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Stresstool Question

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Stress toolkit

UCU model stress questionnaire

Members of the teaching/lecturing staff have been reporting that the increasing levels of stress at work are affecting their health, well-being and job satisfaction. In order to gather evidence, which may be presented to management, the U U branch/!" is conducting a stress #uestionnaire. $lease answer the following #uestions. %our replies will be treated in the strictest confidence & we are not asking you to provide your name. Please return the completed form to your UCU reps or direct to .. using the attached envelope, by 'he #uestionnaire applies to all teaching staff, U U and non-U U members alike. (e hope that all members of the teaching staff will appreciate the importance of this and take a few minutes to fill it in. You should find it takes no more than 10 to 1 minutes to complete.

Part 1: Background details

). $lease indicate your position/staff grade* !ecturer $art time !ecturer ,esearcher .enior !ecturer $rincipal !ecturer Management $ost +. Is your post* $ermanent 'emporary Male 2emale Please Circle ) + / 0 1 Please Circle ) + Please Circle ) + Please Circle %es 5o

-. "re you*

/. 3o you consider yourself a disabled person4

Model stress #uestionnaire

0. "re you*

White & 6ritish Irish 7ther Asian/British 6angladeshi Indian $akistani 7ther Black/Black British "frican aribbean 7ther Mixed (hite/"sian (hite/6lack "frican (hite/6lack aribbean 7ther Chinese/Other Ethnic Group hinese "ny 7ther

Please Circle ) + / 0 1 8

9 : );

)) )+ ))/ )0 )1

1. "ge*

Under +1 +1--0 -1-/0 /1-00 01<

Please Circle ) + / 0

8. (hich department are you in4..............................................................................

Model stress #uestionnaire

Part 2: Stress Symptoms

7. How would you describe your general health 3 years ago and now: Please Circle - yrs ago =ood ,easonable $oor ) ) ) $resent + + +

. !re you e"periencing# or ha$e you e"perienced any o% these stress symptoms in the last year& Please Circle 5ever a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. #. r. >eadaches/migraine "ches and pains >igh blood pressure $oor sleep patterns .kin ,ashes Indigestion .tomach ulcers "sthma "n?iety 3epression >eart disease hanges in appetite @?haustion Increased consumption of tobacco. Increased consumption of alcohol. Inability to concentrate @rratic moods !ow self esteem/confidence ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) .ometimes + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 7ften -

Model stress #uestionnaire

'. (hile working do you e$er %eel: Please circle 5ever ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) .ometimes + + + + + + + + 7ften -

a. Irritated b. "ngry c. 2rustrated d. >elpless e. "n?ious f. 3epressed g. Unable to concentrate h. 7ver tired

1). Ha$e you taken lea$e in the past 12 months due to work related stress& Please Circle %es ) 5o +

11. *% +es# how long %or& " few days )

Please Circle one week + two weeks longer /

12. Ha$e stress related symptoms returned on your return to work& Please circle %es ) 5o +

13. Has your ,P suggested that your condition was due to your work& Please circle %es ) 5o +

Model stress #uestionnaire

)/. !re you recei$ing treatment %rom your ,P %or stress related symptoms& Please Circle %es ) 5o +

Part 3: (orkload
1-. Please estimate the average number o% hours per week that you work (both on and off site during term time. Please circle -; & -0 -1- - /; /) & /0 /1 & 0; 0) < ) + / 0

1.. /a0 Please indicate how# i% at all# your total !orkload has changed o$er the last %i$e years# and two years Please circle years (orkload has decreased ,emained the same (orkload increased ) + ! years ) + -

"f #our !orkload has increased$ please go to %uestions &'b ( &) belo!* "f #our !orkload has decreased or re+ained the sa+e$ please go to %uestion &,*

Model stress #uestionnaire

1. /b0 *% your workload has increased# please indicate below the appro"imate e"tent by which it has changed. (orkload has increased by* "ver ) + / 0 Please circle years "ver ! years ) + / 0

a. about a #uarter b. about a half c. about three #uarters d. about double e. more than double

17. *% your workload has increased please indicate on the scale below: a. which factors have been significant in causing the increase b. which single factor has contributed most to your increased workload. .ignificant factors /+ou may select more than one0 #please circle$ -actors hanges in conditions of service 'eaching new courses "dmin AgeneralB Increased student numbers Inspection/auditing processes Meeting targets/deadlines Ceeping up with new ed. initiatives 5eed to generate income ,e#uirement to undertake research 7ther Aplease specify belowB ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) + / 0 1 8 9 : ); .ingle most important factor /choose one only please0 Aplease circle one$

................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ 6

Model stress #uestionnaire

Part 1: 2actors 3ausing Stress

1 . (hich %actors associated with your current post do you think create work related stress& Please circle on the scale below# how signi%icant each o% these %actors are: %tress related factors 4emands a 3ealing with student discipline b larger classes/more students c 3ealing with aggressive/violent behaviour d 'eaching new courses e 3ealing with new education initiatives f "dministration g 2re#uent changes to timetable or courses h Increased workload i 5eed to hit targets/deadlines j !ong working hours k Increase in temporary/ part time contracts l Inspection/auditing processes m !one working n 7ff site/multi site working o 'raveling time p !ack of regular breaks # .taff appraisal r $resenteeism & feeling unable to take time-off sick 3ontrol a 5ot able to e?ert control over demands made b !ack of participation in decision making c 3ealing with competing demands & unable to plan working day d (ork linked to deadlines E targets 7 ) ) ) ) + + + + / / / / ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 5ot applicable 7ccasionally stressful .tressful Dery .tressful

Model stress #uestionnaire

%tress related factors e hanges in terms E conditions without consultation f Fob changes without consultation g !ack of funds/resources/ support to do the job h =iven responsibility without the authority to take decisions i Insufficient time for scholarship and/or research 5elationships a 6ullying behaviour from managers/ staff/ students b >arassment by managers/ staff/ students c 3ealing with conflictual situations d !ack of line management support e 2eeling isolated in curriculum area f !ack of communication with staff g 5ew styles of institutional management h 2eeling that your work is not valued i !ack of involvement and information as hourly paid lecturer 5ole a onflicting demands in job role b Unclear job description c !ack of support in job role d @fforts not valued e !ack of participation in decision making f !ack of promotion prospects g !ack of career development opportunities h $oor pay prospects due to hourly paid /agency worker status 3hange a $ace and intensity of change b 5ew educational initiatives

5ot applicable ) ) ) ) )

7ccasionally stressful + + + + +

.tressful -

Dery .tressful / / / / /

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

+ + + + + + + + +

/ / / / / / / / /

) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

+ + + + + + + +

/ / / / / / / /

) ) 8

+ +

/ /

Model stress #uestionnaire

%tress related factors c >igh degree of uncertainty about work due to re-organiGation d >igh degree of uncertainty due to restructuring E redundancies e Uncertainty due to merger f $ressures from funding organiGations g Impact of restructuring on workload/job responsibilities h !arge increases in numbers of part time/temporary staff i hanges without consultation j !ack of participation in decision making Support a !ack of information about what is going on b Insufficient admin support c 2eeling work not valued d !ack of management support e !imited or no access to training f 7ver competitive/ confrontational institutional culture g !ack of funds/resources to do the job h !ack of facilities, eg photocopiers i !ack of facilities and support due to hourly paid status

5ot applicable ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

7ccasionally stressful + + + + + + + +

.tressful -

Dery .tressful / / / / / / / /

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

+ + + + + + + + +

/ / / / / / / / /

Part -: 6$er$iew
):. (hat do you see yourself doing five years from now4 (orking in the same post (orking in a promoted post (orking for another establishment in a similar post (orking for another establishment in a promoted post hange career & no longer teaching ,etired Please circle ) + / 0 1

Model stress #uestionnaire

+;. (hat are the two things, which would make a significant difference to the stress concerns identified above4 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH +). $lease use the space below to provide any other information or comments you wish to make about !ecturerIs workload and factors affecting levels of stress. ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ &hank you for taking the time to fill in the 'uestionnaire. #(f you are not a UCU member you are )elcome to *oin. Please contact ..for an application form$.


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