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Alumni: About Project

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About Project

Student Alumni In PHP System is developed using PHP, CSS, bootstrap, and JavaScript.
Talking about the project, it contains an admin where he controls the whole system. The Admin
plays an important role in the management of this system. In this project, the user has to perform
all the main functions from the Admin side.

This Project has Three Main Modules

 Admin
 Faculty
 Student

The features of the Alumni System, the admin can create records for both student and
teacher of each faculty. For this, the user has to provide day, starting and ending time, unit code,
venue, school, department, and year of study. The students can check their personal timetables as
well as student’s detail which includes full name, school, department, year of study and reg no of
the student.

The admin panel, the admin has full access to the system. He/she can manage class
records by providing names, departments by providing name and school. Here, the user can
register the student’s record. Other feature includes class timetables, quiz timetables and
generating results.Design of this project is pretty simple so that the user won’t find any
difficulties while working on it.

The Faculty panel, The Faculty can add the students in the portal along the with few
details of the students, such as there roll number can be consider as the main Primary key for the
student The faculty also able to communicate with the Student my sending messages and
viewing the student reviews and messages

Faculties have there own Dashboard and they can handle all the students by batch wise and
course wise
Student Panel, Students of that perticular college can login in with there Roll Number as
username and the get there Dashboard by this the students can select the batch year wise and the
can communicate with messages either personally or in group this makes to unite and provide
communication between the alumini students of any college

Talking about the flow of the Alumni Management System, universities/colleges school alumni
will register to the website and this process will need the verification of the school management
in order to enlist the alumnus/alumna in the website user. After the admin will verify the user as
an alumnus of the school the alumni user can begin to explore the features or functionalities of
the system on their side which are the job opportunities posted by other alumni or admin, a list of
upcoming events, joining to the forum with the other alumni. For the administrator side of the
system, aside from verifying the account and list of alumni, the admin also will manage the
gallery to be displayed on the website and the gallery may contain some images of the school
events with a short description. The admin will create the about content of the school to be
displayed also on the website, this feature helps the school management update the about content
of the system easily even without the presence of a developer. The admin can also post a job
opportunity and can overwrite or manage the posted job and forum topic of an alumnus/alumni if
any instances may occur.


Admin Side 

 Login Page
 The page where system admin will submit their system credential to access and
manage the system data.
 Home Page
 The page where the admin user will be redirected by default after logging into the
alumni management system admin side. This page displays the summary or total
counts of alumni, posted jobs, forum topics, and upcoming events.
 Gallery Page
 The page where the admin user will manage the gallery images and data for the
 Course List
 The page where the admin will populate and manage the university or college
school's courses.
 Alumni List
 The page where the alumni list in the system are listed and this the page where
can the admin verify the alumnus/alumna's account.
 Jobs Page
 The page where all posted jobs are listed and can be managed by the admin.
 Events Page
 The page where an admin manages or posts an upcoming event of the school
where can alumni can participate.
 Forum Page
 The page where all forum topics are listed along with the count of comments if
this topic is being shown.
 User Page
 The page where an admin user manages the system users.
 System Settings Page
 The page where an admin setup or manages the school information to be shown
on the website.

Alumni Side

 Home Page
 The default page where the user will be redirected when browsing the website and
after logging in. This page shows the list of upcoming events.
 Signup Page
 The page where the unregistered alumnus/alumni submit their credentials.
 About Page
 The page where the page about content is being shown.
 Job Page
 The page where all posted job opportunities are listed.
 Forum Page
 The page where that forum topics are listed and the user can join or read the
comments by selecting and viewing a topic.
 Account Management Page
 The page where can the user update his/her system credentials and information.

System Requirements

H/W System Configuration:-

          Processor                         -    Pentium –III

Speed                                        -    1.1 Ghz

RAM                                        -    256 MB(min)

Hard Disk                                -   20 GB

Key Board                               -    Standard Windows Keyboard

Mouse                                     -    Two or Three Button Mouse

Monitor                                    -    SVGA

 S/W System Configuration

 Operating System            :Windows95/98/2000/XP /7

 Application  Server         : Xampp                             
 Front End                        :   HTML,PHP,Java Script
  Scripts                            :   JavaScript,
 Database Connectivity   :   Mysql.
2.1 Existing and Proposed System0

2.1.1 Existing System0

Existing system is a manual one in which users are maintaining documents paper work to store
the information like colleges details, student details. It is very difficult to maintain historical
data. It is difficult to maintain important information in documents paper work. More manual
hours need to generate required reports. It is tedious to manage historical data which needs much
space to keep all the previous years, ledgers, documents paper work.

Limitations in Existing System

 The current system is not completely complete computerized and manual

 system in entering students and staff data and handling it. There is no centralized database
 There is no easy access to the particular students record
 The student cannot easily navigate through the database

2.1.2 Proposed System

The design and implementation of the ALUMNI Dashboard system will be available for
general public use through the web interface. A nonregistered visitor can look at the list of
graduates according to year of graduation or a field of study. He can also look at graduates
profiles. The level of profile details shown to the public is limited. By default, a public visitor
can only see name and surname of a graduate, year of graduation and a field of study. The
faculty endeavors to propagate its graduates. Therefore graduates can also add some information
about themselves into the system during the study such as working experience, knowledge.
Graduates can enable to display this information in their profiles for public visitors. Keyword:
Alumni, System, Student, Management, Dashboard

This project is aimed at developing a Repository and each Engine for alumni of the college,
which is of importance to a college. The Alumni Information Database is a web based
application that can be accessed throughout the World. Anyone can access the search Engine to
know about any Alumni of that college . This system can be used as an application for the
Alumni Information This project is aimed at developing a Repository and each Engine for
alumni of the college, which is of importance to a college. The Alumni Information Database is
a web based application that can be accessed throughout the World. Anyone can access the
search Engine to know about any Alumni of that college but can’t able to add. This system can
be used as an application for the Alumni Information

2.2 Feasibility Study

The likelihood examination of this manage with is bankrupt down in the midst of this
stages and strategic agreement domain unit proceeded with a most expansive making methods
for the endeavour and a few huge worth estimation. Inside the period of structure examination,
the Probability considers is finished by the orchestrated system. This is every now and again to
avow this masterminded system isn't weight to the association and for centrality concerning the
basic necessities for the goliath structure.

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