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ARPA Feb 1960

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Deportmenl of Defense
Woshington 25,D.C.



SU&IECT 3 P¡'ogresÉ Repoú on þÉtitã,r'y Spaee kGJeets for "Ïanuary

and Febfl¡e¡ry 1960

Progress on the naJor Departnent of DefenËe Spaee Þoieets. dulr-

lne Janu;ry s¡d februaf,y 1960 iB Presented. iú bhe attaehed l'ü'litary
Space ÞoJectB Report.

fn essoclation ï¿th the prepa¡:ation of ny offiee'

t'heËe reþorte by
T'een edJuot'e'ü @üe mÖDth" nrtulre !ti1it8'1y
-nro¡eci perLod hes
tne rãportfng
wÍl-L cove:r e fìrl"l- thn:ee nonth perLoð"
Spaee Beports
Eigþ1ights of the ïepÕrt Ï¿a1'e been lnelu'Sed f¡x yoü'r let'ter of
t¡ansiital to the Presídent, Îúhíc'h I reeoumend' th8't you €ígn"

Inclosure - l-
Mil-itary Speee ProJe(ãts. He.pÕ:r'"



Aprll Ll-, 1960

Dear l"Þ. Pregldent :

I a¡l for¡¡ardlng herewíth the Militer:¡ Sp8,ee Froieets RePort for

tbe pe"loal of Januaïy a¡d FebruaÌy 1960"
one (1) MIDAS an¿I t'vo (e) ÐTSCû'IEREB 1å1ÉehiE8ô were made during
February Ip6O. Unfoïtu]lately, ãue tÕ nalful:ctfÕll$i durlng the boost
phase, none ¡¡ere sueeessful in plaeing å l'ehiele fn orbit. Contlnulng
effort and reneired. emphasis is beÍng plâ.eêð Õn improving the relfa-
bll1ty of corponents and system testing. Severêl- ÐISCt!'mm, MÏDAS
and SAMOS vehlcfes and payloads are nea,ríng compJ-etion and lt Ls
hopefully expected that s, uumber of suee¿srful- lauüehlngs vlll be
achieved. dr:rlng the cuf,reDt quartet" Tents.tlvely, l-eunching of the
seconat MIDAS, ÐISCOVmm XI and XII É,nd the Êeeead TRAI\ISIT sre sehed-
uled for this ¡nonth"

ProJect NOIUS (ConnunleatLon Satel-lttes) is belng red.ireeted

vith increasett ernphasis placed. oie å^n ultleåte 2&-hcruT gtobel 6atel].ite
comunleation sy6tem. fthe forîner medlit¡m èrloit SAC POLAR 6ate11l-te
6ystem6 ( smm. ãna TACIG,E ) and the fo¡:rer 2i+-hor¡:r gl-obal systen ( DECREE)
are being reorientetl to provlde a revisëd.24-hour gl-ob8.I sy6teíi (¡¡\rqf¡).
Íhe interi.n eÇnmrunication sâteltlte system (e0ufiIffi) 1e proeeedlng a.s
prevlously Écheduled vlth the ffrst leÌrnehing seheduled for J-u1y Ip60.
fhere 1s lneluded herein e report of p¡:ogress on the SATLIRN ?To-
Ject. Eowever, inasnuch as the trglßsfer of the SATURN kôJeet to
NASA r{aÊ offlcial1y cor¡rleteil ln }4ã,reh, no fi¡ather progres6 reports
v111 be m.ad.e thereon, However, this ve}¡l.el-e hå8 poteDtial military
applicatlon and the Department of Defense l¡ill eoutinue to follo¡¡ the
project vith considerable iaterest å,:r!d. eÉsist fE the develÕpmeot there-
of insofar as practicabl-e.
With greBt respeet, I a.m

Fei"thfr¡11-y yours,

Jsmes H" Dou8la6

ïnclosure - 1
l,l1l1tary Space ÞoJects Report

fibe Pf,esitlent
Tl:e l,lhlte Eouse iií
DurlËg Jailuary I'DCI Feb¡:tary 1960

on ll Febnrary 1960, DIsgoVEBm ff wae l-auuched f?on the

Pacific Ì"flssile " fhe fi¡al- eount-(loç:o a,D¿ lift-off llele
nomal, Instrumentatlon fndi4ated ear\y te¡$lnatlon of booster
thrust and shorb opers,tlon of the seeond.-stage engine " Orbftal
velocity ças not obtained. nle iGm[A vehlele Llopacted in tbe
ocean about l+00 niles south of the lau.uch.sfte" DISCO\rERB X
'Fas lau.neheai on 19 Febïualry 1960. I@ediately after llft-off,
the IEOR booster õtarbed piteh osei]-latfons anA the ccma¡d tle-
sÈruet signall¿as sent at T-plus 56"L seconcts. .

fihe ffrst MIDAS fl-lgbt test vehLele vas laurlche¿I frclrn the
Atlal3tlc Misslle Range on 26 Febru-af,y 1960" A satelllte orblt.
'was not obtainetl because of Ê nalfunetion or failure, whlch oc-
curred itÌr¡ing the booet phase. kellmlna^ry lntllcêtiotrB are that
È E¿Ifu¡ction oceurreil durlng the firiEg of the retro-rockete
to provide Éepa"atloE of the booster flon the ÁGEIIA vehlcle.
f,bJ second. ¡nil¡S l"røeutng hes been seheduleit for APril 1960.
NOrUS hoJect (Connlu¡leatio)l Satellites) 1s bel¡g redi-
¡ected vitb an lncreageel enphasis to¡¡ard.s 8n ultl-nate 2l+-hour
globa1 satelllte cc¡munieatlon systen. Forner neðirm-orbit
ßlc pof¿n satel-llte systems (srm ana TAcrg.E ) a¡ti tbe fo:mer
2l+-hoür global eo@unícatLon systen (ÐEtRm ) are berlg re-
oriented to provide a relrised âl+-t¡o,rt globa]- syËtetn (¡¡v¡ut ).
In the case of the interim eomtrnieation satellite 6y6ten
(coumm), the progran'1s currently u:nlted to two (2) setel-
lite Iaülchlngs, e,s pa€viously 6ebeôu1ed, Irith the fl"st
iaunching sehedul-ed for ,Iuly 1960 aüd the seeonal launching
for Septenbe" 1960.

Fabrlcatio¡l of the seeond-stage vehicleÊ for the flTst

th¡ee SAl"l0S fJ-lght tests is proceedfng.on scheilule. fihese ve-
hicl-es wlLl earry a eombination visua/fernret payloaal. Visual
(photographie ) abil ferret ( eleetronag¡etle ) payloads for the
flret fllgbt test have been dellvef,ed and are r.utle"Solng func-
tiona,l tests aJôd pf,epa^ratlo!.s for lnstal]-atl-on in the AGE{A
vehiele" The first l-au:oehlng of a SAMoS vehj"c]-e Ls seheôuled
for September 196o.


TÌre over-alL p?ogram plsÐnlng and obJeetf-ves of the SHfpgmD
Project (traektag network ) ere beiÐg careflil-ly re-evafuated' Irhe
re-eveluatlon ie for the purpose of re-s,s6essing tbe present and
long-ra¡ge requirenents for (f) a SPASüR ( dark satellite fenee)
systen, (Z) tf:e requirements foz' addítl-onÊl- sensor elemeBts for
tbe dletèctlon Éystem, ald (3) the natlonal requlrements for a
Space Surveill-a^lce eontrol eenter, ffhieh wíl1 recelve data frctn
any a¡a1 êII ßensor systerr6, eompute spBee vehicl-e orbits e¡d
provlil€ satelLlte pooltion predletLon8. lltris re-assessnent of
the SEEPEffiD ProJeet will include en over-a1l evaluatlon of vo"ld-
wide traeklng ênd. sensor requirements 1n cooperêtion vith the
National AeroDeutic s a¡ûd Spaee AdmLnlstration"
lthe second. attenpt to
launeh a TRANSIT vehlcle (navlgation
sateJ-tite) 1s schedlul-ed fof, Aprtt 1960. [bls vehlcle will be
si.Eilar to the flf,Bt lBÁISSfî veÌ¡l"ele, r'r-il-I tra,DsnLt on fouÌ
new tlt)e nlekel--esdei-un batteries r,rith fnereased Etorage capaeity.




D]SCOVERER (Research aJld Development Satellites) t

SAMOS (Reconnaissance SateJ-J-ites) 6

MIDAS (Very Early Warning SateLlites) LL

TBANSII (Navigation SateLlites ) _14

NOTUS ( Connunication Satellites ) L6

SHEPIIERD (Tracking Network) 20

SAflßN (clustered Engine ) 2I






IRAISIT ]3 Test I¡rstallatlon t

SATIJRN lest Vehlcl-e InÉta1led In
Static lest To$¡er

SAIURñ Booster Contal¡er Unlt

In Stnrctural Assenbly 3

SAEURNle,unch Þd Unaler
CoDstruction At Tbe
At]-alltlc Missile Range l+




P"oJect ObJectives - 1. Prq.jggt obl-çg!¿yeg

Developnent and test-
lng of conponents for a"The obJeetives of the DISCO'\IERB Satel-
Space tlte Progrsm are to conduct research å.n¿I devel-
Technology Progra¡n. opment on eomponents, equi¡m.ent, ingtrurûentation,
propulsion, d.ata proce6sing, ecmmunlcations, capsuLe
recovef,y and. operatlng teehalques all tlealj-ng $lth
nllitary Ëpaee technol-o$r"
b. Ttre DISCOìfmm ProJect coaslsts of d.esign,
d evelopment, sr¡d lau¡ch of æ tvo-stage sêtel--
llte vehiel-es. lÎle first stage 1s the THoR BBM,
the seeond sta€e the AGE{A satellite vehicLe. Ûf
the AGENA vehicleo, U ere the "4" configurattron,
coDflgusatlon. IÊter rehlcles wlIl use
the DM-21 firÉt 6tÈge (a fuOn IÌBM speclally
deslgned for Ëpace booster dutles by reDoval of
all õo¡monents not neees sar¡i fo" booÉter nissions )
antl the AGENA "8" ÊeconËi stage (¡n ¡cnwe veblcle
¡nodified to earry ôoì.r.bfe propeflant load, and equlpped
wlth a restart engf.ne eapable of longer burning
duration) " Thls prograla wlII provide:
(1) Researeh and component evelopment

in support of the SAMOS, MIÐAS, and. eertain other

prograru; using AßENA 6atel-1ite vehfcl-es.
(2) Tests of the ground eon¡rnrnciations
aad traehfng netltork developed for the above
(3) F1ight test of the AGIÍ{A vehiel-e a¡d

Proglan objec- 2" Ðl.ne E{ggan _objeç!¿v9q

tlve6 1¡c1ude
d.evel-opnent of a" Fligbt test of the satellite vebicle aLr-
syEtens frame, propulsion, gì¡idaûee, control systern, auxi-
for Military 1ia?y pohrer suppl-y, and telenetry, traeking and
satellite pro- corûtrand equipment,

b. Attaining satellite stabilization on
orbit "

c" Obta,lning saiefl-1te interîaf thelual

environment data.

d." Tesi the techniques for recovery of a cap-

su-le ejected- froma¡ oïbiting satellite "
e. Test Õf gror:nd- support equipment a.nd
deveJ-cpmentcf personnel proficiency"
f" Conducting blo-med-ical erperinents involv-
ing the orbiting and. recovery of n-ice and smalf

This prograJl 3. H1!!9rv

evofved from
Weapon ffstem fhe Proiect originated as part of
1Ul,) Advanced Weapon System ll7l, at iihe A.ír Force BaLlistic Mis-
ReconnaissaJlce sil-e DlvÍsion. Tn earfy 1958, the prograln ïlâinage -
Satellite "
ment ï/a,s trarrsferred- to ARPA, anô subsequently
divided into the ÐTSC0VfrRER, SAMOS, and- MIDAS Pro-
jects. After several reorientations, the programs
ãvolved inio the present configuïations" fen (fo)
DISCCVEBER vehicles have been lar:¡ched-. Six (6)
achieved successfu]. orbitsr afl Very close to the
planned ortrit " T.hese. are the heaviesi satellites
to be placeC- in ¡fbii; by an interuediate range nis-
site by the free vol:fd (1r7OO lbs ptus)" Four of
these six satellite vehicles achieved. col4)Ìete
*btitude stabll"zation in orbit. Ttlis is a najor
iequirement for the success of the SAMOS, MDAS,
a:rrd other programs usl-ng this vehicle' frre progra,tn
has been quite su.ceessfut in provid-ing flight test
data for ïefinement of the complex systerns required
for advanced- :uil.itary satellj-tes '
It:- -'
DTSCO1IEFER NC t¡. Ílish! Igst Ïrq€.eÊq
r¿as launched on
4 ¡'ebruary. l-t DISC0\TSBER IX vas lau.ïrch.ed from Vandenberg Aiï
failed- to attain Force Base on 4 Februa::y L96O' Tb.e countdovn was
orbit due to smooth aÏÌd liftoff oecurred vith all groïlÌd and
insufficlent vehicle equipment operaiing properly" No ullusual
velocity. phenomena vere observed during the initial ascent
portion of the flight, but instrumentation ind.i. -
cated eaïlJr terr-ination Õf boo-ster thmst and- short
operatÍon of s-^cond--stage engine during the latter

portion of the trajeetory" Subsequent data aflal-ysis
indlcated" the folloving sequence of event s as the
probable cause for the nalfunction:
a. The TflOR booster englne shut dol¡n about 19
seccnd,s early, resulting i-n a booster vel-ocity
IrOOO feet per second ]ess than noninal.

b" ftre hel11lm quick-ôiscormect nalf\rnctioned

â,t liftoff, causlng loss of AGEI\A vehicle propeuant
taÌi-k pressurizatlan" fÏIis resulted. in prernature
shutd.c!¡n of Llie AGENA propulslon system" Either of

the above event s wculd. have prevented the attainment I

of orbital velocity. The AGnVA. impaeted in.the oceaJl

about 4QO niles sÕuih of the launch si.te"
DÏSCOTERER X, DISCÕVEBER X vas lar:lched fron Vandenberg AiT tr'orce
lau¡rched on Sase ùn 19 Februa"y 1960" ll:Ie countdo$n was smooth,
19 Februery, vas and. Iau¡rch occurred. on the flrst attempt. Tnned1ately
degtroyed by after: Iiftcff, THûR bÕû6ter pitch osciflatlons began
Range Safety and a c,prnnand destruct signal vas sent at T plus !6'4
because of TTIoR second-s, t{âny rìajor vellicle conponents \,rere recovered
autopilot nal- for exami-nat ion. " Srellninary analysis indicated. that
f\Ðction. the na'l.function !¡as in the THOR autopilot. ExtensiYe
studies are und-eruay ts ascertain a¡d correct the
conùi.ticns lead.ing to early te1?.lnation of both of
the fU.gbts.
DTSCOVERER XÏ 5" zu!Ìg Iltshts
scheduled. for
Iaunch 1n nid- DISCTVEIER XI'was scLlednled for faunch from
I.4arch. Vand"enberg Air F+ree Base during n:Ld-March" This
vehicle vilI. carry an fnstr'umented recovery capsule,
plus ad.van.ced englneerlng iest instnmentation"
r4Ç4!.tÇ4r 814ry9

l-" Aitframe i .r,'

vehicles are
corplete. 'l'ne A-t]. of the r¡ehicles are at Vandenberg
first AGENA "8" i,ir Ferce Base i.n various stages ol preparatlon for
is complete arld Iauneh " f'h.ree c.f the first fouï.AGÐ{A ''3" ( double
at Sâl3.ta Cïr,rz propellant capacity, extend.ed- burn engine ) vehicles
Test Base" are in the lock}.eed, Modification and Checkout Center,
Surnyvafe, CalÍ.for.riia, in various stages of comple-
tion" fhe firsi AGENA '8" scheduled for flight is
coú:llete and is at the Santa Cruz Test Base' This
vehicle is plarrned frr use cn the Ì7th flight vith

the flrst 1EOR DM-21 Block f booster. Na problêtns
with the alrfrare are kno'em or exlected.
The single-burn 2. ?Igpulsion
engine is fully
d.eveloped, A a. ltÌe initial- AGENA vehlcles vere d-elivered
single-restart r,,lth the BeIl- Alrcraft IfiBl-Ba-3 rocket engi-ne
long-burn engine orlginal.ly d-eveloped. for the B-58 aircraft" fhe
is under d.evelop- engine r¡as subsequentþ üodified to burn Unsl¡]lme-
ment " trlcal Di-nethyl fiydrazLne fuel (instead- of JP-4)
for ad;l-itl.onal perfoflnaJlce, beconing the IABI-3a,-'
englne" Tn tate L959 ¡ a prograü !¡as lnitlated to
d.evelop an englne of still greater perfotrance.
The Xl,F8l- -34-7 is being developed. to provid.e a
single restart a:rd extended burn-time capablllty"
fwo )fl;n8r-m-? b" ft,¡o ;{lfi8f-Ba-] engines completed PrelÍminary
engines co[pleted. Fllght Rating Tests at Be}} Äircrafb Cortr any during
?reliJainary the quarter" flre d.ata r+1lf nov be reviel'red a:1d. the
f'lieht Rating engines d.isassembled. and inspecteè. The lÍ-RB1-3a-7
Tests " vÍll pover the first four AGEI{A "8" vehicles"
An extend-ed- nozzle c" A program to develop a,n extended- nozzle for
i-s being devetoped the restart engi.ne is und-er'!¡ay at Bell Aircraft
for the restart engirìe Conparry. Ttii s cr:rnfiguration vill be d.esignated. the
to increase perfor- )Í,R9I-Bâ-9 " The extended- nozzle v'if} provide increased
nance ¡ perfor!.âr.ce at al.titud-e " A titaniun nozzle has been
successfull-y tested, and this nateïial will probabJ-y
be ad-opted- fÖr tbÊ ÍtÕzzIe "
Enlarged thrìrst d" third phase of hot firings of the nRBI-¡a-9
chamber version êngine vas initiated- at the Santa Cr'llz Test Sase during
of the restart Feb]'llary. TtÌls engine 1s programmed- for use on the
engine is being fifth and subsequent
tested" previous configurati ons "

A }ight veight 3" Guid.a¡ree and Control

hyd.raulic pumtrr i',.-
is bei4g A fuel-powered hydraulic control system is being
d.eveloped-. developed tÕ save both weight amd. electrical pover"
TtÌis system, nov povered by an eLectric motoï, pro-
vid.es põl,/er for satel.lÍte engLne gi-mballing to pro-
vid.e dlrectionaf controf " . Tlle fuel-povered unlt is
d-riven by fuel d.tverted froú the fuet puntr) through
a hydraulic mctor" TJrls, in turn, drives a hydraulic
p u m p. . Are u¡it is planned for incorporation into
the fixst extended cha.übeï 'configuratior
vehicLe, about the 22nd. flight,


Blomed.ical- 4" Blon dlsq]. ¡çç!1'Èry ç9pEuf.
recoveTy cap-
sul-e te6ts Tests.rf the blomedlcal- capsule d.eslgned. for a
were continued small pri,n¿te vere resu.med in the Ïockheed. higb altl-
duri¡g the tud.e temperature sL:m:.1-atj-on char.ber on B I'eìrr:ary.
reporb Beriod The General Electrl-c capsu-Le tested util-lzed. several
to checß cap- uoC-Lficat:i.ons and techniques derived. frìon thernal
sule d.esigll. pïofile testg i¡ Nove¡ber afrd proof tests by the
School of Awiation Med.ici-ne in December" Th.ese
lnclude increased. coõljJl.g capacity, reflnement of
senÊor-iÐ-ar.1mal attacbment methods for telenetry
read.out¡ re]-gcatlon of llfe chamber components, a¡d
Teprogrzr@in'g of tr:sych@Ðtor response st1ruIl" fhe
first fúIl-duration test of the capsul-e containlng a
live pri-nate va6 completed. iôr. 12 Febmary " Thas 5r-
horrr testy sl mul-at j.:¡.9 a coEpfete fl1ght., vas i¡itiated
at VaJldenberg Air Force Base rith the priúate sealed.
in the capsule" Test reEults vere excellent.
DTSCOYMER ," IacilLties
facil-lties are
shared r¡ith the 1¡s najority of the facj.li.ties are
SAI{OS a¡Ld ¡4IDAS sh-a.red. vith SAMOS faci.lities infoï6a-
and ¡4LDAS. Ttrc
Projects. tion contained 1n those sections of the report is
genera}}y appficabl-e to mSCoVERSR. DISCOVtrER
facillties are cortrplete a,nd operational" [he fo]lov-
ing are the key facilities for the ¡ISCOVERER lrojectl
a. The Lcckheed. l.[i6siles al1d- Space Division
Plant at Sumyvale, Californi-a, vhere AGm{Á, .anuf ac -
turing, r¡od.ificatlonr and- checkout are perforned"
b" The SatellÍte Test Center at Surxryuale,
irperated by LockJreed. a¡d the Ai.r Force. Durlng
orbital testsr the systems. are operated. from this

e" Santa Cruz, Cal-lforÌnia, Test Base " Th:Ls

base provid.es facilLtles for hôt firings Õf sate}}ite
vehicle propulsio::. systems prior to accepta¡ce.
d" The Va.ndenberg Àir Force Base Larmch site.
e. Tracking statiorls at Vand.enberg Air tr'orce
Sase a¡d Point Mugu, Calffornia; Kod.iÞk, A].askaj a¡d
I{aera Point, Havaii.

f" The Havalla¡r Recoyelï¡ Controf Center"

( nEco$tsAEs$ÁrvsE sATF,r;Lrßs )

SAMoS to provlde i-. Þpdeqg_cmJçe!Åve

both Visua1 ( neoto-
graphlc ) and Fe$et a.. obáeetj"ve of the S¡¡{OS proiect i8 the
(Eleetrcnragnetic ) öeveto!@.ent of s, reeoe¡xaiÉsa¡ee 6yÉtem utllizLDg
dêta. pol-a.r orbfting sate].lites to cofl"eet e,nð proeeÊs
vl"Ê:1æ.1 (photopaphi.e ) date a¡od fe:set (eleetuo-
nÉ.gnetle ) rðatê" The g,q!409 Êyst€ú 1s erq)eeteil
to eeqrafre e greet Emou¡t of teehtrlcaL Lntel-LLgenee
Tege'yd.j"ng enem¡r r.tJ-itary a¡ð Ln¿iustrl"al- Étrength'

AequisltJ.on of alata b" sro epprtåehes a,3"e belng developed for e,e-
by capsì¡Lè recovery. $rfring tnteLJ.i.genee data: (I) the reeoverlr 6¡¡Étem -
for ¡rieue.l" ðsts, - i"n rvhteh a eap$d.e is eJeeted
f?om 'bhe s@tei-l-Íbe a,nd a'eeovered., anA (a ) tUe
el-eet'ornle dete, aeedøurt Bystem - for both Tisuel
a^Bd ferret - fn whi.eh data ls tre'nMl"tteå to
grouåô steti.oaÊ.

D¡al payload e. A embfned vås,ne/ferret peyl-oe.d wll*L be

6chedul-ed for tested Õn the flrst 3 fi"l"gþt6. flae fi"rst seven
flr6t 3 fught6. ferret pøyLoeds (r-l- a,ala F-2) wÍt1 Íüeludle pro-
gresef.vely no:re ecrßpLete ÍnstalLatlons of reeefvers
arld ffßtennes to Þrovide lnerea,É1ugE1¡ greater eJ.ee-
r!,roafe ¡aeasurenest eepebil-1iy. Ehe najor po¡Êion
of the hssd$âBe eef,apone.uts åevelopeô for the
o:ri"gilûeÏ prûgram are usable fu the reÕrieuted
jGE{A vehlcles 2. rÊehn¿ee!_&qg9Eq
for first 3
fligbts pro- &. Essege:Ëteee geþ¿q¿eq
greseíng on
schealule " the ßeeon6.- stage (-aßuva) vehfele for
work. on
the ffrËt fl-i.gbt fs f,o pereent aonplete in the
Mod.lffes.tlo@ ffod Cheekü¡t Center. ll3ls vehiele w111
be the first of tbcee to @4r4r a eømblaatLgn visuaL
anÉt fes.::et (s-l anA F-1) payloað" Asaentþ of the
other trúo vehi"eLes ls proeeeding oû Éehedlu.l-e " Ï::terior
deslp of the 3G.m[A vehieles for f.!:l"ghts h a¡d sub"
seguent i-s proeeedtng oa sehetlule" A eomon airframe
design fron the fofrüa^rd equ:i¡ment eompertnent aft 1s

being r¡sed. for these vehi.cles a¡d. for IffiAS vehleles
(fffgnts 4 and. subsequent ) " Equlplnent tnstallatlons
need. not be iJlterchangeable. Sirbþtantial progress
b¡.s been mad.e on the d.eslga of the veh:icle for the
E-) payload..

b. .Payload-s

(t) Vlsual (Photographic ) Recon¡¿issansg ffsten

VlFu'a'I Recon¡.a,lssance fi¡sten pay1oad.6 a.r€
bejng d.evelolþd. in a i¡l.nlur:m nì.&ber of con-flgurations
to attajn read.out and. reeoyerTr alssion objectives-
The d.esignatlon a::rd purpose of eaeh conflgrrration 1s
as follovs:

E-I--Component Test Payload,s

E-2--Steerable Recon¡-a,lssance Payload (vitU eO-
foot ground resolution)

E-t--High Resolution Recoveïable ?ayLoad. (*itn 5-

foot ground resol-ution)
A]Iction€.l testlng (a) n-l leülqq4s - The first E-] fl-isbt
successful on article paÈoad'i^ras d.ellvered- to T,ocklaeed. Missiles aJld
fir6t Yf su¿I S¡race Division on B Ïebruary. tr\ràctional- tests i{ere
payload.. perfomed on all .corponents. During a þrelilninaJX¡
furctional test, vi6h the payl.oad mounted. in the colli-
ûator, a syst em resol-utlon of greater than 94 lines
per rdtliüeter vas oþtained.. Ihe paJload Ías subjected"
to a series of three l9-hour tests und-er sj-u¿lated.
.orbital cond.itiorrs, w-ith sati-sfactory results obta-iaed"
fb.e second. E-I payload is ulldergoi-ng $Þfity evalüã,*
tion testlng at Eastna:l Kod-"Ìr. Ilels is a spare pay- **{.,î
Load for eonq)onent replacarent only and v1ll be
delivered unassembled. to lockheed Missiles and S¡race
Di1./:ision before 15 March.

Environmental (b) E-2 PayloaÖs - Ðeli.yery of the fi.rst

tests coElleted E-2 paytoad :.s sãnrelTe ffi lury. Enrriro¡rental
on E-2 therøal nodel tests of the themal mod.el E-2 payload. vere completed.
pa,yl-oad. on 28 Jar¡rary in the.hieh altitude teuperature sj-m¡]a-
tion ch.âlrber" Test objectives ,weI€ achieved.". Cha,nges
in the peyÌoad housing surface and- heater pover
requ-lrements are being nad.e as a resu-lt of test data"
Eesign progress (c) n-5. payroaôq - DeÉign of the high
of E-5 systen on aculty panoïamic camera system is proceed-l-Íg satls-
schedlrle. factorily. [he special. optical gLass for the lens
elements, 1'hlch has been ord.ered from [,lest Gern-anJ¡)
will be d.elivered. to the Ïtek Corporatlon in r-l-d-
ApriL" The Development Test PIan for the recovery
capsule has been published, including payload. test
requirements from checkout through post -launch
operati.ons. Avco Colporation is conducting wind
turì¡.e} tests on various recovery capsul-e confi-guJa-
tions as a parall-el effort vith l,ockheed. }[issi]es
end- ftrace Dl1rision aero ynanics stuùies.

GroìrÏld. sulport (d) Ground Su¡¡port Equipnent - The com-

complex operated. plete vl-sual recorulaissance system grourd- suPpolt
$Lccegsfully. equlpment complex vas operated vlth the E-l payLoad
during Tebruary. A.l-l equipment operated satisfaetorily. _

( 2) Ferrett (ELectrourasnetic ) Reconnaissance

Terret Reconnaissa¡.ce Systen payload-s
are being ôe1reloped- 1n a nllai-uum number of configuratlons"
Tlre designation a.nd purpose of eaeh conflguration i.s
as follo'rrs:
tr'-l--B&D Test PayLoads

F-2--Digital General Coverage Payload.s

F-3--ft)ecif¿e l{is sion ?ayload.s
Flrst tvo F-l - (r) F-I Paytoad.s - The first tvo F-I pay-
payload.s belng 3-oadsare teing lEîm'E installation ln their
prepared for resÞective AGHTTA vehieles at the Modification a¡d
installatlon i¡ Checkout Center. During þayload evaluation tests con-
AGÐIA vehic]es. dueted in JânuaryJ a d.iscrepaney vas inùicated j.n the
pu-lse'w-idth üeasurement circuit. The circil-lt d,esign
is being studied- in an ef,fo¡t to sol-ve this problem.
Effort s to solve the intemittent ti-m.e colurter errors
encou-ntered during systens testjrrg of the thlrd I-I
payLoad- are progressing satisfactori.ly. Desensitizlng
the cor:nter stages appears to be the most feasible
sol-uti-on" A breadboard of the d.eseasltized ti-ne cou.nter
has been instal-J.ed-.jrl ¿,n tr'-l- servlce test model payload
and has been operated. satisfaetorily for )lB cyeles of
life testing (equal to approxi-nately three ðays of
orbital operatlon). The use of l-iÊe filters is belng

as an addi.tionaf efforb. Separatj.on tests
of tbe vehicle nose cÐne were completed. satisfactÐrily
during January. Separatian tests sirìulating vehj.cle-
payload â,ttach,aent s $rere corlleted. satisfâctorily
durlng Februaly.
s alÌd.
Conce1rb (b) f-2
ãrrd F-3 ?ayl-ga(Þ - Tn accord.ance
characteristics vith the reori-entation, the concepts a¡.d basic
of nev F-2 and characteristics for the nev F-2 and T-J payload-s have
F-3 payl-oa.ds been d-efined"" 't¡ork statenents in accordaJlce with the
ôefiJIed. new requirements are being prepared. for Airborne
fnstruinents le,boratÐry. Desiga arrd. modlfication of
some of th.e payload corponents affected by the change
(i.e" payload structure a;rrd ãntenna assemblies) have
been in.itiated-.
tr'-]- d¡,ta conver- (c) q{ql:rq lsuppo¡t Equlæ4glt - De}i,very
sion eqll-ipmellt of the F-l eonversl@-the
d-ata satelllte
set for 25 Nlarej:, Test Center, Sumyvale, Californlar. is seheduled. for
d.elivery. 2) Itareh. Negotiat J-ons are r::rd erway for the changes
to the F-2 and 3'-l ground data ha.ndling equipßent
resulting from program reorientation.
fq)roved- d.esigfl c. Çç¡oryqiçe.t¡çqs ard Çql!¡g! lquipn"¡.t
for VIIF antenna
tested successfully. (r) Design of the exitVEF (ver-v lligh Frequency)
a¡rterura for the sabel-lite vehicle þas 倀a' ref¿teci,
using a fr'3neycomb dielecllric to supporb the cavity.
A weighr-b reducticn of 60 percent vas realized and
laboratóry tests ind.icate satisfactory perfoflr.a¡.ce.
March d.eIlvery -- (Z) ffstems ar:d accepta.nce tests are being
schedu-l-ed for conduc*.ed ôn th.e Llll-lt (Uttra Hfgn -E're qlrency/ grouno
UIIF equipment. equipn0ent fc.r' the Va,ndente rg Air Force Base tracking
a:rd. d¿ta acquisilion si;atiôn.
Eq1ripnent d, G"o!4q qrypqf- Fquipq9!!
d.elivered for
Iar.mcll pad fI (r) ctqqa4 Ilgaq]inc q4q Egrrriçe lq.ujæ ent -
Equipneni i.r n
d-elivered Ênd is schedul-ed- tg be coryIetely installed-
and ch.ecked. out ¡y nj.d-l'{ay"

Pro]}ulsion systea (2)

c4ecko¡!_.Lquipmeq! - AGH\ÏA propulsion
checkout url.lts systen checkcut equlprrent r,¡as dellYered- to V.aJì.d.enberg
delivered. tò Alr Force Base durirì€ February" Integra,tion a¡d
Vandenberg Air acceptaÏlce testing ùf systems checkout coEplex 1A are
Force Base. in prcgress at the Mod-ifi.cation a-nd. Checkout Center,

Sunnyvale, CaLifornia. Corplex lA is a noùification
of the vehicle checkout colrplex and ¡¡ill
be used for both SAMOS and liEDÀS vehicles.
Control equ.lpment (3) Iårngb Cq4!q91 Eqllüçlr - I{E¡ufacturins
for launch pad of lau¡ch control systens equipment for Polnt Argnello
#I d.el-ivered. ln Iarmch pad #¿ is BO percent coarplete. lhe eqlr-itr'nent
Febru.ary" for }au¡.ch pad fI vas shlpped to Vand.enberg Alr Force
ljase on Iö ! eþruarl¡.




(vmr narr,r lllnslrti sAmr,Lrtrs)

MÐAS Il1Il provitle l-" Eejggt cfbJgs!¿ve

early rarllng of
ba f 6tf c misslle l'he proJect (lfissl1e Defenôe AJ-arm Systen)
attadr. 1s aimed toward. establishlag e Eerles of satell-Ltes
a."olll3è the ea,rth in pol-e,r orbit6. fhese wlll carry
peyl,oads conslstirg of lnf¡arett detectlon 6ca!¡1ers
capabl-e of d.etecting eEa¡ations f¡on balfl3tle nis-
sll-es belng launched, as the nissfles rise above
the atnosphere " +
Flrst fltgbt 2. Fligbt Test kogress
test vehfcl-e
l-ar¡¡chetl on a. Ilxe first UIDAS fugbt test vehlcl-e ï46 l-au¡ched
26 February. fro! Atlåntic Mlssile Ra,age on 26 Febmary" Satel l l te
orbit was not attaineë beeause of maLfu¡etlons nhlch
occu¡red. durlng the boost phase.
F1ight para- b" Í]oe first MIDAS fi-ight wa6 pLe¡ned to place
netere for first the satelllte vehlcle iÈto a 261 nautical-nil-e circìd-ar
fljight. o?bit"
l¿uDch pad 3. he-Iau¡ch PlaJxs anð Preparationg
a" ELectrleal- rewirlng of launch pad 14 aad pad
lnbilical d:pop te6ts çere coepleted on schedule" Ad-
ditional realunda¡t el-ectrieal eiJcuítË were insta]-lefl
1n the nasÎ to pf,ovlde lnereased. rellabillty.
Grounil supporb b. Systeos checkout of the grouild support equip-
equlp.eût 4ênt, were conducted. successfull-y vith no probl-eüÉ
testeti satis- beco@ing appareBt" Cbeehout of the AELASI booster was
factorily. colducted !¡lth conpletel-y satlsfactory resul-ts.
Payload readout c. Groûld stations at the Atle¡tic l,llosile Ra.:oge,
p1s¡o defilled. Kaena Polnt (Sa$a1i) aod. Tarxdenberg Air Force Base ¡r'ere :+"
gcheduled to.perfo'm ps,yloe.il-to-grounal ¿lata l1¡k ¡ead- *..
out. AJ-1 three statfons Îùere to bave tape recortleð.
the satelllte systeü--ti.úe data for proceEsirg, a¡lal-y61s
anil presentatlon on the co@a¡d coDsole of the grountl
presentation u¡1t at the Satellite Test Center, Suuyvale,
Cal:Lfo¡n1a. In aildltlon, real-tLue read.out rÊs to have
beeu perfo:rueil oD the grouJxd presentatlon unit at
Ve¡den.berg Air Íorce Be6e. Motlon pictures of the real-
tl¡e grou.nd presentatLoD çere t'o bêve been Eade, v'Íth
Èysten-tiÌûe 1lalleated on each fra,ne.

SL4ulators d.. stage vehicle sl¡ulators vere d-elivered.
. Se cond.-

tr)erE1t pre- to Atlantic ]vllssile Range| Kþena, point and Vaod.enberg

l¿rmch Àir tr'orce llase early ln Febrú€,ry. [hese unlts vere
trai¡ing. used- fo:r tr€,lni-ng a¡ld fa,niliarization in vehicle
handli n€¡ checkout, tracklng &ûd- readoutj a.¡rd for
eleetrical ùeckout of associa.ted. grou¡rd equipment.
Eac¡Ìunit, conslstin€ of tvo equJ¡:nent racks, is capable
of recei'v-ing a¡rd- transnlttlng co@El1ds aÐd. sLmr-latlng
the characteristics of the L¡fraied- peytoad e¡d. cn¡rnmrni-
catiens subsysf,em óf an orbitin€. ].-[PAg satelllte"
Iefrared e. A series of targets bad. been plâ¡rìed. to test
targets tr)l-s.rìned- the lnfrared readout capability of the orbiting I/D.q.S
for orbltal satellite. fncluded r¿ere ATI,AÉ âJld TIIAN 4i.ssile
read.out te6tlng. Iau¡che s frr¡m the AtlantLc llissile lange and- -êJI,AS
launch, frora l¡andenbeI.g Air Force !ase, tiled. to coor-
ùiaate with M.DAS passes. In ad.{1tion, ten pyro-
techTllc targets vere to have been l.gnited durin€
night -ti-ne passeE over Va¡denbefg Air Force Base ard-
Edvard-s Alr Force B€lse"

AGBIA vehlcl-e 4. Technica] PrqgIqEå

at Atla¡tlc
Missl.le Rarge a. Second-Sbage Vehlcles
for second- !
I\DAS fliebt. Preparation of vehicle 1007 for instal-
lation on the fljight vehlcle is pro-
second MüAS
ceeùi-ng on schedule at the Àtlantic Missile Rarge "
This flight. is scheduled for faunch during April l-960"
Infrared. scanner -_ b" Infrared Sc¿ru:elUuj.ts.
unLt s shipped to
Ati-antic MisBiIe . T?rree of the fliglrts.l a.ad 2 urlits vere
Rallge. shipped. to the Atlantlc llissÍ]-e RaJlge drrling tr'ebru¿ry
and. the fourth is in the Moùification a¡rd Cheekout
Center. One of the 1:flits at tbe Atl-â¡tic. 141ssi1e
Ra¡ge is the ftteht artic]-e for second. MIDAS fflght"

ïnfrared system c" Infra ed. Payload. !+cEi4g_!g s'!q

tested. on
nissile flights. Th.e coup,lete IEDAS systen, incluùing the
iafra¡ed sca,nner r:nit, satellite-.borne data link,
gror:ad data link, and..operating pérsonnel suc ce s sfìl-l-ly
tracked arì Afl,AS rli.ssile laìmched. froro Vandenberg Aj.r
I'orce Base on 29 Janualy. fhe paJload a:rd. satellite
d-ata ]-ink r¡ere set up outside the telemetry bullùing
to track the eissll-e ascent" Data were tra¡.snitted to


the tracking statj.on via the d.ata }iúk system a¡d.
tape recorded.. On 4 Febnrary, the D]SCOySRER Ð(
launch r¡as s'inl ]¿¡ly tracked for 110 second.s.
.Analysis of the tapes on vhieh the tracking info:mation
rn'as record.ed revealeô that the target i¡fornation
obtained. r.7as highl-y satlsfàctory, ryle capability of
the space aJÌd- grollfÌd presentation eqirip!.ent as ínstall-ed
at |a.ndenberg AiT Torce Base vas establlsheô.
Fabr:icatlon of . d. Sol-ar Auxilia4r Pover
paJlels started.,
Fabrication.of the solar array panels vas
started on B February. The nockup of the entire
axray is nearly conælete. A functionl-ng 1/L0 scaLe
model of the array mechanism vas codpleted. èuÌ.j.ng

AGE'IIA reuability e. FeJiability Negotiatlons

prograln defined..
Ioekheed. ¡llssiles and Stra ce Ðivision a¡d Be}}
Aircraft haye completed a vork statement for a¡r AGENA
eng.ine reliability Bfìo gra¡(.



(NÀvlGATroN sArElrrres)

0bjectives. 1. Introôuction
fbe objectir¡e of the TRANSIT Project is to pro-
vlde an accurate a¡rd. rellabl-e mea¡s of precisely
fixfug the position of su¡face cl€,ft, guh!€rines,
a¡d. possibly alrcrafb on an all-veEther glohal basLs.

TRANSTT I3 2" Navieation Satelllte flLlghts

IamcLing a. atteryt to orbit an experjrental
fb.e second.
schedlrled foÏ' TRANSIA satelllte for tracki.ng, navÍgatirg/ €nd
AprtL l-960. geod-etic trials 1s schedul-ed for ^April 1960" This
is designated. TIANSII lB. Ttre TBÂJ{SII lB satellite
(eee Figure 1) ï-i1} tra,ns¡¡lt on four frequencles:
5\ L62t 2L6t úñ- 124 nc. It rrLlr use nea' t æe
nl.ckel-c'admium batterles lù-ich have a larger stora¿e
capacity than the cells uqed L¡. the 1A sate ite.
ftre 1B vil]- itrclud.e a specj-af- d.evice.to provide a
fllght d-eronstration of the GRES/TRAI\SII selaratfon
mectra¡.ism vithout jeopa-TdLzing the 13 flight
IÊunching of b" lhe 2A satellite system d1agrefls a¡.d.
TRANSIT 2A structu.ral d.eslgn have been eo¡çleted.. Most of the
SatelLite Ls 2A conq)onent s have been fabricated" lhis sateIllte
schedu-led. for _I"'LI} ùlffeÏ from lA iJI .orbitaÌ inclination and ï-il-I
À{ay 1960. .:.nco4)orate a clo.ck perLlttì ng precise vorldï-ide
tj-me correLation. As a secondary experùrent, 2Á v1ll
'carry the GBEB satellite in pickabâck fashion"
Ttle TBANSI| 2B c" ü¡ste!û desiga of the 2B is essentíalLy coùtr-
satelllte, pri-- pleter and. the circuit desi-gn of menory and data
ro.a,rlly a bacl(lrp loglc is 90- percent corplete. Itle preuJdnary systeü
for 2l., v111 be bTeâLd.oÌm ínto com¡:onent ì.mlts is coEpl-ete. The 23
stru.cturally vil} be able to store .approxi-r€,tel¡r 300 bits of
ldentical wÌth digital inforuå,tion a¡d. to read out about l-00 bits
it, but vill per second..
i:rcorporate a
data storage

IRANSIT-ON- d.. fJ. cooperation 'w-ith the Air Force, IRANSE-

DISCOYENER t¡æe stable oscillatorg are being instafled. in

several D1SCOYERER satellltes. DT$çOirffimS Ð( and X
fail-ed. to acb.ieve orbl-t but sigtrl-ls r¡ere reeeLved
from the alrborne mANSiÍ tiantrLtters" Subsequent
mSCO\,EBER satelLites rrill carry IBANSII tæ,¡]sûLitters
untl]. severaJ- transnitte¡s have been successfrrlly
fl-oç¡n a¡rð doppler data read out by the Narry fRAIISII
Tecei]ring statlons. The puq¡ose of these tests is
to nake a preli-nlnary evalu-atigD of the calabllities
of the TRANSIf system for DISCO-llgRm tracking by
co]rparing 1t 1¡ith very ]-ong reage tracking d¿ta a¡d.
d.ata obtained. from optlcal trackl-ng of a l1ght flash.

Status of 3. Receiving Stations

elgbt ìrnits
being bullt aë fn adðition to the slx fully instruueûted
by $avaI gror.ud receiving stations d-eveloped. for TL{NSIT uset
0rd¡ar:ce tb-e first of eight poltable reeeLvlng statlons vhlcþ
Test Station, can be utll-lzed. in the TRANSIT prograIl 1s co4).lete.
Chlna lelle, Thi-s station raill be sent to Itaramrselr [ul'key, E¡ld-
Cal-ifornl-a. lri1l be oI}eratiol1al ður1ng the ].ar¡leh of TRANSII 13"
0f the elgbt portable recelv-i.:rg statlonsj five are
TBANS,II prógraln statior.s ?¡d three are bei¡g built
for use by the Pacific l.[1ssile Range "
Ð,eerl-@entaI b" The lnstaltation a¡rd preli-ciaary checkout of
tracking the exlerùLerata-l- trackS.ng equlpú€ r aÞoard tne
equiI)ü.ent POT,ARIS Weapon ffsten Test Saip, LISS OBÉERVÀÍIQN
lnstalled- and. ISLAND. (EAG-154), has been coüq)leted. Drls eqÉip-
ehecked- out on records on ragnetic tape doppler d"ata received. from
uss .oSsRvATfoN the sâtellite for subsequent forwardlng i;o the
ISI,AND. ,Applied Physl.cs l€.boratory, Howard Cor:aty¡ l4aryland.

ffi&, Ftgure 1. TBANSII 13 Test Installatlon.
(c oln,ru¡Trc.trTrot sarELLrÌEs )

Satellite to be 1. Broieç!_-QÞj9çlive
used- for
Teceiv-j.ng aJld a. fhe objective of the Conmu¡ication Satellite
retral1seitting ?roject ( tloluS) is the developnent of a n:ilitary
messages, eo:¡mu¡icaticn system, uti]-1z1ng sate}}ites to proYide
long-r'arÌge radio coløunlcatÍon l-inks. lhe satelljlte
comïmication system is erTleeted. to relieve the
presently overcro$¡ded trwking facilities and to
jEprove rellabll-lty of global com:Rr¡lcation.

Project being b. The CoomuJlicaticn. Satellite Frciect is belng

f\l.rther further evaluated. Frogram decisi-ons on a reoriented
evalua.ted... prograr¡. are expecred to be reached. at a¡ early d¿,te.

COURTM - 2. Delayed Rqleaier

Repeater. llxe initial lhase cf the project is the d-eveloP-
nent and operation of a de]-ayed- repeateï satel-llte
( Coufrun) vhleh vj.Il receive messages over one point
and retrainsnit them over.another point"
Progra:r being 3. Insta¡.ta¡eous Repej¿ter
reoriented. to
provide a single a" During this report peri.odr pla:rs vere fomu-
integrated R&D lated- to integrate the SAC C.onmurdcation Satellite
project cãILed (SIE'ER), the Adval1ced Pola,T Corúl]l1icatlon Satellite
ADyEI$r. (TACIfr,E ) and. the 2l+-hour comr:lications proieci
(DEcrE"E) into a single R8Ð projeet for a 2l+-hour
gl-obat satellite conmr.mication system (¡lVEuf).. fne
u].tjlÏå,te cbjective of this project Ls the provision
of gl-obal comrurrications on a real-tine basis at
nÌcrovave frequencies with a high charrL-'l lride band.-
v-id"th capacity¡ a,nd to prorrid.e ãn uftra high fre-
quency Po].ar capability for ÊÀC às a by-product "

Foruteen flj.ehts b, To achieve the above stated- obiective, a

tentatil¡efy series of fouï laurrche s i¡to a 51600 nautical:nj-le
sche¿u-Led. iJ} the poLa,r orbft f-s pla:raed from the Facific l'tissile Range
ryor-_L9oJ perr.od.. j.¡r late f96l ¿l1d earLy L)62, Ten ATIAS gmfIAlIR
Vehicles l¡:ill be fired" from the Atlantic Ì4iss11e
Range intû a 191300 nautj.cal n1Ìe equatorlal orbit"
fhese flights, vhleh include three NatlÕnal A.ero-
nautics and. Spaee Adrlnistration R&D vehicles, are
scb.eèuled dlrling the L96z-L963 period"
L6'9r t*='/
COURITR lau¡ch !" Status - COURIER
d-4bes d.eter-
niaed.; f5 JuIy ao General
1960 for 1¡. a¡d.
I geptffiber 1960 At a meeting on L3 Tébmary 1960f betrn'een all
for 18" Iri-ïlcipa]- Depa'rtnent of Defense agencles Lqrolveõ,
agreenent l¡as reached for 1! Jul;¡ a96O as the l-aunch
d-ate for CCURTER lÀ and for 1 September 1960 as thç.t
l-aunch date for COLIRIER 13. Detailed mj.]estõne
schedul-es have been prepared. and. are being closely '
nonitored for: a}} û¿jor phases of the progra,n." 1

CoIIRßR TecelYj.ng b. Grol]:ld. Station Equlpnent
fabrication e:rd- Fabr¿cation or al} ejor cor¡:onent items has
asFernbly of vans been ir-ftlated-" llae IItr receí]¡jJig system protot]?e
i-n p"rogress . is nearjng corq:letlon a¡id- shor.ú-d be rea{y for testing
du'ring the second. r,¡eek .of }¡Iarch. fhe first VEF
receiv-ing systeB rrill also be corpleted. at about the
same tLme" TLre first coqtlete set of val1s for one
grorr:rd- station ís avail-abl-e a¡rd installation of all
equipnent vill be completed by late ¡¡f¿,rch 1960" ftie
second. set of v.ans shou.trd be comlleted- by ûlô-April

COURIER anterna c. Giormd A¡rte¡la

tover ccnrpleted..
Antennas beiJlg Rotary joÌnt fabricatiòn and testing vorh
brrilt and tested-. has been started. ånd- wlll continue throu€h l4arch"
In-plaf}t testÍng òf these cotrlou.ents vill start
22 !¡la¡cin" Testing of the flrst a,:rter¡ra feed. assembly
rfr.l-l- start f5 Atr)r:il arad. sirbsy6ted testin€ of the
fl.rst selvo cÕns¡fle vil-l begin on 10 March. Ttre
tover for the fiïst site -bas been dellvered and ls
bejJ.g erected at Ca¡& Safj.!.as, Púerto Rieo. The
second- toinrer rl-ill be cor¡:letêd. irl l{ay for jnsta}la-
tion at Deal Test Site, Fort Momouth, New Jersey. L.

Fabl:icatlon of d." Satelllte Eoui¡ment

COIIEER satèIlite
equ-lpnent pro- Work is progresslng vith the deslgr. and fahri-
ceed.ing. Plans catlon of satellite coq)onerts. Both mech¿Ðlcal a::d
mad-e for system el-ectrLcal d-esign vtr,s re'\r-ieved- and alpÏoved.. fhe.
tests r'rith grou.r.d flrst prototJ¡pe satellite v-j.l-]- be del-lvered a¡ad. coB-
statlon a¡d check- patibLlity tests of this üod-el -,rith the checkoÌrt val1
out vân. ¿rad groulld" statlon l'rill be conducted- in l4ay ]960"
the l1fe test n@d.e} v:i].l be coE!-Ieted. by 15 lvlay a¡d



tlro fly¿ble nod-e] satel-lltes rrill be d-el-1vered. to

the Atlantlc ì4lssile Range by the nidd.le of JuIre.
ftre series of finai accepta.nce tests ïiIf then be

Constnrction of eô CrÕund- Sbation Sites

the Puerto Rico
CoU¡IER site (I) Ïfork has been proceeding on schedule at
under way on Carq) Salinas, Puertc Ri-co, Site No; I. -A.}} preparê-
schedu1e. tory ffork has been conpLeted and- tor¿er erectlon ls
expected- to be completed by 15 March. Station
electrical rri ring i^ril} be completed i¡r early Apri l e f .

control equipment v111 be installed 1n Aprilt rad.io

frequency component s in May and June ¡ and- rad.io vals
the last tvo weeks 1n June. rystem testing anò
acceptance are sched-uled. for earl-y July.

l,lork has beer (e) site survey !¡ork for the second site has
started- on been started- at Fort Monmouth. fhe contractor,
second site â.t Rad-iatJ-on, Inc", estjïates that a nini.mr:m of tl¡enty
Forh Mônmôuth. veeks wl1l be required. for complete installatlon.
S¡rstem testing ar:.d accepta.nce 1l-i].]- be perforlned from
I July to 22 JlrLy "
Prell:nlnary ," Status - ADVn\T
stud.les com-
pleted- on a. qin"I S'bqeg yeþ19Þ
final stage
ïehicl,e ccnflg- Prelíninary configuration stud-ie s of the
uration for final sta€e vehicle have been coneleted-. Th.ese
ADVE\T íncluôe d-etailed- weight, pover, thernal a¡alysis aJIô
satel-lite. voluIte estirates. A.method of controlllng terpera-
tuÏes vithrin t5e final stage vehicle has been
d.evelopeô, in Ì{hich inte?nal poI.ie.r is dissipated. in
the form cf heat to maintain the required tenq)era-
tures of critical coaponeÈt s. Application of this t---i.
concept permits the naintenance of vehi-cle tempera- F- .
ture s independ.ent of solar radlatl.ons .and., therefore,
unaffected by sola r eclipses.
Ulü frequencie s b" Comu4j.catigllEquiprrent Developnent
a1]ocated- for
ADIIE}]I" (r) nre frequency a,flocation has been nad-e for
th-e conmmications subsystem. fh.e center frequency
for aircraft and grorjÌld. statioû transnission provides
for spread-speetrum operation.

s. æry@

Welded circults (z) Tnvestlgations are u¡der vay on the

lnvestigated application of weld.ed. ciTctits to the final stage
for sl)tead- vehicle spread-spectrum equLpnent. Üse of th:Ls
spectrr:n approach appears to be very prÐlLisl¡g. Hoïever,
equiptrent. use of high denslty paekagJrrg usually assocÍated-
ç:ith the r^/eld-ed. circuit tecbnique probabfy v1l}
not be used because of the resrjl-ting thernal
d.esÍgn problems ard the inaccessibility for testing"

Ground. stati.on ) si.te selectlon criteria for the eomu-

site crlterLa nications subsystem ground statlon have been pre-
prepalfed. Micro- pâ.Ied. Preparation of specificatioos for satellite
wave equlpment borne and- ground statlon comurdcations equipüent
specifications is nearing coEpletion. Consid.eration has been
near corpLetlon. given to the terrninal equipùnent for tvo ground
Speclflc fre- (4) fne folloning specj.fic frequency alloca-
quenc i e s tions for the coltrturricati-ons subsystems are being
requèsted. requested:

GroÈnd station-to-sateltite - 7l-40 mc, 75Bo met

Seacontracking of satellite - ll'lO mc1 1BB0 nc,
l))O mc, 2100 nc.

(rnAem{c Nmwor:r)

ObJectiye. t. Project Objectíve

The objective of Project ffiEPEERD is the
establis¡ment of Eil effective spacê -\rehic].e d-etection
system vi:ich vill detect a¡rd. ld.entify aì-l space
ob jects. The system mst aJ-so have the c4)abillty
for orbit d-etemination a.üd fìrtuÌe position preùic-.
tion of space objects. To, accoEpL1sh this obiectivet
a Na¡ry rrir-itïack fence ( SPASTß) h¿s been constrarcted-
to act as a princlpal sensor for the detectioB syste[.
T-n addltion, ARPA has estaU-ished aj Proiect throueb
the Àir Seseaïch and. Develol¡ment Com¿¡rd for d-evelop-
ment of a Natio¡¿t Space S.trveilla¡1ce Contxol Center
i¿hich ¡1111 receive då,ta fron ¿^rly and a'll sensor
systems' conqüte space vehfcle orbits, a,nd lssue
6atell1te position pred-icticlas. Tinallyr, Proiect
SÍEPHERD cal-ls for the developm€nt of tro oYer,seâs
tr:acking stations in cooperatiòn v1th the Natioaal
Aeronautics end Spaee Adnlnistratlon.
t'Unkn o¡¡ntt 2. Genera-l
Sàteulte Ld.en-
tlfieti as 'On 2 f'ebruary f960 it vas d.eterei-ned. throu€b
DISCOTSRER V sPAsuR that a d¡'rk satellite, preÏlously undetected'
re-entry bo{y. ¡¡as ln orbit. This sateltite vas desì-gnated 1960
UNK-I (the first uIrhl.ol^'¡n satell-ite of f96O). On
.lp Februaryn sufficlent elrid-ence was found to
,estabtish the satelliters identity as the re-entry
body of DISCOTEffiR V, and it vas rena¡nred 1959
E¡)silon 2. Subsequentlyr. searcb. of additlonal
SPASUR ãnalog recordlngs revealed that the earliest
observ'ation for this satell-ite occurred.on 1! August
L959. lt is expected that its }1fe-tjlne wÍLl end 1¡
Septenber 1!61.

Navy furnished As requested by the Chief of Naval Operations,

i'¡-ith seercïr al1 ephemerisfor the satelllte +958 Delta 2
epheneris. (æUfru< fIT) is being issqed veekly to operating
forces of the U"S. fleets.



Background. 1. Sackground
of Project.
a. The SATURN ?roiect evol-ved as the earl-iest
possj-bl-e soLution to the urgent need for boosting
Iarge payl-oads into orbit" The A]]ny ord¡rance
Ì.[issl]e Corurand ]¡as assigned the proiect for demon-
stratj-ng the feasibifity of clustering available
rocket engines to generate approxj$ately one and
one-half nillion pounds of thnrst.
Development b, A6 a resuft of the ?resiôentrs deci-slon to
Operatlons transfer tbe Development ûperations Division of the
Di-vision of Arny Bauistic lvlis sile A,gency and the SATURN Proiect
ABMA and to the National Aeronautics and Space Administra-
SATURI\Project tion, technica] supet'v-ision for the prograJn has been
are to be assumed. by NASA" Management supeta:ision of the
transferred to progr:arn temporarity remains vith ARPA, and SATIIRN
NASA. deve]opment remains the responsiblfity of Arny
Ord¡la.nce ltissile Corur¿rìd until the tra,nsfer plan
is approved. by the Congress.
Booster contalns 2" General"
eight Rocketdyne
H-I engin€s. a. TL¿e SATURN booster consists of three main
sections: tail section, container sectÍon, and
upper stage adaption section. The tail section
r'rill contain eight Rocketdyne H-l engines. tr'inal
engines are exlected to have a noninaf sea-Ievel-
thzust of 1BBr000 pounds each" Early fl-1ght
engi-ne s are cafibrated at 1651000 pounds tbrust "

Nuclear powered. b, A pre]imlnary Ínvesti8ation has been com-

upper stages for pleted. on a nuclear, orbital, flight test vehicle '
549.1¡1¡;:jj¡¡i¡e st isat ed. lhe investigation rn¡as based on the fi.rst tL¡o
'}1,I chemical stages of the SArURN C-2 vehicle with a
ROYER-A nuclear engÌne stage on top. Additional
consid.eration of the operational perforïìa,nce and.
overall configuratlon of the SATII.RII C-2 and. C-3
Vehicles vith RoVER-Ä indicates that a payload
increase of tvo Èó thiee ti:nes that of the chenical
countevpart can be achieved.
Pre}lelEary d.esign c. Preliroinary deslgn on control system circult
of control system filters for the SATURN vehicle vas begm. ?re1in:l-
clrcuit filters



lAry lovestigatio¿s haù shor'rn the veb.icle to be

basica1-ly unstable due to Loï-frequency bend-Lag
charactefistlcs. f'he puryose of these fílters
1s to pravlde the prcper pbase shift a¡rd. attenu-
atioa j-n the control qlreuil to j:rsu.re a stable
contTo]- systee throughout fl19þt "

Ä3MA rer-ieifljlng d. Àruy _qar1i*i9:141!s:!re rlsgngx

proposals. A-nqy Ballistlc ){1ssi1e Agency briefed. pro-
spective contractors.on the C-l Vehicle seco.nd.
st¿ge orr 26 a,¡¡¡ð, 4 J€nlrary" -4. total of 36 coøpqdes
attend-ed- tb.e conference" Proposals, lncluðing cost
consid.e¡atlons a¡d. a transpqrbation scheÐe, vere
recelved from 11 comp€.rlies orr 29 tr'ebtuary 19b0"
ArEy 3aJ-l-lstlc Missl.le Agency is noìd evaluatlng the
propqsaJ-s receiyed.. A declsion by the Adminlstrêtor
of l\TatioÈal- Aefonautícs and. Space Ad.nin-lstration as
to the upper stage eontractor i-s eLpected to be ¡oade
by I April l-960. The contrect r,¡:i11 then be ãegotlaled-.
Test Vehlcle 3" BogE!=I_læhiclg_Sbatus
SÀ-T l¡st¿.Ued
i¡ .ABMA $taÈic á. 0n 20 Sebl:uary 1960 llÀTtlm{ Test Vehle}e SA-T
Test To-r¡er. vas tra.nsporbed. to the -A-lIqy Balllstic Misslle Agency
Sbatic Íest Tover fÍom. the €.s semþl-y area and- ìi¡as
1ûstal-l-ed Ln the tqwer. PreflalEtlons are in progress
for engine lnstallatj.on" (S". ¡':.er."u" 2 and 3)
flle fírst full b" The current SATURN test schedul-e pr3vld.es
eight-engíûe -for oJle bgoster {sA,-t) for capt1fe test firlngs and
captive firing ône for each of four fligbt vehicle s (gA-I, SA-2,
of SÀ-T 1s SA-3, a¡d SA-4). ftre f{rst full eight-en€lne captlve
scheduled. for firìing Òf SA-T is schedufed. for .-{prl} 1!6Q.
April 1960.
ÊÀTUÌN l-nstni- )t" Ip+¡**¡ø¡g
ðesign, fabrica- fh.e veh-l"cle circul-ts for SA-l have been ûeflJled.¿
tioùr, and testl¡g and. d-etaj-]. --¡gineerJ.rig for manufactu-rin€ of hardtare
are s cb.edule d.. is on scheduae " .Êrbsystens checkout eqìJiP&ent ltees
are progressÍ.:rg satlsfactorlly i1]. various sta€es of

Elrst four engj-nes 5" Tqs!.Eqggïe4

for fl-ight
boosters accepted. a" Four production engines have conq)l-eted-
aceepta.ace testLng (n-ron throueþ H-foI4), e¡d çere


Nl¡e englne b. Nine englee tests vere conducted. at the
tests ïer€ A:my Balllstic l¡llssl]-e Agency Po.vel Pla.nt Test
satisfactorlly Sbard. dur{ rìg this reporb perlod. Fjngines H-}OOI a¡d
conducted-. fi-1009, mounted j-ri the outboard- cqnfiguratlon, were
used. for the tests" l,fåin objectlves of these tests
were the measur€nent of vibraiion l-eveLs oa the fuel
and l1qr.:-id. orygen süctÍon l-jJ.es and. engine systen
checkout 1E' outboard. conflguratlon.

Capti.vetest 6. Facllities Sbatus

faciüties aô Ìlork is nearfng coûptetaon on t.h.e "in-house"
constructlon brrifd--u¡: of A¡my 3al-ljistic Missife Ageneyr s Statie
on schedr:.le. Test Tower" .Work has been eompleted on the installa-
tion of control-, facilltyr and instrr.¡nentatÍon
P].urþin€.for the eight er€ines to be used iû the
SAIUBN cluster demonstration.

Blockhouse con- b" S,AÍURN blockhouse construction at the

Êtnlctlon at AMB. Atlantic ldisslle Range is
7, percent corpl-ete.
(See I'igure 4) Steet pa¡. forus for concrete place-
ment on the second floor l¡ere set lû place anð eon-
caete })oured." Tb.e ten-foot high concrete perj-aeter
wall has been essentiall-y completed^" Constnrction
Ì7orÈ 1s also progressing satisfactorily on the
Launch pad-"


FiguÌe 2. SAIURN Test Vehicl-e Installed ln gtatic Test Tower,

þ$\ þ-qÅe&bffi-çstffir'i
Flgure l+. sATttRN Lsunch Pad under conatructlon at the AtleDtlc I'fiesl1e Range.

Sebruary 29, l;þO

' Project trì.¡¡rilJng-¡Y 1959 4nor¡nts hogra.medl Cllmul-a'bive Gir¡¡rLa,tive

aad. Pf,ior Years
| ,IY 1øo CÍb]-lgations E:æend.ltures
. Drscovmmy 133.L 68.9 175.0 ar?,o
(n ¿ u satellrtes )

sAt{osv r-05.6 a5g.5 1æ.0 128.3

(Reconaais s ance Satealites )

I@âsl/ æ.8 tß.g 43.4 33.8

(narty l.ia¡cofng SateJJttes )

TBANSI,I 10.6 L6.B r4.g g.t+

(Navigatlon Satellites )

Ncrus tß.1 38.8 2o.5 10,7

(Comualcatlon SatæIlitee )

(ftacHng Network)
31.9 r.2. o 32.O 17.0

(Clustered Enelae )
3h.o To.o 7r.7 51.1

V nxelutes $84.ì. pmgraamett atr¡ri¡g tr'iscaL Year 1958 and. prlor l¡earÊ for ï{S J-L?L
Þograu' DISCoVffiB, SAltIoS arid MÐÁS proJects are outgro$ths of 16 ll-?L


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