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Natural Science 1r ESO UD01 - Test 1 Full Name: Date: Group: A

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Natural Science 1r ESO Full name:


UD01 - Test 1 Group: A

1. Complete the ollo!in" sentences: The solar s#stem is oun$ in a "ala%# calle$ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&. A !hite $!ar !ill en$ its li e as a col$ $ea$ 'o$#( calle$ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&. Stars "roup to"ether ormin"&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&. ). Un$erline the astral 'o$ies that emit their o!n li"ht: *lanets Stars +eteorites Comets Gala%ies Satellites

,. +atch each star !ith its characteristic: Superno-a .e$ "iant /hite $!ar 2lac3 hole A 'i" star that has e%plo$e$ A star that e%pan$s an$ increases its 'ri"htness. 0ts $ensit# is so lar"e that it $oesn1t let out li"ht A small star !hich has consume$ all o its uel

4. E%plain ho! the Sun !ill e-ol-e o-er time.

5. .ea$ an$ anal#6e

7The Great Canar# Telescope( also 3no!n as GTC or G.ANTECAN( is one o the lar"est telescopes in the !orl$. 0t !as o iciall# opene$ on )4th 8ul#( )009( althou"h it ha$ 'een in operation since )00:. The GTC is locate$ at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos( on the islan$ os ;a *alma( at an altitu$e o ),9< meters. These acilities( alon" !ith the Observatorio del Teide( constitute the European Northen O'ser-ator# =ENO>. Due to the ?ualit# o the atmosphere( this place has optimal con$itions or o'ser-ation. 0n a$$ition to this( there is le"islation that protects the atmosphere. /ith this telescope !e can o'ser-e stars an$ ar a!a# "ala%ies. /e can also see 'o$ies that are -er# close( 'ut $i icult to $etect $ue to a lac3 o li"ht. This telescope !ill let us 3no! more a'out 'lac3 holes an$ the characteristics o the Uni-erse since the 2i" 2an".@

a> /hat $o !e mean !hen !e spea3 o optimal con$itions an$ the ?ualit# o the s3#A

'> /h# $o #ou thin3 the ?ualit# o the atmosphere is -er# "oo$ in El .o?ue $e los +uchachosA

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