Stručne Riječi - Engleski Sa Prevodom Na Hrvatski
Stručne Riječi - Engleski Sa Prevodom Na Hrvatski
Stručne Riječi - Engleski Sa Prevodom Na Hrvatski
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Why Not the Sun? Advantages of and Problems with Solar Energy
solar cells " device #or collecting and converting solar energ$ % solarne &elije
!' energ$ source % source #rom which we use energ$ " izvor energije (' high voltage % high voltage is dangerous to li#e " viso i na)on *' direct current % current #lows in one direction " istosmjerna struja +' alternating current % current #lows in ,oth direction " izmjeni-na struja .' #ossil #uels % #uel derived #rom animal remains " #osilna goriva /' solar energ$ " energ$ #rom the sun " sun-eva energija 0solarna1 2' solar collector % device #or collecting solar energ$ " solarni ole tor 3' car,on emissions " contamination air ,$ car,on dio4ide " is)u5tanje C6! u atmos#eru 78' ,atter$ % energ$ storage device " ,aterija 77' semiconductor % an insulator at low tem)eratures and at room tem)erature the conductive " )oluvodi7!' 9reen)eace % :ssociation #or Environmental ;rotection " udruga za5tite o oli5a 7(' solar radiation % e4)osure to sunlight " solarna radijacija 7*' scienti#ic #act % scienti#icall$ )roven claims ,$ e4)eriments " znanstvena -injenica 7+' )roduction #acilities % the )lace where something is )roduced " )roizvodni )ogoni
7.' )assive solar % light that gives us the sun #or lighting< #or e4am)le home " sun-evo svj 7/' natural gas " gas #rom the ground " )rirodni )lin 18. electricit$ % natural )henomenon that occurs in the )resence o# a large num,er o# electrons " ele tricitet 73' coal )lant " )ower )lants #ueled ,$ coal % ele trana )ogonjena ugljenom !8' wind )lant " )ower )lant )owered ,$ wind % vjetro ele trana !7' nuclear )lant " )ower )lants #ueled ,$ atomic reaction % nu lerna ele trana !!' coal )lant " )ower )lants #ueled ,$ coal % ele trana )ogonjena ugljenom !(' monocr$stalline solar cells " cells made #rom a single cr$stal " mono ristalne -elije !*' )ol$cr$stalline solar cells " cells made #rom a man$ cr$stal " )oli ristalne -elije !+' conventional energ$ % electrical energ$ that we use ever$ da$ " el'energija 26. solar advocates " )eo)le who advocate #or solar energ$ " solarni zagovornici 27. renewa,le energ$ source " energ$ sources such as sun or wind " o,novljivi izvori ener' !2' coal " #ossil #uel #rom ,elow the ground " ugljen !3' oil " #ossil #uel used #rom man$ industries to ever$da$ li#e " na#ta 30. isolated locations " awa$ )laces without access to the electrical grid " izolirana mjesta 31. utilities % com)anies that care a,out utilities " omunalije 32. net metering % returning energ$ to the grid " )ovrat energije u mre=u ((' glo,al )roduction " )roduction on world scale % glo,alna )roizvodnja (*' ,ase load ",asic load % osnovno o)tere&enje (+' )ea " to) " vrh (.' o##%)ea " ,ottom " dno (/' thin #ilm solar cells " ver$ thin #le4i,le solar cells % solarne &elije u o,li u tan e tra e (2' roo#to) )anels " )anels situated on roo# % vode *8' limitless " something without limit " ,ezgrani-an 41. wind #arms " )laces where wind )roduced electricit$ " vjetroele trane rovni )aneli (3' solar water heaters " solar )anels designed to heat water % solarni grija-i
*!' disadvantage % when something has a disadvantage " nedostata 43. intermittenc$ % something that is not constantl$ " is)re idano 44. mirrored sur#ace " sur#ace which can re#lect the light % zrcalna )ovr5ina *+' intermediate load " medium load % srednje o)tere&enje *.' )ea consum)tion " highest comsum)tion % najve&a )otro5nja */' )ea comsum)tion " lowest comsum)tion % najmanja )otro5nja *2' )hotovoltaic )anels " )anels which trans#ers sun light into voltage % #otona)ons i )aneli *3' shortage " lac o# energ$ % nedostata energije +8' silicon " a chemical element " silicij