically 6 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Hand-Eye Coordi-
nation 100 and Intelligence 75.
Gender: Either.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Carving + 5.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each new die
crafted, a dicemaker acquires 1 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: Dicemakers Guild. Each appren-
tice must serve 9 years, and masters are limited to
having no more than 2 apprentices at once. A mas-
terpiece must be produced to become a journey-
Once an apprentice for 9 years, they may
make a skill check as they craft their masterpiece. If
passed at TH 36, then they become a journeyman.
If failed, then they may begin crafting another mas-
terpiece and make another skill check in 1d10 days.
The Aedile may overrule any masterpiece skill check,
because those in the guild who review the appren-
tice may dislike them or choose to keep them as an
apprentice for some corrupt reason.
For a journeyman to become a master, they
must be able financially to open their own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, they must pass a Persuasion skill check.
The TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeyman has
worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may over-
rule this skill check or apply any modifier deemed
Members are forbidden from importing dice
from other dicemakers. The only way that larger
cities can support a dicemakers guild is to empha-
size exporting dice. Any dicemaker who makes
loaded, marked, or clipped dice must pay a fine of
100 s.p. No trademark is allowed on dice. This
guild mandates that the following numbers must be
on opposite sides of the cube: 1 and 6, 2 and 5, and
3 and 4. Also, this guild mandates that no master
may make dice from the bones of a horse, since it is
considered unlucky.
A dockwalloper is a character who carries
freight along the docks as a vessel is loaded or un-
loaded. Daily wages are typically 5 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Physical Fitness 85
and Intelligence 75.
Gender: Male only.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
troll. The most common are bugbears and humans.
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Slave, peasant, or serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: None.
Equipment: None.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each vessel
loaded or unloaded, a dockwalloper acquires 10 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation specializes in studying the
body and attempting to use that knowledge to help
other characters suffering form sickness or disease.
Very few doctors exist.
Most doctors specialize in their species, but
some doctors specialize in animals, and are called
The trained doctor is an aristocrat of pro-
fessionals, enjoying high status and excellent fees.
A doctors practice is naturally confined to nobility
and royalty.
After a preliminary 3-year course, the pro-
spective doctor takes a 5-year course, followed by a
years internship with an experienced practitioner.
He is then allowed to take a formal examination. If
completed successfully, then he receives a license to
Medical education includes education about
the skills of Divination (Astrology) and Divination
(Numerology), and magic. Constellations and plan-
ets are believed to preside over different parts of
the body. Numerology provides complicated guides
for the course of an illness. The body is believed to
have 4 humors and 3 spirits, all of which must be
checked by the examination of the urine and stool,
and by feeling the pulse. Adjustments are commonly
made by bloodletting, from the side of the body
opposite the site of the disease.
The most frequent demand for medical aid
is the treatment of wounds and injuries. Here the
surgeon achieves his best success, even showing
some understanding of the problem of infection.
The doctor applies such medicaments as the steril-
ized whites of eggs to wounds caused by Hacking
or Stabbing.
The fee charged by a doctor is scaled to the
wealth and class of the patient. Therefore, doctors
receive piece-rate wages. Daily wages are typically
200 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Analytic Intelligence
115, Intelligence (overall) 105, and Intuition 100.
Gender: Male only.
Race: Any but ogre, borbytingarna, and hill
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Noble.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Anatomy + 3, Diagnosing + 3, Divi-
nation (Astrology), Divination (Numerology), Sur-
gery + 3, and Weapon (Specific). The specific
weapon is for each piece of surgical equipment.
Equipment: Surgical equipment includes
scissors, speculum, razor, scalpel, needle, and lan-
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each patient fully
healed, a doctor acquires 10 AP.
Training: None.
Guild: None.
This occupation specializes in cloth. Linen
is thread that is spun from flax and obtained from a
threadmaker (ropemaker). Cloth may be made by
hand or with an ancient machine called a handloom.
Another occupation, the weaver/embroiderer, also
makes cloth, though a weaver and a draper are dis-
tinctly different. A draper makes linen cloth, crafts
the cloth into drapes, and sells them. Oftentimes,
drapers sell their cloth to tailors. Daily wages are
typically 5 s.p.
Ability Requirements: Hand-Eye Coordi-
nation 85 and Intelligence 80.
Gender: Female only.
Race: Human.
Disposition: Any.
Temperament: Any.
Sociality: Serf.
Religion: Any.
Skills: Haggling + 3 and Weaving + 5.
Equipment: Cloth and scissors.
Magic Points: Inapplicable.
Advancement Points: For each substantial
project completed successfully, a draper acquires 1
Training: None.
Guild: Drapers Guild. Each apprentice
must serve 4 years. A masterpiece must be pro-
duced to become a journeywoman.
Once an apprentice for 4 years, she may
make a skill check as she crafts her masterpiece. If
passed at TH 36, then she becomes a journeywoman.
If failed, then she may begin crafting another mas-
terpiece and make another skill check in 1d10 days.
The Aedile may overrule any masterpiece skill check,
because those in the guild who review the appren-
tice may dislike her or choose to keep them as an
apprentice for some corrupt reason.
For a journeywoman to become a mistress,
she must be able financially to open her own shop,
and receive the approval of the guild. To receive
approval, she must pass a Persuasion skill check. The
TH begins at 30 and is decreased by 1 for every
period of 6 months in which the journeywoman
has worked locally with the guild. The Aedile may
overrule this skill check or apply any modifier
deemed appropriate.
Priests are those who have devoted their lives
to a god, philosophy, or religion. The occupation
of a priest is the most diverse due to the number of
different gods and philosophies. Therefore, priests
are unable to be standardized or generalized, and
are only introduced briefly here; most of the infor-
mation relevant to a priesthood may be found in
Neveria (Fantasy World). 2 main classes of priests
will be introduced: hierophants and druids.
All priests must meet minimum score requi-
sites in the sub-ability of Language and the ability
of Wisdom. Further, these requirements become
more stringent as spell level increases. Hence, a priest
may attain high levels, but be limited in spellcasting
ability. Consult the table for ability requirements.
Priests gain access to spells as granted by
their gods. Usually, priests have dreams induced by
their god regarding the proper ingredients and ritual
necessary for casting a certain spell, or they are in-
structed by other priests of the same faith. If a
chant is required for a spell, then a priest speaks in
tongues, influenced by their god or religion. In any
case, priests may cast any spells from their god as
long as they have enough MP at the moment.
Similarly, as a priest advances in level, pro-
vided they meet the minimum requisites per spell
level, their odds of increasing in spell level are noted
on the table on the next page entitled Likelihood
of Advancing in Spell Level.
Ability Requirements
l e v e L l l e p S e g a u g n a L m o d s i W
1 5 0 1 0 1 1
2 0 1 1 5 1 1
3 5 1 1 0 2 1
4 0 2 1 5 2 1
5 5 2 1 0 3 1
6 0 3 1 5 3 1
7 5 3 1 0 4 1
8 0 4 1 5 4 1
9 5 4 1 0 5 1
0 1 0 5 1 5 5 1
Priests cast only chaos magic (see Chap. 11:
Piety Points
All spells cast by priests are affected accord-
ing to their PP. All aspects of a spell are affected,
including damage, duration, range, etc. If a discrep-
ancy arises, then the Aedile is the final arbiter of a
specific effect with a specific spell. Consult the table
P P t c e f f E
5 - 1 % 0 0 1 -
5 1 - 6 % 5 7 -
0 3 - 6 1 % 0 5 -
0 7 - 1 3 % 5 2 -
5 8 - 1 7 -
5 9 - 6 8 % 0 1 +
0 0 1 - 6 9 % 5 2 +
Perhaps the most educated of priests and
characters, druids must pass 20 years of schooling
before earning the title of druid. Therefore, due to
the intensive training and education, a character must
begin as a druid at 1
level, and also add 10 years to
their starting age. In order to become a druid after
gaining levels in another occupation, the character
must solely devote 20 years to druidic study.
While druids are priests, they also perform
other functions where their culture is dominant, in-
cluding religious teachers, judges, and civil adminis-
trators. Supreme power is vested in the archdruid
of a culture.
There are 3 classes of druids: bards, proph-
ets, and priests. Bards function as per the bard oc-
cupation (not druids), except bardic druids are very
concerned with nature and balance. Prophets func-
tion as per the sorcerer occupation (not druids), ex-
cept that they are always female, do not enjoy the
powers and privileges of the druidic priests, and are
very concerned with nature and balance. Druidic
priests, the actual druids, are always male and as-
sisted by prophets.
Druids consider the oak tree, mistletoe, and
yew tree as sacred. Rituals are customarily conducted
in oak forests. Druids extensively use altars, usually
as unhewn stone slabs or megaliths found in cham-
bers in small caves. Atop these caves, when pos-
sible, are circles of megaliths or large stones. Circles
are important to druids, symbolizing the cycles of
Regarding spells, druids must choose 2 of
the 5 magical disciplines, avoiding the opposite dis-
ciplines (see Chap. 11: Magic). Druids acquire 1d4
spells per occupational level. The specific spells are
determined randomly within their disciplines. Spells
are granted collectively by the gods worshipped.
When a druid advances an occupational level,
the player must roll 1d100 and consult the table be-
low. The table lists the percentage chance of ad-
vancing to a higher spell level. Future spells are de-
termined randomly by spell level and discipline.
l e v e L l l e p S n i g n i c n a v d A f o d o o h i l e k i L
l a n o i t a p u c c O
l e v e L
l e v e L l l e p S
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
2 % 0 2 - - - - - - - -
3 % 8 2 % 6 1 - - - - - - -
4 % 5 3 % 4 2 % 3 1 - - - - - -
5 % 3 4 % 2 3 % 9 1 % 0 1 - - - - -
6 % 0 5 % 7 3 % 5 2 % 5 1 % 7 - - - -
7 % 0 6 % 4 4 % 2 3 % 1 2 % 3 1 % 5 - - -
8 % 0 7 % 0 5 % 8 3 % 7 2 % 8 1 % 0 1 % 4 - -
9 % 0 8 % 0 6 % 4 4 % 3 3 % 4 2 % 5 1 % 2 1 % 3 -
0 1 % 0 9 % 0 7 % 0 5 % 8 3 % 9 2 % 0 2 % 6 1 % 0 1 % 2
1 1 % 0 0 1 % 0 8 % 0 6 % 4 4 % 4 3 % 5 2 % 2 2 % 4 1 % 2 1
2 1 - % 0 9 % 0 7 % 0 5 % 0 4 % 0 3 % 5 2 % 8 1 % 6 1
3 1 - % 0 0 1 % 0 8 % 0 6 % 5 4 % 5 3 % 9 2 % 2 2 % 0 2
4 1 - - % 0 9 % 0 7 % 0 5 % 0 4 % 3 3 % 6 2 % 4 2
5 1 - - % 0 0 1 % 0 8 % 0 6 % 5 4 % 8 3 % 0 3 % 8 2
6 1 - - - % 0 9 % 0 7 % 0 5 % 2 4 % 4 3 % 2 3
7 1 - - - % 0 0 1 % 0 8 % 0 6 % 6 4 % 8 3 % 6 3
8 1 - - - - % 0 9 % 0 7 % 0 5 % 2 4 % 0 4
9 1 - - - - % 0 0 1 % 0 8 % 0 6 % 6 4 % 4 4
0 2 - - - - - % 0 9 % 0 7 % 0 5 % 8 4
Druidic Circle of Effect: Druids know that
when they gather in a circle and cast the same spell
together, their power increases substantially. No
other type of spellcaster is entitled to the effects
granted by a circle. The circle must consist of all
druids. A circle consists of at least 2 druids. Any
combination of druidic occupational levels may
comprise a circle.
All aspects of the druidic circle of effect
must be performed in unison. Because of the diffi-
culty, the chance of failure is a percentage equal to
the square root of the number of druids in the circle.
For instance, in a circle of 9 druids, the chance of
failure is 3% (since the square root of 9 is 3). The
chance of failure is rolled by the most powerful druid
in the circle. If failure occurs, then each druid in
the circle must roll for an effect in Appendix 3: Ran-
dom Magical Effects.
Even though a druidic circle of effect is pow-
erful, druids are sufficiently rare that it is difficult to
find a number of druids, let alone a number who
can cast the same spell.
A druidic circle of effect causes an increase
in the effectiveness of a spell, including its range,
area, duration, damage, and any other effect deemed
appropriate by the Aedile. The formula to deter-
mine the effectiveness of a druidic circle of effect is
as follows:
Result = (Ex) + Ex(N
- 1)
Let E = the sum of
Let x = effect
Let N = number of druids
Note that N