Online Institute Management System: A Project Report ON
Online Institute Management System: A Project Report ON
Online Institute Management System: A Project Report ON
This is to certify that the project entitled
Under supervision and guidance for partial fulfillment of Diploma in Advance Computing (DAC) (24 weeks full time post graduate) course of centre for development of advance computing (C-DAC), Pune at Yashwantrao Chavan Pratishthans Academy of Information Technology, Nariman Point , Mumbai-21.
A project usually falls short of its expectation unless aided and guided by the right persons at the right time. We avail this opportunity to express our deep sense of gratitude towards. MR. S.N.GUPTAN (DIRECTOR YCPAIT, MUMBAI) MRS. PRADNYA CHONKAR (COURSE CO-ORDINATOR) MR.VIKRAM SHARMA (SUBJECT FACULTY) MR. DHANSINGH (LAB FACULTY) MR. SUMIT JADHAV (LAB FACULTY) We are deeply indebted and grateful to them for their guidance, encouragement and deep concern for our project. Without their periodical evaluations and suggestions at every stage of the project, this project couldnt reach to this form. Last but not the entire faculty, and all the teaching and non-teaching staff members of YCPAIT for their valuable support.
Index Sr. No Topic Introduction Scope Of project H/W and S/W specifications E.R. Diagrams Data Flow Diagrams Functional Diagrams Table Details Screenshots Future Scope References Page No
A Student Management System is to provide a system which manages the records of the students, teachers i.e. attendance, assignments, profile and details of students and teachers. This automated system will be able to consume less time in storing the records when compared to manual or paper work. The system will take care of all the activities like managing student attendance the number of leaves taken by the particular student and calculation of marks in a very quick manner and it avoid any miscalculation. Storing of data is easy. The institute spends more time on monitoring the process. The system is user Friendly and easy to use. All the important data will be stored in the database unnecessary report can be viewed. We have developed this project in ASP.NET, which is specially designed for own system. In this project all the operation carried out by the computer, which requires input. It is difficult to keep all the records, updating the data, searching a data in the manual paper system. We have successfully tried to eliminate the problem and drawback of the manual system.
The area or scope of a project is limited for the members of institute which consist of 1. 2. 3. Admin Teacher Student This limits the scope and increase the safety of website login or number of people log in into website.
1. 2.
There are two types of sites involved in our project Level 0 site It can be only viewed by all Level 1 site It can be seen by logged into the site by member This site can be viewed using internet or intranet which is depend on the institute only
System has limited no. of login members hence there are very less chances of system gets overloaded. Files Uploaded by Admin/Teachers are directly stored in a database.
Student and Teacher can make their own profiles. Teacher can edit student attendance and marks. Admin can view performance of students in form of REPORT and can export it as a pdf /excel sheet Updates and schedule can be put over the site and that will shown directly to teacher and student home page BIODATA is made automatically as student inserts a data into profile.
P IV or further processor 512 MB of RAM(Minimum) SVGA/Monochrome monitor 40 GB of Hard disk(Minimum) 1 mouse & keyboard as input device
Operating System: Window XP/7 Visual Studio 2010 /12(as front end) SQL Server 2005/2008 (as back end)
1. Admin
2. Teacher
3. Student
2. Teacher
3. Student
1. Login:
All users who are registered / added by the admin , they can login into site.
4. Add/Remove User
This module is only used by ADMIN. He can add and remove the user from system.
8. Messaging
This Module is only used by Students for internal messaging and can only view the received messages
This module is used by all users but posting an update and schedule is done by only admin
Functional Diagram
1. Admin
2. Teacher
3. Student
Table Details
1. admininfo Column Name Ausername Apassword 2. teacherlogin Column Name Tusername Tpassword 3. studentlogins Column Name Susername Spassword 4. assignment Column Name pid assigntext asigby Asigdate Asiglastdate Data type Int, identity(1,1) Varchar(MAX) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Constraints Primary Key Data type Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Constraints Primary Key Data type Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Constraints Primary Key Data type Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Constraints Primery Key -
5. feedback Column Name sname ssubject Skills understandings assignment suggestion fdate 6. fileupload Column Name fid fname filedata contenttype 7. msg Column Name msgid msgtext msgby msgto msgdate Data type int, identity(1,1) varchar(MAX) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) Constraints Primary Key Data type int, identity(1,1) varchar(MAX) varbinary(MAX) varchar(50) Constraints Primary Key Data type Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) Varchar(50) datetime Constraints -
8. sattendance3 Column Name pid sid ssubject smonth spresentdays stotaldays sperc(computed field) 9. smarks Column Name pid sid ssubject smonth sobtmarks stotalmarks sperc(computed field) 10. tattendance Data Type int, identity(1,1) varchar(10) varchar(50) int int float Constraints Primary Key Data Type int, identity(1,1) varchar(10) varchar(50) varchar(50) int int float Constraints Primary Key Data Type int, identity(1,1) varchar(10) varchar(50) varchar(50) int int float Constraints Primary Key -
teacherdetails Data type varchar(10) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) Constraints Primary key -
Column Name tid tfirstname tlastname tqualification temailid tsubject 12. studentdetails
Column Name sid sfirstname slastname smiddlename sgender saddress scourse scontact semailid syear sperssc sboard sperhsc sboardhsc shobbies simage sbirthdate
Data type varchar(20) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(MAX) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50) varchar(50)
Column Name pid start_date subject faculty start_timing end_timing 15. subjects
Following are the functions or modules that can be added into the project to increase the scope of the project and it will the overall rating of the project. Register Guest module: It will enable the other users (not added by admin) can also register on site and can view the student profiles for placement purpose etc. Use of Login Based Attendance: It will allow user to mark his/her attendance only by logging in into site.
Use of Thumb Based attendance System: This is the hardware interface to database which automatically mark the attendance of user into database. By purchasing various services, we can add VIDEO CONFERENCING, ELECTURES etc.
REFERENCES msdn library