Table of Contents
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Typical Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Specifications and Performance Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Model Codes 5 Input Shaft Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Positions 7 & 8 Main Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Position 9 End Cover and Loop Flushing Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Position 10 Speed Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Position 17 Operational Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Application Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Hydraulic Fluid Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
430 bar pressure rating Speeds to 3,200 rpm Standard integral shuttle valve design High corner power
Agricultural sprayers Directional drilling Dozers Large harvesting machines Marine thrusters
Material handling Railway maintenance Sewer cleaning equipment Snow groomers Tub grinder
The Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor, combines the time-tested reliability you expect from Eaton with compact packaging, exceptional control and quiet operation. The Series 760 motors single piece cast iron housing provides exceptional strength for high pressure operation and soundproofing.
Standard integral shuttle valve design with optional bolt-on valve configurations for same side or rear ports. High-efficiency inline axial piston design with high-speed/high-flow capabilities and high corner power.
A variety of available drive shaft configurations straight keyed, tapered keyed, or 13T or 27T splinedensures the proper shaft for your application. The code 62 ports are available with SAE and metric threads.
Model Displacement Mounting Flange Maximum Shaft Speed Nominal Pressure* Peak Pressure* Case Pressure Continuous Case Pressure Maximum Maximum Output Torque Temperature Rating cc/rev (in /rev) SAE D rpm @ 18 bar (psi) bar (psi) bar (psi) bar (psi) Nm 890 (lb-in) C F
130 130 (7.93) D 3200 430 (6250) 500 (7250) 3 (40) 14 (200) 1,095 (7 ,900) 82 C 180 F
160 160 (9.76) 2950 430 (6250) 500 (7250) 3 (40) 14 (200) (9700) 82 C 180 F
* Nominal Pressure: Max delta system pressure at which component fatigue does not occur (pump life estimated by bearing life). * Peak Pressure: Max operation pressure which is permissible for a short duration of time (t < 1 sec). The following chart shows the expected bearing life with no external shaft side load and charge pressure of 304 psi.
Model Code Number Displacement Shaft Speed Continuous Pressure P Bearing Life L10 Bearing Life L20 cc/rev (in3/rev) rpm bar (psi) hours hours 130 130 (7.93) 3200 1800 290 (4250) 290 (4250) 10,000 18,000 33,700 46,400 160 160 (9.76) 2950 240 (3500) 10,000 31,700 1800 240 (3500) 15,900 48,500
100.0 60.0
Input Flow gpm [lpm]
160 cc 130 cc
100 hp 75 kW
40 50 60 80 100
Model Codes
The following 22 digit coding system has been developed to identify preferred feature options for the Series 760 Fixed Displacement Motor. Use this code to specify a motor with the desired features. All 22-digits of the code must be present to release a new product number for ordering.
1,2,3 4,5,6
7, 8
130 130,0 cm3/r (7 .93 In3/r) at 18 Swashplate angle 160 160,0 cm3/r (9.76 In3/r) at 18 Swashplate angle
7, 8
Input Shaft
low-rate springs E Rear ports, integral loop flushing valve with high-rate springs F Rear ports, integral loop flushing valve with low-rate springs G Rear ports, valve block loop flushing with high-rate springs H Rear ports, valve block loop flushing with low-rate springs
0 None 1 Standard with threaded retainer 2 Remote pilot operated relief valve with threaded retainer
K 379 bar (5500 lbf/in2) L 414 bar (6000 lbf/in2) M 431 bar (6250 lbf/in2) N 448 bar (6500 lbf/in2) P 466 bar (6750 lbf/in2)
17 Speed Sensor 0 No sensor 1 Digital sensor with 3 wire weather pack connector 2 Sensor hole (5/8-18 UNF thread) plugged (for digital sensor) 3 Quadrature sensor with 4 wire weather pack connector (one 24 pulse per rev speed signal and one directional signal) 4 Quadrature sensor with 4 wire weather pack connector (two 12 pulse per rev speed signal in quadrature) 5 Sensor hole (9/16-32 UN thread) plugged (for quadrature sensor) 18,19
01 (1.750) Diameter Straight With (.4375) x (1.00) Square Key 02 (1.750) Diameter Tapered With (.4375) x (1.00) Square Key 13 13 Tooth 8/16 Pitch Spline 27 27 Tooth 16/32 Pitch Spline
0 No relief valve 1 Standard 2 Orificed charge pressure relief valve (for composite valve blocks only)
Main Ports
A 31,75 (1.25) SAE 4-bolt split flange port, high pressure series (code 62) B 31,75 (1.25) SAE 4-bolt split flange port, high pressure series (code 62) with M12 x 1.75 threaded holes
A Same side ports, integral loop flushing valve with high-rate springs B Same side ports, integral loop flushing valve with low-rate springs C Same side ports, valve block loop flushing with high-rate springs D Same side ports, valve block loop flushing with
A None B 11,0 bar (160 lbf/in2) C 12,4 bar (180 lbf/in2) D 13,8 bar (200 lbf/in2) E 15,2 bar (220 lbf/in2) F 16,6 bar (240 lbf/in2) ,9 bar (260 lbf/in2) G 17 H 19,3 bar (280 lbf/in2) J 20,7 bar (300 lbf/in2) K 22,1 bar (320 lbf/in2) L 22,5 bar (326 lbf/in2) valve block only M 23,4 bar (340 lbf/in2) N 24,1 bar (350 lbf/in2) valve block only P 24,8 bar (360 lbf/in2) R 25,5 bar (370 lbf/in2) valve block only S 26,2 bar (380 lbf/in2) T 26,9 bar (390 lbf/in2) valve block only U 28,3 bar (410 lbf/in2) valve block only V 30,0 bar (435 lbf/in2)
A None B 103 bar (1500 lbf/in2) C 138 bar (2000 lbf/in2) D 172 bar (2500 lbf/in2) E 207 bar (3000 lbf/in2) F 241 bar (3500 lbf/in2) G 276 bar (4000 lbf/in2) H 310 bar (4500 lbf/in2) J 345 bar (5000 lbf/in2) K 379 bar (5500 lbf/in2) L 414 bar (6000 lbf/in2) M 431 bar (6250 lbf/in2) N 448 bar (6500 lbf/in2) P 466 bar (6750 lbf/in2)
0 None 1 Standard with threaded retainer 2 Remote pilot operated relief valve with threaded retainer High Pressure Relief Valve Setting Port B A None B 103 bar (1500 lbf/in2) C 138 bar (2000 lbf/in2) D 172 bar (2500 lbf/in2) E 207 bar (3000 lbf/in2) F 241 bar (3500 lbf/in2) G 276 bar (4000 lbf/in2) H 310 bar (4500 lbf/in2) J 345 bar (5000 lbf/in2)
00 01 02
Special Features No special features Metal case drain plug in both ports Nametag opposite dowel pin
Paint and Packaging A Painted primer blue (standard) Identification on Unit 0 Standard
21 22 Design Code AA
-z87.4 [3.44] 79.5 [3.13] Square Key X 1,1250,025 [.4380.0005] 49.310.12 [1.942.005] Long 25,400,60 [1.000.025]
44,500,08 [1.752.003]
1.250-18 UNEF-2B Grade 5 Slotted Hex Locknutper SAE J-501 (Except 47,7[1.88] Across Flat) Recommended Torque to 542 Nm [400 lbf/ft] Plus Torque Required to Align Slotted Nut to Shaft Cross Hole Not to Exceed 813 Nm [600 lbf/ ft]. Lubricate Nut Face and Shaft Threads
22,230,25 [.875.010] 54,46 [2.144] 85,8 [3.38] 1250,33 Taper per Meter [1.500.004] Taper per Foot Note 1 Tapered Shaft Compatible with ISO 3019/1 [SAE-J744] Specification
Involute Spline Fillet Root Side Fit 13 Tooth 8/16 Pitch Will Fit ANSI B92.1 1970 Class 5 Mating Splines
Involute Spline Fillet Root Side Fit 27 Tooth 16/32 Pitch Will Fit ANSI B92.1 1970 Class 5 Mating Splines
Main Ports
Model Code Position 9
301,90 [11.886]
Code A 31,75 (1.25) SAE 4-Bolt Split Flange Port, High Pressure Series (Code 62)
66,68 [2.625]
4X 1/2-13 UNC-2B D 26.9 {1.06} Min [ 1.250 +0,15 31,75 -0,18 +.006 ] -.007
33,32 [1.312]
Centerline of Drive Shaft 1.25 SAE 4-Bolt Split Flange Port High Pressure Series (Code 62)
301,90 [11.886]
Code B 31,75 (1.25) SAE 4-Bolt Split Flange Port, High Pressure Series (Code 62) with M12 X 1.75 Threaded Holes
66,68 [2.625]
4X M12 X 1,75-6H D 26,9 [1.06] MIN +0,15 31,75 -0,18 [1.250 +.006 ] -.007
33,32 [1.312]
1.25 SAE 4-Bolt Split Flange Port High Pressure Series (Code 62)
2x 329,08 [12.956] -z(ISO 30191/1 SAE-J744 D-mount) Mounting Flange Specification with Groove For O-ring
Port E and F 325,27 [12.806] Port C Case Drain Port 1 5/16-12 UN-2B SAE O-ring Port Nameplate Port J Gauge Port for Charge Pressure 3/4-16 UNF-2B SAE O-ring Port
101,6 [4.00] +0,00 152,4 -0,07 +.000 [ 6.000 ] -.003 2x 101,6 [4.00]
Code A Same Side Ports, Integral Loop Flushing Valve with High-Rate Springs
120,32 [4.737]
Connector To Mate With Weather Pack Connector Part Number 12015793 Connector 12010717 Pins (3) 12033674 Seals (3) 12015323
-z22,4 [.88] For Shaft Options See Separate Shaft Installation Drawing R 1,19 [.047] 44,1 [1.74] 312,6 [12.31]
Code B Same Side Ports, Integral Loop Flushing Valve with Low-Rate Springs
Unit Is Bi-rotational Flow Into Port A Produces CW Rotation Flow Into Port B Produces CCW Rotation 161,5 [6.36] 80,8 [3.18] 4X R 10,7 [.42] Port F Gauge Port for High Pressure at Port B 9/16-18 UNF-2B SAE O-ring Port 120,7 [4.75] 2X 38,1 [1.50] 120,7 [4.75]
Port E Gauge Port for High Pressure at Port A 9/16-18 UNF-2B SAE O-ring Port
80,8 [3.18]
2X 75,4 [2.97]
125,6 [4.95]
Code C Same Side Ports, Valve Block Loop Flushing with High-Rate Springs
(Iso 30191/1 SAE-J744 D-Mount) Mounting Flange Specification With Groove for O-ring
Port J Gauge Port for Charge Pressure 3/4-16 UNF-2B SAE O-ring Port
101,6 [ 4.00 ] 152,4 +0,00 -0,07 [ 6.000 +.000 ] -.003 2x 101,6 [ 4.00]
120,32 [ 4.737]
Port D Case Drain Port 1 5/16-12 UN-2B SAE O-ring Port 437,8 [ 17.24 ] Section D-D
Code D Same Side Ports, Valve Block Loop Flushing with Low-Rate Springs
22,4 [ .88 ] For Shaft Options See Separate Shaft Installation Drawing R 1,19 [ .047 ]
44,1 [1.74] Port B For Port Options See Separate Port Installation Drawing
Unit Is Bi-rotational Flow Into Port A Produces CW Rotation Flow Into Port B Produces CCW Rotation 161,5 [ 6.36 ] 80,8 [ 3.18] 4x R 10,7 [ .42 ] 125,6 [ 4.95] CCW CW 80,8 [ 3.18 ] 120,7 [ 4.75 ] 120,7 [ 4.75 ]
(ISO 30191/1 SAE-J744 D-mount) Mounting Flange Specification with Groove for O-ring
Port C Case Drain Port 1 5/16-12 UN-2B SAE O-ring Port Nameplate
Port J Gauge Port for Charge Pressure 3/4-16 UNF-2B SAE O-ring Port
Code E Rear Ports, Integral Loop Flushing Valve with High-Rate Springs
120,32 [ 4.737 ]
Connector To Mate With Weather Pack Connector Part Number 12015793 Connector 12010717 Pins (3) 12033674 Seals (3) 12015323 22,4 [.88] For Shaft Options See Separate Shaft Installation Drawing R 1,19 [.047] 44,1 [1.74] 311,2 [ 12.25 ]
149,45 [ 5.884 ]
Code F Rear Ports, Integral Loop Flushing Valve with Low-Rate Springs
Alternate Nameplate Location 343,31 Face of A and B Ports [ 13.5 ] 345,4 [ 13.60 ]
Unit is Bi-rotational Flow into Port A Produces CW Rotation Flow into Port B Produces CCW Rotation 161,5 [6.36] 80,8 [3.18] 4x R 10,7 [.42] Port F Gauge Port for High Pressure At Port B 9/16-18 UNF-2B SAE O-ring Port 4.75 2x 1.50 4.75 Port E Gauge Port For High Pressure at Port A 9/16-18 UNF-2B SAE O-ring Port
2x 114,3 [4.50]
152,4 [6.00]
Port-F Gauge Port For High Pressure at Port B 7/16-20 UNF-2B O-ring Fitting Size Accepts Fitting for SAE-J1926 Port B For Port Options See Separate Port Installation Drawing
68,58 [2.700]
68,58 [2.700]
Port C Case Drain Port 1 5/16-12 UN-2B SAE O-ring Port Nameplate
Code G Rear Ports, Valve Block Loop Flushing with High-Rate Springs
2x 101,6 [ 4.00] Port G Optional Gauge Port for Charge Pressure 7/16-20 UNF-2B O-ring Fitting Size Accepts Fitting For SAE-J1926
120,32 [ 4.737]
Connector To Mate With Weather Pack Connector Part Number 12015793 Connector 12010717 Pins (3) 12033674 Seals (3) 12015323
Code H Rear Ports, Valve Block Loop Flushing with Low-Rate Springs
22,4 [ .88 ] For Shaft Options See Separate Shaft Installation Drawing R1,19 [.047] 44,1 [ 1.74]
311,2 [ 12.25]
149,45 [ 5.884]
Alternate Nameplate Location 343,31 Face of A and B Ports [ 13.5] 345,4 [ 13.60]
161,5 [ 6.36]
Unit is Bi-rotational Flow into Port A Produces CW Rotation Flow into Port B Produces CCW Rotation
120,7 [ 4.75 ]
120,7 [ 4.75 ]
Port E Gauge Port For High Pressure at Port A 7/16-20 UNF-2B O-ring Fitting Size Accepts Fitting For SAE-J1926
125,7 [ 4.95 ]
152,4 [ 6.00]
Port F Gauge Port for High Pressure at Port B 7/16-20 UNF-2B O-ring Fitting Size Accepts Fitting for SAE-J1926 Port B For Port Options See Separate Port Installation Drawing
68,58 [ 2.700]
68,58 [ 2.700]
Speed Sensor
Model Code Position 17
Code 0 No Sensor
Packard Electric Weather Pack Series 12010717 Connector (Black With Index Code 101) (Mates With 12015793, Connector And 12089188, Sleeve Terminal Female) 12015323 Seal (3 Seals) 12089040 Pin (3 Pins)
Signal Output
Supply Voltage 4.5Vdc to 16Vdc Supply Current 20mA Max Logic Zero State 400mV at 20mA Sink Current Operating Temperature: 40F to +257F (-40C To +125C) Operating Frequency OHz to 5KHz Duty Cycle 20% to 80% Sink Current: 25mA Max
Code 2 Sensor Hole (5/8-18 UNF Thread) Plugged (For Digital Sensor)
Speed Sensor
Model Code Position 17
Packard Electric Weather Pack Series 1201 5797 Tower Connector (Black with Index Code 101) 1201 5323 Seal (4x) 1208 9188 Sleeve (Female) Terminals (4x) (Mates with 1201 0974, Connector and 1208 9040, Male Terminal)
Code 3 Quadrature Sensor with 4 Wire Weather Pack Connector (One 24 Pulse Per Rev Speed Signal and One Directional Signal)
Target Motion This Direction: Output 2 Leads Output 1 or Direction Output Goes High
Target Motion This Direction: Output 1 Leads Output 2 or Direction Output Goes Low
Output 1 and 2 are quadrature outputs with a phase angle difference of 9045. The speed output signal is the exclusive or of output 1 and output 2. The direction output signal is derived from the last and current states of output 1 and 2.
Output Types
Code 3 Code 4 One Speed Signal Providing 2 Pulse Per Target Tooth and One Directional Signal Two Speed Signals in Quadrature Each Providing 1 Pulse Per Target Tooth
Red-Power Red-Power
Black-common Black-common
Orange-output 1 Yellow-output 2
Heat Exchanger Reservoir Manual Displacement Control Valve Orifices Heat Exchanger By-Pass Valve Filter Orifice Bubble Separator Screen 30 to Horizon Inlet Flow Case Pressure Control Pressure Charge Pressure High Pressure
Operational Diagram
Note: For ease of viewing, the Servo Control Cylinder, Swashplate, and Control Valve are shown removed from the pump
Variable Pump
Fixed Motor
Application Information
Component Descriptions The Operational Diagram on page 15 shows a typical heavy duty hydrostatic transmission. The axial piston pump and axial piston motor are the main components. The filter, reservoir, heat exchanger, and oil lines make up the rest of the system. The function of each of these components is described below: A separate energy source, such as an electric motor or internal combustion engine, turns the input shaft of the pump. Variable Displacement Axial Piston Pump The variable displacement pump provides a flow of high pressure oil. Pump output flow can be varied to obtain the desired motor output speed. For example, when the pumps displacement is zero, no oil is pumped and the transmissions motor output shaft is stopped. Conversely, maximum pump displacement produces maximum motor shaft speed. The direction of high pressure flow can also be reversed; doing so reverses the direction the motor output shaft rotates. A charge pump is integrated into the piston pump and driven by the shaft of the piston pump. The drawing illustrates a suction filtration circuit. Eaton recommends a suction filter without a bypass valve. The charge pump has a Low Pressure Relief Valve that regulates the output pressure.
Eatons Series 760 Pump offers High Pressure Relief Valves and Pressure Override Control for system high pressure protection. These valves are integrated into one cartridge valve called the Integrated Valve System or IVS. Fixed Displacement Axial Piston Motor The motor uses the high pressure oil flow from the pump to produce transmission output. The high pressure oil comes to the motor through one of the high pressure lines. It enters the motor, turns the output shaft, then returns to the pump. Eaton piston motors integrate a hot oil shuttle and low pressure relief valve into the end cover. The shuttle valve and low pressure relief valve direct excess charge pump flow into the motor case. The shuttle valve is activated by high pressure and directs excess charge pump flow over the low pressure relief valve. This flushing action allows the charge pump to provide clean, cool oil to the closed loop circuit. Reservoir The reservoir is an important part of the hydrostatic transmission system. It should provide adequate oil storage and allow easy oil maintenance. The reservoir must hold enough oil to provide a continuous oil supply to the charge pump inlet. It must also have enough room for the hydraulic oil to expand as the system warms up.
Consider charge pump flow when sizing the reservoir: One half (.5) minute times (X) the maximum charge pump flow should be the minimum oil volume in the reservoir. Maintaining this oil volume will give the oil a minimum of thirty (30) seconds in the reservoir. This will allow any entrained air to escape and contamination to settle out of the oil. To allow for oil expansion, the reservoirs total volume should be at least six tenths (.6) minute times (X) the maximum charge pump flow. The reservoirs internal structure should cut down turbulence and prevent oil aeration. The line returning flow to the reservoir should be fitted with a diffuser to slow the incoming oil to 1 to 1.2 meters (3-4 feet) per second to help reduce turbulence. The return flow line should also be positioned so that returning oil enters the reservoir below the liquid surface. This will help reduce aeration and foaming of the oil. The reservoir should have baffles between the return line and suction line. Baffles prevent return flow from immediately reentering the pump. A sixty mesh screen placed across the suction chamber of the reservoir will act as a bubble separator. The screen should be placed at a thirty degree angle to the horizon.
The entrance to the suction line should be located well below the fluid surface so there is no chance of air being sucked into the charge pump inlet. However, the suction line entrance should not be located on the bottom of the reservoir where there may be a buildup of sediment. The suction line entrance should be flared and covered with a screen. The reservoir should be easily accessible. The fill port should be designed to minimize the possibility of contamination during filling and to help prevent over filling. There should be a drain plug at the lowest point of the reservoir and it should also have a clean-out and inspection cover so the reservoir can be thoroughly cleaned after prolonged use. A vented reservoir should have a breather cap with a micronic filter. Sealed reservoirs must be used at altitudes above 2500 feet. These reservoirs should be fitted with a two way micronic filter pressure cap to allow for fluid expansion and contraction. In both cases the caps must be designed to prevent water from entering the reservoir during bad weather or machine washing. A hydrostatic transmission with a well designed reservoir will run quieter, stay cleaner and last longer.
Application Information
Filter A filter must be used to keep the hydraulic fluid clean. Either a suction filter or a pressure side filter may be used. The filter must be a no-bypass type. A suction filter is shown in the operational diagram on page 15. System oil particulate levels should not exceed ISO 18/13. Refer to Eaton Hydraulic Fluid Recommendations on pages 19-22. Recommended beta ratios for each filter type are listed below: Suction Filter 10 = 1.5 to 2.0 Pressure Side Filter 10 = 10 to 20 When a suction filter is used, its flow capacity must be large enough to prevent an excessive pressure drop between the reservoir and charge pump inlet. The pressure at the charge pump inlet port must not be less than 0.8 bar (11.6 psi) absolute at normal continuous operating temperatures.
Charge Pump Inlet Line The inlet line to the charge pump should be large enough to keep the pressure drop between the reservoir and charge pump inlet within the limits described in the filter section. Fittings will increase the pressure drop, so their number should be kept to a minimum. It is best to keep fluid velocities below 1,25 meters (4 feet) per second. Fluid and temperature compatibility must be considered when selecting the inlet line. Pump and Motor Case Drain Lines The case drain lines should be large enough to limit the pump and motor case pressures to 2,8 bar (40 psi) at normal operating temperatures. Fluid and temperature compatibility must also be considered when selecting the case drain lines.
High Pressure Lines The high pressure lines that connect the pump and motor must be able to withstand the pressures generated in the high pressure loop. Heat Exchanger Use of a heat exchanger is dependent on the transmissions duty cycle and on machine layout. The normal continuous operating fluid temperature measured in the pump and motor cases should not exceed 80C (180F) for most hydraulic fluids. The maximum fluid temperature should not exceed 105C (220F). The heat exchanger should be sized to dissipate 25% of the maximum input power available to the transmission. It must also be sized to prevent the case pressures in the pump and motor from getting too high. Case pressure up to 2.8 bar (40 psi), at normal operating temperatures, are acceptable.
Heat Exchanger Bypass Valve The heat exchanger bypass valve is a pressure and/ or temperature valve in parallel with the heat exchanger. Its purpose is to prevent case pressures from getting too high. The heat exchanger bypass valve opens when the oil is thick, especially during cold starts. Reservoir Return Line The same general requirements that apply to case drain lines apply to the reservoir return line.
Application Information
Shaft Couplings and Mounting Brackets Shaft couplings must be able to with stand the torque that will be transmitted to the pump or motor. If the pump or motor is to be directly coupled to the drive, the misalignment should not exceed .050 mm (.002 in.) total indicator run-out for the combination of perpendicularity and concentricity measurements. The hardness of the couplings connected to Eaton pump or motor shafts should be 35 Rc for tapered or straight keyed shafts and 50-55 Rc for splined shafts. Open Loop Circuits Eaton heavy duty pumps and heavy duty motors may be used in open loop circuits under certain operating conditions. Consult your Eaton representative for details.
Orientation The mounting orientation of Eaton heavy duty pumps and motors is unrestricted. The case drain line that carries the flow leaving the pump or motor should be connected to the highest drain port on each of the units. This assures that the pump and motor cases remain full. Multiple Pump or Motor Circuits Multiple pumps or motors can be combined in the same circuit. When two pumps are used in a parallel circuit, their swashplate controls can be operated in phase or in sequence. The following precautions should be observed whenever multiple pumps and/or motors are connected in the same circuit:
1. Charge pump flow must be greater than the sum of the charge pump flow requirements of the individual units. 2. The possibility of motor overspeeding increases in multiple motor circuits. The parallel motor circuit will act as a frictionless differential. Should one of the motors stall the other could overspeed. The motors used in parallel circuits should, therefore, be sized to prevent overspeeding. Valves that will limit the flow to each of the motors may be used to prevent overspeeding. This will allow the use of smaller motors, however the flow limiting valves will create heat. 3. When using one pump with multiple motors, the case drain lines should be connected in series. The case flow should be routed from the most distant motor, through the remaining motors, to the pump, and finally back to the reservoir. The most distant motor should have the valve block or integral shuttle valve while the additional motors do not need a valve block or
integral shuttle valve. A remote valve block is also available for multiple motor circuits. A series-parallel drain line circuit may be needed for the high case flow created in multiple pump circuits. In either case, each pump and motor should be checked for proper cooling when testing the prototype circuit. 4. Series circuits present a unique problem for axial piston motors. Pressure applied to the input port and discharge port are additive as regards to the load and life of the drive shaft and the drive shaft bearings. Please consult with your Eaton representative regarding series circuits.
Objective The ability of Eaton hydrostatic components to provide the desired performance and life expectancy depends largely on the fluid used. The purpose of this document is to provide readers with the knowledge required to select the appropriate fluids for use in systems that employ Eaton hydrostatic components. Selecting a Hydraulic Fluid The hydraulic fluids in hydraulic systems are bound to perform in different dimensions. They serve as the power transmission medium, lubricate the moving components and carry away the heat produced within the system. Therefore the fluids must have adequate properties to give the assurance of adequate wear protection, effective power transmission and excellent chemical stability under the most adverse operating conditions. The multi-dimensional performance establishes that the hydraulic fluid is
a vital factor in a hydraulic system; proper selection of oil assures satisfactory life and operation of the system components / lubricants. Viscosity The most important characteristics to consider when choosing a fluid to be used in a hydraulic system are viscosity. The fluid must be thin enough to flow easily but thick enough to seal and maintain a lubricating film between bearing and sealing surfaces. Viscosity requirements for Eatons Heavy Duty Hydrostatic product line are specified later in this document Viscosity and Temperature Temperature and viscosity are related inversely. As the fluid warms it gets thinner and its viscosity decreases. When fluid cools the fluid viscosity increases. It is important to consider the entire operating temperature window for selecting the right viscosity for a hydraulic system. Calculate the viscosity of the fluid temperatures at start up, normal operating
conditions and maximum possible point, and compare the same with the recommendation of the hydraulic system. Generally, the fluid is thick when the hydraulic system is started. With movement, the fluid warms to a point where the cooling system begins to operate. From then on, the fluid is maintained at the temperature for which the hydrostatic system was designed. In actual applications this sequence varies; hydrostatic systems are used in many environments from very cold to very hot. Cooling systems also vary from very elaborate to very simple, so ambient temperature may affect operating temperature. Equipment manufacturers who use Eaton hydrostatic components in their products should anticipate temperature in their designs and make the appropriate fluid recommendations to their customers.
In general, a lower ISO viscosity grade fluid is recommended for operation in cold to moderate climates. Higher ISO viscosity grade fluid is recommended for operation in moderate to hot climates. Cleanliness Cleanliness of the fluid in a hydrostatic system is extremely important. Eaton recommends that the fluid used in its hydrostatic components be maintained at ISO Cleanliness Code 18/13 per SAE J1165. This code allows a maximum of 2500 particles per milliliter greater than 5 m and a maximum of 80 particles per milliliter greater than 15 m. When components with different cleanliness requirements are used in the same system, the cleanest standard should be applied. OEMs and distributors who use Eaton hydrostatic components in their products should provide for these requirements in their designs. A reputable filter supplier can supply filter information.
Product Line
Optimum Range
Fluids too thick to flow in cold weather start-ups will cause pump cavitation and possible damage. Motor cavitation is not a problem during cold start-ups. Thick oil can cause high case pressures which in turn cause shaft seal problems.
If the natural color of the fluid has become black it is possible that an overheating problem exists. If the fluid becomes milky, water contamination may be a problem. Take fluid level reading when the system is cold.
Contact your Eaton representative if you have specific questions about the fluid requirements of Eaton hydrostatic components.
Fluid Maintenance
Maintaining correct fluid viscosity and cleanliness level is essential for all hydrostatic systems. Since Eaton hydrostatic components are used in a wide variety of applications it is impossible for Eaton to publish a fluid maintenance schedule that would cover
every situation. Field testing and monitoring are the only ways to get accurate measurements of system cleanliness. OEMs and distributors who use Eaton hydrostatic components should test and establish fluid maintenance schedules
for their products. These maintenance schedules should be designed to meet the viscosity and cleanliness requirements laid out in this document.
Fluid Selection
AW hydraulic oil Premium grade petroleum based AW hydraulic fluids will provide the best performance in Eaton hydrostatic components. These fluids typically contain additives that are beneficial to hydrostatic systems. Eaton recommends fluids that contain anti-wear agents, rust inhibitors, anti-foaming agents, and oxidation inhibitors. Premium grade petroleum based hydraulic fluids carry an ISO VG rating.
Pump performance and reliability are directly affected by the anti-wear additive formulation contained in the oil. Oils providing a high level of anti-wear protection are recommended for optimum performance and long life. Eaton has its own method to estimate Mineral / Petroleum based AW hydraulic oils for their anti-wear property. The fluid must pass Eaton Vickers 35VQ25 pump test or meet the performance specification Eaton Vickers M 2950 S.
Engine Oils / Motor Oils Engine oils using hydraulic applications, must meet API SF / SG / SH or higher performance specifications. Appropriate SAE Grade to be selected based on the operating temperatures.
Additional Notes
Fluids too thick to flow in cold weather start-ups will cause pump cavitation and possible damage. Motor cavitation is not a problem during cold start-ups. Thick oil can cause high case pressures which in turn cause shaft seal problems.
If the natural color of the fluid has become black it is possible that an overheating problem exists. If the fluid becomes milky, water contamination may be a problem. Take fluid level reading when the system is cold.
Viscosity modified fluid may loose viscosity due to shearing of viscosity improvers. Contact your Eaton representative if you have specific questions about the fluid requirements of Eaton hydrostatic components.
Product Line
82 C (180 F) max fluid temp (unit) 71 C (160 F) max fluid temp (reservoir)
Additional Notes: Viscosity and ISO cleanliness requirements must be maintained as outlined on previous page. For any system where the fluid is non-petroleum oil, set the target one Range Code cleaner for each particle size, than that of petroleum fluids. If the cleanest code required was 19/17/15 and HETG is the system fluid, the target becomes 18/16/14. Based on limited product testing to date, no reduction in unit life is expected when operating at the pressure ratings indicated above.
Vegetable oil is miscible with mineral oil. However, only the vegetable oil content is biodegradable. Systems being converted from mineral oil to vegetable oil should be repeatedly flushed with vegetable oil to ensure 100% biodegradability. Specific vegetable oil products may provide normal unit life when operating at pressure ratings higher than those indicated above. Vegetable oils oxidize more quickly than petroleum based hydraulic fluid. Care must be taken to maintain fluid temperature within specified limits and to establish more frequent fluid change intervals.
All seals must be Fluorocarbon (FKM) / Viton / HNBR. Specific gravity of the fluid is 0.92. Design circuit with reservoir oil level sufficiently above the pump inlet to assure a minimum of 1.0 bar absolute pressure at pump. Water contamination may degrade the fluid - 0.07% wt maximum. Precaution to be taken to avoid water contamination. Foaming and aeration can be greater with this fluid than petroleum base oils. Reservoir may be designed to give maximum retention time for effective air release. TAN - 2.0 mg KOH/gm Max increase in total acid number from the start up value.
Eaton Hydraulics Group USA 14615 Lone Oak Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 USA Tel: 952-937-9800 Fax: 952-294-7722
Eaton Hydraulics Group Europe Route de la Longeraie 7 1110 Morges Switzerland Tel: +41 (0) 21 811 4600 Fax: +41 (0) 21 811 4601
Eaton Hydraulics Group Asia Pacic Eaton Building 4th Floor, No. 3 Lane 280 Linhong Rd. Changning District Shanghai 200335 China Tel: (+86 21) 5200 0099 Fax: (+86 21) 5200 0400
2009 Eaton Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Document No. E-MOPI-TM002-E1 Supersedes E-MOPI-TM002-E September 2009