Ingenious Mechanisms Volume 2
Ingenious Mechanisms Volume 2
Ingenious Mechanisms Volume 2
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sent one-fourth of a spindle turn. Thus the ratio of the
spindle turn to the cam turn is 7 to 4; that is, when the
cam completes one turn, the spindle makes 7/4 or 1 3/4
turns. Gears corresponding to this ratio have 40 and 70
teeth. The larger gear or the one having 70 teeth is mounted
on the camshaft.
Now it is obvious tlIat the part of the cam that forms the
thread must be an accurate helix, the development of which
is a straight line. To develop this line, a point was located
on vertical No.4, 3.120 inches (the thread lead) above line
ON. Through this point a straight line was drawn from
point 0 to vertical No.7. It was found that stopping the
thread-forming portion of the cam on vertical No.3 pro-
vided ample carriage travel for cutting the thread.
The exact dimensions for the cam rise were found by first
dividing the thread lead (3.120) by 4 to obtain the rise for
one-quarter revolution of the spindle, or 0.780 inch. This
rise was then multiplied by the number of spaces from 0
corresponding to three-quarters of a revolution of the spin-
dle, and the total cam rise, 2.340 inches, was obtained. The
lead (5.460 inches) for the working portion -of the cam
was found by multiplying the entire number of spaces by
the rise during one-fourth revolution of the spindle.
The dwell at the top of the cam allowed time for backing
the tool out of the thread before the carriage started on its
return movement. The longer dwell at the bottom allowed
time. for moving the tool forward and for the functioning
of the cross-feed. With this arrangement, the work rotates
continually in the same direction. To enable multiple
threads of different leads to be cut on this machine, the sizes
of suitable cams and gears can be computed by the method
This lathe can also be used for chasing internal threads
in short bores. In this case, the action of the cross-feed is
reversed, so that the cutting tool will be moved toward the
center of the bore at the end of each cut.
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Double Acting Pivoted Cam Mechanism for Folding
Die.- The forming plunger H and slides I of the die shown
in Fig. 29 are so actuated by an ingenious mechanism that
the two tabs of a flat blank are folded and tightly clenched
over the central portion, as shown at B, in one stroke of the
punch-holder C. After placing the piece in the position
shown at W, the press is tripped.
The upper surface of part G, coming in contact with stud
F, causes cam E to act on plunger H. Plunger H, acting on
the work, forces it between the ends of slides I, causing the
tabs of the work to be bent upward. As the lobe of the cam
E passes the roller P, the spring L in plunger H reacts on
cam E, causing it to swing quickly to the right until it is
restrained from further movement by stud F coming in
contact with the lower flange of part G, as shown in Fig. 30.
This has the effect of causing plunger H to rise rapidly and
thus avoid interference with the inward movement of the
slides 1. As the ram reaches its bottom position, the slides I
are operated by the cams D, causing the tabs in the work
to be folded over.
Fig. 30 shows the die with the ram at the bottom posi-
tion. As the ram ascends, the slides I return to the posi-
tions shown in Fig. 29, while the cam E, being returned to
its original position, again acts on plunger H, causing it to
press tightly on the folded tabs of the work. On this stroke
of plunger H, there are three thicknesses of metal under
it, whereas on the first stroke there were only two thick-
nesses. This causes plunger K to recede a distance equal
to one thickness of the stock. Thus the pressure on the
work will always be equal to that exerted by the spring N,
and can never be great enough to crush the work.
Two Slides in Opposite Directions with
Cam.-In redesigning a tapping ma-
used for tapping opposite sides of a part
two tapping heads were required to travel in
This movement, as first suggested, was
Fig. 31. Cylindrical Cam with One Groove which Serves to Move
Two Slides in Opposite Directions
ing and unloading of the work. Frequently this dwell is
unusually long, and the movement of the cam follower con-
siderable; hence, a cam of the usual design would not only
be large in proportion to other parts of the machine, but
also would require a comparatively long stroke. These ob-
jections are overcome with the cam shown in Fig. 32. This
cam is positive and compact.
slides are connected to their respective heads by the tie-
rods G and H through which the required movement is
Sliding Triangular Cam for Reducing Cam Size and
Stroke.- In many automatic machines, sliding cams are
employed for transmitting a straight-line movement to the
tool or the work-holder, followed by a dwell to permit load-
Fig. 30. Die Shown in Fig. 29 in Final Tab-clinching Position
tion. There are numerous cases to which this idea may be
applied, with a great reduction in construction and upkeep
cost. As indicated, one cam groove serves both heads (not
shown) . In stationary guides A and B, on opposite sides of
the cam, are slides C and D. These slides carry the rolls E
and F, both of which engage the same cam groove. The
to be obtained by means .of individual cams. A simpler
method was devised for transmitting m.ovement to both
heads from a single cylindrical cam being used, as indicated
by the diagram, Fig. 3l.
The diagram is so clear that it hardly requires a descrip-
The cam A is supported at the ends Hand J by suita.ble
bearings, and is given a reciprocating horizontal movement
by some member of the machine. It has a continuous roll
groove following a triangular path, and is equipped with
locking plates Band C for retaining the roll D in the proper
section of the groove. These locking plates are a sliding
fit in the caps E and F, and are normally held
in the position shown by coil springs.
In the position indiCated, the cam has nearly completed
its stroke toward the right. Further movementof the cam
will cause the roll to depress the locking plate B; and at the
end of the stroke, when the roll has reached the end of the
horizontal section of the groove, the plate will once more
return to the position shown.
As the movement of the cam is reversed, the roll is forced
upward along the edge of the plate and finally into the
groove, imparting a vertical upward movement to the fol-
lower arm G. This movement of the follower arm continues
during the first half of the cam stroke. During the re-
mainder of the stroke, however, the follower arm is re-
turned to its starting point, after having passed the locking
plate C, which is similar to plate B.
At this point, the movement of the cam is reversed and
the roll simply rides in the horizontal section of the groove
for the entire return stroke of the cam. During the latter
stroke no vertical movement is imparted to the roll, and
hence the follower armG dwells at this time. This completes
the cam cycle. The distance that the cam follower moves,
as well as the timing, may be varied by changing the angle
of the angular groove sections.
Double-Action Cam that Rotates Follower and Moves
it Axially.-The interesting mechanism Figs. 33 and 34 is
used in a four-slide spring-winding machine. Springs 1/2
inch in diameter and 1 1/4 inches long are made in this
machine. At one station, the spring is coiled and cut off.
It is then carried, by means of a transfer arm, to another
Fig. 33. Cam Mechanism for Opera.ting Tra.nsfer Ann of Sprlng-ooilinlr Mttchine
Fig. 34. Side View oleam MeQha.nism Shown in Fig. 33
station, where the ends are bent parallel with its axis, after
which the completed spring is ejected from the machine.
The transfer arm moves through three different planes dur-
ing each cycle, yet all its actions are controlled by a single
cam. The reason for forming the spring ends at a separate
station is that another spring is being wound while the
preceding one is being formed. With this arrangement, the
production is practically double that obtained when the
forming was done on the coiling mandrel. As a matter of
fact, it would have been extremely difficult to perform all
the operations at one station.
The transfer arm A has two jaws B mounted on its over
hanging end. Between the jaws is gripped the coil spring
W, on which the coiling and cutting operations have been
performed. The jaws are centralized by the pin C against
which they are held normally by the coil spring shown. The
arm is bolted and doweled to the vertical plunger E, which
is a free fit in a long bearing cast in the machine frame.
The plunger is given a combined vertical and rotary move-
ment by means of the cam G mounted on the drive shaft H.
The connection between the cam and the plunger is made
by the roll J pivoted in the plug K. The plug, in turn, is a
free fit in a hole bored in the lower end of the plunger. Thus
the plunger. can be rotated to any position, yet the roll will
remain in the same plane, being constrained by the con-
tinuous cam groove L. As indicated, jaws B have grasped
spring Wand elevated it vertically to the position shown,
through the action of cam G. Incidentally, the coiling arbor
R has automatically receded to permit the spring to pass
upward. The lower end of plunger E is square and is a
sliding fit between the flanges of the cam. Thus, when the
square end is confined between the flanges, the plunger can-
not rotate. However, at certain points in the flanges, gaps
are provided to permit rotation of the plunger for swinging
the transfer arm 90 degrees to the forming station indicated
in dot-and-dash outline at the upper part of Fig. 34.
Fig. 35. Pla.n View of Oollar 0, Fig, 33, Showing Finger N About to
Rotate Plunger E
The finger N is fastened to the cam for the purpose of
rotating the plunger at this time. This finger engages a lug
on the collar 0, pinned to the plunger, and starts the rota-
tion of the plunger. The rotary movement is then picked
up and continued as the end P of the flange comes in contact
with the squared end of the plunger. This action is more
clearly illustrated in Fig. 35. Here the cam is rotating in
a clockwise direction and the finger N is about to swing the
plunger in the direction indicated by the arrow.
As the cam rotates the finger N engages lug Q and rotates
the plunger until the flange end .P comes in contact with the
squared end of the plunger and continues the rotation of
the latter until it has completed its 90-degreemovement.
this position, the squared end of the plunger enters be-
flanges, thus preventing further rotation of the
and in addition, the finger and lug absorb the
starting torque. The rotary movement of the plunger
while the roll is passing over the concentric portion
cam; hence, the height of the arm remains constant
time. However, as the cam continues to rotate, the
descends to the low concentric part of the cam lobe at T
and dwells, causing the arm also to descend and dwell. In
descending, jawsB enter between two stationary guides U
which prevent the jaws from opening during the forming
operation. The operation at this station consists of bending
the projecting ends of the spring outward so that they will
be parallel with the axis of the spring. This is done by the
automatically controlled punches which advance, with their
slides, and bend the ends over the corners Y of the jaws.
The position of the spring ends relative to the jaws is main-
tained by the two pins indicated.
When the ends have been formed, the cam raises the arm
vertically to its former height. At this time, the roll en-
gages the cam surface at Z and, as on the opposite side of
the cam. the plunger ana arm are brought back to their
original position. In this case, however, finger D, engaging
lug F, starts the rotation of the plunger, after which the
corresponding flange end completes the 90-degree move-
ment. When the arm is swung back, a latch (not shown)
engages the pin V and opens the right-hand jaw, allowing
the completed spring to drop into a chute. The cam then
allows the arm to dwell until the succeeding spring has been
coiled and cut off. Next, the roll passes to the cam surface
X, causing the plunger and arm to descend until the jaws
snap over and grip the spring. This completes the cycle.
The heavy coil spring on the plunger insures constant
engagement of the roll with the cam. Although this mech-
anism was designed primarily for a two-station machine,
the same principle can be used for three or more stations
by merely modifying the cam throws and adding the re-
quired fingers and lugs. In order to facilitate the machin-
ing of the cam, the cam is made in two sections and fast-
ened together with screws, the parting line coinciding with
the side of the roll groove. For the purpose of simplifica-
tion, this sectional construction is not shown.
The term "intermittent motion" is applied to mechanisms
for ?btaining a "dwell" or possibly a series of dwells or
mOVIng .and stationary periods of equal or unequal lengths.
Many dIfferent designs of intermittent motions are in use
because .they are on so many different types of
and semI-automatic machines. The intermittent
mot:ons Illustrated and described in this and the two fol-
lOWIng c?apters, supplement the two chapters on this gen-
eral subject found in Volume I of INGENIOUS MECHANISMS
Reciprocating Motion with Dwell at Each
Pom! of Reversal.- In coating certain parts of household
with enamel by means of a combination dipping
and the parts are hooked on an endless'con-
veyor chaIn and passed through a bath of enamel and then
through an. adj acent heating oven for drying the coated
surfaces. In order to facilitate the spreading of
the wh.Ile the parts are passing through the bath,
the ChaI? IS gIven an advancing reciprocating movement.
The chaIn advances to deliver the parts to the oven.
mov:men.t of the chain is obtained by the mechan-
shown In FIg. 1. The mechanism is mounted on the
A of the machine. It consists essentially of a com-
nuw',t.tem of planetary gearing and a double intermittent
The intermittent gearing. provides the
movement, while the planetary gearing is
to this movement to the chain sprocket.
WIth the intermittent gearing, ring gear B
and center gear C are supported in the stationary bear-
ing D and mesh with the driving pinion E, which rotates
in a stationary bearing. At the left-hand end of the sleeve
that forms the journal for gear B is keyed an ordinary in-
ternal ring gear F, and on the shaft to which gear C is
secured is keyed the pinion G. Gear H is free to turn with
the stud in arm J and meshes with internal gear F and
pinion G. The arm J is keyed to an extension sleeve in-
tegral with the conveyor chain sprocket K, the sleeve be-
ing free to rotate on the center shaft.
When driving gear E rotates in the direction indicated
by the arrow, the single tooth will engage the adjacent
tooth space in gear B and rotate the latter 1/18 revolution.
During this movement, gear C will be locked in a station-
ary position by gear E. Hence, the partial rotation .of
gear B will rotate gear F and cause gear H to roll around
the stationary pinion G and swing arm J, with the sprocket
K, .in the same direction.
As the gear E continues to rotate, its cylindrical portion
locks gear B and the single tooth engages a tooth space
in the center gear C, rotating the latter 1/11 revolution,
after which the cylindrical portion of gear E locks it <in a
stationary position. Rotating gear C in this way causes
gear G .to rotate and roll gear H on the now stationary
gear F. In this manner, gear H carries arm J and sprocket
K .around the center shaft in a direction opposite to that
of the driving gear E. This completes one cycle of move-
The required angular movements of the sprocket are as
follows: 14 1/2 degrees, or approximately 0.04 revolution,
a clockwise direction, as observed from the right-hand
of the mechanism. The sprocket then dwells and re-
its movement, rotating 9 degrees, or 0.025 revolution.
angular advance of the sprocket for each cycle is
- 0.025 = 0.015 revolution, or about 5 1/2 degrees.
"aJ'''IAJLa''JLUlS the ratios and the number of teeth and tooth
- - - - - - ~ - . : - - T - - - - r I- 0
\ \0 /
llJJ1UlliLll tiLli
spaces in the gears, two separate conditions are involved:
First, the sprocket movement when gear E rotates gear B
while gears C and G are locked; and second, the sprocket
movement in the opposite direction when gear E rotates
gear C while gears Band F are locked.
One Revolution", of Shaft is Followed by Dwell
Equivalent to One Revolution.-The shaft A of the drive
shown diagrammatically in Fig. 2 is required to make a
revolution and then stop or dwell for a period equivalent to
one revolution. Shaft A is driven by shaft B, which ro-
tates continuously. The gearG is keyed to shaft A and
meshes with the gear E, which is a running fit on shaft B.
The sleeve C is pinned to the driving shaft B. When the
drive is in operation, the clutch dog D, which is a sliding
fit in a slot in sleeve C, drives gear E one-half revolution;
then as the angular face on the dog comes in contact with
the angular or cam face F of the stationary piece H, the
dog is withdrawn from contact with gear E at point K,
allowing gear E to remain stationary while shaft B makes
one-half revolution.
After shaft B has made one-half revolution, the dog D
passes out of contact with the pieceH at point L, allowing
the dog to re-engage gear E through the action of spring S.
Gear E then makes one-half revolution, following which
the cycle of movements described is repeated. Thus gear E
rotates one-half revolution and then remains stationary
while shaft B rotates one-half revolution.
As gears E and G have a driving ratio of 2 to 1, gear G
is given the required intermittent motion. A wide range
in the timing of the intermittent motion may be obtained
by varying the ratio of the gears and the length of the
actuating or cam surface of the piece H.
Positive High Speed Intermittent Rotary Motion.-
The mechanism shown in Fig. 3 provides the intermittent
rotary motion required for operating the conveyor of a
wire stitcher. The member A receives its intermittent ro-
T ~
Fig, 3, A Constantly Rotating Shaft B and Eccentric Imparts ll< Positive Intermittent
Motion to Member A which is Locked During the Idle Period
tary motion from the continuously rotating shaft B through
the positive indexing action of an eccentric strap C operated
by the eccentric L keyed to shaft B. A sprocket or gear-
not shown-attached to the hub or face of member A trans-
mits the intermittent motion to the conveyor.
At each revolution of shaft B the member A is indexed
1/11 revolution by pin D which engages one of the eleven
evenly spaced slots S. During the idle or return movement
of pin D, the member A is locked in position by pin E. The
ratio of the idle time between the indexing movements, to
the indexing time, is 73 to 107 in the design illustrated.
At the beginning of the indexing movement, member A
moves slowly, but the speed increases rapidly to the maxi-
mum and then slows down as the end of the movement is
reached. As the mechanism stops the load slowly and with-
out shock, it can be operated at high speeds, as compared
with the usual ratchet wheel and pawl mechanism, which is
difficult to balance and, has a tendency to "overthrow" un-
der appreciable loads.
The member A is always engaged by one or both of the
actuating teeth Dand E. These teeth are pivoted to the
extreme opposite ends of the eccentric strap C. Overthrow
is prevented by the locking tooth E,which is a free sliding
fit in the groove G machined in the frame H. This slot
restricts the movement of the pivoted tooth E so that it is
forced to travel in a vertical direction.
The view at the left shows the parts of the mechanism in
the positions they occupy at the completion of the indexing
movement. It will be noticed that the tooth E has entered
one of the slots in member A before tooth D has become
disengaged from another slot of the member.
The peculiar motion imparted to the eccentric strap C by
the eccentric L, due to the vertical path which its lower end
is forced to follow, causes the top end of the strap to move
in an elliptical path, carrying with it the actuating tooth D.
Tooth D is always held in a radial position by a slot in the
guiding arm, which is a free fit on the hub of member A.
The elliptical motion and the radial guide force the actuat-
ing tooth D to engage and disengage successively the slots
in the edge of member A, thus converting constant rotary
motion into a positive intermittent motion.
The mechanism is equally efficient when operated in
either direction. In adapting it for other purposes, the
following characteristics should be considered: The slot
spacing in member A controls the amount of intermittent
motion and also the idle time. There must be an odd num-
the best action is to be obtained, but as a gear
or sprocket drive of the proper ratio can be used to suit in-
Fig. 4. Intermittent Mecha.nism which Provides a. Longer Idle Period tho the
Design Shown in FiJr. 3
dividual requirements, this characteristic is not a vital fault.
If too few slots are used, the eccentric throw will be
excessive and the action of the mechanism will not be so
smooth as with a greater number of slots. It is well to
bear in mind that fewer slots decrease and more slots in-
crease the idle time.
The interior of the mechanism shown is filled with grease,
but the flanged parts of the frame could be fitted with a
cover and a packing ring could be provided on the hub of
member A so that the mechanism could be filled with oil.
With this form of lubrication, the carrying power would be
increased to handle greater loads at higher speeds.
Another Design of Positi ve High-Speed Intermittent
Motion.- The intermittent rotary motion just described is
suited for use where the idle time is short, as compared
with the feeding time. The total idle time between the
rotary or feeding movements in the case of the mechanism
about to be d e s r i e ~ is equivalent to more than 180 de-
greesper revolution, while in the case of the previously
described mechanism it was less than 180 degrees.
The principal difference in the designs is found in the
location of the actuating teeth D and E (see Fig. 4) in
relation to the member A to which the intermittent or in-
dexing mption is imparted. The actuating teeth operate on
the outside of the slotted ring of member A, so that the
idle time occurs while the eccentric throw travels above the
center line during the return stroke of strap S. The for-
ward or feeding movement, therefore, occurs while the
eccentric throw travels below the horizontal center line.
With this arrangement, the longer throw of the eccentric
is utilized for the idle or return movement of arm S, while
the shorter throw is employed for the feeding movement.
It will be noted that the shaft and its eccentric driver B
rotate in a direction opposite to that of the driven mem-
ber A, whereas in the design previously described, these
members rotate in the same direction.
When the mechanism is in operation, the central shaft
to which the eccentric driver B is keyed rotates at a con-
stant speed. The lower end of the strap S is restricted to
a vertical motion by the tooth E. Tooth E is pivotally
mounted on strap S, having a wide bearing on the strap,
and slides freely in a groove in the rigid frame. The tooth
Dat the opposite end of strap S has a similar pivoted con-
nection to the strap and slides freely in a groove cut in the
radial rocker guide R, which is a free turning fit on the
central shaft bushing. The guide rocker R serves to main-
tain the tooth D in a radial position with respect to the
central shaft. When the mechanism is in operation, the
eccentric B causes the teeth D and E alternately to engage
and disengage the equally spaced slots T cut in the annular
ring and produces the intermittent motion of member A.
The vertical motion of the bottom end of the strap S,
combined with the rotary motion at the center imparted
by the eccentric B, gives the top end of the strap carrying
tooth D a peculiar elliptical motion. This motion is such
that tooth D alternately engages and disengages successive
slots T, thereby imparting the required intermittent motion
to the driven member A. The length and shape of the teeth
are such that either or both teeth are always in engage-
ment with slots in member A, thus giving a positive control
over the motion. Tooth E locks the part A in position while
tooth D is on its return or idle stroke. Tooth D engages
a slot preparatory to the forward movement before the lock-
ing tooth E is disengaged. A hub at the side of member A
is provided so that a sprocket or gear can be attached to it,
through which the motion is transmitted to other parts.
This mechanism has several desirable characteristics,
such as its slow starting and stopping action, absence of
over-throw, positive locking between movements, compact-
ness, and ability to operate in either direction. It can also
be operated at relatively high speeds. The idle time is de-
termined by the number of slots, and is always equivalent
to more than 180 degrees per revolution. With nine slots.
as in the design illustrated, the idle time is 200 degrees per
revolution. With fewer slots, the idle time would be greater,
and with a greater number, the idle time would be less. For
the best action, there should be an odd number of indexing
Planetary Intermittent Gearing.- Intermittent gearing
of the planetary type may be used to advantage in cases
where the driving and driven shafts must be in line with
each other, and where a large number of dwells per revolu-
tion of the driven shaft is required. A drive of this type
is shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Intermittent Gearing of l'lanetary Type
Pitch diameter of ring gear=9.6" 1/
Pitch diameter of all other gears =3.2
All teeth are 5 diametral pitch K . . . t ~
D, E, and B, in this case, have the same pitch and pitch
diameters; hence, according to the principles of epicyclic
gearing, one-third of a revolution of shaft C is required to
index the arm F one division.
In the position shown, the single tooth in gear B is about
to engage a tooth space in the ring gear. As .soon as this
engagement occurs, arms F and G will start to rotate on
shaft C in a counter-clockwise direction. Rotation of the
The ring gear A is stationary, and the single-tooth gear B
is driven by means of the shaft C through the gears D and
E. Gear D is keyed to shaft C, while gear E is integral
with gear B. Both gears E and B are free to turn on the
shaft J, mounted in the arms F and G. A hub on the lower
end of armF turns freely in the stationary bearing H, the
intermittent movement being taken from this hub. Gears
arms continues until the single tooth has left the tooth
space, at which time the concentric portion of gear B en-
gages the corresponding cylindrical surface L in the ring
gear, locking gear B and causing arms F and G to dwelL
The arms continue to dwell until the tooth in gear B has
engaged the next tooth space in the ring gear, which causes
the arms to move toward their next dwelling position. In
designing the single-tooth gear B, sufficient clearance should
be provided, as indicated, at K,. otherwise, interference with
the ring gear will result.
Rotary Motion which Varies from Zero to Maximum
and Vice Versa.-The purpose of the mechanism illus-
trated in Fig. 6 is to produce an intermittent rotary motion
which will start and stop a driven member without shock
and yet keep it under positive control throughout the cycle.
This motion is obtained by the practical application of the
mathematical curve known as the epicycloid, which is the
curve traced by a point on a circle as the latter revolves on
the outside of another fixed circle.
The arm A is keyed to the driving shaft B which revolves
continuously at a constant rate. At each end of arm A is
a revolving shaft C, which has a revolving gear D keyed to
one end and a short arm or crank E keyed to the other.
The two revolving gears D mesh with a fixed gear F which
is concentric with the driving shaft. All three gears are of
equal diameter. At the end of each crank E is a roller G,
the center of which lies on the pitch circle of the correspond-
ing gear D. The circular plate H revolves freely on the
driving shaft B as it is driven by rollers G, each of which
engages a radial slot in the plate. The drive is taken from
plate Hin any desired manner.
It will be seen from the illustration that the centers of
the.:rollers G trace the epicycloids shown by the broken
curves in the end view. As the arm A rotates, the angular
velocity of the centers of the rollers. and of the driven plate
gradually increases from the zero point at K until, in the
'" A
~ ~
~ g
. ~
Fic. .,/, Kecha.nism for Driving Wormwheels C and B Intermittently and Alterna.tely from Shaft
position shown, the angular velocity is greater than that
of the driving shaft; from this point and during the follow-
ing half revolution of the driving arm, the angular velocity
of the roller center and of the driven plate is gradually re-
duced again to zero at point K. Since the gears are of equal
diameter, the roller centers and the driven plate make a
complete revolution in the same time as the driving shaft.
The angular velocity of the driving shaft is constant. If
() equals the angular position of the driving arm from the
zero point K, and w equals the angular velocity of the driven
(l-cos ()
plate H, then w = . The maximum angular
5 -4cos ()
velocity of the driven plate is 1.3 times that of the driving
Mechanism for Driving Two Shafts Intermittently and
Alternately.-The mechanism shown diagrammatically in
Fig. 7 was designed for use on a special machine. In opera-
tion, the constantly rotating shaft A, through a gear train,
drives worm-wheel B one revolution in the direction indi-
cated by the arrow, after which the gear-shifting mechan-
ism functions autonlatically, causing worm-wheel B to dwell
and the driving motion to be transmitted to worm-wheel C
through another gear train. After worm-wheel C has been
driven one revolution, the gear-shifting mechanism again
functions, causing worm-wheel C to dwell while the driving
action is again transmitted to worm-wheel B, thus complet-
ing the cycle, which is continuous as long as the driving
shaft A rotates.
The clutch member D, which is slidably keyed to shaft G,
is shown in the neutral position, but when the mechanism,
is in operation, this clutch is in engagement with either
pinion E or F, causing shaft G to rotate in one direction
or the other, depending upon which pinion is engaged. The
driving of shaft G in either direction from the crown gear
on shaft A is made possible by the "free-wheeling" type fric-
tionclutches, consisting of two members H and I, and the
friction rollers arranged as shown in the section view in the
lower right-hand corner of the illustration. Two mem-
bers [of the proper hand are keyed to the shaft and the
two friction members Hand J are slipped over them. Thus,
when the clutch member D is in mesh with pinion F, the
wedging action of the friction rollers serves to lock mem-
bers H and I together as one piece, while member J runs
freely over its mating member 1. When the clutch engages
pinion E, the direction of rotation of shaft G is reversed,
the drive being through friction clutch J, while member H
runs free. Thus, the direction of rotation of shaft G is
controlled by the movement of clutch member D.
Spur gear teeth on members Hand J mesh with the spur
gears K and L, which have worms cut on their hubs that
mesh with the worm-wheels Band C, respectively. The
manner in which the clutch is automatically controlled to
give the worm-wheels Band C their respective intermit-
tent movements is shown by the upper view.
Assume that the mechanism is in operation and that
clutch D is in engagement with gear E, so that worm-
wheel C is being driven in the direction indicated by the
arrow. When pin M on the worm-wheel comes in contact
with the flat spring on the swinging arm N, which is a
free turning fit on the worm-wheel shaft, it causes the
swinging arm to come in contact with the roller on shifter
lever O. The latch P would be down at this time instead
of in the position shown. In the down position, a step on
the latch engages a collarQ on the shifter slide, preventing
the slide from moving to the right. Thus, continued rota-
tion of the arm N serves to compress the spring R until a
cam surface on the shifter lever lifts latch P, releasing the
spring, which forces clutch member D to the right into
mesh with gear F, engaging the drive to worm-wheel B,
and allowing worm-wheel C to dwell. When this takes
place, the shifter lever 0, being released from the pressure
exerted by spring R, also moves to the right and the arm N
is rotated past the roller on lever 0 by the flat spring, pre-
viously compressed by pin M.
When worm-wheel B has rotated through the required
angle, the pin S comes into contact with the flat spring on
a swinging arm similar to the arm N previously described.
The movement of the clutch member D into engagement
with gear E is accomplished automatically, the same as the
movement in the opposite direction. This cycle of opera-
tions is repeated automatically.
Adjustment of In!ermittently Driven Sprockets while
Drive is Operating.- Motion picture projectors are de-
signed to give the film a rapid intermittent movement, stop-
ping it sixteen times every second. These dwelling periods
in the movement of the film are so timed that the light is
projected through the film only when it is stationary. Mov-
ing pictures, therefore, are in reality a series of sixteen
stationary pictures proj ected on the screen every second at
normal operating speed, and owing to the "persistence of
vision" this rapid succession of still pictures causes the suc-
cessive views to blend into one another and produce the
effect of continuous Inotion.
The edges of the film have accurately spaced perforations
which are engaged by teeth on a double sprocket E (see
Fig. 8). The drive to this sprocket is through the internal
driving gear A, the driven gear B, driving disk C of the
intermittent motion, and driven member D on the s p r ~ k t
shaft. This driven member turns 1/4 revolution for every
complete turn of driver C, and this quarter turn of D oc-
. curs during one-fifth of the revolution of C. During the
remaining four-fifths of a turn of C, member D is locked
in the stationary position.
This mechanism has an original feature which makes it
possible to shift the film sprocket E from, say, its lowest
position, which is the one illustrated, to a higher. position,
without interfering with the intermittent drive and while
this drive is in operation. It was discovered accidentally
that four points in a plane may be so located relative to one
another that two of these points, if moved along straight
lines perpendicular to each other, will cause a third point
describe an arc about the fourth; thus, if points a, b,
cos 30
(2 cos 30
x (1 )
RadiusR= X ( 1 =0.21x
2 cos 30
- 1 cos 30
The movement of sprocket E is effected by a hand-lever
and e on the diagram are located properly, the movement
of point a to al and of e to el will cause point b to describe
an arc of radius R about point e.
Before describing the essential requirements in this de-
sign, its practical application will be explained. This ap-
plication is illustrated by the diagram just referred to, in
conjunction with the sectional view just above it, which
represents the actual Dlechanism. The line abc of the dia-
gram represents the center line of the arm G. When the
axis of the sprocket E is shifted along a straight line, as
indicated on the diagram at eCI the axis of roller H moves
along a perpendicular straight line aal. In conjunction
with these two straight-line movements, the axis of driven
gear B (represented at b on the diagram) describes an arc
of 90 degrees. As this arc is concentric with the axis
of driving gear A, driven gear B continues to mesh prop-
erly with A during the straight-line movement of sprocket
E, which is the requirement.
From what has preceded it will be evident that, in de-
signing this mechanism, the problem is to so proportion the
angular arm abe that when e and a move along straight
lines at right angles, point b will follow a circular arc 'hav-
ing a radius R equal to one-half the difference between the
pitch diameters of gears A and B. To obtain this circular
movement of point b, the design must be according to the
following requirements:
Points a and e must be equidistant from point b.
The angle between arms ab and bc must be 120 degrees.
If x equals the length of the straight-line movement, and y
equals the dimension ab or be, then,
connected with link F. This adjustment in the position of
the sprocket is only used when an improperly made splice
in the film requires what is known as "framing."
Intermittent Rotation for Measuring Typewriter
Ribbon as it is Wound on Spool.- In winding typewriter
ribbon on spools, a device like the one shown in Fig. 9 is
used) for stopping the rotation of the spool when a prede-
termined length of ribbon is wound up on it, at which time
the ribbon is cut off. The spool is slipped on the end of the
power-driven shaft A" and the ribbon is drawn from be-
tween the two rolls Band C. A coil spring (not shown),
acting upon the upper roll, serves to keep a constant pres-
sure of the rolls on the ribbon, so that as the ribbon is
wound on the spool, both rolls are rotated.
Roll C, through the medium of the gears D, E, and F,
rotates the chain sprocket G, over which the chain H is
hung. Protruding from one of the links in this chain is
the pin J which, through the levers K and L, disengages
the clutch M from the driving pulley N and thus discon-
tinues the rotation of the spool. The length of the ribbon
wound on this spool depends upon the circumference of the
roll C, the ratio of the gears, the number of teeth in the
sprocket, and the number of links in the chain.
For every cycle of this chain, the pin depresses the lower
end of the lever K, and in doing so, forces the upper end
of the lever toward the right, allowing the hand-lever L to
swing in a clockwise direction under the pull of the
spring O. This hand-lever is secured to the clutch mem-
berM, at the right-hand end of which is a cam-shaped pro-
jection engaging a similar projection on the stationary hub
of the bracket P. As the end of lever L moves downward,
the clutch member is oscillated on the shaft A and the cam
projections are disengaged, allowing the coil spring Q to
force the clutch member to the right and disengage its
teeth from those of the driving pulley, thus discontinuing
the rotation of the shaft and the spool.
Fig. 10. This Clutoh is Operated Intermittently the Aotion of a Trip-lev&%'
In the design shown, roll C has a circumference of
12 inches, and the ratio of the gears and sprockets is such
that when the roll rotates once, the linear movement of the
chain is equal to the pitch of the chain; hence, the number
of links in the chain corresponds to the number of feet of
ribbon upon the spool. Although designed primarily for
winding typewriter ribbon, this device could doubtless be
used successfully for other applications.
Intermittent Movement from Continuous Rotary
Motion.-A mechanism for transforming continuous rotary
motion into intermittent rotary motion is shown in Fig. 10.
A movement such as this is often applied to indexing plates
or tables of multi-stage drilling or chucking machines. The
mechanism consists chiefly of two clutch members A and B,
which are automatically disengaged at uniform intervals by
means of a key actuated by the trip-lever C.
The driving gear D is rotated uniformly, receiving its
motion from some other member of the machine. This gear
meshes with the pinion E on the lower clutch member B.
In the upper clutch member A is a sliding key F, which is
backed up by a coil spring. This key is forced by the spring
into the slot G when the lower clutch member is rotated
into a position where the key and slot are in alignment.
When this engagement occurs, both members of the clutch
are locked together. The ring R, which is shrunk on the
lower part of the clutch member A, serves to retain the key
in its slot.
Pinion H is integral with the upper part of the clutch
member A and meshes with the gear J. This gear, in turn,
serves to drive an indexing plate (not shown). The clutch
is engaged through the action of the pin K in the driving
D,. and at a certain point in the rotation of this gear,
pin trips the lever C so that the lever and the dog M
the indicated by the dotted lines in the
plan view at the right. The shaft on which the lever
dog are keyed rotates in a stationary bearing secured
VIEW x-x.
To prevent further rotation of the rolls (due to inertia)
. after the clutch has been disengaged, the brake arm R is
provided. This arm is attached to the pivot shaft of the
lever K, so that just as soon as this lever has been tripped,
or imrnediately after the clutch has been disengaged, the
end of the hand-lever L swings downward and wedges
against the edge of lever K, forcing the brake-shoe against
the roll C.
\ \
Fig. 12. High-speed Intermittent Gearing with Arrangement for Reducing
Tooth Impact
fingers or cams is shown in Fig. 11. The device is operated
by means of a hand-lever, which is indicated by dotted lines.
At X, the finger B has just left a slot, and the inclined face
, of the finger A is engaging a corner of the same slot. As
the finger continues toward the/ right and enters the slot,
the ring is moved through a little more than half a division.
'The .movement of the finger is now reversed and the
k..- I i 0:\.
x ..,r/Q?,f \ \
. \
\ \
to the machine. As soon as the point of the dog is lifted
out of the wedge-shaped slot in the key, the latter is free to
drop down into the slot G, provided the two members of the
clutch are located in the proper position radially. When
the key enters the slot G, the gear J rotates. In the mean-
time, the pin K has passed the lever C, and the dog M is
returned to its original position in the annular groove N
by a spring (not shown).
When the clutch has rotated nearly a complete revolution,
a bevel face 0 on the key F (see detail in lower right-hand
corner) comes into contact with a bevel P on the dog; and
as the clutch continues to rotate, the key is forced upward
and out of the slot G, as shown in the detail view.
This mechanism will operate satisfactorily at speeds up
to 50 revolutions per minute, but at higher speeds, the key
is not given sufficient time to drop into the slot G. If ac-
curate indexing is required, the usual plunger arrangement
for the indexing plate is used in conjunction with the
mechanism described. A mechanism of this type lends it-
self very well to jobs where it is necessary to vary the in-
dexing ratios. To obtain
the various ratios, the
gear H may be made de-
mountable with respect
to clutch member A. In
this way, gears Hand J
can be changed to suit
the required indexing
Escapement Type of
Indexing Mechanism.-
A simple indexing mech-
anism consisting of a ro-
tating ring h a v i n g a
number of radially milled
Fig. 11. Simple Indexing Mechanism which
is Operated Rapidly by One Lever slots and sliding indexing
finger B engages the corner of the next slot, as seen at Y.
As the movement continues toward the left, the finger B
enters the slot and pushes the ring around to its correct
indexing position.
Shock Absorber for High.Speed Intermittent Gearing.-
One of the greatest objections to the intermittent type of
gearing when used for transmitting high-speed movements
is the impact of the mating gear teeth at the beginning of
each intermittent movement. This action is due, of course,
to the inertia of the driven gear and the offset position at
which tooth contact takes place, as. indicated at A in the
The greater part of the wear, tooth breakage, and noisy
operation resulting from the tooth impact is prevented by
means of the arrangement shown in Fig. 12. Here a steel
spider B having as many arms as there are dwelling posi-
tions in the driven gear D is mounted on the shaft G. This
spider, although free to rotate on the gear-shaft, is held
normally by a coil spring against pin C in gear D. The
movement of the spider on the shaft is limited by pin H.
Just before the tooth contact at A occurs, one of the
pins E in gear F forces the top arm of the spider toward
the right, causing the spring to exert a pull on pin C and
start gear D gradually. Thus the inertia of gear D is over-
come before the contact at A occurs; hence the force of the
impact at the point of engagement of the teeth is greatly
Auxiliary Friction Driven Gear to Reduce Starting
Shock of Intermittent Gearing.- In the operation of in-
termittent gear trains the impact of the teeth at the begin-
ning of each. movement may not be serious at lower speeds,
but for higher speeds, the operation of the mechanism is
likely to be noisy:, and the leading teeth are either soon bat-
tered out of shape or broken. To overcome this condition
in an intermittent gear train operating an automatic
hopper.. a second set of gears was incorporated, as shown in
Fig. 13. These gears A and B serve to start the driven
shaft G rotating with very little shock just before the lead
ing teeth in the intermittent gears come into contact. An-
other advantage is that the starting torque is borne by a
number of teeth in gears A and B instead of by two teeth
only, as in the usual type of intermittent gear train, thus
reducing tooth wear.
The intermittent gears, which are keyed to their respec-
tive shafts, are indicated at D and C. The second set of
gears is also mounted on these shafts. Gear A, however,
is free to turn on its shaft, while gear B is keyed to the
lower shaft (not shown). Both the gears A and B have
teeth all around their circumference, the tooth pitch and
pitch diameters being the same as in the corresponding
gears D and It will be noted that gear A is confined
between friction washers, which tend to transmit a turning
movement to the driven shaft. The pressure of the wash-
ers against the gear can be varied by adj usting the lock-
nuts, which changes the tension of the coil spring. With
this arrangement, the pitch-line speed of gear A and of
gear D (when in motion) are the same.
In operation, the driving gears C and B rotate in the
direction of the arrow. With the gears in the position
shown, it is obvious that unless special provision is made,
the entire force of impact in starting the indexing move-
. ment will be at point H. In the present design, however,
part of the force is divided between several teeth in gears
A and B. As soon as point F has passed point E, gear D
begins to rotate, through the action of the friction drive,
before the leading teeth in gears D and C come into contact.
This rotation is started with practically no shock, and con-
tinues until the teeth of both intermittent gears are prop-
erly meshed.
Some experimenting may be required before the check-
nuts are adj usted so that the tension on the coil spring is
sufficient to balance the normal load imposed on the mech-
Fig. 14. Gear Drive with Special Gears Designed to Have Shaft A Drive
Shafts Band C Intermittently
Gear Drive for Imparting Intermittent Motion Alter-
nately to Parallel Shafts.-In designing a transformer tap
changer, provision had to be made for alternately moving
the arms of two tap adjusters with a dwell between each
movement. Also the arms were required to be locked be..
tween movements. !twas desirable to have the driving
shaft at right angles to the shafts that operated the tap
adjuster arms. The speed reduction was required to be
approximately 1 to 12.
These conditions were fulfilled by the mechanism shown
anism. The clearance J in gear D also deserves some men-
tion. By removing the metal at this point, a longer
dwelling surface K is obtained, thus reducing the time, at
the beginning and end of each dwell, in which the gears
are in their unlocked positions. It should be understood
that this mechanism is suitable for light loads only. If the
load is too great"" the wear on the dwelling surfaces of the
intermittent gears will be excessive due to the torque pro-
duced by the friction drive during each dwell. Rapid wear,
however, can be prevented by the use of hardened inserts
in the dwelling surfaces.
in Fig. 14. The gear drive consists of a combination worm
on the driving shaft A which meshes with two gears on the
shafts Band C connected to the tap adjusters. The worm
is built of two parts D and E. Part D has tooth spaces
that appear simply like annular grooves. This part com-
prises a segment of 270 degrees. The other part E has a
helix angle of 53.1 degrees. These two parts have grooves
in their sides into which annular ribs on the side plates fit
when the four members are bolted together as shown.
The two gears F and G are alternately in mesh with both
parts D and E of the worm. This is accomplished by mak-
ing gears F and G with teeth, as indicated at H, which will
mesh with the teeth in both section D and section E of the
driving worm. When the teeth in F and G are in mesh
with the teeth in section D, no motion is transmitted from
the driving to the driven shaft. One rotation of segment E
past F or G serves to rotate either one of these gears
through an angle of 27 degrees. The gears F and G each
have 40 teeth. The section E is a 90-degree segment of a
12-thread worm. With this arrangement, gear F and then
gear G will be turned through an angle of 27 degrees. There
is a stop or dwell between each movement corresponding to
three-fourths revolution of the driving shaft. Both pinions
are locked between their respective rotational movements.
Combination Cam and Differential Gear Movement
for Chain Conveyor.-Sprocket chain conveyors are used
extensively for conveying containers through filling ma-
chines, and frequently the drive is arranged so that the
chain dwells at regular intervals to permit the filling of
the containers. One rather interesting drive for obtaining
this intermittent conveyor movement is shown in Fig. 15.
Its design embodies a cam which transmits a rocking move-
ment to a differential planet gear for controlling the rota-
tion of the driving sprocket of the conveyor chain. This
mechanism has its application in a machine for filling glass
vials with liquid. To prevent the spilling of the liquid from
the vials as they pass along on the conveyor, provision is
made to eliminate shock in stopping and starting the chain.
The intermittent movement is transmitted to the sprocket
shaft A from the constantly rotating drive shaft B through
the spur gears C and D, miter gears E, F, and G, and also
through the cam H. Gears C and E are pinned to the drive
shaft, the end of which turns freely in the end. of the driven
shaft A. On this shaft is keyed gear G which meshes with
gear F. GearF is mounted on the arm J,which is free to
turn on shaft B. The outer end of arm J carries a fol-
lower roll Lwhich engages the cam H, the latter being
pinned to the pinion shaft K. In order to synchronize the
conveyor movement with that of the rest of the machine,
each intermittent cycle of the conveyor chain must occur
during one-quarter revolution of the drive shaft B.
There are four vial stations to each length of conveyor
chain equivalent to the pitch circumference of the sprocket;
hence, in order to cause the chain to dwell as each station
passes the filling valve, the sprocket M must dwell after
each quarter revolution. It was found by experiment that
a vial could be filled in the same time that it takes shaft B
to rotate one-eighth revolution. Thus, having determined
the angular movement of this shaft during the dwell period,
it remains to proportion the gears and cam to impart the
required rocking motion to arm J for obtaining this dwell;
that is, to cause gear F to roll on gear G without rotating
the latter and the sprocket.
Assuming that arm J is stationary, one-eighth revolu-
tion of gear E in the direction of the arrow would rotate
gear G the same amount in the opposite direction. Now
suppose that during this one-eighth revolution of gear E,
arm J were rotated one-sixteenth revolution in the same
direction. Then gear F would merely roll on gear. G and
the latter would remain stationary. Since we know the
movement of arm J required to cause gear G and sprocket M
to dwell during one-eighth revolution of the drive shaft,
the contour' of the cam can be developed. The throw of the
cam will, of course, correspond to the angular movement of
the arm. One complete cycle of the cam is required for
each one-quarter revolution of the drive shaft. Therefore,
the ratio of gears C and D must be 4 to l.
Thus, while the drive' shaft B rotates one-eighth revolu-
tion from the position shown, the cam will rotate one-half
revolution and gear F Will roll on gear G, causing the latter
and the sprocket to dwell. During the next one-eighth revo-
lution of shaft B, however, the cam will complete its revolu-
tion, swinging the arm in the opposite direction and causing
gear F to rotate gear G one-quarter revolution, or twice the
amount it would rotate if arm J were stationary. In this
way, it will be seen that shafts B and A have the same
angular movement for each station movement, although
shaft A rotates at a higher velocity, owing to lost motion
resulting from its dwell.
By observing the contour of the cam, it will be noted
that it is developed to impart a constant rise for the first
half revolution. This constant rise is important if a steady
dwell is to be obtained. For the remaining half of the cam,
the contour is such that the beginning of the upward move-
ment of the arm is accelerated and then retarded at the
top. This accelerating and retarding of the arm, when
transmitted through the gears, results in a corresponding
movement being imparted to the conveyor chain, the shock
to the chain being so slight that spilling of the liquid in the
vials does not occur. The working torque transmitted
through the gears is sufficient to maintain engagement of
the follower roll on the cam.
Parallel Slides with Latch and Cams for Operating One
Slide Intermittently.-In connection with a certain extru-
sion process, it was found necessary to withdraw two slid-
ing members of a stripping mechanism up to a predeter-
mined point, after which one slide had to remain stationary
while the other completed its full travel. On the return
now anchored to the bedplate; as the die is attached to the
moving slide, the effect is to strip the die from the rod.
When the two notches in the cams come opposite each other,
the latch swings out of the lower notch and into the upper
one, so that the carriage is picked up and carried along with
slide B. Just before the latch swings upward, at which
time the rod is clear of the die, the rear trip-rod H releases
the pawls, leaving the rod free to be removed.
Intermittent Movement of Reciprocating Slide.-Many
ingenious slide movements are to be found in the various
types of Wire-forming machines. One intermittent move-
ment, applicable to these machines, is shown in Figs. 1'1
and 18. In this design, the two adjacent slides A and B
are actuated by the connecting-rod C. Slide A is connected
directly to this rod and is given a continuous reciprocating
movement. Slide B operates intermittently. For each cycle
of the mechanism, slide B moves with slide A for one work-
ing and one return stroke, dwelling for three succeeding
working and return strokes.
Both slides operate in the stationary guideway D. On
slide A is mounted a locking device consisting of housing E,
locking plunger F (Fig. 18) which engages bushing G, 'and
cam H with its indexing pins J. This device is actuated
by the spring pawl K, which slides in a boss on the guide-
In the position shown, the slides are locked together by
the plunger F, consequently, both slides are moving to-
gether. They have just completed their working stroke and
are about to return in the direction indicated by the arrow
(Fig. 17). On the return stroke, pawl K engages one of
the pins J and rotates the cam 90 degrees, causing the pro-
jection L (Fig. 18) to slide upward along the deep notch in
the housing E and drop into one of the three shallow
notches M. This results in the plunger being withdrawn
from bushing G in the lower slide just before the return
stroke is completed. Hence, some means must be provided
stroke, the stationary slide had to be "picked up" and car-
ried along with the other slide. Fig. 16 shows how this is
accomplished by the use of a swinging latch, the principle
of which might well be applied to other devices where one
of a pair of slides must have a temporary dwell. This latch
operates between two flat profile cams with oppositely dis-
posed notches shaped to receive the rollers on the latch.
The upper cam A is secured to the moving platen or slide
~ w
Fig. 16. Two Slides, One of which is Operated Intermittently by a. Latch
Actuated by Opposing Cams
B, while the lower cam C is fixed to the bedplate D. The
carriage E has. a limited range of sliding movement on the
slide B equal to the longitudinal distance between the two
cam notches when the platen is in its "back" position. At
both ends of the carriage travel, adjustable trip-rods J and
H engage and disengage pawls F, respectively, these pawls
gripping the extruded rod.
As soon as the "stub" has been severed from the rod by
the saw, the slide B is started ahead. At this time the rod
is held stationary by the pawls F on the carriage, which is
\' II I ---
0/' _-=::L _
<: E:3: E
I __
p I
1 ..
Fig. 17. Plan View of Double-slide Movement Shown in Fig. 18
Fig. 18.
/ \, .d/-f\
/ '----/ \.
Double-slide Movement with an Arrangement that Causes One Slide to Dwell During a Predetermined Number of
Strokes of the Other SUde
Fig. 19. Mechanism for Converting a Constant Reciproca.ting
Movement" into an Intermittent Movement
For each of the two succeeding working and return
strokes of slide A, cam H is indexed 90 degrees, as previ-
ously described; but as the projection L enters a shallow
notch for all three indexing movements, slide B remains
stationary for three working and three return strokes of
slide A. On the last return stroke, however, cam H is
again indexed. This time the projection enters the deep
notch, allowing pIunger F to drop down and enter bushing
G. At the end of this return stroke the cycle is completed,
and on the succeeding working and return strokes both
slides travel together. The object of the shallow notches iv.
housing E is to prevent the cam from reversing its move-
ment after being indexed due to the back drag on the pins J
when they leave the pawl.
Intermittent Movements from a Constant Reciprocating
Movement.-A feeding mechanism operated by an air cyl-
inder was required to convert the constant reciprocating
movement of the air piston into an intermittent movement
on the outward stroke. This movement was to be at right
angles to that of the piston. On the return stroke, the mo-
tion was to be continuous and at a constant speed. The
mechanism for obtaining these movements is shown dia-
grammatically in Fig. 19. The reciprocating piston B is
attached to the slide A. Slide A has a cam groove with the
side C formed with a dwell to impart the required inter-
mittent movement to the feeding plunger D on the outward
movement of the piston.
On the return movement, the side F of the cam gro()ve
returns the plunger D to the starting position without the
intermittent motion required on the outward movement.
There is sufficient friction in the mechanJsm to keep the
roller E of the plunger D in contact with the sides C and F
on the outward and inward movements, respectively. Auto-
matically operated air valves control the dwell at the end
of each stroke. The speed of the feeding and return move-
ments of plunger D is governed by the rate at which air is
admitted to the cylinders by the air valves.
Adjustable Clock-Controlled Intermittent Mechanism.-
The mechanism shown in Fig. 20 is used in a bottle-cap
counting machine. It is the function of this mechanism to
swing a pivoted chute alternately from one position to an-
other, allowing the chute to remain in each position long
for completing the return movement of slide B. Stops N
and 0 serve this purpose. As these stops are in contact
with each other at this time, the upper stop resumes push-
ing the lower slide to the end of its return stroke. At this
point, spring button P engages the depression in the pad Q
and prevents slide B from moving toward the right (during
its dwell), due to frictional contact with slide A.
enough to permit a packing case to be filled with bottle-cap
crowns which are delivered by the chute. Although the
movements obtained with the mechanism here illustrated
could be duplicated by other mechanical arrangements, none
of the available types met the particular requirements of
the counting machine. The mechanism here described has
llroved successful.
The required movements are transmitted to the chute by
the slide A. Thepih Z in slide A engages a slot on the
under side of the pivoted chute. When slide A is in the
position shown in the upper view, Fig. 20, the chute dis-
charges into one of the packing cases. As soon as the pack-
ing case is filled, a clock, having its actuating lever con-
nected to rod W of the yoke P, releases the latter
member, which causes the clutch to engage the driving and
driven shafts and then disengage them after the driven
shaft has carried the crank-arm K around one-half revolu-
The pin L of the crank-arm engages a slot in slide A and
carries the slide to the opposite position, where it remains
while the packing case under the chute is being filled. The
clock then acts again, and the chute is automatically trans-
ferred to the other filling position. This cycle of operations
is repeated continuously, the mechanism being driven by
the constantly rotating shaft I through the helical gears C
and shaft D. With this arrangement, the transfer move-
ment of the chute is accomplished very quickly and smooth-
ly. The timing of the movements and the duration of the
rest periods are controlled by the clock, which can be ad-
justed to meet any operating requirements.
Construction and Operation of the Clock - Controlled
Intermittent Mechanism.-Referring now to the construction
of the mechanism, the toothed clutch member E is fastened
to the continuously rotating shaft D, mounted in the bear-
ings F. Another part of the mechanism is supported in
the bearing G, and consists of shaft H, on which the toothed
rises in the cam surface, after which a sudden drop follows.
These drops are just 180 degrees apart.
To disengage the clutch elements, it is only necessary to
move the clutch element E
a certain distance, depending
upon the depth of the clutch teeth plus a reasonable amount
of clearance between the teeth. In this case, the depth of
Fig. 22. Form and Operation of Cam 0, Fig. 20
~ k
I O<:------E:S:
I 2
. I
I .
The cam 0, which causes the slide A to pause at the end
of each stroke, or one-half revolution of shaft H, is fast-
ened to the clutch element Ep The contour of cam 0, when
rolled out in a flat position, is shown in the views to the
right, Fig. 22. It will be noted that there are two gradual
the outer end of shaft H. The collar M prevents any lateral
movement of the shaft and at the same time serves as a
guide for the spring N. When the mechanism is released,
the spring N forces the clutch element E
into engagement
with element E, thus providing for the positive rotation of
the crank K through one-half revolution.
Fig. 21. Section XX, Fig. 20
clutch member E
is a sliding fit. Rotation of E
on shaft
H is prevented, however, by the two small feather keys J,
which are fixed in the shaft and are a close sliding fit in
the keyways in E1.
The crank-arm K, previously referred to, is fastened to
the teeth was 1/16 inch. The rise of the cam contour was
7/32 inch, giving a clearance between the teeth, of 5/32
inch. This large clearance is necessary, as will be made
clear from the following description of the cam followers.
The cam, which is machined in the form of a ring, is fast-
ened to the clutch element E1 by a set-screw, so that these
two members are free to move laterally along the shaft H.
The cam follower arrangement is somewhat moreelab-
orate than the average type of follower, and is the most
interesting and unique feature of the mechanism. Referring
to Figs. 20 and 21, the yoke P is guided in the bearings Q.
These bearings are split for the purpose of facilitating the
assembling of the mechanism. To prevent the yoke from
rotating in its bearing, a small key Y is provided and a
keyway is cut in the lower stem of the yoke. This restricts
the. yoke to a vertical movement.
The lower stem of the yoke is provided with the adj ust-
able pin follower W, which may be locked in place by nut v.
The adjustment of this pin is very important, as it deter-
mines the amount of movement necessary in the lever mech-
anism (not shown here), which is attached to the pin fol-
lower W. This lever mechanism is connected to the clock
that times the movements. The clock-operated mechanism
will remove the lower pin and permit the clutch elements
to make contact under the action of the spring N. The
upper stem of the yoke is counterbored and provided with
the plunger pin follower R and the light spring U, which is
held in place by the nut S. The spring T keeps the yoke in
the upper position with its shoulder against the lower side
of the bearing Q.
The function of the two pin followers will be more easily
understood by referring to the four diagrams in Fig. 22,
which show the main positions of the pin followers with
relation to the cam contour. At A is shown the normal
position of the pin followers at the starting position. The
lower pin is in. contact with the cam contour, while the
upper pin is free. As soon as yoke P, Fig. 20, is pulled
downward, the lower pin is removed and the upper pin
strikes the outer edge of the cam ring, as shown in posi-
tion B, Fig. 22.
It will be noted that the upper pin is larger in diameter
than the lower one. ,The purpose of this feature will be-
come obvious on further consideration of the mechanism.
When the upper pin strikes the outer edge of the cam ring,
the spring U, Fig. 20, is compressed. However, this condi-
tion only exists momentarily, inasmuch as the spring N
forces the clutch elements into contact as soon as the lower
pin is removed from the cam contour, resulting in the ro-
tation of the cam and all its attached parts.
As soon as rotation begins, the upper pin is freed and
drops down under the action of the spring U, so that it
makes contact with the cam contour as illustrated in posi-
tion C, Fig. 22. When the cam has rotated 180 degrees, the
clutch elements are separated and the rotation ceases. This
last step is illustrated by position D, where the point
marked 1 has been replaced by the point marked 2 'under
the upper pin follower R. In the meantime, the crank has
traversed from one end of its stroke to the other and
stopped. The lower pin is still out of contact with the cam
contour, the upper pin having performed the action of sep-
.arating the clutch elements. As soon as the yoke is released,
it is raised by the spring T, Fig. 20, and at the same mo-
ment, the upper pin is removed from the cam contour and
replaced by the lower pin. This explains the necessity for
having the upper pin slightly larger in diameter than the
lower one.
The upper pin causes the cam contour to move, or be set
back slightly from the edge of the lower pin follower. This
permits the lower pin to rise freely into position opposite
the cam contour. The cam and the clutch member E
toward the clutch member E as the upper pin leaves the
contour of the cam, but this movement is stopped by the
lower pin.
Two very important details should be noted. First, the
distance between the ends of the upper and lower pins must
be such as to bring the lower pin opposite the cam contour
before the upper pin is entirely removed from contact with
, the cam. If this condition does not exist, the spring N will
force the clutch elements into contact before the lower pin
is in place to hold it back when the upper pin is removed.
The second important detail is to note that the rise of the
cam contour is determined by the size. of the upper pin. The
upper pin must obviously be able to fall in with the lower
part of the cam contour before it can perform its function.
If the yoke is released before the cam has rotated through
180 degrees, the lower pin itself will perform the function
of separating the clutch elements and leave the upper pin
inactive as far as contact with the cam is concernd. In
this particular case, there was no absolutely definite time
release for the yoke, so that a positive operating arrange-
ment had to be provided which would allow a rotary motion
of only 180 degrees at each releasing movement of the
yoke P, regardless of how long the yoke was held in the
lower position. This feature .accounts for the use of two
cam followers instead of one.
It might be of interest to mention here that this mechan-
ism is operated at a speed of about 100 revolutions per min-
ute with no difficulty. However, it might be necessary to
provide small depressions in the surface of the cam contour
at the points where the followers rest if the speed is much
above 200 revolutions per minute. This will prevent over-
running of the cam due to the inertia developed in the ro-
tating parts.
Intermittent Reciprocating Motion Derived from Cam
Operated by a Chain.- At times it is necessary to obtain
a positive reciprocating motion, followed by a period of
dwell, from a moving chain. Such a motion can be im-
parted by each link of the chain with the device shown in
Fig. 23; or by omitting certain cam-rolls, the device can be
made to operate only as sections of the chain pass it.
Referring to the illustration, the chain J is constructed
of flat steel links which are joined together by two lengths
of tubing, one within the other, in a way to permit a free
turning action at the link joints. Each link is equipped
with a spindle G, the top end carrying the work-holder (not
shown) while at the lower end is mounted a set of three
rolls. The smallest roll is a slip fit on the hub of one of
the larger ones and acts against the flat cam A when the
chain is in motion. The two larger rolls come in contact
with the bar C, thus providing the necessary support for
the chain while under the action of the cam. The cam is
fastened by screws and dowels to the swinging arm M,
which is pivoted in the bracket B by the pin N, held in the
bracket by the set-screw O. The bracket is secured to the
machine table by screws, the supporting bar C being
mounted on its upper part. There are also two other plain
brackets (.not shown) to support the extreme ends of this
bar. Connected to a projection on arm M is the link P
which carries the reciprocating motion to the required part
of the machine.
In operation, the roll D, as shown in the side view, is
about to force the point K of the cam away from the chain,
and as the cam is pivoted on pin N, the end L will move to-
ward the chain between the two rolls F and E. Upon fur-
ther movement of the chain, edge X will come in contact
with the roll E. At this time, the center of roll D has passed
the point K, so that as roll E forces edge X away, point K
swings toward the chain and between rolls D and F. The
projection Y on the cam prevents the point K from swing-
ing further than is shown toward the center of the chain.
The cam is in action only during a movement of the chain
approximately equal to the diameter of the cam-rolls, and
as the projection to which link P is connected is integral
with the cam, the motion of the latter, as described, will
produce the required reciprocating movement of the link P.
Intermittent Motion for High Rotary Speeds.-Various
forms of intermittent motions have been designed for
driving machine parts that must alternately turn through
part of a revolution and then dwell or remain stationary
between each fractiOnal turning movement. Some mechan-
isms of this class, however, are not adapted to high speeds
owing to excessive shocks each time the driven member is
started. The design here illustrated (see Fig. 24), which is
similar in principle to those used on motion picture ma-
chines, although much larger, operates quietly and smoothly
at high speeds.
This particular mechanism is used on a milk-bottle cap-
making machine. The driver, which is 24 inches in diame-
ter, makes four revolutions to one of the driven member,
which has four equally spaced arms each equipped with a
roller, as the illustration shows. The speed of the driver
is 960 revolutions per minute, and it requires a minimum
movement of 90 degrees to operate the driven member
smoothly and quietly at this speed. The action may be ex-
tended over a larger angle, thus permitting higher speeds
and shortening the idle time.
General Design of High-Speed Intermittent Motion.-
The rollers on the driven member engage a large annular
track (see end view), and after each quarter turn, the
driven shaft is securely locked during the idle period. As
the driver turns in the direction of the arrow, it rotates
the driven shaft intermittently in the same direction. The
surface at G (Fig. 24) of the outer track acts against
roller B until roller A enters the groove H. When roller A
has fully entered groove H, roller C begins to enter
groove J. When point P on the driver passes roller B,
roller A is about half way through groove H, and as roller B
begins to engage surface K, roller A emerges from track H.
When roller A has reached the position marked AI'
roller D has swung around so that it is again in contact
with the inner track as at D1, roller B is at B
and the
driven member has turned one-fourth of a revolution. The
entrance to groove H now passes roller C, which follows
roller D1 around the inner track. At no time is the driven
member free to turn in either direction, except as it is re-
volved by the tracks or cam grooves, and two or more
rollers are always in engagement with the driver.
Laying Out the Cam Curves.-In order to avoid shocks,
especially at high speeds, it is necessary to gradually ac-
celerate and then gradually retard the movement of the
driven member. The method of developing or laying out
the cam curves to obtain this result will now be explained.
With N as a center, draw an arc FE through the axis of
the driven shaft and divide this arc into thirty-six equal
spaces. Next, with F as a center, draw an arc through the
axes of rollers A and B and extend this arc 45 degrees to
point M. Beginning at the center of roller A, layoff a
division of 1 degree, then a division of 2 degrees, followed
by one of 3 degrees, 4 degrees, and so on, up to and includ-
ing 9 degrees. The total number of degrees thus laid off
equals 45, since the nine divisions progressively increase
from 1 degree up to 9 degrees by increments of 1 degree.
This procedure is now reversed; that is, the divisions
begin at the 45-degree point and progressively decrease
from 9 degrees down to 1 degree. Beginning at the center
of roller B, the order is again reversed, the divisions be-
ginning with 1 degree and increasing up to 9 degrees, end-
ing at M.
Each division from A to M is now bisected; consequently,
between the centers of rollers A and B there are now
thirty-six divisions, the same as between the centers F and
E. Assume that the divisions from F to E are numbered
from 1 to 36, and that the divisions from A to B are also
numbered from 1 to 36.
From these divisions we shall now proceed to locate vari-
ouspoints on the center lines of the cam grooves J and H.
With N as a center, draw an arc through division number 1
on arc AB,extending it to the right and left of the vertical
centerline NP a short distance. Draw another arc through
division number 2 and continue up to division number 36
next to the center of roller B. The arcs through these
various division points need not be continuous, but they
should be located to the right and left of the vertical line
NP far enough, as near as can be judged, to intersect the
center line of the cam grooves.
.Now set the compass to the radius.of the driven member,
or from the center of shaft F to the center of one of the
rollers. With division number 1 (adjacent to F) as a
center, draw an arc intersecting arc number 1 struck from
centerN and to the right of the vertical line NP. Continue
until arcs of the radius of the driven member have been
struck from each of the thirty-six divisions on FE, thus
intersecting all of the thirty-six arcs (to the right of NP)
struck from center N.
The thirty-six centers thus located lie on the center line
of the cam groove H, and various points along the sides
of this groove are located by setting a bow pencil or bow
pen to the radius of the driven rollers and drawing a series
of arcs. The sides of groove H, which are tangent to these
arcs, can then be drawn.
To layout the cam groove J, again use the compass set
to the radius of the driven member, and in striking arcs to
intersect those extended to the left of NP from N, work
from E to F; for example, with division number 36 as a
center (adjacent toE) intersect arc number 1 struck from
center N and to the left of the line NP, continue until finally
division number 1 (adjacent to F) is used in striking an
arc intersecting arc number 36 struck from N. In this
way, the series of roller centers for groove J can be located.
In laying out the curve GPK of the outer track of the
driver, proceed as follows: With N as a >center, and from
each of the eighteen divisions on the arc from the center
of B to M, strike eighteen arcs to the right of center P
and eighteen to the left, all adjacent to the surfaces K and
G; then with the compass set to the radius of the driven
member, intersect the thirty-siX" arcs just struck by another
series of thirty-six arcs from the divisions on arc FE.
If we assume thaCthe,thirty-six arcs adjacent to G and
K are numbered from 1 to 36 from left to right, then divi-
sion number 1 on FE will be used to intersect arc number 1,
and so on, until the thirty-sixth division, adjacent toE, is
used to intersect the thirty-sixth arc at the extreme right
of surface K. Arcs equal to the roller radius are now struck
from these thirty-six centers to locate points along the
profile GPK.
Although the ratio of this particular mechanism is 4 to 1,
other ratios are possible by adding more arms and rollers
to the driven member and extending the cam action over
a longer arc on the driver. This mechanism has one ob-
jectionable feature-the driven shaft must end at the driver
and cannot be supported on each side, as will be evident
by examining the end view. However, the continuous posi-
tive relation between the driving and driven members, the
good distribution of wearing surfaces, and the adaptability
to high speeds with smooth action compensate for the ob-
jectionable feature mentioned.
Intermittent motions so designed that a ratchet mechan-
ism constitutes an important element will be found in this
chapter. These motions of the ratchet type have been
segregated to facilitate finding an intermittent motion likely
to meet the requirements of any given design, as, for ex-
ample, when the application of some form. of ratchet gear-
ing appears to offer the best solution.
Ratchet Mechanism for Uniform Intermittent Move-
ment and Heavy Duty.- The ratchet and pawl mechan-
ism illustrated in Fig. 1 was designed for moving, inter-
mittently and accurately, a heavy load at medium speed.
The ratchet wheel is positively locked during the idle period,
and a positive stop prevents over-travel and insures uni-
form intermittent movements.
The ratchet wheel W is free to turn on the driving shaft,
which is shown in section. Behind the ratchet wheel and
attached to the driving shaft there is an eccentric E con-
necting with the short arm of bellcrankB, which is pivoted
at P. The operating pawl 0 is pivoted to the long arm of
the bellcrank. Pawl R, which locks the ratchet wheel dur-
ing the idle period, is pivoted at U and is shown in the
locking position. Both pawls 0 and R are normally held
in engagement with the ratchet wheel by coil spring C,
which is attached to each pawl. At the upper end of the
long arm of the bellcrank there is a steel plate S which
engages a flat spring F, thus lifting the locking pawl R to
which spring F is attached.
This ratchet mechanism will operate with the constant-
speed driving shaft turning in either direction in relation
to the ratchet wheel. The eccentric E attached to the shaft
starts and stops the load gradually like a crank; .the full
and dotted lines show the extreme positions of bellcrank. B
and pawl O. Before pawl 0 comes into engagement with
Fig. 1. Ratchet Mechanism Designed to Move a Heavy Load
Intermittently and Accurately
a tooth on wheel W, plate S, by engagement with spring F,
lifts pawl R, thus unlocking the ratchet wheel.
A short movement of plate S causes it to pass the center
line between pivots P and U,. consequently, it is soon dis-
engaged from spring F, but not until pawl 0 has moved
wheel W about half a tooth, so that when plate S passes
spring F, the hook end of pawl R falls on top of the next
approaching tooth. Before pawl 0 reaches the end of its
forward movement, plate S enters a space ahead of the ra-
dial face of an approaching tooth, so that this tooth face
comes into contact with plate S at the end of the stroke, and
any over-travel is thus vrevented. During the backward
movement of plate S to the starting position, it strikes
Fig. 2. Intermittent Motion Drive Mechanism Used on
Wire-forming Machine
spring F and bends it upward slightly, which insures seat-
ing the locking pawl firmly. This ratchet mechanism has
a ratio of 12 to 1, there being twelve turns of the driving
shaft to one complete turn of wheel W. The connection be-
tween the ratchet wheel and the driven member which it
operates is through gearing not shown.
Intermittent Rotary Motion from Constantly Rotating
Shaft.-The mechanism shown in Fig. 2 is designed to
transmit an intermittent rotary motion to the shaft D from
the constantly rotating shaft A. This intermittent move-
ment operates the feeding device on a wire-forming ma-
chine which requires three partial revolutions of the driven
member for each rotation of the driving member. Drive
shaft A with the attached disk B rotates continuously in
the direction indicated by the arrow. The disk B has three
equally spaced pins C on one side. The ratchet wheel E
is keyed to shaft D. Lever F carries the pawl G and is
free on shaft D. Spring H serves to keep pawl G in con-
tact with the ratchet wheel E and also tends to rotate
lever F in a direction opposite to that in which member B
is driven.
Pawl G is so shaped that when the actuating end is in
contact with ratchet wheel E, the opposite end lies in the
path of the pins C. As one of the pins C makes contact
with pawl G, the pawl is carried with it, causing ratchet
wheel E to rotate. When the pin I on pawl G comes in
contact with the cam J, pawl G is disengaged from ratchet
wheel E, which then stops moving.
Continued movement of disk B causes the end of pawl G
to be further depressed by the action of cam J until the
pawl slips under pin C. The two views of the mechanism
show pawl G about to be disengaged from ratchet wheel
E. As soon as the pawl has discontinued positive contact
with pin C, the action of spring H causes pawl G and
_lever F to rotate in a direction opposite to that of the driv-
ing member B, until the upper end of lever F strikes the
end of cam J which limits its movement and controls the
angular movement of ratchet wheel E. The driving move-
ment is repeated as each pin C comes into contact with the
High-Speed Ratchet-Feeding Mechanism with Positive
lock.- The positive intermittent indexing or ratchet-feed-
ing mechanism shown in Fig. 3 is designed for operating
a paper feed-roll R used in connection with a printing unit
of a machine. One end of the roll R and the ratchet
wheel Z, with its actuating and locking pawls, are mounted
---.. .. _.
The Geneva type of intermittent motion is based upon
the principle' of the Geneva stop which has been applied to
watches, etc., to prevent winding the main spring too
tightly. This stop mechanism, as the name implies, is in-
tended to prevent rotation after a certain number of revolu-
tions. This is not the case, however, when the principle
of the Geneva stop is applied to intermittent gearing.
Geneva wheels or mechanisms are used to transmit an
termittent motion to some driven member at regular in-
tervals which may be repeated indefinitely, as, for example,
when some part of a machine tool requires indexing or
rotating through some fractional part of a revolution at
certain intervals while the machine is in operation.
Geneva Motion Designed to Reduce Rate ofAcceleration
and Deceleration of Driven Member.-The Geneva stop
mechanism is used frequently because of its simple design
and serviceability. In the form generally used, the driving
roll follows a circular path. With this the
disk begins its movement from a stationary position and
comes to a stop without shock, but the acceleration and
deceleration in the velocity of the disk occur at a rapid
rate, producing a . relatively high angular velocity in the
rotating disk. In order to eliminate these disadvantages,
a German inventor developed a modified form of Geneva
stop mechanisms in which the driving roll that transmits
intermittent motion to the cross or slotted disk is operated
by a mechanism consisting of four articulated members, as
shown at A, Fig. 1.
In this mechanism, the driving member D rotates on
well-known Geneva gear movement to adapt it for a par-
ticular purpose, intermittent gearing was incorporated in
the design, as illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3. After laying out
the design on the drafting board, a model was made which
operated satisfactorily. The mechanism consists of a modi-
fied double driving arm Geneva wheel with intermittent
gear segments. The gear segments are so placed that they
transmit a practically uniform speed movement to the
driven member from the instant the driving arm ends its
accelerating movement until the second driving arm be-
radially located. The normal of curve Y is found by ex-
tending a line from V through the center of the shaft on
which M is mounted, so that it intersects a line perpendicu-
lar to rod R, drawn from the center of the fixed stud on
which block S is pivoted. A line from the point of intersec-
tion 0 to the center of roller W fornqs the desired normal
to curve Y.
Combined n v ~ and Intermittent Gear Movement.-
In order to modify the operating characteristics of the
Intermittent Drive Mechanism Designed to Accelerate and Decelerate
Motion at Start and Finish of Dl'iving Movements
Fig. 2.
axis E, and by means of rod F, gives member G a swinging
motion. As the center of the connecting stud H describes
a circle and stud I moves through only a part of a circle,
all other points on the rod or member F describe curves of
a distinct form. A stud at J supports the driving roll for
the Geneva stop mechanism. When crank D completes a
ful1 rotation, roll J enters a slot in disk K. and drives the
disk to the next stopping position, after which it leaves the
The difference between this mechanism and the older
well-known arrangement is that t h ~ height of the curve
followed by the roll on stud J is not so great; thus the angu-
lar velocity of the disk K, which depends on the distance
of point L from the top of the curve, is considerably re-
duced. To prevent any unintentional movement of disk K,
a blocking disk is necessary. For this purpose, a disk M,
as shown in view B, is supplied. This disk is driven by
intermediate gears from crank D. The addition of this
blocking system, however, considerably complicates the
mechanism. Another disadvantage of this drive is the
bulky unsymmetrical design.
Another similar drive which functions through a turning
block linkage is shown at C. The small fixed bracket L
forms the bearing for the shaft of the driving crank M.
This crank-arm also serves as the blocking disk for holding
the driven disk N stationary during the dwelling periods.
The crank-arm M is connected at V to the rod R, which
slides in a block S, pivoted on the stand T. On the op-
posite end of rod R, is mounted a roller W. As shown in
the illustration, roller W describes a heart-shaped curve Y.
The upper or spear-shaped portion of the curve Y is used
for imparting the driving movement to the three-armed
cross or driven disk N.
As roller W enters the slots in disk N, tangents to the
path followed by the roller at this point must pass through
the center of the disk and the center of the slots, which are
gins its decelerating movement in stopping the driven mem-
ber. One advantage of the mechanism, in its application
to an automatic machine, is that the driver requires a move-
ment of only about 130 degrees to rotate the driven member
180 degrees. This leaves 230 degrees of the driver cycle
Fig. 3. Mechanism Shown in Fig. 2 with Various Members in Different
Operating :Positions
free to perform other useful work or operations while the
driven member dwells.
Referring to the illustrations, A is the driving gear,
which operates at a uniform speed. The whole driving unit
is mounted on the stationary stud B and rotates in the
direction shown by the arrow. The first driving arm C is
integral with the driving member, while the second arm D
is pivoted to it and suitably spaced from the first arm.
When arm C engages slot E in the driven spider S, it will
start rotation of the latter member and accelerate its speed
until arm C reaches the center line between the two mem-
bers. At this point the intermittent gear segment F meshes
with its mating segment G on the driven member. As the
pitch line of the intermittent gears corresponds with the
center line of the ,path in which the arm rollers rotate, the
gears continue the motion of the driven member at approxi-
mately the same speed as was attained by the roller arm C
at the instant it passed the line between the centers of the
driving and driven members. The slot or arm on the far
side of the spider S is shortened and so shaped at H that
the roller cannot interfere with the uniform motion im-
parted by the gears as the roller recedes from the slot.
The ratio of the intermittent gears is such that the driven
gear G will rotate 90 degrees while the gears are engaged,
the remainder of the 180-degree movement being derived
from the two driving movements of 45 degrees each,im-
parted by the accelerating arm C and the decelerating
arm D. The latter arm, because of its pivoting feature
(see Fig. 3) and the tension of the spring J is held out of
engagement with its slot K, as indicated by the dotted lines
L, until just before it reaches the center line, when the
action of the lobe of the stationary cam M on the pin N
forces the arm down into engagement with its slot. This
engagement occurs at the instant when the intermittent
gears pass out of engagement. The Geneva gear action of
the arm D, in its further rotation, decelerates the driven
member to a stop 180 degrees from the point where the
accelerating arm C started its rotation.
Inverse Geneva Wheel Motion.- The term "inverse"
is applied to an unsual form of the well-known Geneva
mechanism for producing intermittent circular motion, be-
cause the driving and driven members rotate in the same
direction, whereas with the usual form of Geneva motion,
the rotations are reversed. The arrangement is such that
the driving crank axis and the crank circle are entirely
within the radius of the plate or driven member, and this
produces a vastly different effeet in the timing, acceleration,
and the velocity of the plate. These effects are things to
be considered in applying the mechanism to a machine
design. In ,some designs, the effects produced may not be
altogether while in. others they may have distinct
advantages and introduce an improvement.
The inverse Geneva stop or wheel, motion was developed
to fill the requirements of a particular type of drive for
feeding strip stock into power press dies. Since its incep-
tion a variety of successful applications in automatic ma-
chinery have been made.
Typical forms of the inverse Geneva wheel are shown in
Figs. 4 and 5, the former showing a three-station and the
latter an eight-station plate. The essential parts are few
and simple, consisting of a constant-velocity driving crank
C and a variable-velocity driven member D, called the plate.
The plate rotates in equal intermittent movements from
station to station, stopping for a short interval of time at
each station. As the rotation of the plate is caused by the
motion of the crank-pin roller E in passing through radial
grooves in the plate surface, the number of stations is de-
pendent upon the number of grooves.
The smallest number of radial grooves with which a
Geneva mechanism will function is three. The greatest
number is infinite, being limited only by the diameter of
the plate and the width of the grooves, both of which may
theoretically be made to any proportions. In actual prac-
tice, however, the number of grooves required is not very
Working and Idling Angles of Driver Rotation.-By
comparing Figs. 4 and 5 it will be seen that as the number
of grooves increases, the working angle a of the driving
Fig. 4. Three-station Inverse Geneva Wheel Mechanism
Fig. 5. Inverse GenevlI. Wheel Mechanism with Eight Stations
crank decreases and the idling angle b increases. These
angles are determined as follows: Referring to Fig. 6, the
angle 8 between two adj acent radiants on the Geneva plate
is equal to 360 degrees divided by the number of radiants
N. As the roller enters and leaves the grooves when the
crank center line is at right angles to the radiants, two
equal triangles are formed by the lines AEBand AE'B,
from which Jt is seen that angle b equals 180 - s. Then
angle a equals 360 - (180 - s) = 180 + 8.
Fig. 6 also shows some of the practical points to be con-
sidered in the design of an inverse Geneva wheel or stop.
In both Figs. 4 and 5 the inner ends of adj acent grooves
are joined by a circular arc which is concentric with the
crank circle. This arc is of little or no use, and to facilitate
machining, it is preferable to connect the grooves with
straight lines, as at h, Fig. 6. The corners should be broken
by a small radius to permit the roller to enter the grooves
more easily.
Locking the Driven Member.-In any sort of intermit-
tent motion device it is desirable, and usually necessary,
that some means be provided for locking the driven mem-
ber in position while it is at rest. The locking feature em-
ployed in this mechanism is shown in Fig. 6. In this illus-
tration, a circular arc lobe, machined concentric with the
driving crank axis, is shown as an integral part of the
crank at d.
During the idling period of the driving crank, this lobe
is in contact with one of the locking segments e, which are
made to project from the face of the plate and are machined
to the radius of the lobe just described. This feature pre-
vents any accidental rotation of the plate while it is in one
of the rest positions. The angles f andy subtended by the
arcs on e and d, respectively, are equal, and their magni-
tude is a matter that should be given careful consideration.
The angles should be made as large as possible in order
to keep the plate locked during the entire time that it is
not in motion, but making them too large will result in in-
terference of the parts. The best results are obtained by
making angles f and g each equal to angle b. This per-
mits the locking action to begin the instant the crank roller
leaves one groove and to end the instant it enters the next
groove. This, it will be seen, is the case in Fig. 6. The
heavy full outlines show the crank in the act of entering
a groove, while the left half of the locking segment is just
being by the lobe on the crank so that rotation may
begin in the plate. The light dot-and-dash outlines show
the crank in the act of leaVing the groove, with the lobe
engaging the left half of the locking segment.
A locking segment e is placed midway between each two
grooves, as shown. Their centers represent the relative
positions of the crank during the idling interval between
working periods. The radius of the locking segment is
more or less arbitrary, but it will be limited by the radius
of the plate. The locking segments do not add greatly to
the cost of manufacturing the plate, because their shape is
quite simple. In fact, the structural lines of the entire
plate are made up of simple geometrical figures and are
easily machined without the use of templets or masters.
Geneva Type of Work - Reversing and Transfer
Mechanism.- Many types of automatic machines must be
provided with means for turning over or reversing the
position of the work at some point during its progress
through the machine. This is accomplished very effectively
in one case by the mechanism shown in Fig. 7. The work
at A is turned over and transferred to position B. To
accomplish this, the work A is fed in the direction indicated
by arrow C to the position D in the reversing mechanism
E. A plate F in this mechanism holds the work by means
of pressure applied by two springs, only one of which can
be seen in the illustration. Attached to the reversing
mechanism is a gear H which is nlOunted on a shaft J.
The Geneva mechanism shown below gear H turns the
entire unit through an angle of 180 degrees in the direction
indicated by arrow K each time it functions. This move-
ment transfers the work from position D to L. When the
next piece is pushed into position D, it comes in contact
with pad N on plunger M, pushing it to the right. Thus
the pad P on the other end of the plunger pushes the work
into the position indicated at B. This action is repeated
_ -t-t---t-+-t----1r'f--
Fig. 7. Mechanism for Reversing Work D and Transferring it to
Position B
at each cycle of the machine causing the work, which has
been reversed, to be pushed along, as shown at Band R.
The indexing is accomplished by means of a Geneva move-
ment, in which the combination lever and locking segment
S revolves in the direction indicated by arrow T through
one complete revolution for each 180-degree indexing move-
ment of member E.
The roll V, at each revolution, engages one of the slots
W in the plate, causing the large spur gear X to revolve
in the direction indicated by arrow Y through one-sixth of
a revolution. The speed ratio between gear Z and gear X
is three to one. Thus gear G is revolved anti-clockwise
one-half revolution, causing gear H to revolve one-half
revolution in the dIrection indicated by arrow K. This
completes one cycle in the operation of the automatic ma-
Segment Gear and Geneva Wheel for Intermittent
Rotary Motion.- The mechanism shown in Fig. 8 was de-
signed to give a large heavy table or turret an intermittent
rotary motion. The drive shaft A carries a gear segment
B which contains just enough teeth to cause gear C to make
one revolution. On the same shaft with gear C is a crank
carrying a roller D which engages slots in plate E. Plate E
is so mounted on the table or turret that it is free to revolve.
Plate E carries pins F which are engaged by the rim or
periphery of the circular segment G which is a part of the
crank. This action locks the plate E in position while the
roller is out of engagement with the slots. By varying the
number of teeth in the pinion, the size of the segment, and
the number of slots, the length of the dwell period can be
increased or decreased. During the dwell period, while
segment B is out of contact with the gear C, the roller D
remains in the position shown. Very little shock occurs
when the segment comes into contact with the gear. This
mechanism is adapted for moving heavy loads, as the power.
is applied near the periphery of the table.
Locking Driven Wheel of Geneva Movement.-The
modified Geneva movement shown at the left in Fig. 9,
illustrated and described in Volume I, "Ingenious Mechan-
isms for Designers and Inventors" (page 74), provides
positive locking of the driven member between the indexing
movements. The locking is accomplished by having one or
two of the rollers R engage the annular groove G. The
roller P, carried by the driving disk B, is shown about to
leave its slot, having completed the indexing of shaft s.
The roller R,. shown entering the groove G, serves to lock
the disk and shaft S until the next indexing movement.
'rhis mechanism has the disadvantage of being rather large.
Also, roller R is so located that the driver B must be of
. such a large diameter D that it would interfere with the
shaft S if ~ were extended through the driven wheel. This
construction necessitates placing the driven wheel at the
end of the shaft, thus preventing the use of an outboard
Fig. 9. Examples of Modified Geneva Movements
These objections have been overcome by the arrangement
shown by the diagram at the right in Fig. 9, in which the
locking of the driven disk is accomplished by lugs L which
extend beyond the radial grooves of the driven member, so
that they are engaged by the groove G in the driving mem-
ber. Rollers can be substituted for the lugs L, but they
are more expensive. It will be noted that the same diameter
of driven wheel requires a driver of much smaller diameter
than the mechanism shown at the left. It will be noted
also that the lugs L are located in the most effective posi-
tions for locking the driven member, whereas the rollers R
are so positioned that they lose about 30 per cent. of their
effectiveness. In other words, a given clearance between
the locking members will permit more play or looseness in
the case of the mechanism shown at the left. The loads on
the locking pin required to resist a given torque will be
about 50 per cent greater than on the lugs L .
Another advantage. of the improved nlechanism is that
it is easier to make, especially in shops not accustomed to
handling precision work, because the groove G extends for
exactly half the driver area, or through an angle of 180
degrees, while the groove G of the other mechanism is some-
what over 180 degrees and must be carefully calculated and
laid out. The rollers R must not only be accurately spaced
between the grooves of the star wheel of the driven mem-
ber, but they must also be accurately located at the correct
distance from shaft S. On the other hand, the lugs L can
easily be centered on the slots in the star wheel, and their
location from the center is also easily accomplished. Still
another advantage is that by cutting away a little material
on the star wheel and modifying the arm of. the driver
that carries the roller P, either the driver or the driven disk
can be assembled or dismantled without disturbing its mat-
ing part by sliding one part past the other.
Application of Geneva Wheel to Turret Indexing.-
A well-known method of indexing the turrets of automatic
machines is by the use of the principle of the "Geneva"
motion. This has the advantage of giving 3i slow starting
movement which gradually accelerates and then slows
down before reaching the stopping point, thus securing
rapid indexing and at the same time avoiding shock. An
example illustrating the application of a Geneva wheel
to turret indexing is shown in Fig. 10. In this case, the
pin A engages the slots in the disk B to index the turret.
The cylindrical portion of the pin carrier C engages con-
cave portions of the disk B to locate the turret approxi-
mately; the automatic spring-operated latch D accurately
locates the turret by engagement with notches in the large
dividing wheel E. The turret is afterwards locked by a
sliding steadyrest. This indexing mechanism gradually
accelerates the heavy turret at the time of indexing and
Fig. 10. Turret Indexing Mechanism of the Geneva Type
Fig. 11. Another Turret Indexing Mechanism of the Geneva. Type
then gradually checks its momentum. Fig. 11 shows an-
other application of the Geneva drive, in which a roller A
engages slots formed between blocks B for indexing the
turret C. The roller is carried on a sleeve D which is in-
termittently turned by gear E.
Graphical the Geneva Mechamsm.- In de-
signing a Geneva mechanism for intermittently indexing
a shaft or some other machine member through part of a
revolution, it is frequently difficult for the designer un-
familiar with the mechanism to study its action. The fol-
lowing analysis is presented with a view to making the
study of this mechanism easier. In the analysis it will be
shown that a pair of imaginary arms connected by an im-
aginary link can be substituted for the Geneva mechanism
and be kinematically identical with it. This is true for
every point of the working range of the motion. The im-
aginary arms and connecting link will be of varying lengths
at the different points of action, but at every point will be
subject to the very simple laws covering the action of link
Fig. 12 shows in outline a typical form of the Geneva
transmission at the beginning of the cycle. For simplicity,
four slots are shown in the driven wheel N, although this
analysis is equally applicable to any number of slots. The
driving arm is shown at M, the center of the driving arm
at A, the center of the driven wheel at B, and the center
of the roller at E. The same mechanism is illustrated in
Fig. 13 at an intermediate point in the cycle; here the
letter 0 represents the imaginary driving arm, P the im-
aginary driven arm, and Q the imaginary connecting link.
The imaginary arms and link are laid out as follows: Draw
a line connecting E, the center of the roller, and B, the
center of the driven wheel. Passing through E, draw the
normal ED, and through A draw a normal to ED, inter-
secting at D. The imaginary driving arm, is now length
AD, the imaginary driven arm. EB, and the imaginary con-
Fig. 15. Initial Position of Geneva Transmission, at which Point
the Velocity Ratio is Zero
Fig. 14. Illustration Showing Geneva Mechanism Further Advanced
along its Cycle
ened. In Fig. 16, the mechanism is shown at the middle
of the cycle, where the imaginary driving arm attains its
maximum length and coincides in length and position with
the actual driving arm M. The imaginary driven link has
shortened to the minimum, coinciding in position and length
with line BE of the driven wheel, and the length of the
Fig. 12. Outline of a Typical Form of the Geneva Mechanism
at the Beginning of a Cycle
Fig. 13. Geneva Mechanism, with Imaginary Arms and Link that
are Kinematically Identical with the Geneva Motion
necting link, ED. This imaginary linkage system kine-
matically replaces the Geneva mechanism for the point of
thecycle at which E is in this illustration.
Fig. 14 shows the mechanism laid out with center E at a
point still further advanced in the cycle. It will be noted
from this illustration that the imaginary driving arm 0
has lengthened and that the arm P and link Q have short-
connecting link is now zero. At this point the velocity ratio
is at the maximum.
At the initial position of the Geneva transmission, which
is illustrated in Fig. 15, the length of the imaginary driving
arm is zero and the length of the driven link equal to BE,
the maxinlum acting radius of the driven wheel. The length
of the imaginary connecting link is also zero. In this case,
the ratio is evidently zero.
Determining the Velocity Ratios at Intermediate
Points.- It is now in order to show the method of finding
."\ I
I /
I //
I ",/
Fig. 16. Mechanism at Middle of Cycle, where Velocity Ratio is
at the Maximum
the velocity ratio at intermediate points. In Fig. 13, the
ratio is, by the law of leverages, --, as the connecting link
is normal to both levers, and in Fig. 14 the velocity ratio is
also --. (Compare with a pair of pulleys of radius AD
and BE, connected by a belt DE). By laying out a number
of lever systems, as in Figs. 13 and 14, the velocity curve
of a Geneva mechanism can be determined for as many
points as desired.
There is, however, a more direct method of determining
the velocity ratio. In Figs. 13 and 14, the triangles ADC
and BEG are similar by construction; therefore AD: BE: :
AG: BG. Hence -- equals --, and the velocity ratio is
equal to --. Lines AG and BG are the segments into
which the imaginary connecting link Q divides the line of
centers AB.
Laying out the Velocity Curve.- To layout the veloc-
ity curve, first divide the circumference EEh Fig. 17, into
any number of parts, preferably equal. Then from B draw
lines BX, BY, etc., through these points spaced out on the
circumference. From these lines BX, BY, etc., draw nor-
mals 40-40, 35-35, etc., intersecting the points on the cir-
cumference and the line of centers AB. Now, assuming
that A-15 along the line of centers measures 2.4 inches, and
B-15, 6 inches, the velocity ratio at point 15 on the circum..
ference equals 2.4 -;- 6 or 0.4. Compare this result with
the velocity curve in Fig. 18.
Now prepare for laying out the velocity curve by erecting
ordinates on the base line 0-90, Fig. 18, at equal distances
apart. Layoff on each ordinate a distance corresponding
A-5 A-I0
to the quotient obtained by dividing --, --, etc., and
B-5 B-I0
connect, .these points. The resulting curve will be tangent
to the base line at 0 and 90 and tangent to a line parallel
to the base at the vertex, as shown. The velocity begins at
zero, gradually increases to a maximum at the vertex of the
curve, and then gradually diminishes till at the end of the
cycle it again becomes zero.
Using the Velocity Curve.- If it is desired to find the
point at which a velocity of 100 per cent occurs, bisect the
line of centers AB, as in Fig. 19. On these segments draw
the semicircles ADG and GEB. Through point E where one
I E 6")j;<
Fig. 17. PrOcedure Followed in Gra.phica.lly Determining the Velocity of the Driven Member at Various Points along tlt.e Path of the Roller
Attached to the Driver
Curve which Shows the Velocity Ratio Between the Driving and Driven Members of a Geneva Mechanism at DiffereBt Points
along the Path of the Roller Attached to the Driver
i I
35 40 50 5,5 60
M M m
1401 I : I I I 125J!d;
Fig. 18.
Fig, 19. Method of Determining at which Point a Velocity Ratio of
100 Per Cent is Obtained in the Movement of the Driving
and Driven Membeu
Fig, 20. Construction Used to Determine at which Point a. Velocity
Ratio of 200 Per Cent is Obtained Between the Driving
and Driven Members
semicircle intersects the path of the center of the roller,
draw the line ED, intersecting the line of centers AB
through G. The angle GEB, being drawn on a diameter,
will be a right angle. From A drop a normal AD, inter-
secting DE. The velocity ratio is AG -7- BG, which equals 1.
The construction for the 200 per cent ratio is shown in
Fig. 20; in this case, the line of centers is trisected. Hori-
zontal line, may be drawn intersecting the velocity curve
in such a manner as to afford instant means for determin-
ing the velocity at any desired point. A ready method is
to determine by the means suggested in the preceding para-
graph, the height of ordinate H-45, Fig. 18, for a 100 per
cent increase. Then divide H-45 into five equal parts, each
of which will be equal to 20 per cent. Draw horizontal lines
through these points of division and where these lines in-
tersect the velocity curve, the velocity percentage will be
known. The whole range of the velocity curve can be treated
in this manner. It will be obvious that the velocity, after
the driving member has moved 10 degrees, is found at the
intersection of the ordinate 10 and the horizontal line
marked 20 per cent.
To find the angular position of the driven wheel, prolong
the lines BX, BY, etc., in Fig. 17, until they intersect arc
ET. Measure angles ABX, ABY, etc., and layoff below the
velocity curve, as shown in Fig. 18. The angular position
of the driven wheel corresponding to any position of the
driver can then be read off directly.
The only practical point in the design of the Geneva
transmission that will be referred to here is to call attention
to the desirability of enlarging the diameter of the driven
wheel, as shown at points R, Fig. 17. This permits of oper-
ating a locking mechanism while the driven wheel is con-
strained by the driver, and makes the Geneva stop of very
general application in automatic and semi-automatic ma-
Mechanisms of this general class may be used to stop a
machine automatically either at the conclusion of a series
of operations, possibly for stock renewal, or after a pre-
determined number of revolutions. Another function of a
stop mechanism is to prevent the transmission of power to
the machine whenever an abnormal operating condition
would result in damage to the machine. These and other
applications will be described.
Mechanism for Stopping Machine Automatically when
Reel is Filled with Wire.-The mechanism shown in Fig. 1
is part of a machine for insulating electric wire. The pur-
pose of this mechanism is to automatically disengage the
machine clutch and thus stop the machine when the reel
upon which the finished wire is being wound has been filled.
This leaves the operator free to attend to other duties while
the wire is being wound on the reel.
As the wire reel A gradually becomes filled, the roll B)
resting on the layers of wire, is forced outward, causing
the arm G, through a sliding clutch mechanism, to dis-
engage the power actuating the reel. The roll B is held
snugly against the wire by means of a weight (not shown)
connected to the arm G by the cable Y.
The driving shaft D for the reel is supported in bearing
E bolted to the machine base G. On this shaft is shrunk
the clutch member H which engages the clutch teeth on
sleeve J, to which gear K is keyed. Gear K meshes with
gear L keyed to the shaft M on which the reel is secured.
Sleeve N is a free fit in bearing F, and at its right-hand
end has a turned collar. One end of coil spring 0 is placed
in a hole drilled in the end of bearing F. This spring, when
released as explained later, serves to rotate sleeveN in
bearing F, so that the screw pin P, engaging a cam slot S
in the sleeve, causes the clutch to move axially, disengaging
the clutch members Hand J.
The latch for releasing the spring is shown at Q. This
latch slides radially in the guide R cast integral with bear-
ing F. The movement of this latch is controlled by the pin U
which is riveted to the latch and engages the deep cam slot
T in a projection on arm C. Arm C turns freely on drive
shaft D and is prevented from moving axially by the sta..
tionary pin V which engages a segmental groove in its hub.
When in its lowest position, the latch engages the pro-
jection I on the hand-lever W, which is a free fit on shaft D
but is kept from moving axially relative to sleeve Nand
shaft D by collar X pinned to this shaft. Incidentally, lever
W is pinned to the end of sleeve N and must therefore ro-
tate with it. Sleeve Z provides for an axial movement of
shaft D; the shaft slides in the sleeve, but is prevented
from rotating by a key engaging a spline in the shaft. This
sleeve is part of a shaft which is connected directly to the
driving motor shaft.
The wire passing on to a nearly full reel is indicated in
dot-and-dash lines in the end view. At this time, the last
layer of wire on the reel has forced the roll B and arm C
very nearly to their farthest right-hand position. During
this movement of the arm, the cam pin U has been f o r ~
outward radially until latch Q is just about to leave projec-
tion I on the hand-lever W. As soon as another layer of
wire is wound on the reel, the lever C will swing to the right
a corresponding amount and cam slot T will raise pin U,
so that latch Q will be entirely disengaged from projection I.
It should be mentioned that a torque has been developed
by the coil spring 0 which, up to this point, has held the
projection I tightly against the latch. As soon as the latch
releases the lever, the energy stored in the spring causes
Fig. 2. Mechanism for Automatically Stopping the Machine when New Bar
of Stock is Required
the lever to swing in a clockwise direction, rotating sleeve N
until pin P comes into contact with the opposite end of cam
slot S. The action of the pin in this slot will cause the
sleeve, together with lever W, shaft D, and clutch member
H, to move axially toward the left and thus disengage clutch
member Hfrom the clutch teeth in sleeve J. By disengaging
these clutch members, the power is thereby disconnected
from the r ~ l causing thel latter to stop, so that it can be
replaced by' an empty one.
there is no excessive end thrust on the bearing, a condition
which is typical of mechanisms of this type.
Stopping Machine for Stock Renewal.-A device for
stopping the machine when the bar of stock has all been
used is shown in Fig. 2; this result is accomplished by a
mechanism controlled by the disengagement of the feeding
device with the stock:' The mechanism is so designed as to
stop the machine with the jaws of the chuck open, so that a
new rod of stock may be inserted; it is also devised so that
the machine is not stopped nor the chuck opened until the
length of stock projected by the forward movement of the
feeding mechanism is acted on and severed from the re-
maining stock. This is accomplished by so constructing
the stop mechanism that it is thrown into operative position
when the feeding devices are disengaged from the stock,
but does not operate to stop the machine until the feeding
devices are again advanced.
In this construction, the slide A, connecting with the
feeding tube by the grooved collar B, is drawn back by a
spring when the stock passes beyond the feeding fingers,
there being no friction to hold it; this operates lever D
(shown dotted), the movement being made possible by the
widened space in the cam groove at E. This movement al-
lows the projection F to pass the latch G so that, on the next
revolution of the cam, the lever H, carrying the latch, is
rocked together with shaft I, which throws the driving
mechanism out of operation and also sounds the gong J to
notify the operator that a new piece of stock is needed.
Cork Cap. Disk Feeding Mechanism which Operates
Only When Caps are in the Receiving Position.- The
device shown in Fig. 3 is used in conjunction with a cap-
feeding mechanism for inserting cork disks in the caps.
As the caps are fed down the line the device places a cork
disk in each cap, after which the caps continue on their
way to other stations. The outstanding feature of the de-
vice is that it will not feed a cork disk R from the mag-
When the empty reel is in place, the hand-lever W is
merely swung downward to start the reel rotating. This
causes roll B to rest on the core of the reel and the cam
slot T to allow pin U to move downward, so that latch Q
once more engages the projection I and locks the lever in
position. This downward movement of the hand-lever, of
course, rotates the sleeve N so that the reverse action of
the pin in the cam slot S occurs, moving the sleeve N toward
the right and engaging the clutch members Hand J, thus
rotating the reel.
One outstanding feature of this arrangement is that
moo I-
azine Q unless there is a cap ready to receive it. This is
quite important, because it frequently happens that the flow
of caps is interrupted. If the device continued to feed the
cork disks, they would be wasted and in all probability, the
mechanism would jam.
This cork disk feeding mechanism is synchronized with
the cap-feeding mechanism, so that there is no chance for a
misstep in production. The cork disks R are stacked in the
vertical magazine or tube Q, which is kept in continuous
agitation so that the disks assume a horizontal position, the
upper ones falling down when those at the bottom are re-
moved. A feeding finger M, slightly larger in width than
the diameter of the cork disk, passes back and forth under
the stack of disks, pushing them, one by one, under the
plunger P. The plunger then forces the cork disk intothe
cavity provided for it in the cap. An anvil S is provided
under the caps to take the pressure of the plunger.
The finger M slides in a groove provided for it between
D and T. A hinged latch, consisting of parts K and Land
the latch part B, is fastened to the feeding finger per-
manently. Below the feeding finger is the driving slideF,
which functions in a groove between T and E. The driving
slide reciprocates continuously under the action of the
rocker arm H through the pin connection G. A groove cut
in the top of the driving slide corresponds in shape to the
projection C on latch B. When projection C rests in the
groove on the top of the driving slide, the feeding finger M
is reciprocated under the cork disk stack.
The mechanism is synchronized, so that a cork disk is in
place ready to be forced down by the plunger just at the
time when the cap begins to move from its place directly
ahead of the cork disk feeding mechanism. A feeler bar N
is placed at this point ahead of the cork disk feeding mech-
anism and, by its vertical motion, controls the feeding of
the cork disks. The feeler bar is guided in a slot cut in the
cap guide bar, and the opposite end rests in a slot in the
end of the lever A, where it is retained in place by a pin O.
Lever A, in turn, is pivoted on a screw V, and is balanced
about its pivot point so that the weight will be slightly
greater at the end where the feeler bar is located. This in-
sures the proper contact between the caps and the feeler
The opposite end of lever A rests on a horizontal projec-
tion on latch B and on the tapered button J. The tapered
button has a smooth vertical motion under the action of the
light spring U in the well provided for it in D.
The operation of this device' will be clearer by referring
to the three views in Fig. 4, which show lever A in three
different positions. The upper view shows the lever in the
position assumed when a cap is under the feeler bar. The
projection C on the latch is located in the slot on the driving
slide F. At the same time, the tapered button J is in con-
tact with the lever. The central view shows the position
of the parts when the feeding finger has pushed a cork disk
into place under plunger P. Lever A is in the same position
as in the upper view, which indicates that another cap is
under the feeler bar. The projection W on latch J1 has
depressed the tapered button, so that the projection C en-
gages the driving slide F. When there is no cap under the
feeler bar, the parts assume the positions shown in the
lower view. In this case, lever A has been raised from the
tapered button so that as the projection W rides up the ta-
pered surface it lifts projection C out of the slot in the
driving slide and thereby stops the movement of the feed-
ing finger M, Fig. 3.
Device that Prevents Engagement of Clutch Until
Slide is in Operating Position.-The rotating spinning
tool of a machine for spinning an inaccessible joint in
kitchenware had to be of the expanding and contracting
type to allow access to the work. The machine clutch was
required to be disengaged and the rotary movement of the
tool positively stopped while the tool entered the work, as
-, < 3:lD a (.) L&.
otherwise, the centrifugal force would cause the tool to
expand and damage the work. To prevent the operator
from accidentally leaving the clutch engaged at this time,
the simple locking arrangement shown in Fig. 5 was
The tool-spindle A rotates in bearings Band C, which are
cast integral with a vertical tool-slide D. This slide is fed
downward by a foot-pedal, which actuates a rack and pin-
ion. The foot-pedal and rack and pinion are not shown in
the illustration. The machine clutch is operated by lever E,
pivoted to the bracket cast on the machine frame F. This
lever is connected to the clutch mechanism by a link G. The
interlocking arrangement consists merely of the dog H on
the hub of lever E and the stop L, which is secured to the
vertical slide by a npton the stud J. This stop is of angu-
lar shape and has 3 slight vertical adjustment to accom-
modate similar work of different sizes. ~ adj ustment is
provided by the elongated holes for the aligning pins K and
stud J.
The slide is shown in its working or lowest position, and
the stop is down far enough to allow dog H to pass when
the lever is swung in a clockwise direction to engage the
machine clutch. In swinging the lever for this purpose,
however, the dog is moved toward the left, thus blocking
the return of the stop, with the slide, while the clutch is
engaged. After the work has been spun, the operator must
shift lever E back again to disengage the clutch before re-
turning the slide to its upper position. Thus, when the
slide is at any other point than the lowest point indicated,
ihe dog will come in contact with the stop and preve,nt the
lever from being swung clockwise to engage the clutch.
Roller Clutch with Tripping Device.-In designing spe-
cial machinery, it is often necessary to provide a tripping
clutch similar to that used on a power press. Such clutches
may be required to have the added safety feature of not
repeating should the operator fail to take his foot off the
starting treadle. Special wire or pipe bending machines,
special cutting-off machines, and single-action machines for
such operations as gluing, notching, stamping, and scoring,
are typical machines on which clutches of this kind are
used. To meet the requirements of such machines, the
clutch shown in Fig. 6 was designed. Although not new in
principle, the design has been developed to a point where
the device is light in weight, compact, and effective in ac-
tion. Different applications may, of course, necessitate
Fig. 5. Safety Device that Prevents Expanding Spinning Tool from
Being Operated while it is Entering or Leaving Work
changes in the mounting, treadle action, and driving means.
When the machine is in operation, the flywheel A re-
volves continuously. Shaft B remains stationary until the
operator depresses the foot-treadle. When the treadle is
pressed down, shaft B makes one complete revolution and
stops, regardless of whether the operator removes his foot
from the treadle or keeps the treadle depressed. In order
to cause the shaft B to make another complete revolution,
the treadle must be allowed to return to its normal position
and be depressed again.
Briefly, the action of the tripping device is as follows:
When the foot-treadle is depressed, the treadle-rod pulls
plate X to the right against the tension of spring Y. This
movement brings latch 0 into contact with collar U at V,
causing rod T to move to the right against the tension of
spring R. The downward movement of the foot-treadle is
continued until the latch P at the end of rod T is disen..
gaged from the nose J of the friction roller cage, also shown
in Fig. 7. The friction roller cage, being thus released, is
revolved clockwise on the hub of collar E through the action
of spring K fastened to pins Land M, Fig. 7. Referring to
Fig. 6, it will be noted that collar E is keyed to shaft B.
Now as the roller cage revolves, it carries the rollers N
with it, forcing the rolls to climb up the cam surfaces of
the cam member D, which is keyed to shaft B. The rollers
finally reach a point where they act as wedges between
cam D and the hardened steel ring G, which is pressed into
the hub of the flywheel A. Flywheel A then drives shaft B
forward in the direction indicated by the arrow, the roller
cage and collar E revolving with the shaft.
The shaft B is revolved but a fractional part of a revolu-
tion before the cam Q, secured to collar E, comes in contact
with the cam I at the end of plate X, causing plate X to
pivot about pin W against the tension of spring F. This
action serves to disengage collar U from contact with latch
o at point V, allowing spring R to force rod T back into
[ 1] J]
Fig. 7. Roller Cage J, Collar E, and Cam D of Clutch
Shown in Fig. 6
Fig. 8. Electrical Tripping Device that Stops Machine when Chain
Breaks or when the Slack Varies
in bead-chain forming machines and then delivered to other
machines where it is cut off to the required length for as-
sembly in the sockets. In the cutting-off machines, the
chain is passed over two sprockets A and B, Fig. 8. Creep-
ing of the chain on the sprockets is one of the major trou-
bles experienced with these machines; and if the machine
continues running after creeping occurs, mutilation of the
chain in another part of the machine results.
It was found that this difficulty could be overcome by
lower view. However, the construction is such that the
latch can be located at any desired angle relative to the
roller cage. To insure efficient operation of the safety de-
vice, care should be taken to see that the rod T slides freely
in its bearings, and that spring R has a very snappy action.
All wearing parts should, of course, be hardened.
Tripping Device for Bead-Chain Cutting-Off Machine.-
Bead chain made of brass is used in large quantities for
electric-light pull-:sockets. This chain is wound on spools
shaft B stops, while the flywheel continues to revolve. All
parts of the device are now in the positions shown in Fig. 6,
ready for the tripping operation to be repeated. While
the treadle-rod and the latches are shown in a horizontal
position in the illustration, they are usually located in a
vertical position, plate S being mounted on the machine
frame, portions of which are shown in cross-section in the
the position shown, with the latch P ready to engage nose J
of the roller cage when it has made a complete revolution.
As the rolls are prevented from. moving forward by the
roller cage when nose J is stopped by latch P, their wedging
action between the ring G and the cam D is released and
maintaining a certain amount of slack between the sprock-
ets; and to obtain this condition, the tripping arrangement
shown was incorporated in the machine. The tripping
mechanism is so arranged that if the slack becomes appre-
ciably greater- or less than that indicated, the chain closes
the electric circuit of a solenoid. This causes the core of
the solenoid to release a clutch which stops the machine.
The operator then gives the chain the required amount of
slack. One' of the advantages of this type of tripping de-
vice is that the chain is not required to lift or support any
weighted latch member in order to close the circuit; the
chain itself closes the circuit. In addition to this, if the
chain breaks, the circuit is also closed, causing the solenoid
to stop the machine.
The tripping arrangement consists chiefly of the fiber
slide C, which is guided in the stationary block D. On the
slide are mounted two sets of rolls E and F. At the end
of the small pins on which the rolls turn, copper wires are
soldered. These wires are connected to the two main wires
G and H leading to the solenoid (not shown). It will be
noted that slide C has a floating action, its weight being
supported by the spring attached to screw J. This pre-
vents excessive pressure of the upper rolls on the chain.
Screw J can be adjusted so that the chain is normally half
way between the upper and lower sets of rolls. The slide
is made from fiber in order to insulate it from the machine,
and the machine is separated from its foundation by layers
of insulation to prevent grounding of the current.
The action of the device is as follows: If the chain creeps
forward on sprocket B, the slack will increase until the
chain rests on rolls F. This closes the circuit formed by
wires G and H and operates the solenoid, which, in turn,
releases the clutch and stops the machine. If the creeping
of the chain is such that the slack is reduced, a similar
action of the solenoid occurs, the chain being drawn against
rolls E, in this case, and thus closing the circuit.
Fig. 9. Quick-tripping Mechanillm for Clamping Device
involute cam F pivoted in a slot cut through the middle of
the plate cam. These two cams actuate the cam-roll C
which perforn1s the required tripping and releasing opera-
The shaft B, to which the plate cam A is keyed, has a
reversing motion. It revolves approximately 180 degrees
Quick - Tripping Mechanism for Clamping Device.-
In designing a special clamping device, it was necessary
to incorporate a quick-tripping mechanism which would
provide for a rather slow releasing and an almost instan-
taneous clamping action. The mechanism designed for this
purpose consists of common plate cam A (Fig. 9), and an
in a counter-clockwise direction, reverses, and then returns
to the starting position, this oscillating movement being
continuous. As the plate cam A revolves in a counter-clock-
wise direction, the roll C is gradually depressed by the
cam F, causing the clamping device to be released slowly.
When the cam F the point where the roll C is in
contact with the lobe E of the cam A, the clamp is fully re-
leased, and continued rotation of the cam brings the end
of the adjusting screw of latch I into contact with roll C,
causing the latch to release cam F and allowing the springs
G to draw the cam into the position shown by the dotted
At this point the direction of rotation of shaft B is re-
versed by a mechanism on the machine, which is not shown
in the illustration. As the cam assembly turns in a clock-
wise direction, the roll C reaches the end of the dwell sur-
face of lobe E and is returned into contact with the con-
centric portion of cam A with a very sudden action through
the tension exerted by spring D. This sudden movement
of roll C engages the clamping device almost instantly. As
the cam continues to rotate, the roll C comes into contact
with the protruding end of cam F. As the tension of spring
D is sufficient to overcome the tension of springs G, the
cam F is returned to the position shown by the full lines,
where it is held by latch I, which is under the tension of the
flat spring J. The mechanism is thus set in position for a
repetition of the cycle just described, upon the reversal of
the shaft B.
Mechanism for Stopping a Machine After a Given
Number of Revolutions.-The mechanism shown in Fig. 10
is designed for use on either a hand- or a power-driven ma-
chine. The object of the device is to control the number of
pieces fed into an assembly from a magazine, by auto-
matically stopping the machine at the end of the count.
The device is applicable to any kind of machine in which
a shaft or the complete machine is required to be stopped
Mechanism with a and Nut Arranged to Disconnec.t the Driving Clutch
after a Given Number of Revolutions .
after a given number of revolutions. The machine or shaft
remains idle until the work is removed and the handle M
is moved to the starting position.
A pulley (not shown) drives the main tubular shaft B
through clutch members E, F, and G. Shaft B, in turn,
drives the machine. The pulley is keyed to the hub of
clutch spider E. The circular barrel F, having thirty in-
ternal is positively secured within the four arms of
spider E and revolves with the pulley. The connecting
and disconnecting circular clutch member G between Band
F has thirty external teeth designed to mesh with the teeth
in F at P. Member G is a sliding fit on shaft B, but is pre-
vented from rotating on it by key R.
The concentric spring-pad ring S, mounted on three slid-
ing pins U, is backed up by three compression springs T.
On the face of this pad is riveted a piece of brake lining or
fabric which provides a frictional engagement between
F and G. This friction clutch is adjusted to allow two
revolutions before the speeds of the two revolving mem-
bers become synchronized and the teeth become positively
engaged at P.
Within the shaft B is a sliding rod K having crosswise
holes near each end, through which two pins L are driven.
These pins project through slots in the sides of the shaft.
Shaft B has either a buttress or a square thread with a lead
and a horizontal length that is sufficient to provide for the
largest number of revolutions required. The half-nut H is
a sliding fit in the channel I, mounted on the slide J. The
threaded hole in nut H is elongated on one side an amount
equal to a little more than double the depth of the thread.
The thread is also cut away until only about one-half of the
threaded circumference is left for engagement.
The pin N in the cross-slide actuates the transfer chan-
nel I, either engaging the half-nut H with the lead-screw or
disengaging it, by its action on the cam slot 0 in the sliding
portion of handle M. Two coil tension springs Q are at..
tached to the half-nut, their opposite ends being positively
fixed to the left-hand bearing on the machine. The half-nut
is shown just making contact with the front of clutch mem-
ber G. As shaft B continues to revolve, the nut advances
until the clutch teeth at P are disengaged. The member G
then comes in contaG,t with pin L as both G and K are moved
forward, disconnecting the clutch pad S from frictional con-
tact with F. The machine is thus stopped, allowing the
clutch barrel to run idle.
When it is desired to start the machine, the handle M is
puIIed forward, causing the nut to become momentari};y dis-
engaged from the lead-screw, so that it returns instantly to
its left-hand position, and is in mesh again with the lead-
screw thread. On its return movement, nut H strikes the
pin L at the left and causes the friction pad S to engage
F. This, in turn, causes G to rotate in synchronism with E,
so that the teeth at P are engaged by means of rod K and
pins L. This starts the machine, and the nut begins to
travel on the lead-screw toward the clutch, where it repeats
the stopping operation. Cam slot 0 is designed to lock the
nut channel in its propeL' position while the nut is
on the lead-screw.
When the nut is disengaged from the lead-screw by
handle M, it is returned by springs Q and caused to strike
pin L at the left, thus being held momentarily in contact
with the pin. The nut cannot start back until it has caused
the clutch to engage and thus commence the count. The
springs T under the pad S act as buffers against the sudden
return impact of the nut on pin L, and allow the clutch to
engage more smoothly. Screws at the back of the com-
pression springs T provide means for adjusting the spring
pad to give the proper synchronizing friction and buffer
action. Screw V in the half-nut is adjusted to give the
exact number of revolutions required. Any desired number
of revolutions within the range of the lead-screw can be
obtained by using a split washer of the right thickness on
the contacting face of nut H or by screwing pins of the
required length into the face of the nut.
For a large number of revolutions which would require
a lead-screw of excessive length, if arranged as illustrated,
the nut can be operated on an independent screw in a chan-
nel at one side of the clutch, using speed reducing gears
between it and shaft B. In this case, the nut is made wide
enough to surround shaft B and long enough to lead prop-
erly in its guiding channel. However, with a lead-screw
12 inches long, having 18 threads per inch cut on shaft B,
over 200 shaft revolutions can be obtained before the clutch
is disengaged. This is sufficient for most counting and
machine stopping operations.
Stopping Spring Fat'igue Testing Machine at Time of
Breakage.- An old punch press is used as a fatigue testing
machine for shock absorber springs. The equipment op-
erates twenty-four hours a day and a small counter indi-
cates the number of times the spring is compressed. In the
past, when a spring broke during the night, the machine
continued to operate and a wrong number of compressions
was recorded.
The problem was solved by installing a photo-electric re-
lay in such. a position that the light beam passes beneath
the bottom of the plunger when the plunger is in its lowest
position. With this arrangement, the spring intercepts the
light beam and prevents it from falling upon the photo-tube
under ordinary circumstances. When the spring
however, it collapses and the beam passes over it to the
photo-tube, which actuates a relay and stops the operation
of the machine.
Power Press Stop Mechanism which Disengages Clutch
when Magazine Feed Jams.-When parts become jammed
as they are fed from a magazine to the dies of a press, it
is likely to prove disastrous, not only to the die members,
but to the press members as well. The most practical
method of preventing damage .in such a case is to stop the
press instantaneously at the top of its stroke by some auto-
matic means. This is done by the mechanism shown in
Figs. 11 and 12, which makes it possible for one operator
to tend three presses running at about 75 revolutions per
This arrangement, as applied to a battery of power
presses equipped with automatic feed mechanisms, has
proved highly satisfactory. In addition to eliminating dam-
age to press and die members, this mechanism also provides
a valuable safety feature in that the movement of two levers
is required to start the press; hence, both of the operator's
hands must be on these levers at this time and out of the
danger zone.
Only the magazine feed-slide and tripping mechanism
are shown. They are mounted on the baseplate A, which
is secured to the press at a point adj acent to the magazine.
The feed-slide, which is indicated at B, reciprocates in
guides on the block C, this block being fastened to the base-
plate. The reciprocating movement of the feed-slide is ob-
tained through link D, rocker arm E, lever F, and cross-
head G. Rocker arm E pivots about the stationary sleeve J,
and lever F is pivoted to arm E at K. The lower end of
lever F enters a slot in the side of sleeve J and is held
against the side of plunger L by the spring M (Fig. 12).
With this arrangement, arm E and lever F oscillate
mally as an integral unit. Thus, link D, which is attached
at its upper end to the press ram, oscillates arm E and
lever F, imparting an oscillating movement to the cross-
head G, which operates in the vertical guides H on the
The oscillating movement of the cross-head causes the
feed-slide to reciprocate and push the work from the maga-
zine into the die. However, should jamming of the feed-
slide occur, the lower end of lever F would immediately
swing away from the side of plunger L and cause the trip-
ping levers N, Z, and P to operate, as will be explained
_____-1. I
8 o0---r--
View of Power Press Stop Mecha.nisro (shown in Fig, 12) which Disengages Clutch when Magazine Feed Jams
- 1
I J t;
<"_ I I
I' I I
It....../'............ , II
+- 0""'-:::-- '1 /1 ( \ I .
II ,.... ,,_ ."".1
t--------j / I "' .f 1-, I - I -..::u::
-+--1 ,- I -----+----.-l--------- -T-L---'--'------
I I l I I: l, Jl J---:::::......, I : I :\
1-, I' I, I IL I __ "'.... I '\\ , \ 0..:" II I II .......
I I v II II I I /I.' L (, .... _..... ,\, , , , 1:""<'1 U-.J) 'I II
I II II I E __-- V ! - 1'. I .., .. 11 I
I I II 'I I\.. -- K ....__..... I \ II II J:.: I 1- --<- \ I I . I I
l/ I I I .... ---- I =J \1 Il II
"c.Jl 1- _' I ,"'--1 --j
" ,......-1---- =-"":;:.-::> "
," I 0 . ..
'1 __ ........
1,/ _-_ .....
Fig. 12. Tripping Mechanism which Automatically Disengages the Press Clutch when the Magazine Feed Jams
later. Levers Nand Z are pivoted at S. Bracket U, se-
cured to lever N, is held against the adj usting screw T in
plunger L (Fig. 11) by means of the coil spring R, thus
holding plunger L in engagement with lever F. Latch Q,
on lever Z, is normally held in engagement with lever P by
the spring V. Link W (Fig. 12) is connected to the clutch
mechanism, and when moved toward the right disengages
the clutch and stops the press ram at the top of its stroke.
The Tripping Action when a Jam Occurs.- Assuming
that the feed-slide B has jammed, the movement of the
slide will be shortened or discontinued altogether, so that
the lower end of lever F will leave plunger L, allowing the
plunger to be forced further into the sleeve J by the lever
N. As levers Nand Z swing together (by resetting and
when jamming occurs only), the latch Q leaves the
end of lever P, allowing this lever and link W to move to-
ward the right under the action of a spring (not shown)
and stop the press at the top of the stroke. The cause of
the jamming can then be removed.
To restart the press, the operator grasps levers Z and P.
Lever Z is swung toward the right, carrying lever N back
into contact with the stop-pin X, and thus allowing the
shoulder at the end of plunger L to once more engage the
lower end of lever F. After this, lever Z is swung slightly
to the left to clear the notched end of lever P. Lever P
is then swung to the left until its notched end engages the
latch Q, thus throwing in the press clutch.
As the work is fed to the dies on the upward stroke of
the ram, jamming of the feed-slide usually occurs at this
time; hence, the press is stopped at the completion of this
stroke, thus preventing damage to the press tools. This
arrangement also insures the safety of the operator, as
both hands are occupied with levers Z and P when starting
the press.
Device Stops Press if Punch Breaks.-
Electromagnetic devices for stopping a punch press by re-
Fig. 13. Mechanical Device for Stopping Press if Piercing Punch is Broken
chanical type, but there are times when such equipment is
not desirable, especially when it is possible to install a non-
magnetic device that is cheaper and practically as simple as
the circuit-closing mechanism required for operating the
electromagnet. Such a device is shown in Fig. 13. It is
designed to stop the press and prevent the work from being
leasing the clutch when the machine or dies fail to function
properly are sometimes used (see Ingenious Mechanisms,
Vol. I, page 148). Serious damage to the dies or press is
often prevented by such devices. Electromagnetically con-
trolled devices have numerous advantages over the all-me-
spoiled in the event that the small piercing punch P becomes
Referring to the illustration, latch A is attached to the
frame of the press in such a position that the hook N will
snap over the hand trip-lever B or an auxiliary member
that operates parallel with the trip-lever when the latter is
depressed sufficiently to engage the press clutch. If punch
P is broken, the dog C, which swings freely in an extension
of the punch-holder D, is pushed outward into the position
shown by the dotted lines. On the next down movement,
dog C trips latch A and releases the clutch.
The mechanism by which dog C is pushed outward is
clearly shown in the illustration. The pressure exerted by
the spring F is just sufficient to overcome the friction of
the moving parts and the weight of dog C. Thus the pres-
sure of the finger H on the small punch is not great enough
to deflect the punch. The direction in which the spring
pressure acts is indicated by the arrows.
The cam E is used to operate dog C in preference to a
direct connection with the levers, because any jamming
effect on the dog will not be transmitted through the levers
to the small punch. Finger H is backed up by a spring I,
and moves up and down the punch, the knob G striking a
depression in the stripper plate. The movements are so
timed that finger Hdoes not touch the strip stock. It is
evident that the basic principles here described can be em-
ployed in a great variety of lever arrangements that may
be designed to suit different conditions.
Automatic Brake Mechanisms.- To safely hoist, hold,
and lower a load, hoisting machinery is usually equipped
with so-called safety, automatic, or retaining brakes. These
brakes permit a load to be lifted freely by the motor, and
lock the brake by the gravity action of the load as soon as
the lifting torque of the motor ceases to act in the hoisting
direction. The load is retained by the brake in any posi-
tion, and only when the motor runs in the lowering direc-
tion is the acting power of the brake diminished, allowing
the load to descend. The speed at which the load drops is
regulated and determined by the lowering speed of the
motor, while the brake, in the meantime, absorbs by friction
the greater part of the potential energy of the dropping
load, and generates heatin the brake.
Fig. 14 represents what is known as the Weston brake,
which is the typical form of a very large class of automatic
brakes used on hand and electric cranes to control the load.
A pinion A mounted loosely on the shaft has formed on one
hub a spiral surface normal to the shaft, and on the op-
posite end a faced surface to present to the friction disks e.
A collar D, fast on the shaft, has a spiral surface which
engages that of the pinion hub, and is backed up by a split
washer or other device to resist end-pressure along the
shaft. A flange B, loose on the shaft, has a faced surface
similar to that on pinion A, and carries a ratchet to engage
with a pawl C. A series of friction disks. e is placed be-
tween the faced surfaces on A and B in such a manner that
the disks in contact with A and B are keyed by sliding
feathers to B and A, respectively, as shown at X and y ~
This gives each disk a motion opposite to that of its
neighboring surfaces, and each two surfaces in contact hav-
ing opposite directions of rotation form one friction surface
of the brake. Thus the brake shown has five friction sur-
faces and four washers or disks. These disks are made of
various materials; alternate disks of steel and brass, or
steel and fiber are frequently used, and also polished saw
steel for all the disks. The shaft revolves in the direction
of the arrow on the right to hoist, and with the arrow on
the left to lower; ratchet teeth are formed to permit the
rotation of the flange B when hoisting, and prevent it when
lowering; pawl C is counterweighted to throw it into en-
gagement with the ratchet; flange B is backed against a
shoulder on the shaft, so that all the end-thrust is taken by
.. "
" z
z Z
I z z '"
I ......
ing the locked condition and holding the load suspended. A
further motion of the shaft results in a repetition of this
cycle, and the act of lowering the load consists of an in-
the shaft between this shoulder and the split collar E, and
the brake is self-contained.
Action of the Weston Type of Automatic Brake.-The ac-
tion of this brake is as follows: Suppose a load acts on the
pinion A (Fig. 14) tending to revolve it in the direction
of the left-hand arrow, and the shaft begins to turn in the
direction of the right-hand arrow. D being fast on the
shaft will.revolve opposite to A, which will cause the spirals
to slip or bind slightly and thrust A toward B, thus clamp-
ing the disks e between A and B, the end-thrust of D and B
being taken by the shoulders on the shaft. In this manner
Fig. 14. Weston Type of Automatic BrakE' for Use with Hoisting Machinery
the whole mechanism consisting of D, A, e, and B is locked
solidly together, and is made fast upon the shaft; thus the
pinion A is driven and the load raised.
To lower, the shaft is turned in the direction of the left-
hand arrow, carrying D with it, and since A (at the begin-
ning) is clamped tightly to B through the disks e, and B is
prevented from rotating by the pawl C, D is given motion
relative to A in the direction of releasing the spirals, and
hence the thrust upon A. As soon as this thrust is relieved,
A turns freely in the direction of the left-hand arrow under
the influence of the load, and, overhauling the shaft with its
collar D, brings the spirals again into contact, reestablish-
finite number of such repetitions in a unit of time, the mo-
tion of the loadresulting from each cycle being infinitesimal,
thus making the motion of the descending load uniform.
Special Type of Weston Brake.- Another type of Weston
brake, embodying exactly the same principle as that shown
in Fig. 14, is shown in Fig. 15. The ratchet is free to re-
volve when hoisting, but is held by two silent pawls from
turning in, the lowering direction. The friction nut is
geared' to .'the motor and the retaining shaft with gear
pinion leads to the hoisting drum. The retaining shaft
and friction nut are threaded either right- or left-hand,
according to the hoisting direction. The friction flange is
keyed to the retaining shaft and mates with the friction nut
by means of three jaws which have about 15 degrees angu-
lar play. The friction flange drives the pinion direct
through tongued and grooved projections between the pin-
ion and flange. Any tendency of the load to revolve the
retaining shaft when the motor is at rest causes the friction
flange with! friction disk to be pressed against the ratchet
wheel and the thrust washer of the nut, due to the action
of the threads. The friction of this washer against the
ratchet wheel, which, as already explained, does not turn
in the lowering direction, is sufficient to hold the load. Upon
starting the motor to lower, it turns the friction nut and
relieves a certain amount of pressure on the washers, until
the pressure is overcome so far as to permit the load to
revolve the friction flange in unison with the speed of
friction nut, or motor. In hoisting, the jaws of the friction
nut and flange engage, thus relieving the brake of all
Certain types of machines or other forms of mechanical
apparatus are likely to be subjected to excessive overloads
resulting possibly in breakage of one or more parts unless
provision is made to prevent, automatically, any dangerous
overloading. These overloads are due to some abnormal
operating condition and the function of the relief or release
mechanism is to automatically disconnect the machine or
driven member from the Rource of power, thus safeguard-
ing it against excessive strains and serious damage. These
overload relief mechanisms may be classed as a form of
tripping or stop mechanism designed especially to safe...
guard a machine or its parts against excessive strains and
Automatic Overload Release for Worm-Gear Drive.-
A machine for cutting coal in mining is subjected to such
strains, jerks, and shocks that some overload protection is
essential. A cast-iron safety washer which has been ap-
plied on mining machinery for many years has certain dis-
advantages which have been overcome by the improved
overload release to be described. The safety washer is used
in conjunction with a worm-gear drive, as shown by the
left-hand sketch, Fig. 1. This washer is placed over the
worm and is held by a nut and a short section of pipe. The
idea is to make this washer strong enough to hold the worm
in place under normal loads. If the load is excessive, how-
ever, the thrust of the worm will break the washer, thus
releasing the worm from its driving key.
An overload release designed to eliminate certain dis-
Fig. 1. (Left) Cast-iron Safety Washer Release; '(Right) Improved
Type of Overload Release
advantages of the safety washer is shown by the sketch
at the right of the illustration. The worm is held in the
running position by the coil spring A, the tension of which
may be adjusted by nut B on the worm-shaft. A jaw
causing the small coil spring at H to swing clutch handle J
from position K to L, which locks the worm in the out or
disengaged position. To reset, lever J is simply returned
to its former place, which permits the driving and driven
parts of clutch C to come into engagement.
It is important to have the ball thrust bearing M be-
tween spring A and nut B, because when the clutch is in
the disengaged position, the worm-shaft and nut must
necessarily continue to turn, while the worm is idle. The
teeth of clutch C should be rounded at the edges to prevent
damage at the moment of disengagement under load.
This mechanism is quick and positive, and can be applied
to various other drives, especially when a machine is likely
to encounter some obstruction due to careless adjustment
or operation. It can be utilized to provide overload pro-
tection when a machine is running in one direction but not
in the other. For example, many machines are geared for
a higher speed during the return stroke, and overload pro-
tection is desirable for this reversal or backward movement.
Various other applications will be apparent to designers.
It is obvious that every machine subject to overload should
have its safety device, for the same reason that motoFs need
fuses and circuit-breakers.
Worm-Gear Equipped with Friction Drive that Prevents
Overload.-A friction release is incorporated in the worm-
gear shown in Fig. 2. This gear was designed for use in
a wrapping machine in which failure of any part to func-
tion would merely result in slippage of the drive gear. The
same principle, however, has many applications in special
and automatic machinery.
Instead of making the gear from one piece, it is con-
structed from three pieces, namely, a hub, a ring on which
the teeth are cut, and a friction disk. These are assembled,
as shown at the left, by six bolts. Originally helical springs
were placed between the disk and the bolt heads, as shown
at A, but in this particular application, it was found that
clutch C is used instead of a driving key, and the extended
worm-shaft has an outer bearing at D.
The action of the mechanism is as follows: During nor-
mal load, the parts are in the relative positions shown. If
there is an overload, the worm thrust compresses spring A
so that clutch C is disengaged. This axial movement of the
worm is transmitted through ring E and rods F to plate G,
spring lock-washers were satisfactory if the studs were not
screwed up too tight. The use of helical springs, however,
is recommended when slippage must occur at any accurately
specified stress. After the proper adj ustment has been
made, the bolts are restrained from turning by the wire B
which passes through holes in the heads of the bolts. To
insure concentricity, it is best to grind the surfaces as indi-
cated at the right,allowing just enough clearance to offer
a free-running fit. These units are then assembled, after
which the teeth are cut just the same as in any regular gear.
Before adopting this design, the gear was tested by
means of a prony-brake nlechanism, comprising a pinion
drive, a brake-shoe, and an arm that worked in conjunc-
tion with an ordinary weight scale. The precision with
which the drive could be made to release was quite surpris-
ing. A prony-brake mechanism is recommended for ad-
justing units for a given load that must be maintained
closely. The hub and gear ring of the worm-gear are made
of bronze, and the friction disk is made of steel.
Another Overload Release of Friction .Type for
Gears or for Other Rotating Members.- The release clutch
shown in Fig. 3 is of the friction type and has proved very
satisfactory in protecting parts of machine drives against
overloading. The device can be built directly into a spur
or worm gear and requires no additional space; hence it
can be easily incorporated in a drive where no provision
was originally made for such a device. The clutch is of
simple design and very economical to build, since standard
gears requiring only a little extra machining can be used.
The friction disks used are standard Ford parts, costing less
than five cents each.
Gear A is provided with six equally spaced holes B con-
taining the pins C. These pins engage notches in the fric-
tion disks E and act as drivers. Other disks F are pro-
vided with lugs H which engage corresponding notches
drilled in hub J. Disks E and F are free to slide on each
< ~
Fig. 3. Gear EqUipped with Friction Drive for Stopping the Driven shaft
when Excessive Loads are Applied
other. They are held tightly against the web of gear A
by hub J and collar L, the required pressure being trans-
mitted to the hub and collar by the springs M on the
shoulder-screws N. With this arrangement, gear A, pins
C, and disks E comprise the driving member of the clutch,
Fig. 4. Overload Friction Release with Adjustment for Controlling Point of Release
The object of this device is to prevent damage to the valve-
lifting mechanism in case the valve gate should be sud-
denly stopped by some obstruction.
The main spur gear unit consists of a manganese bronze
rim A (Fig. 4), about 37 inches in diameter, with teeth
cut on its outer face. The gear is free to rotate in a groove
formed by the cast-steel casing B and the cover C, which
are bolted rigidly together and keyed to the gear-shaft D.
In the casing is an internal brake-band E of cast steel,
mitted is directly proportional to the total axial spring
pressure applied on the clutch disks and their coefficient of
sliding friction, and can be controlled by proper spring ad-
Overload Friction Release for a large Gear Drive.-
Each machine operating the large valves for filling and
emptying the locks of a certain ship canal has embodied
within the main spur gear an overload friction release.
and disks F, hub J, springs M, screws N, and collar L, the
driven member.
Any excessive torque applied to the driven shaft will
cause the friction disks to slide on each other, thus stop-
ping the rotation of the driven shaft until the excessive
torque is removed. The magnitude of the torque trans-
which has an asbestos lining secured to it with copper
rivets. The band is pivoted to the casing by the pinF.
A spring-actuated lever is provided to expand the brake-
band and press it against the rim. Thus the torque is
transmitted from the gear teeth through the brake-band
to the casing and the shaft D to which the valve-
operating drum is The spring mounting is adj ust-
able, so that the proper load can be applied to the lever
and the load regula.ted to compensate for wear on the band
and rim. With this arrangement, the gear unit acts as a
whole. However, should a log or other foreign material ob-
struct the valve, slippage would occur between the bronze
rim and the brake-band and thus prevent damage to the
machine or valve.
Pneumatic Overload Relief Mechanism for Automatically
Disengaging Clutch at Remote Point.- A conveyor sys-
tem is employed in a certain plant for delivering gravel
over a relatively long distance to a washing and screening
machine. Too large a quantity of material fed into the
machine is likely to cause damage; to prevent this, an over-
load relief mechanism is provided on the machine for stop-
ping the conveyor, the power for which is applied at some
distance from the point of delivery of the gravel. With
this the relief mechanism opens a valve in a
compressed air line when the machine is overloaded and
delivers air to a cylinder, the piston of which disengages
the conveyor clutch.
This mechanism is shown in Fig. 5; the air cylinder and
conveyor clutch are omitted, as their design is generally
known. The driving gear A, which rotates at a constant
speed, transmits the required rotary movement to the ma-
chine through gears Band C and another gear (not shown).
Gear C is secured by pin E to the hollow shaft D, supported
in the stationary bearings G and H. Gear B is a running
and sliding fit on this shaft, but when the machine is not
overloaded, is caused to rotate with gear C by the bar F.
Balls secured to the ends of this bar engage corresponding
ball sockets in gears Band C.
Plunger J which operates the valve P in the compressed
air line Q when the machine is overloaded is a sliding fit
inside of the hollow shaft. Plunger J contains a groove K
which is engaged by the two fingers L. These fingers are
pivoted in the collar M, which is pinned to the hollow shaft.
At the left-:hand ends of fingers L are rollers N, which rest
on thetapefed hub of gear B. The fingers L, gear B, and
plunger J are held normally in the position shown by the
coil spring O. The collar-nuts T provide the necessary ad-
justment for setting the tension of spring 0 to hold gear B
in the position indicated when the machine is not over-
In operation, gear A rotates shaft D in the direction indi-
cated by the arrow. When the machine is running under a
normal load, gear B maintains the axial position shown.
However, if the load becomes excessive, the pressure against.
the ball ends of bar F will increase so that the bar will push
gear B toward the right. As this movement occurs, the
tapered hub of gear B opens fingers L, which causes plunger
J to be forced toward the left and the button in valve P
to be depressed.
In this way, air is a.dmitted to the line Q leading to the
clutch-operating cylinder, which causes the piston to dis-
engage the clutch and stop the conveyor. When the exces-
sive load on the machine is relieved, gear B once more re-
turns to the normal position shown, causing plunger J to
move toward the right and close the air valve. Springs
provided on the air cylinder then return the piston and thus
re-engage the conveyor clutch.
It should be mentioned that a small hole is drilled in the
air cylinder head at the pressure end to permit the air to
escape when the piston is actuated by the springs. This
allows the air to leak out of the cylinder fast enough to per-
mit the springs to return the piston when the air valve P
/ ,
--/-- -\-
_""- .L_
is closed, but not so fast that full line-pressure will not
operate the piston. This leak hole has another important
advantage in that it prevents the operation of the clutch
cylinder through leakage which might occur in the valve P.
Overload Relief for Oscillating Lever.-Arelease mech-
anism that was designed for a feed slide subject to jam-
Fig, 6. Arrangement for Automatically Disengaging a Driving Lever from its Shaft when the
Load Becomes Exc'}ssive
ming but that can also be applied to various types of move-
ments is shown in Fig. 6. Oscillating shaft A transmits a
reciprocating movement to link B connected to the feed
slide (not shown) through the lever C. Lever C is a slip
fit on the shaft, but is prevented from turning by a locking
arrangement consisting of lever D, locking bar E, locking
plate F secured to a projection on lever C, and spring G.
At the oute:r end of lever D, which is keyed to the shaft,
is pivoted the bar E. A tooth in this bar engages a notch
in plate F and is held in this position by the spring G.
Normally, the entire mechanism is locked together and
rocks back and forth with the shaft. However, if link B
becomes overloaded, lever C will stop oscillating and shaft
A will merely turn in the hub bore of this lever. Lever D,
being keyed to the shaft, will continue to oscillate and cause
the tooth on bar E to ride out of the notch and slide along
the now stationary plate F. The tooth will continue to
slide back and forth along this plate and in and out of the
notch until the overload on link B is removed. When this
is done, the tooth will engage the notch and the entire mech-
anism will once more function as a unit. An eccentric stud
H is provided so that the angular position of lever C can
be adj usted to vary the position of link B at the beginning
and end of its stroke.
Overload Slip Arrangement for Feed-Screw.-The over-
load slip mechanism, Fig. 7, is so designed as to allow for
the application of varying loads. The slide A of this mech-
anism is operated by means of a threaded sleeve or feed-
screw B in the threaded hole C. The rod D passes through
sleeve B and has ahandwheel pinned to one end. The hub
E of the handwheel has a cam-shaped end which is in con-
tact with a similar cam face on the end of sleeve B. The
opposite end of rod D is threaded and fitted with lock-nuts
F. When the handwheel is turned until the screw N comes
in contact with button 0, any additional movement of the
handwheel will cause the cam face on hub E to ridp, up on
Fig. 7. Feed-screw Operated by Handwheel that Ceases to Turn the
Feed-screw when the Slide Meets Obstruction or is Overloaded
the cam surface on sleeve B, compressing the spring P.
When the cam load reaches the high point, spring P causes
rod D to return to its original position. Varying pressures
from zero to maximum can be obtained either by adjusting
nuts F to vary the loading of spring P or by increasing or
decreasing the angle on the cam faces of the handwheel hub
and sleeve B. Boththe spring pressure and the angle of
the cam faces can, of course, be adj usted when this seems
Ratchet Feed' with Automatic Overload Safety Stop.-
A ratchet feed mechanism provided with a safety attach-
ment that protects the mechanism from breakage in case
the feed becomes jammed, and that also serves to stop the
machine when this occurs is shown in Fig. 8. The attach-
ment is so designed that the feed can be reengaged as soon
as the obstruction has been removed. Previous to the in-
stallation of this attachment, a shear pin was used to pro-
tect the feeding mechanism from breakage. The shear pin
arrangement merely protected the feed mechanism and did
not prevent the loss in production that resulted from op-
erating the machine while the feed was jammed; in addi-
tion, it required the suspension of production while the
shear pin was being replaced.
Referring to the illustration, the feed-shaft A is given
an intermittent rotary movement by means of the ratchet
wheel B and the pawl C which is carried on lever D. Lever
Fig. 8. Ratchet Feed with Attachment for Protecting Mechanism and
Stopping Machine if Feed Jams
D receives its movement from lever E through the connect-
ing-rod F. Lever E carries the swinging yoke G through
which rod F passes. Rod F carries the spring H, which is
compressed when the load on shaft A exceeds a prede-
termined limit. Pawl C is connected to the plate I by the
connecting-rod J. Plate!, which has an irregular-shaped
hole, rests on pin K carried on lever E. Under normal con-
ditions, connecting-rod J carries no load, merely riding be-
tween levers D and E.
The upper view of the illustration shows the mechanism
in its normal operating position. The oscillating movement
of lever E is transmitted to shaft A by pawl C, which is
held in engagement with the ratchet wheel B by a spring
(not shown). Should the movement of shaft A be pre-
vented, the continued movement of lever E would simply
result in compressing spring H, thus preventing the break-
ing of parts. The forward movement of lever E carries
pin K into the larger portion of the irregular hole, as indi-
dicated in the lower view. On the return stroke of lever
E, the pin K engages the shoulder at L on plate I, thus
causing pawl C to remain out of engagement with
wheel B, and preventing further movement of shaft A,
although the machine may not be stopped immediately. In
this position, plate I extends beyond lever E sufficiently to
push over the rod M far enough to open the electric switch
that controls the driving motor, and thus cause the machine
to come to a stop.
When plate I is lifted and disengaged from. pin K, the
machine is again ready to start, but if the resistance of
shaft A is greater than the tension of spring H, the ma-
chine will again be stopped on the first stroke of lever E.
In the actual construction, two pairs of levers D and E are
used, the mechanism being located between them. In order
to show the mechanism more clearly, however, the outer
levers have been omitted in the illustration.
Mechanism for Instantly Disengaging Clutch at Point
of Overload.- Many mechanisms designed to disconnect
the power drive to the machine when it becomes overloaded
function only at one point in the operating cycle. With the
mechanism shown in Fig. 9, however, the machine clutch
through which power is transmitted to the slide is disen-
gaged instantly, at the exact point in the slide movement
at which the overload, occurs.
This arrangement is incorporated in a machine for as-
sembling metal caps on electric fuse plugs, a number of the
plugs being capped simultaneously. The capping tool slide
actually consists of two slides A and B, slide B being super-
imposed upon slide A. Slide B carries the capping tools
and is normally held in one position relative to the main
slide A by means of a stiff coil spring E. If the tool-carry-
ing slide B meets with an obstruction, it telescopes into the
main slide, actuating a latch H, through rod F, which causes
a spring-operated hand-lever L to shift and disengage the
machine clutch. Although not shown here, a band brake
operated by the same hand-lever prevents over-run of the
machine members after the clutch is disengaged. Slide A
is reciprocated in a dovetail guide in the machine frame C
by the oscillating lever D. This lever is actuated by an-
other member of the machine (not shown).
Rod F, together with stop-pin G, limits the telescoping
movement of the slides, in addition to tripping the pawl H
when the slide meets an obstruction. Pawl H is pivoted
at the top of the main slide lug, and when swung upward
engages latch J sliding in the guide K on the machine
frame. The upper end of this latch, when the latter is
raised by pawl H, serves to disengage the clutch lever L
from the stationary pin M in the machine frame.
The coil spring N, secured to pin M, then forces the lever
L toward the right, disengaging the machine clutch and
applying the band brake. All these movements take place
at practically the same instant that the overload occurs, so
'"' 01
Reversing mechanisms may be designed to act at a fixed
point in the cycle of movements or to vary the point or time
of reversal. A reversal of motion in some cases may also
be accompanied by a change of velocity. This chapter
deals with reversing mechanisms of the different types
mentioned and includes only special designs not found in
Chapter VI of Volume I (pages 161 to 197).
Compact Reverse Mechanism of Rapid-Acting Parallel
Worm Type.-In a certain type of can-seaming machine,
the work is controlled by a mechanism having a continu-
ous reciprocating movement. This mechanism provides a
traverse movement of constant velocity. The reversals are
positive and practically instantaneous. A compact design
was essential in this instance, because the mechanism was
used in making an alteration to a machine where the small
space available made it impossible to use a long-throw cam.
A nut and feed-screw provided with the usual dog-operated
reversing mechanism was considered, but was rej ected
owing to the lost motion attending each reversal.
The mechanism is mounted on the machine frame A,
Fig. 1, and consists essentially of the two worms Band C
and the follower-roll D. Both the worms have right-hand
threads and are rotated at a constant velocity in opposite
directions by means of gears E and F, mounted on their
respective worm-shafts. These gears, in turn, are rotated
by gear G on the shaft H, which is driven by another mem-
ber of the machine. Follower-roll D is free to turn on its
bearings in cross-slide K, which moves laterally in the
slide J. Slide J is mounted on a dovetail guide on the ma-
chine and transmits the required movement to the work.
This slide is given a reversal of its movement at each end
of its stroke through the action of cam lugs Land M,
secured by screws to opposite ends of worms C and B, re-
spectively. The roll is held in engagement with each worm
. by the insert N which rides along one side of stationary
bar 0, depending upon which worm is engaged with the
roll. Bar 0 is held in the stationary position by the top
plate P, secured to the bearings of the worm-shafts.
When the follower-roll has reached the position indicated,
slide J is at the end of its right-hand stroke. It will be
noted that insert N on the roll cross-slide has just passed
the end of bar O. Now as the worm continues to rotate,
the cam lug L comes in contact with one flange of the roll
and forces it over into engagement with the beginning of
the thread on worm B, holding or locking it in this angular
position until the worm thread has carried the left-hand end
of the insert N past the right-hand end of bar O. Worm B
then reverses the movement of the follower with slide J,
carrying it toward the left until, at the end of the stroke,
cam M comes into contact with the other follower-roll
flange, which forces the latter over into engagement with
worm C.
The roll is held in this position until its movement to-
ward the right carries insert N past the end of bar 0, the
bar preventing disengagement of the roll and worm during
the remainder of the stroke. Thus worm C returns the
roll and slide J to the position shown, where the reversal
of the slide J is repeated. The reversals of slide J are
effected rapidly and with absolutely no shock. The pres-
sure between insert N and bar 0 is insignificant, owing to
the relatively small angle of the worm thread. However,
in order to insure a long life, as well as to increase the
efficiency of the unit, both of these members are hardened
and ground on their wearing surfaces.
Fig. 2. Pin Type of Mangle Gearing for Reversing Rotation of
Driven Shaft S
Mangle Gear Mechanism for Changing Direction of
Rotation.- The mangle gearing mechanism shown in Fig. 2
is designed to drive, from a continuously rotating shaft P,
a shaft S a portion of a turn backward and forward. The
pinion shaft P is driven through universal joints which
permit it to move back and forth in the slot in guide B. To
the shaft S is keyed a center plate to which is attached con-
centrically the mangle gear proper, consisting of a ring of
cast iron or steel fitted with a number of pins which act
as gear teeth and which mesh with the teeth of a gear of
the sprocket type.
To the center plate is attached a reversing dog or guide D
into which the end of the sprocket shaft passes, restricting
Fig, 3. Reversing Mechanism Similar to that Shown in Fig, 2,
but Designed to Produce Variable Velocity
Fig. 4. Pin Type of Mangle Gearing Arranged to Reverse Driven
Shaft after One Complete Tum
just described. This design is arranged to vary the velocity
of the driven shaft. The end of the pinion shaft may be
fitted with a ball journal bearing.
Mangle Gearing for Reversing Rotation of Shaft After
One Complete Turn.-The pin type of mangle gearing
mechanism shown in Fig. 4 is designed to reverse the
driven shaft after it has made a complete turn. With this
mechanism, the driven shaft has a somewhat variable mo-
tion. The smaller the lead of the spiral in relation to the
distances of the pins from the shaft center, the less will
be the velocity variation. Fig. 5 shows one arrangement
for driving the pinion shaft b, Fig. 4, which provides for
the required oscillation of the pinion or sprocket shaft.
slot in the fixed bracket B to the other. The ends of the
slot prevent the sprocket from being forced out of mesh
with the pins. When the center plate has rotated through
its full complement of a turn, the sprocket is again trans-
ferred to the side of the ring with which it was previously
in mesh through the action of the opposite guide. Instead
of rotating directly in the bracket B as a bearing, the shaft
may rotate in a sliding block E, such as shown in the small
cross-sectional view.
In Fig. 3 is shown a variation of the type of mechanism
the movement of the sprocket, and causing it to move from
one side of the pin ring to the other as the sprocket and
ring rotate together. After the passage of the sprocket
from one side of the ring to the other, the ring turns in the
opposite direction; that is, its motion is reversed, but its
velocity remains unchanged, except, of course, during the
passage of the sprocket to the other side of the ring while
it is in contact with guide D. In passing through the guide,
the end of the sprocket shaft travels from one end of the
It is obvious that an infinite number of velocity combina-
tions are possible by varying the shape of the mangle gear
shown in Fig. 4. The continuous groove G serves to keep
the sprocket in mesh with the pins. The end of the pinion
shaft b may either rotate directly in contact with the
groove or it may bear against the groove side through a
ball journal bearing attached to the shaft.
Fig. 6. Shaft-reversing Mechanism that Gives Higher Velocity in
One Direction
method shown in Fig. 5 is preferable to the bevel gear drive.
Shaft- Reversing Mechanism Giving Higher Velocity
in One Direction.- When a shaft-reversing mechanism is
required in which the velocity in one direction must or can
be greater than in the other, the driver and driven elements
may be ordinary gea:t::s 'Or gear segments, such as shown in
Fig. 6. With this type of mangle gearing, the velocity of
the driven shaft is greater in the direction indicated by
arrow a than in the direction b. The velocity is uniform,
however, in each direction. The pinion shaft in this case
is guided wholly by a groove in the center plate, into which
the end of the pinion shaft projects.
In Fig. 7 is shown a double-edge rack segment-form
mangle gear for obtaining reversal of the driven shaft. The
round end c of the gear ring can be half of a pinion, having
a boss or bub by which it is located in a driIIed hole in the
Stationary Guide
Bracket Universal
_______~ Joints
Straight Slot '
Types of Drives Arranged to Pennit Oscillation of Driving
Shafts such as the One Shown at b, Fig. 4
Fig. 5.
Perhaps the most common method of driving the pinion
of a mechanism of this kind is by bevel gears, the bevel
gear on the pinion shaft serving as a universal joint. This
method has the objection, however, that owing to the oscil-
lation of the shaft, the pinion occupies different angular
positions, not only during the oscillation but when it is driv-
ing. To allow for the change in the angle, the teeth of
the pins must be barrel-shaped. Generally they are per-
mitted to assume this s ~ p through wear. The driving
Shockless Reversing Mechanism which Varies Point of
Reversal.-Some mixing machines of the agitator type, em-
ployed for mixing liquid or plastic materials, require a re-
versing movement of the agitators; at the same time, how-
ever, the point at which reversal occurs must advance uni-
formly. These combined movements may be obtained by
means of the mechanism shown in Fig. 8.
Here the drive shaft D, rotating at a uniform speed, im-
parts the required movement to the shaft G through the
action of a combination planetary and elliptical gear train.
All three .shafts D, L, and G rotate in stationary bearings,
and. owing to the ever changing radii of the elliptical gears
at the tooth contact, an alternating accelerated and re-
tarded movement is imparted to shaft L. This movement,
in turn, is transmitted by spur gears J and K to ~ ring
Fig. 7. Mangle Gear Shaft-reversing Mechanism with Additional Gears
for Obtaining a. Complete Turn or More than One Turn
gear A. Now assume that the elliptical gears Band C
have rotated into the positions indicated in the end view
at the right, and that the ratio of spur gears J and K and
also the ratio (momentarily) of the elliptical gears is such
that the velocity of the centers of pinions E is one-half
that of the pitch line velocity of the ring gear. Then, ac-
cording to the principle of epicyclic gear trains, the pin-
ions will ;i,mply roll about and not rotate the spur gear H.
Now if the shaft D rotates in the direction of the arrow,
the ratio of the elliptical gears at the tooth contacts will
gradually change so that the movement of shaft L and ring
gear A will be retarded. Therefore, as the pitch line velocity
of the ring gear decreases, the velocity of pinions E rela-
tive to the spider F will also decrease, and the lag of these
pinions will cause the gear H and shaft G to rotate in the
same direction as shaft D. This movement of shaft G will
be accelerated until the elliptical gear B, whose engaging
radius is gradually diminishing, has rotated through an
angle of 90 degrees. At this point the ratio of the elliptical
gears is at its minimum and as they continue to rotate,
the ratio increases. This has the effect, through the move-
ment transmitted to the pinions, of retarding the angular
movement of gear H and shaft G until the elliptical gear B
has passed through another 90-degree angle. At this time,
theelliptical gears are once more (momentarily) in a posi-
tion where the pinions roll about but do not rotate gear H;
and, on further rotation of the elliptical gears, the velocity
of the pinions will be gradually increased with respect to
spider F, thus reversing the angular movement of gear H
and shaft G. This movement of shaft G will be accelerated
during a 90-degree movement of the elliptical gear Band
then retarded through the next 90 degrees, at the end of
which time the point of reversal has again been reached
and the mechanism has passed through a complete cycle.
The movement transmitted to the pinions during the
first half revolution of the elliptical gears is slower than
the movement transmitted during the second half; and
since the velocity of these pinions governs the amount of
angular movement of shaft G, then the angular movement
of this shaft, in a counter-clockwise direction, is less than
that in a clockwise direction. Therefore, the point of re-
versal of the shaft G will vary or advance about the shaft
center an amount equal to the difference in these two angu-
lar moven1ents. By varying the ratio of the spur gears. J
and K, the advance of the reversal points may be increased
or diminished to suit the requirements; or in case no varia-
tion of the reversal point is required, the same procedure
may be followed. This type of mechanism, owing to its
retarding and accelerating movements, is particularly de-
sirable where reversal must take place without shock.
Oscillating Motion Converted to Variable Reversing
Motion.- In a special electrical switch testing machine, an
oscillating motion of one shaft is converted to a reversing
motion in another shaft, the latter alternating at each re-
versal between the two speeds of 60 and 30 revolutions per
The shaft X (Fig. 9), on which the segment gear A is
keyed, is the oscillating member. The shaft T, to 'which
the irregular motion is transferred, turns in the machine
bearings (not shown) and serves as a pivot for the arm B.
Gears 0 and P, located under this arm, are keyed on shafts
U and Y and are connected by the three gears S, V, and G.
The concentric grooves E and D, milled in the segment gear,
are joined at both ends to form one continuous groove and
serve as a guide for the cam-roll C in the end of arm B.
Dogs Rand N, which engage projection Q on the arm, are
fastened securely to the segment gear. Latches J and M
swing on shoulder-screws, and normally bear against pins I
and K, due to the tension of the coil springs.
In the position shown in the illustration, the segment
gear A is oscillating in the direction of the arrow, and the
dog R, against lug Q, is about to swing the arm B around
Fig. 9. Mechanism for Converting Oscillating Motion into Reversing Motion
shaft T. A further upward movement of dog R will throw
gear 0 out of engagement with the segment gear. How-
ever, just before the teeth of gear 0 have become disen-
gaged, a partial engagement of the teeth in gear P and
segment A takes place. While gears 0 and P are being
shifted, roller C swings up to the beginning of the groove
o is engaged with segment A again. In the meantime, roll
C has forced latch J to one side and is swung down to the
end of groove D, being prevented from coming out of this
groove by the return of latch J. The running in groove
D, serves to hold gear 0 in mesh during the return stroke
of the segment. This completes one cycle of the movements.
Because of the difference in the number of teeth between
gears 0 and P, as noted in the illustration, and the arrange-
ment of the gear train, the uniform oscillation of segment
..A. will result in one clockwise revolution of shaft T for
every up stroke of the segment, while the down stroke will
result in two counter-clockwise revolutions of the shaft.
With some slight modifications in the design, shaft T may
be made to revolve at varying speeds other than described
and in the same direction instead of This may
be done by varying the number of teeth in the gears and
adding an idler between any two of the gears S, V, or G.
Mechanism for Reversing Tap Spindles in Drill Head.-
When more than one tap is used in a drill head, the problem
of reversing the taps is often simplified by having one tap-
ping spindle drive on the "in feed" and another spindle
drive on the "return feed." The arrangement of the gear-
ing for such a drive is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 10.
In this case, the large drill head carries a number of drilling
'3pindles (not shown in the illustration), in addition to the
four tapping spindles, A, B, C, and D.
The drill head slides up and down on column E, being
kept in alignment by an external projection that slides in a
vertical track. The drive is obtained from a vertical shaft
F at the end of which is keyed the pinion G. This pinion
is in mesh with the gear H which drives the drilling and
tapping spindles. The drive for the drill spindles is very
simple and is not shown in the illustration. The drive for
the tapping spindles begins with the clutch shaft I, which
is .driven from the gear H through the pinion J. The
shaft I carries a sawtooth double clutch K which can be
E. When the roll reaches this position, the oscillating seg-
ment A has come to the end of its upward stroke and is
about to return. The latch M closes the end grooves and
prevents the roll from dropping back to groove D when the
segment reverses.
The roll now follows groove E and serves to hold gear
P in mesh with segment A until dog N comes in contact
with the lug Q. This disengages gear P, after which gear
Fig. 10. Reversing Mechanism for Taps Used in Multiple-spindle Drill Head
engaged with either the upper member L or the lower
member M.
When the downward feed of the head begins, an arrange-
ment of levers similar to the belt-o;>erating mechanism on a
planer causes the clutch K to engage the upper member L.
The drive to the tapping spindles is then through the idler
gear N, which is mounted on the top plate 0, and thence
to the gear P on the top of the tapping spindle B. The
tapping spindle is then revolved in the direction required for
tapping. The other three spindles A, C, and D are driven
in the same direction through the idler gears R which are
mounted on the bottQmof the gear-case Q.
As soon as the head begins to travel upward, the clutch K
comes into engagement with the lower clutch member M
and drives directly through gear S, which is fastened to the
bottom of the tapping spindle C, revolving it, together with
the other spindles, in the opposite direction. The full-line
arrow-heads show the direction in which the meshing gears
revolve when tapping, while the dotted arrows indicate the
direction in which the gears revolve when the spindles are
reversed on the "out feed."
Rotary Reversing Mechanism for Varying Angular
Movement and Dwell of Driven Shaft.- Wire -forming
machines of the four-slide type usually have various in-
genious mechanical movements incorporated in their design
that are applicable to machines used for other purposes.
For example, in one four-slide, Wire-forming machine,
there is a reversing movement for a feed-slide shaft that
has unusual features. This mechanism is designed to give
the driven shaft a short dwell at each point of reversal.
Besides, provision is made for varying the angular move-
ment of the driven shaft without altering the dwell. The
movements are transmitted from another shaft which oscil-
lates continuously at a constant angular velocity.
On the oscillating driving shaft (not shown) is an arm
to which is connected the link A, Fig. 11. This link, in turn,
is pivoted to the sector or segment B. Sector B is free to
oscillate on the stationary stud C and is provided with a
sliding gear sector F which meshes with the driven gear G.
Sector B is also provided with adjustable split stops D and
E. These stops are used for regulating the angular move-
ment and the dwell of the driven shaft H, to which gear G
Fig. 11. Mechanism for Imparting Rotary Oscillating Movement to Shaft 1I, which
Permits Varying Angulal' Movement and the Length of Dwell at Each Reversal
is keyed. The stops are clamped in place by bolts on the
dovetailed periphery of the sector B.
An important part of the mechanism is a friction stop
or brake on shaft H, which is necessary to prevent over-run
of this shaft at the point of reversal. The brake arrange-
ment, however, being of simple and well known design, is
not illustrated.
left will carry the rack segment toward the left, rotating
gear G in the opposite direction. The rotary movement of
this gear continues until the sector comes to the end of its
movement toward the left. Now as the sector once more
moves toward the right, gear G dwells until stop D comes
in contact with the ,sliding gear segment. Thus, gear G
and shaft H are given a rotary reciprocating motion with
a short dwell at each point. of reversal. Owing to the dif-
ferent kinds of jobs adapted to this machine, a variation
in the angular movement of shaft H is frequently required,
the dwelling period remaining constant. This is obtained
by the combined adjustment of the link and the stops. The
extent, however, to which the angular movement can be
increased is limited by the length of the sliding gear seg-
Suppose, for example, a greater angular movement of
the shaft were required. In this case, the stud K would be
adjusted to a lower point and stops D and E would be moved
farther apart to avoid reducing the time periods of the
dwells. In making these adjustments, a few trials are
usually necessary in order to obtain the proper positions
of stud K and the stops. Obviously, the same arrangement
can be used to reduce or increase the dwell within certain
limits, the angular movement of the driven gear remaining
. the same.
When the machine is in operation, the sector B is oscil-
lated by link A at a constant angular velocity. In the posi-
tion shown, the sector has moved toward the right to its
central point, rotating gear G in a counter-clockwise direc-
tion. This motion continues until the sector has reached
its farthest position at the right. The sector then reverses
its movement and the rack F and gear G remain stationary
until the end of the rack comes into contact with the stop E.
At this time, continued movement of the sectortoward the
r------ ---- ------------. ------_.- ----- ---- ----
__. i:J.JJ_._.. . ._.
the notch L. At this time, the slide is at the center of its
stroke; and since the plunger is all that locks the crank E
to the shaft, the shaft will turn in the bore of the crank
hub and allow the crank and slide to dwell. A spring-actu-
ated V-plunger is provided at N to hold the slide securely
in the "dwell"
As the shaft and arm. continue to rotate, pin J leaves
cam-block K and allows the end of the plunger to ride on
Fig, 1. Reciprocating Slide Mechanism with Dwell at Center of Stroke
the periphery of the crank flange until it drops into notch
M. When this occurs, the crank is once more locked to the
shaft so that continued rotation of the shaft will cause the
slide to move toward the left and return to the position
shown. At this time, the center line of the crank will
coincide with center line 0 and cam-block K will have
forced pin J outward, thus disengaging the plunger from
its notch and allowing the'" crank and slide to dwell.
The withdrawn plunger then rides along the periphery
The special designs of crank mechanisms described in
this chapter are for transmitting motion to slides or other
parts having a reciprocating action. These drives may be
arranged to produce some special movement, such, for
example, as arresting the motion of the slide momentarily
during some part of the stroke or providing a quick return
movement to reduce the idle period; or the design may be
special in that provision is made for adjusting either the
length or position of the stroke while the machine is op-
Crank Motion that Causes Slide to Dwell at Center
of Stroke.- The crank mechanism Fig. 1 is incorporated
in a certain carton wrapping machine for changing the
position of the carton as it passes through the machine.
This mechanism imparts a reciprocating movement to the
work-slide A, with a dwell at the center of its stroke in
each direction. The slide is reciprocated in the stationary
guide D through link B by the crank E. This crank is a
free fit on shaft F, but rotates with F whenever spring-
actuated plunger H engages one of the notches cut in the
flange on the crank. A pin J in the plunger projects
through and below arm G. When this pin engages the cam-
block K, which is secured to the machine frame, the pin
and the plunger are moved radially outward. This causes
the plunger to disengage the notch and allows the crank
and slide to dwell while the shaft continues to rotate.
The shaft and arm G are rotated in the direction indi-
catedby the arrow. In the position shown, pin J has en-
gaged cam-block K and has withdrawn the plunger from
of the crank flange until it drops into notch L and locks
the arm to the crank again. The rotating arm now rotates
the crank, causing the slide to move this time toward the
right and then back to the position shown. At this point,
the cam-block once more disengages plunger 11. This com-
pletes one cycle of movements, which is repeated for each
revolution of shaft F.
It will be noted that the angular movement of the crank
is different' for each half of the slide cycle, owing to the
angular position of the connecting-rod B. This results in
a variation of the time interval for each succeeding dwell
and stroke. Fortunately, however, this variation is per-
missible. In other applications, where the dwell and stroke
must have the same time interval, the well-known Scotch
yoke crank movement could be used instead of the crank
and connecting-rod shown. In this case, the notches would
be located in the flange diametrically opposite each other.
Planetary Type of Crank Motion for Obtaining Dwell.-
In attempting to bend a stranded copper cable into a
U-shape by means of a kind of wing die, it was found, while
experimenting with a punch press, that a distinct stop or
dwell was required at a certain point in the bending stroke
to permit the copper to set. If the dwell was omitted, a
springing back of the metal occurred, resulting in varia-
tions in the form of the bent section. This dwell had to
take place before the end of the stroke, because the latter
part of the stroke was utilized to eject the formed piece.
A special machine was designed to actuate the slide from
which the bending die receives its motion. This operating
slide also requires a dwell at the top of the stroke to allow
time for inserting unbent parts into the die, so that the
machine can be operated continuously instead of using a
single-stroke clutch and tripping device. The planetary
type of crank motion used causes a crankpin to follow, dur-
ing the dwelling periods, an arc having a radius equal ap-
t>roximately tothe length of the connecting-rod, so that the Fig. 2. Planetary Type of Crank Motion for Obtaining Dwell of Bending Die
crank end swings without transmitting motion. Fig. 2
shows the general arrangement.
The housing A contains shaft C, which is driven through
worm-gearing hnd carries a crank disk D. An internal
gear 11 having 120 teeth is bolted to housing A and meshes
with a 24-tooth planetary pinion J attached to the eccentric
crankpin E; consequently, when crank disk D revolves,
I '
I .
Fig. 3. Path Followed by Eccentric Crankpin, and Chart Showing Dwelling Periods
to follow the path indicated by the heavy line d, Fig. 3.
The curve in the upper right-hand corner of Fig. 3 illus-
trates how the action of the driven slide is changed during
one complete cycle. The cycle begins at a point represent-
ing the top of the stroke of the slide. The vertical dimen-
sions on the chart represent the stroke, in inches, and the
horizontal dimensions, the time in seconds. One revolution
is represented as 3 seconds, because the machine is designed
to run about 20 revolutions per minute.
The relative of the internal gear H and the
pinion J (Fig. 2) are indicated in Fig. 3 by dot-and-dash
pitch circles HI and J 1 The radius of the eccentric crank
E is considerably less than the pitch radius of the pinion,
which causes the axis of the eccentric crankpin to describe
a five-lobed curve d. The dwell of the driven slide at the
top of the stroke occurs between points a and b on the
chart and during about 6/10 of a second. This dwell is due
to the fact that the length of the connecting-rod equals the
radius of an arc which approximates that part of the crank-
pin path from e to f. As the lower end of the crankpin
swings from e to f it transmits only a slight movement, and
there would be none at all if this portion of curve d were
a perfect arc with a radius equal to the connecting-rod
center-to-center length. It is the dwell at this point that
is utilized for removing the work and inserting unbent
blanks. .
The pause during the down stroke to allow the metal to
set after bending occurs between points g and h where the
curve d is practically tangent to the arc of the connecting-
rod. This pause or dwell is represented on the chart at c,
and at this time, the upper end of the connecting-rod is at k.
An unnecessary dwell is made during the return stroke
between points m and n, which correspond to g and h, but
this slight delay in the upward movement does not affect
the practical working of the mechanism. The entire device
is located under a table about 2 feet square, which indicates
that it is quite compact.
Oscillating Crank-and - Toggle Mechanism for Rapid
Reciprocation of Slide.-In a metal ribbon crimping ma-
chine, four complete cycles of a slide are obtained from an
2 .3
a b
/, I
1\ I
\ I
\ I
\ I
k:\ ,'-'
\ II
0 1 J
pinion J and the crankpin revolve around their own axis
and also around shaft C. These combined rotary move-
ments modify the motion imparted to slide G and cause the
axis of the pin E, to which connecting-rod F is attached,
.Fig. 4. Reciprocating Slide of a Metal Ribbon Orimping Machine. Opera.ted by
Oacillatina- Ann and L.1nk Mechanism
oscillating arm as the latter passes through one cycle. This
arrangement, which is shown in Fig. 4, has the advantage
of simplicity of design and an unusually smooth action. The
slide A that controls the crimping tools is mounted in guides
B, cast integral with the machine frame C. Arm D is the
driving member and is keyed to the shaft E, which oscil-
lates at a constant angular velocity. This arm transmits
the movement to the slide through a toggle arrangement
consistir..g of links F, G, and H. Link F is pivoted at its
upper end to arm D by pin J, and at its lower end to links
Gand H by pin K. The outer end of link G is pivoted to
the slide, and the outer end of link H is pivoted to the
shoulder screw L in the machine frame.
Three positions of the arm and links are shown. At
Position 1, the toggle Jinks G, F, and H are at their highest
points; hence, slide A has been drawn to its farthest point
at the right. As the arm swings downward to Position 2,
these links assume a horizontal position, causing the slide
to move to its farthest position at the left. The arm then
continues its movement until it arrives at Position 3, where
link F has forced the toggle links down to their lowest posi-
tion, causing the slide to he carried back to the position
indicated. Thus, during this one-quarter cycle of the arm,
slide A has passed through a complete cycle. Consequently,
as a repetition of these slide movements occurs during each
quarter cycle of the arm, the slide will complete four cycles
for each cycle of the arm D. An added advantage of this tog-
gle arrangement is the unusually high working pressure that
is delivered at the end of the stroke toward the left at the
point where the pressure is needed most.
Auxiliary Crank that Assists Crankpin Past its Dead
Center.- One method of overcoming the dead center condi-
tion in transmitting rotary movement to a shaft by means
of a crank is shown in Fig. 5. Two of the outstanding ad-
vantages of this drive are its positive action and its low
cost. The driven crank is actuated by a similar crank
keyed to the driving shaft. By incorporating an auxiliary
or "dummy" crank, the driven crankpin not only is helped
past its dead center positions, but the n u l ~ velocity of
the driving and driven shafts is held constant. In addi-
tion to this, the torque transmitted to the driven shaft is
uniform at its various angular positions.
The shaft-to-pin center distance is the same for all three
Fig. 5. Arrangement for Preventing Crankpin from being Stopped
on Dead Center
be located too close to a straight line passing through the
driving and driven shafts.
Auxiliary Crank for Quick Return Movement.- The
cam-operated turret-feed mechanism of an automatic screw
machine is shown in Fig. 6. The advance feed is obtained
by the cam A operating through the segment lever B to
feed the turret-slide C. \ The return motion is accelerated
by the revolution of the crank D which brings the turret
back quickly, a distance equal to the throw of the crank.
In the operation of a machine for high-speed work, it
becomes important, both in securing the desired speed and
in avoiding objectionable shocks, to move and reverse the
lightest parts. For this reason, machines having turrets
of the "revolver" or "barrel" type, in which each spindle
can be fed independently, are especially adapted to high-
speed work. In such machines, each tool carrier is con-
nected successively with a reciprocating feed slide, and
only the feed slide with one of the tool carriers connected
with :it requires to be reciprocated for the feed and return
Fig. 6. Turret Slide is Withdrawn Quickly when
Crank D Rotates
this position, they will coincide with the dot-and-dash out-
line. Here it is obvious that the crankpin in the "dummy"
crank has passed its dead center and can continue its move-
ment unrestricted. Now, owing to the rotary action of
crank A, crank C will swing downward, and as a result,
crank B will be forced past its dead center. The same
action occurs in reverse order when crank C is on its dead
center relative to crank A. That is, crank B, having passed
its dead center, will serve to force crank C past its dead
center position. Incidentally, the location of crank C can
be varied to suit existing conditions, although it should not
cranks. The driving crank is indicated at A, the driven
crank at B, and the "dummy" crank at C. It is important
to note that the connecting-rod is of solid construction and
connects all three crankpins. With this arrangement, the
position of all three cranks is the same at any part of the
machine cycle.
In the full outline, the cranks and connecting-rod are
the dead center position. When they reach
movements. In order to "speed up" this type of machine
still further, the use of an auxiliary slide has been resorted
to. This auxiliary slide alone is moved during that part
of the quick-return movement required to retract each tool,
and even this slide is disconnected for the remainder of the
return movement, thus avoiding the shock which would re-
sult from rapid movement of the slide.
Fig. 7 shows an application of such an auxiliary slide
with its disconnecting means. The turret A carries a series
of tool spindles which are successively indexed to come into
operative positions and be engaged by the block B. A main
slide C, on which is an auxiliary slide D, is mounted on the
bed of the machine. A crank E which is also on the main
slide is connected to the auxiliary slide by the two-part
connecting-rod F, one end of which is connected with the
main slide and the other with the auxiliary slide. A latch
at G holds these two parts together except during the quick-
return motion which is obtained by revolving the crank
disk E; then the latch is disengaged by passing over the
cam H, which thus breaks the "connection with the auxiliary
or supplemental slide for the remainder of the crank throw
and gives the quick-return movement and the quick-advance
movement up to the point of cutting.
Rapid Return Movement Obtained by Roller Clutch
and Crank Arrangement.- In designing machinery, it is
frequently possible to make use of a roller friction clutch
for reducing the time consumed during the idle part of the
production cycle. This application is exemplified by the
simple crank motion of the Scotch yoke type shown in
Fig. 8. It is employed \for actuating a slow-moving slide
in a machine for forming plastic materials.
The slide indicated at A is reciprocated vertically. The
crank is composed of the core B, integral with drive shaft
C; the member D, which is bored to provide a running fit
for the core; and the rollers E. The roller F on the stud
that is secured in the projection on member D serves as the
crankpin and engages a slot extending across the slide. As
the crank rotates in the direction of the arrow, the slide is
given its upward or working stroke, the movement being
comparatively slow. During this stroke, the weight of the
slide causes the rollers E to grip both the core and the mem-
ber D tightly, so that both members rotate positively to-
gether. When the roll F has passed the centerline G, the
weight of the slide, which has caused the rolls to wedge
tightly on the upward stroke, releases the gripping pres-
sure of the rolls between the core and member D and allows
the latter to rotate one-half revolution, returning the slide
to its lowest position at a relatively higher velocity.
The downward stroke is the idle one, and its velocity in
this particular case is unimportant in so far as the timing
of the slide movements is concerned. This condition made
it possible to use this crank. At the bottom of the stroke,
the rolls E once more pick up the motion and move the slide
upward at the slow speed required for the operation. It is
estimated that with this design, an approximate gain of
30 per cent in production time is obtained over the time
that would be required if a crank of the solid type were
Another Application of a Crank Motion for
ObtaIning a Quick Return
Fig. '1.
I Il--------- --- ------
G --------------l----------
::::::.=--- ----- ---------------------------- :_-_"": =====-:.
Fig, 9. Quick-return Crank Motion Mechanism with Means for
Varying Velocity of Stroke
Quick-Return Crank Motion with Adjustment for Varying
Velocity of Stroke.- Slotting machines, as a rule, are pro-
vided with some means of varying the cutting speed to suit
the different materials to be machined. However, in re-
ducing the cutting speed, the production is also reduced a
corresponding amopnt, because the velocity of the entire
cycle of the machine is slowed up. This objection was over-
come in the case of one slotting machine by using a crank
motion for actuating the slotting ram, the principle of this
motion being shown in Figs. 9 and 10. With this arrange-
ment, the velocity of the working stroke can be varied
within certain limits without changing the time taken for
the ram to pass through its cycle. Therefore, varying the
cutting speed of the tool in this way does not change the
rate of production, because, as explained later, the loss in
velocity during the working stroke is compensated for by
increasing the velocity of the return stroke.
The crank mechanism consists chiefly of the arm A,
I _________..L-_
Fig, 10. Diagram Indicating Operating Principle of Mechani\lm
Shown in Fig, 9
the center of driving shaft B. Let N indicate the center of
shaft C, and let the heavy line represent the arm D with
the cross-head at O.
Now, if the arm D is horizontal, as indicated by the heavy
line, the cross-head, with arm A and shaft B, will rotate
in the direction of the arrow only 160 degrees, in order to
rotate arm D one-half revolution. Thus, during this move-
ment, which corresponds with the return stroke of the ram,
arm D and crank F rotate faster than arm.A. In com-
pleting their revolution, however, the cross-head and arm
A rotate 200 degrees to turn arm D and the crank the re-
maining half revolution. Hence, during the latter move-
ment, which corresponds with the working stroke of the
ram, crank F rotates more slowly than arm A. Thus, a
slow working stroke and a rapid return stroke are obtained.
If it is required to reduce the velocity of the working
stroke, the cross-head is adj usted inward in slot P, Fig. 9,
to a new position, say, to Q, Fig. 10. In this case a 135-de-
gree movement of arm A is required to rotate crank F
through its return stroke, and a 225-degree movement to
rotate the crank through its working stroke. Thus, the
velocity of crank F is increased during the return stroke
and reduced during its working stroke. Crank F and arm
A, however, complete their cycle in the same time, so that
the reduction in velocity of the working stroke d03s not
affect the production rate of the machine. Incidentally, a
greater range in the velocity variation of the crank can be
obtained by increasing the offset X between shafts Band C.
This change will, of course, affect the length of the slots in
the arms.
Adjusting Operating Position of Reciprocating Slide
without Stopping Machine.- Occasionally it is necessary
to provide means for adjusting the operating position or
point of reversal of a slide having a :fixed length of stroke
without stopping the motion of the slide. A parallel to this
requirement is found in a vertical shaping machine, in
------ ,,---- ...........
" L
\ -
D and crank P, the pivot block H on cross-head E slides
back and forth in the slot J. Arm D and crankF, there-
fore, will be given an irregular rotary movement; that is,
the ,crankpin K will travel faster in its circular path S,
Fig. 10, when below the horizontal center line of shaft C
than when above this center line. This action will be more
clearly understood by referring to Fig. 10. Here let circie
L represent the path of cross-head E, point AI indicating
Fig. 9, keyed to driving shaft B; the jack-shaft C, keyed to
the arm D in which slides a cross-head E fastened to and
adjustable along arm A; and crank F, also keyed to jack- /
shaft C and connected to the slotting ram by the connect-
ing-rod G. It will be noted that jack-shaft C is offset from
the driving shaft B. Consequently, as arm A rotates arm
which the reversal point of the tool-slide is varied manually.
A mechanism for obtaining this variation is shown in
Fig. 11, the tool-slide being indicated at A. This slide is
driven by the crank B keyed to shaft J. Shaft J is driven
by shaft C through gears D, E, and F. Roll 0, mounted on
a stud in crank B, engages a groove in the tool-slide and
operates on the principle of the Scotch yoke.
The center distances between gears D and E and between
gears E and F are maintained by the links G and H, re-
spectively. These links are a free fit on the gear-shafts J
and C. Gear E and link H are also a free fit on screw K.
Shaft J turns freely in a bracket cast integral with the ad-
justing slide L, and this slide is actuated by the handwheel
M on the feed-screw N. Screw N engages a nut cast on
slide L. Slide A is shown in its extreme left-hand position.
Assume that both the left-hand point of reversal and the
right-hand point of reversal are required to occur farther
toward the right. To effect this change, the operator
merely turns handwheel M the required amount or until
slide L has carried shaft J a corresponding distance toward
the right. In doing this, the links tend to straighten out,
yet the gears remain in mesh and continue the rotation of
the crank. The range of variation for changing the point
of reversal is controlled by the diameters of the gears. If a
larger idler gear E is used, the slide will have a greater
range of adjustment.
Adjusting Crank Throw of Wire - Forming Machine
while Machine is Running.- In the operation of a wire-
forming machine, difficulty was experienced in holding the
parts to a uniform shape, due to variations in the hardness
of the low grade of wire used. These variations in hard-
ness necessitated frequent adjustment of the forming dies
to prevent excessive variations in the depths of the formed
portions. As stopping of the machine for this purpose
seriously affected production, it was decided to provide
means for making the necessary adjustments while the ma-
' ....------!...--{-:---i--
/,.----- .... - - T - - - r - - / ~ - - - - - -
chine was in operation. This was satisfactorily accom-
plished by applying the stroke-changing mechanism shown
in Fig. 12., With this mechanism, the length of stroke of
connecting-rod E, which operates one of the dies, can be
changed while the machine is in operation, simply by ad-
justing the nuts N on rod H.
The length of stroke of rod E is varied by means of the
eccentric bushing on the pin of crank A. Crank A is of the
conventional open-end type, except that the crankpin is
longer than would ordinarily be required. The bushing B
on the crankpin is turned eccentric with the bore to fit the
bearing in the connecting-rod E. The hub of bushing B,
which is machined concentric with the bore, carries the
gear C, as shown in the view in the upper right-hand corner
of the illustration. The yoke F is carried on the hub of
bushing B outside of gear C. This yoke carries rack D
which meshes with gear C. Rod H is fastened to yoke F
and is threaded on its outer end where it passes through
stud G. Stud G is located in a fixed position, but is free to
turn or swing. All three assembly views show the crank A
in its upper position. The bushing B is shown adjusted for
the maximum length of stroke.
As the crank A rotates in either direction, the crankpin
carrying bushing B moves in the slot in yoke F. This pro-
duces a rotating movement of bushing B on the crankpin
as a result of the action of rack D and gear C. The number
of teeth in gear C is such that a half turn of crank A pro-
duces a half turn of gear C and bushing B. Thus the throw
of eccentric bushing B is reversed in relation to the crank-
shaft as the crank A reverses its position. This causes the
throw of eccentric B to be added to the throw of crank A,
thus increasing the stroke of connecting-rod E. This condi-
tion exists only in the opposite positions of the crank A, as
the bushing B is constantly changing its position through-
out the cycle. As the nuts N on rod H are changed, the rela..
tive position of the bushing B is changed, causing a change
in the throw of crank A.
Electric Control that Varies Throw of Crank While
Machine is Running.-The mechanism illustrated in Figs.
13 and 14 provides a rapid adjustment of the throw of a
crank while the is in operation. The crankshaft
indicated at A serves toimpart a reciprocating motion to
another member of the machine, and any throw of the
crank between zero and the maximum is instantly available.
The crankshaft is mounted on tapered roller bearings.
Crankhead B is integral with the shaft and carries a sliding
block of which the crankpin C is an integral part. This
block is connected by of link D with the draw-bar
E, which is free to slide axially in shaft A. Sleeve F is
threaded at its right-hand end and has rack teeth on it that
mesh with gear G (Fig. 14).
Sleeve F is keyed to stationary cap H to prevent it from
turning, but is free to slide axially in this cap. The worm.
wheel nut J is a running fit in shaft A, and is threaded to
fit sleeve F. A reversing motor rotates the worm-wheel
nut through worm K, and thus moves the sleeve F,. with
draw-bar E, axially, so that, by means of link D, the radial
position of the crankpin is changed.
Mechanical and Electrical Mechanism for Regulating
the Crank Throw.-The apparatus for controlling the ra-
dial movement of the crankpin is shown in Fig. 14. It is
contained in a separate housing, and consists of a special
electric switch designed to control the reversing motor.
This switch has a disk L, which is connected by a bushing
to gear G and is provided with two semicircular contact
segments M. The segments are insulated from disk L.
Member N is connected to a handle and its pointer P.
The links Q, hinged to member N, are each equipped with
a contact blade R. The links, with their blades, are held
against the contact segments by a coil spring, as indicated.
This spring also se:rves to hold the pointer against the
.... e
a. fJ2
Section of Mechanism in Fig. 13, Showing the Opera-tion of the
Electric Control Switch
graduated dial S and prevents its shifting after an adjust-
ment of the crankpin has been made. To further prevent
shifting, the finger is formed like a knife-edge and rests in
radial grooves in the dial, which also serve as the gradua-
The operation of the switch will be understood from the
switch diagram. Point"R + represents the positive con-
tact blade and R - the negative blade. The contacting
segments M are connected with the motor and are separated
from each other by insulators. When the R + and R _
blades are on the insulators, the motor is idle, as the circuit
is open, and the throw of the crank is indicated by the P9si-
tion of the finger on the dial S. If the finger is moved to-
ward the right, so that the blades R + and R -coincide
with line X-X, the blade R + is in contact with the right-
hand segment and R - with the left-hand segment, and
the electric circuit is closed. Consequently, the motor will
start and shift the crankpin, as already explained. In the
meantime, through the axial movement of sleeve F and the
resulting rotation of gear G, the disk L turns clockwise
until the contact blades engage the insulators. At this' point
the circuit is broken and the motor stops, leaving the crank-
pin in a radial position corresponding to the position of the
pointer on the dial S.
If the pointer is moved toward the left, say on line Y_Y,
the motor will run in the opposite direction and move
the crankpin back toward its former.,position. In this way,
to either shorten or lengthen the throw of the crank, the
operator merely swings the pointer handle so that the (
pointer engages the graduation on the dial corresponding
to the required throw. This adjustment, besides being
rapid, is made with a minimum amount of effort, as the
motor does the actual work of shifting the crankpin. In
designing the switch, great care should be taken to thor-
oughly insulate the electrical contacts.
Section ZZ Switch Diagram
Fig. 14.
In designing the driving mechanisms for some parts hav-
ing a reciprocating motion, cams, gears or levers are sub-
stituted for a transmission of the rotating crank type.
Examples of these different forms of reciprocating drives
will be described. As with the crank type of drive, the
object of using cams or combinations of levers may be to
vary the stroke in some way or the obj ect may be to obtain
a mechanical movement essential to meet a particular op-
erating requirement.
Double Lever Mechanism to Provide Strokes of
Unequal Length Synchronized During Part of Stroke.-
The mechanism shown in Fig. 1 fulfills an unusual require-
ment in a simple manner. Two slides of a wire-forming
machine were required to operate with different lengths of
travel, the slide having the longer travel being arranged to
operate in synchronism with the other during a portion of
its stroke.. Adjustability, both as to the length of travel
and the period of synchronization, was also required on the
slide with the longer t ~ a v e
Referring to the illustration, bearing H carries the shaft
A, which is given an oscillating motion by a cam-operated
lever (not shown). The motion of shaft A is transmitted
to lever B, which is keyed to it. Rod E transmits the mo...
tion of lever B to one slide, and rod D transmits the motion
of lever C to the other slide. Lever C oscillates on stud K,
carried on lever B, and has gear teeth cut on the end.
The gear teeth on lever C mesh with teeth cut in disk L ~
which is carried free on the hub of lever B. Disk L carries
dwells could, of course, be obtained by means of cams. How-
ever, the nlechanism shown is simple and more compact
than a cam arrangement. In this mechanism, disks Nand
D, with their contacting pins, are arranged similarly to
the tumblers employed on a combination .lock. Referring
to the illustration, the slide A moves a given distance at
the start before slide Bmoves in the same direction. At
Mechanism that Enables Slides A and B to be Moved in Either Direction by
Turning lIandwheel D, Slide B Always Dwelling for a Certain
:Period During the Initial Movement of Slide A
Fig, 2.
the end of the stroke, slide A moves in the reverse direction
the same distance as at the start before slide B begins its
return movement.
These motions are obtained in the following manner:
Slide A, through rack C, is connected directly to the disk
or handwheel D by gear E, pin F, and shaft G. Shaft G,
however, is allowed to rotate freely in the combination gear
and bushing H. Gear-bushing H is connected to handwheel
D through pin K in collar L which comes into contact with
a pad F, which is in constant contact with plunger G in
bearing H. Plunger G is backed up by a stiff spring. The
action of plunger G against pad F tends to hold the pad
down against the screw I.
As the shaft A rotates in the direction indicated by the
arrow in the view to the left, lever B is carried in the same
direction, but disk L is restrained from movement by the
pressure of plunger G against pad F. This causes the gears
to operate, so that the lever C is swung Oil stud !( in the
direction of the arrow. Rod D is thus given the combined
movement of lever B and lever C, which continues until
lever C makes contact with the stop-screw J on lever B.
At this point, lever C is restrained from further rotation on
stud K, and continued movement of lever B causes disk L
to be carried around with it, due to the locking action that
takes place between the gears and screw J.
As soon as. disk L turns with lever B, levers Band C re-
volve around a common axis-the center of shaft A-and
they move in synchronism from that point on. The view
to the right shows the levers Band C in their extreme for-
ward position, while an end view of the mechanism in the
same position is shown by the central illustration. On the
return stroke, synchronism is maintained until pad F again
makes contact with screw I, at which tirfle the movement of
lever C is increased by the action of the gears. Screw J
controls the period of synchronization, while screw I con-
trols the travel of lever C.
Slide which Always Dwells During Initial Movement
of Parallel Slide.- The mechanism shown in Fig. 2 pro-
vides a dwell or delay in the movement of slide B while
slide A enters upon the first portion of its cycle. On the
return stroke, slide B dwells in the same manner while slide
A begins its movement back to its original position.
This requires a delay arrangement that will operate at
each end of the cycle, so that the first slide will remain sta-
tionary in each position for a given length of time. The
Fig. 3. Diagram nlustrating Application of Hypocycloid to
Reciprocating Mechanism
Fig. 4. Saw-reciprocating Mechanism Based on Hypocycloid Principle
diameter of the generating circle G equals the radius of the
circle F. A mechanism designed on this principle will give
a long stroke with a minimum number of small strong
parts arranged in the most compact form.
In the principal application to be described, the circle F
in Figs. 4 to 6. This mechanism is designed to convert
rotary motion into reciprocating motion. The hypocycloid
98, Fig. 3, is generated by the point P in the generating
circle G as it rolls on the inside of the circle F. The hypocy-
cloid thus generated by point P is a straight line when the
--- ~ : : ~ ---- ---tH--S S
can be obtained by placing two pins in each of the three
disks at such angular positions as to give the required move-
ments. Thus, in the case shown, the total movement of A
in advance of B is 1 1/4 revolutions minus the thickness
of three pins if pins P are inserted. This movement lends
itself very readily to operations that require the withdrawal
of a certain tool from the work before the entire carriage
is withdrawn.
Mechanism for Converting Rotary into Reciprocating
Motion by Application of Hypocycloid Principle.-The
principle of the hypocycloid, as illustrated in Fig. 3,
has been applied very effectively in the mechanism shown
pin M in the free-running collar N. The opposite end of
pin M comes into contact with pin Oin handwheel D. Thus
pin 0 makes one revolution minus an amount equal to the
thickness of the pin before it comes in contact with pin M.
The opposite end of pin M can then make one revolution
less the thickness of the pin before coming in contact with
pin K which moves gear-bushing H, causing slide B to move.
On the return stroke, the reverse action takes place.
This means that two revolutions of disk D, less the thick-
ness of two pins, can be obtained before slide B follows the
movement of slide A. Less than this amount of movement
becomes the pitch circle of a fixed internal gear, and the
generating circle G becomes the pitch circle of a pinion that
rolls around on the inside of the internal gear. The point
P, which is at all times located at the exact intersection of
Fig, 5, Assembly of Saw Operated by Mechanism Shown in Fig, 4. Dotted Lines Show
Starting and Finishing Positions of Saw in Cutting off Closely Spaced Piles
the pitch line G with the center line SS of the internal gear,
becomes the stroke pin. As the pinion rolls, this pin moves
back and forth on a straight line from S to S, which is the
equivalent of the pitch diameter of the internal gear.
Hypocycloid Principle Applied to Saw- Reciprocating
Mechanism.- The arrangement shown in Figs. 4 to 6 forms
the operating mechanism of a saw for sawing off piling.
The saw A, Fig. 4, has a stroke of 12 inches, and the in-
ternal gear F has a pitch diameter of 8 inches. The com-
plete machine is rn,ade of Duralumin, and, without the
motor, weighs 43 pounds.
The specific problem was to design and build a one-man
portable machine for sawing off piles C (Fig. 5) at low tide.
These piles were 18 inches in diameter and were spaced
30 inches apart, center to center. Plan and elevation views
show the assembled machine attached to a 2- by 12- by
48-inch timber E, supported on pile D, which was hand-
sawed. The saw and the guide arms are shown in three
positions by dotted lines to indicate how the reciprocating
members clear the adjacent piles. Fig. 4 shows the recipro-
cating mechanism to a somewhat larger scale. Sectional
elevation and inverted plan views of the power-driven parts
are shown in Fig. 6.
The direction of the stroke is determined and fixed when
assembling stroke pin P and the pinion G in the internal
fixed gear F. In Figs. 4 and 6, the line x-y is at right angles
to the extension arm H of the frame J. The internal gear
F is made as a separate piece only for convenience in cut-
ting the teeth and to provide a bottom bearing for the driv-
ing pinion K, Fig. 6. The outside end L of pinion K was
squared and connected to an air motor which runs at a
speed of 800 revolutions per minute. This gives the saw
about 72 strokes per minute.
The stroke pin P and its bracket N, riveted to the rolling
pinion G, are shown in three positions in Fig. 4 to illustrate
how the pin P follows line x-y, carrying with it the forked
linkM which has pin R pivoted on its short end. The long
end of link M is forked around the squared fulcrum pin S,
Fig. 6, which swivels in the hub Q of the extension arm H.
The shoulder-stud T. Fig. 5. is supported in frame V and
fixed in position by pin U. A vise handle W in frame J
permits the operator to swing the whole assembly on stud
T to adj ust and feed the saw.
Referring to Fig. 6, the motor-driven gear X is a running
FIg. 6. Cross-section and Plan Views of Saw-reciprocating Mechanism
fit on stud T, the head of which serves as a support for the
gear. The crankpin Y, fixed in gear X, has pinion G
mounted on its head. Suitable thrust washers are provided
for both gears X and G. The stroke-pin bracket N is riveted
to pinion G, with the center line of the pin P located on
the pinion pitch line. The pin P turns freely in a. bushing
made in halves to facilitate assembling. The halves of this
bearing are pinned securely to the forked link M. Holes
and grooves for providing ample lubrication from one
grease cup screwed into the top of stud T are shown.
Uniform Reciprocating Motion.-A uniform reciprocat-
ing motion often is required in machine design, and the
Fig, 7. Mechanism which Imparts an Even Reciprocating Motion to a Rotating Shaft
mechanism to be described produces such a movement. A
belt drive to pulley A, Fig. 7, rotates shaft B, which drives
gears C and D. Gear C meshes with and drives gear E.
Cam G is integral with gear E and is opposed to the mating
cam H, which is integral with gear N. Cam H and gear N
are attached to shaft F, which rotates and ~ receives a
reciprocating motion. Cam G and gear E are :free to re-
volve around this shaft.
Gear C has twenty teeth, and gear E nineteen teeth,
keyed to the hub of gear F, which has 100 teeth. Gear G,
which has 111 teeth of modified form and is of the same
diameter as gear F, is keyed to the hub of cam B, which
transmits motion to rod A through roll R and bar J.
The gears F and G are both driven by the wide-faced
pinion H, secured to ,<shaft K. The cam roll ]- is mounted on a
bracket secured to the machine frame, and remains in a fixed
position. As the gears F and G revolve, the former gains
eleven teeth on the latter at each revolution, thus shorten-
ing and lengthening the throw of slide bar J and rod A, the
stroke being lengthened when the relative angular positions
of the cams are such that they impart motion in the' same
direction, and shortened
when the motion imparted
by the cams is opposed.
Varying a Reciprocating
Movement at One Point
of Reversal.- In a certain
textile machine, the me,m-
ber that guides the yarn as
Fig. 9. In Winding this Bobbin, the Yarn
it is wound on conical bob- is Guided by Means of the Mechanism
Shown in Fig. 10
bins is given a reciprocat-
ing movement of uniform length until several layers
of yarn have been wound. Then the length of this
movement is gradually diminished so that when completely
wound, the yarn on the small end of the bobbin forms a
cone of greater taper than the bobbin itself, as shown in
Fig. 9.
The mechanism for producing this movement is shown in
Fig. 10, the member for, guiding the yarn being indicated
at A. This member slides on the stationary guide C and
receives its motion from the reciprocating cross-head G
through the bellcrank lever M, pivoted to the cross-head at
H. The cross-head slides on stationary bars E and F, and
is reciprocated by means of cam K on shaft L.
On the lower arm of lever M is a roll m which engages a
through lever J, holds cam H in contact with cam G during
the return movement. Gear D is made wide enough to per-
mit gear N to continue in mesh during the entire stroke.
This mechanism, with more or less modification to suit the
purpose, could be applied to various classes of machinery.
Variable-Stroke Mechanism.- The purpose of the mech-
anism shown in Fig. 8 is to impart a variable-stroke motion
to rod A. This is accomplished by two cams Band C,
mounted on shaft D. These cams are a free running fit on
shaft D and are held in place by two collars E. Cam C is
Fig. 8. Double Cam and Gear Combination for Producing Variable Stroke
whereas gear D, which drivee gear N, has nineteen teeth,
and gear N has twenty teeth; consequently, gear E and
cam G are driven somewhat faster than the mating cam H
and gear N, so that there is a differential motion between
the two. The result is that cam G forces cam H and shaft
F to the right at a constant speed until the point of the
driven cam passes the point of the driving cam, when the
return stroke begins. It will be noted that spring K, acting
channel cut in the bar 0, pivoted at n. Another roll P at
the free end of bar 0 engages the groove in the cam Q.
This cam controls the angular position of bar 0, and is
rotated at the required speed by the worm and worm-gear
8 and r. It will be noted that the path of cam Q is con-
Fig. 10. Reciprocating Mechanis:rn for Varying the Length of the Stroke
of Member A which Guides the Yarn as it is Wound on the
:Sobbin Shown in Fig. 9
centric with its shaft for 180 degrees. Hence, while roll P
is passing over this part of the cam, bar o will remain sta-
tionary and the length of the stroke of member A will re-
main constant. This is clearly shown in the diagram,
Fig. 11, where the length of the stroke at this time is indi-
cated at 8
It will be seen that this stroke is equal to the
movement ofthe cross-head G.. Fig. 10, plus the movement
of the upper end of lever M resulting from its engagement
with bar O. It is during the cam dwell that the first lay-
ers of yarn are wound along the length of the bobbin and
parallel to its conical surface.
At the end of the dwell, however, roll P moves toward
the center of the swinging the bar 0 downward and
thus changing the position of the lever. As a re-
sult, the stroke of member A is gradually diminished until
Fig. 11. Diagram Showing how the Oscillation of the :Sellcrank Lever
Shortens the Stroke in the Mechanism Illustrated in Fig. 10
the channel bar and the lower arm of the lever are in line.
In this position (momentarily), the linear speed of mem-
ber A and cross-head G are equal and their movement is
indicated at 8 in the diagram, Fig. 11.
As roll P, Fig. 10, continues toward the center of the
cam, the stroke of member A decreases still more until the
channel bar and lever have assumed the position indicated
by the dotted lines in Fig. 11. The stroke now is equal to
and at this time, the bobbin is completely wound. Re-
-1' If
)1 oS
I :;jj
I 't:l
I ~
~ ~ II
~ ~
eUi ,
'2 ~ ,
I ,2
I '5
,I :a
,! ~
I' ~
II ~
C'i II
,I ~
0 1
-------- -II
ferring to the diagram, it will be seen that the stroke is
shortened only at one end. Consequently, as each succes-
sive stroke is shortened, the length of each successive layer
of yarn is decreased a corresponding amount. Hence, the
wound yarn at the small end of the bobbin forms a cone
having a greater taper than the bobbin itself. This in-
creased taper depends on the contour of cam Q and also on
the rotary speed of the cam. This type of mechanism is
used in many winding machines other than textile machines.
Alternately Imparting Long and Short Stroke to
Slide.- The cam mechanism, Fig. 12, imparts a long and a
short stroke alternately to a slide, a dwell occurring at both
ends of each stroke. This slide serves to change the posi-
tion of the carton of a carton-stapling machine, relative to
the stapling tools.
Perhaps the most interesting feature of this arrangement
is the fact that only one point of reversal is varied to obtain
the two different strokes. The cam is made in three parts,
consisting of block D, arm E, and bar F. It is mounted on
the slide A, which is given a constant reciprocating move-
ment by another member of the machine (not shown). The
required movement is imparted to slide B by contact of the
roll C with the cam.
Block D is secured to slide A and causes slide B to dwell
at the left-hand end of the stroke. Arm E is pivoted at G
to slide A, and its angular position is varied every other
stroke by means of the star-wheel H an'd the pawl J. Star-
wheel H, together with the block K, is keyed to a shaft that
is free to turn in its bearing in slide A, while pawl J is
pivoted to the machine frame. Contact between block K
and arm E is maintained by spring N. Bar F maintains
a horizontal position on both the long and short stroke of
slide B, and it was to obtain this condition that the link L
was incorporated. This link is pivoted to slide A at M and
is connected to the bar F. With this arrangement, bar F
remains in a horizontal position when arm E changes its
angular position, thus maintaining the dwell at the right-
hand end of the cam.
Reciprocating Slide with Cam Mechanism for Operat-
ing Tool or Drill Slide.- The reciprocating slide A, Fig.
13, is driven by an eccentric connected to rod D. This slide
has a cam mechanism by means of which motion is applied
to the slide B. The motion of slide B is employed for feed-
ing metal-cutting tools to the work. It can be applied to
Fig. 13. Reciprocating Slide Mechanism for Operating Tool-slide
the spindle of a drill press, for example, to advance and
withdraw the drill. By making suitable changes in the cam
slot the drill can be given a rapid approach and reduced
feeding movement, followed by a rapid return to the start-
ing position and dwell. The movements required for this
operation can be obtained by changing the cam-plate Q and
guide plate R. These plates are secured in place by screws
and dowels.
The cam-roll C is mounted on the driven slide B, which
can move only in a direction at right angles to the move-
ment of slide A. The cam slot E in slide A has latches or
slides F and G which project into the slot and prevent the
cam-roll from reversing its direction of travel in the cam
slot. When slide A is at its extreme right-hand position,
the cam-roll will be located in the cam slot as indicated at
H. The roll remains stationary while the slide A moves to
the left until it reaches the position indicated at J, thus
allowing the slide B to dwell. Any further movement of
slide A to the left will cause roll C to move down the in-
clined portion L of the cam slot, moving slide B in the direc-
tion indicated by the arrow K. When the cam-roll reaches
the point M, it forces the latch F back to the position indi-
cated by the dotted lines at N. As soon as the roll reaches
position 0, latch F, under pressure from spring P, snaps
back to the closed position. At this point, the eccentric
that reciprocates slide A has reached its highest point and
the slide commences to travel in the reverse direction. On
the return stroke, the same cycle is repeated, causing the
slide B to be returned to its original position when the cam-
roll reaches the position indicated at H. Within reason-
able limits, the dwell positions of the cam slot, as at S, can
be changed to produce any sequence of movements or dwells
Combined Reciprocating and Elevating Movement.-
The device illustrated in Fig. 14 is used for skimming dirt
and oxides from the surface of molten lead in a galvanizing
vessel. Pieces to be galvanized are dipped in this vessel,
and in order that they shall have a smooth and bright sur-
face, all foreign matter must be removed from the lead be-
fore the pieces are withdrawn. The skimming is done by
means of the reciprocating blade G. The blade is in contact
with the lead on the stroke from right to left. The return
stroke, however, is made with the blade in an elevated posi-
tion, as shown in the end view. With the blade in the latter
position, the pieces to be coated can be readily placed in or
withdrawn from the vessel.
On the bracket A, secured to the side of the vessel, is
fastened a stationary shaft B. Sliding on this shaft is a
sleeve C which, in turn, forms a bearing for the bushing D.
On one side of this bushing is an extension to which the
skimmer is fastened, while on the other side is mounted a
cam roller J which engages an angular slot in the carriage
E. The carriage slides on shaft B, and is given a recipro-
cating motion by a crank (not shown) through the con-
necting-rod F. Both members C and E are prevented from
rotating by keys in shaft B.
Referring to the plan view of the illustration, it will be
seen that the skimmer blade is at its farthest position to
the left. The carriage E now moves toward the right, and
after traveling a distance X, the surface H on the carriage
boss comes in contact with the end of the sleeve C. While
the distance X is traversed by the carriage, the sleeve C
is stationary and the roll J is forced downward due to the
angularity of the cam slot I. This movement of the roll
will cause the blade G to rjse a.bove the molten lead.
The carriage E continues to move to the right with the
blade in its elevated position until the end of the stroke is
reached. On the return of the carriage, the gap shown at
X will be on the other end of the sleeve C. As the width
of this gap, the cam roll will ride to the top of
the slot I, causing blade G to enter slightly past the surface
of the lead. The blade, held in this position, skims the
surface of the lead as it continues its stroke to the position
shown in the plan view.
There must be sufficient friction between the shaft a;nd
the sleeve so that the latter will remain stationary while
the roll J raises the skimmer blade. This friction is ob-
tained by counterboring both ends of the sleeve until the
length of its bearing on the shaft is shortened to a distance
Y. The location of this short bearing surface is such as to
cramp the sleeve enough to obtain the desired friction. In
this simple way, a very effective and dependable frictional
grip is obtained.
Quadrupling the Travel of a Slide.-In the mechanism
illustrated in Fig. 15, the reciprocating slide A has a stroke
four times as long as the slide B from which it re,ceives its
motion. This is effected through a series of racks and pin-
ions, the pinions moving in a straight line and meshing with
two opposite racks, one of which is fixed and the other free
to slide. Obviously, the rack that is free to slide will move
twice as far as the center of the pinion. This design is ad-
vantageous when a compact arrangement is required, and
by using more than two gear combinations, the stroke im-
parted by slide B can be increased to any length.
The mechanism is mounted on the stationary block C,
which is grooved to receive the three reciprocating slides
A, B, and D. On each of the slides A and D is secured a
rack, as indicated at G and H. Two stationary racks E and
F are fastened to block C. On the ends of the slides Band
D are the pinions J and K, each of which meshes with a
fixed and a sliding rack. Full lines are used to represent
the pitch lines of the gears and racks.
Now it win be seen that if slide B is advanced toward the
right, say 1 inch, slide D will move 2 inches in the same
direction through the action of pinion J meshing with the
racks F and H. The same combination of gearing exists
at the right-hand end of the block. Consequently, if slide
D moves 2 inches, the stroke imparted to slide A will be 4
inches. At the end of this 4-inch stroke, slide A will be
in the position shown in the lower view.
Intermittent Trigger Slide Having a Positive Working
Stroke and a Swift Return.-A reciprocating slide having
a trigger action is employed on an automatic nut-tapping
machine for feeding the nut positively and at a relatively
slow speed from the magazine to the tapping position.
There, the slide dwells during the operation, after which
the trigger action releases it, so that it returns swiftly to
the magazine for another nut.
The mechanism is mounted on the machine frame H,
Fig. 16. It consists of the dovetail slide A, on which is
guided the auxiliary slide B, both slides being actuated by
the oscillating segment gear C. Gear C oscillates at a con-
stant velocity and receives its motion from another mem-
Fig. 16. Slide Having a Positive Working Stroke and a Rapid Return Movement
ber of the machine (not shown). Secured in slide B is the
round rod D which is connected at its left end to the work-
carrier (not shown). Spring E, which imparts the rapid
return movement to the work-carrier,is mounted on rod D,
and the spring tension is released for the return stroke by
the trigger F, pivoted on the stationary bracket G.
Gear segment C, in the position shown in the illustration,
has carried both slides to their extreme left-hand position,
and in doing so, has caused rod D to transfer a nut from
the magazine to the tapping position. At this point, trigger
F has engaged the projection on the auxiliary slide B. The
gear segment now reverses its movement and carries slide
A toward the right. During this movement, slide B re-
mains stationary, since it is held by the trigger. Near the
end of the stroke of sFde A toward the right, the projection
J engages the end of the trigger and lifts the latter away
from the projection on slide B; consequently, slide B is re-
leased and under the action of spring E is carried toward
the right until the rubber bumper K comes in contact with
projection J. Thus, with the return of slide B, the work-
carrier and rod D are returned swiftly to the magazine for
another nut. This completes the cycle of the mechanism.
Slide which Dwells atOne End of Its Stroke.- The
screw shells on the plugs attached to electric. extension
cords are spun in place on the plugs in an automatic ma-
chine. The assembled shell and plug is delivered to the
machine from the magazine by means of a feed-slide hav-
ing a dwell at one end of its stroke. The slide is designed
to have a positive action. The dwell occurs when the slide
has carried the plug to its spinning position and continues
until the shell has been spun and the finished plug e j ~ t e
from the machine.
Referring to Fig. 17, the feed-slide A is mounted in
guides on the machine frame B. The driving lever C is
equipped with a roll D which engages a cam slot E in a
projection on the slide. The illustration shows the empty
slide in the position it occupies after being carried back
toward the left to the magazine (not shown). As the lever
reverses its motion, the slide is returned with a plug to
the position indicated by the dot-and-dash outline, the lever
rotating through angle b. This is the position of the slide
while the plug is being spun. The dwell of the slide that
permits this operation is obtained as the lever continues
its movement along the curved portion of the cam slot, the
latter being concentric with the lever shaft at this time.
>:: .....
c: ()
X X .....
The dwell continues until the lever has moved through the
angle a minus b and back to the position shown by the dot-
and-dash outline. At this point the completed plug is
ej ected from the slide by a device not shown. The con-
Fig. 18. Reciprocating Mechanism of' a High-speed Machine for Operating
Slide Parallel to Driving Shaft
tinued movement of the lever returns the slide to the maga-
zine ready to pick up another plug.
Slide with Reciprocating Movement Parallel to Driving
Shaft.- In a special high-speed machine used to shear and
form fiber shields for electrical switches, it was required
that slide A (see Fig. 18) have a reciprocating motion
the lever B, which is fastened to gear C. Gear C and lever
B are free on stud D, and oscillate in unison. Gear C
transmits motion to gear E, which carries the lever F, both
of which are free on stud G. Lever F carries the pin H,
Fig. 19. Diagrams Illustrating Operation of Recillrocating Mechanism
~ !"T"-,.".,...-
which travels in a slot in lever J, transmitting motion to
rod K. The assembly is supported by the bearing L.
In the two upper views, rod A is shown at its extreme
right position and its extreme left position, representing
half its cycle of operation. It will be noted that in both
parallel to driving shaft B. It was also essential to op-
erate slide A without lost motion due to wear, and the de-
sign here shown has proved satisfactory in this respect.
The reciprocating motion is obtained from an angular
eccentric sleeve C, secured to driving shaft B. As this
sleeve revolves, it imparts a swinging motion to part D
about center E. This motion is transmitted to slide A
through a rod which is fixed to D and has a ball-shaped
end F. The spherical end engages concave seats in bronze
screws G, held in a cross-head that is free to slide vertically
far enough to provide for the rise land fall resulting from
the circular movement of ball F. Screws G provide ad-
justment to eliminate play, and the vertical cross-head slide
has adj ustable gibs.
The two ball bearings that support the driving shaft and
also the two between sleeve C and part D are of the com-
bination radial and thrust type. The mechanism is enclosed
in a bracket cast integral with the machine proper and
forming a well so that the lower members are always
in a bath of oil. This reciprocating mechanism operates
smoothly and accurately, and requires little attention other
than to add oil to the well at intervals of approximately two
Obtaining Two Reciprocating Motions from One
Movement.- A change in a wire product necessitated
changing the mechanism of a wire-forming machine so that
the reciprocating motion originally used would be replaced
by two similar movements of lesser magnitude in the same
period of time. Fig. 19 shows how this was accomplished,
using the same source of power. Originally the required
reciprocating movement was furnished by rod A. In the
new arrangement, this rod actuates rod K, causing it to
move forward and back while rod A is moving in one
Rod A is given a reciprocating motion from a distant
source of power for transmitting the oscillating motion to
these views, lever J occupies the same position, having
passed through one complete cycle and returned to its orig-
inal position. Starting its movement from the position
shown by the upper left-hand diagram, lever B is moved
to the left by rod A, causing gear C to make a partial revo-
lution. Gear E, meshing with gear C, is thus given a par-
tial revolution in the opposite direction. As lever F is
fastened to gear E and moves with it, pin H is moved down-
ward in the slot in lever J, causing the latter to move to
the right until pin H reaches the horizontal center line of
stud G, at which time lever J is at, its extreme right-hand
position, as shown by the lower right-hand view.
Continued movement of rod A produces a further down-
ward movement of pin H. As pin H passes the center line,
it acts against lever J in the reverse direction, moving it
to the left. As rod A reaches its extreme left position,
lever J is also at its extreme left position, having completed
its cycle, whereas rod A has completed but half its cycle.
As rod A returns to its extreme right position, lever J again
passes through its cycle. The magnitude of the movement
of lever B may. be determined by comparing its positions
(see two upper views), while the movement of lever J will
be understood by reference to the upper left-hand and the
lower right-hand diagrams.
Slide with Dwell at Ends of Stroke and Quick Return.-
A mechanism designed to give an intermittent movement
to a reciprocating slide is shown in Fig. 20. For every revo-
lution of the shaft I, the slide J rises at a comparatively
slow speed until it reaches the position shown by the dotted
outline; the slide then dwells at this point for a certain
period of time, after which it returns to its original posi-
tion. These movements are secured through the action of
the lever arm D on the latch C and on the projecting lug K
of the slide. The end of the arm, rotating at a uniform
speed, engages the lug K and raises the slide until the latch
C catches ,on the lower lug G.
The slide is held in this dwelling position until the arm
trips the latch, when the slide drops down on stop-pin B to
the position shown, thus completing the cycle. A further
motion of the arm raises the slide. The member of the
machine on which the end H of the slide acts (not shown)
returns under the action of a coil spring, carrying the slide
Fig. 20. Slide Mechanism Producing an Intermittent Motion and a.
Rapid Return
back also. It will be noted that the angle through which
the arm must turn to raise the slide J the required height
is governed by the over-all length of the arm D and the
location of the shaft I. The slide is confined in its path by
the T-shaped gib F on the bracket A.
Slide which Dwells During Every Other Cycle of Driving
Slide.- On a certain bread-wrapping machine the mechan-
ism, Fig. 21, controls the action of the bread-shifting slide.
b ..,
Fig, 12. Adjustable-speed Friction-driven Feeding Unit for Wire-cutting Machine-See Continuation, Fig, 18
\ 'II "CT
_... 8PO'
... - - - _'M'""IIZ
Fl&,. 13. Wire-feed Driving Mecha.nism which Tra.nsmitll Motion through a Sprocket a.nd Ohain Tra.namission to the Feeding
Shea.ves, Fig. 12
to the length of wire that will be fed by the rolls for that
particular setting.
In operation, after the wire has been laced through the
feed-rolls and into the machine, the operator places the
crank-handle on the squared end of the shaft previously re-
ferred to, and turns" the feed-rolls forward, feeding a small
amount of slack wire ahead of the wire-cutting machine.
The wire-cutting machine is then started, which also serves
to start the feed-rolls. If the length of wire is one that
has been cut previously, the setting, no doubt, will be fairly
accurate and the same amount of slack wire will be main-
tained. However, should the length of wire to be cut be an
odd size, an approximate setting is made. An occasional
glance from the operator, while pursuing other duties, de-
termines whether the feed-rolls are losing or gaining on the
wire-cutting machine. In either case, a turn of knob K at
the end of the screw in the cross-shaft readj usts the feed.
This can be done while the machine is running.
Automatic Wire-Tension Equalizer.- On a special ma-
chine for producing a wire product, numerous strands of
wire are woven or interlaced around two lengthwise strands.
After the required number of interlacings have been made,
the two lengthwise strands are pulled tightly and the whole
locked together. It is essential, however, that both length-
wise strands have the same degree of tension during this
locking action. Hand methods of tensioning had been used
until the attachment shown in Fig. 14 was developed. This
attachment automatically maintains an equal tension on the
two wires.
The two sprockets A fastened on the driving shaft B
drive the two sprockets C by means of the chains D, which
have considerable slack. This slack, because of the direc-
tion of the drive, will be normally at the bottom. A uni-
form tension is maintained in the wires by means of the two
idler sprockets E carried on slides F, which, in turn, are
connected by the equalizing lever G. Sprockets C and
X bll
drums [ are fastened on the short jack-shafts H. The
lengthwise strands of wire are fastened to studs J on
drums [.
When the wires are ready for tensioning, shaft B is given
a slow rotary motion in the direction of the arrow. This
motion is transmitted to the sprockets A and C and the
drums [ through the chains D. The idler sprockets E op-
erate on the tight or load-carrying side of the chains D.
Therefore, any increase in the tension of the wires will pro-
duce R corresponding increase in the tension of the chains D,
and also in the pressure against the idler sprockets E.
As long as the tension of the two chains D remains equal,
the lever G will be inactive. However, as soon as this ten-
sion becomes unequal, the sprocket E on the chain having
the greater tension will be forced upward, causing the
lever G to force the other sprocket E downward until the
tension again becomes the same in both chains. Except at
the very beginning of the tensioning operation, this attach-
ment scarcely seems to operate. The slightest difference
in the tension of the two wires is transmitted to the chains
and idler sprockets, causing an almost imperceptible equal-
izing movement of the lever G.
Mechanism for Removing Incompletely Assembled
Caps from Conveyor Wheel.- Cork disks S, Figs. 15 and
16, are assembled in caps W by automatic machinery hav-
ing a conveyor or transport wheel A. Occasionally, the
mechanism for feeding the cork disks into position for as-
sembling becomes jammed, with the result that caps W
pass to the ring B of the transport wheel A unprepared for
the operations that are to follow.
The automatic mechanism shown in Fig. 15 for removing
the caps that fail to receive cork disks was developed after
some experimental work and attached to the transport
wheel. This self-contained mechanism prevents the incom-
pletely assembled caps from continuing along the line and
thus causing unnecessary expense for useless work. The
'" Z
0 G)
0 :::;
~ ~
1'1 ....
E l ~
~ < l
~ ~
:> .0
assorting device operates satisfactorily and performs the
desired sorting operation at a point that could not be
reached readily by the operator's hand. The principle is
simple and should be easily adaptable to other work ofa
similar nature.
Ring B is fastened to disk A, the caps W being carried
in machined recesses provided in ring B. The ring-gear C
is attached to the bottom of disk A, and through its con-
nection with the gear E, serves to actuate the automatic
assorter. Gear E is fastened to the flange member F, which
is part of a spool consisting of two flange members F and G,
held together by screws H. The spool rests on the thrust
bearing T and revolves on the spindle P, which is part of
the stationary support R.
Holes are drilled and reamed in the flanges F and G to
permit a sliding fit for the plungers D. In order to pre-
vent the plungers from twisting in their bearings, a slot U
is provided in each one in which a set-screw J acts as a
key. A light spring N keeps the plungers down. Each
plunger is equipped with a lifter K, pinned in place at its
upper end. The combined cover and cam-holder 0 is held
in position on spindle P by the nut Q. Two cams Land M
are fastened to the cam-holder O.
Operation of the Automatic Cap Assorter.- In opera-
tion, the movements of plungers D are controlled by cams
Land M. The position of the first cam M is shown in the
view to the left. In Position 1, Fig. 16, the lifter K is
shown making its initial contact with the cam surface.
Position 2 shows the plunger resting so as to clear the cap
entirely. In Position 3 the plunger is shown released and
dropped into the cap under the action of spring N, Fig. 15.
Positions 1, 2, and 3, Fig. 16, correspond to the points
marked 1, 2, and 3 in Fig. 15.
The function performed by cam L is illustrated in the
views to the left, Fig. 16. In Position 4, plunger D is shown
resting on top of a cork disk inserted in the cap. The lifter
10 co
Z z
0 0
;:: ;::
(i) (i)
0 0
0.. 0..
in the bed of the machine and is adj ustable by means of the
screw G.
The illustration shows the eccentric at its extreme right-
hand position. The arms on strap C gradually assume an
angular position after the eccentric has passed the top
center. The effect i$ that of a lever with E acting as the
fulcrum, so that rod D has a movement greater than would
be obtained by direct connection with the eccentric strap C.
If the roller E is moved toward or away from the shaft A,
the effective length of the slotted arm is increased or de-
creased; and as the length of the upper arm remains con-
stant, its nlovement is accordingly increased or decreased.
Adiustable Stroke - Feeding Mechanism for Sewing
Machines.-The feeding mechanisms of sewing machines
used for commercial production work must be designed to
handle a great variety of fabrics. This requires a wide
range of adjustment in the length of stitch. The parts of
the mechanism must be so proportioned that they will be
durable and require a minimum of power for their opera-
tion. While the method of adj usting the length of stitch
should be simple and positive, it need not be of a char:;tcter
suitable for adjustment by the operators.
Referring to the feed-dog shown at B, Fig. 18, it is neces-
sary that the path of travel of this part while above the
throat plate N in the working part of its cycle of motion
be approximately a straight line. It is also desirable that
the working path of the feed-dog be capable of being tilted
in either direction from a line parallel with the top of the
throat plate. The mechanism shown accomplishes these
several objects in the nlanner to be described.
The feed-dog B is attached at or near the front end of
the feed-bar A. The rear end of this feed-bar is supported
by rocker arm C by means of shaft D, about which it is free
to pivot. In a similar manner, the front end of the feed-bar
is carried by rocker arm E, which is free to pivot about the
pin connection F. The rear rocker arm C is pivoted at its
Fig. 17. Adjustable-stroke Mechanism
K, irJ. this case, is raised high enough to permit it, to make
contact with the cam surface. In Position 5, plunger D is
shown resting on the bottom of a cap, with no cork disk in
place. In this case, the lifter K is positioned too low to
make contact with the cam surface, so that it passes under
cam L. Since the plunger is not raised out of the cap in the
latter case, it ca,uses the cap to be removed from its position
in the transport wheel by the plunger D. In Position 4,
however, the cap moves on, because the plunger is raised
sufficiently to allow the cap
to retain its position in the
transport wheel.
This device can be oper-
ated successfully at rela-
tivelyhigh rates of produc-
tion. In increasing the op-
erating speed, it becomes
necessary to place cams L
and M farther apart, in or-
der to give plunger D time
to drop into the cap before
the lifter K makes contact
with cam L. The space be-
tween the plungers on the
automatic assorter should
be equal to the distance be-
tween the caps which are located on the transport wheel.
Adiusting Stroke without Stopping Machine.- The feeder
slide on a wire machine is operated by an eccentric mechan-
ism (Fig. 17), which has an arrangement for varying the
length of stroke while in operation. The shaft A rotates
the eccentric B, which carries strap C. The upper end of
the strap carries an arm, the motion of which is trans-
mitted to the slide through the rod D. The lower end of
strap G has a slotted arm, which is positioned by the roller
E. This roller is carried on block F which slides in a groove
~ w r end to the frame of the machine at G and is driven
by link H. Link H is pivoted to arm C at bearing I. The
other end of link H is pivoted to the adjustable feed-crank
J, carried on the end of main shaft K. The lower end of
rocker arm E is in the form of an eccentric strap L,which
engages an eccentric, driven by the main shaft K. This
eccentric is termecl the "feed-lift eccentric." Both the feed
and lift motions 8l e positive, and their combined action on
the feed-dog reslllts in a path of motion relative to the
Fig. 19. Diagrams Showing Adjustments of Sewing Machine Feeding Mechanism
for Both Short and Long Feeding Strokes
throat plate N such as is illustrated by the dotted lines of
the two diagrams Fig. 19.
This arrangement causes the rear end of feed-bar A to
rise and fall twice with each revolution of the shaft K. The
amount of this rise and fall depends upon the length of the
rocker arm and its angular displacement each side of the
vertical position. In a like manner, the front end of the
feed..;bar will rise and fall, due to the relation between it and
Fig. 18. Adjustable-stroke Feedinlf :M:echa.nism for Sewmgo Machine
the front rocker arm. The front end of the feed-bar is also
caused to rise and fall by the rotation of the lift-eccentric
on the main shaft. It is evident, therefore, that the rise
and fall of the front end of the feed-bar will be the result
of these two actions. The rise and fall of the feed-dog will
be similar to that of the front end of the feed-bar, but not
exactly the same, depending upon its size and location rela-
tive to the front end of the feed-bar.
The upper diagram Fig. 19 shows the adjustment for a
relatively short stitch, and the lower diagram, the adjust-
ment for a relatively long stitch. These views indicate the
relationship between the rocker arms, feed-bar, feed-dog,
throat plate, and lift-eccentric. The dotted lines in these
illustrations show roughly the path of the toe of the feed-
dog. The path of the heel would be similar to that of the
toe, but not exactly the same. By a suitable proportioning
of the parts and adjustment of the angular relationship be-
tween the feed-crank and the lift-eccentric, the feed-dog
may be caused to emerge through the throat plate parallel
to the latter member and to travel a very nearly straight
line parallel with the top of the throat plate.
By altering the angular relationship between the feed-
crank and the lift-eccentric, the feed-dog may be caused to
emerge from the throat plate toe first; that is, the feed-dog
may be tilted backward at a slight angle. By changing this
angular relationship in the opposite direction, the heel of
the feed-dog may be caused to rise first. These various re-
lations of feed-dog to throat plate are desirable because of
the feeding requirements of different kinds of fabrics and
the kind of seam required. In the design described, exces-
sive wear and violent velocity changes have been avoided.
This enables the mechanism to be operated at high speeds
with relatively small wear and with a comparatively small
consumption of power.
Mechanism for Operating Magazine Feed-Slide.- Elec-
trical knife switches are automatically assembled on their
Fig. 20. Mechanism that Feeds Knife Switch Bases from Magazine A
to Slots in the Dial Q
link H and the stop J, stop J being attached to the slide by
the pivot pin K.
The lever G is shown in its farthest position to the right,
where it has carried the base L out of the magazine. As
the lever and slide move toward their left-hand position,
base L is carried against the counterweighted pawl M,
pivoted to the block N which is secured to the magazine.
Continued movement of the lever toward the left causes the
pawl to push the base off the slide, so that when the latter
slate bases in a machine equipped with a magazine that
feeds the bases to a dial by means of a pusher-slide. An
interesting feature of this magazine is that, although the
stroke of the feed-slide is only 4 3/4 inches, this slide. serves
to transfer the base over a distance of 7 1/2 inches. Re-
ferring to the illustration (Fig. 20), the magazine is shown
at A fastened to the machine frame B. The feed-slide is
indicated at D. It rests on the top of the machine and op
erates between two guides, one of which is shown at F. The
slide is reciprocated by the oscillating lever G through the
its left-hand position. Obviously, as the lever swings to-
ward the left, the stop will swing in a clockwise direction,
so that its protruding point recedes below the top of the
slide. The stop remains in this position until the lever and
slide are at the left-hand end of their stroke, as indicated
by the dot-and-dash outline. When the lever moves toward
the right, the dog automatically swings back to its former
position and pushes .. base. P out of the magazine. In the
meantime, base L, :resting on the machine, is pushed by
the front end of the slide into a slot in the dial Q. An added
advantage of this mechanism is that it can be used effec-
tively where space at the left of the magazine is l i m i t ~
as it is in this case by the machine wall R. Ordinarily, a
long slide would have been used which would have required
considerable clearance at this point.
Transferring Parts from Station to Station.-In a ma-
chine for wrapping packages, the conveying mechanism
shown in Fig. 21 is employed for transferring the packages
to each successive station. In doing this, the transfer arms
A must pick up the packages, carry them toward the right
to the next stations, lower them into position, and then,
after dropping enough to clear the bottom of the packages,
return to their starting position. A package partly wrapped
is deposited automatically on the carrier at B when the
mechanism is moving up from the position shown.
The diagram Y indicates the path through which the
packages theoretically are moved during one cycle,although
they rest on bars in the upper position while the carrier
drops below them when returning, the diagram represent-
ing the transfer arm travel. An eccentric in combination
with a cam is used to obtain this movement, although two
cams could be used that would cause the package to follow
the path indicated at Z,. or two eccentrics might be used if
the motion imparted would be suitable.
The two carriers A support both ends of the packages,
while the slide beneath supports the carriers and is con-
.Fig, 21. Mechanism for Transferring Packages :from Station to Station
has reached its extreme left-hand position, the base drops
on top of the machine frame B between the guides.
Since the bottom base in the stack rests on the pins 0,
the stop J must clear the bottom base as the slide moves to
nected by link F to the lever G pivoted on stud H. The slide
is operated through this lever arrangement by the cam J
which engages the roll K attached to the yoke L. Shaft M,
which drives the entire mechanism, passes through the
yoke, while a pin at N pivots the yoke to the lever. Sup-
porting the slide that carries the transfer arms A is a
bracket P to which the slide is dovetailed. This bracket is
mounted on two levers shown at Q and R, which are free to
pivot on the studs S. Connecting link T ties these levers
together, and increases the strength of the assembly. Form-
ing part of the lever R is an arm U to which is pivoted a
connecting-rod V fastened to the eccentric strap W. Both
the eccentric C and the cam J are pinned to the drive
shaft M.
In operation, as the shaft M revolves, the movement of
the eccentric causes levers Rand Q to oscillate in the direc-
tion of the arrow, thus raising bracket P. In the mean-
time, a dwell on the cam prevents the slide from moving
to the right or left. When the carrier reaches the position
shown by the dotted outline, the cam operates lever G, so
that the slide is moved to the right; the -dwell on the cam
then holds the lever stationary until the eccentric swings
the lever R back so that the carrier will be in the position
indicated at X. The cam then operates lever G to bring the
slide back to its starting position. As the eccentric travels
continuously through an arc, at no time will the slide be
held stationary, the path of the carriers being curved; how-
ever, for practical purposes, this departure from a straight
line movement may be disregarded. If it is desired to con-
trol this mechanism so that there is no up or down travel
while the slide is traversing, a cam may be substituted for
the eccentric. The dwells and rises on the cams may then
be varied so that the path of travel will be as shown at z.
Elevating Pile of Sheets to Keep Top Sheet in Alignment
with Feed RoUs.-The top sheet in a pile is automatically
kept in approximate alignment with a pair of feeding rolls
Fig'. 22. Mechanism that Keeps Top Sheet of Stack in Magazine in
Line with Feed-rolls
feeding movement by means of the screw D secured to the
slide. The screw engages a nut E which is an integral part
of the ratchet wheel F. Bearing G, cast on the machine
frame, serves as a support for the nut 3.ud ratchet wheel.
,by the mechanism shown in Fig. 22. It is used for feeding
sheets to a paper-tube rolling machine and can be readily
adapted to the feeding of metal sheets as well.
The rectangular sheets A are stacked on the vertical slide
B mounted on the machine C. This slide is given a vertical
Stacking Mechanism at End of Conveyor Belt which Raises Pieces from Belt, Arranges
Stacks, and Transfers the Stacks to a. Roller Carrier
The latter is rotated to feed the screw and slide B upward
by means of the pawl H pivoted to the oscillating bar J.
This bar receives its movement through the constantly ro-
tating crank K, and at its left-hand end is connected to link
L. Link L, in turn, is connected to the bar M which slides
in a guide on the s ~ i B. At the top of bar M is a cross-
piece N, which rests on the top of the sheets.
As indicated, slide B is loaded with sheets and the suction
cups 0 have raised the end of the top sheet preparatory to
carrying it forward and between the moving belts on the
rolls P. These belts then transfer the sheet to the rolling
mechanism. This top sheet is under the cross-piece N. The
pawl H remains out of engagement with the ratchet wheel
and there is no upward feeding movement of slide B until
N, together with bar M, link L, and arm J, drops down far
enough to cause pawl H to engage the teeth in the ratchet
wheel, rotating the latter and feeding screw D.
Now, as cross-piece N travels upward with the top sheet,
arm J will once more lift pawl H out of engagement with
the ratchet wheel and thus stop the feeding action of the
screw and slide B when the top of the pile of sheets has
been elevated to the required level.
To permit reloading of the magazine, bevel gears Q and
R are provided. Gear Q is keyed to the nut, while gear R
is keyed to a shaft which turns freely in bracket S cast on
the machine. The shaft for gear R is square at its outer
end to accommodate a hand-crank used for moving the slide
manually to its loading position. At this time, pawl H is
swung up out of engagement with the ratchet wheel.
Mechanism for Stacking Articles at the Delivery End
of a Conveying Belt.- The basic mechanical motion used
in the mechanism illustrated in Fig. 23 has various applica-
tions and should be of interest to machine designers. In
this case, it is applied to the problem of stacking articles
which are being carried along a conveyor belt. Its advan-
tage for this work is that it will handle articles in varying
Fig. 23.
to arm OF. This arrangement causes arm OL to oscillate
through the angle a. The secondary arm HLW, which is
carried on arm OL, will pick up plate P under certain con-
ditions, to be described, and swing arms OA and SB to their
upper positions.
It is, of course, understood that these arms carry the
elevators K and that the "pick up" action is accomplished
as a result of the "firing" of the trigger T which allows the
catch arm to drop off the small pin E and the lower end R
to assume the position shown by the dotted lines. The cam
arm YC and arm YR are tied together and turn or swing
as one piece on the pin Y fixed in the frame. Part HLW
also carries a small pin D which strikes roller R, and when
in the lower position, locks into plate P on the upward part
of the oscillating movement of arm OL. At the same time,
cam C is moved to the position indicated by the dotted lines
to the left. This action relatches the trigger T on pin E if
no article is in position to be raised to the stack.
The discharge action may be arranged to take place on
the return or downward part of the stroke. When the fifth
article has raised arm J, the latter arm, which is connected
to a bolt clutch finger of standard design, causes the part
indicated at Z (Fig. 24) to rotate one complete revolution.
Through suitable connections, which are clearly indicated,
this action moves pusher G to the position indicated by the
dotted lines at G1 and returns it to its normal position. This
movement transfers the stack of five pieces to the roller
carrier and completes the cycle, after which the operations
are repeated automatically.
Variable Rotary Movement for Operating Shell Hop-
per.- Brass shells are fed to a thread-rolling machine by
means of a rotary hopper attached to the machine. After
extensive experiments, it was found that a variable rotary
movement of the hopper drum increased its efficiency; that
is, more shells per minute could be fed by the drum when
the pulsating movement was used. The mechanism shown
Fig. 24. Sectional View of Stacking
Mechanism Shown in Fig, 23
_ ........0<- _
quantities or singly, as
the case may be. In
this instance, the arti-
cles, shown by dot-and-
dash lines, are stacked
five high and are dis-
charged on ~ roller
conveyor as shown.
The operation of the
mechanism is based on
the "firing" of a trig-
ger T which is moved
to the position shown
by the dotted n ~ s by
a single article, which
will then allow the
conveyor belt to slip or
pass beneath until the
elevator K rises to the
upper position, indi-
cated by the dotted
lines. This places the
article at the bottom
of the preceding arti-
cles which make up
the stack. The article
is prevented fro m
dropping back by four
latches U which are
hinged in the side. walls. Each article, of course, supports
the one above it. until the pile is complete, when the entire
stack is moved to the right.
The action of the lower part of the mechanism is as fol-
lows: An oscillating movement is imparted to the rocker
arm OL by the driver shaft which rotates continuously.
This shaft carries an eccentric E and, in turn, is connected
In Fig. 25 was designed to give the required pulsating
With this arrangeluent, the drum is rotated a partial
revolution at a slow velocity through a train of gears and
a double roller clutch. The remaining part of the revolu-
tion is imparted bY,acrank which causes the roller clutch
to over-run so that the drum rotates at a relatively rapid
The drive-shaft B is supported in the bearing C, which is
an integral part of the machine. On this shaft is keyed the
pinion D, which meshes with the gear E, keyed to sleeve F.
The left-hand end G of this sleeve forms the core of a roller
clutch; the outer ring for this core is indicated at H. The
sleeve on ring H is supported in the bearings J and K, and
its bore provides a bearing for the core sleeve P. Keyed to
the ring sleeve is the gear L, which meshes with gear M,
keyed to the drum shaft A.
It will be noted that ring H forms the core for the second
or outer roller' clutch, the ring for this clutch being indi-
cated at N. The long shaft 0, integral with this ring, is a
free fit in the bore of core sleeve P, and a collar at its right-
hand end serves to lock in position all the members sup-
ported in bearings J and K. On an offset boss on the side
of ring N is pivoted the connecting-rod P, the lower end of
which is connected to the crank disk Q, keyed to shaft B.
As shaft B rotates one-half revolution in the direction of
the arrow, core G turns in a clockwise direction (see end
view), rotating ring H and gear L with it. As a result,
gear M and drum shaft A turn at a constant velocity in a
counter-clockwise direction. In the meantime, crank Q,
through rod P, rotates ring N in a counter-clockwise direc-
tion; but, as the clutch rolls between members Hand N
are free at this time, this movement does not affect the
movement of shaft A. However, as soon as shaft B com-
pletes one-half revolution, the crank reverses the rotation
of ring N. Now as this ring rotates at a much higher
velocity than core G, the rolls between members G and H
will be released, so that ring H will over-run and rotate
gears Land M and drum shaft A at a high velocity. This
high velocity of shaft A continues until shaft B has com-
pleted its second half revolution, after which the movement
of ring N is again reversed, thus permitting the rolls to
wedge between members G and H. This will cause mem-
ber H to rotate the drum shaft at the slow velocity. There
is practically no over-run of the drum when its velocity
changes from high to low, owing to the frictional contact
of the drum with the shells in the hopper. These slow and
fast movements of shaft A are repeated alternately, impart-
ing the required pulsating movement to the hopper drum.
Power presses and dies are utilized for such a large vari-
ety of manufacturing operations that many different types
of feeding, ejecting, and other mechanisms have been de-
signed. In fact, a large volume could be filled with mech-
anisms of this class alone; hence this chapter is not in-
tended as a treatise on such mechanisms but it does contain
illustrated descriptions of a number of feeding and ejecting
mechanisms which incorporate in their design certain me-
chanical principles likely to be of value to users of a book
on the general subject of mechanism.
Inverting Shells After they Leave the Hopper.- Some
hoppers used for feeding shells to power presses are de-
signed so that the closed end of the shell will enter the feed-
tube first. To permit this type of hopper to be used for
work in which the shells are required to enter the press dial
with the closed ends at the top, some means must be pro-
vided for inverting the shells after they leave the hopper
and before they enter the dials.
This may be done by employing the device shown in
Fig. 1. Here it will be seen that the shells leave the hopper
tube and drop into recesses in the disk A., These recesses
are equally spaced and the disk is indexed one space for
every cycle of the press. The indexing occurs during the
upward stroke of the ram. Motion is transmitted to the
disk for this purpose by means of the link B and the lever
C. At one end of lever C is mounted a pawl which engages
the ratchet wheel D. The ratchet turns freely on the shaft
E and transmits the required rotary motion to the disk A
by means of friction washers (not shown).
Fig. 1. Simple Device for Inverting Shells before they Enter the Dial Press
The stationary guard F provides for retaining the shells in
the disk. It will also be noted that one corner of each of
the impressions in the disks is beveled. This is done so
that as this corner passes the hopper feed-tube it will not
jam the shell in the end of the tube, but will force it up-
ward into the tube. In case the stroke of the press is such
as to cause the disk to be indexed more than one division,
the link B can be equipped with a coil spring acting against
the connecting member of the press ram, and a stop can
be provided for lever C, so that the latter will oscillate only
the required amount.
It may also be added here that the friction drive for the
disk A provides a means for stopping the disk automatically
in case of jamming when defective shells are fed through,
in which case the guard F should be made removable, so
that the shell can be extracted. After the shell is extracted,
the disk must be rotated by hand until it assumes the cor-
rect position relative to the ratchet wheel. Corresponding
lines scribed on both of these members may be employed for
this purpose. It is evident that this arrangement may also
be used for feeding shells into the dial with their closed
ends at the bottom, provided, of course, that they leave the
hopper tube with their closed ends at the top.
Hopper Attachment for Feeding all Shells with Their
Closed Ends Up.- Regardless of whether shells are fed
from a hopper with the closed end at the top or at the
bottom, the attachment shown in Fig. 2 will deliver them
to the press dial with the closed end at the top. This de-
vice greatly simplifies the design of the hopper, inasmuch
as no attention need be paid to the position in which the
shell leaves the hopper opening. By modifying the design
of the attachment shown, the shells may also be delivered
to the dial with the closed end at the bottom. Hence, by
constructing two demountable attachments, shells may be
made to enter the dial with the closed end at the top or at
the bottom, only one hopper being employed in both cases.
The shells are fed from the hopper into th8 tube A. From
the tube, they drop into openings in the annular ring B,
which is given an intermittent rotary motion by means of
the ratchet wheel C and ratchet lever D. This lever is given
an oscillating movement through the link E which is carried
In the position shown, a shell has just entered the top
depression in the disk, with its closed end at the bottom,
while at the lower part of the disk another shell has dropped
into the press dial with its closed end at the top. One-half
revolution of the disk A is required to invert each shell.
Fig. 2. Device for Feeding Shells into a Dial with their Closed Ends. up Regardless of
their Position a.Sl they Leave. the Hopper
in the press ram; and for every cycle of the ram, the ring
B is .rotated one division. If all the shells were to drop
into the ring in the position indicated at F, they would drop
out of the lower end of this ring in the proper position to
enter the press dial G. But when a hopper of the design
mentioned is employed, the shells can take the position
shown as they pass dQwn into the tube A. Hence, provision
must be made for delivering all the shells to the press dial
with the closed end at the top. The shell G must be in-
verted before it reaches the dial. Instead of the shell being
carried around with the ring, however, it will be forced
down through a hole in the stationary core H by means of
the plunger K secured to the press ram; and from there it
will pass once more through the ring and into the tube J.
When a shell in the position indicated at F is indexed to
the top of the ring, it will not pass down through the core
H, as the plunger K will simply enter it without making
contact. The shells are prevented from dropping by gravity
at the top of the ring by a spring (not shown) which bears
against the side of each shell as it passes this point. The
tube J is made long enough to contain six shells, or half the
number that can be held in the ring B. This length of tube
was necessary, as, with a shorter tube, it is possible for the
shells to pile up and be carried around once more past the
tube A.
The ring is operated through a friction disk from the
ratchet wheel C, and the position of the holes in the ring,
relative to the hole in the core H and the tube J, is governed
by the downward movement of the lever D, which is limited
by the stop L, secured to the base M of the device. The base,
in turn, is securely fastened to the press bed. Lever D
strikes stop L before the downward stroke of the press has
~ n completed, link E sliding, against the pressure of a
coil spring, in a projection on the press ram. In case a
damaged shell is indexed into position under plunger K, the
plunger, instead of moving downward, will be held sus-
Fig. 3. Rotary Hopper for Feeding Split Rivets to a Dial Press
keyed to shafts E and P, respectively. Shaft P is the driv-
ing member for the hopper, and receives its motion through
a chain drive connected to the press crankshaft.
The rivets are placed in the reservoir R, and as member
C revolves in the direction of the arrow, some of them will
straddle the blades, as shown in the cross-sectional view x-x.
As the member C continues to revolve, the rivets slide along
the curved edge of the blade until they arrive at the posi-
tion shown at T. Each blade dwells long enough at this
point to permit the rivets to slide off and into the chute
O. To facilitate the delivery of the rivets to the chute, the
latter was constructed to support the rivets under their
heads (see section y-y), the strips M acting as a guard to
prevent them from piling up on each other on the incline.
The top of the chute is kept clear of incorrectly delivered
rivets by the sliding finger L. This finger receives its mo-
tion from the lever I, pivoted at G, and is actuated by the
revolving cam K which engages the lug J. The spring H
carries the finger toward the hopper, while the outward
movement is positive. The plate N serves as a gib for the
sliding finger L.
Feeding Round Pins to a Dial Press.- A hopper for
feeding round pins to a dial press is shown in Fig. 4. With
this design, the open end K of the revolving conical coil of
tubing E is continually passing through the mass of pins
in the hopper reservoir L, some of which enter the tubing
at K and slide, both by gravity and by the pushing action of
the pins entering, down the incline to the center of the coil
where they pass into a stationary tube F leading to the
The bracket C, fastened by screws to another bracket A
on the press, has two bosses which serve as bearings for
the turned shank M on the revolving member G. The latter,
driven by the flanged pulley B, which is connected by a belt
to a pulley on the press crankshaft, serves as a holder for
the coil E.The lower end of this coil is straight and passes
rivets to a dial on a power press, where they are assembled
into porcelain fuse plugs. The hopper A, fastened to a
bracket on the press in a position above the dial, is equipped
with the four-bladed member C. For each revolution, mem-
ber C is given an intermittent motion including four equally
spaced dwells, through the action of the gears .D and F
pended, as it telescopes within the holder N, and the shell
will be prevented from passing down into core H (see also
simple device for feeding shells open end up, Volume 1,
page 455).
Feeding Split Rivets to Power Press.- The automatic
feeding mechanism, Fig. 3, is used for feeding split brass
Fig. 4. Hopper with 'Revolving Coil of Tubing through whioh Pins
are Fed to Dial
down through the shank M into the swaged end of the" sta-
tionary tube F, while the upper end of the coil passes at an
angle through the face of the outer flange on the member G,
as illustrated at N. The hole for the tubing in member G
atNis first cut through with an end-mill, and after the tube
has been properly located, it is babbitted in place. The
babbitt is next doweled. to member G to complete the joint.
With this type of hopper, the length of the pins to be fed
governs the diameter of the coil. Such a hopper could not
be used for very long pins, as the diameter of the coil would
have to be so large as to be impractical.
Eiecting Shells that Enter Hopper Chute Wrong
Side Up.- Among the many problems encountered in de-
signing hoppers for feeding shells to dial presses is the
delivering of each shell to the dial right side up. This is
accomplished in one plant by means of the device shown in
Fig. 5. The device is attached to the table of the press at
the dial end of the chute, and is equipped with a vertical
plunger for keeping in the chute those shells that have their
open sides up. Another plunger ejects from the chute the
shells that have their closed sides up.
A screw shell A is shown at the end of the chute B. This
section of the chute is adjacent to the dial (not shown) and
is secured in the bracket C,. the bracket, in turn, is fastened
to the side of the press table. Slide D, equipped with a
spring-actuated ejecting plunger E, is mounted in bracket
C, and is given a reciprocating movement by means of the
bell-lever F. This lever is oscillated by a link on the arm
G" which is bolted to the press ram.
A vertical sleeve H, also secured in this arm, supports
the spring-actuated plunger J. This plunger serves to pre-
vent those shells that have their open sides up from being
ejected from the chute. For example, the shell A is shown
with its open side up; now, as the press ram descends,
plunger J enters and bottoms in the shell. As the ram con-
tinues to descend, the plunger remains stationary; in the
..- I -
I I ; " " 1\ \ \
I I I I /' J J \ \ '01
{{ _{r :' /--, \ ;\J '\ \\ iL__J
JI -J.-..l-.----;,"",-,'1' ,i....=..c.r--;--ft+,1-++--!!-, I ',1--
'---:'. I' i ,
t<St\ lid' " \\ " / / / / I
\ \ '\'. ,/ ,.//' "
15. DevicG for Shells from Hopper Chute which Enter Chute Closed Side 'Up
Fig. 6. Action of Device Shown in Fig. 5 in Ejecting a Shell from the Chute
the left, the latch L snaps into place behind the shoulder on
plunger E, locking this plunger to the slide. Consequently,
when the slide is returned toward the right, the pressure
of plunger E on the shell will be released before the vertical
plunger J leaves the shell. If this provision for locking
plunger E were not made, the shell would be forced from
the side of the chute. However, just before slide D has
reached its extreme position at the right, latch L is disen-
gaged from the plunger by coming in contact with the sta-
tionary pin M. This allows pIunger E to return to its
ejecting position in the slide. At this time, however, both
plungers are out of the chute; hence the shell is free to
enter the dial.
When a shell enters the chute with its closed side up, it
comes into position under plunger J, which, in this case,
rests on top of the shell. Then, when plunger E moves
toward the left, the shell will be pushed out of the chute,
as shown in Fig. 6. During the ejecting process, the vertical
meantime, the slide D has advanced toward the left, forcing
plunger E against the side of the shell. Continued down-
ward movement of the ram will merely result in both
plungers J and E collapsing into their holding members.
Thus, plunger J acts as a lock, preventing plunger E from
forcing the shell out of the chute.
Just before slide D has completed its movement toward
plunger merely drops off the edge of the shell and to the
bottom of the chute. This plunger is forked to allow it to
straddle plunger E. It will also be noted that a guide rail K
is provided to retain the shells in the chute while the eject-
ing device is inoperative. This rail is spring-actuated to
allow it to return to 'its normal position. The ejected shells
drop on a belt conveyor and are returned to the hopper.
Hopper for Feeding Washers t ~ a Dial Press.- The
hopper shown by the diagram Fig. 7 was designed for
feeding special brass washers to a dial press, where they
are assembled to electrical toggle switch levers. As slide B
passes up and down through the mass of washers at A, some
of the washers drop into spaces L or M, which are slightly
wider than the washers, and roll down the incline at the
top of the slide and thence intol the chute C. The slide is
shown in its lowest position, the highest position being indi-
cated by the light dot-and-dash lines at [.
The reciprocating movement of slide B is obtained from
a crank which is connected to the bracket J on the slide by
the link E. The washers are prevented from jamming at
the entrance to the chute by the wheel D. This w ~ l re-
volving in the direction of the arrow, is driven by a sprocket
and chain from the hopper crankshaft, and is equipped with
eight flat spring projections which agitate the washers
sufficiently to insure a uniform flow down the chute. The
sides of the hopper are carried down at K to resist the
side thrust of the slide set up by the hopper crank. Any
dirt which may enter the hopper will pass out through the
chute. The lugs G, cast integral with the hopper, provide
a means for fastening the hopper to the bracket F on the
Automatic Ejector of Lift Type for Press Dial.-Fig.8
shows a device for ejecting an assembled shell from the dial
of an inclined press. The device is attached to the press ram
by bracket J, which holds the post B with the pins E on
which fingers A are pivoted. The operation is as follows:
Fig. 7. Hopper of Simple Design for Feeding Washers to a Dial Press
When the ram starts to descend, the fingers A are closed at
the lower tips, so that they will enter the hole in the work
W, which consists of two assembled shells. Before the ram
reaches the end of the down stroke, the stopK pushes the
sliding plates D and C upward. These plates are connected
by shoulder pins 'The illustration shows the beveled part
on plate C leaving the fingers A so that the spring G is per-
mitted to open the lower tips inside the work.
When the ram starts to ascend, the shell is gripped and
lifted up out of the dial. Before the ram reaches the top
of the upward stroke, the stop H, connected with the press
frame, pushes plate C down. The beveled part of plate C
then comes in contact with theupper end of fingers A, caus-
ing the tips to close and allow the work to drop down a
chute and slide into a container, thus completing the cycle.
The press is operated at a speed of about 75 revolutions per
Device for Eiecting Fuse Plugs from Dial Press by
Lifting Fingers.- A device used for ejecting porcelain fuse
plugs from the dial of a press is shown in Fig. 9. In this
press, the plugs are assembled with the metal caps that re-
tain the isinglass covers. To eject the plugs, two spring
fingers A, pivoted on the swinging arm B, are provided.
The arm is mounted on a cam bushing C, the bore of which
is a slide fit over the post D to allow vertical and rotary
movement of the bushing. The post is stationary, and is
secured to the press by means of the cast-iron bracket E.
In the side of post D is secured the pin F, which engages
the cam slot in the bushing and imparts the required oscil-
lating motion to the arm B during the vertical movement
of the bushing.
A flange at the top of this bushing engages the bracket G,
which is secured to the press ram, so that as the ram re-
ciprocates, the arm B will be given a combined vertical and
oscillating movement.
As shown, the fingers A have gripped the plug prepara-
I I t---<
r-.1 1.._
Device for Ejecting Assembled Part from Dial of
Inclined Press
TO PRESS RAM --I---l---t--"
Fig. 8.
t ~ ~
~ : N
I ",1::: ... ,
r---------...--... ~ i
. "'---t--l I
lJ H .J
Fig. 9. Ejecting Device for a Dial Press which Lifts the Work from the Dial and
Deposits it in a Container or Chute
tory to ejecting it from the dial. In this position, the ram
is at its lowest point. As it ascends, the plug is lifted clear
of the dial, and further upward motion of the ram causes
the pin F to slide in the angular part of the cam groove
and swing both bushing and arm enough to carry the plug
over the edge of the dial. At this point the top ends of the
two fingers A come in contact with the stationary stop H,
Fig. 11. Stop Operated by the Mechanism Illustrated in Fig, 10
which opens the fingers, allowing the plug to drop into a
chute at the side of the machine. From the chute, the plug
slides into a container. A coil spring J is provided to give
the required gripping pressure to the fingers. Also, in
order to locate the fingers properly over the plug, centraliz-
ing pins K are provided. Although the stop H is shown in
the illustration directly over the plug, this is not its actual
position; it is placed at one side of the dial so that it will
release the fingers only when they are above the chute.
Magazine Die with Stop which Shifts while Eiecting
Work.- Several automatic magazine dies used for piercing
and trimming operations on previously blanked parts are
equipped with stop mechanisms like that shown in Fig. 10.
During the upward stroke of the press ram, this mechan-
ism serves to move the work locating stop A toward the
right to permit the finished part to be ejected and a new
blank to be put in place. Before the ram has reached the
top of its stroke, the stop returns to its former position
against the new blank. During the entire downward stroke
of the ram, the stop is stationary.
As indicated in Fig. 11, stop A is riveted to the slide B,
which is mounted in the die bolster. Cam-arm C (Fig. 10)
is pivoted to. the punch-holder and can be swung in the
direction of the arrow. At the top of the stroke, the lower
end of this arm assumes a position corresponding with the
sectional area in Fig. 11, and is normally held there by the
spring-actuated plunger D. As the press ram descends, the
angular edge at the bottom of the projection E on the arm
engages edge F on. the slide, causing the arm to swing in
the direction of the arrow. Upon the continued descent of
the ram, the projection E passes the corner at F, allowing
the arm to swing back to its normal position.. During the
entire downward stroke, slide B is held against the die by
the spring-actuated plunger G, and therefore remains sta-
As the ram begins to ascend, the angular edge at the top
of proj ection E engages the under side of the corner at F,
causing the slide to be moved toward the right. At this
point, the finished part is ejected from the die and a new
blank is slid into place by means' of the magazine feed slide
(not shown). As the ram continues its upward movement,
the projection E leaves the slide and the slide is returned by
plunger G to a position against the new blank. The blank
is thus located centrally over the die in the
next downward stroke of the punch. The action of the stop
slide can be timed accurately by adjusting the arm to its
correct position along the hinge H.
Oscillating Arm for Dislodging Pieces that Obstruct
Hopper Feed Exit.- In using hopper feeds of the flat, re-
volving disk type shown in Fig. 12, there may be trouble
due to jamming of the work on the aligning strip A at the
point where the pieces leave the hopper. The purpose of
strip A is to line up the work so that it will enter the chute
opening in a predetermined position. The clogging of the
hopper exit results in loss of production and unnecessary
wear on the punch and die members. As an operator often
runs three or four presses of this kind, jamming or clog-
ging of the work in the manner referred to may not be
noticed immediately.
10 0
I \
!o 0
'.... )
I !
I r-I r I' ! ! ! I
'The entire device is mounted on the baseplate B. This
plate is secured to the under side of the hopper. feed hous-
ing. The gear C is an integral part of the driving shaft,
which revolves at a speed of 100 revolutions per minute.
The idler D transmits motion to the cluster gears E and F.
Gear F meshes with 'gear G, which is free to revolve around
the driving shaft and is riveted to cam H. Cam H revolves
at 10 revolutions ~ r minute.
The piece of work T which has obstructed the exit of
the hopper is swept away or dislodged in the following
manner: The circular cut-out on the cam H causes a sweep-
ing motion of arm I from S to Z when the cam-roll L drops
into the cut-out. The cam-roll is attached to lever K. Link
J connects lever K to lever N. Lever N is riveted to the
holder 0 of the armI. Cam-roll L is kept in contact with
the periphery of the cam by spring M. The small spring P
provides flexibility for the arm I on the return movement.
The shoe Q serves as a guide and steadyrest for lever K.
The mechanism described can, of course, be applied to work
of various shapes by making suitable alterations.
Transfer Mechanism for Stacking Parts on Rods a,s
They Leave the Die.- In making parts such as shown in
the lower right-hand corner of Fig. 13, it was necessary to
stack them on rods with the irregular-shaped holes in cor-
rect alignment as they left the combination piercing and
cut-off die. Stacking the parts in this manner facilitates
subsequent operations. The transfer mechanism shown in
Figs. 13, 14, and 15 provides an efficient means for stacking
the parts. It is mounted at the right-hand end of the die
and is operated by a c-am attached to the punch-holder, the
parts being stacked on rod W.
Referring to Figs. 13 and 14, the punch-holder A carries
the piercing punch B and the cut-off punch C. On block D,
which is secured to the die-bed, are mounted the slides E
and F. Slide E carries the auxiliary cross-slide G which
supports the shaft H at its left-hand end. The right-hand
~ ~
~ ~
c '5
~ Uj
~ J.....
Fig. 13. Front Elevation of Mechanism for Transferring Parts Direct from the
Die to the Stacking Rod
is backed up by the spring N on the flanged stud O. The
flange of this stud serves as a stop for slide E. Slide G car-
ries roller P, which is held in contact with cam Q by spring
R. Slide E carries the spring-actuated latch S which en-
gages slot T in slide G, and is connected to slide F by the
slotted link U.
As indicated in all three views, the ram is in its lowest
Fig. 14. Side Elevation of Transfer Mechanism, Showing the Action of the Slides
Operating the Transfer Member
with the roller P in contact with the low part of cam Q. It
will be noted in Figs. 14 and 15 that the front edge of work J
is in alignment with the axis of the shaft H, so that when
this shaft rotates, the work will rotate around its own front
As the ram ascends, the cam K, acting on lever L,moves
slide F toward the left until its inner end is in contact with
the inner end of slide E, which, up to this point, has re-
position. The strip has been fed toward the right,. its end
entering the recess in shaft H. The part is then pierced
and cut off by punch C. Slides E and F (see Fig. 14) are
in their extreme right-hand positions. Latch S is held up
out of engagement with slot T by link U, the screw at the
rear end of which is in contact with the rear of slide F.
Slide G is at its extreme left-hand position (see Fig. 13)
end of this shaft is supported by a. double over-hanging
bearing which is part of slide E. The left-hand end of shaft
H is enlarged and recessed to slip over the end of the work
shown at J.
Slide F is given a reciprocating movement by means of
the cam K on the punch-holder through lever L and roller
M. Bracket X supports lever L at its upper end. Slide E
stroke slide G is drawn to the right by the action of roller
P on cam Q. The work cannot follow this movement, being
restrained by the rod W in the work-slot; hence shaft H is
entirely removed from the work, allowing the latter to drop
to the bottom of the rod. At this point in the cycle of
operations, slide G is in its original position, at which time
latch S is free to drop into the groove T, thus locking slide
G to slide E.
As the ram gescends, slides E and F move toward the
right until the flange of stud 0 comes in contact with block
D, which discontinues the movement of slide E. The move-
ment of slide F, however, continues, and through link V re-
volves shaft H to its original position. As slide F ap-
proaches the end of its return movement, it engages the ad-
justable screw on link U, disengaging latch S from slide G
and causing this slide to be drawn to the left (see front
elevation, Fig. 13) by spring R.After slide G moves to-
ward the left, the enlarged end of shaft H is in position to
receive the end of a new part, thus commencing another
cycle of movements. Rod W is about 4 inches high and will
accommodate 5-00 pieces. It can easily be removed from the
die when it has been completely filled, and replaced by an-
other rod
after which the cycle of operations is repeated.
Fig. 15. Plan View of Transfer Mechanism, Showing the Position of
the Part after Entering the Transfer Member
mained stationary. Prior to this, the motion of slide F has
been transmitted to link V, which causes shaft H, to which
the link is keyed, to revolve 90 degrees. At this point the
work is standing on edge. Latch S has been permitted to
swing downward; but as it is not in alignment with groove
T, it merely rests on top of slide G.
Further upward movement of the ram causes slide F to
push slide E toward the left, so that the work is placed over
rod W.As the ram continues to move to the top of its
angles to the needle and at right angles to the direction in
which the goods travels. In addition, the looper must have
a back-and-forth motion at right angles to the needle in the
line of travel of the goods being stitched. This latter mo-
tion is commonly called the "avoider" motion, since its ob-
ject is to avoid or"prevent interference with the needle. The
path followed by any point on the looper A consists of a
closed curve that resembles an ellipse bent to fit the surface
of a sphere.
The main shaft B carries the flat strap eccentric C and
the ball-joint eccentric D, which drive the rocker arm E,
mounted in the spherical bearing F. Arm E carries the
looper A. Eccentric C imparts motion to arm E by means
of pin G, which passes through the center of bearing F with
which it is in sliding engagement. This gives the looper A
an oscillating movement. Eccentric D, by means of its con-
nection with the ball-ended bellcrank H and link J, causes
arm E to oscillate about the center of pin G, so that A moves
back and forth between the positions shown by the full lines
and by the dotted lines at M.
It will be noted that eccentrics C and D impart ,motions
to A which are approximately at right angles to each other,
in producing the spherical-elliptical movement. Eccentric
C gives the needle the "avoider" motion, while eccentric D
imparts the motion that causes the looper to pass in and out
of the thread loop formed by the needle that pierces the
Considering the action of eccentric C in producing the
"avoider" motion, it will be noted that only one component
of the circular motion of this eccentric imparts motion to
the looper, the other component resulting in pin G sliding
through the ball joint in F. With reference to eccentric D,
it will also be noted that only one component of this circular
motion is imparted to looper A through its connection there-
to by means of bellcrank H, link J, ball-pin K, and rocker
arm E, whereas the other component of this motion causes
Whenever mechanisms have a similar function or a o ~
mon operating characteristic, they have been grouped to-
gether in chapters both in this volume and in Volume I to
assist the user in finding whatever, general type of mechan-
ism may be wanted. In this chapter will be found mechan-
isms of such a miscellaneous character that they cannot be
placed in any general classification.
Spherical- Elliptical Movement of Sewing Machine
Double-Lock Stitch Mechanism.- Many of the sewing ma-
chines used in manufacturing clothing, bags, awnings, etc.,
use what is commonly known as a double lock stitch. These
machines have two needles operating at right angles to each
other. The lower needle operates beneath the throat plate
that supports the goods being stitched. This needle is com-
monly termed a "looper," as it does not pierce the goods,
but passes into and out of the loop of thread made by the
other needle in its vertical motions. The loop of thread is
formed at the desired location below the throat plate during
the upward motion of the needle by permitting the thread
to become slack at the proper time, thus causing it to buckle
and form the loop. A mechanism used to impart the re-
quired motion to the lower needle, or looper, is shown in
Fig. 1.
The looper A is required to pass very close to the needle
in taking up the loop of thread. It must hold this thread
loop and position itself on the opposite side of the needle's
path by the time the needle has descended below the throat
plate in forming the next stitch. From this it is apparent
that the looper must have a back-and-forth motion at right
Fig, 1. Mechanism in which Ball Joints, Links, and Levers Operated by Two Eccentrics are
Used to Obtain Spherical-elliptical Movement of Member A
Fig, 2. Mechanism for Producing Shearing Motion
rotation about its connection with the bellcrank H. Thus
the motion imparted to the looper A may be considered as
being the resultant of two circular motions at right angles
to each other. The relative values of these two 'motions
have been changed by means of levers, in order to give to
each the desired am'plitude.
The motion described could be obtained from a single ec-
centric, except for the mechanical difficulties encountered in
obtaining suitable proportions for the components required
for such motion. The motion produced by the mechanism
illustrated is the resultant of two simple harmonic motions
at right angles to each other, each being modified by the
length and angularity of the connecting links. This form
of looper drive is adapted to high speeds, since it is rela-
tively simple, has few parts, and the few rapidly moving
parts required can be made quite light. There are no violent
changes in velocity, and the energy changes and friction
losses are thus kept at a minimum.
Shearing Motion which Varies Angular Position of
Blade.- The mechanism shown in Fig. 2 was applied to a
shearing machine to obtain an action approximating that
of hand-operated shears. The mechanism is arranged to
make one complete cycle of movements automatically when
the driving clutch is engaged. The sides S of the shearing
machine serve as guides for the cross-bar E which supports
the movable blade above the stationary blade F. As the
crank disks D revolve, the ends of the movable blade are
carried to different positions, as shown at points Bl' B2, Bs,
and B
on the left, and by C1, C2, Cs, and C4 on the right.
When the end of the -blade is at Bl' the right-hand
end is at C1, and when the left-hand end is at B2, the right-
hand end is at C
, and so on. This,wabble or shearing ac-
tion is obtained by locating one of the crankpins 90 degrees
ahead of the other.
The successful operation of the mechanism is made pos-
sible by the spherical pin and connecting-rod bearings A.
These bearings were easily produced from soft steel balls
purchased from stock and bored out to a press fit on the
bearing pins. The boxes at the ends of the connecting-rods
were formed by pouring babbitt over the balls while the
two parts were mounted on a surface plate in their proper
relative positions. A few strokes with a soft-faced ham-
mer served to loosen up the bearings sufficiently to permit
them to operate satisfactorily.
Grease lubrication is provided by a hole drilled through
the bearing after the babbitt was poured. This hole crossed
another hole leading from the outer end of the pin. Side
motion of the holder E is prevented by using curved guides
having sufficient clearance to prevent binding. Machines
equipped with this shearing mechanism are used in con-
nection with the production of cotton batting and similar
fibrous parts.
Transmitting Motion to Indexing Plunger by Steel
Balls.-A rather unusual application of steel balls for trans-
mitting motion to an indexing plunger on a dial press is
shown in Fig. 3. The plunger J slides in the fixed bearing
I and receives its motion from the lever A through the steel
Fig. 3. Transmitting Motion to a Plunger with Steel Balls Confined in a Tube
balls H. The lever oscillates about the fixed stud B, and its
lower end engages a slot in the member C. The latter is
a sliding fit in the stationary bearings D and E, and as the
lever A oscillates, member C forces the balls up the tube,
causing the plunger to move upward into the dial. The
plunger is returne(} to the position shown by the coil spring
K which also keeps the balls in contact with member C. It
is obvious that with this simple device the tube containing
the balls may be bent to almost any shape desired) permit-
ting it to clear any member of the machine.
Counter Used on Type-Setting Machine.- In setting
type on a linotype machine (for lay-out pages), each line in
the different sections is counted so that the type set will
agree with the lay-out calculations. With the instrument
shown in Fig. 4, however, no mental effort is required, as
actual count is registered automatically on the dial at
X, which is returned to its zero position by one simple mo-
tion of the operator's hand.
The lower part of the counter is bolted to a stationary
bracket on the frame of the machine. An adj ustable finger
attached to a reciprocating member on the machine strikes
the end of the lever B, causing the pawl.C to advance the
ratchet wheel D one tooth, or one graduation on the dial.
The dial continues to register until the required number of
lines to be cast is indicated. The operator then depresses
lever F, causing, the dial to return once more to the zero
position ready for the next group of lines. When the lever
F is depressed, the cam-plate H forces the pins in pawls C
and G outward, disengaging the pawls from the ratchet
wheel and allowing the clock spring E attached to both cam-
plate and dial to return the dial to the zero position. Stop-
pins (not shown) are provided to limit the return move-
ment of cam-plate H and lever B, as well as that of the dial
on its return to the zero position. The counter is located on
the machine so that the dial is at right angles to the line of
vision, assuring easy and accurate reading.
Mechanism for Advancing and lifting Parts to Clear
Lugs of Conveyor Chain.- In a production line where a
chain conveyor is used, it is sometimes necessary to lift the
article conveyed clear of the lugs on the chain while the
chain is in continuous motion.
The mechanism shown in Fig. 5 was developed to meet
a requirement of this kind. The article conveyed in this
case is required to be rapidly advanced ahead of the chain
travel at the last station and brought into position where it
can be elevated by an auxiliary mechanism before it is over-
taken by the chain lugs.
The action of this entire unit may be summarized as fol-
lows: As the chain conveyor carrying the work travels
along, arm E swings up and in back of the work, rapidly
advancing it throughout its forward motion. After the
work has been lifted clear, the arm swings in back of the
next article.
In the side view the articles conveyed are indicated at
A and B. There is a pair of chain conveyors at C, which
travel in the direction indicated by the arrow D. The arm
Fig, 6. Details of Friction Drag Applied to Lever R, Fig, :;
longitudinal reciprocating movement to a pair of rods Q.
Rods Q transmit a rocking and transverse lnovement to the
unit consisting of arms E and levers R, which results in ad-
vancing the work A and B and returning the unit to its
starting point.
The side view... shows the work B fully advanced, while
the lower view at the, right shows the position of the vari-
ous members during the first portion of the return move-
ment of arm E, as rod Q advances in the direction indicated
by arrow S. This movement causes arm E to pivot about
stud T as a center until lug U comes in contact with the
side of the lever. It will be noted that, during the advance
movement, the lug V was in contact with the other side of
lever R. When the lug U is in the position shown in the
view in the lower right-hand corner, the top of arm E is
below the level of the work, as indicated at W, although
lever R has not yet been moved. Continued movement of
rod Q in the direction indicated by arrow S causes lever R
to be pushed to the left until the entire mechanism assumes
E is in contact with the work and has advanced it ahead
of the position it would nOl'mally have reached as a result
of the conveyor movement. The mechanism is shown at
the completion of the advance movement. This mechanism
has, a grooved cam F which revolves with shaft G. Over
the block H is assembled a yoke J, which carries a roll K
that rotates in the cam groove, causing yoke J to oscillate
This action, through the medium of rod L, causes lever
M to rock shaft N back and forth. A similar movement is
imparted to a pair of levers P which, in turn, transmit a
FiR', 5. Mechanism fOT Raising Work from Chain Conveyor and Advancing it to Operating POl'\tion
the position indicated in the upper view, where lug U is still
in contact with the lever and the arc of travel is indicated
Another article has now been brought forward, as shown
at Z, and the position of arm E is such that rod Q, in pulling
arm E to the right, will cause it to pivot about stud T until
it swings behind the work Z, when lug V will be in contact
with lever R.
Continued movement of rod Q will cause the article at Z
to be rapidly advanced ahead of the chain travel, so that
another mechanism (not shown) can pick up the work and
raise it clear of the chain lugs into the position indicated
at Y.
To insure that arm E will pivot about stud T during the
first movement of the advance action and the first move-
ment of the return action without imparting any movement
to lever R, the latter lever is constructed as illustrated in
Fig. 6. Lever R is shown as pivoting on the short shaft A,
which is pinned at B to the sida frame C of the machine.
Two lock-nuts D permit the tension exerted by the spring E
against the lever to be so adjusted that its movement is
retarded until there is a definite pull in either direction that
is sufficient to assure the correct functioning of the mech-
Air-Chuck Valve that Reduces Air Consumption Forty
Per Cent.- In shops using a large number of air chucks
for machining purposes, the air consumption may be re-
duced as much as 40 per cent by utilizing the type of pneu-
matic apparatus to be described. The full-line pressure is
commonly used for both opening and closing the chuck.
While the full-line pressure is required for closing the
chuck, only a fraction of this pressure is needed to release
the jaws.
By means of the valve shown in Fig. 7 the same air is
employed for opening the jaws as is used for closing them.
The principle can be more clearly explained by referring
Fig. '7. Pneumatic Valve by Means of which the Same Air is Used for
Opening and Closing a. Chuck
Fig. 8. Detail View of Body of Air Valve, Showing Positions of the Various Ports
to a diagram of the air cylinder (Fig. 10). This cylinder is.
designed so that when the chuck is closed, the space on both
sides of the piston will be about the same, as indicated.
To release the jaws, the piston must be moved toward the
Fig. 9. Detail View of the Valve Disk
To release the jaws, the lever is swung toward the left
until it comes into contact with the spring stop K. As the
lever commences its movement toward the left, portsG and
H are disconnected, thus closing the exhaust from the right-
hand side of the cylinder. At this time, ports C and Bare
also disconnected" closing the inlet and confining the air at
line pressure to the left-hand side of the cylinder. Con-
tinued movement of the lever causes port G to connect ports
C and F, so that the air is by-passed from the left-hand side
of the cylinder to the right-hand side until the pressure on
both sides of the piston is equal. Further movement of the
lever disconnects port G from port F, thus closing the latter
and confining the air to the right of the cylinder.
As the lever comes in contact with the spring stop K,
port G connects ports C and H, and the air on the left side
of the cylinder is exhausted into the atmosphere. Thus,
air at a pressure of approximately one-half the line pres-
sure is left on the right of the cylinder. This air expands,
pushing the piston toward the left and opening the chuck
jaws. If for some reason
this pressure is insufficient
to release the jaws, the
lever is forced farther to-
ward the left, depressing
the spring stop !(. This
additional movement of the A 8
lever causes port L to con-
nect with port F, so that
air at line pressure enters Fig. 10. Diagram of Air Cylinder with Piston
in "Closed Chuck" Position
at the right of the piston
and overcomes the resistance. When released, the lever will
immediately spring back to the unchucking position, shut-
ting off the line pressure.
Mechanism 'for Winding Spherical Cores for Golf Balls.-
Cores for golf balls are produced by winding a soft rub-
ber band on a spherical rubber center. The thin rubber
With the valve lever in the position indicated in Fig. 7,
the air entering at line pressure passes over the disk at A,
up through the hole B in the disk, out through port C in the
body, and into the pipe D which leads into the left-hand side
of the cylinder. The air entering the cylinder forces the
piston toward the right and closes the chuck. During this
movement, the air is exhausted from the, right-hand side of
the cylinder through pipe E, port F in the body, port G in
the disk, port H in the body, and out through the exhaust
opening to the atmosphere.
left. This is done by exhausting air from side A into side
B until the pressure in both sides is equal. The air in side
A is then exhausted into the atmosphere, leaving side B
with about one-half of the line pressure-about 50 pounds
-to expand and push the piston toward the left, in this way
releasing the jaws. It is very seldom that a pressure of
more than 45 pounds per square inch is required to release
the chuck jaws.
The valve (Fig. 7) that controls the air in the manner
described is of the rotary self-seating type, which requires
no packing. The position of the va:r:ious ports in the valve
body and disk are shown clearly in the detail views, Figs. 8
and 9, the reference letters corresponding in all views.
Fig. 11. Plan View of Winding Mechanism Shown in Fig. 12
'..... _-- ... ~ ~ .;z:::::::; \
Fig. 12. Mechanism for Winding Thin Rubber Band Evenly over the Surface of a Small Spherical Center of Rubber
band is approximately 1/16 inch wide and must be wound
evenly about the rubber center under uniform tension. The
completed core must have a true spherical form. These re-
quirements necessitate a somewhat complicated winding or
rotational movement, in order to have the crossing points
of the rubber band evenly distributed over the spherical
surface of the core, which is constantly increasing in size
during the winding operation.
The principal elements of the mechanism that provides
the necessary winding movement are shown in Figs. 11 and
12. 'The work is started by placing' the rubber center be-
tween the four truncated cones or rollers J (Fig. 12)
mounted in the right- and left-hand winding heads B. The
rollers are kept in contact with the core by the compressive
action of the helical springs P, which allow the heads to
recede equally as the diameter of the core increases. The
bellcranks V equalize and centralize the outward movements
of the winding heads so that the core is always kept in
the central position. The bellcranks are connected with a
treadle that permits the operator to withdraw the heads,
so that the finished core W can be removed. The two ball
casters indicated at N (Fig. 11) serve to guide or retain the
core in its proper position between the rolls.
The two winding heads B (Fig. 12) have hollow shafts 0,
which are geared to a countershaft (not shown) at the rear
of the mechanism. The countershaft is belt-driven and is
provided with a handwheel at one end to allow the mechan-
ism to be operated slowly by hand for making adj ustments.
The shafts A, which run inside shafts 0, are also geared to
the countershaft and run at a somewhat higher speed than
shafts O. Shafts A provide for the secondary revolving
movements imparted to the core by the four rollers through
the bevel gears C and D, and the intermittent gears E! F,
G, and H. The shafts of gears H drive the two upper rollers
J, and the shafts of gears F drive the lower rollers
mounted on the two opposed heads B. Thus different move-
ments are imparted to the upper and lower rolls.
rfhe four rollers have their conical surfaces spotted to
give a better frictional grip on the core. The winding op-
eration consists of feeding the rubber band by hand over
the first and under the second tensioning rolls R (Fig. 11)
and on through the guide slot S down on the soft rubber
core which revolves rapidly in two directions simultane-
ously. The feed guide with the tensioning rolls attached
swings on a fulcrum pin T (Fig. 12). A helical spring
(not shown) attached to the guide provides the proper
winding tension. The winding nlovements are obtained
from the constant rotation of the heads B in the direction
indicated by the arrows, combined with the motions im-
parted to the core by the four rollers J driven by the' in-
termittent gears E, F, G, and H. These movements are so
timed that the rubber band is wound on the rubber core
When the core reaches the finished size, the machine is
stopped automatically through an electrical contact made
by the spindle of one of the receding heads. While the
approximate winding movements described appear quite
simple, the exact path followed by any particular point on
the surface of the core is somewhat complicated,
as WIll be apparent when the effect of the difference in
speed of the shafts A and 0 is considered in conjunction
with the rotational movements obtained by the four in-
termittently rotated rollers J and the constant rotational
movement of the heads B.
loading and Discharge Door Control for Enameling
Oven.- An oven for baking the enamel on automobile
wheels is so arranged that the wheels roll down gravity
runways through the oven and are automatically discharged
into runways which lead them either to the next operation
or to the loading dock for shipment. The baldng time for a
given length of oven depends entirely On the rate at which
the wheels are put in.
In operation, the wheels are placed twelve abreast in com-
partment A (see vertical longitudinal section, Fig. 13). The
operator, using handle B, then raises the door, which is
made of three pau',els-C, D, and E-all mounted rigidly on
a common frame and suspended from above. As the door
is raised, panel C rises, closing compartment A, and panel D
rises, letting the twelve wheels roll into the oven. Simul-
taneously panel E rises, opening compartment F, which has
been closed at the back by panel D. Compartment F is now
ready to be loaded with twelve wheels, after which the door
is lowered again to reload compartment A.
The door at the discharge end is similarly constructed,
and provides an automatic escapement for the wheels. The
doors are connected by two cables which pass over sheaves
above the oven and thus counterbalance each other. The
two sheaves at each end are keyed to the shafts in order to
keep the doors on an even keel and make them work freely
in their guides. The two doors being connected, the dis-
charge door is automatically lowered when the charging
door is raised and vice versa, thus releasing a row of wheels
every time a row is put in and keeping the oven full all the
time. The man at the loading end sprays the wheels and
places them in the runways, closing the door when he has
inserted twelve wheels. Then, without further labor or
attention on the part of the operator, they are baked the
proper length of time and delivered to the next operation.
With a given number of wheels per hour to be baked, any
desired length of baking time may be obtained by making
the oven of the proper length. Another point to be noted
is that the doors are closed
practically all the time, which
cuts down the loss of heat to a minimum and also adds
greatly to the comfort of the operator.
Short-Stroke Mechanism for Operating Fixture Lock..
Pin.- A semi-automatic facing fixture used on a single-
cated on one side of the fixture, has a stroke of 1 5/8 inches.
One and one-half inches of this stroke are utilized for in-
dexing the fixture 60 degrees and the additional l/8-inch
movement is all that is necessary for withdrawing the stop-
Attached to slide A isa pin J, which engages a slot S in
lever R. The lever R is free to swing about the fixed pin
spindle drill press carries six castings that are equally
spaced around the circular table of the fixture. As each
casting is indexed around to the machining position, where
it is faced by a profie cutter, the fixture table is locked in
the proper position by a 3/8-inch tapered pin which enters
a tapered hole. The mechanism to be described is for op-
erating this stop-pin. Fig. 14 shows sectional and plan
views of the stop-pin mechanism. The slide A, which is 10-
K, and carries an extension C, which is free to swing about
pin H. The outer end of lever C has inclined surfaces B
E, and F, which come into contact with a, roller D on
stop-pin when lever C-R is turned pin K.
The plan view shows the in the position it
occupies just before the stop-pin is withdrawn. When slide
A moves in the direction of the arrow, pin J, acting against
lever R, brings inclined surface B beneath roller D; l/8-inch
movement of slide A is sufficient to lift the stop-pinout of
engagement. Before roller D has passed the end of surface
E, the hole from which it was withdrawn has been moved
from beneath the pin by the indexing movement of the fix-
ture derived from slide A through a pawl (not shown),
which engages one of six indexing pins. Soon after the end
of surface E has passed roller D, the swinging movement
of the hinged lever C-R discontinues, as slot S has moved
around to a position parallel to the movement of slide A;
consequently, slide A and pin J continue their movement
without affecting the position of the slotted lever, and this
additional movement of A is utilized to index the fixture
60 degrees.
During the return movement, slide A ejects the machined
casting. When pin J engages the curved end of slot S, the
lever C-R is forced back to the position shown, and the in-
clined surface F engages the opposite side of roller D, forc-
ing it into the next stop-pin hole as lever C swings upward
about the pin H against the action of spring G. As soon as
the end of lever C has passed roller D, the lever is forced
downward by spring G to the position shown in the sec-
tional views. When in this position, lever C rests against
slide A, as shown by the lower sectional view. The fixture
is now in position for machining the next casting, after
which the cycle of operations just described is repeated.
The pin H, about which lever C swings, is made adjustable
to compensate for wear or for variations caused by regrind.
ing the chasers and the edges of the facing tool.
Mechanism for Operating the Pin that Locks Table of Fixture
During Machining Operation
Fig. 14.
Mechanism of Contour Grinding Machine.- The m e h ~
anism shown in Fig. 15 controls the traversing movement
of a grinding wheel in such a manner that hardened cutters
can be quickly and accurately ground to contours such as
are indicated by the three outlines (see upper right-hand
corner) . By simply moving the handle H from left to right,
the grinding surface of the wheel at A will follow a path,
such as is indicated by the line AlBIG1D
(lower center dia-
gram). In this case, the wheel grinds the straight surface
fronl A l to BI , and without pausing forms the radius from
to Gl , continuing to the point D
, the side G
ground at right angles to side AlBI and the corner formed.
in one continuous pass.
By reversing the movement of handle H, the wheel is
caused to travel back along the same path to the starting
point A l Provision is made for setting the machine to
grind the sides AIBl and GlDI to any included angle from
70 to 110 degrees instead of 90 degrees as shown, and with
a radius of curvature at the corner of fron1 0 to 11/2 inches.
During the movement of the grinding wheel from Al to
the handle H revolves about the center line Y-Y, trans-
mitting the required longitudinal movement to carriage V
which slides on G. The gear train that transmits motion
from gear G to the rack VI secured to carriage V is shown
in section. It will be noted that handle H is secured to gear
G, which is actually a segment gear.
When the grinding surface of the wheel reaches point B
the revolving movement of handle H about axis Y-Y is
automatically stopped and continued pressure on the handle
causes the carriage V and slide G to revolve about the ver-
tical axis of shaft D until the grinding surface of the wheel
reaches the point Gl , when further movement about the axis
of shaft D is stopped, and lever H again revolves about axis
Y-Y, causing the wheel to travel from G
to D
The grinding wheel is directly connected to the motor,
which is mounted on the cross-slide B on carriage V. The
ll.O a:
>- .f!
U. s::
.; ~
distance X from the center line of shaft D to the grinding
face of the wheel determines the radius of curvature of the
corner. Carriage V is fitted to the slide C, which is secured
to the top surface of shaft D. Shaft D thus supports the
slide C, carriage V, cross-slide B, and the grinding wheel
and its driving motor. These parts all swing together about
the axis of shaft D during the corner-forming portion of
the traversing movement.
Underneath slide C and fastened to the supporting frame
or member are two plates 1 and J, also shown in the plan
view (see left-hand illustration) . These plates have stops
K and L and cut-out portions on their peripheries which
terminate in the cam surfaces at T and U. The spacing
between T and L on plate 1 is definitely fixed, as is also the
spacing or relationship of K and U on plate J. These plates
are adj ustable around the center of shaft D, and may be
clamped in any desired position. The angle between T and
U determines the angle of rotation of shaft D and slide C
in forming the corner and, consequently, the included angle
between the sides of the piece ground.
Midway of the length of slide C and in line with the
center of the shaft D is a vertical shaft 0, supported by
bearings on slides C and N. On the upper end of shaft 0
is a two-tooth segment of a gear which meshes with a single
rack tooth Q, attached to the mid point of the front face
of carriage V. Also fixed to shaft 0 are two arms Sand R,
provided with rollers which make contact with the periph-
eries of plates J and 1. The arms are offset vertically, so
that S is in line with plate 1, and R in line with plate J. The
plan view shows the relative positions of the parts at the
middle point of the corner-forming portion of the traverse
movement. At this stage of the traverse movement of the
grinding wheel, the shaft D is free to rotate in its bearings,
and a movement of handle H to the right causes slide C
and all parts attached to it to swing to the right about the
vertical axis of shaft D. With the tooth Qin mesh with the
two teeth of segment P, as shown, and the roller in arm S
in contact with the periphery of plate 1, movement of car-
riage V along slide C is positively prevented.
Rotation of slide C will continue until arm S drops into
the cut away portion T, at which point slide C makes con-
tact with stop Lang. further rotation about the axis of shaft
D is positively prevented. When the roller of arm S drops
into T and the parts are .locked by stop L against further
rotation about the axis of shaft D, the tooth. Q is released
from contact with the locking teeth of segment P by the
rotation of shaft O. This leaves the carriage V iree to slide
on member C, so that resumption of the turning movement
of handle H about axis Y- Y will complete the grinding
movement along line C
When the movement of handle H is. revel"sed, carriage
V will slide along C until tooth Q enters the space between
the two teeth of the segment P on shaft O. The continued
motion of V and, consequently, the rotation of shaft 0
causes the arms Sand R to rotate until the roller in S is
free of the opening T and the roller in arm R is in contact
with the periphery of plate J.
When R makes contact with J, further motion of V on
C is prevented, but rotation of C about D is permitted un-
til Renters U and C makes contact with stop K, thus com-
pleting the corner-forming movement from C
to B
carriage V can now slide on C and the revolving movement
of handle H to the left about axis Y-Y completes the move-
ment of the wheel from B
to AI.
When the rotating movement required in forming the
corner to a radius is taking place, all parts of the mechan-
ism are locked against relative movement with each other,
and the motion of handle H acting on gear E through gears
G and F causes the complete assembly to revolve about the
axis of shaft D. The combination of movements is caused
by the continuous movement of H. There is no hesitation
in the movement at the corners when rotation starts or.
K I r
--.-::::::: J J en - N
........ I I} ... ..!.-, '- -, J.
i ,;Iii' * t.;t
A .. (/ Ilgl R I
Q / 1\ - I I I ,'\ " - III I I II \ - A I g
B'\\ \ \ \ '\.: 'i r :/ III t1 \ \ r I I' P. \a,l,II H I I Itt I I
Fig. 16, Mechanism for Rotating Groups of Rods Arranged to Smooth Wrapper over Tapered Ends of Cigars
I I I A r.,
..... ,
',/ ..k. \
UNIT - y
/' .L
Fig. 17. Diagram Illustrating Operation of Wrapper-smoothing Mechanism Oonsisting of Two 'Units the One Shown in Fig. 16
stops, and no lost motion in the locking and unlocking ac-
tion of the mechanism.
Mechanism for Smoothing Foil Wrapper Over Ends
of Tapered Package.- Rods having a compound rotary
motion are employed to smooth the creases of foil-wrapped
cigars or other objects having tapering ends. Four round
rods are arranged in a group at A, Fig. 16. Four rods are
also arranged in a group at B. Each rod has a ball-shaped
end mounted in a two-piece socket C in which the rod is
free to pivot.
A group of springs D, of which. eight are used in each
unit, tie the rods flexibly together. In the center of Fig. 17
is indicated a tubular part X having an irregular shape with
tapering ends, such as a foil-wrapped cigar. The cigar has
been encased in its wrapper cylindrically and is to have the
foil smoothed out and creased taperingly at the ends so that
it folds smoothly over the irregularities and depressions of
the rough-shaped ends.
To accomplish this, two entire mechanisms or units such
as the one illustrated in Fig. 16 are employed, as shown in
Fig. 17. The left-hand unit is shown at Y, and the right-
hand unit at Z. The upper rods A are revolved in the direc-
tion indicated by the arrow E while the lower rods Bare
revolved in the direction indicated by the arrow F, the
direction of rotation being determined by the bevel pinion
drive. As each rod comes in contact with the wrapping
on the work X, it smooths and creases it. The springs
yield sufficiently to allow the rods to ride smoothly over the
Each rod head, of which four are shown in Fig. 17, has
eight springs D attached to four retaining screws G, two
springs being attached to opposite sides of each of the rods
A and B. The rod sockets are mounted on plates H, Fig. 16.
Plates H are attached to gears J; thus the revolving of each
large gear K causes the smoothing rods A and B to revolve
continuously and stroke the work lengthwise while the foil-
wrapped part is held stationary in gripping fingers L.
In addition, the entire rod-actuating arrangement is
mounted on a bracket M, which, in turn, is attached to a
large gear N. Gear N is caused to revolve, thereby carry-
ing the entire arrangement about the axis Q. Thus the
rods not only 'Work lengthwise along the wrapping but
radially as well. These combined movements serve to draw
the wrapping tight. The bevel gear P is revolved by shaft
R which causes bevel pinions S to drive gears K that op-
erate the bar-holding members. The rod-actuating units
are comparatively small, and form one section of an entirely
automatic machine.
Mechanism for Preventing Creep of Wire -Mesh
Conveyor Belt.- Wire-mesh belts are used in a certain
plant for feeding lacquered parts through drying ovens.
Because of unequal stretching of the wire, however, the belt
had a tendency to creep to one end of the driving roll and
against the machine frame. This often resulted in dam-
age to the belt. To overcome this difficulty, an idler roll
was incorporated, as indicated at G in the diagram Fig. 18.
This roll is pivoted at C. End D is automatically swung
either to the right or left, according to the direction of belt
creep. For example, if the belt E. creeps toward the rear
of the driving roll F, idler G immediately swings toward
the right, causing the belt to return to its normal path. If,
on the other hand, the belt creeps toward the front, the
idler will swing toward the left and return the belt as be-
fore to its normal path.
The automatic movement of this idler is produced by
means of the ratchet mechanism shown in Fig. 19. This
mechanism is indicated at A in Fig. 18, and operates a
screw represented by the dot-and-dash line B. This screw
engages a nut on the swinging bearing D. Base A, Fig. 19,
is stationary, and on it is mounted ratchet wheel B and the
double pawl C. The ratchet wheel is pinned to shaft D
Top of Conveyor Belt
Fig. 19. Ratchet Mechanism for Automatically Swinging the Idler Roll into
:Position to :Prevent Creep in a Wire-mesh Conveyor Belt
shown at N and is rotated by the ratchet wheel through
the miter gears E.
With the pawl in the position shown, the belt is running
in its central position on the driving roll; hence neither end
of the pawl engages the ratchet wheel. However, if the
belt were to creep, say, toward the left, the edge of the belt
WQuld force paddle H\also toward the left, causing the pawl
to swing on stud F. Asa result, the hooked end of the pawl
\ I
Fig. 18. Diagram Showing Swinging Idler Roll which is Actuated by
:M:echanism Shown in Fig. 19
and has closely spaced teeth cut on each side which are en-
gaged by the pawl. Pawl C is pivoted on stud F in the
vertical slide G and has an extension paddle H which is
kept in contact with the edge of the belt by the counter-
weight J.
Slide G and pawl C are given a continuous vertical re-
ciprocating movement by means of the pulley K through
the crank L and the connecting-rod M which is pivoted at
its upper end to the stud F. Pulley K receives its motion
from another member of the conveyor (not shown). The
screw engaging the nut on the swinging roll bearing is
would engage the teeth in the ratchet wheel, rotating the
ratchet wheel, miter gears, and screw N. As the screw ro-
tates in the nut on the bearing roll, the roll is swung in the
correct direction to guide the belt, through the angular posi-
tion of the idler roll, back to the center of the driving roll.
If the belt should creep toward the right, the movement of
the paddle would cause the straight end of the pawl to en-
gage the right-hand side of the ratchet wheel. As the teeth
on this side of the wheel are cut opposite to those on the
other side, the screw would rotate in the opposite direction
and cause the idler roll, in turn, to swing in the opposite
The "valve-gear" or' mechanism for operating the valve
(or valves) which controls the admission and exhaust of
steam in/an engine cylinder is a comparatively simple mech-
anism especially if the engine has a single slide-valve; how-
ever, even the simplest form of valve-gear provides an in-
teresting example of a mechanism requiring correct timing
or relative action between certain main parts. This timing
pertains to the action of the valve relative to the piston
and steam ports, and it is secured first by proper design of
the valve and its mechanism and finally by correct adj ust-
ment of the assembled parts. In connection with the design,
so-called valve diagrams are used to determine in advance
the action of a valve of given design. These valve diagrams
and their application will be explained because of their re-
lationship to the general subject of mechanism.
Diagrams which Show Valve Action.-When designing
a slide-valve for a steam engine and the mechanism which
operates the valve, it is desirable to be able to determine
readily the position of the valve relative to the steam ports,
for any given position of the crank or piston. Valve dia-
grams are commonly used for this purpose. These dia-
grams not only show graphically the relative positions of
the valve and crank, but make it p o ~ s i l to design a valve
with reference to a predetermined form of indicator card.
Valve diagrams also indicate the effects of changes in the
design of the valve on the steam distribution. In connec-
tion with steam engine work, certain problems or quantities
relating to the point of cut-off, lead, etc., are assumed, and
the remaining ones are required and may be determined by
means of the valve diagrams. For instance, a designer
might be given the point of cut-off, point of release, the
lead, and the maximum port openings, the problem being
to determine the valve travel, the outside and inside lap,
and the angle of advance. By means of a suitable diagram,
the valve travel, lap, etc., corresponding to these specified
quantities may be readily determined. There are several
different forms of valve diagrams, the Zeuner and the
Bilgram diagrams being the ones most commonly used. The
Fig. 1. Diagram Showing Slide Valves with and without Lap and
Positions of Eccentric Relative to Crank
methods of laying out these diagrams and using them, in
connection with steam engine work, will be described after
considering some fundamental features of slide-valve de-
sign, so that the practical application of the diagrams may
be more readily understood.
Position of Valve Relative to Ports.-A plain "D" slide-
valve is represented at A in Fig. 1 on its seat and in mid-
position. The steam lap or outside lap S is the amount by
which the valve extends over the port on the admission side
of the valve, when in mid-position on its seat. Similarly,
E is the exha'U8t lap, or inside lap, and is the amount by
which the valve extends over the port on the exhaust side,
when the valve is in mid-position on its seat. The necessity
for having lap on a valve is shown by considering the lap-
less valve at B. Any movement of the valve to the right
will admit steam. behind the piston, and the other side of
the piston will be open to the exhaust. The admission of
steam on one .side and the opening of the exhaust on the
other will continue until the valve returns to its mid-posi-
tion, which will occur when the piston is at the other end
of its stroke. Such a valve arrangement as this would per-
mit of no expansion of the steam in the cylinder; in other
words, cut-off occurs at full stroke. This is an uneconomical
type of valve.
For the lapless valve, the relative positions of the crank
and eccentric are shown at D. It is necessary; for the ec-
centric to be 90 degrees from the crank, in order that the
valve shall be in mid-position when the piston is at the end
of its stroke. Now, if there were any steam lap, it would
be necessary to move the valve on its seat a distance to the
right at least equal to the steam lap, in order that the port
be open as soon as the piston starts on its stroke. By in-
creasing the angle between the crank and the eccentric (for
a direct motion), the valve can be moved along on its seat
this amount. This angle is known as the angle of advance,
and is indicated at C.
The Zeuner Valve Diagram.- The Zeuner valve dia-
gram is illustrated in Fig. 2. As will be seen, there are
two circles that are concentric and two smaller circles with-
in the inner concentric circle. The larger circle need not be
drawn to any particular scale, as it merely serves to repre-
sent the path of the crankpin. The smaller circle is either
drawn to scale or full size, and has a diameter correspond-
ing to the valve travel or twice the eccentricity. This is
known as the valve circle. The two circles within the valve
circle have a diameter equal to the radius of the valve circle,
and are known as the Zeuner circles. The angle between
the vertical center-line and the center-line upon which the
two Zeuner circles are drawn is equal to the angle of ad-
vance. The cylinder is supposed to be on the left-hand side
of the diagram, and the crank is turning in the direction
indicated by the arrow.
For a head-end diagram or one for the head end of the
valve and cylinder, the upper Zeuner circle is used for the
admission or outward stroke, and the lower circle for the
Fig. 2. Zeuner Valve Diagram
exhaust or return stroke. Fig. 2 is an example of a head-
end diagram. With a center at the center of the valve
circle,an arc with a radius equal to the steam lap is drawn,
cutting the upper Zeuner circle. An arc with a radius
equal to the exhaust lap is drawn on the lower circle in the
same manner. These are called the steam-lap and the ex-
haust-lap arcs. The relation between the center-line of the
crank for any given position, and these lap arcs and Zeuner
circles, indicates the position of the valve. When the crank
center-line crosses the steam-lap arc and the Zeuner circle,
the port opening equals the distance between the steam-lap
arc and the Zeuner circle measured along the crank center-
line. For instance, when the crank center-line is at a, the
valve is off e n t e ~ a distance L equal to the steam lap, and
the port is about to be opened. When the crank has moved
Fig. 3. Relation :Between Zeuner Diagram and Indicator Oard. :Paton
Positions are Marked A, for Admission; 00, for Out-off;
R, for Release; and 0, for Oompression
up to the horizontal center-line xx, representing the dead..
center position, the port is opened an amount l equal to the
lead, since l is the distance between the steam-lap arc and-
the Zeuner circle measured along the crank center-line.
When the crank is at b, the maximum port opening occurs;
at C, the steam is cut off; and at d, the exhaust port opens
as shown by the intersection of the crank center-line with
the lower Zeuner circle at the exhaust-lap arc. The exhaust
port closes at e and compression begins. This cycle is then
From the foregoing, it will be seen that, as the crank
center-line is rotated, it will intersect the valve circle, the
two Zeuner circles, and the lap arcs. As the distance from
the center of the valve circle to any point of the Zeuner
circle, when measured along the crank center-line, shows
the amount by which the valve has moved from its mid-
position, the between the lap arc and the Zeuner
circle shows the amount by which the port is uncovered.
Relation of Diagram to Indicator Card.- Since the
valve diagram shows the relative positions of the crank and
the valve for the various events of the steam engine cycle,
it is possible to draw the valve diagram from the indicator
card, or vice versa. Fig. 3 shows the relation between the
two diagrams. The positions of the crank for admission,
cut-off, release, and compression are indicated by the radial
lines. To find the relative positions of the piston these
events, an arc is swung from the intersection of the crank
center-line with the valve circle, to the horizontal center-
line. The radius of this arc should be in the same propor-
tion to the radius of the valve circle that the length of the
connecting-rod of the engine is to the crank; that is, if the
connecting-rod is five times as long as the crank, then the
radius of the arc should be five times the radius of the valve
circle. The center of the arc should be on the horizontal
center-line extended to the left. The point which has been
determined by this arc shows the relative distance which the
piston has moved from the end of its stroke, for that par-
ticular position of the crank. These points can be projected
down upon a diagram below to give the four principal points
of the. indicator card, the vertical distances on this card
being determined by the relative steam pressures which
exist at admission and at exhaust. The compression curve
and the expansion line can be drawn as equilateral hy-
perbolas. Starting with the indicator diagram, the four
piston positions on the valve circle diameter, where admis-
sion, cut-off, release, and compression occur, are found by
projecting upward from these points on an indicator card
to the center-line of the valve circle. Then, by swinging
arcs from these points to the valve circle, the crank posi-
tions are determined, and the valve diagram is laid out
Application of the Zeuner Diagram.- A construction
which is often necessary in working the Zeuner .diagram is
shown at A in Fig. 4. A small circle is drawn around the
intersection of the valve circle and the horizontal center-
line. The radius of the circle is equal to the lead. A tangent
ab to this circle, perpendicular to the center-line oc of the
Zeuner circle, will cut the valve circle at the crank posi-
tions of admission and cut-off oa and ob. If the point of
cut-off and the lead are known, as is generally the case when
a steam engine is designed" this lead circle can be drawn,
the cut-off point determined, and a line ab from the cut-off
point be drawn tangent to the lead circle. A perpendicular to
this line OC, through the center of the valve circle, gives the
center-line of the Zeuner circles and determines the angle
of advance. The lap arc is at once determined, as it will
always cut the Zeuner circle at the intersection of the crank
positions d and e.
The diagram for the head end' of the cylinder has been
referred to in the foregoing. The crank-end diagram is
similarly constructed and used. As shown at B, Fig. 4, the
Zeuner circle for determining the admission of steam and
the cut-off is on the lower side of the horizontal center-line,
and the circle for determining the release and compression
is on the upper side; in other words, the positions of the
two circles are reversed from the head-end positions. Lap
arcs are drawn as before, but the lead circle is at the right
end rather than the left. The positions of the piston, cor-
Fig. 4. (A) Construction of Zeuner Diagram when T"ead is Known. (B) Diagram for Crank End of Cylinder
___ t ?
Fil'. 5. Zeuner Dia.grams Laid out from Given Data.