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Pina Bausch was once accuse o! "ein# $a %o&no#&a%he& o! %ain'( E)a*ua+e +his s+a+e,en+- ci+in# s%eci!ic e.a,%*es !&o, a+ *eas+ +wo o& +h&ee o! he& wo&/s'

0Dance- an *i!e a&e no+ a"ou+ %osi+in# o& isco)e&in# +he T&u+h- "u+ a"ou+ 1ues+ionin# an %*a2in# wi+h s2s+e,s o! "e*ie!'03

14iane Fe&nan es Pina Bausch and the Wuppertal dance theater : repetition and transformation

0These ,a#ica* %*aces- si,u*+aneous*2 sinis+e& an "e#ui*in#- a&e %eo%*e "2 +he &ea,e&s +he,se*)es- ,en an wo,en whose !an+asies co**i e in con+&o**e ,a2he,'0 7 In he& &e)iew o! Pina Bausch0s wo&/- +he a,e&ican c&i+ic A&*ene 4&oce esc&i"e he& wo&/ as 0%o&no#&a%h2 o! %ain0' Wha+ is +he e!ini+ion o! %o&no#&a%h28 Acco& in# +o +he on*ine O.!o& Dic+iona&29 0Po&no#&a%h2 is a %&in+e o& )isua* ,a+e&ia* con+ainin# +he e.%*ici+ esc&i%+ion o& is%*a2 o! se.ua* o&#ans o& ac+i)i+2- in+en e +o s+i,u*a+e se.ua* e.ci+e,en+'03 I su%%ose :us+ "2 e!ini+ion- Bausch can no+ "e consi e&e a %&o uce& o! such )isua* ,a+e&ia*' In he& wo&/s +he&e is no e.%*ici+ is%*a2 o! se.ua* o&#ans' A&e +he2 se.ua*8 Possi"*2' Do +he2 s+i,u*a+e se.ua* e.ci+e,en+8 No+ !o& ,e%ossi"*2 !o& o+he&s +he2 o' I+s a*so i,%o&+an+ +o &e,e,"e&- +ha+ +he ,en+ione &e)iew was w&i++en "2 an a,e&ican c&i+ic' Ou& cu*+u&e- ou& his+o&2 in!*uence +he wa2s we %e&cei)e an &eac+' 4an +he %os+ secon wa& Ge&,an a&+is+ "e e)e& un e&s+oo "2 +he au ience !&o, +he ;ni+e S+a+es8 Possi"*2 2es- howe)e& +hei& %e&ce%+ion co,es !&o, a co,%*e+e*2 i!!e&en+ "ac/#&oun ' Man2 o! Bausch0s %e&!o&,ances a&e uni)e&sa* in +e&,s o! +hei& ,eanin#- as +he2 o!+en s%ea/ a"ou+ hu,an &e*a+ions an a&e ee%*2 &oo+e in ou& co**ec+i)e i,a#ina+ion' Howe)e&- I "e*ie)e +ha+ )isua* e.+&e,i+2 +ha+ we can see in Bausch0s wo&/ is ee%*2 &oo+e in he& own %e&sona* an #e&,anic co**ec+i)e his+o&2' The +e&, use "2 4&oce is o!!ensi)e an inaccu&a+e' 4o,%a&in# Bausch +o %o&no#&a%he&s- %eo%*e whose +a/e on +he wo&* is #ene&a* an ehu,ani<e - is an a"su& in i+se*!' Du&in# wa+chin# +he !i*, Pina- one can see how c*ose was he& &e*a+ionshi% wi+h he& ance&s an how ,uch Bausch has in!*uence +he, on +he hu,an *e)e*' =uc2 Wei& s+a+es in he& %u"*ica+ion9 'Tanztheater is a highly individualistic form of expression, and the creation of these large-scale works required a great level of trust between Bausch as choreographer and her cast; compared to the traditional workings of a dance company, theirs was a very intimate relationship. ! "his proves how important her humanity and personal relationships mattered in creation of Bausch s performances and how unique her interaction with the members of the company was.#lso in his book What moves them, $limenhaga mentions the importance of personal experience and intimacy in Bausch s work% 0 B2 &eawa/enin# us +o ou& "o ies an ou& "o i*2 connec+ion +o +he wo&* an socie+2- Bausch a*so &econnec+s us +o ou& hu,an &e*a+ionshi%s- o##e *2 so'0> This s+a+e,en+ is e)e&2+hin# "u+ no+ a esc&i%+ion o! %o&no#&a%hic %iece'
& h++%9??www'+he#ua& ian'co,?cu*+u&e?7667?:an?73?a&+s!ea+u&es ' h++%9??www'o.!o& ic+iona&ies'co,? e!ini+ion?en#*ish?%o&no#&a%h281@%o&no#&a%h2 !Wei&- =uc2 Ga"&ie**e Ann A7633B The cross-cultural rituals of twentieth- century dance: Mary Wigman, Martha Graham, Pina Bausch, p. !- "

(Ro2 4*i,enha#a- What mo#es them : Pina Bausch and the aesthetics of Tan$theater, p.

Bausch e%ic+s %ain an s+&u##*e e)ou&in# hu,an e.is+ence in a )e&2 is+u&"in# wa2' E)e&2"o 2 can see +ha+- howe)e& no+ e)e&2"o 2 can un e&s+an ' Wha+ she is showin# in he& wo&/s is +he &ea*i+2 o! %os+ wa& ,en+a*i+2 o! "&o/en %eo%*e- who a&e s+&u##*in# +o wash o!! +he s+i#,a o! %ain an c&ue*+2' This oes no+ consi e& +hei& &ea*i+2 on*2' Whe&e)e& we *oo/ a+ +he socie+2- whe+he& +h&ou#h +he his+o&2 o& ,o&e in ,o&e &ecen+- no so %os+ wa& +i,es- +he s+&u##*e- iso*a+ion an *one*iness ,ee+ us a+ e)e&2 co&ne&' Wi+h Pina Bausch- ance e,e&#es as +he )e&2 "asis o! a i!!e&en+ *an#ua#e- +he *an#ua#e o! hu,an e.%e&ience- a *an#ua#e +ha+ ,us+ access e,o+ions i&ec+*2 an +h&ou#h +ha+ &each- #o !u&+he& in+o +he e,o+iona* &esonance o! o+he&s' Dance +hus "eco,es +he *an#ua#e o! +&au,a &eCwo&/e an e.+en e +h&ou#h ou& co,,on "on D ou& hu,ani+2' He& ance "eco,es +he ,eans o! accessin# na&&a+i)es +ha+ esca%e +he %&eciseness o! *an#ua#e- 2e+ e,an +o "e un e&s+oo - %&ocesse - an !ina**2 s%o/en' He& *an#ua#e is +he *an#ua#e o! &aw e,o+ion- o! wha+ %eo%*e o +o each o+he&- o! wha+ %eo%*e a&e ca%a"*e o!- o! wha+ a** o! us a&e a"ou+9 *o)e- es%ai&- )io*ence- a##&ession- "eau+2' Peo%*e canno+ wa*/ awa2 una!!ec+e "2 he& wo&/' As e,o+ions #i)e o+he& %eo%*e c*ues o! +hei& e.%e&iences- Pina Bausch oes on a *a&#e& sca*e- in ho%es o! &e*a+in# %eo%*e uni)e&sa**2' I+ is %ossi"*e +o un e&s+an each o+he& ,o&e&e#a& *ess o! ou& cu*+u&es an "ac/#&oun s- usin# e,o+i)e *an#ua#e' ;ni)e&sa* e,o+ions such as %ain- sa ness- an#e& o& :o2 can a** easi*2 "e i en+i!ie in a** cu*+u&es a*i/e' Bausch0s wo&/s %&o)o/e 1ues+ions a"ou+ ou& socia* an cu*+u&a* &e*a+ionshi%s' He& s+a#e ,a2 "e %e&cei)e as a ,i&&o& o! &ea*i+2' I! #es+u&es a&e +a/en !&o, e)e&2 a2 *i!e- +he ac+ion on s+a#e wi** "e &e,o)e !&o, +he &ea*, o! aes+he+ic a"s+&ac+ion an &e*a+e +o +he s%ec+a+o&0s %e&sona* e.%e&iences' The au ience is !o&ce +o en#a#e wi+h +he %e&!o&,ance &a+he& +han :us+ o":ec+i!2 +he %e&!o&,e&s on s+a#e' The !oun a+ion in which Bausch0s wo&/ &es+ is in +he +an#i"*e "o 2- which has "een +au#h+ "2 +he cu*+u&a* in oc+&ina+ion o! #en e& i en+i+ies' He& ance&s- an no+ on*2 he&s- a&e e.%ec+e +o su",i+ +he,se*)es +o +he con+&o**in# i&ec+o&- who uses +he, !o& +hea+&ica* e.hi"i+ionis,- ,uch o! which e.is+ in an e)e&2 a2 *i!e'

3' S+i** !&o, %onta&thof In %onta&thof ADi!!icu*+ P*aceB Bausch e%ic+s +he &e*a+ionshi%s "e+ween ,en an wo,en "2 !ocusin# on +he,es o! a##&ession- a*iena+ion an su",ission' 4onsis+in# o! nonC%&o!essiona* ance&s &awn !&o, +he is+&ic+ o! Wu%%e&+a* A+he ho,e o! Bausch$s Tan<+hea+e& co,%an2B +he %e&!o&,ance consis+s o! +wo i!!e&en+ cas+s' One co,%&isin# +eena#e&s- +he o+he& E*a ies an #en+*e,an o)e& F>$' In +his "&i**ian+*2 in)en+i)e ac+ o! cas+in# she a*so e.%ose +he %o)e&+2 o! ou& a#eis+ cu*+u&e D %a&+icu*a&*2 when a%%*ie +o ance' The F>C%*us ,en an wo,en who %e&!o&,e %onta&thof no+ on*2 #a)e +he *ie +o +he no+ion +ha+ we "eco,e in)isi"*e as we a#e- +he2 e,ons+&a+e +ha+ we can *oo/ ,o&e )i+a* an a*i)e' The %e&!o&,ance o! +he o* e& ance&s !unc+ions as an 7 i,%o&+an+ &e:oin e& +o +he ,a&#ina*i<a+ion o! +he a#ein# su":ec+ in con+e,%o&a&2 wes+e&n cu*+u&e' D&esse in !o&,a* a++i&e A,a*es in a&/ sui+s!e,a*es in co*ou&!u* e)enin# &esses an hi#h hee*sB an i)i e a*on# #en e&e *ines- +he ance&s %e&!o&, wha+ is "es+ esc&i"e as a se&ies o! e*a"o&a+e ,a+in# &i+ua*s +o a soun +&ac/ o! sen+i,en+a* Ge&,an son#s !&o, +he 3G36s' A*+hou#h +h a o*escen+ an senio& ance&s enac+ i en+ica* cho&eo#&a%hic se1uences each %e&!o&,ance- acco& in# +o +hei& i!!e&en+ a#es- is in!*ec+e )e&2 i!!e&en+*2' The ance&s is%*a2 +he,se*)eseach %e&son showin# hi, o& he&se*! !&o, i!!e&en+ an#*es- as we** as &e)ea*in# +hei& +ee+h' Men an wo,en s*ow*2 a%%&oach each o+he& in se%a&a+e #&ou%s'The2 &e,o)e i!!e&en+ %a&+s o! +hei& c*o+hin#- +hen ,in#*e- cou%*es a&e !o&,e ' The2 %&ocee +o +ouch each o+he&s0 "o iesC !aces- a&,s- hai&shou* e&s- ches+s- s+o,achs- "ac/s o! /nees- an +ic/*e !ee+' The in+e&ac+ion see,s in+i,a+e a+ !i&s+- "u+ o)e& +i,e i+ "eco,es ,o&e e&&a+ic- +o +he %oin+ o! )io*ence' =os+ innocence has no %oin+ o! &e+u&n' She %&o)i es an e.%*o&a+ion o! +he su":ec+i)i+2 o! *i!e s+a#es o& #ene&a+iona* ca+e#o&ies- %a&+icu*a&*2 +ha+ o! o* a#e' 0%onta&thof uses +echni1ues o! +hea+&ica* %&esen+a+ion as ,e+a%ho&s !o& +he

#ene&a* i ea o! %&esen+a+ion an connec+ion in ou& socia* &e*a+ionshi%s'0F

7' S+i** !&o, +he Blue'eard %e&!o&,ance In Blue'eard: on listening to a tape recording of B(la Bart)&*s opera +,u&e Blue'eard*s -astle.- we o"se&)e how ,en +&2 +o i,%&ess wo,en wi+h +hei& "o ies +h&ou#h +he %&esen+a+ion o! )a&ie+2 o! %oses' The !*oo& is co)e&e wi+h &ie *ea)es su##es+in# esicca+ion &a+he& +han eca2 an +he on*2 !u&ni+u&e is a %*ain woo en chai& on which a ,an A &esse in a hea)2 o)e&coa+- "u+ wi+h "a&e !ee+B is si++in# a+ a +a%eC&eco& e& which +u&ns ou+ +o "e on a ,o)ea"*e +&o**e2' A wo,an in a ee% %in/ &ess is *2in# on +he !*oo& on he& "ac/- he& a&,s "en+ wi+h +he *owe& a&,s he* s+&ai#h+ u%- han s o%en as i! wai+in# +o &ecei)e so,e+hin# o& a"ou+ +o c*a% he& han s'To use a wi!eC/i**e& an his )ic+i, )Ro2 4*i,enha#a- What mo#es them : Pina Bausch and the aesthetics of Tan$theater, p./!

as a ,e+a%ho& !o& +he i,%asse &eache in +he "a++*e o! +he se.es is +o sa2 so,e+hin# *ess +han ho%e!u* a"ou+ +he "asis o! ,a*eC!e,a*e &e*a+ions' B*ue"ea& s+an s a*one na/e in !&on+ o! +he o**- ca%+u&es wo,en wi+h "e shee+s- swin#s +he, a&oun an %i*es +he, on+o +he !*oo&' The&e is a scene in which a** wo,en han# +he,se*)es on +he wa**- &ese,"*in# +he ac+ o! c&uci!i.ion' An +hen +he2 co,e o!!- "ac/ +o +he e&&a+ic #a,e o! see/ an hi e' The&e a&e une.%ec+e ,o,en+s9 +he *i#h+s co,e u%- +he %e&!o&,e&s &ush an c&ash in+o wa**s' Men wi+h %i**ows he* +o +hei& s+o,achs !a** !&o, win ow si**s on+o +he 5 wo,en "e*ow' The &o*es e.chan#e +hou#h an wo,en a*so !o&, a !o&ce o! an#uish an a*,os+ &e)en#e' This )iew is a*so &e%&esen+e "2 4*i,enha#a0s s+a+e,en+9 0We ha)e an i,a#e o! +he %*i#h+ o! wo,en in con+e,%o&a&2 cu*+u&e- whe&e wo,en !i#h+ +o ,o)e "e2on +he cu*+u&a* %&o:ec+ions in which +he2 !in +he,se*)es en+&a%%e '0H

3' S+i** !&o, -afe Muller -afe Muller was !i&s+ %e&!o&,e in 3GHI an i+ is "ase on he& chi* hoo e.%e&ience o! wa+chin# +he en)i&on,en+ a+ +he ca!e owe "2 he& %a&en+s u&in# +he %e&io o! %os+ wa& Ge&,an2' The &h2+h, o! +he %iece is o"sessi)e*2 *Ro2 4*i,enha#a- What mo#es them : Pina Bausch and the aesthetics of Tan$theater %'37I

&e#u*a&' Bu&s+s o! )io*ence a&e !o**owe "2 *on# s+i**nesses' The su&&oun in# a&ea is a*wa2s a&/- whene)e& +he ance&s co,e in con+ac+ wi+h +he !u&ni+u&e- a ,an !i#u&e &esse as a wai+e& c*ea&s i+ awa2 !o& +he,- as +hou#h +he2 a&e onea*one- *oo/in# !o& a +a"*e' The +a"*es an chai&s a&e e,%+2 an ,eanin#*ess- a c*ue +ha+ +he ,a+e&ia* has no e!!ec+ on +he %eo%*e' S+i**- no one has 2e+ no+ice each o+he&- an when +he2 e)en+ua**2 o- +he&e is s+i** a s+&on# sense o! se%a&a+eness' The o%en %a*,s an cons+an+ &u,,a#in# +h&ou#hou+ +he &oo, su##es+ a so&+ o! es%e&a+e *on#in# !o& so,e+hin# o+he& +han +he a&/ness' Bausch !ocuse on +he e.%e&ience o! &ea*i+2 on s+a#e "2 c&ea+in# a sensua* en)i&on,en+' A #hos+ *i/e !i#u&e a%%ea&s an ,o)es +h&ou#h +he s%ace' As he& #hos+*2 !ee+ scu!!*e +h&ou#h +he a&/ness- she a%%ea&s +o "e *oo/in# !o& so,e+hin#- "u+ i+ is a&/ an she canno+ see we**' He& "ac/ is +o +he au ience !o& a *on# +i,e- +he !i&s+ si#n +ha+ she is a*one an c*ose o!! +o +he wo&* - as i! e.%e&iencin# a &ea,' The c&ee%2 an su"+*e si*ence c&ea+es +he ,oo ' Th&ou#hou+ +he %iece +he +wo wo,en who &ese,"*e each o+he& &a, in+o +he wa** an #e+ s+uc/ +he&e- as +hou#h +he2 a&e a %a&+ o! i+- !o&e)e& !&o<en' Bi+s o! "usiness a&e s2s+e,a+ica**2 &e%ea+e - so,e+i,es wi+h inc&easin# u&#enc2 "u+ ,o&e o!+en wi+h no )a&ia+ion a+ a**' A+ e)e&2 &e%e+i+ion- *ess is &e)ea*e - an +he ac+ion +ha+ *oo/e unnecassa&2 +o "e#in wi+h- isso*)es in+o ,eanin#*ess !&en<2' The&e is a )e&2 is+u&"in# se1uence o! ,o)e,en+s in which a ,an an a wo,an a&e "ein# +&aine "2 ano+he& ,an +o ca&&2 he&' E)e&2 +i,e in+i,a+e ,o,en+ o! %h2sica* con+ac+ is "ein# in+e&&u%+e - an e)e&2 +i,e a wo,an !a**s on+o +he !*oo&' The cou%*e unsuccess!u**2 &e%ea+ +he ,o)e,en+- +he wo,an s*i in# ou+ o! +he ,an0s a&,s- !a**in# on+o +he !*oo& e)e&2 +i,e' This &e%e+i+ion ,a/es us &ea*ise how o!+en we a&e +&a%%e in +his ne)e& en in#- ci&cu*a& ,o e o! &e%e+i+ions' A+ so,e %oin+ we e)en *ose ho%e +ha+ we wi** e)e& succee howe)e& +he %&ocess oesn0+ en ' We can0+ o wha+ we wan+- "u+ we can0+ a*so su",i+ ou&se*)es in+o wha+ has "een %u+ u%on us' This %iece is a"ou+ ina e1ua+e an ine%+ a++e,%+s "e+ween %eo%*e +o es+a"*ish &e*a+ionshi%s' I+ +a/es %*ace in a ca!e- "u+ +he ,a<e o! +a"*es an chai&s on +he s+a#e see, +o &e%&esen+ ,o&e +han :us+ a %*ace +o ea+' Bausch has o"scu&e an a"s+&ac+e +his &e*a+a"*e- see,in#*2 neu+&a* si+ua+ion in a wa2 +ha+ shows how socia* s+&uc+u&es inhi"i+ an a*iena+e in i)i ua*s' Bausch e.%an s on +he icho+o,2 an es+&an#e,en+ "e+ween +he se.es "2 ha)in# wo,en a o%+ schi<oi "eha)iou&s- in ica+i)e o! iso*a+ion- es%ai&- an ,en+a* i**ness' 4a!e Mu**e& is a"ou+ hu,an0s ,u+e %assions- a"ou+ +he *o)e we see/ "u+ es+&an#e ou&se*)es !&o,' In +he essa2 "2 Na ine Meisne&- -ome dance with me, +he au+ho& esc&i"es -afe Muller as a %iece 0e.%osin# *one*iness- e#ocen+&ici+2 an u*+i,a+e !u+i*i+2J "u+ +he2 a*so ce*e"&a+e +he hu,an s%i&i+- ,an0s +en e&ness an cou&a#e an *au#h+e&'0I Wha+ we see in Bausch0s wo&/s as s%ec+a+o&s is i!!icu*+ +o *oo/ a+- as we /now +ha+ +he ance&s0 "o ies a&e su":ec+e +o a** +his )io*ence9 +he&e is no chea+in#)io*ence canno+ "e e.%&esse "2 an2+hin# e*se +han i+se*!' The ,a+e&ia* en)i&on,en+ +ha+ su&&oun s +hese "o ies is !a& !&o, "ein# innocen+' The noise o! +he "o 2 "*un+*2 encoun+e&in# +he en)i&on,en+- !*oo& o& wa**- cons+i+u+es each +i,e a s+&i/e in +he s%ec+a+o&(s s+o,ach' How ee% can a&+ #o +o e.%&ess +he !o&ces o! +he &ea*- )io*ence inc*u e 8 An answe& +o +his 1ues+ion %&o"a"*2 *ies in wha+ we- s%ec+a+o&s- "u+ a*so +he ance&s- #e+ ou+ o! i+' Pina Bausch !o&ces us +o *oo/ a+ +he )io*ence as a %a&+ o! hu,an in+e&ac+ions an - !a& !&o,
+The Pina Bausch 1ource'oo&, The Ma&ing of Tan$theater - e i+e "2 Ro2 4*i,enha#a- %'3H6

,a/in# us +hin/ o! i+ as an aes+he+ic e.%e&ience- she con+&i"u+es +o ou& %&o!oun &e)u*sion !o& i+ in such a wa2 +ha+ no +e.+ see,s +o "e a"*e +o esc&i"e i+' Wo& s a*one can on*2 hin+ a+ +he e%+h an co,%*e.i+2 o! ou& e,o+iona* e.%e&ience- "u+ a&+- an in +his case- ance- accesses an +&ans,i+s e,o+ions i&ec+*2- "2%assin# s%o/en *an#ua#e an &eachin# us in ee%*2 %e&sona* wa2s' He& wo&/ a &esses ou& !i&s+ *an#ua#e- +he *an#ua#e o! a!!ec+- a *an#ua#e +ha+ nee s no +&ans*a+ion' The "o ies o! he& ance&s e,"o 2in# e,o+ion su":ec+i)e*2 D +he2 "eco,e i+s c&ea+o&- ca&&ie&- cho&eo#&a%he& an na&&a+o&' 0The %e&!o&,e& is an in+e**i#en+- c&i+ica* "o 2- a"*e +o ,o)e an +o s%ea/%&ac+ice an +heo&i<e0G

Sou&ce o! i**us+&a+ions9 3' h++%9??o/inawaassau*+'!i*es'wo& %&ess'co, 7' h++%9??""oo/'+u,"*&'co,?%os+?573>GFF66HH?*no%C%inaC"auschC"*au"a&+C "*ue"ea& Cwhi*e 3' h++%9??www'%inaC"ausch' e?en?%ieces?ca!eK,ue**e&'%h% Bi"*io#&a%h29 4iane Fe&nan es- Pina Bausch and the Wuppertal dance theater : repetition and transformation AMichi#an 9 ;MI Disse&+a+ion Se&)ices- 3GGFB 4*i,enha#a Ro2 e i+o&- The Pina Bausch 1ource'oo&, The Ma&ing of Tan$theater A=on on- Rou+*e #e- 7633B 4*i,enha#a Ro2 -, What mo#es them : Pina Bausch and the aesthetics of Tan$theater APh'D' iss'- No&+hwes+e&n ;ni)e&si+2- 3GG>B Wei&- =uc2 Ga"&ie**e Ann The cross-cultural rituals of twentieth- century dance: Mary Wigman, Martha Graham, PinaBausch AThesis APh'D'B CC ;ni)e&si+2 o! G*as#ow- 7633B We"si+es h++%9??www'+he#ua& ian'co,?cu*+u&e?7667?:an?73?a&+s!ea+u&es ,4iane Fe&nan es- Pina Bausch and the Wuppertal dance theater : repetition and transformation
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Bi&&in#e& Johannes- Pina Bausch: ,ancing across Borders, Ah++%9??www':s+o&'o&#? isco)e&?36'736H?335>H7Gui @3H3I637Lui @7Lui @5Lsi @73363377F>66I3B 4o 2 Ga"&ie**e- Woman, Man, ,og, Tree: Two ,ecades of 2ntimate and Monumental Bodies in Pina Bausch's Tan$theater, Ahttp://www.jstor.org/stable/1146702)
Films: Pina by Wim Wenders, 2009

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