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Customer Care Service: Synopsis

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Customer Care Service

Synopsis :The Customer Care service is mainly designed to provide fast and effective user environment for Call center activities. This application software is based on Model view controller architecture. The Client side forms used for display forms the view, database connections, business logics are developed and are represented as models, while controllers are pages used to link model with the view. There is a product support team consisting of 3 groups. Their duty is to attend the customer, make new problem report, solving the problems and test the product before giving back to the customer. The manager form deals with the Report generation and modification of customer details entered by call agent. In the primitive two tier architecture the validations of the data are performed in client side or at the server side. This caused the delay in data retrieval and transmission. This pro!ect is designed in such a way that the end user of the product need be aware of inner workings but to know only his duty and to operate the keyboard. Computeri"ed records are easy to maintain and at the end of every month or whenever we need information it#s easy to view or get. In this way reports can be generated anytime and one can be sure that data when the pattern is changed the consolidated reports may not show us correct data of all administration work pertaining to the call centre. Collection details will be accurate as the related data is systematically entered. This manpower is reduced, user easily to collect the information about the product and also collect the operation of the product. $t the time of product installation if any problem arise easily customer contact the call center and

rectify the installation problem through the online. This is the advantages when details are computeri"ed
Software Required: O/S Language Data Base : : : Windows 2000 Server Wamp PHP !S"L

Application Server:

The actors of the product support team may be %. Customers &. Call Center $gent 3. 'roduct support (. )eveloper *. +uality assurance Customers of this company may have problems in using their products and to rectify those they would be reporting to the company and they would be assisted first by a call center agent. If a problem is not software related then calls are routed to sales or customer service team. ,therwise, agent verifies the customer to be a valid purchaser of the specified product. If so, agent creates a problem report and gives him customer identification no. -e then routes the problem to a product support group, which is meant for that product. The product support group gives customer a call and obtains all the information relating to the problem. If the problem is due to lack of re.uired hardware, failure to install the product properly then product support person helps the customer resolve the problem to the e/tent possible and then closes the problem report. If the problem is code related, it may be that other customers have encountered it and a fi/ already e/ists. If so, the fi/ is documented in the knowledge base, which the product support person can search by appropriate

keywords. The patch or procedure necessary to fi/ the problem is sent to the customer via e mail or made available over the 0eb. If the problem is not found in the knowledge base, it is routed to the developer. The developer analy"es the problem and attempts to reproduce it. It may be the product is working as designed, in which case the defect is routed back to product support marked 1not a bug2. ,therwise the developer tries to isolate the bug and to develop a fi/. $fter unit testing the fi/, the developer routes the problem to .uality assurance. The problem report may be updated to indicate how to reproduce the problem and where to get the code patch necessary to fi/ it. The .uality assurance support person for the product receives the problem report from development and tests the fi/. This is an integration test, in which the effect of the new code established test cases3 the problem is rerouted to development. ,therwise, the fi/ is routed to product support, so the customer can be contacted and supplied with new code. $t any point, system users can look up the status of the problem, and comments to it, and route the problem to its ne/t destination. 4ach routing is accompanied by e mail sent to the new problem owner. That part is not developed here and is undertaken in separate module using 5M6. 'rocess flow

To summari"e, the system users and their functions are as follows Call center agent 7erifies customer entitlement 4ntries new problems Can look up status of e/isting problems

Product support Receives incoming problem reports from call center agent Can view outstanding problems by product Interviews customer 8pdates problem status $dds comments

Routes problem to development

Developer Receives problem reports from product support Can view outstanding problems by product $naly"es problem and develops fi/ $dds comments to problem report Routes problem to .uality assurance

Quality assurance Receives problem reports and fi/es from development 'erforms integration test $dds comments to problem report Routes fi/ed problems to product support May route problem back to developer if tests fail.

In addition to product support team, there lies another actor who is the manager in charge of the entire technical support process. -e has the power to browse through the status of each and every problem. -e can prepare number of reports like Reports based on a9 problems which are solved b9 problems in progress :In support phase or development phase or testing phase9 c9 unsolved :;ailed to get solved in development phase9 d9 calls made between & days e9 product wise call report

8ser validation Customer validation <ist customer and products he have bought.

Create new problem report 6earch based on customer name, product name, problem id 'roblem analysis by product support and action taken Comments, close problem report Make reports based on a9 problems solved b9 problems in progress c9 unsolved d9 calls made between & days e9 product wise call report

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