Bridge Inspection and Maintenance-7
Bridge Inspection and Maintenance-7
Bridge Inspection and Maintenance-7
1 Preparation Whatever the cause of damage, preparation of the structure for repair is vitally important. Application of a sound patch to an unsound surface is useless because the patch will eventually come away, taking some of the unsound material with it. Similarly, contamination that has once caused trouble must not be allowed to remain where it is likely to cause trouble again. Any attempt to take short cuts over preparation is a false economy. The first step must be to remove unsound concrete. The area to be cut out should be delineated with a saw, cut to a depth of about 5 mm in order to provide a neat edge but the remainder of the cutting out can be done with percussive tools. Feather edges should be avoided if at all possible - edges should be cut for a depth of at least 10 mm as shown in Fig. 7.5 a & b. If any corroded reinforcement is present, the concrete should be cut back far enough to ensure that all corroded areas are exposed so that they can be cleaned. Dust should be removed, as far as possible, from the surface of the concrete before patching material is applied, especially when resin-based compounds are to be used. Oil free compressed air jets are effective on small areas but they merely tend to redistribute dust on large areas. For these, industrial vacuum cleaners can be more effective. 7.5.2 Choice of material The basic choice of repair system is between those based on Portland cement and those based on synthetic resins. In reinforced concrete, they protect reinforcement from corrosion in different ways. Cement based materials provide an alkaline environment for the steel (pH of the order of 12) and, in these conditions, a passivating film forms on the surface of the steel.
Corrosion will occur if the alkalinity of the concrete surrounding the steel is reduced by carbonation i.e. a penetration of carbon dioxide from atmosphere or if aggressive ions such as chlorides are present. Consequently, the provision of an adequate thickness of dense concrete cover is important. Resin based materials do not generally provide an alkaline environment; they normally rely for their protective effect on providing cover that will exclude oxygen and moisture, without which corrosion would not take place. Application of cement based system After the surface has been prepared, a bonding coat should be applied to all exposed surfaces. It can consist of a slurry of cement and water only; but it is always desirable to incorporate a polymer admixture. Typical proportions would be two part (by volume) cement to one part polymer latex, but the suppliers advice may vary. The first layer of patching material should be applied immediately after the bonding coat, while the latter is still wet. If some delay is inevitable, there are resin-based bonding agents that have a longer open time than cement slurry. If reinforcing bars cross the repair they may provide a good mechanical anchorage for the patch, especially if the concrete has been cut away behind them. Hand applied repairs usually consist of cement and sand mortar in proportions of 1:2.5 or 1:3, using coarse sand. If a smooth surface finish is required it may be necessary to use finer sand for the final layer. Repair mortar should be as stiff as possible consistent with full compaction and it should be rammed into place as forcibly as possible. An experienced operator can judge the degree of workability that is best suited to a particular job. Repairs should be built up in layers and each layer should normally be applied as soon as the preceding one is strong enough to support it. The thickness of each layer should not
normally exceed 20 mm. If there is likely to be a delay between layers, the first should be scratched as in normal rendering practice in order to provide a key, and a fresh bonding coat should be applied when work is resumed. Application of resin based system The requirements for preparation for resin-based repairs are generally similar to those for cement-based repairs. Removal of dust is particularly important. Resin based materials are usually supplied as two or three constituents that must be mixed together immediately before use. This must be done thoroughly, especially when epoxy resins are involved. Use of mechanical mixers or stirrers is advisable. It is necessary to apply a primer or tack coat of unfilled resin to the freshly exposed surface of concrete and reinforcement. In general one coat will be enough, but two coats may be needed in some cases, especially if the substrate is porous. With the majority of resin-based systems, the patching material must be applied while the primer is still tacky and each successive layer of patching material must be applied before the previous one has cured too much. Resin based materials cure by chemical reaction which starts immediately after the constituents are mixed, so they have a limited pot life, which decreases with increasing temperature. This must be borne in mind when repair work is being planned, and the quantity of material to be mixed in any one batch must be chosen so that it can be used before it becomes too stiff. 7.5.3 Curing Resin-based repairs do not generally need any protection during their curing period, which is usually quite brief. Repairs consisting of cement, aggregates and water require careful curing
by covering with absorbent material that is kept damp, preferably covered in turn by polythene or similar sheets which are sealed at the edges. Shading from the sun may be necessary. Alternate wetting and drying must be prevented because of the alternating stresses that it would cause. 7.6 Guniting This process of depositing a dense layer of sand cement mixture can be used profitably for repairing spalled concrete structures or weathered stone or brick masonry. The mortar or concrete is conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at high velocity on to the surface. The force of jet impinging on the surface compacts the material. Generally, a relatively dry mixture is used and so the material is capable of supporting itself without sagging or sloughing even during vertical and overhead applications. 7.6.1 Equipments and Materials The equipment used for this process is a cement gun (conforming to IS:6433), which is operated throughout by compressed air. The sand used should comply with the requirements given in IS: 383 and graded evenly from fine to coarse as per zone II and zone III grading with a nominal maximum size of 6 mm. One part of cement shall be added to 3 parts of sand. The optimum moisture content for sand is in the range of 3 to 6%. This mixture is placed in the feeding chamber and by the action of compressed air it is fed into the working chamber through a cone valve controlled from outside. The mixture is then agitated through an agitator mounted on a vertical shaft. The mixing time shall be not less than 1 minute. The mixed material is carried in suspension by compressed air through the delivery hose to a nozzle. As the material passes through the nozzle body, it is hydrated with water introduced in the form of a fine needle spray controlled through a valve in the nozzle body. The water-cement ratio for concrete used in this process is normally in the range of 0.35 to 0.50. For a length of hose upto 30 m the air pressure at the nozzle shall be 3.0 kg per or more. Where the length exceeds 30 m, the
pressure shall be increased by 0.35 kg per for each additional lead of 15 m and by 0.35 kg per for each 7.5 m that a nozzle is raised above the gun. The water pressure at the discharge nozzle shall be sufficiently greater than the operating air pressure to ensure that water is intimately mixed with the other material (Fig. 7.6). 7.6.2 Procedure In case of repairs to existing deteriorated concrete all unsound materials shall be first removed. The exposed reinforcement shall be cleaned free of rust, scales, etc. In the case of stone masonry all weathered or disintegrated part of stone shall be knocked down with a chisel and/or a heavy hammer so as to expose sound and undamaged part of the stones. The stone or brick masonry surface shall be cleared of all loose mortar, dust, moss, etc. and washed down with a strong jet of air or water. If mortar at the joint is weak, the joint shall be raked to about 10 mm depth and all loose and dry mortar scraped out from inside. The form work, if required, shall be of plywood or other suitable material fixed in proper alignment and also to proper dimensions. For repair work the reinforcement shall be fixed to existing masonry or concrete by using wire nails or dowels at one metre intervals. Depending on the thickness and nature of work, reinforcement may consist of either round bars or welded wire fabric. Hard-drawn wire fabric consisting 3 mm dia wires at 10 cm centers in both directions can be used. The minimum clearance between reinforcement and formwork shall be 12 mm for mortar mix and 50 mm for concrete mix. Each layer of shotcrete (concrete placed by guniting) is built up by making several passes or loops of the nozzle over the working area. The distance of the nozzle from the working face is usually between 0.5 and 1.5 m. The nozzle shall be held perpendicular to the surface of application. The amount of rebound concrete varies with the position of work, angle of nozzle, air pressure, cement content, water content, size and grading of aggregate, amount of reinforcement and thickness of layer.
Rebound of concrete with different positions of work is shown in Table 7.3 given below. Table 7.3 Rebound of concrete Type of surface Slabs Sloping and vertical walls Overhead work % Rebound 05 to 15% 15 to 30% 25 to 50%
Rebound shall not be worked back into construction. If it does not fall clear of the work it should be removed. Rebound shall not be salvaged and included in later batches. Where a layer of shotcrete is to be covered by a succeeding layer, it shall first be allowed to take its initial set. Then all laitance, loose material and rebound shall be removed by brooming. Surfaces shall be kept continuously wet for at least 15 days after guniting. 7.7 Jacketing 7.7.1 General Railways are often required to undertake strengthening of existing bridge substructures in connection with works of following nature. 1. 2. 3. Increase in provisions. vertical clearance to satisfy codal
Regrading of track Introduction of heavier type of locomotives and other rolling stock with higher longitudinal forces.
With the raising of formation levels, the existing substructures are subjected to higher loading by way of higher earth pressure and increased moments. To strengthen the substructure, the cross-sectional area may require to be
increased. For this purpose jacketing of existing substructure is resorted to. Jacketing should be undertaken only when the existing structure is fairly sound and does not show signs of distress. All cracks should be thoroughly grouted before providing the jacket. For the jacketing to be effective, it has to be taken right upto the foundation and integrated at this level with the existing foundation. The foundation shall be exposed for only limited width at a time and for the shortest time necessary for strengthening so as to avoid endangering the safety of the structure. Site and soil conditions including water table shall be considered for deciding the width of foundation to be exposed at a time. The minimum thickness of jacketing should be at least 150 mm.
7.7.2 Procedure The face of the existing masonry or the concrete should be thoroughly cleaned free of all dirt. Before laying new concrete, neat cement slurry should be applied uniformly over the face of the old masonry. Dowel bars consist of M.S. rods 20 mm dia hooked at the exposed end. M.S. tie bar flats with the ends split can also be similarly fixed into the old masonry. These dowels should be taken down to a depth of not less than 200 mm inside the masonry (Fig. 7.7). For driving of dowels many times holes are required to be made. These holes must be drilled and not made by pavement breakers. The spacing of the dowels should not be more than 450 mm horizontally and vertically. The dowels should be staggered. The new concrete layer should be of minimum cube strength of 250 kg per at 28 days. A mat of steel reinforcement bars spaced at minimum 200 mm horizontally and vertically may be provided as distribution reinforcement. The concrete should be cured for a minimum period of 28 days by covering with gunny bags or similar material and splashing with water.
450 + 450
On this prepared surface, finishing coat of paint is to be applied. 2. In cases where the parent metal is exposed and portions of girders show signs of corrosion, the surface preparation is done in the following manner: i. Sand or grit blasting is one of the best methods of surface preparation by which the surface can be completely cleared of mill scale and rust. A properly sand blasted steel surface appears silvery grey in colour. ii. Scraping, chipping and wire brushing In this method, the surface is scraped, chipped and wire brushed manually or by power tools so as to remove the mill scale and rust. Finally, the surface is sand-papered and dusted. The surface prepared by this method is of a lower standard than the one prepared by the sand blasting. iii. Flame cleaning by directing an oxyacetylene flame on the steel surface and then wire brushing is another method. Though it is inferior to grit blasting, it is a good method for use with excessively rusted surface. Flame cleaning should not be done on plates with thicknesses 10 mm or less as it may lead to permanent distortion of such plates. The surface being flame cleaned should not be exposed to the flame for a longer time. After passage of flame the surface is cleaned by wire brush, sand papered and dusted. iv. Temporary coatings: If, for any reason, painting cannot immediately follow surface preparation, corrosion can be prevented for a short time by means of temporary coating of linseed oil applied uniformly and thinly (one third litre on 10 sq.m area
will be sufficient) Modern pre-fabrication primers are also available. 8.1.2 Painting scheme as per IRS Code The following painting schedule is to be adopted in areas where corrosion is NOT SEVERE. 1. Priming coat One heavy coat of ready-mixed paint red lead priming to IS:102 OR One coat of ready mixed paint zinc chromate priming to IS:104, followed by one coat of ready mixed paint red oxide zinc chrome priming to IS:2074. OR Two coats of zinc chromate red oxide primer to IRSP 31. 2. Finishing coat Two cover coats of red oxide paint to IS:123 or any other approved paint applied over the primer coats. The painting scheme for girders in areas where corrosion is SEVERE is given below. 1. Priming coat Two coats of ready-mixed paint red lead priming to IS:102. OR One coat of rady mixed paint zinc chromate priming to
IS:104 followed by one coat of zinc chrome red oxide priming to IS:2074. 2. Finishing coat Two coats of aluminium paint to IS:2339 8.1.3 Important precautions a) Paints from approved manufacturers only should be used. b) Special care should be taken to shift sleepers on girders or rail bearers to clean the seating very thoroughly before applying the paint. c) Paint should be mixed in small quantities sufficient to be consumed within 1 hour in the case of red lead paint and 5 days in the case of red oxide paint. d) While painting with red oxide paint, a little quantity of lamp black shall be added to the paint while doing the first coat to distinguish it from the second coat. Similarly, in case of aluminium paint a little blue paint can be added instead of lamp black for 1st coat. e) Paints should be used within the prescribed shelf life from the date of manufacture. The quantity of paint procured should be such that it is fully utilized before the period prescribed for its use. The shelf life of various paints used in the Railways are as follows: i) Paint Red Lead Ready Mixed (IS:102) ii) Paint Red Oxide Ready Mixed (IS:1237) 4 months
1 year
iii) Paint Aluminium: When paste and oil are not mixed 1 year When paste and oil are mixed 4 months iv) Oil linseed boiled v) Red lead dry paint 2 years No time limit
f) Brush shall not be less than 5 cm in width and should have good flexible bristles. A new brush, before use, should be soaked in raw linseed oil for at least 24 hours. The brushes shall be cleaned in linseed oil at the end of each days work. g) Dust settled after scraping shall be cleaned before applying paint. h) When the paint is applied by brush, the brush shall o be held at 45 to the surface and paint applied with several light vertical/lateral strokes turning the brush frequently and transferring the paint and covering the whole surface. After this, the brush shall be used cross wise for complete coverage and finally finished with vertical/lateral strokes to achieve uniform and even surface. j) Rags, waste cotton, cloth or similar articles should not be used for applying paint. k) The coat of paint applied shall be such that the prescribed dry film thickness is achieved by actual trial for the particular brand of paint. The applied coat of paint shall be uniform and free from brush marks, sags, blemishes, scattering, crawling, uneven thickness, holes, lap marks, lifting, peeling, staining, cracking, checking, scaling, holidays and allegatoring. l) Each coat of paint shall be left to dry till it sufficiently hardens before the subsequent coat is applied. The
drying time shall not be less than 3 days in case of Red Lead paint. m) The entire content of a paint drum should be mixed thoroughly either by pouring a number of times or by mechanical mixing to get uniform consistency. The paint should not be allowed to settle down during painting by frequent stirring or mixing. Driers such as spirit or turpentine should not be used. Mixing of kerosene oil is strictly prohibited. n) The maximum time lag between successive operations as indicated below shall not be exceeded. i) Between surface preparation and the application of primer coat ii) Between surface preparation and 1st finishing coat in the case of patch painting iii) Between the primer coat and the 1st finishing coat iv) Between the Ist finishing coat and the 2nd finishing coat 8.2 Replacing loose rivets 8.2.1 General i) Slight slackness of rivet does not cause loss of rivet strength. Renewal of slack rivets should be done only when the slack rivets are in groups or are bunched up. Individual scattered slack rivets need not be touched.
24 hours
48 hours
7 days
7 days
Rivet is to be considered finger loose when the looseness can be felt by mere touch, without tapping. Rivets should be considered hammer loose, when the looseness can be felt only with the aid of a hand hammer.
Loose rivets occur more frequently at certain locations especially where dynamic stresses, reversal of stresses and vibrations are at their maximum. Similarly in-situ rivet connections are carried out under less ideal conditions than in the case of shop rivets and hence the incidence of loose rivets is likely to be more at such joints. 8.2.2 Procedure Generally the loose rivets are replaced by using pneumatic equipment. In pneumatic riveting, the driving of the rivet, filling the hole and formation of the head is done by snap-mounted pneumatic hammer by delivering quick hard blows on the practically white-hot rivet. The rivet head is held tightly against the member through a pneumatically/hand-pressed dolly. The rivet shank is about 1.5 mm less than the diameter of the drilled hole. The normal working pressure of the compressed air should be between 5.6 and 7 kg per The length of the rivet shank is given by the formula: L = G +1.5D + 1 mm for every 4 mm of grip or part thereof for snap head rivet. L = G + 0.5D + 1 mm for every 4 mm of grip or part thereof for counter shunk rivet. Where L = length of rivet shank G = length of grip in mm D = diameter of rivet in mm While riveting a loose joint, not more than 10% rivets should be cut at a time. Besides, each rivet should be replaced
immediately after cutting with a turned bolt of adequate diameter and length and then only the next rivet should be cut. Parallel drifts can be used in place of 50% of the turned bolts provided the work is executed under block protection. It is preferable to drill a rivet out than to use rivet burster as the latter cuts the rivet head in shear, imparting very heavy shock to the adjoining group of rivets. In a joint where only a few rivets are loose, the adjoining rivets are also rendered loose while bursting the loose rivets. In any case, after the loose rivets at a joint are replaced, it should be rechecked for tightness. The rivet must be heated almost to a white heat and to a point when sparks are just beginning to fly off. The whole rivet must be brought to the same heat. The rivet shuld be driven and the snap removed within 20 seconds of the rivet leaving the fire. While the rivet is hot, it must be driven straight keeping the hammer in straight position. The riveter must have his staging at a height which enables him to put the whole weight of his body behind the hammer. This prevents it from bouncing. 8.3 Loss of camber Steel triangulated (open web) girders are provided with camber to compensate for deflection under load. Out of the total design camber, the part corresponding to deflection under dead load is called dead load camber. The balance called live load camber should be available as visible and measurable camber in the girder when not carrying load. Loss of camber can be attributed to: 1. 2. 3. Heavy overstressing of members beyond elastic limit Overstressing of joint rivets Play between rivet holes and rivet shanks because of faulty riveting.
Out of the above, item (1) can be ruled out unless heavier loads than those designed for are being carried over the bridge. If this is found to be the case, action should be taken for immediate replacement of the girder. Item (2) can be checked from design. The action required to be taken is to lift the panel
points on trestles and jacks up to full design camber (including dead load camber) or till the bearings start floating. The existing rivets should be removed and replaced with bigger diameter rivets or with bigger gussets and more number of rivets. As regards item (3), if the number of rivets and diameter are sufficient, then the existing rivets can be replaced by sound rivets. 8.4 Oiling and greasing of bearings The bearings of all girder bridges should be generally cleaned and greased once in three years. In the case of flat bearings, the girder is lifted a little over 6mm, the bearing surfaces cleaned with kerosene oil and a mixture of black oil, grease and graphite in a working proportion should be applied between the flat bearings and the girder lowered. For spans above 12.2 m, special jacking beams will have to be inserted and jacks applied. The rollers and rockers are lifted from their position by adequate slinging. The bearings are scraped, polished with zero grade sand paper and grease graphite of sufficient quantity to keep surfaces smooth should be applied evenly over the bearings, rockers and rollers before the bearings are lowered. The knuckle pins of both the free and fixed end should also be greased at this time. While lifting fixed ends, the space between girders (in case of piers), or between the girder and the ballast wall (in case of abutment), at free ends should be jammed with wedges to prevent longitudinal movement of the girder. Phosphor bronze bearings need not be greased as they are corrosion resistant and retain the smooth surface and consequently the limited initial coefficient of friction of 0.15. In case of segmental rollers, it should be seen that they are placed vertically at mean temperature. It will be better to indicate, in the completion drawings of bridges/stress sheets, the maximum expansion with range of temperature to which it is designed (by indicating the maximum and minimum temperature), so that the slant at the time of greasing can be decided depending on the temperature obtaining at the time of greasing.
Annexure A/1 Proforma for Bridge Inspection Register for inspection of major and important bridges (AEN) (Para 1.5) 1. General : DivisionSub Division Section. Br. No.. Span detailsNo..................m. Name of river Class of structure Type of girder.... Strength of girder.. Rail level..m High flood level .m Danger level..m Bottom of girder / slab or crown of arch .m Abutment : i) (with splayed wing walls) ii) (with parallel wing walls) Pier : type Strength of : Piers Abutments Wing walls Depth of cushion .m below bottom of sleeper (for arch slab top and pipe bridges only) 2. Previous history regarding high flood, scour, erosion, suspension of traffic etc.
Materials of construction
3. Record of afflux : Year ..Max. afflux. 4. Foundation details ..Velocity of flow. Pier/ Details of B.F. T.F. Bed Floor Thickness Safe Abutment wells/ piles/ level level of floor scour No. open limit foundation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
5. Description of protection works (wherever provided) Description Up stream Down stream Left i) Length of guide bund ii) Crest level of guide bund iii) Crest width iv) Width and depth of apron v) Thickness of pitching vi) Width and depth of nose of guide bounds vii) (a) Depth below floor level and distance from the center line of bridge of curtain wall (b) Drop wall Deepest known scour, year and its location. Right Left Right