Simulated Annealing For The Optimisation of A Constrained Simulation Model in Excell
Simulated Annealing For The Optimisation of A Constrained Simulation Model in Excell
Simulated Annealing For The Optimisation of A Constrained Simulation Model in Excell
Graeme J. Doole
28 June 2007 Working Paper 0701 School of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Doole, G.J. (2007). A primer on implementing compressed simulated annealing for the optimisation of a constrained simulation model in Microsoft Excel, Agricultural and Resource Economics Working Paper 0701, School of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia.
Abstract. This short paper provides a simple introduction on how a simulation model implemented in Microsoft Excel can be optimised using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming and the compressed simulated annealing algorithm (Ohlmann et al., 2004; Ohlmann and Thomas, 2007). The standard simulated annealing procedure enters as a special case. Practical advice for determining the parameters that guide the stochastic search process in an annealing algorithm is also given. Keywords. Compressed annealing, Microsoft Excel, simulated annealing, simulation. Readers are encouraged to make use of the material in this document, but must acknowledge this paper as the source of this information.
1. Introduction
This document describes how compressed simulated annealing (CSA) (Ohlmann et al., 2004; Ohlmann and Thomas, 2007) may be implemented in Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Good introductions to programming in VBA are available in the Microsoft Excel help section, Cottingham (1999), and Walkenbach (2004). The programming necessary to implement the following algorithm is very general and straightforward to implement, which aids the use of CSA for applied economic analysis. The description that follows uses an application to a complex weed management model, the RIM model (Pannell et al., 2004), for demonstration purposes. It follows the description of CSA in the paper Optimisation of a large, constrained simulation model using compressed annealing: the value of French serradella (Ornithopus sativus Brot. cv. Cadiz) to Western Australian grain farming systems. This code should act as a good template for analyses that wish to use compressed simulated annealing in an Excel environment. The complete code without detailed documentation is presented in Appendix 1. This gives an overview of the structure of the CSA procedure without interruption by the numerous lines of comment provided in Sections 3 and 4.
2. Initial construction
This presentation assumes that a spreadsheet model is constructed that possesses: (1) an array of discrete decision parameters presented in an array, (2) a mechanism to calculate an associated level of profit, and (3) a mechanism to calculate an associated number of infeasibilities. Factors (2) and (3) can usually be generated easily given a change in (1) as a spreadsheet can automatically recalculate these cells following one of the cells containing the decision parameters being updated. First of all, insert a sheet called SA in the workbook containing the simulation model. (SA simply denotes simulated annealing.) Construct the nine status boxes in yellow and their associated label cells as depicted in Figure 1. These labels denote the augmented functional, the net present value (NPV) calculated for each iteration, the temperature, the number of trials performed in this iteration, the number of acceptances in this iteration, the iteration number, the number of total errors associated with the existing configuration, the value of the penalty factor (i.e., lambda), and the run number. All of these numbers, except the NPV and the total number of errors, are computed in the algorithm and printed onto the worksheet during the solution of the model. They denote progress in the algorithm. This information is valuable when performing standard runs and to
improve understanding of the behaviour of a given model when annealing parameters are being tuned. Construct the annealing matrix containing the array of binary weed treatments (i.e., decision parameters) (Figure 1). In the RIM model, this matrix has 20 columns and 24 rows. The twenty columns represent the planning horizon incorporated in the model, and the number of rows is the maximum number of treatments available in each year. This yields 20*24=480 cells denoting binary weed treatments. These interact with the simulation model (described on the other sheets in the model) that calculates the NPV (Cell B3, labelled the Iterate NPV on the SA sheet) and number of errors (Cell D3, labelled the Total Errors on the SA sheet) associated with each configuration. The error matrix (see bottom of Figure 1) calculates the source of infeasibilities in each year to aid diagnostic work, particularly during sensitivity analysis when different configurations of the model parameters may markedly alter the nature of the optimal solution.
Figure 1. Screenshot of the SA sheet in the RIM model.
3. Programming in VBA
This section describes the VBA programming required to implement the CSA algorithm. 4
Click on Tools/Macro/Visual Basic Editor. Click Insert/UserForm. Add label to the form by clicking the A button on the Toolbox bar and sizing it appropriately on the UserForm (Figure 2). Click on Caption in the Properties box in the bottom left hand side (LHS) of the screen and type in Initial temperature (Figure 2). Repeat this exercise of creating a text label and changing its caption for length of Markov chain, decompression rate, decrement in temperature, maximum compression parameter, acceptance rate, and number of runs (see alignment in Figure 3). Add Textbox by clicking the ab button on the Toolbox bar and sizing it appropriately on the UserForm. Change textbox name to txtIT by changing top box (i.e., (Name)) in Properties box in bottom left hand corner of the screen (Figure 2). Repeat this process for the parameters: length of Markov chain (name box txtLMC) (this is the maximum number of trials that may be performed in each inner loop), decompression rate (name box txtDR), decrement in temperature (name box txtDT), maximum penalty factor (name box txtML), acceptance rate (name box txtAR), and number of runs (name box txtNR). These names, e.g. txtML, will be used to pass values from the UserForm into the algorithm.
Figure 2. Adding a label to a UserForm.
Highlight the UserForm name on the Project screen by clicking on it. Replace name of the UserForm in the Properties box with AnnealingForm1. Add caption in Properties box as Compressed Simulated Annealing Module (Figure 3). Add command button by clicking the 5
appropriate tool in the Toolbox bar (it resembles a shaded rectangle) and locating it on the bottom LHS of the UserForm (Figure 3). Add (Name) in the Properties section. Call this cmdOptimisation. Change caption in Properties to be Run optimisation. Add a second command button by clicking the appropriate tool in the Toolbox bar and locating it on the bottom RHS of the UserForm (Figure 3). Add (Name) in Properties. Call it cmdExit. Add caption in Properties as Exit. The completed interface of the UserForm is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Completed interface of the UserForm.
Double click on empty space on UserForm. The existing code should read: Private Sub cmdExit_Click() End End Sub Private Sub Optimisation_Click() Close Delete any other text in the code (including the End Sub command that normally follows Close on the fifth line) window that may have been generated accidentally while doing the activities above. (This End Sub command is required at the end of the completed code, but the complete code is of a 6
decent length, so it is easier to delete this command and type it in later when instructed.) The first three lines listed above stop the algorithm when the Exit button in the UserForm is pressed. The next two begin optimisation using the simulated annealing algorithm once the Run optimisation button on the UserForm is depressed. (In the VBA language, the symbol denotes a text instruction and is not compiled as an instruction to the computer. These are therefore used extensively in the following to document the code in greater detail.) Next, type the following underneath the Close command on the fifth line of the existing code: Enter data from UserForm Dim IT As Double, LMC, DR, DT, ML, AR, NR IT = txtIT.Text LMC = txtLMC.Text DR = txtDR.Text DT = txtDT.Text ML = txtML.Text AR = txtAR.Text NR = txtNR.Text This enters data from the UserForm and gives each parameter a name for the computer to call in the code. Also, initiate other variables by typing: Dim R as Double, POWER, Pacc, Temp State that the number of completed CSA runs is to be less than a maximum number in case of typing error and to reduce computational demand. (However, this upper limit may be removed depending on the application and the computational resources available.) Also, a loop is initiated so multiple annealing runs may be performed given the large size of some problems and the stochastic nature of the search algorithm. These features are introduced by typing: 'Maximum number of annealing runs is 50 If NR > 50 Then NR = 50 End If R=1 While R < NR + 1 Sheets("SA").Cells(6, 4) = R print run number to worksheet
The loop initiated in the last two lines is completed at the bottom of the documented code (see below) given that each run contains a complete implementation of the CSA algorithm. Add additional text: Dim NPVb(500) As Integer 'define matrix that measures if solution has converged Temp = IT define initial temperature Sheets("SA").Cells(4, 2) = Temp print temperature to worksheet The annealing matrix containing binary numbers for each treatment in every year is next constructed in memory. There are 480 elements in this array as described in Section 2 above. The array is constructed through the commands: Sheets("SA").Activate activate the sheet Dim SAM(480) As Integer construct string representing matrix For J = 1 To 480 fill SAM matrix with random binary numbers Randomize this command initialises the random number generator by giving it a new seed value SAM(J) = Int(2 * Rnd) Next 'Print matrix to worksheet For J = 1 To 480 ColM = 1 + (J Mod 20) this command allows the string to be printed as a matrix to the worksheet it is Mod 20 as there are twenty columns (i.e., years) in the annealing matrix (see Figure 1) If ColM = 1 Then ColM = 21 'this loop corrects an error associated with use of Mod function End If Sheets("SA").Cells(8 + ((J - 1) \ 20), ColM) = SAM(J) Next Define parameters for annealing process: Dim NPVo As Single, NPVn, TError, NA, NT, L L=0 initial lambda for penalty function is zero Sheets("SA").Cells(4, 4) = L print lambda to sheet I = 0 iteration number Sheets("SA").Cells(2, 4) = I print iteration number to sheet Obtain NPV associated with the initial configuration: NPVo = Sheets("SA").Cells(3, 2) 'get NPV value from worksheet TError = Sheets("SA").Cells(3, 4) 'get number of errors from worksheet AFo = NPVo - TError * L 'calculate augmented functional Next, construct the loops for annealing:
Do Until Temp < 0.0001 run outer loop until temperature is less than epsilon NA = 0 initialise number of acceptances NT = 0 initialise number of trials Do Sheets("SA").Cells(5, 2) = NT print to worksheet Randomize 'these lines of code randomly select a cell for updating CurCell = Int((480 * Rnd) + 1) Swap its binary value If SAM(CurCell) = 0 Then SAM(CurCell) = 1 Else SAM(CurCell) = 0 End If ColM = 1 + (CurCell Mod 20) 'print updated cell to worksheet If ColM = 1 Then ColM = 21 'this loop corrects an error associated with use of Mod function End If Sheets("SA").Cells(8 + ((CurCell - 1) \ 20), ColM) = SAM(CurCell) NPVn = Sheets("SA").Cells(3, 2) 'get profit associated with new configuration from worksheet TError = Sheets("SA").Cells(3, 4) 'also get number of errors associated with new solution from worksheet AFn = NPVn - TError * L calculate new augmented functional If AFn >= AFo Then 'always accept higher augmented profit AFo = AFn Sheets("SA").Cells(2, 2) = AFo NA = NA + 1 number of acceptances is increased by one Sheets("SA").Cells(6, 2) = NA print number of acceptances to worksheet Else POWER = (AFn - AFo) / Temp if augmented profit is not higher, construct Boltzmann acceptance criterion Pacc = Exp(POWER) End If Randomize If Pacc > Rnd Then test solutions using stochastic acceptance function of annealing theory AFo = AFn 'update iterates Sheets("SA").Cells(2, 2) = AFo NA = NA + 1 Sheets("SA").Cells(6, 2) = NA Else 'undo change If SAM(CurCell) = 1 Then SAM(CurCell) = 0 Else SAM(CurCell) = 1 End If Print updated cell to worksheet ColM = 1 + (CurCell Mod 20) If ColM = 1 Then ColM = 21 'This loop corrects an error associated with use of Mod function End If Sheets("SA").Cells(8 + ((CurCell - 1) \ 20), ColM) = SAM(CurCell) End If End If 9
If NA = Int(LMC * AR) Then Exit Do break inner loop if number of acceptances reaches upper bound If NT = LMC Then Exit Do break inner loop if number of trials reaches upper bound NT = NT + 1 otherwise increase number of trials by one and begin inner loop again Loop (Note: Depending on the magnitude of the objective function, scaling may be required in the model to prevent overflow when Pacc is calculated.) The following text is useful to include in the inner loop to allow the Exit button on the UserForm to stop the annealing algorithm quickly. A = Timer While Timer < A + 0.005 DoEvents Wend The end of the outer loop is continued: NPVb(I) = AFo enter profit term into convergence matrix If I > 10 Then 'break loop if augmented profit has converged If NPVb(I - 8) = NPVb(I - 9) Then If NPVb(I - 7) = NPVb(I - 8) Then If NPVb(I - 6) = NPVb(I - 7) Then If NPVb(I - 5) = NPVb(I - 6) Then If NPVb(I - 4) = NPVb(I - 5) Then If NPVb(I - 3) = NPVb(I - 4) Then If NPVb(I - 2) = NPVb(I - 3) Then If NPVb(I - 1) = NPVb(I - 2) Then If NPVb(I) = NPVb(I - 1) Then Exit Do End If End If End If End If End If End If End If End If End If I = I + 1 increase iteration count by one L = ML * (1 - Exp(-DL * I)) update penalty factor Temp = Temp * DT reduce temperature via cooling schedule Sheets("SA").Cells(2, 4) = I print updated values to worksheet Sheets("SA").Cells(4, 2) = Temp Sheets("SA").Cells(6, 2) = 0 Sheets("SA").Cells(4, 4) = L Loop
Solution and iteration results for each converged annealing run are printed to an NPV sheet for post-run analysis. Sheets("NPV").Activate Sheets("NPV").Cells(R + 1, 2) = AFo Sheets("NPV").Cells(R + 1, 3) = TError Sheets("NPV").Cells(R + 1, 4) = L Sheets("NPV").Cells(R + 1, 5) = I Also, the optimal configuration of treatments for each converged annealing run is printed to an Output sheet for post-run analysis. Sheets("Output").Activate 'Print matrix to worksheet For J = 1 To 480 ColM = 1 + (J Mod 20) If ColM = 1 Then ColM = 21 'this loop corrects an error associated with use of Mod function End If Sheets("Output").Cells((25 * (R - 1) + 2) + ((J - 1) \ 20), ColM) = SAM(J) Next R = R + 1 this updates the run counter, the algorithm subsequently starts the next run at the top of the programme Wend Close End Sub It is useful to type the following at the end of the code. This defines starting values for the text boxes on the UserForm that users may change as desired. Private Sub UserForm_Activate() txtIT.Text = 903 txtLMC.Text = 480 txtDR.Text = 0.04 txtDT.Text = 0.925 txtML.Text = 413 txtAR.Text = 0.5 txtNR.Text = 1 End Sub
4. Creating a command button to open UserForm
Move back into the Excel spreadsheet, activate SA sheet, and click View/Toolbars/Control Toolbox. Draw a command button on a cell using the appropriate button on this toolbox (the button resembles a shaded rectangle) and defining its position on the form. Right click the command button and edit its name to Optimisation. Click off the command button, then double click on it. 11
This will open the VBA editor. Enter the middle line from the following, so the code reads on completion: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() AnnealingForm1.Show End Sub This ensures that pressing this command button opens the annealing form.
5. Formulation of the parameters for the CSA procedure
This section describes in detail how the annealing parameters were estimated for the application of CSA described in the associated application.
5.1 Neighbourhood generation mechanism
The optimisation process treats each admissible weed treatment as a member of a string of length
= 20 j max , where j max is the number of weed treatments available in each year over the planning
horizon. (There are = 20 24 = 480 members of the string in this application.) Here, u = {0,1}
where = [1,2,..., ] , with u = 1 representing the use of a treatment and u = 0 representing no use. Each trial consists of: 1. generating a random number = (where is a uniformly-distributed random variable on [0,1]) denoting the index of the decision parameter to change; and 2. performing the update unew = 1 uold , where = and the superscripts old and new denote
the value of the binary decision variable before and after the update respectively.
5.2 Initial temperature
The initial value of the temperature is selected so that almost all transitions are accepted. A random walk over 5000 configurations was used to compute the mean absolute change in the objective function ( J m ). The initial level of the temperature was then selected through the rule,
K0 =
J m ln( 1 )
where is an appropriate acceptance ratio (the ratio of the number of acceptances to the number of trials). A ratio ( ) of 0.99 is selected to ensure that an adequate search is undertaken at the initial temperature. An initial temperature of K 0 = 903 was identified using this process. This method of determining the initial temperature is standard practice in annealing theory (van Laarhoven, 1988; Aarts and Korst, 1989). The following code may aid in the construction of a programme to identify
J m for an Excel model. This code is based heavily upon the above description of programming
annealing models in VBA, representing the efficiency with which such a programme may be formulated once the initial code is written for a given problem. To construct the UserForm for this programme, simply adapt the instructions above in Section 2 accordingly. Private Sub cmdExit_Click() End End Sub Private Sub cmdOptimisation_Click() Close 'Enter the parameter from the UserForm Dim LRW As Double the UserForm now only has one cell denoting the length of the random walk LRW = txtLRW.Text 'Construct random binary annealing matrix in memory Sheets("SA").Activate Dim SAM(480) As Integer For J = 1 To 480 Randomize SAM(J) = Int(2 * Rnd) Next 'Print matrix to worksheet For J = 1 To 480 ColM = 1 + (J Mod 20) If ColM = 1 Then ColM = 21 'this loop corrects an error associated with use of Mod function End If Sheets("SA").Cells(8 + ((J - 1) \ 20), ColM) = SAM(J) Next Workbooks("Randomwalk.xls").Activate 'Get NPV from sheet Dim C0 As Single, C1, CA C1 = Sheets("SA").Cells(3, 2) 'get NPV from sheet For J = 1 To LRW C0 = C1 'Select cell for updating Randomize CurCell = Int((480 * Rnd) + 1) 'Swap its binary value If SAM(CurCell) = 0 Then SAM(CurCell) = 1 Else SAM(CurCell) = 0 13
End If 'Print updated cell to worksheet ColM = 1 + (CurCell Mod 20) If ColM = 1 Then ColM = 21 'This loop corrects an error associated with use of Mod function End If Sheets("SA").Cells(8 + ((CurCell - 1) \ 20), ColM) = SAM(CurCell) 'Get current profit from worksheet C1 = Sheets("SA").Cells(3, 2) A = Timer While Timer < A + 0.005 DoEvents Wend CA = abs(C0 - C1) Sheets("SA").Cells(55 + J, 1) = CA absolute difference in objective function values are printed to the sheet, the mean can then be determined on the spreadsheet J=J+1 Sheets("SA").Cells(2, 2) = J Next Close End Sub
5.3 Temperature-decrement rule
The temperature is decreased according to the rule K t +1 = K t , where = 0.925 . This value is
determined through extensive experimentation with the model since it is strongly related to the other components of the cooling and compression schedules. Common values are between = 0.88 and = 0.99 , so experimentation with values between these bounds usually identifies a suitable candidate (Aarts and Korst, 1989).
5.4 Maximum number of trials at each temperature
A certain number of acceptances should occur at each level of the temperature to establish stability of the solution. (Such quasi-equilibrium is necessary to theoretically obtain the global optimum through simulated annealing (Hajek, 1988; Ohlmann et al., 2004).) However, NT as K 0 if a given number of acceptances is required, so a maximum number of trials is defined ( NTMAX = 480 ) for a given K (Aarts and Korst, 1989). This value of NTMAX is the largest string length encountered over the evaluated rotations and thus ensures, at least theoretically, that each treatment is visited at each level of the temperature (Kirkpatrick et al., 1983; Johnson et al., 1989, 1991). An inner loop is terminated if this upper bound is met or if the number of acceptances reaches 50 percent of NTMAX . The acceptance threshold helps to minimise computational effort at high temperatures, while providing for the establishment of quasi-equilibrium (van Laarhoven and Aarts, 1987). This parameter value is determined through experimentation with the model.
The maximum penalty rate is determined by a process based on that of Ohlmann and Thomas (2007). This technique is implemented here through conducting a random walk over 5000 configurations and evaluating,
= max
(u j ,t ) , (u j ,t ) (1 )
where (u j ,t ) is net present value as a function of the configuration of the decision parameters,
(u j ,t ) is the number of infeasibilities present in the model as a function of the configuration of the
decision parameters, and is a pre-defined proportion of the objective function composed of the
. A value of = 0.95 is selected since a penalty schedule should evolve penalty term at =
towards a large maximum value to significantly penalise infeasible transitions as the annealing
= 413 . This process is implemented using a algorithm converges. The corresponding value is
variant of the code given in Section 5.2, the primary difference being that the total errors must also enter the code from the worksheet to compute (2).
5.6 Penalty rate
The penalty rate ( = 0.04 ) is selected through extensive experimentation with the model.
5.7 Termination condition
The algorithm is stopped at K = 0.0001 or when the terminal configuration has not changed for ten consecutive bands of the temperature (i.e., ten repetitions of the outer loop). This stability of the solution is taken to signify convergence and is achieved as K 0 , except where incorrect parameterisation of the penalty function severely limits the breadth of the search, which occurred occasionally during the tuning of the parameters for the cooling and compression schedules.
References Aarts, E.H.L. and Korst, J. (1989), Simulated annealing and Boltzmann machines: a stochastic approach to combinatorial optimization and neural computing, Wiley, New York. Cottingham, M. (1999), Excel 2000 Developer's Handbook, Sybex, San Francisco.
Hajek, B. (1988), 'Cooling schedules for optimal annealing', Mathematics of Operations Research 13, pp. 311-29. Johnson, D.S., Aragon, C.R., McGeoch, L.A. and Schevon, C. (1989), 'Optimization by simulated annealing: an experimental evaluation. Part I: graph partitioning', Operations Research 37, pp. 865-592. Johnson, D.S., Aragon, C.R., McGeoch, L.A. and Schevon, C. (1991), 'Optimization by simulated annealing: an experimental evaluation; part II, graph colouring and number partitioning', Operations Research 39(3), pp. 378-406. Kirkpatrick, S., Gelatt, G.C. and Vecchi, M.P. (1983), 'Optimization by simulated annealing', Science 220(4598), pp. 671-80. Ohlmann, J.W., Bean, J.C. and Henderson, S.G. (2004), 'Convergence in probability of compressed annealing', Mathematics of Operations Research 29, pp. 837-60. Ohlmann, J.W. and Thomas, B. (2007), 'A compressed annealing approach to the travelling salesman problem with time windows', INFORMS Journal on Computing 19, pp. 80-90.
Pannell, D.J., Stewart, V., Bennett, A., Monjardino, M., Schmidt, C. and Powles, S.B. (2004), 'RIM: a bioeconomic model for integrated weed management of Lolium rigidum in Western Australia', Agricultural Systems 79, pp. 305-25.
van Laarhoven, P.J.M. and Aarts, E.H.L. (1987), Simulated annealing, Reidel, Dordrecht. van Laarhoven, P.J.M. (1988), Theoretical and computational aspects of simulated annealing, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, Amsterdam. Walkenbach, J. (2004), Excel 2003 power programming with VBA, Wiley, New York. Appendix 1. Completed compressed simulated annealing in VBA code.
The final code for the CSA algorithm should read: Private Sub cmdExit_Click() End End Sub Private Sub Optimisation_Click() Close Enter data from UserForm Dim IT As Double, LMC, DR, DT, ML, AR, NR IT = txtIT.Text LMC = txtLMC.Text 16
DR = txtDR.Text DT = txtDT.Text ML = txtML.Text AR = txtAR.Text NR = txtNR.Text Dim R as Double, POWER, Pacc, Temp 'Maximum number of annealing runs is 50 If NR > 50 Then NR = 50 End If R=1 While R < NR + 1 Sheets("SA").Cells(6, 4) = R Dim NPVb(500) As Integer 'define matrix that measures if solution has converged Temp = IT define initial temperature Sheets("SA").Cells(4, 2) = Temp print temperature to worksheet Sheets("SA").Activate activate the sheet Dim SAM(480) As Integer construct string representing matrix For J = 1 To 480 fill SAM matrix with random binary numbers Randomize this command initialises the random number generator by giving it a new seed value SAM(J) = Int(2 * Rnd) Next 'Print matrix to worksheet For J = 1 To 480 ColM = 1 + (J Mod 20) this command allows the string to be printed as a matrix to the worksheet If ColM = 1 Then ColM = 21 'this loop corrects an error associated with use of Mod function End If Sheets("SA").Cells(8 + ((J - 1) \ 20), ColM) = SAM(J) Next Dim NPVo As Single, NPVn, TError, NA, NT, L L=0 initial lambda for penalty function is zero Sheets("SA").Cells(4, 4) = L print lambda to sheet I = 0 iteration number Sheets("SA").Cells(2, 4) = I print iteration number to sheet NPVo = Sheets("SA").Cells(3, 2) 'get NPV value from worksheet TError = Sheets("SA").Cells(3, 4) 'get number of errors from worksheet AFo = NPVo - TError * L 'calculate augmented functional Do Until Temp < 0.0001 run outer loop until temperature is less than epsilon NA = 0 initialise number of acceptances NT = 0 initialise number of trials Do Sheets("SA").Cells(5, 2) = NT print to worksheet Randomize 'these lines of code randomly select a cell for updating CurCell = Int((480 * Rnd) + 1) Swap its binary value If SAM(CurCell) = 0 Then SAM(CurCell) = 1 Else SAM(CurCell) = 0 End If ColM = 1 + (CurCell Mod 20) 'print updated cell to worksheet 17
If ColM = 1 Then ColM = 21 'This loop corrects an error associated with use of Mod function End If Sheets("SA").Cells(8 + ((CurCell - 1) \ 20), ColM) = SAM(CurCell) NPVn = Sheets("SA").Cells(3, 2) 'get profit associated with new configuration from worksheet TError = Sheets("SA").Cells(3, 4) 'also get number of errors associated with new solution from worksheet AFn = NPVn - TError * L calculate new augmented functional If AFn >= AFo Then 'always accept higher augmented profit AFo = AFn Sheets("SA").Cells(2, 2) = AFo NA = NA + 1 number of acceptances is increased by one Sheets("SA").Cells(6, 2) = NA print number of acceptances to worksheet Else POWER = (AFn - AFo) / Temp if augmented profit is not higher, construct Boltzmann acceptance criterion Pacc = Exp(POWER) End If Randomize If Pacc > Rnd Then test solutions using stochastic acceptance function of annealing theory AFo = AFn 'Update iterates Sheets("SA").Cells(2, 2) = AFo NA = NA + 1 Sheets("SA").Cells(6, 2) = NA Else 'undo change If SAM(CurCell) = 1 Then SAM(CurCell) = 0 Else SAM(CurCell) = 1 End If Print updated cell to worksheet ColM = 1 + (CurCell Mod 20) If ColM = 1 Then ColM = 21 'This loop corrects an error associated with use of Mod function End If Sheets("SA").Cells(8 + ((CurCell - 1) \ 20), ColM) = SAM(CurCell) End If End If If NA = Int(LMC * AR) Then Exit Do break inner loop if number of acceptances reaches upper bound If NT = 480 Then Exit Do break inner loop if number of trials reaches upper bound NT = NT + 1 otherwise increase number of trials by one and begin inner loop again A = Timer While Timer < A + 0.005 DoEvents Wend Loop NPVb(I) = AFo enter profit term into convergence matrix If I > 10 Then 'break loop if augmented profit has converged If NPVb(I - 8) = NPVb(I - 9) Then If NPVb(I - 7) = NPVb(I - 8) Then If NPVb(I - 6) = NPVb(I - 7) Then 18
If NPVb(I - 5) = NPVb(I - 6) Then If NPVb(I - 4) = NPVb(I - 5) Then If NPVb(I - 3) = NPVb(I - 4) Then If NPVb(I - 2) = NPVb(I - 3) Then If NPVb(I - 1) = NPVb(I - 2) Then If NPVb(I) = NPVb(I - 1) Then Exit Do End If End If End If End If End If End If End If End If End If I = I + 1 increase iteration count by one L = ML * (1 - Exp(-DL * I)) update penalty factor Temp = Temp * DT Sheets("SA").Cells(2, 4) = I print updated values to worksheet Sheets("SA").Cells(4, 2) = Temp Sheets("SA").Cells(6, 2) = 0 Sheets("SA").Cells(4, 4) = L Loop Sheets("NPV").Activate Sheets("NPV").Cells(R + 1, 2) = AFo Sheets("NPV").Cells(R + 1, 3) = TError Sheets("NPV").Cells(R + 1, 4) = L Sheets("NPV").Cells(R + 1, 5) = I Sheets("Output").Activate 'Print matrix to worksheet For J = 1 To 480 ColM = 1 + (J Mod 20) If ColM = 1 Then ColM = 21 'This loop corrects an error associated with use of Mod function End If Sheets("Output").Cells((25 * (R - 1) + 2) + ((J - 1) \ 20), ColM) = SAM(J) Next R = R + 1 this updates the run counter, the algorithm subsequently starts at the next run at top of sheet Wend Close End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() txtIT.Text = 903 txtLMC.Text = 480 txtDR.Text = 0.04 txtDT.Text = 0.925 txtML.Text = 413 txtAR.Text = 0.5 txtNR.Text = 1 End Sub 19