Adobe Scan Oct 17, 2023
Adobe Scan Oct 17, 2023
Adobe Scan Oct 17, 2023
b. Of the astronomers and researchers mentioned, which one do you believe made the
greatest contribution to our understanding of stars and their functionality? Explain
c. What are some characteristics of stars with mass similar to that of the Sun?
2. When you heat a gas, it )(f' JS . The Sun's outer layers will do just that, and
our star will grow to well over "f-wf it's current size. Astronomers call a star
like this a v \, i t,.,(l..P • •
a. The details are complicated, but the core continues to G(Jn+r)g;,,+' and
·h.1! { VP . It gets so hot that the outer layers swell even more, and the
Sun can bloat up to a'fantastic 10 to 150 times its present size. It will then be a
R 0 Hw .
- At some point, the core contracts and heats up so much that the conditions will
finally be primed for "'- Ii' v vr\ f-vSi Ov\ •. Suddenly, helium is
converted into C.Ovf\i,o Yl . releasing a lot of energy.
c. The Sun will probably undergo a series of tremendous P"'1"0 )<j M'
epic eruptio s as the helium fusion spikes, creating huge surges m e n-e- y
Y r""Oo-\J c+1at'\ . It' II lose even more mass each time.
iii. Any gas near a newly formed white dwarf is likely to be affected by the
intense f"°'-'J.i<M-tah pouring out of it.
b. The first 'P l -Qtf.l'\ Y'r \7V \u_, was discovered in 1764 by the French
astronomer Charles Messier, who spent years spanning the skies looking for
1. If the wind from a star blows off in a sphere, how can planetaries come in
different fantastic shapes? Explain Noam Soker's idea.
11. The glow in a planetary nebula is due to the hut C,et\ tra {.
W hi ½Af .JJ,)(C fir -th. 9'1S
1. Most of the gas is h.'=/ o-r"O" 5e f\
which glows in the j
2. 0 X Y b glows OJ -eV\ ,
giving plan taries their characteristic hue.
b. Because the star was born massive, it spent its hydrogen fusing days as a b(Vit
VV'-,g,ih. :S e'v\fM\C -e
1. It swells up just as the Sun will, but instead of becoming a red giant, it
generates so much energy it becomes a t"-.o- S veet\- ia,n.-i-- .
c. VY Canis Maioris, the largest known star, is a staggerin two billion kilometers
across. We even have a special term for it: a y·f1't'-8 , OJ\+-- .
d. What is the huge difference that occurs when inert iron builds up in the core, then
shrinks and heats up? Explain.
1. The lb
Y'o..1/1-\- of the core is so mind-bogglingly strong that the outer
parts GN(Sh', -J-,o wn on the inner parts at a significant
fraction of the 'S l r d -f l ('?J hi: .
e. The complicated quantum physics brewing in the core generates vast numbers of
subatomic particles called V\ tt'{ V\. OS
3. What are some of the properties of neutron stars? Pick a couple of the statistics
you foun_d to be most interesting.
4. The "weirdest" thing in the sky is held pretty securely bY. the
other type of object created in a supernova: a b hO
Black Holes: Crash Course Astronomy #33 \
Available at https:/ or just youtube/google "Crash Course Astronomy 33"
1. lh.. 'r)Y'- .q,-f is the velocity at which you need
to fling something off the surface of an object to get it to escape.
v. One of Albert Eins in's biggest ideas is that spac isn't just emptiness, it's
an 1l ¼flJO-. \ k? , like a f-<>--bM (,, in which all
M tt-{fk\A and "t- er<a yis embedded.
1. Space and time are basically two parts of the same thing what we
now call 5 f "'-.C.,< - "\ \ W\.R..-- . '
2. Black holes war:P space-time so much that, at the event horizon
I V'-t e- -e,s -ent t c,..l \Y S-\-o J . f '
v1. Black ho-les are so strange, with such fiercely
complicated a_,,{V\. and ? 'f6(C-$ to
explain them, that scientists are still trying
to.figµre out even basic things about them.