PIPENET Trainingagenda
PIPENET Trainingagenda
PIPENET Trainingagenda
development, marketing, technical support and surge analysis service of the engineering software product PIPENET. Sunrise Systems Limited was set up in !"#, as spin off company from $%&$entre Limited, which is an older company 'ased in $am'ridge, England. Sunrise Systems has customers throughout the world including the (nited States, $anada, )e*ico, +ra,il, all of Europe, India, -orea, .apan, %ustralia and many others. The main customer 'ase of Sunrise Systems Limited is in the oil industry, while it also has a su'stantial num'er of customers in the power generation, nuclear and ship'uilding industries. PIPENET was originally developed at the (niversity of $am'ridge in !/!. 0rom !/! until !"# it was further developed 'y $%&$entre, until Sunrise Systems spun off from $%&$entre. PIPENET has three modules and they are 'riefly descri'ed 'elow. They are discussed in more details in the attached documents. Standard module1 This is a general purpose module which has a num'er of applications such as air, water, steam utility systems design, 2entilation 342%$5 systems design etc. Spray/Sprinkler Module1 This is specifically intended for the design of fire protection systems using water. It complies with the N0P% 6 and N0P% # rules. %lthough many countries have their own standards for the design of fire protection systems, for hydraulic calculations they generally use the N0P% rules as the 'asis. This module can 'e used for the design of sprinkler systems, deluge systems, ringmain systems, foam solution systems etc. Transient module1 This module is for modelling unsteady state phenomena such as water hammer and steam hammer. It can calculate the resulting hydraulic transient forces. This force7time history can then 'e input automatically to a pipe stress analysis program. This can predict the stresses in the pipes, the reaction forces on pipe supports, pipe movements etc. Pump80an module1 This module is used for creating and storing pump curves in li'raries. This is supplied free with the other modules. PIPENET has a very wide range of applications, some of which are the following1 Steady state and dynamic analysis of pipelines Steady state and dynamic analysis of water in9ection systems Steady state and dynamic analysis of fire protection systems Steady state and dynamic analysis of cooling water systems Steady state and dynamic analysis of steam distri'ution systems PIPENET offers an incompara'le range of capa'ilities and is the leading program for flow analysis in network.
Introduction1 ;ules regarding specifications +reak and +locks in pipes Pipe si,ing facility Steam distri'ution system $ooling water system
Basic concepts &emonstration of simple e*ample Short8long pipes )odelling valves and other components Input8output facilities
<nd &%: PIPENET Spray/Sprinkler Module
Modelling deluge systems1 )ost remote no,,le option Inlet pressure specified =rifice plate si,ing Clack shut deluge valve Elastomeric deluge )ultiple deluge system modelling )ultiple pump system modelling Pump selection
Modelling !oading and "nloading systems 1 Step7wise valve closure (se of accumulators )ulti7pipe systems $alculation of 0orces Modelling pipeline systems1 $ross country pipeline 2alve closure scenario )odelling leaks Modelling #ire protection systems 1 Pump priming &eluge valve operation &eluge valve closure $avity formation 2acuum 'reaker valves