Tibetan Demography Bibliography
Tibetan Demography Bibliography
Tibetan Demography Bibliography
The 1958 sKyid !on Cens"s# Implic$tions fo! the %t"dy of Tibet$n &isto!ic$l 'emo !$phy. Tibet Journal 25(2)# 29()1. Childs, Geoff. 200*. +oly$nd!y $nd +op"l$tion G!o,th in $ &isto!ic$l Tibet$n %ociety. The History of the Family 8(*)#)2*())). Childs, Geoff. 200). -thno !$phic $nd 'emo !$phic .n$lysis of %m$ll +op"l$tions /sin the 0,n(Child!en 1ethod. Field Methods 12())#*39(*99. Goldstein, 1el4yn C. 1981. 5e, pe!specti4es on Tibet$n fe!tility $nd pop"l$tion decline. American Ethnologist 8())# 321(3*8. 6i, .n(Che. 19)3. 'e e# . %t"dy of Tibet$n +op"l$tion. Southwest Journal of Anthropology *# 239(29*. +etech, 6. 1980. The 1on ol Cens"s in Tibet. In Tibetan Studies in Honour of Hugh Richardson, ed. 1. .!is $nd .. Kyi, 2**(2*8. 7$!minste!# .!is $nd +hillips. %ch"h, '. 1988. Das Archi des !losters b!ra"#is"bsam"gtan"gli$ on s!yid"gro$. 8onn# 9G& 7issensch$fts4e!l$ . :e shes Tsh"l ;h!ims et. $l. (eds.). 1989. %cags stag &hib g&hung. K!"n dpe s;!"n ;h$n . Tibetans in Himalayan Region (Nepal, India) .ttenbo!o" h, <obe!t. 199). The +op"l$tion of sTon de, =$n s;$!. In Himayalan 'uddhist (illages, ed. >. C!oo; $nd &. 0sm$ston, 295(**0. 8!istol# /ni4e!sity of 8!istol. 8e$ll, Cynthi$. 198*. . es $t 1enop$"se $nd 1en$!che in $ &i h(.ltit"de &im$l$y$n +op"l$tion. Annals of Human 'iology 10())# *25(*30. 8e$ll, C.1. . in $nd G!o,th $t &i h .ltit"des in the &im$l$y$s. 198). In The )eople of South Asia, ed. >. 6";$cs, *25(*85. 5e, :o!;# +len"m +!ess. 8e$ll, C. $nd 1. Goldstein. 1981. Tibet$n ?!$te!n$l +oly$nd!y# . Test of %ociobiolo ic$l Theo!y. American Anthropologist 8*(1)# 5(12. 8ishop, 5$omi &. 1998. Himalayan Herders. ?o!t 7o!th# &$!co"!t 8!$ce. Childs, Geoff. 2001$. 'emo !$phic 'imensions of $n Inte!(9ill$ e 6$nd 'isp"te in 5"b!i, 5ep$l. American Anthropologist 10*())#1092(111*. o bod ;yi shes !i
Childs, Geoff. 2001b. 0ld(. e %ec"!ity, <eli io"s Celib$cy, $nd . Tibet$n +op"l$tion. Journal of )opulation Research 18(1)#52(22.
!e $te ?e!tility in $
C!oo;, >ohn $nd %t$m$ti C!oo;. 199). -@pl$inin Tibet$n +oly$nd!y# %ocio(c"lt"!$l, 'emo !$phic, $nd 8iolo ic$l +e!specti4es. In Himayalan 'uddhist (illages, ed. >. C!oo; $nd &. 0sm$ston, 3*5(382. 8!istol# /ni4e!sity of 8!istol. -lfo!d, >on$th$n. 199). K"mi;# . 'emo !$phic +!ofile. In Himayalan 'uddhist (illages, eds. >ohn C!oo; $nd &en!y 0sm$ston, **1(*20. 8!istol# /ni4e!sity of 8!istol. ?!$n;, 7$lte!. 193). Ethnische *rundlagen der Siedlingstru+tur in Mittelnepal unter besonderer 'er,c+sichtigung der Tamang. Innsb!"c;# /ni4e!sitAts4e!l$ 7$ ne!. Goldstein, 1el4yn C. 1931. %t!$tific$tion, poly$nd!y, $nd f$mily st!"ct"!e in Cent!$l Tibet. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 23(1)# 2)(3). Goldstein, 1el4yn. 1932. ?!$te!n$l +oly$nd!y $nd ?e!tility in $ &i h &im$l$y$n 9$lley in 5o!th,est 5ep$l. Human Ecology, )(2)# 22*(**. Goldstein, 1el4yn C. 1933. +op"l$tion, soci$l st!"ct"!e $nd st!$te ic beh$4io"!# $n ess$y on poly$nd!y, fe!tility $nd ch$n e in limi p$nch$y$t. -ontributions to .epalese studies )(2)# )3( 22. Goldstein, 1el4yn C. 1933. C"lt"!e, pop"l$tion, ecolo y $nd de4elopment# $ 4ie, f!om 5.7. 5ep$l. In -ollo/ues internationau0 du -entre .ational de la Recherche Scientifi/ue. )81()89. Goldstein, 1el4yn. 1980. G!o,in 0ld in &el$mb"# . in , 1i !$tion, $nd ?$mily %t!"ct"!e .mon %he!p$s. -ontributions to .epalese Studies 8(1)# )1(52. Goldstein, 1el4yn. 1981. The T!$nsfo!m$tion of the %oci$l 1$t!i@ of Tibet$n +op"l$tions in the &i h &im$l$y$. In %1homme et son En ironment 2 Haute Altitude, 101(105. +$!is# C.5.<.%. Goldstein, 1el4yn. 1981. &i h(.ltit"de +op"l$tions in the <emote &im$l$y$# %oci$l T!$nsfo!m$tion $nd its 'emo !$phic, -conomic, $nd -colo ic$l ConseB"ences. Mountain Research and De elopment 1(1)# 5(18. Goldstein, 1el4yn C. 1981. 5e, pe!specti4es on Tibet$n fe!tility $nd pop"l$tion decline. American Ethnologist 8())# 321(3*8. Goldstein, 1el4yn C. Cynthi$ 1. 8e$ll. 1991. Chin$Cs 8i!th Cont!ol +olicy in the Tibet ."tonomo"s <e ion. Asian Sur ey *1(*)# 285(*0*. Goldstein, 1el4yn C., Cynthi$ 1. 8e$ll, +$lDo! Ts$!on . 1982(8*. -ffect of hi h $ltit"de on fec"ndity $nd fe!tility in the &im$l$y$s# myths $nd !e$lities. -ontributions to .epalese studies 10(1(2)# 21()2.
Goldstein, 1el4yn C., +$lDo! Ts$!on $nd Cynthi$ 1. 8e$ll. 198*. &i h $ltit"de hypo@i$, c"lt"!e, $nd h"m$n fec"ndity E fe!tility# $ comp$!$ti4e st"dy. American anthropologist. 85(1)# 28()9. Goldstein, 1., >. <oss $nd %. %ch"le!. 198*. ?!om $ 1o"nt$inE<"!$l to $ +l$insE/!b$n %ociety# Implic$tions of the 1981 5ep$lese Cens"s. Mountain Research and De elopment *(1)#21(2). G"pt$, <$nD$n. 1980. .ltit"de $nd 'emo !$phy $mon the %he!p$s. Journal of 'iosocial Science. 12# 10*(11). I!imoto, T. 1981. The Inte!(9ill$ e 9$!i$tions of +op"l$tion $nd %e@(<$tio in the =$ns;$! <e ion, 7este!n Tibet ( +!elimin$!y(<epo!t. Min&o+uga+u !en+yu"Japanese Journal of Ethnology )2(*)# *))(*)8. 6e4ine, 5$ncy -. 1983. 'iffe!enti$l Child C$!e in Th!ee Tibet$n Comm"nities# 8eyond %on +!efe!ence. )opulation and De elopment Re iew. 1*(2)# 281(*0). 6e4ine, 5$ncy -. 1988. The Dynamics of )olyandry3 !inship4 Domesticity and )opulation on the Tibetan 'order. Chic$ o# /ni4e!sity of Chic$ o. +!$dh$n, .. et. $l. 1993. .epal Family Health Sur ey 5667. K$thm$nd" $nd C$l4e!ton# 1inist!y of &e$lth F5ep$lG, 5e, -!$, $nd 1$c!o Inte!n$tion$l Inc. <oss, >.6. 198). C"lt"!e $nd ?e!tility in the 5ep$l &im$l$y$s# . Test of $ &ypothesis. Human Ecology 12(2)# 12*(181. %ch"le!, %idney <"th. 1983. The 8ther Side of )olyandry. 8o"lde!# 7est4ie, +!ess. %;De!4en, 04e. 1935. . 'emo !$phic $nd 5"t!ition$l %"!4ey of T,o 9ill$ es in the /ppe! <ol,$lin 9$lley. !ailash *(*)# 295(*01. 9$lei@, +., >. <$yn$"d, $nd C. 6$ss$!!e. 1933. +!oblemes demo !$phiB"es et biolo iB"es dC"n isol$te dC$ltit"de# le 6$n t$n (5ep$l cent!$l). In Himalaya3 9cologie " Ethnologie, 253( 22*. +$!is# C.5.<.%. 7eitH, Ch$!les .. et. $l. 1938. C"lt"!$l ?$cto!s .ffectin the 'emo !$phic %t!"ct"!e of $ &i h .ltit"de 5ep$lese +op"l$tion. Social 'iology 25(*)# 139(195. 7eitH, Ch$!les .. 198). 8ioc"lt"!$l .d$pt$tions of the &i h .ltit"de %he!p$s of 5ep$l. In The )eople of South Asia, ed. >. 6"c$s, *83()20. 5e, :o!;# +len"m +!ess. 7iley, .nd!e$ %. 199). 5eon$t$l %iHe $nd Inf$nt 1o!t$lity $t &i h .ltit"de in the 7este!n &im$l$y$. American Journal of )hysical Anthropology 9)#289(*05. 7iley, .. 1993. The <ole of 8iolo y in the C"lt"!$l -colo y of 6$d$;h. Human Ecology 25(2)# 23*(295. 7iley, .. 1998. The -colo y of 6o, 5$t"!$l ?e!tility in 6$d$;h: Journal of 'iosocial Science *0# )53()80.
Tibetan Exiles 8h$ti$, %h"sh"m, Tse y$l '!$nyi $nd 'e!!ic; <o,ley. 2002. I. soci$l $nd demo !$phic st"dy of Tibet$n !ef" ees in Indi$,J Social Science and Medicine 5)#)11()22. 8h$ti$, %. '. <o,ley $nd T. '!$nyi. 1998. The Demographic and Health Sur eillance of the Tibetan Refugee )opulation in ;ndia. 'h$!$ms$l$# G$n chen Kyishon . Childs, Geoff. 2005. 5$m$s (mn$C m$) $nd 5yel"s (ny$l b")# 1$!!i$ e, ?e!tility, $nd Ille itim$cy in Tibet$n %ocieties: ?o!thcomin in +. Ch!isti$$n Klie e! (ed.), Tibetan ;dentity and -hange3 Along the Margins. 6eiden# 8!ill 1on!o, Kylie %. 1999. Tibet$n 1othe!s in Indi$# 1edic$l +l"!$lism $nd C"lt"!$l Identity. /np"blished +h' 'isse!t$tion, 'ep$!tment of %ociolo y $nd .nth!opolo y, /ni4e!sity of 5e,c$stle. +l$nnin Co"ncil. 2000$. Tibetan Demographic Sur ey 566< (%"mm$!y <epo!t). 'h$!$ms$l$# +l$nnin Co"ncil, Cent!$l Tibet$n .dminist!$tion, G$n chen Kyishon . +l$nnin Co"ncil. 2000b. Tibetan Demographic Sur ey 566< (T$b"l$!iHed '$t$ in T,o 9ol"mes). 'h$!$ms$l$# +l$nnin Co"ncil, Cent!$l Tibet$n .dminist!$tion, G$n chen Kyishon . Tibetans in Tibet .tt$nK, Is$belle $nd :o"ssef Co"!b$ e. 2000. T!$nsition$l %t$ es $nd Identity 8o"nd$!ies# The C$se of -thnic 1ino!ities in Chin$. )opulation and En ironment 21(*)#253(280. Cl$!;, G!$h$m. 199). The 1o4ement of +op"l$tion to the 7est of Chin$# Tibet $nd Lin h$i. In Migration3 The Asian E0perience, ed. >. 8!o,n $nd <. ?oot, pp. 221(253. 5e, :o!;# %t. 1$!tinCs +!ess. Goldstein, 1el4yn C. 1981. 5e, pe!specti4es on Tibet$n fe!tility $nd pop"l$tion decline. American Ethnologist 8())# 321(3*8. Goldstein, 1el4yn C. Cynthi$ 1. 8e$ll. 1991. Chin$Cs 8i!th Cont!ol +olicy in the Tibet ."tonomo"s <e ion. Asian Sur ey *1(*)# 285(*0*. Goldstein, 1el4yn C., 8en >i$o (8enDo!), Cynthi$ 1. 8e$ll $nd +h"ntso; Tse!in . 2002. I?e!tility $nd f$mily pl$nnin in !"!$l Tibet,J The -hina Journal )3(1)#19(*9. G!"sch;e, .. 1993. 'emo !$phie "nd -thno !$phie im &ochl$nd 4on Tibet. *eographische Rundschau )9(5)# 239(282. <y$4e;, K. 1999. <ese$!ch 5ote# <e ion$l 'yn$mics of Tibet$n +op"l$tion Ch$n e in -$ste!n Tibet, c$. 19)0(1982. )opulation and En ironment 20(*)# 2)3(253.
hinese Demography o! Tibet and Tibetans G", >. 1992. %ome Ch$!$cte!istics $bo"t 1$!!i$ e $nd Childbe$!in of Tibet$n +op"l$tion in Tibet. -hina )opulation Today 9(1)# 9(10. G"o, '$pin . 1992. Chin$Cs Tibet$n +op"l$tion $nd +op"l$tion in Tibet. -hina )opulation Today 1*(2)# 3(8. &$o, &. 1995. . %t"dy of the %e@ 'iffe!ence in 1o!t$lity in Chin$. -hinese Journal of )opulation Science 3())# 285(298. >in, :. et. $l. 199). . %t"dy on +$tte!ns in the .4e!$ e 6ife -@pect$ncies $nd 1o!t$lity <$tes of 52 5$tion$lities in Chin$ in 1990. -hinese Journal of )opulation Science 2(*)# 22*( 239. 6i, 6. 1990. .n .n$lysis of the 1i !$tion of the Tibet$n +op"l$tion in 1982 $nd 1983. -hinese Journal of )opulation Science 2(1)# *5()2. 6i", <. (ed.). 1989. =hongguo Ren+ou >i&ang Fence. 8eiDin # Chin$ ?in$nci$l $nd -conomic +"blishin &o"se. 1$ <on $nd +$n 5$ ". 1992. Ch$n es $nd Geo !$phic 'ist!ib"tion of the Tibet$n +op"l$tion in Chin$. In Tibetan )opulation in -hina Today. 8eiDin # Chin$ Tibetolo y +"blishin &o"se, 38(9) (In Chinese, t!$nsl$ted by Chen 7ei). 1$ <on . 1995. -conomic +$tte!ns, 1i !$tion, $nd -thnic <el$tions in the Tibet ."tonomo"s <e ion, Chin$. In )opulation4 Ethnicity4 and .ation"'uilding, ed. C. Goldscheide!, pp. *3(35. 8o"lde!# 7est4ie,. 1$ <on . 1992. >i&ang de ren+ou yu shehui F+op"l$tion $nd %ociety of TibetG. 8eiDin # Ton @in ch"b$nshe. +C0%C (+op"l$tion Cens"s 0ffice of the %t$te Co"ncil). 1992. Dandai =hongguo >i&ang Ren+uo: Tibetology (Tibet$n +op"l$tion in Chin$ Tod$y). 8eiDin # +"blishin &o"se. L", Mih"$. 1991. 1$!it$l %t$t"s of Tibet$n 7omen $nd Its Ch$!$cte!istics. )opulation Research 8()))# 9(1). %hi >i$nh"$ $nd :$n %h"Hh$n . 1992. I?e!tility in the Tibet ."tonomo"s <e ion,J in Dang dai =hongguo >i&ang ren+ou FTibet$n +op"l$tion in Chin$ Tod$yG. 8eiDin # =hon "o H$n @"e ch"b$nshe, pp. 222(282. %"n, &. $nd G. Mi$. 199*. The %it"$tion of the Tibet$n +op"l$tion in Tibet. -hina )opulation Today 10(1)# 1)(18. %"n, &. $nd M. 6i. 1992. The -4ol"tion $nd C"!!ent %t$t"s of Chin$Cs Tibet$n +op"l$tion. -hinese Journal of )opulation Science 8(2)# 221(229.
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