Annex 27. Fact Sheet Croatia
Annex 27. Fact Sheet Croatia
Annex 27. Fact Sheet Croatia
Besides insurance, reports also discuss some issues of existing disaster ad-hoc aid. Aid is rather inefficient and cannot accomplish its main mission - grants in the case of disasters. On the other hand it - supplies reasons that could be used as grounds for loan repayment delays, tax deductibles, lower reference yields that serve as the base for production subventions, prolongation of the state land rent and similar. Disaster ad-hoc aid inefficiency, recently forced policy-makers to make some changes. The whole process is still undergoing. The hail suppression activities exist in Croatia. Such activities and their efficiency are subject to frequent discussion and dissidences. Material and data used in the study came from different sources.
Surveys were used as the primary source of information. Insurance companies were contacted and asked for their data about agricultural insurance and their short and mid-term strategy toward agricultural insurance. As expected, only a few companies have sent some information. Received information is rather their views and perceptions on agricultural insurance with little or no tangible data. Therefore expert advice and estimation has been an important method.
Secondary data are drawn from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency. Also, statistic databases, publications, reports, web pages were also used. Currency used throughout the Report is Croatian kuna (kunas, HRK). Average exchange rate for the year 2005 was HRK/EUR= 7.400185 (Croatian National Bank).