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Baptism Theofficeof

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person who desireth Illumination, and removeth it and putteth it off from him, and placeth him with his face towards the east, clothed in one garment only, unshod, and with head uncovered and with his arms hanging by his sides; and he breatheth thrice in his face; and signeth his brow and his breast thrice with the sign of the Cross; and layeth his hand upon his head, saying: Let us pray to the Lord. The choir: Lord ha!e "er#y. I$ Thy Na"e O Lord %od o& truth a$d '$ the Na"e o& Th'$e O$(y)*e+otte$ So$ a$d o& Thy Ho(y Sp'r't I (ay "y ha$d upo$ Thy ser!a$t (Name), ,ho hath *ee$ &ou$d ,orthy to &(ee u$to Thy ho(y Na"e a$d to ta-e re&u+e u$der the she(ter o& Thy ,'$+s. Re"o!e &ar &ro" h'" (her) h's (her) &or"er de(us'o$ a$d &'(( h'" (her) ,'th the &a'th hope a$d (o!e ,h'#h are '$ Thee. that he (she) "ay -$o, that Thou art the o$(y true %od ,'th Th'$e O$(y)*e+otte$ So$ our Lord /esus Chr'st a$d Thy Ho(y Sp'r't. E$a*(e h'" (her) to ,a(- '$ a(( Thy #o""a$d"e$ts a$d to &u(&'( those th'$+s ,h'#h are ,e(()p(eas'$+ u$to Thee. &or '& a "a$ do those th'$+s he sha(( &'$d ('&e '$ the". I$s#r'*e h'" (her) '$ Thy Boo- o& L'&e a$d u$'te h'" (her) to the &(o#- o& Th'$e '$her'ta$#e. A$d "ay Thy ho(y Na"e *e +(or'&'ed '$ h'" (her), to+ether ,'th that o& Thy *e(o!ed So$ our Lord /esus Chr'st a$d o& Thy ('&e)+'!'$+ Sp'r't. Let Th'$e eyes e!er re+ard h'" (her) ,'th "er#y a$d (et Th'$e ears atte$d u$to the !o'#e o& h's (her) supp('#at'o$. Ma-e h'" (her) to re0o'#e '$ the ,or-s o& h's (her) ha$ds a$d '$ a(( h's (her) +e$erat'o$. that he (she) "ay re$der pra'se u$to Thee "ay s'$+ ,orsh'p a$d +(or'&y Thy +reat a$d e1a(ted Na"e a(,ays a(( the days o& h's (her) ('&e. For a(( the Po,ers o& the Hea!e$s s'$+ pra'ses u$to Thee a$d Th'$e 's the +(ory o& the Father a$d o& the So$ a$d o& the Ho(y Sp'r't $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. A"e$. THE FIRST EXORCISM Let us pray to the Lord. The choir: Lord ha!e "er#y. The Lord (ayeth thee u$der *a$ O 2e!'(3 He 4ho #a"e '$to the ,or(d a$d "ade H's a*ode a"o$+ "e$ that he "'+ht o!erthro, thy tyra$$y a$d de('!er "e$. 4ho a(so upo$ the Tree d'd tr'u"ph o!er the ad!erse po,ers ,he$ the su$ ,as dar-e$ed a$d the earth d'd 5ua-e a$d the +ra!es ,ere ope$ed a$d the *od'es o& the Sa'$ts arose. 4ho a(so *y death a$$'h'(ated 2eath a$d o!erthre, h'" ,ho e1er#'sed the do"'$'o$ o& 2eath that 's thee the 2e!'( I ad0ure thee *y %od 4ho hath re!ea(ed the Tree o& L'&e a$d hath arrayed '$ ra$-s the Cheru*'" a$d the &(a"'$+ s,ord ,h'#h tur$eth a(( ,ays to +uard 't3 Be thou u$der *a$. For I ad0ure thee *y H'" 4ho ,a(-eth upo$ the sur&a#e o& the sea as 't ,ere dry (a$d a$d (ayeth u$der H's *a$ the te"pests o& the ,'$ds. 4hose +(a$#e dr'eth up the deep a$d 4hose '$terd'#t "a-eth the "ou$ta'$s to "e(t a,ay. The sa"e $o, throu+h us doth (ay thee u$der *a$. Fear *e+o$e a$d depart &ro" th's #reature a$d retur$ $ot a+a'$ $e'ther h'de thyse(& '$ h'" (her), $e'ther see- thou to "eet h'" (her), $or to '$&(ue$#e h'" (her), e'ther *y $'+ht or *y day. e'ther '$ the "or$'$+ or at $oo$day3 *ut depart he$#e to th'$e o,$ Tartarus u$t'( the +reat 2ay o& /ud+"e$t ,h'#h 's orda'$ed. Fear thou %od 4ho s'tteth upo$ the Cheru*'" a$d (oo-eth upo$ the deeps. *e&ore 4ho" tre"*(e A$+e(s a$d Ar#ha$+e(s Thro$es 2o "'$'o$s Pr'$#'pa('t'es Author't'es Po,ers the "a$y)eyed

Cheru*'" a$d the s'1),'$+ed Seraph'". *e&ore 4ho" ('-e ,'se hea!e$ a$d earth do 5ua-e the sea a$d a(( that there'$ 's. Be+o$e a$d depart &ro" th's sea(ed $e,(y)e$('sted ,arr'or o& Chr'st our %od. For I ad0ure thee *y H'" 4ho r'deth upo$ the ,'$+s o& the ,'$d a$d "a-eth H's A$+e(s sp'r'ts a$d H's "'$'sters a &(a"'$+ &'re3 Be+o$e a$d depart &ro" th's #reature ,'th a(( thy po,ers a$d th'$e a$+e(s. For +(or'&'ed 's the Na"e o& the Father a$d o& the So$ a$d o& the Ho(y Sp'r't $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. A"e$. THE SECOND EXORCISM Let us pray to the Lord. The choir: Lord ha!e "er#y. %od ho(y terr'*(e a$d +(or'ous 4ho 's u$sear#ha*(e a$d '$s#ruta*(e '$ a(( H's ,or-s a$d "'+ht hath &oreorda'$ed &or thee the pe$a(ty o& eter$a( pu$'sh"e$t O 2e!'(3 the Sa"e throu+h us H's u$,orthy ser!a$t doth #o""a$d thee ,'th a(( thy #o$&ederate hosts to depart he$#e &ro" h'" (her) ,ho hath *ee$ $e,(y sea(ed '$ the Na"e o& our Lord /esus Chr'st our true %od. 4here&ore I ad0ure thee O "ost #ra&ty '"pure !'(e (oathso"e a$d a('e$ sp'r't *y the "'+ht o& /esus Chr'st 4ho hath a(( po,er *oth '$ hea!e$ a$d o$ earth a$d 4ho sa'd u$to the dea& a$d du"* de"o$ Co"e out o& the "a$ a$d '$ $o,'se e$ter thou a se#o$d t'"e '$to h'"3 2epart7 A#-$o,(ed+e the !a'$$ess o& thy "'+ht ,h'#h hath $ot po,er e!e$ o!er s,'$e. Ca(( to "'$d H'" 4ho at thy re5uest #o""a$ded thee to e$ter '$to the herd o& s,'$e. Fear %od *y 4hose de#ree the earth 's esta*('shed upo$ the ,aters. 4ho hath "ade the hea!e$s a$d hath set the "ou$ta'$s ,'th a ('$e a$d the !a((eys ,'th a "easure a$d hath &'1ed *ou$ds to the sa$ds o& the sea a$d a &'r" path upo$ the stor"y ,aters. 4ho tou#heth the "ou$ta'$s a$d they s"o-e 4ho #(otheth H'"se(& ,'th ('+ht as ,'th a +ar"e$t. 4ho spreadeth out the hea!e$s as 't ,ere a #urta'$. 4ho #o!ereth H's e1#eed'$+ h'+h p(a#es ,'th the ,aters 4ho hath "ade &ast the earth upo$ 'ts &ou$dat'o$s so that 't sha(( $ot *e re"o!ed u$to a+es o& a+es. 4ho #o((e#teth the ,ater o& the sea a$d poureth 't out upo$ the &a#e o& the ,ho(e earth3 Be+o$e a$d depart &ro" h'" (her) ,ho hath "ade h'"se(& (herself) ready &or ho(y I((u"'$at'o$. I ad0ure thee *y the redee"'$+ Pass'o$ o& our Lord /esus Chr'st a$d *y H's pre#'ous Body a$d B(ood a$d *y H's dread Co"'$+ A+a'$. &or He sha(( #o"e a$d sha(( $ot tarry to 0ud+e the ,ho(e earth. a$d He sha(( #hast'se thee a$d thy #o$&ederate host ,'th *ur$'$+ %ehe$$a #o""'tt'$+ thee to outer dar-$ess ,here the ,or" #easeth $ot a$d the &'re 's $ot 5ue$#hed. For o& Chr'st our %od 's the do"'$'o$ ,'th the Father a$d the Ho(y Sp'r't $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. A"e$. THE THIRD EXORCISM Let us pray to the Lord. The choir: Lord ha!e "er#y. O Lord o& Sa*aoth the %od o& Israe( 4ho hea(est e!ery "a(ady a$d e!ery '$&'r"'ty3 Looupo$ Thy ser!a$t. pro!e h'" (her) a$d sear#h h'" (her), a$d root out o& h'" (her) e!ery operat'o$ o& the 2e!'(. Re*u-e the u$#(ea$ sp'r'ts a$d e1pe( the" a$d pur'&y the ,or-s o& Thy ha$ds. a$d e1ert'$+ Thy tre$#ha$t "'+ht speed'(y #rush do,$ Sata$ u$der h's (her) &eet. a$d +'!e h'" 8her9 !'#tory o!er the sa"e a$d o!er h's &ou( sp'r'ts. that ha!'$+ o*ta'$ed "er#y &ro" Thee he (she) "ay *e "ade ,orthy to parta-e o& Thy hea!e$(y Myster'es. a$d "ay se$d up +(ory to Thee to the Father a$d to the So$ a$d to the Ho(y Sp'r't $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. A"e$. A FOURTH PRAYER

Let us pray to the Lord. The choir: Lord ha!e "er#y. Thou 4ho '$ !er'ty e1'stest Master a$d Lord 4ho hast #reated "a$ '$ Th'$e o,$ ('-e$ess a$d hast *esto,ed upo$ h'" the po,er o& ('&e eter$a( 4ho a(so desp'sest $ot those ,ho ha!e &a((e$ a,ay throu+h s'$ *ut hast pro!'ded sa(!at'o$ &or the ,or(d throu+h the '$#ar$at'o$ o& Thy Chr'st3 2o Thou the sa"e Lord de('!er'$+ a(so th's Thy #reature &ro" the *o$da+e o& the e$e"y re#e'!e h'" (her) '$to Thy hea!e$(y ;'$+do". Ope$ the eyes o& h's (her) u$dersta$d'$+ that the ('+ht o& Thy %ospe( "ay sh'$e *r'+ht(y '$ h'" (her) Yo-e u$to h's (her) ('&e a rad'a$t A$+e( ,ho sha(( de('!er h'" (her) &ro" e!ery s$are o& the ad!ersary &ro" e$#ou$ter ,'th e!'( &ro" the de"o$ o& the $oo$day a$d &ro" e!'( !'s'o$s. Then the priest breatheth upon his mouth, his brow, and his breas! saying: E1pe( &ro" h'" (her) e!ery e!'( a$d '"pure sp'r't ,h'#h h'deth a$d "a-eth 'ts (a'r '$ h's (her) heart. ("nd this he saith thrice ) The sp'r't o& error the sp'r't o& +u'(e the sp'r't o& 'do(atry a$d o& e!ery #o$#up's#e$#e the sp'r't o& de#e't a$d o& e!ery u$#(ea$$ess ,h'#h operateth throu+h the pro"pt'$+ o& the 2e!'(. A$d "a-e h'" (her) a reaso$)e$do,ed sheep '$ the ho(y &(o#- o& Thy Chr'st a$ ho$oura*(e "e"*er o& Thy Chur#h a #o$se#rated !esse( a #h'(d o& the ('+ht a$d a$ he'r o& Thy ;'$+do". that ha!'$+ ('!ed '$ a##orda$#e ,'th Thy #o""a$d"e$ts a$d preser!ed '$!'o(ate the sea( a$d -ept h's (her) +ar"e$t u$de&'(ed he (she) "ay re#e'!e the *(essed$ess o& the Sa'$ts '$ Thy ;'$+do". In a loud voice: By the +ra#e a$d #o"pass'o$s a$d (o!e &or "a$ o& Th'$e O$(y)*e+otte$ So$ ,'th 4ho" Thou art *(essed to+ether ,'th Th'$e A(()ho(y a$d +ood a$d ('&e)#reat'$+ Sp'r't $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. A"e$. Then the priest turneth the person who is come to #aptism to face the west unclad unshod and having his hands uplifted "nd he saith: 2ost thou re$ou$#e Sata$ a$d a(( h's ,or-s a$d a(( h's a$+e(s a$d a(( h's ser!'#e a$d a(( h's po"p< "nd the catechumen ma$eth answer, or his sponsor for him, and saith: I do. ("nd this %uestion and answer are thrice repeated) "gain the priest %uestioneth the catechumen: Hast thou re$ou$#ed Sata$< "nd the catechumen, or his sponsor for him, ma$eth answer: I ha!e. ("nd this %uestion and answer, li$ewise, are thrice repeated) Then saith the priest: Breathe a$d sp't upo$ h'". "nd when he hath done this thrice, the priest turneth him to the eas! with his hands lowered and saith: 2ost thou u$'te thyse(& u$to Chr'st< "nd the catechumen, or his sponsor for him, ma$eth answer: I do. ("nd this %uestion and answer are thrice repeated)

Then the priest saith to him: Hast thou u$'ted thyse(& u$to Chr'st< "nd he replieth: I ha!e. "nd again the priest saith: 2ost thou *e('e!e '$ H'"< "nd the catechumen, or his sponsor for him, ma$eth answer: I *e('e!e '$ H'" as ;'$+ a$d as %od. "nd he reciteth: THE HOLY SYMBOL OF FAITH I *e('e!e '$ o$e %od the Father A("'+hty. Ma-er o& hea!e$ a$d earth a$d o& a(( th'$+s !'s'*(e a$d '$!'s'*(e. A$d '$ o$e Lord /esus Chr'st the So$ o& %od the O$(y)*e+otte$ *e+otte$ o& the Father *e&ore a(( a+es. L'+ht o& L'+ht true %od o& true %od. *e+otte$ $ot "ade. *e'$+ o& o$e esse$#e ,'th the Father. *y 4ho" a(( th'$+s ,ere "ade. 4ho &or us "e$ a$d &or our sa(!at'o$ #a"e do,$ &ro" the Hea!e$s a$d ,as '$#ar$ate o& the Ho(y Sp'r't a$d the V'r+'$ Mary a$d *e#a"e "a$. A$d ,as #ru#'&'ed &or us u$der Po$t'us P'(ate su&&ered a$d ,as *ur'ed. A$d arose a+a'$ o$ the th'rd day a##ord'$+ to the S#r'ptures. A$d as#e$ded '$to the Hea!e$s a$d s'tteth at the r'+ht ha$d o& the Father. A$d sha(( #o"e a+a'$ ,'th +(ory to 0ud+e *oth the ('!'$+ a$d the dead. 4hose ;'$+do" sha(( ha!e $o e$d. A$d '$ the Ho(y Sp'r't the Lord the %'!er o& ('&e. 4ho pro#eedeth &ro" the Father. 4ho ,'th the Father a$d the So$ to+ether 's ,orsh'pped a$d +(or'&'ed. 4ho spa-e *y the Prophets. I$ O$e Ho(y Catho('# a$d Aposto('# Chur#h. I #o$&ess o$e *apt's" &or the re"'ss'o$ o& s'$s. I (oo- &or the resurre#t'o$ o& the dead A$d the ('&e o& the a+e to #o"e. A"e$. The &oly 'ymbol of (aith is repeated twice mote by others present, as the priest may appoint )hen the &oly 'ymbol of (aith hath been thus said thrice, the priest in%uireth of him: Hast thou u$'ted thyse(& u$to Chr'st< "nd the catechumen, or his sponsor for him, ma$eth answer: I ha!e. (This %uestion and answer are thrice repeated, after which the priest saith:) Bo, do,$ a(so *e&ore H'". "nd the catechumen boweth himself saying: I *o, do,$ *e&ore the Father a$d the So$ a$d the Ho(y Sp'r't the Tr'$'ty o$e '$ Esse$#e a$d u$d'!'ded. The priest: B(essed 's %od 4ho ,'((eth that a(( "e$ shou(d *e sa!ed a$d shou(d #o"e to the -$o,(ed+e o& the truth $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. A"e$. Then he reciteth this prayer: Let us pray to the Lord. The choir: Lord ha!e "er#y.


O Master Lord our %od #a(( Thy ser!a$t (Name), to Thy ho(y I((u"'$at'o$ a$d +ra$t u$to h'" (her) that +reat +ra#e o& Thy ho(y Bapt's". Put o&& &ro" h'" (her) the o(d "a$ a$d re$e, h'" (her) u$to ('&e e!er(ast'$+. a$d &'(( h'" (her) ,'th the po,er o& Thy Ho(y Sp'r't '$ the u$'ty o& Thy Chr'st3 that he (she) "ay *e $o "ore a #h'(d o& the *ody *ut a #h'(d o& Thy ;'$+do". By the +ood ,'(( a$d +ra#e o& Th'$e O$(y)*e+otte$ So$ ,'th 4ho" Thou art *(essed to+ether ,'th Th'$e A(()ho(y a$d +ood a$d ('&e)#reat'$+ Sp'r't $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. A"e$. THE SERVICE OF HOLY BAPTISM The priest entereth the 'anctuary and putteth on white vestments, and his epimani$a "nd when he hath lighted all the candies, he ta$eth the censer, and goeth to the font and censeth round about it; and having given up the censer he ma$eth a reverence Then the deacon saith: B(ess Master. "nd the priest saith, aloud: B(essed 's the ;'$+do" o& the Father a$d o& the So$ a$d o& the Ho(y Sp'r't $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. The choir: A"e$. "nd straightway the deacon saith the litany: I$ pea#e (et us pray to the Lord. The choir, after each petition: Lord ha!e "er#y. For the pea#e &ro" a*o!e a$d the sa(!at'o$ o& our sou(s (et us pray to the Lord. For the pea#e o& the ,ho(e ,or(d the +ood estate o& the ho(y #hur#hes o& %od a$d the u$'o$ o& a(( the &a'th&u( (et us pray to the Lord. For th's ho(y house a$d &or the" that ,'th &a'th re!ere$#e a$d &ear o& %od e$ter here'$ (et us pray to the Lord. For our B'shop (Name), &or the !e$era*(e Pres*ytery the 2'a#o$ate '$ Chr'st &or a(( the #(er+y a$d the peop(e (et us pray to the Lord. For (the title of the head of state) a$d a(( #'!'( author't'es that they "ay +o!er$ '$ pea#e a$d 0ust'#e (et us pray to the Lord. That He "ay a'd the" a$d +ra$t the" !'#tory o!er e!ery e$e"y a$d ad!ersary (et us pray to the Lord. That th's ,ater "ay *e sa$#t'&'ed ,'th the po,er a$d e&&e#tua( operat'o$ a$d des#e$t o& the Ho(y Sp'r't (et us pray to the Lord. That there "ay *e se$t do,$ '$to 't the +ra#e o& rede"pt'o$ the *(ess'$+ o& /orda$ (et us pray to the Lord. That there "ay #o"e upo$ th's ,ater the pur'&y'$+ operat'o$ o& the super)su*sta$t'a( Tr'$'ty (et us pray to the Lord. That ,e "ay *e '((u"'$ed *y the ('+ht o& u$dersta$d'$+ a$d p'ety a$d *y the des#e$t o& the Ho(y Sp'r't (et us pray to the Lord. That th's ,ater "ay pro!e e&&e#tua( u$to the a!ert'$+ o& e!ery s$are o& e$e"'es *oth !'s'*(e a$d '$!'s'*(e (et us pray to the Lord.

That he (she) ,ho 's *apt'@ed there'$ "ay *e "ade ,orthy o& the ;'$+do" '$#orrupt'*(e (et us pray to the Lord. For h'" (her) ,ho 's $o, #o"e u$to ho(y I((u"'$at'o$ a$d &or h's (her) sa(!at'o$ (et us pray to the Lord. That he (she) "ay pro!e h'"se(& (herself) a #h'(d o& the ('+ht a$d a$ he'r o& eter$a( +ood th'$+s (et us pray to the Lord. That he (she) "ay *e a "e"*er a$d parta-er o& the death a$d resurre#t'o$ o& Chr'st our %od (et us pray to the Lord. That he (she) "ay preser!e h's *apt's"a( +ar"e$t a$d the ear$est o& the Sp'r't pure a$d u$de&'(ed u$to the dread 2ay o& Chr'st our %od (et us pray to the Lord. That th's ,ater "ay *e to h'" (her) a (a!er o& re+e$erat'o$ u$to the re"'ss'o$ o& s'$s a$d a +ar"e$t o& '$#orrupt'o$ (et us pray to the Lord. That the Lord %od hear-e$ u$to the !o'#e o& our supp('#at'o$ (et us pray to the Lord. That He de('!er h'" (her) a$d us &ro" a(( tr'*u(at'o$ ,rath da$+er a$d $e#ess'ty (et us pray to the Lord. He(p us sa!e us ha!e "er#y o$ us a$d -eep us O %od *y Thy +ra#e. The choir: A"e$. Ca(('$+ to re"e"*ra$#e our a(()ho(y '""a#u(ate "ost *(essed +(or'ous Lady Theoto-os a$d E!er)!'r+'$ Mary ,'th a(( the Sa'$ts (et us #o""'t ourse(!es a$d o$e a$other a$d a(( our ('&e u$to Chr'st our %od. The choir: To Thee O Lord. )hile the foregoing petitions are being said by the deacon, the priest saith this prayer secretly: O #o"pass'o$ate a$d "er#'&u( %od 4ho tr'est the hearts a$d re'$s a$d 4ho a(o$e -$o,est the se#ret thou+hts o& "e$ 8&or $o deeds ar# h'dde$ *e&ore Thee *ut a(( th'$+s are $a-ed a$d "a$'&est *e&ore Th'$e eyes9. Thou 4ho -$o,est a(( th'$+s #o$#er$'$+ "e re+ard "e $ot ,'th (oath'$+ $e'ther tur$ Thou Thy &a#e &ro" "e. *ut d'sre+ard "'$e '$'5u't'es at th's prese$t hour O Thou 4ho d'sre+ardest "a$s s'$s u$to h's repe$ta$#e. A$d ,ash a,ay the !'(e$ess o& "y *ody a$d the po((ut'o$ o& "y sou(. A$d sa$#t'&y "e ,ho((y *y Th'$e a(()per&e#t '$!'s'*(e "'+ht a$d *y Thy sp'r'tua( r'+ht ha$d. (est ,h'(e I pro#(a'" ('*erty u$to others a$d ad"'$'ster th's r'te ,'th per&e#t &a'th '$ Th'$e u$uttera*(e (o!e to,ard "a$-'$d I "yse(& "ay *e#o"e the *ase s(a!e o& ?'IL Yea O Master 4ho a(o$e art +ood a$d &u(( o& (o!e to,ard "a$-'$d (et $ot Thy hu"*(e Ser!a$t *e (ed astray. *ut se$d Thou do,$ upo$ "e po,er &ro" o$ h'+h a$d stre$+the$ Thou "e '$ the ad"'$'strat'o$ o& Th'$e '"pe$d'$+ Mystery ,h'#h 's *oth +reat a$d "ost hea!e$(y3 a$d #reate the '"a+e o& Thy Chr'st '$ h'" (her) ,ho $o, des'reth to *e *or$ a+a'$ throu+h "'$e u$,orthy "'$'stry. A$d *u'(d h'" (her) up upo$ the &ou$dat'o$ o& Th'$e Apost(es a$d Prophets that he (she) "ay $ot *e o!erthro,$. *ut '"p(a$t h'" (her) &'r"(y as a p(a$t o& truth '$ Thy Ho(y Catho('# a$d Aposto('# Chur#h that he (she) *e $ot p(u#-ed out. That as he (she) '$#reaseth '$ +od('$ess throu+h h'" (her) "ay *e +(or'&'ed Th'$e A(()ho(y Na"e o& the Father a$d o& the So$ a$d o& the Ho(y Sp'r't $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. A"e$. Note that there is no e*clamation, but he says even the A"e$ to himself

Then the priest saith the following prayer aloud: %reat art Thou O Lord a$d "ar!e((ous are Thy ,or-s a$d there 's $o ,ord ,h'#h su&&'#eth to hy"$ Thy ,o$ders. (Thrice) "fter each e*clamation the Choir chanteth: %(ory to Thee our %od +(ory to Thee. For Thou o& Th'$e o,$ +ood ,'(( hast *rou+ht '$to *e'$+ a(( th'$+s ,h'#h *e&ore ,ere $ot a$d *y Thy "'+ht Thou upho(dest #reat'o$ a$d *y Thy pro!'de$#e Thou orderest the ,or(d. 4he$ Thou hadst 0o'$ed to+ether the u$'!erse out o& &our e(e"e$ts Thou d'dst #ro,$ the #'r#(e o& the year ,'th &our seaso$s. Be&ore Thee tre"*(e a(( the Po,ers e$do,ed ,'th '$te(('+e$#e. The su$ s'$+eth u$to Thee. The "oo$ +(or'&'eth Thee. The stars "eet to+ether *e&ore Thy prese$#e. The ('+ht o*eyeth Thee. The deeps tre"*(e *e&ore Thee. The ,ater)spr'$+s are su*0e#t u$to Thee. Thou hast spread out the hea!e$s as 't ,ere a #urta'$. Thou hast esta*('shed the earth upo$ the ,aters. Thou hast set rou$d a*out the sea *arr'ers o& sa$d. Thou hast shed a*road the a'r &or *reath'$+. The A$+e('# Po,ers ser!e Thee. The Cho'rs o& the Ar#ha$+e(s &a(( do,$ '$ adorat'o$ *e&ore Thee. The "a$y)eyed Cheru*'" a$d the s'1),'$+ed Seraph'" as they sta$d rou$d a*out a$d &(y !e'( the'r &a#es '$ a,e *e&ore Th'$e '$e&&a*(e +(ory. For Thou 4ho art %od '$e1press'*(e e1'st'$+ u$#reated *e&ore the a+es a$d '$e&&a*(e d'dst des#e$d upo$ earth a$d d'dst ta-e o$ the se"*(a$#e o& a ser!a$t a$d ,ast "ade '$ the ('-e$ess o& "a$3 &or *e#ause o& the te$der #o"pass'o$ o& Thy "er#y O Master Thou #ou(dest $ot e$dure to *eho(d "a$-'$d oppressed *y the 2e!'( *ut Thou d'dst #o"e a$d d'dst sa!e us. 4e #o$&ess Thy +ra#e. 4e pro#(a'" Thy "er#y. 4e #o$#ea( $ot Thy +ra#'ous a#ts. Thou hast de('!ered the +e$erat'o$ o& our "orta( $ature. By Thy *'rth Thou d'dst sa$#t'&y a V'r+'$Bs ,o"*. A(( #reat'o$ "a+$'&'eth Thee 4ho hast "a$'&ested Thyse(& For Thou O our %od hast re!ea(ed Thyse(& upo$ earth a$d hast d,e(t a"o$+ "e$. Thou d'dst ha((o, the strea"s o& /orda$ se$d'$+ do,$ upo$ the" &ro" Hea!e$ Thy Ho(y Sp'r't a$d d'dst #rush the heads o& the dra+o$s ,ho (ur-ed there. Then, breathing upon the water crosswise with each e*clamation, the priest saith: 4here&ore O ;'$+ 4ho (o!est "a$-'$d #o"e Thou $o, a$d sa$#t'&y th's ,ater *y the '$d,e(('$+ o& Thy Ho(y Sp'r't. (Thrice) "fter each e*clamation the choir chanteth: A"e$. A$d +ra$t u$to 't the +ra#e o& rede"pt'o$ the *(ess'$+ o& /orda$. Ma-e 't the &ou$ta'$ o& '$#orrupt'o$ the +'&t o& sa$#t'&'#at'o$ the re"'ss'o$ o& s'$s the re"edy o& '$&'r"'t'es. the &'$a( destru#t'o$ o& de"o$s u$assa'(a*(e *y host'(e po,ers &'((ed ,'th a$+e('# "'+ht. Let those ,ho ,ou(d e$s$are Thy #reature &(ee &ar &ro" 't. For ,e ha!e #a((ed upo$ Thy Na"e O Lord a$d 't 's ,o$der&u( a$d +(or'ous a$d terr'*(e u$to ad!ersar'es. Then he signeth the water thrice with the sign of the Cross, dipping his fingers therein "nd breathing upon it, he saith: Let a(( ad!erse po,ers *e #rushed *e$eath the s'+$ o& the '"a+e o& Thy Cross. (Thrice) "fter each e*clamation the choir chanteth: A"e$. 4e pray Thee O %od that e!ery aer'a( a$d o*s#ure pha$to" "ay ,'thdra, 'tse(& &ro" us. a$d that $o de"o$ o& dar-$ess "ay #o$#ea( h'"se(& '$ th's ,ater. a$d that $o e!'( sp'r't ,h'#h '$st'((eth dar-e$'$+ o& '$te$t'o$s a$d re*e(('ous$ess o& thou+ht "ay des#e$d '$to 't ,'th h'" (her) ,ho 's a*out to *e *apt'@ed. But do Thou O Master o& a(( sho, th's ,ater to *e the ,ater o& rede"pt'o$ the ,ater o& sa$#t'&'#at'o$ the pur'&'#at'o$ o& &(esh a$d sp'r't the (oos'$+ o& *o$ds the re"'ss'o$ o& s'$s the '((u"'$at'o$ o& the Sou( the (a!er o& re+e$erat'o$ the re$e,a( o& the

sp'r't the +'&t o& adopt'o$ to so$sh'p the +ar"e$t o& '$#orrupt'o$ the &ou$ta'$ o& ('&e. For Thou hast sa'd O Lord3 4ash ye *e ye #(ea$. put a,ay e!'( th'$+s &ro" your sou(s. Thou hast *esto,ed upo$ us &ro" o$ h'+h a $e, *'rth throu+h ,ater a$d the Sp'r't. 4here&ore O Lord "a$'&est thyse(& '$ th's ,ater a$d +ra$t that he (she) ,ho 's *apt'@ed there'$ "ay *e tra$s&or"ed. that he (she) "ay put a,ay &ro" h'" (her) the o(d "a$ ,h'#h 's #orrupt throu+h the (usts o& the &(esh a$d that he (she) "ay *e #(othed upo$ ,'th the $e, "a$ a$d re$e,ed a&ter the '"a+e o& H'" 4ho #reated h'" (her): that *e'$+ *ur'ed a&ter the patter$ o& Thy death '$ Bapt's" he (she) "ay '$ ('-e "a$$er *e a parta-er o& Thy Resurre#t'o$. a$d ha!'$+ preser!ed the +'&t o& Thy Ho(y Sp'r't a$d '$#reased the "easure o& +ra#e #o""'tted u$to h'" (her), he (she) "ay re#e'!e the pr'@e o& h's (her) h'+h #a(('$+ a$d *e $u"*ered ,'th the &'rst)*or$ ,hose $a"es are ,r'tte$ '$ hea!e$ '$ Thee our %od a$d Lord /esus Chr'st. For u$to Thee 's due +(ory do"'$'o$ ho$our a$d ,orsh'p to+ether ,'th Thy Father 4ho 's ,'thout *e+'$$'$+ a$d Th'$e A(()ho(y a$d +ood a$d ('&e)#reat'$+ Sp'r't $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. A"e$. The priest: Pea#e *e u$to a((. The deacon: Let us *o, our heads u$to the Lord. "nd he breatheth thrice upon the vessel containing the oil, and ma$eth thrice over it the sign of the Cross, as it is held by the deacon "nd when the deacon hath said: Let us pray to the Lord. The priest saith the following prayer: O Lord a$d Master the %od o& our &athers 4ho d'dst se$d u$to the" that ,ere '$ the aro& Noah Thy do!e *ear'$+ '$ 'ts *ea- a t,'+ o& o('!e the to-e$ o& re#o$#'('at'o$ a$d o& sa(!at'o$ &ro" the &(ood the &oreshado,'$+ o& the "ystery o& +ra#e. a$d d'dst pro!'de the &ru't o& the o('!e &or the &u(&'(('$+ o& Thy Ho(y Myster'es. 4ho there*y &'((est the" that ,ere u$der the La, ,'th Thy Ho(y Sp'r't a$d per&e#test the" that are u$der +ra#e3 B(ess a(so th's o'( ,'th the po,er a$d operat'o$ a$d '$d,e(('$+ o& Thy Ho(y Sp'r't that 't "ay *e a$ a$o'$t'$+ u$to '$#orrupt'o$ a$ ar"our o& r'+hteous$ess to the re$e,'$+ o& sou( a$d *ody to the a!ert'$+ o& e!ery assau(t o& the 2e!'( to de('!era$#e &ro" a(( e!'( o& those ,ho sha(( *e a$o'$ted there,'th '$ &a'th or ,ho are parta-ers thereo&. u$to Thy +(ory a$d the +(ory o& Th'$e O$(y)*e+otte$ So$ a$d o& Th'$e A(() ho(y a$d +ood a$d ('&e)#reat'$+ Sp'r't $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. The choir: A"e$. The deacon: Let us atte$d. Then the priest ta$ing the vessel of oil, poureth into the font, ma$ing the sign of the Cross thrice, and chanting A((e(u'a thrice, with the people, at each sign of the Cross Then he saith: B(essed 's %od 4ho '((u"'$eth a$d sa$#t'&'eth e!ery "a$ that #o"eth '$to the ,or(d $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. The choir: A"e$. Then the person who is to be bapti+ed is presented The priest ta$eth of the oil, and ma$eth the sign of the Cross upon his brow, saying: The ser!a$t o& %od (Name), 's a$o'$ted ,'th the o'( o& +(ad$ess. '$ the Na"e o& the Father a$d o& the So$ a$d o& the Ho(y Sp'r't. A"e$. ,n the nostrils, he saith: For a$ odour o& sp'r'tua( &ra+ra$#e. ,n the mouth: My "outh sha(( spea- ,'sdo".

,n the ears: U$to the hear'$+ o& &a'th. ,n the breast he saith: U$to the hea('$+ o& sou( a$d *ody. ,n the hands: Thy ha$ds ha!e "ade "e a$d &ash'o$ed "e. ,n the $nees: That he "ay ,a(- '$ the ,ay o& Thy #o""a$d"e$ts. "bove and beneath the feet: To tread upo$ serpe$ts a$d s#orp'o$s a$d o!er a(( the po,er o& the e$e"y. ,n the bac$ between the shoulders: 4hosoe!er ,ou(d #o"e a&ter Me (et h'" de$y h'"se(& a$d ta-e up h's #ross a$d &o((o, Me. "nd when his whole body hath been anointeth the priest bapti+eth him, holding him uprigh! and loo$ing toward the east, as he saith: The ser!a$t o& %od (Name), 's *apt'@ed '$ the Na"e o& the Father A"e$. A$d o& the So$ A"e$. A$d o& the Ho(y Sp'r't A"e$. "t each invocation he immerseth him, and raiseth him again "nd after the #aptism the priest washeth his hands, and chanteth with the people -salm Thirty.one: -lagal of (ourth Tone B(essed are they ,hose '$'5u't'es are &or+'!e$ a$d ,hose s'$s are #o!ered. B(essed 's the "a$ u$to ,ho" the Lord '"puteth $ot s'$ a$d '$ ,hose "outh there 's $o +u'(e. Be#ause I -ept s'(e$#e "y *o$es are ,a1ed o(d throu+h "y #ry'$+ a(( the day (o$+. For day a$d $'+ht Thy ha$d ,as hea!y upo$ "e I ,as redu#ed to "'sery ,h'(st the thor$ stu#- &ast '$ "e. M'$e '$'5u'ty ha!e I a#-$o,(ed+ed a$d "y s'$ ha!e 6 $ot h'd. I sa'd3 I ,'(( #o$&ess "'$e '$'5u't'es *e&ore the Lord a+a'$st "yse(& A$d Thou &or+a!est the u$+od('$ess o& "y heart. For th's sha(( e!ery o$e that 's ho(y pray u$to Thee '$ a seaso$a*(e t'"e. "oreo!er '$ a &(ood o& "a$y ,aters sha(( they $ot #o"e $'+h u$to h'". Thou art "y re&u+e &ro" the a&&('#t'o$ ,h'#h surrou$deth "e. O "y Re0o'#'$+ de('!er "e &ro" the" ,h'#h ha!e e$#'r#(ed "e. I ,'(( '$stru#t thee a$d tea#h thee '$ th's ,ay ,h'#h thou sha(t +o. I ,'(( &'1 M'$e eyes upo$ thee. Be ye $ot as the horse or as the "u(e ,h'#h ha!e $o u$dersta$d'$+. ,hose 0a,s thou "ust ho(d ,'th *'t a$d *r'd(e (est they #o"e $'+h u$to thee. Ma$y are the s#our+es o& the s'$$er *ut "er#y sha(( e$#'r#(e h'" that hopeth '$ the Lord. Be +(ad '$ the Lord a$d re0o'#e ye r'+hteous. a$d +(ory7 a(( ye that are upr'+ht o& heart. B(essed are they ,hose '$'5u't'es are &or+'!e$ a$d ,hose s'$s are #o!ered. Then, as he putteth the garment upon him, the priest saith: The ser!a$t o& %od (Name), 's #(othed ,'th the ro*e o& r'+hteous$ess '$ the Na"e o& the Father a$d o& the So$ a$d o& the Ho(y Sp'r't. A"e$. Then shall be sung the following hymn, in -lagal of (ourth Tone: Vou#hsa&e u$to "e the ro*e o& ('+ht O Thou 4ho #(othest Thyse(& ,'th ('+ht as ,'th a +ar"e$t Chr'st our %od p(e$teous '$ "er#y. THE SERVICE OF HOLY CHRISMATION

"nd when he hath put the garment on him the priest saith this prayer: The deacon: Let us pray to the Lord. B(essed art Thou O Lord %od A("'+hty7 Sour#e o& a(( +ood th'$+s Su$ o& R'+hteous$ess 4ho sheddest &orth upo$ the" that ,ere '$ dar-$ess the ('+ht o& sa(!at'o$ throu+h the "a$'&estat'o$ o& Th'$e O$(y)*e+otte$ So$ a$d our %od. a$d 4ho hast +'!e$ u$to us u$,orthy thou+h ,e *e *(essed pur'&'#at'o$ throu+h ha((o,ed ,ater a$d d'!'$e sa$#t'&'#at'o$ throu+h ('&e) +'!'$+ Chr's"at'o$. 4ho $o, a(so hast *ee$ +ra#'ous(y p(eased to re+e$erate Thy ser!a$t that hath $e,(y re#e'!ed I((u"'$at'o$ *y ,ater a$d the Sp'r't a$d +ra$test u$to h'" (her) re"'ss'o$ o& s'$s ,hether !o(u$tary or '$!o(u$tary. 2o Thou the sa"e Master #o"pass'o$ate ;'$+ o& -'$+s +ra$t a(so u$to h'" (her) the sea( o& the +'&t o& Thy ho(y a$d a("'+hty a$d adora*(e Sp'r't a$d part'#'pat'o$ '$ the ho(y Body a$d the pre#'ous B(ood o& Thy Chr'st. ;eep h'" (her) '$ Thy sa$#t'&'#at'o$. #o$&'r" h'" (her) '$ the Orthodo1 Fa'th. de('!er h'" (her) &ro" the E!'( O$e a$d &ro" a(( the "a#h'$at'o$s o& the sa"e. A$d preser!e h's (her) sou( '$ pur'ty a$d upr'+ht$ess throu+h the sa!'$+ &ear o& Thee. that he (she) "ay p(ease Thee '$ e!ery deed a$d ,ord a$d "ay *e a #h'(d a$d he'r o& Thy hea!e$(y ;'$+do". For Thou art our %od the %od o& "er#y a$d #o"pass'o$s. a$d u$to Thee do ,e se$d up +(ory to the Father a$d to the So$ a$d to the Ho(y Sp'r't $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. A"e$. "nd after this prayer he anointeth with the holy Chrism the person who hath been bapti+ed ma$ing the sign of the Cross on the brow, and on the eyes, and the nostrils, and the mouth, and on both ears, and the breast and the hands, and the $nees, and the feet, and the bac$, saying each time: The sea( o& the +'&t o& the Ho(y Sp'r't. A"e$. Note that if the /ivine 0iturgy is to be celebrated after the #aptism, the prayers appointed to be said on the eighth day, and the rest as set forth beginning on page 12 , are said straightway The hymn A(( ye that '$ Chr'st . . . set forth below is chanted at the conclusion of the #aptism, and the 3pistle, 4ospel, petitions, and dismissal that follow are said in the /ivine 0iturgy #ut if the /ivine 0iturgy is not to be celebrated after the #aptism, the remainder of the service is said as here set forth Then the 5rtes! with the sponsors and the newly illumined, ma$eth the circuit of the holy font, and we chant: A(( ye that '$ Chr'st ha!e *ee$ *apt'@ed Chr'st ha!e ye put o$. A((e(u'a. (Thrice) The deacon: Let us atte$d. The priest: Pea#e *e u$to a((. The reader: A$d to thy sp'r't. The deacon: 4'sdo". The reader: Pro-e'"e$o$. Th'rd To$e. The Lord 's "y ('+ht a$d "y sa!'our. ,ho" the$ sha(( I &ear< 6erse: The Lord 's the de&e$der o& "y ('&e. o& ,ho" sha(( I *e a&ra'd< The deacon: 4'sdo". The reader: The read'$+ 's &ro" the Ep'st(e o& Sa'$t Pau( to the Ro"a$s.


The deacon: Let us atte$d. The reader: 7omans 8:9.22 Brethre$ as "a$y o& us as ,ere *apt'@ed '$to /esus Chr'st ,ere *apt'@ed '$to H's death. 4e are *ur'ed there&ore ,'th H'" *y *apt's" '$to death. so that e!e$ as Chr'st ,as ra'sed up &ro" the dead throu+h the +(ory o& the Father e!e$ so ,e a(so shou(d ,a(- '$ $e,$ess o& ('&e. For '& ,e ha!e *ee$ p(a$ted to+ether '$ the ('-e$ess o& H's death ,e sha(( *e a(so '$ the ('-e$ess o& H's Resurre#t'o$. -$o,'$+ th's that our o(d "a$ 's #ru#'&'ed ,'th H'" that the *ody o& s'$ "'+ht *e destroyed that he$#e&orth ,e shou(d $ot ser!e s'$. For he that 's dead 's &reed &ro" s'$. No, '& ,e *e dead ,'th Chr'st ,e *e('e!e that ,e sha(( a(so ('!e ,'th H'". -$o,'$+ that Chr'st *e'$+ ra'sed &ro" the dead d'eth $o "ore. death hath $o "ore do"'$'o$ o!er H'". For '$ that He d'ed &or s'$ He d'ed o$#e &or a((. *ut '$ that He ('!eth He ('!eth u$to %od. L'-e,'se re#-o$ ye a(so yourse(!es to *e dead '$deed u$to s'$ *ut a('!e u$to %od '$ /esus Chr'st our Lord. The priest: Pea#e *e to thee that readest. The reader: Ar'd to thy sp'r't. The reader: A((e(u'a. P(a+a( o& Se#o$d To$e. (-salm !!) My heart hath poured &orth a +ood ,ord. I spea- o& "y ,or- to the -'$+. 6erse: %ra#e hath *ee$ poured &orth o$ Thy ('ps ,here&ore %od hath *(essed Thee &or e!er. The deacon: 4'sdo". Upr'+ht. Let us hear the Ho(y %ospe(. The priest: Pea#e *e u$to a((. The choir: A$d to thy sp'r't. The priest: The read'$+ 's &ro" the ho(y %ospe( a##ord'$+ to Sa'$t Matthe,. The choir: %(ory to Thee O Lord. +(ory to Thee. The deacon: Let us atte$d. The priest: :atthew 1;:28.1< At that t'"e the e(e!e$ d's#'p(es ,e$t '$to %a('(ee u$to the "ou$ta'$ ,here /esus had appo'$ted the". A$d ,he$ they sa, H'" they ,orsh'pped H'"3 *ut so"e d'd hes'tate. A$d /esus #a"e a$d spa-e u$to the" say'$+ A(( po,er 's +'!e$ u$to Me '$ Hea!e$ a$d o$ earth. %o ye there&ore a$d tea#h a(( $at'o$s *apt'@'$+ the" '$ the Na"e o& the Father a$d o& the So$ a$d o& the Ho(y Sp'r't3 tea#h'$+ the" to o*ser!e a(( th'$+s ,hatsoe!er I ha!e #o""a$ded you3 a$d 6O I a" ,'th you a(,ays e!e$ u$to the e$d o& t'"e. A"e$. The choir: %(ory to Thee O Lord +(ory to Thee. Then shall be said the litany: Note that the petitions and dismissal set forth below are usually omitted here, in that they are also appointed to be said at the end of the -rayers for the 3ighth /ay, which prayers in contemporary practice are customarily said immediately following the 4ospel Ha!e "er#y o$ us O %od a##ord'$+ to Thy +reat "er#y ,e pray Thee hear-e$ a$d ha!e "er#y. The choir, after each petition: Lord ha!e "er#y. (Thrice)


A+a'$ ,e pray &or "er#y ('&e pea#e hea(th sa(!at'o$ a$d re"'ss'o$ o& the s'$s o& the ser!a$t o& %od (Name), the spo$sor. A+a'$ ,e pray &or the $e,(y)'((u"'$ed ser!a$t o& %od (Name) That he "ay *e -ept '$ the &a'th o& a pure #o$&ess'o$ '$ a(( +od('$ess a$d '$ the &u(&'(('$+ o& the #o""a$d"e$ts o& Chr'st a(( the days o& h's ('&e. For a "er#'&u( a$d "a$)*e&r'e$d'$+ %od art Thou a$d u$to Thee do ,e se$d up +(ory to the Father a$d to the So$ a$d to the Ho(y Sp'r't $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. The choir: A"e$. "nd the priest ma$eth the dismissal: %(ory to Thee O %od our hope +(ory to Thee. The choir: %(ory to the Father a$d to the So$ a$d to the Ho(y Sp'r't. *oth $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. A"e$. Lord ha!e "er#y (thrice) Ho(y Father *(ess. The priest: He that arose &ro" the dead 8 if it be the 0ord=s /ay; or if it be a (east of the :aster, the appointed dismissal; but if not, then he beginneth:) Chr'st our true %od *y the '$ter#ess'o$s o& H's a(()'""a#u(ate a$d a(()*(a"e(ess ho(y Mother *y the po,er o& the ho$oured a$d ('&e)+'!'$+ Cross *y the prote#t'o$ o& the !e$era*(e hea!e$(y Bod'(ess Po,ers *y the supp('#at'o$s o& the !e$era*(e +(or'ous Prophet Foreru$$er a$d Bapt'st /oh$ o& the ho(y +(or'ous a$d a(()&a"ed Apost(es o& the ho(y +(or'ous !'#tor'ous Martyrs o& our r'+hteous a$d %od)*ear'$+ Fathers o& (the 'aint to whom the temple is dedicated), o& the ho(y r'+hteous A$#estors o& %od /oa#h'" a$d A$$a o& 8the 'aints of the day), ,hose "e"ory ,e #e(e*rate a$d o& a(( the Sa'$tsG"ay He ha!e "er#y o$ us a$d sa!e us &or He 's +ood a$d the Fr'e$d o& "a$. Throu+h the prayers o& our ho(y Fathers Lord /esus Chr'st our %od ha!e "er#y o$ us. The choir: A"e$. PRAYERS FOR THE EI%HTH 2AY ,n the eighth day the newly illumined person is brought again to the church for the ablution (Thus it was done formerly Today these prayers are usually said straightway following the 'ervice of #aptism and Chrismation ) "nd the priest looseth his girdle and garment, saying this prayer: Let us pray to the Lord. The choir: Lord ha!e "er#y. O Thou 4ho throu+h ho(y Bapt's" hast +'!e$ u$to Thy ser!a$t re"'ss'o$ o& s'$s a$d hast *esto,ed upo$ h'" (her) a ('&e o& re+e$erat'o$3 2o Thou the sa"e Lord a$d Master e!er +ra#'ous(y '((u"'$e h's (her) heart ,'th the ('+ht o& Thy #ou$te$a$#e. Ma'$ta'$ the sh'e(d o& h's (her) &a'th u$assa'(ed *y the e$e"y. Preser!e pure a$d u$po((uted the +ar"e$t o& '$#orrupt'o$ ,here,'th Thou hast e$dued h'" (her), upho(d'$+ '$!'o(ate '$ h'" (her), *y Thy +ra#e the sea( o& the Sp'r't a$d sho,'$+ "er#y u$to h'" (her) a$d u$to us throu+h the "u(t'tude o& Thy "er#'es.


For *(essed a$d +(or'&'ed 's Th'$e a(()ho$oura*(e a$d "a0est'#a( Na"e o& the Father a$d o& the So$ a$d o& the Ho(y Sp'r't $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. The choir: A"e$. A SECOND PRAYER Let us pray to the Lord. The choir: Lord ha!e "erry. O Master Lord our %od 4ho throu+h the Fo$t *esto,est hea!e$(y I((u"'$at'o$ upo$ the" that are *apt'@ed. 4ho hast re+e$erated Thy $e,(y)*apt'@ed ser!a$t *y ,ater a$d the Sp'r't a$d hast +ra$ted u$to h'" (her) re"'ss'o$ o& h's (her) s'$s ,hether !o(u$tary or '$!o(u$tary3 Lay Th'$e a("'+hty ha$d upo$ h'" (her) a$d preser!e h'" (her) *y the po,er o& Thy +ood$ess. Ma'$ta'$ u$assa'(ed the ear$est o& the Sp'r't a$d "a-e h'" (her) ,orthy o& ('&e e!er(ast'$+ a$d o& Thy &a!our. For Thou art our sa$#t'&'#at'o$ a$d u$to Thee do ,e se$d up +(ory to the Father a$d to the So$ a$d to the Ho(y Sp'r't $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. The choir: A"e$. The priest: Pea#e *e u$to a((. The choir: A$d to thy sp'r't. The deacon: Let us *o, our heads u$to the Lord The choir: To Thee O Lord. The priest: He (she) ,ho hath put o$ Thee O Chr'st our %od *o,eth a(so h's (her) head ,'th us u$to Thee. ;eep h'" (her) e!er a ,arr'or '$!'$#'*(e '$ e!ery atta#- o& those ,ho assa'( h'" (her) a$d us. a$d "a-e us a(( !'#tors e!e$ u$to the e$d throu+h Thy #ro,$ '$#orrupt'*(e. For Th'$e 't 's to sho, "er#y a$d to sa!e us a$d u$to Thee do ,e se$d up +(ory to+ether ,'th Thy Father 4ho 's ,'thout *e+'$$'$+ a$d Th'$e A(()ho(y a$d +ood a$d ('&e)#reat'$+ Sp'r't $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. The choir: A"e$. Then the priest dippeth the sponge in pure water; and sprin$leth the newly illumined, saying: Thou art 0ust'&'ed thou art '((u"'$ed thou art sa$#t'&'ed thou art ,ashed '$ the Na"e o& our Lord /esus Chr'st a$d *y the Sp'r't o& our %od. "nd with the sponge the washeth the face and head of the newly illumined, and his breas! and the rest saying: Thou art *apt'@ed thou art '((u"'$ed thou hast re#e'!ed a$o'$t"e$t ,'th the ho(y Chr's" thou art sa$#t'&'ed thou art ,ashed '$ the Na"e o& the Father a$d o& the So$ a$d o& the Ho(y Sp'r't. A"e$ PRAYER AT THE CUTTING OF THE HAIR The deacon: Let us pray to the Lord. The choir: Lord ha!e "er#y. O Master Lord our %od 4ho hast ho$oured "a$ ,'th Th'$e o,$ '"a+e Thou hast &ash'o$ed h'" &ro" a spee#h)e$do,ed sou( a$d a #o"e(y *ody 8'$as"u#h as the *ody ser!eth the spee#h)e$do,ed sou(93 &or Thou d'dst set the head o$ h'+h a$d e$do, 't ,'th the #h'e&est port'o$


o& the se$ses ,h'#h $e!erthe(ess '"pede $ot o$e a$other3 a$d Thou hast #o!ered the head ,'th ha'r that 't *e $ot '$0ured ,'th the #ha$+es o& the ,eather a$d hast &'t(y 0o'$ed to+ether a(( h's "e"*ers that ,'th the" a(( he "ay +'!e tha$-s u$to Thee the %reat Art'&'#er. Thou the sa"e Master throu+h Thy #hose$ !esse( the Apost(e Pau( hast +'!e$ us a #o""a$d"e$t that ,e shou(d do a(( th'$+s to Thy +(ory3 B(ess $o, Thy ser!a$t (Name), ,ho 's #o"e to "a-e a &'rst o&&er'$+ shor$ &ro" the ha'r o& h's head a$d ('-e,'se h's Spo$sor. +ra$t that they "ay a(( e1er#'se the"se(!es '$ Thy (a, a$d do those th'$+s ,h'#h are ,e(( p(eas'$+ '$ Thy s'+ht. For a "er#'&u( a$d "a$)*e&r'e$d'$+ %od art Thou a$d u$to Thee do ,e se$d up +(ory to the Father a$d to the So$ a$d to the Ho(y Sp'r't $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. The choir: A"e$. The priest: Pea#e *e u$to a((. The choir: A$d to thy sp'r't. The deacon: Let us *o, our heads u$to the Lord. The choir: To Thee O Lord. Then the priest shall recite this prayer: O Lord our %od 4ho throu+h the &u(&'(('$+ o& the *apt's"a( Fo$t *y Thy +ood$ess dost sa$#t'&y the" that *e('e!e o$ Thee3 B(ess th's #h'(d here prese$t a$d (et Thy *(ess'$+ des#e$d upo$ h's (her) head. A$d as Thou d'dst *(ess 2a!'d the ;'$+ *y the ha$d o& Thy Prophet Sa"ue( *(ess a(so the head o& Thy ser!a$t (Name), *y the ha$d o& "e a s'$$er '$sp'r'$+ h'" (her) ,'th Thy Ho(y Sp'r't. that as he (she) '$#reaseth '$ stature a$d e!e$ u$to !e$era*(e o(d a+e he (she) "ay se$d up +(ory to Thee a$d *eho(d the +ood th'$+s o& /erusa(e" a(( the days o& h's (her) ('&e. For u$to Thee 's due a(( +(ory ho$our a$d ,orsh'p to the Father a$d to the So$ a$d to the Ho(y Sp'r't $o, a$d e!er a$d u$to the a+es o& a+es. The choir: A"e$. Then he sheareth the hair in the form of a Cross, saying: The ser!a$t o& %od (Name), 's shor$ '$ the Na"e o& the Father a$d o& the So$ a$d o& the Ho(y Sp'r't. The choir: A"e$ The deacon: Ha!e "er#y o$ us O %od a##ord'$+ to Thy +reat "er#y ,e pray Thee hear-e$ a$d ha!e "er#y. "nd the rest of the litany, as before set forth "nd the priest ma$eth the customary dismissal


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