Curved: I1 Space
Curved: I1 Space
Curved: I1 Space
Curved Space
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*. -ly, coor"iourn"rt to "backup" towards Infinity, while at the Physical me tim we remain aware of the physical world' Cause' find :*, a"nnot look to the depths necessary to into the
within eleciromagnetic material, using our physical senses our can use two-density thinking where we allow o,
we look at physical material and ever deeper we soon reach a point where -iaroaorrn of theie materials' can no longer detect and decipher our findings, because
physical senseJ are designed for looking outward to our However' by using 6*.n..., rather than inward to Infinity' rrodensity thinking, we constantly keep the attention of our physical senses looking toward our experiences and at the-.s1ne il. rn.ntuttv or in Consciousness backup towardstoInfinity' h ilr-;;t our viewpoint is constantly broadened include tL untaan, and our mental faculties are expanded so that we izo euentuatty know how the Electromagnetic Density-periorrnt una how it originates by an interchange of forces from use.our th Other Density. With two-density thinking we can since neniai capaUilities to see from the direction of Cause' barriers diode-like no has *, Conr"'iournass is nonelectric and no, does it have any blind spots or limited scope of direction'
Consciousness, toward Density, bridges the gap that lies Cause of the Electromagnetic between the known energy (speed of light) and that same energy congealed in matter. By Light we megn Electromagnetic Light, and not sunlight which is secondary polarity. Every atom in our body, including the eggs that triggered our body to be, are internally active at the speed of driving Light, even though this is unknown to our senses. Let us then establish a mental image of why this activity is ever present in the atom, causing it to spin internally and also have angular momentum' Angular momentum means forward motion combined with spin, which makes a certain spot on the outer surface of the "spin" appear to travel at an angle while it is also moving forward. A good illustration of this is a rifle bullet, which is caused to spin by the grooves in the gun barrel while it also moves forward with velocity. If we mark a spot on the bullet's surface, this spot, due to going forward while spinning around its axis, describes angular momentum. The rifle bullet imparts velocity spin and angular momentum upon the target in its path. Space energy, which is congealed Electromagnetic Light, moves in sophisticated lines of force and is basically polarity containing energy flux, not unlike the lines of force that form in a man-made magnetic field. Electromagnetic Light has 2 banks of lines of force, which are basic pre-atomic structure, that fill the gap between Electromagnetic Light and the atoms throughout Space. One bank is positive and supplies to the proton factor of the atom its characteristics, including charge and right-hand spin. The other bank is negative and supplies
These invisible spinning fields and their reacting cores behave somewhat like our electrical current. For example, 'when a current conducting wire is grasped in the left hand,
with the thumb pointing in the direction of the current flow, then by known electrical laws, the fingers wrapped around the conducting wire point
in the direction of an
energy field
encircling the wire, which field is caused by the flow ofcurrent. (Fig. 3) This spinning energy field is a spiralihg 9ff outer effect caused by a concentrated energy flow within the wire, which
configuration is the exact opposite of that encountered in Energy Space. Here current causes a field, in Energy Space spinning fields cause internal current flow. From this strong core contrasting energy lines of force with opposite spin and opposite charge, impart their distinctive charges to the atom. The total characteristics of both banks of the sophisticated lines of force are imparted to atoms, which in a sense are coupled to their driving cause as is a windmill coupled into the wind. These opposite charges are stable both in Space and
in the atom because they are thus held by the strong, nonelectric forces which act as a fulcrum between them, while also acting as an insulator and/or isolator. The cause of this stability comes from the Other Density and is a quality of two-density Space. The atom is a patterned unit within patterned Energy Space and is stable within this continuous pattern.
The term angular momentum is freely used in astronomy. Planets, like bullets, spin while moving forward. Though the spin and velocity may vary, the principle is ever present. Detectable angular momentum though, igcludes only about 190 of our Solar System and this fact causes confusion in the minds of researchers. When we "backup" toward Infinity and see even greater angular momentum to be caused by a bandwidth of twirling Space, which twirl also has velocity, then both atoms and planets can be seen to react to the same basic Cause, and by recognizing this, we are expanding our physical horizons toward Cause, as well as toward material, and thus seeing all physical phenomena in a brighter light. As we expand our concept of material spin and velocity to be caused by Living Space in fluid form which, as lines of force and as mass, twirls as it goes, we are from our expanded mental vantage point of observation, able to see the cause of another mystery that develops from looking with a physical attitude toward an unseen cause. The science of bombarding congealed energy (atom particles) with each other in a manmade electromagnetic "speed of light" condition, eventually leads to a seeming dead end. The particles lose their detectable quality, and there appears to be an antistate of matter facing the one being investigated. In this apparent antistate, each quality of the atom including spin, angular momentum and energy appear to be a direct contrast to those on this side of an invisible junction of forces. Two points of observation give two different appearances. For instance, the man behind the gun sees continuity, whereas the man inspecting the impact of the bullet on the target, sees an effect. A Consciousness with 36(P vision, stationed near the target, sees activity coming and l8f to this, the activity imparted. That coming always appears to have reverse effects to what is seen on the target. If the atomic theory is expanded to include driving Electromagnetic Light (speed of lighQ coming to the atom, then external atomic activity is one and the same as internal atomic activity. A windmill seen from the windward side that appears to spin
counterclockwise, spins clockwise if seen from the lee side. When a preatomic state of energy is added directly to atomic theories, then antispin and angular momentum dissolve into continuity in the same manner as how we see the rifle bullet and its deposited effects at the target. The more we investigate Life after this Life, the more soundly we establish the fact that we are two-density beings, that the I of us, which is an Other Density Being, operates the physical form during waking hours and in so doing, seemingly becomes the senses as it sees from that point of observation. Knowing this, we may deduct that a man, when contemplating a project is as Consciousness working independent of the body, and that same man, while materializing the project, is as Consciousness working in combination with the body that performs in this electrical density. Knowing this, our venture to Infinity is placed in a similar light,'and we can dare to believe what we cannot believe if we see with physical senses only. Every painting that speaks of Life in a special way is a treasure. So also is such a poem, song or a bit of philosophy. Those presentations that speak of Life in a meaningful manner are treasured because they speak of US in total as a twodensity being. Spiral sea shells and symmetrical fans are the handiwork of Nature. They have caused intrigue and wonderment in nearly all of us who have walked the ocean beaches or have inspected land mollusca (snail) shells far removed from the seas where they come in such great variety. Researchers have also been intrigued by their symmetry, especially by those spiral shells like the nautilus, spiral peronii and many other cephalopoda, which have not only spiral symmetry but also symmetry of their sections which progressively flare outward and also compress inward to either outer or inner infinity. (Fig.4) The book Practical Applications of Dynamic Symmetry, published , in 1932 by J. Hambridge, is a good reference for illustrations of dynamic symmetry of both sea shells and spirals.
Of all the spiral sea shells the logarithmic spiral is the most intriguing. It is symmetrical compression or symmetrical expansion. (Fig. 5) It has been detected in curvature on
sunflower florets, some pine cones, etc. In these is displayed a 90p angle as well as a portion of a logarithmic spiral. This shape mathematically is logistic. It has inspired many thinkers to see it as a model of living symmetry. Spirals as energy have been detected in submicroscopic atoms, in whirlwinds and hurricanes and in great variety by astronomers investigating Electromagnetic Space. Here again if we are to expand to see cause and to see Cosmic One Law in action, we need to investigate mentally that which is too massive and,/or too distant to know physically. As we use local evidence for shape or style and know that, though some ofwhat we investigate here is stationary as are sea shells, the more meaningful to environment are the spirals that are in motion. It then stands to reason that we must indiscriminately expand our concepts of both shapes and motions of spirals to the ultimate. Looking into Space, the most pictured motion is
that of a Calaxy (Fig. 6), one of many types of spirals. All of them though are in motion in still larger systems, as well as spiraling as a massive vortex with an apex. Many astronomers describe what to them appears to be a whirlpool in the apex of a galaxy. Calaxies fall within the spectrum of photography and eyesight. Many, more massive, are now being detected by electronic means. Surely then, smaller than Galaxy systems have similar undetected spirals. Our home planet travels in its Sun orbit at the velocity of 29,77 kilometers or 18.5 miles per second. We on our planet in our local Star Cluster whorl, move in relation to a distant point, Lyra in Vega, at a velocity of 19.4 kilometers or 12.5 miles per second. This is very nearly a 2/3 ratio. If the reference spot, Lyra, were standing still in Space (not in motion also) the measurement may be exactly a 2/3 ralio which would be 12.33 to 18.5. The 2/3 factor is not new in astronomy. In 1609, Johannes Kepler, with two-density thinking, originated several basic laws of Celestial mechanics. One law related to elliptical planet orbits and their perihelion and aphelion and their unbalanced velocity. His third law relates to the orbit of a planet and its distance to the Sun in astronomical units. Az/3 factor enters into this formula. To simplify this finding, we state that planet Earth's orbit is about 584 million miles. Two+hirds of this is nearly 390 million miles, and 390 million miles is also the distance from Earth orbit to Jupiter orbit. The2/3 factor and its harmonics appears to be Solar System harmony of distances and orbits. It is also estimated that the nearest star to us is 60,000 times as far as is Pluto. Curved Space could make this 66,000. A big Solar System mystery is that of the planets containing nearly all of the angular momentum of our Solar System. It is readily admitted that in order for this to be, there must be an input of energy. lf we see the logarithmic spiral as we see a whirlwind or whirlpool, we see the energy source and also the cause of greater density in planets closest to the Sun apex.
J.D. Titius and Johann E. Bode in the late lTth century, contributed a dynamic group of figures not unlike those of element chains of harmonics, but relating to the Solar System and the distances of orbits of planets. These numbers are: 4 7 l0 16 28 52 lW 338 772. These numbers divided by l0 give the distance in astronomical units of planets from the Sun. The asteroid belt was discovered by trying to find a planet to fit number 28. This sequence of numbers is still considered to be a curiosity and thought to have evolutionary significance. If though, we see them relating to an ingoing vortex, we see the Solar System in the same light that we, with telescopes and Celestial photography, see Spiral Galaxies. The force is inward from the outer. If we see our Solar System to be an insweeping vortex, then the planet Pluto is at the outer sworl and the Sun is in the apex. This arrangement seems logical as Pluto's shifting orbit is at an angle to the orbits of other planets. The Sun in a compressed apex is the warm center with shifting internal and external fields. Planet Earth is known to display shifting geomagnetic poles, to have regional anamolies on its surface which are clockwise and counterclockwise currents and in Space, daily solar and lunar variations. When all of these are seen to be related to the same basic ingoing cause, then many mysteries dissolve including that of bent gravity and bent light. Picture if you will, a seashell displaying a logarithmic spiral and filled with light-sensitive fibers such as are now being used experimentally to transmit pictures and sound. Would not at any point, the fibers present a picture as though it were happening in front of the viewer rather than around the bend, even at the opposite end of the sworl? Space is full of spirals, and the currents in these, like light-sensitive fibers, bend light because they are the product of Light. When we consider Life after our Life here, and accept Other Density Life as being a continuity of our experience here, we understand the personal interchange between Electromagnetic Density and the Other Density. But to what scientific research and discoverv can we look to visualize
Massive Cosmic interchange between these two densities of Life? It must be to the Pulsars and Black Holes that are in the
forefront of astronomy topics and research. Some astronomers who currently monitor Space wi{h ever more refined equipment are reporting that there is strong evidence that somewhere in the mighty Universe is an exceedingly massive "Black Hole." From previous reports we know that black holes are associated with pulsars, and both are considered to be a part of the same system. Let us now come back to Earth and evaluate a similar vital factor here in conjunction with our personal mini-universe (our body). The blood stream pulses outward and our venous blood flows inward. The pulsing arterial blood, loaded with atmosphere energy goes out to the capillaries all over the body and after depositing its charge, returns via polarized veins as dark blood to the "dark hole" or dark side of our heart. The heart and vascular systems of mammals are a completely divided system. (Fig. 7) The only place where the two sides meet is in the lungs and capillaries, and in these points of transfer, the blood changes by interchange from one type to the other.
When a violent beginning such as a massive "big bang" theory is eliminated in favor of a gentle beginning and interchange, the physical science of Earth stands on the threshold of massive breakthroughs both in physical and social sciences. It is the selfish nature of the physical ego of Earth experience that likes an impersonal science theory. It needs to be remembered that the physical ego does not survive the death of the physical body, only the experience does. Thus it creates a great mental block to a physical science as a body, causing them to defend this short experience as Total Life. The Electromagnetic Density comes into existence from the Other Density even as our I comes here for this experience. From the depths of Great Density is instigated a vibratory pulse of high frequency. The substance that is pulsed is Gender polarity from a concentration of flux at Gender poles. The positive, outgoing pulse is male in Gender and is that force known to us as Electromagnetic Light. Its velocity is the known 186,0fi) miles per second. The massive column of Light has right-hand spin and, as it is what we know as magnetism, it forms into minute lines of force. This column spreads outward as a logarithmic spiral and eventually flares out to level off and to gradually start a return flow. In the process of turning, this positive Light deposits its charge and changes in color to become Dark Light and gravity. The velocity increases by a factor of l/l2th, and as it is void of positive charge, it is influenced to return to the Dark Hole center where it goes through a process of rejuvenation in the female receptive pole of the Other Density. A logarithmic spiral of unbelievably massive size turning to the right creates upon turning inward, a more or less 90" pattern. If we grasp a flexible rod by the ends and turn the righthand end to the right, the end in our left hand turns to the left. So also is it with Electromagnetic Light. The 9f angle created by Primary Light in crisscross of lines of force, is present as a secondary effect in many states of electricity and electronics. The combined flows are the beginning for all
Electromagnetic vortices, great and small, and as they all issue from the same source, they always carry some resemblance to the Master Plan of action and drive, Though Electromagnetic Light is Dynamic Symmetry, in function it is ever changing contrast in the form of Living Light. Our own fantastic body is a microscopic copy of this function. It has a solid but flexible framework and a variety of organs, glands and re-active tissue. During its life span its vascular system continually goes outward to every crossroad where arteries and veins meet, then that which was outgoing becomes ingoing force, and as it is attracted to its polarity base, it flows inward by gravity. If we could possibly visualize the Electromagnetic Density as Living Light in total, we would see endless streams of charged force pulsing outward and then in everlasting curves, turning to fold inward upon itself with a familiar contrast at each and every crossing. While this is going on, the other end beyond the "dark hole', is also folding inward to again go outward. If we could inspect the fine details, we would see that all Electromagnetic Space is composed of microscopic balanced cubes. This is because there are two basic influences upon this minute structure. It is square because it relates to electromagnetic 9ff angle, but as it relates to the Other Density for stability, it is a cube. This orderliness though needs to be unbalanced to create secondary manifestations; thus protons and Suns are unbalanced, positive creations of cubic structure (Fig. 5); and electrons, planets and spherical structure are unbalanced negative creations. This built-in contrast is orderly as it flows according to plan, even as does our body. Each is a two-density function and behind each is Wisdom. A Solar System is a base for secondary Life and secondary experience. It is first of all a great vortex that sweeps inward with ever increasing density. The entire Sun vortex rotates, and as the mother vortex of a Solar system, it has the power to carry other vortices (planets) within it and, according to their density and position, they are carried around and about
the Sun. A Solar System vortex has dual re-acting currents. There is a built-in internal outgoing spiral which aligns the poles of planets and their angle to the Sun. A Solar System vortex as a re-action carries all qualities of Light. The magnetic factor is the driving force that instills that force within the Sun. The negative factor creates the gravity vortex of planets and their cool light. Planets, however, have their warm factor also. The cupped Van Allen belts represent Sun Balance force and are a variation of the ring that is visible around Saturn. Each planet in their orbit and density of an indriving vortex have individual characteristics. Planet Earth and its vast oceans of water and congealed elements, could not be as it is, if it were in another orbit and density of the Solar System vortex. Vortices are born and then spin from and within the contrasting lines of gender-oriented, driving forces which are the Right and Left Hand of Creative Spirit doing creative work.