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PEP-8 Cheatsheet (2009)

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PEP-8 cheatsheet - http://wwd.


#! /usr/bin/en p!thon # -"- coding: ut#-8 -"$$$%his &odule's docstring su&&ar! line. %his is a &ulti-line docstring. Paragraphs are separated with blan( lines. )ines con#or& to 79-colu&n li&it. *odule and pac(ages na&es should be short+ lower,case,with,underscores. -ee http://www.p!thon.org/de /peps/pep-0008/ #or &ore PEP-8 details and http://wwd.ca/blog/2009/07/09/pep-8-cheatsheet/ #or an up-to-date ersion o# this cheatsheet. $$$ i&port os i&port s!s
i&port so&e,third,part!,lib i&port so&e,other,third,part!,lib i&port !our,local,stu## i&port &ore,local,stu## i&port dont,i&port,two+ &odules,in,one,line ,a,global, ar 3 2 ,b,global, ar 3 4 1,5/2-%12% 3 'ugh.'

l 3 A / 3 2 . 3 4

# so&e e=a&ples o# how to wrap code to con#or& to 79-colu&ns li&it: de# ,,init,,7sel#+ width+ height+ color3'blac('+ e&phasis32one+ highlight308: i# width 33 0 and height 33 0 and B color 33 'red' and e&phasis 33 'strong' or B highlight C A00: raise @alueError7$sorr!+ !ou lose$8 i# width 33 0 and height 33 0 and 7color 33 'red' or e&phasis is 2one8: raise @alueError7$. don't thin( so -- alues are Ds+ Ds$ D 7width+ height88 :lob.,,init,,7sel#+ width+ height+ color+ e&phasis+ highlight8 # e&pt! lines within &ethod to enhance readabilit!? no set rule short,#oo,dict 3 E'loooooooooooooooooooong,ele&ent,na&e': 'cat'+ 'other,ele&ent': 'dog'F
long,#oo,dict,with,&an!,ele&ents 3 E '#oo': 'cat'+ 'bar': 'dog' F

# .*P/0%12%!

# so it won't get i&ported b! '#ro& #oo i&port "'

# 2 e&pt! lines between top-le el #uncs 6 classes de# so&e,#unction78: pass

class 9oo:ar7ob;ect8: $$$<rite docstrings #or 1)) public classes+ #uncs and &ethods.

# A e&pt! line between in-class de#'ns de# #oo,&ethod7sel#+ =+ !32one8: $$$*ethod and #unction na&es are lower,case,with,underscores. 1lwa!s use sel# as #irst arg. $$$ i# = 33 >: # = is blue G33 H-E9H) A-liner co&&ent =+ ! 3 !+ = # in erse = and ! G33 H-E)E-- 5/**E2% dictI'(e!'J 3 dictIinde=J 3 E=: 2+ 'cat': 'not a dog'F c 3 7a 6 b8 " 7a - b8
Kclass&ethod de# bar7cls8: $$$Hse cls!$$$ pass # a 79-char ruler: #24>LM789AA24>LM7892A24>LM7894A24>LM789>A24>LM789LA24>LM789MA24>LM7897A24>LM789

5lass and e=ception na&es are 5ap<ords. $$$

a 3 2 b 3 > ,internal, ariable 3 4 class, 3 '#oo' # trailing underscore to a oid con#lict with builtin

# this will trigger na&e &angling to #urther discourage use #ro& outside # this is also er! use#ul i# !ou intend !our class to be subclassed+ and # the children &ight also use the sa&e ar na&e #or so&ething else? e.g. # #or si&ple ariables li(e 'a' abo e. 2a&e &angling will ensure that # "!our" a and the children's a will not collide. ,,internal, ar 3 > # 2E@E0 use double leading and trailing underscores #or !our own na&es ,,nooooooodontdoit,, 3 0 # don't call an!thing:

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