Detectors (UV/Opt/IR) : General Considerations and Concepts
Detectors (UV/Opt/IR) : General Considerations and Concepts
Detectors (UV/Opt/IR) : General Considerations and Concepts
Detectors (UV/Opt/IR)
Some of the earliest astronomical CCD images, obtained in the early 1970s at P200 (and Mt. Lemon?), by Westphall, Gunn, et al.
Astronomical detectors today are applications of solid state physics Detector characteristics: Sensitivity as a f(!), size,
number of pixels, noise characteristics, stability, cost
Quantum efciency: QE = N(detected photons)/N(input photons) Detective Quantum Efciency: DQE = (S/N)out/(S/N)in
Image Intensiers
Still used for some night vision applications
Image Intensiers
An image intensifier amplifies light signals by:
converting photons to electrons via the photoelectric effect , accelerating the electrons them via electrostatic forces, focusing the electron beam, electrostatically or magnetically, having them impact on an output phosphor releasing a shower of photons, recording the output photons using a photographic emulsion or some more modern detector (or indeed the human eye).
Microchannel Plates:
Effectively arrays of PMTs Still used in UV (e.g., in GALEX) Also for some night vision applications
The gain = N(output photons) / N(input photons); multistage image intensifiers can reach total gains up to ~ 106 Image intensifiers are now used very little in the optical, where CCDs dominate, but are still used in the UV
Photon counting detectors have no readout noise and thus a potential advantage for all ultra-low light level apps
Classical Photography
Typical QE ~ 2-3%, but large formats available; can be digitized
Plate Digitization: Still used for sky surveys (DPOSS, DSS, etc.)
y z x
Solid state electronics that amplify and read out the charge
Intensity image is generated by collecting photoelectrons generated in 3-D volume into 2-D array of pixels. Optical and IR focal plane arrays both collect charges via electric elds. In the z-direction, optical and IR use a p-n junction to sweep charge toward pixel collection nodes.
But Nowadays, Charge Coupled Devices (CCDs) Are The Detectors of Choice
(in visible, UV, and X-ray)
Nearly ideal detectors in many ways Counting photons in a pixel array
Image area Metal,ceramic or plastic package
Silicon chip
Serial register
On-chip amplifier
Structure of a CCD
The diagram shows a small section (a few pixels) of the image area of a CCD. This pattern is reapeated. Channel stops to define the columns of the image
Plan View
One pixel
Transparent horizontal electrodes to define the pixels vertically. Also used to transfer the charge during readout
CCD up close
(note scale: 100 m !
Cross section
Every third electrode is connected together. Bus wires running down the edge of the chip make the connection. The channel stops are formed from high concentrations of Boron in the silicon.
Structure of a CCD
Below the image area (the area containing the horizontal electrodes) is the Serial register . This also consists of a group of small surface electrodes. There are three electrodes for every column of the image area
Image Area
Serial Register On-chip amplifier at end of the serial register
Conduction Band
Valence Band Hole Electron
Thermally generated electrons are indistinguishable from photogenerated electrons ! Dark Current ! keep the CCD cold! Silicon is transparent to photons with E < 1.26eV (! ! 1.05 m) ! Red Cutoff! Need a different type of detector for IR
ton pho
pixel boundary
incoming photons
Charge packet
Shift the electric potential pattern by clocking the voltages - pixel positions shift
+5V 0V -5V +5V 0V -5V +5V 0V -5V
Pattern of collected electrons (= an image) moves with the voltage pattern, and is read out
pixel boundary
CCD Analogy
RAIN (PHOTONS) VERTICAL CONVEYOR BELTS (CCD COLUMNS) Exposure finished, buckets now contain samples of rain.
Conveyor belt starts turning and transfers buckets. Rain collected on the vertical conveyor is tipped into buckets on the horizontal conveyor.
Vertical conveyor stops. Horizontal conveyor starts up and tips each bucket in turn into the measuring cylinder .
After each bucket has been measured, the measuring cylinder is emptied , ready for the next bucket load.
1 2 3
2 1 3 1 2 3
2 1 3 1 2 3
2 1 3 1 2 3
2 1 3 1 2 3
2 1 3 1 2 3
Charge packet from subsequent pixel enters from left as first pixel exits to the right.
0V -5V +5V
1 3
1 2 3
Amplifier A Image Area Image area clocks Upper Image area clocks
Amplifier B
Serial Register
Serial clocks C
Serial clocks D
Video CCDs 1.
In the split frame CCD geometry, the charge in each half of the image area could be shifted independently. Now imagine that the lower image area is covered with an opaque mask. This mask could be a layer of aluminium deposited on the CCD surface or it could be an external mask. This geometry is the basis of the Frame transfer CCD that is used for high frame rate video applications. The area available for imaging is reduced by a half. The lower part of the image becomes the Store area.
Video CCDs 3.
Once the image is safely stored under the mask, it can then be read out at leisure. Since we can independently control the clock phases in the image and store areas, the next image can be integrated in the image area during the readout. The image area can be kept continuously integrating and the detector has only a tiny dead time during the image shift. No external shutter is required but the effective size of the CCD is cut by a half.
Serial clocks
Anti-reflective (AR) coating p-type silicon n-type silicon Silicon dioxide insulating layer Polysilicon electrodes
These are cheap to produce using conventional wafer fabrication techniques. They are used in consumer imaging applications. Even though not all the photons are detected, these devices are still more sensitive than photographic film. They have a low Quantum Efficiency due to the reflection and absorption of light in the surface electrodes. Very poor blue response. The electrode structure prevents the use of an Anti-reflective coating that would otherwise boost performance. The amateur astronomer on a limited budget might consider using thick CCDs. For professional observatories, the economies of running a large facility demand that the detectors be as sensitive as possible; thick front-side illuminated chips are seldom if ever used.
The silicon is chemically etched and polished down to a thickness of about 15microns. Light enters from the rear and so the electrodes do not obstruct the photons. The QE can approach 100% . These are very expensive to produce since the thinning is a non-standard process that reduces the chip yield. These thinned CCDs become transparent to near infra-red light and the red response is poor. Response can be boosted by the application of an anti-reflective coating on the thinned rear-side. These coatings do not work so well for thick CCDs due to the surface bumps created by the surface electrodes. Almost all Astronomical CCDs are Thinned and Backside Illuminated.
Blooming in a CCD 1.
The charge capacity of a CCD pixel is limited, when a pixel is full the charge starts to leak into adjacent pixels. This process is known as Blooming.
pixel boundary
pixel boundary
QE variations
Output Image
Calibration exposures
Flat -Bias
which you measure, analyse, and ux-calibrate with images of standard stars
~ 162 million pixels! And even bigger mosaics are in the works (e.g., Pan-STARRs, LSST)
CFHT MegaCam
CMOS Imagers
CMOS = Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor; its a process, not a particular device Each pixel has its own readout transistor. Could build special electronics on the same chip. Can be read out in a random access fashion. Noisier, less sensitive, and with a lower dynamical range than CCDs, but much cheaper; and have some other advantages Not yet widely used in astronomy, but might be (LSST?)
Photovoltaic IR Detectors
Single pixel infra-red detectors have long used the photovoltaic effect Diode is formed at the junction between a p- and ndoped semiconductor This pn junction generates an internal electric eld to separate the photon generated electron-hole pairs Migration of holes and electrons changes the electric eld, hence there is a voltage change across the junction which can be measured
2-D focal plane arrays : Optical silicon-based (CCD, CMOS) Infrared IR material + silicon CMOS multiplexer
IR (Hybrid) Arrays
Not like CCDs! Each pixel is read out through its own transistor.
IR Hybrid Arrays
Modern IR arrays are hybrid arrays, formed of a sandwich of three layers: Top layer (assuming radiation is coming down) is a Indium Antimonide or Mercury Cadmiun Telluride, doped to act as a photovoltaic detector Bottom layer is a silicon multiplexer, which can be a CCD but if more often an array of tiny MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field effect Transistor) ampliers In between are Indium bump bonds providing an electrical connection between locations on the IR detector and the elements of the silicon multiplexer
IR Arrays
(From J. Zmuidzinas)
TES Array
STJ Array
Measure the energy from a radiation field, usually by measuring a change in resistance of some device as it is heated by the radiation Mainly used in FIR/sub-mm/microwave regime Sensitivity is measured through the Noise Equivalent Power (NEP): the power absorbed which produces S/N=1 at the output (units W/Hz0.5)
Components of a Bolometer
Absorber with heat capacity C Heat sink held at xed temperature T0 Small thermal conductance G between absorber and heat sink Load resistor RL Thermometer w. resistance R Constant current supply generating bias current I Device to measure voltage changes
Schematic of a bolometer
Typically use a semiconductor resistance thermometer, and a metal coated dielectric as the absorber
Spiderweb bolometer
Resistance of a TES