Gardner Et Al 2004
Gardner Et Al 2004
Gardner Et Al 2004
Stratigraphic Interpretations
“Marooned” in Salina Canyon, Wasatch Plateau, Utah, circa 1910. Photograph courtesy of the family of C. T. Lupton.
Analog for Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir Modeling: Ferron Sandstone of Utah
AAPG Studies in Geology 50
T. C. Chidsey, Jr., R. D. Adams, and T. H. Morris, editors
Fluvial-deltaic strata of the Upper Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Western Interior Seaway, form a
clastic wedge consisting of eight short-term stratigraphic cycles. The cycles are arranged consecutive-
ly in a seaward-stepping, vertically stacked, and landward-stepping stacking pattern. The stacking
pattern is a product of fluctuations in accommodation-to-sediment supply (A/S) regimes described by
intermediate-term, base-level cycles.
Each short-term stratigraphic cycle is a progradational/aggradational unit comprising a spectrum
of coastal-plain, bay/lagoon/estuary, shoreface, and shelf facies tracts. Sediment volumes and sand-
stone:mudstone ratios were measured separately in coastal-plain and shoreface facies tracts in four of
the cycles. Total sediment and total sandstone volumes are partitioned differentially into the two facies
tracts in a systematic manner that follows the stacking pattern. The total sediment volume and total
sandstone in the shoreface facies tract decreases regularly from seaward- to landward-stepping stack-
ing patterns. The proportion of marine-to-nonmarine sandstone also decreases. This demonstrates
increasing sediment storage in continental environments during the transition from seaward- to land-
ward-stepping stacking patterns.
Sediment volume partitioning is accompanied by systematic changes in numerous other strati-
graphic and sedimentologic attributes which illustrate the two types of facies differentiation. The first
type — stratigraphic control on the types of geomorphic elements that occupy a geomorphic environ-
ment — is manifest by the transition from fluvial- to wave-dominated deltas in the progression from
seaward- to landward-stepping cycles. The second type — a change in degree of preservation of orig-
inal geomorphic elements — is illustrated by conspicuous differences in the facies that compose the
shoreface and coastal-plain facies tracts. Shorefaces of high-accommodation, landward-stepping
cycles comprise homogeneous, cannibalized and amalgamated sandstones, whereas shorefaces of
low-accommodation, seaward-stepping cycles are lithologically heterogeneous containing diverse
facies and well-preserved, original geomorphic elements. Distributary channelbelt sandstones of
M. H. Gardner, T. A. Cross, and M. Levorsen
landward-stepping cycles are composed of high diversity, well-preserved macroforms and bedforms,
whereas those of seaward-stepping cycles are composed of strongly cannibalized, amalgamated, low-
diversity macroforms and bedforms.
Sediment volume partitioning and facies differentiation are attributed to changing A/S conditions
that accompany short- and intermediate-term base-level cycles. The A/S conditions control or influ-
ence the position and volume of sediment accumulation, the types of geomorphic elements in an envi-
ronment, and the proportions and completeness of original geomorphic elements that enter the strati-
graphic record.
Stacking Patterns, Sediment Volume Partitioning, and Facies Differentiation
Figure 1. Chart showing biostratigraphy, radiometric dates, sea level curves, and hierarchy of stratigraphic base-level cycles for the mid-Creta-
ceous strata of central Utah (modified from Gardner, 1995a). Biostratigraphic chart showing ammonite and inoceramid fossil zones for late Ceno-
manian through middle Coniacian Stages from the Western Interior of North America. Because of potential discrepancies associated with dif-
ferent stage boundary dates, eustatic curves from Haq et al. (1988), Sahagian and Jones (1993), and Schlanger et al. (1986) are calibrated to bio-
zones. Base-level curves based on stratigraphic relations in central Utah. Sources of data: Western Interior index fossils from Molenaar and Cob-
ban (1991); upper Cenomanian and lower Turonian Substage biozones from Elder (1985); middle and upper Turonian Substage biozones from
Kauffman et al. (1976), and Kauffman and Collom (unpublished data, 1990); lower and middle Coniacian zones from Collom (1991); argon-
argon isotopic ages from Obradovich (unpublished data, 1991).
Originally, Powell (1875) defined base level in a geo- • base level is associated with or controls the graded
morphic context as the lower limit to which the land profile of equilibrium (Davis, 1902; Mackin, 1948;
may be degraded and equivalent to sea level. He also Posamentier and Vail, 1988).
allowed for local and temporary base levels (i.e., multi-
Despite the variability in usage of the term geomor-
ple base levels) in addition to the grand base level or sea
phic base level, specific elements of its definitions clear-
level. Most subsequent usage has maintained this geo-
ly separate it from the term and concepts of stratigraph-
morphic context, even though definitions and usages
ic base level. First, geomorphic base level does not con-
have multiplied and varied through time. Today, the
sider an equilibrium or balance between erosion and
term “geomorphic” base level includes one or more of
deposition, as does stratigraphic base level; it is con-
the following concepts:
cerned only with the degradational part of the equation.
• base level is either a horizontal planar surface or Second, geomorphic base level does not consider or
multiple surfaces (Hayes, 1899; Barrell, 1917) or it is invoke conservation laws (specifically mass, space, and
an inclined planar surface or multiple surfaces time), as does stratigraphic base level. Third, geomor-
(Powell, 1875); phic base level in most contemporary usage invokes a
• this surface is either imaginary (e.g., Powell, 1875; fixed reference, sea level, as controlling fluvial geomor-
Davis, 1902) or it is physical (Willis, 1895; Cowles, phology along a “graded” longitudinal profile. The bal-
1901); ance of sediment flux across a topographic profile can’t
• base level is either sea level (e.g., Powell, 1875; be accurately measured with a meter stick fixed to a
Davis, 1902; Schumm, 1993) or it is linked to sea point that controls or determines the outcome.
level in some way; An alternative usage of base level in a stratigraphic
• base level is either a process (Powell, 1875), a con- context has an equally old history. In revising and ex-
trolling surface (Barrell, 1917; Mackin, 1948; Posa- panding the fifth edition of Dana’s Text-Book of Geolo-
mentier and Vail, 1988), or a descriptor lacking any gy, Rice (1897) wrote that base level was “the condition
control; and of balance between erosion and deposition…” and there-
M. H. Gardner, T. A. Cross, and M. Levorsen
Figure 2. Illustration of Wheeler’s conception of stratigraphic base level as an imaginary potentiometric energy surface that undulates with
respect to the Earth’s surface. It relates the energy required to change accommodation to the energy required to erode, transport, and deposit sed-
iment. Where stratigraphic base level is above the Earth’s surface, sediment will accumulate, if available, building topography and bringing the
Earth’s surface closer to base level. Where stratigraphic base level is below the Earth’s surface, erosion or bypass occurs and the removal of mate-
rial reduces the topography bringing the Earth’s surface closer to base level. Where stratigraphic base level is coincident with the Earth’s surface,
there is a state of equilibrium.
by introduced the notion of considering not only degra- base level as a potentiometric energy surface that de-
dation but sediment transport and accumulation in the scribes the energy required to move the Earth’s surface
definition of base level. (It is ironic that he incorrectly up or down to a position where gradients, sediment sup-
attributed this stratigraphic sense of base level to Powell ply, and accommodation are in equilibrium. If these
[1875]; he either misread or misunderstood Powell, or forces are in balance neither deposition nor erosion
simply chose to add this new dimension to Powell’s occurs, and the Earth’s surface is at equilibrium and
degradational concept of base level.) This notion of an coincident with base level (Figure 2). Base level
equilibrium or balance between erosion and sedimenta- describes the increase in topographic relief that results
tion was supported through the years by others, but per- from deposition and its reduction by erosion. Base level
haps most influentially by Barrell (1917), Krumbein and accounts for deposition and erosion that occur at the
Sloss (1951), and Sloss (1962). same time in different parts of a basin. This is a neces-
Wheeler (1964, 1966) made significant additions and sary condition of a physical system where energy and
modifications to stratigraphic base-level concepts. He mass are conserved. Stratigraphic base level may be
argued that base level was a single, continuous, nonhor- expressed as the A/S ratio — a ratio of the energy re-
izontal, undulatory, imaginary surface that rises and quired to change the accommodation at the Earth’s sur-
falls with respect to the Earth’s surface. Where base level face and the energy required to erode, transport, and
is above the Earth’s surface, sediment will accumulate if deposit sediment. The A/S ratio is expressed as the
it is available. Where base level is below the Earth’s sur- dimensionless term Nm/Nm. Or, if sediment volume is
face, sediment is eroded and transferred downhill to the considered instead of energy, the A/S ratio is expressed
next site where base level is above the Earth’s surface. as the dimensionless term m3/m3. Wheeler (1959, p.
His stratigraphic base level is not a control, but a de- 701–702) states:
scriptor for measuring the energy budget between forces
and processes that change sediment storage capacity In contrast with the popular concept, baselevel is neither
(accommodation space) and those that erode, transfer, a “horizontal plane” nor can it be defined solely in terms
and deposit sediment across the surface of the Earth. In of sea level or relationships on the sea floor... Moreover,
effect, but not explicitly, Wheeler defined stratigraphic baselevel should not be conceived solely in its relation-
Stacking Patterns, Sediment Volume Partitioning, and Facies Differentiation
Figure 3. Illustration of changes in cycle symmetry caused by volumetric partitioning and correlation of base-level cycles across shelf, shoreface,
and coastal-plain facies tracts. Note how surfaces correlate to rocks at various positions of the depositional profile during a base-level cycle.
ships to either erosion or aggradation alone, for its signif- Cross, 1997; Cross, 2000). The limits, or “turnaround”
icance is best appreciated in stratigraphy, sedimentation, points, of these unidirectional trends in A/S are correlat-
or geomorphology if it is conceived as a “surface at which ed throughout the spatial extent of each stratigraphic
neither erosion nor sedimentation (can take) place.” cycle. Stratigraphic cycles of each scale are the time-
bounded rock units that comprise all strata and hiatus
Stratigraphic base level describes the erosional produced during a base-level cycle (Figure 3). The initia-
decay and construction of topography through deposi- tion points for stratigraphic cycles of all scales are picked
tion that drives the partitioning or selective storage of consistently at the same turnaround position. In this
sediment volumes across a topographic profile. This is study, the initiation point was picked at the base-level
the normal condition of sedimentation in a depositional rise-to-fall turnaround because it is the most practical; it
system linked by a common dispersal mechanism. Dur- is the position most easily recognized, frequently docu-
ing a base-level cycle, the A/S ratio decreases unidirec- mented, consistently picked, and physically traceable.
tionally to a limit (base-level fall minimum) that equates Stratigraphic base-level concepts emphasize the cor-
to a sequence boundary in geographic positions where relation of all rocks and surfaces developed during a
there is no accommodation. It then increases unidirec- base-level cycle divided into base-level rise and fall time
tionally to another limit (base-level rise maximum) that domains (Grabau, 1924; Busch, 1959; Wheeler, 1966;
some place may be equivalent to the maximum flooding Gardner, 1993; Cross and Lessenger, 1998; Muto and
surface of sequence stratigraphic terminology. Steel, 2000; Figure 3). This provides a more complete
Sedimentologic and stratigraphic attributes of all accounting for how time is represented in a stratigraph-
scales and numerous types respond consistently and ic cycle as either rock or surface of stratigraphic discon-
coherently to these changes in A/S conditions, including tinuity. By contrast, a parasequence, defined as an asym-
small-scale attributes such as texture and petrophysical metric upward-shoaling succession bounded by a
properties, meso-scale attributes such as sedimentary marine flooding surface (Van Wagoner et al., 1990), only
structures, facies diversity, and macroform types (sensu, accounts for the time of deposition during base-level fall
Crowley, 1983) and mixtures, and large-scale attributes of in shallow-marine strata and does not recognize conti-
stratigraphic architecture (Gardner, 1993; Ramon and nental and marginal-marine tidal strata that accumulat-
M. H. Gardner, T. A. Cross, and M. Levorsen
ed during base-level rise; also see discussion by Arnott from subsurface data. Each progradational/aggrada-
(1995). This more limited usage precludes consideration tional unit contains a spectrum of coastal-plain, estu-
of sediment volume partitioning and excludes the possi- ary/bay/lagoon, shoreface, and shelf facies tracts.
bility of a significant proportion of time represented by Exceptionally continuous, three-dimensional exposures
shallow-marine strata formed during base-level rise. plus a subsurface data base of geophysical well logs and
In theory, the relative proportions of sediment vol- coal core logs enabled physical correlation of short-term
umes in coastal-plain and shoreface facies tracts vary cycles across all facies tracts. These stratigraphic cycles
with position of the short-term stratigraphic cycle in the are equivalent to a depositional episode (Frazier, 1974), a
stacking pattern, as first drawn and explained in a subsi- genetic increment of strata or genetic sequence (Busch,
dence context by Barrell (1912, Figure 4, p. 399). This is 1959, 1971), a fourth-order regressive-transgressive cycle
one of several important responses to changes in A/S (Ryer, 1983), and are comparable to parasequence sets of
conditions recorded by base-level cycles. As stratigraph- a fourth-order, high-frequency sequence (Van Wagoner
ic base level rises and intersects the Earth’s surface pro- et al., 1990). Subdelta lobes that compose the shoreface
gressively higher on the topographic profile, the A/S facies tract correspond to parasequences of other Ferron
ratio increases and the sediment storage capacity in workers (e.g., Barton, 1994; Ryer and Anderson, 1995).
uphill positions increases. Since more sediment is stored They are considered autogenic because they are restrict-
uphill in continental environments, less sediment is ed to the shoreface facies tract.
available (conservation of mass) for downhill transport The general motif of volumetric partitioning is
and accumulation in shoreface and shelf environments. shown along one example topographic profile from the
Conversely, a decrease in the A/S ratio theoretically par- Ferron Sandstone (Figure 3). The stacking pattern of
titions more sediment volume into shoreface and shelf progradational/aggradational stratigraphic units ob-
environments and less is stored uphill in continental served and mapped in this study and by Ryer (1981) is
environments. The degree of sediment volume partition- the product of changing A/S conditions of the interme-
ing in short-term stratigraphic cycles, as measured by the diate-term, base-level cycle (1–2 m.y. duration). The
proportion of sediment volume stored in different facies short-term (0.3 m.y.), seaward-stepping units (SC1-3;
tracts, produces systematic changes in cycle stacking pat- Figure 4) accumulated during lowest A/S. The vertical-
terns. These changes have been simulated and matched ly stacked unit (SC4; Figure 4) accumulated during early
with field data using forward and inverse stratigraphic intermediate-term, base-level rise. The landward-step-
models (Cross and Lessenger, 1998, 1999, 2001). ping units (SC5-8; Figure 4) accumulated during late
intermediate-term base-level rise and highest A/S. The
STRATIGRAPHIC SETTING architecture of these short-term cycles is described
The Upper Cretaceous (Turonian-Coniacian) Ferron
Sandstone is a regressive-transgressive clastic wedge that
Seaward-Stepping SC2
accumulated at the site of a large delta in the foreland The seaward-stepping shoreface facies tracts of SC1
basin, east-central Utah (Speiker, 1949; Armstrong, 1968; and SC2 record offlap in excess of 70 km (43 mi). The SC2
Cotter, 1975; Ryer, 1981; Gardner, 1993; Gardner and shoreface extends over 60 km (37 mi) parallel to deposi-
Cross, 1994; Gardner, 1995a, 1995b, 1995c). During that tional dip and forms the thickest and widest shoreface
period, sea level was near a maximum highstand, and facies tract capped by the most laterally continuous coal
both accommodation and sediment supply were high horizon (a coal bed) in the upper Ferron Sandstone (Fig-
(Kauffman, 1977; Hancock and Kauffman, 1979; ure 4). Discrete subdelta lobes are the dominant strati-
Schlanger et al., 1986; Haq et al., 1988; McDonough and graphic bodies and comprise upward-coarsening sand-
Cross, 1991; Sahagian and Jones, 1993; Figure 1). Conse- stone successions with gently inclined, dip-oriented
quently, time in the Ferron is represented much more by clinothems 10–30 m (33–98 ft) thick and 1–3 km (0.6–2
rock than by stratigraphic surfaces of erosion and nonde- mi) long. Amalgamated distributary mouthbar sand-
position. Regional unconformities are absent and distrib- stones contain numerous inclined bedding surfaces that
utary channel deposits do not extend beyond the delta extend hundreds of meters along depositional dip and
they sourced, indicating an absence of incised valleys. strike. Amalgamated sandstones are replaced laterally,
The upper Ferron Sandstone consists of eight on a kilometer-scale, by mudstone-dominated interdis-
progradational/aggradational stratigraphic units — tributary bay strata.
short-term stratigraphic cycles — arranged consecutive- Coastal-plain strata that overlie shoreface strata are
ly in seaward-stepping, vertically stacked, and land- thin but contain thick, isolated and disconnected chan-
ward-stepping geometric patterns (Ryer, 1981; Gardner, nelform sandstone bodies. They consist of amalgamated,
1995c; Figure 4). Seven of these cycles are recognized in erosive-based compound macroforms arranged in single
outcrop, and the eighth and youngest cycle is recognized and amalgamated, multistory complexes with biconvex
Stacking Patterns, Sediment Volume Partitioning, and Facies Differentiation
Figure 4. Cross section showing stacking pattern of short-term stratigraphic cycles in the upper Ferron Sandstone, and map of landward and
seaward depositional limits of the shoreface facies tracts in the eight cycles.
to flat-based, convex-upward geometries. Bedform and sandier than older upper Ferron shoreface strata.
macroform diversity is low with the latter dominated by Because sedimentary structures are highly amalgamat-
highly amalgamated, cut-and-fill and low-sinuosity ed, resolution of internal sedimentary bodies within
types. The principal bounding surfaces are thin, sand- shoreface sandstones is greatly reduced. Mudstone-rich
stone-rich, basal channel lags tens of meters wide, and interdistributary bay strata are volumetrically subordi-
numerous, shorter length reactivation surfaces. Thin nate to encasing SC2 and SC4 strata.
mudstone-rich, lower delta-plain strata separate chan- At Dry Wash (Figure 4), near the seaward limit of the
nelforms, and consist of laterally discontinuous coal coastal-plain facies tract, the shoreface facies tract is
seams and crevasse-channel and crevasse-splay sand- overlain by a thick heterolithic succession of tidally
stones. Multiple isolated distributary channel complexes influenced strata that have approximately equal propor-
produce a low distributary-channelbelt to delta-plain tions by volume of base-level fall and rise strata. Tidal
facies ratio in seaward-stepping stratigraphic cycles. strata containing recurved spits, washover fans, barrier
shorelines, bay strata, and other features indicative of
Seaward-Stepping SC3 tidal influence overlie a conspicuous transgressive sur-
face of erosion that incises into progradational delta-
The SC3 shoreface facies tract is in the most basin- front strata. These record in-phase, short- and interme-
ward position, and is the turning point between sea- diate-term, base-level rise (tidal and transgressive strata
ward- and landward-stepping stratigraphic cycles. The in this area were first described by Stalkup and Ebanks,
shoreface facies tract has a dip-elongate geometry cen- 1986).
tered over SC2 with landward and seaward limits posi- Large-scale deformation in the SC3 shoreface facies
tioned, respectively, 20 km (12 mi) and 15 km (9 mi) sea- tract encompasses a tens of km2 area near the seaward
ward from those of SC2. Discrete subdelta lobes are limit of underlying SC2 shoreface strata near the town of
M. H. Gardner, T. A. Cross, and M. Levorsen
Ferron, Utah (Figure 4). The most impressive features of limit of the shoreface facies tract, thick, mudstone-rich
this deformation are several isolated, 25-m (82-ft) thick, lower delta-front deposits are overlain by lenticular, 3-
100-m (328-ft) long, rotated sandstone lenses interpreted m-thick (10-ft) sandwaves inferred to represent small-
as slumped and rotated distributary bar-finger sand- scale mouthbar sandstones that prograded basinward.
stones. These foundered bar-finger sandstones demon- Comparison of these facies with SC2 shoreface facies at
strate that distributary channels did not extend beyond a similar distance from its seaward limit demonstrates
their delta during in-phase, short- and intermediate- increased partitioning of sediment landward in SC4.
term, base-level fall (the lowest A/S ratio) when uncon- This may explain why coastal-plain strata that overlie
formity development is most likely. the shoreface facies tract are the most organic-poor and
Channelform sandstone bodies resemble those in coarsest grained in the upper Ferron Sandstone.
older seaward-stepping cycles and consist of erosive-
based, cut-and-fill and low-sinuosity macroforms. The C Landward-Stepping SC5
coal bed (Figure 4) is laterally continuous from the top of
the shoreface facies tract and across the coastal-plain The SC5 shoreface facies tract contracted bidirec-
facies tract. The C coal bed contains a regionally exten- tionally; its landward depositional limit is almost coinci-
sive volcanic ash bed (tonstein) that permits correlation dent with that of SC3 and its seaward limit is 7 km (4 mi)
between marine-shelf and coastal-plain facies tracts. landward from that of SC4. Near the landward limit of
Landward of the landward depositional limit of the shoreface facies tract at Muddy Creek Canyon, dis-
shoreface sandstones are the thickest and most extensive tributary channelbelt strata extensively incise wave-
bay-fill strata in the upper Ferron Sandstone near the dominated shoreface strata (Figure 4). Steeply inclined,
town of Emery, Utah (Figure 4). Heterolithic, mudstone- seaward-dipping clinoforms segregate shoreface sand-
dominated, marginal-marine strata separate coeval stones into 20–30 m (66–98 ft) thick and less than 1-km-
coastal-plain and shoreface sandstones. This several wide (0.6-mi) subdelta lobes measured parallel to depo-
kilometer-wide bay is inferred to have formed during sitional dip. The paucity of distributary mouthbars and
intermediate-term, base-level rise, and filled prior to interdistributary bays strata reflects dominance of wave
progradation of the shoreface facies tract of vertically and storm processes along a nonembayed coastline, a
stacked SC4. significant contrast to shorefaces of seaward-stepping
cycles. Coeval distributary channelbelt sandstones con-
Vertically Stacked to tain a diverse assemblage of moderately interconnected,
low-sinuosity, high-sinuosity, and abandonment-fill
Landward-Stepping SC4
macroforms, typically 3–10 m (10–32 ft) thick and hun-
Relative to SC3, the shoreface facies tract of SC4 is dreds of meters wide.
narrower and offset landward; its landward and sea- Local amalgamation of multiple thin coal seams pro-
ward limits are 5 and 30 km (3 and 19 mi), respectively, duces irregular pod-shaped coals up to 8 m (26 ft) thick.
landward of those of the SC2 shoreface facies tract. Coals commonly overlie, but are replaced locally by, lat-
Shoreface strata contain the thickest, coarsest and most erally extensive distributary and crevasse-channel sand-
fluvial-dominated facies of all landward-stepping, stones. The ratio between distributary channelbelt and
shoreface facies tracts. The shoreface facies tract geome- vertical-accretion flood-plain strata is high compared to
try resembles landward-stepping SC5-SC7, but facies older seaward-stepping cycles. Distributary channel-
and geomorphic constituents resemble those in sea- belts contain a diverse assemblage of moderately inter-
ward-stepping SC1-SC2. Near the landward deposition- connected, low-sinuosity, high-sinuosity, and abandon-
al limit of the shoreface facies tract, SC4 contains two ment-fill macroforms, typically 3–10 m (10–32 ft) thick
vertically stacked subdelta lobe successions that thicken and hundreds of meters wide. Channel macroforms
abruptly seaward to the northeast along the Molen Reef form moderately interconnected kilometer-wide chan-
escarpment. Other than these subdelta lobes, a distinct nelbelts interdigitated along their margins with
stratigraphic break within the vertically stacked shore- crevasse-splay and crevasse-channel strata. Macroforms
face facies tract of SC4 was not identified, but two strati- have high bedform diversity, with basal channel lags
graphic cycles may be represented. Vertically stacked hundreds of meters wide, and subordinate bounding
facies successions are present in equivalent marine-shelf surfaces of equal length represented by lateral and
facies but occur only locally in the coastal-plain facies downstream accretion surfaces.
tract. Shoreface strata of SC6 through SC8 record contin-
The shoreface facies tract of SC4 contains amalga- ued contraction of the shoreface facies tract. Shoreface
mated sandstones separated by volumetrically subordi- contraction is associated with increased thickness of coe-
nate interdistributary bay strata. Subdelta lobes up to 30 val coastal-plain strata. Discontinuous coal seams pro-
m (98 ft) thick are the thickest of all cycles other than duce lower confidence shoreface to coastal-plain correla-
SC2. South of Dry Wash, near the seaward depositional tions, but the increased thickness of coastal-plain strata in
Stacking Patterns, Sediment Volume Partitioning, and Facies Differentiation
Figure 5. Thickness-distance plot from the Ferron Sandstone showing the areal distribution of various lithologies in facies tracts between the
landward and seaward pinch-out of the shallow-marine facies tract of stratigraphic cycles 2–5. The orientation of this plot is parallel to the
progradation direction of all delta lobes and to depositional dip. Three-dimensionally distributed data points are collapsed to this depositional dip
line, and data points plotted are correlated by linear interpolation. The vertical axis is thickness (m) and the horizontal axis is distance (km), with
the origin of the plot set a constant distance from the landward pinch-out of the shoreface facies tract.
the upper part of the upper Ferron Sandstone demon- in continental and marine facies tracts between the land-
strates increased landward partitioning of sediment vol- ward and seaward depositional limits of the shoreface
umes. Coastal-plain strata overlain by marine shelf mud- (delta front) facies tract of each short-term stratigraphic
stones of the Blue Gate Shale Member in the most proxi- cycle (Figure 4).
mal outcrops at Last Chance Canyon record accelerated Between these paleogeographic limits, the total sed-
transgression at the top of the upper Ferron in response iment volume, and the total sandstone and mudstone
to intermediate-term base-level rise (Figure 4). volumes were measured within shallow-marine and
coastal-plain strata. This allows comparison of total sed-
SEDIMENT VOLUME PARTITIONING iment volumes and lithology ratios of shoreface and
coastal-plain strata in seaward-stepping, vertically
To test whether sediment volumes change systemat- stacked, and landward-stepping progradational/aggra-
ically with the stacking pattern of short-term strati- dational units.
graphic cycles, sediment volumes were measured in The three-dimensional distribution of these data is
four progradational/aggradational units in the upper collapsed into a two-dimensional thickness-distance plot
Ferron Sandstone. These units were mapped over a 110 showing lithology distributions in coastal-plain and
km2 (68 mi2) area using 97 data points from outcrop shallow-marine strata between the landward and sea-
measured sections, geophysical well logs, core-derived ward depositional limits of the shoreface facies tract
lithology logs, and cliff-tape calibrated photomosaics (Figures 5 and 6). Plot orientation is parallel to deposi-
(Figure 5). The three-dimensional distribution of these tional dip, as determined from mapped orientations of
sediment volume measurements were normalized to facies tract boundaries and paleoflow analysis. The plot
account for paleogeographic variations in position and origin is set a constant distance from the landward depo-
widths of facies tracts, and incomplete preservation of sitional limit of the shoreface facies tract. Plots show
the depositional system from the study area westward to marine and nonmarine sandstone volumes, total sand-
the thrust front. The most consistent and objective nor- stone and mudstone volumes, and total sediment vol-
malization procedure was to measure sediment volumes umes for each progradational/aggradational unit. In
M. H. Gardner, T. A. Cross, and M. Levorsen
Figure 6. Examples of landward and seaward depositional limits of the shoreface facies tract of upper Ferron short-term cycles. (A) Seaward depo-
sitional limit of SC1 along the Molen Reef escarpment. View looking west toward the town of Emery, Utah, of the Tununk Shale and Ferron
Sandstone Members along the Molen Reef in southern Castle Valley. Note the seaward depositional limit of shoreface sandstone in SC1 of the
Ferronensis sequence near center of photo. From valley floor to cuesta top is approximately 330 m (1080 ft). (B) Landward depositional limit of
SC6 shoreface at Muddy Creek Canyon. These limits constrain sediment volume calculations summarized in Figure 5.
this case total sediment volume only refers to the sedi- ume ratio; and (3) total sediment volume of each strati-
ment volume between the landward and seaward depo- graphic cycle. Sediment volume and lithology ratios
sitional limits of the shoreface facies tract and not the were calculated for each locality to allow comparison
total sediment volume of the entire depositional system. with averaged values on thickness-distance plots. The
Although these sediment volumes may be related to total sediment and total sandstone volumes calculated in
changing sediment supply, it is important to emphasize this manner decrease from seaward- to landward-step-
that these volumes can’t be determined by this method. ping stratigraphic cycles (Figure 5). The nonmarine:
Sediment volumes are expressed as: (1) sandstone marine sandstone volume ratios of seaward-stepping
volume ratios of shallow-marine and coastal-plain stra- units 2 and 3 are 1:12 and 1:32, respectively; in vertically
ta; (2) stratigraphic cycle total sandstone/mudstone vol- stacked unit 4 it is 1:6, and in landward-stepping unit 5
Stacking Patterns, Sediment Volume Partitioning, and Facies Differentiation
it is 1:7. Even though data were collected within a strike- cycles. The term “facies differentiation” (Cross et al.,
oriented swath about 8 km (5 mi) broad, the sampling of 1993; Cross and Homewood, 1998) refers to these
channelbelt sandstones in the coastal-plain facies tract, changes in sedimentological and stratigraphic attributes
which is the primary residence of sandstone, is subject to during base-level cycles as first noted by Van Siclen
biased position of channelbelts; channelbelts could be in (1958). Facies differentiation reflects both the degree of
one position in one cycle and in another position in preservation of original geomorphic elements, and the
another cycle. Otherwise, measurements of sandstone in variations in types of geomorphic elements that existed
the shoreface facies tract and total sediment volume in within a depositional environment at different times and
both facies tracts are not biased. Seaward-stepping in different A/S regimes. The relative balance among
cycles record increased sediment volumes in shoreface rates of sediment addition, removal (cannibalization and
strata, reduced sediment volumes in coastal-plain strata, winnowing), and net accumulation controls the degree
and a basinward shift in accommodation; shoreface of preservation. Rates of these processes are strongly
progradation dominates over coastal-plain aggradation. influenced by sediment volume partitioning which
Vertically stacked cycles have little or no offset of facies accompanies changing A/S conditions during base-level
tracts across cycle boundaries, little shift in the deposi- cycles.
tional tracts limits of successive stratigraphic cycles, and Strata in the shoreface facies tract of seaward- and
subequal sediment volumes in the two facies tracts. landward-stepping progradational/aggradational units
Conversely, landward-stepping stratigraphic cycles are very different in lithologic heterogeneity; facies asso-
record increased coastal-plain sediment volumes, ciations and successions; angles, geometry, and aspect
reduced shoreface sediment volumes, and a landward ratio of clinoforms; and relative dominance of current-
shift in accommodation; coastal-plain aggradation dom- formed versus wave-formed geomorphic elements.
inates over shoreface progradation. These results do not Landward-stepping shoreface sandstones deposited in
presume a constant sediment supply but rather reflect higher A/S regimes are homogeneous, coarser, dominat-
changes in the A/S ratio that allows for variable sedi- ed by wave-generated and wave-reworked facies associ-
ment flux and storage capacity across environments lim- ations, and have narrower facies tract widths (Figure 7).
ited by accommodation. Seaward-stepping shorefaces deposited in lower A/S
Decreases in total sediment and total sandstone vol- regimes are heterolithic, characterized by much higher
umes reflect decreased shoreface facies tract widths in facies diversity of mixed wave and current origins, and
landward-stepping cycles. Compared with seaward- contain many fully preserved bedforms and other pale-
stepping cycles, progressively increased accommodation ogeomorphic elements (Figure 8). Observations of such
and storage capacity in the coastal plain of vertically differences in stratigraphic and sedimentologic attribut-
stacked and landward-stepping cycles reduces the total es of a facies tract with respect to stacking patterns were
sediment volume delivered to shallow-marine environ- made previously, but not explained, by Curtis (1970) for
ments. The shift to increased sandstone storage in the deltas in the Gulf Coast and by MacKenzie (1972) for
coastal-plain facies tract of vertically stacked and land- shorefaces in the Western Interior Seaway.
ward-stepping cycles also reflects increased A/S condi- Lower delta-front facies in landward- and seaward-
tions in these cycles. stepping stratigraphic cycles record the same water-
Because accommodation measures the potential depth transition from storm to fair-weather wave base,
space available for sediment accumulation, the direction but their stratigraphic and sedimentologic attributes are
of sediment transport does not affect a thickness-dis- quite different. Lower delta-front successions of land-
tance plot relating sediment volume to accommodation. ward-stepping cycles are thinner (< 1–4 m [< 3–13 ft]
Sediment delivered from out of the plane (e.g., along- thick), and sharp based because they prograde across the
shore transport) of the thickness-distance plot may affect flat, shallow-water platform formed by the underlying
the aspect ratio but not the distribution of sediment vol- progradational/aggradational unit. They consist of low-
umes in linked facies tracts. diversity, erosive-based co-sets of amalgamated hum-
mocky cross-stratified sandstone capped by symmetrical
FACIES DIFFERENTIATION IN THE ripples, and/or combined-flow asymmetrical ripples
(Figure 9). This facies association records dominance of
sediment reworking over sediment accumulation and
Accompanying sediment volume partitioning are burrowing, with limited preservation of individual bed-
differences in stratal architecture, facies associations and forms and other paleogeomorphic elements on the
successions, lithologic diversity, stratification types, con- seafloor.
nectivity and continuity of lithosomes, and petrophysi- By contrast, thicker (< 1–10 m [< 3–33 ft] thick),
cal attributes of strata which are preserved within iden- lower delta-front facies in seaward-stepping cycles con-
tical facies tracts but in different portions of base-level sist of a mixture of shallow-water sediment gravity
M. H. Gardner, T. A. Cross, and M. Levorsen
Figure 7. Schematic diagram showing the variation in geomorphology of the shoreface depositional system of seaward- and landward-stepping
flows, wavy laminated to hummocky cross-stratified ence. Facies and geomorphic constituents are diverse
sandstone, amalgamated co-sets of symmetrical and and include stacked distributary mouthbar sandstones,
asymmetrical ripple-laminated sandstone, and numer- growth-faults and rotated-slump blocks, and interdis-
ous mudstone drapes, partings, and beds (Figure 10). tributary bay strata, as well as storm-generated hum-
Sandstones and mudstones are approximately equal in mocks and swales of the upper shoreface. Long, contin-
proportion, contain more carbonaceous plant debris and uous mudstone drapes and beds separate sandstones
soft-sediment deformation, and generally exhibit less deposited by waning-flow river-flood and storm events.
burrowing. Bed geometry ranges from amalgamated to Large- and small-scale bedforms are amalgamated to
tabular and are broadly lenticular. Preservation of origi- fully preserved. Burrows in sandstone tend to be restrict-
nal geomorphic elements is high. These record numer- ed to the upper portions of beds. Seaward-dipping cli-
ous waning-flow river-flood and waning-flow storm noforms are conspicuous due to the thick mudstone
events. drapes and less steep than in shorefaces of landward-
Upper delta-front facies in landward-stepping stepping units. However, steeper clinoforms are
cycles consist of 1–20 m [3–66 ft] thick, upward-coarsen- observed recording the lateral infilling of interdistribu-
ing successions of well-sorted, fine to medium, amalga- tary bays.
mated hummocky to swaley (or amalgamated trough Facies differentiation in the shoreface facies tract is
cross-stratified) sandstones (Figure 8). The transition explained by sediment volume partitioning in response
from lower to upper delta-front facies is sharp, reflecting to base-level cycles. In seaward-stepping stratigraphic
a change in sandstone to mudstone ratio from about 5:1 cycles, less sediment is stored in the coastal plain. A pro-
to ≥ 10:1. Seaward-dipping clinoforms are more steeply portionally greater volume of sediment is delivered by
inclined but cryptic because of lithologic homogeneity. rivers to paralic, delta-front, shoreface, and shelf envi-
Trace-fossil diversity is high and includes, in order of ronments. Consequently, the shoreline is more irregular
decreasing abundance, Skolithos, Ophiomorpha, Thalassi- with lobate and elongate deltaic promontories and
noides, Planolites, Diplocraterion, Arenicolites, Rosselia, and embayments. Interdistributary bay deposits are com-
Chondrites. mon and show enhanced tidal influence, and a complex
Upward-coarsening successions of heterolithic interbedding of coal and carbonaceous muds, bay muds,
mudstones and sandstones of upper delta-front facies in crevasse splay/crevasse channel complexes, and
seaward-stepping cycles record increased fluvial influ- washover sands. The delta front is fluvial dominated,
Figure 8. Comparison of facies associations and successions in the shoreface facies tract of river-dominated seaward- and wave-dominated landward-stepping short-term cycles.
Stacking Patterns, Sediment Volume Partitioning, and Facies Differentiation
M. H. Gardner, T. A. Cross, and M. Levorsen
Figure 9. Examples of facies and stratigraphic architecture from the shoreface facies-tract of landward-stepping, high-A/S, short-term cycles. (A)
Outcrop photo of large scale, low-angle, seaward-dipping clinoforms in SC6 near the head of Muddy Creek Canyon. A prominent, laterally con-
tinuous clinoform in the middle of the cliff partitions multidirectional trough cross-stratified sandstone from overlying thinly bedded sandstones.
The upper sandstone beds dip seaward at a slightly higher angle than the clinoform that separates the two facies types. (B) Highly amalgamat-
ed trough cross-stratified sandstone (lower 2/3) and horizontal planar laminated sandstone of the shoreface in SC6 near the head of Muddy Creek
Canyon. (C) Hummocky cross-stratified sandstone from lower delta front of SC5, 1.6 km (1 mi) south of Dry Wash. In lower half of photo, lower-
to upper-delta front facies contact is shown by vertical change from interbedded to amalgamated sandstone. (D) 30-cm (12-in) thick, hummocky
cross-stratified sandstone bed with burrowed top. Sandstone bed consists of storm-generated, waning-flow succession of sedimentary structures.
(E) Swaley cross-stratified sandstone consisting of shallow swales, several-meters wide, with gently dipping, low-angle, subparallel, concordant
laminations decreasing in dip upward. Upper shoreface sandstone of SC6 from Picture Flats.
Stacking Patterns, Sediment Volume Partitioning, and Facies Differentiation
progrades rapidly, and rate of sediment accumulation is conspicuous change from fluvial- to wave-dominated
high. A broad, low-angle deltaic platform is constructed deltas in the transition from seaward- to landward-step-
that increases the frictional drag of incoming waves, ping stratigraphic cycles. The only control on the change
thus dissipating wave energy. Higher rates of sediment in delta morphology we can detect is the change in A/S
accumulation and dissipated wave energy provide pro- conditions that accompany the stacking pattern of small-
portionally less time for waves and currents to rework scale stratigraphic cycles. Different delta types do not
and cannibalize sediment delivered to the shoreface and appear to have resulted from changes in climate,
delta front. The resultant strata comprise a well-pre- drainage-basin size, discharge, fetch, shelf width, water
served, diverse, heterolithic, mudstone-rich assemblage depth, tectonic regime, or other control. Instead, the flux
of river-flood and storm events of multiple shallow of sediment to the delta front varied as a function of dif-
marine environments. ferential sediment storage in the coastal-plain facies tract
By contrast, landward-stepping stratigraphic cycles during changing A/S regimes. As the sediment flux and
are characterized by more total sediment storage and composition changed, so did the relative balance
increased proportion of mud to sand in the coastal plain. between fluvial input and marine reworking and canni-
Consequently, a reduced sediment volume that is initial- balization, and different delta morphologies resulted.
ly sandier is delivered to the delta front. Progradation The other type of facies differentiation — a change in
and sediment accumulation rates are reduced in the degree of preservation of original geomorphic elements
sandier delta front, and waves and currents have pro- — is exemplified by conspicuous sedimentologic differ-
portionally more time to cannibalize and winnow ences in the facies that compose the shoreface facies tracts
shoreface sediment. Resulting delta-front facies are of seaward- and landward-stepping stratigraphic cycles.
homogeneous, sand-rich, and record significant sedi- Increased facies diversity and degree of preservation is
ment redistribution and reworking by waves which typical of seaward-stepping cycles, whereas amalgama-
reduces facies diversity. tion, cannibalization and low facies diversity is typical of
The progressive changes from fluvial- to wave-dom- shoreface deposits of landward-stepping cycles. Again,
inated delta-front facies in seaward- to landward-step- this change in the facies and architecture of shoreface
ping short-term cycles reflect the sensitivity of delta- deposits is attributed to changing A/S conditions that
front profiles to the balance between ocean waves and control the proportions and completeness of original geo-
currents and sediment discharge from distributary chan- morphic elements that are preserved.
nels. Changes in offshore platform slope and delta-front
profiles reflect variations in sediment flux. Wright and FACIES DIFFERENTIATION IN THE
Coleman (1973) showed that high-flux, river-dominated
deltas have low-gradient slopes, whereas low-flux,
wave-dominated deltas have steeper depositional Coastal-plain strata contain the same facies in all
slopes. Changes in delta morphology are accompanied short-term stratigraphic cycles, regardless of position in
by changes in smaller scale geomorphic elements pre- the stacking pattern. However, the proportions of facies,
served in the delta. These changes produce different geometry and size of architectural elements, and degree
facies mosaics and facies proportions within similar of preservation of geomorphic elements change regular-
water-depth facies associations of different short-term ly with the stacking pattern. Stratigraphic cycles in the
stratigraphic cycles. coastal-plain facies tract contain alternating organic-
Tidal deposits formed during base-level rise are poor, sand-rich facies (distributary-channel and
common above shoreface strata irrespective of cycle crevasse-splay/crevasse-channel sandstones) recording
stacking pattern. However, seaward-stepping cycles base-level fall, and organic-rich, sandstone-poor facies
show the most complex facies mosaic reflecting a high (paludal and floodplain mudstones, carbonaceous
proportion of interdistributary bay-fill strata. Tidal de- shales and coal) recording base-level rise. These base-
posits record delta-front reworking and compose inter- level changes produce cyclic coal-sandstone successions.
distributary bay fills. Significantly, tidal deposits are best Although these facies coexist as laterally equivalent
developed in SC-3 recording the intermediate-term turn- deposits in both halves of a base-level cycle, the propor-
around from base-level fall to rise and are enhanced in tion is modulated by position within a cycle.
all landward-stepping cycles (Figure 11). Hence, tidal The coastal-plain facies tract of landward-stepping
deposits in shallow-marine successions provide impor- cycles contains greater sandstone and total sediment vol-
tant recognition criteria for base-level rise at all scales. umes but lower sandstone to mudstone ratios than the
The shoreface facies tracts of Ferron progradation- coastal-plain facies tract of seaward-stepping cycles. This
al/aggradational units contain good examples of the two tendency is progressive through the stacking pattern.
types of facies differentiation. The first type — strati- Coastal-plain strata of seaward-stepping cycles thin
graphic control on the types of geomorphic elements that upward, and have progressively increasing sandstone-
occupy a geomorphic environment — is manifest by the to-shale ratios, decreasing facies diversity, deeper chan-
M. H. Gardner, T. A. Cross, and M. Levorsen
Stacking Patterns, Sediment Volume Partitioning, and Facies Differentiation
Figure 10. Examples of facies and stratigraphic architecture from the shoreface facies tract of seaward-stepping, low-A/S, short-term cycles. (A)
Delta-front and distributary mouthbar deposits of SC2 from the I-70 roadcut. Bar-front and bar-crest facies of distributary mouthbar deposits
are well exposed in this roadcut oriented oblique to progradation. The 1.5-m-thick (4.9-ft) bar-front deposits are characterized by thinly bedded,
laminated to combined-flow, ripple-laminated sandstone with disseminated organic fines and form the thin recessive zone separating the two
massive sandstones. Bar-front deposits overlie delta-front sandstones up to 10 m (32 ft) thick, and underlie bar-crest facies up to 15 m (4.9 ft)
thick. Bar-crest facies are characterized by amalgamated, unidirectional trough and planar-tabular cross-stratified sandstone. Bar-crest facies at
this locality contain low-angle inclined clinoforms. The thinner tabular sandstone capping the cliff is another distributary mouthbar sandstone.
Stacked mouthbar deposits record autogenic subdelta lobe switching. (B) Upward-coarsening delta-front sandstone that is overlain by heterolithic
interdistributary-bay deposits of SC2 from Dry Wash. (C) Close-up of shallow-water sediment gravity flow in 48-cm-thick (19-in.) sandstone
bed from SC2 at Miller Canyon. Graded, structureless sandstone (Bouma A) at base is overlain by horizontally laminated sandstone (Bouma B),
with small scale hummocky and swaley cross-stratification at top. (D) Fully preserved hummock with waning flow cap (parallel lamination, sym-
metrical aggradational wave ripples, asymmetrical aggradational wave ripples) from SC3 at Dutch Flat. (E). Very well-preserved hummocks
with waning flow caps, interbedded burrowed mudstones, and beds with various symmetrical and asymmetrical wave ripples from SC3 at Dutch
Flat. (F) Soft-sediment deformation in the lower delta front of SC2 at the I-70 roadcut. Compaction of the underlying mud-rich, SC1 delta front
may have contributed to the extensive soft-sediment deformation and sand-rich delta front of SC2 at this locality. (G) Listric normal growth
faults in shoreface of SC1 in Muddy Creek Canyon. (H) Soft-sediment synclinal, trough-like depression with bounding anticlinal ridges formed
by slump block from SC3 shoreface loading the shelf mudstones of SC2 from Dutch Flat.
nel incisions, laterally extensive erosion surfaces, and nelbelt margins are narrow (the nose of the steer); the
thin aggradational paleosols and coal seams. Thin, later- channelbelt margins expand 4 to 10 times in width
ally extensive coals commonly cap seaward-stepping toward the top and have low-gradient margins (the
short-term cycles. Coastal-plain strata of vertically “horns” of the steer). The progression of facies attributes
stacked cycles contain laterally expanded multistory and is from highly interconnected, amalgamated, cannibal-
multilateral distributary-channelbelt sandstones which ized, laterally restricted, vertically stacked sandstone
interfinger with heterolithic crevasse splay and crevasse bodies at the base, to expanded, more open framework
channel deposits. Vertically stacked cycles also contain and more fully preserved, laterally stacked sandstone
higher proportions of mudstone and carbonaceous mud- bodies toward the top. Even though channelbelt sand-
stone, poorly developed coals, the coarsest sediment stones in all cycles share this basic motif, several sedi-
fraction, and approximately equal channelbelt-to-flood- mentologic changes record the changes in A/S and the
plain volume ratios. Coastal-plain strata of landward- sediment volume partitioning that accompany the short-
stepping units contain a high channelbelt-to-floodplain and intermediate-term base-level cycles.
ratio, channelbelt sandstones interfinger with a high Distributary channelbelt sandstones of high A/S,
proportion of crevasse-channel/crevasse-splay com- landward-stepping cycles are typically 15–25 m (49–82
plexes, and amalgamated coal beds up to 10 m (32 ft) ft) thick and 1–1.5 km (0.6–0.9 mi) wide. They contain a
thick. Thick pods of locally developed coal seams com- diverse assemblage of moderately interconnected, cut-
monly flank channelbelt sandstones of landward-step- and-fill, low-sinuosity, high-sinuosity and abandon-
ping short-term cycles. ment-fill macroforms 5–20 m (16–66 ft) thick (Figure 15).
Distributary channels of approximately the same Macroforms often are separated by mud drapes or lags.
scale, morphology and bank-full dimension fed the Mud-matrix-supported, mud-boulder-intraclast lag
shorefaces in all cycles. Yet many sedimentologic attrib- deposits on channel and macroform scour bases are up
utes of distributary channelbelt sandstones are conspic- to 1 m (3 ft) thick and laterally continuous (hundreds of
uously different in cycles at different positions in the meters). Internal accretion and reactivation surfaces of
stacking pattern (Figures 12 and 13). In distributary equal length record lateral and downstream barform
channelbelt sandstones, the composition and thickness migration. Bedforms, cut-and-fill macroforms, and
of lag deposits, the types and geometries of channel accretionary macroforms are well preserved (low amal-
sandstone bodies, the degree of preservation and pro- gamation and little cannibalization). Facies diversity
portion of original bedforms and macroforms, and the within macroforms is high, including thick and thin sets
diversity of facies record changes in A/S regime and of trough cross-stratification, planar-tabular stratifica-
concomitant sediment volume partitioning (Figure 14). tion, horizontal lamination, convolute lamination, and
Distributary channelbelt sandstones in all cycles other structures indicative of fluidization, meter-scale
have a grossly similar cross-sectional geometry and a fully preserved straight-crested dunes climbing the
similar internal progression of facies changes. They have backs of larger barforms, and thick sets of ripple and
a characteristic “funnel” or “longhorn steer” cross-sec- climbing ripple lamination (Figure 16).
tional shape (Figure 13). At the base, steep-sided chan- By contrast, channelbelt sandstones of low A/S, sea-
M. H. Gardner, T. A. Cross, and M. Levorsen
Figure 11. Tidal facies and recurved spit from SC3 at Dry Wash recording the turnaround from seaward- to landward-stepping short-term cycles. (A) Photomosaic of locally developed
transgressive, tidal-channel-inlet facies in SC3 at Dry Wash. These deposits crop out near the head of Dry Wash along a 600-m-long (2000-ft) canyon cut oriented to depositional dip. Expo-
sures comprise a series of 14 offlapping 5–10-m-thick (16–32 ft), imbricated, accretionary sandstone lenses that are encased in burrowed mudstones and that often contain one to several
thickly bedded, unidirectional sandwaves. (B) Transverse cross-sectional view looking northwest of laterally accreting, imbricated sandstone lenses from SC3 tidal inlet at Dry Wash. At
the thickest portion of the drum-stick-shaped sandstone lens, the weight of the sandstone lens has deformed underlying SC 3 delta-front sandstones into a broad synform.
Stacking Patterns, Sediment Volume Partitioning, and Facies Differentiation
Figure 12. Diagram summarizing changes in distributary channelbelt architecture of landward- and seaward-stepping short-term cycles.
Figure 13. Examples showing variable distributary channelbelt architecture of landward- and seaward-stepping short-term cycles. (A) Outcrop
photo of moderately interconnected sandstone lenses of distributary channelbelt from landward-stepping SC7 at Emery mine. (B) Distributary
channelbelt sandbodies of seaward and landward-stepping cycles. SC2 at I-70 roadcut. Bars on scale are 3 m.
M. H. Gardner, T. A. Cross, and M. Levorsen
Figure 14. Plot showing diversity difference of sedimentary structures from distributary channelbelt deposits of landward- and seaward-stepping
short-term cycles. The increased proportion of higher-energy and more amalgamated, cannibalized structures in distributary channelbelt deposits
of seaward-stepping, short-term cycles reflects decreased preservation of the upper part of channel fills.
ward-stepping cycles are of comparable thickness but dence is also reflected by growth faults, large slumps,
only a few hundred meters wide. They contain a low and pervasive soft-sediment deformation in the shore-
diversity of highly amalgamated cut-and-fill and low- face facies tract of seaward-stepping cycles.
sinuosity, erosive-based macroforms 5–10 m (16–32 ft) The coastal-plain facies tracts of Ferron prograda-
thick (Figure 17). Bedforms and macroforms are strong- tional/aggradational units contain good examples of
ly cannibalized and amalgamated, resulting in very low facies differentiation produced by differences in degree
facies diversity (typically >95% by volume of thin sets of of preservation of geomorphic elements under varying
amalgamated and top-truncated, trough cross-stratified A/S regimes. In high-accommodation, landward-step-
sandstone). Channel and macroform scour bases are ping stratigraphic cycles, coastal-plain facies are diverse,
occasionally and discontinuously overlain by sand- reflecting good preservation of multiple, diverse geo-
matrix-supported, mud-pebble-intraclast lags 2–20 cm morphic elements (Figure 18). Many of the original bed-
(0.8–8 in.) thick. forms and barforms of distributary channels are fully or
These channels do not extend beyond their delta, nearly fully preserved. By contrast, the diversity of
nor do they incise below associated delta-front deposits coastal-plain facies in low-accommodation, seaward-
(one notable exception is the SC5 distributary channel- stepping stratigraphic cycles is very low, reflecting pres-
belt at Cedar Ridge), and the scale of incision conforms ervation of only those geomorphic elements that are
to macroforms composing the channelbelt. These are most easily preserved. The original bedforms and bar-
attributes of freely migrating channels constructing a forms of distributary channels are intensely cannibalized
channelbelt unimpeded by valley confinement. The size and amalgamated (Figure 12).
of these larger channelforms may lead to the misinter-
pretation of them as valley fills and highlights the limi- FACIES MODELS IN A
tation of size as a criterion for valley fill recognition. In
this case, the increased size of Ferron distributaries of
seaward-stepping cycles reflects higher delta subsidence Facies models summarize the facies associations
promoted by the higher sediment volumes and more presumed indicative and characteristic of particular sed-
rapid progradation (Morgan, 1973). Higher delta subsi- imentary environments. They are constructed through
Figure 15. Diagram summarizing macroforms composing distributary channelbelt of landward- and seaward-stepping, short-term cycles. Seaward-stepping cycles are dominated by cut-
Stacking Patterns, Sediment Volume Partitioning, and Facies Differentiation
and-fill macroforms, whereas landward-stepping cycles contain a diverse assemblage of macroform types.
M. H. Gardner, T. A. Cross, and M. Levorsen
Figure 16. Examples of facies and stratigraphic architecture from the coastal-
plain facies-tract of landward-stepping, short-term cycles. (A) Distributary
channel sandstone complex containing a diverse assemblage of macroforms
separated by meter-scale mudstone drapes and lags. From SC6 at Dog Valley.
(B) Amalgamated trough cross-stratified sandstone from the base of the dis-
tributary channel (nose of the longhorn steer) of Figure 16A. Backpack rests
on channel scour base. (C) Meter-scale climbing sandwave (analogous to
climbing ripples) from near the top of the distributary channel sandstone at Dog Valley. (D) Mudstone lag (at person’s head) separating over-
lying low-sinuosity macroform from top of the longhorn steer’s nose at Dog Valley. (E) Close-up of convolute bedding in soft-sediment-deformed
sandstone of SC5 channel at Ivie Creek. High shear stress on partially liquefied bedforms results in dewatering and development of these soft-
sediment deformation features. (F) Detail of thick (meter-scale) boulder/cobble mudstone ripup-clast lag at channel base. (G) Abandonment fill
macroform of SC4 along Coal Cliffs.
Figure 17. Examples of facies and stratigraphic architecture from the
coastal-plain facies-tract of seaward-stepping, short-term cycles. (A)
Outcrop photomosaic of transverse, cross-sectional view of 25-m-thick
(82-ft) and 280-m-wide (919-ft), distributary channelbelt from sea-
ward-stepping SC2 at Willow Springs Wash. The lower portion of the
channelbelt consists of four cut-and-fill macroforms that are overlain by laterally expanded sandstones that consist of four to
five low-sinuosity and crevasse-channel macroforms. (B) Amalgamated, 10–20-cm-thick (4–8-in.) sets of trough cross-strat-
ified sandstone from the distributary channelbelt at Willow Springs Wash. (C) View looking west of erosional basal contact
of highly amalgamated distributary channelbelt in seaward-stepping SC2 at Willow Springs Wash. Basal contacts form high-
ly irregular, concave-upward surface with up to 5 m (16 ft) of local relief where incised in less resistant, intraformational
interdistributary-bay deposits of SC1. (D) Lateral pinch-outs of cut-and-fill sandstone lenses against channel-base bound-
Stacking Patterns, Sediment Volume Partitioning, and Facies Differentiation
Figure 18. Summary of sedimentologic and stratigraphic attributes of upper Ferron distributary channelbelts that change as a function of short-
term cycle stacking pattern.
Stacking Patterns, Sediment Volume Partitioning, and Facies Differentiation
synthesis, reduction and simplification of observations loway, 1986; Cross, 1988; Carter et al., 1991; Borer and
from multiple specific examples to abstract the “es- Harris, 1991; Boyd et al., 1992; Cross et al., 1993; Sonnen-
sence,” or the essential facies elements of a particular feld and Cross, 1993; Cant, 1995; Mellere and Steel, 1995;
environment, from the “noise,” or variations from what- Gardner et al., 1995, Kerans and Fitchen, 1995; Talling et
ever is perceived as the norm (Walker, 1984, 1990). The al., 1995; Ramon and Cross, 1997; Cross, 2000).
only requirement for selection of examples is that they None of these characteristics of facies models
must be a product of a particular geomorphic environ- employs four-dimensional stratigraphic appreciation for
ment. Facies models are constructed with the presump- the accumulation of sediment. Facies models ignore the
tion that the preserved stratigraphic record of an envi- fact that sediments accumulate during the migration of
ronment is similar to, and a composite of, all geomorphic laterally linked environments. The mosaic of geomor-
elements in that environment. Accordingly, the geomor- phic environments does not aggrade in place producing
phic elements in an environment are preserved in the a stratigraphic product that closely resembles the geo-
same ratios as facies in strata. This presumption requires morphic parent.
that the mosaic of geomorphic elements that form the This study demonstrates that stratigraphic processes
patchwork quilt on the Earth’s surface at an instant in influence the types of geomorphic elements which com-
time aggrade in place to form a stratigraphic facies pose an environment, as well as the proportion and
mosaic of identical complexity and areal distribution. If degree of preservation of elements which enter the strati-
facies associations and successions representing a single graphic record. Changing A/S conditions during base-
depositional environment are collected from different level cycles control stacking patterns and sediment vol-
stratigraphic cycles, or different halves of the same base- ume partitioning. The latter contributes to the two types
level cycle, the resulting facies model of that deposition- of facies differentiation discussed previously. The next
al environment is derived from a mixture of unrelated generation of facies models should be constructed from a
elements that may never have coexisted (Figure 18). stratigraphic perspective in which there is a continuum
Facies models are specific to each environment; they of transitional forms of facies associations and succes-
do not mix or merge the facies of laterally linked envi- sions that are different products of the same parent.
ronments. A facies model for laterally linked braidplain-
lake-alluvial fan environments does not exist, but each
environment has its own models. Environments identi-
fied as geomorphically distinct have separate facies At the scale of the upper Ferron Sandstone clastic
models attached to them. Multiple facies models exist wedge, sediment accumulated in different paleogeo-
for different river morphologies (e.g., braided, meander- graphic positions through time form a series of strati-
ing, anastomosed) and for different delta morphologies graphic cycles arranged in a seaward-stepping, vertical-
(wave-, fluvial-, and tide-dominated). ly stacked, and landward-stepping stacking pattern (Fig-
Facies models are static. Facies attributes, associa- ure 19). Geographic partitioning of sediment volumes at
tions, and successions are collapsed from multiple exam- this scale is related to the changes in A/S conditions dur-
ples into a single geomorphic and sedimentologic char- ing an intermediate-term, base-level cycle.
acter set presumed to exist at an instant in time. Facies Within each stratigraphic cycle, sediment was parti-
models are constructed with the presumption that the tioned into depositional environments in different vol-
stratigraphic products (preserved depositional rem- umes and ratios. Superposition of the two scales of base-
nants) of a particular depositional environment are sim- level cycles causes systematic changes in sediment vol-
ilar from place to place and from time to time. Facies ume partitioning through time. The total sediment vol-
models do not recognize that geomorphic elements at ume and total sandstone in the shoreface facies tract
the same positions on a depositional profile may differ decreases regularly from seaward- to landward-step-
in different A/S regimes, even in the two halves of a sin- ping stacking patterns. The proportion of marine-to-
gle base-level cycle. Nor do they recognize that given nonmarine sandstone also decreases. This demonstrates
identical geomorphic elements in a particular environ- increasing sediment storage in uphill continental envi-
ment, changes in degree of preservation (volume and ronments during the transition from seaward- to land-
proportion) of those elements will create major differ- ward-stepping stacking patterns (Figure 20).
ences in the facies observed in the stratigraphic record. One product of the changing A/S regime and sedi-
Although facies differentiation has not been a focus of ment volume partitioning is a change in delta morphol-
most sedimentologic and stratigraphic studies, it has ogy. Deltas in seaward-stepping cycles are fluvial domi-
been hinted at, noted, suggested, or described from a nated, whereas those in landward-stepping cycles are
variety of environments in a handful of papers (e.g., Bar- wave-dominated. The change in delta morphology is
rell, 1912; Van Siclen, 1958; Curtis, 1970; MacKenzie, related to the change in sediment storage capacity uphill
1972; Bridge and Leeder, 1979; Brett and Baird, 1986; Gal- in continental environments. This is an illustration of
M. H. Gardner, T. A. Cross, and M. Levorsen
Figure 19. Wheeler (time-space) diagram showing distribution of three time-space domains within facies tracts that compose seaward-stepping,
vertically stacked, and landward-stepping stratigraphic cycles of the Ferron sequence. This diagram relates changes in the stacking pattern,
stratal geometry, sediment volume distributions, and facies arrangements to variations in accommodation within base-level cycles.
geomorphic facies differentiation, where stratigraphic are present within all stratigraphic cycles, are most com-
processes control the types of geomorphic elements that mon immediately above the shoreface facies tract, but
occupy a particular depositional environment. show the most complex mosaic in seaward-stepping
Sediment volume partitioning at the scale of short- cycles reflecting the increased proportion of interdistru-
term stratigraphic cycles also affects the rate of net sedi- tary bay-fill strata. Distributary channelbelt sandstones
ment accumulation in different environments, and of high A/S, landward-stepping cycles are composed of
reflects the balance between rates of sediment addition high-diversity, well-preserved macroforms and bed-
and rates of sediment reworking and cannibalization. forms, whereas those of seaward-stepping cycles are
Changes in A/S conditions during a short-term cycle composed of strongly cannibalized, amalgamated, low-
control or modulate the degree of cannibalization and diversity macroforms and bedforms. The latter chan-
amalgamation of geomorphologic elements that com- nelforms show increased size and may be misinterpret-
pose an environment. Variations in facies diversity, ed as valley fills recording unconformity development
facies associations and successions, lithologic hetero- under conditions of no accommodation. These examples
geneity, and petrophysical properties within a facies illustrate the other type of preservational facies differen-
tract are manifestations of changing A/S conditions. tiation, where stratigraphic processes control the pro-
Shorefaces of high-accommodation, landward-stepping portions and ratios of original geomorphic elements that
cycles comprise homogeneous, wave-dominated sand- are preserved. It is important to emphasize that facies
stones, whereas shorefaces of low-accommodation, sea- differentiation describes the tendency for specific facies
ward-stepping cycles are lithologically heterogeneous associations, proportions and degree of preservation
and river-dominated containing diverse facies and well- within a facies tract. It is not an absolute attribute of the
preserved original geomorphic elements. Tidal deposits facies tract composing a specific stratigraphic cycle. For
Stacking Patterns, Sediment Volume Partitioning, and Facies Differentiation
Figure 20. Illustration of variability of stacking patterns of the shoreface facies tract as a function of changes in the A/S ratio.
example, wave-generated sedimentary structures occur and demonstrate systematic linkages among attributes
within river-dominated as well as wave-dominated of all scales and many types. These attributes are com-
deltas and reflect the three-dimensional geomorphology plementary records of multiple, interdependent process-
and variability in processes operating within a deposi- es which may be analyzed from the simple perspectives
tional system. of conservation laws and stratigraphic base level. The
Sediment volume partitioning and facies differentia- systematic organization of disparate and diverse data
tion in different A/S regimes create radically different types is the basis for robust stratigraphic prediction.
facies constituents, associations, and successions from From knowledge of attributes at one scale, attributes of
the same geomorphic environment. The stratigraphic other types and scales are predictable.
products are transitional forms along a continuum from
high to low A/S conditions for each facies tracts. Exist-
ing facies models assume the products of geomorphic
environments are similar regardless of time, place, and This paper reports part of the Ph.D. research of the
condition of accumulation. Facies models are insensitive first author. Financial support was provided by the
to stratigraphic controls on facies associations and suc- Industrial Associates of the Genetic Stratigraphy
cessions. Moreover, most are incorrectly constructed Research Program administered by T. A. Cross, the
from observations of facies elements that never coexist- American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund,
ed. If facies models are to be useful for stratigraphic pre- the American Association of Petroleum Geologists
diction, they must be calibrated to A/S conditions that grants-in-aid program, the SEPM Donald Smith
drive volumetric partitioning and facies differentiation. Research grant, the Sigma Xi grants-in-aid program, the
A new generation of stratigraphically sensitive facies U.S. Geological Survey Branch of Coal Resources, and
models is required and they need to be placed into an the Utah Geological Survey. We thank these organiza-
A/S context. tions, companies, and societies for their support. Helpful
Systematic changes in numerous stratigraphic and reviews by Ron Steel and John Cater are gratefully
sedimentologic attributes emphasize the well-ordered acknowledged.
behavior of the stratigraphic process-response system,
M. H. Gardner, T. A. Cross, and M. Levorsen
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