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Vishnu Sahasranam With Meaning

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The key takeaways from the passage are that chanting the names and taking refuge in Lord Vishnu leads to liberation from the cycle of birth and death. It also discusses the various forms and attributes of Lord Vishnu.

The passage mentions that chanting the Mahalakshmi Ashtakam daily destroys all sins, chanting it twice blesses one with wealth and prosperity, and chanting it thrice destroys all enemies.

The text says that taking the name of Lord Narayana removes all worries, sorrows, sadness and fears. It says that by singing the name of Narayana, all one's troubles will be taken care of.

Shuklam Baradaram Vishnum, Sasi Varnam Chatur Bhujam, Prasanna Vadanan Dyayet, Sarva Vignoba Sandaye Dressed in white

you are, Oh, all pervading one, And glowing with the colour of moon. With four arms, you are, the all knowing one I meditate on your ever-smiling face, And pray, emove all o!stacles on my way". Vyasam Vasishtanaptharam, Sakthe Poutramakalmasham, Parasarathmajam vande, Shukathatham Taponidhim. I !ow !efore you #yasa, $he treasure house of penance, $he great grandson of #asishta. $he grandson of %hakthi, $he son of &arasara. And the father of %huka, Vyasa Vishnu !oopaya, Vyasa !oopaya Vishnave, "mo Vai Brahma Vidaya, Vasishtaya "amo "ama. 'ow I !efore, #yasa who is #ishnu, #ishnu who is #yasa, And again and again !ow !efore, (e, who is !orn, In the family of #asishta. $vikaraya Shuddhaya, "ityaya Paramatmane, Sadaika !oopa !oopaya, Vishnave Sarva %ishnave. 'ow I !efore #ishnu Who is pure, Who is not affected, Who is permanent, Who is the ultimate truth. And (e who wins over, All the mortals in this world. 'asya smarana (athrena, %anma Samsara bandhanath. Vimu)hayate "ama Tasmai , Vishnave Prabha Vishnave *m "amo Vishnave Prabha Vishnave 'ow I !efore (im, $he all-powerful #ishnu, $he mere thought of whom. eleases one forever, Of the ties of !irth and life. 'ow I !efore the all powerful #ishnu Shri Vaisampayana ,va)ha-. Shrutva dharmaneshena , Pavanani )ha Sarvasha, 'udishtra santhanavam Puneravabhya Bhashata %ri #aisampayana said)After hearing a lot, A!out Dharma that carries life,


And of those methods great, $hat removes sins from one*s life, +orever and to cleanse, ,udhishtra asked again, 'heeshma, the a!ode of everlasting peace. 'udishtra ,va)ha-. 0imekam Daivatham 1oke, 0im Vapyegam Parayanam, Sthuvantha 0am 0amar)handa Prapnyur (anava Shubham, 0o Dharma sarva Dharmanam Paramo (atha 0im %apan (u)hyathe %andur %anma Samsara Bhandanat ,udishtra asked)In this wide world , Oh -randpa, Which is that one -od, Who is the only shelter. Who is (e whom, 'eings worship and pray, And get salvation great. Who is (e who should oft, 'e worshipped with love. Which Dharma is so great, $here is none greater. And which is to !e oft chanted, $o get free. +rom these !ondage of life, cruel. Bheeshma ,va)ha-. %agat Prabhum devadevam $nantham Purushottamam, Stuvan nama Sahasrena, Purusha Sathathothida, Tameva )har)hayan nityam, Bhaktya purushamavyayam, Dhyayan sthuvan namasyan)ha yajamanasthameva )ha, $nadi nidhanam vishnum sarva loka (ahes6aram 1okadyaksham stuvannityam Sarva dukkhago bhaved, Brahmanyam sarva dharmagnam 1okanam keerthi vardhanam, 1okanatham (ahadbhootham Sarva Bhootha bhavodbhavam $eshame sarva dharmanam dharmadhika tamo matha, 'ad bhaktyo pundarikaksham Stuvyr.ar)hanayr.nara sada, Paramam yo mahatteja, paramam yo mahattapa Paramam yo mahad brahma paramam ya parayanam Pavithranam Pavithram yo mangalanam )ha mangalam, Dhaivatham devathanam )ha bhootanam yo vya pitha 'atha sarvani bhoothani bhavandyathi yugagame 'asmin)ha pralayam yanthi punareve yuga kshaye Tasya 1oka pradhanasya %agannatathasya bhoopathe Vishno nama sahasram me Srunu papa bhayapaham 'heeshma replied)$hat purusha with endless devotion, Who chants the thousand names , Of (e who is the lord of the /niverse, Of (e who is the -od of -ods, Of (e who is limitless,

2 3

4 15 11 1 1# 1& 1+ 1/ 12

Would get free, +rom these !ondage of life, cruel (e who also worships and prays, Daily without !reak, $hat &urusha who does not change, $hat #ishnu who does not end or !egin, $hat -od who is the lord of all worlds, And (im, who presides over the universe, Would lose without fail, All the miseries in this life. 0hanting the praises, Worshipping and singing, With devotion great, Of the lotus eyed one , Who is partial to the #edas, Who is the only one who knows the dharma, Who increases the fame , Of those who live in this world, Who is the master of the universe, Who is the truth among all those who has life, And who decides the life of all living, Is the dharma that is great. $hat which is the greatest light, $hat which is the greatest penance, $hat which is the greatest !rahmam, Is the greatest shelter that I know. &lease hear from me, $he thousand holy names, Which wash away all sins, Of (im who is purest of the pure, Of $hat which is holiest of holies, Of (im who is -od among -ods, Of $hat father who lives without death, Among all that lives in this world, Of (im whom all the souls, Were !orn at the start of the world, Of (im in whom, all that lives, Will disappear at the end of the world, And of that the chief of all this world , Who !ears the !urden of this world.. I would teach you without fail, Of those names with fame. Which deal of (is 1ualities great, And which the sages sing, %o that !eings of this wide world, 'ecome happy and great. !ishir "amnam Sahsrasya Veda Vyaso (aha (uni Chando aunustup stada devo bhaga6an devaki sutha $mruthamsu Bhavo Bhhejam Shakthir devaki nandana Trisama hridayam tasya santhyarthe viniyujyade Vishnum %ishnum (ahavishnum Prabha vishnun (ahes6aram $neka !oopa Daityantham "amami purushottamam $hese thousand names, ,udishtra Are sung for peace, And has #yasa as the sage,

14 5 1

And And And And And

is composed in Anusthup metre, has its -od the son of Devaki, its root is Amrutamsud!hava its strength the !a!y of Devaki, its heart is $rissama

'ow I !efore (im, Who is everywhere, Who is ever victorious, Who is in every !eing, Who is -od of -ods, Who is the killer of asuras, And who is the greatest, Among all purushas. Dhyanam 0sheerodanvath pradese su)himani vilasad saikathe (aukthikanam (alaklupthasanastha Spatikamani nibhai maukthiker mandithanga Shubrai.rabrai.rathabrai ruparivira)hitai muktha peeyusha varshai $nandi na puniyadari nalina 7adha sankapanir (ukunda 2et that 3ukunda make us all holy, Who wears all over his !ody &earls made of spatika, Who sits on the throne of garland of pearls , 2ocated in the sand of precious stones, 'y the side of the sea of milk, Who gets happy of the white cloud, %prayed of drops of nectar, And who has the mace , the wheel and the lotus in (is hands. Bhoo padau yasya nabhi r viyadasu ranila s)handra suryaau )ha nether 0arnavasasiro dhaumugamabhi dhahano yasya vasteyamabhdhi $nthastham yasya vis6am sura nara khaga go bhogi gandharva dhaityai, Chitram ram ramyathe tham thribhuvana vapusham vishnumeesam namami I !ow !efore that -od, #ishnu Who is the lord of three worlds, Who has earth as his feet, Who has air as his soul, Who has sky as his !elly, Who has moon and sun as eyes, Who has the four directions as ears, Who has the land of gods as head, Who has fire as his mouth, Who has sea as his stomach, And in whose !elly play and en4oy, -ods, men, !irds, animals, %erpent men, -andharvas and Asuras. Santhakaram Bujaga sayanam Padmanabham suresam, Vis6adharam 7agana sadrusam (egha varnam shubangam 1akshmi kantham kamala nayanam 'ogi hrid dyana gamyam Vande vishnum bava bhayaharam sava lokaika nadham I !ow !efore the -od #ishnu, Who is personification of peace, Who sleeps on his folded arms, Who has a lotus on his !elly, Who is the -od of gods, Who is the !asis of earth,

Who is similar to the sky, Who is of the colour of the cloud, Who has !eautiful lim!s, Who is the consort of 2akshmi, Who has lotus like eyes, Who is seen !y saints through thought, Who kills all worries and fears, And who is the lord of all the worlds. (egha syamam Peetha kouseys vasam Srivatsangam 0austhuboth bhasithangam Punyopetham pundareekayathaksham Vishnum vande sarva lokaika natham & I !ow !efore that -od #ishnu, Who is the lord of all the universe, Who is !lack like a cloud, Who wears yellow silks, Who has the sreevatsa on him, Whose lim!s shine !ecause of 5ousthu!ha, Who has eyes like an open lotus, And who is surrounded !y the !lessed always. Sasanga )hakram sakerita kundalam sappeethavastram saraseruhekshanam, Sahara vaksha sthala shobhi kousthubham namai Vishnum sirasa )haturbhujam + I !ow !efore the -od #ishnu, Who has four arms, Who has a conch and wheel in his hands, Who wears a crown and ear glo!es, Who wears yellow silks, Who has lotus like eyes, Who shines !ecause of 5ousth!ha , Worn in his garlanded chest. Chayayam Parijatasys hemasimhasanopari, $seenamam budha syama (ayathakashamalangrutham, Chandranana )hathurbahum sreevatsangitha vakshasam, !ukmani Satyabhamabhyam Sahitham 0rishnamasraye. I seek refuge in 2ord 5rishna, Who is with ukmani and %atya!hama, Who sits on a golden throne, In the shade of &ari4ata tree, Who is of the colour of the !lack cloud, Who has long !road eyes, Who has a face like moon, Who has four hands, And who has a chest adorned !y %reevatsa.

Viswam 2 3 4 Vishnu Vashatkara Bhootha Bhavya Bhavat Prabhu Bhootakrit Bhootabrit Bhava Bhootaatma Bhootabhavana Pootatma He who is the Universe itself He who is spread everywhere He who is personification of Vedic sacrifice (yagna) He who is the master of past, present and future

5 6 7 8 9 10

He who has created the beings in the universe He who takes care of all the beings in the universe He who is everything that happens He who is the soul of every being in the Universe He who nurtures every being in the universe He who is detached of every thing Or He who has a clean character He who is in every being but beyond every being or the greatest soul . He who is the ultimate salvation of every freed being He who does not have different forms Or He who is always the same. He who is inside every body He who is the witness of everything that happens He who knows the body He who does not have death He who can be attained by yoga (meditation ) He who is the leader of all those who know yoga He who is the lord of nature and beings He who is part human and part lion He in whom !ri ("akshmi or #oddess) resides He who is served by Vishnu , !iva and $rahma Or He who has beautiful hair Or He who killed %esi the &sura



12 13

Mukthanam Parama Gathi vyaya

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Purusha !akshi "sh#tra$na kshara %o$a %o$a Vitham &#tha Pra'hana (Purush#swara &arasimha Va)usha !riman "#sava

He who is the greatest among 'urushas (beings) Or 24 Purushottama He who is greater than those who are bound, those who are free and those who are static. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 !arwa !sarva !hiva !thanu Bhootaatha &i'hiravyaya !ambhava Bhavana Bhartha Prabhava Prabhu *aswara He who is everything He who destroys everything when the deluge comes He who is pure He who is stable He from whom all the beings evolved He who is never destroyed (even at deluge) He who is all that happens He who is the giver of everything He who is the basis supports all beings He in whom all things were born He who is e(tremely clever He who controls and rules all beings Or He who is a natural ruler. He who is born from himself He who gives all pleasures He who throws light on everything Or He who is one but appears different. He who has lotus)like eyes He who has a great voice He who has neither birth nor death He who carries the world He who creates all actions and their results He who is greater than the creator ($rahma) He who is beyond rules, regulations and definitions. He who controls his five senses He who has a lotus (from which the world evolved)

37 38 39

!wayambhu !hambhu 'itya

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

Pushkaraksha Mahaswana na'hini'hana +hatha Vi'hatha +hatur(,ttama )ram#ya -rishik#sa Pa'manabha

growing on his belly 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 mara (Prabhu Viswa("arma Manu +washta !thavishta !thaviro(+hruva $rahya !aswatha He who is the chief of deathless beings He who has made this universe He who thinks (worries) of every thing He who destroys everything He who is e(tremely fat He who is ancient and permanent He who is not reachable by senses He who e(isted in the past, e(ists at present and will e(ist in future. He who is black Or He who is personification of truth, happiness and that which is beyond us 58 59 60 61 .ohitaksha Prathar'hana Prabhootha /hrika("ubh'hama He who has red eyes He who destroys everything in the end (deluge) He who is full of wealth and knowledge He in whom resides the three worlds vi*. +arth, Heaven and Hell He who is pure Or He who makes others pure. He who does good to others He who rules over (appoints) everything He who makes beings move He who is the soul He who is elder to all others He who is better than all others He who is the chief of all human beings He who resides as the soul ($rahmam) of this golden universe He who carries the earth within himself



62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Pavithra Man$a0am(Param *asana Prana'ha Prana 1y#shta !r#shta Pra2a)athi -iranya$arbha



He who is the consort of "akshmi 72 Maa'hava Or He who can be realised only by silence, meditation and yoga 73 74 75 Ma'usu'hana *aswara Vikrami He who killed ,adhu the &sura He who is supremely strong He who has the ability to destroy all his enemies Or He who has valour. He who is the supreme archer He who is the supreme intelligence He who has measured the worlds Or He who rides on a bird (#aruda) He who has spread everywhere He who does not have anybody better than him He who cannot be cowed down by his enemies He who knows good and bad of all beings Or He who gives salvation even by giving leaves and flowers. He who is busy in his work Or He who is personification of work. He who has only his strength as his basis He who is the lord of all #ods (-evas) He who removes sadness from the unhappy He who is personification of total happiness He who is the seed to this universe He who is the reason for e(istence of human beings He who is as bright as the day He who is personification of the year He who cannot be caught like the great serpent He who is personification of knowledge He who sees (knows) everything He who does not have birth

76 77 78

+hanvi M#'havi Vikrama

79 80 81 82

"rama nuthama +ura'harsha "ri'ha$na



84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95

thmavan !ur#sha ssarana ssharma Vishwar#tha Pra2haBhava aha !amvatsara Vya0a Prathyaya !arva'arshana 2ha

96 97 98 99 100

!arv#shwara !i''ha !i''hi !arva'hi 3hyutha

He who is #od for everything He who is always everywhere He who is the desirable effect of everything He who is the primary reason for everything He who does not slip Or He who does not allow his devotees to slip

101 102 103

Vrashaka)i m#yatma !arva %o$a Vinisrutha

He who is the personification of -harma and Varaha He whose stature cannot be measured He who is devoid of all attachments Or He who is known by all yogas

104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111

Vasu VasuMana !atya !amathma sammitha !ama mo$ha Pun'arikaksha

He who lives in every being He who has a good heart He who is truth personified He who looks on everybody as e.ual He who cannot be measured He who is without change at all times He who gives all to his devotees He who is lotus)eyed Or He who is like eyes for those living in the heaven called 'undarika

112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120

Vrishakarma Vrishakritha 4u'hra Bahusiras Bhabru Viswayoni !u3hisrava mritha !aswatha!thanu

He whose actions are dictated by -harma He who is born to uphold -harma He who drives away sadness and the reasons for it He who has many heads He who carries the worlds He from whom all beings are born He who hears holy (clean) words of his devotees He who does not die He who is perennially stable

Or He who is permanent and unmovable 121 122 123 124 125 Varoraoha Mahatha)a !arva$a !arvavi'(bhanu Vishvaks#na He who does not send back those who attain him He who is e(tremely knowledgeable He who goes (reaches) every where He who shines in the knowledge of every thing He who attacks the armies of /akshasas from all directions. Or He who attacks bad things from everywhere He who troubles bad people Or He whom people pray for benefits 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 V#'a V#'avi'ha vyan$a V#'an$a V#'aVith "avi .oka'hyaksha !ura'yaksha +harma'yaksha "ritha"ritha 5hathurathma He who is the Vedas He who knows the meaning of Vedas He who is beyond the reach of five senses He who has Vedas as parts of his body He who e(amines (interprets) Vedas He who sees (knows) everything He who presides over the Universe He who directs the devas He who presides over -harma He who is the means and result of every thing He who is $rahma during creation, Vishnu during the upkeep , /udra during destruction and 0anardhana during 'ralaya (deluge) of the world He who is &niruddha when we are awake, 'radhyumna when we are dreaming, !angarshana when we are in !ushupthi and Vasudeva when we are in 1huriya He who has four protruding incisors (as in 2arasimha avatara) Or He who has four horns 140 141 5hathur Bhu2a Bra2ishnu Or He who is the light He who is in the form which can be en3oyed like food 142 Bho2ana He who has four hands He who is in the form of light




5hathur Vyuha


5hathur +amshtra

Or He who consumes food offered to him by devotees 143 144 Bhoktha !ahishnu Or He who wins and converts 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 1a$ata+hi2a na$ha Vi2aya 1#tha Viswayoni Punarvasu ,)#n'ra Vamana Or He whom devotees can worship 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 Pramsu mo$ha !u3hi 66r2itha thin'ra !an$riha !ar$a +hritatma &iyama %ama V#'ya Vai'ya !a'a %o$i V##raha Ma'hava He who grew big when measuring the world as Vamana He whose actions are never wasted He who cleans the mind of those who pray to Him He who is very powerful He who is above 4ndra He who destroys during the deluge He who is the personification of creation He who is birthless and stable He who appoints others He who controls others He who can be known He who knows all knowledge He who is lustrous always He who kills &sura heroes He who is the lord of knowledge (Vidya) He who was born before the world He whom no sin gets attached Or He who is sinless He who is wins He who is always the victor He who is the universe and its creator He who is in every being as its controller He who is 4ndra to 4ndra himself He who was born as Vamana He who is the consumer of nature He who can pardon

168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187

Ma'hu thin'riya Maha maya Mahotsaha Mahaba0a Maha Bu''hi Maha V##rya Maha !hakthi Maha +yuthi nir'#sya Va)u !hr##man m#yatma Maha'ri +rik Mah#shvasa Mah## Bhartha !r##nivasa !a'am Gathi niru''ha !uranan'a Govin'a

He who is like honey He who is beyond human senses He who is an illusion to those great illusionists He who has great enthusiasm He who is very strong He who has tremendous knowledge He who even if there is reason to worry never gets worried He who is very strong He who has great lustre He of whom nobody can tell that he is thus He in whom godly wealth resides He who has immeasurable knowledge He who lifted large mountains He who is a great archer He who lifted the earth when he was born as Varaha He in whose chest resides !hree -evi He who is the ultimate goal of good people He who cannot be stopped by anybody He who makes -evas happy He who lifted the earth (#o) Or He who is the chief of cows Or He who makes the word 5#o6 attain him

188 189 190 191

Govi'am Pathi Mar##3hi +hamana -amsa

He who is the leader of those who know Vedas He who is in the form of light He who punishes He who removes fear of those who consider Him as themselves He who has beautiful wings



193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219

Bhu2a$ottama -iranya &abha !utha)a Pa'manabha Pra2a)athi mruthyu !arva'rikh !imha !am'atha !an'himan !thira 2ha +hurmarshana !haaratha Vishrutathma !urariha Guru Guru(/hama +hama !atya !atya)arakrama &imisha nimisha !sra$hvi Va3has)athi ,'harathi $rani Grammani

He who is the shape of a good serpent He who has a belly like gold He who has done great penance He who shines in the belly of the lotus of our heart He who is the chief of people He who does not have death He who sees everything He who troubles sinners He who adds devotees to himself He who adds all those who e(perience Him to himself He who is permanent He who is inside everything He whom enemies cannot defeat or bear He who orders and makes others obey He who is the soul of all the good one is told He who destroys the enemies of -evas He who is a teacher of all knowledge He who is the teacher of teachers He who is light He who is truth He who is truly a hero He who closes his eyes (during 7oganidhra) He who sees everything without batting his eyelids He who wears a garland He who is the supreme personification of knowledge He who takes one to a higher life He who appoints (controls) 'ancha $hutas

220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231

!hriman &yaya &#tha !am##rana !ahasra Moor'ha Viswathma !ahasraksha !ahasra)ath varthana &ivrithathma !amvritha !am)ramar'hana

He who shines He who is 3ustice He who drives the world machine as its leader He who in the form of wind makes beings move He who has countless heads (all heads of beings are his) He who is the soul of every thing He who has thousand eyes (all eyes are his) He who has thousand feet He who rotates (the wheel of life) He who is not attached to life He who is not visible due to net of illusion (,aya) He who destroys the world (in the form of 7ama and /udhra) He who makes day in the form of sun He who is in the form of fire He who is in the form of air He who supports the earth (in the form of &disesha) He who is mercy personified He who is forever clear)headed He who takes care of the world He who eats up the world during deluge He who has many forms He who worships those who do good deeds He who is worshipped by good people He who walks in the righteous path He who prevents people without $hakti from attaining him He who resides in all things that he creates Or He in whom all souls reside

232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245

ha !amvarthakaya Vahnni ni0a +harani'hara !u)rasa'ha Prasannathma Viswa +rik Viswa Bhu2a Vibhu !atkartha !atkritha !a'hu 1ahnnu &arayana

246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259

&ara san$y#ya )ram#yatman Visishta !ishta"rith !u3hi !i''hartha !i''ha !anka0)a !i''hitha !i''hi !a'hana Vrishahi Vrishabha Vishnu Vrisha)arvana

He who shows the path He who is beyond counting Or He who is infinite He who is beyond knowledge He who is the greatest He who orders Or he who protects good people He who is blemishless He who has all he wants He who realises all that he wants He who gives devotees the ability to attain their wants He who is 5wants6 and the reason for 5wants6 He who shines like day He who showers all wishes on his devotees He who measured the worlds in Vamana &vatara He who can be attained through the staircase of -harma (right action) He who keeps all beings in his belly during deluge He who rears beings He who grows like the beings whom He grows He who stands alone He who is the ocean in which all !hrutis (Vedas) lead He who has good arms He who carries everything but not carried by anybody Or He who is impossible to carry He who is a great orator He who is #od to the #ods He who gives good pleasures and wealth He who is wealth He who does not have one appearance

260 261 262 263 264 265 266

Vrisho'hara Var'hana Var'hamana Viviktha !hruthisa$ara !ubhu2a +hur'hara

267 268 269 270 271

Va$mi Mah#n'ra Vasu'ha Vasu &aikaroo)a

272 273

Briha'roo)a !hi)ivishta

He who has a big appearance He who is inside a ray of light Or He who is sacrifice in a sacrificial animal

274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297

Prakasana 62ast#2o'yuthi'hara Prakasathma Pratha)ana "ri''ha !)ashtakshara Manthra 5han'ramsa Bhaskara'yuthi mruthamsurbhava Bhanu !hasabin'u !ur#swra usha'ha 1a$atha(!#thu !athya +harma Parakrama Bhootha Bhava Bhannatha Pavana Paavana na0a "amaha "ama "rit "antha "ama

He who makes everything shine He who has strength, valour and lustre He who is the soul of lustre Or He who makes others shine He who emits heat He who is full (of knowledge, -harma and renunciation) He who is denoted by the sound of Om He who is the shape of Vedic mantras He who is as pleasant as the ray of moon He who has light like the sun He who made moon appear from the ocean of milk He who shines himself He who is like moon He who is the chief of those who do good He who is medicine He who is the bridge for the worlds He who is truth, -harma and valorous He who is the lord of past, present and future He who cleans in the form of wind He who makes the wind blow He whom we never get satisfied He who removes bondage of life He who satisfies wishes He who is attractive because of his beauty He who is desired by everybody

298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316

"ama)ra'ha Prabhu %u$a'hi "rit %u$a Vartha &aika Maya Mahasana 'hrisya Vyaktha roo)a !ahasra 1it nantha 1it 7shta visishta !isht#shta !hikan'i &ahusha Vrisha "ro'ha "ro'ha "rit "artha Viswa Bhahu

He who gives all wishes for those who wish He who stands tall He who created the divisions of time He who makes time periods come again and again He who creates many illusions He who is a big eater during deluge He who is not visible He who is clearly visible (to yogis) He who defeats thousands (of /akshsas) He who is forever victorious He who is liked by everyone He who does not have anyone above him He who is dear to the learned He who wears the feathers of peacock He who ties souls by illusion He who rains (wishes of devotees) He who removes anger from devotees He who destroys those becoming angry (like /akshasas) He who has hands all over the universe (He who supports us every where) He who supports the earth He who never changes He who is famous He who is the soul He who gives strength He who is the brother of 4ndra He who is the ocean

317 318 319 320 321 322 323

Mah## +hara 3hyutha Pra'hitha Prana Pranaa'ha Vasavanu2a )am &i'hi

324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350

'hishtana )ramaththa Prathishtitha !kan'ha !kan'ha +hara +hurya Vara'ha Vayu Vahana Vasu +#va Brihat Bhanu 'hi +#va Puran'hara shoka !tharana !thara !hura !houri 1an#swara nukoo0a !atha Vartha Pa'hmi Pa'hma &ibh#kshana Pa'hma &abha ravin'aksha Pa'hma Garbha !arr#ra Brit Mahar'hi

He in whom the world stays He who is always watchful He who has become stable He who is the ambrosia (nectar) He who supports the path of the righteous He who carries the weight of the world He who gives boons He who makes even the wind move He who is in everything and plays there He who has wide rays which go everywhere He who is the first reason of the world He who destroyed cities of &suras He who is never sad He who helps one to cross the sea of life He who gives strength to face the fears of life He who has valour He who is a hero (He who is shura, the son of Vasudeva) He who is #od for all those who are born He who is positively interested in everyone He who was born several times (to protect -harma) He who has lotus in his hand He who has two lotus)like eyes He who has the lotus on his belly He who has beautiful lotus)like eyes He who is being meditated in the lotus of our mind He who takes many forms by his illusion He who has great wealth

351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358

-ri''ha Vri'hatma Maha ksha Garu'a +wa2a thu0a !harabha Bh##ma !ama %a$na

He who grows in the form of universe He who is oldest He who has big eyes (all seeing) He who has #aruda (eagle) in his flag He who has no e.uals He who lives as soul in beings He who makes everyone afraid of Him He who knows the time for action Or He who treats all as e.uals He who takes share of #ods in a 7aga (fire sacrifice) He who has all known good characteristics Or He who is known to all known rules

359 360

-avirhari !arva .akshana .akshanya

361 362 363 364

.akshmi Vaan !amithin2aya Vikshara 4ohitha

He from whom "akshmi (goddess of wealth) never leaves He who wins in all wars He who is never destroyed He who took the form of red fish called /ohita Or He who is red like the inside of lotus

365 366 367

Maar$a -#tha +amo'hara

He who is the way for eternal bliss He who is the cause He who is known by knowledge got by self)restraint Or He who was tied by 7asodha in the stomach Or He who keeps in his belly the world called -hama

368 369 370

!aha Mahi'hara Maha Bha$a

He who tolerates everything He who carries the world He who is great in the &vataras (holy births) he takes Or He who receives the best share offered by devotees

371 372 373 374

V#$a Van mithasana ,'bhava "sobhana

He who is very fast He who takes immeasurable food ( during deluge) He who is the reason for the birth of the worlds He who during creation churns 'urusha and 'rakrithi

He who plays in activities like creation 375 +#va Or He who wins over &suras 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 !ri$arbha Param#shwara "arana "aarana "artha Vikartha Gahana Guha Vyavasaya Vyavasthana !amsthana !thana'a +hruva Parar'hi Parama !)ashta Or He who is e(tremely clear 391 392 393 /hushta Pushta !hub#kshana Or He whose sight gives all persons their wants 394 395 396 397 398 399 4aama Virama Viratha Maar$ha &#ya &aya He who makes others to be happy with him He who is the ultimate end of everything He who is not interested in worldly pleasures He who is the path (for ,oksha or immortal bliss) He who obeys orders of sages devoted to him He who makes everything work (lead) He who is the form of immortal bliss He who is always complete He who has a blissful sight He who keeps his wealth (of worlds) in his belly He who is the most efficient ruler He who is the instrument for creation of the world He who is the cause for creation of the world He who is independent master He who created peculiar worlds He whose shape, strength and actions are difficult to know He who hides everything by illusion (,aya) He who is personification of knowledge He who is not bound by any limitations He who has the best position He who gives positions He who is permanent He who has great wealth He who is the limit of beauty and self)evidence

400 401 402 403

naya V##ra !hakthi Matham !hr#shta +harma

He who cannot be led by anybody He who is personification of valour He who is strongest among the strong He who is the basis of every thing Or He who is worshipped by all faiths

404 405

+harma Vi'huttama Vaikunta

He who is greatest among those who know -harma He who keeps the five $hutas (air, water , sky. fire and earth) bound together at the beginning of creation Or He who removes all obstacles in the way of devotees to attain Him.



He who is in front of every thing Or He who washes off all sins Or He who is the soul in all beings He who is the soul of souls He who gives life (movement) He who is the holy sound (Om) He who is spread in the form of the worlds He who keeps the golden source for all creations He who kills &suras Or He who controls sensual weakness by knowledge He who pervades in all beings as the cause He who makes perfumes spread Or He who spreads to the places where he is worshipped He who never gets e(hausted by use by his devotees Or He who never dries up He who is the seasons He who has eyes like lotus petals Or He who can be easily seen by his devotees He who always keeps thinking of everything He who by his power stays in the lotus of heart He who is known in all possible manner by his devotees He who gives strict orders He who makes all things reside in Him

407 408 409 410 411 412

Prana Prana'ha Pranava Pru''hu -iranya Garbha !hatru$na

413 414

Vya)tha Vayu



416 417

-rithu !u'arshana

418 419 420 421 422

"aa0a Param#shti Pari$raha ,$ra !amvatsara

423 424 425

+aksha Vishrama Viswa+akshina

He who completes all 3obs .uickly He who provides rest for those who are tired (of life) He who is an e(pert in all things Or He who is more powerful than all others He who makes all the world broaden in Him He who is stable and he who makes the world stable within Him He who is the law to support everything Or He who is personification of knowledge He who is the deathless reason He who is loved by others (because He is sweet) He who does not wish anything He who is immersed in the five continents He who is pleasures in life personified He who has great wealth He who does not hate others He who is spread every where in his ma3estic form He who does not have birth He who is like a pillar in which right action (dharma) is tied He by whom yagas become great (by giving to Him) He who is like the *odiac He who is like the moon who is the chief of stars He who is perennially patient He who remains alone after the deluge He who likes his 3obs like creation He who is personification of sacrifice (7agna) He who is being worshipped by 7agas He who is the greatest among those worshipped by 7agas

426 427

Visthara !tavara!tanu



429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447

Bhi2amavyaya rtha nartha Mahakosa Mahabho$a Maha'hana nirvinna !tavishta bhu +harmayu)a Maha makha &akshatra &#mi &akshatri "shama "shaama !am##hana %a$na 72hya Mah#2ya

448 449

"rathu !athram

He who is personification of performance of 7aga He who is the form of !athra 7aga Or He who protects good people (!adhu) He who is the ultimate goal of those who seek salvation (,oksha) He who knows everything naturally Or He who sees everything He who is the soul which has left all its bondages He who knows all that is to be known He who is not born, ever e(isting, giver of all that is needed and personification of right knowledge He who has great penance He who has a handsome face He who is the smallest known thing from which everything came He who sings (shouts ) good sounds like Vedas He who gives pleasures to devotees He who has a great heart (mind) He who steals our mind (by his beauty) He who is in control of anger He who has heroic arms (to kill asuras) He who tears off those who do sins He who makes all beings sleep by illusion He who is not in the control of others Or He who lives within Himself He who has spread every where He who takes various forms depending on need He who does various 3obs (like creation , upkeep and destruction) He who is the abode of everything He who loves his devotees


!atham Gathi


!arva +arshi

452 453 454

Vimukthathma !arva$na Gnanamuuttamam

455 456 457

!uvritha !umukha !uukshma

458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466

!u$osha !ukha'ha !uhrith Manohara 1itakro'ha Vira Bahu Vi'harana !waa)ana !wa 8asa

467 468 469

Vya)i &ykathma &ykha "arma "rit

470 471

Vatsara Vatsa0a

472 473 474 475 476

Vathsi 4athna Garbha +han#swara +harma Gu)a +harma "rith

He who protects calves (all are calves8children to Him) He who is the ocean which keeps pearls within itself He who is the #od of wealth He who protects -harma He who practices -harma (in spite of His being much above it) He who supports -harma He who is the ultimate permanent truth ('ara $rahman) He who is the ultimate truth which is hidden (by illusion) He who is all who deceive themselves as the mind, body and senses He who is beyond mind, body and senses Or He who lives in one6s heart as a permanent witness He who is not one who does not know He who has thousand rays He who carries the world and also those who carry it like &disesha, -igga3a, etc He who made the science of properties of all aspects Or He who is the grammar of appearance of every known being He who is in the form of the *odiac He who permeates in !athva guna (kind hearted disciplined life ) Or He who lives among souls He who was born as a lion or He who is as royal as a lion He who is the first and ultimate #od of all beings Or He who is #od of everything He who was #od before the -evas Or He who was the first #od He who lived in renunciation and by 7oga became the greatest truth (#od ) He who is the "ord of -evas He who is the teacher (guru) for 4ndra the chief of -evas

477 478 479 480

+harmi !a'ha sa'ha "shara



482 483 484

vi$natha !ahsramsu Vi'hatha


"ritha .akshana

486 487

Gabasthi &#mi !ath vastha

488 489

!imha Bhootha Mah#swara


'hi +#va


Maha +#va

492 493

+#v#sha +#va Brit Guru



He who saves all beings from the miserable ocean of mortal life Or He who awoke to help the -evas He who rears the cattle ('asu or #o can also be taken to denote all mortals) He who is the saviour He who can only be attained by right knowledge (#nana) He who is very ancient He who is the soul of 'ancha $hoothas which is the basis of all beings He who en3oys the truth in himself Or He who takes care of all beings He who is /ama who is dear to all monkeys Or He who has taken the avatara of Varaha He who conducts yagas and gives cash benefits (dakshina) to many He who drinks !oma He who drinks the nectar of the bliss of the soul (&thmananda) He who in the form of moon helps plants to grow He who has won over several He who is the best in several forms He who punishes bad people He who wins every other being He who never breaks his word (oath) He who gives all to his devotes Or He who was born among the 7adavas He who takes care of the authors of the sastra of !aathvatha He who in the form of soul makes all beings He who is a witness to obedience by others to Him He who gives immortal bliss (,oksha) He who is immeasurable steps or He who has greatest



496 497 498 499

Go)tha Gnana Gamya Purathana !ar##ra Bhootha Brit






Bhoori +akshina

503 504

!oma)a mrutha)a

505 506 507 508 509 510 511

!oma Puru 1it Puru sattama Vinaya 1aya !athya !an'ha +asarha


!athvatham Pathi

513 514 515 516

1iva Vinayitha !akshi Mukun'a mitha Vikrama

Valor 517 mbho &i'hi He who is the ultimate so3ourn to -evas, manushyas, &suras and pithrs Or He who has kept himself in the ocean to carry the worlds He who is immeasurable Or He who is the soul of &di !esha He who sleeps on the ocean He who brings about the end of everything He who is the beginning and in the form of ,anmadha (#od of love) He who is fit to be worshipped He who by nature is not different Or He who is usual He who has won the enemies inside and outside He who is always happy or He who makes those devotees who meditate on Him happy He who is the personification of happiness He who makes his devotees happy He who is full of everything that is needed Or He who has crossed the ordinary pleasures He who is the truthful dharma He who measured the worlds in three steps He who is the sage %apila He who is the world and the soul which knows the world He who is the lord of the worlds He who has three steps Or He who is formed by three letters && UU and ,a (that is O,) He who directs (sees from above) the states of wakefulness, sleep and dream He who has the great horn (in which he tied the earth travelling in a boat during the deluge) He who destroys the world created by Himself He who took the shape of Varaha (boar)


nantha tma

519 520 521

Maho +a'hi !aya nthaka 2ha

522 523 524 525

Maharha !waabhavya 1ithamitra Pramo'hana

526 527 528

nan'a &an'ana &an'a

529 530 531 532 533 534

!atya'harma /rivikrama Maharshi "a)i0a3harya "ritha$na M#'hini )athi /ri)a'ha





537 538

"rithantha "rit Mahavaraha

539 540

Govin'a !ush#na

He who is attained by Vedic words He who has a great army (the stan*as in the Upa 2ishads are his army) He who has golden shoulders (#olden has been translated as refined by some) He who is known only by the secret Upanishads Or He who is in the cave of the mind He who appears ma3estic because of knowledge, wealth, strength and valour He whose depth cannot be measured He who is hidden from mind and the words He who keeps the holy 9heel (representing mind) and Holy ,ace (/epresenting 'hilosophy) to save the world He who creates Or He who gives immeasurable happiness and wealth to his devotees He who is the instrument reason and cause for e(istence He who cannot be won He who is the colour of the black cloud Or He who is %rishna -waipayana the sage He who has no change in character and ability He who draws beings within Himself during the deluge He who is purple sun who is about to set Or He who hides everything He who is Vasishta who is the son of Varuna He who is firm and stable like the tree He who has spread completely Or He who rained kindness from his eyes He who performs creation, upkeep and destruction by a thought in his great mind He who is the storehouse of wealth, -harma, fame. .riches., renunciation and ,oksha He who destroys wealth during the deluge He who is the personification of pleasure


"ankam Gathi





544 545 546

Gahana Gu)tha 5hakra Gatha'hara



548 549 550

!wan$a 2itha "rishna

551 552 553

+hri'a !amkarshano 3hyutha Varuna

554 555 556

Vaaruna Vriksha Pushkaraksha


Maha Manaa



559 560

Bha$a$na nan'i

561 562 563 564 565 566 567

Vanama0i -a0ayu'ha 'hitya 1yotir 'ithya !ahishnu Gathisathama !u'hanva

He who wears nature as a garland He who has plough as his weapon He who was born as Vamana to &dhithi He who shines in the *odiac He who tolerates everything He who is the truth and He whom everyone attains He who has the holy bow called !aranga which is personification of our senses He who has a(e as a weapon to kill enemies He who is cruel to those who prevent the right path He who gives the wealth asked by devotees He who touches the sky Or He who shows his secret form by touch He who writes about all knowledge He who was not born and is the "ord of knowledge He who is worshipped by the three samas ($riht, /athandara and Vamadeva branches of !ama Veda) He who sings !ama Veda He who is the !ama Veda He who is beyond all sadness He who is the medicine He who is the doctor He who introduced !anyasa (renunciation) as the method for salvation He who controls everything He who is not attracted by bodily pleasures He who is the place where everything ends He who is the cause of removing ignorance He who is in the high pedestal and never returns to bodily

568 569 570 571

"khan'a Parasu +haruna +hravina Pra'ha +hiva !)rikh

572 573 574

!arva +rik Vyasa Va3has)athirayoni2a /hrisama

575 576 577 578 579 580

!ama$a !ama &irvana B#sha2a Bhisahkh !anyasa "rit

581 582 583 584 585

5hama !hantha &ishta !hanthi Paarayana

pleasures 586 !hubhan$a He who has beautiful limbs Or He who carries out the &shtangas , the path to salvation He who gives peace He who creates everything He who is happy to be in the world He who sleeps on the ocean surrounding the world He who does good to earthly beings Or He who puts limits to nature He who is the lord of all beings in the world He who takes care of the world He whose merciful eyes showers whatever is prayed for He who loves -harma He who never returns from a war without victory He whose mind never attaches itself to pleasures He who shrinks the wide world during the deluge He who keeps those recognised by Him comfortable He who removes sins as soon as His name is thought of He who has !hrivatsa on his chest He in whom #oddess "akshmi lives He who is the "ord of #oddess "akshmi He who is greatest among gods He who gives wealth to his devotees He who is the #od of #oddess "akshmi He who lives in gentlemen (!hriman) Or He in whom #oddess "akshmi lives He who is the treasure of all strengths He who gives to all beings wealth according to merits earned by them

587 588 589 590 591

!hanthi'a !rishta "umu'a "uva0#saya Gohitha

592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607

Go)athi Go)tha Vrishabhaksha Vrisha Priya nivarth## &ivrthathma !amksh#)tha "sh#makritha !hiva !hrivatsa Vakshas !hrivasa !hri)athi !hrimatam Vara !hri'ha !hrisa !hrinivasa

608 609

!hri &i'hi !hrivibhavana

610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623

!hri'hara !hrikara !hr#ya !hriman .oka /rayasraya !waksha !wan$a !sathanan'a &an'a 1yothir $an#swara Vi2hitatma vi'h#yatma !athk##rthi 5hinna samsaya

He who carries the #oddess "akshmi on his chest He who gives all wealth to his devotees He who is the personification of perennial happiness He who is a gentle man He on whom the three worlds depend He who has lotus)like eyes He who has beautiful limbs He who has several types (hundred) happiness He who is personification of supreme happiness He who is the chief of lustrous bodies He who has con.uered the mind He who is not under the control of anybody He who has good fame He who does not suspect Or He who sees everything clearly He who is greater than all beings He who sees everything everywhere He who does not have any #od above him He who is permanently stable He who slept on the ground (as /ama waiting for the sea #od to respond) Or He who lives in idols on the ground He who decorated the world (by several births) He who has e(istence He who is never sad He who destroys sadness of his devotees He who gives light to astral bodies He who is worshipped in all the three worlds He who is the basis of everything Or He who is being

624 625 626 627 628

,u'h##rna !arwata 5hakshu an##sa !aswatha sthira Bhoosa

629 630 631 632 633 634 635

Bhooshana Bhootha Vishoka !hoka nasana r3hishma r3hitha "humba

worshipped in temples on the earth 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 Vishu'hatma Visho'hana niru''ha )rathira'ha Pra'hyumna mitha vikrama "a0a n#miniha V##ra !owra !hoora 2an#swara /hri0okathma /hri0ok#sa "#sava He who has supremely clean habits He who removes sins of those who think of Him He who can never be stopped by His enemies He who has no enemies He who has great wealth Or He who makes others sparkle He who has immeasurable fame He who killed %ala 2emi He who is valorous He who was born in the !ura dynasty (!ri %rishna) He who is #od for heroes like 4ndra He who is not different from the three worlds He who is the "ord of the three worlds He who gave rays to lustrous bodies Or He in whom $rahma, Vishnu and !hiva reside He who killed the &sura called %esi He who removes births and deaths with their cause Or He who is green He who is passionately loved by his devotees He who takes care of desires He who fulfils desires He who has attraction He who created holy rule books (agamas) He whose looks cannot be defined He who has spread all over He who goes, spreads, creates, throws and eats He who is endless He who is &r3una Or He who wins the attraction over

649 650

"#siha -ari

651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660

"ama '#va "ama )a0a "aami "aantha "ritha$ama nir'#sya va)u Vishnu V##ra nantha +hanan2aya

money 661 Brahmanya He who favours penance, (tapas) knowledge, $rahmanas and Vedas He who made penance (tapas) He who is $rahma, the creator He who is $rahmam He who encourages the ways to $rhamam like tapas He who knows Vedas properly He who in the form of $rahmins teaches Vedas He who controls all that is denoted by $rahma He who knows Vedas as Himself He who is liked by $rahmins He who takes big steps He who does the great works like creation, upkeep and destruction He who gives light to stars Or He who is the great star He who has the form of the great serpent He who is the great doer He who shows the way by performing great sacrifices (yagna) He who is the greatest 7agna (sacrifice) He who is the greatest sacrificial offering in the yagna He who is being praised by everybody He who likes being praised He who is the song about Himself He who is the act of being sung about #od He who is the devotee who sings about him He who likes war

662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672

Brahma "rit Brahma Brahmana Brahma vivar'hana Brahma vi' Brahmana Brahmi Brahman$na Brahmana )riya Maha krama Maha karma

673 674 675 676

Maha t#2a Mahora$a Maha krithu Mahar ya2wa

677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684

Maha ya$na Maha havi !tavya !thava )riya !totra !thutha !thothra 4ana )riya

685 686 687 688 689 690 691

Poorna Poorayitha Pushya Punya k##rthi namaya Mano2ava /h##rtha kara

He who is complete He who completes the wishes of his devotees He who removes sins as one thinks about Him He who is famous for removing sins He who never becomes ill He who is as fast as the mind He who created methods for salvation of all beings in the world He who is the golden essence of Himself He who gives wealth to his devotees He who leads His devotees to salvation He who was born as son of Vasudeva He in whom all others live He who has a mind which lives in all others He who is the sacrificial offering in the yagas He who is attained by good people He who does good action He who is personification of non)differential knowledge He who is !at and :hit (truth and ultimate truth) He who is attained by those who know him He who lead an army of heroes He who is the greatest among 7adus (%rishna belonged to this family) He who is the ultimate place where scholars go. He who is surrounded by residents of 7amuna He who keeps all beings in his caring sight He who hides the world by illusion He who is the form of 0ivatma (the form of #od within

692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705

Vasu r#thas Vasu )ra'ha Vasu)ra'ha Vasu '#va Vasu Vasu manas -avi !a' Ga'hi !a' krithi !aththa !a' brithi !a' )arayana !ura s#na %a'u sr#shta

706 707 708 709 710

!annivasa !uyamuna Bhootavasa Vasu'#va !arvasuni0aya

every being) 711 712 na0a +ar)aha He who has unending strength He who destroys the pride of those who are against -harma He who gives self satisfaction to those who walk in the path of -harma He who is supremely happy Or He who never gets proud of his strength He who can be brought to the mind with difficulty He who cannot be won He who has the universe as his body He who has a big body He who has a body which shines due to knowledge He whose body when he is born is not a result of %arma He who is born several times He who is not clear Or He who cannot be determined to be a certain thing by any body He who has several forms He who has several faces He who is one He who appears as in different forms by illusion He who is the personification of soma yaga He who shines even among those who are sinners Or He who is worshipped as 5ka6 indicating pleasures He who can be investigated and known He who tries to help his devotees always Or He who is indicated by 5yat6 He who is indicated by the word 51H&16 He who is in such a high position that the most knowledgeable want to attain him He who is a relation of all beings





715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722

+ur'hara )ara2itha Viswa Murthi Maha Murthi +##)thamurthy Murthyman n#ka Murthy vyaktha

723 724 725 726 727 728

!atha Murthy !athanana *ka &aika !ava "ava

729 730

"asmai %asmai

731 732

/hasmai Pa'amanuttamam


.oka Bhan'u

734 735 736

.oka &atha Ma'hava Bhaktha Vatsa0a

He who rules over the world He who was born in the family of ,adhu He who loves his devotees

737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759

!uvarna varna -#man$a Varan$a 5han'anam $athi V##raha Vishama !unya Grithasi 3ha0a 5ha0a mani Mana'a Manya .oka swami /hri0oka 'rik !um#'ha M#'ha2a +hanya !athya m#'ha +hara +hara /h#2ovrisha +hythi 'hara !arva !astra Bhritham Vara

He who is of a golden colour He who has a golden body He who has beautiful body He who wears golden armlets to give happiness He who is a hero destroying sins He who cannot be compared to anyone else He who appears as if he is not there He who does not have desires He who is supremely stable He who moves in the form of wind for e(ample He who does not have pride and willing to be anything He who by his illusion makes people love their body He who is fit to be worshipped He who is the lord of the universe He who carries the three worlds He who is having good causing knowledge He who is created in yagas He who has all facilities He who has a knowledge which is unalloyed truth He who carried the mountain He who rains light He who has shining limbs He who is the greatest among those who are armed



He who receives (the flowers .leaves, etc., offered by his devotees) He who keeps every thing within himself He who does not have end He who has several horns ( -harma, &rtha, %ama and ,oksha are the horns) He who appears before by mantras Or He who appeared before #atha He who has four forms He who has four arms He who has four Vyoohas ( ;our gates) He who is the destination for four varnas ($rahmana, %shatriya, Vysya and !hudra) He who has four aspects of mind brain, thought and pride He who is the reason for -harma, &rtha, %ama and ,oksha (right action, wealth, pleasure and salvation) He who knows properly the meaning of four Vedas He who keeps all the worlds under one of his feet He who rotates the wheel of birth and death He who is always available everywhere He who cannot be won He whose orders can never be disobeyed He who cannot be attained e(cept by devotion He who is easily not known He who is difficult to attain due to wayside road blocks He who can be kept in the mind with great difficulty He who kills those adopting the wrong path He who has a beautiful body He who understands the essence of the world

761 762 763

&i$raha Vyan$a &aika !rin$a



765 766 767 768

5hatur murthy 5hathur Bahu 5hatur Vyooha 5hatur Gathi

769 770

5hatur tma 5hatur Bhava

771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783

5hatur V#'a Vi'ha *ka Patha !ama Vartha &ivrittatma +ur 1aya +urathikrama +ur .abha +ur Gama +ur$a +ura Vasa +urariha !hubhan$a .oka !aran$a

784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800

!uthanthu /hanthu Var'hana 7n'ra "arma Maha "arma "ritha "arma "ritha $ama ,'bhava !un'ara !un'a 4athna &abha !u0o3hana rka Va2a sana !hrin$a 1ayantha !arva Vi22ayi !uvarna Bin'u

He who keeps with him the wide world He who broadens the world He who has work like 4ndra He who created all great beings He who does not have a need to do anything He who created the Vedas He who attains great births He who is the epitome of beauty He who is wet (has mercy) He who has a beautiful belly He who has beautiful eyes He who is suitable to be worshipped by all great #ods He who gives anna (food) He who was born as a fish with horn He who is the cause of victory He who knows all and wins over all He who has limbs of the body like gold Or He who is the #od of 'ranava (Om) He who should not be disturbed He who is the chief among #ods who speak He whose heart is full of the eternal water of happiness He who is the lord of illusion which is like a big hole Or He who is a great charioteer He who is spread in all places always He in whom all wealth is saved He who makes the earth happy He who recognises results of good deeds He who gave earth as dana to %asyapa (as 'arasurama)

801 802 803 804

kshobya !arva Va$#swar# swara Maha -ri'a Maha Gartha

805 806 807 808 809

Maha Bhootha Maha &i'hi "umu'ha "un'ara "un'a



He who is a cloud (which showers comfort to the sad people) He who makes one pure by mere thought He who does not have anyone to order him Or He who never sleeps He who eats nectar which is the greatest happiness He who has a body which cannot be destroyed He who knows everything He who has faces everywhere Or He who can be approached from anywhere He who can be easily attained He who does great penance He for no reason is always Himself He who wins over his enemies He who makes his enemies suffer He who is above all beings in the worlds below He who is above skies Or He who gives food to all the world He who is like a banyan tree He who killed :hanoora who belonged to &ndhra He who has thousand rays He who is the fire #od with seven tongues He who has seven flames He who is the !un #od with seven horses He who does not have shape He who is not touched by sins He who cannot be known by thought process He who creates fear in bad people He who destroys fear in good people

811 812

Pavana ni0a

813 814 815 816

mruthasa mritha Va)u !arva$na !arvatho Mu$a

817 818 819 820 821 822 823

!u0abha !uvritha !i''ha !athuru 1ita !athru /ha)ana &ya$ro'ha ,'humbara

824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834

swatha 5hanuran'ra &ishu'hana !ahasrar3hi !atha 1ihwa !a)thai'a !a)tha Vahana moorthi na$ha 3hintya Bhaya "rit Bhaya &asana

835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844

nu Brihat "risa !thoo0a Guna Britha &ir$una Mahaan 'hritha !wa'hritha !wasya

He who is small like an atom He who is e(tremely big He who is thin He who is stout He who has the nature to create, upkeep and destroy He who does not have any properties He who is great He who is not carried by anything He who carries Himself He who has a beautiful face Or He from whose face Vedas came out He who belongs to the first dynasty He who makes dynasties grow He who carries heavy worlds He who is called as ultimate truth by the Vedas He who can be attained by yoga Or He who sees his essence always He who is the greatest among 7ogis He who fulfils all desires He who is the place where beings can rela( He who gives sorrow to sinners He who destroys during deluge He who is a tree of whose leaves are the Vedas He who makes winds move He who is a great archer (in the form of /ama) He who knows the science of archery He who is the weapon to those who punish and also is the punishment

845 846 847 848 849

Pra$vamsa Vamsa Var'hana Bhara Brit "ha'hitha %o$i

850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859

%o$isa !arva "ama'a srama !ravana "shama !u)arna Vayu Vahana +hanur 'hara +hanur v#'a +han'a

860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869

+hamayitha +hama )ara2itha !arva saha &iyantha niyama yama !athva van !aathvika !atya

He who controls and rules people He who is also the patience when being ruled He who can never be won by His enemies He who is an e(pert in everything He who makes people obey rules He who is not sub3ect to any rules He who does not have fear of death (caused by 7ama) He who is brave and valorous He who is soft natured (of !athva #una) He who is good to the good people Or He who is available to good people He who holds truth and charity (dharma) as important He who is approached by seekers of salvation He who is suitable for giving away of our most cherished things He who is most appropriate for prayers He who fulfils desires (of devotees) He who increases devotion of his devotees He who lives in the sky He who glitters himself He who shines beautifully He who eats what has been offered to him through fire He who is everywhere He who is the sun He who shines in several ways He who makes everything He who creates worlds He who has the sun for his eyes

870 871 872

!atya 'harma )arayana bhi)raya Priyarha

873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885

rha Priya krit Pr##thi var'hana Vihaya sa$atha 1yothi !uru3hi -artha bu2ha Vibha 4avi Viro3hana !urya !avitha 4avi 0o3hana

886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912

nantha -utha bhu2a Bhoktha !ukha'a &aika2a $ra2a nirvinna !a'hamarshi .oka a'hishtana 'bhuta !anaath !anathana thama "a)i0a "a)i vyaya !wasthi'a !wasthi krith !wasthi !wasthi bukh !wasthi 'akshina rou'hra "un'a0i 5hakr## Vikram## ,r2itha !asana !ab'hathi$a !ab'hasaha

He who is limitless He who eats what is offered in fire sacrifice (homa) He who consumes nature He who gives his devotees the pleasure of salvation He who took several forms He who is in front of everything He who does not have any worries He who pardons mistakes (committed by his devotees) He who is the basis of the world He who is the wonder He who is from the very beginning He who is older than the oldest He who is of purple colour Or He who was sage %apila He who is the sun He in whom all disappear during the deluge He who gives all good things to his devotees He who does good He who is good Himself He who en3oys goodness He who has the nature of giving good He who is never cruel He who is &di !esha Or He who wears shining ear globes He who wears :hakra (the holy wheel) He who walks beautifully He who gives firm orders He who cannot be reached by words He who can tolerate all sounds

913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939

!hisira !sarvarikara kroora P#sa0a +haksha +hakshina "shaminam vara Vi'huthama V##tha bhaya Punya sravana k##rthana ,thaarana +ushkrathiha Punya +huswa)na nasana V##raha 4akshana !antha 1ivana Paryavasthitha nantha roo)a nantha shr## 1ithar manyu Bhaya)aha 5hathurasra Gab##rathma Vi'hisa Vyaa'hisa

He who is cool like winter He who creates darkness like night He who is not cruel He who is e(tremely handsome He who is clever He who goes everywhere Or He who kills his enemies He who is the greatest among those who have patience He who is greatest among those who know He who is not afraid He who increases boons to those who sing about him He who makes you climb the shore from ocean of misery He who removes sins He who gives rewards to good deeds He who destroys bad dreams He who gives the suffering people of the world salvation He who protects He who is personification of good people He who makes all beings live by being their soul He who is spread everywhere He who has countless forms Or He who is &disesha He whose strength cannot be estimated He who has won over anger He who removes fear He who is 3ust He whose depth can never be found He who gives special favours He who gives different works to different gods

940 941 942 943

+hisa na'hi Bhor bhuva .akshmi

He who as Veda, points out the results of different actions He who does not have a cause He who is the basis of the earth and its goal He who is the luster of the earth Or He who is himself the wealth He who has been praised in several ways He who has beautiful shoulders He who creates people He who is the e(istence of all people He of whom all beings are afraid He who creates fear in his adversaries He who is the basis of the basis (five elements) He who drinks all beings at the time of deluge Or He who is the only one basis He who opens like a flower at the time of primal creation He who is always awake He who is above everything He who adopts good deeds prescribed by him He who gives life He who is Om He who accepts all offerings to him and gives rewards He who is the lustrous personification of knowledge He in whom all souls live He who nurtures beings He who makes beings live He who is the real meaning He who knows his essence He who is the one and only one soul

944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951

!uv##ra 4u3hiran$a'ha 1anana 1ana 2anma'i Bh##ma Bh##ma )arakrama 'hara &i0aya 'hatha

952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965

Push)a hasa Pra2a $ara ,r'hwa$a !at)a'a3hara Prana'a Pranava Pana Pramana Prana ni0aya Prana brit Prana 2ivana /hathvam /hathva vi'h# *ka athma

966 967

1anma mrutyu 2arathi$a Bhurbhuva !wastharu sthara

He who is above birth, death and ageing He who is spread as a tree to $huu "oka, $huvar "oka, and !uvar "oka He who makes us cross the sea of births and deaths He who has created everything He who is the great grandfather (all human beings are grandchildren of $rahma, the son of Vishnu) He who shows results to those who conduct yagna (fire sacrifice) He who protects yagna He who conducts yagnas He whose limbs are yagna He who carries forward yagna He who accepts yagna He who created yagna He who is the head of yagna He who uses yagna He who indicates yagna as a method of attaining Him He who increases the effect of yagna He who is the secret of yagna He who is food He who eats food He who is the cause of all beings He who is the cause of His own birth He who dug earth as a boar (Varaha) He who sings !ama Veda He who is the son of -evaki He who created the world

968 969 970

/hara !avitha Pra)ithamaha



972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990

%a$na )athi %a2wa %a$na an$a %a$na vahana %a$na brit %a$na krit %a$ni %a$na bhu2a %a$na sa'hana %a$na antha krit %a$na $uhya nna nna'a thma yoni !wayam 2atha Vaikhkhana !ama $ayana +#avaki nan'ana !rishta

991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000

"sith##sa Pa)a nasana !ankha brit &an'aki 5hakri !arn$a 'hanwa Ga'ha 'hara 4a'an$a )ani kshobya !arva )raharanayu'ha

He who is the #od to all worlds He who destroys sin He who has a conch (called 'ancha 0anya) He who has the sword called 2andaka He who has the wheel called !udharsana He who has the bow called !aranga He who has a mace called #owmodaki He who keeps the wheel in his hand ready to use He who cannot be broken down by his enemies He who uses everything as a weapon

!arva)raharanayu'a 6M &ama 7'i He who uses everything as a weapon Om Vanama0i Ga'hi !arnkh## 5hakr## 3ha nan'aki !r##man narayano vishnur vasu'#vobhi rakshatu 'rotect us, Oh "ord 2arayana 9ho wears the forest garland, 9ho has the mace, conch, sword and the wheel. &nd who is called Vishnu and the Vasudeva ,ttara Bhaga Afterward Phalashruthi (earing of the !enefits 8tidam 0eerthanasya 0esavasya mahatmana, "amnam sahasram Di6yanamaseshesna prakeerthitham $hus was told, All the holy thousand names, Of 5esava who is great. 'a tdam srunyuan nityam yas)hapi parikeerthayed, "asubham prapunayad kin)hid Soamuthre ha )ha manava (e who hears or sings, It all without fail, In all days of the year, Will never get in to !ad, In this life and after. Vedantago brahmana syad kshatriyo vijayi bhaved, Vaisyo dhana samruddha sya)hyutha Sugapnuyad #

$he 'rahmin will get knowledge, $he 5shatriya will get victory, $he #aisya will get wealth, $he %hudra will get pleasures , 'y reading these Dharmarthi Prapnuyad Dharmam, $rtharthi Cha $rthamapnuyad, 0amanvapnuyad 0ami, PrajarthiChapnuyad Prajam & (e who seeks Dharma, (e who seeks wealth, (e who seeks pleasures, (e who seeks children, Will all without fail, -et what they want. Bhakthiman 'a sdaothaya , Su)histad gatha manasa, Sahasram vasudevasya "amnamedat prakeerthayed + 'asa Prapnodhi vipulam yadi pradanya meva )ha $)halam sriyamapnodhi sryaprapnothyanuttamam / "a Bhayam k6a)hidapnodhi Veerya tejas)ha vindhati Bhavatyarogo dyuthiman bala roopa gunanvidha 2 !ogartho mu)hayade rogat, Bhaddo mu)hyathe Bandanath, Bhayan mu)hyathe Bheedasthu, mu)hyadepanna apada, 3 (e who sings the thousand names of #asudeva, With utmost devotion, After he rises in the morn, With a mind tied in (im always, Will get fame without fail, Will !e first in what he does, Will get riches that last, Would attain salvation from these !onds, Will never !e afraid of anything, Will !e !u!!ling with vim and valour, Will not get any ills, Will !e handsome forever, Will have all the virtues in this wide world, And he who is ill will get cured, (e who is !ound will !e free, (e who is afraid, will get rid of fear, (e who is in danger , will !e safe. Durganyadarthyasu purusha purushottamam, Stuvan nama sahasrena nityam bhakthi samanvida 4 (e who chants these holy thousand names, With devotion to &urushottama, Will cross the miseries, $hat cannot !e crossed Without fail. Vasudevasryo marthyo vasudeva parayana, Sarva papa vishudhatma 'ati brahma sanathanam 15 $he man who nears #asudeva, $he man who takes (im as shelter, Would get rid of all sins, And !ecome purer than the pure, And will reach 'rahmam, Which e6isted forever.

"a vasudevabhaktanamasubham vidyate 06a)hit %anma "rutyu jara Vyadhi Bhayam naivopa jayade 11 $he devotees of #asudeva the great, 7ever fall into days that are difficult, And never forever suffer, Of !irth, death, old age and fear. 8mam stavamaddeyana sraddha Bhakthi samanvidha, 'ujyedathma sukha kshanthi sri dhrithi smrithi keerthibhi 1 (e who sings these names with devotion, And with !hakthi, Will get pleasure the great, &atience to allure, Wealth to attract, 'ravery and memory to e6cel. "a krodho na )ha matsarya na shubha mati, Bhavanthi kritha punyanam Bhakthanam puroshottame 1# $he devotee of the 2ord &urushottama, (as neither anger nor fear, 7or avarice and nor !ad thoughts Dhyau sa)handrarka nakshatra 0ham diso bhur mahadathi. Vasudevasya veeryena vidhrithani mahatmana 1& All this world of sun and stars, 3oon and sky, sea and the directions, Are !ut !orne !y valour the great, Of the great god #asudeva. Sasurasura gandhar6a, sayakshoraga rahshasam, %agaddese vartatedam krishnasya sa)hara)haram 1+ All this world, Which moves and moves not, And which has devas, rakshasas and -andharvas, And also asuras and nagas, Is with 2ord 5rishna without fail. 8ndriyani mano bhuddhi satvam tejo bala dhruti. Vasudevatmakanyahu kshetram ksheragna eve )ha 1/ $he learned ones say, $hat all the lim!s, 3ind, wisdom, and thought, And also strength, !ravery !ody and the soul, Are full of #asudeva. Sarvagamanama)hara pradamm parikalpathe, $)hara prabhavo dharma dharmasya prabhura)hyutha 12 ule of life was first !orn And from it came Dharma, And from it came Achyutha the 2ord. 9rishaya pitaro deva mahabhootani dhatava, %angamajangamam )hedam%agannarayanodbhavam 13

All the sages, All the ancestors, All the devas, All the five elements, All the pleasures, All the luck, All that moves, All that does not move, All came only, +rom the great 7arayana. 'ogo gnanan thada sankhyam vidhya shilpadhi karma )ha Veda shastradi vignanam death sravam janardhanath. 14 $he art of ,oga And the science of %ankhya. $he treasure of knowledge. $he divine art of sculpture. And all #edas and sciences, All these came from 8anardhana :ko vishnu (ahadbhutham pradag Bhutanyanekasa, Treem lokan vyapya bhutatma bhungte vis6abhugavyaya #ishnu is many , 'ut (e is one, And he divides himself, And e6ists in all !eings, $hat is in three worlds, And rules all of them, Without death and decay. 8mam stavam bhagavatho vishnur vyasena keerthitham, Padedya i))hed purusha sreys prapthum sukhani )ha 1 (e who desires fame and pleasure, %hould chant these verses, sung !y #yasa, Of this great stotra of #ishnu without fail. Vis6es6aramajam devam %agatha Prabhumavyayam, Bhajanthi 'e pushkaraksham na te yanthi parabhavam "a te 'anthi Parabhava *m "a 8thi (e will never fail, Who sings the praise of the 2ord, Of this universe, Who does not have !irth, Who is always sta!le, And who shines and sparkles, And has lotus eyes. Om 7ama (e will not fail $rjuna ,va)ha-. Padma Pathra Visalakha padmanabha surothama, Bhakthanamanu rakthanam Tratho Bhava %anardhana Ar4una %aid)Oh -od Who has eyes, 2ike the petals of lotus, Oh -od, who has a lotus,

On his stomach, Oh -od, who has eyes, %eeing all things, Oh -od, who is the 2ord Of all devas, &lease !e kind, And !e shelter, $o all your devotees, Who come to you with love. Sri Bhaga6anuva)ha-. 'o mam nama sahasrena stothumi)hadi pandava, Sohamekena slokena sthutha eva na samsaya Sthutha eva na samsaya *m "ama 8thi & $he 2ord %aid)(e who likes, Oh Ar4una, $o sing my praise, /sing these thousand names, %hould know Ar4una , $hat I would !e satisfied, 'y his singing of, 9ven one stan:a, Without any dou!t. Om 7ama without any dou!t Vyasa ,va)ha-. Vasanad Vasudevasya vasitham bhuvana trayam, Sarva bhutha nivasosi vasudeva namosthuthe. Sri Vasudeva namosthuthe om nama ithi & #yasa said)3y salutations to you #asudeva, 'ecause you who live in all the worlds, 3ake these worlds as places, Where !eings live, And also #asudeva, ,ou live in all !eings, As their soul. Om 7am salutations to #asudeva Parvatyuva)ha-. 0enoupayena 1aguna Vishnor nama sahasragam, Patyadher Pandither nithyam Srothumi)hamyaham Prabho &arvathi said)I am desirous to know oh 2ord, (ow the scholars of this world, Will chant without fail, $hese thousand names, 'y a method that is easy and 1uick. :as6ara ,va)ha-. Sri !ama !ama ramethi reme rame manorame, Sahasra nama thathulyam rama nama varanane !ama nama varanane om nama ithi 2 2ord %hiva said)(ey !eautiful one,

I play with ama always, 'y chanting ama, ama and ama, (ey lady with a !eautiful face, 0hanting of the name ama , Is same as the thousand names. Om 7ama ama 7ama is same as

Brahmouva)ha-. "amostvanandaya sahasra moorthaye Sahasra Padakshi sirory Bahave, Sahasra namne purushaya sas6athe , Sahasra koti yuga dharine nama Sahasra 0oti yuga dharine nama om nama ithi 'rahma said)%alutations to thee oh lord, Who runs the immeasura!le time, Of thousand crore yugas, Who has no end, Who has thousand names, Who has thousand forms, Who has thousand feet, Who has thousand eyes, Who has thousand heads, Who has thousand arms, And who is always there. Om 7ama (e who runs thousand crore yugas

San)haya ,va)ha-. 'atra 'ogis6ara 0rishno 'atra Partho dhanurdhara Tatra srirvijaya bhoothirdhruva neethir murthir mama %an4aya said)Where 5risna, the king of ,ogas, And where the wielder of !ow, Ar4una is there, $here will e6ist all the good, All the the victory, All the fame , And all the 4ustice. In this world.

Sri Bhaga6an ,va)ha-. $nanyas)hinatayanto (am ye jana parypasathe, Thesham nityabhi yukthanam yogakshemam vahamyaham #5 Parithrayana sadhunam vinasaya )ha dushkritham, Dharma samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge #1 $rtha vishanna sidhilas)ha beetha, 7oreshu )ha vyadeeshu varthamana Samkalpa narayana sabdha mathram vimuktha dukho sukhino bhavanthu # %ri 'hagavan said)I would take care, Of worries and cares of (im, Who thinks and serves me, Without any other thoughts,

$o take care of Dharma, $o protect those who are good, And to destroy all who are !ad. I will !e !orn from time to time. If he who is worried, If he who is sad, If he who is !roken, If he who is afraid, If he who is severely ill, If he who has heard tidings !ad, %ings 7arayana and 7arayana, All his cares would !e taken care of. Prayer ;or )ompletion-. 0ayenava)ha (anasendryrva budhyatmanava prakrithai s6abha6at, 0aromi yadyat sakalam parasmai narayanayethi samarpayami ## O3 $A$ %A$ I offer all that I do, $o )2ord 7arayana, Whatever I do with my !ody, Whatever I do with my mind, Whatever I do with my !rain, Whatever I do with my soul, And whatever I do with nature;s help Om that is the truth.

Maha0akshmi shtakam 2amastestu ,ahaamaaye !hreepeete !urapoo3ite !hankha :hakra #adaa Haste ,ahaalakshmi 2amostu 1e. M#anin$9 O ,ahaamaaya, abode of fortune, worshipped by the #ods, 4 salute 1hee. O ,ahaalakshmi, one who has conch, disc and mace in Her hands, obeisance to 1hee. 2amaste #arudaroode %oalaasura $hayankari !arva 'aapa Hare -evi, ,ahaalakshmi 2amostu 1e. M#anin$9 ,y salutations to 1hee, who rides #aruda and are a terror to demon %ola< O -evi ,ahaalakshmi, remover of all miseries, my obeisance to 1hee. !arva3ne !arva Varade !arva -ushta $hayankari !arva -uhkha Hare -evi ,ahaalakshmi 2amostu 1e. M#anin$9 O -evi ,ahaalaksmi, who is the embodiment of knowledge, giver of all boons, a terror to all the wicked, remover of all sorrows, obeisance to 1hee. !iddhi $uddhi 'rade -evi $hukti ,ukti 'radaayini ,antra ,oorthe !adaa -evi ,ahaa "akshmi 2amostu 1e. M#anin$9 O -evi, 7ou give success and intelligence and worldly en3oyment and liberation (as well). 1hou hast always the mystic symbols (,antra) as 1hy form, O ,ahaalakshmi, obeisance to 1hee. &adyantarahite -evi &adya !hakte ,aheshvari 7oga3e 7ogasambhoote ,ahaalakshmi 2amostu 1e. M#anin$9 O -evi, ,aheshwari, 7ou are without a beginning or an end , 7ou are the 'rimeval energy, 7ou are the greatest ruler, 7ou are born of 7oga. O ,ahaalakshmi, obeisance to 1hee. !thoola !ookshmah ,ahaa /audre ,ahaa !akthe ,ahodaye ,ahaa 'aapa Harey -evi ,ahaalakshmi 2amostu 1e. M#anin$9 O ,ahaalakshmi, 7ou are both gross and subtle, most terrible (for the wicked), 7ou are the embodiment of great power and prosperity and 7ou are remover of all sins, obeisance to 1hee. 'admaasanasthite -evi 'arabrahma !varoopini 'aramesi 0aganmaata, ,ahalakshmi 2amostu 1e. M#anin$9 O -evi, 7ou are seated on the lotus, 7ou are the !upreme $rahman, 7ou are the great "ord and ,other of the universe, O ,ahaalakshmi, obeisance to 1hee. !vetaambaradhare -evi 2aanaalankaara $hooshite 0agatsthite 0aganmaatah, ,ahaalakshmi 2amostu 1e M#anin$9 O -evi, 7ou are dressed in white garments and decked with various kinds of ornaments, 1hou art the mother of the universe and its support, O ,ahaalakshmi, obeisance to 1hee. ,ahaalakshmyaastaka !tottram 7ad 'ated $haktiman 2araha. !arva !iddhimavaapnoti ,ahaalakshmi 'rasaadataha. M#anin$9 9hoever with devotion reads this hymn to ,ahaalakshmi composed in eight stan*as, attains all success through the #race of ,ahaalaksmi. +kakaale 'atennityam ,ahaapaapa Vinaashanam -vikaalam 7ah 'atennityam -hana -haanya !amanvitaha M#anin$9 9hoever reads this hymn at least once a day will have all their sins destroyed< those who recite it twice will be blessed with wealth and prosperity.

1rikaalam 7ah 'atennityam ,ahaa !hatru Vinaashanam ,ahaalakshmir $havennityam 'rasannaa Varadaa !hubhaa M#anin$91hose who recite this three times in a day will have all their enemies destroyed. 1hey will be always be blessed by the #oddess ,ahalakshmi.

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