Satellite Comm
Satellite Comm
Satellite Comm
satellite s#stems$ *Largest International System(Intel sat) *Domestic sat system in united states(Dom sat) *U.S National Oceanography Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) %. Mention t e di!!erent ser&ices o! satellite s#stems. *Fi ed satellite ser!ices *"roadcasting satellite ser!ices *#o$ile satellite ser!ices *Na!igational satellite ser!ices *#eteorological satellite ser!ices. '. (e!ine Polar-or)itin* Satellites. %olar or$iting Satellites or$it the earth in such a &ay as to co!er the north ' southpolar regions. +. State ke"eler,s !irst law. It states that the path (ollo&ed $y the satellite around the primary &ill $e an ellipse.An ellipse has t&o (ocal points F) 'F*.+he center o( mass o( the t&o $ody system,termed the $arycenter is al&ays centered on one o( the (oci. - ./D*0$*1a -. State.e"eler,s second law. It states that (or e2ual time inter!als,the satellite &ill s&eep out e2ual areas in its or$ital plane,(ocused at the $arycenter. /. State ke"eler,s t ird law. It states that the s2uare o( the periodic time o( or$it is perpendicular to the cu$e o( the mean distance $et&een the t&o $odies. 3. (e!ine a"o*ee 0 "eri*ee. *+he point (arthest (rom the earth is 4no&n as apogee. *+he point closest (rom the earth is 4no&n as perigee.
1. W at is line o! a"sides$ +he line 5oining the perigee ' apogee through the center o( the earth. 2. (e!ine ascendin* 0 descendin* node.
+he point &here the or$it crosses the e2uatorial plane going (rom South North. +he point &here the or$it crosses the e2uatorial plane going (rom South to North.
13. (e!ine inclination. +he angle $et&een the or$ital plane ' the earth6s e2uatorial plane.It is measured at the ascending node (rom the e2uator to the or$it going (rom east to north. 11. (e!ine mean anomal# 0 true anomal# . #ean anomaly7 It gi!es an a!erage !alue o( the angular position o( the satellite &ith re(erence to the perigee. +rue anomaly7 It is the angle (rom perigee to the satellite position ,measured at the earth6 s center. 1%. Mention t e a"o*ee 0"eri*ee ei* t. 8a . a()9e) 8p . a()9e) :a . ra0rp :p .rp08p 1'. (e!ine Uni&ersal time. It is the time used (or all ci!il time 4eeping purposes ' it is the time re(erence &hich is $roadcast $y the national $ureau o( standards as a standard (or setting cloc4s. U+ day .)1*;(hours9minutes1<=9seconds1><==) U+ . ><= ? U+ day. 1+. Mention t e 4ulian dates. @D . @D=)= 9 day num$er 9 Utday
1-. w at is sideral time$ Sideral time is time measured relati!e to the (i ed stars.It &ill $e seen that one complete rotation sideral time relati!e to the sun .+his is $ecause the earth mo!es in its or$it around the sun. 1/. (e!ine Sideral da#. It is de(ined as one complete rotation rotation o( the earth relati!e to the (i ed stars. It is measured as *>hA<m=;s mean solar time. 15. (e!ine 6reenwic our an*le(67A).
+he angular distance (rom the I a is to the Breen&ich merdian is measured directly as Breen&ich sideral time ,also 4no&n as the Breen&ich hour angle. 11. Write t e !ormula !or 6ST. BS+ . CC.<C)=9 ><===.3<DC?t 9=.===;?t 9*9U+ deg %3. w at are t e di!!erence )etween t e *eodetic 0 *eocentric latitudes$ +he latitudes reaches a ma imum at a geocentric latitude o( ;Adeg, &hen the geodetic latitude is ;A.)C*deg.
PART 8(1/ Marks) ).Descri$e the terms o( -arth or$iting satellites. *.- plain the or$ital plane. Dra& it neat s4etch >.- plain the Or$ital pertur$ations. ;.- plain the geocentric e2uatorial 'top centric co0ordinate system. A.- plain the su$ satellite point
Unit II - 9ART7 STATI:; A;( SAT9<<IT9 <I;. (9SI6; PART A (Two Marks) %1. W at is meant )# a=imut an*le$ It is de(ined as the angle produced $y intersection o( local horiEontal plane ' the plane passing through the earth station, the satellite ' center o( earth.
%%. W at are t e conditions o! location o! t e eart station 0 su)satellite "oint o! t e A=imut an*le$ For -S in northern hemisphere7 A.)D=deg0A6 (-S &est o( satellite) A.)D=deg9A6 (-S east o( satellite) For -S in northern hemisphere7 A. A6 (-S &est o( satellite) A. ><=0 A6 (-S east o( satellite) A6 .tan0) FDG H0 OIHLG OI %'. Write s ort notes on attitude control s#stem. It is the system that achie!es ' maintains the re2uired attitudes. +he main (unctions o( attitude control system include maintaining accurate satellite position throughout the li(e span o( the system. %+. W at is an "olar antenna$ A single actuator is used &hich mo!es the antenna in a circular arc ie 4no&n as polar mount antenna. %-. W at is declination$ +he angle o( tilt is o(ten re(erred to as the declination &hich must not $e con(used &ith the magnetic declination used in correcting compass readings. %/. (e!ine t e terms in 9cli"se. During euino periods,the earth the sun ' the satellite are in alignment &ith the result that earth6 s shado& eclipses tha satellite ' the sunlight (ails to reach the satellite solar cells. +he eclipse e((ect is noticea$le (or periods o( a$out (our &ee4s ' the ma imum daily eclipse duration is a$out ).*=hours. %5. W at is meant )# "a#load$ +he payload re(ers to the e2uipment used to pro!ide the ser!ice (or &hich the satellite has $een launched.
%1. W at is meant )# trans"onder$ In a communication satellite, the e2uipment &hich pro!ides the connecting lin4 $et&een the satellite6 s transmit' recei!e antennas is re(erred to as the transponder. %2. Write s ort notes on station kee"in*. It is the process o( maintenance o( satellite6 s attitude against di((erent (actors that can cause dri(t &ith time.Satellites need to ha!e their or$its ad5usted (rom time to time $ecause the satellite initially placed in the correct or$it,natural (orces induce a progressi!e dri(t. '3. W at is mean )# Pitc an*le$ #o!ement o( a spacecra(t a$out an a is &hich is perpendicular to its longitudinal a is.It is the deg o( ele!ation or depression. '1. W at is an "ro"ellant$ A solid or li2uid su$stance $urnt in a roc4et (or the purpose o( producing thurst. '%. W at is an >aw$ Ja& is the rotation o( a !echicle a$out its !ertical a is. ''. W at is an ?ero @*, $ Kero Lg6 is a state &hen the gra!itational attraction is opposed $y e2ual ' opposite inertial (orces ' the $ody e periences no mechanical stress. '+. (escri)e t e s"in sta)ili=ed satellites. In a, spin sta$iliEed satellites,the $ody o( the satellite spins at a$out >= to )==rpm a$out the a is perpendicular to the or$ital plane.+he satellites are normally dual spin satellites &ith a spinning section ' a despun section on &hich antennas are mounted.+hese are 4ept stationary & earth $y counter rotating the despunsection. '-. W at is meant )# !reAuenc# reuse$ +he carrier &ith opposite senses o( polariEation may o!erlap in (re2uency this techni2ue is 4no&n as (re2uency reuse. '/. W at is meant )# s"ot )eam antenna$ A $eam generated $y a communication satellite antenna o( su((icient siEe that the angular spread o( su((icient siEe that the angular spread o( the energy in the $eam is !ery small &ith the result that a region that is only a (e& hundred 4m in diameter is illuminated on earth.
'5. W at is an TWTA$ +he +F+AS are &idely used in transponder to pro!ide the (inal output po&er re2uired to the transtu$e ' its po&er supplies. '1. W at is meant )# Intermodulation distortion$ +he A#1%# con!ersion is then a complicated (unction o( carrier amplitudes,$ut in addition,the nonlinear trans(er characteristic introduces a more serious (orm o( distortion 4no&n as intermodulation distortion. '2. (e!ine in"ut )acko!!. In order to reduce the intermodulation distortion,the operating point o( the +F+ must $e shi(ted closer to the linear portion o( the cur!e,the reduction in input po&er $eing re(erred to as i1p $ac4o((. +3. (e!ine di"leBer. +he transmit ' recei!es signals are separated in a de!ice 4no&n as diple er PART 8(1/ Marks) <. - plain the loo4 angle determination. Dra& it neat s4etch. 3. - plain the polar mount antenna. Dra& it neat s4etch.
D. - plain the limits o( !isi$ility ' sun transit outage. C.- plain the attitude control. Dra& it neat s4etch.
Unit III - SAT9<<IT9 ACC9SS PART A (% Marks) +1. W at is an :MT$ +he polariEation seperation ta4es place in a de!ice 4no&n as an orthocoupler or orthogonal mode transducer.
+%. W at is an "olari=ation interlea&in*$ O!erlap occurs $et&een channels,$ut these are alternating polariEed le(t hand circular ' righthand circular to reduce inter(erence to accepta$le le!els.+his is re(erred to as polariEation interlea!ing. +'. W at is an SCPC$ In a thin route circuit,a transponder channel(><mhE) may $e occupied $y a no. o( single carriers,each associated &ith its o&n !oice circuit. ++. (e!ine SC; ratio. +he S1N introduced in the preceding section is used to re(er to the ratio o( signal po&er to noise po&er at the recei!er output.+his ratio is sometimes re(erred to as the post detector. +-. W at is noise wei* tin*$ Impro!e the post detection signal to noise ratio is re(erred to as noise &eighting. +/. W at is an 9IRP$ It is a measure o( radiated or transmitted po&er o( an antenna.It can $e completed (rom the antenna gain ' the po&er (ed to the antenna input. +5. Write t e eAuations o! losses !or clear sk# conditions. Losses.(FSL)9(8FL)9(A#L)9(AA)9(%L) +1. W at is an noise "ower s"ectral densit#$ Noise po&er per unit "F is termed the N%S density. N= . %N1"N.M+N 5oules +2. W at is an Intermodulation noise$ Intermodulation distortion in high po&er ampli(ier can result in signal products &hich appear as noise ' in (act is re(erred to as Intermodulation noise. -3. W at are t e t#"es o! antenna losses$ *s4y noise *Antenna losses
-1. W at is an antenna losses$ It is add to noise recei!ed as radiation ' the total antenna noise temperature is in the sum o( the e2ui!alent noise temperature o( all these sources. -%. (e!ine sk# noise. It is a term used to descri$e the micro&a!e radiation &hich is present through tout uni!erse ' &hich appears to originate (rom matter in any (orm ,at (inite temperature. -'. (e!ine noise !actor. An alternati!e &ay o( representing ampli(ier noise is $y means o( its noise (actor. In de(ining the NF o( an ampli(ier,denoted $y to usually ta4en as *C=4 N=,out . FBM+= -+ W at is an A)sor"ti&e nCw$ It is one &hich contains resisti!e elements.+hese introduce losses $y a$sor$ing energy (rom the signal' con!erting it to heat.8esisti!e attenuators, transmission lines ' &a!eguides are all e amples o( apsorpti!e net&or4s. --. Write t e eAuation o! s#stem noise !actor. +S .+ant9 +e)9(L0))+=1B)9L(F0))+=1B) -/. (e!ine saturation !luB densit#. +he (lu density re2uired at the recei!ing antenna to produce saturation o( +F+A is termed the saturation (lu density. -5. A satellite downlink at 1%67? o"erates wit a transmit "ower o! /w 0 an antenna gain o( ;D.*d$.Nalculate the -I8% in D$&. -I8% . )=log<9;D.* .A<D$&. -1. Calculate t e *ain o! a 'm "ara)olidal antenna o"eratin* at a !reAuenc# o! )*B:K.Assume an aperture e((iciency o( =.A. B.)=log3D)<D .;D.CD$
-2. T e ran*e )etween a *round station 0 a satellite is +%333km. Calculate t e !ree s"ace loss a (re2uency o( <B:K. (FSL).>*.;9*=log;*===9*=log<=== .*==.;D$. /3. An antenna as a noise tem"erature o! '-k 0 its matc ed into a recei&er w ic noise temp o( )==4. Nalculate the noise po&er density ' the noise po&er (or a "F o( ><#:K. N=.(>A9)==)?).>D?)=0*> .).D<?)=0*)@ %N . ).D<?)=0*)@?><?)=< .=.=<3%F PART 8(1/ Marks) )).Dra& the neat s4etch ' e plain the Input Demultiple er. )*. Dra& the neat s4etch ' e plain the Antenna su$system. )>. Dra& the $loc4 diagram ' e plain the 8ecei!e only home +H systems. );. - plain the indoor unit' outdoor unit. )A. Dra& the $loc4 diagram ' e plain the #aster antenna +H system. as a
Unit ID 9ART7 S96M9;T PART A (% Marks) /1. W at is a sin*le mode o! o"eration$ A transponder channel a$oard a satellite may $e (ully loaded $y a single transmission (rom an earthstation.+his is re(erred to as a single acess mode o( operation. /%. W at are t e met ods o! multi"le acess tec niAues$ FD#A(Fre2uency di!ision multiple techni2ues)
+D#A (+ime di!ision multiple techni2ues) /'. W at is in C(MA$0 its t#"es$ In this method each signal is associated &ith a particular code that is used to spread the signal in (re2uency ' or time. *Spread spectrum multiple acess *%ulse address multiple acess /+. W at is a t in route ser&ice$ SN%N systems are &idely used on lightly loaded routes,this type o( ser!ice $eing re(erred to as a thin route ser!ice. /-. W at is an im"ortant !eature o! Intelsat SCPC s#stem$ +he system is that each channel is !oice acti!ated.+his means that on a t&o &ay telephone con!ersation only one carrier is operati!e at any one time. //. W at is an T(MA$W at are t e Ad&anta*e$ Only one carrier uses the transponder at anyone time,' there(ore intermodulationproducts,&hich results (rom the nonlinear ampli(ication o( multiple carriers are a$sent. #erits7 +he transponder tra!eling &a!e tu$e can $e operated at ma imum po&er o1p or saturation. /5. W at is "ream)le$ Nertain time slots at the $eginning o( each $urst are used to carry timing 'synchroniEing in(ormation. +hese time slots collecti!ely are re(erred to as pream$le. /1. (e!ine *uard time. It is necessary to $et&een $ursts to pre!ent the $ursts (rom o!erlapping. +he guard time &ill !ary (rom $urst to $urst depending on the accuracy &ith &hich the !arious $ursts can $e positioned &ithin each (rame. /2. W at is meant )# decodin* Auenc in*$ In certain phase detection systems the phase detector must $e allo&ed time to reco!er (rom one $urst $e(ore the ne t $urst is recei!ed $y it. +his is 4no& as decoding 2uenching.
53. W at is meant )# direct closed loo" !eed)ack$ +he timing positions are rec4oned (rom the last $it o( the uni2ue &ord in the pream$le .+he loop method is also 4no&n as direct closed loop (eed$ac4. 51. W at is meant )# !eed)ack closed loo" control$ +he synchroniEation in(ormation is transmitted $ac4 to an earth station (rom a distant, that is termed (eed$ac4 closed loop control. 5%. (e!ine !rame e!!icienc#. It is a measure o( the (raction o( (rame time used (or the transmission o( tra((ic. 5'. W at is meant )# tele" one load acti&it# !actor$ +he (raction o( time a transmission channel is acti!e is 4no&n as the telephone load acti!ity (actor. 5+. W at is meant )# di*ital s"eec inter"olation $ +he point is that (or a signi(icant (raction o( the time the channel is a!aila$le (or other transmissions,' ad!antages is ta4en o( this in a (orm o( demand assignment 4no&n as digital speech interpolation. 5-. W at are t e t#"es o! di*ital s"eec inter"olation$ Digital time assignment speech interpolation Speech predictive encoded communications 5/. W at is meant )# !ree=e out$ It has assumed that a (ree satellite channel &ill $e (ound (or any incoming speechspurt,$ut o(course there is a (inite pro$a$ility that all channels &ill $e occupied ' the speech spurt lost.Losing a speech spurt in this manner is re(erred to as (reeEe out. 55. W at is (SI$ +he DSI gain is the ratio o( the num$er o( terrestrialchannels to num$er o( satellite channels.It depends on the num$er o( satellite channels pro!ided as &ell the design o$5ecti!es stated a$o!e. 51. W at is t e ad&anta*e o! SP9C met od o&er (SI met od$ +he S%-N method o!er DSI method is that (reeE out does not occur during o!erload conditions.
52. W at is ratio o! )it rate IE )andwidt $ 8$1"IF %II Lm6 is the roll o( (actor m.) (or "%SM #.* (or G%SM. D=. Fhat are the demerits o( con!entional approach methodO *- cessi!e siEe ' &eight and %o&er consumption. PART 8 (1/ Marks) )<.- plain the -I8%' +ransmission losses. )3.Dra& the $loc4 diagram' - plain the System noise temperature. )D. - plain the carrier to noise ratio o( uplin4 ' do&nlin4 (re2uency. )C.- plain the Intermodulation noise ' saturation (lu density. *=. - plain the operation o( FD#A system &ith rele!ant diagram.
Unit D - SAT9<<IT9 APP<ICATI:;S PART A (% Marks) 11. (e!ine s"ace di&ision multi"leBin*. +he satellites in Beostationary or$it can $e achie!ed through the use o( antenna spot $eams.+he use o( spot $eam is also 4no&n as space di!ision multiple ing. 1%. (e!ine satellite switc ed T(MA$ Space di!ision multiple ing can $e realiEed $y s&itching the antenna interconnections in synchronism &ith the +D#A (rame rate,this $eing 4no& as satellite s&itched +D#A. 1'. W at is SSCT(MA$ A modern pattern is a repetiti!e se2uence o( satellite s&itch modes, also re(erred to as SS1+D#A.
1+. W at is "rocessin* *ain$ +he 5amming or inter(erence signal energy is redused $y a (actor 4no&n as the processing gain. 1-. W at are t e a""lications o! Radar sat$
*Shipping ' (isheries *Ocean (eature mapping *Oil pollution monitoring *Ice$erg detection *Nrop monitoring
1/. W at is 9C9E$ +he geocentric e2uatorial coordinate system is used &ith the B%S system,&here it is called the earth centered,earth (i ed coordinate system. 15. W at is dilution o! "recision$ %osition calculations in!ol!e range di((erences,' &here the ranges are nearly e2ual,any error is greatly magni(ied in the di((erence.+his e((ect,$rought a$out as 4no&n as a result o( the satellite geometry is 4no&n as dilution o( precision. 12. W at is P(:P$ Fith the B%S system ,dilution o( position is ta4en into account through a (actor 4no&n as the position dilution o( precision. 23. W at is )urst code word$ It is a $inary &ord ,a copy o( &hich is stored at each earth station. 21. (e!in SIC. +he identi(ies the +ransmitting station. 2%. W at is an start o! recei&in* !rame$ At any gi!en tra((ic station,detection o( the uni2ue &ord in the re(erence $urst signals the start o( recei!ing (rame.
2'. W at is meant )# )urst "osition acAuisition 0 )urst "osition s#nc roni=ation$ A station 5ust entering ,or reentering a(ter a long delay to ac2uire its correct slot position. 2+. W at is an sin*le access$ A transponder channel a$oard a satellite may $e (ully loaded $y a single transmission (rom earth station. 2-. W at is an multi"le access tec niAue$ A transponder to $e loaded $y a num$er o( carriers.+hese may originate (rom a num$er o( earth station may transmit one or more o( the carriers.+his mode o( operation 4no&n as multiple access techni2ue. 2/. W at are t e two t#"es o! multi"le access tec niAue$ * FD#A * +D#A 25. W at is meant )# !reAuenc# reuse$ +he satellite as a &hole to $e accessed $y earth stations &idely separated geographically $ut transmitting on the same (re2uency i.e., 4no&n as (re2uency reuse. 21. W at is meant )# s"ace di&ision multi"le accesses$ +he satellite as a &hole to $e accessed $y earth stations &idely separated geographically $ut transmitting on the same (re2uency i.e., 4no&n as (re2uency reuse. +his method o( access 4no&n as space di!ision multiple access. 22. Write t e eAuations o! CC; ratio. N1N=.(-I8%)9(B1+)0LOSS-S0(M) d":E. 133. W at is an error detectin* code$ A code &hich allo&s (or the detection o( errors is termed an error detecting code.
PART 8 (1/ Marks) *).- plain the operation o( FD#A do&n lin4 analysis. **.Dra& the Frame (ormat ' e plain the operation o( +D#A system.
*>.Dra& the data (ormat ' e plain the Uni2ue &ord detection. *;. - plain the Satellite s&itched +D#A ' ND#A.Dra& the neat s4etch. *A. - plain the 8adar sat ' #SA+.#ention the applications.