C and C++ ?
Answers : 1
C is a procedural language on the
other hand c++ is an object
oriented language.C follows top
down approach, c++ follows bottom
up approach.C is a low level
language, c++ is a middle level
language.Input and putput functions
differs in the two languages, c uses
printf and scanf whereas c++ uses
>> and << as input and output
operators.C++ can be broken down
to solve real world problems which is
not the case in c.
Questions : 2 What is the difference between
declaration and definition ?
Answers : 2 There are basically two differences
between declaration and definition :
In declaration no space is reserved
for the variable, declaration only
tells about the 'type' of the variable
we are using or we will be using int
he program.Definition on the other
hand reserves the sapce for the
variable and some initial value is
given to it.Another major difference
is that redeclaration is not an error
whereas redefinition is an error,In
simple words, when we declare no
space is reserved for the variable
and we can redeclare it in the
programOn the other hand, when
we define a variable some sapce is
reserved for it to hold values plus
some initial value is also given to it,
apart from it we cannot give another
definition to the variable, i.e. we
cannot define it again.Example:
extern int x -> is a declaration
whereas int y is definition.
Questions : 3 If you want to share several
functions or variables in several
files maitainin the consistency
how would you share it?
Answers : 3 To maintain the conistency between
several files firstly place each
definition in '.c' file than using
external declarations put it in '.h' file
after it is included .h file we can use
it in several files using #include as it
will be in one of the header files,
thus to maintain the consistency we
can make our own header file and
include it where ever needed.
Questions : ! What do you mean by
translation unit?
Answers : ! A Translation Unit is a set of source
files that is seen by the complier and
it translate it as one unit which is
generally ?.c? file and all the header
files mentioned in #include
directives.When a C preprocessor
expands the source file with all the
header files the result is the
preprocessing translation unit which
when futher processed translates
the preprocessing translation unit
into translation unit, furtherwith the
help of this translation unit compiler
forms the object file and ultimately
forms an executable program.
Questions : " #escribe lin$aes and ty%es of
Answers : " When we declare identifiers within
the same scope or in the different
scopes they can be made to refer
the same object or function with the
help of likages. There are three
types of linkages: a) External
linkage b) Internal linkage c) None
linkageEXternal Linkages means
'global, non-static' functions or
variable. Example: extern int a1
Internal Linkages means static
variable and functions. Example:
static int a2None Linkages means
local variables. Example : int a3
Questions : & 'ee%in in mind the efficiency(
which one between if-else and
switch is more efficient?
Answers : & Between if-else chain and switch
statements, as far as efficiency is
concerned it is hard to say that
which one is more effiect becuase
both of them posses hardly any
defference in terms of efficiency.
Switch can ne converted into if else
chain internally by the compiler.
Switch statements are compact way
of writting a jump table whereas if-
else is a long way of writting
conditions.Between if-esle and
switch statements, switch cases are
prefered to be used in the
programming as it is a compact and
cleaner way of writting conditions in
the program.
Questions : ) What are structures and unions?
Answers : ) While handling real world problems
we come across situations when we
want to use different data type as
one, C allows the user to define it
own data type known as structures
and unions.Structures and unions
gathers together different atoms of
informations that comprise a given
Questions : * What is the difference between
structures and unions?
Answers : * Conceptually structures and unions
are same, the differnce between
them lies in their 'Memory
Management' or in simple words the
memory required by them.Elements
in structures are stored in
contiguous blocks, where as in
unions the memory is allocated in
such a way that the same memory
allocated for one variable serves as
its memory at one occassion and as
memory for another varioable at
some other occassion. Therefore,
the basic difference lies in the way
mrmory is allocated to both
structures and unions.
Questions : + What do you mean by
,numerated #ata -y%e?
Answers : + Enumerated Data type helps the
user in defining its own data type
and also gives the user an
opportunity to define what values
this type can take.The use of
Enumerated Data Type maily lie
when the program get more
complicated or more number of
programers are workin on it as it
makes the program listings more
Questions : 1. What are /re%rocessor
#irectives in C?
Answers : 1. The Preprocessor processes the
source program before it is passed
to the compiler. The features that
preprocessor offers are known as
Prepsocessor Directives.
Preprocessing directives are lines in
your program that start with `#'.
The `#' is followed by an identi er
that is the directive name. For
example, `#define' is the directive
that defnes a macro. Whitespace is
also allowed before and after the
`#'. A preprocessing directive
cannot be more than one line in
normal circumstances. Some
directive names require arguments..
Questions : 11
0ow c functions %revents rewor$
and therefore saves the
%roramers time as wel as
lenth of the code ?
Answers : 11
As we know that c allows us to make
functions and cal them where ever
needed, it prevents rework by
calling the same function again and
again where ever requires intead for
example if we make a funtion that
adds two numbers, it can be called
anywhere in the program where
ever the addintion is needed and we
do not need to code again for adding
any number. It also shortens the
length of the program as we do not
need to code again the same thing
for next time we can simple call the
funtion and use it whenever needed.
Questions : 12 What does an extern keyword
mean in declaration?
Answers : 12 This keyword indicated that the
function or the variable is
implemented externally and it
emphasizes that the variable ot the
function exits external to the file or
function.We use this keyword when
we want to make anything global in
the project, it does not lie within any
Questions : 13 Can 1nion be self referenced?
Answers : 13 No, Union cannot be self referenced
because it shares a single memory
for all of its data members.
Questions : 1! #efine %ointers?
Answers : 1! Pointes are special type of variables
that are used to store the memory
address of the other variables.
Pointers are declared normallt as
other variables withe diffrence of *
that is present in front of the pointer
identifier.There are two operators
that are used with the pointers one
is '&' and another one is '*'.& is
known as address of operator and *
is known as dereferncing operator,
both are prefix unary operators.
Questions : 1" Which format s%ecifier is used
for %rintin a %ointer value?
Answers : 1" %p is used to dispaly the
corresponding argument that is a
pointer.%x can also be used to print
values in hexadecimal form.
Questions: 1&
What is the use of 2auto2
$eyword ?
Answers: 1&
The auto keyword declares a local
variable whose scope remains within
the bolck of code, it is a variable
with the local scope.When we
declare a variable with the auto
keyword it specify that it belongs to
an auto storage class.These
variables are visible only within the
bolck in which they are declared.
These types of variables are not
initialised automatically instead
need to be initialised xplicitly
Questions: 1) What is the use of reister
$eyword with the variables?
Answers: 1) Register keyword signifies that of
possible to store variable in the
register than store it in register.
Variables are usually stored in
stacks and are passed to and fro to
processor whenever required.Also
register keyword when used redused
code size which is an important
thing in embeded system.
Questions: 1* What do you mean by 3lobal
Answers: 1* These are the variables which
remains visible throughout the
program and are not recreated when
they are recalled.These types are by
default initialised to zero and
allocated memory on Data Segment.
Questions: 1+ What do you mean by 4tatic
Answers: 1+ Static is an access qualifier that
limits the scope of the variable but
causes the variable to exist for the
lifetime of the program. This means
a static variable is one that is not
seen outside the function in which it
is declared as its scopeis limited to
the block of code in which it has
been created but its lifespan
remains until the program
terminates.The value of such a
variable will remain and may be
seen even after calls to a function
also the declaration statement of
such type of a variable inside a
function is executed only once.
Questions: 2. What is the difference between
lobal variables and static
Answers: 2. The scope of the variable describes
that the variable is accessible at
certain point in the program or not.
The difference between global
variables and static variables lies in
this concept only. The scope of the
global variables remains through
out the program also the life span of
these variables is through out the
program.The scope of the static
Variables remains within the block
of code in which they are created
but the life span remains through
out the program.Thus, the main
difference is between the scope of
both type of variables.
Questions: 21 What is the difference between
global variables and local
Answers: 21 5irst, Global variables are the
variables which can be accessed
from anywhere through out the
program whereas local variables are
those which can only be accessed
within the block of code in which
they are created.4econd, global
variables are visible throughout the
program whereas local variables are
not known to the other functions in
the programs i.e. they are visible
within the block of code in which
they are created.-hird, global
variables are allocated memory on
Data Segament whereas local
variables are allocated memory on
the stack.
Questions: 22 What do you mean by volatile
Answers: 22 Variables prefixed with the keyword
volatile acts as a data type qualifier.
The volatile keyword attempts to
alter the default way in which the
variables are stored and the way the
compiler handles the variables.It is a
kind of instruction to the optimizer
to not to optimize the varabli during
Questions: 23 What is the %rototy%e of %rintf
Answers: 23 Prototype of printf function is:int
printf( const char *format ,?)In this
the Second parameter: 2?2 (Three
continuous dots) are known as
called ellipsis which indicates the
variable number of arguments.
Questions: 2! #efine 6acro?
Answers: 2! Macros are the identifiers that
represent statements or expressions
in other words macros are fragment
of code which is been given a name.
#define directive is used to dedine a
macro.Example, we have define a
macro i.e SQUARE(x) x*x. Here the
macro determines the square of the
given number. Macro Declaration:
#define name text
Questions: 2" What is the disadvantae of
usin a macro?
Answers: 2" The major disadvantage associated
with the macro is : When a macro is
invoked no type checking is
performed.Therefore it is important
to declare a macro coreectly so that
it gives a correct answer whenever it
is called inside the program.
Questions: 2&
What is a void %ointer?
Answers: 2&
When we declare a variable as a
pointer to a variable of type void, it
is known as void pointer. Another
name for it is generic pointer.In
general we cannot have a void type
variable,but if the variable is of void
type it do not point to any data and
due to this it cannot be de-
Questions: 2) What is a unnitialised %ointer?
Answers: 2) When we create a pointer the
memory to the pointer is allocated
but the contents or value that
memory has to hold remains
untouched. Unitialised pointers are
those pointers which do not hold any
initial value.Example: int *p; is said
to be an unitialise pointer, it is
recomended to initialise the pointer
before actually using it as it an error.
Questions: 2* What is danlin %ointer?
Answers: 2* These are the pointers that do not
point to any object of appropriate
type. These are special cases of
memory vialation as they do not
point to any appropraite type.These
arises when some object is deleted
from the memory or when an object
is deallocated thus the pointer keeps
on pointin to the memory location
untill it is modified. Dangling
pointers may lead to unpredictable
Questions: 2+ What do you $now about near(
far and hue %ointer?
Answers: 2+ A near pointer is a 16 bit pointer to
an object which is contained in the
current segment like code segment,
data segment, stack segment and
extra segment. It holds only offset
address.A far pointer is a 32 bit
pointer to an object anywhere in
memory. It can only be used when
the compiler allocates a segment
register, or we can say the compiler
must allocate segment register to
use far pointers. These pointers hold
16 bit segment and 16 bit offset
address.Huge pointers are also far
pointers i.e. 32 bit pointer the
difference is that the huge pointer
can be increased or decreased
uniformly between any segments
and can have any value from 0 to
Questions: 3. What is null %ointer?
Answers: 3. NULL pointer is not the unitialised
pointer that can point anywhere, the
NULL pointers are the one which do
not point anywhere that is which do
not point to any object or any
from 31 to !" C and C++ interview 7uestions and
Questions: 31
Where the memory to the 4tatic
variables is allocated?
Answers: 31
Static Variables are allocated
memory on the heap.
Questions: 32 0ow 4tatic variables and 8ocal
variablesare similar and
Answers: 32 Similarity: Both Static varables and
Local variables are similar in terms
of their scope, i.e, both of them are
local to the block of code in which
they are created.Dissimilarity: Both
of them are dissimilar in terms of
their lifespan,i.e, static variablea
have lifespan throughout the
program whereas the lifespan of the
local variables is local to block of
code in which they are created.
Questions: 33 ,%lain Extern $eyword?
Answers: 33 Extern keyword is used when there
is a requirement of making variables
global and accessible across the
files. This keyword signifies the
presence of the variable or the
funtion to the compiler.It is used
only for the declaration of the
variables or the functions not for
their definition.Variables prefixed
with this keyword should not be
initialised. Important thing to note is
that the extern declaration does not
create any storage.
Questions: 3! What do you mean by funtion
Answers: 3! Funtion Prototype are generally
declarations placed in the header
files. It tells the compiler the
function like the name of the
function, its type ,i.e, what types of
inputs the function will receive and
what type of output it will return to
the calling function.
Questions: 3" Can a function ta$e variable
lenth aruments( If yes( how?
Answers: 3" Yes,the function can take variable
length arguments with the help of
ellipses.Ellipses in the function
indicates that the function may
receive variable length arguments.
Example: printf function can take
variable length arguments. It is
declared as:extern int printf(const
char *, ...)In the above declaration
'...'(three dots) indicates the
presence of ellipses showing that
the function may receive variable
length arguments.
Questions: 3& What do you mean by function
Answers: 3& Function pointer are the pointers
that points to the address of a
function. Each function in C is
addressed in code segment. This
address of the of the function is
stored in a pointer. This function is
invoked from this pointer whenever
required as it holds the address of
the function in the code segment.
Questions: 3) What is 8value?
Answers: 3) Lvalues are the expressions that
refer to memory locations. lvalues
appear on the left of the '=' sign.
The name of the identifier indicates
the storage location while the value
indicates the value stored at the
location. Example x=15; in this 'x' is
the Lvalue.
Questions: 3* What is 9value?
Answers: 3* Rvalues describes the value of the
expression to be assigned to the
Lvalue. It appears on the right side
of the '=' sign , i.e , Rvalue is the
data value to the variable to be
assigned to Lvalue. Exanple x= 15;
In this 15 is the Rvalue.
Questions: 3+ What is the use of function
Answers: 3+ Function pointer are used to call a
function defined at the run-time. It
is a variable that stored the address
of a function that can later be called
through function pointer. These are
also used to implement function
Questions: !. What is the use of volatile
Answers: !. volatile keyword is used to prevent
the code from optimization by
compiler. This keyword tells the
compiler that value of the variable
may change so ot prevents from
being optimized. It is generally used
on objects that are shared between
threads or programs.
Questions: !1
What is the difference between
:%++ and ;:%<++ ?
Answers: !1
In *p++, since ++ is associated
from right to left *p++ increments p
but returns the value pointed by the
p before increments whereas (*p)+
+ increments the value pointed to
by p.
Questions: !2 0ow to declare an array of
%ointers to inteer?
Answers: !2 int *a!"#$ where 'a' is an array of
pointersto integers.
Questions: !3 0ow to declare a %ointer to an
array of inteers?
Answers: !3 int %*a&!"#$ where 'a' is a pointer
to array of integers.
Questions: !! What si=e is allocated to the
union variable?
Answers: !! Size allocated to the variables of the
inion is the maximum size, i.e , the
size of its biggest variables. When
si'eof is applied on a unions it gives
the size of its biggest
Questions: !" what is the out%ut of
Answers: !" p, is the output of the the given
snippet. The expressiom
3["OUTPUT"] is equivalent to
"OUTPUT"[3] Expression a[b],
*(a+b), *(b+a) and b[a] are
Questions: !&
0ow to declare a function
Answers: !&
int (* function_pointer)(); --> This
is the declaration of the function
pointer(function_pointer = display;
--> This is assignment of
address of a function to the
function pointer(
Questions: !) What are the two shift o%erators
and what are their functions?
Answers: !) There are two shift operators those
are Left Shift Operator and Right
Shift Operator.Left shift operator
and Right shift operator are denoted
by << and >> respectively.These
are used when there is arequirement
to multiply/divide an integer by a
power of two.
Questions: !* What is the si=e of inteer
Answers: !* The size of the integer variable
varies with the processor and the
operating system, i.e,weather an
operating system is 16-bit or 32-bit
or 64 bit.For 16-bit its 4 byte and for
32-bit also its 4 byte but for 64-bit
its 8 bytes.
Questions: !+ When a C file is eBecuted there
are many files that are
automatically o%ened what are
they files?
Answers: !+ When a C file is executed some files
that are opened automatically are
stdout stdin and stderr ,i.e,
standard output, standard input and
standard error.
Questions: ". What is ,ndianness?
Answers: ". The attribute of a system that
indicates whether integers are
represented with the most
significant byte stored at the lowest
address or at the highest address.
Questions: "1 @ut of fets;< and ets;< which
function is safe to use?
Answers: "1 fgets() is more safe to use in
comparison with gets() because
fgets() can be told the size of the
buffer into which the string supliied
will be stored which has an
advantage of no stack overflow, i.e,
since the size of the buffer is already
Questions: "2 What do you mean by const
Answers: "2 A program is said to be const correct
if it nevr changes a constant oblect
Questions: "3 Which bitwise o%erator is used
to chec$ whether a %articular bit
is on or off?
Answers: "3 The operator that is used for
checking the on or off bit is the !
Questions: "! What are the uses of typedef in
a %roram?
Answers: "! The are many uses of typedef some
of them includes: It makes writing
of complicated declaratioms a lot
easier.It helps in achieving
portability in programs. It helps in
providing a better documentation for
a program.
Questions: "" What is the use of bit fields in
structure declaration??
Answers: "" TO save the sapce in structures
having several binary flags or other
small fields bit fields are used.
Questions: "&
is arr and Carr are same
eB%ression for an array?
Answers: "&
No, they both are different.arr gives
the address of the first element of
the array whereas the &arr give the
address of the array of elements
Questions: ") What are the uses of %ointers?
Answers: ") Pointers can be for dynamic memory
allocations, implementing linked
lists, trees graphs, in call by
reference, accessing elements of
strings and arrays, etc.
Questions: "* What do the header files usually
Answers: "* Header files contains the
preprocessor directives like typedef
declarations, declaration of global
variables and functions, structures,
unions , enum, and also external
function/variables declaration.
#include is used to pull in the
header files in the program.
Questions: "+ If a header file is included twice
by mista$e in the %roram( will
it ive any error?
Answers: "+ Yes, if header files are included
twice or more than once in a
program it gives an error so it
should be taken care that a file is
included only once in the program.
Questions: &. We use library functions in the
%roram( in what form they are
%rovided to the %roram?
Answers: &. Library functions are provided in
object code form and are not
provided in the source code form.
The object code form of the
functions is already compiled and
are used in the programs.
Questions : 1
,B%lain the conce%t
of 9eentrancyD ?
Answers : 1
It is a useful, memory-
saving technique for
timesharing systems. A
Reentrant Procedure is
one in which multiple
users can share a
single copy of a
program during the
same period.
Reentrancy has 2 key
aspects: The program
code cannot modify
itself, and the local data
for each user process
must be stored
separately. Thus, the
permanent part is the
code, and the
temporary part is the
pointer back to the
calling program and
local variables used by
that program. Each
execution instance is
called activation. It
executes the code in
the permanent part,
but has its own copy of
The temporary part
associated with each
activation is the
activation record.
Generally, the
activation record is
kept on the stack.
Note: A reentrant
procedure can be
interrupted and called
by an interrupting
program, and still
execute correctly on
returning to the
Questions : 2 ,B%lain Eelady2s
Answers : 2 Also called FIFO
anomaly. Usually, on
increasing the number
of frames allocated to a
process' virtual
memory, the process
execution is faster,
because fewer page
faults occur.
Sometimes, the reverse
happens, i.e., the
execution time
increases even when
more frames are
allocated to the
process. This is
Belady's Anomaly. This
is true for certain page
reference patterns.
Questions : 3 What is a binary
sema%hore? What is
its use?
Answer : 3 A binary semaphore is
one, which takes only 0
and 1 as values. They
are used to implement
mutual exclusion and
synchronize concurrent
Questions : ! What is thrashin?
Answer : ! It is a phenomenon in
virtual memory
schemes when the
processor spends most
of its time swapping
pages, rather than
executing instructions.
This is due to an
inordinate number of
page faults.
Questions : " 8ist the Coffman2s
conditions that lead
to a deadloc$D
Answers : " ==> 6utual
,Bclusion : Only one
process may use a
critical resource at a
==> 0old and Wait :
A process may be
allocated some
resources while waiting
for others.
==> Fo /reGem%tion
: No resource can be
forcible removed from a
process holding it.
==> Circular Wait : A
closed chain of
processes exist such
that each process holds
at least one resource
needed by another
process in the chain.
Questions : & What are shortGterm(
lonGterm and
Answers : & Long term scheduler
determines which
programs are admitted
to the system for
processing. It controls
the degree of
Once admitted, a job
becomes a process.
Medium term
scheduling is part of
the swapping function.
This relates to
processes that are in a
blocked or suspended
state. They are
swapped out of real-
memory until they are
ready to execute. The
swapping-in decision is
based on memory-
management criteria.
Short term scheduler,
also know as a
dispatcher executes
most frequently, and
makes the finest-
grained decision of
which process should
execute next. This
scheduler is invoked
whenever an event
occurs. It may lead to
interruption of one
process by preemption.
Questions : ) What are turnaround
time and res%onse
Answers : ) Turnaround time is the
interval between the
submission of a job and
its completion.
Response time is the
interval between
submission of a
request, and the first
response to that
Questions : * What are the ty%ical
elements of a
%rocess imae?
Answers : * ==> 1ser data :
Modifiable part of user
space. May include
program data, user
stack area, and
programs that may be
==> 1ser %roram :
The instructions to be
==> 4ystem 4tac$ :
Each process has one
or more LIFO stacks
associated with it. Used
to store parameters
and calling addresses
for procedure and
system calls.
==> /rocess control
Eloc$ ;/CE< : Info
needed by the OS to
control processes.
Questions : + What is the
8oo$aside Euffer
Answers : + In a cached system,
the base addresses of
the last few referenced
pages is maintained in
registers called the TLB
that aids in faster
lookup. TLB contains
those page-table
entries that have been
most recently used.
Normally, each virtual
memory reference
causes 2 physical
memory accesses-- one
to fetch appropriate
page-table entry, and
one to fetch the desired
data. Using TLB in-
between, this is
reduced to just one
physical memory
access in cases of TLB-
Questions : 1. What is the resident
set and wor$in set
of a %rocess?
Answers : 1. Resident set is that
portion of the process
image that is actually in
real-memory at a
particular instant.
Working set is that
subset of resident set
that is actually needed
for execution. (Relate
this to the variable-
window size method for
swapping techniques.)
Questions : 11 When is a system in
safe state?
Answers : 11 The set of dispatchable
processes is in a safe
state if there exists at
least one temporal
order in which all
processes can be run to
completion without
resulting in a deadlock.
Questions : 12 What is cycle
Answers : 12 We encounter cycle
stealing in the context
of Direct Memory
Access (DMA). Either
the DMA controller can
use the data bus when
the CPU does not need
it, or it may force the
CPU to temporarily
suspend operation. The
latter technique is
called cycle stealing.
Note that cycle stealing
can be done only at
specific break points in
an instruction cycle.
Questions : 13 What is meant by
Answers : 13 If one or a few
processes have a high
access rate to data on
one track of a storage
disk, then they may
monopolize the device
by repeated requests to
that track. This
generally happens with
most common device
scheduling algorithms
etc). High-density
multisurface disks are
more likely to be
affected by this than
low density ones.
Questions : 1! What are the
sti%ulations of C2
level security?
Answers : 1! C2 level security
provides for:
==> Discretionary
Access Control
==> Identification and
==> Auditing
==> Resource reuse
Questions : 1" What is busy
Answers : 1" The repeated execution
of a loop of code while
waiting for an event to
occur is called busy-
waiting. The CPU is not
engaged in any real
productive activity
during this period, and
the process does not
progress toward
Questions : 1& ,B%lain the %o%ular
Answers : 1& HHI 8oad 4harin :
Processes are not
assigned to a particular
processor. A global
queue of threads is
maintained. Each
processor, when idle,
selects a thread from
this queue. Note that
load balancing refers to
a scheme where work
is allocated to
processors on a more
permanent basis.
4chedulin: A set of
related threads is
scheduled to run on a
set of processors at the
same time, on a 1-to-1
basis. Closely related
threads / processes
may be scheduled this
way to reduce
blocking, and minimize
process switching.
Group scheduling
predated this strategy.
assinment: Provides
implicit scheduling
defined by assignment
of threads to
processors. For the
duration of program
execution, each
program is allocated a
set of processors equal
in number to the
number of threads in
the program.
Processors are chosen
from the available pool.
schedulin: The
number of thread in a
program can be altered
during the course of
Questions : 1) When does the
2rende=vous2 arise?
Answers : 1) In message passing, it
is the condition in
which, both, the sender
and receiver are
blocked until the
message is delivered.
Questions : 1* What is a tra% and
Answers : 1* Trapdoor is a secret
undocumented entry
point into a program
used to grant access
without normal
methods of access
authentication. A trap
is a software interrupt,
usually the result of an
error condition.
Questions : 1+ What are local and
lobal %ae
Answers : 1+ Local replacement
means that an
incoming page is
brought in only to the
relevant process'
address space. Global
replacement policy
allows any page frame
from any process to be
replaced. The latter is
applicable to variable
partitions model only.
Questions : 2. #efine latency(
transfer and see$
time with res%ect to
dis$ IJ@D
Answers : 2. Seek time is the time
required to move the
disk arm to the
required track.
Rotational delay or
latency is the time it
takes for the beginning
of the required sector
to reach the head. Sum
of seek time (if any)
and latency is the
access time. Time
taken to actually
transfer a span of data
is transfer time.
Questions : 21 #escribe the Euddy
system of memory
Answers : 21 Free memory is
maintained in linked
lists, each of equal
sized blocks. Any such
block is of size 2^k.
When some memory is
required by a process,
the block size of next
higher order is chosen,
and broken into two.
Note that the two such
pieces differ in address
only in their kth bit.
Such pieces are called
buddies. When any
used block is freed, the
OS checks to see if its
buddy is also free. If
so, it is rejoined, and
put into the original
free-block linked-list.
Questions : 22 What is timeG
Answers : 22 It is a technique
proposed by Lamport,
used to order events in
a distributed system
without the use of
clocks. This scheme is
intended to order
events consisting of the
transmission of
messages. Each system
'i' in the network
maintains a counter Ci.
Every time a system
transmits a message, it
increments its counter
by 1 and attaches the
time-stamp Ti to the
message. When a
message is received,
the receiving system 'j'
sets its counter Cj to 1
more than the
maximum of its current
value and the incoming
time-stamp Ti. At each
site, the ordering of
messages is
determined by the
following rules: For
messages x from site i
and y from site j, x
precedes y if one of the
following conditions
holds....(a) if Ti
Questions : 23 0ow are the
o%erations for
monitor different
from those for
Answers : 23 If a process in a
monitor signal and no
task is waiting on the
condition variable, the
signal is lost. So this
allows easier program
design. Whereas in
semaphores, every
operation affects the
value of the
semaphore, so the wait
and signal operations
should be perfectly
balanced in the
Questions : 2! In the conteBt of
manaement( what
are %lacement and
Answers : 2! Placement algorithms
determine where in
available real-memory
to load a program.
Common methods are
first-fit, next-fit, best-
fit. Replacement
algorithms are used
when memory is full,
and one process (or
part of a process)
needs to be swapped
out to accommodate a
new program. The
replacement algorithm
determines which are
the partitions to be
swapped out.
Questions : 2" In loadin %rorams
into memory( what is
the difference
between loadGtime
dynamic lin$in and
runGtime dynamic
Answer : 2" For load-time dynamic
linking: Load module to
be loaded is read into
memory. Any reference
to a target external
module causes that
module to be loaded
and the references are
updated to a relative
address from the start
base address of the
application module.
With run-time dynamic
loading: Some of the
linking is postponed
until actual reference
during execution. Then
the correct module is
loaded and linked.
Questions : 2& What are demandG
and %reG%ain?
Answer : 2& With demand paging, a
page is brought into
memory only when a
location on that page is
actually referenced
during execution. With
pre-paging, pages
other than the one
demanded by a page
fault are brought in.
The selection of such
pages is done based on
common access
patterns, especially for
secondary memory
Questions : 2) /ain a memory
function( while
multi%rorammin a
function( are the two
Answers : 2) Yes.
Questions : 2* What is %ae
Answer : 2* Page swapping or page
replacements are called
page cannibalizing.
Questions : 2+ What has triered
the need for
multitas$in in /Cs?
Answer : 2+ ==> Increased speed
and memory capacity
of microprocessors
together with the
support fir virtual
memory and
==> Growth of client
server computing
Questions : 3. What are the four
layers that Windows
F- have in order to
Answer : 3. ==> Hardware
abstraction layer
==> Kernel
==> Subsystems
==> System Services.
Questions : 31 What is 46/?
Answer : 31 To achieve maximum
efficiency and reliability
a mode of operation
known as symmetric
multiprocessing is
used. In essence, with
SMP any process or
threads can be
assigned to any
Questions : 32 What are the $ey
obKect oriented
conce%ts used by
Windows F-?
Answer : 32 ==> Encapsulation
==> Object class and
Questions : 33 Is Windows F- a full
blown obKect
oriented o%eratin
system? 3ive
Answer : 33 No Windows NT is not
so, because its not
implemented in object
oriented language and
the data structures
reside within one
executive component
and are not
represented as objects
and it does not support
object oriented
Questions : 3! What is a drawbac$
of 6L-?
Answer : 3! It does not have the
features like
==> ability to support
multiple processors
==> virtual storage
==> source level
Questions : 3" What is %rocess
Answer : 3" When the OS at the
explicit request of
another process creates
a process, this action is
called process
Questions : 3& 0ow many Kobs can
be run concurrently
on 6L-?
Answer : 3& 15 jobs
Questions : 3) 8ist out some
reasons for %rocess
Answer : 3) ==> Normal
==> Time limit
==> Memory
==> Bounds violation
==> Protection error
==> Arithmetic error
==> Time overrun
==> I/O failure
==> Invalid instruction
==> Privileged
==> Data misuse
==> Operator or OS
==> Parent
Questions : 3* What are the reasons
for %rocess
Answer : 3* ==> swapping
==> interactive user
==> timing
==> parent process
Questions : 3+ What is %rocess
Answer : 3+ It is the transfer of
sufficient amount of the
state of process from
one machine to the
target machine
Questions : !. What is mutant?
Answer : !. In Windows NT a
mutant provides kernel
mode or user mode
mutual exclusion with
the notion of
Questions : !1 What is an idle
Answer : !1 The special thread a
dispatcher will execute
when no ready thread
is found
Questions : !2 What is 5t#is$?
Answer : !2 It is a fault tolerance
disk driver for Windows
Questions : !3 What are the
%ossible threads a
thread can have?
Answer : !3 ==> Ready
==> Standby
==> Running
==> Waiting
==> Transition
==> Terminated.
Questions : !! What are rins in
Windows F-?
Answer : !! Windows NT uses
protection mechanism
called rings provides by
the process to
implement separation
between the user mode
and kernel mode.
Questions : !" What is ,Becutive in
Windows F-?
Answer : !" In Windows NT,
executive refers to the
operating system code
that runs in kernel
Questions : !& What are the subG
com%onents of IJ@
manaer in Windows
Answer : !& ==> Network
redirector/ Server
==> Cache manager.
==> File systems
==> Network driver
==> Device driver
Questions : !) What are ##$s?
Fame an o%eratin
system that includes
this featureD
Answer : !) DDks are device driver
kits, which are
equivalent to SDKs for
writing device drivers.
Windows NT includes
Questions : !* What level of
security does
Windows F- meets?
Answer : !* C2 level security.
Questions : 1
What is 5ull form of /0/ ? Who
is the father or inventor of /0/ ?
Answers : 1
9asmus 8erdorf is known as the
father of PHP that started
development of PHP in 1994
for their own /ersonal 0ome /ae
;/0/< and they released PHP/FI
(Forms Interpreter) version 1.0
publicly on 8 June 1995 But in 1997
two Israeli developers named Meev
4uras$i and Andi 3utmans
rewrote the parser that formed the
base of PHP 3 and then changed the
language's name to the /0/:
0y%erteBt /re%rocessorD
Questions : 2 What are the differences
between /0/3 and /0/! and
/0/" ? what is the current
stable version of /0/ ? what
advance thin in %h%&
Answers : 2 The current stable version of PHP is
/0/ "D!D11 on 2013-01-17 as still
waiting for /0/& with unicode
handlig thing
There are lot of difference among
PHP3 and PHP4 and PHP5 version of
php so Difference mean oldest
version have less functionality as
compare to new one like
There are lot of difference among PHP3 and PHP4 and PHP5 version of php as
PHP6 is till in under development process so we are geting Difference mean
oldest version have less functionality as compare to new one like below point
A> /0/3 is oldest stable version and it was pure procedural
language constructive like C
B> Where as /0/! have some OOPs concept added like class and
object with new functionality
C> and in /0/" approximately all major oops functionality has
been added along with below thing
1. Implementation of exceptions and exception handling
2. Type hinting which allows you to force the type of a specific
3. Overloading of methods through the __call function
4. Full constructors and destructors etc through a __constuctor and
__destructor function
5. __autoload function for dynamically including certain include files
depending on the class you are trying to create.
6 Finality : can now use the final keyword to indicate that a method
cannot be overridden by a child. You can also declare an entire class as
final which prevents it from having any children at all.
7 Interfaces & Abstract Classes
8 Passed by Reference :
9 An __clone method if you really want to duplicate an object
10 Numbers of Functions Deprecated or removed in PHP 5.x like
ereg,ereg_replace,magic_quotes, session_register,register_globals, split(),
call_user_method() etc
Questions : 3 Is variable name
casesensitive ? could
we start a variale
with number li$e
N!name ? What is
the difference
between Nname and
Answer : 3 Yes variable name
casesensitive and we
can not start a
variable with number
like $4name as A valid
variable name starts
with a letter or
underscore, followed
by any number of
letters, numbers, or
where as $$ is variable
of variable $name is
variable where as N
Nname is variable of
like $name=sonia and
$$name=singh so
$sonia value is singh.
Questions : ! What is use of
header;< function in
%h% ? What the
8imitation of
Answers : ! In PHP Important to notice the Limitation of
HEADER() function is that header() must be
called before any actual output is send. Means
must use header function before HTML or any
echo stateament
There are Number of Use of HEADER() function in
php like below
1> The header() function use to sends a raw
HTTP header to a client.
2> We can use herder() function for redirection
of pages.
3> Use for refresh the page on given time
interval automatically.
4> To send email header content like cc, bcc ,
reply to etc data and lot more .
Questions : " 0ow can we eBtract strin
?%cdsDcoDin? from a strin
?htt%:JJinfoO%cdsDcoDin? usin
reular eB%ression of /0/? 6ore
on 9e can you eB%lain
Answers : " We can extract string ""
using this
echo $matches[1];
More On regular expression
interview question with very nice
examples in
Questions : & 0ow do you connet mys7l
database with /0/ ?
Answer : & We can connect Mysql Database with
PHP using both Procedural and
Object oriented style like below
Nlin$ H
?username?( ?%assword?(
Nmys7li H new
mys7li;?localhost?( ?username?(
?%assword?( ?dbname?<Q
and in old type of connectivity were
$link = mysql_connect("localhost",
"username", "password");
Answer in #etails
Questions : ) In how many ways we can
retrieve the data in the result
set of
6y4Q8 usin /0/? What is the
difference between
mys7lPfetchPobKect and
mys7lPfetchParray ?
Answers : ) we can retrieve the data in the
result set of MySQL using PHP in 4
1D mys7liPfetchProw >> Get a
result row as an enumerated array
2D mys7liPfetchParray >> Fetch a
result row as associative and
numeric array
3Dmys7liPfetchPobKect >>
Returns the current row of a result
set as an object
!D mys7liPfetchPassoc >> Fetch a
result row as an associative array
mys7liPfetchPobKect;< is similar
to mys7liPfetchParray;<, with one
difference -
an object is returned, instead of an
array. Indirectly, that means that
we can only access the data by the
field names, and not by their
offsets (numbers are illegal property
Answer in #etails
Questions : * 0ow can we create a database
usin /0/ and 6y4Q8?
Answers : * We can create MySQL database with
the use of
mysql_create_db("Database Name")
Questions : + What are the differences
between re7uire and include?
Answers : + Both include and require used to
include a file but when included file
not found
Include send Warning where as
Require send Fatal Error .
Questions : 1. Can we use include ;?By=D/0/?<
two times in a /0/ %ae
Answers : 1. Yes we can use include("xyz.php")
more than one time in any page. but
it create a prob when xyz.php file
contain some funtions declaration
then error will come for already
declared function in this file else not
a prob like if you want to show same
content two time in page then must
incude it two time not a prob
Questions : 11 What are the different
tables;,nine< %resent in
6y4Q8( which one is default?
Answers : 11 Following tables (Storage Engine)
we can create
1. 6yI4A6(The default storage
engine IN MYSQL Each MyISAM
table is stored on disk in three files.
The files have names that begin with
the table name and have an
extension to indicate the file type.
An .frm file stores the table format.
The data file has an .MYD (MYData)
extension. The index file has an .MYI
(MYIndex) extension. )
2. Inno#E(InnoDB is a transaction-
safe (ACID compliant) storage
engine for MySQL that has commit,
rollback, and crash-recovery
capabilities to protect user data.)
3. 6ere
4. 0ea% ;6,6@9R<(The MEMORY
storage engine creates tables with
contents that are stored in memory.
Formerly, these were known as
HEAP tables. MEMORY is the
preferred term, although HEAP
remains supported for backward
compatibility. )
5. E#E ;Eer$eley#E<(Sleepycat
Software has provided MySQL with
the Berkeley DB transactional
storage engine. This storage engine
typically is called BDB for short. BDB
tables may have a greater chance of
surviving crashes and are also
capable of COMMIT and ROLLBACK
operations on transactions)
6. ,SA6/8,
7. 5,#,9A-,# (It is a storage
engine that accesses data in tables
of remote databases rather than in
local tables. )
8. A9C0IL, (The ARCHIVE storage
engine is used for storing large
amounts of data without indexes in
a very small footprint. )
9. C4L (The CSV storage engine
stores data in text files using
comma-separated values format.)
10. E8AC'0@8, (The BLACKHOLE
storage engine acts as a "black hole"
that accepts data but throws it away
and does not store it. Retrievals
always return an empty result)
Questions : 12 What are the differences
between 3et and %ost methodsD
Answers : 12 There are some defference between
GET and POST method 1. GET
Method have some limit like only
2Kb data able to send for request
But in POST method unlimited data
can we send 2. when we use GET
method requested data show in url
but Not in POST method so POST
method is good for send sensetive
Questions : 13 0ow can I eBecute a /0/ scri%t
usin command line?
Answers : 13 Just run the PHP CLI (Command
Line Interface) program and
provide the PHP script file name as
the command line argument.
Questions : 1! 4u%%ose your Mend enine
su%%orts the mode T? ?I -hen
how can u
confiure your /0/ Mend enine
to su%%ort T?/0/ ?I mode ?
Answers : 1! In php.ini file:
to make PHP support
Questions : 1" 4ho%%in cart online validation
iDeD how can we confiure
Answers : 1" Nothing more we have to do only
redirect to the payPal url after
submit all information needed by
paypal like amount,adresss etc.
Questions : 1& What is meant by nl2br;<?
Answers : 1& Inserts HTML line breaks (<BR />)
before all newlines in a string.
Questions : 1) What is htaccess? Why do we
use this and Where?
Answers : 1) .htaccess files are configuration files
of Apache Server which provide
a way to make configuration
changes on a per-directory basis. A
containing one or more configuration
directives, is placed in a particular
document directory, and the
directives apply to that directory,
and all
subdirectories thereof.
Questions : 1* 0ow we et I/ address of client(
%revious reference %ae etc ?
Answers : 1* By using
Questions : 1+ What are the reasons for
selectin lam% ;8inuB( a%ache(
/0/< instead of combination of
other software %rorams(
servers and
o%eratin systems?
Answers : 1+ All of those are open source
resource. Security of Linux is very
very more than windows. Apache is
a better server that IIS both in
functionality and security. MySQL is
world most popular open source
database. PHP is more faster that
asp or any other scripting language.
Questions : 2. 0ow can we encry%t and decry%t
a data %resent in a 6y4Q8 table
usin 6y4Q8?
Answers : 2. AES_ENCRYPT () and AES_DECRYPT
Questions : 21 0ow can we encry%t the
username and %assword usin
Answers : 21 The functions in this
section perform
encryption and
decryption, and
compression and
SHA() or SHA1()
Not available
Questions : 22 What are the features and
advantaes of obKectGoriented
Answers : 22 One of the main advantages of OO
programming is its ease of
modification; objects can easily be
modified and added to a system
by reducing maintenance costs. OO
programming is also considered to
better at modeling the real world
than is procedural programming. It
allows for more complicated and
flexible interactions. OO systems are
also easier for non-technical
personnel to understand and easier
them to participate in the
maintenance and enhancement of a
because it appeals to natural human
cognition patterns.
For some systems, an OO approach
can speed development time since
objects are standard across systems
and can be reused. Components that
manage dates, shipping, shopping
carts, etc. can be purchased and
modified for a specific system
Questions : 23 What are the differences
between %rocedureGoriented
lanuaes and
obKectGoriented lanuaes?
Answers : 23 There are lot of difference between
procedure language and object
oriented like below
1>Procedure language easy for new
developer but complex to
understand whole software as
compare to object oriented model
2>In Procedure language it is
difficult to use design pattern mvc ,
Singleton pattern etc but in OOP you
we able to develop design pattern
3>IN OOP language we able to ree
use code like Inheritance
,polymorphism etc but this type of
thing not available in procedure
language on that our Fonda use
Questions : 2! What is the use of friend
Answers : 2! Sometimes a function is best shared
among a number of different
classes. Such functions can be
declared either as member functions
one class or as global functions. In
either case they can be set to be
friends of other classes, by using a
friend specifier in the class that
is admitting them. Such functions
can use all attributes of the class
which names them as a friend, as if
they were themselves members of
A friend declaration is essentially a
prototype for a member function,
but instead of requiring an
implementation with the name of
that class
attached by the double colon syntax,
a global function or member
function of another class provides
the match.
Questions : 2" What are the differences
between %ublic( %rivate(
static( transient( final and
Answer : 2" /ublic: Public declared items can be
accessed everywhere.
/rotected: Protected limits access
to inherited and parent
classes (and to the class that defines
the item).
/rivate: Private limits visibility only
to the class that defines
the item.
4tatic: A static variable exists only
in a local function scope,
but it does not lose its value when
program execution leaves this
5inal: Final keyword prevents child
classes from overriding a
method by prefixing the definition
with final. If the class itself is
being defined final then it cannot be
transient: A transient variable is a
variable that may not
be serialized.
volatile: a variable that might be
concurrently modified by multiple
threads should be declared volatile.
Variables declared to be volatile
will not be optimized by the compiler
because their value can change at
any time.
Questions : 2& What are the different ty%es of
errors in /0/?
Answer : 2& Three are three types of errors:1.
Notices: These are trivial,
non-critical errors that PHP
encounters while executing a script
C" for
example, accessing a variable that
has not yet been defined. By
such errors are not displayed to the
user at all C" although, as you will
see, you can change this default
behavior.2. Warnings: These are
more serious errors C" for example,
to include() a file which does not
exist. By default, these errors are
displayed to the user, but they do
not result in script termination.3.
Fatal errors: These are critical errors
C" for example,
instantiating an object of a non-
existent class, or calling a
non-existent function. These errors
cause the immediate termination of
the script, and PHP's default
behavior is to display them to the
when they take place.
Questions : 2) What is the functionality of the
function strstr and stristr?
Answers : 2) strstr Returns part of string from
the first occurrence of needle(sub
string that we finding out ) to the
end of string.
$email= '';
$domain = strstr($email, '@');
echo $domain; // prints
here @ is the needle
stristr is case-insensitive means
able not able to diffrenciate between
a and A
Questions : 2* 0ow can we submit a form
without a submit button?
Answer : 2* Java script submit() function is used
for submit form without submit
on click call
Questions : 2+ 0ow can we convert as% %aes
to /0/ %aes?
Answer : 2+ there are lots of tools available for
asp to PHP conversion. you can
search Google for that. the best one
is available
Questions : 3. What is the functionality of the
function htmlentities?
Answer : 3. Convert all applicable characters to
HTML entities
This function is identical to
htmlspecialchars() in all ways,
with htmlentities(), all characters
which have HTML character entity
equivalents are translated into these
Questions : 31 0ow can we et second of the
current time usin date
Answer : 31 $second = date("s");
Questions : 32 0ow can we convert the time
=ones usin /0/?
Answer : 32 For convert the time zones using
PHP we have to first set time zone
By using PHP function
If we want to set time zone of
'Europe/London' we have to call this
funtion as
so Now generate the timestamp for
that particular timezone, on Sept
1st, 2012 at 8 am
$pcds = mktime(8, 0, 0, 9, 1,
Now set the other timezone like
date(DATE_RFC1123, $pcds)
date(DATE_RFC1123, $pcds)
Output the date in a standard
format (RFC1123)
Questions : 33 What is meant by urlencode and
Answer : 33 URLencode returns a string in which
all non-alphanumeric characters
except -_. have been replaced with
a percent (%)
sign followed by two hex digits and
spaces encoded as plus (+)
signs. It is encoded the same way
that the posted data from a WWW
is encoded, that is the same way as
urlencoded media type.
urldecode decodes any %##encoding
in the given string.
Questions : 3! What is the difference between
the functions unlin$ and unset?
Answer : 3! unlink() deletes the given file from
the file system.
unset() makes a variable undefined.
Questions : 3" 0ow can we reister the
variables into a session?
Answer : 3" $_SESSION['name'] = "sonia";
Questions : 3& 0ow can we et the %ro%erties
;si=e( ty%e( width( heiht< of an
imae usin /0/ imae
Answer : 3& To know the Image type use
exif_imagetype () function
To know the Image size use
getimagesize () function
To know the image width use
imagesx () function
To know the image height use
imagesy() function t
Questions : 3) 0ow can we et the browser
%ro%erties usin /0/?
Answer : 3) By using
Questions : 3* What is the maBimum si=e of a
file that can be u%loaded usin
and how can we chane this?
Answer : 3* By default the maximum size is
2MB. and we can change the
setup at php.iniupload_max_filesize
= 2M
Questions : 3+ 0ow can we increase the
eBecution time of a /0/ scri%t?
Answer : 3+ by changing the following setup at
php.inimax_execution_time = 30
; Maximum execution time of each
script, in seconds
Questions : !. 0ow can we ta$e a bac$u% of a
6y4Q8 table and how can we
itD ?
Answer : !. To backup: BACKUP TABLE
tbl_name[,tbl_nameC] TO
tbl_name[,tbl_nameC] FROM
mp: Dumping Table Structure and
DataUtility to dump a database or a
collection of database for backup or
for transferring the data to another
SQL server (not necessarily a MySQL
server). The dump will contain SQL
statements to create the table
populate the table.
-t, C"no-create-info
Don't write table creation
information (the CREATE TABLE
-d, C"no-data
Don't write any row information for
the table. This is very useful if
you just want to get a dump of the
structure for a table!
Questions : !1 0ow can we o%timi=e or increase
the s%eed of a 6y4Q8 select
Answer : !1 first of all instead of
using select * from table1,
use selectcolumn1, column2,
column3.. from table1
Look for the
opportunity to introduce index
in the table you arequerying.
use limit keyword if you
are looking for any specific
number ofrows from the
result set.
Questions : !2 0ow many ways can we et the
value of current session id?
Answer : !2 session_id() returns the session id
for the current session.
Questions : !3 0ow can we destroy the session(
how can we unset the variable of
a session?
Answer : !3 session_unregister C Unregister a
global variable from the current
session_unset C Free all session
Questions : !! 0ow can we set and destroy the
coo$ie n %h%?
Answer : !! By using setcookie(name, value,
expire, path, domain); function we
can set the cookie in php ;
Set the cookies in past for destroy.
setcookie("user", "sonia", time()
+3600); for set the cookie
setcookie("user", "", time()-3600);
for destroy or delete the cookies;
Questions : !" 0ow many ways we can %ass the
variable throuh the naviation
between the %aes?
Answer : !" GET/QueryString
Questions : !& What is the difference between
erePre%lace;< and
Answer : !& eregi_replace() function is identical
to ereg_replace() except that
this ignores case distinction when
matching alphabetic
characters.eregi_replace() function
is identical to ereg_replace()
except that this ignores case
distinction when matching
Questions : !) What are the different functions
in sortin an array?
Answer : !) Sort(), arsort(),
asort(), ksort(),
natsort(), natcasesort(),
rsort(), usort(),
array_multisort(), and
Questions : !* 0ow can we $now the
countJnumber of elements of an
Answer : !* 2 ways
a) sizeof($urarray) This function is
an alias of count()
b) count($urarray)
Questions : !+ what is
sessionPsetPsavePhandler in
Answer : !+ sessionPsetPsavePhandler;< sets
the user-level session storage
functions which are used for storing
and retrieving data associated with a
session. This is most useful when a
storage method other than those
supplied by PHP sessions is
preferred. i.e. Storing the session
data in a local database.
Questions : ". 0ow can I $now that a variable
is a number or not usin a
Answer : ". bool is_numeric ( mixed var)
Returns TRUE if var is a number or a
numeric string, FALSE otherwise.or
use isNaN(mixed var)The isNaN()
function is used to check if a value is
not a number.
Questions : "1 8ist out some tools throuh
which we can draw ,G9
diarams for
Answer : "1 Case Studio
Smart Draw
Questions : "2 0ow can I retrieve values from
one database server and store
in other database server usin
Answer : "2 we can always fetch from one
database and rewrite to another.
is a nice solution of it.$db1 =
mysql_select_db("db1", $db1);
$res1 = mysql_query("query",
$db1);$db2 =
mysql_select_db("db2", $db2);
$res2 = mysql_query("query",
$db2);At this point you can only
fetch records from you previous
i.e $res1 C" But you cannot
execute new query in $db1, even if
supply the link as because the link
was overwritten by the new at
this point the following script will fail
$res3 = mysql_query("query",
$db1); //this will failSo how to solve
take a look below.$db1 =
mysql_select_db("db1", $db1);$res1
= mysql_query("query",$db1);
$db2 =
true)mysql_select_db("db2", $db2);
$res2 = mysql_query("query",
So mysql_connect has another
optional boolean parameter which
indicates whether a link will be
created or not. as we connect to the
$db2 with this optional parameter
set to 'true', so both link willremain
now the following query will execute
successfully.$res3 =
Questions : "3 8ist out the %redefined classes in
Answer : "3 Directory
Questions : "! 0ow can I ma$e a scri%t that can
be biGlanuae ;su%%orts
,nlish( 3erman<?
Answer : "! You can maintain two separate
language file for each of the
language. all the labels are putted in
both language files as variables
and assign those variables in the
PHP source. on runtime choose the
required language option.
Questions : "" What are the difference between
abstract class and interface?
Answer : "" Abstract class: abstract classes are
the class where one or more
methods are abstract but not
necessarily all method has to be
Abstract methods are the methods,
which are declare in its class but not
define. The definition of those
methods must be in its extending
class.Interface: Interfaces are one
type of class where all the methods
abstract. That means all the
methods only declared but not
defined. All
the methods must be define by its
implemented class.
Questions : "& 0ow can we send mail usin
Answer : "& JavaScript does not have any
networking capabilities as it is
designed to work on client site. As a
result we can not send mails using
JavaScript. But we can call the client
side mail protocol mailto
via JavaScript to prompt for an
email to send. this requires the
to approve it.
Questions : ") 0ow can we re%air a 6y4Q8
Answer : ") The syntex for repairing a MySQL
table is
[TABLENAME, ], [Quick],[Extended]
This command will repair the table
specified if the quick is given the
MySQL will do a repair of only the
index tree if the extended is given
it will create index row by row
Questions : "* What are the advantaes of
stored %rocedures( triers(
Answer : "* A stored procedure is a set of SQL
commands that can be compiled and
stored in the server. Once this has
been done, clients don't need to
keep re-issuing the entire query but
can refer to the stored procedure.
This provides better overall
performance because the query has
to be
parsed only once, and less
information needs to be sent
between the
server and the client. You can also
raise the conceptual level by having
libraries of functions in the server.
However, stored procedures of
course do increase the load on the
database server system, as more of
the work is done on the server side
and less on the client (application)
side.Triggers will also be
implemented. A trigger is effectively
a type of
stored procedure, one that is
invoked when a particular event
For example, you can install a stored
procedure that is triggered each
time a record is deleted from a
transaction table and that stored
procedure automatically deletes the
corresponding customer from a
customer table when all his
transactions are deleted.Indexes are
used to find rows with specific
column values quickly.
Without an index, MySQL must
begin with the first row and then
through the entire table to find the
relevant rows. The larger the
table, the more this costs. If the
table has an index for the columns
question, MySQL can quickly
determine the position to seek to in
middle of the data file without
having to look at all the data. If a
table has 1,000 rows, this is at least
100 times faster than reading
sequentially. If you need to access
most of the rows, it is faster to
read sequentially, because this
minimizes disk seeks.
Questions : "+ What is the maBimum lenth of
a table name( database name(
fieldname in 6y4Q8?
Answer : "+ The following table describes the maximum
length for each type of
6aBimum 8enth
Database 64
Table 64
Column 64
Index 64
Alias 255
There are some restrictions on the characters
that may appear inidentifiers:
Questions : &. 0ow many values can the 4,-
function of 6y4Q8 ta$e?
Answer : &. MySQL set can take zero or more
values but at the maximum it can
take 64 values
Questions : &1 What are the other commands to
$now the structure of table
6y4Q8 commands eBce%t
eB%lain command?
Answer : &1 describe Table-Name;
Questions : &2 0ow many tables will create
when we create table( what are
Answer : &2 The '.frm' file stores the table
The data file has a '.MYD' (MYData)
The index file has a '.MYI' (MYIndex)
Questions : &3 What is the %ur%ose of the
followin files havin eBtensions
1< Dfrm
2< Dmyd 3< Dmyi? What do these
files contain?
Answer : &3 In MySql, the default table type is
Each MyISAM table is stored on disk
in three files. The files have names
that begin with the table name and
have an extension to indicate the
file type.
The '.frm' file stores the table
The data file has a '.MYD' (MYData)
The index file has a '.MYI' (MYIndex)
Questions : &! What is maBimum si=e of a
database in 6y4Q8?
Answer : &! If the operating system or filesystem
places a limit on the number
of files in a directory, MySQL is
bound by that constraint.The
efficiency of the operating system in
handling large numbers of
files in a directory can place a
practical limit on the number of
in a database. If the time required
to open a file in the directory
increases significantly as the
number of files increases, database
performance can be adversely
The amount of available disk space
limits the number of tables.
MySQL 3.22 had a 4GB (4 gigabyte)
limit on table size. With the MyISAM
storage engine in MySQL 3.23, the
maximum table size was increased
65536 terabytes (2567 C" 1 bytes).
With this larger allowed table size,
the maximum effective table size for
MySQL databases is usually
determined by operating system
constraints on file sizes, not by
internal limits.The InnoDB storage
engine maintains InnoDB tables
within a tablespace
that can be created from several
files. This allows a table to exceed
the maximum individual file size.
The tablespace can include raw disk
partitions, which allows extremely
large tables. The maximum
size is 64TB.
The following table lists some
examples of operating system file-
limits. This is only a rough guide and
is not intended to be definitive.
For the most up-to-date information,
be sure to check the documentation
specific to your operating system.
Operating System File-size
LimitLinux 2.2-Intel 32-bit 2GB
(LFS: 4GB)
Linux 2.4+ (using ext3 filesystem)
Solaris 9/10 16TB
NetWare w/NSS filesystem 8TB
Win32 w/ FAT/FAT32 2GB/4GB
Win32 w/ NTFS 2TB (possibly larger)
MacOS X w/ HFS+ 2TB
Questions : &" 3ive the syntaB of 3rant and
9evo$e commands?
Answer : &" The generic syntax for grant is as
> GRANT [rights] on [database/s]
TO [username@hostname]
now rights can be
a) All privileges
b) combination of create, drop,
select, insert, update and delete
etc.We can grant rights on all
databse by using *.* or some
database by database.* or a specific
table by database.table_name
username@hotsname can be either
and username@%
where hostname is any valid
hostname and % represents any
name, the *.*
any condition
password is simply the password of
userThe generic syntax for revoke is
as following
> REVOKE [rights] on [database/s]
FROM [username@hostname]
now rights can be as explained
a) All privileges
b) combination of create, drop,
select, insert, update and delete etc.
username@hotsname can be either
and username@%
where hostname is any valid
hostname and % represents any
name, the *.*
any condition
Questions : && ,B%lain Formali=ation conce%t?
Answer : && The normalization process involves
getting our data to conform to
three progressive normal forms, and
a higher level of normalization
cannot be achieved until the
previous levels have been achieved
are actually five normal forms, but
the last two are mainly academic
will not be discussed).First Normal
FormThe First Normal Form (or 1NF)
involves removal of redundant data
from horizontal rows. We want to
ensure that there is no duplication of
data in a given row, and that every
column stores the least amount of
information possible (making the
field atomic).Second Normal
FormWhere the First Normal Form
deals with redundancy of data
across a
horizontal row, Second Normal Form
(or 2NF) deals with redundancy of
data in vertical columns. As stated
earlier, the normal forms are
progressive, so to achieve Second
Normal Form, your tables must
be in First Normal Form.Third
Normal Form
I have a confession to make; I do
not often use Third Normal Form. In
Third Normal Form we are looking
for data in our tables that is notfully
dependant on the primary key, but
dependant on another value inthe
Questions : &) 0ow can we find the number of
rows in a table usin 6y4Q8?
Answer : &) Use this for mysql
Questions : &* 0ow can we find the number of
rows in a result set usin /0/?
Answer : &*
$result = mysql_query($sql,
$num_rows =
echo "$num_rows rows found";
Questions : &+ 0ow many ways we can we find
the current date usin 6y4Q8?
Answer : &+ SELECT CURDATE();
for time use
Questions : ). What are the advantaes and
disadvantaes of Cascadin
Answer : ). External Style SheetsAdvantagesCan
control styles for multiple
documents at once. Classes can be
created for use on multiple HTML
element types in many documents.
Selector and grouping methods can
be used to apply styles under
contextsDisadvantagesAn extra
download is required to import style
information for each
document The rendering of the
document may be delayed until the
style sheet is loaded Becomes
slightly unwieldy for small quantities
style definitionsEmbedded Style
Classes can be created for use on
multiple tag types in the document.
Selector and grouping methods can
be used to apply styles under
complexcontexts. No additional
downloads necessary to receive
style information
This method can not control styles
for multiple documents at once
Inline Styles
Useful for small quantities of style
definitions. Can override otherstyle
specification methods at the local
level so only exceptions needto be
listed in conjunction with other style
Does not distance style information
from content (a main goal of
SGML/HTML). Can not control styles
for multiple documents at once.
Author can not create or control
classes of elements to control
multipleelement types within the
document. Selector grouping
methods can not beused to create
complex element addressing
Questions : )1 What ty%e of inheritance that
/0/ su%%orts?
Answer : )1 In PHP an extended class is always
dependent on a single base class,
that is, multiple inheritance is not
supported. Classes are extended
using the keyword 'extends'.
Questions : )2 What is the difference between
/rimary 'ey and
1ni7ue $ey?
Answer : )2 Primary Key: A column in a table
whose values uniquely identify the
rows in the table. A primary key
value cannot be NULL.
Unique Key: Unique Keys are used
to uniquely identify each row in the
table. There can be one and only
one row for each unique key value.
SoNULL can be a unique key.There
can be only one primary key for a
table but there can be morethan one
unique for a table.
Question : )3
what is arbae collection?
default time ? refresh time?
Answer : )3 Garbage Collection is an automated
part of PHP , If the Garbage
Collection process runs, it then
analyzes any files in the /tmp for
any session files that have not been
accessed in a certain amount of time
and physically deletes them.
Garbage Collection process only
runs in the default session save
directory, which is /tmp. If you opt
to save your sessions in a different
directory, the Garbage Collection
process will ignore it. the Garbage
Collection process does not
differentiate between which sessions
belong to whom when run. This is
especially important note on shared
web servers. If the process is run, it
deletes ALL files that have not been
accessed in the directory. There are
3 PHP.ini variables, which deal with
the garbage collector: PHP ini value
name default
session.gc_maxlifetime 1440
seconds or 24 minutes
session.gc_probability 1
session.gc_divisor 100
Questions : )! What are the
advantaesJdisadvantaes of
6y4Q8 and /0/?
Answer : )! Both of them are open source
software (so free of cost), support
cross platform. php is faster then
ASP and JSP.
Questions : )" What is the difference between
39@1/ ER and @9#,9 ER in 47l?
Answer : )" ORDER BY [col1],[col2],C,[coln];
Tels DBMS according to what
it should sort the result. If two rows
will hawe the same value in col1
it will try to sort them according to
col2 and so on.GROUP BY
[col1],[col2],C,[coln]; Tels DBMS
to group results with same value of
column col1. You can use
COUNT(col1), SUM(col1), AVG(col1)
with it, if
you want to count all items in group,
sum all values or view average
Questions : )& What is the difference between
char and varchar data ty%es?
Answer : )& Set char to occupy n bytes and it
will take n bytes even if u r
storing a value of n-m bytes
Set varchar to occupy n bytes and it
will take only the required space
and will not use the n bytes
eg. name char(15) will waste 10
bytes if we store 'romharshan', if
each char
takes a byte
eg. name varchar(15) will just use 5
bytes if we store 'romharshan', if
char takes a byte. rest 10 bytes will
be free.
Questions : )) What is the functionality of md"
function in /0/?
Answer : )) Calculate the md5 hash of a string.
The hash is a 32-character
hexadecimal number. I use it to
generate keys which I use to identify
users etc. If I add random no
techniques to it the md5 generated
will be totally different for the same
string I am using.
Questions : )* 0ow can I load data from a teBt
file into a table?
Answer : )* you can use LOAD DATA INFILE
file_name; syntax to load data
from a text file. but you have to
make sure thata) data is delimited
b) columns and data matched
Questions : )+ 0ow can we $now the number of
days between two iven dates
Answer : )+ SELECT DATEDIFF("2007-03-
Questions : *. 0ow can we $now the number of
days between two iven dates
usin /0/?
Answer : *. $date1 = date("Y-m-d");
$date2 = "2006-08-15";
$days = (strtotime($date1) -
strtotime($date2)) / (60 * 60 * 24);
Questions : *1 0ow we load all classes that
%laced in different directory in
one /0/ 5ile ( means how to do
auto load classes
Answer : *1
by using
Like below
class autoloader
public static function
$path =
if (is_readable($path)) require
public static function
$path =
if (is_readable($path)) require
public static function
$path =
if (is_readable($path)) require
Questions : *2 0ow many ty%es of Inheritances
used in /0/ and how we achieve
Answer : *2 As far PHP concern it only support
single Inheritance in scripting.
we can also use interface to achieve
multiple inheritance.
Questions : *3 /0/ how to $now user has read
the email?
Answers : *3 Using Disposition-Notification-To: in
mailheader we can get read receipt.
Add the possibility to define a read
receipt when sending an email.
ItCs quite straightforward, just
edit email.php, and add this at vars
var $readReceipt = null;
And then, at CcreateHeaderC
function add:
if (!empty($this->readReceipt)) {
$this->__header .= CDisposition-
Notification-To: C . $this-
>readReceipt) . $this->_newLine;
Questions : *! What are default session time
and %ath?
Answers : *! default session time in PHP is 1440
seconds or 24 minutes
Default session save path id
temporary folder /tmp
Questions : *" how to trac$ user loed out or
not? when user is idle ?
Answers : *" By checking the session variable
exist or not while loading th page.
As the session will exist longer as till
browser closes. The default
behaviour for sessions is to keep a
session open indefinitely and only to
expire a session when the browser is
closed. This behaviour can be
changed in the php.ini file by
altering the line
session.cookie_lifetime = 0 to a
value in seconds. If you wanted the
session to finish in 5 minutes you
would set this to
session.cookie_lifetime = 300 and
restart your httpd server.
Questions : *& how to trac$ no of user loed in
Answers : *& whenever a user logs in track the IP,
userID etc..and store it in a DB with
a active flag while log out or sesion
expire make it inactive. At any time
by counting the no: of active records
we can get the no: of visitors.
Questions : *) in /0/ for %df which library
Answers : *) The PDF functions in PHP can create
PDF files using the PDFlib library
With version 6, PDFlib offers an
object-oriented API for PHP 5 in
addition to the function-oriented API
for PHP 4. There is also the
Panda module. FPDF is a PHP class
which allows to generate PDF files
with pure PHP, that is to say without
using the PDFlib library. F from FPDF
stands for Free: you may use it for
any kind of usage and modify it to
suit your needs. FPDF requires no
extension (except zlib to activate
compression and GD for GIF
support) and works with PHP4 and
Questions : ** for imae wor$ which library?
Answers : ** we will need to compile PHP with the
GD library of image functions for this
to work. GD and PHP may also
require other libraries, depending on
which image formats you want to
work with.
Questions : *+ what is desin %attern? eB%lain
all includin sinleton %attern?
Answers : *+ A design pattern is a general
reusable solution to a commonly
occurring problem in software
The Singleton design pattern allows
many parts of a program to share a
single resource without having to
work out the details of the sharing
Answer in #etails
Questions : +. what are maic methods?
Answers : +. Magic methods are the members
functions that is available to all the
instance of class Magic methods
always starts with "__". Eg.
__construct All magic methods
needs to be declared as public To
use magic method they should be
defined within the class or program
scope Various Magic Methods used
in PHP 5 are: __construct()
__destruct() __set() __get()
__call() __toString() __sleep()
__wakeup() __isset() __unset()
__autoload() __clone()
Questions : +1 what is maic 7uotes?
Answers : +1 Magic Quotes is a process that
automagically escapes ncoming data
to the PHP script. ItCs preferred
to code with magic quotes off and to
instead escape the data at runtime,
as needed. This feature has been
DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0 and
REMOVED as of PHP 6.0.0. Relying
on this feature is highly discouraged.
Questions : +2 what is cross site scri%tin? 4Q8
Answers : +2 Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type
of computer security vulnerability
typically found in web applications
which allow code injection by
malicious web users into the web
pages viewed by other users.
Examples of such code include HTML
code and client-side scripts. SQL
injection is a code injection
technique that exploits a security
vulnerability occurring in the
database layer of an application. The
vulnerability is present when user
input is either incorrectly filtered for
string literal escape characters
embedded in SQL statements or
user input is not strongly typed and
thereby unexpectedly executed
Questions : +3 what is 198 rewritin?
Answers : +3 Using URL rewriting we can convert
dynamic URl to static URL Static
URLs are known to be better than
Dynamic URLs because of a number
of reasons 1. Static URLs typically
Rank better in Search Engines. 2.
Search Engines are known to index
the content of dynamic pages a lot
slower compared to static pages. 3.
Static URLs are always more
friendlier looking to the End Users.
along with this we can use URL
rewriting in adding variables
[cookies] to the URL to handle the
Questions : +! what is the maKor %h% security
hole? how to avoid?
Answers : +! 1. Never include, require, or
otherwise open a file with a filename
based on user input, without
thoroughly checking it first.
2. Be careful with eval() Placing
user-inputted values into the eval()
function can be extremely
dangerous. You essentially give the
malicious user the ability to execute
any command he or she wishes!
3. Be careful when using
register_globals = ON It was
originally designed to make
programming in PHP easier (and
that it did), but misuse of it often
led to security holes
4. Never run unescaped queries
5. For protected areas, use sessions
or validate the login every time.
6. If you donCt want the file
contents to be seen, give the file
a .php extension.
Questions : +" whether /0/ su%%orts 6icrosoft
4Q8 server ?
Answers : +" The SQL Server Driver for PHP v1.0
is designed to enable reliable,
scalable integration with SQL Server
for PHP applications deployed on the
Windows platform. The Driver for
PHP is a PHP 5 extension that allows
the reading and writing of SQL
Server data from within PHP scripts.
using MSSQL or ODBC modules we
can access Microsoft SQL server.
Questions : +& what is 6LC? why its been used?
Answers : +& Model-view-controller (MVC) is an
architectural pattern used in
software engineering. Successful use
of the pattern isolates business logic
from user interface considerations,
resulting in an application where it is
easier to modify either the visual
appearance of the application or the
underlying business rules without
affecting the other. In MVC, the
model represents the information
(the data) of the application; the
view corresponds to elements of the
user interface such as text,
checkbox items, and so forth; and
the controller manages the
communication of data and the
business rules used to manipulate
the data to and from the model.
separation of function 2 Easier to
maintain 3 View-Controller
separation means:
A C Tweaking design (HTML)
without altering code B C Web
design staff can modify UI without
understanding code
Questions : +) what is framewor$? how it
wor$s? what is advantae?
Answers : +) In general, a framework is a real or
conceptual structure intended to
serve as a support or guide for the
building of something that expands
the structure into something useful.
Advantages : Consistent
Programming Model Direct Support
for Security Simplified Development
Efforts Easy Application Deployment
and Maintenance
Questions : +* what is C198?
Answers : +* CURL means Client URL Library
curl is a command line tool for
transferring files with URL syntax,
supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS,
LDAP, LDAPS and FILE. curl supports
SSL certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP
PUT, FTP uploading, HTTP form
based upload, proxies, cookies,
user+password authentication
(Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate,
kerberosC), file transfer resume,
proxy tunneling and a busload of
other useful tricks.
CURL allows you to connect and
communicate to many different
types of servers with many different
types of protocols. libcurl currently
supports the http, https, ftp, gopher,
telnet, dict, file, and ldap protocols.
libcurl also supports HTTPS
certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT,
FTP uploading (this can also be done
with PHPCs ftp extension), HTTP
form based upload, proxies, cookies,
and user+password authentication.
Questions : ++ what is /#@ ?
Answers : ++ The PDO ( PHP Data Objects )
extension defines a lightweight,
consistent interface for accessing
databases in PHP. if you are using
the PDO API, you could switch the
database server you used, from say
PgSQL to MySQL, and only need to
make minor changes to your PHP
While PDO has its advantages, such
as a clean, simple, portable API but
its main disadvantae is that it
doesn't allow you to use all of the
advanced features that are available
in the latest versions of MySQL
server. For example, PDO does not
allow you to use MySQL's support
for Multiple Statements.
Just need to use below code for
connect mysql using PDO
try {
$dbh = new
me=databasename", $username,
$sql = "SELECT * FROM employee";
foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as
print $row['employee_name'] .' - '.
$row['employee_age'] ;
catch(PDOException $e)
echo $e->getMessage();
Questions : 1.. What is /0/2s mys7li ,Btension?
Answers : 1.. The mysqli extension, or as it is
sometimes known, the MySQL
improved extension, was developed
to take advantage of new features
found in MySQL systems versions
4.1.3 and newer. The mysqli
extension is included with PHP
versions 5 and later.
The mysqli extension has a number
of benefits, the key enhancements
over the mysql extension being:
=>Object-oriented interface
=>Support for Prepared Statements
=>Support for Multiple Statements
=>Support for Transactions
=>Enhanced debugging capabilities
=>Embedded server support
All /0/ Interview 7uestions
1. What Is PHP ?
2. How can I disable the output of error messages inside the HTML page?
3. Can I return other file formats (like Word, Excel, etc) using PHP?
4. Is there any way to force PHP to do garbage collection before the end of the
5. Why does require($file_name) in a loop just include the first file repeatedly?
6. Can you include and call C libraries in PHP scripts? How?
7. What's the best way to start writing a PHP program?
8. Passing variables with REQUIRE function (part II)
9. I use a /cgi-bin/ for displaying rotating banners at the top of my html
files. How can I insert the output of this cgi in an "included" file ?
10. please tell me how to let a html document read content from a .txt file, spit
this out in a table, and how to update the specific file with a form
11. How can I add authentication to my site with PHP? I have authentication
working only with one page.
12. Where can I get documentation for the Zend API?
13. Does Php have anything similiar to Perl's $string = <<END_OF_DATA ...
(some text over multiple lines)... END_OF_DATA?
14. I would like to create a user authentication system, but when they log in,
how would i make it personalized.
15. Is it possible to do a multisite hit counter that runs on a PHP enabled server
but is accessed by non PHP servers?
16. To offer users a direct download of a file that is a valid MIME type
17. How can I display a number with thousand separator querying an SQLServer
7 table (number_format does not work with PHP 401 - error: unknown function)
18. environmental variables such as query string are not passed to php code i.e.
INCLUDE file="showacct.php"
19. Lost Last-Modified when set apache to use PHP4 module for all .htm/.html
files. Can one have PHP4 parse .htm/.html and keep the Last-Modified header?
20. When i include a txt file the html page ignores the end of lines. And i get one
long line with text. I would have multiple lines with hard breaks.
21. Why does PHP4 (windows) tell me that my module doesnt exist when it
does? Im talking about php_mssql70.dll.
22. In windows PHP, when I load php_mssql70.dll as an extension, PHP stops
working. why?
23. Can a local PHP page be parsed using a remote installation of PHP?
24. Looking to create resizable tables based on viewer screen size and amount
of text to be displayed. Used on, but can't find code to do this - ?
25. Why do I receive a message "cant fork ..." if I try to execute an external
program (PassThru, System, Exec) - running PHP4, WinNT SP 5, PWS.
26. using a LAMP setup with a Flash interface. How do I set up a chat using PHP
that updates all the browsers viewing the chat page?
27. How can I get in PHP the value of variable coming from a WML < input > or
< select >?
28. I wrote a script, but when searched brings only one set of results. How do I
make it so if there is more than one result, it will display them all.
29. Is it worth creating files, like a log, for each new member or simply pull from
a database.
30. How can I call a command line executable from within PHP?
31. Where can I get a documentation for creating my own dll for php3 with VC
32. running php4 on a Data General Unix platform, and getting the same error,
any help for this prob
33. Unable to execute linux command="pppd call isp&", using exec() and
system(), consider that httpd.conf configured as nobody.
34. How to erase $REMOTE_USER in the browser created with the htaccess
authentication scheme
35. What does PHP stand for?
36. How do you convert this perl code unpack('s', pack('s', hex($x))) to PHP
37. Is there any possible method of creating a dialogue box as a help option
similar to the one in Microsoft Word Help dialogue boxes with keyword search
38. about "php3?id=xxxxx" OUTPUT RESULT TO HTML ...
39. in Non_Server Client Site to get a variable from Server Client Site e.g. HTML
get a result from PHP
40. How do I handle frames and window openings in PHP, for instance if I have a
frames page and I want to eliminate the frames, how do I do this using PHP ?
41. How do I call and pass variables to a compiled C function using PHP?
42. Why do multiple echo and printf functions, used to display a table, display
newline charachers before the table in Netscape but not in IE?
43. How do I stop a previous url?mode=del&cust=name being repeated when
the user hits their back button?
44. I know this next/previous script (
code_id=77) but, is not there any easyer way/script?
45. Is it possible to make a yahoo-like site without MySQL or any other db, but
plain text? Something like Links 2.0 in Perl.
46. How to extract data from database and display it in the list box?
47. Is there a mean to get the entries of an EXCEL sheet with PHP (to include
this in a database, by Example
48. Does PHP support document objects (similar to javascript)
49. Is it possible to have MySQL and Php run with one provider and the
"database driven website" with the other ? Say with the help of only SSI / CGI?
50. Hello, does anyone know where we can find a course on php for beginners
that can be taken via the internet. We are just getting into php from scratch.
51. How i can set a time expire page in PHP.
52. is it possible to search newsgroups with php
53. Does anyone else have problems using the \n newline escape character? why
is not it rendering for me?
54. What is the scope of a global (page, session or otherwise).
55. How do I present a form with two buttons - each doing a submit for different
things (ie - log in or change password). Can I call PHP from an onclick.
56. How do I insert a user loaded < input type=file> image into a database table
(&& checking for size constraints).
57. Why wont PHP 3 excute shell commands??? I have tried $string =
system("/bin/tar -cf /home/www/backups/backup.tar /home/www/functions");
58. How can I populate a pull down with with a few data fields from one table
and then upon selection then intire row fills out the apropiate form fields?
59. How do I insert a user loaded image < input type=file> into a database table
(MYSql or M/S SQL)
60. What is the best policy? Connect once, store the query results in several
arrays to use later or p_connect and query at the moment I need the results?
61. Is there some PHP code that takes the output of one file, and placing it in
62. When i press the submit button,the selected name in the list should be
displayed in the new popup window for further processing.How to do this?. pl
63. Do member functions within a class incur any memory penalty when an
object of that class is instantiated.
64. Can someone show me how to extract information from another site and put
it on my webpage... Thanks
65. What does parsing means in PHP?
66. How can I use plain txt files instead of a database for a backend of a site, ie
managing news posts, uploading files, message boards etc...
67. How can you include the same information you would normally call via SSI in
a .shtml file in PHP?
68. how do i include a remote file using php
69. Can someone explain me how PHP interacts with Java ?
70. How to make a GoBackButton with a picture?
71. how can I take a list and make each row a value in an array?
72. can i simulate php on windows(not a server)?
73. I am using PHP4. I used to draw gifs in PHP3, but now I get an error (i think
because PHP only supports PNGs). What should I do?
74. How can I prevent re-"post"-ing data when a user returns to a posted page
using the back button?
75. Is their a way, in PHP, to strip-out the content of a web page of bad
JavaScript? ex. Javascript that open a new window when you juste closed one.
76. How can I display the output of passthru or system with newline chars? i.e.
passthru("ps ax")
77. I try to display a word document which is stored in a blob field in a mysql
db-I get the document always with binary code pieces-how can I avoid this?
78. Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function page_open() ? How do
I fix this please...?
79. Is it possible to access the Active Directory of a Windows 2000 Server with
PHP ? Maybe via LDAP ?
80. I was sent a php file and am unable to view it. What software will run it?
81. How could one php-script call some other php-script and how could give the
first one to the second one the values of the variables?
82. I want some while cycle in one script to call (x-times) the other script and
give him the values of variables (which are each time other).
83. Is possible to generate, send & receive back ICMP messages directly in PHP
instead of external execution of ping?
84. I have images on my site that when a thumnail is clicked the larger image
appears In a pop-up. Is there a better way to do this in PHP instead of html
85. I have PHP under Windows and Apache . How can I send some file to STDIN
of PHP script?
86. How to insert in a javascript array the elements of a php array ?
87. I am using PHP4 and a MS Access DB for my website. My provider tells me
that the IIS-Server (NT) does not support PHP. Is that correct?
88. How to run execute files on client machines?
89. What is the error access violation? Why does it happen?
90. How can I pass information from a membership database (text file) into the
Chat Client. Using PHP?
91. How can I save php output to the browser and a file?
92. Can PHP be malicious like Javascript? As a surfer do I have any security
concerns? I can disable Java, can I disable PHP?
93. I need to know if there is a program that you can write code in html and
convert it to php. I run windows 2000
94. How can i add the First,Previous,Next, Last,Update,Delete,Modify buttons in
the same form?(I am using MYSQL as a backend in my server)
95. Is there a limit to the size of a PHP script plus included() and required()
scripts that it loads? How can I change this limit?
96. Why am I getting a "/" added at the end of a PHP generated HREF link?
97. How I get XSLT support with PHP on Windows platform?
98. I am new to PHP, and would like to know if there is a code snippet for
emailing a lost password to a customer. Thank you!
99. How can I write a web page (program) to check that does webserver support
100. Can the PHP include command be used with a virtual path?
101. How do I write a php script within a php script to a file without escaping
102. How can I create a dropdown for date field showing past 3 months, present
month and the 12 months in the future?
103. Can I read NT registry info from PHP? How?
104. How and when to use $php_self and $query_string????
105. Can i define $QUERY_STRING? Meaning when the query string is
menu/news, it will display just news.
106. How can I list files in a specific directory and hyperlink to them?
107. Warning: Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency? in Unknown on
line 0. What does it mean?
108. If I have developed a dll using Visual Basic which contains the Application
logic, how can I create objects of the classes in this dll in PHP?
109. How to handle special char's like , . I am passing company name
in a system command but when there is a special char like then command
110. How can I open with fopen() a file in an machine of local networks. Ex.:
fopen(\machine\sharing name,...,...)?
111. How do i save php output sequentially by date so that i may move forwards
and backwards in order by date of creation "next/previous etc"
112. Is it possible to make PHP output a gif/png (eg a photo) as well as the
desired data output?
113. How to post binary data in write() with PHP socket?
114. How can I use PHP to create XML documents with data from a database e.g
Sybase, Mysql. Does it exsist any tutorials on this ? Thanks.
115. Hello, I have an error: unable to load dinamic library
'c:\php/php_oci8.dll no se puede encontrar el modulo especificado.
I'm beginning with PHP.
116. How can I run SSI commands like #INCLUDE etc. in my PHP pages?
117. How to call from within a PHP extension other extension's functions ?
118. how can you insert a mysql field into a link tag using php?
119. how can i pass 2 variables from php and include it in a hyperlink? eg: <a
120. what the difference behind the implement mechanism between the
common CGI and php_based application?
121. Diffrence in outcome of formula 1.08^12 PHP=13 Visual
122. How to covert web input (PHP) to XML format?
123. Switching an input from web (built using PHP)to XML format
124. Is it possible to run a php script from an .swf and then return a few
variables back to the .swf.
125. Can PHP send an update signal (popup screen) to other users when a user
makes a request on a game?
126. Can anyone offer advice on making a web poll that has a different no. of
answers for each question?
127. What is PHTML ? Is it the same thing as PHP ?
128. How i can pass variables to a cgi usin passthru?, i need an example
129. How do I link in an external file containing common php functions for
calling from within the page?
130. How can i cut tags from getting into a database
131. I wish to call a /usr/local/bin/pgp program and then put the output into a
variable, which way best?
132. A php game. How to broadcast a message to other players when one player
make his selection?
133. how can i make an html form that will search a mysql database?
134. how to redirect from php page to another php page? 2. how to refresh a
135. i want to make a place where users must supply their username and
password, i havent found anything.
136. using the header function to redirect a script to a PDF file I am getting junk
137. How can I generate redirect to other html page from PHP page when the
PHP server is down?
138. I tried to load Blob Image from MSSQL using php but the 25% of the image
is displayed only?
139. How do I include a .jpg (from outside the web srvr docs dir) in a page with
other html content?
140. How do you make a page expire after it has been idle for a period of time?
141. How do I make make a session counter without using a database, aka
using application level variable?
142. How can i save an image from a remote web server to my web server?
143. Is there a place to post *really* nice ASP apps in hopes that people convert
them to PHP?
144. Looking for ideas on how to include file "color.txt" but only if it contains the
word "green".
145. How do I get a page to automatically print its contents when it loads?
146. how do you "protect" a page using .htaccess file
147. how can a session be destroyed when user closed window without logging
148. Question about settings of using PHP under Windows platform???
149. How to do attachment if I want to use a file as background?
150. How to pass a string that contain character "&" between words that display
on the url
151. How can i sort asc, thereafter desc by click on the same button (like in
152. how can i convert a php file to exe format
153. How can I search a different site & show the results in my site,with out
giving links to the orginal
154. Can you use PHP to acces databases over the internet?
155. I can only get the last record from a database to be displayed, how do I get
all records to display?
156. Is there any way that i can show the content of a mysql DB into a excel file
using php?
157. How to call a remote procedure in PHP?(like RPC)
158. How can I generate graphs in PHP?
159. I'm writing a news posting script, and my sessions aren't
working! Somone explain how to use them!!!
160. I need to create a customer id for a mysql database from the info contained
in the html form.
161. How can I insert a snipet of code in my table and then echo it on a page
without it getting parsed,
162. Can anybody suggest a logic to parse an html page to get the news titles
using PHP script?
163. Im new to php and would like to know if theres a script that automatic
updates and shows cpu uptime
164. How can I write visitor's screen resolution to a log file (text file) with
165. How do I forward a GET/POST request to another file without notifying the
users browser to redirect?
166. How do I read data from a windows .txt file and display it on a web-page ?
167. Can you set up MVC using PHP like in Servlets, JSPs and JavaBeans?
168. How do you redirect from one PHP file to another without notifying the
user's browser to redirect?
169. how can I redirect a user with wildcards like 213.* or hostname like
170. how can i archive a set of remote files, about 10 on my own server?
171. How can I query MX Record from DNS Server for particular domain ?
172. How do u explode a string of content and then call each individual bit by
it's own, new, variable???
173. How can I use apache to set PHP Environment variables?
174. How can I use apache to set PHP Environment variables?
175. I'm running PHP's on a IIS Server... The server is limiting the
number of sessions
176. How do I set a text field so that it outputs the inserted text to a PHP
177. How can I check remote file dates, to later use to print how old a file is?
178. Why won't my php script see the variables passed to it from the
previous page in the url? ie: http://yoururl?arg1=value
179. how do i make a var set in the query string available to another file ?? eg to
a css
180. How can i execute and php with javascript and how should be the php
181. is it possible to launch an executable(C++) from excel on remote cluster
via PHP?
182. How can I get user via PHP after .htaccess login?
183. How can I get users via PHP after .htaccess login?
184. I want to store the contents of a directory(.jpg files) in an array then echo
the values. HELP!
185. How can I fill in fields in WinWord from PHP variables
186. Without using <pre>, how do I get textarea to save format of entered text
into MySQL field?
187. How do I include pre-formatted text into a PHP page?
188. How do I get (ctime & mtime) on a remote file (http) without downloading
it. "fstat", didn't help
189. How do I populate an array from a SELECT string?
190. how to rctify this warning Cannot send session cache limiter - headers
already sent
191. how do I refresh and redirect a page using PHP?
192. Is it possible to multiple web application platforms on the same server? ex:
PHP and JSP on Apache
193. How do I get the Windows NT $DOCUMENT_ROOT? The variable is blank.
194. How can I search in Excel file for a specific keyword and then print in a
HTML format ?
195. How to make included htm use the correct path for showing images?
196. In what way can I use "namespaces as in C++" in PHP?
197. I have an exe file on a server, can I launch it with PHP with command line
parameters?If not, how?
198. How do you refresh a PHP page into itself?
199. How to export table data from browser to local disk in .rtf/.txt format?
200. How can be avoided the popup dialog with htaccess passing the login and
password with PHP?
201. What is the PHP equivelent of ColdFusion's <CFHTTP> tag? (Both GET
and POST operations)
202. What I do wrong to connect to a mysql DB-> Call to unsupported or
undefined function mysql_connect()
203. When I create a file/dir the owner/group is "www" is there sonthing I can
put in the .htaccess file
204. I did exactly from the book. It comes up as " Undefined variable."
What's going on here?
205. When i click on a link, it believes that the address is e.g
206. will testing with dreamweaver work or do I have to upload the page to the
207. What achine is local when using ftp-commands in PHP on a web server?
208. Is there a program to convert PHP script to another language?
209. How do I acsess NetBIOS with sockets (PHP server is running on Windows)
210. how to input data from txt file into table where columns are separated with
pipe ?
211. How and you split string into different arrays and save what they were split
212. How do I retrieve a single variable value from another file?
213. How to automatic download/upload a file from client machine to server with
using FTP function
214. Is there a way to use php to embed html in e-mails? Can you do this
without php
215. I need copy from urls inserted on my site using php - sites link will be
216. Warning: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output
started at /home/fishing/publi
217. "Parse error: parse error in /var/www/html/results.php on line 20" -- Why?
218. Does anyone know if there is any way to pull info from an "avery" scale
connected to the serial port
219. How can I get the remote PC's MAC Address?
220. i am calling an external C file but the output doesn't appear.
Sometimes it does but it is incorrect
221. How to Make an RTF Document with PHP
222. How do we execute .cpp or .c file, ( stored as BLOB in db) upon reading
223. how do I call class method: $func="SomeClass::someMethod"; $func()
224. How can i catch into a variable an error message of a server? for example
404 File not found
225. How can I do to not use session_start() in every page where I redirect a
main page with "redirect"?
226. I can't display display images retrieving from a database. Can
somebody help me?
227. Can I get path-informations of a frame (getcwd())....?
228. Displaying Excel files in PHP
229. How can I avoid getting a error when I click a link in a page while it is
loading a big record list?
230. How do u pass a variable (multiple select) from a pop up window to the
main window?
231. *how do u you pass a variable(multiple select) from a pop up window to
the main window?
232. I have the error 403 when I try to run a PHP script. How can I fix the
233. How can I pass an array of randomized elements through back and next
button without repeatation?
234. is there a function to echo unique variables from a db when there are
multiple similar entries?
235. is there a function to echo unique variables from a db when there are
multiple similar entries?
236. solved or not?? zend entry point and php_sablot.dll
237. I have a 'recent news' page that I would like to be able to
update via the browser. Any ideas?
238. Is there a way to email the actual HTML form (same format) after a visitor
has completed it?
239. How do I retrieve pasword protected area with PHP?
240. How can I pass a variable with a button(in objective question--A,B,C,D)?
241. Using PHP, how do I send a http POST without using a form?
242. How can I set a time limit for a form made by PHP (i.e.the value will auto
transfer after a time)
243. In my search engine result outputs, how can I make it to show page title?
244. How do I lock and unlock tables using PHP and Access via ODBC?
245. Any hints for implementing forms in a wizard style, where answers
influence subsequent questions?
246. How can windows (XP Pro) be shut down/ restarted via PHP?
247. Can I fopen a remote url that requires form variables to be POSTed?
248. When I start PHP 4.1.1 it return error "the PHP4TS.DLL file is linked to
mising export OLE32.DLL..."
249. ODBC32 not found (win95 & php 4.1.1) what shall I do?
250. if i want to use a c function in php programmar ,what should i do ?
251. What is the essence of PHP encryption(using crypt(),mcrypt(),etc)if data on
transit isn't safe?
252. How do you run a script as a certain user such as root?
253. Why cant I get my session..the session is there but the browser dont collect
254. How do I display an error for a signup form in the same page instead of
having user to click return?
255. Get 404 error when trying to use .php file in browser
256. How can I add text (const or var) in a textarea by click in a image or
Href ?.
257. How do I add text in a textarea by "clicking" an image or HREF?
258. Hi, How do I go about saving username and password values in the client...
259. How can I extract metatag keywords from pages serving longtext mysql
column info?
260. Need a way to call a function only when the form is closed. Not
261. Why is my webbrowser opening my php file instead of running it?
262. How do you use spaces in Question-Mark queries with non-standard
browsers like AIM Profiles?
263. Before a form is closed down (close icon 'X') how can I send a
message to another program
264. How can I run two PHP4 versions (ie 4.0.6 and 4.1.2) with two PHP-ini on
IIS without recompiling?
265. Is there a way to determine the first time a page loads?
266. I want to to auth users, then show the rest of the page. What is the best
way to do this?
267. How can you determine if another website is active (The server is running)
or not?
268. I am having trouble installing PHP on my solaris 8 sun server.
269. Using the exec function, how can I call and start a java program. What is
the command statment used?
270. What is the best way to send an 'unknown' number of form
fields and access them on the text page?
271. Can you send an array through a url (getting info without a form)?
272. how do you access/use other web pages on the fly?
273. how do i get a directory listing on a server without displaying any of the
274. How do I make a news script that only saves/prints the last X entries with
an admin section/flatfile
275. COM does not work with PHP... not getting any error messages... php just
276. How can I add a file to the $data? As in a form containg an <input
277. How do i force PHP to flush already printed lines, on a script still running on
the server?
278. How to install PHP in windows xp?
279. How to READ a directory of PDF files that display as links to open the pdf
280. *what is the pdf function to change text color?*
281. Binary files get couupted when uploaded with a php script - even if content-
type is specified. Why?
282. How do I download PHP File from other site? I heard that it can be
downloaded in it's source code.
283. does anyone know how I can work out the x,y coordinates on a map from a
given postcode?
284. Does REMOTE_ADDR give the user's IP or proxy's IP?
285. How can I store an image path in PostgreSQL and dispaly it in PHP
286. Can PHP websites be co-hosted on Apache servers in the same manner that
Microsoft ASP sites can be ?
287. How can I extract just the domain name out of HTTP_REFERER?
288. Security Alert! PHP CGI cannot be accessed directly
289. Simple PHP/MySQL page, all page data is displayed... but page won't
stop loading- why?
290. When i do this why do i get the file content + 1 retuned : echo
include("content/news.txt")? Fix?
291. This may be a stupid question, but why choose PHP over an Access
292. Hello, I have an error: unable to load openssl.dll but i can load such as
293. can php load an image in place of a flash movie for users without the flash
294. Can I embed a PHP file in an HTML file. Similar to the <script
src="abc.js"></script> for Javascript
295. PHP not seeing variables from WML
296. Why can't php 4 on my apache 2 server find the $HTTP_USER_AGENT
variable (it says undefined)?
297. How can I sort data out of my MYSQL database in monthly Stats format
and display it in an html page?
298. increment in date variable
299. Trying to configure php4 for apache 1.3.24 when i create my test page i
receive an Error404. WHY?
300. Is there a company that offers a support contract to the PHP product?
301. How can I download the database tables from the server using PHP?
302. I need to be able to increase the count for defined field
303. How can i auto update php?
304. how to read pdf files stored on a LOB in Oracle?
305. Need a php script to post data to a host and get the response content from
this host.
306. I have a table of users. Can I count how many males and how many
females without multiple queries?
307. How to get print out for a remote file ?
308. under win XP (IIS 5.x) the function "filetype($file)" always retns "block"
whatever it is, why??
309. undefined symbol - mysql_field_count error - has nayone come across this
and what is the solution?
310. How do you use a hidden field in wml?
311. How portable is php across browser and server platforms?
312. How to do Browser, JavaScript, and CSS detection using PHP?
313. How do I make a member area in my site? I have around 700 pages and
don't want to change them all.
314. Sambar Server says:" File not found".where do you usually save php files?
any change in php.ini neccs
315. Mysql: fetch and print the value of a single cell
316. help in building a meta search engine
317. How can I use the header: Location: method and open a new browser
window with a specific size?
318. How can i uninstall PHP4.0 ??DELETING folder, givesmeassge 'Cannot
find php4isapi.dll,may be in use'
319. mail() not working, I have just upgraded the php version and now mail()
will not function?
320. Using session_start() to save/restore global vars, but SOMETIMES get error
"....permission denied"??
321. Is is possible use functions from the PHP library in a C / C++ program? If
so, how?
322. What file path do I use to update (append) a file on the same server as my
web server(/files/*.txt)?
323. What versions of Ingres II are supported by PHP ?
324. I have 100 sites on a 1 virtual server. I need to display all the images in a
directory to each site
325. Can comments be added to a cell in an Exel file with PHP?
326. I'm having problems to parse textarea values over more than 2
327. Why are my php apps slow in my Win98SE server than other
328. How can I execute local programs as root from PHP? I want to use UNIX
commands adduser and passwd.
329. I need php.exe to output the contents of a script without 'X-powered-
by' and the other headers. How?
330. using include_path for unix
331. How to generate 'base' strings in PHP (base16 / base36 /
base64 etc)?
332. How can I view my own php files on my Windows XP computer? I don have
a web host...
333. Is there a way in PHP that I can run a script locally on a machine from a
remote location?
334. I can't pass variables from an htm to php page - do i need to change
a setting in php.ini?
335. I can't pass variables from an htm to php page - do i need to change
a setting in php.ini?
336. When I process a form by a .php file, the variables from the form are not
availbale in the .php file
337. How can I start up the mysql server on my windows server using PHP?
338. How can I print to client printer by PHP? I can only print to server or share
client printer .
339. permission denied when executing script from apache server for file open
340. How do i get a list of filenames from a directory?
341. working with PHP-Nuke. how do you setup a link to a CGi script, and have
that show into a Nuke block
342. How do you push a url with PHP?
343. I have a string $string="Fred.html|Sanu|Sachin.html".I need to seprate the
.html extensions?I
344. Can PHP automatically update auto incremented numbers in MYSQL?
345. Undefined variable error? Code runs on fine one site and not on the other!
346. I am selecting a userid from form and i want to display info from database,
based on my selection.
347. is there a way to count the number of currently active sessions?
348. How to format an array so the variables on it have a <br> as separator?
349. How can i embed a .swf in a PHP script?? without using Ming
350. How do I create a self-advancing slide show of pictures in PHP?
351. How to get the name of the current PHP file? to print its modification date
in a global footer.
352. How to get the name of the current PHP file? to print its modification date
in a global footer.
353. I need to get a result of confirn() (Javascript function) to use it in a PHP
function, can I do it?
354. When I use php script to create new file or folder, the owner of new file and
folder is not me how I
355. how can I create a search engine to my MySQL database such as the
existing in this web site?
356. how can i remove the when i use the pdflib function?
357. How do I use, inline, the elements of an array returned from a function? ie.
358. Is there any struts-like framework for php??
359. "Parse Error: parse error, unexpected T_SL" What does that mean?
360. How do I use PHP to "print" data on an HTML page from a comma delimited
text file?
361. How do I call a c program from php, it has to pass a string with it and have
ti return a string?
362. how do I run a process in the background?
363. Can I write a 15 product database website in php without mysql?
364. how can I let the user specify his own "page id" in order for it to be defined
as the "any string"?
365. How to disable HTML, Javascript, etc in a TEXTAREA ?
366. How to change the ? character in the PHP query string into / character?
367. How do I format a timestamp(length 8) date into YYYY-MM-DD when I
display them with echo function?
368. How can i join two values to form a single value by using a seprator
369. How can i join two values to form a single value by using a seprator
370. Why using VARCHAR with BINARY attribute for a field within MySQL
doesn't ensure case-sensitive?
371. How can I determine the client path of file uploaded through an html form ?
372. How can i join two values to form a single value by using a seprator
373. I can't display display images retrieving from a database. Can
somebody help me?
374. how do I post an XML request to an external URL?
375. What is the mean of isset in this line: if(!isset($mainfile))
{ include("mainfile.php"); }
376. How can I add .php extension to IIS5.1 as my OK button shaded out
377. can i use rsync in php
378. How do I save form data to a file, as with perl query->save(FILE) ?
379. How do I save form data to a file, as with perl query->save(FILE) ?
380. Does anyone know where I can find a list of supported databases? Please
381. I can't use the $REMOTE_ADDR variable: it just shows a 0. But in <?
phpinfo();?> it shows up properly
382. Can somebody please tell me when to use fsockopen() etc...and when to
use socket_create() etc...
383. Why might I be getting 'garbage' characters before my output?
384. How to calculate the distance between two locations on the earth?
385. How to calculate distances based on latitude and longitude?
386. How to implement a "store locator" based on a user's ZIP code, which
lists the closest dealers from our database?
387. how can i display different logos depending on the login after a user has
logged on???
388. How do I get php to display first 6 characters on third line of a txt file, and
nothing else?
389. why this <a href="index.php?fuseaction=a_value">Link</a> doesn't
work on php 4.2.3?
390. When looping with a mysql_fetch_array($result) how do I change the font
and size of the results.
391. What does it mean -"php encountered a stack overflow
392. Making a third option in this code ($gender == "1" ? L_REG_46 :
L_REG_47); i want to make 3 L_REG_48
393. how can i store php code & query in mysql database and get all to execute
when retrieved
394. Do anyone know how much load a php script create on apache server when
server runs it?
395. How can PHP access VSAM files??
396. is there any standard user input available in php other than forms
397. I am sending emails one at a time using foreach. How do I outout to html
as each one is processed?
398. How do I access net pages behind the squid proxy by using php codes on
my php installed computer?
399. PHP 4.2.3 Problem-Why can't I pass values via URL as in:
href="page.php?var1=value1&var2=value2" ?
400. PHP 4.2.3 Problem-Why can't I pass variables with set values to
another page.php?
401. How can i include a PHP PAGE on a non-php server?... I mean i want
include a SIMPLE php page...
402. Why can't I get PHPSESSID to work (PWS on NT WorkStation 4.0,
PHP 4.2.2)?
403. My next link won't go to the next page to view my mysql data record?
404. how do I have a php stand alone script call a new html document????
405. How do i count the number of times a hyperlink is clicked using Php?
406. How can I reload a sql query in the same page without opening a new page
and using a submit button?
407. Why can't I install php in windows2000?
408. How do I log an IP Address on site to protect against fradulant behaviour?
409. Line breaks in a PHP script
410. In the following script, how do I get hard line breaks? $GrabURL =
411. How can I use the XML HTTP Request object with PHP?
412. How can I pass a value from php to php?
413. how to enable the ssl from php with apache
414. I have a PHP/MySQL web site that only works when accessed from
computers outside my office! Help.
415. php installation problem - my_tempnam tempnam is dangerous
416. How to read just the last, let's say, 15 lines from a file?
417. Can PHP automate Form entries and retrieve the resulting data (as if
someone pressed "submit")?
418. ColdFusion allows automated Form entry and retrieval of resulting data with
CFHTTPPARAM--is there a
419. I am trying to use the UPS online tools. How do I post them some XML and
get an XML response back?
420. What is this mean: Warning: Use of undefined constant
421. how do i make a link open a template and insert content into it from the
peramaters set by the link?
422. Does PHP has something similar to the forward() method in Java?
( RequestDispatcher.forward() )
423. How to encode my php code so i can distribute my code to other without
seeing my code?
424. Using the same MVC model as J2ee how do you pass information to the
forwarded php w/o storing the da
425. How do you get the HTTP_REFERER if the 404 page is set to be a php page
426. Is there a "goto"-like function in PHP like in Q-BASIC or VB or VBScript?
427. I need to read a text file & display the contents on the web page from
which the php script executed
428. shell variables like $HTTP_USER_AGENT dont return value
429. How can I keep a part of an address such as ?id=blah from showing in the
browsers address bar?
430. An example please of how to use the mail() function to include 2 or more
file attachements
431. Can I call a PHP function from Javascript?
432. how do i get gettext support for a windows php based machine?
433. PHP - openssl_pkey_get_private - How to export public key to file or string?
434. Can i use PHP aplication wrtiten in Win2000 on linux ???? whats need to be
435. How input in the URL the "id"?
436. How to perform multiple records updates in PHP?
437. How to get an object result from web service
438. Block direct access
439. How do I block direct access
440. How to link 2 forms together by using a submit button?
441. How can i connect Oracle 9i with PHP?
442. how to Retrieve Information Using a Hyperlink with Parameters in PHP?
PLease help me.....
443. I was send files w/ php extension, how do I poen them? thanks
444. Apostrophe in a database input - magic quotes or something?
445. how do I pass session variables to another page
446. How would it be possible to send a page (images included) from a form
with the mime classes?
447. how to call javascript functions which are located different ip then php
448. How difficult would it be to use PHP/SQL to count when people click on an
email or web link?
449. Is there a way to stop passwords from being POSTED in clear text?
450. Is CCSLIDE Database compatible with PHP or not ??
451. How do I convert a hex longint(4 bytes, little-endian) as a string to a
decimal integer?
452. How do I display the output of a .php file in a table on/within html in a
453. How can I direct php output to its calling html page?
454. Is is possible to redirect a User to another URL and send some variable with
the post method?
455. Where is php.ini in the Mac OS 10.2.3 release? In PHP 4.3.0, the phpinfo()
returns /usr/local/lib
456. How to do email read notification in PHP
457. How to recomplie php from windows 2000
458. Is there any way to execute a PHP file (like with include) but direct its
output to a variable?
459. how to register the variables automatically by default in php?
460. To use ob_gzhandler() is zlib needed?
461. Does anyone know how to connect to Active Directory using PHP maybe
with LDAP???
462. How can I publish a php generated website on a cd rom?
463. Can't include or fopen:
464. why? -- Notice: Undefined variable: badExts & dirs
465. how can I refresh a page using a radiobutton???Just Clicking It.Without
466. I have a php site that works on IIS/Windows, I decided to move it to
Apache/linux and it broke
467. how can I keep data on a php page that gets passed from a html form
from, say, 4 different users
468. I keep getting this when trying to install Warning: open_basedir restriction
in effect. File is in w
469. How do I get at $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_AUTH_USER']
variable under Apache, PHP on WinXP?
470. i want to send via echo a formated text in php, how does this work?
471. Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getmxrr()
472. how can I show a fake address on the address bar?
473. how I can set cookies for authentication
474. Force PHP-created graphic to be fresh/not cached? How?
475. Why can't IE6 in WinXP open any .PHP file? (by File->Open)
476. I get this error when testing with mysql ....Parse error: parse error,
unexpected T_ECHO
477. Is It possible to make text flash using PHP or any other language that can
be embedded into HTML?
478. how to delete multiple records using a checkbox
479. I want to install a PHP library on my server. When I execute phpinfo the
library hasn't been added??
480. Can I pass variables from one script to another?
481. I had encountered thi s error "Fatal error: Call to undefined function:
imap_open()". Please help.
482. How do I pass a variable coming from a form to make up an sql query?
(ie=create table <VARIABLE>)
483. How do I pass a variable coming from a form to make up an sql query?
(ie=create table <VARIABLE>)
484. how to unzip or untar any .tar or .tar.gz file using only php script, no shell
485. how to unzip or untar any .tar or .tar.gz file using only php script, no shell
486. Passing a variable from one .php to another WITHOUT using require()
it possible, and how?
487. Passing a variable from one .php to another WITHOUT using require()
it possible, and how?
488. What is the PHP equiv. of the ASP Request.QueryString
489. How can i send a password using fsocketopen?
490. How can I pass values (images & text) from a mysql field with php into a
javascript script?
491. 1 - How can i change win-1256 charset to utf-8 encoding?
492. How can I use CTRL+N (new page on IE6) whitout copying the session id to
the new page?
493. How do I add an HTML link to a page with php graph?
494. When I run my php script everything works fine but it always shows the
closing tag (?>). Why?
495. What does this mean "failed to create stream: HTTP wrapper does not
support writeable connections" ?
496. How should I configure my PWS (and/or php.ini) to see PHP-results in my
497. Problems with Curl and Telnet.....please Help
498. how can i add pagging in php ??? is there any object like in asp ????
499. How do I calculate the number of hours between two dates in PHP?
500. when calling urls from a mysql database how do you make them active
links on screen in php
501. How do I change this into a link? <?php echo $row_rsLocations
['CODE'] ; ?>
502. How can I calculate sha1 in raw binary format without php5?
503. How can I only collect information from checkboxes that are checked and
then e-mail it?
504. How can I read from a cookie from within an included file?
505. EASY QUESTION. translation problem
506. EASY QSTION. php pages show up from local files as code, not translated
to display. Apache,mysql,php
507. I edited php.ini, but does not changed that show in phpinfo?
508. How can I conect to an Informix database with ODBC in PHP?
509. I am wanting to call 1 script from another,then return to the next line of
code in the 1st script ?
510. Formatting User's Input
511. Can't Get PHP on IIS5
512. Can't Get PHP on IIS5
513. Can't Get PHP on IIS5
514. How do I configure PHP (on my local PC) to connect to Sybase (on a Solaris
server) ?
515. how can i send an attachment with my mail form to email id
516. Where can I find error information for "Fatal error Maximum execution time
of 30 seconds exceeded"?
517. does PHP do documentation, like javadoc creates documentation?
518. How can I display the output from <?php $output=system($command); ?>
to an html textarea box?
519. how can i execute linux OS commands like 'adduser' from a php
web page
520. How to sort a multidimensional array ?
521. how can i update xml node values via php?
522. mkdir problem
523. what areDesign patterns ?
524. what areDesign patterns ?
525. How can I successfully return data from a CGI script? It works in HTML
using Virtual Includes.
526. PHP: Is there an editor (like FrontPage is for HTML) for PHP?
527. PHP: Does it allow me to translate a website to another language at the
click of a button?
528. how can i add objectclass to an entry for a ldap record
529. how can i add objectclass to an entry for a ldap record
530. how can i get Visual Basic's grid like effect in php
531. how can i get Visual Basic's grid like effect in php
532. How do you install PHP in CGI Mode??? There is no doco on the subject!!!
533. Can you tell me why I always get ?PHPSESSID=9ki86 attached to all my
link on the opening page
534. How do I use a html form within the php script. I am using a form that gets
the input from a PH GET
535. Javascript is not working in a php file on windows system. Why?
536. File security on an intranet
537. how do i get the info from my html form into a text file similar to my order
form using php?
538. How do I turn a php script into index.html
539. How do I create alternating-color repeated regions with PHP?
540. What are all the common php file extensions?
541. I need to run an external command that it isnt native of the operating
system (AIX).
542. I get an error when i use SMTP server to send mail by php.I'm using
win XP
543. How would i make a simple counter with text? (ie visitors: 17319)
544. How can i prevent a php page being cached in browser?
545. How can I change a field name in mysql database by using PHP?
546. How do I correct error "Unable to parse configuration file"?
547. How to create a separate PHP-File to predefine a table to give my sites a
similar look?
548. php.ini will not load
549. php.ini will not load/parse/process in Windows 2003 Server + PHP
4.3.3RC2 + MySQL v4.0.14b
550. Using mail () , how do do smtp authentication ?
551. How can I include a php file in to a html file so that it is shown in a table
that is in the html???
552. How to replace with pattern matching?
553. can i send FAX from php or using PHP script
554. Is there any file size limite with PHP for sending a file from client side to
Apache server ?
555. I want to use imagecreate how do I get it to work? I have downloaded the
gd 2.0.15 what do I do with
556. I want to call a user defined PHP function on buttons event like onClick.
How can i do that ?
557. I am querying a mySQL database for names and addresses, how do I not
pull any NULL values
558. How can a generate wed-based barcode, I want to use only the browser
connecting to the backend.
559. Can php files be put in a directory other than the root dir.?
560. I get the error - Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() -
what is wrong?
561. Detect "Too many connections" error and show alternate web page?
562. If i write the code for uploading in PHP, will the same code work on
Windows, MAcintoshOSX, Linux?
563. How do i recompile PHP, Apache on RedHat Linux 9? I am trying to connect
to SQL Server using freetds
564. I can't find Internet Services Manager, pls help!! I use Windows XP
Home Edit.
565. Is there a way to check if an e-mail address is not fake?
566. How can convert Java Servlet into PHP?
567. what is in_array
568. How do I code a link from a sql query, such as an email link?
569. How do I install 4.3.3 on Freebsd..step by step for dummy
570. Installing or upgrading php with CURL support on Cobalt Raq
571. How can I display a PHP hit counter within a HTML form input text box?
572. How can I create a function to return the n of weekends in a time
interval(beg and End:yyyy/mm/dd)
573. How do I validate a Windows user and password?
574. How do I change an NT password (IIS)?
575. I can get the PHP code to show in my html. Its correct and im using Apache
and mysql, please help.
576. I have a problem with is_dir(): Is doesn't return anything!
577. can not loading php_oci.dll at php started
578. php_oci .dll loading at php start ( i remove the comment from php.ini of
extenstion =php_oci.dll)
579. How can I tell if a script is running from the command line (cli) or in a
580. How do you authenticate if you use NTLM (IIS, PHP)
581. How to check if a newer entry id in mysql db? If yes, use 1 field in latest
record as a variable.
582. how com i can not add item to httpd.conf to make php work with apache on
583. I want to know how to make a page accessible only by a password:
url/page.htm?pass=PASSWORD etc
584. I want to know how to make a page accessible only by a password:
url/page.htm?pass=PASSWORD etc
585. I keep getting redirected to the login screen whenever I install a php
package and I try to login
586. What changes in the file-function from PHP 3 to PHP 4.3.4?
587. SHMOP_open it allows me to open only 128 segments after that it throws
an error (HELP)
588. How to Fix Err: Variable passed to reset() is not an array or object.
589. How do I set the order of the output from a database to the display?
590. How can I calculate the load time of a page?
591. i Installed php4 on IIS 5. Whenexecute an php script, it just come as it as
like IIS not parsing it.
592. What is suggested procedure for upgrading from 4.3.2 to 4.3.4 using
Windows binaries?
593. Is there a limitation to the file size when using move_uploaded_file?
Returns false with files>2mb..
594. Ive trouble with the debugger
595. I've set up a php server, but it will not display any information
through a web browser.
596. How do I send values to a mySQL database?
597. how can I execute .exe file(stored as blob in db) upon reading them
598. PHP setup with Apache Server - no errors but no display on browsers
599. How do I stop a space-seperated string from being truncated when it is
passed using a form construct
600. I need to draw the plane of a house. I have data needed in a database
table. Can I do it with PHP
601. Does PHP support foreign Language such as Thai, chienese
602. Can anybody answer me if exist a module for php which allows work with
RAR archives like php_zip.dll
603. How to stream mp3s with out giving out the directory. I had it working
except in Win Media Player 9
604. Are there generally agreed best practice coding recommendations for PHP?
605. Warning: fopen(../mycalendar.csv): failed to open stream: Permission
denied in
606. How do I avoid having the SESSIONID come up in my links?
607. I want to define "$DROOT = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']"
once only for all "include($DROOT.'/')". How?
608. What is PHP ?
609. Can i use PHP in Zope?
610. i want a register script than stores peoples username, password for them to
611. If I append to a file, but if I hit refresh, the same info gets appended again.
How do I fix that?
612. How can I transmit the session information to a script opened using
fopen("http://localhost"); ?
613. Can CLI and CGI modules of php be both installed ?
614. how to connect mysql database from pc1 and I'm using php5 from
pc2 on windows platform.
615. how to replace an image (possibly jpg ) with another one with out
refreshing the browser
616. Can I use an image link that when clicked opens up a php file and inserts a
specified image into it?
617. How can I access a JavaScript array with PHP??
618. How can I make a voting booth / poll for my site that runs off my server,
using PHP?
619. What is the difference between include() and @include()?
620. What exactly is the use of PHPSESSID in a URL???
621. Will+the+mail+function+work+if+use+in+intranet+envirnoment%3F
622. how do i update mysql db with form variables using php?
623. How do I make a webcounter that I can call from a non-php HTML site ? (I
can do easy mysql/php part)
624. How to change where sessions save to? Changing in php.ini doesn't
625. hi , can anybody tell me where i can download php_printer.dll
626. hi can anybody tell me where i can download php_printer.dll
627. how can i show the content of a mysql DB into a excel file using php (plz
give code example)
628. O'Reilly and PHP will not work
629. mail()
630. How can I insert dynamic info in my website (eg. exchange rate) taken
from other site? Any scripts?
631. Is there any possibility to get the page from client browser?
632. Is there any possibility to get the page from client browser?
633. Why PhP does not recognize mysql_connect()Fatal error: Call to undefined
function mysql_connect()
634. How do I open a new form and display data base on a value of a pull down
list on current form
635. How can I send XML Attributes via Soap?
636. Is there a tutorial for interfacing a PHP page with a cvs file?
637. PHP
638. Can't find php.ini to update file_upload size only find a directories
under /opt/php/lib/php/pear so
639. how can I configure apache so that I can run <? php ...> commands in files
that don't end in .php?
640. PHP mail() needs 40Sek to generate the mail. Sendmail works correct.
System Cobalt RaQ550
641. How can I use InternetExplorer.Application to access the contents of
specific frames?
642. How can I read data in from a USB Barcode Scanner using PHP???
643. How do I get PHP on Linux to work with Oracle on Windows?
644. XML brainbuster
645. Dynamic Code
646. Dynamic Code
647. PHP not accessing MySQL
648. Installed Apache, PHP and MySQL all working but when I try to connect to
MySQL through PHP nothing..
649. I send a mail to a person. How I can keep track of when that person opens
the mail?
650. How to convert decimal values to characters?
651. How do I get a submit button to print the current page?
652. define('DIR_WS_ICONS', DIR_WS_IMAGES .
'icons/'); What does this means? It is from Zen-cart coding
653. PQescapeByte
654. have names as 2004aj,2004ad,2004A and need to list them but when do
list 2004A it lists all the rest
655. How can make a Specefic MIME header
656. Are there any problems using COM functions with PHP5, WinXP and Excel
657. Can I reference PHP from a JSP page with <a href="filename.php>"
658. I'm new to PHP, where should I start.?
659. Is there anyway I can specifiy in which frame to open a specific file using
660. PHP: Operation:Get:Form: Variable: All: How to get all your form variables?
661. Can PHP perform a scheduled task triggered without having a PHP page
being loaded into a browser?
662. Is it possible to use PHP code in the onChange feature of the html select
tag? If so, how?
663. Is any way to pass a variable from one .php to another WITHOUT using
require()? How?
664. PHP: HTML: Convert: Where to convert automatically HTML to PHP print or
echo text?
665. how to write code to access an AIML suing php
666. Instead of I'd like
667. How can I echo the pagetop immediate, eg if php is doing a heavy job.
668. i need to use <a HREF=page.php?ref=13... how can i use the values 13 on
the new page tha i call?
669. i need to use <a HREF=page.php?ref=13... how can i use the values 13 on
the new page tha i call?
670. can i call an function in a executable file from php and get the result back
to php
671. ASCII
672. why the <?php_track_vars?> did not work?
673. i need a php script that will retrieve information about a user just by
clicking a name on the page
674. i need a php script that will retrieve information about a user just by
clicking a name on the page
675. i need a php script that will retrieve information about a user just by
clicking a name on the page
676. Error: Access denied for user: 'apache@localhost' (Using
password: NO)
677. how can I disable cgi in php 5.3.9?
678. System() command not executing. Error thrown is 'Unable to fork
system () '
679. If I enter a text of 21K long in a text area form, hitting submit button
doesn't do anything. Help
680. how do i manually configure php with apache server?? and then how do i
run my scripts??
681. how to untar file using php script? <? system("tar -zxvf file.tar.gz") ?> not
682. Is PHP based on orther languages,and are there any based on PHP?
( research papper for school)
683. How can I put URL &variables= into php generated javascript?
684. can require() or include() contain Http path? How can we include files in
http path format?
685. Is it possible to issue a command to windows xp command-line through a
php script?
686. What is PHP-GTK
687. Why is it not working with the browser/web server?
688. How do I install PHP-GTK on Win32?
689. Can I use Themes under Win32?
690. How do I know which GTK Classes are supported?
691. How do I use the buttons in GtkFileSelection?
692. How to install PHP on Apache?
693. How to install Apache, MySQL, PHP on Linux
694. Test Question
695. can i get the full url of site (including the http:// and www) i want know if
they came from www2
696. What is the relation between the versions
697. Can I run several versions of PHP at the same time?
698. What did the initials PHP originally stand for?
699. What is the name of the new scripting engine that powers PHP?
700. Name a new feature introduced with PHP4?
701. Where can you find the PHP on line?
702. From a UNIX operating system,how would you get help on configuration
options(the options that you pass to the configure script in your PHP
703. What is ApacheCs configuration file typically called?
704. What line should you add to the Apache configuration file to ensure that the
.php extension is recognized?
705. What is the PHPCs configuration file called?
706. can a user read the source code of PHP script you have successfully
707. What do the standard PHP delimiter tags look like?
708. What do the ASP PHP delimeter tags look like?
709. What do the script PHP delimeter tags look like?
710. What function would you use to output a string to the browser?
711. How would you create a regular method within a class?
712. Which of the following variable names is not valid?
713. Which of the following variable names is not valid?$the first,$file-name
714. .What will be the following statement output?
715. How would you use the string variable created in the assignment
expression $my_var + `dynamic;to create a "variable variable,assigning the
integer 4 to it
716. Which of the following statements contain an operator?4;gettype(44);5/12:
717. How can you access and set properties or methods from within a class?
718. How would you access an objects properties and methods from outside the
objects class?
719. What should you add to a class definition if you want to make it inherit
functionally from another class
720. Which environment variable could you use to determine the IP address of a
721. Which environment variable could you use to find out about the browser
that called your script?
722. What should you name your form fields to access their submitted values
from an array variable called $form_array?
723. Which built-in associative array contains all values submitted as part of a
GET request?
724. .How must you limit he size of a file that a user can submit via a particular
upload form?
725. How can you ste a limit to the size of upload files for all forms and scripts?
726. What functions could you use to add library code to the currently running
727. What functions could you use to add library code to the currently running
728. What functions could you use to add library code to the currently running
729. What function would you use to find out whether a file is present on your
file system?
730. How would you determine the size of a file?
731. .What function would you use to open a file for reading or writing?
732. What function would you use to read a line of data from a file?
733. .How can you tell when you have reached the end of a file?
734. What function would you open a directory for reading?
735. What function would you use to read the name of a directory item after you
have opened a directory for reading?
736. What function would you use to open a DBM database?
737. What function would you use to insert a record into a DBM database?
738. How would you access a record from a DBM database by name?
739. How would delete a named element from a DBM database?
740. How would you open a connection to a MySQL database server?
741. .What function would you use to select a database?
742. What function would you send a SQL query to a database
743. What does the mysql_insert_id()function do.
744. Assuming that yopu have sent a successful SELECT query to MySQL,name
three functions that you might use to access each row returned.
745. Assuming that you have sent a successful UPDATE query to MySQL,what
function might you use to determine how many rows have been updated?
746. What function would you call if you want to list all database available from
a MySQL server?
747. .What function would you use to list all tables within a database?
748. How would you create a while statement that prints every odd number
between 1 and 49?
749. .How would you convert the while statement you created in question 24
into a forestatement?
750. True or false.If a function doesnCt require an argument,you can omit the
parentheses in the function call.
751. how do you return a value from a function?
752. What functions can you use to define an Array?
753. Without using a function,what would be the easiest way of adding the
element CSusanC to trhe $users array defined previously?
754. Which function could you use to add the string CSusanC to the $users
755. How would you find out the number of elements in an array?
756. In PHP4,what is the simplest way of looping through an array?
757. What functions would you use to join two arrays?
758. How would you sort an associative array by its keys?
759. How would you declare a class called emptyClass( )that has no methods or
760. Given a class called emptyClass( ),how would you create an object that is
an instance of it?
761. How can you declare a property within a class?
762. .How would you choose a name for a constructor method?
763. How would you create a constructor method in a class?
764. What environment variable might give you the URL of the referring
pageC ?
765. Why can you not rely on the $REMOTE_ADDR variable to track an individual
user across multiple visits to your script?
766. What does HTTP stand for?
767. What client header line tells the server about the browser that is making
the request?
768. What does the server response code 404 mean?
769. Without making your own network connection,what function might you use
to access a Web page on a remote server?
770. Given an IP address,what function could you use to get a hostname?
771. What PHP function would you use to send an email?
772. What header should you send to the browser before building and outputting
a GIF image?
773. What function would you use to acquire an image identifier that you can
use with other image functions?
774. What function would you use to output your GIF after building it?
775. What function could you use to acquire a color identifier?
776. With which functions would you draw a line on a dynamic image?
777. What function might you use to draw an arc?
778. .How might you draw a rectangle?
779. How would you draw a polygon?
780. What function would you use to write a string to a dynamic image(utilizing
the FreeType library)?
781. How would acquire a UNIX time stamp representing the current date band
782. What function accepts a time stamo and returns an associative array
representing the given date?
783. What function would you use to formate date information?
784. How would you acquire a time stamp for an arbitrary date?
785. What function could you use to check the validity of a date?
786. What single function could you use to convert any data type to any other
data type?
787. Could you achieve the same thing without the function?
788. What will the following code print?print CfourC *200;
789. How would you determine whether a variable contains an array?
790. Which function is desired to return the integer value of its argument?
791. How would you test whether a variable has been set?
792. How would you test whether a variable contains an empty value,such as 0
or an empty string?
793. What function would you use to delete an array element?
794. What function could you use to custom sort a numerically indexed array?
795. conversion specifier would you use with printf( ) to formaqt an integer as a
double? Write down the full syntax required to convert the integer 33.
796. How would you pad the conversation you effected in question 1 with Zeros
so that the part before the decimal point is four characters long?
797. How would you specify a precision of two decimal places for the floating-
point number we have been formating in the previous questions?
798. What function would you use to acquire the starting index of a substring
within a string?
799. How might you remove white space from the beginning of a string?
800. How would you convert a string to uppercase characters?
801. .How would you break up a delimited string into an array of substrings?
802. What regular expression syntax would you use to match the letterC bC
at ;least once but not more than six times?
803. How would you specify a character range between CdC and CfC ?
804. .How would you negate the character range you defined in question 124?
805. What syntax would you use to match either any number or the
wordC treeC ?
806. What POSIX regular expression function would you use to replace a
matched pattern?
807. What PCRE function could you use to match every instance of a pattern in a
808. Which modifier would you use in a PCRE function to match a pattern
independently of a case?.
809. What function designed to allow you to set a cookie on a visitorCs
810. .How would you deletye a cookie?
811. What function could you use to escape a string for inclusion in a query
812. Which built-in variable contains the raw query string?
813. The name/value pairs submitted as part of a query string will become
available as global variables.They will also be included in a built-in associative
array.What is its name?
814. Which function would you use to start or resume a session?
815. Which function contains the current sessionCs ID?
816. How can you associate a variable with a session?
817. How would you end a session and erase all traces of it for future visits?
818. .How would you destroy session variables both within the current script and
the session?
819. What does the SID constant return?
820. How would you test whether a variable called $test is registered with a
821. Which function would you use to open a pipe to a process?
822. How can you write data to a process after you have opened a connection to
823. Will the exec( ) function print the output of a shell command directly to the
824. What does the system ( ) function do with the output from an external
command it executes?
825. What does the backtick operator return?
826. How can you escape user input to make it a little safer before passing it to
a shell command?
827. How might you execute an external CGI script from within your script?
828. What function outputs useful information about your PHP configuration to
the browser?
829. What function could you use to include a syntax-colored source listing of a
PHP script?
830. Which php.ini directive enables you to control the strictness of error
831. What function can be used to override this directive?
832. .Which function allows you to log errors?
833. What built-in variable will contain the error message if the php.ini
track_errors option is allowed?
834. What PHP function do we use to make our connection to the MySQL
database server?
835. What PHP function do we use to initiate or resume a session?
836. Which function do we use to include library files in our projectCs pages?
837. What PHP function do we use to send SQL queries to the MySQL database?
838. What constant do we use to add a session ID to an HTML link?
839. How do we move the user on to a page?
840. What function do we use to format date information?
841. What function do you use to add an element to the end of an array?
842. What PCRE function could you use to match every instance of a pattern in a
843. How do i create a simple client login set-up?
844. If I have actions in a center frame, how do I refresh a different frame (not
the whole page)?
845. How can I have a script run every few minutes on a server if I can only use
daily or monthly crons?
846. how to post the recordset value like multidimensional array on submit the
847. How to retrieve data from other pages(html)?
848. Is there a way that I can make the PHP auto generate thumbnail of
videos/flash files that i upload?
849. How can i crypt my sourse code ?
850. how can i send a mail to an email address that is available in the database
through php script
851. Complie Error in PHP 5.1.1
852. "Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded" frequently shows up on
pages that usually work fine.
853. All mail sent using mail or imap_mail goes to junk box. How do I correct
854. PHP: Windows XP: Apache how to get them working together?
855. how can i add security to my php formail form to stop spammers?
856. Is it possible to call a php function by using a hyperlink onclick event?
857. need to do a script using curl to measure speed from
858. globals aspx equivalent in php
859. Is there any way to complie my own Php scripts to protect the source?
860. Could someone help with code that sends a number of variables to a php
page when a link is clicked?
861. How do I set up SMTP server on my Windows computer, and how do I
configure PHP to send mail()?
862. How do I specify php code for input onchange events
863. "Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()....."getting this
864. What are the Different PHP versions?Explain the changes among them?
865. What are the Different PHP versions?Explain the changes among them?
866. Email using php via lotus notes
867. i have used apc_clear_cache()to clear the cache but i got error call to
undefiend function
868. Require Virtual Pathsrequire("/folder/filename.php");
869. Require Virtual Pathsrequire("/folder/filename.php");
870. How do you include virtual paths in PHP, ASP has <!-- include
virutal="/inc/file.asp" -->
871. How can I build Graph in PHP?
872. i am using mail() to send html but it shows as plain text at the client
873. blank pages
874. Please help. How can i CREATE and DROP oracle tables through a web page
interface using html and php
875. what does var=<?=$php_var?> mean
876. what is the difference between include once() require once()?
877. what is the difference between include once() require once()?
879. How to perform simple linear regression analysis with PHP?
880. How to compute trend equation from an array of data?
881. How to forecast future value using existing data?
882. can i get the value of a javascript variable in php code
883. I am trying to make the data of a file into a variable. How can I do this?
884. ereg_replace result includes backslash in search '\141' to
'\a' should be 'a'
885. how do use a browser to save the displayed HTML output of a PHP file?
886. No input file specified.
887. how to create a chart in PHP
888. Has anyone the correct Mysql connection string for mine
does not seem to work
889. How can i add all the values of a form in one field in a table using array
890. mail
891. How we communicate with the bar code scanner??
892. MySQL and PHP5, "Access denied for user
'SYSTEM'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
893. How can I extract the public key from a certificate file (.cer file)?
894. IIS and php
895. My html pages are not dipsplaying but php pages working correct
896. How do I create a functional thumbnail system for my art gallery? It just
shrinks images right now.
897. HELP!
898. Which version has the time limitation (i.e., Dec 31, 1969) removed?
899. How to solve "UX:sed: ERROR: Output line too long" problem while doing
make on unix(mpras flavour)?
900. does PHP do documentation, like javadoc creates documentation?
901. download file
902. test, mac
903. hide email address
904. How to submit form direct to email
905. How do I code a button that changes the value of a PHP variable?
906. xml php
907. How to runa php file without .php extension ?
908. How to catch and process a stream sent from a StreamWritter of a
Window .Net application ?
909. how can i know that a page is using a GET method or POST method without
checking the URL
910. While calling a form, it is displaying the PHP code instead of displaying the
output .....
911. Function for checkavailablity of a username when a user click a hyperlink
912. Function for check-availablity of a username when a user click a hyperlink
using javascript and php
913. my script does not get $_SERVER variables
914. Looking for a freeware PHP module/library to parse HTML files
915. can i sue onchange attribute for a textbox in php
916. How to make a site navigation (f.e. You look > blah > blah) for loading
iframes without database?
917. who is the founder of PHP?
918. PHP/Apache setup/config problems... Also: PHP script showing up blank or
displaying actual PHP source
919. Where can i get the library extensions like php_*.dll
920. execute external program
921. exec system external program
922. how can i use php to access a MSSQl linked server?
923. filesize
924. How to use the SSL context options capture_peer_cert and
925. downloding the file
926. How to upload/dowload big file?
927. apache integration
928. how to make paging?
929. How do I fix a: "Your PHP install misses ZIP support" ?
930. "global variable"
931. when tried to execute a php program IE gives me the dialog box asking "Do
u want to save this file?
932. how do i create a php script that i can install onto my webspace to give me
the Base directory
933. Difference between require_once and require
934. How can I prevent users putting URLs in the text box of my form?
935. I want to make an update to a mysql tabel every 30 minutes.
936. Database with MySql
937. Help resolving an error message
938. Can anyone tell me what is this "->" symbol? i see it so many times.
939. How would I merge two felds and show a quantity after the element
940. Unable to retrieve block names from database
941. How can I parse headers in http request and extract filename var and then
save body to that var.
942. I want to download an XML file from it's source server to my own for
parsing. How can I do this?
943. iis
944. I want to put an URL link to CLICK HERE IN: echo "Click here". HOW TO
945. How can I run PHP scripts by schedule?
946. How can I run PHP scripts from Command Line?
947. What is the difference between CLI and CGI SAPIs?
948. Please recommend wesites for PHP Freelancing. Thanks in advance.
949. Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()
950. SOAP type extension
951. How do i split a single field value like "news" across many pages using php?
952. Is there an awesome php-based CMS for artists?
953. Any help "C:\Program Files\Aspell\data/iso8859-1.dat" is not i n the proper
954. what are the differences between PEAR and PECL?
955. How do I get a web page into my php script so as to extract data from it?
956. configure: error: apxs2: invalid package name
957. configure: error: apxs2: invalid package name
958. configure: error: apxs2: invalid package name
959. Need detailed intstructions on how to install and configure php to host
phpbb2 forums
960. how to run script file and execute linux command line without return
string such tc command
961. resize a bmp file
962. Hyphen/Minus/Dash problem with JavaScript,HTML and PHP
963. Safemode - Local vs. Master. Why does the master show "off" but the local
to "on"?
964. CLI
965. Updating information in an include file - I have an include file that shows
information on many file
966. line break in php
967. How to determine "Geo Location"?
968. How to get country information from IP address
969. IP to Country calculation
970. but what if the session is closed because of a network problem
971. I get a CGI Timeout error when running a larg php script that is Pulling
Information From a Website
972. CGI Time Out Error
973. Using cURL and get timeout error
974. I get a CGI Timeout error when running a larg php script that is Pulling
Information From a Website
975. CGI Time Out Error
976. Using cURL and get timeout error
977. Is it posible to display only 10 records in a page?
978. PHP/MySQL - track impressions and click through rate for listed products?
979. When using DOM i got depressive Warning:
domdocument::domdocument() [function.domdocument-domdocumen
980. Can I write a PHP script to load random external images?
981. How can I use PGP with PHP?
982. Unanswered Questions
983. building php with informix returns error: cannot find -lphpifx. Were can i
get it?
984. How can I report searches, reporting search-words? (formsearch in my sql-
985. How can you include a CGI file in a PHP and have it stay in there when you
use a link in the CGI
986. How can I configure php_value directives for mass virtual hosting? ie: equiv
to VirtualDocumentRoot
987. why do I fails always after call gethostbyaddr, but right if there exit
mapping in HOSTs(on win XP)
988. "Total Noob" how do I put a index.php script in an HTML page so it opens
the file cont.- dif. frame?
989. I have created excel reports using php,html and header..But the sheet is to protect
990. I cant execute external programs "Unable to fork ...". Why? I have PHP 4
and Windows 2000 with IIS 5
991. is it possible to post unicode data to DB via web form? Im using
W2K/PHP/Apache/MS SQL.
992. How can you change two frames (submenu and welcome page) after
someone logs in with a session?
993. How can I display the date a form was submitted using DATE as the
col_type & how is DATE_FORMAT used
994. special characters (e.g. inverted exclamation) are being changed when
using global <FORM> vars
995. strtotime fails using postgresql 7.2.1 and php 4.1.2 (redhat 7.3); floating
point seconds not parsed
996. Undefined function imap_open(). Installed --with-imap-ssl. Do I have to
install --with-imap?
997. I have a cgi which outputs Content-type: text/xml, how can I call this cgi,
then parse the output ?
998. How do I only read the 10 newest files in a text file?
999. How to: shtml page includes php file that gets (and sets to var) the shtml
page's path not it's own?
1000. When a html page is process by PHP engine, I am seeing added characters
placed into the html source?
1001. How do I call a c program from php, it has to pass a string with it and
have ti return a string?
1002. How do I run a php interface to a java application, i.e. pass input in,
receive output and format it
1003. Error trying to view page ,WHY? "Document contained no data"-NS "Page
is currently unavailable"-IE
1004. How can I stop access to my server when remote computer has my ip in
REMOTE_ADDR in his config file?
1005. What is the most efficient regex to find all the email addresses in a string?
1006. Help with this code... How can i Get Fcontents to not print the code but
display it as a web page??
1007. I have exif enabled in php 4.1.2 but exif_read_data() keeps returning
errors. why?
1008. Its possible print a document (.txt.pdf) from Apache Server?
1009. How to build a printer friendly page that have 480x600 resolution during
1010. how do i quit the dos php window properly - windows doesn't like
me using the close box ?
1011. I installed LIBMCRYPT and now I am installing MCRYPT. The message
appeared: libmcrypt was not found.
1012. In my search engine result outputs, how can I display contents of the
page within the body <body----
1013. how can i allow my users to attach files to emails.i have php 4.1.1 on
apache and win98
1014. I write a message in a text area then i go to my preview page and it is not
in the right order,help!
1015. How do I pass a string variable to a Blob Field in MySQL?
1016. How do I connect to an Oracle 9i database to verify "username" and
1017. Does anyone know where I can find out more information on PHP's
Lotus Notes functionality?
1018. Grouping outputted data from a table, products grouped together by
orderid for eample?
1019. is there any way update the database by sending mail to that prticular id
1020. How to retrieve default email id from the client machine without asking for
1021. Hello, I have been working on a hockey score sheet web data entry page
and have gotten to the point
1022. hi i am new in PHP i want to know can it give any Think Like applet
1023. How can I add xml capability to a already installed php setup?
1024. Is it possible for PHP to communicate with TWAIN complient devices?
1025. Cannot open for read file1 open and write file2 remotely on one system
but can on another.Why?
1026. Is there a function to allow authenticated acess through a proxy with
fsockopen functionality?
1027. How can I write a mainform/subform screen in PHP that access a MySQL
1028. I have a database with a date field with values < 1/1/1970. How do I
extract these values correctly
1029. Linux PHP 4.2.1&Apache, my PHP code is ignored when html code is
present in a php file.
1030. I have a php 4.2.1 pop on my computer ~ leads to a porn page!! I can not
find it on my C drive help
1031. How to use PHP to distribute software package to workstations?
1032. how to create a form just like when you going to sign up at certain
website with userID, password
1033. where do you find php source directories in Mandrake Linux to enable
sockets and recompile?
1034. how to connect to internet through PHP?i have tried exec("wvdial")but it
wont' work
1035. Why are variables not passing (PHP43,IIS5.0,Win2000Server)?
1036. How do you get the mHash() function on a Windows install of PHP 4? (it
doesn't seem to be built in)
1037. I am trying to create a link that, when clicked, changes the data attribute
of an <object> tag
1038. I am trying to create a link that, when clicked, changes the data attribute
of an <object> tag
1039. hi, I have a problems with passing arrays with indexes in PHP
1040. I want to start using PHP for DB sites but aren't sure about writing
PHP in MacOS. Starting points w
1041. XP with IIS and PHP not returning complete set of headers... why?
1042. How display a matrix dependant on other cells? ie fixture matrix
dependant on entered results.
1043. How can I see where the memory is going in my PHP-cli application?
1044. php menu says mssql_connect requires 'interfaces' file;what &
where are they?
1045. I changed my .httaccess to Errordocument 404 /404mail.php .It is not
edirecting to this page.
1046. working from the php book when i run the script at the end of chap 12 i
get SQL syntax errors
1047. In a self-processing form, is there a way to return to the same point in the
page that you left from
1048. In a self-processing form, is there a way to return to the same point in the
page that you left from
1049. How do i redirect to other php or web pages and the new URL not shows
up in the address bar.
1050. How do i redirect to other php or web pages and the new URL not shows
up in the address bar.
1051. I started with a php file and tried to call a tpl file which called a php file. It
didn't work. Why?
1052. How should I configure my PWS (and/or php.ini) to see PHP-results in my
1053. How do I run an ASP program on my Windows server within PHP
1054. Will be there a version conflict problem for functions written in earlier
versions of php
1055. How can I add "preprocessor" to PHP, e.g. replace all "--" with "−"
before PHP starts parsing?
1056. Is there a way to query a text file using php? If so how? need to bring
back individual results ?
1057. How do I get a variable to pass into an included file that is located in a
different directory?
1058. how can i make that an PHP sript to run in background?
1059. It is posible to download a directory (including all files a subdir) using
1060. I am uploading to a hosted server using Dwr MX. do i need to install php
or will MX handle it.
1061. im new to php and need to know how to calculate BMI, body mass index
with php or mysql
1062. I need the PHP syntax for adding mysql field values from a table and then
echo the result.
1063. How can I write different data into two separate frames on a form user
submitting the form?
1064. Where can I get more info about PHP Access violations such as 011929AE,
77FC8DA5 & 024529AE?
1065. what can be done for generating setup program for php files on linux
1066. What is the "official" communication method 4 html 2 javascript 2 php
1067. How can i build and draw a tree with 3 childs for each node and for 10
levels, from a database.
1068. How do you directly download a file into the Temporary Internet Files
1069. How do you use php to pull data from the database, like on
when you go into a section?
1070. Can you use PHP to see if another e-mail server accepts HTML or text only
1071. How do you display info from a database in a menu dependant on another
menu recalled from the table
1072. How do I put data into a list box dependant on another list box
1073. I can not get my php scripts to work on an apache 2.0.40 to work, ie
formmail and forums, help
1074. How do I get the paragraphs to show, pulled from mySQL db, instead of
one long text paragraph?
1075. Is there a big difference if you use { } in your "if" condition instead of
using ":" and "endif;" ?
1076. I cannot run a commend from PHP scripts using exec(). This command
can be run from command line.
1077. I can no longer pass variables between pages using php4.06 and isapi
with iis5
1078. PHP code is running on Linux but not on Windows. Why?
1079. How can I restrict access to certain files on an intranet using php?
1080. I am trying to get Oracle 9i working with PHP. Having problems know what
to compile.
1081. Have all sort of problems using "?" within a "echo('form')"
posting. Can someone show me correct way
1082. how do i get the info from my html form into a text file similar to my order
form using php?
1083. is there any function that can print a web page with just one click in
1084. CLASS: Can a property of a class be an Array datatype. Example please
1085. How to use formfeed character '\f' in a .php file
1086. A select box with diff. people's names how do I send form to dif.
emails depending on name selected?
1087. What is the easiest way to use PHP to extract email addresses from a text
1088. How do I terminate access to page in certain amount of entries and time
using sessions and MySQL?
1089. does anybody have problems by using css in php pages
1090. is there a distribution of php, or a way to configure so that one might use
it under Mac OS 8.6
1091. User interaction via dialog box from PHP script?
1092. How can I include a php file in to a html file so that it is shown in a table
that is in the html???
1093. Can I get Visual Interdev (6.0) to use syntax highlighting for PHP files?
1094. Doing my tree in, how to i number summit
1095. PHP will not work with IIS (xp). ASP and HTML work fine, but PHP just sits
there. Any ideas?
1096. alter table BOOKS add id_books int unsigned not null auto_increment
first,add index (id_carte); msql
1097. How do I send a file (that is on the server) as an attachment with mail()?
1098. How can I modify .htaccess to enable both SSI and PHP?
1099. Any web-based report writer available ? I am using Windows client IE and
Linux PHP / PostgreSQL.
1100. How do I get data to automatically come up in other fields when a user
selects an option from a drop
1101. File Download appears for .php files. Php.ini in \windows on XP.
1102. How can I pass objects from one php file to another?
1103. How to create a web page that refreshes its tabled contents against
mySQL database?
1104. function_exists doesn't appear to work on class member functions,
regardless if static or not???
1105. can you determine whether your script is running at the console or was
requested remotely?
1106. I want printing on continous paper according to my requirement. Wanted
to control the printer
1107. Sessions won't die. I tried evertything. I'm regitering using the
$_SESSION superglobal. Please h
1108. how to resubmit the information automatically without pressing the
refresh button?
1109. How to check if a newer entry is in mysql db? If yes, use 1 field in latest
record as a variable.
1110. Is there a function like file_exists in PHP Version 2 ?
1111. how com i can not add item to httpd.conf to make php work with apache
on windows?
1112. How does one define the path to non-windows executables like cat.exe?
1113. How does one define the path to non-windows executables like cat.exe?
1114. Help! What do I do Php files opening as Ps files?
1115. need to use [web] as a wildcard: elseif ($check == "go: [web]") {$url =
"[web]";} is it possible?
1116. What is the advantage to using "url/index.php?i69=members" over
"url/index.php" to "url/members.php"
1117. Why don't works including of remote files under IIS 5.1 and PHP
1118. How can I parse a .csv file to a .ldf file , only parsing the particular
information that I need?
1119. where do i outsource php or get php experts for development ?
1120. Can anyone please tell me why .php files will work for me but the same
php files in HTML do not work
1121. Populating a dropdown list field with data fetched from Oracle
1122. How do I display New mysql database info without refreshing the page?
1123. is there a course on how to write force matrix in php scripts?
1124. SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not
found and no default driver specifi
1125. i am getting msg"Can not open output stream
{localhost:110/pop3}INBOX when i am calling imap_open()
4.3.6 AND APACHE-2.0.49)
1127. how do i get information from a plain text file as data for a
1128. How can I set up my web browser to show Php designated sites?
1129. How i can find number of record retuned in select statement usin Access
odbc driver.
1130. When i try to exec a program on a webserver i get 127 as an return value.
What does it mean?
1131. PHP4 will not connect to my Apache server. I'm using an IBserver
1132. form subbmitted to csv, how do you remove file if form submitted and file
already exists
1133. form subbmitted to csv, how do you remove file if form submitted and file
already exists
1134. Is there a known issue with O'Reilly Website and PHP not working
1135. is it possible to capture a swf and export it to jpg?
1136. How can I insert dynamic info in my website (eg. exchange rate) taken
from other site? Any scripts?
1137. How do i connect php5 to mysql4? I get "Class 'mysqli' not
found" in the apache error log?
1138. I tried to call mysql_connect(), but got the error "Call to undefined
function mysql_connect() Idea?
1139. How do I include a "news.php" file into an index.php file, I've tried
<? php include....with no luck
1140. How to support PHP? no IIS,no apache,it is my develope
support CGI now.
1141. How to support PHP? no IIS,no apache,it is my develope
support CGI now.
1142. How can I adjust local date time in a PHP Calendar script?
1143. How can I call or use a dll writen in Visual Basic 6.0
1144. how to redirect a page, and how to use querystring
1145. when i open file by using this command ($fp=fopen("hello.txt","w") i get
message "permission denied"
1146. i am using Windows 2000 Server with PHP 4 and Apache 2 , i am trying
use scrrun.dll with PHP but fail to use any body suggest me how to use it?
1147. Are php scripts secure? i.e. is it possible to open my .php file and get my
db userid/password etc?
1148. Why am I getting a blank screen when I try using the
imagecreatefromjpeg function? (PHP 5.0.2)
1149. Problem logging hits to PHP pages when PHP runs as CGI wrapped in
Apache to appear as module.
1150. Is it possible to make a template in which any called text file can be
inserted into a specific area
1151. I need to get my php date() time to update live, is there away, and how
do I do it?
1152. How would I make a template system for a blog?????
1153. Error "server unwilling to perform" when changing password in an AD
server using LDAP and PHP.
1154. How can I read data in from a USB Barcode Scanner using PHP???
1155. How can I read data in from a USB Barcode Scanner using PHP???
1156. How can I update the options for a select menu based on a value selected
in a previous select menu?
1157. php.exe posting data vir commandline how to?
1158. How can I code a simple form with textboxes so users can view what
others posted?
1159. why my scripts is showing warning mail over quota mail not send when
new user register
1160. how can I make something like php editor in php and the script is in
1161. I'm having a problem compiling php with 2 versions of posgresql.
Configuring with-pgsql=/usr (pg ver
1162. How do I automatically display the number of listings next to category
links using mySQL or no datab
1163. PHP 4.3.4, parse_ini_file() returns a cannot open `FILE` for reading?
1164. how can I set a quantity that reduces to zero in my eshop as orders are
1165. Is it possible to copy a tar file from another server using fopen?
1166. Iwant to make register (login and password) to my site but with php
1167. how to use onchange method of listboxes in php?
1168. Can I make a transparent HTTP(carry SOAP body) proxy with PHP? Here
PHP is to determine the dest.
1169. how can i use PHP mail() function to send mail to an address like
1170. How do I test that a remoter server has php working?
1171. is there a way to import php in a mysql and export it?
1172. Trouble allowing people to upload picture to yahoo hosted site
1173. Best script to pull an series of integers from various offsets in a binary file
to PHP variables?
1174. Problem with php 5.0.3 on Apace 2 on WIN: It works but version sais:
4.3.10? Is it really 5.0.3 in..
1175. I'm getting a pair of characters( 3D ) in my PHP Generated E-Mails,
any suggestions?
1176. Can someone tell me why my <Script> tags and onClick attributes in <a>
tag are being removed.?
1177. How do you declare a variable so the variable will retain any HTML code
imbedded in the string?
1178. Does PHP support video streaming? I am working on an e-learning
project. Thanks
1179. why php variable names are case sensitive and why not function names?
1180. How do I change the default account that mail is being sent from when
using the mail () function?
1181. <form action="dbtest2.php">when form is submitted,browser opens the
php file instead of executing
1182. write a one-line expression to test whether a number is a power of 2. this
question is asked in inte
1183. How to set headers for images delivered through php scripts so that
images are cached locally?
1184. How do I only allow a PHP script to be accessed from the same server.
1185. how do i create keywords that will autolink throughout my website
1186. How can I get the included file names in a php file while I'm
1187. why are sessions working on remote server but not localhost
1188. PHP and MySQL problem with out putting data to a .txt file
1189. Why are three bytes being added to my data?
1190. Is it possible in php to draw/show a calendar-month as an image?
1191. How can I do a 'page scrape' and capture all of the existing
form fields and values?
1192. How can I redirect the output of a UNIX command executed in background
from exec ( >> does not work
1193. How to export public key to file or string in php's openssl library?
1194. How do I display the rows and time it took to execute the query? ( 132
rows fetched in .0679s)
1195. why it hangs whenever i open my lotus 123
1196. How can call a C function with PHPScript.can you give me an example
1197. How can call a C function with PHPScript.can you give me an example
1198. Besides connecting again is there absolutly no other diffrence between
mysql_connect and pconnect?
1199. How do you display multiple ticked checkboxes from a form in a
1200. How do you display multiple ticked checkboxes from a form in a
1201. How do you display multiple ticked checkboxes from a form in a
1202. How do I insert a MySQL database with greek characters in dreamweaver?
Greek characters are shown ???
1203. How can I write to php.ini from a remote function
1204. Urgent: How can I write and change the configs of php.ini from a remote
1205. If I enter a text of 21K long in a text area form, hitting submit button
doesn't do anything. Help
1206. What is the meaning of -> example for this:($this->form->flugInited)
1207. how do i make a php script run ?? i mean how do i test if its working.
1208. how to untar file using php script? <? system("tar -zxvf file.tar.gz") ?> not
1209. How can we create a page with 2 web pages displayed,giving look like
frames w/o actually using them
1210. How can i retreive Content between the Name tag in nested html file bu
regular expression ?
1211. How do I direct pages to open within specific divs using php includes?
1212. How to control the Printer using PHP
1213. i want to retrive data in an HTML form,from mysql database ,using PHP
,Please tell me how is it poss
1214. can require() or include() contain Http path? How can we include files in
http path format?
1215. How can i create a domain email account through php?
1216. How can I detect the dimensions of a Form? I have a $form_block that
stores HTML lines and tables.
1217. Why <?
doesn't display menu in html?
1218. Why <?
doesn't display menu in html?
1219. Include statement in an echo statement
1220. Can I change the speed of uploads and downloads with PHP5?
1221. Can I change the speed of uploads and downloads with PHP5?
1222. system("crontab crontabs/crontabs.txt"); fails under 4.3.11 but worked on
earlier versions any fix?
1223. system("crontab crontabs/crontabs.txt"); fails under 4.3.11 but worked on
earlier versions any fix?
1224. How to read from a .txt file on the client?
1225. I installed PHP, but output doesn't show on webpage - tried other
commands 2. What should I do?
1226. I installed PHP, but output doesn't show on webpage - tried other
commands 2. What should I do?
1227. While extension is ok, it says it can't find the module php_mysql.dll
while it really exists
1228. While extension is ok, it says it can't find the module php_mysql.dll
while it really exists
1229. how would I have info sent from html form to a web page in numeric
order..such as in area code
1230. how would I have info sent from html form to a web page in numeric
order..such as in area code
1231. how would I have info sent from html form to a web page in numeric
order..such as in area code
1232. How are PHP, PWS and MySQL intergrated?
1233. I am having an extremely hard time sending a html form email. No format
seems to work. please help
1234. How to prevent the system() command from dumping output to browser
1235. how can I use php to place a query on another site, then parse results
into my results page?
1236. Inserting more than one records in a table using the same form
1237. Is there a way to grab a single frame from a video file using php?
1238. I have windowsxp, apache, php, mysql, how do I host people, and limit
filesystem access?
1239. How can I build 10 rows-each to have 1 dynamic select menu (part #)
which prints related desc.?
1240. i want to print out database results using php..if someone know, pls help
1241. What do you think about developing PHP-Based desktop application with
gambArt? (
1242. My php site runs slow on iis6.0. How to make it run faster?
1243. Where do I find a usegroup or forum avaiable to help me with a specific
PHP problem ??
1244. How do I connect and search through multiple MySQL databases for info
and then display it?
1245. How do I write the HTML TITLE tag to contain the result of an SQL query ?
1246. is there any project in related to video conferencing in PHP for open
source ?
1247. using mail( ) function with error checking but robots are submitting blank
1248. How can I convert PHP into executable code to prevent change by user
with Windows platform?
1249. How can i increase the amount of time php, apache, mssql wait to execute
a very large query?
1250. I have a problem in uploading the files across the network it dies
saying"Page Cannot be Displayed"?
1251. is there any jar equivalent of java in PHP??
1252. How we open multilple connection with different username, password &
different database
1253. is it possible to track down all php included/required files.. on a lower level
php core, C/C++ api?
1254. is it possible to track down all php included/required files.. on a lower level
php core, C/C++ api?
1255. Apache2,PHP5,WinXP. All php pages show about 1/2 the page when
loaded over net, but fully over LAN.
1256. Emails not displaying as HTML
1257. I currently using the php installation kits,may i know how to upgrade php
4.2.3 to php 4.3.10 or 4.4
1258. How do you add actions in php files? Say if I have a horoscope section,
but I only want one page...
1259. How do you insert multiple values using the same insert statement,
especially using hash password
1260. How can I set a SESSION <AFTER> i click a link
1261. have php got function for static such as mean,sd , kurtosis, skewness ,
1262. How do I tell php to link two tables in a query so it will return linked data
from both tables
1263. How can increment my hour to get my local(Singapore) date & time which
currently now is USA time ?
1264. Can any body tell me how to get exact world time when i pass city id or
state id as an argument?
1265. How can I make PHP process directives within HTML code that resides in a
1266. i uploaded my php page up to the free host but it did not worked help me
1267. i have got free space and i want to publish my php page me please
1268. How to access an object reference and its variables present in a Javascript
file in a PHP file ?
1269. When running command line, php loads GD, yet when apache interprets a
php file, GD not loaded...why?
1270. Is it possible to use lineair lists with objects in PHP and how.
1271. Does PHP support MSSQL linked servers queries? If so, is there any
special way of doing this?
1272. How can I use Global Variables? So they can be accessed between two or
more php files?
1273. Can you upload a file using visual basic to a php page
1274. Translating the contents of a PHP file in greek and then save as php,it
does show ??? .How to solve?
1275. How can I call a program(for example C:\Program\DC++\DCPlusPlus.exe)
with php?
1276. How can I access Apache mod_status variables in php? E.g. number of
children serving requests.
1277. what does var=<?=$php_var?> mean
1278. Why is $mydate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',
strtotime($item['pubdate'])); returning wrong date in PHP5
1279. How do I call a COM DLL written in VC 6.0 from PHP 4? Can you provide
an example?
1280. how to execute a .pl program from php
1281. como insertar controles a una celda en ejecucion
1282. how can i direct the output of a system command in php into a MySql
Database in a php script?
1283. How can you compare a number of strings retrieved as a result of an SQL
1284. it would be helpful if someone knew how to redirect the output from php
exec() commands to databases
1285. When using echo, why is there a distinction between a single quote and
double quote?
1286. When I use echo & single quotes to output \n char, it outputs the chars,
instead of a newline. Why?
1287. I want to get a value of variable in one php file to other php file(only the
value of variable)
1288. Can I open, show, an existing PDF document being passed to a php page?
1289. How can I get PHP to retrieve XML datatype as an XML file from MSSQL
1290. How can I find out who is logged onto a particular machine and customize
1291. How do I call an HTML page into another frame from within my PHP code,
without reloading the caller?
1292. how to connect to oracle with odbc and aslo code to get result from view
table in oracle
1293. how to connect to oracle with odbc and aslo code to get result from view
table in oracle
1294. My php V4.4.2 run as CGI mode on windows server 2003 and i got The
specified CGI application
1295. How can I get line breaks while passing data separated by enter key from
forms elements
1296. test if a checkbox is checked with html and php
1297. IIS. PHPScripts which grab files on win2k svr get "Permission Denied" with
IntAuth. Basic works.Why?
1298. how can i save the swf files while use onclick property>
1299. how can i save the swf files while use onclick property>
1300. How can i display all the rows of the particular table in the browser
1301. I want to upload CSV through PHP script and want capibility to match the
colums of tables and DB bef
1302. can event handling can be done via PHP
1303. how check half-byte,single-byte or double byte japanese characters
1304. this: financile rightly en/decoded to financiele. many words with these
characters are wrong
1305. How can I enable browser cache when using session?
1306. can we use crystal report for report generation in my php application and
1307. I need someone to
explain all this
1308. in the user_wellcome.inacktive.tpl is a tag:{WELCOME_MSG} where find i
these text, to change this?
1309. can you require() a string variable, as if the content of this variable is
saved to a file?
1310. what does this mean Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE
in /home/clanfuzi/public_html/th
1311. Can I make an executable binary (elf) file from a php code?
1312. through php programming how can i down load a file
1313. Can a class determine if it's (public) variables have been changed,
and react? If so, how?
1314. How do I paginate a search result given as a multi-dimensional array?
1315. I m getting error pl. check that oracle_home is set & points to the right
directory in my script.
1316. How to create form with file attachement using php and action email to
1317. How to create form with file attachement using php and action email to
1318. how to fix a problem with $_POST ?
1319. Is there a php command to query a host ( to determine .asp,
php or .aspnet. Variable upload
1320. I need to create continuous login so after login user can access multiple
1321. What is the easiest way to transfer a file through PHP?
1322. How to transfer a file through php using soap?
1323. how do I prevent an email address being stripped by spam spiders
1324. What is the syntax for the if/then construct that contains : and ?
1325. how to create a directory in dreamweaver using php?
1326. How do I connect to an other server using NTLM?
1327. How can i store an extended ascii character in a variable?
1328. # how can I use php to place a query on another site, then parse results
into my results page?
1329. how can i search for a querystring on a different page using php?
1330. where do i put "-with-mysql=c:\mysql" for php. in the ini file? if so,
1331. I need help to install php on Apache 2.2?
1332. Passing parameters to a function from a link
1333. How to do Advanced messaging to mobile phones?
1334. How to use echo date("l dS of F Y h:i:s A"); to display a 14 digit
timestamp field $r['dstamp']?
1335. Is function having similar functionality related to mysql_insert_id in oci?
1336. Can a data structure be dumped straight to disk in binary format (ie.
without using serialize)
1337. Problem with persistent connection and oracle sessions
1338. what are the whole process of using upload functiolity when dealing with
files in windows
1339. Anybody know how to implement a captcha picture in a php form
1340. Want to make zip file at serverside for backup,but facing memory limit
problem (set at serverside)
1341. How to specify query string from the command line php (CLI) ?
1342. All of my PHP files show as picture files. How can I change that and what
file association should I
1343. multiple commands in an if statement
1344. how can plugin a RSSFeed into my php code
1345. how can plugin a RSSFeeder (ie Reading for RSS contents) into my php
1346. how to auto generate or auto update a record in php
1347. how to display data from database in table form at pdf format using php
1348. Use mysql database or opendir php function to display images in folder
which is better?
1349. My server states that I need to run PHP 5.0.0 or higher, how do i update
PHP on the hosting server?
1350. what is GD is it support image functions in php?
1351. How to use the SSL context options capture_peer_cert and
1352. How do i insert streaming media into my php-nuke
1353. Is it possible to display a videos file attributes through Php?
1354. will PHP 4 works with mySQL 5 and apache on AIX 4.3?
1355. how do i create a php script that i can install onto my webspace to give
me the Base directory
1356. how can i call c extension dll from php script . i want to run it on apache
2.Warning: dl() [functio
1357. On web site text for Spanish is coming out wrong, ie. baĂąos
should be baos
1358. Why is server downloading index.php instad of displaying it?
1359. How can you run a function by clicking on a graphic?
1360. Can anyone tell me what is this "->" symbol? i see it so many times.
1361. How would I merge two felds and show a quantity after the element
1362. Is it possible to use PHP to convert Word Documents to HTML and output
the result?
1363. How can I echo the request body at the server in a php script, which came
with post method.
1364. how do i avoid the opening of an intermediate page without the
authentication? can i use sessions?
1365. [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no
default driver specified. Fix???
1366. How do I capture the AD login name in my script for authentication
1367. registration to a lan party: name& nick in site -from where? come with
adult? bring your pc?
1368. How to link webcam to php script? Library file need to install? Statement
to show the interface
1369. Are there any browser settings that could affect session variables?
1370. Why am I getting "111 Connection Refused" when doing a PHP
fsockopen() request to
1371. What system information can I get from php.(platform independent)
1372. I want to put an URL link to CLICK HERE IN: echo "Click here". HOW TO
1373. how to make a popup window that have form inside and will close it after
the form submit?
1374. how to delete record when we tick it checkbox?
1375. Why can't a website be opened from an array?
1376. Is there an equivalent in php for ASP's "session_on_start" and
"session_on_end" events?
1378. I wrote a simple servet TCP.... I used telnet ip port to connect it... but
socket_read doesn't work
1379. even we are having different web it is has become popular
1381. What function should I use to fill an array with file names from a
1382. refresh button it adds another quantit
1383. basename issues - need to echo query url as well - index.php?id=3 etc
1384. how do I find the mod_php.conf file for Novell Netware 6.5
1385. what text goes into the mod_php.conf file to make it work
1386. what are the differences between pecl and pear?
1387. Having to use <?php instead of just <? how can i just use <? ?
1388. Can I use a function instead of a separate file(php) to return an Image
blob to an HTML <img> tag?
1389. how do i get part after # sign of url, like
1390. what is the full form of php and how we'll use it for web pages.
1391. what is the full form of php and how we'll use it for web pages.
1392. how can i validate an xml document vs an xdr schema using domxml?
1393. How do I configure Oracle HTTP Server (Apache) for PHP? Example?
1394. How do you go about setting univeral variables? Example: != "(U*)"
where * could be anything.
1395. how we can parse HTML files from another site and extract information to
store it
1396. Can i call a PHP script which sits below public_html with another PHP
script from within public_html
1397. Can i call a PHP script which sits below public_html with another PHP
script from within public_html
1398. How to transform the long raw field of a oracle table to a jpg type? I have
photo stored in it.
1399. Get this error...does anyone have any ideas [Thu Nov 23 21:59:21 2006]
[error] PHP Warning: require
1400. what is the speacial features in PHP compare to other languages?
1401. I need to delete a tag and all child tags from an XML file using PHP. How
do I go about ?
1402. Was Bug #37483 ever resolved?
1403. How can i make a script in PHP to automatically send an email to a user
who has just registered?
1404. eval( ) function error, template error how can i solve this error
1405. GD library - is TGA file format supported? If not, is there a library that
does support?
1406. how i can i install ffmpeg on windows
1407. parse error, unexpected $end in \Apache
Group\Apache2\htdocs\ScopeDemo.php on line 35
1408. How can I hide the name of a file when passing a session?
1409. Why do I see the content of the compiled script instead of the script
executing, IIS 5.1?
1410. Why do I see the content of the compiled script instead of the script
executing, IIS 5.1?
1411. Was Bug #37483 ever resolved? If so, what is the fix?
1412. how to install horde in user directory another then the web server root
1413. Please recommend websites for PHP Freelancing. Thanks in advance.
1414. How can I extract xml information from a email folder, then display it onto
a web page using php? ch
1415. I want to install my app in another server, but don't want to leave
de source code there, what 2 do?
1416. What are all the changes between PHP 4.4 and 5.1?
1417. How to use PHP to strip out character \ from the data entered by user
from web form?
1418. when submit textarea value with quotes are replaced with \' how to
change it?
1419. utf-8 cvs files download
1420. How do i convert htmlentities to Hex Entities like € (euro sign)
instead of € ?
1421. how can i run a php script with closing the browser?
1422. how to insert images in ms access using oledb extension
1423. i want the php program logic for decimal to hexadecimal conversion
1424. i want the php program logic for decimal to hexadecimal conversion
1425. Server Upgrade: I am going to be upgrading my Win2k Server to
Win2k3..anything to watch out for?
1426. to send email from local system connected via broadband to yahoo
1427. <A HREF="">
1428. Is anyone else having issues getting PHP 5.2.0 and Apache 2.2.3 to work
1429. how can we show records at the time of delete confirmation while using
delete button
1430. How do get the currently running webserver's information using
1431. Why is it that PHP does not allow the the first character of a label (variable
name) to be a digit?
1432. how do i compare 2 string variables in php 4.3.10?
1433. what is the script for conducting a chat room with enabled privacy
between users?
1434. Does anyone know how to set up a php server on a windows vista
1435. Does anyone know how to set up php in ISS for windows vista?
1436. In linux system what is the specific entry for session? I have problem in
incrementing Session var?
1437. i setup root admin as administrator and i cant get root admin back
1438. I setup php5 and IIS on xp it running but does not give me any error
message give blank page
1439. how to modify the order of precedence in an expression
1440. is there any think like sstab control in vb for php
1441. i m new to php. how to connect oracle d/b with php?? plzz help m stuck
1442. whn i m send a data frm one page to othr by "get" coming in
url with a blank pg.. help
1443. what is this Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 550
5.7.1 Unable to relay for ?
1444. statement 'switch' for multiple include.are they(all include file
write down) load all?
1445. when using the system() command how do you make it able to use CTRL
key combinations
1446. high session data
1447. session
1448. Can I login to another site from my project without entering Username &
password. Is there any way t
1449. I have a script that checks the server up time, However it only show text ,
How can i show a .gif ?
1450. How do I upload, resized and strore a picture with the new reduced size in
a databse?
1451. how can i set url like to view details of
member from db
1452. When my form is submitted successfully I want to redirect users to a
'thank-you' page. All in PHP.
1453. Output browser contents that are displayed as text from a url to txt file,
How ?
1454. If I fork a child how do I pass information back to an array I have defined
in the parent?
1455. How Can I Use Light Pen In PHP for example for signature?
1456. The session_start is not working in PHP 5.2.1.
1458. How can I extract the width and height of a .flv file using PHP?
1459. How can a web server have its own php.ini on each domain?
1460. Can "elseif" statements be applied to dynamic text fields?
1461. i want my users to have a personal photo gallery and browse other user,
how do i do that ?
1462. how do i create a user page so that they can upload photos and let people
browse them ?? HELP PLEASE
1463. when upload runs gave file not specify error
1464. How to consume web services through SOAP or NUSOAP protocal?
1465. --enable-debug
1466. MSDE
1467. I have problem with header coding for IE browser. My code is export the
data to excel.
1468. failing to create COM object in windows2003 server
1469. retrive data to publish particular information using session id
1470. if i click a radio button it should insert teh values of the fields in the from
in a table
1471. What is the difference between echo & print?
1472. Why don't I use htmlentities funtion? .
1473. how to increase session expiry in php through htaccess or iniset
1474. ii7 install
1475. install php vista iis7
1476. how to implement validator field in php like
1477. I'm using PHP5.0.5 on Novell. I'm getting a "Call to undefined
function simplexml_load_file()".
1478. What is major diffrence between php4 and php5?
1479. How to store the Search results of a search Engine?
1480. browser window size
1481. Is there a method in php for data streaming of large documents in chunks
in a php web service
1482. how can i restrict the user to upload a specific extension files and the size
of their upload?
1483. How does one export BLOG type data from MySQL to display as images in
1484. Do you know any (really) working example of a soap (wsdl based) server
implementation with PHP5 ?
1485. How we can make a printscreen(image) from a web page?Please suggest.
1486. how can i call txt files (with http links and titles) from php, so I can
change this file often.
1487. how to divide the PHP concepts; which are most valuable?
1488. how to divide the PHP concepts; which are most valuable?
1489. how to pass php array into javascript for validation??
1490. ffmpeg with php not working using IIS/6.0 server in windows NT system.
1491. how do i send mail through the mail function of php in zend, each and
every try i had was fail
1492. How I can give access to my friend to some page for limit time? I store
the date in database
1493. How do I execute code that includes two classes with the same name from
different libraries?
1494. upload files
1495. How do i put a checkbox for usernames retrieved from the database and
to display in the next page?
1496. How to write an array result to a comma separated txt file?
1497. how to store the form data in the database after submitting the form ,by
1498. how to change name of file\path
1499. call a oracle procedure with PHP
1500. How do I build PHP scripts and include it in a nightly build process
1501. What is difference between the copy and move_uploaded_file
1502. Website I've taken over has files ending in ".phtml"
1503. Can I write a PHP script to load random external images?
1504. how to integrate more than one URL in IE
1505. How can I implement a php wrapper which checks if a user is logged in
and secures my html files?
1506. how to print data from database pressing print button on the page?
1507. I have a form that makes a file, 'output.txt'. how do I have
following submissons add onto file
1508. Netscape & mozilla i am unable to open a pdf it shows an alert "This
operation is not allowed"
1509. how to link an exe file to a web page using php?urgent plz help......
1510. I ran the code provided on this site to get the IP address but received
unknown variable.
1511. how to create a link for a data as pdf
1512. Rotating Banner Ads Guidance Requested
1513. how to display live value or get it from another website (eg live share
-o% @@/s interview 7uestions and answers are below
Questions : 1
What is @bKect @riented
/rorammin ?
Answers : 1
It is a problem solving technique to
develop software systems. It is a
technique to think real world in
terms of objects. Object maps the
software model to real world
concept. These objects have
responsibilities and provide services
to application or other objects.
Questions : 2 What is a Class ?
Answers : 2 A class describes all the attributes of
objects, as well as the methods that
implement the behavior of member
objects. It is a comprehensive data
type which represents a blue print of
objects. Its a template of object.
Questions : 3 What is an @bKect ?
Answers : 3 It is a basic unit of a system. An
object is an entity that has
attributes, behavior, and identity.
Objects are members of a class.
Attributes and behavior of an object
are defined by the class definition.
Questions : ! What is the relation between
Classes and @bKects?
Answers : ! They look very much same but are
not same. Class is a definition, while
object is instance of the class
created. Class is a blue print while
objects are actual objects existing in
real world. Example we have class
CAR which has attributes and
methods like Speed, Brakes, Type of
Car etc.Class CAR is just a
prototype, now we can create real
time objects which can be used to
provide functionality. Example we
can create a Maruti car object with
100 km speed and urgent brakes.
Questions : " What are different %ro%erties
%rovided by @bKectGoriented
systems ?
Answers : " 5ollowin are characteristics of
@bKect @riented 4ystemVs:G
AbstractionIt allows complex real
world to be represented in simplified
manner. Example color is abstracted
to RGB.By just making the
combination of these three colors we
can achieve any color in world. Its a
model of real world or concept.
,nca%sulationThe process of hiding
all the internal details of an object
from the outside world.
CommunicationUsing messages
when application wants to achieve
certain task it can only be done
using combination of objects. A
single object can not do the entire
task. Example if we want to make
order processing form. We will use
Customer object, Order object,
Product object and Payment object
to achieve this functionality. In short
these objects should communicate
with each other. This is achieved
when objects send messages to
each other.@bKect lifetimeAll
objects have life time. Objects are
created, initialized, necessary
functionalities are done and later the
object is destroyed. Every object
have there own state and identity,
which differ from instance to
Questions : & What is an Abstract class ?
Answers : & Abstract class defines an abstract
concept which can not be
instantiated and comparing o
interface it can have some
implementation while interfaces can
not. Below are somepoints for
abstract class:- =>We can not
create object of abstract class it can
only be inherited in a below class.
=> Normally abstract classes have
base implementation and then child
classes derive from the abstract
class to make the class concrete.
Questions : ) What are Abstract methods?
Answers : ) Abstract class can contain abstract
methods. Abstract methods do not
have implementation. Abstract
methods should be implemented in
the subclasses which inherit them.
So if an abstract class has an
abstract method class inheriting the
abstract class should implement the
method or else java compiler will
through an error. In this way, an
abstract class can define a complete
programming interface thereby
providing its subclasses with the
method declarations for all of the
methods necessary to implement
that programming interface.
Abstract methods are defined using
"abstract" keyword. Below is a
sample code snippet.abstract class
pcdsGraphics{abstract void draw();}
Any class inheriting from
"pcdsGraphics" class should
implement the "draw" method or
else the java compiler will throw an
error. so if we do not implement a
abstract method the program will
not compile.
Questions : * What is the difference between
Abstract classes and Interfaces ?
Answers : * Difference between Abstract class
and Interface is as follows:- Abstract
class can only be inherited while
interfaces can not be it has to be
implemented. Interface cannot
implement any methods, whereas
an abstract class can have
implementation. Class can
implement many interfaces but can
have only one super class. Interface
is not part of the class hierarchy
while Abstract class comes in
through inheritance. Unrelated
classes can implement the same
Questions : + What is difference between
4tatic and FonG4tatic fields of a
class ?
Answers : + Non-Static values are also called as
instance variables. Each object of
the class has its own copy of Non-
Static instance variables. So when a
new object is created of the same
class it will have completely its own
copy of instance variables. While
Static values have only one copy of
instance variables and will be shared
among all the objects of the class.
Questions : 1. What are inner classes and what
is the %ractical im%lementation
of inner classes?
Answers : 1. Inner classes are nested inside other
class. They have access to outer
class fields and methods even if the
fields of outer class are defined as
private.public class Pcds{class
pcdsEmp{// inner class defines the
required structureString first;String
last;}// array of name objects
clsName personArray[] = {new
clsName(), new clsName(), new
clsName()};}Normally inner classes
are used for data structures like one
shown above or some kind of helper
Questions : 11 What is a constructor in class?
Answers : 11 Constructor has the same name as
the class in which it resides and
looks from syntax point of view it
looks similiar to a method.
Constructor is automatically called
immediately after the object is
created, before the new operator
completes. Constructors have no
return type, not even void. This is
because the implicit return type of a
class' constructor is the class type
itself. It is the constructor's job to
initialize the internal state of an
object so that the code creating an
instance will have a fully initialized,
usable object immediately.
Questions : 12 Can constructors be
Answers : 12 Yes we can have parameterized
constructor which can also be
termed as constructor overloading.
Below is a code snippet which shows
two constructors for pcdsMaths class
one with parameter and one with
out.class pcdsMaths{double PI;//
This is the constructor for the maths
constant class.pcdsMaths(){PI =
3.14;}pcdsMaths(int pi){PI = pi;} }
Questions : 13 What is the use if instanceof
$eyword? and 0ow do refer to a
current instance of obKect?
Answers : 13 "instanceof" keyword is used to
check what is the type of object. we
can refer the current instance of
object using "this" keyword. For
instance if we have class which has
color property we can refer the
current object instance inside any of
the method using "thisDcolor".
Questions : 1! what is Eootstra%( ,Btension and
4ystem Class loader? or Can you
eB%lain %rimordial class loader?
Answers : 1! There three types of class loaders:-
BootStrap Class loader also called as
primordial class loader. Extension
Class loader. System Class loader.
Lets now try to get the
fundamentals of these class loaders.
Eootstra% Class loaderBootstrap
class loader loads those classes
those which are essential for JVM to
function properly. Bootstrap class
loader is responsible for loading all
core java classes for instance
java.lang.*,* etc. Bootstrap
class loader finds these necessary
classes from "jdk/ jre/lib/rt.jar.
Bootstrap class loader can not be
instantiated from JAVA code and is
implemented natively inside JVM.
,Btension Class loaderThe
extension class loader also termed
as the standard extensions class
loader is a child of the bootstrap
class loader. Its primary
responsibility is to load classes from
the extension directories, normally
located the "jre/lib/ext directory.
This provides the ability to simply
drop in new extensions, such as
various security extensions, without
requiring modification to the user's
class path. 4ystem Class loader
The system class loader also termed
application class loader is the class
loader responsible for loading code
from the path specified by the
CLASSPATH environment variable. It
is also used to load an applications
entry point class that is the "static
void main ()" method in a class.
Questions : 1" whatVs the main difference
between Array8ist J 0ash6a%
and Lector J 0ashtable?
Answers : 1" Vector / HashTable are synchronized
which means they are thread safe.
Cost of thread safe is performance
degradation. So if you are sure that
you are not dealing with huge
number of threads then you should
use ArrayList / HashMap.But yes you
can stillsynchronize List and Maps
using Collections provided
methods :-List OurList =
(OurList);Map OurMap =
Questions : 1& What are access modifiers?
Answers : 1& Access modifiers decide whether a
method or a data variable can be
accessed by another method in
another class or subclass.four types
of access modifiers:/ublic: G Can be
accessed by any other class
anywhere./rotected: G Can be
accessed by classes inside the
package or by subclasses ( that
means classes who inherit from this
class)./rivate G Can be accessed
only within the class. Even methods
in subclasses in the same package
do not have access.#efault G (Its
private access by default) accessible
to classes in the same package but
not by classes in other packages,
even if these are subclasses.
Questions : 1) #efine eBce%tions ?
Answers : 1) An exception is an abnormal
condition that arises in a code
sequence at run time. Basically
there are four important keywords
which form the main pillars of
exception handling: try, catch, throw
and finally. Code which you want to
monitor for exception is contained in
the try block. If any exception
occurs in the try block its sent to the
catch block which can handle this
error in a more rational manner. To
throw an exception manually you
need to call use the throw keyword.
If you want to put any clean up code
use the finally block. The finally
block is executed irrespective if
there is an error or not.
Questions : 1* What is seriali=ation?0ow do we
im%lement seriali=ation actually?
Answers : 1* Serialization is a process by which
an object instance is converted in to
stream of bytes. There are many
useful stuff you can do when the
object instance is converted in to
stream of bytes for instance you can
save the object in hard disk or send
it across the network.
In order to implement serialization
we need to use two classes from package ObjectOutputStream
and ObjectInputStream.
ObjectOutputStream has a method
called writeObject, while
ObjectInputStream has a method
called readObject. Using writeobject
we can write and readObject can be
used to read the object from the
stream. Below are two code snippet
which used the FileInputStream and
FileOutputstream to read and write
from harddisk.
6ys7l interview 7uestions and answers are below
Questions : 1 how to do loin in mys7l with
uniB shell
Answers :1 By below method if password is pass
and user name is root
# [mysql dir]/bin/mysql -h
hostname -u root -p pass
Questions : 2 how you will Create a database
on the mys7l server with uniB
Answers : 2 mysql> create database
Questions : 3 how to list or view all databases
from the mys7l serverD
Answers : 3 mysql> show databases;
Questions : ! 0ow 4witch ;select or use< to a
Answers : ! mysql> use databasename;
Questions : " 0ow -o see all the tables from a
database of mys7l serverD
Answers : " mysql> show tables;
Questions : & 0ow to see table2s field formats
or descri%tion of table D
Answers : & mysql> describe tablename;
Questions : ) 0ow to delete a database from
mys7l serverD
Answers : ) mysql> drop database
Questions : * 0ow we et 4um of column
Answers : * mysql> SELECT SUM(*) FROM
[table name];
Questions : + 0ow to delete a table
Answers : + mysql> drop table tablename;
Questions : 1. 0ow you will 4how all data from
a tableD
Answers : 1. mysql> SELECT * FROM tablename;
Questions : 11 0ow to returns the columns and
column information %ertainin to
the desinated table
Answers : 11 8902831884938553817.gif
mysql> show columns from
Questions : 12 0ow to 4how certain selected
rows with the value ?%cds?
Answers : 12 mysql> SELECT * FROM tablename
WHERE fieldname = "pcds";
Questions : 13 0ow will 4how all records
containin the name ?sonia?
AF# the %hone number
Answers : 13 mysql> SELECT * FROM tablename
WHERE name = "sonia" AND
phone_number = '9876543210';
Questions : 1! 0ow you will 4how all records
not containin the name ?sonia?
AF# the %hone number
2+*)&"!321.2 order by the
%honePnumber fieldD
Answer : 1! mysql> SELECT * FROM tablename
WHERE name != "sonia" AND
phone_number = '9876543210'
order by phone_number;
Questions : 1" 0ow to 4how all records startin
with the letters 2sonia2 AF# the
%hone number 2+*)&"!321.2
Answers : 1" mysql> SELECT * FROM tablename
WHERE name like "sonia%" AND
phone_number = '9876543210';
Questions : 1& 0ow to show all records startin
with the letters 2sonia2 AF# the
%hone number 2+*)&"!321.2
limit to records 1 throuh "D
Answers : 1& mysql> SELECT * FROM tablename
WHERE name like "sonia%" AND
phone_number = '9876543210' limit
Questions : 1& 1se a reular eB%ression to find
recordsD 1se ?9,3,S/ EIFA9R?
to force caseGsensitivityD -his
finds any record beinnin with
Answer : 1& mysql> SELECT * FROM tablename
WHERE rec RLIKE "^r";
Questions : 1) 0ow you will 4how uni7ue
Answer : 1) mysql> SELECT DISTINCT
columnname FROM tablename;
Questions : 1* how we will 4how selected
records sorted in an ascendin
;asc< or descendin ;desc<
Answer : 1* mysql> SELECT col1,col2 FROM
tablename ORDER BY col2 DESC;
mysql> SELECT col1,col2 FROM
tablename ORDER BY col2 ASC;
Questions : 1+ how to 9eturn total number of
Answers : 1+ mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM
Questions : 2. 0ow to Uoin tables on common
Answer : 2. mysql> select lookup.illustrationid,
from lookup left join person on
atement to join birthday in person
table with primary illustration id
Questions : 21 0ow to Creatin a new userD
8oin as rootD 4witch to the
6y4Q8 dbD 6a$e the userD
1%date %rivsD
Answer : 21 # mysql -u root -p
mysql> use mysql;
mysql> INSERT INTO user
mysql> flush privileges;
Questions : 22 0ow to Chane a users
%assword from uniB shellD
Answers : 22 # [mysql dir]/bin/mysqladmin -u
username -h -p
password 'new-password'
Questions : 23 0ow to Chane a users
%assword from 6y4Q8 %rom%tD
8oin as rootD 4et the %asswordD
1%date %rivsD
Answer : 23 # mysql -u root -p
'user'@'hostname' =
mysql> flush privileges;
Questions : 2! 0ow to 9ecover a 6y4Q8 root
%asswordD 4to% the 6y4Q8
server %rocessD 4tart aain with
no rant tablesD 8oin to 6y4Q8
as rootD 4et new %asswordD ,Bit
6y4Q8 and restart 6y4Q8
Answer : 2! # /etc/init.d/mysql stop
# mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
# mysql -u root
mysql> use mysql;
mysql> update user set
sword") where User='root';
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> quit
# /etc/init.d/mysql stop
# /etc/init.d/mysql start
Questions : 2" 0ow to 4et a root %assword if
there is on root %asswordD
Answer : 2" # mysqladmin -u root password
Questions : 2& 0ow to 1%date a root %asswordD
Answer : 2& # mysqladmin -u root -p
oldpassword newpassword
Questions : 2) 0ow to allow the user ?sonia? to
connect to the server from
localhost usin the %assword
?%asswd?D 8oin as rootD 4witch
to the 6y4Q8 dbD 3ive %rivsD
1%date %rivsD
Answers : 2) # mysql -u root -p
mysql> use mysql;
mysql> grant usage on *.* to
sonia@localhost identified by
mysql> flush privileges;
Questions : 2* 0ow to ive user %rivilaes for a
dbD 8oin as rootD 4witch to the
6y4Q8 dbD 3rant %rivsD 1%date
Answers : 2* # mysql -u root -p
mysql> use mysql;
mysql> INSERT INTO user
v,Drop_priv) VALUES
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> grant all privileges on
databasename.* to
mysql> flush privileges;
Questions : 2+ 0ow -o u%date info already in a
table and #elete a row;s< from a
Answer : 2+ mysql> UPDATE [table name] SET
Select_priv = 'Y',Insert_priv =
'Y',Update_priv = 'Y' where [field
name] = 'user';
mysql> DELETE from [table name]
where [field name] = 'whatever';
Questions : 3. 0ow to 1%date database
Answer : 3. mysql> flush privileges;
Questions : 31 0ow to #elete a column and Add
a new column to database
Answer : 31 mysql> alter table [table name]
drop column [column name];
mysql> alter table [table name] add
column [new column name] varchar
Questions : 32 Chane column name and 6a$e
a uni7ue column so we et no
Answer : 32 mysql> alter table [table name]
change [old column name] [new
column name] varchar (50);
mysql> alter table [table name] add
unique ([column name]);
Questions : 33 0ow to ma$e a column bier
and #elete uni7ue from tableD
Answer : 33 mysql> alter table [table name]
modify [column name]
mysql> alter table [table name]
drop index [colmn name];
Questions : 3! 0ow to 8oad a C4L file into a
Answer : 3! mysql> LOAD DATA INFILE
'/tmp/filename.csv' replace INTO
TABLE [table name] FIELDS
Questions : 3" 0ow to dum% all databases for
bac$u%D Eac$u% file is s7l
commands to recreate all db2sD
Answer : 3" # [mysql dir]/bin/mysqldump -u
root -ppassword --opt
Questions : 3& 0ow to dum% one database for
Answer : 3& # [mysql dir]/bin/mysqldump -u
username -ppassword --databases
Questions : 3) 0ow to dum% a table from a
Answer : 3) # [mysql dir]/bin/mysqldump -c -u
username -ppassword
databasename tablename >
Questions : 3* 9estore database ;or database
table< from bac$u%D
Answer : 3* # [mysql dir]/bin/mysql -u
username -ppassword
databasename <
Questions : 3+ 0ow to Create -able show
Answer : 3+ mysql> CREATE TABLE [table name]
(firstname VARCHAR(20),
middleinitial VARCHAR(3), lastname
VARCHAR(35),phone VARCHAR(25),
groups VARCHAR(15),datestamp
DATE,timestamp time,pgpemail
Questions : !. 0ow to search second
maBimum;second hihest<
salary value;inteer<from table
em%loyee ;field salary<in the
manner so that mys7l ets less
Answers : !. By below query we will get second
maximum(second highest) salary
value(integer)from table employee
(field salary)in the manner so that
mysql gets less load? 4,8,C-
#I4-IFC-;salary< 59@6
em%loyee order by salary desc
limit 1 ( 1 Q (This way we will able
to find out 3rd highest , 4th highest
salary so on just need to change
limit condtion like LIMIT 2,1 for 3rd
highest and LIMIT 3,1 for 4th some
one may finding this way useing
below query that taken more time
as compare to above query SELECT
salary FROM employee where salary
< (select max(salary) from
employe) order by salary DESC limit
1 ;
#atabase ;#E64< interview 7uestions and answers
are below
Questions : 1
What is database or database
manaement systems ;#E64<?
and G WhatVs the difference
between file and database? Can
files 7ualify as a database?
Answers : 1
Database provides a systematic and
organized way of storing, managing
and retrieving from collection of
logically related information.
Secondly the information has to be
persistent, that means even after
the application is closed the
information should be persisted.
Finally it should provide an
independent way of accessing data
and should not be dependent on the
application to access the
Main difference between a simple
file and database that database has
independent way (SQL) of accessing
information while simple files do not
File meets the storing, managing
and retrieving part of a database but
not the independent way of
accessing data. Many experienced
programmers think that the main
difference is that file can not provide
multi-user capabilities which a DBMS
provides. But if we look at some old
COBOL and C programs where file
where the only means of storing
data, we can see functionalities like
locking, multi-user etc provided very
efficiently. So its a matter of debate
if some interviewers think this as a
main difference between files and
database accept it. going in to
debate is probably loosing a job.
Questions : 2 What is 4Q8 ?
Answers : 2 SQL stands for Structured Query
Language.SQL is an ANSI (American
National Standards Institute)
standard computer language for
accessing and manipulating
database systems. SQL statements
are used to retrieve and update data
in a database.
Questions : 3 WhatVs difference between
#E64 and 9#E64 ?
Answers : 3 DBMS provides a systematic and
organized way of storing, managing
and retrieving from collection of
logically related information. RDBMS
also provides what DBMS provides
but above that it provides
relationship integrity. So in short we
can say9#E64 H #E64 +
9,5,9,F-IA8 IF-,39I-R These
relations are defined by using
"Foreign Keys in any RDBMS.Many
DBMS companies claimed there
DBMS product was a RDBMS
compliant, but according to industry
rules and regulations if the DBMS
fulfills the twelve CODD rules its
truly a RDBMS. Almost all DBMS
(SQL SERVER, ORACLE etc) fulfills
all the twelve CODD rules and are
considered as truly RDBMS.
Questions : ! What are C@## rules?
Answers : ! In 1969 Dr. E. F. Codd laid down
some 12 rules which a DBMS should
adhere in order to get the logo of a
true RDBMS.
9ule 1: Information 9uleD"All
information in a relational data base
is represented explicitly at the
logical level and in exactly one way -
by values in tables."9ule 2:
3uaranteed access 9uleD"Each
and every datum (atomic value) in a
relational data base is guaranteed to
be logically accessible by resorting
to a combination of table name,
primary key value and column
name."In flat files we have to parse
and know exact location of field
values. But if a DBMS is truly
RDBMS you can access the value by
specifying the table name, field
name, for instance Customers.Fields
[`Customer Name].9ule 3:
4ystematic treatment of null
valuesD"Null values (distinct from
the empty character string or a
string of blank characters and
distinct from zero or any other
number) are supported in fully
relational DBMS for representing
missing information and inapplicable
information in a systematic way,
independent of data type.". 9ule !:
#ynamic onGline catalo based
on the relational modelD"The data
base description is represented at
the logical level in the same way as
ordinary data, so that authorized
users can apply the same relational
language to its interrogation as they
apply to the regular data."The Data
Dictionary is held within the RDBMS,
thus there is no-need for off-line
volumes to tell you the structure of
the database.9ule ":
Com%rehensive data subG
lanuae 9uleD"A relational system
may support several languages and
various modes of terminal use (for
example, the fill-in-the-blanks
mode). However, there must be at
least one language whose
statements are expressible, per
some well-defined syntax, as
character strings and that is
comprehensive in supporting all the
following itemsData Definition View
Definition Data Manipulation
(Interactive and by program).
Integrity Constraints Authorization.
Transaction boundaries ( Begin ,
commit and rollback) 9ule &: DLiew
u%datin 9ule"All views that are
theoretically updatable are also
updatable by the system."9ule ):
0ihGlevel insert( u%date and
deleteD"The capability of handling a
base relation or a derived relation as
a single operand applies not only to
the retrieval of data but also to the
insertion, update and deletion of
data."9ule *: /hysical data
programs and terminal activities
remain logically unimpaired
whenever any changes are made in
either storage representations or
access methods."9ule +: 8oical
data inde%endenceD"Application
programs and terminal activities
remain logically unimpaired when
information-preserving changes of
any kind that theoretically permit
un-impairment are made to the base
tables."9ule 1.: Interity
constraints specific to a particular
relational data base must be
definable in the relational data sub-
language and storable in the
catalog, not in the application
programs." 9ule 11: #istribution
inde%endenceD"A relational DBMS
has distribution independence."9ule
12: FonGsubversion 9uleD"If a
relational system has a low-level
(single-record-at-a-time) language,
that low level cannot be used to
subvert or bypass the integrity Rules
and constraints expressed in the
higher level relational language
Questions : " What are ,G9 diarams?
Answers : " E-R diagram also termed as Entity-
Relationship diagram shows
relationship between various tables
in the database. .
Questions : & 0ow many ty%es of relationshi%
eBist in database desinin?
Answers : & There are three major relationship
Questions : ) )DWhat is normali=ation? What
are different ty%e of
Answers : ) There is set of rules that has been
established to aid in the design of
tables that are meant to be
connected through relationships.
This set of rules is known as
Normalization.Benefits of
Normalizing your database include:
=>Avoiding repetitive entries
=>Reducing required storage space
=>Preventing the need to
restructure existing tables to
accommodate new data.
=>Increased speed and flexibility of
queries, sorts, and summaries.
5ollowin are the three normal
forms :G5irst Formal 5ormFor a
table to be in first normal form, data
must be broken up into the smallest
un possible.In addition to breaking
data up into the smallest meaningful
values, tables first normal form
should not contain repetitions
groups of fields.4econd Formal
formThe second normal form states
that each field in a multiple field
primary keytable must be directly
related to the entire primary key. Or
in other words,each non-key field
should be a fact about all the fields
in the primary key.-hird normal
formA non-key field should not
depend on other Non-key field.
Questions : * What is denormali=ation ?
Answers : * Denormalization is the process of
putting one fact in numerous places
(its vice-versa of
normalization).Only one valid reason
exists for denormalizing a relational
design - to enhance
performance.The sacrifice to
performance is that you increase
redundancy in database.
Questions : + Can you eB%lain 5ourth Formal
5orm and 5ifth Formal 5orm ?
Answers : + In fourth normal form it should not
contain two or more independent
multi-v about an entity and it should
satisfy "Third Normal form.Fifth
normal form deals with
reconstructing information from
smaller pieces of information. These
smaller pieces of information can be
maintained with less redundancy.
Questions : 1. 0ave you heard about siBth
normal form?
Answers : 1. If we want relational system in
conjunction with time we use sixth
normal form. At this moment SQL
Server does not supports it directly.
Questions : 11 What are #68 and ##8
Answers : 11 DML stands for Data Manipulation
Statements. They update data
values in table. Below are the most
important DDL statements:-
=>SELECT - gets data from a
database table => UPDATE -
updates data in a table => DELETE -
deletes data from a database table
=> INSERT INTO - inserts new data
into a database tableDDL stands for
Data definition Language. They
change structure of the database
objects like table, index etc. Most
important DDL statements are as
shown below:- =>CREATE TABLE -
creates a new table in the database.
=>ALTER TABLE - changes table
structure in database. =>DROP
TABLE - deletes a table from
database => CREATE INDEX -
creates an index => DROP INDEX -
deletes an index
Questions : 12 0ow do we select distinct values
from a table?
Answers : 12 DISTINCT keyword is used to return
only distinct values. Below is
syntax:- Column age and Table
FROM pcdsEmp
Questions : 13 What is 8i$e o%erator for and
what are wild cards?
Answers : 13 LIKE operator is used to match
patterns. A "%" sign is used to
define the pattern.Below SQL
statement will return all words with
letter "S"SELECT * FROM
pcdsEmployee WHERE EmpName
LIKE 'S%'Below SQL statement will
return all words which end with
letter "S"SELECT * FROM
pcdsEmployee WHERE EmpName
LIKE '%S'Below SQL statement will
return all words having letter "S" in
betweenSELECT * FROM
pcdsEmployee WHERE EmpName
LIKE '%S%'"_" operator (we can
read as "Underscore Operator). "_
operator is the character defined at
that point. In the below sample fired
a query Select name from
pcdsEmployee where name like '_s
%' So all name where second letter
is "s is returned.
Questions : 1! Can you eB%lain Insert( 1%date
and #elete 7uery?
Answers : 1! Insert statement is used to insert
new rows in to table. Update to
update existing data in the table.
Delete statement to delete a record
from the table. Below code snippet
for Insert, Update and Delete :-
INSERT INTO pcdsEmployee SET
UPDATE pcdsEmployee SET age='25'
where name='rohit';
DELETE FROM pcdsEmployee
WHERE name = 'sonia';
Questions : 1" What is order by clause?
Answers : 1" ORDER BY clause helps to sort the
data in either ascending order to
descending order.Ascending order
sort querySELECT name,age FROM
pcdsEmployee ORDER BY age ASC
Descending order sort querySELECT
name FROM pcdsEmployee ORDER
Questions : 1& What is the 4Q8 ? IF ? clause?
Answers : 1& SQL IN operator is used to see if the
value exists in a group of values. For
instance the below SQL checks if the
Name is either 'rohit' or 'Anuradha'
SELECT * FROM pcdsEmployee
WHERE name IN ('Rohit','Anuradha')
Also you can specify a not clause
with the same. SELECT * FROM
pcdsEmployee WHERE age NOT IN
Questions : 1) Can you eB%lain the between
Answers : 1) Below SQL selects employees born
between '01/01/1975' AND
'01/01/1978' as per mysql
SELECT * FROM pcdsEmployee
WHERE DOB BETWEEN '1975-01-01'
AND '2011-09-28'
Questions : 1* we have an em%loyee salary
table how do we find the second
hihest from it?
Answers : 1* below Sql Query find the second
highest salarySELECT * FROM
pcdsEmployeeSalary a WHERE
pcdsEmployeeSalary b WHERE
Questions : 1+ What are different ty%es of Koins
in 4Q8?
Answers : 1+ IFF,9 U@IFInner join shows
matches only when they exist in
both tables. Example in the below
SQL there are two tables Customers
and Orders and the inner join in
made on Customers.Customerid and
Orders.Customerid. So this SQL will
only give you result with customers
who have orders. If the customer
does not have order it will not
display that record.SELECT
Customers.*, Orders.* FROM
Customers INNER JOIN Orders ON
=Orders.CustomerID8,5- @1-,9
U@IFLeft join will display all records
in left table of the SQL statement. In
SQL below customers with or
without orders will be displayed.
Order data for customers without
orders appears as NULL values. For
example, you want to determine the
amount ordered by each customer
and you need to see who has not
ordered anything as well. You can
also see the LEFT OUTER JOIN as a
mirror image of the RIGHT OUTER
JOIN (Is covered in the next section)
if you switch the side of each table.
SELECT Customers.*, Orders.*
Orders ON Customers.CustomerID
=Orders.CustomerID9I30- @1-,9
U@IFRight join will display all
records in right table of the SQL
statement. In SQL below all orders
with or without matching customer
records will be displayed. Customer
data for orders without customers
appears as NULL values. For
example, you want to determine if
there are any orders in the data with
undefined CustomerID values (say,
after a conversion or something like
it). You can also see the RIGHT
OUTER JOIN as a mirror image of
the LEFT OUTER JOIN if you switch
the side of each table.SELECT
Customers.*, Orders.* FROM
Orders ON Customers.CustomerID
Questions : 2. What is WC9@44 U@IFX? or What
is Cartesian %roduct?
Answers : 2. "CROSS JOIN or "CARTESIAN
PRODUCT combines all rows from
both tables. Number of rows will be
product of the number of rows in
each table. In real life scenario I can
not imagine where we will want to
use a Cartesian product. But there
are scenarios where we would like
permutation and combination
probably Cartesian would be the
easiest way to achieve it.
Questions : 21 0ow to select the first record in
a iven set of rows?
Answers : 21 Select top 1 * from
Questions : 22 What is the default WG4@9- X
order for a 4Q8?
Answers : 22 ASCENDING
Questions : 23 What is a selfGKoin?
Answers : 23 If we want to join two instances of
the same table we can use self-join.
Questions : 2! WhatVs the difference between
#,8,-, and -91FCA-, ?
Answers : 2! Following are difference between
them: =>>DELETE TABLE syntax
logs the deletes thus making the
delete operations low. TRUNCATE
table does not log any information
but it logs information about
deallocation of data page of the
table. So TRUNCATE table is faster
as compared to delete table.
=>>DELETE table can have criteria
while TRUNCATE can not. =>>
TRUNCATE table can not have
Questions : 2" WhatVs the difference between
W1FI@FX and W1FI@F A88X ?
Answers : 2" UNION SQL syntax is used to select
information from two tables. But it
selects only distinct records from
both the table. , while UNION ALL
selects all records from both the
Questions : 2& What are cursors and what are
the situations you will use them?
Answers : 2& SQL statements are good for set at
a time operation. So it is good at
handling set of data. But there are
scenarios where we want to update
row depending on certain criteria.
we will loop through all rows and
update data accordingly. Theres
where cursors come in to picture.
Questions : 2) What is ? 3rou% by ? clause?
Answers : 2) "Group by clause group similar data
so that aggregate values can be
Questions : 2* What is the difference between
W0ALIF3X and WW0,9,X clause?
Answers : 2* "HAVING clause is used to specify
filtering criteria for "GROUP BY,
while "WHERE clause applies on
normal SQL.
Questions : 2+ What is a 4ubGQuery?
Answers : 2+ A query nested inside a SELECT
statement is known as a subquery
and is an alternative to complex join
statements. A subquery combines
data from multiple tables and
returns results that are inserted into
the WHERE condition of the main
query. A subquery is always
enclosed within parentheses and
returns a column. A subquery can
also be referred to as an inner query
and the main query as an outer
query. JOIN gives better
performance than a subquery when
you have to check for the existence
of records. For example, to retrieve
all EmployeeID and CustomerID
records from the ORDERS table that
have the EmployeeID greater than
the average of the EmployeeID field,
you can create a nested query, as
EmployeeID, CustomerID FROM
Questions : 3. What are Areate and 4calar
Answers : 3. Aggregate and Scalar functions are
in built function for counting and
calculations.Aggregate functions
operate against a group of values
but returns only one value.
AVG(column) :- Returns the average
value of a columnCOUNT(column) :-
Returns the number of rows
(without a NULL value) of a column
COUNT(*) :- Returns the number of
selected rowsMAX(column) :-
Returns the highest value of a
columnMIN(column) :- Returns the
lowest value of a columnScalar
functions operate against a single
value and return value on basis of
the single value.UCASE(c) :-
Converts a field to upper case
LCASE(c) :- Converts a field to lower
caseMID(c,start[,end]) :- Extract
characters from a text fieldLEN(c) :-
Returns the length of a text
Questions : 31 Can you eB%lain the 4,8,C-
IF-@ 4tatement?
Answers : 31 SELECT INTO statement is used
mostly to create backups. The below
SQL backsup the Employee table in
to the EmployeeBackUp table. One
point to be noted is that the
structure of pcdsEmployeeBackup
and pcdsEmployee table should be
pcdsEmployeeBackup FROM
Questions : 32 What is a Liew?
Answers : 32 View is a virtual table which is
created on the basis of the result set
returned by the select statement.
* from pcdsEmployee where
LastName = 'singh'In order to query
the viewSELECT * FROM [MyView]
Questions : 33 What is 4Ql inKection ?
Answers : 33 It is a Form of attack on a database-
driven Web site in which the
attacker executes unauthorized SQL
commands by taking advantage of
insecure code on a system
connected to the Internet, bypassing
the firewall. SQL injection attacks
are used to steal information from a
database from which the data would
normally not be available and/or to
gain access to an organizations host
computers through the computer
that is hosting the database.SQL
injection attacks typically are easy
to avoid by ensuring that a system
has strong input validation.As name
suggest we inject SQL which can be
relatively dangerous for the
database. Example this is a simple
SQLSELECT email, passwd, login_id,
full_nameFROM members WHERE
email = 'x'Now somebody does not
put "x as the input but puts "x ;
DROP TABLE members;.So the
actual SQL which will execute is :-
SELECT email, passwd, login_id,
full_name FROM members WHERE
email = 'x' ; DROP TABLE members;
Think what will happen to your
Questions : 3! What is #ata Warehousin ?
Answers : 3! #ata Warehousin is a process in
which the data is stored and
accessed from central location and is
meant to support some strategic
decisions. Data Warehousing is not a
requirement for Data mining. But
just makes your Data mining
process more efficient.
Data warehouse is a collection of
integrated, subject-oriented
databases designed to support the
decision-support functions (DSF),
where each unit of data is relevant
to some moment in time.
Questions : 3" What are #ata 6arts?
Answers : 3" Data Marts are smaller section of
Data Warehouses. They help data
warehouses collect data. For
example your company has lot of
branches which are spanned across
the globe. Head-office of the
company decides to collect data
from all these branches for
anticipating market. So to achieve
this IT department can setup data
mart in all branch offices and a
central data warehouse where all
data will finally reside.
Questions : 3& What are 5act tables and
#imension -ables ? What is
#imensional 6odelin and 4tar
4chema #esin
Answers : 3& When we design transactional
database we always think in terms
of normalizing design to its least
form. But when it comes to
designing for Data warehouse we
think more in terms of
denormalizing the database. Data
warehousing databases are designed
using Dimensional Modeling.
Dimensional Modeling uses the
existing relational database
structure and builds on that.There
are two basic tables in dimensional
modeling:-5act -ablesD#imension
-ablesDFact tables are central tables
in data warehousing. Fact tables
have the actual aggregate values
which will be needed in a business
process. While dimension tables
revolve around fact tables. They
describe the attributes of the fact
Questions : 3) What is 4now 5la$e 4chema
desin in database? WhatVs the
difference between 4tar and
4now fla$e schema?
Answers : 3) Star schema is good when you do
not have big tables in data
warehousing. But when tables start
becoming really huge it is better to
denormalize. When you denormalize
star schema it is nothing but snow
flake design. For instance below
customeraddress table is been
normalized and is a child table of
Customer table. Same holds true for
Salesperson table.
Questions : 3* What is ,-8 %rocess in #ata
warehousin? What are the
different staes in W#ata
Answers : 3* ETL (Extraction, Transformation and
Loading) are different stages in Data
warehousing. Like when we do
software development we follow
different stages like requirement
gathering, designing, coding and
testing. In the similar fashion we
have for data warehousing.
,Btraction:GIn this process we
extract data from the source. In
actual scenarios data source can be
in many forms EXCEL, ACCESS,
Delimited text, CSV (Comma
Separated Files) etc. So extraction
process handles the complexity of
understanding the data source and
loading it in a structure of data
warehouse. -ransformation:GThis
process can also be called as
cleaning up process. Its not
necessary that after the extraction
process data is clean and valid. For
instance all the financial figures
have NULL values but you want it to
be ZERO for better analysis. So you
can have some kind of stored
procedure which runs through all
extracted records and sets the value
to zero. 8oadin:GAfter
transformation you are ready to load
the information in to your final data
warehouse database.
Questions : 3+ What is #ata minin ?
Answers : 3+ #ata minin is a concept by which
we can analyze the current data
from different perspectives and
summarize the information in more
useful manner. Its mostly used
either to derive some valuable
information from the existing data
or to predict sales to increase
customer market.There are two
basic aims of Data mining:-
/rediction: G From the given data
we can focus on how the customer
or market will perform. For instance
we are having a sale of 40000 $ per
month in India, if the same product
is to be sold with a discount how
much sales can the company expect.
4ummari=ation: GTo derive
important information to analyze the
current business scenario. For
example a weekly sales report will
give a picture to the top
management how we are performing
on a weekly basis?
Questions : !. Com%are #ata minin and #ata
Warehousin ?
Answers : !. "Data Warehousing is technical
process where we are making our
data centralized while "Data mining
is more of business activity which
will analyze how good your business
is doing or predict how it will do in
the future coming times using the
current data. As said before "Data
Warehousing is not a need for
"Data mining. Its good if you are
doing "Data mining on a "Data
Warehouse rather than on an actual
production database. "Data
Warehousing is essential when we
want to consolidate data from
different sources, so its like a
cleaner and matured data which sits
in between the various data sources
and brings then in to one format.
"Data Warehouses are normally
physical entities which are meant to
improve accuracy of "Data mining
process. For example you have 10
companies sending data in different
format, so you create one physical
database for consolidating all the
data from different company
sources, while "Data mining can be
a physical model or logical model.
You can create a database in "Data
mining which gives you reports of
net sales for this year for all
companies. This need not be a
physical database as such but a
simple query.
Questions : !1 What are indeBes? What are EG
Answers : !1 Index makes your search faster. So
defining indexes to your database
will make your search faster.Most of
the indexing fundamentals use "B-
Tree or "Balanced-Tree principle.
Its not a principle that is something
is created by SQL Server or ORACLE
but is a mathematical derived
fundamental.In order that "B-tree
fundamental work properly both of
the sides should be balanced.
Questions : !2 I have a table which has lot of
inserts( is it a ood database
desin to create indeBes on that
InsertVs are slower on tables
which have indeBes( Kustify it?or
Why do %ae s%littin ha%%en?
Answers : !2 All indexing fundamentals in
database use "B-tree fundamental.
Now whenever there is new data
inserted or deleted the tree tries to
become unbalance.Creates a new
page to balance the tree. Shuffle
and move the data to pages.So if
your table is having heavy inserts
that means its transactional, then
you can visualize the amount of
splits it will be doing. This will not
only increase insert time but will
also upset the end-user who is
sitting on the screen. So when you
forecast that a table has lot of
inserts its not a good idea to create
Questions : !3 What are the two ty%es of
indeBes and eB%lain them in
detail? or WhatVs the difference
between clustered and nonG
clustered indeBes?
Answers : !3 There are basically two types of
indexes:- Clustered Indexes.Non-
Clustered Indexes.In clustered index
the non-leaf level actually points to
the actual data.In Non-Clustered
index the leaf nodes point to
pointers (they are rowids) which
then point to actual data.