Access Engineering
The Superstructure
Printed for hernandez_84472@students. pupr. edu
3. The Superstructure
Section Overview
This section provides a detailed look at the various elements that comprise
a highway bridge superstructure. Different types of superstructures are
discussed along with many of the design, maintenance, and rehabilitation
issues affecting them. Design examples for commonly used superstructure
elements are provided to give the reader an understanding of principal
superstructure design fundamentals.
A superstructure can be thought of as the conduit that carries a roadway
over a crossing. Like any other bridge component, the superstructure is
comprised of many elements. In the bridge design profession, no other
component elicits so much discussion, and even downright controversy, as to
the type of elements to be utilized in construction. The structural and
geometric complexities of the superstructure component make it one of the
most challenging design problems in a bridge engineering project.
In this section we will examine the various types of superstructures and the
different elements that comprise them. While it would be impossible to cover
every permutation of superstructure types that are in use, this section will
attempt to provide the reader with fundamentals behind several of the
common superstructure configurations presently being used in highway
networks around the world.
Printed for hernandez_84472@students.pupr. edu3.1. SUPERSTRUCTURE TYPES
The type of superstructure chosen for a bridge can be based on a variety of
factors ranging from maintenance considerations to personal preference.
Specifically, some of the commonly used criteria in selecting the type of
superstructure to be used are
* Material function and availability
+ Construction cost
+ Speed of construction and constructability
* Design complexity
* Maintenance costs and life expectancy
+ Environmental concerns
+ Aesthetics
Where there are no steadfast rules governing which of the factors listed
above is more important than the other, one certainty is that the use of
superstructure types varies geographically. Because of the way highway
systems such as the U.S. Interstate developed, bridges tend to come into an
area en masse (see Section 1.2). Once a particular type of superstructure
gains acceptance in a geographic region, it develops a certain critical mass
that is difficult to alter in a different direction. Although no transportation
system is homogeneous, there will definitely exist a predominance of one
type of superstructure system.
WIDE-FLANGE stringers vary from a standard Lbeam cross section in
several ways. As shown below, the -beam has a tapered flange where the
wide flange is orthogonal to the web, with the top face parallel to the
bottom face. As the name would indicate, the flange width on a wide-flange
stringer is greater than that of an Lbeam. The beam, however, has a
thicker web. The small flange width of the -beam, combined with the
inefficiency of material in its web, has made it unattractive to designers. In
the AISC specifications, wide-flange stringers are referred to with the W
designation and l-beam stringers with an S.FLANGE
The types of superstructures also change with the bridge span lengths. Each
type of superstructure has span limitations beyond which it will become
Superstructures generally vary by support type (simply supported or
continuous), design type (slab-on-stringer, arch, truss, etc.), and material
type (steel, concrete, timber, etc.). Obviously there are a variety of
combinations of the above. For example, a designer could choose to use a
slab-on-stringer superstructure with either steel or concrete girders. This
superstructure could be simply supported or continuous, and so on.
Discussed below are the major types of superstructures and their principal
advantages and disadvantages which affect their design, construction, and
Printed for hernandez_84472@students,pupr. edu
3.1.1. Steel Superstructures
The two principal materials utilized in superstructure construction are steel
and concrete. Materials such as timber (discussed later) and aluminum are
also utilized to a lesser extent. When compared to concrete, steel has the
advantage of lighter weight and more rapid construction. Steel also lends
itself well to prefabrication at the factory which reduces the amount of field
labor for operations such as bolting, welding, etc. Recent advancements in
fabrication methods and materials, especially with the introduction of
weathering steel, have made steel much more competitive with concrete.