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X-Ray Discovery

Introduction to Medical Imaging Lecture 7: Radiography

Discovered Di db by Wilh Wilhelm l R Rntgen t i in 1895 accidentally, when performing experiments with cathode tubes and

fluorescent screens the light even illuminated the screen when the tube was placed into a box he called this new type of radiation X-rays (X for unknown) th these X-rays X could ld t travel l th through h all ll ki kinds d of f materials, t i l at t diff different t material-specific attenuations screen

Kl Klaus M Mueller ll

Computer Science Department Stony Brook University
tube in box

X-Ray Physics X-rays are electromagnetic X l t ti waves, consisting i ti of f photons h t energy is given by: hc E = h f =

X-Ray Generation Electrons El t hitti hitting anode d release l th their i energy via i Bremsstrahlung B t hl gives rise to a continuous spectrum specific peaks arise at specific orbital shell energies (characteristic
radiation) when anode L-electrons drop back into the K-shell

h: Planks constant (4.135 eVs) c: speed of light (300 106 m/s) : wavelength (on the order of 10-10 m) thus, E is in on the order of keV


Important X-ray tube parameters: amount of emitted photons (6 (6-100 100 mA) energy of emitted photons
light photons y photons p X-ray

(determined by Vcathode-anode, 50-125 kV)

X Ray Interaction With Matter Three types Th t of f interaction i t ti with ith matter: tt photo-electric absorption: absorption of a photon by an atom and
release of an electron along the same direction (ionizes) photon electron

Notes on X-Ray Interaction Electrons El t soon after ft recombine bi with ith other th atoms t i in ti tissue will NOT be detected in image generation (on the X-ray detector) Photo-electric effect most desirable in radiography absorbs photon completely weakens the energy along that ray denser tissue (such as bone) absorbs more photons less energy
arrives at the detector

Compton scattering: only partial absorption of photon energy. The

photons h t changes h di direction ti ( (at tl lower energy) ) and d an electron l t also l gets t released. photon photon electron

less dense tissue (such as muscle or air) absorbs less photons

more energy arrives at the detector

this controls image formation and contrast Compton effect less desirable emitted p photon traveling g along g diverted p path may yg get detected on
detector non-linear ray

Pair production: when photon energy > 1.02 MeV, an electron-

positron pair may form form. Soon Soon, the positron annihilates with another electron. Two photons form, flying in two opposite directions (used in nuclear imaging) annihilation photon electronpositron pair photon pair

since we assume linear rays this is problematic the photons due to Compton scattering are perceived as noise Pair production only in high-energy X-ray desirable in function imaging (see later)

X-Ray Interaction With Tissue B i attenuation Basic tt ti equation: ti

(x): attenuation at location x

Scattered Radiation
Iin Iout

I out = I in e



( x ) dx

In practice practice, an X-ray beam comprises photons at a spectrum xout of energies: ( E , x ) dx xin I in = ( E )dE I out = ( E )e dE 0 0 and d th the attenuation tt ti equation ti becomes: b Interaction effects at different g energies: low: photo-electric (I) dominates intermediate: Compton (II) high: pair production (III) Al: aluminum Pb: lead

Scattered S tt d radiation di ti i is d due t to C Compton t scattering tt i dominates effects at energies >26keV (at 26keV photo-el = Compton) dense materials (such as bone) threshold higher Scattered photons are detrimental to imaging they violate the straight ray assumption tend t d to t under-estimate d ti t attenuation tt ti object bj Quantified by SPR: Scatter/Primary Ratio detected radiation to primary vs. vs scattered photons low SPR diminishes contrast
d t t detector


without scatter

with scatter

Scattered Radiation Depends D d on has less energy than direct radiation energy of the x-rays () patient thickness () in abdominal imaging SPR>3 field of view FOV () want to reduce FOV to region of interest
(ROI) as much as possible FOV collimators air gap between patient and screen () but, air gap reduces resolution and FOV ROI patient p air gap detector
But scattered radiation

X-Ray Detectors: Screen-Film Q Quantum t Efficiency Effi i (QE): (QE)

QE =

detected photons 100 percent incoming photons


Photographic film: very inefficient (QE=2%) would require huge patient doses Phosphor-based: Ph h b d Pl Place fil film b between t t two i intensifying t if i fluorescent screens made out of rare earth phosphors (gadolinium oxysulfide Gd2O2S) phosphor converts X-rays to scattered visible light light directed toward film is recorded (QE=25%)
photons i ibl visible light

Anti-scatter grid: fixed on detectors shields off scattered photons longer teeth provide:
- more scatter reduction, but also - fewer true photons less SNR

phosphor film

X-Ray Detectors: Image Intensifier Image intensifiers I i t ifi produces d images i at t high hi h speeds d ( (unlike lik fil film) ) photons visible light electrons visible light

X-Ray Detectors: Storage Phosphors Exposure: trap E t electrons l t in i th the conduction d ti b band d (electrons ( l t cannot fall back into valence band and emit light) Readout: pixel-wise scanning with a laser beam (electrons fall back into


valence band, light is emitted) capture light with optic array transmit to photo-multiplier (converts light into electrical signal) direct analog signal to an A/D converted (generates bit-stream) Digital image is now available for storage storage, further processing

Clear: subject plate to strong light source limited spatial resolution due to limited camera resolution elevated noise due to additional conversions geometric distortions (pin-cushion distortion) Advantages: Ad t linear detector response (while film follows an S-curve) allows efficient digital mass storage allows use in Picture Archiving and Communication
Systems (PACS)

X-Ray Detectors: Direct Radiography Shortcomings of image intensifier detectors camera was made out of Si-crystal technology, restricting its size to a this required the long chain from photons to camera (see before) Newer (scintillator: high-energy x-rays photons) technology: hydrogenated amorphous silicon detectors (a-SI:H) can be manufactured in flat, large sheets can be coupled directly with the phosphor plate but still need to convert photons to visible light, affecting resolution Latest technology: amorphous selenium (a-Se) a photo-conducting layer (not a phosphor) a-Se electrical conductivity y proportional p p to radiation energy gy before exposure: a homogenous charge is applied to Se-surface during exposure: photons are absorbed in the Se-layer, setting free resulting lti image i can then th be b read db by a photo-conductor h t d t matrix ti high QE and resolution (11-13 lp/mm, lp=line pairs=half-pixels)
electrons electrons neutralize charge locally (pixels) small area (just like CCDs)

Flat Panel Amorphous Silicon Detectors H b Has become th the standard t d dd detector t t t technology: h l

resolution: 120-140 m high sensitivity enables

near real time imaging near-real-time

low noise

Quantum Noise X-ray beam X b h has a quantum t structure t t each photon carries a specific energy quantum Photons in a beam are independent and distributed in a random manner just like individual rain drops, they form clusters but b t as more drops d gather, th th the di distribution t ib ti b becomes more uniform if Quantum noise follows the statistical law: = N Th Thus,

Interlude: Modulation Transfer Function Measures the M th ability bilit of f a sensor t to resolve l (d (detect, t t provide id contrast with) signals at different frequencies frequency measured in line pairs (lp) / mm detectability measured in %


N = N N

SNR improves as the number of photons N increases however, this also increases patient dose so there is a trade trade-off off doubling SNR increases dose by a factor of 4

DQE: Detective Quantum Efficiency More recent M t metric t i to t rate t a detection d t ti system: t compares contrast at different frequencies with noise at that

Image Quality Depends D d on: quality of the anode tip (finer tips give better focus) patient thickness (thicker patients cause more scattering, which
deteriorates resolution)

Measure contrast with the MTF

MTF: Modulation Transfer Function

light scattering properties of the phosphor (for phosphor-based

Measure noise with variance So DQE is then (k So, (k=constant) constant)

systems) fil resolution film l ti (f (for film-based fil b d systems) t ) sampling procedure (for systems with digital read-outs) spot size of the read-out laser (for systems with digital read-outs)

DQE ( f ) =

k [ MTF ( f )] [ ( f )]2

Resolution: screen-film combinations: usually the spatial resolution is sufficient (in storage phosphors: sufficient for most applications, except digital direct radiography: g p y needed for digital g mammography g p y
mammography (in the range of 2.5-5 lp/mm, 200-100m) the range of 5-15 5 15 lp/mm lp/mm, 100-33 100 33m)

Thus, DQE is an excellent metric to express dose efficiency Thus want high contrast for given noise (and N)

Required resolution indicates that image size 20002 pixels

Available Technology: Summary

remove photons that would be absorbed in the body anyway (beam hardening)

Clinical Use M j it of Majority f clinical li i l radiographic di hi examinations i ti are now di digital it l

limit radiation to patient i volume l of interest

remove scattered photons (tungsten)

Mammography is somewhat behind because it requires resolutions that exceed that of storage phosphors direct radiography with amorphous Si is being developed X-ray y images g can be static or dynamic y static X-ray can be performed with any of the modalities dynamic X-ray uses image intensifier, viewed in real-time on a TV

film-screen based camera + image intensifier storage phosphor plate amorphous Si flat panel amorphous Se direct detector

Radiographic images are made for all parts of the body skeletal, chest (thorax, heart), mammography (breast), dental Fluoroscopic image sequences are produced in real time used in applications where motion is the subject of investigation intra-operative i t ti fluoroscopy fl ( (surgery, patient ti t setup, t positioning) iti i ) guidance for minimally invasive procedures angiography (coronary imaging, vessels)

Case Studies (1)

Case Studies (2)

Multi-purpose radiographic room. The table can be tilted in any orientation Both a storage phosphor and an image intensifier are orientation. available.

3D-angiographic room: C-arm with x-ray tube and image intensifier at both ends. By rotating the C-arm on a circle around the patient a series of radiographic images are acquired acq ired that are subsequently s bseq entl used sed to compute comp te a 3D image of the blood vessels.

Case Studies (3)

Case Studies (4)

3D image of the blood vessels viewed by means of stereoscopic glasses.

Double mandibular fracture with strong displacement to the left.

Solitary humeral bone cyst known as fallen leaf sign

Case Studies (5)

Case Studies (6)

Radiographic chest image showing sho ing multiple m ltiple lung l ng metastases

Dense opacity with spicular borders in the left breast which breast, hich suggests s ggests a malignant lesion

Postoperative fluoroscopic control of bone fixation with plate and scre s after a complete fracture screws fract re of the humerus

Case Studies (7)

Case Studies (8)

Cerebral angiogram g g obtained by injecting a iodine containing fluid into the arteries. The contrast dye subsequently fills the cerebral arteries, capillaries and veins.

Cerebral angiogram g g showing g an aneurysm or saccular dilation of a cerebral artery.

Double contrast (barium + gasinsufflation) enema with multiple diverticula in the sigmoid colon (yellow arrows). Polypoid mass proliferating intraluminal (blue arrowhead, only visible on the spotview). spotview)

Case Studies (9) U Upper GI Series: S i Typical Application of fluoroscopy: live (and continuous) X-ray imaging to monitor dynamic phenomena (also for instrument tracking in surgeries)

Biological Effects and Safety (1) When X-rays Wh X pass through th h tissue, ti they th deliver d li energy the ionization (the removal of electrons from their nuclei) causes
chemical changes to the irradiated cell

This can cause biological damage: destruction of the cell cell may lose its ability to divide cell may divide in uncontrolled ways (malignant growth) damage may be sufficiently small to enable self-repair Absorbed radiation dose is measured in Gray (Gy) one Gy is an absorbed dose of 1 J/kg of irradiated material each organ has a specific dose: the organ dose Absorbed dose also dependent on radiation weighting (quality) example: radioactive isotopes also emit harmful particles weighting is expressed as equivalent dose, measured in Sieverts (Sv) factors are 1 (X-ray) to 20 (-particles formed by heavy isotopes)

Biological Effects and Safety (2) Harm of H f dose d d depends d on th the i irradiated di t d organ for this, tissue weighting factors have been developed the effective dose (measured in Sv) is calculated by multiplying the
equivalent dose by the tissue weighting factor

Biological Effects and Safety (3) Dynamic D i X X-ray increases i effective ff ti dose d significantly i ifi tl increase by order 10 for diagnostic procedure increase by order 100 for interventional procedure Examples: arteriography of the lower limbs: 6.2 mSv abdominal bd i l angiography: i h 8 8.2 2 mSv S nephrostomy (kidney, urinary tract): 13.6 mSv embolization of spermatic vein: 17.3 mSv biliary drainage (digestive ( system): ) 38.2 mSv S Risk for fatal cancer resulting from radiation: a conservative estimate for the lifetime risk is 0 0.05 05 per Sv Recommendations by ICRP (Internl Comm. Rad. Prot.) panel: the equivalent q dose due to natural sources is 2 mSv/year y limit additional background and indirect radiation to 1 mSv/year limit for personnel in medical imaging departments is 20mSv/year

effective dose for a patient is then the sum of all effective doses Some tissue weighting factors 0.01 for skin and bone 0.2 for the gonads the sum of all weights is 1 (for a uniform dose over the while body:
effective dose = equivalent dose)

Specific effective dose examples for typical radiographic examinations: dental X-ray: 0.01 - 002 mSv; chest X-ray: 0.01 - 0.05 mSv skull: 0.1 - 0.2 mSv; ; pelvis: 0.7 - 1.4 mSv p lumbar spine: 1.3 - 2.0 mSv; mammography: 1.0 - 2.0 mSv note: many times more than one image is taken, multiplying the dose

Dose Quantification I id t dose Incident d = pure d dose without ith t b body d Surface dose = incident dose + scattered radiation from body Radiation in the body = surface dose - exit dose Image receptor dose = exit dose - loss in detector

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