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Chandrayaan-1 (Sanskrit: -, lit: Moon vehicle[3][4] pronunciation (helpin o!! "as #ndia$s irst un%anned lunar pro&e' #t "as launched &y the #ndian Space (esearch )r*anisation in )cto&er +,,-, and operated until .u*ust +,,/' 0he %ission included a lunar or&iter and an i%pactor' #ndia launched the spacecra t "ith a %odi ied version o the 1S23, 1S23 C11[1][4] on ++ )cto&er +,,- ro% Satish 5ha"an Space Centre, Sriharikota, 6ellore 5istrict, .ndhra 1radesh, a&out -, k% north o Chennai, at ,7:++ #S0 (,,:4+ 80C!'[7] 9or%er pri%e %inister .tal :ihari 3a;payee announced the pro;ect on course in his #ndependence 5ay speech on 14 .u*ust +,,3' 0he %ission "as a %a;or &oost to #ndia$s space pro*ra%,[<] as #ndia researched and developed its o"n technolo*y in order to e=plore the Moon' [-]0he vehicle "as success ully inserted into lunar or&it on - 6ove%&er +,,-' [/] )n 14 6ove%&er +,,-, the Moon #%pact 1ro&e separated ro% the Chandrayaan or&iter at +,:,7 and struck the south pole in a controlled %anner, %akin* #ndia the ourth country to place its la* on the Moon' [1,] 0he pro&e i%pacted near the crater Shackleton at +,:31 e;ectin* under*round soil that could &e analysed or the presence o lunar "ater ice'[11][1+] 0he esti%ated cost or the pro;ect "as 3'-7 &illion #ndian rupees (8S>/, %illion!' 0he re%ote sensin* lunar satellite had a %ass o 1,3-, kilo*ra%s (3,,4+ l&! at launch and 7<4 kilo*ra%s (1,4-- l&! in lunar or&it'[13] #t carried hi*h resolution re%ote sensin* e?uip%ent or visi&le, near in rared, and so t and hard @-ray re?uencies' )ver a t"o-year period, it "as intended to survey the lunar sur ace to produce a co%plete %ap o its che%ical characteristics and three-di%ensional topo*raphy' 0he polar re*ions are o special interest as they %i*ht contain ice'[14] 0he lunar %ission carries ive #S() payloads and si= payloads ro% other space a*encies includin* 6.S., AS., and the :ul*arian .erospace .*ency, "hich "ere carried ree o cost'[14] . ter su erin* ro% several technical issues includin* ailure o the star sensors and poor ther%al shieldin*, Chandrayaan stopped sendin* radio si*nals at 1:3, .M#S0 on +/ .u*ust +,,/ shortly a ter "hich, the #S() o icially declared the %ission over' Chandrayaan operated or 31+ days as opposed to the intended t"o years &ut the %ission achieved /4 percent o its planned o&;ectives' [+][17][1<][1-] .%on* its %any achieve%ents "as the discovery o the "idespread presence o "ater %olecules in lunar soil' [1/]

0he %ission had the ollo"in* stated scienti ic o&;ectives: [+,] to desi*n, develop, launch and or&it a spacecra t around the Moon usin* an #ndian-%ade launchvehicle to conduct scienti ic e=peri%ents usin* instru%ents on the spacecra t "hich "ould yield data: or the preparation o a three-di%ensional atlas ("ith hi*h spatial and altitude resolution o 4B1, %! o &oth the near and ar sides o the Moon or che%ical and %ineralo*ical %appin* o the entire lunar sur ace at hi*h spatial resolution, %appin* particularly the che%ical ele%ents %a*nesiu%, alu%iniu%, silicon, calciu%, iron, titaniu%, radon,uraniu%, and thoriu% to increase scienti ic kno"led*e to test the i%pact o a su&-satellite (Moon #%pact 1ro&e C M#1! on the sur ace on the Moon as a ore-runner to uture so t-landin* %issions

Mass 1,3-, k* at launch, 7<4 k* at lunar or&it,[+1] and 4+3 k* a ter releasin* the i%pactor' Dimensions Cu&oid in shape o appro=i%ately 1'4 % Communications @ &and, ,'< % dia%eter dual *i%&alled para&olic antenna or payload data trans%ission' 0he 0ele%etry, 0rackin* D Co%%and (00C! co%%unication operates inS &and re?uency' Power 0he spacecra t is %ainly po"ered &y its solar array, "hich includes one solar panel coverin* a total area o +'14 = 1'- % *eneratin* <4, E o peak po"er, "hich is stored in a 37 .h lithiu%-ion &attery or use durin* eclipses'[++]

Propulsion 0he spacecra t uses a &ipropellant inte*rated propulsion syste% to reach lunar or&it as "ell as or&it and altitude %aintenance "hile or&itin* the Moon' 0he po"er plant consists o one 44, 6 en*ine and ei*ht ++ 6 thrusters' 9uel and o=idiser are stored in t"o tanks o 3/, litres each'[+1][++] avi!ation"and"control 0he cra t is 3-a=is sta&ilised "ith t"o star sensors, *yros and our reaction "heels' 0he cra t carries dual redundant &us %ana*e%ent units or attitude control, sensor processin*, antenna orientation, etc'[+1][++]

Fi*h-resolution %ineralo*ical and che%ical i%a*in* o the per%anently shado"ed north- and south-polar re*ions Searchin* or sur ace or su&-sur ace lunar "ater-ice, especially at the lunar poles #denti ication o che%icals in lunar hi*hland rocks Che%ical strati*raphy o the lunar crust &y re%ote sensin* o the central uplands o lar*e lunar craters, and o the South 1ole .itken (e*ion (S1.(!, an e=pected site o interior %aterial Mappin* the hei*ht variation o eatures o the lunar sur ace )&servation o @-ray spectru% *reater than 1, ke3 and stereo*raphic covera*e o %ost o the Moon$s sur ace "ith 4 % resolution 1rovidin* ne" insi*hts in understandin* the Moon$s ori*in and evolution [+3]

0he scienti ic payload had a total %ass o /, k* and contained ive #ndian instru%ents and si= orei*n instru%ents'

$MC or the $errain"Mappin!"Camera is a CC5 ca%era "ith 4 % resolution and a 4, k% s"ath in the panchro%atic &and and "as used to produce a hi*h-resolution %ap o the Moon' [+4] 0he ai% o this instru%ent "as to co%pletely %ap the topo*raphy o the Moon' 0he ca%era "orks in the visi&le re*ion o the electro%a*netic spectru% and captures &lack and "hite stereo i%a*es' Ehen used in con;unction "ith data ro% 2unar 2aser (an*in* #nstru%ent (22(#!, it can help in &etter understandin* o the lunar *ravitational ield as "ell' 0MC "as &uilt &y the #S()$s Space .pplications Centre (S.C! at .h%eda&ad'[+4] 0he 0MC "as success ully tested on +/ )cto&er +,,- throu*h a set o co%%ands issued ro% #S0(.C'[+7] %yS# or %yper"Spectral"#ma!er per or%ed %ineralo*ical %appin* in the 4,,B/,, n% &and "ith a spectral resolution o 14 n% and a spatial resolution o -, %' &&'# or &unar"&aser"'an!in!"#nstrument deter%ines the hei*ht o the sur ace topo*raphy &y sendin* pulses o in rared laser li*ht to"ards the lunar sur ace and detectin* the re lected portion o that li*ht' #t operated continuously and collected 1, %easure%ents per second on &oth the day and ni*ht sides o the Moon' 22(# "as developed &y 2a&oratory or Alectro )ptics Syste%s o #S(), :an*alore'[+<] #t "as success ully tested on 17 6ove%&er +,,-'[+<][+-] %() is a %i!h"(ner!y"aj*!amma"+-ray"spectrometer or 3, B +,, ke3 %easure%ents "ith *round resolution o 4, k%, the FA@ %easured 8, 0h, +1,1&, +++(n de*assin*, and other radioactive ele%ents' M#P or the Moon"#mpact"Probe developed &y the #S(), is an i%pact pro&e "hich consisted o a C-&and (adar alti%eter or %easure%ent o altitude o the pro&e, a video i%a*in* syste% or ac?uirin* i%a*es o the lunar sur ace and a %ass spectro%eter or %easurin* the constituents o the lunar at%osphere'[+/] #t "as e;ected at +,:,, hours #S0 on 14 6ove%&er +,,-' 0he Moon #%pact 1ro&e success ully crash landed at the lunar south pole at +,:31 hours #S0 on 14 6ove%&er +,,-' #t carried "ith it a picture o the #ndian la*' #ndia is no" the ourth nation to place a la* on the Moon a ter the Soviet 8nion, 8nited States and Gapan' C1)S or )-ray"fluorescence"spectrometer coverin* 1- 1, ke3, %apped the a&undance o M*, .l, Si, Ca, 0i, and 9e at the sur ace "ith a *round resolution o +4 k%, and %onitored


solar lu='[3,] 0his payload results ro% colla&oration &et"een (uther ord .ppleton la&oratory, 8'H, AS. and #S()' #t "as activated on +3 6ove%&er +,,-' [31] S-'-, $he"Sub-.e/"-tom"'eflectin!"-nalyser ro% the AS. %apped %ineral co%position usin* lo" ener*y neutral ato%s e%itted ro% the sur ace'[3+][33] M0, the Moon"Mineralo!y"Mapper ro% :ro"n 8niversity and G12 ( unded &y 6.S.! is an i%a*in* spectro%eter desi*ned to %ap the sur ace %ineral co%position' #t "as activated on 1< 5ece%&er +,,-'[34] S#'-1, . near in rared spectro%eter ro% AS., &uilt at the Ma= 1lanck #nstitute or Solar Syste% (esearch, 1olish .cade%y o Science and 8niversity o :er*en, also %aped the %ineral co%position usin* an in rared *ratin* spectro%eter' 0he instru%ent is si%ilar to that o the S%art-1 S#('[34][37] #t "as activated on 1/ 6ove%&er +,,- and scienti ic o&servations "ere success ully started on +, 6ove%&er +,,-'[31] Mini-S-', desi*ned, &uilt and tested or 6.S. &y a lar*e tea% that includes the 6aval .ir Ear are Center, Gohns Fopkins 8niversity .pplied 1hysics 2a&oratory, Sandia 6ational 2a&oratories, (aytheonand 6orthrop Iru%%an' Mini-S.( is the active Synthetic .perture (adar syste% to search or lunar polar ice' 0he instru%ent trans%itted ri*ht polarised radiation "ith a re?uency o +'4 IFJ and %onitored scattered le t and ri*ht polarised radiation' 0he 9resnel re lectivity and the circular polarisation ratio (C1(! are the key para%eters deduced ro% these %easure%ents' #ce sho"s the Coherent :ackscatter )pposition A ect "hich results in an enhance%ent o re lections and C1(, so that "ater content o the Moon$s polar re*ions can &e esti%ated'[3<][3-][3/] '-DOM-2, 'adiation"Dose"Monitor"(+periment ro% the :ul*arian .cade%y o Sciences %aps the radiation environ%ent around the Moon'[4,] #t "as success ully tested on 17 6ove%&er +,,-'[+<][+-]

Chandrayaan-1 "as launched on ++ )cto&er +,,- at 7'++ a% #S0 ro% Satish 5ha"an Space Centre usin* the #S()$s 44'4 %etre tall our-sta*e 1S23 launch rocket' Chandrayaan-1 "as sent to the Moon in a series o or&it-increasin* %anoeuvres around the Aarth over a period o +1 days as opposed to launchin* the cra t on a direct tra;ectory to the Moon' [41] .t launch the spacecra t "as inserted into *eostationary trans er or&it (I0)! "ith an apo*ee o ++,-7, k% and a peri*ee o +44 k%' 0he apo*ee "as increased "ith a series o ive or&it &urns conducted over a period o 13 days a ter launch' [41] 9or the duration o the %ission, #S()$s tele%etry, trackin* and co%%and net"ork (#S0(.C! at 1eenya in :an*alore, tracked and controlled Chandrayaan-1'[4+] Scientists ro% #ndia, Aurope, and the 8'S' conducted a hi*h-level revie" o Chandrayaan-1 on +/ Ganuary +,,/ a ter the spacecra t co%pleted its irst 1,, days in space'[43]

,irst"orbit"burn 0he irst or&it-raisin* %anoeuvre o Chandrayaan-1 spacecra t "as per or%ed at ,/:,, hrs #S0 on +3 )cto&er +,,- "hen the spacecra tKs 44, 6e"ton 2i?uid An*ine "as ired or a&out 1- %inutes &y co%%andin* the spacecra t ro% Spacecra t Control Centre (SCC! at #S() 0ele%etry, 0rackin* and Co%%and 6et"ork (#S0(.C! at 1eenya, :an*alore' Eith this Chandrayaan-1Ks apo*ee "as raised to 3<,/,, k%, and its peri*ee to 3,4 k%' #n this or&it, Chandrayaan-1 spacecra t took a&out 11 hours to *o around the Aarth once'[44] Second"orbit"burn 0he second or&it-raisin* %anoeuvre o Chandrayaan-1 spacecra t "as carried out on +4 )cto&er +,,- at ,4:4- #S0 "hen the spacecra tKs en*ine "as ired or a&out 17 %inutes, raisin* its apo*ee to <4,<14 k%, and its peri*ee to 337 k%, thus co%pletin* +, percent o its ;ourney' #n this or&it, Chandrayaan-1 spacecra t took a&out t"enty- ive and a hal hours to *o round the Aarth once' 0his is the irst ti%e an #ndian spacecra t has *one &eyond the 37,,,, k% hi*h *eostationary or&it and reached an altitude %ore than t"ice that hei*ht'[44] $hird"orbit"burn 0he third or&it raisin* %anoeuvre "as initiated on +7 )cto&er +,,- at ,<:,- #S0 "hen the spacecra tKs en*ine "as ired or a&out nine and a hal %inutes' Eith this its apo*ee "as raised to 174,7,, k%, and the peri*ee to 34- k%' #n this or&it, Chandrayaan-1 took a&out <3 hours to *o around the Aarth once' [47]

,ourth"orbit"burn 0he ourth or&it-raisin* %anoeuvre took place on +/ )cto&er +,,- at ,<:3- #S0 "hen the spacecra t$s en*ine "as ired or a&out three %inutes, raisin* its apo*ee to +7<,,,, k% and the peri*ee to 474 k%' 0his e=tended its or&it to a distance %ore than hal the "ay to the Moon' #n this or&it, the spacecra t took a&out si= days to *o around the Aarth once'[4<] ,inal"orbit"burn 0he i th and inal or&it raisin* %anoeuvre "as carried out on 4 6ove%&er +,,- ,4:47 a% #S0 "hen the spacecra tKs en*ine "as ired or a&out t"o and a hal %inutes resultin* in Chandrayaan-1 enterin* the2unar 0rans er 0ra;ectory "ith an apo*ee o a&out 3-,,,,, k%'[4-]

Chandrayaan-1 success ully co%pleted the lunar or&it insertion operation on - 6ove%&er +,,- at 17:41 #S0' 0his %anoeuvre involved irin* o the li?uid en*ine or -1< seconds (a&out thirteen and hal %inutes! "hen the spacecra t passed "ithin 4,, k% ro% the Moon' 0he satellite "as placed in an elliptical or&it that passed over the polar re*ions o the Moon, "ith <4,+ k% aposelene (point arthest a"ay ro% the Moon! and 4,4 k% periselene, (nearest to the Moon!' 0he or&ital period "as esti%ated to &e around 11 hours' Eith the success ul co%pletion o this operation, #ndia &eca%e the si=th nation to put a vehicle in lunar or&it'[/] ,irst"orbit"reduction 9irst 2unar )r&it (eduction Manoeuvre o Chandrayaan-1 "as carried out success ully on / 6ove%&er +,,- at +,:,3 #S0' 5urin* this, the en*ine o the spacecra t "as ired or a&out 4< seconds' 0his reduced the periselene ro% 4,4 k% to +,, k% "hile aposelene re%ained unchan*ed at <,4,+ k%' #n this elliptical or&it, Chandrayaan-1 took a&out ten and a hal hours to circle the Moon once' [4/] Second"orbit"reduction 0his %anoeuvre, "hich resulted in steep decrease in Chandrayaan-1Ks aposelene ro% <,4,+ k% to +44 k% and its periselene ro% +,, k% to 1-< k%, "as carried out on 1, 6ove%&er +,,- at +1:4- #S0' 5urin* this %anoeuvre, the en*ine "as ired or a&out -77 seconds (a&out ourteen and hal %inutes!' Chandrayaan-1 took t"o hours and 17 %inutes to *o around the Moon once in this or&it' [4,] $hird"orbit"reduction 0hird 2unar )r&it (eduction "as carried out &y irin* the on &oard en*ine or 31 seconds on 11 6ove%&er +,,- at 1-:3, #S0' 0his reduced the periselene ro% 1-< k% to 1,1 k%, "hile the aposelene re%ained constant at +44 k%' #n this or&it Chandrayaan-1 took t"o hours and / %inutes to *o around the Moon once'[41] ,inal"orbit Chandrayaan-1 spacecra t "as success ully placed into a %ission-speci ic lunar polar or&it o 1,, k% a&ove the lunar sur ace on 1+ 6ove%&er +,,-'[4+][43] #n the inal or&it reduction %anoeuvre, Chandrayaan1Ks aposelene "as reduced ro% +44 k% to 1,, k% "hile the periselene "as reduced ro% 1,1 k% to 1,, k%'[43] #n this or&it, Chandrayaan-1 takes a&out t"o hours to *o around the Moon once' 0"o o the 11 payloads B the 0errain Mappin* Ca%era (0MC! and the (adiation 5ose Monitor ((.5)M! B have already &een success ully s"itched on' 0he 0MC success ully ac?uired i%a*es o &oth the Aarth and the Moon'[43]

0he Moon #%pact 1ro&e (M#1! crash-landed on the lunar sur ace on 14 6ove%&er +,,-, 14:,1 80C (+,:31 #ndian Standard 0i%e (#S0!! near the crater Shackleton at the south pole'[4+] 0he M#1 "as one o eleven scienti ic instru%ents (payloads! on &oard Chandrayaan-1' [44] 0he M#1 separated ro% Chandrayaan at 1,, k% ro% lunar sur ace and &e*an its nosedive at 14:37 80C (+,:,7 #S0!' *oin* into ree all or thirty %inutes' [4+] .s it ell, it kept sendin* in or%ation &ack to the %other satellite "hich, in turn, &ea%ed the in or%ation &ack to Aarth' 0he alti%eter then also &e*an recordin* %easure%ents to prepare or a rover to land on the lunar sur ace durin* a second Moon %ission B planned or +,1+'[1,][44][47] 9ollo"in* the success ul deploy%ent o the M#1, the other scienti ic instru%ents "ere turned on, startin* the ne=t phase o the %ission'[44] . ter scienti ic analyses o the received data ro% the M#1, the #ndian Space (esearch )r*anisation con ir%ed the presence o "ater in the lunar soil and pu&lished the indin* in a press con erence addressed &y its then Chair%an Sri' I' Madhavan 6air'

#S() had reported on +4 6ove%&er +,,- that Chandrayaan-1$s te%perature had risen a&ove nor%al to 4, LC,[4<] scientists said that it "as caused &y hi*her than nor%al te%peratures in lunar or&it' [4<] 0he te%perature "as &rou*ht do"n &y a&out 1, LC &y rotatin* the spacecra t a&out +, de*rees and s"itchin* o so%e o the instru%ents'[4<] Su&se?uently #S() reported on +< 6ove%&er +,,- that the spacecra t "as operatin* under nor%al te%perature conditions'[4-] #n su&se?uent reports #S() says, since the spacecra t "as still recordin* hi*her than nor%al te%peratures, it "ould &e runnin* only one instru%ent at a ti%e until Ganuary +,,/ "hen lunar or&ital te%perature conditions are said to sta&ilise' [4/] 0he spacecra t "as e=periencin* hi*h te%perature &ecause o radiation ro% the Sun and in rared radiation re lected &y the Moon'[7,]

0he %ineral content on the lunar sur ace "as %apped "ith the Moon Mineralo*y Mapper (M3!, a 6.S. instru%ent on &oard the or&iter' 0he presence o iron "as reiterated and chan*es in rock and %ineral co%position have &een identi ied' 0he )riental :asin re*ion o the Moon "as %apped, and it indicates a&undance o iron-&earin* %inerals such as pyro=ene'[71]

#S() announced in Ganuary +,,/ the co%pletion o the %appin* o the .pollo Moon %issions landin* sites &y the or&iter, usin* %ultiple payloads' Si= o the sites have &een %apped includin* that o .pollo 11, the irst %ission that &rou*ht hu%ans on the Moon' [7+]

0he cra t co%pleted 3,,, or&its ac?uirin* <,,,, i%a*es o the lunar sur ace, [73][74][74] "hich %any in #S() &elieve is ?uite a record co%pared to the lunar li*hts o other nations' #S() o icials esti%ated that i %ore than 4,,,,, i%a*es have &een trans%itted &y Chandrayaan$s ca%eras in <4 days, it "orked out to nearly 434 i%a*es &ein* sent daily' 0hey "ere irst trans%itted to #ndian 5eep Space 6et"ork at :yalalu near :an*alore, ro% "here they "ere lashed to #S()$s 0ele%etry 0rackin* .nd Co%%and 6et"ork (#S0(.C! at :an*alore' So%e o these i%a*es have a resolution o do"n to 4 %etres, providin* a sharp and clear picture o the Moon$s sur ace, "hile %any i%a*es sent &y so%e o the other %issions had only a 1,,-%etre resolution'

)n +7 6ove%&er, the indi*enous 0errain Mappin* Ca%era, "hich "as irst activated on +/ )cto&er +,,-, ac?uired i%a*es o peaks and craters' 0his ca%e as a surprise to #S() o icials &ecause the Moon consists %ostly o craters'[7<]

0he @-ray si*natures o alu%iniu%, %a*nesiu% and silicon "ere picked up &y the C1@S @-ray ca%era' 0he si*nals "ere picked up durin* a solar lare that caused an @-ray luorescence pheno%enon' 0he lare that caused the luorescence "as "ithin the lo"est C1@S sensitivity ran*e' [7-][7/][<,]

)n +4 March +,,/ Chandrayaan &ea%ed &ack its irst i%a*es o the Aarth in its entirety' 0hese i%a*es "ere taken "ith the 0MC' 1revious i%a*in* "as done on only one part o the Aarth' 0he ne" i%a*es sho" .sia, parts o . rica and .ustralia "ith #ndia &ein* in the center' [<1]

. ter the co%pletion o all the %a;or %ission o&;ectives, the or&it o Chandrayaan-1 spacecra t, "hich "as at a hei*ht o 1,, k% ro% the lunar sur ace since 6ove%&er +,,-, had to &e raised to +,, k% due to %al unctions' 0he or&it raisin* %anoeuvres "ere carried out &et"een ,/:,, and 1,:,, #S0 on 1/ May +,,/' 0he spacecra t in this hi*her altitude ena&led urther studies on or&it pertur&ations, *ravitational ield variation o the Moon and also ena&led i%a*in* lunar sur ace "ith a "ider s"ath' [<+] Fo"ever, it "as later revealed that the true reason or the or&it chan*e "as that it "as an atte%pt to keep the te%perature o the pro&e do"n'[<3] #t "as M'''assu%ed that the te%perature [o the spacecra t su&syste%s] at 1,, k% a&ove the Moon$s sur ace "ould &e around <4 de*rees Celsius' Fo"ever, it "as %ore than <4 de*rees and pro&le%s started to sur ace' Ee had to raise the or&it to +,, k%'M[<4]

0he star sensors, a device used or pointin* attitude deter%ination (orientation!, ailed in or&it a ter nine %onths o operation' . ter"ard, the orientation o Chandrayaan "as deter%ined usin* a &ack-up

procedure usin* a t"o-a=is Sun sensor and takin* a &earin* ro% an Aarth station' 0his "as used to update three a=is *yroscopes "hich ena&led spacecra t operations'[73][74][74] 0he second ailure, detected on 17 May, "as attri&uted to e=cessive radiation ro% the Sun' [<4]

)n +1 .u*ust +,,/ Chandrayaan-1 alon* "ith the 2unar (econnaissance )r&iter atte%pted to per or% a &istatic radar e=peri%ent usin* their Mini-S.( radars to detect the presence o "ater ice on the lunar sur ace'[<7][<<] 0he atte%pt "as a ailureN it turned out the Chandrayaan-1 radar "as not pointed at the Moon durin* the e=peri%ent'[<-] 0he Mini-S.( has i%a*ed %any o the per%anently shado"ed re*ions that e=ist at &oth poles o the Moon'[</] )n March +,1,, it "as reported that the Mini-S.( on &oard the Chandrayaan-1 had discovered %ore than 4, per%anently darkened craters near the Moon$s north pole "hich are hypothesiJed to contain an esti%ated 7,, %illion %etric tonnes o "ater-ice' [</][-,] 0he radar$s hi*h C1( is not uni?uely dia*nostic o either rou*hness or iceN the science tea% %ust take into account the environ%ent o the occurrences o hi*h C1( si*nal to interpret its cause' 0he ice %ust &e relatively pure and at least a couple o %eters thick to *ive this si*nature'[</] 0he esti%ated a%ount o "ater ice potentially present is co%para&le to the ?uantity esti%ated ro% the previous %ission o 2unar 1rospectorKs neutron data'[</] .lthou*h the results are consistent "ith recent indin*s o other 6.S. instru%ents on&oard Chandrayaan-1 (the Moon Mineralo*y Mapper (M13! discovered "ater %olecules in the Moon$s polar re*ions, "hile "ater vapour "as detected &y 6.S.$s 2unar Crater )&servation and Sensin* Satellite, or 2C()SS[</]! this o&servation is not consistent "ith the presence o thick deposits o nearly pure "ater ice "ithin a e" %eters o the lunar sur ace, &ut it does not rule out the presence o s%all (O 1, c%!, discrete pieces o ice %i=ed in "ith the re*olith'[-1]

0he %ission "as launched on ++ )cto&er +,,- and e=pected to operate or + years' Fo"ever, at ,/',+ (80C! on +/ .u*ust +,,/ co%%unication "ith the spacecra t "as suddenly lost' 0he pro&e had operated or 31+ days' 0he cra t "ill re%ain in or&it or appro=i%ately another 1,,, days, eventually crashin* into the lunar sur ace'[-+][-3] . %e%&er o the science advisory &oard o Chandrayaan-1 said that it is di icult to ascertain reasons or the loss o contact'[-3] #S() Chair%an -Madhavan 6air- said that due to very hi*h radiation, po"er-supply units controllin* &oth the co%puter syste%s on &oard ailed, snappin* the co%%unication connectivity' [-4] Fo"ever, in or%ation released later sho"ed that the po"er supply supplied &y M5# ailed due to overheatin*'[<3][<4][-4]

.lthou*h the %ission "as less than 1, %onths in duration, and less than hal the intended + years in len*th,[<][-+][-4] a revie" &y scientists ter%ed the %ission success ul, as it had co%pleted /4P o its pri%ary o&;ectives, consistin* o : 0o construct the co%ple= spacecra t "ith 11 scienti ic instru%ents' 0o place the spacecra t in a circular or&it around the Moon &y or&it raisin* %anoeuvres ro% a near Aarth or&it' 0o place the 9la* o #ndia on the Moon' 0o carry out i%a*in* operations and to collect data on the %ineral content o the lunar soil' 0o set up a deep space trackin* net"ork and i%ple%ent the operational procedures or travel into deep space' [-7][-<] 0he data collected ro% the %ission have &een disse%inated to #ndian scientists and also the partners ro% Aurope and 8'S'.' or analysis'[<][73][74][74]

Chandrayaan$s Moon Mineralo*y Mapper has con ir%ed the %a*%a ocean hypothesis, %eanin* that the Moon "as once co%pletely %olten'[--] 0he terrain %appin* ca%era on &oard Chandrayaan-1, &esides producin* %ore than <,,,,, three di%ensional i%a*es, has recorded i%a*es o the landin* site o 8'S' spacecra t .pollo 14, ru&&ishin* conspiracy theories that the 8'S' %ission to land on the Moon our decades &ack "as a hoa='[-/][/,]

0MC and FyS# payloads o #S() have covered a&out <,P o the lunar sur ace, "hile M 3 covered %ore than /4P o the sa%e and S#(-+ has provided hi*h-resolution spectral data on the %ineralo*y o the Moon' #ndian Space (esearch )r*anisation said interestin* data on lunar polar areas "as provided &y 2unar 2aser (an*in* #nstru%ent (22(#! and Fi*h Aner*y @-ray Spectro%eter (FA@! o #S() as "ell as Miniature Synthetic .perture (adar (Mini-S.(! o the 8S.' 22(# covered &oth the lunar poles and additional lunar re*ions o interest, FA@ %ade a&out +,, or&its over the lunar poles and Mini-S.( provided co%plete covera*e o &oth 6orth and South 1olar (e*ions o the Moon' .nother AS. payload B Chandrayaan-1 i%a*in* @-ray Spectro%eter (C1@S! B detected %ore than t"o doJen "eak solar lares durin* the %ission duration' 0he :ul*arian payload called (adiation 5ose Monitor ((.5)M! "as activated on the day o the launch itsel and "orked until the %ission$s end' #S() said scientists ro% #ndia and participatin* a*encies e=pressed satis action on the per or%ance o Chandrayaan-1 %ission as "ell as the hi*h ?uality o data sent &y the spacecra t' 0hey have started or%ulatin* science plans &ased on the data sets o&tained ro% the %ission' #t is e=pected that in the ne=t e" %onths, interestin* results a&out lunar topo*raphy, %ineral and che%ical contents o the Moon and related aspects are e=pected to &e pu&lished' [/1] 0he Chandrayaan-1 payload has ena&led scientists to study the interaction &et"een the solar "ind and a planetary &ody like the Moon "ithout a %a*netic ield' [/+] #n its 1,-%onth or&it around the Moon, Chandrayaan-1Ks @-ray Spectro%eter (C1@S! detected titaniu%, con ir%ed the presence o calciu%, and *athered the %ost accurate %easure%ents yet o %a*nesiu%, alu%iniu% and iron on the lunar sur ace'[/3]

)n +4 Septe%&er +,,/ Science %a*aJine reported that the Moon Mineralo*y Mapper (M3! on Chandrayaan-1 had detected "ater on the Moon'[/4] :ut, on +4 Septe%&er +,,/, #S() announced that the M#1, another instru%ent on &oard Chandrayaan-1 had discovered "ater on the %oon ;ust &e ore i%pact and had discovered it 3 %onths &e ore 6.S.$s M3'[/4] 0he announce%ent o this discovery "as not %ade until 6.S. con ir%ed it'[/7][/<] M3 detected a&sorption eatures near +'-B3', Q% on the sur ace o the Moon' 9or silicate &odies, such eatures are typically attri&uted to hydro=yl- andRor "ater-&earin* %aterials' )n the Moon, the eature is seen as a "idely distri&uted a&sorption that appears stron*est at cooler hi*h latitudes and at several resh eldspathic craters' 0he *eneral lack o correlation o this eature in sunlit M 3 data "ith neutron spectro%eter F a&undance data su**ests that the or%ation and retention o )F and F +) is an on*oin* sur icial process' )FRF+) production processes %ay eed polar cold traps and %ake the lunar re*olith a candidate source o volatiles or hu%an e=ploration' 0he Moon Mineralo*y Mapper (M3!, an i%a*in* spectro%eter, "as one o the 11 instru%ents on &oard Chandrayaan-# that ca%e to a pre%ature end on +/ .u*ust +,,/' [/-] M3 "as ai%ed at providin* the irst %ineral %ap o the entire lunar sur ace' 2unar scientists had discussed the possi&ility o "ater repositories or decades' 0hey are no" increasin*ly Mcon ident that the decades-lon* de&ate is overM a report says' M0he Moon, in act, has "ater in all sorts o placesN not ;ust locked up in %inerals, &ut scattered throu*hout the &roken-up sur ace, and, potentially, in &locks or sheets o ice at depth'M 0he results ro% the Chandrayaan %ission are also Mo erin* a "ide array o "atery si*nals'M[//][1,,]

Main article: Lunar water .ccordin* to Auropean Space .*ency (AS.! scientists, hydro*en nuclei ro% solar "inds are a&sor&ed &y the lunar re*olith (a loose collection o irre*ular dust *rains %akin* up the MoonKs sur ace!' .n interaction &et"een the hydro*en nuclei and o=y*en present in the dust *rains are e=pected to produce hydro=yl (F)-! and "ater (F+)!'[1,1] S.(. (Su& ke3 .to% (e lectin* .nalyser! instru%ent developed &y AS. and the #ndian Space (esearch )r*anisation, "as desi*ned and used to study the MoonKs sur ace co%position and solar "ind-sur ace interactions' S.(.Ks results hi*hli*ht a %ystery: not every hydro*en nucleus is a&sor&ed' )ne out o every ive re&ounds into space, co%&inin* to or% an ato% o hydro*en' [clarification needed][citation needed] Fydro*en shoots o at speeds o around +,, k% per second and escapes "ithout &ein* de lected &y the MoonKs

"eak *ravity' 0his kno"led*e provides ti%ely advice or scientists "ho are readyin* AS.Ks :epiColo%&o %ission to Mercury, as that spacecra t "ill carry t"o instru%ents si%ilar to S.(.'

Chandrayaan-1 discovered a lar*e cave &elo" the lunar sur ace' [citation needed] 0he tunnel, "hich "as discovered near the lunar e?uator, is an e%pty volcanic tu&e, %easurin* a&out + kilo%etres (1'+ %i! in len*th and 37, %etres (1,1-, t! in "idth' .ccordin* to .S .rya, scientist S9 o .h%eda&ad-&ased Space .pplication Centre (S.C!, this could &e a potential site or hu%an settle%ent on the Moon' Aarlier, Gapanese 2unar or&iter Ha*uya (SA2A6A! had also discovered a cave on Moon' [1,+]

0he .%erican #nstitute o .eronautics and .stronautics (.#..! has selected #S()$s Chandrayaan-1 %ission as one o the recipients o its annual .#.. S1.CA +,,/ a"ards, "hich reco*nises key contri&utions to space science and technolo*y'[1,3] 0he #nternational 2unar A=ploration Eorkin* Iroup (#2AEI! chose the Chandrayaan-1 tea% or *ivin* the #nternational Cooperation a"ard, M, .nnadurai, pro;ect director, Chandrayaan-1'0he Chandrayaan tea% o the #ndian Space (esearch )r*anisation (#S()! "as chosen or the a"ard or acco%%odation and tests o the %ost international lunar payload ever ( ro% +, countries consistin* o #ndia, the Auropean Space .*ency representin* 1< Auropean countries, 6.S. and :ul*aria! and the success ul launch o the pro&e on 1S23 rocket on ++ )cto&er and the lunar insertion o the spacecra t carried out su&se?uently'

0he scientists considered instru%ental to the success o the Chandrayaan-1 pro;ect are: [1,4][1,7][1,<] I' Madhavan 6air B Chair%an, #ndian Space (esearch )r*aniJation 5r' 0' H' .le= B 5irector, #S.C (#S() Satellite Centre! 5r'Myls"a%y .nnadurai B 1ro;ect 5irector, Chandrayan-1 S' H' Shivku%ar B 5irector B 0ele%etry, 0rackin* and Co%%and 6et"ork Mr' M'1itchai%ani B )perations 5irector, Chandrayan-1 Mr' 2eo Gackson Gohn B Spacecra t )perations Mana*er, Chandrayan-1 5r' H' (adhakrishnan (scientist! B 5irector, 3SSC Ieor*e Hoshy B Mission 5irector, 1S23-C11 Srinivasa Fe*de B Mission 5irector, Chandrayaan-1 1ro ' G 6 Ios"a%i B 5irector o 1hysical (esearch 2a&oratory and 1rincipal Scienti ic #nvesti*ator o Chandrayaan-1

5ata *athered &y Chandrayaan-# "as %ade availa&le to the pu&lic &y the end o the year +,1,' 0he data "as split into t"o seasons "ith the irst season *oin* pu&lic &y the end o +,1, and the second *oin* pu&lic &y the %id o +,11' 0he data contained rare pictures o the Moon and also data o che%ical and %ineral %appin* o the lunar sur ace'[1,-]

Main article: Chandrayaan-2 #S() is currently developin* a second version o Chandrayaan na%ed Chandrayaan-2 possi&ly to &e launched in +,17' 0he #ndian Space (esearch )r*anisation (#S()! hopes to include a %otorised rover as a part o its second Chandrayaan %ission' 0he rover "ill &e desi*ned to %ove on "heels on the lunar sur ace, pick up sa%ples o soil or rocks, do on-site che%ical analysis and send the data to the Aarth via the Chandrayaan-+ or&iter, "hich "ill &e or&itin* the Moon'

Chandrayaan$s i%a*ery "ill &e used to identi y re*ions o interest that "ill &e e=plored in detail &y the 6.S. 2unar (econnaissance )r&iter' 0he interest lies in identi yin* lunar "ater on the sur ace that can &e e=ploited in settin* up a uture lunar outpost' 0he Mini-S.(, one o the 8'S' payloads on Chandrayaan, "as used to deter%ine the presence o "ater ice' [1,/]

Chandrayaan-1 (Sanskrit: -, lit: Moon-vehicle[3][4] pronunciation (helpin o!!, is #ndia$s second lunar e=ploration %ission' 5eveloped &y the #ndian Space (esearch )r*anisation (#S()!, the %ission is proposed to &e launched to the Moon in +,14 &y a Ieosynchronous Satellite 2aunch 3ehicle (IS23!, [+] includes a lunar or&iter, a lander and a lunar rover, all developed &y #ndia' #nitially the %ission "as a ;oint venture o #S() and its (ussian counterpart (oskos%os, &ut the latter "ithdre" ro% the %ission ailin* to provide a lander "ithin the proposed ti%e' [+] .ccordin* to #S(), this %ission "ill use and test various ne" technolo*ies and conduct ne" e=peri%ents' [4][7] 0he "heeled rover "ill %ove on the lunar sur ace and "ill pick up soil or rock sa%ples or on-site che%ical analysis' 0he data "ill &e relayed to Aarth throu*h the Chandrayaan-+ or&iter'[<]

0he #ndian Iovern%ent approved the %ission in a %eetin* o the 8nion Ca&inet held on 1- Septe%&er +,,- chaired &y 1ri%e Minister Man%ohan Sin*h'[-] )n 6ove%&er 1+, +,,<, representatives o the (ussian 9ederal Space .*ency ((oskos%os! and #S() si*ned an a*ree%ent or the t"o a*encies to "ork to*ether on the Chandrayaan-+ pro;ect' [/] #S() "ill have the pri%e responsi&ility or the or&iter and rover, "hile (oskos%os "ill &e responsi&le or the lander' 0he desi*n o the space cra t "as co%pleted in .u*ust +,,/, "ith scientists o &oth countries conductin* a ;oint revie"'[1,][11] 0he launch date %i*ht slip &ecause the loss o the 9o&osIrunt %ission "hich "as a planned as a test or the (ussian landin* syste%' [1+]

.lthou*h #S() has inaliJed the payload or Chandrayaan-+, [13] the %ission "as postponed to +,14,[+] and "as e=pected to &e urther rescheduled to +,17 &ecause o a delay in the construction o the (ussian lander'[14][14] 0he delay ca%e in "ake o the ailure o the (ussian 1ho&os-Irunt %ission to Mars, reason &ein* technical aspects connected "ith the 1ho&os-Irunt %ission "ere also used in the lunar pro;ects, "hich need to &e revie"ed'[14] Ehen (ussia cited its ina&ility to provide the lander even &y +,14, #ndia decided to develop the lunar %ission independently'[+]

Spacecraft 0he %ission is planned to ly on a Ieosynchronous Satellite 2aunch 3ehicle Mk-## (IS23! "ith an appro=i%ate li t-o "ei*ht o +,74, k* ro% Satish 5ha"an Space Center on Sriharikota #sland'[17] Orbiter #S() "ill desi*n the or&iter, "hich "ill or&it the Moon at an altitude o +,, k%'[1<] 0he %ission "ould carry ive instru%ents on the or&iter' 0hree o the% are ne", "hile t"o others are i%proved versions o those lo"n on Chandrayaan-1 or&iter' 0he appro=i%ate launch %ass "ill &e 1,4,, k*'[13][17] &ander 8nlike Chandrayaan-1$s lunar pro&e, "hich i%pacted the Moon$s sur ace, the lander "ill %ake a so t landin*'[17] 0he appro=i%ate "ei*ht o the lander and rover is 1,+4, k*' 0he (ussian 9ederal Space .*ency"ill desi*n and &uild the lander' #nitially, the lander "as slated to &e developed &y (ussia in colla&oration "ith #ndia' 0he (ussiandesi*ned and developed Moon lander "as *oin* to carry a 14 k* rover developed &y #S() in colla&oration "ith (ussia' 0he solar-po"ered (ussian lander "as *oin* carry a scienti ic payload o 34 k* (not includin* the rover! co%prisin* a seis%o%eter and a laser re lector to analyse the lunar soil and search or "ater' .lso, a landin* &eacon that could acilitate uture landin*s "as &ein* considered' Ehen (ussia e=pressed its ina&ility provide the lander to %eet even the revised ti%e ra%e o +,14 or the Chandrayaan-+ launch o"in* to the 1ho&os-Irunt ailure, #ndia "ill develop the lander independently' 0he cancellation o the (ussian lander also %eant that %ission pro ile had to &e %ar*inally chan*ed' 0he desi*n o the indi*enous lander and the preli%inary con i*uration study has &een co%pleted &y the Space .pplications Centre (S.C!, .h%eda&ad'[+] 'over 0he rover "ill "ei*h 3,B1,, k* and "ill operate on solar po"er' 0he rover "ill %ove on "heels on the lunar sur ace, pick up sa%ples o soil or rocks, per or% che%ical analysis and send the data to the or&iter a&ove, "hich "ill relay it to the Aarth station'[13][17]

0he rover has &een desi*ned in (ussia and is &ein* a&ricated &y #ndian scientists' ##0 Hanpur is developin* three su&syste%s to provide %o&ility: 1' Stereophonic ca%era &ased 35 vision - "ill provide the *round tea% controllin* the rovers a 35 vie" o the surroundin* terrain' +' Hine%atic traction control - "ill ena&le the rover to ne*otiate the rou*h lunar terrain usin* independent steerin* provided on our o its "heels' 3' Control and %otor dyna%ics - 0he rover "ill have si= "heels, each driven &y an independent electrical %otor' 9our o the "heels "ill also &e capa&le o independent steerin*' . total o 1, electrical %otors "ill &e used or traction and steerin*'

#S() has announced that an e=pert co%%ittee has decided on ive payloads or the or&iter, and t"o or the rover'[13][1-] Ehile it "as initially reported that 6.S. and AS. "ould participate in the %ission &y providin* so%e scienti ic instru%ents or the or&iter, [1/] #S() has later clari ied that due to "ei*ht restrictions it "ill not &e carryin* orei*n payloads on this %ission' [1<] Orbiter"payload 2ar*e .rea So t @-ray Spectro%eter (C2.SS! ro% #S() Satellite Centre (#S.C!, :an*alore and Solar @-ray %onitor (@SM! ro% 1hysical (esearch 2a&oratory (1(2!, .h%eda&ad or %appin* %a;or ele%ents present on the lunar sur ace'[13] 2 and S &and Synthetic .perture (adar (S.(! ro% Space .pplications Centre (S.C!, .h%eda&ad or pro&in* the irst e" tens o %etres o the lunar sur ace or the presence o di erent constituents, includin* "ater ice' S.( is e=pected to provide urther evidence con ir%in* the presence o "ater ice &elo" the shado"ed re*ions o the Moon' [13] #%a*in* #( Spectro%eter (##(S! ro% S.C, .h%eda&ad or %appin* o lunar sur ace over a "ide "avelen*th ran*e or the study o %inerals, "ater %olecules and hydro=yl present'[13] 6eutral Mass Spectro%eter (Ch.CA-+! ro% Space 1hysics 2a&oratory (S12!, 0hiruvananthapura% to carry out a detailed study o the lunar e=osphere' [13] 0errain Mappin* Ca%era-+ (0MC-+! ro% S.C, .h%eda&ad or preparin* a three-di%ensional %ap essential or studyin* the lunar %ineralo*y and *eolo*y' [13] 'over"payload 2aser induced :reakdo"n Spectroscope (2#:S! ro% 2a&oratory or Alectro )ptic Syste%s ( 2A)S!, :an*alore'[13] .lpha 1article #nduced @-ray Spectroscope (.1#@S! ro% 1(2, .h%eda&ad' 2ater there "ere reports o plans to send a seis%o%eter to %oon to study a&out %oon-?uakes' [+,]

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