Oh heavenly and holy Father (Matthew 6:9), we loo to yo! a" the Al#$%hty one (&ene"$" '(:')) *e +oldly ,o#e +e-ore the throne o- %ra,e (.e+rew" /:'6) ,la$#$n% o!r 0o"$t$on $n heavenly 0la,e" $n Chr$"t 1e"!" (E0he"$an" ':2342')) 5y -a$th I 0!ll down every "tron%hold (2 Cor$nth$an" '3:/) I have y$elded !nto 6atan and ,la$# +y -a$th $t $" n!ll and vo$d and ,overed !nder the +lood o- the 7ord 1e"!" Chr$"t (Revelat$on '2:'')) Than yo! -or -or%$v$n% #e o- #y "$n" (Matthew 6:'/) when Chr$"t d$ed on the ,ro"" and I than yo! that yo! have ,lean"ed #e o- all #y "$n" (' 1ohn ':9)) I ,la$# +y -a$th that all that I a# o!t"$de o- Chr$"t wa" na$led to the ,ro"" (&alat$an" 2:23)) I re, on "el-, "$n, 6atan, the law, and the world to +e na$led to the ,ro"" (7! e 9:289 &alat$an" ::2/)) 5y -a$th, I ,la$# the re"!rre,ted and a",ended l$-e o- Chr$"t l$v$n% $n #e and thro!%h #e (2 Cor$nth$an" /:'')) 5y -a$th, I 0!t on the hel#et o- "alvat$on (E0he"$an" 6:'(), the +rea"t0late or$%hteo!"ne"" (E0he"$an" 6:'/), #y lo$n" %$rd a+o!t w$th tr!th, #y -eet "hod w$th the 0re0arat$on o- the %o"0el o- 0ea,e (E0he"$an" 6:':), the "h$eld o- -a$th to ;!en,h all the -$ery dart" o- the w$, ed one, and the "word o- the 60$r$t (E0he"$an" 6:'6)) I "!+#$t #y"el- !nder the a!thor$ty o- the 7ord 1e"!" Chr$"t (1a#e" /:64(9 ' Peter ::649) and I +$nd all de#on$, -or,e" +y the +lood o- 1e"!" Chr$"t that are try$n% to h$nder #e (Matthew '6:'9) -ro# o+ey$n% the w$ll o- &od today $n the north, "o!th, ea"t, and we"t (Revelat$on (:')) I ,la$# +y -a$th that I a# "!rro!nded +y a hed%e o0rote,t$on (.o"ea 2:6), a wall o- -$re (<e,har$ah 2::), and a h!%e wall o- -a$th all ,overed !nder the +lood o- the 7ord 1e"!" Chr$"t) I +$nd all de#on$, -or,e" +y the +lood o- the 7a#+ and 0ray that Chr$"t wo!ld "end holy an%el" to "to0 any ev$l a""$%n#ent a%a$n"t #e (.e+rew" ':'/)) 5y -a$th I relea"e the wor $n% o- the 0ower o- the re"!rre,ted 7ord (Ro#an" 6:/) and the ener%$=$n% 0ower o- the .oly 60$r$t $n #y l$-e (E0he"$an" ::'>)) 5y -a$th I ,la$# that th$" ha" already +een +o!nd $n heaven (Matthew '>:'>) and than yo! that yo! w$ll %!$de #e $nto the ,enter o- yo!r w$ll (1ohn '6:'8) and "how #e the wor " yo! have 0lanned -or #e today) I 0ray that yo! w$ll ,a!"e ,on-!"$on $n the ,a#0 o- all #$ne ene#$e" (P"al# 8::/, 26) "o that I #ay have v$,tory over the#) Than yo! $n advan,e -or v$,tory over ever tr$al th$" day (' Cor$nth$an" ':::()) 6end yo!r #e""en%er" that I need to a,,o#0l$"h yo!r w$ll th$" day (7! e 6:8>)) &$ve #e the nowled%e and w$"do# to now and do yo!r w$ll (E0he"$an" ':'(4'9)) F$ll #e w$th the 0ower o- the .oly 60$r$t and %$ve #e the -r!$t o- the 60$r$t I need today to a,,o#0l$"h yo!r w$ll (&alat$an" ::22428)) 6!rro!nd #e w$th yo!r holy an%el" to "tren%then #e and 0rote,t #e -ro# any ev$l -or,e that #ay ,o#e a%a$n"t #e (P"al# 8/:()) Than yo! -or yo!r 0re"en,e and 0ower that w$ll e#0ower and %!$de #e th$" day (.e+rew" '8::)) In 1e"!"? na#e I 0ray, AMEN (1ohn '/:'84'/))