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Traffic Dept (AOM/AO/ATM)

The selection is based on a written examination and a viva-voce test and Record of Service for the preceding 5 years of date of viva-voce. Writen Test PAPER Paper I (Professional Subjects & General Knowledge) Paper II(Professional Subjects, Establishment & Financial Rules) MAX. MARKS 150 QUALIFYING MARKS 90



Out of 150 marks the questions relating to Professional subject will carry at least 100 marks in each paper. The minimum qualifying marks will be for each paper seperately . No separate marks for subjects in any paper. Official Language Policy comes under Paper I General Knowledge. MAX. MARKS Viva-voce Record of service 25 25 QUALIFYING MARKS 30(Including at least 15 marks for Recod of Service)

Those who qualify in the wriiten test will have to undergo Medical Examination. Those who are declared FIT in Medical will be called for Viva. After viva-voce the names will be arranged in the order of merit on the basis of aggregate marks obtained.

Syllabus for LDCE-Group B Traffic Dept (AOM/AO/ATM) Paper I

TRAFFIC Paper I GENERAL Hierarchical set up and line of control of Operating department at the Divisional, Zonal
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and Railway Board level. TRAFFIC, TRAIN AND POWER CONTROL ORGANISATION Objective and set up of control offices. Functions of Control Organization pertaining to Train Ordering, Punctuality, Maintenance of Operating Statistics, Wagon & Loco stock management, Blocks(Engg, Traction Distribution etc.) management, Management during Accident, Unusual situations/Circumstances & Disaster Management. Duties and responsibilities of Chief Controller, Dy. Chief Controllers, Section Controllers, TNCs, Recorders and their co-ordination with Lobbies, Stations and Yards. Freight Train Operations(FTO), Freight Train Ordering principles with or without coordination with Lobbies. Special Instructions during abnormal conditions of working & during emergencies like Cyclone, Civil Disturbances, Accidents etc. Daily Performance Reporting from Yards/Sheds to Area Sub-control, Area Sub-control to Divisional Control Office and from Divisional Control Office to Zonal Control Office an from Zonal Control Office to Railway Board. Basic and important Documents/Registers maintained in Control Office and their basis. Power Control Organisation Engine and Crew scheduling. Factors affecting Engine and Wagon utilisation and methods of improvements. Working pertaining to issue of Caution Orders from Nominated and Notice stations. Laison/Co-ordination with Control Establishments of other departments like Engg, TRD, Traction Control, Signalling Control etc. FREIGHT TRAIN OPERATIONS Functioning of Crew and Guard Lobbies. Integrated Lobbies. Shunting operations in Yards and Road side stations. Working of Marshalling Yards and Transhipment Points. Causes of Yard and section congestion and remedial strategies. All india Marshalling Order and Railway-wise Marshalling Orders-Principles and Procedures. Rules regarding Carriage of Explosives and General goods. Priority Schedule. Indent Allotment and supply of Freight stock at stations. Wagon Stock Management for loading and unloading operations. Imposition of Operating Restrictions on wagon loading and acceptance of Wagon Indents. Observance of Civil ban, Carriage of contraband goods etc. Important documents/registers maintained in Yards and Stations. Familiarity with G&SR, Accident Manual, Operating Manual, Block Working Manual, Red Tariff, IR Act 1989 etc. Crew Management. Engine utilization aspects. Engine Crew and Train Crew Schedule. Rules regarding outstation and Home Sation rest etc. to ensure observation of 10 hour rule or rules applicable from time to time. Movement of Dead Locomotives. Management of maintenance Schedule of Locomotives. Shed and Traffic Outage of Locomotives.
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Wagon Turn Roud (WTR) & factors affecting optimum utilization of the wagon fllet and method of improvement. Running of unit trains and formation of Captive rakes. Block Train operations. Nominated day loading. Rationalization scheme of movement of freight traffic for avoiding congestion by specific routes. Merry-Go-Round System. Engine-On-Load System. Mini Rake System. Supervision and control over movement of Special type of Stock, ODC consignments. Maximum Moving Dimensions. Wagon Census. Uses of Computer. Freight Operations Information System(FOIS). Coaching Operations Information System(COIS). Rake Management System(RMS). Terminal Management System(TMS). Computerised Train Charting. Relevant rules and Important Policy guidelines. C&W Examination for Intensive, Round Trips, Premium and Close Circuit Rakes. Sidings and TxR Depots Including POH&ROH Depots and their functions.Supply of Coaches/Wagons to C&W Shops for POH and special repairs. Working of Travelling Traffic Cranes for handling heavy consignments at intermediate stations. Detaching of Sick Wagons at enroute stations and their repair and clearance. Interchange Transactions- Junction returs of Inter Railway Interchange Traffic. Weighment of Rakes. MIL RAIL Permissible Axle loads & Heavy Haul Operations. Payload to Tare Ration of Wagons. Operating Statistics Definition, meaning and methods of compilation of the Fundamental and Derived Units. Analysis of the Operating Statistics. Important Operating Efficiency Indices, their meaning and uses. Operating Ratio. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Contain question on subject of interest as well as importance. The question shold test the candidates knowledge which is acquired through general observation/general reading without a specific study of any test book. The paper should also contain questions of national importance. The standard of question paper should not be more than that of matriculation level.

Syllabus for LDCE-Group B Traffic Dept (AOM/AO/ATM) Paper II

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PAPER II WORKING OF TRAINS GENERALLY AND GENERAL AND SUSBSIDIARY RULES Responsibilty and Function of Engine crew before starting and while on run and during abnormal/unusual situations. Responsibility and function of Guard/Asst Guard before starting and while on run and during abnormal/unusual situations. Role and responsibility of Station staff in working of trains. Various systems of working of trains and conditions of Granting Line Clear. Classification of stations, Standards of Interlocking, Signalling systems, Equipment and their working. Station Working Rules and Block Working. Level Crossings. Line Capacity and Measures for Augmenting it MAUQ, Tokenless working, Centralised Traffic Control, Doubling Autoamtic Block, IBS/IBH. Combined Train Report, Guards Rough Journal Book, Vehicle Guidance, Drivers Ticket, Brake Pwer Certificate etc. Rules regarding Marshalling of vehicles on Passanger, Mixed and Freight Trains. Vaccum Brake and Air Brake Systems alongwith Continuity test. Precautions to be taken on Ghat sections. PASSENGER TRAIN OPERATIONS General Precautions and methodology of Timetabling of Passenger Trains. Consultative machinery for revision of Time table, Public Time Table & Sheet Time Table. Punctuality of Passenger carrying trains. Factors affecting Punctuality of Passenger carrying trains and methods of improving Punctuality. Augmentation of Train Loads for meeting Traffic requirements. Running of tourist coaches, Special carriages and Special trains. Planning and running of Holiday specials, Mela specials, Tourist Specials etc. Introduction of new trains, extension of train runs, Introduction of through and section coaches. Preparation of Engine Links, Driver/Guard Links and Rake Links. Commuter Service Operations. ACCIDENTS AND SAFETY ORGANISATION Accidents, types and their classification, Causes and their prevention. Functioning of Railway Safety Organisation. Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety and his Functions. Rules for Reporting of Accidents. Accident Relief Medical Equipment(ARME) and Accident Relief Trains(ARTs) Role and Responsibilities of various Officials and Departments during Accidents. Responsibility of Control Organisation, Station Masters and Traffic Staff on the Affected section. Review and Analysis of Accidents for taking corrective measures. Disaster Management and implementation of High Level Committees Report on Disaster Management on Indian Railways. ACCIDENT PREVENTION Psycho analysis in case of accidents attributed to human failures.
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Improved mechanized aids to prevent human error like: Improved siganlling and Interlocking Arrangement. SMs Central and cabin control over route. Track circuit and Axle Counters. Route Relay Interlocking. Automatic Cab Warning System and Automatic Braking System. Refresher Courses, Safety Camps and Safety Campaigns. PLANNING ON THE RAILWAYS Set up and Functions of Planning wing on IR. Corporate Plan and Annual Plan. ESTABLISHMENT RULES PESONNEL MANAGEMENT Organisation of the Personnel department in the Railways. The objective of the Personnel department, functions and policies of the Personnel department. Role of Personnel Officer in the Headquarters and in Divisions. Classification of service. Recruitment to Different services Group A to D. Recruitment of Artizan staff. Special Reservation in Railway Services. Role of the Railway Services Commissions in Recruitment. Other than through Usual channels. Promotion Policy and Methods. Personnel Supervision- Leadership sDemocratic or participative leadership style, advantages of participation, Joint Councils of Management. Negotiating Machinery Schemes, zonal and divisional corporate enterprise Groups. Inspection of loco sheds, C & W Depots, Stations, Engineering Office. LABOUR RELATIONS AND WELFARE Important Recognised Trade unions in Railways, role of unrecognized unions and methods of dealing with them. Industrial disputes and legislative framework, causes of industrial disputes, basic remedies, the industrial disputes Act 1947, strikes, lockouts and layoffs, handling of grievance at divisions and in the Headquarters, handling of grievances by Labour Enforcement Offices. The hours of Employment Regualtions, Overtime, Job Analysis, and its Machines. The Workmens Compensations Act ex-gratia Payment , Incentive Bonus Scheme. WELFARE Pass Rules. Retirement benefits under the Provident Funds and Pensions Schemes, Final Settlement. Welfare of the whole Family Of Railwaymen. Concept and Practice on Railways. FINANCIAL RULES Parliamentary Control on Railway Finance _ Public Accountability canons of Financial Propriety. Financial Planning and Budgeting, Budgetary and Financial Reviews Appreciation
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accounts. Rules of Allocation, Classification of expenditure, Control of expenditure, Responsibilty Accounting, Performance Budgeting. Exchequer Control, Financial Results of Working. Works Programme. Financial justification of Works. Surveys. Preparation of Estimates. Capital Budget. Control over Capital Expenditure. Productivity Test. Financial control over Stores Expenditure. Purchase And Stores Keeping Procedure. Inventory Controls and A, B, C Analysis. Financial and Cost Control in Railway Workshops. Rules and Procedure relating to Tenders and contracts for execution of works and Procurement of Stores. Procedure for Possessing and finalizing Court Objections and Draft Paras. Delegation Of Powers. Losses, Frauds and Embezzlements.
Source URL: http://indianrailwayemployee.com/content/traffic-dept-aomaoatm



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